Trumpeter March 07 - Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy
Trumpeter March 07 - Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy
E D U C AT I N G A N D C U LT I VAT I N G S E R VA N T S F O R C H R I S T CVCA TRUMPETER 2015 PRESIDENT’S REPORT C U YA H O G A VA L L EY C H R I S T I A N AC A D E M Y CVCA TRUMPETER Winter 2015 issue President: Dr. Roger Taylor Vice President: Jason Spodnik ’88 Public Relations Coordinator: Jocey Bolender Alumni Relations Coordinator: Sara (Colledge) Koons ’94 Designer: Anna (Jones) Lile ’84 Photography: Woodard Photography CVCA Yearbook Staff CVCA Board of Trustees: Paul Moncrief ’80, President Eric Bosshard ’88 Brad Deetscreek Paul Eck Roger Emerson Craig Keslar ’75 Rich Millisor Dave Petno ’84 Tom Piazza Sam Prentis Don Richards Kerry Sullivan David Wright The Trumpeter is published three times a year for friends of CVCA. If you would like your name removed from the mailing list, please phone 330-929-0575, ext. 331, or e-mail pzaubi@ Dear Friends… thankful for our students’ Contributions A WORD FROM OUR PRESIDENT As one hundred and forty-one seniors crossed the stage at the Chapel’s Fir hill campus on May 30th to receive their graduation diploma, the ranks of CVCA alumni swelled to 3,921! CVCA’s 46th Commencement represents a new beginning for the outstanding young men and women of the Class of 2015. CVCA is thankful for the contributions each of them made to our school and we wish them well as they head off to colleges and universities throughout the country. the 46th Commencement also represents the culmination of the 2014-2015 school year, a year which saw our students learn, serve, compete, and achieve at levels which were on occasion remarkable. From hard work and discipline in the classroom, to exemplary fine arts performances, to state-level interscholastic competition in athletics, FBLA, and forensics, to giving of themselves (locally and abroad) in service to others, CVCA’s students invested their gifts and talents in countless Christ-honoring ways. While the pages that follow showcase some of the highlights from the second half of the 2014-2015 school year, i think it is important to remember that God was also at work in our school community in ways which were perhaps less noticeable but no less significant. As we came together as a community of students and mentors – under the “banner” of “A royal sacrifice” (as revealed in the truths of 1 Peter chapter 2) – we’re thankful for the opportunities we had “to declare the praises of him Who called [us] out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). roger taylor, Ph.D. President in this issue 4 Meet CVCA’s New Headmaster 10 The Class of 2015 6 CVCA Welcomes New Staff 14 CVCA Summer Camps 5 Development Update 7 Student Honors 8 2015 Dominican Republic Trip 12 Royal Theatre Spring Musical 15 Spring Sports 19 Echoes Alumni News CVCA OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2015 5:00-7:00 P.M JOIN US! Dr. Koons credits CVCA with “ having a profound impact on his Meet Our new headmaster personal spiritual trajectory. ” Dr. Matt Koons ’94 Named CVCA’s 8th Headmaster We are pleased to announce to our wider constituency that Dr. Matt Koons has accepted an appointment to serve as the next headmaster of Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy. Dr. Koons was selected for this role in the spring of this year after a comprehensive search process which began in september of 2014. exemplary service and has included teaching a full range of Bible classes, serving as Bible Department Chair, and serving as CVCA’s Director of student Ministries. Dr. Koons credits CVCA with having a profound impact on his personal spiritual trajectory. his commitment to the school’s mission and vision runs deep and bodes well for CVCA going forward. When asked what was on his heart and mind as he assumes this new role, Dr. Koons commented: the chance to serve at CVCA is both an amazing honor and a wonderful privilege. in my appointment to the headmaster positron, my deepest desire is to serve with a spirit of Christ-like humility and servanthood that would be honoring of the profound privilege of the Gospel being manifested in our community. i can only hope to match the integrity and wisdom of my predecessors as we continually stand on the shoulders of faithful men and women who have served the CVCA community. i also look forward, with great anticipation, to all that God will do in the lives of students as we strive to Educate and Cultivate Servants for Christ – so that he might receive all glory and honor. Dr. Koons is a CVCA alumnus (’94) who has devoted his life and career to living out a deep-seated commitment to Christian education. After graduating from CVCA, Dr. Koons matriculated at Moody Bible institute and completed his M.A. at trinity evangelical Divinity school, where his studies focused on Christianity and contemporary culture. he recently completed his Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership (Cognitive Field education) from tennessee temple university. Dr. Koons has been a valued member of the CVCA staff for the past thirteen years. his tenure at the school has been marked by 4 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER Dr. Koons is married to sara (Colledge) ’94 and has four children: noah and Jacob (12 and incoming CVCA seventh graders), hannah (9), and naomi (5). Please pray for Dr. Koons and his family during this time of transition and as he assumes his new responsibilities as headmaster of CVCA. supporting CVCA impacts students’ Lives From our caring faculty and academic curriculum to student ministries and weekly chapels, gifts made to CVCA allow us to continue Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ. this assistance is critical to helping students’ development inside and outside the classroom. the Lord is working in each student as they pursue who God made them to be. support a CVCA student today and make a difference in their educational and spiritual lives. Contact ryan Crocker at [email protected] and visit the Financial Giving tab under “support CVCA” at for more information. GIVING TUESDAY: December 1, 2015 Save the date for Giving Tuesday on December 1, 2015. Giving tuesday, after Black Friday and Cyber Monday, is a day set aside to specifically give thanks. this global giving campaign is dedicated to celebrating generosity and giving back to causes that mean the most to us. Join us on December 1 for this day of giving in celebration of CVCA’s mission of Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ. Look for more information this fall about Giving tuesday at CVCA. ROYAL EVENING 2015 On March 21 we held the sixteenth annual Royal Evening: The Kingdom Awaits. thank you for helping make this evening fun and impactful for CVCA students! Your generosity helped raise $120,000 to support CVCA. SHOPPING REWARDS thank you to everyone who participated in the shopping rewards Program this school year! With your help we were able to better support students in their learning inside and outside the classroom. With your participation, over $1,100 was raised to support CVCA. Visit the shopping rewards tab under support CVCA at for more information on how be part of the shopping rewards Program. target: $452.86 Giant eagle: $150 Amazon: $98.71 heinen’s: $455 Annual CVCA Charity Golf Classic On June 8 we hosted our annual Charity Golf Classic at Westfield Country Club’s South Course. Thank you to all of those who sponsored and played in the event! With your help, more than $35,000 was raised to support CVCA. A day of fun and fellowship provides valuable support for CVCA Students If you would like to learn more about the Charity Golf Classic and how to be a part of the event next year, contact Ryan Crocker ([email protected]). Congratulations to the winning team of the Scramble: Dr. Sullivan, Pat O'Brien, Tyler O'Brien, and Tom Clarke. SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER 5 Welcome to the CVCA Family Announcing our new Dean of Students and Assistant Headmaster I have always loved to hear the stories of how faculty, administration, and staff found their way to CVCA. It is always a journey grounded in providence and seasoned with grace. It is never mere human choice devoid of divine activity; rather, it is God’s guiding and directing the fabric of His creation. It is no exaggeration to say that God has been enduringly gracious to CVCA as He has brought gifted men and women to be part of the ministry team. As we look forward to the 2015-16 school year, there are two important additions that need introduction. – Dr. Roger Taylor TIM SCHOFIELD, Dean of Students As an alumnus (’93) of CVCA, tim schofield has a royal heritage unlike most and personifies a love for the Academy that embodies an ongoing faithfulness to the school. his involvement has included a number of different capacities over the years. he has served as a faculty member (Jr. high social studies), Assistant Athletic Director, and coach (basketball, football, and Jr. high track). he is a trained, qualified, and experienced educator with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in education. “I am honored to be coming back to join the team at CVCA!” For the past ten years, tim has worked at Christ Community Chapel. his current leadership roles as executive Pastor of Ministry teams and hudson Campus Pastor are critical leadership positions that have served to prepare tim well for the Dean of students responsibilities. tim stated, “i am honored to be coming back to join the team at CVCA! i’m very thankful for the trust and confidence the leadership has shown to me and excited to begin ministry with our students, faculty, staff, and CVCA families.” tim is a wonderful example of faithfulness to the CVCA community. Moreover, he is a man of tremendous integrity and steadfast character. it is truly an honor for CVCA to have him serve as our next Dean of students. his wellspring of gospel saturation will be welcomed as he labors to serve the school community. tim and his wife Meg have three beautiful children: sara Kate (10), James (9), and emily (5). EMERY NICKERSON, Assistant Headmaster for Instruction there’s very little that is ordinary about emery nickerson. he is a man of remarkable intellectual abilities and has a deep commitment to Christian education. Moreover, his gift of discernment is uncanny. thus, his ability and personality are ideal for his new position of Assistant headmaster for instruction at CVCA. there is no doubt that Mr. nickerson will continue to enhance the academic excellence at the Academy. “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to become a part of CVCA’s history…” emery has served as a math teacher, math department chair, and resident Program Director at Ben Lippen school in Columbia, south Carolina. More recently, emery assumed the high school principal position. emery’s previous experiences at Ben Lippen, as both a faculty member and an administrator, will be extremely beneficial to CVCA as he exercises wisdom beyond his years. emery holds a Bachelor of science degree in Biology and a Master of education with a concentration in educational Administration from Cedarville university. in considering his upcoming position at CVCA, emery wrote, “i am thrilled to have the opportunity to become a part of CVCA’s history, commitment to prayer, and dedication to Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ. i count it a privilege to serve, and my continual prayer for the CVCA community is that it will serve as a catalyst toward growth together in the Messiah.” emery and his wife Allison have two wonderful boys: Judah (6) and Micah (7). it is our privilege to welcome Mr. nickerson to the administrative team and the CVCA family. 6 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER C L A S S O F 2 0 1 5 R O YA L S C H O L A R S Congratulations to this year’s royal scholars – graduating seniors who have achieved a GPA of at least 4.0 through the first seven semesters of their high school careers. these high-achieving students were recognized at the annual royal scholars Banquet where the students have the opportunity to publicly thank both their parents and the CVCA employee who had a significant influence in their life. This year’s Royal Scholars and their Mentors: Bowe Andrews – Pastor Matt Koons Sammy Bockoven – Coach George Hallis Hope Bolinger – Mrs. Lesa DiPaolo Jeff Britton – Mr. Jon Bucciarelli Liisa Dollinger – Mrs. Meredith Riordan Paul Gibson – Pastor Rick Thompson Joe Horth – Mr. Jon Young Haley Isaacs – Mr. Don Bechtel Molly King – Coach Tina Case Duke Maley – Coach Paul Mucklewicz Paul Marten – Mr. LT Newland Logan Miller – Mr. Eric Rostedt Luke Peters – Mr. Joe Timco Ben Robinson – Mr. Tim Seeley Corryn Rowan – Mr. Eric Ling Eva Ruzics – Mrs. Chrissy Kamp Marie Sidle – Mrs. Shari Oster Kayli Slaven – Mrs. Linda Rocha Fe Soares – Mrs. Marian Stofsick McKenna Tiley – Coach George Hallis India Weese – Mrs. Chrissy Kamp Emily Young – Mrs. Marian Stofsick 2015-2016 C VC A ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Adams Memorial Scholarship Lauryn solomon Excellence in Fine Arts Scholarship Alyssa sharp Allie Armstrong Memorial Scholarship Amy eybers Founders’ Scholarship ray Benson Ambassador for Christ Scholarship evan sommer Jaya Wilson Future Business Leader Scholarship Melissa stone Beyerle Memorial Scholarship Olivia Ottman Blair Family Ministry Scholarship Maura Cook Mikayla O’Keefe Glenn Meadows Scholarship Daniel Chung terrell hicks Amanda Milo James Montgomery Memorial Scholarship elijah rios C. H. Tipton Memorial Scholarship Ben hobrath