October 11, 2015 - Holy Family Catholic Church
October 11, 2015 - Holy Family Catholic Church
October 11, 2015 The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Welcome to Holy Family Church. We have a handicap accessible restroom to the left of the Sanctuary, by the elevator, and downstairs accessed from the Narthex. Please silence all cell phones. —————————————————————————————–— PRELUDE (9:00) Gregorian chant, Mode V Salve Regina Church of the Holy Family 5900 West Lake Street Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 www.hfcmn.org 952.929.0113 [email protected] Reverend Joseph Johnson, Pastor Reverend George Welzbacher Deacon Jim Meyer Mass Times: Sunday 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Saturday 5:00 PM Weekdays 8:00 AM Weekday Rosary 7:30 AM Confessions: Sunday 8:00 AM to 8:50 AM Saturday 3:30 PM to 4:50 PM Tuesday through Friday 7:30 AM Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send forth our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Hermannus Contractus PRELUDE (11:00) Lift Thine Eyes (from Elijah) F. Mendelssohn PROCESSIONAL HYMN 573 Collegeville Hymnal Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him INTROIT (9:00) Si iniquitatis Si iniquitates observaveris Domine, Domine quis sustinebit? Qui apud te propitiatio est, Deus Isræl. Ps. De profundis clamo ad te Domine: Domine exaudi vocem meam. O Lord, if you were to take into account our iniquities, who would withstand the test? But forgiveness abides with you, O God of Israel. ℣. Out of the depths have I cried to you, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Ps 130:3, 4 & 1, 2 GREETING Celebrant: ℟: Celebrant: ℟: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. PENITENTIAL ACT Deacon: Lord, have mercy. Deacon: Christ, have mercy. Deacon: Lord, have mercy. GLORIA ℟: Lord, have mercy. ℟: Christ, have mercy. ℟: Lord, have mercy. Mass Setting II - Lumen Christi Missal, p. 844 THE LITURGY OF THE WORD Lumen Christi Missal — Page 624 FIRST READING James Grogan, Principal 5925 West Lake Street Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 www.hfamn.org 952.925.9193 A Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade Catholic School dedicated to excellence in education and fidelity to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church Wisdom 7:7-11 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 Cantor, then all; thereafter: all R. Nickel SECOND READING Hebrews 4:12-13 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST T. Marier OFFERTORY HYMN 455 Lead Kindly Light Collegeville Hymnal OFFERTORY MOTET (9:00) Ave Maria GOSPEL Mark 10:17-30 Deacon: The Lord be with you. ℟: And with your spirit. Deacon: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark. ℟: Glory to you, O Lord. At the conclusion of the Gospel: Deacon: The Gospel of the Lord. ℟: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. NICENE CREED I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation, he came down from heaven, (All bow while saying:) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. UNIVERSAL PRAYER ℟: Lord, hear our prayer. 2 J. Arcadelt Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Christ. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Cf. Luke 1:28, 42 OFFERTORY MOTET (11:00) O quam gloriosum T. L. de Victoria O how glorious is the kingdom, in which all the saints rejoice with Christ; vested in white stoles, they follow the lamb, wherever he may go. All Saints, Second Vespers, Antiphon to the Magnificat; cf. Apocalypse 7:9 OFFERTORY CHANT (9:00) Recordare mei Recordare mei, Domine, omni potentatui dominans: da sermonem rectum in os meum, ut placeant verba mea in conspectu principis. Remember me, O Lord, you who dominate all authority; put the right words on my lips, so that my speech may be convincing in the presence of the King. Es 14:12, 13 INVITATION TO PRAYER Celebrant: ℟: SANCTUS Pray brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. Mass Setting II - Lumen Christi Missal, p. 845 MYSTERY OF FAITH GREAT AMEN SIGN OF PEACE Celebrant: ℟: AGNUS DEI The Peace of the Lord be with you always. And with your spirit. Mass Setting II - Lumen Christi Missal, p. 845 HOLY COMMUNION HOLY FAMILY CALENDAR We invite actively practicing Catholics who are properly Sunday, October 11 : 28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME disposed to come forward to receive Holy Communion. Our Donut & New Member Sunday: Hosted by HFA brothers and sisters