Breakaway Winter 2014/15 Enfield’s Short Breaks Magazine for disabled children and young people and their families Enfield Council @EnfieldCouncil If you are looking for a friendly home from home, come to Forty Hall & Estate There really is something for everyone at Forty Hall and Estate. The Hall and the Park have been fully restored and are now DDA compliant. As well as the wonderful parkland, there are free, fun and educational activities and trails throughout. Why not try our trail bags, dressing up in historic costumes, activity chests with things to do, clipboard quizzes, audio descriptions, a wonderful 17th Century kitchen with lovely smells, building block activities, and a chill-out family room with cuddly toys and storybooks. The Nice Green Café at the Estate has just been awarded 5 stars top marks from Environmental Health and they have earned a Healthy Catering Award. The café caters for dietary needs and are happy to take bookings or orders in advance. The whole team is very friendly, and happy to help. Opening times and facilities The Hall is open Tuesday to Friday 11am-5pm, and Saturday and Sunday 12noon-5pm every week in summer time. There is free parking near the main entrance, and then it’s just a short walk or wheelchair ride to the Hall on accessible paths. Alternatively, the nearest buses are the 191 and the W8. Entrance to the Hall is free for all. Forty Hall itself closes at 4pm in Autumn/ Winter, and is open on all bank holidays except Christmas Day. There are charges for special activities, concerts, tours and other seasonal events. The Parkland is open until dusk. There are wonderful fine lawns, pleasure gardens, lakes, and lovely walks. There are free mobility scooters and free bike hire too – call at the Hall for details, or to prebook call 020 8363 8196. If you have any questions, or if you need assistance to plan your visit, please call our Front of House team on 020 8363 8196. We look forward to welcoming you to the Hall & Estate very soon! Forty Hall & Estate HALL • BANQUETING SUITE • CAFÉ • FARM • GARDENS AND PARKLAND @Forty_Hall Free Family Fun! Fire your imagination at Forty Hall & Estate Plenty for families to do in and around the Hall… it’s the perfect way to while away the day! • Free admission • Open 6 days a week (Tuesday – Sunday) • Dress up in Jacobean costume • Build a Palace with wooden blocks • Read stories in the family room • Play giant chess in the Courtyard • Go on a trail with binoculars • Delve into the activity boxes to find exciting worksheets • Pick up a gift in the Shop • Unwind in the Café • Explore the Estate with free bike and mobility scooter hire • Lift to all floors, baby changing facilities Forty Hall & Estate, Forty Hill, Enfield, EN2 9HA • Tel: 020 83638196 • Join us on Funded by 02 Winter 2014/15 Welcome Contents 04 The Short Break Grant Dear All, 05 Scope Befriending Service 06 Cheviots Children’s Centre Activities 07 Capital Funding Update A very warm welcome to our Winter edition of Breakaway. It is full of information about past and future short break activities and how to access them. There is a section on Short Break Grants, which are growing in popularity as more and more families are enjoying the choice and control they offer. Very many thanks to all those families who have provided us with really helpful feedback. Do please also let us know if you have any new or different ideas for our ‘family activity days’. We want to be sure we are putting on the right range of activities, so more children and parents can join in the fun. I am sure you would want to know that we are continuing to develop and improve how we ensure the views of all children and young people are heard. We will be working with young people in 2015 to develop a ‘young person’ version of our Local Offer. If you haven’t already seen Enfield’s Local Offer then do go to or contact Cheviots Children’s Centre for a hard copy. It is full of important information about services and support for children, young people and their families. My thanks go to Our Voice Parent Forum who have been instrumental in helping us develop our Local Offer and I am delighted to tell you that they will be working with us in the new year to review and update our information. Their insight and understanding is invaluable. 