Jay Jones Memorial Scholarship tommy Lile Caffe Gaspari Visual Arts Excellence Award hannah Bish Mark Kirk Memorial Scholarship Christopher Wise Cuyahoga Falls Rotary Club Scholarship Grace Lile hope truthan Matt, Pete and Michael Meadows Scholarship Jordan Mochko Debbie Arnold Memorial Scholarship Luke Mares Audrey J. Bloom R.N., B.S.N. and Amy J. Newmeyer, MD Medical Professions Scholarship Madison Olson Excellence in Christ Scholarship natalie Cochran Ariana Deiulis Paul Gunsalus Carter Lentz Lily Mathes Brooks Montgomery Jordan noska Michelson Foundation Scholarship Matthew Broadus Aaron VanGeest Mindy Ormond Memorial Scholarship Delaney Mcritchie Anna Mitchell Anna schaeffer Natalie Pausch Memorial Scholarship Kaitlyn Judge Ali Patterson Paz Chu Memorial Scholarship ryan Baxter Jessie Gayer Perry Carroscia Memorial CVCA Scholarship rachel Delany Richard L. Shellenberger Social Studies Excellence Scholarship Paul Gibson Richard P. Deblander Memorial Scholarship Lauren Lichty Ron and Judy Moncrief Founders’ Scholarship ian Yoder School of Business & Entrepreneurship Scholarship Charissa ricker Tammie Stewart Memorial Scholarship Melanie Critzer Kaitlyn Justice The Brenda Burnham Unruh Memorial Scholarship Marisa Wineriter The Hershman Family Scholarship Austin Morgan SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER 7 What I learned about God in the Dominican Republic… Each summer, the incoming senior class travels to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip. The experience is always memorable and often life-changing. Here are a few of their stories… JENNA WOLFF: it’s strange how in a week packed with hard work, service, and fellowship, the most impactful experience i had was in a silent, two-hour reflection time. it wasn’t until i had that time to myself that i realized all the ways God had worked through us and for us on the trip. he empowered us to perform manual labor for the locals in the intense heat without hardship. his holy spirit showed us how to love the Dominican children by both playing with them and using our own VBs lessons to share the Gospel. We were blessed to be led by local pastors and our CVCA faculty who encouraged and challenged us throughout the trip. they reminded us that this trip was more than a chance to do good – it was an opportunity to use what we had learned and were learning about the Father to love others as he loves us. I learned on this trip that God loves to use broken people. We had the glorious experience of being used by him and for him, as a class of his broken children, in so many ways. When i realized all of the miracles that took place right before my eyes on the trip, i couldn’t help but be awestruck by his goodness and faithfulness. i knew there was nothing for me to do but repent and recommit my life to Christ in its entirety. that same night after reflection time, we had the most beautiful session of worship where our whole class surrendered to the holiness of the Lord and communally praised the God who did for us what we could never do for ourselves. the beauty of fellowship in the name of the Lord has 8 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER brought our class closer together, and has strengthened our commitment to loving others like God loves us. which was both eye-opening and heartwrenching for me. the love they showed was so free and unconditional, giving a perfect picture of Christ’s love. We travelled to villages with the expectation to give to those in need, but i don’t think any of us expected to receive so much from them – a refocus of what the joy of Christ truly looks like, a joy that is abounding and selfless. MATT BROADUS: Going to the Dominican republic was a completely new experience for me, for i have never been outside the eastern half of the united states, let alone outside the country. Being engulfed in a different culture with new people was so amazing. the best part of the trip was how God clearly demonstrated himself. he impacted the hearts of kids we thought we could not reach out to. he also impacted us. he came up big for me. in the beginning of the trip i prayed it would not just be another “mountain top experience.” God vividly answered this prayer by keeping me emotionally low and in check, although i can be very emotional. The trip taught me how big God is. he is greater than a single school, a single state, a single country, a single language, or a single culture! he is big enough to listen to and answer all of his children’s prayers – not always giving us the answer we want, but always what is best for us. God has and will touch the lives of many around the world. it was very evident on the faces of the children and adults who sang their hearts out in church, and the many others who were so willing to help out. God is so powerful, big, and loving! i am so thankful to have had this opportunity to allow God to break me down so he might build me back up again. God showed me during a two-hour silent reflection time that i am so full of myself, so full of my own desires and self-ambitions, and this was hindering my ability to value others before myself. having the opportunity to serve in the villages showed me how important it is to serve with self-less actions, working for the joy of others, and wanting their happiness over my own. God used this trip to teach me of His amazing faithfulness. MATTHEW GREENWOOD: in the Dr, God showed me all of the love and mercy He has for us. he taught me that for him to really get close, i need to let him in, clean all the rooms in my life, and surrender everything. surrendering may seem like losing, but it does not mean that with God. it means to humble ourselves and strive to become more like God. i have been praying since sophomore year that when our class became seniors, we would be the spiritual leaders of the school – leaders that others can look up to and would see as a new standard for what it means to be a senior. the only thing i didn’t like about the trip? it wasn’t long enough! “But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.” 