of other faiths are invited to approach with 8:00 AM Confessions arms crossed over the chest to receive a blessing. At Holy Family 9:00 AM Mass we receive the combination of the Body and Blood of Christ on 11:00 AM Mass the tongue. If you prefer to receive just the Body of Christ in your After Masses Nun Run Presentation Moorman Hall hand, please have your hands clearly out before you approach. Monday, October 12 8:00 AM Mass Aufer a me COMMUNION ANTIPHON 8:30 AM Exercise Class Father Wilkins Room Aufer a me opprobrium et contemptum, quia mandata tua 3:00 PM Widows and Widowers Holy Hour Adoration Chapel exquisivi, Domine: nam et testimonia tua meditatio mea est. 7:00 PM Squires Circle Meeting Father Wilkins Room Remove from me all scorn and contempt, for I have kept your 7:00 PM Respect Life Meeting Moorman Hall commandments; for your law is the object of my meditations. Ps 119:22, 24 Tuesday, October 13 7:30 AM Confessions COMMUNION MOTETS (9:00) 8:00 AM Mass 8:30 AM Weekly Scripture Study Father Wilkins Room Godhead Here in Hiding St. Thomas Aquinas 6:30 PM HFHE Monthly Meeting Moorman Hall (Adoro te Devote, trans. G. Manley Hopkins) 6:30 PM Young Adults Nazareth House For the Fruit of All Creation Trad. Welsh Wednesday, October 14 : SAINT CALLISTUS I, POPE 7:30 AM Confessions AND MARTYR COMMUNION MOTET (11:00) 8:00 AM Mass Ego sum panis vivus G. P. da Palestrina 8:30 AM Wednesday Donuts Moorman Hall I am the living bread. Your fathers ate manna in the desert, and 9:00 AM Children’s Eucharistic Adoration Adoration Chapel are dead. This is the bread which comes down from heaven: if 9:30 AM Flu Shot Clinic Moorman Hall any man eat of it, he will not die. John 6:48-50 11:45 AM Exercise Class Moorman Hall 3:30 PM Youth Choir Rehearsals Moorman Hall SECOND COLLECTION The Care Fund 6:30 PM Confirmation Moorman Hall The Care Fund meets the emergency needs of Holy Family Thursday, October 15 : SAINT TERESA OF JESUS, VIRGIN parishioners and the wider community. 7:30 AM Confessions AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH 8:00 AM Mass CLOSING HYMN Collegeville Hymnal 8:30 AM Exercise Class Father Wilkins Room 572 Praise the Lord of Heaven 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal Moorman Hall 7:00 PM RCIA HFA Friday, October 16 : SAINT HEDWIG, RELIGIOUS; 7:30 AM Confessions SAINT MARGARET MARY 8:00 AM Mass ALCOQUE, VIRGIN 8:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction Saturday, October 17 : SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, BISHOP 6:00 AM Holy Name Society: Divine Office AND MARTYR 3:30 PM Confessions 4:45 PM Benediction 5:00 PM Mass ——————————————————————————— Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. (I.C.E.L.). All rights reserved. Sunday, October 18 : 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM Confessions 9:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Mass 12:30 AM West Metro Young Adults Father Wilkins Room TODAY AT HOLY FAMILY NUN RUN PRESENTATION After Masses — Moorman Hall ——————————————————————————— NEW MEMBER & DONUT SUNDAY Hosted by Holy Family Academy After Masses — Moorman Hall ——————————————————————————— For this week’s daily readings, please visit www.usccb.org/bible/readings. 3 MASS INTENTIONS Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 18th Caroline Hoops † Joseph Brey † Mary Wild † Tony Garcia Caroline Brengman † Mary Wild † For the Parish Oliver McCulloch † DIRECTORY General Staff Paul Karpinko Bobbi Hanson Linda Vos Trever Bergman 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. INTERCESSIONS Please pray for those of our community who are ill, have loved ones who are ill, or who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Mary Chalmers, mother of Nick Chalmers Sharon Christopherson Patricia Cronick Rajean Eldridge, sister of Rochelle Horinek Jack Gausman Nancy Gehl, mother of Warren Gehl Angela Kearby Mike Klobe Ralph Koenig Connie Looft 952.929.0113 Parish Business Administrator ext. 16 Office Manager & Event Coordinator ext. 10 Accountant ext. 11 Facilities Manager ext. 20 Liturgy and Pastoral Staff Deacon Jim Meyer Sacramental Preparation Sharon Pero Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry Scott Turkington Director of Sacred Music Nick Chalmers Cantor & Youth Choir Director Faith Formation Staff John Hartnett Director of Faith Formation Elizabeth Brown Confirmation Coordinator Apostolates Pastoral Council Perpetual Adoration Prayer Chain (9a-9p) Altar & Rosary