- Cleveland Zoological Society


- Cleveland Zoological Society
Cleveland Zoological Society
2012 Annual Report
2 | Annual Report
Roseate Spoonbill
(Ajaia ajaja)
Front Cover: Ocelot
(Leopardus [Felis] pardalis)
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary
(Dasyprocta cristata)
ClevelandZooSociety.org | 3
of The RainForest (1992-2012)
4 | Annual Report
Dear Friends,
Zoos are unique centers for learning and fun. Visitors from all walks of life enjoy
safe green space, educational programs and opportunities to get close to amazing
animals that represent the world’s diversity, beauty and fragility.
Connecting people with wildlife is our mission. In 2012, the Cleveland Zoological
Society focused on the following initiatives for Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, all of
which are highlighted in this annual report:
The Zoo Education & Workforce Development initiative raised funds for
scholarships to bring underserved audiences to the Zoo and to strengthen
student readiness for STEM careers.
The partnership with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District is stronger
than ever. We are proud to be involved with the school district’s transformation
plan and to work with leading companies to invigorate tomorrow’s workforce.
Generous donors provided funding for veterinary and wellness projects and for
professional education to help the Zoo meet a range of important animal care
needs — and prepare for the future.
The Zoo and Zoo Society advocated for legislation limiting private ownership
of dangerous exotic animals. Passage of SB310 marked an historic turning point
in enhanced public safety and animal welfare standards in Ohio.
Our wildlife conservation programs now span the globe, with significant
support provided to partners in Asia, Africa and the Americas. Together, we
are protecting ecosystems and species for the long haul.
New this year is the Steve H. Taylor African Conservation Award, established
in honor of the Zoo Director Emeritus by the Zoo Society Board of Trustees.
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Thanks to 3,000 generous donors and 46,500 loyal member households,
the Zoo Society has contributed more than $50 million to Zoo operations
and capital improvements since 1998.
The Zoo Society, founded in 1957, is governed by a 56-member Board of
Trustees. As the Zoo’s nonprofit advocate and partner, the Zoo Society is
committed to:
Raising awareness of the Zoo as a community priority
Improving all aspects of the Zoo, from exhibits to programs to daily operations
Giving visitors, members and donors great value for their investment
The Zoo and Zoo Society’s joint mission — connecting people with wildlife
— guides all that we do. In the following pages, we invite you to join us
in exploring the many ways the community helps us fulfill our mission —
through We Care for People, We Care for Animals and We Care for the Planet.
No matter how you enjoy the Zoo, many of the Zoo and Zoo Society’s
programs would not be possible without the support of our generous
community. As we look to the future, we are confident that with your
support, the Zoo will stay accessible, welcoming and exciting, with an
ever-stronger commitment to sustainable operations, conservation and
education programs, and the very best for “our” animals.
Virginia “GiGi” Benjamin
President, Board of Trustees
Elizabeth T. Fowler
Executive Director
At Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, science comes alive through
the comprehensive study of wildlife. With more than 2,500
animals from all over the world, the Zoo is a living, breathing
classroom. These rare and sometimes endangered species
are powerful agents for engaging young minds.
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We Care for People
The Zoo has a long history of providing top-notch education programming
for our community and emphasizes collaboration and a sense of personal
responsibility, all while encouraging respect for animals and our shared
The Zoo continuum of learning opportunities in STEM (science, technology,
engineering and math) helps build workforce capacity in scientific thinking
and critical analysis, and is available to students in preschool through
graduate school and beyond. Major enhancements in 2012 included:
The Zoo’s partnership with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District
now ensures that all fifth graders in the district participate in the
award-winning Connections to Africa program
Nurture the Wonder, a program for preschoolers and their teachers,
launched to rave reviews
The Online Resource Library provides educators with lesson plans
and access to Zoo resources 24/7
None of these accomplishments would have been possible without
community support, including a challenge grant from the Eaton
Corporation and leadership gifts from the PNC Foundation and the Lubrizol
Foundation. The Zoo Society raised nearly $350,000 in 2012 to foster
innovation, growth and continuity for Zoo Education programs. Program
scholarships and transportation vouchers help ensure that all children,
regardless of circumstance, have access to important Zoo resources and
learning opportunities.
