January 2016 - St. Luke Elementary, Downeyville
January 2016 - St. Luke Elementary, Downeyville
ST. LUKE CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JANUARY 2016 NEWSLETTER 335 St. Luke’s Rd Lindsay, ON K9V 4R5 School Website: Telephone: 705-799-5265 Fax: 705-799-0583 www.stluke.pvnccdsb.on.ca @StLuke130 Like us on Facebook PRINCIPAL Stephen O’Sullivan PARISH PRIEST Father Andrew Broda DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Barbara McMorrow SUPERINTENDENT Anne Marie Duncan TRUSTEE Chairperson Michelle Griepsma CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL CHAIRS Amanda O’Neill Carrie Connell Board Office 1-800-461-8009 Imparting the Spirit Through Education Happy New Year to All! We are blessed with Christ’s Generosity. The fruit of Generosity enables us to live and practice the art of giving; of ones time, one’s energy , and one’s love. Prayer of Generosity—Saint Ignatius Of Loyola Eternal Word, only begotten Son of God, Teach me true generosity. Teach me serve you as you deserve. To give without counting the cost, To fight heedless of wounds, To labour without seeking rest, To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward Save the knowledge that I have done your will. Amen Pope Francis Announces Jubilee Year of Mercy “Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought of how the Church may render more clear her mission to be a witness to mercy; and we have to make this journey. It is a journey which begins with spiritual conversion. Therefore, I have decided to announce an Extraordinary Jubilee which has at its centre the mercy of God. It will be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live in the light of the word of the Lord: “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (cf. Lk 6:36). And this especially applies to confessors! So much mercy! This Holy Year will commence on the next Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and will conclude on Sunday, 20 November 2016, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and living face of the Father's mercy. I entrust the organization of this Jubilee to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, in order that it may come to life as a new step on the Church’s journey in her mission to bring the Gospel of mercy to each person. I am confident that the whole Church, which is in such need of mercy for we are sinners, will be able to find in this Jubilee the joy of rediscovering and rendering fruitful God’s mercy, with which we are all called to give comfort to every man and every woman of our time. Do not forget that God forgives all, and God forgives always. Let us never tire of asking forgiveness. our journey: our penitential journey, our year-long journey with an open heart, to receive the indulgence of God, to receive the mercy of God.” Pope Francis ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION THROUGH LEARNING, LEADERSHIP, AND SERVICE. Dates to Remember Next School Council Meeting January 21 6:30 p.m. SCHOOL MASS We will celebrate a school Advent Mass on Friday, January 8th, at 9:00 am in St. Luke’s Church. Everyone is welcome! Hot Lunch Days Volleyball Tournament January 29 January 13th Grilled Cheese / Milk January 20th Pizza / Milk Basketball April 18, 2016 January 23rd Chicken Wrap / Milk Confirmation April 20, 2016 Catholic School Council January 19th @ 6:30 pm First Communion Sunday, May 1 Junior Soccer June 9, 2016 St. Thomas parents night January 21 7-8:30 pm Track and Field June 17, 2016 Merit Awards @ 9am “ Sports Day” January 29 Graduation Thursday, June 23, 2016 February: Kindergarten Registrations February 8th—12th, 2016 PD day February 5th TRANSPORTATION AND SCHOOL BUS CANCELLATION INFORMATION. All students and parents must know their bus route number. If you are unsure of the bus number or bus company, call the office. Then keep it posted in a handy location. Our students transportation is maintained by the Trillium Lakelands District School Board Transportation department at 705-324-6776. Bus Cancellation: In the event of school bus service cancellations, the following stations should broadcast notifications: BOB FM 91.9, CBC 98.7, Country 105 FM, EZ Rock 105.9 FM, The Wolf 101.5 FM. Also check out the Trillium Bus Website at www.mybustoschool.ca choose delays and cancellations top Parents can subscribe to receive late, delayed, and cancelled school bus information. Go to mybustoschool.ca then : Delays and cancellations to register. right of the page. STC Bus Company 705-743-0166 582 586 584 587 585 588 CALL-A-CAB (Donnelly) 705-745-2424 484 485 Fruits Of The Holy Spirit September Faithfulness October Charity November Peace December Patience January Generosity February Kindness March Self Control Kawartha Lakes Bus Lines 705-324-8882 583 MERIT ASSEMBLIES Celebration assemblies will be held each month throughout the year. These are opportunities for our school community to gather and recognize individual and group accomplishments. Please check the monthly calendar, and join us if you are able. Our next merit assembly will be on Friday January 