1 sAMueL 12:24 ABBY KEBBEL: the 2015 trip to the Dominican republic was nothing like i expected. i expected to serve and bond with my classmates, but i did not realize how much and how powerfully God was going to move in all of us. the children of the Dominican were so hungry for love or just a simple touch, SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER 9 On May 31, CVCA celebrated its 46th Commencement, graduating 142 members of the Class of 2015 Ashley Ann Bond robert Cole Bowers Jeffrey Paul Britton* Caleb Andrew Broadous Madeline Louise Carroscia Victoria rose Carty steven Paul Chalet nicolette Daniela Christopher Andrew Jacob Clark Marangelie Claussell Adam Quentin Cooke ii Leah Grace Corpora Miranda ruth Corpora* Jeremy Michael D'Abreau norman James Detrick Joseph Austin DiBiasio samuel robert Dietrich eva Kathleen DiPaolo Andrew steven Dobben ryan edward Adams Charles tucker Anderson* robert Wentworth Andrews* troy robert Atwood Collin Mitchell Ausbury Lauren nicole Baker Daniel Alexander Bartel Kristen Ann Bascom stephanie rae Baxter Daniel Gerard Baylor Brandon Cristopher Beacham Brandon taylor Beausoleil Jay-D ryan Bennett Cole Gwinett Bierce hannah Leigh Bish Jordan Linn Blain samantha Bridget Bockoven* Carlee elizabeth Bogus hope Katherine Bolinger* CONGRATULATIONS 2015 Valedictorian EVA RUZICS Liisa Michelle Dollinger* Kierra Monique Dunkley Joirdan Athel-Ariàna Dunlap ethan John Durfee* Michael Foster edmonds* emily elizabeth estoker Olivia Morgan Flynn* nathaniel John Foguth Curtis Joseph Gach Madeline Ann Gaines Julia Frances Gavin Whitney Alana Gibbons Paul Lawrence Gibson* ian Patrick Gingo* Joshua Devon Giordan stephanie Mae Gross Lisa terry Guilbride dos santos hannah elizabeth hall stephen James hargreaves 2015 Salutatorians: ROBERT ANDREWS LIISA DOLLINGER PAUL GIBSON JOE HORTH “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that Where are our new graduates attending college? • • University of Oregon • Westmont College Class of 2015 graduates will attend 50 different colleges/ universities, with 30% of those being Christian colleges. 10 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER • Baldwin Wallace University Case Western Reserve University Cleveland State University University of Jamestown Mount Vernon Nazarene University Notre Dame College of Ohio Lakeland Community College Bowling Green State University Gordon College The University of Toledo Kent State University Calvin College The University of Akron Columbia College University of Findlay Thiel College Moody Bible Institute Grove City College Wheaton College Messiah College Purdue University Malone University Villanova University Indiana Wesleyan University Walsh University Taylor University The Ohio University Cedarville University Ohio Valley University The Ohio Miami University State University University of Cincinnati Liberty University St. Catharine College North Carolina State University University of Kentucky University of Arizona • • Texas A&M University • • •••••• • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • Anderson University Clemson University Furman University Lipscomb University Georgia Institute of Technology • • University of South Carolina, Beaufort • University of Central Florida Florida Atlantic University Julia Jean hariharan* Brandon James harris noah Michael havener Danae Maureen haynes taylor Marie headley emilette Austin hewitt haleigh elizabeth Joy hill Joseph Patrick horth* haley Alexandra isaacs Joonsu Jang sophia neaha Kalra Molly Margaret-rose King* sarah tomacina Kline Jonathan scott Krus Madeleine sarah Lane Christopher Frank Lepto Caleb scott Lichty Grace Ann Lile* Kaleigh terese Little* William Arthur Daniel Lowenkamp steven robert Lux Duke Michael Maley* Miles Jay Mallard Paul Bryant Marten Dominic Matthew Massa Alisa elizabeth Mathes* Gavin Michael thomas Meyers Logan timothy Miller* Miranda edith Mogen Alexis Ann Moncrief Kassandra Li Morgan Deion Lamar Morrison Gabriel A. Myers Kathryne Alexandra Alise O’Boyle* Albert David Oliver iii Angelica renee Owen Joseph samuel Perella isabelle Katoris Perkins Luke harrison Peters Michael Jay Peters* riana nicole Pogue samaria Dājà-Vashā Porter Ayuanna Carlynn ray hannah Kay robertson Benjamin Gary robinson* Caleb Andrew rosati Corryn Alana rowan* eva Alexandra ruzics* Christen elizabeth rybka Meghan elizabeth sahr Deanna Marie sattler Jacob Douglas schwarz Cayla Marie seeholzer Makenzie taylor senter samuel hayden sheldon Andreia Basilio De Jesus shlepr Marie elizabeth sidle Michael Forrest singletary Kayli hope slaven Morgen Allen sloan David Dennis smith* Fernanda Liegen Costa soares Lauryn-Ashley Michelle solomon Kyle Matthew sparr Jessica Lynn spurgeon Brandon Lee staab Aislynn Marie stocks tyler Kenji sukenaga Collin Lawrence surface Maria elizabeth teodosiu Clifford James thompson Matthew James tiefel McKenna Christine tiley* hope elizabeth truthan Kimberly rachel VanBuskirk Myles Bennet Walker india elisabeth Weese* Amanda Danielle Wesley Jared Matthew Wills emily elizabeth Wright* Daniel Westen Wylie Autumn Marie Young *Diploma emily elizabeth Young with emily nicole Yuse Honors you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” ROMANS 12:2 In recognition of their outstanding achievements the Class of 2015 received over $8.3 million in academic, athletic, and fine arts scholarships and awards from colleges and universities around the country. Several graduates received notable awards at Commencement: • National Merit Finalists: Liisa Dollinger and Eva Ruzics • National Merit Commended Students: Bowe Andrews and David Smith • Royal Servant: Ryan Adams and Sammy Bockoven • Akron Beacon Journal 2015 Star Student Nominees: Jeff Britton and Molly King CONGRATULATIONS, CLASS OF 2015 Pirates Take Over the CVCA Stage! the royal theatre took on a challenging project this spring with their production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance. Fans of Gilbert and sullivan were pleased with the royal theatre’s rendition of this entertaining pirate tale, and those unfamiliar were delightfully surprised by the spirited music, energetic choreography, and amusing humor which make up this production. the pit musicians must be commended for their excellent performance of very difficult music. strong vocal performances by seniors Al Oliver (Pirate King) and Haleigh Hill (Mabel) and juniors Christopher Wise (Frederic) and Yukari Becker (ruth) combined with an exceptional chorus of pirates, daughters and policemen for a memorable evening of musical theatre. Barb Lanier Retires After 22 Years of Service to CVCA Barb Lanier, art teacher and theater set designer announced her retirement at the end of this school year after 22 faithful years of service at CVCA. In her time at CVCA, Barb taught Junior and Senior High art and worked in the Royal Theatre as set designer and head of the student crew responsible for painting and decorating sets for all CVCA plays and musicals. While at CVCA, Barb helped lay the foundation for the Visual Arts program and was instrumental in the success of the Royal Theatre. Both Barb and her husband Eric put in countless hours working to make the program one of the best in the area. When asked about Barb’s contributions to CVCA, her co-workers universally praise her humbleness and dedication. Barb has impacted countless numbers of students for Christ and has instilled in them a love for art and a desire for excellence. Barb will not completely be “out of sight” at CVCA as she has graciously agreed to continue with the Royal Theatre as set crew