block allocations since 1993
block allocations since 1993
WIDENING PROBE CBI to investigate all coal block allocations since 1993 many cases 0! malpractice while allocating coat blocks betweetu 1993 to 2004, Funher, In many cases whecc join teenhave been furrne d be- testes eween state government rorporat' ona and private parties there It informaeion that many of these were done through favours to certain parties and under 1>5)11 teat pressure and due diligence wat in selection of The agency says at 50 additlonal least state nor since 1993 thosttd be investithe CIII specially by looking at & wlttrh (Cal). which is probing alleged irregularities in oh c atlocacithi of coal blocks to private co{atpa- to companies that allotied blocks in 1993. The CDI said at least 50 additional companies could be probed as pare of the widened follows Commisason the Monday forwarding a teeter written by seven partianaenrariana demanding an Investigation of all coal block atlocatiotis ainee 0993 to the CR!. gress - tcI'MG itt India, Under SCuthr. AceordtnQ allocated between 10 to Attguoi infoomoijon toooifoble on tho cool nit 1.993and 6 December 20(15. 2004 be investigated. That would cover the coal' fields allocated in 1998-2004, when the Bharari ya Jan ala Party-ltd party the Con- lok Sabba mem- bers Sandeep Dikshie, Hatish Chaudhttry, tavneet Shagta, ChOudttary t,at Singts, Manicka Tagore and Raghuvir Singh Meena weote to the eve and the coal ministry thai 'locks allotted between 1993 and companies may have been favoured undet political presanre Arvittd Mahalan, a parinera strys'enile, (i coat Macb were National Democratic Alliance (NDA) was in power, and in 1996'O$, when a coali tion called the United Front culed the country, The Con' gross party lost the 1996 general election and returned to POWet itt 2004. Coat block allocations made doritag tOte rule oF the Con led United Progreta-party greaaive Alliance (UPA) have been under scrutin ysince the Comptroller and Auditor General oilntlta said in are portreleased in August that auclialorations had caused lie iiiexrhequerabaa of lBe teillro n. tional We have received a lelter from the (NC today IMoladay) aakitg us to probe allocation of coal block a since 1993, a senior Cl3l official said on con Is saul the perthat the lark ol transparency was higher in the period of allocation. 'So, atthoetgh the net mbcr of lutocks altpcated nay tled be as many an In the later period, the level nf processing was not an earlier on dunn of anonymity, Withtn a wilt register a fresh PE (preliminat-y enquiry) and start investigation. This wit' go side by aide with the current week, we investlgation into seven FIRs (first information reports) registeted by us iii ens) altocalons tnade berseeen 20{16 and 2009 Another CRC oflictal tntle pendensty conftxnteci the de veiopment. Jr appears that there were aa in the later period. It only after Ihe El ectrictly Ace of 2tttta that lice power eec, leigh was 'or caw private sector interest, Coal proresa only A too speaking ott - rondinon of 'no said that a copy of the letter had beet, forwarded to the miniatry, which, in turn, nymily, more sod cheating had been rs'gisrere d against Viol Iron and Steel tidyog Lid, lasinfrastruc Capital Psi. AMR iron and Steels Psa. Ltd. Ill) Yavat. mal itotergy Lid, lure Navahba,ai op ova were Power Fyl. Lid, aunitofthe Es tar Group, lodus tries and Vikash Metal and Power Ltd. The among compsole a allotted coal blocks Grace that were during 2006.09, when ttrime Minister Manmohan Singh also held charge of the coat rflinlstty Ttae g overntnent has already cancelled at least seven coal block allocations on grounds of non-performance and could cancel the allocations of as many as six others. on the basis of recommends tions made by an inter, osinistetial group (IMG) that is looking lie isaste. The IMG is set tab have gone op then,' he eaid. nitnistry official, rod etnce lop Iwo Cases of criminal conspiracy non-performance leged ceptlon against cornpnies, grounds of alThey that aotnr been September, raids in II cities. On 22 the agency regis- cases cancelled at least 7 fonearded to govecnnaene of India.' starting Ott 5 tered block allocations they names tigatinn Central Vigilance whose nice between 200g and 2009 said it would extend oh einves- iits/esolgatlon. The decision state c otnpa- vate niet (cVC) ducted The govt has governmenle priselected Central Bureau of In.. ssextigaoion have panies Liii, through Tie 1993 and 6 December 2005 69 coal blocks were allocated. On 4 September the Cot booked rates against five com- iyatenia New tiTList on 19 September, gated By SAHIL MAKKAR AMAN MALIK eve information available on the coal ministry's website, between 0 August to by corpora- the letter written by the Congress partiansenearian aaid. 'Ct, therefore, appears that alt coal blocks allotted the investigation the sent to According lot isepected irregularities in tho conteoreraisi at location of dial blocks and con- ejotta,' companies could be probed as part of been September. followed partners government ?' to fleet again In the second week of October to decide on tha fate of blocks allotted to goveromeot'owned otnpan itletit its where no develop' has taken place so far. sa/lil.m@s/ivemiet,cora _ _ _ _ ______ _ __ _ ?C, 24 9 fPw fln all MNT tI UT 11TR jt trfkaft *w kW1,143 3T * *M Ikift 195 IQii aiiafni "1993a3Mi511 TV 195 3111 tmii fii Si ji3Tlftf 1993 iisft ëITi cli tPItN .#tafle7 44c11 4ciiti ir 4ftftT ig4k 4ig'lg " Ht (41cTh&.fl) ll ft TR r4t '1diI* TlWf wFwfli IlWtcT ti ' " 3TfIE tll flaIT *11 5' ,4,iei * 71f1315T31tt& ';w ai 3I 191 aiit~r ii ll *ajtflltfl 67 ft3lT qgir T1~1' 1t tft 'MI'l*I flmt awicripnizuSi %fwfli itir t liG?k ITTallk Hflq,l S pq nt (IRli( i fttaii tll tpft ath fiR 'R*il flaij qw iift_iti4iir, 7 fli IWf iizki r1 13 wii ¶ 'iilkifti tl4ft*3ll iiilq, flaßl QVII(IR 14T31T31V ti Ift wiO aiSn'nt i W4ftftm3llf gci'lii, "11l lfißftf '4iieig, alm9 kiirHel ~rn iiQi4 a4ri f vi 44i41 rit simrft ratt af IrzlT 1k'Ii Si l3lltqi'lPllsi 11d1a11?z* U&I "*m flr tqiiflifl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ lÄt9ait9t piie r r.i 1 ‚iq*Q ftT% aryin 9tiZlfirnrW FdlyD, tt-.itfl.irt rv nr cvkmi 2006 JYelaikißm iiiieitj ist 'ftflg un r c a-v& - in Id ail anitntr 3RT 4 t-fl* a 193 iv« snffiaa rgl eiEi'p. r IA Stz4i . in Id 2Ot aiioici a3fIW3WRtMIIfJF 1 ki t t tTn~ fr fll993fltePftt **lor *aiiuifl ft rafri iicc'i'hMsl4ltjiizi _ _ _ _ _- ___ ____ I I 1993 t 2004 ajTh%r 4 c Ri%it I 41'I'Ictw'IM, 3 * ffui Riq,'R gitpirfl * * *t*ft M'till I 3t341S tifi v * M1993ü2Q04 I I zii 'vi jI* I. fli I 9TQU1T1993t20Q4 I itgiTO ..................................................... 3lltjlM (9t)l 311*- Nt 9 i94g,'1 ftrr c4.t ft *fmiz H1 t T. 5 '1'1I'1l NIN9T am 9NTRI[4ST*I Arrested IT Officer Colluded With. Abhishek Verma To Buy Goa Property CBI finds web of cos through which Verma holds a beneficial interest in Nitya - Resorts in Mumbai, along with arms deal According to a person familiar agency already knew most of the SRUTHIJITH KIC er Suresh Nanda, his son Sanjeev with the investigation, the CIII has details in Allen's communications. DELHI NEW LL-.iLi Nanda, and their chartered ac now found a web of companies in Ashutosh Verma, the I-T official, A senior income-tax department Bipin countant Shah. Verma was Delhi Kolkata and Agra through was introduced to Edmonds Allen officer, arrested by the Central Bwr b.andllng the Income-Tax depart which, Ashotosh Verma holds aby Abhishek. Ashutosh Verma reau of Investigation in 2008 for al ment's case against the Nandas, beneficial interest in a company wanted to setup a company in the legedly accepting a bribe from who were at the time being probed TalledNltya subsidiary US as a of the Indian ResortsPvtLtd,which arms dealer Suresh Nanda, used by the CIII for bribing government owns a large beachfront plot in company Geiper Consultmg FyI his links with jailed defence agent officials and accepting commis Morjlm, Goa, estimated to be now Ltd to help the latter avoid tax. His Abhishek Verma to set up a compa slons in the sale of Barak missiles worth more than !15 crore. Verma wife Pallavi Verma andfatherRam ny overseas and used a network of and Armoured Recovery Vehicles alsopurchaseda2-bedroomviilajn Naval Verma are 100% shareholcompanies to invest in property in to India. cm intercepted phone Goa in the name of his father, the Consulting, a ders in Gelper Goa, a person familiar with the in conversations that led them to be person said.! knowledge process outsourcmg vestigation said. lieve that Verma was being bribed Many of Verma's buslneEg*tt4r -. company, accordmg to filings with Armed with the breakthrough in by the Nandas to fudge entries in—ests were revealed by New YoFk the Registrar of Companies. four-year-old the case, this person their books that were in the IT de based attorney c Edmon4s Allen; A trail of email exchanges besaid the agency Is now moving to partment's possession. erstwhile_business the partner of tween Ashutosh, Abhlshek and Alfile a charge sheet. Earlier this Out on bail after spending eight jailed defence agentAbhlshekVer len show that Ashutosh wanted to month, the CBI sought the finance months in jail in 2008, Ashutosh ma. The dossiers of evidence sent set up aUS subsidiary for Geiper mInistry' sanction to prosecute Vermawas reinstatedtoser-vice as by Allen to! Indian authorities Consultinginordertoavoidpaylng Ashutosh Verma, a joint cominis the CIII failed to file a chargesheet helped Initiate a CIII probe against a highamountof taxfor remunerasioner in the I-Tdepartment, in the case. The agency could nel Abhishek Verma on charges of tion paid to the company's agent, Verma, a 1999-batch Indian Reve ther establish a money frail forgery bribing of a public official nor one Sanjay Pant, in the US, and nue Serviceofficer, was arrested in parked discover where Verma had and violation of the Official Se route business to the Indian entity March2008 from .1W Marriot Hotel alleged the bribe. crets Act. A CIII official said the through the US firm. - - - . rLt cbft *U31Tt ik 1tk t k4lttjitO 1IctgI t ti I t R* 'II it R! nn ____ ___ iflflt9*tnlnjtt Wttaiiit TttfRfTsMfltTa*,Tti ______________ ___ iiti gftp q'uii iqi ft * t415*f * (5Q)4q4* 1kvfl;T Mft1T *c flRT5jflr rn á flflfltt4'.vit eiiqg qr q.1ritc it dii *4taii tr vc vmtfliiimr ia4j 4 THE ASHOK AGGARWAL SAGA MOVES ON officer Äshok Aggarwal first made die newspaheadlines in 1999 with the arrest of the arms dealer The IRS per and jet-setting Delbi socialite Abhishek Verma, i son of the Raiya Sabhci MP Veena Varma, for tryiig ta trap a Delhi jeweller Subhash Barjatya in a Forelgn Exchange Regulation Act case. Allegedly Aggarwal bad attempted to extort Rs 10 million from one of die owners of Dabur Industries. A Dabur owner had videotaped Aggarwal's men collecting the money. In 2002, wal' after die finance rhinistry die faces prosecution, first, Aggarwal allegations In a FERA case part of a criminal conspiracy basis of forged Swiss CRI alleged that the tionate die CBI sonctioned Agar- CRI charged hirn in two cases. In the Bank documents. IRS officer assefl to the tune of bus alleged that the of being t blackmail Barjatya on the die In tbc second, had arnassed dispropor- Rs 1 2.04 crore. In die case, accused official entered into o crirninal conspiracy with bis twa brothers and some char- tered accountants and amassed huge wealih und assets dlspropgrtionate to his known sources of income. The CRI has alleged that Aggarwal Inested In properGhazidbad, Bahadurgarh and die World Trade ties In Centre in the capital in several trusts whose die name of bis wife beneficiaries were und created bis minor children. The CRI had arrested Aggarwal an 19 October along with bis portionate assets. He is ments brotber for allegedly 2000 omassing dispra- alleged ta own about 20 apart- und bungalows in Delhi, at least twa comrnercial » office premises in die World Trade Tower, New Dcliii, und numerous other properties. Despite severat complalnts - agaiS hirn, Aggarwal was appointed private secretary by Rairam Singh Yadav, die minister for mines in die 1' V Narasimha Rao government. - Probe coal block-allocation since 1993, CVC tells CBI NEW DELHI: The Central Vig-unknown officials ilanceCommission(CVC)on Monday asked the CIII, prob ing coal block allocations made during 2006-09, to ex tend its investigations to cover all allocations made since 1993, saidagencysources. The country's top anti-cor had already tasked the CBI with probe into ruption authority the allotment of coal blocks between made 2006 and 2009. .. - - _ - -- - - - - - \' ' -_ j. A' -: -'. : .i' %: " CVC asked that the " , : c j-' , -',--' L "The , , agency investigate the system estimated undue benefits adopted bystate governments R5,1.86 lakh crore to private during firms due to allocation of coal blocks without auction. allocation of coal blocks. The criteriaand select of ed guidelines followed during the allocation be Probe in offshore