15 November - Moreland Primary School
15 November - Moreland Primary School
Moreland Mail Moreland Primary School, Moreland Road, Moreland 3058 Ph: 9386 2510, Fax: 9386 2313, Email: [email protected], Web: www.morelandps.vic.edu.au Calendar of Events Nov 18 Nov 20 Nov 22 Dec 5 Dec 10 Dec 17 Dec 20 Indonesian Soup Day Prep parent meeting Prep orientation begins Big Samba Family Picnic evening Gr 6 – Yr 7 Orientation Day Gr 6 Graduation End of Term 4 Indonesian Special Lunch Monday18th November Tekwan; Indonesian Soup NB.: All profit from this day will be donated to the devastated families in the Philippines Thought of the Week Act as if what you do makes a difference William James November 15th , 2013 Volume 13, Issue 19 Principal: John Williams Principal’s Message Grade 6 Graduation An early reminder for parents of Grade 6 children graduationg this year, that our Graduation Ceremony will be held at Aghadeers Restaurant in Sydney Road on Tuesday December 17th. Prep Orientation Our transition program for 2014 Prep students begins with a parent meeting on November 20th at 7.00pm in the Prep room. Come to the front office and you will be directed to the Prep room. The program for the children will begin on November 22nd at 9.30am. Parents are welcome to stay at school where we will have a cup of tea or coffee and give you a chance to see around the school if you wish. The program will conclude at 11.00am. Achievement Award winners Ferret in the school Last week we found a ferret in the school. He visited the prep room before he was caught by Daniel. We think he was someones pet and he has been taken away by the Moreland City Council Ranger. Swimming Program Our very successful swimming program concluded yesterday. Many thanks to all of the staff who attended and assisted the children throughout the program. John Williams Coming soon to Moreland Primary School: A whole school end of year event Filled with fun and entertainment When: 2013 December 5, Where: Moreland Primary School Time: 5pm -8pm Carols by the Lake Saturday 7th December 2013 Coburg Lake Reserve Murray Rd., Coburg 6pm- 10pm Come along and join in this free community concert featuring entertainment and activities for the whole family For more information please visit: www.moreland.vic.gov.au Or contact council on 9240 1111 The Big Samba On Thursday, December 5th the whole school will be performing what they have learnt during the week with ‘The Big Samba’ Also on this evening we will be having a whole school picnic. Bring your picnic blanket and food and drinks (NO ALCOHOL) and join with other families in a school get together. We will also have a cake stall, a sausage sizzle an Indonesian Food stall, a plant stall and lots of games. Come along and have fun! Out of School Hours Care DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ACTIVITY Outside Play / Parachute day Depending on the weather, we will be heading outside to the playground Active After School Care Basketball Basketball with coach Rosemary Active After School Care Dancing Dancing with coach Jennifer Cambodia Letters Children can draw and write letters to our friends in Cambodia where the YMCA offer ongoing children’s programs Spontaneous Play / Children’s Choice Day Choose between outside play, arts and crafts, quiet time, and chill out time with friends AFTERNOON TEA Peter Bread & Dip Fruit Salad & Custard Rice Cakes Chicken & Pumpkin Soup Hot Dogs
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