supervisor for the upcoming school year. 12 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER SUMMER CAMP FUN AT CVCA summer is the time to get outside, run around, get together with good friends, and take in the sunshine. CVCA summer camps take advantage of all of those special summer aspects, while also providing a whole lot of fun. CVCA offers a wide variety of camps to choose from. With eleven sports camps, a theatre camp, and art camp, each child is sure find something he or she is interested in and enjoys. With over 350 campers this summer, a lot of help is needed to run the summer camp program. each sports camp is run by the CVCA varsity coach and staffed with current student athletes also involved in that sport. throughout the week the campers, alongside their coaches, strive to learn new skills, improve their game, and gain new knowledge of Jesus Christ and his role in their life and the area of athletics. the theatre camp is an opportunity for young stars to take the stage and perform this year’s summer show, Schoolhouse Rock Live! Joining with the royal theatre, campers meet CVCA directors and theatre members. throughout the two-week program, campers belt out songs, learn exciting choreography, and bond with their fellow actors and actresses. At the end of two weeks they perform the final project in the Anne tell Chapel for a live audience. BASEBALL BASKETBALL FOOTBALL ART CHEERLEADING LACROSSE TENNIS HOCKEY WRESTLING VOLLEYBALL THEATRE CVCA has an exciting opportunity for boys and girls in second through sixth grades…the JUNIOR ROYALS CLUB! As part of this FREE program, Junior Royals Club members receive exclusive benefits that include: • A FREE Junior Royals Club T-Shirt • Exclusive Junior Royals Events • A FREE CVCA All-Sports Season Pass • 15% Discount on 2016 CVCA Summer Camps SIGN UP your child at (click on the Junior Royals link). 14 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER royals spring sports review LACROSSE the 2015 lacrosse season was a roller coaster ride with many peaks and some valleys. regardless, it was an enjoyable season as the team was great to coach. Coaches hawthorne, Kalinowski, and Atwood enjoyed working with each of the young men. the team finished with an 8-11. the schedule was upgraded this year, which meant facing some tough competition in only our second season of varsity lacrosse. several of the opposing coaches commented on how well our team plays being such a young program and on the great group of young men we have. Our focus is always on Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Our desire is to always be a light for Christ through the game of lacrosse, and our opponents recognized that. Dibiasio, Gavin Meyers, and Caleb rosati (captain). their leadership has set the standard for future teams at CVCA. thank you Class of 2015 lacrosse players! SOFTBALL the 2015 softball season was a rebuilding year as we had six new faces on the varsity team. it was a good season as the girls worked hard and became better every game finishing 11-16 and 5-9 in league play. the season started with our annual trip to Charleston, south Carolina where we played five games and had many practices to prepare for the season ahead. We won a few games early in there were some great individual accomplishments this season as sophomore middle Mitch Gilley (42 goals, 24 assists, 114 ground balls) was named to the ne region second team. sophomore attackman Noah DeSousa (42 goals, 12 assists, and 49 ground balls) was given honorable mention as was senior defenseman Dan Baylor (50 ground balls). Other statistical leaders include: Goals – Caleb Rosati 28, freshman Daniel Diblasi 10, and Dave Smith 9; Assists – freshman Jack Atwood 14, sophomore Kade Kalinowski 13, and Dave smith 10; and Ground Balls – Jack Atwood 84, Caleb rosati 54, and Daniel Diblasi 49. Our team was led by eight seniors: Defensemen – Dan Baylor (captain), Troy Atwood (captain), and Norm Detrick (captain); Attackmen – Dave smith and Moe Sloan; and Midfielders – Joey the season after being down 5 or 6 runs, setting the tone for the rest of the season. the girls never gave up no matter how far behind we were. it was a team that was fun to coach because they wanted to become better with every practice and game they played. this was a group of quality young ladies both on and off the softball field. team awards for the year were: Outstanding Offense – Abby Kebbel and Emma Hall, Outstanding Defense – Katie Sullivan, and the Coaches Award – Hope Truthan. PAC League awards went to Abby Kebbel – First team and emma hall – honorable Mention. the team was lead by seniors Amanda Wesley, hope truthan, and Taylor Headley. they inspired us and modeled godly character to the rest of the team and will be greatly missed next year. Good luck and God bless each of you as you go into the next chapter of your life. SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER 15 BOYS’TRACK 2015 was another record-setting season for the CVCA boys’ track team, as five school records fell along with numerous meet, stadium, and even state records. seniors Ryan Adams (team Most Valuable) and Brandon Harris (team Most Outstanding, conference Most Valuable) were involved in all five new school marks, each breaking two individual records. ryan set new school records in both the 800 and 1600 meter events, beating the times he established last year, while Brandon broke two records from the late 80’s, in the 100 and 200 meter dashes. in addition, sophomores Christian Smith-King and Trey Carlisle, and senior Ryan Bennett (Mighty in spirit Award), joined Brandon to bring down the 4x100 meter relay record. Five other seniors were part of this year’s squad and made significant contributions to the team: Alex Bartel, Caleb Broadous (Coach’s Award), Jeremy D’Abreau, Curtis Gach (who qualified for and competed in the national gymnastics competition while competing in the pole vault on the track team!), and Myles Walker. the leadership and effort of all the seniors will be missed greatly, and next year’s seniors have a significant job ahead of them to pick up where this year’s graduates have left off. For his efforts in the shot put and discus this year, junior Evan Griffey received the team’s Most improved Award. the following team members also distinguished themselves by qualifying for the regional meet: Christian smithKing, Trey Carlisle, ryan Bennett, and Brandon harris in the 4x100 relay; Grant Chapman in discus; and Will Seiple in the pole vault (placing 7th). Brandon harris (100) and ryan Adams (800 and 1600) advanced from the regional meet to the state meet, where the two combined for 16 points and an 8th place finish in the state! 