8 | Annual Report
Quality animal care is at the heart of
what the Zoo does each day. Dedicated
programs in veterinary care, enrichment
and well-being help ensure the
remarkable animals entrusted to us enjoy
the best quality of life possible.
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We Care for Animals
Each year Zoo veterinarians and curators face wonderful opportunities and
difficult situations that require measures above and beyond routine care. The
Zoo's animal care and veterinary staff provide outstanding care for animals
and invite visitors into a conversation on important issues such as health,
wellness, preventative care and diet.
This year was no different, as the Zoo Society raised more than $250,000
in support of the Zoo's animal care programs. Generous donors funded the
acquisition of state-of-the-art digital radiology and ultrasound equipment.
Others helped fund essential, specialized eye surgery for several pinnipeds.
A newly established fund enabled animal care professionals to attend
Elephant Management School in Hamburg, Germany.
Also in 2012, thanks to generous We Care for Animals donors, the Zoo
Society supported a broad range of important animal care needs, including
healthy diet and exercise. Our featured project — raised hay feeders for
African Elephant Crossing — will prompt the herd to engage in cooperative
feeding and to exercise important trunk, neck and torso muscles. Willy,
the Zoo’s 13,000 lb. bull, has been helping beta-test new indoor hanging
feeders and we plan to add outdoor feeders soon.
10 | Annual Report
The Zoo and Zoo Society
supported conservation projects
around the world, thanks to grant
funding secured by the Zoo Society
and administered by the Zoo’s
expert staff scientists.
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We Care for the Planet
The Zoo and Zoo Society support many important conservation projects
regionally and internationally, including:
Black Rhino Conservation: Saving an Endangered Species in the
Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana, Africa
Gorilla Conservation: Supporting People — Protecting Wildlife in the
Nouabale-Ndoki National Park, Republic of Congo, Africa
Conserving Species and Habitats in Our Own Back Yard in Cleveland
Metroparks and Northeast Ohio
We also stepped up support for two larger projects for elephant protection
— the Kavango Zambezi Peace Park and the Tarangire Elephant Project.
In addition to specialized grants, the Zoo Society helps build capacity
for the Zoo and our conservation partners with funding provided by the
ZooFutures Fund, the Zoo Society's quasi-endowment. Since 1988, the
ZooFutures Fund has grown to $2.5 million as generous donors remember
the Zoo Society in their estate plans.
With an eye toward the future, the Zoo and Zoo Society are working to
reduce our environmental footprint. Sustainability efforts include waste
management, water and energy conservation and a number of other
“green” initiatives. Starting in 2012, fundraising events ZippityZooDoo
and Twilight at the Zoo achieved zero-waste status.
All together in 2012, the Zoo Society and Zoo provided more than
$500,000 for critical conservation efforts around the world — and in our
own backyard!
12 | Annual Report
Steve H. Taylor
African Conservation Award
ClevelandZooSociety.org | 13
Steve and Sarah Taylor in Tanzania
As the Zoo said a fond farewell to long-time Zoo Director Steve Taylor,
the Zoo Society was pleased to announce the Steve H. Taylor African
Conservation Award, in honor of Steve’s two great professional passions:
African animals and opportunities for zoo professionals to share
knowledge through conferences and workshops. This annual award will
make it possible for a conservation partner working in Africa to attend a
conference, meet colleagues and build stronger parterships.
14 | Annual Report
For the second year in a
row, Animal Attractions,
ZippityZooDoo, ZOOvies
and Twilight at the Zoo
presented by Scene raised
more than $1 million.
