CVCA LINK - Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy
CVCA LINK - Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy
THE LINK MARCH 2016 The Parent Newsletter of Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy JOIN US AT THE ROYAL EVENING SATURDAY MARCH 19 EDUCATING AND CULTIVATING SERVANTS FOR CHRIST Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ WHAT’S HAPPENING MARCH: 8-12 Fine Arts Tour 10 Middle School Spring Sports Meeting 19 Royal Evening: Under the Big Top 25 Good Friday – NO SCHOOL 28-31 Spring Break – NO SCHOOL APRIL: 1 Spring Break – NO SCHOOL 20 Leadership Assemblies 22-23 Spring Musical, Marry Poppins 29-30 Spring Musical, Marry Poppins MAY: 5 Band Concert 6 Jr./Sr. Banquet and After Party 6 Teacher In-Service – NO SCHOOL 10 Orchestra/Handbell Concert 12 Choir Concert 16 Middle School Sports Awards 17 Royal Scholar Banquet 17 Seniors’ Last Day of Classes 20 Senior High Awards Assembly 17 Seniors’ Last Day of Classes 24-26 Exams 24-26 Senior Trip 29 Commenecement Take advantage of the live links in each issue of THE LINK! For your convenience, links to important information and forms are provided throughout The Link. Look for information in bright blue, click on it, and you will be taken to the website or email indicated. It’s easy! 2 THE LINK REGISTER and RE-ENROLL Re-Registration Deadline: April 4 Once a year, we ask all students to complete a re-enrollment process for the fall. In preparation for the next school year, please take time now to complete your student’s reenrollment packet in ParentsWeb: • Go to then click on the ParentsWeb (PW) link at the top of our homepage. • Type in your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on the link provided. • After logging in, click on “Family Information” in the left menu. • Click on the “Enrollment/Reenrollment” button. Our Online Enrollment system will open to the enrollment packet for your student(s). The online process should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your information should be saved if you need to quit and come back later. We ask that you complete the online process and submit the enrollment packet by April 4, 2016. After April 4, the enrollment fee will increase by $100 to $450. All payments must be submitted online If you have any questions about the process, please contact Mindy Fullerton at [email protected] or 330-929-0575 ext. 216. Financial Aid Deadline: March 31 If you are interested in applying for Financial Aid for the 2015-216 school year, please submit your Financial Aid Application online. Financial Aid applications will be processed and families informed of their awards within two weeks of the date they are submitted. The FA application is embedded in the re-enrollment software and is visible when you set up your financial payment plan. It is very important for families who need financial aid to re-register their student(s) first. We will not process a financial aid application until the student is re-registered for the fall. Contact Abby Fishel at [email protected] or 330929-0575, ext. 233 if you have questions. Endowed Scholarship Application Deadline: April 15 Returning CVCA students may now apply for endowed scholarships. Scholarship Applications will be reviewed and recipients determined by the Endowed Scholarship Committee. CVCA is blessed with large numbers of highly talented and deserving students, and we expect to see a significant number of applicants. The number of scholarships available for returning students in 2016-2017 is approximately 40 scholarships for returning middle school and 40 additional scholarships for returning high school students. If your student is interested in applying for an endowed scholarship, please print and return the scholarship form on our website at The scholarship application Deadline is April 15. Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ Step right up and join us Under the Big Top for CVCA’s annual Royal Evening on Saturday, March 19! The evening will include silent and live auctions as well as delicious food served by students. This is a fun night to gather with the CVCA community in support of our students. By attending Royal Evening you help make a tangible and eternal impact in students’ lives as they learn who God made them to be. Click here to make a reservation or for more information. We look forward to seeing you on March 19! Please make your reservation by March 4. Reservations made after this deadline will increase to $75 per person. SHOPPING REWARDS Giant Eagle Apples for Students Shopping Rewards are a convenient and simple way to support CVCA while doing your every-day shopping. Every little bit helps! Below are a few participating stores/companies for you to sign-up with to help support our students. Amazon Smile AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way to support CVCA every time you shop, at no cost