- The Carpenter`s Christian Church
- The Carpenter`s Christian Church
The Carpenter’s Christian Church Volume 13 Issue #11 NEWSLETTER July 2014 1340 US 127 Bypass, Harrodsburg, KY 859-734-0670 www.carpenterschristian.com Welcome New Members Welcome new members! God has lead you to The Carpenter’s Christian Church for a reason. He has a special purpose for everyone of us joining together as a body of believers. Our prayer for you is that you seek God’s will in your life and serve Him to the best of your ability. Andrew Sheperson Barbara Lyons Curtis & Diane Sims Malinda Taylor Dylan Bradshaw TCCC Nursery Hawaiian Luau August 10th 8:30 & 11 AM service GAMES, WATER POOLS FUN FOODS Bring extra clothes For children up to age 3 JULY 27 8:30 & 11 AM SUNDAY, JULY 27TH 8:30 & 11 AM SERVICES Please submit baby’s/child’s name, birth date, parent’s name’s and service attending on your attendance card. You can also email TCCC with the information. Dedication is for ages birth to 3 years of age. Greg Warren Senior Minister Email: [email protected] 6 Years Ago I’ve kept files of our old bulletins, newsletters, and other items since I’ve been privileged to serve as minister here at TCCC. I enjoy looking back at them from time to time and taking a walk down memory lane. Here are some highlights from June / July 2008 – just six years ago. Stacy Charles was hired as our Children’s Director. I think it’s safe to say that God has used her in a mighty way to build our children’s program and sow important seeds of salvation into our young people. New members during the month of June included: Kathy Carrender, Jennifer Maddox, Donnie & Melinda Sexton, Scott & Noah Sheperson, Cameron Warren, Kim Waldridge, Lee & Donna Wright, and Brandy Arnold & Hunter Dean. Trent Baker and April Warren (now Wilhoite), and Dave & Stacy Reister took 19 people to Holland, Michigan for a week of C.I.Y. 5 made a first-time commitment to Christ and 2 were baptized in Lake Michigan. We had just finished up another successful V.B.S. under Maryann Strickland’s leadership and organization. Average attendance for June had been: Sunday school – 92 A.M. Worship - 314 Mackenzie Reister was baptized on June 29th. Andy & Eva Reynolds joined the church on July 6th. Kendall Rogers and Chelsey Lambert were baptized on July 13th. I preached at the Bluegrass Christian Men’s Fellowship at Jessamine Christian Church in Nicholasville on July 14th. I also spoke at a youth conference held at the Parksville Church of Christ on the subject of “Why we believe in Creation.” Wayne Green took over the cleaning of the church. We also thanked Chigger Flynn for his past service in this regard. Paid the contractor in full for his work on our sanctuary expansion (taking out interior walls and converting Sunday school rooms into overflow area.) Several thoughts come to mind as I look back at what was going on in our church just six years ago. First, God has blessed us and continues to do so. He has brought many great people our way who He has used to do great things for His kingdom. It excites me to think about what God will have done in just six years from now. I thank God for the opportunity to be a part of the exciting kingdom work He is doing at TCCC. From my heart to yours, Greg Perry Dressler – Assoc. Minister [email protected] 101 Class Sunday, July 20 - 6pm This class is for those that have been visiting TCCC and would like to find out what we believe and how to become a member. Please mark your card "101" if you plan to attend. If you have specific questions, or this time does not work for you, please call me at 859-613-9327 to arrange a different time. The Willing Hands met on Monday, June 2nd. After a two month trial of meeting on the first Monday of the month, we will return to our normal second Tuesday of each month. We tried the new meeting time to assist some ladies in joining but that didn’t seem to help. Because some of the Willing Hands are involved in VBS in some way, our next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 15th at the home of Phyllis Warren. We are in the planning phase for the annual Arts & Crafts Fair. It will be held September 26th and 27th. Anyone who would like to set up a table, please contact Wanda Waldridge for information. Vacation Bible School will be starting Sunday, July 6th. Let’s all pray that we set many records in attendance and salvation decisions this year. Personally, I look forward to serving the kids during VBS every year. There are so many wonderful people in our church who go above and beyond to make VBS such a great experience for each and every child that attends. I would like to say a big thank you to all who serve on behalf of the children in my family. I feel confident that everyone else at TCCC feels the same way, so to all of you who serve, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! God bless you each and every one, Teri Giles Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38 Carpenter’s Team Missions 2014 No Walls services have been a success so far this year. Both times weather was perfect and no rain. We had over 150 people attend the meeting in the May No Walls service this year. Stacy Charles and Michelle Bugg have had crafts and lessons for the kids. The kids really enjoyed the crafts and there were handouts for Vacation Bible School and a few signed up. The next No Walls event will be July 20th at 6 PM. We ask that if you plan to help be there at 5PM. We are working with Harrodsburg Methodist Church to purchase school supplies for families that cannot afford to buy them. We have 500 back packs that were donated to put the supplies in. We also hope to work with Cornerstone Church to buy shoes for some of the kids that would not be able to afford shoes. Vouchers for shoes will be given out at Ready Fest. We will be asking for help to work at Ready Fest. We will need volunteers to put supplies in back packs and other volunteers to give out back packs. More information will be later in the church bulletin. On Saturday August 16th at 11 AM TCCC will host a Seminar for Mercer County Resource Ministries recipients. It is an educational meeting for people that have been helped with financial needs through MCRM, which consist of several church of Mercer County. There will be information on finances, education, jobs and also a spiritual lesson. We will be serving them a meal and asking for help with the side dishes. If you can help with a side dish, please bring it that Saturday between 10:30 and 11 AM. Also in August we will be collecting supplies for Isaiah House. There will be more information to come later in the church bulletin. We are planning a mission trip to Guatemala in January or February. If you are interested or want more information please contact John Sims. John Sims Mission’s Team Director TCCC YOUTH Jacob Bryant, Youth Ministry Director: [email protected] Chris & Jessica Shackelford: [email protected] Tim & Laura Sallee: [email protected] Todd Davis: [email protected] In my opinion, we are starting one of the best months of the year. This is the month that we take the TCCC Youth to CIY for them to be challenged mentally, physically, emotionally and more important, spiritually. I have seen this camp change students hearts and minds for the better and I know that this year will be the exact same. Come July 14th, we will be loading up the bus and start our week long trek with the students. We ask you all to do one thing, PRAY. We are asking for you to start praying for our trip now, while we are there and after for our students. We know that this is a huge week in each student’s life. I know for myself, camp is what molded me into the person I am today and a big contributor as to what I do for a living. This week the students will be challenged to work through the book of James. James is already a great book to read on your own. Imagine what it will be like with a couple thousand students reading it at the same time. There are a couple of quick things that I wanted to mention. We did start the "True Love Project". It is a great study. It is so good that we have stopped it for the summer and are waiting for school to start back up in August, to start it again. We have noticed a lot of students are going on vacation, attending different camps, playing in tournaments, etc. and are missing valuable weeks of the study. We have decided to start it back up when school resumes so our students will be on a schedule and also will be able to attend all sessions of the "True Love Project". There are some exciting things happening in the Youth Department at TCCC. Keep us in your prayers and we will keep you in the loop as to what is going on at Youth. You all are awesome and we can't wait to share stories about CIY when we return back! TCCC Children’s Ministry Stacy Charles, Children’s Ministry Director [email protected] Well, it looks like it is that time of year again – time for VBS. Can’t tell you how excited I am about this year’s VBS and the plans that we have for our children. It is going to be the best year yet and all of our VBS crew, along with our Weird Animals, are ready to make it