Society Knights of Columbus Home Educators (HFHE) Janet Marxen, daughter of Virginia Thiel Irene McCulloch, mother of Michelle Lanz Joseph McDaniels, father of Pat Geraty Floyd Nerheim Victor Novak, son of Florence Novak Frank Reed, brother of Pat Menke Eileen Schaefer, mother of Donna Jacobs Bob Spinharney Linda Vos SUNDAY STEWARDSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS FOR OCTOBER 3-4, 2015 Member Envelopes Online Giving Plate Total Contributions $ 11,473.00 $ 5,408.60 $ 719.84 $ 17,601.44 SECOND COLLECTION: Hope for Uganda $ 5,738.12 Next week’s Second Collection will benefit the Care Fund. ext. ext. ext. ext. 952.925.9193 ext. 19 Lee Flesher [email protected] Mike Zwack 952.929.6083 Dona Marek 952.926.3130 Alyssa Bormes [email protected] Ryan Skoug 612.284.1666 Erin Arlinghaus [email protected] Natural Family Planning: Billings Ovulation Method Lorena Dillon Sympto-Thermal Method Callie Doran 612.396.4019 612.721.3791 If you or someone you know is in need of emergency assistance, please contact: STEP - Emergency Program 952.925.4899 SEEKING HEALING If you have been abused or victimized by someone representing the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, we want to hear from you. Any and all abuse should be reported to the appropriate civil authorities. We are here to offer you help and healing. We will also help you make a formal complaint of abuse to this Archdiocese or assist you in contacting another archdiocese/diocese/eparchy. Please call our Victim/Survivor Help line at 651.291.4497. The Archdiocese partners with Canvas health an independent and professional local care provider to offer assistance or referrals for assistance. Learn more at: SafeCatholicsSPM.org WEDDINGS Please pray for Aaron Stenhaug & Erin Nibbe, Banns III Jeff Brown & Michelle Pickle, Banns II as they prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage. 4 14 13 12 24 HERE AT HOLY FAMILY CROSS CATHOLIC OUTREACH Please welcome Father Thomas Huntsinger, who will speak at all Masses this weekend on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach. Cross Catholic Outreach was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America in the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas in the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and Central and South America. Please be generous in your response to Father’s appeal. Brochures will be provided if you wish to support this worthy Catholic ministry. ——————————————————————————— HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE WITH FATHER JOSEPH: LENT 2016 Win a spot on the Pilgrimage! Purchase raffle tickets after Masses and in the office for $100 per ticket. Get yours soon: the drawing takes place on October 18th, and only 100 tickets will be sold! Fr. Joseph will lead a pilgrimage to the Holy Land next year: February 21—March 4, 2016. The itinerary will cover all the major Biblical sites plus some special visits PRO-LIFE PRESENTATION: ALL ARE WELCOME arranged by friends of Fr. Joseph. Pope Francis has declared Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) will offer a brief the coming year as an extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. pro-life presentation on Monday, October 12th at 7PM in What better way to enter into it than by traveling to the land Moorman Hall. You will learn about how to help pregnant where Jesus, the Lord of Mercy, lived and died to save us? women in need, Minnesota abortion statistics, efforts to overturn The cost of the trip is $3,369 plus taxes, etc. For more our law against assisted suicide, and more. Discover how you can information, please contact the Holy Family parish office make a difference in protecting innocent human life. Enjoy for a full brochure, or to register directly, contact fellowship and refreshments at this free gathering! Contact Consolidated Travel at 1.800.554.4556. [email protected] for more information. ——————————————————————————— FLU SHOT CLINIC ——————————————————————————— Announcing the inauguration of The Minnesota Visiting Nurse Agency (MVNA) will be here at Holy Family on Wednesday, October 14th from 9:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. to administer flu vaccinations. If you wish to receive a flu vaccination, please call Sharon at 952.929-0113 Ext. 13 to schedule your time. Remember to bring a picture ID, Medicare Card, and insurance card. ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— CRAFT SALE TO SUPPORT NUNS The Sisters of Mary Morning Star are an international community of contemplative but non-cloistered sisters. They have a convent in the Diocese of New Ulm. They will be here after all the Masses on October 24-25 with crafts for sale which have been handmade by the sisters. Please consider stopping downstairs by their table in Moorman Hall and supporting them! ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— PRAYER AND DISCUSSION FOR HIGH SCHOOL LADIES Sister Aude from the Sisters of Mary Morning Star will be leading a prayerful reflection on the Bible for high school ladies on the afternoon of Sunday, October 25 from 2-4pm. She will also speak about the charism of her particular order, monastic life in general, and how to discern Jesus' call to consecrated life. ——————–————————————————————— 40 DAYS FOR LIFE - PRAY TO END ABORTION Holy Family is adopting a day in this fall's 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil. Please consider coming out and praying for an hour at the vigil site: Planned Parenthood - St. Paul; Saturday, October 17th, 6am-6pm. Visit the hfcmn.org to learn more and to sign up for an hour. A string orchestra program for young Catholics ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— SR. NIKOPOIA’S FINAL VOWS Dear Holy Family Parishioners, You are all invited to attend the 10:00 morning Mass, Saturday, October 17th, as Sr. Nikopoia Klobe, daughter of Jim and the late Pat Klobe, will take her Final Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience as a Sister Servant of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara. If you would like to attend the reception in Moorman Hall following Mass, please RSVP at www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0448AFA92AAB9-oct/ or call Bobbi in the office at 952.929.0113 ext. 10. Space and parking is limited to 100 Parish guests. Under the auspices of Holy Family Church, the St. Cecilia Academy for Strings is an educational and performing institution for young Catholic players of stringed instruments. The director of the Academy is Mr. Michal Sobieski, a wellknown Polish and American virtuoso violinist, and recently retired violinist of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra. Weekly rehearsals, October through May, will see fruition in concerts and Masses both at Holy Family and other locations. If you know a young Catholic violinist, violist, cellist or bassist who may be interested in the program, please contact Scott Turkington for more information: 952.929.0113, ext. 12. 5 HERE AT HOLY FAMILY APPEAL FOR ADORERS It is our goal at Holy Family to have at least two adorers present at each hour on the adoration schedule, so that every adorer can have a partner for scheduling back-up and safety during nighttime hours. Please contact Mike Zwack, our Perpetual Adoration coordinator, if you are willing to make an hour’s (or greater) commitment each week, and for information on the other times available: 612.710.5007. Currently, the times of our greatest need are: Mondays from 2-3pm Tuesdays from 3-4pm Wednesdays from 12-1pm Thursdays from 2-3pm Fridays from 1-2pm Saturdays from 12-1am ——————————————————————————— HOLY FAMILY TRAVELING VOCATION CHALICE We are delighted to introduce the Traveling Vocation Chalice program at Holy Family. This program provides a special kit which families or individuals take home to pray for vocations for one week. Those that sign up for the kit will be notified of an upcoming date and Mass time, after which they can receive the kit in the sacristy. The kit includes a small tabernacle containing a chalice that has been used for Mass. It also explains the program and has suggested prayers and DVDs on religious life. The family or individual gathers daily around the chalice, and may choose one of the vocation prayers followed by any other prayers of their choosing. The kit is returned to the parish at the end of the week and passed on to the next family. Grandchildren, extended family, and friends are also invited to join in prayer. We ask the families to write a few short comments in the memory book about their experience. If you would like to sign up for a week, please email Judy Cozzens at [email protected]. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE Attention all widows and widowers: You are invited to join us at the 7:00 pm Mass on All Souls’ Day, Monday, November 2 for the annual Mass of Remembrance. Reserved pews will be provided for you on the right side in the front of Church. Before Mass, at 5:30, you are invited to dinner in Moorman Hall. Please R.S.V.P. to the Church Office by 4:30 pm Monday, October 26. If you have questions, call Sharon at 952.929-.0113x13 ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— DONUT SUNDAYS IS LOOKING FOR HELPERS New sign-up for Donut Sundays! You can now sign up to work donut Sundays via the Church website www.hfcmn.org. You can sign up just once or many times. If you love to come downstairs for Sunday donuts then we need your help! No experience needed. NOTE: if we don’t get enough people to work donut Sundays 1 week prior we will have to cancel donuts. Questions? Contact [email protected]. HOLY FAMILY ACADEMY EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM Holy Family Academy is holding an Early Childhood Education Symposium on Thursday, October 29th at 6:30 in Kattar Hall (the lower floor of the school). Come hear our Pre-K through 2nd grade teachers discuss their early childhood education philosophy and curriculum. Come with your own questions about early childhood education. We are especially focused on the traditional, classical, and religious formation of our students. We are building the Church one soul at a time. Please RSVP at our academy website: http://www.hfamn.org. ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— EMPLOYEE MATCHING GRANTS As a follow-up to the last bulletin announcement, please contact HFA at 952.925.9193 if you have decided to pursue the employee matching grant funds. Our goal is to get this program off the ground with ten matching grants, and we will keep you updated on our progress. PRO-LIFE CORNER By Rebecca Oas, New York, August 7 (C-Fam). In a newly released paper, the World Health Organization complains there is a critical shortage of trained abortion providers, particularly in the developing world – and urges that medical standards be relaxed to allow lower-level health workers to perform abortions and limit ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— their ability to conscientiously object. The guidance, which was NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLASSES written with support from the Norwegian government, builds on The Couple to Couple League will be offering a series of classes, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) previous for engaged and married couples, on the Sympto-Thermal Method recommendations on the provision of abortion, which emphasized of Natural Family Planning here at Holy Family Church in the expanding access at the expense of maintaining high standards of Father Wilkins Room. New streamlined methodology and new care. In addition to allowing non-physicians, such as nurses and materials integrate Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. midwives, to do first-trimester abortion by surgery or chemicals, Classes begin on Monday, October 19th, at 7:15 p.m. Register at WHO promotes self-induced abortion by women themselves, http://twincities.ccli.org or, for more information, call without the oversight of a medical professional. “Such approaches 612.721.3791 or email [email protected]. ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— can be empowering for women” and allow for “optimizing available health workforce resources and sharing of tasks,” it INTRO TO THE PRAYER CHAIN Thank you all who signed up for Prayer Chain at the Discipleship states. According to the guidance, there is an overall lack of health care workers, with a projected shortage of 12.9 million by Fair. We will be holding an introductory meeting on Monday, October 26th at 7:00 PM at Holy Family Church to find out what 2035. This deficit is greatest in poor regions, which report the highest rate of deaths due to “unsafe” abortions by unskilled – and it entails. Please consider being part of this wonderful ministry. Contact Dona Marek at 952.926.3130 with questions or concerns. often illegal – providers. Furthermore, many doctors and other health workers refuse to perform abortions as a matter of Refreshments will be served. God bless! 