fun concours night - take 2
Alfa Romeo Owners Club EAST MIDLANDS SECTION Formerly Central & East Midlands FUN CONCOURS NIGHT - TAKE 2 !! Weds 10 July 7pm Event postponed from June Sunday 7 July Stanford Hall near Lutterworth ‘Summertime Classics’ is the new title for Auto Italia’s event at Stanford Hall. Moved back by one month from its traditional June date, the event is attempting to attract a bigger gate by opening up to any Classic cars – as we would hope, it of course incorporates the Italian Car Concours, much loved event that dates back to the early 1990s. There will be one marque reduced in numbers however as the Maserati Owners Club has moved its Concours to Prescott, and that’s where we come in as our Alfa Romeos will have Maserati’s usual prime spot near the River Avon. Our Section will once again be marshalling all of the Alfa Romeos that attend and the plan is to create special displays by model. We are not going to go madly complex on that, but we will make a true display of Bertone Coupes, celebrating their 50th anniversary, 105 series Spiders, Alfettas (including GTV and GTV 6), all other classic models Alfa 75/164 and older, then we will see what to do with others. Trying to predict what and how many Alfas will attend this event is notoriously difficult. If recent years are to go by it could be anything from 90 to 400! Inside this edition: June Meeting Night AutoKarna Langton Brewery Tour Cotswold Alfa Day Alfa 4C in Production Alfasud Sprinting . . . and more Admission is £13 per Adult, Children £3 payable at gate only. Gates open at 9am, our Section Helpers can get in from 8am. So, we’ll have some fascinating Italian cars again, some other ‘classics’ to look at, and in addition there is going to be a tribute band, a display by the amazing Abarth-sponsored stunt plane and a trade village - great for bargain Autoglym for example. On top of this, we always try to make this a proper Section get together, so please bring a picnic and a chair as we will all meet up at around 1pm at our Section Shelter. The big photo above shows that amazing day in June 2008 at the Auto Italia event when the three amigos from Top Gear attended for our AROC Concours - you can see the throng around their cars on the right of the picture. What a day that was, quite unforgettable. There’s no telling if this year’s event will be quite as bizarre, but it should be good fun anyway. So, as you’ll see inside we had to postpone our Fun Concours night in June as the forecast was horrendous, yet magically at Thringstone it remained dry! We really hope 10 July will be a glorious evening, do please plan to come we will do our very best to run it this time even if in a bit of drizzle. It was still terrific to se around 40 people present at the June meeting, including several ‘newbies’. Here’s to seeing some summer weather for all of our many activities!! AROC RACING AT MALLORY PARK Sunday 4 August We’re delighted to say that the meeting is on! There will be two Alfa Romeo races to enjoy in a packed programme, special Alfa Romeo parking, and a TRACK PARADE for AROC members. Just see John G on the day for the required pass. People are advised to get there EARLY (before 9am) to secure best parking spots. More details will be emailed to members at end of July. The event is again supported by Chris Variava Alfa Romeo. John AROC racing at Mallory Park is on 4 August Alfisti is edited and produced by John Griffiths AROC East Midlands Section Secretary Tel: 0774 8881317 e-mail: [email protected] See our website for the latest news and more: www.AROC--UK.COM/EASTMIDS Alfisti production sponsored by ALFISTI / EASTMIDS Price? IT’S FREE!! After some horrible weather in June we hope to be able to run this most popular event on our regular July meeting night. There are a host of categories, both fun ones and the more serious, including the prestigious Car of the Night, with prizes sponsored by our key Section supporters; Chris Variava Alfa Romeo Nottingham, Engine Services (Dave French) and IntaServices (Dave Knott) in Leicester. All Alfas attending are automatically entered, and all people present get to vote. It’s always an enjoyable evening and I hope you can make it. (Proviso, if it is raining hard the meet will go ahead, as it did in June, but we will postpone the completion to August.) ■ Alfisti Issue 155 ■ July 2013 2 June 2013 This date is traditionally the one used by Auto Italia at Stanford