happen. Please come out for our VBS kick off on Thursday, July 3rd from 7-9 with Backyard Ministries. It will be a great time with food and fellowship – inflatables and our very own Larry Camic and Chigger Flynn in the dunk tank. It doesn’t get much better than that. We will kick off VBS on Sunday night, July 6th from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. each night through Thursday, July 10th. We will conclude with a pool party on Saturday night, July 12th at Anderson Dean Park pool at 8:00 p.m. Our VBS commencement will follow on Sunday night, July 13th at 6:00 p.m. We are so excited about the lives that will be changed this week during VBS and all the many blessings that will come with another year of Bible School. God continues to bless TCCC and our children’s program. Thank you to all the volunteers that have made this happen and continue to be a blessing to me and the children’s program – Chris and Jessica Shackelford and the many helpers they have had with all of our decorations, Jacob Bryant for getting together our live band for VBS, Christian Kestler who is organizing our sound and lighting for the week, Michele Bugg, who continues to be my right hand woman, and all the many others who are giving of their time and talents to make this week happen. We couldn’t do it without you and you are touching hearts and lives through your ministry. Thank you for your continued support and prayers and please be in prayer for us during the week of Bible School. Before you know it, it will be time to get back to school and in the swing of things again with Team Kid and Children’s Choir. I am excited to announce that this year, our Children’s Choir will be performing with the adult choir for our Christmas program. Carol and I have already begun our planning and we will be getting started on that in September. Please be aware that Team Kid will begin on Wednesday, September 3 rd. We have a great program from Group that we will be using with the children and our Wednesday nights will change some. We will still continuing serving a snack, but the children will travel through stations each Wednesday night – crafts, Bible lessons, and music. We will begin a program where we will be learning and reciting memory verses and getting deep into our Bible with our older children. It will be a great time, please make sure that you get your children there to fellowship with other children and learn more about God’s plan for their lives. I am excited to announce that we will have a back to school kick off for our children on Wednesday night, August 20 th. This will be an awesome time for our kiddos. We will be cooking out, have inflatables, music, and fellowship with our church family. Please have your child bring a friend and encourage his/her friend to join us on Wednesday nights starting in September. This will be our official Team Kid kick off to promote our new program and continue working on getting more and more children in attendance and touching more and more lives for Jesus. You have lots of dates to remember – get those calendars out and mark those dates. We want to see your children in attendance. It is so fun to see their smiling faces and know that they love the Lord and they are in church worshiping in His name. P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happens) A Book of Remembrance Just wanted to share one of my many favorite verses with you. It paints such a picture of how God sees, hears, listens and responds to us. Isn't that what prayer is all about . . The Carpenter’s Christian Church November 9 Doors open at 6pm Concert at 7pm Tickets are $15 each. TCCC will have the 1st opportunity to purchase tickets through May. June 1st tickets will be available to the community. Tickets are limited to 400 and over 100 have already been sold so please see Chigger Flynn following Sunday AM services to make your purchase. This is one concert you will not want to miss. Tickets will go fast after they are open up to the community. Mercer Co Summer Meal Program Mercer Co. Meal Program feeds kids 18 years of age and under free. Location is at Harlow Early Learning Center. Monday-Friday, from June 6th through August 1st. Breakfast Meal will be 8-8:30am and Lunch 11:30-12:30pm. For more information contact Marsh Rogers, Food Services Director at Mercer County Schools Food Services (859)733-7200 or email Marsha at: [email protected] Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, And the Lord listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the Lord And who meditate on His