The inaugural ZOOvies
was a hit as guests
enjoyed watching "The
Breakfast Club"
Adopt an Animal and
corporate supporters
spent a special evening at
ZooFriends' Night
Seth and Michele White
dressed to the nines
at the 39th annual
Robert and Sibyl Osicka,
with trustee Tony Petruzzi
(middle), at Twilight at the
Zoo presented by Scene.
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Christopher Kuhar, Ph.D. presents "The Mating
Game" at Animal Attractions in February.
(Dr. Kuhar was promoted to Executive Director of the Zoo effective January 1, 2013)
16 | Annual Report
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Steve and Sarah Taylor get
ready for Steve’s retirement
party in The RainForest. Steve
served as Director of Cleveland
Metroparks Zoo for 24 years.
The Zoo and Zoo Society
supported the passage of Ohio
SB310, historic legislation limiting
private ownership of dangerous
exotic animals.
Young philanthropist Julia Torok made
a difference in 2012 by raising money
for gorilla conservation. Pictured here
with Dr. Kristen Lukas, Curator of
Conservation & Science.
The Zoo, Zoo Society and
Second Story Productions won
PRSA Cleveland Rocks Awards
for public relations.
18 | Annual Report
Donors Make a Difference
Priority Programming Grows
A Broad Base of Support
ClevelandZooSociety.org | 19
December 31, 2012 and 2011
Current Assets
Office Equipment at cost, less accumulated depreciation
Long-term Assets
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable and accrued expenses
Funds held for others
Amounts due to Cleveland Metropolitan Parks District
Liability under split interest agreements
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Total unrestricted
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
For the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011
Support and Revenue
Individuals, corporations and foundations
Capital Campaign
Grants revenue
Special events
Investment Income
Change in value of split interest trust agreements
Total Support and Revenue
Program Services including Cleveland Metropolitan Parks District
Management and General
Total Expenses
Net assets at beginning of year
Net assets at end of year
Giant Anteater
(Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
20 | Annual Report
The Cleveland Zoological
Society is proud to recognize
the following individual
donors. Their generous
contributions help to make
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo one
of the best in the country.
Annual Support
Karen and Alan Wilber
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Belkin
Ms. Laura A. Davis
Ms. Margaret Fulton-Mueller
Creighton B. Murch and
Janice Smith Murch
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Spilman
Mr. Morton J. Weisberg
Mr. and Mrs. Seth White
The Ruth and Elmer Babin Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connors
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Conway
Michael and Gretchen Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Kalberer
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kamm
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leiden
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Mistysyn
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Osicka
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ratner
Ms. Sarah M. Rayburn
Dr. Joseph A. Sopko and
Dr. Elizabeth MacIntyre
Ms. Rachel W. Abernethy
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Anhold
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Bartell
Ms. Virginia D. Benjamin and
Mr. Philip L. Woodcock
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Boland
Mr. and Mrs. Sean E. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Emrick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Evans, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Even, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Faubel
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fraylick
Mr. Larry A. Gogolick
Carol and Graham Hall
Albert A. Hanes and
Robert E. Hanes
Nicole and Stephen Hilbert
Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy S. Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jaroszewski
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Kestner
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kilmer
Ms. Marci D. Leonian
Kim and Tom Littman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Lozick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Mahovlic
Ms. Steffany Matticola and
Mr. Chris Larkins
Mr. Bob Merckle
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Nagel
Ms. Michelle M. Orenick
Ms. Shelly M. Peet and
Mr. Robert R. Martinko
David and Margo* Petlowany
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Petruzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn J. Pytel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Smrekar
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suerth
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Teel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Tyrrell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Vail
Ms. Margaret Walsh
Ms. Kirsten West and
Mr. Brian Barthelman
Richard and Mary Lynn Wills
Mr. Warren E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Angiocchi
Anonymous (2)
Zoo Friends - Anonymous
Mr. James A. Attwood, Jr. and
Ms. Leslie K. Williams
Ms. Patricia Barz, Esq. and
Mr. Herbert P. Wiedemann, M.D.
Ms. Vanessa Behrend and Mr.
Robert Ellis
Mr. Charles E. Bergstresser and
Mr. Brandon Bergstresser
Ms. Ginny Bertram
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Biggar
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bostelman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Brenner
Mrs. Marilyn K. Brown
Dr. John F. Burke, Jr. and
The Honorable Nancy A. Fuerst
Mr. Wayne W. Bushek
Mr. Ross Bushman and
Mrs. Meggan Sherlock
Mr. and Mrs. Santos Cageao
Mrs. Marilyn Callaly
Mr. Gerald F. Cannon and
Mr. Fred Bamberger
Mrs. Susan J. Cannon and
Mr. David Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Carfagna
Dane and Dottie Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chodera
Ms. Doris Clinton-Gobec and
Mr. Matthew R. Gobec
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Cogan
Ms. Nan Cohen and
Mr. Daniel Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph E. Corbin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Covell
Mr.* and Mrs. James E. Cowher
Mrs. Margaret D. Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Demetriou
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dimling
Mrs. John D. Donahey
Mr. Michael V. Dzurilla
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert U. Fein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fox
Ms. Joy M. Freda
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Friedt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Gascoigne
Mr. Bruce E. Gaynor and
Ms. Patricia J O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grazulis
Ms. Nancy Hancock Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. David Grubb
Ms. Barbara A. Haffner and
Ms. Paula Haffner
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Hall
Mrs. Nancy J. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Harvey
Dr. Paul A. Hechko and
Dr. Jennifer Hechko
Eve Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Justin R. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. James Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ina
Ken and Patti Jacko
Daniel and Kimberly Jezior
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jones
Ms. J J Jursik
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kachmarik
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kalt
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kamins
Ms. Janet A. Kappus
Mrs. Sandra Kiely and
Mr. Martin Kolb
Ms. Kerry Kipfstuhl
Mr. Bill Kirchner and
Mr. Michael Kirchner
Dan and Carol Klimas
Ms. Josephine J. Kobus and
Mr. Jason Oglio
Dr. and Mrs. Dave Koncal
Mr. Eugene Kratus
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Kreidler
Mr. and Mrs. John Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. E. Gary Laughlin
Ms. Shirley A. Lavalli and
Ms. Ann Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Litzler
Mr. David C. Luberger and
Ms. Rachelle Wagner
Jackie and Chuck Lurie
Mrs. Carlos A. Maldonado
Dr. and Mrs. Randall E. Marcus
Mr. Robert J. Marok and
Ms. Bridget Assing Marok
Bernadette and David Mast
The Maver Family
James H. and Kathe Mayer
Ms. Nancy W. McCann
Mr. Chris McDaniel and
Mrs. Rande McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Messina
Don and Sally Messinger
Mr. David Miceli and
Mrs. Kimberly Stec
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Miller
Ms. Victoria R. Moorehead
Mr. and Mrs. Greg P. Mulach
Ms. Sharon Mulligan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg G. Muresan
Ms. Susan B. Murphy
Randy and Christine Myeroff
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Naro
Mr. Ronald Nielsen and
Ms. Adrienne Clements
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Novak
Mr. Steele Nowlin and
Ms. Chris Jayjack
Mrs. Barbara B. O’Connor and
Mr. Kevin O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ollinger
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. O’Neill
Mr. Richard D. Orr
Dr. and Mrs. Charles O’Shaughnessy
Mr. Eric R. Pelander and
Ms. Evalyn Gates
Jenny and Tony Pelcic
Jeff and Debra Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Peterjohn