6 conscience. FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITY THIS FALL Coming Soon to Holy Family Parish: CATECHESIS FOR ADULTS AND YOUTH (12+) Place: Moorman Hall, Holy Family Church Time: Every Tuesday and Thursday (7 – 8 pm), starting October 20th, 2015 Free child care will be provided THE NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY An announcement of the Good News of Salvation will begin here in the Parish on Tuesday, October 20th. This announcement has helped cultivate adult faith in those seeking answers to the questions and issues of life. This announcement - a series of catecheses – will be offered for adults and youth, and bring words of hope and light to those facing important decisions, challenges or trials in life. The series is also intended for those seeking to deepen their faith, those struggling in their faith, and those who have no faith at all. Courage! God loves you and wants to help you! These catecheses are brought to the parish by a missionary team of catechists, led by a married couple, Daniel and Alexa Lopez, who are expecting their fourth child. They belong to the Neocatechumenal Way, a new reality in the Catholic Church of which Saint Pope John Paul II said, “Among the realities generated by the Holy Spirit in our days is the Neocatechumenal Way which I recognize as an itinerary of Catholic formation, valid for our society and for our times”. It also received a final approval of its statues by Pope Benedict XVI on May 11, 2008 (Solemnity of Pentecost), and the constant support of Pope Francis, who calls the Neocatechumenal Way “a true gift of Providence for the Church of our times.” This will be a marvelous opportunity to rediscover the treasure of our baptism and the fruits it holds for our lives. Shortly, you will begin to see some posters and flyers announcing this event in the parish, in addition to continued invitations in the bulletin in the weeks to come. Watch for more news. All are encouraged to come! If you have any questions, you can contact Fr. Joseph Johnson and/or Daniel and Alexa at 612.384.6311. IN AND AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE LISTENING SESSIONS WITH ARCHBISHOP HEBDA ARCHDIOCESAN YOUTH DAY 2015 To help inform Pope Francis’ choice for our new archbishop Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of dialogue in the life of the Church. In the spirit of speaking and listening in charity, the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis is hosting a series of listening sessions. Archbishop Hebda will lead the sessions to hear your input on our strengths, our challenges, and what characteristics are important in a new archbishop. Feedback gathered during these sessions will be shared with those responsible for advising Pope Francis as he makes this important choice and with the new Archbishop as soon as he is named. Summaries will be published in The Catholic Spirit. Monday, November 2, 7 – 9 p.m., Saint Peter, Forest Lake Tuesday, November 3, 7 – 9 p.m., Divine Mercy, Faribault Wednesday, November 4, 7 – 9 p.m., Woulfe Alumni Hall, Anderson Student Center, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul Additional listening sessions are being scheduled for Latino Ministry parishes (in Spanish) and priests. Saturday, October 24, 1:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. Roy Wilkins Auditorium – RiverCentre, 175 W Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul High school youth are invited to celebrate the truth and joy of our Catholic faith! Meet other teens, listen to great music from Sonar, hear from dynamic speakers such as Dan Driver and author Sarah Swafford. Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Bishop Andrew Cozzens will be joining us, too! Cost: $15. Registration is by group only. Talk to your parish youth minister or campus minister to sign up! Find more info at archspm.org/ayd. ——————————————————————————— OPERATION ANDREW DINNER Tuesday, November 3, 6- 8 p.m. Archbishop’s Residence, 230 Summit Ave, Saint Paul Operation Andrew Dinner is hosted by Bishop Andrew Cozzens for men, ages 16 – 50, who have a genuine interest in the priesthood or religious life. Plan to attend with your Pastor, Religious Brother or Youth Director. Reserve your spot at the table before October 27. ————————–——————————————————— Contact Father Joseph via the Holy Family Parish office if you BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS are interested in attending: 952.929.0113 | [email protected]. If you have a parish-related or archdiocesan event or announcement you’d like For more information on this and other events, watch the included in the Holy Family weekend bulletin, please submit the item to Vocations Office website: www.10000vocations.org. [email protected] at least two weeks in advance. Thank you! 7
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