mining Meanwhile, the CBI has also agency begunprobing alleged irregu must probed' a source added. The investigation firstr was larities in the country's tion of companies ever attempt to explore un tapped mineral wealth worth also asked to find out the system put in place for selec for coal block al!ocation between 1993 to 2006, whether these guide lines were followed and how jointventure partners were se lected. thousands of crores lying in the deep sea bed, sensing an other mega scam, CBI sources said a prelimi an Bureau of of the mdi- Mines while licences for exploring minerals in the sea bed of awarding Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea. Itis alleged that four benefi- ciaries companies owned by the family members of an mdi- an Revenue Service officer are also under the agency's scanncr as they bagged nearly half of the blocks despite lacking necessary qualification, they said. The sources said in March last year, the government, in a first attempt to explore offshore mineral wealth, had placed 62blocks on offer out of which 28, nearly half, were bagged by companies owned by family members of the former Enforcement Directorate also served in official who had Mines Ministry. The final award of licences had been put on hold after aggrieved parties approached the Bombay High Court and nary enquiry has been regis the Court seeking their cancella- troller and Auditor General tered by the agency in connec tion with the alleged favours (CAG) had, in a recent report, extended to the companies by Agencies Official auditor, the Comp Andhra Pradesh tion. High 47 d1dhu'4*a1sfl Ô1IIU1CIaUft rt fffo4ioi '311*1 t* *lit iiar ziifti S F341 31M 1a41U4t1 i __ S ($1faR)*_ 151 kIN Tfl wkirt 2010 " CBI probes offshore mining licence scam P11 .NewDeIhi Just a week after filing cases in coal block allocation scam, CBI has begim probing alleged irregularities in the country's first-ever attempt to explore untapped mineral wealth worth thousands ofcrores lying In the deep sea bed, sensing another mega scam. __ I **T 5ft9 fl aaa T 'iM r mrti Zt W, atg ?'i191 'flint RR 11 11'IftT 3-IT# PIfMT ftT fl%wft8t t slmR waI pit Thrt 1*4Zl n ti*rtt Wktfruftir w311ti s.sflo - i* ____ fRI iiiic 1 J 2011 NtTlftlfl ___ IMflqI M t7T&kTI iii4 tnflqj ?ht nt* tv ir t tp _ __ ItdI t*qI -1 NI t ziilWi %W '31Mtbfl a1vTlft3 &t NiSi 4 w' 50 * *mi-nr rst *_'_al I *i 3t att ai i'ftnni __ Z9T*$I* 1Z11 ti atit it t& aifri Probe all coal block a llotments since 1993, CVC tells CBI: LENS ON NDA GOVT Directive after Jaiswal, 7 MPs wrotetoCVc Arbitrary'grant of 62 offshore mines" under scanner EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER24 EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ACliNG on a Central Vigilance Corn- NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER24 mission (CVC) reference, the CDI has decided to expand its probe into the SUSPECHNG serious irregularities, the CBI alleged irregnlarities incoal blocks ãotment to has registered a preliminary enquiry into the include all allotments made allotment of62offhoremining blocks by the In- since 1993. The ongoing CDI probe was restricted to allotments during 2006-09. CDI officials said the of Mines (IBM) last year. The al- lotments made to 16 companies for grant of preliminary en- the offshore explorationlicences was done in an (PE) on the CVC reference received "arbitrary" manner by the IBM, says the FE agency would soon register a quiry dian Bureau Monday, and question government officials and private firms which got coal blocks. Last week, Coal Minister Sriprakash registered last Friday. The CBI suspects the 16 companies selected did not have the required technical capability Jaiswal wrote to the CVC seeking a CR1 probe and amajorityof them were registered and incor- into all porated afterthe coal blocks allotted since 1993 when the government began allotting blocks to pri- vate players for captive use. Jaiswal also recently forwarded a letter written by seven MPs to the CVC saying blocks allotted between 1993 and 2004 should be investigated by the CBI as favours were atlegedly done to private parties under political in June2010.The FE also alleges that there had been "cartelisation" in the process. CBI officers said tion the cart elisation allega- referred to a group of five companies which had bagged 28 of the 62 oil exploration blocks andwere ownedbyimmediate relatives of a suspended Indian Revenue officer against whom pressure. The MPs' letter also sought an inquiry into the system put IBM issued its notificationfor allocation in place to select companies for the Service (IRS) CBI has registered other cases. "Many of the selected companies have allotment between 1993 and 2004 andwhether shown themselves as a part these guidelines were followed. The CVC panies Monday referred the complaints to the CDI. wereregistered at the same address which also The allotment of coal blocks for of a group of com- promoted by the same directors and captive points towards applicants having resorted to use started in 1993 to attract private invest- cartelisation to corner most of the exploration ments in power, cement and steel to help a blocks," says the FE registered against un- growing economy. known "Till March 2011, the Ministryof Coal has public servants of IBM and other un- known persons/companies. allocated 194 coal blocks for captive miningof which 142 were explored blocks," in its report on the allotments. the CAG said I1MINES SECRETARYJUMPS GUN ON GOA REPORT, IS SHOWN THE DOOR, PAGE 16 'Rahul case based on a non-existent claim' EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Aichilesh Yadav and SP chief NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER24 Mulayam Singh Yadav. CONGRESS elled The allegation was not levleader Rahul before the HC and its Monday told the SC "object was to scandalise the that the allegation of his role in issuesoastogaincheappublic- Gandhi an abduction and rape case in ity and to advance his political Amethi was "sinister political objectives", the affidavit said. mudslinging". The CBI also "It is a clëarcase ofsinister political mudslinging and contempt of process ofcourt. Such a petition deserves to be dismissed ried out as per the HC order. The CBI told the court that the case of alleged ifiegal confine- and ment of the girl and her parents Allahabad I-IC order was found to be based on "non- with cost only hence the adduced its report of its investigation,car- imposing a cost on the petitionerwas correct," senior ad- existent" vocate PP Rao, appearing for personswerefalse. Rahul,toldthecourt. claims since the names and addresses of these Samfunded by The CBI also said Rao said the petitioner, rite's petition was the webwhich Samrite relied on formerSP MLA Kishore Sam- "some others". It said rite,was neither afriend of the sites victimnoiarelative. Meanwhile, the and for filing his petition were forinformationontheincident UP gov- ernment also filed its affidavit located outside the geographi- refuting Sanirite's charge that caltenitoryofthecountiy. he had filed the case against Rahul at tk behest of CM The court will continue to hear the matter tomorrow. CBI begins probe : into 'sea-bed press thast of India NEWDEWJ, 24 SEfl:Just aweek Aer filing cases in the coal block ilocation scam, the CBI has begun prthing alleged irregularilies in the country's first-ever attempt to explore untapped SneraFwSth worth thousands crorcs Iing in the deep sea. bed, sensing another mega scam. Cs! sourcçs said a preliminary inquhy has been registered by the agency in connection with the alleged favours extended to the companies by the unknown Slicials of the Indian Bureau of limes while awarding licences fir exploring minerals in the sea bed of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. It is alleged, hir benefidazies immpanies owned by the family members of an Indian Revenue StMce officer are also under the scanney as they bagged andy half of the blocks despite beking necessary qualification, they Slid. The sources said in March lasi the government, in a first tai *empt to expIoreohore mini aal wealth, had placed 62 blocks cm oflèr out of which 28, nearly halt were bagged by comjaI*s owned by-family members of the krmer Enforcement Dhtctojate .411d4 who had alsb'served hr 1k Mines Ministzy. The final atrd oflicenceshad ken put on hold after aggrieved CM sources said a miiiij pre1iminiriinqijjrhabejj initiated by the agency in connectionwith the alleged favours extended to the companies by the unknown officials of the Indian Bureau of' Mines while awarding licetices for exploring for minerals th the seabeds of the Bayof Bengal aid theArabjansej parties approached Bombay High Court and Andhra Pradesh High Court seeking their cancel- Mines; had announced in March last tar the list of companies lation. The companies allegedly owned by the son and the brotha of the officer are based at the ratidn of mineral wealth. same address Kasturba Gandhi Marg In New Delhi, they said. on It is alleged that companies were incwporated after bids were invited from the interes(ed parties willing to go fix exploration and thØ not have any experience in SPshore mining at the time of notification. The .Cfll sources sal it is a matter of probe how these companies with such alleged lacunae managed to score over Sal firms which were in fray for the lucrative contracts. According to sources, it has been alleged that at tle screening committee level, the companies' belonging to the kin of the officer scored much above the rival " Indian &ucau of Mines, th works under the Ministry of that had swm the bids of explo- -- Howevet the Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court had stayed the exten Jon after accepting the plea of the Tamil Nadu-based company Rare (H) minerals. "Controller General, Indian Bureau of Mines, has issued a notification dated 7th June, 2010 inviting applications r the grant of Exploration licence in the offshore areas of the country. Around 377 applications have been received in IBM for grant of exploration licene,7 the Ministry of Mines had said in a statement last yeait The sources said that each block measuring about 800 sq km is estimated to have huge unexplored mineralwealth in the sea bed of the Bay of Bengal and theArabianSca. A similar case is also going on in Andhra Pradesh High Court after a company, Trimex Sands, challenged the award of exploratiOn licence. - - Ccalgate: probe ambit expands CET to sean block allocations sinée 1993 PBD BUREAU/PTI block allocation between 1993 to ançt whether these guidelines were followed and how were joint 2004 NEW DELHI, SEPT24 venture partners selected. ThE' CBI has decided to expand The its \.,,probe into 'coalgate bringing under its today referred CVC scanner all coal block allocations áince 1993 including the six- qttei and the agency will soon made begin its investigation on it, after a reference in' this regard was received from the CVC today. Last week, Coal Minister Shri Prakash Jaiswal 'wrote to CePtral , Vigilance Commission seeking a CBI sources said: year NDA rule The - for started in tecently was 2004 with fled end the uses such as power, steel because of growing economy. - In ongoing its has so probe, C registered rnnii FIR includirik - 1973 cethent and -- under scanper._ leUei written by seven $rliamentarians to the CVC saying that blocks allotted between and Mines objective of attracting private! investments !in sped- Warded -a 1993 amended Offsbireminliig lkences. for blocks to 1993 when Coal Pag. 6 Seeking theCBI probe; Jaiswal has of thai (Ntionalisation) Act, captive use. also allocation (ill private companies for captive use probe into all the coal blocks allocated since 1993 when Government 'had started allocation to private players the complaints to the CBl to probe the against private companies unknown far seven. public and 'officials for alleged misrepresentation of facts. !Till March 2011, the Ministry be investigated by the CDI, as allegedly favours were done of Coal has allocated 194 coal blocks for captive mining of which 142 were explored blocks 'and the balance 52 were either parties under political pressure. regionally explored plored b!ocks,a given during the NDA those rule should to The letter of enquiry as to MPs also sought for what system the Government of India put in place for ielectibn of companies coal for - coal or j.inex- Comptroller and Auditor General its recent repQrt on allocation. has said in coal - block, SajIanS " questions witness's condütt PBD BUREAIJ,'T'D NEW DELHI, SE!T 24 CDNGIkFSS leader Sajjan Kumathcingtriajina 1984 anti-SUch riots case, tollay questioned the conduct of cón* tlflWcturt here that sh didrt tell an9 authority fti22 years aboufher not" the key witness and pith having faith in the Delhi Police probe. the Continuing finaJ arguments. in the case, Kumars counsel RI Khan told District Judge JRAiyan that complainant Jagdish Kaux, who had lost five of her family members during the riots, first did çtot coop-. erate s1th the Delhi Polics probe for Over two decades and later, in 2006, she explained her non-coopera- tion as lack of faith the in probe agency' Delhi police probed the The earlier had riots 'cases and the investigation was handed over to CBI in - 2(05. "Summons were dent to Kaur in police i Punjab by the 2CO3 and 2004 requesting her to join the probe and br recording of her statement CrPC but under 164 she refused to "cooperate. "After 22 years, in 2(06 this for the firstthnebeforeCBlthatshe- she had stated had it faith in the Delhi Rlice and that is why she had not cooperated with lis (police) prole7 Khan argued Xhan said Kaur had several ocrasions but never this fact before the Justice C T Nanavati and Justice Ranganath MWira Commissions and for the first time in 2(06 she said it in Cars office that she had stated no faitl1 in the police prnbe. CIII stártsprobin offshore th!nerái mining licences ABHISHEKSHIJKLA The NEW DELHI, SEPT24 JUST a allocation scam, CBI begun probing alleged irregularities in the country's has first-ever attempt to explore untapped mineral wealth worth thousands of crores lying in the deep sea bed, sensing another mega scam. CBI sourèes said a prelimi- nary tered enquiry has been regisby the agency in corinecwith the alleged tion the son favours extended to the companies by the unknown officials of the 'Indian Bureau Candhj Marg in the national It is alleged that companies were incorporated after bids were invited from the interested parties ivilling to go for explo- ration and have any did not experierce in offshqre mining at the lime of notification. The CBI sources said it is a matter of probe how these cor 1 panies 'vyith such allged nae managed to score over rival in fray for the lucrative contracts. for at that es screen- committee level th? coming erals in the sea becl'of Bay of Bengal an4 Arabian Sea. - panies belong- ing to the kin It is alleged of 'the officer scored much four beneficiar- above ies companies firms by ut re So claimed it has alleged been exploring min- family law- firms which were awarding owned brother capital, they said. of Mines while licences allegedly and of the officer are based at the same address ICasturba on week after filing cses in coal block companies owned by the of an Indian Revenue Service officer are also under the agency's scanner as they bagged nearly half of the blocks bers' despite lacking necessary qualification, they said, The sources said in Marchlast year Govemment, in a first to explore offshore mineral wealth, had placed 62 blocks on offer out of which 28, attempt nearly half, were bagged by' rival n d ia n .I - mem- the - Bureau -of Mines, which works under the of Ministry had Mines, announced the March in last year had exploration of list of companies won the bids of that mineral wealth However, the Nagur of the Bombay High stayed the execution accepting the Nadu bench Court had after plea. of Tamil based thmjanyRe (H) minerals. companies owned !y family members, of the former Bureau Enforcement Directorate official notification dated 7th June, 2010 served in Mines inviting applications for the grant of Exploration Licence in the offshore areas of the coun- who alscx had Ministry. The 'had final award, of licenes en,put on aggrieved hold after parties approached "Controller GeneraL Indian try. of Mines has, issued a 377 applications received in IBM have been for grant of licence, the the Bombay High Court and the exploratien Andhra Pradesh High Ministry of Mines had said in a seeking their iiL ic Court cancellation,' statement last year. - Case against Rahul based on 'non-existent' claims: CBI !BD BUREAU/PU NEW DELHi, SEPT24 CDI today told the Court that the case Supreme of alleged illegal cbnfinemont of a girl in Rahut Gandhi's name which was dragged was found tq be based op non-existent claims. 'Additional Solicitor General. l-aren RayaL who placed the status report of a Cifi probe in a sealed cove4 said the address and naites of the persons, including that of the girt, were "non-existent". - "On verification from various government authorities, includ- the nagar panchâyaf and district food and civil supplier inspector, it was confirmed that dog there was no such address the writ petition) (mentioned in and there exists no record of such persons existing," tie said. The agency also said that habeas corpus petition filed by On verifucatio, fron various government authorities. including the naga panchayat and dh trict food and civil supplies inspector, it was confirmed that there waS po such address anth there exists no record of such persons existing, former Samajwacli l'arty MLA. from Madhya Pradesh Kishore. Samrite, seeking a direction. ir producing the girt and her parents, Was funded by 'some othand his statements have been recorded in this egard. CE! made these suhmissions before a bench comprising jus ers - tices PS çhauhan and Sthtanter which was hearing a Kuniar, pdtition filed by a Eormer MLA challenging Re 50 lakh fine imposed Sn by him the High Allahabad Court for . approaching it with these alle- gations. - The High Court on March 7, 2011 had also directed the CE! register to a case against Samrite and to find out 'as to. under what circumstances the P1 was filed. The apex court bench noted th't there were two identical petitions in the high Court and in both of them the petitioners were not the next friend or acquaintances family. of the victims He said another i4entical petition was 'filed in the High Court and the police had located the persons named as. alleged victim, who had record- - - ed theirstatement incident. denying the - takes additional éháigédf R4ilways i". cgCPJoshi ,t I , .- PBD BUREAU Jcey infrastructure ministry NEW DELHI, SEPT24 has returned to th Congress after-V long years. Transport Mi Works on railway ove; bridges nd under bridges will be expedited for safety nister Cl' Joshi on Monday took addi as well as faster movement ofthe trains across, the coun- tiosl try Joshi said. Joshi who is 'also Minister for Road Transport and ROAD and Highways charge of the railway ministry fol lowing the exit Trinarjiool gress' Mukul Joshi is I3hilwara Road Transport and Highways with RaiIay offidal, Minister CP joshi during - a meebng -- in New Delhi —PT! Siom Rajasthai. Roy, ML' from 'I ': Though this only of 'Con in is' an additional charge for Joshi, the Highways took over additional chare of the Ministry of Railways, here today He Wa Member oL Parl iament from Bhilwara Lok Sabha Constituency in' Ra}, asthan. Earlier he also held the portfolio of Rural Dcv e1oiment & Panchaati Raj fri the Union Ministry. He took additional charge followingthe exit of Tnitiarnool Congress Mukul Roy. Thoub this i only an additional charge for Joshi, key the infrastructure ministry has returned to the Congress alter 17 long years. CIC Jaffer Sharief was the last railway ministe from the Congres 199-95). Aftr taking charàe, Joshi jointh' met officials ofR9ad Transport, Highways and Railways to expedite wprks on RoBs and RuBs. Cong dOes not want truth to come out in oa1 allocations: BJP PBD BUREAU/PTI today shid it has no réser- BJP vations NFW DEIRL, SEPT14 on the CVC's order aslcingCrntoprobecoalanoca- tions 1993 onwards and alleged.this was a 'delayirtg tactic" of Congress as it does not waIt truth to tome out. twe are not worded about the çvc asking the CW to probe coal block allocations froth 1993 as the NDA has nothing to hide. The issue here is who is bringing in the 1993 period and why. It is the Congress which has ben demanding this as it wants to4elay everything, BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar told VU. BJP spokesperson maintained The that as per the Comptroller and Auditor Generél, 2004 is the benchmark for CAG the new developments in coal mining. "The has increised in 2004. Act, 2003 explained that phenomenally global prices of coal The Electricity also increased coal prices as private play- ers were allowed to participate in power generatioh. The UT'A should Government decided 'Id be competitive 2004 that there bidding in coal mining," Javadekar said. The flJP leader alleged that CBI is being "used, abused and misused" by the Government and this move is aimed at diverting attention from the scams and corruption of the UPA regime. "In 1993, a Congress Government was in power. Then governments of llCCujral and Deve Gowda, both supported by the Congress, came to power,' Javadekar said, reiterating thathis party has no issues with the period to be probed. 'The point here is from when the issue should be investigated. You can eVen start °!p 1976 when nationalised coal miçiing or from the 17th century when coal mining started. This Id just a delaying tactic," he added. Indira Gandhi Govt seeks more from SC PBD BUREAU/I'll NEW DELHI. SEPT 24. is in toutñ terminated the Salems extraditibn Court Supreme upheld the order of a the ground that on with Portuguese authorities to the next course of the Abu Salen-i case chalk Dut action in after the top court ugal upheld tradition ho in Port- quashing of ex- of the gangster w- was brought nearly seven the Supreme years back, informed today. before a headed by Justice P Court was Aearing bench Sathasivam, Attorney General CE Vahanwati sought had violated of the At extradition treaty The bench had the' C$I and the Ministry of External Affairs to file their replies to Salem's plea for quashing crimiral cases against him termination extradition and of his also asked Attorney General assist it the Salem, currently lodged Arthdr India time of extradition, had assured Portugal that no charges attracting death penalty or. imprisonment than 25 of more would be years pressed against him, but such charges were, laler roughtin. Delhi "Police in deciding the case. in Murnbafs court there. Salems earlier asked after Portugal lower the provisions , and Mumbai had slapped charges which invoke death peialty Road against him leaving the gov- filed the applicathe apex court after ernment and the Clii redfaced. more time to decide on the JaiL had after a Portuguese tion in action Salem case court India INDIA b. in Coal block probe to include 1 United Front, NDA regimes fe Bureau NewDeIhi,Sept24 / Istry's advice, the Central ernrnents also for the a! Vigilance leged irregularities In the Commission (CVC) on Monday referred THE goverrnnent hasall these allocations to the widened the scope of the Central Bureau CBI for probe. This is seen allocation of 2009 to the CBI. Out of these 195 coal blocks referred by the CVC blocks, Earlier, acting on a corn to the CM, around 40 coal plaint by BJP MP Hansraj blocks were allocated dur- as a strategic rnove by the Ahir, the CVC had recorn ing of Investigation(CBJ)probe ruling rnended ernrnent between 1999 and into captive coalbiock allot blameto non-Congress coalition to shift gov rnade the allocations between 2006 and the BJP-led 2004. Companies mentbyincludingallalloca Jindal dons Bhushan Power rnade between 1993 and 2009. This rneans that a total of 195 allocations will be probed NDA gov- Steel such as and Power, and Steel, GVK Power and Usha Mar- tin got by the agency coal blocks during the NDA regirne. against 64 currently under "After receiving a letter investigation and these in- from the coal ministry, the dude allocations the since Rao PV government cluding rnade CVC has referred the alloca- Narasirnha and tion in- of 195 captive coal blocks made since 1993 to the United Front the CBI. The CM wifi be and NDA governments, be- probing sides UPA-! and IJPA-ll, coal block allocations," a According acting on the to sources, coal irregularities in coal ministry official said. min- .Continued on Page2 Coal block... C?'There have beenanegations method was followed thatno transparent in allocating captive coal blocks and favours weregiven to privatefirms. The CBI, already probIng 142 companies that were a]locatedcoalblocks,wfflnowbepmbingancompajijes which have been allocated coal blocks since 1993," the officer added. Against the backdrop ofthe Comptroll ditor General report that said that private compaflies made wind hilgains of tl.B6lalth ciore through allocation of captive mines between 2004 and 2009, the inter-ministerial group (1MG) headed bya coal ministry official and with members from the finance,lawandpowerminjstrleslsreviewingthede. lay In development of coal blocks allocated to pri- vate firms. The 1MG has already recommended deallocation of l3blocksandhassougfitdecjuctlon of bank guarantees In the case of 14 others. The CBI In its probe has already booked seven private firms and their directors for misrepresenting facts blocks. and fudging balance sheets to get coal __ After coal, CBI trains guns on offshore mining Agency "toprobe MORE MUCK allocation of 62 offshore ___ ______________ :miningblocks feBureau New Deilli, Sep 24: After fihingaserlesof cases lntbe coal block allocation scam, thecBlhasnowbeentaske.J wlthunearthingallegedir. . Five