Ms. Barbara D. Peterson
Mr. James A. Petz
Ms. Charlene Phelps and
Ms. Nancy A. Gorenshek
Ms. Darleen M. Price and
Mr. Joe Drago
Ms. Sandy J. Prince and
Mr. Jim Stanforth
Linda J. N. and Victor Prosak
Pysht Fund
Ms. Marie A. Quintana and
Mr. Robert B. Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rebar
Mrs. Mary A. Redmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Reitman
Mr. Karl B. Ress and Ms. Mary Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riccio
Dr. and Mrs. Brad J. Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob I. Rosenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Rossborough
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl J. Rothenfeld
Mr. John E. Rupert
Mrs. and Mr. Abigail Ruhlman
Mr. Larry J. Santon
Mr. and Mrs. Kim S. Schrock
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schubert
Mr. Mark Schwartz and
Dr. Bettina Katz
Mrs. Carolyn P. Seelbach
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Seitz
Ms. Rosemary Selepena
Jodi Shankweiler
Dr. Mona Shay
Mrs. Donna L. Shrake and
Ms. Brittany Shrake
Jackie and Chuck Simon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith
Ms. Ann Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Soroka
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan E. Spencer
Ms. Billie Howland Steffee
ClevelandZooSociety.org | 21
Ms. Diana P. Strongosky
Mrs. Barb M. Sutton and
Ms. Sarah Young
Bud Talbott
Mr. and Mrs. John Tanis
Steve and Sarah Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thomasson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Thompson
August L. and Shirley Tischer
Mrs. Jeanne D. Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Verderber
Mr. John A. Veverka and
Ms. Lisa Lieben
Mr. Paul Vidal and Mrs. Cindy
The Vogrig Family
Robert and Diane Walcott
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Warren
Mr. Thomas J. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Werman
Fran and Don Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wohlfeiler, D.V.M.
Ms. Doreen Yashan and
Ms. Deb Bryan
Dr. Dawn Zacharias and
Mr. Paul Zacharias
Mrs. Barbara E. Zelley
Betty and Don Zgonc
Mrs. Martha Zlotnik and
Mr. Oscar Berman
Annual Support
Fifth Third Bank, Northeastern Ohio
Swagelok Co.
The Boston Beer Company
Cleveland Scene
Giant Eagle, Inc.
The David Steffee Chair of
Veterinary Medicine Gift Fund
Aleris International, Inc.
Arhaus Furniture
Cleveland Hopkins
International Airport
FirstMerit Bank, N.A.
Huntington National Bank
Hyland Software Inc.
Kaiser Permanente
Health Plan of Ohio
Lubrizol Corporation
Medical Mutual of Ohio & Medical Mutual Charitable Gift Fund
The Miller Family Foundation
Prince & Izant Co.
Baker & Hostetler LLP
Beverage Distributors, Inc.
City of Cleveland
Cleveland Airport Marriott
Cliffs Natural Resources, Inc.
Dollar Bank
Ernst & Young LLP
Findley Davies, Inc.
The Harry K. and Emma R. Fox
Charitable Foundation
The Hankins Foundation
The Jochum-Moll Foundation
Jones Day
C.A. Litzler Co., Inc.
Metro Toyota
Parker Hannifin Foundation
Jonathan and Meg Ratner
Philanthropic Fund
RFC Contracting, Inc.
Sazerac Company
The Sherwin-Williams Company
American Greetings Corporation
Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc.
b.a. Sweetie Candy Company Inc.
Charter One
CLRdesign, Inc.
Cohen & Company
COIT Cleaning &
Restoration Services
Ferro Corporation
Edward R. & Jean Geis
Stell Foundation
Marc Glassman Inc.
Mattis Y. & Ruth Goldman Family
Philanthropic Fund
The Carol & Graham Hall
Family Foundation
Robert E. Hanes Gift Fund
Key Foundation
The Laub Foundation
Lincoln Electric Company
The Edward A & Catherine L
Lozick Foundation
NDC General, LLC
Nordson Corporation
Omnia: A Telos Co.
PolyOne Corp.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Kenneth W. Scott Foundation
The Sherwick Fund
Squire Sanders (US) LLP
Stroud Family Exempt Trust II
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
The S. K. Wellman Foundation
Julius Zorn, Inc.