08-09 Cheviots Short Breaks and Family Activities 11 The SEND Reforms 12-13 Discover something new with Dimensions 13 Skills for Work 14 Want to try something new? 15 Specialist Cycling 08 Finally, as we approach the end of 2014 may I offer warmest season’s greetings to you all and the very best for a peaceful and happy 2015. Janet Leach Head of the Joint Service for Disabled Children 11 12 Message for Service Providers Dear Service Providers Thank you for contributing regularly to Breakaway, to help give families more information about the short breaks on offer to them. Families do love to see photographs of the children and young people enjoying their short breaks, so we appreciate your help in ensuring that we have these for Breakaway. Please do take photographs during your short break sessions, so that we can include more of these within the magazine (note that you must ensure that you have parent/ carer permission to do this). Many thanks Contact us We hope that you find this issue of Breakaway helpful. Please let us know if there is anything regarding Enfield’s short breaks that you would like to see in future editions, as we would like the magazine to be as useful as possible to families. Email your suggestions to [email protected] or [email protected] Winter 2014/15 03 The Short Break grant It is now just over one year since the Joint Service introduced the Short Break Grants to the menu of services available to disabled children and young people. The Short Break Grants are one way that families receive a personalised service. When you receive a Short Break Grant, you are receiving funding from the Joint Service as a contribution towards the costs of a short break service and support for your child and family (see the SEND website for more information). You do not have to have a Short Break Grant that you manage yourself – the Joint Service can organise services and support in partnership with you. There has been a huge increase in comparison to 2013/14, in the number of Short Break Grants being requested; there are now 143 Enfield families receiving one. The Grants requested have been distributed as follows: • 107 families receive a Short Break Grant for SERVICES • 36 families receive a Short Break Grant for ACTIVITIES The Joint Service has produced factsheets detailing what the Activity Grant and Services Grant can be used to fund; these factsheets are available on the website. 04 Winter 2014/15 We do need to monitor how the Short Break Grants are being used, to ensure that the outcomes are positive for the children and young people, and also for parents. The Joint Service has tried to keep the process as simple as possible for families, while meeting the requirements of the Council. If you are receiving a Short Break Grant In response to requests from families, we are asking parents/carers to provide their email and mobile telephone numbers so that we can send information and reminders about services, activities or monitoring due dates, by email or text. We hope that this prove more effective and helpful. If you have not provided these details, please contact Rosalind Cox, the Short Breaks Administrator, on telephone number 020 8363 4047. If you need help to complete the monitoring, or would like to discuss how you use the Short Break Grant, please come to our advice and support sessions at Cheviots: • Wednesday 10th December, 10am – 2pm • Thursday 22nd January 2015, 10am – 2pm Please contact Rosalind Cox, the Short Breaks Administrator at Cheviots on 020 8363 4047 to book a place and for advice and support. Short Break Grants Feedback from Families What difference has the Short Break Grant made to your child? • Given them the opportunity to see friends • They can access different activities and keep busy • They are having more fun than before and are more confident to socialise • Brilliant – someone else to go out with and socialise. The carer has become their friend • They spend time with friends rather than being in the house • They have improved interaction with other people, and improved social skills • Helps to stay in touch with her friends • Gives the opportunity to go out and enjoy themselves with different activities • Going on holiday activates some new development • Continued to enjoy helpful activities during breaks What difference has the Short Break Grant made to you and your family? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • It has given a break from caring duties Given more time to do other things Invaluable – get a break, and spend quality time with their sibling I get to have a little break Enjoy a short family holiday Helps us with financing his leisure time Gives something to talk about, and have time with their sibling Gives me and my family the benefit to go out and watch a film Gives us time with his brother and gives us a chance to get basic domestic jobs done Flexibility and a choice of programmes to use. Helped a great deal financially Spend more quality time with husband and other family One of her parents has not had to give up work to stay at home with her Favourite activity is swimming. Time he loves and waits for every week. You get a little break. It’s the best thing to see your child enjoying something Break for the family, spend time with other sibling More time to spend together as a family How can we improve the Short Break Grant? • • • • Put money into after school clubs, where all children can benefit You are doing a great job Email things over Clearer dates when money is due and when monitoring is to be submitted • Paperwork to be sent before you need it