the DECEMBER edition - Centro Caboto Centre
the DECEMBER edition - Centro Caboto Centre
IL NUOVO SOLE Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper December 2014 3 Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper Issue 62 December 2014 FREE Greetings from your members of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly Brian Pallister MLA for Fort Whyte Myrna Driedger MLA for Charleswood BUON NATALE E FELICE ANNO NUOVO “Addio Italia, la mia casa ora è Winnipeg” di Onofrio Di Lernia Italia facevo lo stesso lavoro, in passato ho fatto anche il pasticcere vero e proprio.” Intervista a Gabriele Forneris, entrato in Canada un anno fa Posso chiederti come hai trovato questo lavoro? «Ai nuovi arrivati dico: imparate bene l’inglese» “Questa è una città viva, che offre molte opportunità. Se hai voglia di rimboccarti le maniche, c’è tanto da fare. Sono convinto di aver preso la scelta giusta”, dice appoggiando il bicchiere e guardandomi convinto con i suoi occhi chiari. Ci siamo dati appuntamento al Bar Italia, su Corydon (e dove se no?), curiosi di tracciare con lui un bilancio del suo primo anno a Winnipeg. Trentacinque anni da Moncalieri, periferia torinese, Gabriele Forneris è arrivato ufficialmente in Canada il 18 dicembre dello scorso anno, dopo essere vissuto in giro per l’Italia e per il mondo in grandi città come Milano, Londra, Sydney in Australia. Gabriele è uno dei ragazzi che ha partecipato alla Southern Europe Recruitment Mission del MPNP, il Programma di Nomina Provinciale di immigrazione del Manitoba. “Ho sostenuto il colloquio nel giugno del 2013 a Roma. Non appena hanno accettato la mia candidatura per venire a vivere e lavorare in Manitoba, ho lasciato il lavoro in Italia e mi sono preparato per partire.” Che cosa facevi e che cosa fai adesso? “Io sono Technical Sales Representative per la Pregel, un’azienda italiana che vende semilavorati per pasticceria e gelateria. Ma tengo anche corsi per insegnare il mestiere. In “Era un’azienda che conoscevo già. Sapevo che erano presenti in Canada, così prima di partire li ho contattati e mi hanno offerto un lavoro. Mi piace molto quello che faccio, perché mi permette di viaggiare in tutto il Manitoba. Ma anche Saskatchewan, Alberta e British Columbia. E poi mi piace anche insegnare, il contatto con le persone che hanno voglia di imparare questo mestiere. E’ stimolante.” Conoscevi già qualcuno in Manitoba? Perché proprio Winnipeg? “Non conoscevo nessuno, zero. Ad essere sincero non sapevo molto del Manitoba. Però avevo il desiderio di venire in Canada, specie negli ultimi tempi in cui la situazione lavorativa in Italia stava diventando sempre più difficile. Un’amica che viveva a Londra un giorno mi ha mandato un’email nella quale si parlava del MPNP e dei colloqui a Roma. ‘Non sei tu quello che ha sempre sognato il Canada?’, mi ha scritto. Io non ci ho pensato su due volte. Quella del MPNP è un’iniziativa straordinaria.” Proprio in questi giorni festeggi un anno in Canada. Qual è stata la cosa più difficile con cui hai dovuto fare i conti? Lasciami indovinare: il freddo... “No, ti sbagli. Io adoro il freddo, a Winnipeg mi trovo benissimo. Devo dire che forse la cosa peggiore è la trafila burocratica per fare tutti i visti ed i permessi in tempo. Bisogna ottenere quello, prima che ti scada quell’altro. Anche se il MPNP dovrebbe agevolarti nell’ottenere la Permanent Residence, a volte c’è una lentezza disarmante. Io, come altri, ho lasciato il lavoro e la famiglia per essere qui: ma se per un disguido una carta tarda ad arrivare, rischiamo di vedere sfumare quello su cui abbiamo investito tempo e risorse. Tutto. Qui ci sono in gioco le nostre vite. Io sto attendendo a giorni la mia PR card. Una volta arrivata, sarò più tranquillo.” Be’, in bocca al lupo, allora. E qual è invece la cosa che ti ha colpito favorevolmente di Winnipeg? “Questa città. Winnipeg mi fa sentire a casa. E’ a misura d’uomo, e lo dico perché spesso mi trovo in metropoli come Calgary o Vancouver. Qui non rimani imbottigliato nel traffico due ore per andare da un capo all’altro della città. Dal punto di vista lavorativo ci sono prospettive, c’è spazio per chi ha idee e buona volontà. E poi la gente è affabile e disponibile, e il costo della vita è ancora abbordabile. I prezzi delle case ad esempio sono ancora umani: appena ne avrò la possibilità, ci farò un pensierino.” Da’ un consiglio a un ragazzo in Italia che vorrebbe venire in Manitoba come hai fatto tu. “Impari bene l’inglese. Se non lo sa, rimarrà isolato. Saint Mother Teresa’s “Do It Anyway” We are all faced with challenges, large and small, nearly every day of our lives. A friend may betray us, a child might disappoint us, a family member may let us down. At work, it seems we toil away only to have our good deeds go unnoticed, while our flaws are pointed out so easily. Sometimes the very thing we work tirelessly to construct is carried away by an angry flood in the blink of an eye... and is gone forever. woman, a saint even, that mastered living with purpose, wisdom, and gratitude. Her poem “Do It Anyway” is a priceless gift for all of us. Please read, enjoy, and be touched by her beautiful message. Perhaps it was written just for you! Yes, life can be difficult and quite unexpected, but we must overcome and endure it all with joy, peace, and purpose. Our ability to truly live in spite of all these things will define who we are and how we’ll be remembered. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. Mother Teresa was a If you are honest and sincere “Do It Anyway” People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. Anni fa sono vissuto per 5 mesi in Australia e allora non lo parlavo affatto. La mancata padronanza della lingua mi ha impedito di apprezzare quel paese e quella esperienza. Non mi sono mai ambientato. L’importante è avere una buona base, col tempo poi si migliora. Anche perché i canadesi ti aiutano: se capiscono che ancora fai fatica con l’inglese ti incoraggiano. Non ti giudicano male.” Nostalgia dell’Italia? Ti sei mai pentito di questa scelta? “Mai. Basta guardare un telegiornale italiano e trovi la risposta da solo. Purtroppo là non c’è più alcun futuro per i giovani. Dell’Italia mi manca solo l’affetto della famiglia. E poi adesso mi sono anche fidanzato (ride).” Non pensi di tornare in Italia, nemmeno un giorno? Magari tra dieci, vent’anni... “No, neanche per sogno. Ormai Winnipeg è la mia casa.” Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE La Notte Santa Layout & Design Coordinator Ben Ferraro [email protected] Centro Update Editor & Adverstising Manager Lisa Mackling (204) 487-4597 Ext. 22 Il Nuovo Sole is published by the Italian Canadian League of Manitoba Inc. Il Nuovo Sole is published monthly10 times a year (the Jan.