Hall (see cover). They have moved their event to July as, traditionally, it chucks it down with rain on the first weekend in June. Well, this time the Law of Sod came flying into play and the day was glorious! The sunny weather certainly brought out the crowds, and a few very unusual classic cars too. AutoKarna was originally the brainchild of the Austin 7 club, and they had a huge number of their diminutive cars along, parked on the banked grass in front of the hall. These were joined by a plethora of varied vehicles, everything from American muscle cars to original Ford Fiestas, and even a Wartburg… what a sight that was! Shut-lines you could climb through. A few of my own favourites included the subtly modified Mk1 Ford Cortina, an immaculate Rover V8, and a bright yellow Fiat Barchetta. (From 1995, it’s a ‘soon to be’ classic perhaps.) A good number of our members met up at the Chris Variava display area during the lunchtime period. No Alfa Romeo hospitality unit this time, but the Jeep one did the job, alongside a Mitsubishi one of course. Outside a MiTo ‘Live’ (the attractive new limited edition model) and Giulietta Sportiva joined the range of Chryslers and Jeeps and all were attracting interest. Paul Jones (Sales Manager for Alfa, Jeep and Chrysler) was our host there and his wife Liz had baked some delightful cup cakes for us to enjoy with the free tea and coffee - spot on! So, all in all an enjoyable relaxing day as ever, and a nice change for a car show to be bright, warm and dry! John Photos by John Vast Chrysler 300C (Lancia Thema in Europe) MiTo LIVE Chrysler Ypsilon, Lancia Ypsilon in Europe Wartburg. Delightful. Paul Jones with his son Liam FIAT Barchetta Wollaton Hall in the sunshine Capri 280 Brooklands Plenty of interest around the Alfas Something quite different in our Calendar of events this one. We’ve not done a brewery tour since the 1990s! This was suggested by Alan Lathwell from Kibworth, who’s becoming a bit of an expert in his local hostelries. The Langton Brewery started off effectively in a shed behind The Bell at East Langton, but moved to its new premises a few miles down the road PAST Church Langton about seven years ago. In that time the two brewers there have continued to perfect their craft. On the evening, 14 of us had a fascinating talk partner in the business, David, who explained the entire process from treatment of the Severn Trent Water, through the addition of the various barleys to create the sugars for alcohol and flavour, the addition of hops which add bitterness, flavour, colour and preservatives, to the final addition of yeast into the big tanks for fermenting. We were surprised that is only about a 4 to 5 day process start to finish, and that with just the final addition of finings to clear the brew, it comes straight from tank to container vessel; barrels, bottles and even beer boxes. Our Alfas outside The Brewery serves about a dozen local pubs and bottles (by hand) around 30,000 bottles p.a. Demand outstrips supply but the guys are quite happy with their scale today—a ramp up would need large investment and MAY spoil the end product. We had ’ample’ beer to taste (very generous amounts!), a sandwich buffet and could then buy plenty of bottles to take home. The Caudle bitter we tried at 3.9% was absolutely superb... Shame so many were driving! Many thanks again to Alan fro suggesting the trip and organising it, it was really enjoyable. John Above, David explains the process to our group. Immediate left, top - the barley, often roasted for darker brews and Stout. Bottom, the hops, often from Slovenia. The failure of the Terrapin at Curborough during our Track Experience Day on the 29 May, which John described as a “niggle”, turned out to be somewhat more serious. Subsequent investigation showed number 2 cylinder was full of coolant. Removal of the head and fitting a new Head Gasket failed to improve matters. I removed the head yet again and took it to M & G Castings at Market Overton, with a view to having it skimmed. Initial pressure test showed a porous induction port to ducting connecting the cooling system to no.2 combustion chamber. This meant the head is scrap after being a replacement for the previous head which had valve failure. Two heads, two events totaling approximately 11 laps of Curborough. This created a problem as I had an entry at Curborough in the Westfield MC sprint on June 16th. . . Rather than lose the entry fee I decided to change class and run my 1.3 Sud Super in a sprint for only the second time in 15 years of ownership. Panic stations, Sud SORNed, no MOT, not taxed. Appointment for MOT Wednesday 12th.June, amazed that it passed straight through after 18 months SORN. DVLA would not tax it on line. Post Office on Thursday most helpful, taxed, so now road legal as I had maintained insurance. Email to Entry Secretary at Westfield gained approval for change of class. This meant I would now be competing against a Lotus Elan, an MX5 and a well sorted Ka. Friday prepare car to satisfy Scrutineering. What happened Saturday escapes me, but I was ready for Sunday. Phew. Left home 6.15 Sunday, much rumbling of front end. Some idiot (me) had failed to tighten two wheelnuts on front nearside checking after Mot. Rectified that and arrived Curborough OK, signed on, scrutineered, handed in commentary form with a pack of lies. Had six runs, 2 practice, 2 timed and 2 additional fun runs, spent most of the day fielding questions about the Sud which received a tremendous amount of praise and comment as to why it was not a heap of rust in the garage. Of course I was out classed, but what a terrific day managing to come 4th. Out of 4. My times P1 50.12secs, P2 48.32, T148.48, T2 48.83, fun runs 48.36 and 48.33. Consistent if nothing else. The Ka was running 45s. I now await the arrival of a replacement Cylinder head in order to get the Terrapin running again. The future of which is in the balance, more of that later, but as they say, “watch this space”. Cheers George COTSWOLD ALFA DAY, 23 June This year’s Cotswold Alfa Day was centred on Stanway House which has the highest gravity-fed fountain in the world. With strong threats of heavy showers everyone was very lucky that it held off until around 2,30pm when people were starting to leave. Several of our Section members enjoyed the day, including taking part in the Giro Panoramica run that started in the morning from around 10.30. With it raining in Leicestershire, Neil Fairhurst left his Spider Series 2 at home taking his Giulietta Cloverleaf instead. “Bit of rain is OK in Spider but once hood is wet needs leaving up to dry - and driving with hood up is naff and noisy, and sitting in it to eat lunch etc is confined and steamed up. Would have liked to use it as had new rear springs and fuel pump fitted Friday, to see how they performed. Discretion is the better part of valour !!!I left about 3.15 , rain had held off, (just – there were a few spots in wind ) and about a mile down the road the sun came out for a while. But after a few miles of light rain, around Princeton, an almighty downpour almost flooded the Fosseway, and reduced vis. to almost zero. Right decision! One of the happiest men of the day was Dave Atkins, whose delightful Giulietta Turbodelta won a prize. There are lots more photos on the Cotswold Section’s website, thanks to Neil Fairhurst and Dave Atkins for these. John Above, new meets old always a terrific collection of 105 Series cars at ‘CAD’. Left, Dave Atkins prize winning Giulietta with trophy. Photos by Neil Fairhurst; trophy pic Dave Atkins JUNE MEETING NIGHT at the George & Dragon, Thringstone, 10 June 2013 Of course this space was originally going to be devoted to an extensive report on our Fun Concours night, however, the Law of Sod intervened. After a run of about 16 consecutive dry evenings, the Atlantic depressions finally triumphed and the weather turned miserable and wet, forcing official postponement at around 6pm. AS you’ll have seen on the cover we now plan a re run on 10 July. Our man on the scene, Brian Smith, reported rain and Spielberg-black clouds, that coupled with me receiving numerous calls from people reporting heavy rain really gave us no option, especially as our supporters had again been so generous with their prizes . Travelling to the place was a bit of a disaster for many too. A huge motorway hold up meant some aborting their journeys and others being late—me included. When I finally arrived, 50 minutes later than planned after a wide diversion, I was delighted to see about 16 Alfas already there, and by 8pm we were up to 26! Oh, plus Paul Jones from CV’s in his wife Liz’s Chrysler Ypsilon! You’ll see from my pics here that we had some great cars among them. A number of Spiders and classics had stayed at home, though local man Peter Farley brought his lovely Giulietta 101—hood down no less—and Nick Arthur had driven up from Leamington Spa in his superb Alfetta GTV 2000. A more modern classic on the night belonged to Gurdip, a friend of Paul Atkins who works with him at Triumph in Hinckley. This being a fantastic example of a 164, in stock 2.0 Twin Spark guise, complete with original plastic wheel covers no less! What a great car. Gurdip’s had it for 30,000 miles now, with the odometer showing 140,000 miles he says it’s going superbly. He was considering selling it but meeting us lot of fanatics on the night he’s seriously considering keeping it now and buying a diesel ‘commuter’. Our two other first timers were both in 156 GTAs. Slavatore Vitale from Burton-on-Trent has had Alfas for years and has just re-joined the club. Alongside his metallic black example is a Giulia Sprint GTC harking back to 1966. It’s good in parts by all accounts and he’s looking at a restoration. The red 156 GTA belonged to Steve Bestwick. It has over 100K on the clock, but is going strong, though Steve is expert at resetting fault codes with a gadget he keeps almost permanently attached! He loves the car though and says he enjoys driving it even more than a 16v Integrale he owns, terrific as that is. Elsewhere we had a pair of cracking modified Silver GTV 3.0 V6s belonging to Dave McFarland and Martin Lindus - both enjoying comparing exhaust notes at one point! Rob Galloway was also over again with his son having travelled over from Peterborough (as Martin had) in his GTV 2.0, and Matt Strange also had his blue 3.0 GTV along too. Mark and Jacqui Wood were over too, with Ralph the Alfa Dog, this time in Jacqui’s Giulietta QV Marks’ turbocharged GTV not yet completed. Poor old Duncan Langford had spent all day shining up his black Giulietta to polished perfection— we appreciated your efforts Dunk. ;0) There was lots more to see too, though a number of nice cars, as I said earlier, had stayed in the dry. We were pleased to see Peter Cambridge along again too, (he’s the ex-Prodrive Brera S project lead for those who don’t know.) By around 9pm we retired to the bar and lounge for a drink and a natter, an enjoyable end to the evening that was far from what we had planned. We’ll do our best to run the Concours at the next meeting anyway… hope you can make it. John Gurdip with his excellent 164 Liz Jones’ Chrysler Ypsilon - look, let’s call it a Lancia, was interesting to have a good look at. Apparently you can obtain all the necessary Lancia badges to convert it, but they are selling very well as are great value for money. Nick Arthur’s superb GTV 2000, complete with refurbished alloys (similar to those standard on the rare Grand Prix Edition) purchased with Goodyear tyres for just £175 on eBay. Now that is a bargain! Despite an almost certain threat of rain, Peter Farley arrived hooddown in his delightful Giulietta Spider. (Yes, he is barking mad!) Dave McFarland’s 1:18 scale 33 Stradale. Superb! Roger Smith owns this 3.2 159 and a 3.2 916 Spider so is well qualified to discuss the relative merits of the engines with prospective purchaser Roy Matthews. He likes the 159, but LOVES the Busso... ALFA 4C PRODUCTION UNDERWAY IN MODENA Latest web photos show Alfa’s production line in full swing at the Maserati plant in Modena. A fascinating video (see it on the 4C thread on the club Forum) shows the carbon fibre ’tub’ being painstakingly built by hand from dozens of sheets of the weave prior to baking in the autoclave. The finished item pics here show the standard-spec cars (not Launch Editions) and they look stunning, even on these smaller alloys. What a car... MiTo LIVE Alfa Romeo’s new Limited Edition MiTo is squarely targeted at the younger market and the run of 250 cars in Alfa Red with highgloss black roof panel really looks the part. The car is an interesting mix of specs. Bright work is deleted as per the entry level model, but it has unique gloss black mirror caps and door handles. 17” anthracite alloys with red brake callipers look the part too, but it’s inside where the real changes lie. Seat trim is from the Distinctive version, dash from the lower spec versions, but the wheel catches your eye as it has no buttons for phone or stereo control… but that’s as there as a very smart Pioneer AppRadio8” touch-screen unit in the dash that can hook into mobile devices for things like sat nav and music, even that vital thing ‘Social Media’. Music-wise it’s hooked into the excellent BOSE set up too… Under the bonnet it’s the Fiat Group’s characterful 85bhp Twin-Air unit. On sale now at a list price of £16,590 you’re getting a lot for your money, it’s certainly an attractive proposition. AutoGlym Super Resin Polish has been around since the 1970s, continuously developed, the new formula shines brighter, lasts longer too, and importantly leaves much less dusty white residue. On a budget for shining up your Alfa, it is probably the only stuff you’ll need… Any downsides? Well, if you get it on black plastic, say bumper strips, sill covers, window rubbers, it will dry white and generally looks pretty awful. Two ways to resolve this. Firstly AutoGlym’s brilliant, washable Perfect Palm Applicator pad, which means you can apply in quite precisely, and secondly, AutoGlym’s ’Fast Glass’ cleaner. The latter’s constituents helps dissolve the polish bringing back the original look. (If not perfect, you then need to mask it with the likes of AutoGlym Vinyl and Rubber Care. (Leigh Nethercot’s got lots of that, just ask him. ;0) ) Now, good old ‘SRP’ has another use - used neat and rubbed vigorously it is excellent to bring a sheen to window rubbers - an oft neglected area. Basically, a garage is not complete without some SRP... 90th Anniversary of the Quadrifoglio Verde The 90th anniversary of the Quadrifoglio Verde (green four-leaf clover), the legendary symbol that has identified some of Alfa Romeo's sportiest models, is being celebrated this year. That refers not only to the cars which have taken to the world's race circuits, but also to certain special production versions. Corner There will be some new Alfa Romeo advertising focus this summer, particularly around the new MiTo Live and Giulietta Collezione Limited Editions, but with copy not available at time of going to print, CV’s Sales Manager Paul Jones thought we could bring some other things to readers’ attention. Here’s a snapshot of a few fantastic used cars on offer, plus a feature about another happy new car customer. If you are interested in obtaining an Alfa Romeo new or pre-owned, why not contact Paul and the team? Rest assured AROC members get a tremendous deal. Steve Sembay collected his new Giulietta Sportiva MultiAir TCT at the end of June, trading in his white Giulietta MultiAir Veloce he’d owned since 2010. He’s absolutely delighted with it, and the deal struck. Steve says TCT will take a little time to get used to, but he’s already finding it a breeze to drive in heavy traffic, and it’s quick too! Pre-Owned Selection MiTo 170 bhp QV 2012, JUST £13,990 Giulietta Cloverleaf 235bhp 2011 (61), £16,990 159 Ti 2.0 JTDm SPW, 2011, £15,990 1 Owner, just 5,000 miles. 1 Owner, Ghiacchio White, 12,300 miles. 1 Owner, high spec, 30,000 miles. Interested? Call 0115 855 3060 Interested? Call 0115 855 3060 Interested? Call 0115 855 3060 AROC East Midlands Section Events 2013 Date Event 7 July ‘13 Auto Italia Italian Car Concours and ’Summertime Classics’ Stanford Hall near Lutterworth. Includes Alfa Romeo display area and Section picnic. See cover for details. 10 July ‘13 From 7pm FUN CONCOURS NIGHT at the George & Dragon in Thringstone. Our biggest meeting night of the year had to be postponed in June owing to awful weather, fingers are fully crossed that July will be better! This is always an enjoyable event with lots of generous prizes for various categories provided by our main Section supporters. All Alfas are automatically entered and everyone gets to vote - Don’t miss it! 4 Aug ‘13 AROC Racing at Mallory Park – Lots of Alfa racing as part of the Classic Touring Car Racing Club’s event. Special Alfa parking area and track parades!! 11 Aug ‘13 National Alfa Day – Chatham Historic Dockyard, Kent. A convoy run to the event meets at the A14 services at Rothwell (McDonalds) ready to depart at 8am sharp. 14 Aug ‘13 Spider Night – at our regular Mothly Meeting at The George & Dragon in Thringstone starting at 7pm. All Alfas are welcome of course! 18 Aug ‘13 MITCAR 2013 - Midlands Italian Car Day at Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire. The 13th edition of our Section's flagship event will be one not to miss. Incredibly, admission is still just £5 per Italian Car!! HELPERS REQUIRED - Please contact John. 8 Sep ‘13 Leicester Aeroclub Open Day - at Leicester Airport (aka Stoughton Aerodrome), including air displays, special Alfa display and potential free pleasure flights too! Starts at 10.30am. 11 Sep ‘13 Twilight Drive at our regular Monthly Meeting at The George & Dragon in Thringstone starting at 7pm. Drive at 7.45pm followed by optional pub meal. TBC Sep ‘13 KARTING NIGHT at Sutton Circuit, Broughton Astley. Fantastic outdoor track, Endurance style mini-team event. Racing followed by drinks and supper. 9 Oct ‘13 Section AGM & Alfa Quiz at The George & Dragon in Thringstone - starting at 7.30pm. The official business including a review of events and plans for 2014 starts at 8pm. TBC Oct ‘13 Visit to MORGAN CARS in Malvern. A mid-week date will be announced soon Places have to be limited, but this is a fascinating tour for all car fanatics. 13 Nov ‘13 Regular Monthly Meeting at The George & Dragon in Thringstone - starting at 7.30pm. 15 -17 Nov ‘13 Classic Motor Show, NEC Birmingham, AROC display featuring historic Alfa Romeos 11 Dec ‘13 Regular Monthly Meeting at The George & Dragon in Thringstone - starting at 7.30pm. Please keep an eye on our website as things can change!! Mallory Park Track Parade - 4 August The lunchtime Alfa track parade was a highlight for many at the event when staged in 2011, and this year, as cars on track are limited to just 25 by MSA rules we are trying for two stints. The intention is for people to sign up on the day for go, obtaining a windscreen pass and signing the disclaimer. It will be open to ALL AROC members present this time, so best get there early. Early bird advance ticket discounts are now available via main club website (£11 adults). Come on - fly the flag!! AROC East Midlands Section Merchandise Polo shirts with full colour embroidered logo, in mid or dark blue. All sizes - Just £15 each. Fleeces from £25 and Soft-Shell waterproof jackets from £30 All items are genuine high quality and an absolute steal at the price. TO ORDER contact our man Brian Smith at The Small Print: ‘Alfisti’ is published primarily for the enjoyment of members of the Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club East Midlands Section. Chris Variava Alfa Romeo Nottingham supports the cost of Alfisti’s printed production carried out at cost rate by a Section Member’s company. Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club UK ltd cannot endorse or recommend services or products advertised in its publications. Any opinions published in ‘Alfisti’ or its sister website are personal ones. Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club Ltd registered Number 01106134. Please contact John Griffiths if you have any queries about the club or our active local area Section. See cover for contact details. Gazetta News Snippets MONTHLY MEETINGS AT THE G&D Summer season means we’ll do our best to make the most of the lighter evenings on our regular meeting night (always the second Wednesday of the month). For July 10 we’ve the Fun Concours, postponed from June, then 14 August it’s Spider Night, a great opportunity for Alfa Spider owners to get the hood down on a summer evening and line up together. All Alfas are of course very welcome to that too! 11 September is the Twilight Drive, where we take a leisurely route around the surrounding countryside—it’s also an opportunity to enjoy a ride in another’s Alfa. OUR SECTION REPORT IN JUNE’S CLUB MAGAZINE If you though the report in the June edition of ‘Alfa Driver’ stopped rather suddenly, you are right! 90 words were somehow omitted, including John’s signature and the Section’s contact details… Not the first time there’s been problems with our report there. John is on the selection team for the new editor—attention to detail and proof reading will be two key factors expected from the next incumbent! SIMON & CLARE OFF TO SWANSEA Section regulars since 2005, Simon and Clare Addison are making the leap of moving from their home near Coventry back to Swansea, their original home town. They’ve both played a really active role in the success of our Section over the past years, always to be relied upon for helping at events, notably MITCAR of course. Simon is already making plans for getting the South Wales area Section properly up and running! It goes without saying that we all wish them well for the future. (They should be moving in September.) Highlight BMW has revealed details of the new, thirdgeneration X5 along with the promise that it has been designed more than ever to appeal to ‘dreadful human beings’ Anyone wanting a new X5 will have to find at least £42,590 