returned • By having cheaper places to take our children with disabilities • Use email to suggest activities before the booking has to be done Scope Befriending Services Scope We are pleased to have started the process of supporting an Enfield based family twice a week, with one session being after school and a further session at the weekend. The sessions are tailored around activities the child is interested in taking part in, i.e. karate, swimming, softplay, adventure play, dance and drama which we researched in terms of venue, timings and costing. At Scope, we respect that disabled children and young people have interests they wish to pursue and endeavour to fulfil this through tailoring the service to fit around their requirements and not the other way round. Our one-to-one befriending service is for young people aged 0 to 19 who need support in the local community or at home. This might be to access activities, to go to the shops, meet friends or simply talk with someone. Time: Every day Cost: £15.09 per hour We are flexible and will develop activities and programmes to reflect your child’s wishes and meet their individual needs. If interested, please contact Anjum Ahmed on 020 8558 7888 or email: [email protected] Winter 2014/15 05 Cheviots Children’s Centre Activities Cheviots Children’s Centre continues to be extremely popular; since April 2014 we have seen 463 children and 448 parent/carers. Some of the activities available to children and families are shown below. Playing and Moving Group Playing and Moving provides an opportunity for parents of children with complex needs to meet, often for the first time, and to have the support of specialist teachers from the Early Intervention Support Service (EISS) and health professionals. Parents can develop their skills in moving and handling their child during exercise and play routines. Stay and Play This group is for children with special needs and disabilities, for example, children with autism, cerebral palsy, visual and hearing impairments and genetic syndromes. The group provides children with access to high quality, developmentally appropriate, indoor and outdoor play activities which are planned, modelled and evaluated by skilled specialist staff from the Early Intervention Support Service. It provides a highly supportive environment for parents/carers of children with special needs and disabilities where they can feel safe to talk about their child’s unique needs with experienced staff and other visiting professionals, for example, speech therapists. Parents receive peer support – having an opportunity to meet other parents of children with disabilities – and advice and guidance regarding other services available and future educational options. 06 Winter 2014/15 Cheviots runs three Stay and Play sessions per week, for families in the local area with a child aged under five years. Baby Yoga - Yoga for ‘the special child’ Lucy Canton, Senior Centre Worker at Cheviots, provides training for the Baby Yoga sessions. The children who attend these sessions are travelling along their yoga journey at their own pace. Lucy reports, “I have seen an amazing difference in one of the children who attends. When she started she did not even want to be in the room. She now loves the singing at the beginning and is so engaged when doing the poses, and appears so happy and relaxed to be in the session.” Downtown This group is run by parents of children with Down’s syndrome. Currently, 18 families are registered. Each week children enjoy the communication session with a specialist. This supports development of early communication skills, signing, building facial muscles and encouraging reading. There are now three communication groups per session: • Toddler/Pre-school age •Babies •Older The group provides an opportunity for parents to share information, and build networks. Siblings can also attend. Activities that took place during the summer included the following. Family Fundays We arranged four seaside trips for disabled children and their families to Walton on the Naze, Clacton and two trips to Southend! Two coaches were filled for each trip, and families had a fun day out together. Family Activity Days These activity sessions were held on Saturdays. They were arranged for disabled children and their families, including siblings. Each session had a theme, and pirates, the jungle and sports were included in the themes. The specialist cycles were very popular and there were arts and crafts, a bouncy castle and other activities available. Stay and Play We arranged three sessions at Cheviots over the summer holidays, for disabled children and their families. Fathers Groups Cheviots held three Fathers Group sessions on Sundays throughout the summer, and 13 Dads attended – a great turnout! If you are interested in attending any of the groups or would like more information please contact Samantha Storey – Specialist Children’s Centre