-February and July-August issues are combined). Deadline for submission of material for publication is the 15th day of the month; The paper is sent free of charge to all members of the Centro Caboto Centre and it is available at the following distribution points: Arima’s The House of Ethnic Food Assiniboine Credit Union - Grant Ave. Bar Italia Bari Club Balmoral Laundry 687 Osborne St Bob’s Transmission 700 Pembina Hwy Cafferia 360 1459 Corydon Ave. Calabria Market 139 Scurfield Blvd Centro Caboto Centre Contessa Fine Furniture De Luca’s Specialty Foods Fort Rouge Auto 680 Pembina Hwy Dr. Scarpino Dentistry G.G. Gelati Holy Rosary Church Horizon Insurance Mini Mart Mona Lisa Restaurant 1697 Corydon Nucci’s Gelati Piazza De Nardi Price Choppers Scotiabank 1220 Pembina Hwy Spa Botanica 1459 Corydon Ave roast in the oven Cristamas Eve. I also search up on Youtube famous Italian Christmas carols to play at the Christmas Eve celebration. My favorites are “Tu Scendi dalle Stelle” and “La Befana”. On behalf of the Italian Canadian League of Manitoba I di Guido Gozzano Consolati, Maria, del tuo pellegrinare! Siam giunti. Ecco Betlemme ornata di trofei. Presso quell’osteria potremo riposare, ché troppo stanco sono e troppo stanca sei. Il campanile scocca lentamente le sei. - Avete un po’ di posto, o voi del Caval Grigio? Un po’ di posto per me e per Giuseppe? - Signori, ce ne duole: è notte di prodigio; son troppi i forestieri; le stanze ho piene zeppe Il campanile scocca lentamente le sette. - Oste del Moro, avete un rifugio per noi? Mia moglie più non regge ed io son così rotto! - Tutto l’albergo ho pieno, soppalchi e ballatoi: Tentate al Cervo Bianco, quell’osteria più sotto. Trullala’ Trullala’ Trullala’. La Befana vien di notte con le scarpe tutte rotte, con la calza appesa al collo, col carbone, col ferro e l’ottone. Sulla scopa per volare. Lei viene dal mare. Lei viene dal mare. E la neve scendera’ sui deserti del Maragia’, dall’Alaska al Canada’. E partire lei dovra’ e cantando partira’ da ciociara si vestira’, con il sacco arrivera’, la bufera vincera’. E cantando trullala’, la Befana arrivera’. Trulalla’ Trullala’ Trullala’. Un bambino, grande come un topolino, si ? infilato nel camino, per guardarla da vicino. Quando arriva la Befana senza denti salta, balla, beve il vino. Poi di nascosto s’ allontana con la notte appiccicata alla sottana. Superstore; Bison Drive Kenaston / Grant Villa Cabrini Villa Nova X-Cues Cafe & Billiards INAS Office 2 would like to send you sincere wishes of a Christmas filled with the warmth of family, friends, and fun and may you be given the true blessings of Christmas: love, joy, peace, and hope! Happy Holidays to you and your family. Alfina Grande, President of ICLM Inc E un vento caldo soffiera’ sui deserti del Maragia’, dall’Alaska al Canada’. Solo una stella brillera’ e seguirla lei dovra’, per volare verso il nord e la strada ? lunga ma la bufera vincera’. E cantando Trullala’, la Befana se ne va. E cantando Trullala’ Truallalero Trullala’ Trullala’ Trullala’ Trullala’ Il campanile scocca lentamente le otto. - O voi del Cervo Bianco, un sottoscala almeno avete per dormire? Non ci mandate altrove! - S’attende la cometa. Tutto l’albergo ho pieno d’astronomi e di dotti, qui giunti d’ogni dove. Il campanile scocca lentamente le nove. - Ostessa dei Tre Merli, pietà d’una sorella! Pensate in quale stato e quanta strada feci! - Ma fin sui tetti ho gente: attendono la stella. Son negromanti, magi persiani, egizi, greci... Il campanile scocca lentamente le dieci. Erminio Caligiuri – Past President Alfina Grande – President Mario Audno – First Vice President Mariella Di Santo – 2nd Vice President Maria Martino – Secretary Anthony Costanzo – Treasurer Ben Ferraro – Public Relations Officer Maria Grande – Honorary Counsel - Oste di Cesarea... - Un vecchio falegname? Albergarlo? Sua moglie? Albergarli per niente? L’albergo è tutto pieno di cavalieri e dame non amo la miscela dell’alta e bassa gente. Amici Abruzzesi Associazione Basilucania di Winnipeg Comitato degli Italiani di terza età Dante Alighieri Cultural Society Fogolar Association of Winnipeg Fratellanza Amatese Gruppo Alpini di Winnipeg Gruppo Sportivo Italiano Italian Canadian Foundation of Manitoba Lupa di Roma Lodge Roma Society of Winnipeg San Mango d’Aquino Society of Winnipeg Sons of Italy – Garibaldi Lodge Il campanile scocca le undici lentamente. La neve! - ecco una stalla! - Avrà posto per due? - Che freddo! - Siamo a sosta - Ma quanta neve, quanta! Un po’ ci scalderanno quell’asino e quel bue... Maria già trascolora, divinamente affranta... Il campanile scocca la Mezzanotte Santa. È nato! Alleluja! Alleluja! È nato il Sovrano Bambino. La notte, che già fu sì buia, risplende d’un astro divino. Orsù, cornamuse, più gaje suonate; squillate, campane! Venite, pastori e massaie, o genti vicine e lontane! Non sete, non molli tappeti, ma, come nei libri hanno detto da quattro mill’anni i Profeti, un poco di paglia ha per letto. Per quattro mill’anni s’attese quest’ora su tutte le ore. È nato! È nato il Signore! È nato nel nostro paese! Risplende d’un astro divino La notte che già fu sì buia. È nato il Sovrano Bambino. È nato! Alleluja! Alleluja! Verba volant, scripta manent Verba volant, scripta manent is a Latin proverb. Literally translated, it means “spoken words fly away, written words remain”. This phrase seems to come from a speech of Caius Titus of the Roman Senate, who suggests that spoken words might easily be forgotten, but written documents can always be conclusive in public matters. A related meaning is that if two people want to establish a formal agreement about something, it is better to put it in writing, rather than just having an oral agreement. This proverb is even more valid in today’s world, flooded with all types of readily available communications devices. Think before you write! Be careful as to how you write? You never know how your “scripta” may come to haunt you. Royal Bank of Canada, 1399 McPhillips St. Sunrise Health Foods; St.Vital Centre Portage Place Kildonan Place La Befana di Gianni Morandi [email protected] Contributing Writers Anna Albo, Mario Audino Erminio Caligiuri, Lisa Mackling, Alfina Grande December 2014 Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo As you become busy with the holiday festivities, take time to enjoy those things that are most important. I am reminded at this time of old traditions, such as the baking panettone and traditional cookies. I remember I must soak the baccalà for several days prior la Vigilia. I search for castagne to Managing Editor Mario Audino [email protected] (204) 488-2480 Verba volant, scripta manent « Verba volant, scripta manent » è un proverbio latino. Nella sua traduzione letterale significa : « Le parole dette volano, quelle scritte rimangono.» Sembra che questa frase abbia origine da un discorso di Tito Caio al Senato nel quale puntualizza che le parole dette possono essere facilmente dimenticate, mentre quelle scritte rimangono sempre a disposizione del pubblico. Un’altra deduzione è che, quando si tratta di fare un accordo formale tra due persone, è meglio farlo per iscritto invece di farlo soltanto oralmente. Questo proverbio à valido ancor più nel mondo d’oggi ingolfato da una disponibile miriade di mezzi di comunicazione. È bene esercitare cautela quando si scrive qualcosa. Non si sa mai quando i nostri « scripta » verranno a persegutarci. Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper Centro TS: $175 TWO TICKEstmas gift! Great Chri IL NUOVO SOLE December 2014 3 Caboto Update Notizie dal Centro Caboto In Cucina CON CHEF MASSIMO CAPRA MULTI COURSE DINNER & COOKING DEMONSTRATION THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 2015 COCKTAILS: 5:30PM - DINNER: 6:30PM CENTRO CABOTO CENTRE - 1055 WILKES AVE TICKETS: $100 Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE Seniors’ Corner MUSEO CANADESE PER I DIRITTI UMANI Located at the Forks in Winnipeg, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights describes itself as “a centre of learning where Canadians and people around the world can engage in discussion and commit to taking action against hate and oppression” . The museum opened during the weekend of September 19 – 21, 2014. On November 26, 31 seniors of the 55+Program, volunteers and other friends of the 55+ Program participated in a guided tour of the new and impressive museum. Everyone agreed that while their visit was a little too short, they found it to be a “beautiful experience” . The visit to this museum focused the visitors’ attention in a unique way on the issue of human rights. Hanno contribuito: Greg Barrett e Cristina Campomanes Situato a The Forks, in Winnipeg, il Museo Canadese per i Diritti Umani, si definisce come “un centro di informazione, dove i Canadesi e la gente di tutto il mondo hanno modo di partecipare in discussioni ed December 2014 L’Angolo Degli Anziani CANADIAN MUSEUM FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Contributors: Greg Barrett; Cristina Campomanes impegnarsi ad agire contro l’odio e l’oppressione”. Il museo é stato inaugurato durante il fine settimana del 19 Settembre 2014. Il 26 Novembre 31 anziani, volontari ed altri amici del Programma 55+ hanno partecipato ad un tour guidato a questo nuovo e spettacoloso museo. Tutti sono rimasti d’accordo che, malgrado la visita fosse troppo corta, questa sia stata”una bellissima esperienza”. La visita al museo incoraggia i visitatoiri a considerare il tema sui diritti umani in un modo veramente unico. TRANSMITTERS OF THE CULTURE TRASMETTITORI DELLA CULTURA On November 29, 2014 the Dante Alighieri Society, the Centro Caboto and the Comitato Degli Italiani/ Canadesi della Terza Eta joined together to bring about a truly moving and memorable encounter between the students of the Dante and several of the seniors of the 55+Program. On this Saturday morning the seniors enhanced the students’ understanding of what it takes to make pasta from scratch. It was a delightful experience as the seniors became energized by the enthusiasm of the young students and the students learned from the wisdom and skills of the seniors. During this time as they passed on a deeper appreciation of the culture to the young students, they provided a graphic illustration of their love and caring. Il 29 Novembre 2014 la Societá Dante Alighieri, il Centro Caboto ed il Comitato Degli Italiani/ Canadesi Della Terza Etá si sono ritrovati per avere un memorabile e commovente incontro tra gli studenti della Dante ed alcuni Anziani del Programma 55+. In questo sabato mattina gli anziani hanno dimostrato agli studenti che cosa ci vuole per fare la pasta a mano. E’ stata una bellissima esperienza vedere come gli anziani acquistavano energia dall’entusiasmo dimostrato dai giovani che nello stesso tempo imparavano dall’esperienza e l’abilitá degli anziani. Il loro amore e la loro attenzione erano palesemente chiari mentre trasmettevano ai giovani l’ interesse per la nostra cultura. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY ANNUALE FESTA DI NATALE Ancora una volta siamo giunti alle vacanze natalizie ed ancora una volta gli anziani del Programma 55+ si sono riuniti per il loro annuale banchetto di Natale al quale hanno partecipato il personale ed alcuni volontari. Buon cibo e deliziosi dolci. Alcuni studenti di una scuola hanno intrattenuto il gruppo. Once again the Christmas season is upon us and once again the seniors of the 55+ Program gathered together for their annual Christmas luncheon. They were joined by staff and volunteers. The food was great and the “dolce” were delicious. Entertainment was provided by a student choir from a nearby school. Seniors Wisdom “To the people who check behind shower curtains for murderers; if you find one, what’s your plan?” “Life is too short to be serious all the time. If you can’t Lugh at yourself, let me know, I’ll laugh at you.” At this Christmas time we wish peace to all people both now and throughout the coming year. Saggezza degli anziani “Per chi controlla se c’é un assassino dietro le tende dellla doccia : se c’é, che cosa intendi fare?” 1 2 v4 “La vita é troppo corta per essere sempre seri. Se non puoi ridere su te stesso, fammelo sapere che rideró io di te” In questa Stagione Natalizia, auguriamo a tutti Pace per il presente ed il futuro Anno!! Enjoying the choir at the Christmas Party Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE Person of the Month Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt alias, l’unione fa la forza di Adriana Lombardini Name: Marcello Venditti Nickname: “marshmallow” Occupation: Physician Age: 46 Generation: 2nd Dad From: Santa Maria del Molise, Provincia Isernia, Molise Mom From: Southern Manitoba Speaks: English, French, “reasonable” Italian, and a good smattering of Greek and Ukrainian Raised in: Winnipeg Passion: my daughter and wife Favourite dish: My late grandmother’s “pasta e fagioli,” and anything with Porcini Absolute must in pantry: De Cecco pasta Favourite grocery store: De Luca’s here, Spinelli’s in Edmonton Favourite restaurant in Winnipeg: Resto Gare Favourite hangout in Winnipeg: Joey’s Type of wine/drink: Pio Cesare Barolo Favourite Italian saying or quote: Tutti a tavola a mangiare! Last time you went to Italy: 2013 Place you want to visit at least once in your life: Sardegna Dream car: Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Italian Soccer team: AC Milan What you like most about Il Nuovo Sole: keeps us connected! Best way to feel Italian in Winnipeg: attend any ‘Sons of Italy’ event Thing about you that would surprise most people: insanely scared of flying Best espresso in Winnipeg: My friend Tony Vacchio’s Most common name in your family: Domenico Dream: I live to see a cure for cancer Sexiest Italian: Monica Belluci Pet peeve: bad grammar Best Italian movie: Ciao, Professore! Favourite band or singer: Antonello Venditti Your fashion Idol: Tom Ford Favourite thing to do in Winnipeg: socialize with friends and family You know you where raised Italian when: have sausages hanging from your basement ceiling Favourite colour: Azzuri Spaghetti or penne: penne, with a simple marinara 1 3 v5 December 2014 Veramente la traduzione letterale di questo motto di origine Etrusca, poi adottato da diversi paesi, sarebbe “ con l’armonia le piccole cose crescono”, il che si addice a meraviglia alla festa di Natale organizzata quest’anno dal Gruppo Sportivo Italiano in armonia e collaborazione con la Società Roma. Infatti sabato 29 novembre nella sala Mauro del Centro Caboto addobbata a festa sono venute ben 220 persone e 40 bambini a festeggiare insieme il Natale. Ai tavoli elegantemente apparecchiati è stata servita una cena direi, con cognizione di causa perchè c’ero anch’io, squisita. Il nostro chef Anthony ci ha voluto lasciare un ottimo ricordo visto che era una delle sue ultime serate al Centro: un ricco antipasto all’Italiana, seguito dall’insalata (anche se in Italia di regola si servirebbe dopo il secondo) e da un ottima pasta al sugo, poi dal pollo alla parmigiana tenero e succoso con vari contorni, e per finire il dolce. Poi, dulcis in fundo, è arrivato il panettone con mandarini. Proprio una bella cena. Il coro