jul ly-augu ust new wsletter r
jul ly-augu ust new wsletter r
TRIN NITY EVANGELICAL LUTHER RAN CHURCH H 200 E. Clements Bridgee Road Runnemede, NJ 08078‐1461 856‐939‐4411 The Rev. Dr. G. Andrew Engelh hart III Pastorr [email protected] Pastorand Janet441 [email protected] www.trinityrunnemed de.org JULLY‐AUGU UST NEW WSLETTER R On Thursday, T Ju uly 23rd, at 7:00pm 7 we will exploree the life of St. Mark thhe Evangelisst. That's right the Evangelist. Mark was not one off the twelve apostles, buut he was a discipple and may y have been a student of St. Peter aftter the resurrrection of Jeesus. Mark is i mentiioned in the Book of Accts as well ass several of Paul's P letterss. St. Mark is attributedd to writing the t Gospel According A too Mark, whiich may havve been based upon n the sermonns of St. Petter that Mark wrote dow wn while Peeter preachedd. St. Mark's M Gospel is the oldest of the four Gospeels and the shortest. Most M scholarrs believve that Mattthew and Luuke both useed Mark's Gospel G as a reference r or source wheen they wrote w their Gospels. G The Fath hers of the Church sppent the leeast amountt of time studying s annd comm menting on this t Gospel. It is not knoown why they tended too "ignore" Mark's M Gospeel, but thhe lack of written matterial by theem concerniing Mark haas been notted by recennt schollarship. Come and d join us as we spend an a hour in thhe world of St. S Mark annd learn abouut his liife, times, witness w andd even the legends thaat surround him. Thiss study is in i prepaaration for our o fall Biblee study in which w we willl take a deeeper look intto the Gospeel Accoording to St. Mark. Also, rem member that there will be b only one service at 10:00am 1 on Sunday, Jully 5th (JJuly 4th weekend) and again on Seeptember 6thh (Labor Daay weekend)). Come annd join us u on that daay as we worrship togetheer as one conngregation. Vacation Bible School will be held h in July this year frrom the 13thh through thhe ven't registerred your chilldren/grandcchildren pleaase do so soon so we caan 17th. If you hav plies for eveeryone. have enough supp Finally I am writing this article as I preparre to leave the t office for fo a week of o vacattion. I havee some projeects around the house thhat I hope to accomplissh during thiis time in addition to spendingg time withh my familyy. I also hoope to spennd some tim me m club that we belong to. t I am alw ways amazed at how I can c walk to a enjoyying the swim placee at the end of o my street and feel as if I am in annother part of o the world. My hope is i that all a of you will w find som me time for rest r and relaaxation overr the summeer so that yoou will have h the streength and peeace of mindd to do whattever God caalls you to do d in the yeaar to com me. Gracee and Peace,, Pastor Andy SERMON PREVIEWS JULY AUGUST July 5- The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost Mark 6:1-13 ONE SERVICE 10 AM “STRIPPED FOR MISSION” August 2- The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a “PICTURE (UN)PERFECT” July 12- The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost Psalm 24 “DID YOU WASH YOUR HANDS?” August 9- The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost John 6:35,41-51 “EATING TO LIVE” July 19- The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost Ephesians 2:11-22 “BREAKING THE DIVIDING WALL” August 16- The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost Pastor Andy on Vacation Rev. Lou Dunkle to Supply July 26- The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost John 6:1-21 “WHAT’S FOR DINNER” August 23- The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost Pastor Andy on Vacation Rev. Lou Dunkle to Supply August 30- The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 “THE ENEMY WITHIN” FUNERALS On May 16, 2015 BEVERLY B. CAVANAUGH (69) of Blackwood, NJ On May 22, 2015 JOAN A. CARR (83) of Barrington, NJ On June 4, 2015 BRETT G. RASMUSSEN (32) of Glendora, NJ On June 8, 2015 JOSEPH P. MOONEY (96) of Barrington, NJ Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends of those listed. WEDDING On May 30, 2015 CHRISTINA N. DIEKEWICZ to MICHAEL D. POPOVICH On June 13, 2015 HEATHER M. SZWAJKOWSKI to FRANK C. ESBENSEN, JR. Sunda ay Sch hool News N "T Truly I say to t you, this generation n will not pa ass away unttil all thingss tak ke place. Heaven H and earth will pass p away, but my words will nott passs away. Be on guard, so s that yourr hearts will not be weighted down n witth dissipatio on and drun nkenness and d the worries of life, and a that day y will not come on n you sudde enly like a trap; for it will w come up pon all those who dwell on the fac ce of all the e p on the ale ert at all tim mes, praying g that you may m have sttrength to escape all these t thingss eartth. But keep thatt are about to t take plac ce and to sttand before the Son of f Man.” Luke e 21:32-36 (NIV) ( Our Lord Jesuss has revea aled that be efore his se econd coming there will be distre ess among the t nationss, perp plexity and fainthearte edness from m fear. Butt his people need not fear. f Althou ugh the outtlook of the e world may be wintry, w for the t saints it i will be lik ke the comiing of summ mer. Every spring s budss and shootss sprin ng forth givving promise e that summ mer is approaching. Ju ust as the signs s of sum mmer come gradually so o will the t signs of f his second d coming. His people are e to look for these sign ns since red demption is near, and to o deve elop a hopef ful spirit in stark conttrast to the e worldly sp pirit of desp pair. Our Lo ord’s people e need to be e watc ching and praying p for the Second d Advent, so s that he may count us worthy to escape the world’ss judg gment and stand s beforre him. Self-indulgence and every ything thatt would dulll our sense es should be e avoid ded. What a great privvilege it will be to be allowed to sta and in the presence p of the Son of f Man. On Father’s F Da ay dads had d the opporttunity to sp pend time with w their sons s and da aughters lea arning aboutt Jesu us and haviing fun play ying games. Our summ mer semestter is well underway with w specia al programss. Vaca ation Bible School, S “Son Spark Lab bs - Discove ering God’s Plan 4U=Je esus”, will be held Mond day, July 13 3 thro ough Friday, July 17 in the evening gs. All child dren from the t age of 3 years to 6TH grade are a welcome e. If yo ou are interrested in he elping or sup pporting VBS please co ontact Jenniifer Smith. “Rallly Day” will be held on Sunday, Se eptember 13 3th which marks m the be eginning of the new Su unday schoo ol yearr. Plans for the celebrration are underway. We W will aga ain be provviding “Rally y Day” T-sh hirts to ourr child dren. Our th heme will be e, “Be a ligh ht in the wo orld for Jessus”. This iss based on Matthew M 5:116 “Let yourr lightt shine befo ore others, that they may m see you ur good dee eds and glorrify your Fa ather in hea aven”. These e shirtts will be re ed and still have the picture of Je esus on the back. In th he past we have h had req quests from m mem mbers of th he congrega ation for on ne of our T-shirts. T Th he congrega ation will ha ave the opp portunity to o orde er a “Rally Day” D T-shirtt for a donation to defrray the costt. Pleasse, supportt to our outtreach, Cath hedral Kitchen, by briing in your $3.00 dime e folders. A check wass sentt in June to o Cathedral Kitchen, do onating all money m collected to datte for this year. “UR Important I 2 US” is another outreach, helping h to feed the hom meless in th he streets of o Camden. Every third d Sunday of f the month plea ase support them by donating pea anut butterr and jelly sandwiches, s , bottles of f water, and d pack kaged snack ks. If you wish, w come to t the Fello owship Hall the day before at 10 0:00 am and d help make e PB&J J. Supplies for the san ndwiches willl be provide ed by Social Concerns. Thanks forr your suppo ort! Complimentary Copies of “Raising Your Y Child In Faith – From Pre eschoolers To Teens; A Parent’ss Hand dbook” are still availab ble in the na arthex and on the Sund day school bulletin b boa ard in the kitchen area a. Faith