Outreach Worker – on 020 8363 4047 or email samantha.storey@enfield. Capital Funding Update Earlier this year, organisations applied for funding to use on capital projects within Enfield, that would benefit children and young people taking short breaks. There have been several new projects awarded funding since the previous Breakaway update. • Waverley School has purchased some outside sensory equipment • iPads and toys have been purchased for Cheviots Children’s Centre • An amazing soft play facility has been installed at Russet House School. The School has also benefited from a new sand pit • Kitchen improvements have been made at the Alan Pullinger Centre, as well as new settees and chairs. • iPads, gardening equipment, sensory visual equipment, walkie-talkies and other equipment are now ensuring that Ponders End Youth Centre is able to enhance its short breaks • An audio system has been installed at Durants School • A new pathway and potting shed have been installed at West Lea School, to enhance the horticultural project “The new outdoor music system has made a great difference to the playground environment both during term time and during the holidays. The system allows for good quality sound to be provided in a safe and manageable way that wasn’t possible when portable devices were used. It helps all young people using the environment as a high quality and relaxing experience.” Peter De Rosa Headteacher of Durants School “[The audio system] is regularly used by the holiday and weekend clubs run at Durants School, meaning it is reaching the wider community. Both Dimensions and PlayTedz have commented on how brilliant this outdoor sound system is and how it makes a positive contribution to their schemes.” Karly Barker School Business Manager, Durants School Russet House y School Soft Pla “We are thrilled to have received a contribution of capital funding from the Joint Service for Disabled Children, which we have used to provide a large covered sandpit and also our new two-level soft play activity zone. “The large sandpit provides a safe and seated area to play in the sand, with shelter from the elements, which has greatly improved our external facilities for clubs at weekends and during school holidays. Our new soft play facility provides many different opportunities to explore, challenge and motivate. This will be particularly beneficial for younger children and includes a trampoline, slides, monkey bars, a chill-out ‘cave’, vertical and horizontal rolling bars and a mirrored maze.” Liz Cody School Business Manager, Russet House School Russet House Schoo l Sandpit Winter 2014/15 07 Cheviots Short Breaks and Family Activities Clare Redrupp, Cheviots Centre Worker Manager, gives Breakaway an update on projects and activities at Cheviots Disability Service… Summer 2014 It was another busy and fun-filled summer at the Cheviots playschemes this summer. We ran playscheme sessions Monday to Friday, and organised a series of family activity days on the Saturdays. The theme for the playschemes this year was ‘Books’ and all of our activities were based around different stories, including Handa’s Surprise and We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Our family activity days were run at Waverley School on four Saturdays and activities included face painting, arts and crafts, bouncy castle and specialist bikes. We had some great feedback from those who attended, with one parent saying that it was the best day out they had had all summer! Whilst feedback was good, we would have liked to have seen a few more families at these events. We also organised four family days out to the seaside, which were open to families with children under eight years of age. 08 Winter 2014/15 • “Based on what you observed, which type of, or specific environment is the child/young person happiest in? Consider numbers of people around them, noise levels, outdoors/indoors, specific rooms/venue.” Christmas 2014 Cheviots’ playschemes will be returning for the winter break, starting on Saturday 20th December. If your child attends our playschemes, you should already have received the letter asking you to choose your dates. We will also be holding our ever popular Christmas party on Tuesday 23rd December. This is offered to families with children who are under eight years old and receiving support or services from the Joint Service for Disabled Children. If you are sent an invite please ensure that you book your place, as this event gets full very quickly. Makaton We are very happy that Sally Hibbitt (Cheviots’ Senior Centre Worker) is now a qualified Makaton Regional Tutor (well done Sally!). Makaton is a communication system based on British Sign Language that uses signs, symbols and speech. Sally has been providing Makaton ‘taster’ workshops throughout the year to parents, child minders, Cheviots’ staff, and local Children’s Centres. The ‘taster’ workshops provide an introduction to Makaton