Viva L’Italia ha rallegrato la serata con uno spettacolo dal vivo di cinque belle canzoni, tra cui la famosissima « Funiculi, Funicula » che ha riscosso la maggior parte degli applausi. Era proprio bello vederei bambini che ci ascoltavano seduti per terra davanti al palco: qualcuno canticchiava, qualcuno ballava spensierati com’è giusto che siano alla loro età. E poi stavano aspettando Babbo Natale, che nella persona di Luciano Vacca è puntualmente arrivato, vestito di rosso e con la sua tradizionale barba bianca per portare i doni ai più piccini, coadiuvato da, possiamo chiamarle “vallette natalizie” le graziosissime Sabrina e Maria. Quando poi si sono aperte le danze al suono della musica di Davide Mandarano, famiglie intere sono scese in pista concludendo la serata in allegria. Grazie dunque al GSI, soprattutto nella persona del suo Presidente, Mario Perrino, che non solo ha organizzato il tutto per la serata, contrattando con il Centro per avere la cena squisita che abbiamo avuto servita a tavola, per essere andato personalmente alla DeLuca Warehouse a prendere i panettoni ed i torroni, e per aver fatto anche da MC per la serata; alla Societa’ Roma per aver partecipato coi suoi numerosi soci ed al suo Presidente Luciano Vacca per aver fatto il Babbo Natale, al Centro Caboto per aver’aiutato a realizzarla, e non ultimo grazie anche all’ Italian Canadian Foundation che sponsorizza il coro Viva L’Italia. Arrivederci al prossimo anno! Intanto potete prepararvi per un’altra bella festa del Gruppo Sportivo Italiano, l’ormai famoso campionato di Briscola e Bocce che si terrà sempre al Centro Caboto il venerdi 27 Marzo prossimo. Venite a cimentarvi! Per ulteriori informazioni chiamate Mario Perrino, il presidente del GSI al (204)941-3003. Da parte di tutti noi Buon Natale e un Felice Anno Nuovo! Il valore del tempo Chi nella mattina disperde i minuti, per quanto li cerca son sempre perduti. In fretta ed in furia invano farà; il tempo sciupato non più tornerà. The value of time If in the morning you waste the minutes, they are surely lost no matter what. Hurry and fury are of no avail; the wasted time will not come back. Favourite Italian song: L’arcobaleno, by Adriano Celentano Famous Italian artist/actor you would like to meet: Paolo Villagio Favourite Italian City: love Milan Best memory growing up Canadian/Italian: smell of Sunday pasta sauce Favourite flavour gelato: nocciola Favourite thing about being Italian: the unbridled passion and creativity of Italians Favourite charity: and breast cancer foundation The Viva l’Italia Choir with Conductor Julie Biggs Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE December 2014 1 2 6 Italian Heritage Since 1996 HOLY ANGEL MAUSOLEUM AT GREEN ACRES CEMETERY Hwy. #1 East inside the Perimeter 204-222-3241 General Inquiries Individual & Companion Crypts & Niches Available (Space is limited) Complete Personalized Services available At-Need or Preplanned ~ Financing with no interest available ~ (See location for details) Call Nella today for your personal tour! 204-925-1120 Nella Anania † Prepare, Plan, Protect *Earn 1 AIR MILES® † reward mile for every $25 spent on eligible prearranged cemetery & funeral purchases. (see location for details) Please allow up to 45 days for reward miles to appear in your Collector account. Trademarks of AIR MILES® International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Service Corp. International (Canada), ULC. Valid until Dec. 31,2014. ®†™† Torrone IN THE KITCHEN In Cucina Torrone or nougat is a classic Italian confection typically made of honey, sugar, and egg white, with toasted almonds and hazelnuts, usually shaped into a rectangular tablet. It is frequently consumed as a traditional winter and Christmas dessert in both Spain and Italy. There are also some varieties in Latin America and the Philippines. In other countries it often appears, sometimes chocolate-coated, in a mixed box of chocolates. In Italy the popular recipes have varied with time and differ from one region to the next. The two most popular commercial versions come from Cremona, Lombardy and from Benevento, Campania and vary from morbido (soft) to duro (hard). Abruzzi, Sicily and Sardinia also have local versions that are distinct from the two main denominations. There is some evidence that the Torrone di Cremona was being made as far back as 1441, appearing in the wedding celebration of Francesco Sforza to Bianca Maria Visconti. The homemade recipe presented here follows the traditional approach and is gratefully provided by Lucia Caligiuri. It requires some skill, care and patience to make, but the results make the effort worthwhile. Ingredients: 3 egg whites 1 cup sugar 1 lb. honey 1 lb. almonds 1 lb. hazelnuts 2 wafer sheets (edible rice paper) Orange flavoring (optional) Procedure: 1 - Roast Almonds and Hazelnuts in oven on medium heat and let cool. 2 - Melt honey in a bain-marie (double boiler). 3 - Beat egg whites until they form stiff peaks and add sugar. 4 - In bain-marie add egg white mixture to honey stirring for up to two hours with a large wooden spoon, until the mixture has become dense and shiny. 5 - Add almonds, hazelnuts and optional orange flavoring. 6 - Lay wafer sheet in a cookie tray. Drop mixture and pat flat. Place second wafer sheet on top and press down well. 7 - Refrigerate for 30 minutes then cut in two (2) inch strips. 8 - Leave overnight. Enjoy… Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE December 2014 13 7 THE TRAVEL BUG By Adriana Lombardini Wouldn’t be nice if in one of boxes under the Christmas tree you will find a trip voucher? Perhaps to somewhere hot just to relax in the sun, or explore the marvels of the underwater world or an adventure trip to explore lost civilizations, or a cruise, or, if you want more from a trip, a soul searching Journey following the spiritual paths. Even if you are a “do it yourself” type of traveler, there are so many components in any journey, that it would be to your best interest to contact your favorite travel consultant to take care of all the details for you. We can help you to find the holiday you want through the maze of the over information, to find the insurance that is right for you, to help you with the visa, to explain what to expect in destination, to advise you about tipping customs of the country you are visiting. Hopefully it will be me, always at your disposal! At the moment there are still quite a few good buys in the market for the last minute Christmas and New Year travellers in terms of hot destinations. Cabo San Luca back in business after the devastating hurricane, is offering the best deals; followed by Cuba, always a favorite for the beach lovers as its white powdery beaches and turquoise transparent waters are some of the best in the Caribbean. For the discriminating travelers, new fabulous hotel have been opened in Mexico, such as the Royalton Cancun Riviera and the Perfect Isla Mujeres. Many resorts are now catering to specific hobbies, some offer snorkeling and scuba diving, others complementary tee time in their golf courts. Some offers adult only facilities other specialize in family holiday and offer kids and teen club for the delight of children and parents alike. Family still enjoy good deals if they wish to plan a fairy tale Disneyland holiday for their kids, and Las Vegas fans have packages from Winnipeg at very convenient prices. and Summer cruising or the excellent “Cruise Repositioning” deals that all the major cruise line offer in both Spring and Fall when they take their ships to Europe to reposition them for the season, and they do the reverse in the Fall. It is now a good time to book it and the price are unbeatable! Also the winter cruises are offering good deal, and with a good air deal will set you off to a great and comfortable holiday. mountains, volcanos, beaches and rivers. We offer very convenient tours of Costa Rica, for every budget and every age range, and I can tell you by experience, you would love the country! We also offer tours of Cuba and, the by now very famous, Cuba Cruise, to see the island from a new exciting perspective. For family that wishes to do something different, or what we call a “soft adventure” you can take your kids to South America: it is not as far as you think! Air Canada has convenient, not stop flights to many South American destinations: just imagine taking your kids in places where real history unfolded, climb to Machu Pichu, cruise the Galapagos, explore the Chilean lake and volcanos area, the picture below I took while climbing. I have visited all of them and found these places so amazing and so eye opening that I would highly recommend it to anyone who has this kind of interest. It is a life forming and unforgettable experience for the entire family. For cruising instead, it is now time to think of Spring Comes January there will certainly be more last minutes deal, mostly for one week holiday, a nice little break from the winter that has become very affordable. For those that instead wish to explore a hot destination, I can recommend Costa Rica, as the name indicate is a “rich” country, rich in culture, in landscape, in unspoiled forests, Easter Island with its mysterious Moai Pasta con le Nonne! On Saturday, November 29th the students in grades 1-8 from the Dante Alighieri Italian School participated in a pasta making day with a group of 6 seniors from the Gruppo Degli Italiani Canadesi Della Terza Eta. The day was filled with excitement as the ladies were preparing their stations and the children were excited to make some pasta from scratch. There were three stations set up and there were 2 seniors per station. Throughout the two hours almost 50 children came through. Station 1 was run by Angela Maione and Elvira Ferraro and they started off making the dough and having the students roll it with the rolling pin. Once they finished with that, they started to cut the dough and make different pieces of pasta including spaghetti and fettuccine. Later on they showed the students how to use the modern day machines and even some of the children tried it out. Station 2 was run by Teresa Filippelli and Angie Masi and they focused primarily on making gnocchi. They made the dough and flattened it out. Then they rolled it into long strips so that they could cut them into individual pieces for the students. The students then took turns rolling the dough and making the imprints of the gnocchi using a wooden tool. Station 3 was run by Rosa Alecci and Giuseppina Melizza. They had many different types of pasta at their station. They were making farfalle, cavatelli, and fusilli. The children were given rolled pieces of dough and they fed it through a little machine that was about the same size as a school pencil sharpener. This machine made cavatelli and all of the children had a chance to try this machine out. On the other side, they used a special knife to cut the dough with zigzags. At the end of the activity, the children were able to take home some of the pasta they helped make and they cooked it at home with their family. The seniors will be returning in January to work with the students in Pre-Asilo and Asilo and the older students in high school from Livello 9-12. Grazie to Rocco Macchia, Greg Barrett and Pina Macchia for organizing this event with the students and getting everything set up for the fun-filled day of pasta! The Dante Alighieri students cannot wait for the next adventure with the seniors! We’ll keep you all posted. -Anthony Fiorentino – Dante Alighieri School Coordinator Last by not least, if you want more from a trip, you could consider our fully escorted Spiritual and Cultural Journey to Greece, May 02-12, 2014, following the footsteps of St. Paul and including the amazing Meteora and a 4 days cruise in the enchanted Greek Islands of Crete, Santorini, Mikonos and Pathmos. Because I will be escorting this tour , Spiritual Leader Father Gerry Sembrano, in cooperation with Globus, for more information or to join this amazing trip , or for any travel related information, please contact me or Iris at Flair Travel, 204-284-9682, or e-mail me to: adriana@flairtravel. There are still seats and the deadline to join will be January 12, 2015. Wherever you go, whatever you do, have a safe and great holiday, and don’t forget, travel agents have the same deals you find in the net, and…without a travel agent you are on your own! BUON NATALE E BUON ANNO ,da Adriana MERRY CHRISTMAS! JOYEUX NOEL! FELIZ NAVIDAD! FROLICHE NACHT! Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE December 2014 1 28 Notizie dall’ Italia News from Italy Nuovo Console Generale d’Italia a Toronto Giuseppe PASTORELLI. Nato a Roma il 15 ottobre 1973. Si laurea, con lode, in giurisprudenza all’Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” l’8 luglio 1996. In seguito ad esame di concorso entra in carriera diplomatica il 27 dicembre 1997. Assume come funzionario presso la Segreteria Generale del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e, nel 2000, viene assegnato all’Ambasciata d’Italia ad Ankara dove, dal 2001, ricopre l’incarico di Capo della sezione ecomonico-commerciale. Nell’agosto 2004 assume presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Budapest con funzioni vicarie del Capo Missione. Il 31 marzo 2008 si trasferisce alla Direzione Generale per i Paesi dell’Africa sub-sahariana al Ministero degli Affari Esteri e, dal primo ottobre dello stesso anno, diviene capo dell’Ufficio Africa orientale. Dal 18 ottobre 2010 al 24 agosto 2014 è Console Generale a Boston. Il 25 agosto 2014 assume come Console Generale d’Italia a Toronto. Sposato con un figlio. Segue il suo primo messaggio agli Italiani che vivono nella sua circoscrizione: Caro Connazionale, Gentile Visitatore, insieme a tutto il personale, vorrei darLe il più caloroso benvenuto nel sito del Consolato Generale d’Italia a Toronto. Il nostro obiettivo è semplice: essere il punto di riferimento degli italiani che vivono e lavorano in Ontario, Manitoba e nei Territori del Nord Ovest e di chiunque, in questa circoscrizione, sia interessato all’Italia. Con passione, professionalità e dedizione saremo vicini alle Sue esigenze, non solo fornendo servizi ed informazioni ma cercando di farLa sentire parte di una grande comunità. Ed insieme promuoveremo al meglio l’Italia in Canada. Non ci faccia mancare i Suoi preziosi consigli, scrivendo a [email protected] CONCORDIA, TROVATO IL CORPO DELL’ULTIMA VITTIMA (NoveColonne ATG) Roma - Il corpo del cameriere indiano Russel Rebello, l’unico che ancora mancava all’appello dei morti causati dal naufragio della Costa Concordia avvenuto il 13 