beneficiary companies owned by the family members of an Indian Revenue Serviceofficerare regularities in the alioca underthe agency's tion of offshore mining 11. scanner censestoprivatefirms. "The companies got The CBI has registered a preliminary enquiry into around 28 blocks out of 62 blocks despite allocation being noteligible mineral of 62 off-shore blocks in the sea bed of of Bay of Bengal and - A . Arabian Sea, the first-ever The CDI will also be probing the role of officials of ministryof attempt minesand Indian tapped to - explore mineral wealth worththousandsof crore. Theoffshoreblockswere allocated toseveralcompa- Bureau of Mines " Each block, mea$uringaboLjt800 nieslastyean "A preliminary m ineral wealth inquiry has been registered by the agency in connection with the alleged favours extend ed to the companies by the unknown officials of the In dlan Bureau of Mines while awarding licenses for ex In March last yea government in the an attempt toexploreoff-shoremineral wealth had placed 62 blocks on offer out of which 28, nearly half, were bagged by ploring minefals in the sea bed of Bay of Bengal and members Arabian Sea. This could be another mega scam," said a cial who had also served in CBI officer. of the former En forcement Directorate offimines ministry According to sources, five companiesownedbyfanijy beneficiaries compa nies owned by the family According to sources, the four companies, with the same central Delhi address, members of an Indian Rev under the OBI scanner are enue Service officer are un der the agency's scanner as owned by the son andbroth- the companies got around 28blocks out of 62 blocks de spite being illegible, The final award of 11 erof the officer. The CBlwfflalsobeprob- the role of officials of ministry of mines and Mdi ing an Bureau of Mines. The cences hadbeenputonhold sourcessaldthateachbjock, after the aggrieved parties measuring about 800 sq kin, is estimated to have huge reached Andhra Bombay Pradesh and high unexplored mineral wealth courts seek ing their cancel in the seabed of Bay of Ben- lation. gal and Arabian Sea. CVC's On nöd, CBlto probe Coalgate PRAMOD KUMAR The CRI Monday on its probe into expanded "Coalgate", bringhig wider its scanner all captive coal allocations since 1993, including the six years of NDA nile. This followed a reference on this by the Central Corumission mi Vigilance Monday. widen fröm 1993 The CBI will soon request the coal ministry to hand wrltten to the Central Vigilance Commission last over all documents on coal allocation since 1993. The earlier investigation weck seeking a CBI pitbe into all coal blocks allocated since 1993, when Ute government Md started allocation to private players for required the CBI to examinc allocations only between 2006 and 2009. lt is likely to fle multiple FIRs with the probe being widened, sources said. Union coal Sripraliash - mihister Jaiswal had use. He had also enclosed a letter written by seven MPs making the same demand. captive More on Page 3 i&1; Itt1t";ZI (qeq'i4)i_ti ii*i 'J (siw.j) IZI tMgdqfl *iij4vzz t Sit tiltat 14aI$* LH flea 31WM jn '. r*llU vm - wtt *IRSIIRfII al _- _ 31*T°R itlifl? qgt SPfl Imi nftaii%qa *1 ft*4 * f 1 18 Wlt*lß *4$ 1700~Rf19t1921fl llztir%l soor tM* , EItRT eIIII i'itfi'it i3lifld t, 2011 'it *I4odq9r 15 I?F'Tt PTPfIII tig (4*4) ,ft-tnn Sit 'Eli! ~c il ti 20 pg i4k flt'P iai Wiarqt t wt' **'a* ft pcin sfl n w itttij4 w4f4'. 4*fltiW* mtrta ,n'* a'ifl iffing T.iiiivicil ?ff3llcHcfn Ht4llk. 'gl. 31IcqcqI 10 fIRT i; '111 Izi. ¶12011 4FI pii q iaii *1 iffiflitht Sia'pii kiiaig ___ ti ifti bir Mriit *iftWf hFb4ll fkqnThi kg _ _ fluqi t&r '.n lii ab nur* rgQig _ m '119 tI :3* l9lm JIII m iwr 4ui milr+ liii flalTf 2S i ag r*am qpir tkc Wtatf a ait 222011ta931 fl*athß * '119 g 'aS ttßflttf4j * * idr aTr I *llThllfl9 11 nm (t ft 4ttiag 314 S iflfl 'imari& (w*3t2) ftTRI-4PU fli ciii " zitkeiTh fq fzif 49R*1i1 c_v 1993 'I c4,k111 _ llcl, __ I 'liti ci,) 3llcloi WlaW fluflá if t (q)I zifrii aii*i t ________ 4_. 1993 u4T* Ift*3llfß IItH*Kl *1 31vft1 PTt * itzFiT __ 'f14191 311*1 I 1993t314 . 4' i4flv 1993 __ _ _ iii Riiicil '1 (tji~t) T2R1993* 2004ti iMrn -11f1j94. Is 197 zt;iqti 3* ?4i UI I allq: ii'*ii 1993 I Mt ijii tf3lStflll n*rar 'I,J UI '' r . 4I * IImItZIIR (I2) (I*'I k 4 **tflF ThgPlcT3lplflfl tO9 cidq*sl *tt() dci,... alrgrlgM 1973 liizlraug rqi* - ¶1 Ifl1 t tyti*ain.f TTW, fq ftq' ijft sfln 1T ____ ____ vu.______ 4 199 wta9ttwkJft ____ - £4; W1 1993 iiaqO !lt TTi ,thnn 2OQ4tflt4g4flfttft ft WR1993* 3 atR 3f¼Ppi'i f'u 7P11 a4 1T1PU_flft4I311fjI if IMftt "gic lsn rq,4w P1T 11N (lpq,çJj) T 419 TnThI*4 ifIrf 1993t2OO4**fl 1993 igti P t *9'a9flI 3t 31R t ri Pwiei4 1913 t ttn 'B f4 fft 4 PI* P W9'tII 'ft b* _ rr :alTqlw(z4) o# thSi' _ _ "I1Tt3fljfl3ffi9 v7rr 1l*28fli5 ntiI" 28 *i ii ¶1 -$i4i g fi#aiinjfl ~ fafln r wwna ffit 2010 aiftiift4t c 377 t 4 a ~t% affii4 3t31'iTflftgffifli - fM-3U*19fl211tikieii d lizii *1 ** " øIC1C1I tjiGlci a +4ii ffifl1 S9 ffi11I 'T ! 4N1 2011 TFff 't" t ii 63 fl* ctlqeii iiiftr tilciel miT ' 'Ri 21 t I1 I 1R1993l{ cGelqit 1993W5oflq4l 3U44WU 2009 %dt intki ti ti t&ar wcl,iiIci T itjinv 1993 at* (7. 1zi n ndr tti IiiMi*i - czcp'vIqrwmw 11tI9, f 11 218 19932O9M3Mfti 'fti WW9R1 N9i ___ lNMRfi'R %1TF*R*tl1lfl'j &jaiit wrciti * is cbftsI.1 ti P1T 1WT 111'R"1 igigii fi if%i in I' 1993 __ f% 211 Mr14i g ici,it (1998 T 81191Jfl41 ihi (1996-97), (1997-98), 31ZT t m 99*Tti R9t !j'R1t i4wj t 2004) t * lit gi',i RR (2004 V :mkicii 3iicicci ct sjt l'flsw,u*tiecicicli ct qqii MIfll n* fl tm f2**A tlTtan4ii If un auzfl aiwg __ W'?t % ficg ~ -**flt I u; ~ t Rfl i&t nt i% *k *in '1'IZThT T4 fl 3tfl kStw-fltt* AV1 * iin~ t &r t 'ictu.0 1'w 3114flfljM 4kiiii t.f4i tm fl ' qIgMI d% iq t1T i1b 11993~ 9'~C1Q1 iir *! *1 T T f ~ cii4 NmqKimT!TtT*i 'IT **1 1RUttgigcictft :RW 3*3lhb1 VIRI V * * ipt t iRn4' i. ihtt, iIqj.g f*1i (qR3iRqq) dI?Thl 5 3fltlt 4ttIH4t3hflh1g * 2dUiw 9tfl fl*b 4tI*aflR1JIr 4tI*Hd t t'i IR15IZTI *1 UWRI tI3TflTI *fl * * n mir t39tPh1TtttI t* in tI CBI to probe all coil allocations since '93 I óoal I The Cifi is trying to get to the root of the matter flRE Ob - THEPMSOFTIIDS[pAyS 'U Vivek Sinha & Abhishok Sharan Iette,s® Naraslmha Rao(1991-96) Dew. Gowda (1996-97) I¬&1 F&fl-- NEW DELITh The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday expanded the scope of its probe into the 'coaigate' scam ItGuJraI to include all mines allotted to private firms since 1993. (1997-98) This means investigating the gjp-led allotments by the - AB Vajpayee (1998-2064) CBI to talkto Ktimar National Democratic Alliance regime froml998to2004aswell Stage Is set for CBI to seek a seek a as those given during United Front rule in 1996-98. response from chief vigilance commissioner The practice of granting cap- Ptadeep the coal blocks to private power, steel and cement companies Kumar in the the coal-aflocation screening committee in 2006 in his began in 1993, following an amendment to the Coal Mines capacity as special secretary (Nationalisation) Act. in the coal minisfl CBI to probe all coaL CONTINUED spokesperson Dharini Mishra told HT the investigat ing authority had expanded probe's scope following adirec Central Vigilance Commission (eve), India's their stakes at a premium on the strength of having unused coal reserves. statutory anti-cornipt onwatch dog. The CV(Th recommendations The BJP has accused the government of using the CBI for alleged vested political inter- totheCBlcomesdaysaftercoal minister Sriprakash Jaiswal endorsed and forwarded a let ter by seven Congress MPs who had demanded a comprehen ests. , "We are not worried about the cve asking the CBI to sive probe into all captive coal probe coal block blocks allocated .Jaiswal and has for warded the letter to the CBI, asking it to take action," a top government source told lit The move was "aimed" at Plo 'IC The CHI has so far booked seven companies for alleged irregularities such as selling tion from the Sriprakash > ensuring a "clean-up" of the coal block allocation process in the country, the source added. FROM PAGE I CBI since 1993. "The CVC has noted the view points of coal minister coal scam. He was a member of allocations from 1993 as the NDA has nothing to hide. The issue here is / whoisbringinginthel99aperi od and why. It is the Congress, which has been demanding this as it wants to delay everything" said HiP spokesperson Prakash Javadekat Kefala Cabinet yet to décideon CBI probe' VA JAYARAJ Caught " between from the xamaana me Kevoiutlonary (RMP), which KOZFIIKODE State " Party Marxist objections police and sharp divisions within the Congress party, Kerala's Congress-led UDF Government is struggling hard to take a decision on the demand for a CBI probe into the conspiracy behind rebel of the brutal murder Marxist leader TP Chandrasekharan ofOnchiyam, Kozhikode on May 4 last. HomeMinister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan visited Chandrasekharan widow MC Rama at Oncbiyam on Monday in a reported bid to make her withdraw the demand for such a probe but she persisted that only a CBI investigalion could bring to light the roles played by certain top leaders (of the CPI(M)) in the conspiracy. Chandrasekharan and his supporters had floated in 2008 after their departure from the CPI(M), had on September 4 demanded a CR1 probe into the conspiracy behind the murder. Opposition leader Achuthanandan VS had the very next day come out in support for the call for CBi probe. The Government -.- especially Chief Minister Oommen Chandy and - Home Minister Radhakrishnan favour ofinitiating a was in CBI probe but the situation got complicated after senior Congress leader and Union Minister of State for Home Mullappally Cabinet opinion aired by the special after seeking investigation team of the Kerala legal Police which probed the murder that a CR1 probe into the Radhakrishnan after meeting - Rn at her home in Onchiyam. The Minister is said to have told Rama about the difficulties that after conspiracy at this stage the chargesheet had been filed could possibly come investigation it had carried out meaningless. However, it was CBI conspiracy - - up if the probed only one aspect of the murder. Minister told mediapersons in Kozhilcode that the Government need clarity on some legal issues would involved truth behind the murder. We do nothing that could in the matter. The Cabinet will take a decision after getting clarity on such matterC Radhakrishnan said. "A decision would now be the opinion of said experts:' Police. The Government and the people of Kerala want to see the CPMREBEL'SMURDER Ramachandran objected to this. This was followed by the taken by the Kerala a decision, the SIT said. On Monday, the Home - could render the whole up to the Government to take weaken Police's the case of the Kerala Revealing the rift within the Congres& its State chief Ramesh even when he promised to consider the demand of Rama and the RMP for a SIT CR! 'mvestigation Chennithala with the seriousness that it deserved. "There would not be any move that could weaken the eicisting case of the Kerala differed with Mullappally Ramachandran saying it was perfectly all right to - hand over the probe to CBJ or any other agency if there was conviction that a fol1ow-up investigation was necessary CBI starts probing awarciof offshore mining licences PIONEER NEWS SERVICE" NEW DELHI CBI registers a regular case. In March 2010, The Centre had placed 63 a mega scam, the CBT has begunprobS'g alleged irregularities the award of blocks on offer out of which 28 blocks were in licences for offshore mineral blocks exploration bagged by companies owned by family members of Agarwal, the former Enforcement Directorate worth thousands of crores by the Mines Ministry A preliminary inquiry has been registered by official who had also served in Mines Ministry. the agency in connection with the alleged favours extended to the companies by the unknown officials of the Indian Bureau of hold ing Mines, Nagpur under the Ministry of Mines while awarding licences for exploring minerals in the sea bed of Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. In its PE, the CBI has also alleged that some private companies are sources said. also involved in the scam, agency The final award of licences had been put on after aggrieved parties approached the Bombay High Court and the Andhra Pradesh High Court seeking their cancellation. The companies allegedly owned by the son and brother of the officer are based at the same address on Kasturba Gandhi Marg in the national capital, the sources said. The CN has alleged that these four compa- nies were incorporated after bids were invited from the interested parties for exploration and According to the FE, four beneficiary companies had bagged 28 blocks out of a total of 63 offshore blocks. The four beneficiary companies including RVG Alloys and Metals Pvt Ltd. and did not have any experience in offshore mining at the time of notification. The