and how it can help the development of communication, and delegates are taught 30 signs and symbols. In May, Sally also ran the more in-depth Makaton Foundation course for Cheviots’ staff, which teaches additional signs and symbols and introduces some of the theory and research behind the Makaton communication system. All Makaton courses have been highly praised and feedback has been excellent. If you are interested in attending one of our Makaton ‘taster’ workshops, please contact Sally Hibbitt or Dan Lyne at Cheviots to register your interest in the next available session. Over the next year we plan to increase the use of Makaton at Cheviots by continuing to train our staff, and by developing resources using Makaton symbols, which will support the children and young people’s communication. This will include: timetables for individual children; resources to help children choose activities and outings, and key rings with symbols on for staff to use with the children and young people. Consulting with Children and Young People Our aim as a service is to obtain meaningful feedback from the children and young people to ensure that we meet their differing needs, and provide activities that they enjoy. It is fair to say that this is one of our biggest challenges. Lucy Canton (Cheviots’ Senior Centre Worker) and I designed a ‘questionnaire with a difference’, which the Centre Worker team completed between September 2013 and April 2014 with nearly every child or young person that attends a Cheviots’ short break group. The questions included: • “Was the child/young person enjoying their short break session? How do you know this? Were there any activities they particularly enjoyed?” Questions are answered based on staff’s observations of the child or young person and their prior knowledge. We will be spending the next few months collating the information obtained, and will share these outcomes with you in the next edition of Breakaway. The team has also recently become involved in another project, which is aimed at supporting children and young people to contribute to child protection, and looked after children review meetings, and we are looking forward to making these systems accessible to disabled children. The Bountagu Project The Bountagu Project is an information hub at the Bountagu Centre and functions as a drop-in information and advice service for parents, professionals and members of the public. The main aim of this project is to provide support with Short Breaks Grant and Direct Payment enquiries, however, we are able to support with any issues relating to social care. Currently, Cheviots operates this service on the first Tuesday of every month between 10am and 12pm. It is best to book an appointment in advance, but we are able to assist anyone who chooses to stop by. Generally, appointments are allocated in 30-minute slots. Future sessions: • 6th January 2015 • 3rd February 2015 • 3rd March 2015 (additional dates to be confirmed) The Bountagu Centre can be located at: 229 Bounces Road LONDON N9 8LP Please book appointments with Matt Tenwick on: 020 8363 4047. Winter 2014/15 09 ! s o w T c i f i r r Te Jenny, a parent from Enfield said: ‘My daughter started at Oasis Academy Hadley this September, and absolutely LOVES it there! She didn’t take much time to settle and felt at ease right away – she even runs to the gate to get into nursery quicker! I hope many families will be able to enjoy this great funding, as it really makes a great difference! After 10 days, my daughter’s vocabulary has rocketed, which I am so happy with. When I see what a difference it is making to my daughter, I can’t wait for my baby boy to start his funded place. Find out if you’re eligible and apply for your free funding now: 0800 694 1066 Do you have a 3 or 4 year old? Make sure you’re getting your FREE childcare NOW. 10 Winter 2014/15 Special Educational Needs and Disability The SEND Reforms Following on from the information given in the last issue of Breakaway, Sarah McLean, the SEND Project Manager, explains more about the Special Educational Needs and Disability Reforms. You may be aware that Government has recently changed the laws in relation to children and young people with SEND. The reason for these changes is to provide young people with more choice and control about their futures, and to help them become aware of all the options available to support them to move into adulthood. This could include going to college, apprenticeships, supported internships, support with health and wellbeing, and/or support in living independently. One of the main changes is that young people with Statements of Special Educational Need, or a Learning Difficulties Assessment, will have this converted to an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) at some point before March 2018. Young people will be invited to participate in the development of their EHCP, and their views and opinions will be