to you. Simply go to You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for Amazon Smile donation” on their product detail pages.The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you need to select CVCA to receive donations from eligible purchases before shopping (using your normal Amazon login). Simply register one time and points accumulate every time you use your advantage card. Registration can be done by phone at 800-474-4777. CVCA’s Designation Code at Giant Eagle is 0250. Shopping at Giant Eagle provides the opportunity to earn points for CVCA to purchase items used everyday by our students and teachers. Heinen’s Tasteful Rewards Every time you shop and use your Heinen’s Preferred Card, 1% of your total amount purchased will be donated to CVCA. Each new school year requires all individuals to re-register for this program. To do this visit Customers that would rather register by phone may contact Heinen’s at 216-4752300 to designate that their rewards go to CVCA. Save the date for CVCA’s annual Charity Golf Classic. Consider participating in this event as a captain or a non-playing sponsor and help support students as they grow academically and in their walk with Christ. More information to follow. Contact Ryan Crocker at rcrocker@ with questions. THE LINK 3 Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ 2016 HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER COURSES July 11-July 29, 2016 Morning Courses: 8:00 a.m. to Noon Afternoon Courses: 12:15 to 4:15 p.m. COST: • Registrations made on or before 5/27/16: $300 • Registrations made after 5/28/16: $325 These courses satisfy CVCA graduation requirements. Students successfully completing each course will receive ½ credit and satisfy the graduation requirement. Minimum student enrollment is required to ensure classes will be scheduled. COME FIND OUT WHY WE LOVE CVCA! Parents and Prospective Students are invited to spend more time at CVCA and find out why our students and families love it here. Please join us on any of the following days: MARCH 3 AND APRIL 7 9:00 TO 11:00 A.M. • Walk CVCA’s halls with students, attend chapel, engage in conversation over coffee with our administration, staff, and current CVCA parents. • Registration is required. Please contact Jocey Bolender at [email protected] or at 330-929-0575, ext. 221. Please complete and return the registration form on page 16. DEBATE – Morning This class is designed for students entering grades 9-12 in the fall of 2016. The class will be based on the same curriculum offered in a regular semester class. Students will need a notebook. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS – Morning or Afternoon This course is for students entering grades 9-12 in the fall of 2016. Students learn basic skills in word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, internet skills, and web page design. Students must type at least 35 GWAM to be enrolled in this class. HEALTH – Afternoon This coed class is intended for students entering grades 10-12 in the fall of 2016. Students need a journal, notebook, and binder for note taking and handouts. 2017 J-TERM J-term 2017 trips will be announced mid-late April. Watch for information about trip registration. Rising junior and seniors are encouraged to participate in a Career Experience Opportunity (CEO). If you are interested in providing a Career Experience Opportunity for one or more students please contact Emery Nickerson at [email protected]. 4 THE LINK COMMENCEMENT TICKETS REQUIRED Tickets will be required for the Class of 2016 commencement exercises at The Chapel in Akron on Sunday, May 29. Parents of seniors recently received an email with a link to order tickets. Others who would like to reserve tickets, if they become available, should email Jeanie Micale at [email protected] or call 330-929-0575, ext. 234 to be added to the reservation list. Please include your name, number of tickets desired, and email address. You will be notified in early May of the number of tickets you will receive and can pick them up at the CVCA Welcome Center when they become available. Priority will be given to the families of seniors. Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ PREPARING FOR COLLEGE GUIDANCE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF COLLEGE PLACEMENT SENIORS: JUNIORS: 1. Finish college applications 1. Finish your junior year strong as it will be the last year on your transcript sent to colleges in the fall. How you perform during your junior year will affect the GPA sent to colleges. Improvement from previous years is also positive on college applications. 2. File the FAFSA form at as soon as possible. Your college may have a FAFSA deadline. 