gennaio 2012, è stato scoperto nel corso dei lavori di alleggerimento. I resti del corpo di Rebello sono stati rinvenuti all’interno di una cabina al ponte 8 che era rimasta deformata sotto al peso della nave naufragata all’isola del Giglio e non era stato possibile aprirla prima. Al momento del naufragio la Costa Concordia aveva 4229 persone a bordo (3216 passeggeri e 1013 membri dell’equipaggio). L’urto di uno scoglio ha causato l’apertura di una falla lunga circa 70 metri sul lato sinistro della nave. L’incidente ha provocato 32 morti. MONTREAL, LUDOVICO EINAUDI IN CONCERTO “IL GIOVANE FAVOLOSO”, IL FILM ITALIANO PIU’ VISTO DELLA STAGIONE (NoveColonne ATG) Roma Sono bastate le prime due settimane di programmazione e Il giovane Favoloso, il film su Giacomo Leopardi diretto da Mario Martone e interpretato da Elio Germano, è già il film italiano più visto della stagione cinematografica in corso, superando la soglia dei tre milioni di euro e del mezzo milione di spettatori. Numeri da robusto blockbuster, in grado di vincere la sfida non solo con i titoli domestici, ma di confrontarsi con corazzate internazionali se è vero che nella giornata di mercoledì 29 ottobre il numero di spettatori “leopardiani” è stato superiore a quello dei Guardiani della galassia che poteva contare su un numero di copie più che doppio. Il Giovane favoloso è prodotto da Palomar e Rai Cinema, con il contributo di Regione Marche, Mibact, Fondazione Marche Cinema, di un pool di imprenditori marchigiani e quello distributivo di 01 Distribution. (NoveColonne ATG) Roma - Grande ritorno a Montréal del pianista italiano Ludovico Einaudi uno tra i più celebri in campo internazionale. Ludovico Einaudi e i suoi musicisti sono tornati ad esibirsi l’8 novembre, alle 20, presso la Maison Symphonique di Place des Arts per un concerto realizzato in collaborazione con l’Istituto italiano di cultura di Montréal. Il virtuoso pianista che ha lasciato il suo marchio nella musica classica, così come nel balletto e nel cinema arriva alla Maison Symphonique con il nuovo album “In a time lapse” per coinvolgere il pubblico in un melodioso incontro. Il pianista che con un’alchimia musicale unica basata su elementi di musica classica, rock, musica elettronica e world music, ha reso obsolete le idee tradizionali di genere e di pubblico, vanta tra l’altro la produzione di circa diciotto colonne sonore di film. Oltre ad aver pubblicato una serie di album in testa alle classifiche, riempendo di pubblico le più prestigiose sale da concerto di tutto il mondo, la sua musica viene regolarmente utilizzata ed è spesso ascoltata attraverso successi di Hollywood, tra cui Black Swan, The Reader, This Is England e J. Edgar, nonché in spot pubblicitari di alto profilo, tra cui quello della NBA, della Nissan, della American Airlines, della Sony Blu Ray. Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE December 2014 13 9 Health & Wellness LaSalute Cooking helps fight your holiday blahs While ensuring proper nutrition during stressful winter months slow down the carbohydrate absorption in the body. When blood sugar levels are in control, mood swings are decreased. By Rosemary Szabadka “Baby, it’s cold outside.” The lyrics to this popular Christmas song can resonate with everyone this time of year. But it’s more than just cold outside. With the winter solstice on Dec. 21 just around the corner, many of us are waking up in the dark, going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. Winnipeg winter conditions -- with or without the stress of the holidays -- can leave us physically drained and mentally challenged. Fibre can be found in foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and pulses. Try throwing a can of black beans into a pasta sauce or almonds onto a salad to increase fibre in your diet. So what can we do when we are feeling tired, sad, irritable, stressed and unmotivated? We can eat and we can cook! Research suggests there is a relationship between food and positive mental health. Key nutrients can play an important part in improving the way you feel. Developing a tangible skill such as cooking can be rewarding and build self-esteem. Following a recipe can soothe stress and prevent negative thinking. Plus the end product is usually delicious! That accomplishment in itself can make you feel better! So what are the best things to try cook during these winter months? Clam chowder, chili, roasted chicken and beef stew are examples of protein foods that supply the body with amino acids that have positive effects on the brain and can improve mood and memory. Other protein foods will have the same effect, so eat protein foods such as lean meats, fish, pulses, dairy products, nuts and seed at every meal. Most of these foods will also contain zinc and vitamin B12, both known to help with mood, depression and motivation. Try making fish tacos, a dill salmon loaf or even tuna melts. Along with the great protein, your body will also get essential omega-3 fatty acids. Foods with omega-3 can help reduce symptoms of depression and improve balance. Eating fish twice a week and incorporating other sources of omega-3 fatty acids such as flax, walnuts and canola or olive oil can boost your health. Roasted root vegetables, quinoa salads, pot barley soup and whole grain breads all contain fibre, which helps Because sugary foods are absorbed quickly, they can cause a surge of energy that soon wears off, leaving you feeling tired and depressed. When you are surrounded by Christmas sweets this time of year, it may be best to try to limit them. Instead, satisfy your sweet craving with homemade chocolate pudding and hot chocolate made with unsweetened cocoa powder. The chocolate will supply the brain with serotonin, a mood enhancer. Fruit crisps and other desserts using fruit can be fun to bake and help control your candy craving Keep water on hand at all times. Mild dehydration can make us feel restless and irritable. Caffeine drinks as part of your fluid intake can increase irritability, nervousness and anxiety. If you don’t like water, add lime or lemon to it or try fruit or berry-flavoured herbal tea cold without added sugar. Or try a mocktail. Mocktails are festive drinks made without alcohol. Alcohol has a depressant effect on the brain. Because the body needs to use nutrients to process the alcohol, nutrient reserves can become depleted if diet is generally poor. Deficits in these nutrients such as thiamine and zinc can cause low mood and irritability. Finally, eat regular meals throughout the day to maintain constant blood sugar. Missing meals, especially breakfast, leads to low blood sugar, which causes moodiness, irritability and fatigue. Include a healthy snack of fruits, whole grains, dairy or nuts if hungry between meals. And remember, spring is just around the corner. Rosemary Szabadka is a registered public health dietitian with the Winnipeg Regional Heath Authority. Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition December 12, 2014 A22 Casual, Comfortable, Sloppy jackets, were well chosen, well-cut, well-coordinated, and put together with flair, in fabrics that looked as if they were about to melt. (Hardly any beer bellies, either, did I see.) By Simone Cohen Scott A few years back I went on a Pilgrimage to Rome and Israel conducted by a Rabbi and a Priest, namely Father Sam Argenziano and Rabbi Neal Rose (two very good friends who look like brothers and are both from New York, with accents to match). Because I was already in Jerusalem and the others were coming from Winnipeg, we met in the Rome airport. While waiting for their flight to arrive, I spent the wee small hours in the coffee shop, people watching, one of my favourite pastimes. At that hour it was mostly men coming and going to and fro, and I have to tell you, Italian men really know how to dress. I first noticed this in the ‘60s, in Rome, and then they were wearing well-cut, beautifully tailored suits, slim fitting, torso enhancing, sometimes on the loud side, but always, always, the epitome of elegance. The suits are gone but what hasn’t changed is the elegance and the sense of style. More than a few, I’m sure, consult a haberdasher. The scarves, the slacks, the caps, the Men’s suits, I must say, were a great advantage. Most men made a much better first impression in them than they do in today’s garb. It’s too bad they are no longer de rigueur. Even if not up to the Italian standard, in most cases a man’s appearance in a suit avoids the slept-in look that prevails today. And save us from the ubiquitous baseball cap, (which no one anymore realizes is rude to leave on indoors). I’m a woman who likes to get dressed up. I like the sense of occasion that putting together a wellcoordinated snappy and pretty outfit gives me. I regret the passing of those days when invitations specified ‘white tie, black tie, formal’, when Opening Nights, and Opera and Symphony meant satins and silks and long white gloves. Remember in “Moonstruck”, when Cher went shopping for that gorgeous, lacy, red, shirred bodice, strapless, cocktail length gown with matching shoes, and Nicolas Cage waited for her in front of the Met in an overcoat and white silk scarf, wearing a tuxedo? Alas, dressing for a special event now just means wearing your most expensive pair of jeans. Or ‘distressed’ leather jacket, looking like it’s been driven over by a truck a few hundred times and then left out in the rain. How did this happen? When did ‘pretty’ and ‘elegant’ and ‘smart’ stop being the vocabulary of clothing? I know when fine couturier craftsmanship went the way of the Dodo bird, it was when manufacturing went offshore, but when did ‘jarring’, ‘startling’, even ‘disgusting’ become the jargon that described how to dress? Was it Madonna? Alexander McQueen? Is clothing more comfortable than it used to be? Maybe I’ll give it that. Girdles and boned strapless bras I don’t miss. Except for shoes (which defy all logic in this day when womankind is liberated) nowadays females emulate the male wardrobe more than they used to and historically men’s clothing has usually been more comfortable. (Why is that, I wonder?) Nevertheless comfortable clothing ought not to be synonymous with unaesthetic. Dressing one’s self tastefully, if not artistically, should still be one of the goals of a selfrespecting person, higher on the list even, dare I say, than working out. An old adage goes: “Clothes make the man (oops, I mean ‘person’)”. Maybe a so-called ‘truism’ but as with most ‘truisms’, it is true. What you wear shows what you think of yourself. Even what you aspire to be. Carefully chosen, well coordinated, quality and classic clothing, says a lot about who you are and where you are going. So does the other alternative. Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE December 2014 1 2 10 Marcello Audino, A Champion in the Make? Roger Federer! Rafael Nadal! Perhaps one day. Fueled by his mother’s passion and love for tennis, Marcello Audino started playing the game at five years old. Since then, he has won numerous tournaments in Manitoba and Florida. Trains out of the Winnipeg Winter Club between 10-15 hours a week and is a member of the Otto Academy. Coached by Peter Otto, he has played in the U12 Indoor nationals in Calgary for the past two years and is hoping to represent the Prairie (Manitoba and Saskatchewan) region for a third year in a row. Has trained and played in Florida for the last three summers and won four U12 tournaments in Tampa, Orlando, Seminole, and Brandon summer of 2014. As a matter of fact, most recently in November, he won a 4.5 level adult tournament at the Winnipeg Winter Club, beating the top three seeds in the process. He was the youngest ever winner of a 4.5 male adult tournament in Manitoba. Quite an accomplishment! “I just play my game, regardless of the opponent’s age”, says Marcello. Trained this past summer with Coach Lance Luciani who has worked with Canadian Tennis star Greg Rusedski and Maria Sharapova. Has played in the Little Mo Internationals winning a doubles title with his American team mate (U9 Palm Beach Garden, Florida 2012) and was a finalist in the mixed doubles that same year. Marcello also plays soccer for Winnipeg South End United and is one of the few players who is age advanced. Marcello also participated in a soccer camp “Footballissima”in Geneva, Switzerland, 3 years ago winning the “most skilled player” award. Quite frequently, Marcello is invited to play tennis against adult players. Marcello Audino in Seminole, Florida near Clearwater- Summer 2014 Fratellanza Amatese Christmas Party On Sunday, December 14th, the Fratellanza Amatese Christmas Party was held at Holy Rosary Parish Hall. There were many families present and all of the parents, grandparents and children had fun participating in all of the activities throughout the afternoon. The party started off with a play called “Christmas Tree”, adapted by Rosina Sinopoli. The children in the play were Joey Girimonte, Liam Swanland, Kylie Fiorentino, Brooklyn Colosimo, Adriana Sinopoli, Coco Girimonte, and Mariana Cianflone. We also had some music throughout sung by Tony Cianflone and Tonina Fiorentino. After the play, the children participated in a Piñata game. Once the candy came flying out, the children jumped and tried to get as much candy as they could. Later in the day they played a round of musical chairs. This year, members were able to take photographs, with their families, in front of the “Presepio” in the church. This very important part of the Italian culture was incorporated to keep traditions alive and a few families got their pictures taken. A short time after, the sound of bells were heard from a distance and Santa and Mrs. Clause arrived. There were over 45 children who received gifts this year and they were happy to see Santa. Thank you Agostino Fiorentino for bringing Santa to the party. While Santa was visiting with the children, the members of the executive were setting up the many traditional foods that were prepared for our potluck luncheon. The members brought pitte fritte, bracciole, panettone, pizza, foccaccia, sopresata, and many other delicious foods. Once Santa said goodbye and the children settled down, everyone ate. After all of the delicious food and desserts were shared among family members and paisani, we finished off the afternoon with the annual turkey draw. A great big thank you goes to Joseph Fiorentino, social chair, for the hard work in planning this wonderful Christmas party and to the Amatese executive for their help. when I play Tennis and Soccer the same day”, says Marcello, “but I love and enjoy both sports; my goal