listened to and taken into account when writing it. Another change is the development of Enfield’s Local Offer. The Local Offer is an online source of information, advice and support. Take a look at the Local Offer, particularly the information for young people and let us know what you think. We will be developing this web-based information source over the coming months, including having a mobile app, and would very much like to involve young people in its development. Young people can contact Cheviots Children’s Disability Service if they would like to get involved, by emailing [email protected] The Council for Disabled Children, in partnership with the Department for Education, has produced a number of fact sheets, films and posters to help young people understand the changes. These can be found on their website: Winter 2014/15 11 Discover something NEW with Dimensions Dimensions Buddies had an action packed summer, with arty children who came home with lots of things they had made, and sporty children who came home exhausted because they had been running around or splashing about all day. We even put on a family fun day in partnership with Our Voice, to welcome local families and their children, giving them a chance to have fun in the sun and an opportunity to relax. Dimensions staff were on hand to demonstrate activities whilst mums and dads had a chance to catch up with friends. The fun continued in October, when we had lots of spooky-inspired activities like pumpkin carving, a Halloween party with fancy dress and face painting, and even a Harry Potter theme day – and our monthly Saturday swim club members continue to have a splashing good time! Most of our activities are adaptable so they suit all ages and abilities. However, some have been specifically designed so that they are more appropriate to older or younger children. As a result we have decided that this Christmas we will be hosting two clubs during the school holidays: Buddies for 8-13 year olds and Discover Youth for older children, with dedicated time and attention to help them learn life skills, gain independence and develop their individuality. 12 Winter 2014/15 The clubs will be running on the following dates, and will include a trip to the pantomime, but please book early to avoid disappointment! Saturday 20th December – all age groups Monday 22nd December – 8 -13 years (Buddies) Tuesday 23rd December – 14-19 years (Discover) Monday 29th December – 8-13 years (Buddies) Tuesday 30th December – 14-19 years (Discover) Saturday 3rd January – all age groups Buddies Holiday Club – £51.44 per session Discover Youth Club – £51.44 per session Saturday Swim Club – £41.15 per session We work in partnership with families and profile every child before they attend our clubs to ensure we meet all of their requirements and we never charge extra for any of the activities we provide. We are now taking bookings for Saturdays and Christmas. For more information please have a look at our website: Alternatively, you can contact us on telephone number 0300 303 9076 or email buddies@ Skills for Work The Skills for Work Service, in partnership with the Integrated Learning Disabilities Service (ILDS), has started a two-year full time programme for disabled young people aged 16+. The programme is aimed at young people who may not eligible for Adult Social Care support and/or do not feel that mainstream further education is the best option for them. The programme focuses on maths, English and ICT skills, alongside employability skills – delivered by Equals – and Independent Living skills. The students also have an opportunity to spend one day a week doing work experience, which may lead to paid employment after the completion of the programme. For more information, please email: [email protected] Winter 2014/15 13 Want to try something new? Playschemes, Holiday Activities and Out of School Clubs Listed here are many of the organisations used by Enfield Council. Some of these organisations are not formally commissioned, but are used regularly for particular need. Please note that once a young person reaches the age of 18, any further provision will need to be accessed via Adult Services. If you would like further information on any of these services, please use the contact details given right. 