sources said CBI is probing how these Ltd under the CBI scanner are dubious companies managed to score over rival owned by the family members of an Indian Revenue Service officer Ashok Agarwal, sources firms which were in fray for the lucrative contracts. The companies owned by the IRS officer's RVG Minerals Pvt said Agarwal's companies are alleged to have bagged nearly half of the blocks despite lacking requisite criteria, the sources said, adding arms lobbyist Abhishek Verma has expressed his willingness to become an approver if and when the family scored much above the other competitors at screening committee meetings. Each block measuring about 800 sq km is estimated to have huge unexplored mineral wealth in the sea bed of Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. CBI's probe from '93 oIiticaI ploy? PIONEER NEWS SERVICE NEW DELHI is who is bringing in the 1993 period and why. It is the Mm Congress a move that has drawn Incriticism of diverting atten- all CR! has 1993, including those durinjNDA rule. CR! on requisite made Comptroller towards it following a request from Coal Minister Sriprakash 1993. The Government had started allocations to private CVC's tion. recommendation to probe any possible irregularities in the its reference, the CVC asked the CBI to probe how from the coal block of Prime Minister charse with the 2009, when the Coal Ministry private companies and the kind of profit accrued to coal block was headed by the Prime Minister, as many as 155 coal blocks were allocated to the Centre has notices and 25 blocks have been de-allocated. Manmohan allegedly connived While have UPA II regime, when the Coal Ministry was under the ed to private players during the regimes of PV Narasimha Rao, HD Deve Gowda and 1K Gujral sought to distract the attention own admission, 32 allocatees been cautioned, 58 have been issued showcause scam scripted during the present has the rules were flouted and if there was any flagrant violation of the policy. The vigilance watchdog also asked the CBI to probe the possible role of Government officials who beneficiary companies. Singh, it is noteworthy that only eight blocks were allocat- Reacting ment, RJP Government and this move is develop- said it has no on the CVC's reservations order asking CR1 to probe coal allocations from 1993 onwards and alleged this was a "delay- and 32 blocks during six-year NDA rule. During 2006 and different the to the ing tactic" of the Congress since it wants the truth muffled. "We are not worried about the CVC asking the CR! to probe coal block allocations companies. By the UPA Government's The UPA Government decided in 2004 that there should be competitive bidding in coal mining, Javadekarsai& The BJP leader alleged that CR1 Is being "used, abused and by misused" the aimed at divertins attention from the scams and corruption of the UPA regime. "In 1993, a Congress Government was in power. Then Governments of 1K Gujral and Deve Gowda, both sup- the Congress, came to power:' Javadekarsaid, reiterat- ported by ing that his party has no issues with the period to be probed. from 1993 since the NDA has continued on Page 4 nothing to hide. The issue here More on PlO CBI's probe from '93...ttct5 power, From Page 1 "The point here is should be investigated, from The letter of MPs also sought for enquiry as to what tigated. You can even start system the Government ofIndia put in place for selection of companies for coal block allo from 1976 when Indira Gandhi from the coal mining or 17th century when coal mining started. This is just a delaying tactiC he added. Seeking the CR1 probe, Jaiswal recently forwarded a letter written by seven parlia cation between 1993 to 2004 and whether these guidelines were followed and how were joint venture partners selected. The allocation cement and steel because of growing economy. when the issue should be inves nationalised new increased coal prices' a private players were allowed to participate in power genera- year 1993. In is the also players for captive use in the coal blocks from 1993 to 2004 and the agency will enquire into allocations post-1993' a CBI official said. Auditor developments in coal mining. "The CAG has explained that global prices of coal increased phenomenally in 2004. The Electricity Act, 2003 Jaiswal to the vigilance panel to probe all allocations made after allocation of and General (CAG), 2004 benchmark for the from CVC "CBI has received been Javadekar told PT!. The BJP spokesperson maintained that as per the Monday received reference has - the current Coalgate, decided to probe coal allocations made since tion from the which demanding this as it wants to delay everything," BJP Prakash spokesperson of coal In its ongoing probe, CR1 has so far registered seven FIRs against private companies and unknown public officials for alleged misrepresentation of facts. "Till March 2011, the Ministry of Coal has allocated 194 coal blocks for captive mlii ing of which 142 were explored blocks to private companies for blocks and the balance 52 were either regionally explored or mentarians to the CVC saying that blocks allotted between captive use started in unexplored coal blocks," Comptroller and Auditor 1993 and 2004 including those (Nationalisation) Act, 1973 was amended with the objective of given during the NDA hale when Coal 1993 Mines General has said in its recent report on coal block allocation. Allegations against Rahul false: CBI J.Venkatesan NEW DELHI: Investigation of reau Monday The Central Bu- told on Supreme the Court that the allegation that statements had been record- by the Division Bench of the ed to that effect, High Court was illegal, without jurisdiction, and arbi- and pro- duced the status report of the investigation, which was subsequently stayed by the Supreme Court. trary. He pointed out that a before a singe judge was unilaterally transferred by the Division petition pending Congress leader Rahul Gand- Acting on an appeal from hi had kept a girl and her parents in illegal custody was Mr. Samrite against the High Court order imposing Rs. 50 lakh in costs on him, the Su- Bench to itself, and it passed preme Court stayed the ition false. Additional Solicitor General, Harm Raval, appearing der or- in April last. The High for the CW, told a Bench of Justices B. S. Chauhan and probe against him, for filing a Swtanter Kumar petition agency, as per that the the Court had also directed a CIII against the Mr. the order, though it was only dealing with another petfiled by one Gajendra Pal Singh, who claimed to be a relative of the girl. Senior counsel P. P. Rao, appearing for Mr. directions Gandhi. It passed the order, of the Allahabad High Court, after the girl denied any such to an enquiry, and found that the names of the three persons were non-ex- incident when she was produced in court. young leader with argued that the order passed conducted istent. Jts verification various government authorities, including the postmas- ter, Nagar officials and and Civil Panchayat District Suppliçs Food inspec- tors, revealed that the three were non-existent and there was no such address as given in the compersons plaint. Mr. Raval said the investigation and statements secured revealed that the habeas corpus petition filed by the former Samajwadi Party MLA from Madhya Pradesh, Kishore Sainrite, was funded by some others. He said In his appeal, Mr. Samrite Gandhi, said the whole attempt was tarnish the image of a of the party. The petitioner had filed the petition based on website reports, which were false. CVC orders CBI to widen probe intd coal allocations during NDA rule Sandeep Josh NEW DELHI: On instructions from the Central Vigilance Commission, the CBI on Monday decided to expand the scope of its investigation into the scam in coal blocks allocation to private firms between 1993 and 2004. The probe will now cover the blocks given during the six-year tenure of the BJPled NDA government, from 1998 to 2004, besides those by the Congress allotted government led by P.V. Narasimha Rao after 1993 and lotted for ultra-mega power projects. Twenty-four the matter was referred to the Ministry of Mines for the blocks were tie-allocated between 2003 and 2011 for acting on amendment to the non-performance opment and Regulation) Act for introduction of compet- United Front govern- ment from 1996 to 1998. Till now, the CIII was investigating private companies However, according to the - CAG report, still a majority of the allocations were made under the Congress-led UPA Auditor-General's re- on the allocation between 1993 and 2009, 215 blocks were allotted and 99 of them went to government port and 105 to prifirms, while 11 were al Mines and Mineral (Devel- itive biddin, and another 142 after July 2004. Nota- bly, as on March 31,2011,194 blocks stood allocated, said government after 2004. Till the GAG report. June 2004, only 39 blocks (nettwere allotted, while 71 CBI investigation began, an- allocations companies vate com- panies. that got blocks between 2004 and 2009. As per the Comptroller and by were made be- tween July 200'tlnd September 2006 (till the time other 13 blocks de-allocated. Since the have been On representations from MPs, Coal Minister Shripra- kash Jaiswal CVC last CBI probe tions wrote to the week, seeking a into the alloca- since 1993 when the government started giving blocks to private players 'Maipractices in for captive use. Mainly Congress leged allocations: in the allocations under the NDA rule. Continued on Page 12 Conflnued from Page 1 Congress MP Sndeep Dikshit alleged in a letter that there were maipractices in the allocations from 1993 and 2004, and demanded a thorough inquiry into all allocations during the many cases in period. "In which joint been formed ventures have between the State govern- ment corporations and priparties, vate there is information that many these were done through of fa- yours to certain parties and under political pressure, and due diligence was not followed in the selection of part- ners by the State government corporations." Mr. Dikshit also alleged that the "State governments, especially in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, clandestinely gave mines to private players through the joint venture route, and no known system of fair play or has been foldemanded that all blocks allotted since competition lowed." He coal 1993 be investigated by the CB1, especially the systems through which the State gov- ernments companies, and selected and the guidelines that lowed. private criteria were MPs al- massive irregularities fol- Tafra CBI:BEML surrendered manufacturing rights partially Devesh K. Pandey Central NEW DELHI: The of reau Investigation Bu- has and the target was fixed at 85 per cent indigenisation by 1991. However, to suspect when Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Bharat Earth Movers Republic strong that trucks indigenise the reasons and Slovakia in Limited, through 1993, randurn company also split into two. of a memounderstanding with the Ravi Rishi-owned the manufacturing While the one manufacturing British company Tatra Sipox 70 per cent U.K., during the tenure of the was renamed Tatra AS, the other was called Vab Sipox suspended BEML chief V. B. Natarajan, S. rendered partially sur- the manufacturing rights of all-terrain Tatra trucks in 2003. The agency might now seek the opinion of the authorities concerned to verify the suspicion. Investigations in the supply of the trucks through BEML to the Indian Army have revealed that based on the 1986 and 1997 agreements with the manufactur- ers, BEML gained had called Tatra Sipox). Ac- cording to agency sources, investigations revealed that Vab Sipox was gradually privatised and 80 per cent of the company was taken oyer by Josef Majsky, who allegedly into the al- irregularities leged (later of the product exclusive rights to manufacture the trucks in India. How- ever, through an MoU with had prior business links with Mr. Ravi Rishi. During the phase, the supply turbulent of trucks was hit, and subsequently Ravi Rishi's Venus Projects bagged product and thus had to be imported. The agency has found that the agreement for supply of the truck components that was renewed in 1997 reinforced the exclusive manufacturing rights of BEML in India. Also, it allegedly mentioned that the technological knowhow documents had transferred to BEML However, soon after Mr. Natarajan took over as been BEML chief, the PSI! entered into an MoU with Tatra Sipox U.K. allegedly excluding the rights to manufacture the truck axle, thus partially surthe manufacturing rendering rights. "BEML was supposed to import only the compo- nents and manufacture the trucks on its own," said a CBI Source. Investigations one order of 100 trucks from BEML It is alleged that Venus was award- revealed that BEML had also developed a prototype of the have also ed the contract despite the fact that it was neither a not allowed Tatra truck axle, but it was to