Anonymous (2)
AT&T Matching Gift
The Bonne Bell Family Foundation
Ciuni & Panichi
Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Lang Fund
Cleveland Wire Cloth &
Manufacturing Company
Disney Worldwide Services
Dominion Resources Services, Inc.
Fairmount Minerals Ltd.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Gould Inc. Foundation
The Mary A. and Thomas F. Grasselli
Endowment Foundation
William E. Harris Family Fund
George M. and Pamela S.
Humphrey Fund
Fred A. Lennon Charitable Trust
Jack N. and Lilyan Mandel Foundation
The McGinness Foundation
Franklin H. & Nancy S.
Moore Foundation
NACCO Industries, Inc.
Newry Corporation
Positively Cleveland
Spero-Smith Investment Advisors
The Helen F. & Louis Stolier
Family Trust
Teamsters Local Union No. 507
Special Projects
& Zoo Education
and Workforce
Eaton Corporation
The Milton and Tamar Maltz
Family Foundation
Mrs. Margaret Scott
The DBJ Foundation
Lubrizol Corporation
Lincoln Electric Company
Nordson Corporation
ABB Corporation
The Conway Family Foundation
The Mary A. and Thomas F. Grasselli
Endowment Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz
Parker Hannifin Foundation
St. Louis Zoological Park
Third Federal Savings & Loan
Ms. Virginia D. Benjamin and
Mr. Philip L. Woodcock
Nan Cohen and Daniel D. Abrams
Philanthropic Fund
Forest City Enterprises
Charitable Foundation
The George Garretson Wade
Charitable Trust
Greater Los Angeles Zoo Assoc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leiden
Leiden Conservation Foundation
Malone University
Medical Mutual of Ohio
Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ratner
The Sherwin-Williams Company
The David Steffee Chair
of Veterinary Medicine Gift Fund
Roger J. and Madeline L. Traynor
Family Foundation
Zoological Society of San Diego
AAA East Central
Berlin Family Educational Foundation
The Burning River Foundation
Dallas Zoo
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Francis
Mohamed bin Zayed
Species Conservation Fund
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation
PPG Industries Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fraylick
Critical Ecosystems
Partnership Fund
Mr. Geoffrey S. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Morris
North Carolina Zoological Park
San Antonio Zoological Society
Schultz & Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Taylor
Karen and Alan Wilber
Adopt an Animal
Karen & Alan Wilber
Mrs. Marilyn Callaly
Ms. Laura A. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Habermann
Mr. William W. Harkins &
Mrs. Linda T. Harkins
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Krisher
Ms. Marci D. Leonian
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Love
Mr. Chris McDaniel &
Mrs. Rande McDaniel
Mr. Myron D. Moorhead
Mr. Gary M. Novotny
Ms. Michelle M. Orenick
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Rosebrough
Mr. Kevin D. Tolejko
Mrs. Jeanne D. Tyler
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Werman
Ms. Kirsten West &
Mr. Brian Barthelman
Matching Gift
Aetna Foundation
American International Group
Amica Companies Foundation
AT&T Matching Gift
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Bank of America
Barnes Group Foundation, Inc.
BP Corporation North America Inc.
CA Technologies,
Matching Gifts Program
Charles Schwab Foundation
CIGNA Matching Gifts Program
Dominion Resources Services, Inc.
Matching Gifts
Eaton Corporation
Emerson Electric Co.
Matching Gift Program
Fairmount Minerals Ltd.
FirstEnergy Foundation
GE Foundation Matching Gifts
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
BF Goodrich Foundation
John Hancock Financial Services, Inc.
IBM Corporation
KeyCorp Matching Gifts
Lubrizol Corporation
Macy’s Foundation
Moen Incorporated
NACCO Industries, Inc.
- Matching Gifts
Nordson Corporation
Northern Trust Bank
The Plymouth Rock Foundation
PPG Industries Foundation
Progressive Co.