3. Complete scholarship applications. A local scholarship list can be found at Also, is a good online resource for scholarships 4. Following are helpful financial aid websites: – a helpful estimator – comprehensive financial aid website – U.S. Dept. of Education Student Aid – Ohio Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators SAT TEST DATES: SPRING 2016 Register at the SAT website: TEST DATES REGISTRATION DEADLINE LATE FEE DEADLINE April 8 May 5 April 26 May 25 May 7 June 4 ACT TEST DATES: SPRING 2016 Register at the ACT website: TEST DATES REGISTRATION DEADLINE April 9 June 11 during DR trip March 4 May 6 LATE FEE DEADLINE March 5-18 May 7-20 What are colleges looking for when they read your application? More than just your GPA and test scores are taken into account. Your character also matters to a college. They consider your goals, accomplishments, and personal values. The CVCA Guidance Office can help you figure out how to best express all of this! 2. Visit college campuses this school year. Students may miss three school days for campus visits. Spring break is an excellent opportunity for college visits! 3. Schedule challenging courses. Senior Year Strength of schedule is an important part of your college application. What classes are required for the colleges you are looking at? 4. Take the ACT and SAT by the end of this school year. When registering, list CVCA and colleges of interest for your scores to be sent directly to the schools. Additional scores may sent later for a fee. ACT CLASSES AT CVCA Questions? Contact Mrs. Fridine at sfridline@cvca A registration form is on page 15. ACT Prep Class – $150 Excellent preparation for April 9 or June 11 test • March 5, 8:00 a.m. to noon • March 12, 9:00 a.m. to noon • March 19, 9:00 a.m. to noon ACT Prep Class – $150 Excellent preparation for June 11 test: • May 31, 8:00 a.m. to noon • June 1, 9:00 a.m. to noon • June 2, 9:00 a.m. to noon When registering for either test, use the school code 361771. CVCA will then receive the test results to add to the student’s record to send to colleges. THE LINK 5 Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ THE BLESSINGS OF HOSTING CVCA. Jonas joined in church activities with our family including high school group, junior guys small group, retreats, and outreach activities as well as Sunday morning worship services. He even participated with our family in our church’s Amazing Race competition! In Erie PA, Fall 2014 on our way back from Niagara Falls. Back row: Will Rasper, Rick Rasper, Jonas Haugsøen, Per Haugsøen; Front row: John Rasper, Ellen Rasper, David Haugsøen, Trine Haugsøen, Frida Haugsøen On August 11, 2014, a fourth boy was added to the Rasper family. He was a day past his due date and did not join the family the way that the other Rasper boys had. His name is Jonas Bull Haugsøen and he arrived on a plane from Bergen, Norway, a day late due to weather and travel issues. We had hosted students through CVCA’s Short Term Exchange Program (STEP) in the past, but this was our first time welcoming someone into our family for an entire school year. With our two older boys, Dan and Will, away at college, God had prepared the way for Jonas to join us and expand our vision of the world in ways we could not have imagined. Jonas was eager to share about Norway’s history, geography, politics, customs, and culture and just as eager to learn about ours. He celebrated his first American anksgiving, and he prepared a fantastic traditional Norwegian Christmas dinner for us prior to going home for three weeks at Christmas. Since our youngest son, John, played soccer, Jonas came home after school every day to work on homework and communicate with his friends and family back home where they are six hours ahead of us. Jonas saw more than his share of CVCA soccer games and attended other athletic, Will, Jonas, Ellen and John in “The Amazing fine arts, and Family Race” at Riverwood - Spring 2015 special events at 6 THE LINK We were especially blessed to have Jonas’s family (Mother Trine, Father Per, sister Frida, and brother David) visit for ten days in the fall and share many northeast Ohio attractions with them; we also traveled to Niagara Falls together. Most Norwegians are bilingual, so it is very easy to communicate with his family and we continue to be in touch on a regular basis. As a mother, I was surprised by the many lessons God taught me about my relationship with Him through my relationship with Jonas. I learned more In front of Fantoft Stave Church, Bergen, Norway - January 2016. Left to right: about God’s lavJonas Haugsøen, John Rasper, Frida ish and uncondi- Haugsøen, Inger Christensen, Ellen Rasper, Rachel Hobrath, Roni Watkins tional love, His communication through prayer and His Word, my dependence on Him, and our adoption as sons and daughters into His family. Jonas may have only been here for a school year, but we have developed lifelong relationships! John and I were blessed to be able to go to Norway for J-term this year and stay with the Haugsøens, and our entire family is planning a trip to visit them this summer. We are so thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed on us through opening our hearts and home to Jonas! Please feel free to contact Ellen Rasper with any hosting questions: [email protected]. Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ MATHCOUNTS This year CVCA joined MATHCOUNTS, a math enrichment program that was started in 1983. The club is open to all CVCA middle schoolers, and meetings are held Thursdays during lunch. All year, club participants have worked on solving problems both individually and together in order to prepare for three rounds of the MATHCOUNTS competition: sprint round, target round, and team round. In the sprint tound, contestants solve a written exam consisting of 30 problems with a time limit of 40 minutes. The target round contains four, two-problem mini-examinations, for which six minutes are allowed per pair. The team round is a ten-question exam for which twenty minutes are allotted, and up to four teammates take the examination as a group. In this round, contestants are allowed to discuss the problems within the team. On February 6, the CVCA team (pictured above) of Austin Mahajan, Alex Papatonis, Peter Perdue, Andrew Schaeffer, and Sarah Bailey (alternate) went up against 13 other schools in the Akron Chapter competition. The three rounds were very challenging, but our team did a great job rising to the occasion and completing the tests well. It was a great experience for these students, and we hope to continue MATHCOUNTS at CVCA for many years to come. MATHCOUNTS is coached by Mrs. Armstrong and Mr. Muklewic. GOING GOOGLE: NEWS FROM THE CVCA LIBRARY Last year at this time, you learned that CVCA was going Google. We have had Chromebooks on carts in many classrooms and Chromeboxes in the Library and lab. Our experience has been so positive that our administration has decided to go all the way. Next year, CVCA will roll out our one-to-one technology initiative with each student assigned a Chromebook. Technology will always be accessible for schoolwork and communication. But is access everything? We’re not talking about inappropriate sites for which CVCA filters, but about choosing the excellent over the good or mediocre. Does your student know when a search engine like Google is an appropriate information source? Does he know when to choose a directory, like Splash? Does she know when and how to access databases? The final weeks of this school year are busy. Our students are digging deep in their research projects. While Google provides many useful apps, encourage your stu dents to use databases to access scholarly journals. Ohio provides free services to K-12 students and families through Infohio, to Ohio college students through OhioLink, and to citizens of all ages through OPLIN – the public library information network accessed with your library card. While database offerings overlap, there are distinct collections through each service. Librarians at each level will warmly welcome your questions. We are delighted to be able to offer Internet access 24/7. Join us in encouraging our students to choose the best sources for their needs as together we Educate and Cultivate Servants for Christ. For access to an abundance of various online resources, visit the CVCA Library website at THE LINK 7 Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ BUSSING FOR 2016-2017 Below is a copy of school districts that provide transportation to Walsh Jesuit. Limited spots will be offered to CVCA students prior to August 1, 2016. Starting August 1, all open seats are available on a first come basis to students of both schools for all seasons. Please call your school district if you live in one of these districts for further information. Transportaion is available for the entire 2016-2017 school year for $1,500 per student. Options are also 2016-2017 BUS ROUTES available to purchase transportation services for any combination of the fall, winter, and spring sessions for $600 per session. A bus reservation form can be found on page 18 and needs to be returned with payment by check by August 1, 2016. Students will be served on a first come, first served basis with seats reserved when payment is received. Questions? Call Mr. Steve Neal, Walsh’s Transportation Director, at 330-929.4205, ext. 164. A.M. P.M. Route A – Medina, Brunswick, Hinckley, Richfield A1 – Route 18 and I-71 (Rousch Honda) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:40 a.m. A2 – St. Francis Xavier School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:52 a.m. A3 – Rt. 303 and I-71 (Gales Garden Center) . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:05 a.m. A4 – Rt. 303 and Ridge Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:12 a.m. (A.M. – Hinckley Elementary / P.M. – Fifth Third) . . . . A5 – Rt. 303 and Rt. 176 (Richfield Fire Station) . . . . . . . . . .7:18 a.m. . . . . . . .4:32 p.m. . . . . . . .4:27 p.m. . . . . . . .4:15 p.m. . . . . . . .4:05 p.m. . . . . . . .3:55 p.m. Route B – Strongsville, North Royalton & Brecksville B1 – Rt. 82 and Pearl (Kohl’s Southpark Mall) . . . . . . . . . . . .6:40 a.m. . . . . . . .4:30 p.m. B2 – Rt. 82 and State Road (Giant Eagle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:55 a.m. . . . . . . .4:15 p.m. B3 – Rt. 82 and Rt. 21 (St. Basil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:10 a.m. . . . . . . .4:00 p.m. BC4 – RT 82 and Old Eight (St. Barnabas) - P.M. ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:45 p.m. Route C – Bainbridge, Solon, East Cleveland C1 – Rt. 306 and Rt. 422 (Tanglewood Square) . . . . . . . . . . .6:45 a.m. . . . . . . .4:15 p.m. C2 – Rt. 91 and Rt. 422 (Solon Community Church) . . . . . .6:57 a.m. . . . . . . .4:22 p.m. C3 – I-271 and Harvard (Red Robin) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:08 a.m. . . . . . . .4:36 p.m. BC4 – Chili’s – Macedonia Commons – A.M. ONLY . . . . . .7:25 a.m. Macedonia: A.M. – Bus C P.M. – Bus B SCHOOL DISTRICTS THAT TRANSPORT TO WALSH AURORA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-562-8017 NORDONIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-908-6052 COPLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-664-4820 STOW-MUNROE FALLS . . . .330-673-6550 BEDFORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-439-4234 COVENTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-644-2371 HUDSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-653-3355 KENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-673-2231 8 THE LINK REVERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-523-3118 TWINSBURG . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-486-2348 WOODRIDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-928-6312 Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ THE ROYAL THEATRE PROUDLY PRESENTS EVENING SHOWS: APRIL 22, 23, 29 MATINEE: APRIL 30 TICKETS ON SALE THROUGH ITICKETS.COM ON APRIL 4 CVCA SPRING CONCERTS Mark your calendars! Band, May 5 Orchestra/Handbells May 10 Choir, May 12 STUDENTS RECEIVE MUSIC HONORS Congratulations to CVCA students Charlie Jones, Olivia Nitzsche, Stefan Loos, Kate Brunn and Olivia Ottman! These students recently competed in the Ohio Music Educator’s Solo and Ensemble Contest at Firestone High School. • Charlie performed a Class A trumpet solo and received the highest possible rating of I. • Olivia Nitzsche, Stefan, and Charlie performed a Class A trumpet trio and also received a rating of I. • Olivia Ottman performed a Class B vocal solo and received the 2nd highest possible rating of II. • Kate Brunn performed a Class A vocal solo and received a I rating. THE LINK 9 Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ The CVCA Alumni Association Presents a Magical Children’s Event The CVCA Alumni Association invites children to a special Mary Poppins Pre-Show Event! SATURDAY, APRIL 30 SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2016 NOON TO 1:30 P.M. $5 per person for Lunch and Pre-show Activities Matinee Performance: 2:00 p.m. Tickets go on sale April 4 at Children age 5 through sixth grade (accompanied by an adult) are invited to a special PRE-SHOW EVENT. Enjoy lunch, receive a special gift, and have photos taken with the cast members! JR/SR AFTER PARTY The Junior/Senior After-Prom Party will be held at the Tallmadge Recreation Center: 46 North Munroe Road, Tallmadge, 44278 FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2016 following Prom from 10:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. This party is open to all CVCA juniors, seniors, and their guests. Our intention is to provide a safe, fun evening of entertainment, games, good food, and gifts for our graduating seniors. PROM 2016 All CVCA Juniors and Seniors are cordially invited FRIDAY • MAY 6 • 2016 Sheraton Suites in Cuyahoga Falls Pictures and Appetizers: 6:00 p.m. Dinner and Entertainment: 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Tickets are $35 each and will be for sale at school: Thursday, April 21 through Wednesday, April 27 10 THE LINK The After-Party Committee has already begun to plan and raise funds for this event! There are two ways in which we need all junior and senior parents to help. We are asking that you consider volunteering your time by either helping to prepare for this event or by chaperoning on the night of the After-Party. Secondly, we would like all parents of juniors and seniors to consider giving a financial donation, no matter how great or small, so we can continue the tradition of giving a gift to each senior attending the event. While some local businesses and friends of CVCA also help support this event, it is the parents who traditionally sponsor this party. We ask that parents NOT sponsor private home parties that would conflict with the official CVCA After-Prom Party. In addition to the amount of time and money invested in this event, a good turnout is important for it to be fun for all of the students! Thank you for your cooperation. To help with this event, please complete the form on page 17 and return it to MaryAnn McMullen at CVCA. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity! Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ Summer is the time to get outside and run around in the sunshine with good friends. CVCA summer camps are the place to do just that! THE LINK 11 Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ ATHLETIC NOTES AND NEWS Royals of the Week Spring Sports Physicals Check our Winter Sports Royals of the Week by visiting Physicals are required by OHSAA prior to the FIRST day of practice and try-outs. Form can be found at Not sure about the status of your physical? Contact the athletic office to find out where you stand. Start-up Dates for Spring Sports Below is the start-up information for each spring sports team and the coach contact information. Remember that all athletes must have a current physical on file in the Athletic Office prior to the dates listed below. Monday, March 7: • Boys Tennis – Coach Bolinger: [email protected] • Boys Track – Coach Rupe: [email protected] • Girls Track – Coach Hallis: [email protected] • Middle School Track – Coach Samsonas: [email protected] *Note: Baseball, Softball, and Lacrosse have started Spring Athlete/Parent Meetings • Middle School – March 10, 6:00 p.m. • High School – Teams will schedule parent meetings Athletic Fees Each student who participates in a sport at CVCA is charged a one-time fee of $150. Fee is good for the entire school year (additional fee for lacrosse). Fees may be paid on-line at Team Picture Days High School and Middle School – March 17 We Want Your Photos Did you witness a great CVCA Athletics moment this winter and catch it in a photo? To share photos with the CVCA family, please send to [email protected]. Spring Sports Awards • Middle School Spring Sports Awards Night – Monday, May 16 at 7:00 p.m. • High School Spring Sports Awards Nights – To be set by individual programs Summer Physicals Offered at CVCA CVCA will offer sports physicals for the 2016-17 school year on Monday, July 25, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. for a cost of $20. Athletes who pass the exam are cleared for the entire school year. Having your physical done at school also benefits the athletic department. Congratulations to the Eighth Grade Boys Basketball Team: PAC-7 CHAMPIONS! 12 THE LINK Royal Courier C V C A S T U D E N T N E W S P A P E R Peace in the Stillness Dear Readers, Welcome to The Royal Courier! We are a studentrun, student-written publication – produced for students. We look forward to bringing you many more issues in the coming months. Watch each LINK for the Royal Courier! MITCH SEITLE: EDITOR-IN CHIEF ALEXA MAHAJAN: WRITER ANDREW MALAK: WRITER CULLEN WESTERFIELD: WRITER MRS. MESZAROS: ADVISOR by Mitch Seiple Far too often, we try to take matters into our own hands. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant the event is, in actuality; we want to be in control of everything. It’s part of our human nature, and it’s one the things that keeps us from drawing closer to God. In order to reach a deeper level of commitment with Him, we need to learn to surrender our plans and controlling impulses to Him and trust in His plans. The easiest way to do this is to take an intentional block of time and set it aside for quiet contemplation. Some people like to call it meditation, but in this case, both terms are synonymous. This should be a time of stillness for your mind and spirit. Maybe this isn’t physical stillness, but doing something physical is indeed how some people connect with God. You could go running on a bike trail, or you could curl up with a book and a blanket. Some people like to simply sit and pray, while others draw or write. All of these things are great ways to recenter yourself and allow God to speak more clearly to you. Psalm 46:10 is God’s words to us as we scurry about with our crazy and busy lives. He says, “‘Be still, and know that I am God…’”, and we normally choose to ignore that command and continue to block Him out with the white noise of our daily schedules. It is important to take time to reconnect with God; otherwise, you’ll be at high tide without a raft. We cannot possibly hope to control everything in our lives, but God most certainly can. However, He doesn’t meddle in our lives like some helicopter parent. He is more than happy to lend His aid to us, but we have to ask first. It is only by invitation that God takes our troubles from us and carries them along with our other inner darknesses. So the next time you feel overwhelmed, take a few moments to have a real conversation with God. We have the unique relationship