further devel- Tatra Sipox U.K. in February manufacturer nor its subsidi- op it and was allegedly forced 2003, it is alleged that the ary, but a marketing compa- to import the axle, causing manufacturing rights were partially surrendered by excluding the axle part. The veaed CBJ probe has re- that the public sector unit had in 1986 entered into an agreement with Tatra of the erstwhile Czechoslovakia for supply of Tatra T815 Simultaneously, unthe agreement, docu- 1994, tke CET probe huge losses to the exchequer. revealed that Vnus and Tatra Sipox came together to Interestingly, agency sources ny. In set up Tatra Sipox U.K. through a 50-50 partnership. Later, the company was allegedly taken over by Mr. Rishi. The Slovak-based compa- trucks. ny, der hired which the earlier manufactruck axle and ments technological on knowhow pertaining to the backbone manufacturing of the trucks BEML, allegedly started ex- were also bought for Rs. 3 crore. It was agreed that BEML would progressively could the tube part, correspondence erting axle pressure during with that BEML not manufacture the as it was a patented said the then Secretary Defence Production had then raised objections asking cancellation of the 2003 MoU. However, the objections were ignored. On the issue of the alleged surrendering of manufacturrights, BEML Chief of Public Relations B. S. Sridhar ing said over the phone that he did not know anything about it. Several attempts to contact Mr. Natarajan also did not elicit any response. CVC FOR PROBE INTO ALLOCA1IONS SINCE 1993 AllcOatdèäls:' SI'S is - & pti Cong does not want truth to be revealed, says RiP DELHIJKANPUR, 24 SEPt The CDI has decided to expand its probe into coalgaté, NEW NEW DELHI, 24 SEWn The BJP today said it has no reservations on the CVC's order, asking the CBI to probe coal allocations from 1993 onwards and alleged this was a delaylng tactic" the Congress as it does not want the truth to come out. We are not worried about the CVC askIng the Cal to probe coal block allocations from 1993 as the NDA has nothing to hide. The issue here is who Is bringing In the 1993 period and why. It Is the Congress which has been demanding this as It wants to delay everything" BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekartold P11. The SiP spokesperson maIntained that as per the Comptroller and Auditor General, 2004 Is the benchmark for the new developments In coal mining. "The CAG has explained that global prices of coal increased phenomenally in 2004. " The Electricity Act, 2003 also increased coal prices as private players were allowed to participate in power generation. The IJPA government decided In 2004 that there should be competitive bidding In coal mining" Mr Javadekarsaid. The SIP leader alleged that the CBI is being "used, abused and misused" by the government and this move Is aimed at diverting attentIon from the scans and corruption. ptl bringing under its scanner all coal block allocalions made since 1993, including doing the sixyear N04 Me after, a reference in this regar4 was. received from the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) today. week, .Coal Minister Shri Prakash Last Jalswal , - wrote to the CVC, seeking aCM probe into alt the coal blocks allocated since 193 when the government started allocating them to private players for captive use. Seeking the CBI probe, Mr Jaiswal has also recently forwarded a letter written by'seven par. liamentarlans to the CYC, saying that blocks allotted between 1993 and 2004, including those given during the NDA rule, should be investigated by the Clii, as favours were allegedly done to parties under political pres- sure. ' - - ' The letters alo sought an enquiry into what ystem the Indian government put in place for the selection of companies for coalblock alloca-' tion between 1993 to 2004, whether thos guidelines were followed and how joint-venture partners were selected. , The CVC today referred the complaints to the CDI 'to probe tbe matter and the agency will soon begin its investigation, CIII sources said. The allocation of coal blocks to private com-' panies for captive use started in 1993 when Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973 was amended with the objective of attracting private investments in specified end uses such as pOwer,' cement and steel because of growing econoni~ In its ongoing probe, the CIII has so far regis- tered - cal situation. seven FIRs against private companies and unknowr public officials for alleged misrepre12 booked for obstructingiaiswàl convoy' sentation of facts. A local SF leader along with 11 others were Thl March 201l theMinistry of Coalhas allo- today b okedhere fott,lie&edlyatt&mpungjs 4e4t4 194Sfbttfoc captiv&nthilng of whicW;'"obstrnct thCcohvoy bi Coal Minister ¶iprikMi 142 were explQrëd blocks and the remaihing Jaiswal to, 4ayago. Oa 22 September, Mr ivere either regionally explored or unexplored Jaiswal's motorcade was obstructed by a group coal blocks," Comptroller and Auditor General of traders, who raised slogans and ceportedfr has said In its recent report On coal block allocathrew shoes at the cars. They were opposing the tion. Centre's decision of inviting 51 per cent FDI in. Meanwhile, ahead 'of its Working Committee ultibnnd retaiL Mr Jaiswal's PM) had flied meeting; the' Congress today again targeted the complaint. Comptroller and Auditor General mod ltai, Today, the local SF trade leader Gyanesh alleging that some people haye the "penchant of Mishra and his supporters reached Gwaltoli seeking to becdthe a hero by adding zeros" in pOlice station to court arrest. Police, however, their report. ruled out any arrest saying a probe was on. His remarks came on the eve'of the meeting of However, Mr Mishra alleged that Mr Jaiswal's the CWC, the apex policy making body' of the case against him was false as his group only wanted party, which will deliberate dn the current ppliti to give a petition opposing FDI tqMrJaiswal. ' - -- -' -' ' - - fla1Tk*i993 *3T1*1 Rf ¶1t, 24 th*at (kl(kl RicpiW1VmT1993 wqTyit i4 ft S $19TTtI W flT T &afl1993tflWt **ntsa*, WSMR* ti Mraii 1993t wi n*r * mft mst 4 uiflairS 'JINC1 St * 1993t2004* fl8n4 i1* 4 airtmifttz*pi sigig *'4f11 "Egt an4ftt uqii ii 4 fR* iTMW & wI S fl 1993 *'f * 4fli* *TgT qncuflai$m uffic S afti gg l * 1T 4ilicvl siz41 nwtiwiiu Ztft4 iIk11CbM 'A1wc,ii inn StI II *u,~c 1km d1*fl* 'flthi aT4#4tI$ T4t9 ZIIftI 2006-2009 u g* WR &Iq,gi *Tzg thPft igi ii * t2004 **4 *" lnu * N1993itBZ inn (3ictut) 31D1PW1 1 uc4,klc tli iINT S* qgcii 1973 t IIt%T4 T Tn *W13Th$ c&ii1 t 1993 mit c4uicii cciicii c4,I 'iR 1 fl T-34II4.fijt Ig1c4Ic1 gflT QF9I mn ____ * tfl1cgwNfllc4flt' t nIgklpIcl *lgicciciisit n iri Th * &hifl R * n~ *1 1fl * cki ut si 1k511 * t wimiwniin4 iitr S iit&t* qguT* * ST mR1 * cq Tii ~ * t k** %fR ni 13*191 P# 1114 RH)*W 4IgeuiflT i* 58 ftflzaimit' * R 'Iiq aw i1tT i4ku fl IS*qiII &w 14g T 5' S-4'M4i iatr fr% i*1tlflktfR~t aii4zn S *31 *191 q4cf TJ flflT*ftMteftI u ~t pitt tti*ttr R~ an 4 t '4 pj j ai4t (a) 4k41 *a aiMI l tft qT &iiitrig ffiintut uWmtrj*i* flilohjifl, *ft sii4n * i-gw 4igMI tm't rc4fl * 'IIMI t*1 q;i 'mui Sit 5' qqti q*54j141* 4q*mzupflt w 'fl ft n* ft ~St iilrziit AllOcations Since '93 to be Probed It Will cover NDA period, too, when the govt allotted 30 coal blocks 18 to private cos & 12 to government firms malpracticsa during NOt, rule. In Itslatest report, CÁO hadestimated undtaebenefilaofei,tglalcJ, crors topri' sate tirmeonaccountofallocation oral OUR POLITICAI. BUREAU NEW DELHI ,f he Central VIgilance Commission has directedClll to conducta probe into allocation of all coal biodkseince 1991. ThIa will covertheNoA, period, too, when the government allotted 30 coalblocks IC to private companies and 12 to tovergutientflrma. With thla, all 195 captive mine owners will come under thescrottny of tInt. The government has, ames 1993, allotted 195 coat blocks to private, public sector and slate-controlled utilities. The is,vesttgationsso farwere restricted toreatrtctedto 64 capeivemines. "CBI will ottlarpreliminary enquiry into all allocation since 1593," a Cilt spokesperson told ET, On September 5, seven Ml's led bySandsep lIkable had mel the dill to seek a (CVC) WthavenoobJeclIoILCong doesnotwarflcBltocomet, — probe intoallocallonsmadebegweenigga WIOEANGLS andlqO4, "lnvesttgaeton Slwlpr.J4ashJaIsyrnl ystemihey most cover what tatalegovernmonls)sdopted a conclusWn. This is Congress' attempttodivertatteiitlon BJP leader Prakash Javadskar said his party welcomed the decision of the Cvi?, party spokesman ManlshTgwaritord between2006and 2009. "Wehavenoobjection. congreaedoea not reporters here. PRAICASI4JAVADEKAR BJPSpokespc,aon ensure tranoparent what CAGAgain Inineswtthoutauctlon.ThetasueofauocationIs also being reviewed by an inter' minIsterialgroup, which has concluded NEW DELHI Aheadof itoWorklngComrnittee scrutiny of 211 blocks allotted to private companiesand Is lilcely toreviewasimore meeting. Congrenton Monday has agarn givento government firma from October targeted CAC Vinod Rat. ategingehat some 9. Apart from recommending de'atloca people havethg penchantofseeelngto panel blocks, tionof is else has so rarrec beconlea hero byaddingzeroc insteir ommendeddeductionofbankguarontee report. rhe penchant orseekiog to become in cases of l4mlnea, ahero byadding zeros (in their reports) Responding to the latest development, fromallocationmade Wehavenothingtohide to Cong Targets on allocation, and tents and selected were adopted and followed guidelines by State got ernmeni, what methodof due-diligence wore employed for the aame the MPa wente In thetetter, apprehendingcaaea of wantdnlto come to a conclusion, This is Congress' attempt to divert attention from allocation made between loco and itOsi, We have nothing to hate," theBip spokesperaon said. OPt, too, said It did not expect a fair probe. 'tam not cure whether the probe willho effective, We have demandedajo dicial probe. We havealso asks for can' cellatlonof licenses, which gtvernment hasnotagreed' said CI'S Ieadernaaja. doesrIot mean a cram has taken place: Hit remarks came on the eveofehe meetlntgoftWtjtreapex making body ate onthe policy of the party, sshtchwiltdeliter- current sokttcat ytuatioC the meeting to signhticaneas isis the first interac tion at CWt In the wake ofthe government auditors report on the coal block allocation lame InwhIch in hat fitstoprivate Iakh crore. - spoken players P11 of unduebane- to theesneoeea85 *WtaIit HIM Rj fft, i*fli c~ flTthR 24 *zi i iT4RT 4? Mr (et*tcu) I t wlvutT it t4 ii thiij m1 'ttE1* t qmnThi RN tf1TI * flit iui i, '% in I 311k'4MW wI T 1Rt1 (1IQcl *t t n* i iii * 2ff litc I 1R1j *uiiiiga i mi*fl% igi * ifWtauf ZR icsiI iNJ &iicii4ki (1(Ic4d tt Sit k1OUd Sit * al'ti aith4t iW ini rg41 lii * fu iniiT Si tt fII Il1*1*T3Ut1 (BI to probe coal block allocations c since 1993 HewsSe.nviick NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 24 inquiry into alleged inegularities in coal block The allocation issue today took a new turn when the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) asked the CIII to inquire into allocationssince 1993 when the BJP-led NDA was in power at the Centre. The policy of allocation of coal blocks began in 1993. The CBI received a request letter from the CVC and, decided to proceed, sources in bureau said. Last week, Coal Minister Shri Prakash .laiswal wrote to CYC seeking aCBI probe into all the coal blocks allocated since 1993 when Government had started allocation to ~vate players for captive use. Seeking the CBI probe, Jaiswal has also recently forwritten by warded a letter seven parliamentarians to the CYC saying that blocks allotted between 1993 and 2004 (81 to probe cool block allocations ,tI since] 993;t; Froth page jI rI1 including those given during the NDA rule should be investigated by the CBI, as allegedly favours were done to parties under political letter of MPs for enquiry as to what system the Government ofIn4ia put in place for selection of companies for coal pressure. The also sought block allocation between 1993 to 2004 and whether these lowed guidelines were foland how were joint venture partners selected. ive coal: cBI to probe Cap block allotments since '93 BS REPORIIR New Delhi, 24 September In a new twist in the Investigation of the alleged coaP scam, the Central Bureau of InvestIgation (CBI) will start an inquiry Into the allotment of 195 coal blocks to captive mIners. Includthg state government entities. The Inquiry will cover allocations sInce 1993. The ongoIng Cm inquiry covers 67 blocks allotted to pñvate parties since 2004 when the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) came to power. If the Inquiry raises questions over allocations duling the National Democratic Affiance The story starts from 2004 but if somebody wants to go back to the 11th century, we have no objection," said the DiP's Prakash Javadekar (NDA) regime, It will provide the government with political ammunition to names