The Prudential Foundation
Rockwell International Corporation
Runzheimer Foundation, Inc.
The Stocker Foundation
United Technologies
In Kind Donors
AMP 150 Restaurant & Bar
Cleveland Cupcake Company
Cleveland Magazine
Creekside Restaurant & Bar
Duet Catering
Duke Printing
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse
Francine Lamermier
Great Lakes Brewing Company
House of Blues
McHale & Koepke Communications
Paladar Latin Kitchen & Rum Bar
Rapid Mailing Services
Saks Fifth Avenue
ShurTech Brands, LLC
Tree House Gallery
Watt Printers
Whole Foods Market Cedar Center
Media Partners
CBS Radio
Clear Channel Broadcasting
The Plain Dealer
Radio Disney
Stern Advertising
Honor and Memorial
In Honor Of
Rachel Abernethy
Catherine Bock
Mattis and Ruth Goldman
Matt and Fiona Green
Carol Hall
Rees Heigle
Daniel W. and Joan R. Holmes
Jim and Mary Lou Howard
Grayson Kelly
Pat and Claudette Kenney
Dr. and Mrs. Randy Marcus
Sylvia Reitman
Ingrid Rinker
Dan Rocker
Rita Tloczynski
Mort Weisberg
In Memory Of
Rita Boncela
Jane Brooks
James (Jim) E. Cowher
Julia Kunes
Margaret “Peg” Ostrach
Alice E. Petras
Rita A. Rudd
Irene and Edward Sarian
Thomas Shepard
Nellie Stamp
Sharon Sullivan
Helen Wires
Michael Wozniak
Ms. Mollie E. Alstott
Anonymous (5)
Frederick C. Badt Testamentary
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Bartell
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Becker
Ms. Ginny Bertram
Mr. Gary D. Brengartner*
Estate of Helen E. Brown
Mrs. Herschel Cohen*
Estate of Phyllis and Paul Colarusso
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas O. Cooper
Mr. * and Ms. James E. Cowher
Mrs. Frederick C. Crawford*
Mr. John D. Daly
Mrs. Margaret D. Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Emrick, Jr.
Estate of Rita Anna Entrup
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Estes
Stanley and Florence (Klier) Fassett Memorial Fund
Ms. Ruth Fish*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Fowler
Ms. Agnes R. Gaso
Estate of Rudolph Gob
Ms. Luella A. Goldenbogen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Grenig
Ms. Carol Hall
Ms. Patricia Heinke
Mrs. Ralph Hollander*
Hazel P. Hostetler Trust
Ms. Elvira Hovan
Mrs. Burton Jenne
Mrs. La Veda Kovar*
Ms. Julia Kunes*
Mr. Edward J. Lautner*
Bud Lezius*
Mr. Robert Loftus, Jr. and
Mrs. Kathy J Loftus
Mrs. Charles N. Mandt
Dr. Randall E. Marcus
Mr. Bob Merckle
Estate of Marion L. Parmelee
Mr. Alfred M. Rankin*
Almera Biddulph Reitz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riccio
Estate of Eleanor M. Rieck
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Rispoli
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl J. Rothenfeld
Estate of Charlotte Ruth
Mr. Larry J. Santon
Ms. Emily A. Sapacianu
Charles W. Saunders
Charitable Trust
Vivian H. Schulze Trust
Brenda F. Schuster
Beth B. Sersig
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Skinner
Estate of Robert and
Virginia Snead
Miss Patricia A. Stealey*, J.D.