16 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER Congratulations to Brandon, who finished third in Division 2 in the 100 (10.82), and to ryan, who broke a 30-year-old record (the oldest still left at the state meet) in the 1600, setting a new Jesse Owens stadium record of 4:07.12! We look forward to following the college careers of these two outstanding runners, as Brandon will be sprinting for the Kent state Golden Flashes and ryan will be running for Furman university. Coach Jeff Port would also like to say thank you to the staff, administration, and especially to all the runners, jumpers, and throwers that he has coached over the past 11 years. Coach Port will be passing the baton after this season, but the memories of the many excellent young men he has coached will go with him. GIRLS’TRACK some outstanding seniors helped show the new, up-and-coming young ladies on the team how to compete and led this years’ squad. Leading the way in the pole vault was returning state qualifier Whitney Gibbons and first year vaulter senior Leah Corpora. Whitney won the PAC title in the vault and Leah placed fourth to help the team to the overall team title. Other seniors placing at the championship were Kierra Dunkley, seventh in the 100 hurdles, Emily Yuse, fourth in the 3200, and Autumn Young, second in the 100. Miranda Corpora finished off her senior year placing third in the 400 relay and first in both the 800 and 3200 relays. Winning MVP honors for the second year in a row was Sammy Bockoven as she won the 800,1600 and anchored the winning 1600 relay. two other seniors that will be missed next year are four-year letter winner McKenna Tiley and first-year runner and letter winner Julia Hariharan who both ran with the very strong distance squad. the team placed third at the district meet advancing three out of four relays and many freshman and sophomore team members. Freshman Amanda Milo took the district title in the 100h as she set a new school record. sophomores Jaya Wilson (800), Sarah Holzman (1600) and Hannah Karayan (3200) all made it to regionals. Joining them was sophomore Lydia Carroscia (400), Amanda (300h) and freshman Catie Stanley (hJ). the girls stepped it up at the regional meet by winning the 3200r. sammy won both the 800 and 1600, Whitney once again qualified to state in the vault, and Catie hit a new personal best in the hJ to make it to state. the 1600r made up of Lydia, Jaya, Jada Wright, and sammy placed third at the end of the meet to help CVCA win the regional Championship. the state meet started with Catie once again getting her best jump of the season to place 9th overall and the 3200r placing 9th in their race. sammy finished her high school career by qualifying to state 17 times and helped the 1600r to a fifth place finish to end the state meet. even though the team will lose some very talented seniors, those seniors have left a team that is now ready to step into their role and lead next years’ team once again to the PAC Championship and another run for the state meet. BASEBALL the 2015 CVCA royals baseball team completed a successful 13win season (13-14 overall, 7-7 PAC) led by seniors Steven Chalet and Duke Maley. Both seniors provided strong play all season long. Maley led the way with his hot bat hitting .400 for the season, including four doubles and a home run, and Chalet provided solid play as a pitcher and in center field batting .300 for the season with six doubles and a home run. the royals also featured a strong junior class of Tanner Judd (OF), Myles Burdick (OF, iF, P), Trent Gruver (3B), Evan Sommer (OF), Jordan Noska (ss, P), Chris Punka (iF, P), and Noah Brook (C). sophomores Steven Taylor (iF, OF, P), Chris Fair (OF), and James Hancock (iF) gave strong support to the effort as well as Freshman Drew Wilson (iF, P). this year’s all-league honors went to junior Chris Punka who was the work-horse of the pitching staff with 56 innings pitched, 69 strike-outs, and a 2.00 erA, and junior noah Brook who anchored the team all season long from his catcher position providing a steady hand to guide the pitchers as well as a lighteningfast delivery to the bases reminding opposing base-runners that “thou shall not steal!” All-league honorable mention honors this year went to freshman Drew Wilson who was simply dazzling on the mound and gave the royals consistent play both in the infield and at bat. A huge highlight this season for the royals came not in the field or at the bat, but from an umpire’s observation and words of encouragement. After arguably their worst performance of the year, losing to Fairless 7-0, the royals were approached by the home-plate umpire and told that he really respected our team and how we represented the “second C” in CVCA, being “Christian,” by our character, humility, and self-control – even in defeat. it’s comments like this that remind us why we are really playing and that even in our weakness God is strong. Well done, royals. BOYS’TENNIS Led by senior co-captains Bowe Andrews and Andrew Clark, the boys’ tennis team held its own against the toughest D2 schedule in northeast Ohio. this season’s highlights included a second-place finish at the Dover invitational where Andrews and sophomore Tomi Ruzics won first doubles and junior Ian Yoder won the consolation bracket of third singles. We also brought home an OtCA team tournament win over rocky river, a tough team win against local rival Woodridge, and an OhsAA district qualifier by the doubles team of Andrews and ruzics. Winning his four-year varsity letter winner was Bowe Andrews who played first singles most of the season and ended his CVCA career with 12 letters overall. three-year letters went to senior Sam Dietrich, who played mostly doubles and won the sacrifice Award, and senior Josh Giordan, who played third singles and had his best results ever. two-year letters were awarded to Clark who played doubles with Dietrich and ruzics who played second singles when not teaming with Andrews. receiving one-year letters were senior Miles Mallard, who had a perfect record at varsity; Yoder; and sophomores Tyler Knisley and Jason Render, with render winning the Most improved Award. the Christlike Character award went to junior Paul Gunsalus, who also anchored CVCA’s winning Academic Challenge team. Completing the royals Varsity tennis team were juniors Max Draffon and Josiah Robinson; sophomores Steve Nguyen, Manny Salem, and Ross Zappala; and freshmen: Finn Deetscreek, Jake French, and Luke Rickey. First-year head coach Chris Bolinger was assisted by henry Kwee. JV coaches were Will rasper and Josiah rios. the loss of five seniors is a big blow, but the coaches saw great progress in all players and look forward to an exciting season in 2016. SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER 17 Royal Athletic 2014-2015 Highlights STATE CHAMPIONS Ryan Adams State Champion New State Record (1600m) STATE RUNNER-UP Ryan Adams, Cross Country Ryan