they forwarded to the government," the MPs wrote In the letter. counter criticism bythe Opposition. The NDA government was In power from 1999 to 2004. The fresh investigation, with Its widened scope, Is likely to focus on three aspects. One, the systems adopt- The Cli will conduct the fresh Inquiry based on a reference by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). ed to ensure transparency and the cr1- The reference came In response to a September 19 letter by Coal Minister teria and selection guidelines adopted by states while recommending parties. Two, the systems put In place by the Centre for selection of companies for Stiprakash Jalswal requesting allocation between 1993 and the commission to take up the concerns of a group of seven 2004. Three, how Joint venture partners were selected for allocations Involving private com- UPA MPs on the probe. The Ml's, Including Sandlp Dikshit panies Harish Chaudhary, Ravneet Slngh and Raghuveer Singh corned the Meena, In a September 5 letter to the minister had asked for a CBI probe Into allocations since COAL FIRE 1993, cIting the latest CAG report lockallocon. - The CAG had noted there was nosystern In place for tnnsparent and accountable and state governments. The Opposition BJP weh allocation. "It appears thattherewere many cases ofmalpractice while allocat- blocks between 1993 and 2004. All b1ocls allotted sInce 1993 shouid beInvesbig tlgated by the CBL specially looking at systems through which state govern- ments selected private companies whose widening of the Inquiry. "The story starts from 2004butifsomebodywantsto go back to the 17th century we have no objection," BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar said. The government has allotted a total of 218 blocks to companies since 1993. of these, 195 blocks stood allocated to 289 companies by December 2011. The government had cancelled seven blocks based on the recommendations of an Inter-ministerial group earlier this month owing to delays In their progress. Coal scam: CBI to probe all allocations since 1993 Our Bureau Chaudhary, Rauneet Singh, Ch Lal Singh, Raghuvir flarish New Delhi, Sept 24 The Central Bureau of hivesligation will investigate all the 195 captive coal mines allocated since 1993. Currently, the agen- cy's probe blocks was limited to 64 private to Singh Meena, Ijyaraj Singh and Manick Tagore. On September 5, they wrote to Pradip Kumar, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, wanting all coal blocks allotted given companies. since 1993 investigated by the CRI, especially at the way the This means allocations made during the BJP-led NDA Gov- State governments selected pri- ernment would also come under the scanner. 'We have no objection to the they CBI holding a probe into coal allocations since 1993," said BJP Member of Parliament Prakash Javadekar. The RIP has been maintaining that no company was favoured during the NDA regime between 1998 and 2004. The CBI's current investiga- vate companies whose names forwarded to the Centre. They sent a similar request to the Coal Ministnj as well. Coal Minister Srlprakash Jaiswal forwarded the request to the CVC on Septemberl9. Interestingly, the Congress MPs said the investigation should focus on 'what systems the Government put in place for coal between 1993 This was the time the selection of companies for tion of 64 blocks is based on Javadekar and his colleague Hansraj Ahir's complaint to the block allocations Central Vigilance Commission The CRI has so far registered seven FIRs accusing private companies of misrepresenta- (CVC). The CRI will now widen the probe to all coal blocks, as the CVC has again writtento the the investigalion for all allocations. agency to take up "The CRI has received the CVC communication asking to look into allocation of coal blocks post 1993, and we will start the preliminary investigations," a CRI spokesperson told Business Line. The CVC's move is based on a request by seven Congress MPs - Sandeep Dixit, and 2004.' NDAGovernmentwasinpower. tions and these false claims while apfor coal blocks. Some of firms have also been ac- cused of selling plying their stakes after allocation of a block. Ofthe 195 coal blocks, 24 were de-allocated earlier. Recently, another 13 blocks were de-allocated post the Inter Ministerial Group recommendations. siddhartha.s@ CVC wänts to know if Cöalgate began in 1993 OUR CORRESPONDENT NEW DELHI: In a tit-for-tat ments duting allocation of coal blocks. The criteria and selected guidelines followed of sorts which looks directed during the allocation must be at probed a source said. previous the Central governments, Bureau of Inves- tigation (CBI) was asked to to find out the system put in probe the coal blocks abt- place for selection of com- ted since 1993, which will include the investigation into the ones allocated during the National Democratic Alliance government. The move panies CBI was also asked for coal block alloca- tion between 1993 to 2006, whether these guidelines wer& followed and how joint yenpartners were Selected. ture made was on Monday after the Cen- tral Vigilance Commission (CVC) asked the CBI is The - A preliminary enquiry to examme the irregularities in the ällocation of coalblocks by which the coal ministry during 2006- probing coal block alloca- -09 was initiated on a reference from the CVC in June. The Comptroller and Audi- tions made during 2006-09 -to extend its investigations to cover all allocations since tor General has estimated 1993. 'hie CVC asked that the agency investigate the system undue loss of adopted by the state govern the case. Rs 1.86 lakh crore to the government in Sachan case: CBI to file for closure AGE CORRESPONDENT NEW OELHI, SEPT. 24 The CBI has fmally decided to file a closure report in the mysterious death of Deputy Medical Chief Officer (CMO), Y.S. Sachan, who was Lucknow found dead in district jail on ‚June 22, 2011. The CBI's investigations have more or less concluded that Sachan committed suicide, sources sah!. Sachan was a suspect in two murder cases related to the multic-crore National Rural Health (NRHM) scam Mission in Uttar Pradesh. Sources said the agency sleuths reconstructed the cham of evefits and also used the services of foren- sie experts from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) to probe if Sachan was murdered. "The doctors have fmaily opined that the nature of iiijuries on Sachan's body could have been seif inflicted. Even after re-examina- tion of the forensie reports several times, the agency officials did not found anything sai4. suspicious", sources Now, the CBI has fmally decided nie ciosure to report in the case by the end of this weck, added. sources Large scaie irregularities in the impiementation of NEHM programme in UP came to hght after twa CMOs— Dr V.K. Arya amt Dr Dl' Singh—were shot in Lucknow within a period of six months in 2011. Besides, Deputy CMO who Sachan, was an accused in both the munter case, was found Lucknow jall. dead in The agency, which has so far registered 18 cases in the NRIIM scam, is probing two munter cases 0! CMOs also. "The agency probe has revealeil that Sachan was under immense mental pressure b&ause of police investigations against hirn., The CBI has also recovered a ietter written by hirn an June 11 2011, about 10 days before he allegedly committed suicide in Lucknowjail. In the leiter Sachan had threatened to reveai the - those involved In names o the kffling of two former, CMOs—Dr V.K. Arya and Dr BP Singh," sourcos said. CBI PE in offshore licences AGE CORRESPONDENT NEW DELHI, SEPT. 24 After initiating its probe multi-erore coal- into the gate scam, the CBI has now registered a preliminary inquiry (PE) to investigate alleged irregulari- ties favours by extended unknown officials of the IBM to the companies while awarding licences for expioring minerals in the Bay of Bengal aM in the allocation of hcences for expioring mmerals in th sen bed of Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. Role of certain officials of for expioring minerals in the sea bed, are under the the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) is under the scanner of the agency, According to sources, the agency has registered a PE scanner of the CBI. These companies are reiortedly owned by the family meinbers of an Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer. The to agency probe the alleged Arabian Sea. "At least sbc companies which were given licenses is scrutinising all documents submitted by these companies while Lii Ing applications for the licences", sources said. lt is believed that licences for at least ten blocks were given to these companies jlespite lacking necessary qualification, sources added. The final award of licences had been put on hold after aggrieved parties approached Bombay high court the and the Andhra Pradesh high court seeking their cancellation. Sources further said, "Probe has also revealed that at least three companies were given licences without having any xperience in the offshore miiing. Ilow these conipanies managed to get licences Ihr exploration, is a matter of probe". The agency is now scrutinising the list and other relevant documents of all 62 companies which were awarded licences. 'The CBI wffl also request the Indian Bureau of Mines, which works under the ministry of munes, to handover all relevant documents related to these companies to the agency," sources said: - - _ 1. ftalul ____ ijßtflS«wjfrtw *t* - - Iftf*PMll4 flcl4rltll IqJII4I - UJ rCflflswOUriri --r dildlei IM - '17k ii'F 4ti4 'zt tRP-5 !* fl Pfl 1T n NUR Ui eJa)lI1I YITtT 4RRBI aTt 44 S rttut4alMipg J$jJJj ft dri 4t ti * ptt' wW afkr«ti wftatrsi rizi&*'lmwTnln62 - wm4* "JJUIII UI """_zw - WRW«k*lrffilnl fr *S jt (t) 4 '4 St IRsrtfls d 91T 31T4Zf tIIZT% 4 - PIW *4 *u (gg«) *i *ftfl td 4 aiftit qftg*fi aiftwtt Iw a*t w 'biw 44 Ttl r *w CONGMPsWROTE TOREOUEST PROBE EXPANSION PRAMOD KUMAR NEW DELHI. SEPT. 24 Monday The CBI on expanded the ambit of its probe into the coalgate scam by bringlng under its scanner all captive coal block allocations made since 1993. The allocation of coal blocks to private companies for captiveuse " started in Mines Coal 1993 whcn (Nationalisation) Act, 1973 was amended objective with the of attracting private Invest- ments in specified end uses such as power, cement and steel becäuse While - of growing economy. seeking the CRI probe, Union coal minister Sriprakash Jaiswal had also forwarded a letter written by seven parlia- mentarians to the CVC saythat blocks allotted between 2004, 1993 and including those given dur ing Ing the NDA nile, should be investigated by the CRI, as allegedly favours were done to private companies under political pressure, sources said. The letter of als 6 sought: for MPs enqufry as to what system the Government of Indla put In place for selection of companies for coal block allocation between 1993 to 2004 and whether these guidelines were followed. The expanded probe wffl allocations of cap- examme tive coal blocks made by the coal ministry, on the recommendations of the inter-ministerial screening during the committee, regime of Ministers. live Prime %: 3itii M T T4T It4$I'i rii -rM262009t%31 fcm t 'aWaTI7 21 Rd9tl. 0 jlj4 -ISIQiTC.IC tflllflTlfi Itfti 'fl 16'Tf419961 13(91996; " _____ 3 1993 ______ C - v. " thftafti - U IMi "' tI - IWI t ?4T 1993 3T IilI( 111 fIRR 5,, Mlw IBR 4 Ifr 11993 2034 " ffflqg MThß(Maltaiti -ITh9'ITI - JiF3mT tITIII 1976 / Ie I ri 1 tIJI 199621 3111997 - -iisttqiggi-1 19'RT4 1998: 1 9W1998- *ItF9 a _______________________________________ 17 ___ ____ SI Pradlil lijqq,cuilflfi -"1991- 1696: fl%". 