Estate of Theodore R. Steck
Ms. Billie Howland Steffee
Steve & Sarah Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Thiel*
Mr. Gerald A. Turoczy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Tyrrell
Robert and Darci Usher
Mrs. Leonard VonBenken
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert York White
Mr. Donald F. Woodcock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zgonc
This list represents all
cumulative giving of
$1,000+ made between
January 1, 2012 and
December 31, 2012. The
contributions supported
a variety of Cleveland
Zoological Society
fundraising programs and
special events. To provide
updated information or to
make a gift, please call (216)
661.6500 or email Info@
Photos courtesy of Dale McDonald, Elizabeth Thibodeaux and Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
22 | Annual Report
ClevelandZooSociety.org | 23
Board of Trustees
Executive Committee
Robert S. Reitman+
Robert J. Rogers
Virginia D. Benjamin
Eric S. Hall
Justin R. Horton
Dennis R. Burnside
Michael A. Cogan
Lydia Harrington
Thomas N. Littman
Jon Outcalt, Jr.
Margaret Ratner
Lauren Spilman
Michael Vaughn
Elizabeth T. Fowler, Executive Director**
Steve H. Taylor, Zoo Director**
Cleveland Metroparks
Dan T. Moore, President
Debra K. Berry, Vice President
Bruce G. Rinker, Vice President
Brian M. Zimmerman,
Executive Director/Secretary
Scott T. Berlin
Jeffrey M. Biggar
Muffy Boland
Sean E. Boyle
Thomas F. Brenner
Marilyn K. Brown+
George S. Coakley+
Loree Connors
Randolph E. Corbin
Dana Demetriou
Sylvia Diez
Charles R. Emrick, Jr.+
Theodore Evans
James P. Even
Sally Everett+
Gretchen Farrell
Robert E. Fein
Thomas G. Fistek
Janice E. Focke
James L. Francis
Gregory D. Friedman+
Margaret Fulton-Mueller
Gregory K. Gale
Carol Hall+
Joseph Hatina
Elizabeth M. Hijar
Nicole Hilbert
Edward W. Hill
Lisa Hunt
Anne E. Kilroy
Joseph J. Mahovlic+
Zoo Society Staff
James M. Malz
Randall E. Marcus
Bernadette M. Mast
Steffany Matticola
Allen Mistysyn
Greg P. Mulach
Patrick S. Mullin+
Gregg G. Muresan
Randall S. Myeroff
Christopher Nagel
Ronald Nielsen
Daniel J. O’Loughlin+
Brian M. O’Neill
Shelly M. Peet
Anthony R. Petruzzi
Allyn J. Pytel
Jacob I. Rosenbaum+
John E. Rupert+
Robert Soroka
Ethan E. Spencer
Billie Steffee+
Nelson S. Talbott+
Nancy Tanis+
Thomas N. Tyrrell
Iris J. Vail+
Daniel R. Warren
Morton J. Weisberg
Elizabeth T. Fowler
Executive Director
Fiona M. Green
Director of Development
Mary L. McMillan
Director of Finance & Operations
Christina Aldrich
Coordinator of Development Research
and Stewardship
Nichole Collins
Operations & Database Coordinator
Kim Conrad
Annual Fund Manager
Rachael Fuller
Special Events Manager
Mary Ann Nofel
Personal Assistant to Executive Director
and Board Liaison
Jason Orlando
Membership Coordinator
Amanda Perry
Membership & Development Specialist
Melissa Perry
Membership & Development Specialist
Brendan Reynolds
Manager of Corporate and Foundation
+Life Trustee
Gina Stem
Marketing & New Media Assistant
Elizabeth Thibodeaux
Web & Graphic Designer
Karen Tigue
Donor Relations Officer
Lee Weber
Membership Manager
Pat Finnegan
On-site Sales Team
Linda Green
On-site Sales Team
(l. to r) Chairman Rob Rogers,
Life Trustee Joe Mahovlic,
Life Trustee George Coakley, and
Zoo Director Steve Taylor at ZippityZooDoo
Carmen Ramos-Cain
On-site Sales Team
connecting people with wildlife
Panther Chameleon
(Chamaeleo pardalis)
Cleveland Zoological Society | 3900 Wildlife Way, Cleveland, Ohio, 44109 | (216) 661.6500 | ClevelandZooSociety.org