Bennett, Wrestling BOYS CROSS COUNTRY • Ryan Adams – District, Regional Champ, State Runner-up (All-Ohio) PAC Runner of the Year GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY • PAC Champs • Sammy Bockoven – District, Regional Champ, 5th at State (All-Ohio) PAC Runner of the Year • State Qualifiers (11th in State) – Sammy Bockoven, Sarah Holzman, Hannah Karayan, Rachel Lyda, McKenna Tiley, Jaya Wilson, Nicole Wright PAC-7 HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONS Girls Cross Country Girls Track WRESTLING • Andy Dobben – PAC Wrestler of the Year, District Runner-up, State Qualifier (4th) • Ryan Bennett – State Runner-up BOYS TRACK & FIELD • Brandon Harris – PAC Runner of the Year, State Qualifier (3rd), District Champ (100m) • Ryan Adams – State Champ, *New State Record (1600m), Regional Champ, District Champ (1600m, 800m) • 4x100 (Smith-King, Carlisle, Bennett, Harris) – District Runner-ups • George Hallis – PAC Coach of the Year FOOTBALL • Dom Massa – Special Mention All State BOYS SOCCER • District Champions GIRLS TRACK & FIELD • PAC Champs, Regional Champs • George Hallis – PAC Coach of the Year • Sammy Bockoven – PAC Runner of the Year, Regional, District Champ (1600m), Regional Champ, District Runner-up (800m) • Regional Champions • Joe Horth – 1st team All State • Catie Stanley – State Qualifier, District Runner-up (High Jump) GIRLS SOCCER • District Champions • Hailey Eck – 2nd team All State • 4x800 (Wilson, Lyda, Holzman, Bockoven) – Regional Champs, District Runner-ups BOYS BASKETBALL • Michael Peters – PAC Player of the Year, 3rd team All-Ohio • Whitney Gibbons – State Qualifier, District Runner-up (Pole Vault) Thanks, Coach Port, for Your Outstanding Leadership CVCA Boys’ Track and Field Head Coach Jeff Port finished up his final season for the Royals in a fitting way, with multiple athletes at the OHSAA State Championship. Since 2006, Jeff has led the boys to great success in competition while mentoring and encouraging them both in and out of sport. In addition, Coach Port had two sons compete with successful track and field careers, Stephen ’09 and Aaron ’12. We are very grateful for Jeff’s decade of coaching at CVCA and proud that he will always be a Royal. Thank you Coach Port! 10 YEARS AS HEAD COACH 7X PAC-7 COACH OF THE YEAR 7X PAC-7 TEAM CHAMPIONS STATE RUNNER-UP 2013-14 REGIONAL RUNNER-UP 2013-14 5 STATE CHAMPIONS 18 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER PAC-7 JR. HIGH CHAMPIONS Boys Cross Country Boys Track & Field • Amanda Milo – District Champ (100m Hurdles) • 4x400 (Wilson, Wright, Carroscia, Bockoven) – State Qualifier, District Runners-up Building Christ-like Character as Ambassadors for Christ through Competitive Excellence ECHOES alumni news reconnect: Connecting Alumni and Supporting Servants of Christ! The 2015-2016 CVCA Alumni theme is Reconnect – reconnecting with other alumni and reconnecting with CVCA. Whether you graduated 3 months ago or 30 years ago, you are an important part of the CVCA family and we are excited to hear about how God is working in your life. Beginning in August with an ALUMNI PICNIC (page 23), there will be a variety of opportunities this year to reconnect! connect – join the Alumni Association and update your f Also information at and “like” and l “follow” CVCA Alumni on Facebook, Instagram, and i Twitter @cvcaalumni. #CVCAalumni For more information, contact Alumni Coordinator, Sara Koons at [email protected]. SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER 19 ENGAGEMENT: Beth Emerson ’10 to Nicholas Nussen. Beth and Nick (Green High School, 2009) met at The University of Akron and plan to get married in May, 2016. WEDDINGS: AMY COTTLE ’82 is Serving on the Mission Field in Taiwan I moved to Thailand in early 2014 to begin a five-year missionary term of service with OMF International. I recently completed one year of Thai language school and have moved to Lat Yao in the province of Nakhon Sawan. Another couple and I are part of a church planting team working alongside the Thai Christian believers to see the small church grow and plant other churches nearby. I can be found on Facebook if you want to connect with me or email me at [email protected]. Todd Scodova ‘07 and Rachel (Kwiatkowski) were married on June 20, 2015. (Standing left to right: Todd Pence ’07, Sarah Pence ’07, Ben Miller ’07, Mackenzie Miller ’07, Kyle Silk ’07, Zach Wise ’07, Nick Welko ’07, Kelle Wise ’08, and Brett Scodova ’04; Seated: Rachel (Kwiatkowski) Scodova and Todd Scodova ’07) ONCE A ROYAL Jonathan Lile ’11 and Mia (Alvarez) were married on May 30, 2015. They live in New York City where Jonathan is a client service associate at UBS. The wedding was attended by many alumni, including wedding party members Tyler Laurinaitis ’11, Dewy Emerson ’08, and Deborah (Lile) Garrott ’97. Jeremy Lile ’99 officiated. BIRTH: Ryan Crocker ’05 and his wife, Rebecca, welcomed their first child, Ella Brynne on April 6. Ryan is convinced she is talking, although he may regret teaching her too early… 20 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER ALWAYS A ROYAL Take this opportunity to join a community of CVCA graduates and see how you can get connected, be involved, and receive special benefits as part of the CVCA Alumni Association. Get more information at New Alumni Sport Pass CVCA is offering an Alumni Sport Pass only for members of the Alumni Association. Passes will be good for all seasons/sports. Alumni receive discounts on concessions and spirit wear and enjoy a special gift! CLASS NOTES : 1970s Becky (Correll) Frisk ’76 Spouse: Marty Children: Sam (7/18/1983) and Joy (1/18/1987) Employer: Christar Current Position: Personnel Director “I am celebrating 35 years of marriage this year and 30 years with Christar! We have lived in Turkey, the US, and now Canada for the past 17 years. I am happy to serve such a world loving God! We are blessed with our kids and grandkids - four of them!” 1980s Don Henderson ’81 Spouse: Lori Children: Pierce (4/21/94), Eilish (12/21/95), and Reed (6/25/98) College: Case Western Reserve University, MBA 2015 Employer: VanAllen Current Position: Managing Director “After 28 years in the Cleveland area, my family and I are moving to LaGrange, Georgia. In 2012 I retired as the Director of Aviation at KeyCorp. After I left KeyCorp, I joined the consulting firm VanAllen. This spring I finally finished college with an MBA from Case Western Reserve University.” 