is to continue to improve my skills; this will take a lot of practices and games.” Marcello is 11 years old; he is a grade VI student at Christine Lespérance School in South St. Vital; he speaks French, English and Italian. While a lot of his time is devoted to sports, his scholastic achievement is not suffering. In fact, he does very well. Way to go, Marcello! Bravo! Sempre avanti! Ad maiores! “Some times I get tired Celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the Fogolar Association of Winnipeg On Sunday, November 9, the Fogolar Association of Winnipeg celebrated their 55th Anniversary at the Centro Caboto. With a large group in attendance, every one was greeted upon entry with a glass of Prosecco from Giusti Wines. The Mauro hall was beautifully decorated with various items reflecting the Fruili and Veneto cultures including a Fogolar. The hall was set up with tasting stations of traditional wine and food from the regions including: The evening began with appetizers including Prosciutto di San Daniele e Grissini, Salame Baguette, Formaggio Montasio, Piave, Asiago, Frico Crisps. There was also wine tasting station that included Dario Coos Friulano, Dario Coos Schioppettino, Zenato Pinot Grigio, and Zenato Valpolicella Superiore. The Master of Ceremonies, Remo De Sordi, one of several former Presidents in attendance, extended greetings to all. Greetings were provided by Stan Carbone, Honorary Vice Consul of Italy followed by the President of the Italian League of Winnipeg, Alfina Grande. Current president of the Fogolar, AnnaMaria Toppazzinni introduced a brief video put together by Dr. Villa, one of the original founding members and then spoke eloquently about the future. Gabriela Condelo, also a past president, offered grace before the meal. The meal highlighted some of the region’s specialties such as Musetto e brovade, Salsiccia, Polenta, and risotto. Desserts included an assortment of Tiramisu, Gubana e strucchi, Mirtilli, Fragole, Ficchi along with fresh fruits. The coffee and tea were complimented with an assortment of Grappa including Sandro Bottega Pera & Grappa, Buiese Fior di Mirtillo, Buiese Grappa Friulana, and Grappa Nonino, Pinot, Friulano, Malvasia. A group of 2nd generation children wearing traditional Fruilano costumes, including Marcus Bazan, Eros Bazan, Dana DeLuca, Drake DeLuca delighted all with their reciting of the Poem “I NONNI”. A Sing-Along of traditional regional music was lead by Gianni Di Negri, accompanied by Donna Vendramelli as well as Claudia Mardero, Guido Novel, Anna Mardero and Felice Ferriello. The evening continued with warm visiting. The next event will be the Annual General Meeting. Children performing at the Amatese Christmas Party Smashing the pinata at the Christmas Party Children delighting the crowd at the Fogolar’s 55th Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE December 2014 13 11 Date: Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 Event: Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Location: Centro Caboto Centre Sponsor: Centro Caboto & Italian Canadian League of Manitoba Other Info: contact (204) 487-4597 Date: Saturday, February 14th, 2015 Event: Valentine’s Sweetheart Dinner and Dance Location: Mauro Hall - Centro Caboto Centre Sponsor: Centro Caboto Centre Other Info: Cocktails 6:00 pm, Dinner 7:00 pm, tickets $45.00 (204) 487-4597 Date: Sunday, March 8th, 2015 Event: Donna dell’Anno luncheon Location: Mauro Hall – Centro Caboto Centre Sponsor: La Lupa di Roma Lodge Other Info: (204) 487-4597 Date: Saturday, March 14th, 2015 Boy finds big bucks in coat Event: Sons of Italy Annual Fundraising Dinner - Brandon Sun Location: RBC Convention Centre Brandon – A teenage boy made quite the find at a church rummage sale. Sponsor: Sons of Italy Garibaldi Lodge Other Info: Tat- Liang Cheam (204) 292-9196 Date: Saturday, January 24, 2015 Event: Bud Spud & Steak Fundraiser Location: Canaf Inns PoloPark- Tijuana Yacht Club Sponsor: Dante Alighieri Cultural Society Other info: tickets $20.00; 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. all ages welcome; there will be a silent auction. Date: January 5th – March 16th, 2015 Event: Adult Italian Language Classes Location: Centro Caboto Centre Sponsor: Dante Alighieri Cultural Society Other info: cost: $190.00 with textbook; $165.00 without textbook;three levels: Introductory, Beginner, Advanced; registration forms available online: Contact: Anthony (204) 488-3834 or [email protected] Date: April 9-10, 2015 Norman Brown, who helps organize Knox United Church’s annual sale, said the unsuspecting young man got quite a surprise when he tried on a black suit jacket at the sale. “He put his hand in the pocket and discovered a wallet”, Brown said of 14year old Tom Campbell, who was shopping with his grandmother Vivian Mitchell. Further examination revealed 20 crisp $50 bills in the wallet. But there was more. “He put his hand in the other pocket and proceeded to find another wallet stuffed with $50.00 bills”, Brown said. In total, Campbell found $2,000. “I was very surprised, and I was shocked to find both wallets in the pockets”, Campbell said. The boy immediately made the organizers of the sale aware of the cash-filled wallets. “I realized I should hand it in”, he said. Some investigative work by Campbell and Mitchell gave the story a happy ending. A blank cheque in one wallet provided a name and phone number for the owner, but a quick call revealed the phone was disconnected. Acting on a hunch that the jacket might have been donated by a family who recently had a loved one pass away, Mitchell checked the obituaries, which turned up the owner’s name. Mitchell tracked down the family of the man, eventually locating his brother and returning the $2,000. Campbell was rewarded with $200.00 from the family for his honesty. “It’s a wonderful story of truth and honesty with a young man and his grandmother”, Brown said. “They could have walked out of the door with $2,000 in their pocket.” With the publication of the December 2014 issue, Il Nuovo Sole is getting pretty close to the 9th year of its existence. This makes it by far the longest serving paper in the Italian community of Manitoba. Much of this success is due to the support of our advertisers, readers, contributing writers, staff and volunteers whose ongoing collaboration is hereby acknowledged and gratefully appreciated. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, together with your respective families, relatives and friends! Event: In Cucina with Massimo Capra Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo a voi tutti ed alle vostre famiglie! Location: Mauro Hall – Centro Caboto Centre Mario Audino Sponsor: Centro Caboto Centre Other Info: Lisa (204) 487-4597 Date: Sunday, April 12th, 2015 Event: 17th Annual Evening of Light Opera Location: Mauro Hall, Centro Caboto Centre Sponsor: Italian Canadian Foundation of Manitoba Inc. Other Info: Honouring Prof. Mel Braun; 5-course Italian dinner; Live performances by Students from the U of M Opera Stusied Program; tickets: $95.00 with a $40.00 charitable receipt; contact: Mario Audino (204) 488-2480 [email protected] Il Nuovo Sole Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE December 2014 1 2 12 DR. CARMINE SCARPINO DR. 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