name. “They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “On that day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them As a man spares his own son who serves him.” Malachi 3:16-17 Isn't it mind-boggling to think that when we talk about the Lord to one another it's written in a “book of remembrance” before Him. Aren't we glad we are His jewels . . . His treasure. May you be encouraged by these words today and remember . . .YOU are HIS treasure. Maryann The Prayer team is facilitated by Maryann Strickland; those serving with her are: Eileen Burberry, Larry Camic, Ken & Clara Daggett, Koos Van Den Burg, Denise Delp, Lilly Frederick, Linda Green, Paul Hensley, Debbie Massie, Nancy Simmons, J.R Thompson, Debbie Votaw, Delmer & Phyllis Warren, Lee & Donna Wright. Did You Know ???? The “Golden Rule” (Matthew 7:12) :is the name given to a principle Jesus taught in His “Sermon on the Mount”. The actual words “Golden Rule” are not found in Scripture, just as the words “Sermon on the Mount” are also not found. These titles were later added by Bible translation teams in order to make Bible study a little easier. The phrase “Golden Rule” began to be ascribed to this Jesus’ teaching during the 16th– 17th centuries. Dolls of HOPE Dolls of HOPE is a ministry of TCCC. All through the year we gather together to make dolls for Ephraim McDowell & Haggin hospitalized children, and also to Family Protective Services & the Harrodsburg Police Department. Beginning this month we will start having our meeting on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10AM. If you are interested in learning to loom knit hats and/or toboggans made from yarn there will be a class during this month’s meeting on Tuesday, February 25th at 10AM. We also are needing donations of yarn for this project. These items will go to children of Eastern Kentucky. You can purchase the loom set at Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Michael’s or any other Hobby store. We will continue to collect can goods and non perishable food or the Christian Life Center through out the year. Each month we will deliver the collected food items to CLC to help those in need in our community. You can help participate in this projected by placing your donations in the tote provided in the front lobby. Donations have been extremely low and we would appreciate your help. If it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Romans 12:8 Mending Hearts After enjoying a wonderful meal at the Golden Corral in Nicholasville, the Mending Hearts went to the Dish Barn where some were able to get some good buys on some patriotic outdoor items and concrete items. This month we will be going to Midway for lunch and touring the shops there. Looking forward to seeing you then. Meanwhile call or visit someone you haven't seen or talked to for awhile. God Bless all of you, Wanda Waldridge Thanks to our church family for your support, prayers and food during our loss. Shannon Murray & Family ******************************************** Dear Carpenter’s Christian Church I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your contribution to Northpoint Training Center Chapel. Your faithfulness is truly a blessing. The new chapel chairs will greatly enrich the lives of our inmates. Thank you for your continued support of the chapel. Your Friend in Christ, Rev Aaron Mobley Chaplin of Northpoint Training Center. ******************************************** I would like to thank everyone who attended my 80th birthday celebration. It meant so much to me. More than words can say. Bessie Votaw ******************************************** I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers with the recent passing of my brother Kenneth E. Jackson. Your concern was greatly appreciated. Yours in Christ, Dora Higginbotham August 2014 TCCC newsletter articles need to be submitted to the church office before July 28th KIDS Zone July 6 Jennifer Maddox, Tia Taylor, Staci Bast, Heather King, Stacy Charles July 13 Kristal Irvin, Crystal Gabhart, Jessie Cocanougher, Ashley Wilson, Michele Bugg July 20 Lisa Curtsinger, Amy Raney, Stacy Charles, Tanya Hensley, Laura Lee Currens July 27 Stacy Charles, Lee Ann Turner, Amber Evans, , Michele Bugg Nursery Schedule July 6 (1) Patsy Revell (2) Sandy Royalty, Wendy & Annie Compton, Heather King July 13 (1) Johni Leigh (2) Debbie Votaw, Tia Taylor, Kaci Christopher Rose Rogers July 20 (1) Donita Milam (2) Stephanie Abrams, Marie Claunch, Amber Wendling, Lois Dean, Debbie Votaw, Tia Taylor, Jayden Seward, Lindsey Shepherd, Donna Wright July 27 (1) Ashley Wilson (2) Toni Myers, Kristal Irvin, Megan Harley, Ashley Nichols Usher Team July 6 (1) Dick Tanhauser, Donnie Sexton, Jim Barrett, Don Kestler, (2) Larry Camic, Buddy Bugg, Scott Noland, Jim Hicks, Jay Anderson, Marion Rogers, Aaron Gabhart, Anthony Wireman, Chris Shackelford, Cary King, Jack Mattingly July 13 (1) Maurice Baker, Johnnie Slone, Keith Hensley, Deryck Wilhite, Mike Warren (2) Delmer Warren, Ed Delp, Joe Myers , Keith Monson, Gerald Sheperson, Adam Chunglo, Chad Ellis, Shannon Murray, Ronnie Pulliam, Jeremy Cocanougher, Mark Wilson July 20 (1) Dick Tanhauser, Steve Kestler, Dave Johnson, Mike Higginbotham, Chris Howard (2) Maurice Baker, Jim Oster, John Sims, Brent Frederick, Steve Lupson Chaz Hockensmith, Kevin Higginbotham, Clayton King, Patrick McMullin, Brian Kendrick July 27 (1) Maurice Baker, Joe Milam, Al Mueller, Chris Slone, Richard Wilder, Shawn Curtsinger (2) Lee Wright, Tim Sallee, Paul Hensley, George Neal, Steve Anderson, Ken Watson, Jared Fayne, Lee Claunch, Jordan Shackelford, Max Clark, Kyle Withers Home Communion July 6 Curtis Fayne & Keith Monson July 13 Bill Montgomery & Richard Wilder July 20 Aaron Gabhart & Chad Ellis July 27 Harry Humes & John Sims Church Bus Drivers July 6 Cary King July 13 Jim Matting July 20 Harry Humes July 27 Cary King Front Door Greeters July 6 (1) Debbie Moyers (2) Tammy Miller & Pam Pendegrist July 13 (1) Lynn Slone (2) Sandy Rogers & Donna Wright July 20 (1) Laurie Johnson (2) Roger & Charla Pratt July 27 (1) Ann Tanhauser (2) Tim & Laura Sallee Prayer Room July 6 (1) Koos Van Den Burg (2) Denise Delp & JR Thompson July 13 (1) Ken Daggett (2) Nancy Simmons & Larry Camic July 20 (1) Linda Green (2) Maryann Strickland & Eileen Burberry July 27 (1) Clara Daggett (2) Paul Hensley & Lilly Frederick Parking Lot Attendants July 6 (1) Wayne Green (2) Hobert Cheatham & John Pendegrist July 13 (1) Johnnie Slone (2) Ronnie Pulliam & Jim Oliver July 20 (1) Dave Johnson (2) Shawn Hockensmith & Clay Slone July 27 (1) James Barrett (2) Ronnie Pulliam & Steve Anderson Worship Team July 6 Team D: Roberta Machal, Lynette Freeman, Harry Humes, Samantha Fayne July 13 Team A: Lisa Votaw, Scott Noland, Tony Broyles, Kim Ellis, Kaitlyn Curtsinger July 20 Team B: Jim Oster, Linda Mueller, Kitten Ethington, Eva Reynolds July 27: Team C: Ronda Wendling, Shawnee Higginbotham, Debbie Moyers, Jack & Kathy Mattingly Communion Preparation Linda Cole & Rita Monson TCCC June 2014 Averages Sunday school ………………………. 119 Sunday AM .....………………………..451 Offering …...............................$8,925.24 Budget …………………….…...$9,731.00 Elders Serving in 2014 Curtis Fayne (Chairman) (859) 325-0404 Delmer Warren (859) 734-4053 Lee Wright (859) 366-0339 Harry Humes (606)776-5245 Larry Camic (859)613-1870 SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES (Nursery provided) Sunday School 10 AM AM Worship 8:30 & 11 AM KIDS Church 8:30 & 11 AM Youth Group 6-8 PM Children’s Choir (not during summer) 6:30-8 PM Evening Bible Study 7 PM NON-PROFIT ORG. US Postage PAID Harrodsburg, KY Permit # 49 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Friday 3 7 PM Small Groups Youth Small Group 6 PM Elders Meeting Thursday 4 6:30 PM Independence Day Prayer Team meeting Church Office Closed 6:30 PM Youth July 4th Celebration Anderson Dean Park 7 PM JULY VBS Kick off 6 7 8 9 10 10 AM Sunday School 8:30 & 11AM Services/Kids Church 10 AM Sunday School 6 PM VBS Showcase 14 15 5:45 PM BCMF Jessamine Christian 11 21 8:30 & 11AM Services/Kids Church 6:30 PM Mission Team Meeting 10 AM Sunday School 6 PM 101 Class 6 PM No Walls 17 18 7 PM Small Groups 12 8 AM Men's Prayer Group 4:30 PM Spirit Lifters Dinner & SS Concert 19 8 AM Men's Prayer Group 7 PM Willing Hands 6 PM Finance Committee Meeting 20 16 11 AM Mending Hearts 8 AM Men's Prayer Group 2014 Weird Animals VBS Sunday –Thursday 6-8:30 13 5 4 PM Spirit Lifters Cookout 8:30 PM VBS Pool Party Anderson Dean Park 8:30 & 11AM Services/Kids Church Saturday Youth traveling to Tennessee for CIY 22 23 10 AM Dolls of HOPE Ministry 7 PM SRCMF-Fox Creek 24 25 7 PM Small Groups 26 8 AM Men's Prayer Group 7-8:30 PM Youth Pool Party 7:30 PM Young Adult Small Group 27 28 Baby Dedication Sunday TCCC Newsletter 8:30 & 11AM Services/Kids Church 10 AM Sunday School 5 PM Board Meeting 6 PM Youth Group 7 PM Evening Bible Study articles due to church office 7 PM Men for Christ Union Christian 7:30 PM Young Adult Small Group 29 30 7 PM Small Groups Youth Small Group 31 1 2 8 AM Men's Prayer Group
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