1990s Julie (Claypool) Wilson ’90 Spouse: Jeff Children: Riley Scout (8/25/2010) and Adelyn Grace (3/28/12) College: Houghton College, BA in English and Writing & Ohio University, MA in Literature and Creative Writing Employer: Valley Christian Schools Current Position: Department Chair and Teacher of English “We have moved from San Jose to a bedroom community just south called Morgan Hill. We love our new house, which enables us to potentially house aging grandparents if we would need to. Jeff continues to keep busy as Director of Music, K-12 at VCS, and I will be in year ten as AP Literature & Composition teacher next fall. We are enjoying life with young children and trying to hang on to every minute of cuteness before they grow up. Many regards to all alumni!” Melody Pugh ‘98 College: Wheaton College BA, Loyola University MA, University of Michigan Ph.D. Employer: United States Air Force Academy Current Position: Assistant Professor of English KACIE MOORE ’13 Named Recipient of 2015 NSSLHA Member Honors at Geneva College The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is the national organization for graduate and undergraduate students of communication disorders and the only student association recognized by the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA). NSSLHA requires that honorees “are awarded on the basis of scholastic achievement, service to the academic unit, professional conduct, and service to NSSHLA.” Only two students may be nominated from each chapter. Moore, a junior and 4.0 communication disorders major, will graduate from Geneva in three years instead of the traditional four. As president of Geneva’s NSSLHA chapter, Kacie, with her team of club executives, has built the club into a robust program with a full schedule for both semesters. Last fall, Moore led the chapter to the 2014 NSSHLA conference in Akron, Ohio. Kacie also worked with Geneva’s Office of Admissions and the Communication Department to produce the first Communication and Communication Disorders Day for prospective students. As a distinctly Christian college, Geneva’s NSSLHA chapter has a different flavor than other chapters, as members participate in mentoring activities like the big-sister-little-sister program, and volunteer their services at Tiger Pause, a Christian after-school ministry. Melody recently completed her Ph.D. in Composition and Rhetoric/Writing Studies through the Joint Program in English and Education at the University of Michigan. Beginning Fall 2015 she will be serving as Assistant Professor of English and Director of the First Year Composition Program at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 2000s Brian Edward Blake ‘08 College: Emory University, Bachelor of Business Administration Employer: Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets Current Position: Associate “In March 2015 I moved to New York City to work for Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets, a private equity fund that invests in infrastructure assets.” DO YOU HAVE A STORY? We would appreciate information on alumni whose stories should be shared with the CVCA community. Please contact [email protected] with suggestions for future issues. Please include graduation year and maiden names, if applicable. Photos should be the highest resolution possible and submitted as email attachments or mailed hard copies. The Trumpeter reserves the right to edit alumni news for clarity, appropriateness, and space limitations. SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER 21 R OYA L A LU M N I AT H L E T E S MA K E T H E I R MA R K Jack Thompson ‘11 Joins Semi-Pro Soccer Team Jack plays for the Charlotte Independence, a new expansion team in the United Soccer League, and an affiliate of the MLS’s Colorado Rapids. He joined the team in February 2015. Thompson had the honor of scoring the first goal in the history of the franchise. Steven Sisco ‘13 Breaks Unique World Record for Half-Marathon Runner’s World recently wrote: “Steven Sisco, 30, of Akron, Ohio, has surpassed the currently listed Guinness world record for the ‘fastest half marathon in American football kit’ twice in recent months. On April 26, at the Pro Football Hall of Fame Half Marathon in Canton, Ohio, he ran 1:33:08 while dressed as Jerome Bettis, and one week later, on May 3, he ran 1:37:12 at the Pittsburgh Half Marathon, wearing the same uniform. Should Sisco’s record be officially recognized by Guinness World Records, he will bring the record back to the U.S. The current record of 1:43:42 was set in 2014 by British runner Matthew Stephens. strap. He had two runners accompany him at each race to serve as witnesses of his record attempts. A native of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Sisco was the only Steelers fan in a family of Cleveland Browns fans. For his run, he selected a Bettis jersey in honor of “The Bus” being inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in August. ‘I just wanted to represent my team of choice and honor Mr. Bettis,” Sisco told Runner’s World Newswire.’” (Runners World, May 2015) Sisco, who works for Allstate, ran both races wearing a helmet, jersey, football pants, shoulder, hip, thigh, and knee pads, socks up to his knees, and a jock YAL o ALWAYS A ROYA L ONCE A RO Alumni Picnic AUGUST 16TH 2015 1:00-4:00 P.M. CUYAHOGA VALLEY NATIONAL PARK The Octagon shelter 801 TRUXELL ROAD, PENINSULA, OHIO 44264 All alumni and their families are invited! 22 SUMMER 2015 • THE TRUMPETER 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L HERITA A G OY 11 13 ROYAL HERITAGE ALUMNI E R 1 ALUMNI Thirteen graduates from the CLASS OF 2015 have a parent who also graduated from CVCA. This special group of two-generation alumni now totals 188! 1 Kristen Bascom and Elizabeth (Elms) Bascom ’81* 2 Madeleine Carroscia and Shelley (Stockall) Carroscia ‘89* 3 Andy Dobben and Dan Dobben ‘84 4 Olivia Flynn and Amy (Rush) Flynn ’89* 5 Stephanie Gross and Amy (Pratt) Gross ’87* 6 Haley Isaacs and Scott Isaacs ’86* 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Grace Lile and Anna (Jones) Lile ‘84* Steven Lux and Michele (Wilcox) Lux ‘85* Lexi Moncrief and Paul Moncrief ’80* Isabelle Perkins and Kevin Perkins ‘77* Christy Rybka and Michael Rybka ‘83* David Smith and David Smith ‘85 Hope Truthan and Robert Truthan ‘81* • photo available HO ME CO MI NG 20 15 HOMECOMING REUNION WEEKEND OCTOBER 2-3, 2015 Homecoming 2015 will include both traditional homecoming festivities and class reunions held at CVCA. If you are an alum from the classes of 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 this will be a fun opportunity to catch up with CVCA classmates and friends. Join us on Friday evening for class reunions – in designated class areas. STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION! Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy 4687 Wyoga Lake Road Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44224 (330) 929-0575 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID DATABASE MARKETING INC. ELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED Congratulations RYAN ADAMS ’15 – DII 1600 State Champion!
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