of both a Father and child and a subject and a King. God gives us comfort and protection, advice and direction. All you have to do is find the stillness and inhabit it. When we do, God finds His way in, and that’s when you find peace. “ We cannot possibly hope to control everything in our lives, but Godmost certainly can. ” The Tip of the Tongue by Rebekah Prather “ The more I search the less I find The more I look the more I’m blind Like a melody so low Hanging on the tip of the tongue” “The Tip of the Tongue” by The Donnis Trio The book of James speaks more directly about taming the tongue than any other book of the Bible. As high school students, this book provides some invaluable guidance on how to treat ourselves and high school. So often, we disregard the words that come out of our mouths, and the damage those worse can have. The words of hate roll of the tip of our tongue, and we don’t even realize it. There’s an epidemic of judgment that has infected our community, and it’s time to eradicate it. We all judge, even if we refuse to readily admit it. What exactly is it about judging others that makes us think it’s okay? The first problem is that we were never meant to be judge and jury. We cannot see the whole of a situation, problem, or person. We can only see what is visible to our own eyes, and often we ignore what we do not wish to see. Only one individual can reach into others’ hearts to see the full story; God sees the unseen. James reminds us “There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy.” Second, we make a pretty heavy statement each time we judge people. By making ourselves judge, we basically say that God’s standards aren’t good enough. We need our own standards by which to deem a person good or bad. Our standards are as imperfect as we are. We place more importance on appearance than the heart. Lastly, judging others helps no one. It destroys trust, and encourages self-consciousnesses. However, it doesn’t just encourage self-consciousness among the condemned, but those who condemn as well. We frequently tear each other apart to take attention of ourselves, but this doesn’t help us. The more solace we seek from sentencing others, the more miserable we start to become. The good news? It doesn't have to be this way. This may be an epidemic, but this one comes with a known cure. The moment we begin to understand our role is to love instead of judge, we can move forward. There’s a reason the outcasts flocked to Jesus. He showed loved when the rest of the world showed disdain. People who have been harshly judged tended to push others away, because they were pushed away first. Enough pushing away has been done; it’s time to draw people in with our love. an epidemic of judgment that has infected “ There’s our community, and it’s time to eradicate it. ” 14 THE ROYAL COURIER ATTACHMENT 15 16 ATTACHMENT The Junior/Senior After Prom-Party will be held at the Tallmadge Recreation Center, 46 North Munroe Road, Tallmadge, 44278 on Friday, May 6, 2016 following the Prom from 10:00 pm until 1:00 am. This late night party is open to all CVCA juniors, seniors, and their guests. Our intention is to provide a safe, fun evening full of entertainment, games, good food, and gifts for our graduating seniors. The After-Party Committee has already begun to plan and raise funds for this event! Here are the two ways in which we need all junior and senior parents to help. We are asking that you consider volunteering your time by either helping to prepare for this event or by chaperoning on the night of the After-Party. Secondly, we would like all parents of juniors and seniors to consider giving a financial donation, no matter how great or how small, so that we can continue the tradition of giving a gift to each senior attending the event. While some local businesses and friends of CVCA also help support this event, it is the parents who traditionally sponsor this party. **We ask that parents do not sponsor private home parties that would conflict with the official After Prom Party. In addition to the amount of time and money invested in this event, a good turnout is important for it to be fun for all the kids! Thank you for your cooperation. Please detach and return the bottom portion to indicate how you would like to help. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity. Always Grateful, MaryAnn McMullen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent’s Name:__________________________________________________ Student’s Name:_____________________________Grade:_______________ Address:________________________________________________________ Phone Number:__________________________________________________ Yes, I’d like to help with the After-Party (please circle and return) Food Games Decorating Chaperone Donation (amt.______) ATTACHMENT 17 18 ATTACHMENT
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