Guides “A About Faith And Your Child” C and “A About Christian Parenting” also ava ailable. Blessings to All, In the Name of Jesuss, Carl Nagel d dadx3d@co mcast.net Calling aall scientists! Join uss on Mond day July 13th‐ Friday JJuly 17th fo or Trinity’s SonSpark Labs Vacation Bible School! Our VBS sccientists w will learn th hat Gods Plan 4 You = Jesus! At SonSpark Labs, kids of all ages will discovver God’s love througgh ories, craftts, songs and fun gam mes. bible sto It’s timee to start d donating sn nack itemss! You can donate co ookies, pretzels and juice for our VBS kids. Drop off your donations in thee sanctuaryy. We are also colleccting food donations for the Faamily Blockk Party on FFriday, Julyy d like to do onate an iteem, sign up at the VB BS snack taable in the 17th. If you would e welcome at our Blo ock Party, w we’d love ffor you to jjoin us. If yyou sanctuaary. All are are plan nning to atttend, pleaase sign up at the VBSS snack tab ble so we kknow how to plan. Don’t m miss out on n SonSparkk Labs VBSS. Sign up your kids ttoday! Invvite a frien nd or neigh hbor! Reggistration fforms will be availab ble in Sund day School or visit www.trrinityrunne emede.orgg to sign up. C Come out t to VBS in Ju uly and disscover God ds life changing form mula! GP4 4U=Jesu us! SOCIAL CONCERNS Well school is out and it’s time to think about the Back-to-School project. The School Bus will be going up on August 2nd. There will be Children, shoes and Back-packs. Choose one, take it home and shop for this child. Items are due back by August 23rd. We will also be collecting school supplies as well. We will continue to have Pantry and Clothing Closet days during the summer. We need the following: Pasta, cereal, canned vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, tuna fish, soup, Mac & Cheese, juice, pancake mix, syrup, paper towels, toilet paper, napkins. Any clothing items dropped off need to be clean and stain-free. The Clothing Closet is open to anyone. We have a large selection of gently use and a few new clothes. Help stretch your budget and give some of our clothing a new home. We will be having our Annual summer picnic at the Spino’s on August 2nd. All are invited to come. Please email Carol to let her know if you are coming and what you will be bringing. [email protected] Some dates to remember: July 23rd – Pantry/Clothing Closet Day August 2nd – School Bus up August 2nd – Social Concerns Summer Picnic at the Spino’s August 23rd – Back-to-School Items due back August 27th – Pantry/Clothing Closet Day September 20th – Social Concerns Meeting 11:15 New members are always welcome. We meet on the third Sunday of the month following the 11:15 service. Please come out and join us. Remember God loves a cheerful giver. You will love the fellowship and the great feeling you get from helping others. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. Caring and Sharing Cheryl Morris The Prayer Shawl Ministry held their monthly meeting on Friday June 5, 2015. Attendees were: Barbara Anconetani, Ann Carter, Val Colasuonno, Jean Krips, Dolores Keller, and Mary Raws. The meeting began at approximately 11:15 a.m., with The Lord’s Prayer. We received the following: Prayer Shawl: One shawl from Val Colasuonno Lap Blanket: Four blankets from Jean Krips One blanket from Dolores Keller Baptismal Blanket: One from Barbara Anconetani, One from Val Colasuonno and One from Mary Raws. Osborn Family Medical Center: Twenty-nine baby hats from various donors Cathedral Kitchen Donations: Two scarf & hat sets, One scarf and Two fancy scarves from Dolores Keller Three scarves from Ann Carter Four hats from donor. Prayer Shawls were given to Helen Oliver and Larry Newman. Corresponding Secretary, Barbara Anconetani read a thank-you from Lee Mikulski for the prayer shawl her brother received and another from Karen Theisen who made a donation in honor of her friend. Mary Raws, Baptismal Historian, reported that there were three Baptisms for May. Braelynn Elizabeth Kolyts was baptized on May 17, 2015, Athena Jean Ward and Cameron Matthew Cox were baptized on 5/31/15. Ann Carter provided us with literature from the Cathedral Kitchen that gave menu samplings since they are available for catering Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The Catering Coordinator is Alexandra Wills at 856 964-6771. Cathedral Kitchen’s Café is now open Tuesday through Friday 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and offers a selection of hot and cold sandwiches, salads, soups, desserts and beverages. Val Colasuonno gave the closing reading, Proverbs 11:17. Our next meeting has been changed to Friday, September 11, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., so as not to interfere with the Labor Day weekend. We adjourned at 11:35 a.m., to enjoy the company of our talented group at a luncheon. Val Colasuonno Vice President, Prayer Shawl Ministry, May God Hold You in the Palm of His Hand” Lutheran Crossings Lutheran Crossings Auxiliary met at 11 AM Thursday June 11 with installation of the 2015-16 officers as follows: Gina Kopcynski President Joan Kelley Vice President Brenda Hanson Recording Secretary Nancy MacMaster Treasurer Jan Miller Corresponding Secretary Lisa Baines is the new Chaplain and as of this writing her installation is to be held in the Chapel Wednesday June 17th at 2 PM with Bishop Tracey Bartholomew presiding. The profit from Spring Fling was $1,763.88. The Auxiliary will meet again in September. Sincerely: Sandy Pagano Key Woman Greetings in Christ, THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE has been very busy this spring – between keeping the floods in the basement under control – to the completion of the foundation project. We still have some things to finish outside. • The covering over the front door needs to be built and shingles on the awnings need to be replaced. (Where the honey beehive was last year) • Since they no longer make the decorative aluminum shingles – all of the awnings will be replaced. • They will be inspected upgraded new materials and a decorative cover applied. This should be good for another 30+ years. • We also have some parking lot issues and drainage problems. The committee will be meeting with Daljack (our contractor) this week for a plan and to get an estimate. Thus far the basement has been “bone dry”. Phase II of our foundation project can now begin. This will be the demolition and removal of sheet rock in the class room and stairwell storage area. • Inspect what has to be replaced and begin to rebuild the damaged areas. Year to date we have done electrical, plumbing, painting and landscaping projects. • • • We have passed fire inspection including fire alarm upgrades. We also have a new security system in place. There are new cameras on almost every door with a recording device which includes an app so the church may be monitored from a remote location. The intercom system has been replaced and the magnetic lock on the glass door is up and running again. We feel better knowing that our secretary - Janet has control of who enters our church during business hours. The materials for this project were donated. Our costs were the labor which came in under $1,000.00. Our AC units have been serviced and are ready for the hot summer months. We have job lists longer than the Ark – it sure keeps us busy. I would like to thank everyone who gives their time and talent to make Trinity a beautiful place to worship. Peace be with you all, Richard Greiner & your Trinity Property Committee Stewardship: Loving God with Our Time, Talent, and Treasure “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Matthew 6:21 CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES 2015 LINDSAY NICOLE CUNDIFF graduated in December with High Honors from Grand Canyon University. She received her BSN and is now employed by Genesis Health Systems in Des Moines, Iowa. JACQUELINE LLOYD is graduating from Gateway Regional High. She will be going to Gloucester County College, then Camden County College to major in vet Tech. SAMANTHA MORRONE‐LIPKA is graduating from GCIT, majoring in cosmetology. She will be attending Gloucester County College in the fall to major in art. THOMAS LLYOD graduated 8th grade from Gateway Regional High School‐Middle school. He will continue his education at the High School. LILLIAN KRAEMER graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy, May 22, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science and a commission as a US Navy Ensign. At the academy Lily was a member of the Varsity Soccer Team and served as squad leader and conduct officer for 2nd Company. She has been assigned to flight school, where she will continue studies and training to be a Navy pilot at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. Graduate’s Prayer Father, I have knowledge So I pray you’ll show me now How to use it wisely And find a way somehow To make the world I live in A little better place‐ And make life with its problems A bit easier to face. Grant me faith and courage And put purpose in my days And show me how to serve Thee In the most effective ways So all my education, My knowledge and my skill May find their true fulfillment As I learn to do Thy will. And may I ever be aware In everything I do That knowledge comes from learning And wisdom comes from you. Helen Steiner Rice JUNIOR CHOIR Summer is finally here! Of course, that is officially; the thermometer has told us that summer arrived several weeks ago. At any rate, let’s all enjoy every minute of summer. Before the “real” summer can arrive the final days of school must end, all recitals must be performed and those final ball games played. Then new teams are formed and we are “off to the races again”. The Junior Choir of 2014‐2015 has been an exceptional group of girls and boys. Each one is busy with dance, soccer, karate, musical instruments and new plans for those electronic games and the competition to go with that. But we at Trinity have been blessed to hear the members of the Junior Choir sing music to the honor and glory of God with gusto and excitement. Their hours of memorizing their words and practicing are complete for this season and now we look forward to the 2015‐2016 season. Rehearsals for the new season will begin on Sunday September 13th at the same time (9:45 am‐10:00 am each Sunday in the choir room). We will NOT be singing in church in September but will begin on October 18th. Be sure to mark your calendars and look forward to another great year. Best wishes to all for a safe and healthy time of rest and relaxation. Don’t forget Vacation Bible School – “Son Spark Labs – Discovering God’s Plan 4 u = Jesus” Monday July 13th thru Friday July 17th! Join the fun! Love and blessings to all, Mrs. Schmidt KIDS PAGE Birrthdays 1 - Kathryn Luxx 2 - Steve Balze er 3 - Bob Reed, Jr. J 3 - Jeffrey Ande erson 4 - Penny Shea airs 4 - Kristin Thatccher 5 - Regina Kolttys 6 - Jeffrey Brasshear 7 - Nancy Daniels 8 - Bill Mayer IIII 10 - Tori Veigel 11 - Gregory Bennett 12 - Michael Hallko 13 - Devyn Siraccuse 14 - Katherine Donachie D 15 - Cliff Barr, Sr. 16 - Alanna Virgilio 17 - Andrew Smith 18 - Bob Brashe ear 19 - Edna Donovvan 19 - Casey Guen nette 20 - Dorothy Offfer 20 - Joseph Kesssler 23 - Gus Ciuffo 24 - Shawn McH Henry 25 - Christopherr Knause 25 - Ruby Joness 26 - Dennis Hickke 26 - Matthew Wrright 27 - Kelly Cundifff 28 - Richard Bro own 28 - Robert Zenttner 30 - Alexa Ricarrd 31 - Wally Guete ens 31 - Kenna Brocckway Annivversariees 1 - Wayn ne & Denise Egolf 2 - Ken & Marianne Yurcaba alvitti 3 - Nickk & Nancy Sa 3 - Tom & Lynn Torrrillo 3 - Chriss & Diane Kochon 7 - John n & Lynette Poulton P 9 - Sam m & Cindy Sp pino 11 - Jim & Paige Eberts 12 - Bill & Lynne Ma aynard 14 - Traccy & Tammyy Baker 17 - Les & Gail New whall S 17 - Ericc & Barbara Shinseki 20 - Passtor Andy & Amy A Engelhart 29 - Davvid & Yvette Veigel Bap ptisms On June 7, 2015 JONA ATHAN LEE JEERNEGAN Son of Carl Jerneggan Jr. and his wife Ruth h (nee Dawson) of Williamstown, NJ Born n: April 18, 19 975 On June 7, 2015 JEREEMIAH GEORG GE JERNEGAN N Son of Carl Jerneggan Jr. and his wife Ruth h (nee Dawson) of Monroeeville, NJ Born n : December 24, 1980