4 1993 ar lv I di F A 22942004r11'j ut-aj boprd of Excise Seminar o - Customs! DIrector, CDI. A.P. Siagh and the Chairman, National Com mission for Minorities, W4aliat Habibuilah at a seminar on and Robust Vigilance Mechanism', organised by CBEC. Also seen Parveen Mabajan, Chairperson, CSEC "bnspaient CBI lens on 1sea wealth SUSPECTING another Instan- of exploitation of natural resources, the CBI has begun a probe into alleged Irregularities m the country's first-ever attempt to explore untapped misteral wealth worth thousands of crores lying In the deep seabed. The CBI has registered a preliminary enquiry In connection with the alleged favours extended to certain firms by unknown officials of the Indian Bureau of Mines while awarding licences for exploring minerals In the seabed of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, sources said. According to the sources, five beneficiary companies owned by family members of an IndianRevenue Service (IRS) officet who was earlier posted at the enforcement directorate, are also under the agency's scanner as they bagged nearl' half of the blocks despite laclang the necessary qualification. "Out of 63 blocks, 28 were allocated to firms owned by the family members of the IRS officer. Officials of the ministry of mines are also under the scanner as the officer had served there as well," a CBI officer said. It Is alleged that the accused firms did not have any experience In offshore mining at the time of notification. The Indian Bureau of Mines had announced In March last year the list of firms that won the bids. But the Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court had stayed the execution after acceptIng the plea of a Thmil Nadubased company. ce Mail Today/New Delhi coal blocks face probe THE CBi probe into coal block allocations has expanded with the deciding to agency scrutinise all the since 1993. allocations This brings under the scanner coal block allocations made during non-Congress gov- ernments such as during the BJP-led NDA rule. The agency received a reco- widen the prothe Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) on Monday. mmendationto be from Currently the agency was only looking into alleged irregularities in the allotment between 2006 and 2009 when Prime Minister Manmohan Slngh held additionai charge of the coal ministry. - Last week, coal mThistersiiprJaiswal had written to akash the CVC requesting for a probe into all allocations since 1993 when the government started allocating blocks to private players for captive use. Since 1993, a total of 194 blocks have been allocated, of which the CBi is already probing Into 64. The government was pushed into a corner by the Opposition and the previous Parliament session washed off after the Comptroiier and Auditor General (CAG) pegged the loss at fl.86 lakh crore to the exchequer Mail Today/New Delhi Ex-MLApaidfor U case against Rahul FORMER MLA Kishore Samrite had received funds to file a petition against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, the Cal told the Supreme Court on Monday. Additional solicitor general Haren P. Samrite had admitted to the agency during questioning that he had Ravel said money received in cash and had deposited it in his account in installments. 'We have bank receipts showing the deposits," he added. The ex-ML.A had earlier stated before the SC that he had filed the petition at the instance of SamaJwadi Party leaden. The Uttar Pradesh government flied an affidavit saying Samrlte's allegation was an attempt to gain cheap publicity and to his political objectives. advance Mail lbday in New Delhi mu : flwflftft* #tTTqRJ¬I tJfl993 _ _ if~4 34iwti*4lal1t1993sNT ffIRq9 wi*i UaiifQr frf 193 () fri l ?I S3fq4aftftfif4 tI * * m T5T 2006 2009 NTT RzRr1ft t't4fl a4ihit Mt*i¼1 * :ai* 1993 UW 31T *3T 9T i14t 57S3dnt* ftflWTh*7T*Ttff 1.86 iiuPç 1 W 'ii Tht aSIRcbwa1** ç t R14'IRi tfr 34 % 1993 *2004 jifl (fi) t „ 4W3IT* cnwä a4l993fl*ieuly« I t4flflq«cflQl t, w19933115ac - tlwl7TfvaT r*ir nr, rM tS nr 'flhlkllll 4 .dtn - CBI probes offshor mining licence scam , New NeerajChauhanll-NN 'Can't quash FIRs Delhi: A new scam worth several thousajds of crores has come to light. The CBI has started a probe Into serious irregularities In mining awarding offshore blocks to private companies thatdidnotfuifllltheeligibfl. ity criteria. The CBI has registered a preliminary enquiry against officials of Indian Bureau of Kln got 28 blodcs,p 12 for heinous crime' Pulling corruption on a par with heinous offences, the Supreme Court ruled on MondaythatEißs lodged by Cal in Coalgate undervarious sections of Prevention of Corruption Act cannot be quashed bythe high courts and the accused will have to face trial afterthe completion of investigations. Pl Mines, ministryof mines and half of the mineral-bearing private firms that secured ii- offshore cences to explore minerals in the sea bed of Bay of Bengal firms belonging to his kin. This is not Aggarwal's and Arabian Sea even when they were not eligible. first brush with the CBI. In 2003, CRI had chargesheeted At the centre of the conis Ashok Aggarwal, him for allegedly hatching a to implicate Delhi jeweller Sub- troversy former the deputy director of Enforcement Directorate. CBI sources say close to blocks were given to criminal conspiracy hash Barjatya In a now-reFera case. pealed CII fmds foreigii hand behihd bid to malign Rahul Dhananjay Mahapatra I iNN New Delhi: The CBI on Monday Informed the Supreme Court about the involvement of a "foreign hand" to tarnish Congress Rahul general secretary Gandhi's image and reputation by accusing hint of abductingafictitltuswomn The agency also claimed that a petition in the Allahabad high court by one Kishore Samrite making baseless allegations against the Congress leader was "funded", emphasizing that it had even seized chits showing he received money BEING TARGETED the offensive content was uploadedon the websites. "Those website owners told CBI to come through the proper legal channel," add!- for paying law- tlonal solicitor general Harm Naval informed the court. He Ifl its status r port, sub mitted to the court in a sealed covei the CBI said the woman said CBI was considering issuance of letters rogatory yers'fees. Rahul was accused of abduct ingdidnotexist, andhadbeen conjured up in reports uploaded on three foreign websites, which Sami-ite used through indian courts to request officials in those countries for assistance in the Inwhen the SC stay vestigation order stopped further probe. "During questioning, with an ulterior motive. "She Is non-existent, her address Is fictitious and there is no It- Samrite said cord the litigation. The Investigatingofficer has recovered chits whatsoever with the UP or local bodies," the CBI informed a bench of government Justices B S Chauhan and SwatanterKuman The bench is hearing an appeal by Samrite challenging the HC's decision to finposeafineofßssolaldjforffl ing a frivoloith petition. SC had stayed the HG order on Aprilelastyeaz On the HG's directions, the CBI on Marchll last year lodged an FIR against Samrite, and owners of the websites unknown persons accusing them of conspira' and booking them under sev- the litigation was funded. He has given the CBldetailsofwhohadfUnded money deposited by hlmafterreceivingitfromthe about funders. The money was used to pay lawyers," Raval said. Samrite,afornierSPMLA from Madhya Pradesh, had' claimed that he had ified the petition In the HC on the direction of top SP leaders. On being questioned by the court, Samrite's counsel Kamini Jaiswal had lnforrned[ the bench that her client hadj filed the petition in2OlOonthe direction of Si' leaders Mu-1 layam SinghYadav and Akhi-] leshYadav enl sections of the Indian Penal Code, Including criminal The UP government had objected to the names of top; defamation. leaders of therulingpartybe-; ing taken so casually Senior Before the SC on April 6 stayed the HG order, the CBI within 25 days had reached the website owners located abroad asking for details of the IP addresses from which advocate Rakesh Dwivedi told' the bench that Samrite was a liar whose petition needed to be thrown out without any consideration of his plea. Aggarwal's kin bagged 28 &f 62 offshore miningblocks' Ntflb3UhafllTNN Govt likely to issue rOme deallécatmon letters soon New Delhi: Ashok Aggarwal, former deputy director of Enforce- ministryislikelyto begin nextweekissuingdeallocationletters Thecoal to private firms whose mines were cancelled and those where bank ment Directorate, who is alleged guaranteeswere deducted forsitting idleon minesgiventothemfor captive use, coal minister Sriprakash Jaiswal on Monday said. "Weare hopefulthatfrom nextweekwewill startissuingdeallocation tobe involved inan offshore mining licence scam, has earlier been tried for possessing assets disproportionate to his known sources of income. - Asfor thelatest case concerning him, a CBI source told TOl, "Indian Bureau of Mines officials did not follow the laid down norms and rules according to which only companies with expertise in exploring natural mines in the sea, having financial capability and technical knowhow could be given offshore blocks. Some of the companies lettersto all thosefirmswhosecoal blockswere deallocated and bank guarantee deducted," Jaiswal said. He also said that sofarthe coal ministry had deallocated seven coal blocks, while the government has yetto take a call onthe recommendations of Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG)for deallocation of anothersix coal blocks. pm 28 of the 62 blocks which were allocated, as part of a maiden effort to ration India TM Ltd (Bangalore), PMB Rare Minerals India Pvt explore offshore mineral wealth, In Marchlast yeast Bombay high court Ltd and Andhra Pradesh have stopped the cences high court of ii- tinal award in resporik to petitions which were given blocks had been registered just months or, in some seeking the scrapping of the entire cases, a few days before they filed theapplication." Sources said each block, mea- process. (Bangalore), RVG Minerals and Metals TM Ltd (New Delhi) and Standard Metalloys Pvt Ltd (NewDeihi). The companies which got blocks In Arab Ian Sea include Apex Metalloys Pvt Ltd (New Delhi), CG chin Minerals and Ruffle Limited about 800 sq km. was estimated to have huge unexplored mineral wealth In the sea bed of (Alwaye, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. 26 RVG of the offshore blocks which were awarded are in Bay of Bengal while (New Delhi), UA Minerals Pvt Ltd mining at the time of notification. The manner in which these compa- 86 are In the Arabian Sea. mil nies were preferred over others in shore blocks in Bay of Bengal in- the fray for the lucrative contracts needs to be investigated." dude Andhra Minerals (Nagpur), Out of these, CBI sources said five companies RVG Minerals, AnIk Industries Ltd (Mumbai), IBC Standard, Apex, RVG Metals and Limited (Chennai), Kanyakumari Minerals (Nagpur), PM GEO Explo UA Minerals He further said, "Some companies were registered just before applications. Others were incorporat- ed after bids were invited, and did not haveany experience in offshore Significantly, longing to companies be- Aggarwal's clan bagged suring The companies which got off- Kerala), Indian Garnet Sand Co (F) Ltd (Chennai), Rare (U) Minerals Fvt Ltd (Tiruchirapalil), Metals and Alloys TM Ltd (New Delhi), Vetrivel Minerals Nadu) and VIA Earth flRe- sourcesPvtLtd(Mumbai). wal's brother - - belonged to Aggar- and son. NDA coal block allocations now under CBJ lens TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Dethi: The CDI has decided to expand its probe into Coalgate scam bringing units scanner all coal block der allocations made since 1993, including the six-year NDA rule, after a reference in thisregardwasreceivedfrom the C VC. Last week, coal minister Shri Prakash ,Jaiswal wrote toCentralVigilanceCommi& sion seeking a CBI probe into all coal blocks allocated since 1993 when the government had started allocation to pri- vate players for captive usa Seeking a CDI probe, Jaiswal also recently forwarded a letter written by seven parlia- mentarians to the CVC say- that blocks allotted ing be- tweenl9g3and2004including those given during NDA rule should be investigated by CBI, as allegedly favours were done to parties under politicalpressura The letter of sought enquiry MPs also as to what system the government of India put in place for selection DIGGING UP DIRT BJP meet to focus on UPA's misrule BJP's national executive The and national council meetings, beginning Wednesday, are expected to focus on the UPA government's "1corruption" and economic policy decisions and waysto improvethe party's prospects in assembly pollsslated in the nextfew months. The meetings, at$urajkund in Hajyana, come againstthe backdrop oftheUPA of companies for coal block government losing ally allocation between 1993 and 2004andwhethertheseguide- Trinamool Congress and a larger opposition unity onthe lines were followed issues of foreign direct investment in multi-brand and how were joint venture partners selected. The CVC referred retail, hike in diesel prices and the complaints to CBI to probe the matter and the agency cap on subidized cooking gas will soon begin its investigaCBI sources said. FIRs against private compaflies and unknown public of- The allocation of coal blocks ficials for alleged misrepre- to private companies for captive use started in 1993 when sentation Coal Mines (Nationalisation) coal has allocated Act, 1973 was amended with blocks for captive mining of the objective of attracting private investment in speci- blocks fied end uses such as were tion on it, power, cement and steel because of growing economy. In its ongoing probe, CDI has so far registered seven cylinders. ANS of facts. "Till March 2011, the ministry of 142 which were 194 coal explored and the balance either regionally plored 52 excoal or unexplored blocks," the CAG said in its recent report on coal block allocation. The Director, CBI, A.P, Singh, and the Chairman, National Commission for Minorities, Wajahat Habibullab, at a seminar on ftansparent and Robust Vigilance Mechanism', organised by CBEC, in New Delhi, on September 21. Also seen in the picture is Chairperson, CBEC, Praveen Mahajan