14 Winter 2014/15 Name of organisation Phone number for Age group more information Abilities Development 8-17 years 020 8205 2538 07983 117748 13-17 years 020 8886 1693 Bizzibops 5-17 years 07828 578926 British DJ & MC Academy 8-17 years 07908 624551 Centre 404 8-17 years 020 7697 1324 Cheviots Children’s Centre 5-17 years 020 8363 4047 13-17 years 020 8351 8320 Dazu 5-17 years 020 8373 2718 Dimensions 8-17 years 0300 303 9076 Durants After School Club (Cheviots Children’s Centre) 8-17 years 020 8363 4047 Enfield Children and Young Persons’ Services (ECYPS) Consortium 5-17 years 020 8373 2710 Face Front Inclusive Theatre 5-17 years 020 8350 3461 Florence Hayes Adventure Playground (Enfield Play Development Team) 5-16 years 020 8350 1126 Forest YMCA 5-17 years 020 8509 4600 KIDS 5-17 years 020 7520 0405 Norwood 12-17 years 020 8809 8809 Playtedz 8-17 years 07903 104714 Raglan Playscheme (Enfield Play Development Team) 5-14 years 020 8350 1126 Scope 8-17 years 020 8556 8164 Sticky Fingers 5-11 years 07732 385075 Tottenham Hotspur Foundation 5-17 years 020 8373 2710 VIPS (Very Important People Services) 9-17 years 07810 485126 Alan Pullinger Centre (Enfield Youth Service) Croyland Youth Service (Enfield Youth Service) Other and Specialist Short Breaks Home Sitting The Joint Service for Disabled Children has partnerships with several providers of home sitting services. If you are interested in accessing home sitting as part of a short break, please contact Cheviots Children’s Centre on 020 8363 4047. • • • • • • • Abbots Care Allied Healthcare De Vere Care Edenvale Care Marego Medacs Homecare Oasis Care and Training Agency Overnight Short Breaks The Joint Service for Disabled Children has partnerships with several providers of overnight short breaks. In order to access this type of short break, a lot more information will need to be gathered to assess your family’s needs. Please contact Cheviots Children’s Centre on 020 8363 4047 to assess eligibility. Name of organisation Age group Buckets & Spades Lodge 5-17 years Fair Play Barnet 8-17 years Helen Allison School 5-17 years Peartree Lodge 5-17 years Radlett Lodge 5-17 years Sybil Elgar 11-17 years Specialist Cycling Eighteen months after taking delivery of our first order of specialist cycles, the Joint Service for Disabled Children’s stock has expanded and we now have 28! These cycles have had a massive impact on the children and young people that attend Cheviots groups and play schemes, as well as those families that have attended our Bike Fundays. Staff and parents alike have all noticed and commented on the enthusiasm with which the children have used the cycles. Parents who thought their child had no interest or would be too scared to ride a bike can see for themselves, their child roaming around Waverley’s School playground with a massive smile on their face, laughing as they go. The introduction of these Bikes has been a great asset to our service, it has enabled us to encourage the children and young people to spend more time outside and be a lot more active. The feedback from parents on our Fundays has been very positive, with parents saying it’s the best day out they have had in years! The parents also tell us they enjoy the atmosphere that is created. The staff are always available to encourage the children and young people to try new things… and to take over when their legs get tired from pedalling! At Cheviots we will continue our Bike Fundays in the New Year as the weather improves and we would love to see even more families attending. Please contact Cheviots for more information, on telephone number 020 8363 4047. Winter 2014/15 15 Transition Information Events 2015 Transition from using Children’s to Adult Services Event 1. Getting a Life A 2 hour practical workshop for parents/carers of disabled young people aged 14+. Learn more about the advantages of personal budgets and how they can help disabled young people to achieve their outcomes and lead fulfilling lives Date Venue 23 February 2015 7pm – 9pm Durants School 27 February 2015 10am – 12 noon Waverley School 13 April 2015 10am – 3pm Dugdale Centre 16 April 2015 7pm – 9pm Park Avenue Resource Centre 20 May 2015 10am – 12 noon Dugdale Centre 25 June 2014 10am – 12 noon Park Avenue Resource Centre 21 July 2014 10am – 12 noon Vincent House 2. Moving On Annual Event Moving On Annual event is an event for parents/carers and professionals to find out what services are available for disabled young people in Enfield when they reach adulthood. Incorporating series of presentations, workshops and interactive sessions 3. Getting a Job An event focused on different types of support available for disabled young people in Enfield to access paid, supported and/or voluntary employment opportunities 4. Health in Transition An information event that will help you to understand transition from Children’s Health Services to Adult Health Services 5. ‘No one can decide for me’ – What happens when the young person turns 18 An information event that will help you to understand the Mental Capacity Act and how we support young people to make their own decisions 6. Getting a Home An opportunity to explore and obtain information about housing options and support available for disabled young people in Enfield If you need more information about any of these events, please phone 020 8379 5738 or email [email protected] In partnership with Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group Enfield Community Services Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
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