and, going by the looks of them, they’ll probably do it illegally. Terrapin Sprint Racer - George Cole From an email to John after our Curborough Circuit Sprint Experience at end of May. Just a short note with regard to our day at Curborough. In Alfasud 1.3 SC FOR SALE (Dave Atkins) Dave Atkins has finally decided to sell his delightful Alfasud. It is a 1983 1350cc SC model, with 50,000 miles on and in generally very good condition, with fresh MOT. There are so few of these iconic cars about they are sure to continue to rise in value. Contact Dave for more details John G will give you his details. spite of the deterioration of the weather it was apparent everybody enjoyed the day. The standard of driving was of a high order and everybody was most complementary at the end of the day. Let’s do it again next year was a general comment. Can we arrange for a decent day weather wise? Although the Terrapin had an off day I ended the day with an excess of £46 and 20 pence, which will be sent to the Blenhe im Society. Thank you to everybody for the kind donation. Did I detect a future Sprint/Hill Climb champion in a white Fiat? Best Regards George 145 Boxer - Owen French From an email to John: I heard you have seen my car at Dave’s. I've given it a wash and have taken a few pics in the lovely Hereford countryside. I had my first attempt at wrapping the car last year with a cheap matt white vinyl but it proved very difficult as the temperature had dropped sharply making the vinyl brittle and difficult to work with and the glue on the vinyl was so strong it would pull paint off if you tried to reposition! Over the winter I got annoyed with the amount of white cars on the road and the poor quality finish. So I got in touch with 3M (the market leaders) and they sent me a swatch of over 40 colours to choose from. Finally choosing orange then a hole in my bank account to the amount of £350. After seeing the finished result I didn't mind, much cheaper than a re-spray. I would recommend the 3M wrap to anyone, especially if you’re attempting to do it yourself. It was so much easier to work with, repositioning was easy and I was able to do a much better job. It's had a positive response too. Look forward to seeing everyone at the Fun Concours, get polishing! Me, fairy liquid brings the vinyl up lovely! Cheers, Owen. Old wrap... New wrap... 156 GTA - Steve Bestwick 156 GTA - Salvatore (Sal) Vitale AS mentioned in our June report inside, Steve from Sandiacre brought his GTA along to our regular meeting for the first time. It’s done a fair few miles at @110K now, but goes like a train still. The car is generally in great ‘nick, though there are a few of the model’s typical b l e m i s h e s (wheelarches). He just loves driving it though, even preferring it to his Lancia Integrale! Fine praise indeed... Sal also came over to our June meeting in his growly GTA, complete with smart private plate ‘V6 SRV’. Sal has made some subtle mods to his car, its standard alloys refurb’ed in dark grey looking very cool. Sal is a serial owner of Alfas, recently re-joining our club. He also owns a Giulia GTC that we hope to see running at some point. GT Bertone - Phil Levell - SCOOP! - From an email to John: I've been in contact with Stuart Taylor (105 Series Registrar) for registering my car. Interestingly he provided me some history from previous owners so that's been really useful to find out. The most recent record from Stuart’s database was in year 1988; the car had 110,000 miles recorded, in need of a rebuild and was bottle green. There's then a gap in what happened to the car as the rebuild process looks like it started between 2005 and 2007 from the last 2 prev ious owners – this is from my knowledge of the car's history. Stuart suggested the Stanford Hall m eet ing, which is one of the July events so hopefully will be able to go to that. Cheers, Phil ■ Unusual news from the world of motoring Simon Addison’s Spider S4 back from Repairers After a few months at MGS Coachworks, Simon is delighted to have his Spider back. The colour was a bit of a surprise, ditto its conversion to a single seater, however, top speed is now reported as being 247mph. Note the precautionary Roll cage added in case of future Armco barrier collisions. Alfisti’s production is kindly sponsored by Chris Variava Alfa Romeo Nottingham ■ Alfisti no.156 will be out in August
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