29th, 2016 @ 9am ILLNESS If your child is sick, please do not send him/her to school. Our expectation is that all children will be outside for recess times, and if your child is unable to go outside, they should remain at home until they have recovered sufficiently to enjoy the outdoors. COLD WEATHER With the days of decreasing sunlight come temperatures that require extra clothing. Students will need to come to school prepared with warm coats, hats, mitts and boots. Please ensure that they are dressed appropriately for the conditions outside and please ensure younger students clothing has their name on it. April Joy May Gentleness June Modesty July Chastity August Goodness News from Student Council We hope everyone enjoyed the many activities in our Christmas Spirit Week, from the festive fashion, decorated doors and special treat deliveries from little elves. SPORTS JERSEY DAY Our spirit activities continue in the new year. On the day of the Merit Awards Assembly, show your pride in your favourite sport or sports team by wearing their colours, hats, shirts or team jersey! There may be more sports information on way as Mr. O’Sullivan and some students organize some intramural activities in the upcoming weeks. BOOK DRIVE If you have donations of gently used books, please send them in this month. We will be having a “Book sale: later in the term, with proceeds going to support Abush Michael, who is our sponsored student in Africa. Unsold books will be donated to a local organization. Mental Health Moment Do you know the difference between your child’s stress behaviour and misbehaviour? Stress behaviour happens when your child’s alarm system in their brain is activated. Stress behaviour can look like: aggression, shouting, crankiness, argumentativeness, uncooperativeness or withdrawing. Often times, we respond to these stress behaviours with punishment and consequences or shouting of our own. The science of self-regulation tells us that what we really need to do when children are exhibiting stress behaviour is to soothe before discipline. When we soothe by modeling calmness through our tone of voice and body language, we help the child’s thinking brain and empath response come back online! http://www.self-reg.ca/resources-and-services/parents-and-families/ Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace. Pope Francis PARISH REFUGEE COMMITTEE UPDATE In a few short weeks, St. Luke's Parish, school and community has responded to the Pope's call for help for Syrian refugees in a tremendous way. The St. Luke's Parish Refugee Committee is pleased to announce we have collected over $29,000 to help bring a family to Canada. Very soon, we will be welcoming Imad and Nerveen as well as their two children Abdullah aged 11 and Siena aged 9 to our community! Thank you for your support and response to the crisis in Syria in such an overwhelming way! We are truly blessed to have the support of such an amazing community. “No one has ever become poor by giving.” Anne Frank Milk Bags Currently St. Martins Catholic Elementary School in Ennismore is collecting Milk bags to braid together and create mats. These mats are then shipped to the third world countries for people there to sleep on. We like to ask you ,to please send in your milk bags so we can forward them to St. Martins as they continue with this wonderMusic Notes from Ms. Sims: Welcome to our New Year that will be filled with music at our school. The Grade 2/3, 3/4 and 4/5 classes will be playing the recorder and the 6/7 and 7/8 classes will be playing the ukulele. Our youngest students will continue to learn new songs and learn about rhythm, beat, tempo and dynamics. Our Choir welcomes 5 new students. It will be an exciting new year! January 2016 St. Luke Catholic Elementary School Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Dec 27 Dec 28 Dec 29 Dec 30 Dec 31 1 Happy New Year 2 3 4 Welcome Back To School 5 Rosary Apostol 6 7 8 School Mass 9:00 a.m. 9 10 11 12 13 Grilled Cheese Hot Lunch 14 15 16 23 STA Visit Gr 8 @ 10:30 Boys Volleyball St. Dominic’s @ St. Luke’s 17 . 18 19 Catholic School Council 6:30 pm 20 Pizza Lunch Boys Volleyball St. Mary’s @ St. Luke’s 21 CSC Mtg. St. Thomas Parents night 7-8:30 pm 22 24 25 26 27 Chicken Wrap 28 29 30 “Sports Day Merit awards 9am Learning Visit Volleyball @ St. Thomas— pm 31 Feb 1 Alternate Volley Ball date Feb 2 Rosary Apostol Staff Meeting Groundhog Day Feb 3 Feb 4 Board Volleyball Feb 5 PD Day Feb6 Bus Cancellation Radio Stations BOB FM 91.9, CBC 98.7, Country 105 FM, EZ Rock 105.9 FM, The Wolf 101.5 FM. Also check out the Trillium Bus Website at www.mybustoschool.ca choose delays and cancellations top right of the page. Parents can subscribe to receive late, delayed, and cancelled school bus information. Go to mybustoschool.ca. Delays and cancellations to register. For the newsletter, please check out our school website. www.stluke.pvnccdsb.on.ca If you require a paper copy of the newsletter, please contact Anne in the office ()ST. LUKE JANURARY NEWSLETTER AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE: