E Dalmatians `Marlin`
E Dalmatians `Marlin`
Volume 1 No. 5 E Dalmatians A Monthly Internet Publication July 2008 `Marlin` Current Issue July 2008 Volume 1, No. 5 Below is an index to all pages in this month's edition of E Dalmatians. Click to view each page in the magazine or use the menu bar on individual ad pages to advance to the next page. PDF's of individual ads are available to download on each page so that you can view ads in larger format. The complete Edition is available to download in PDF Format (see below). Cover Page)1 Ch. Monarch Snow Hill Aces High Page 2) Index to Issue Page 3) BIS/BISS Ch. TCJ's Satin Star Appeal Page 4) AMCAN Ch. Shenendals Aldredrich Giovanni Page 5) Ch. Hispots Cause For Applause Page 6) Plannet's Rumors Will Fly Page 7) Ch. Dynasty's I'm One Page 8) Zagreb's Dolce Vita Page 9) Ch. Starwood Willow By The Sea, CGC Page 10) Ch. Gotspotz Simplee Irresitable Page 11) Dalmatians of Wolfcubs Page 12) TNG's Flightplan Page 13) Braz Ch. WhiteCaps Princess Victoria Page 14) PHD Pay it Forward Page 15) AmCan Ch. Stonehill’s Im a Handsom Dude Page 16) GPDC Results Sweeps Page 17) GPDC Results Reg. Classes Page 18) GPDC Candid Photos Page 19) GPDC Candid Photos Page 20) DCC National Specialty Results Sweeps Page 21) DCC National Specialty Results Reg. Classes Page 22) DCC Candid Photos Page 23) DCC Candid Photos Page 24/25) Article For Judges: Info on Specialty Video DVDs Page 26) July Litter/ Stuff Back Page) 27 BISS Ch. All Around Fiesta Sight Unseen e_dalmatians_1_708.pdf 6/3/2008 10:50:57 AM C M Y CM MY CY BIS / BISS CH TCJ N Satin’s Star Appeal “Apple” CMY K CHIC# 35263 Owned By Kim & Dane Jenning Todd Jardine Jessica Hanson Bred By Melissa “Katy” Schultz Todd Jardine Presented By Dave Slattum Lake Elmo, MN (651) 485-6156 Planett’s Rumors Will Fly (Ch. Erin "N Shamrock's Lord of the Dance X Ch. Planett's Tupelo Honey ) Jackson Jackson is BAER Bi-lateral.. He is a very sweet, lovely dog with beautiful breed type and exceptionally sound movement. Planett Dalmatians Barbara Kaplan- Barrett & Ed Barrett Ph.D www.planettedals.com | [email protected] | 4 Karen Drive, Milltown, NJ 08850 | Tel. 732.297.0324 “TJ” CH. Dynasty’s I’m One TJ recently finished his Championship by earning his second Specialty win and a THIRD major. All From the bred by exhibitor class! TJ is my 10th homebred champion! Dynasty Dalmatians Jackie McIlhenny E Mail: [email protected] Owners: Jackie McIlHenny & Bryan Jubeck Introduces... ~ ZAGREB'S DOLCE VITA ~ (AMCH GRCH Bras Ch Pan Lat Int ZAGREB'S CONDOR x Gr Ch Arg ZAGREB'S SWEET MELODY) DOLCE Pictured Here at 4 months of age. Dolce has won two Reserve Bests in Show and a 5th place BIS in the Baby Puppy Classes in her first 3 shows. We are very excited! Breeder: Andrea Paccagnella - Zagreb Dalmatians Owner/Handler: Andrés Blanco - Dalatma Dalmatians http://dalatma.tripod.com [email protected] C H A N E L Ch. Gotspotz Simplee Irresistable (BISS Ch.Quicksilver’s Rhythm & Blues X Ch. HatTrick Gotspotz Coasta Coast) Chanel Mona Meddock was shown sparingly and finished with 3 majors, including her recent BOB from the classes under Frank Sabella. She is absolutely a joy to have at home and loves to show. We now plan on getting her certification as a therapy dog. Gotspotz Dalmatians [email protected] A L E X Photo by Krukenkamp TNG’s Flightplan ON THE MOVE.. BOTH MAJORS 11 Months of Age BAER Bilateral Full Dentition Rich Liver Pigment Wonderful temperament and type. Sire: Ch. Guardian Brave and Noble Dam: Ch. Zagreb’s Divinity at DXL Breeders/ Owners: TNG Dalmatians June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D. Handled by June Krukenkamp www.tngdalmatians.com In t r o d u c i n gBPI SBraz i l i anChampi on Whi tecapPri nces sVi ct ori a BI S/ BI SSCh.Pri nceHart sxCh.Sat i n’ sSi gnat ureRequi red Hi SpotDal mati ansa n d Whi teCapDal mati ans ar epl eas edt oannounceVi ct or i a’ s ar r i valt ot heUni t edSt at es . Vi ct or i ai saBr az i l i anbor nt r eaur e. Heri ncr edi bl ebeaut yandext r aor di nar y movementar er epr es ent at i veofher out s t andi ngpedi gr ee.Wear ehonor ed t ohaveheri nourcar e. Speci alt hankst oMi l t onLopesFont our aNet o. Vi ct or i awi nst heOpenBl ackCl as s at2008DCA.Li t t er mat eSam i sRWD. Hi SpotDal mat i ans Angi e& St e v e nHe nde r s on hi s pot dal s @aol . c om Whi t e CapDal mat i ans Paul oRi be i r oF i l ho c ar ne i r obe i r o@uol . c om The New Kid on the Block PHD’s Pay It Forward, CGC, RN “Jesse” (CH Quicksilver’s Rhythm and Blues X CH Kalon’s Rumours Fly at PHD) Jesse has teamed up with Jetaway Caliente “Callie”. Together they are both learning. They look forward to their new Road Trial adventures. Happy Trails to All Bruce and Gayle Riggins King, NC Brylin Stables & Kennel [email protected] We’re Still Having Fun Your “Still the One” “TJ” Am/Can CH Stone Hills Ima Handsome Dude UDX3 RE RDX AX OAJ PAC CPC (Am/Can CH Sir Alfred of Stonehill CD OA OAJ RD x AM/Can CH Robbsdales Simply Alfredrich) Breeder/Owner/Handler Stephanie Podejko [email protected] Results from the Greater Pittsburgh Dalmatian Club of Held on June 20, 2008 Sweepstakes Classes Judge: Mrs Jacquelyn Quinn Chester , NJ Best Junior/ Best in Sweeps POKATALICA’S MOONSTRUCK IN MALIBU (CH Pokatalica’s Southern Chic Bret D x CH Bret D Pokatalica Malibu Rum) Owners: Michelle Jarus Breeders: Michelle Jarus & Debbie Zink Best Senior in Sweeps SIOBAHN N AMERA FEAR THIS, BOYS (CH Amera’s Intuition x CH Fosydot’s Red Vixon Siobahn) Owner: Shelley Caldwell Breeders: Jeff Gillespie, Sue McCord & Ann Pescarella Best Veteran in Sweeps CH STARWOOD’S PROUD IRISH REBEL (CH Starwood’s Pride of Atlantis x CH Starwood’s Luck O’ The Irish) Owner: Colleen Wagner & Joni Shoup Breeder: Joni Shoup Candid photos taken ringside courtesy of Jim Bauer & Marie Tepke Results from the Greater Pittsburgh Dalmatian Club of Held on June 20, 2008 Regular Classes Judge: Mr. Lester Mapes Monson, Ma. Winners Bitch /Best Of Opposite Sex POKATALICA’S MALIBU BRET D DIVINE (CH Pokatalica’s Southern Chic Bret D x CH Bret D Pokatalica Malibu Rum) Owners: Michelle Jarus; Breeders: Michelle Jarus & Debbie Zink AOM CH AMERA’S SO SUE ME! (CH Tramac Joy Ridin W Spotlite x CH Amera’s Picturesque) Owner: Sue McCord & Jeff Gillespie Breeders: Sue McCord & Jim Smith Best of Breed CH MT. BRYTON'S COVERT OPERATIVE (CH Snow Hill Timebender x CH Absolutly Mt. Bryton) Owner/Breeder: Cheryl Bartell Reserve Winners Bitch POKATALICA’S MOONSTRUCK IN MALIBU (CH Pokatalica’s Southern Chic Bret D x CH Bret D Pokatalica Malibu Rum) Owners: Michelle Jarus, Breeders: Michelle Jarus & Debbie Zink RIMROCK N SIOBAHN’S HEADS UP (CH Rim Rock’s Heads I Win RN x CH Siobahn N Rim Rock’s Poole Girl) Owners: Carl Meyers; Breeders: Jeff Gillespie, Barb Allison, Debbie Poole Veteran Dog 1 - CH STARWOOD’S PROUD IRISH REBEL (CH Starwood’s Pride of Atlantis x CH Starwood’s Luck O’ The Irish) Owner: Colleen Wagner & Joni Shoup Breeder: Joni Shoup Veteran Bitch Winners Dog/ Best of Winners Reserve Winners Dog MT. BRYTON’S MITY HERCULES (CH Snow Hill Timebender x CH Absolutly Mt. Bryton) Owners: Michael Vorlamos & Cheryl Bartell, Breeder: Cheryl Bartell CH JUST CASEY CDX RAE RDX (Crypto’s Fortunate Son x Pinky) Owner: Linda Lombardi Breeder: Mark Redinger Photos courtesy of Jim Bauer & Marie Tepke Candid Photos of the Greater Pittsburg Specialty Candid photos taken ringside courtesy of Jim Bauer & Marie Tepke Pg1 Candid Photos of the Greater Pittsburg Specialty Candid photos taken ringside courtesy of Jim Bauer & Marie Tepke Pg 2 Results from the Dalmatian Club Of Canada National Specialty Held in Hamilton, Ontario on June 28, 2008 Sweepstakes Classes ~ Judge: Mr. Sam Hart Best In Sweeps CH Cranbrooke Forever’N Bluejeans (Linda Taylor) Best In Sweeps Best Opposite In Sweeps CH Cranbrooke Forever’N Bluejeans (Linda Taylor) Koira Charmed Magic (Teresa Rooney) Best Veteran in Sweeps Best Opposite Veteran in Sweeps CH Brightspot Chilkoot Trail (Karen & Ross Hopmans) CH Brightspot Fyrlyte HarvestMoon (Todd/ Karen Crawford) Candid ringside photos by E Dalmatians Editor Results from the Dalmatian Club Of Canada National Specialty Held in Hamilton, Ontario on June 28 , 2008 Regular Classes ~ Judge: Honey Glendenning Winners Dog/ Best of Opposite Best of Breed/Winners Bitch/ Best of Winners Ch. Mt Bryton’s Covert Operative (Cheryl Bartell) Ch. Snow Hill’s Fireflies At Rockstar (Pam Fisher/Susanne Hughes) Award of Merit CH Special D First Class Mail (Diane/Greg Fast) Award of Merit Reser ve Winners Dog Folklore’s Sparkling Star CH Cranbrooke Forever’N Bluejeans (Pam & Shelly Weisman/ Kathy Szomoru) (Linda Taylor) Veteran Dog Veteran Dog CH Challenge’s First Alarm (Karen Linsky/George Cramer) Veteran Bitch CH Brightspot Fyrlyte HarvestMoon (Todd/ Karen Crawford) Candid ringside photos by E Dalmatians Editor Reser ve Winners Bitch Ch. Keenen’s Reflection-N-Time (Meg Keenen/ Judy Box) Candid Photos of the Dalmatian Club Of Canada National Specialty Pg 1. Candid photos courtesy of E Dalmatians Best Of Breed Awards Best Of Breed Competition BBE Bitch Competition Best Of Breed Competition Best Of Breed Competition BOB/WB Winner Sweeps Veteran Competition WD/ BOS Winner Georgia Blue Candid Photos of the Dalmatian Club Of Canada National Specialty Pg 2. Best in Sweeps Line Up Open Black Dog Competition Winners Bitch Competition Posing for the camera BOB Competition Resting up.... For Judges: Info on National Specialty Video DVDs Irvin B. Krukenkamp, M.D. President National Show Dog Video Professionals We’ve enjoyed the privilege of digital video recording for many Breed National Specialties under a variety of Judges. This year alone we’ve worked with Judge Ed Bivin at the Dalmatian National, Judge Keke Kahn at the Weimaraner National and Judge Michele Billings at the Boston Terrier National, to name but a few. So just what are we doing with the high-resolution video camera at the corner of the ring on the down and back? What’s on the DVDs? Why bother? Please read on! What’s on the DVDs? Simply stated, every entry of every class and every event. Space and time limits the number of maneuvers and progressive Judge’s cuts that can be included. However, every competitor is shown in a stack, gating over and back, and on the go-around at minimum. Every entry is labeled by AKC registered name, and by armband number so that the viewer can follow along with a copy of the catalog. The recordings (at present) are made in SD – Standard Definition. These can be played on any TV set, or in any computer with a DVD player. We use industry standard mpeg-2 encoding (just like the movies at the video store), which limits us to about 2 hours per DVD. We edit the tens of hours of recordings to just 2 to 4 hours of final video, which requires a 2 or 3 DVD set for the final product. Why have these DVD’s? The most obvious answer is for the viewer to be able to re-live the thrill of victory (or the agony of defeat) at the Specialty again and again, except now in the comfort of their own home without the pressures of travel, exercising dogs, and onerous schedules! For those who cannot attend the event, the DVD provides a great opportunity to see the dogs, the people (and even the fashions –ha ha!). But the real reasons are much deeper than that. We think that the DVDs are an absolute “must have” for the serious breeder/owner/handler and especially for Judges. Why? Every single dog (or bitch) that is exhibited is recorded and labeled forever in a random access, easily accessible media. The digital medium allows a sophisticated menu system that facilitates rapid viewing. Would you like to see the get from a stud dog that you are considering? No problem. Load up the DVD, click on stud dog class, sit back and enjoy! Ever wonder how CH My Favorite Dog (who you have drooled over in pictures) moves over and back or on the go-around? Load up the DVD, and watch him/her in BOB, Veterans or Top Twenty. The DVD is the Fancy’s Ultimate Tool. Think about it. With entries in the hundreds each year, it will only require a few consecutive years of recording before an entire digital video pedigree will be feasible. Imagine sitting down for a planned breeding with a stack of our DVDs, and watching sire, dam, grand sire, grand dam, get from this cross or that mating, line-breedings, outcrosses, etc.! No longer will one sit with a stack of photos of pretty dogs and wonder about movement, temperament, or conditioning. Instead, with DVD’s from successive years you will be able to see (and judge) for yourself. For our Judges, study those dogs on the DVD and consider conformational aspects – coat, color, markings, fronts, rears, feet, toplines, underlines, etc. Compare to the AKC standard. For the breeders, watch an hour of the breed competition and think about issues like “strong and sturdy in bone”, “powerful muzzle or rear”, etc. How is your breeding program stacking up on front movement, rear movement or side gait? Well compare your dogs to the nation’s Top Twenty. Do it again, and again, year by year, and all in random access! Are you drooling yet? For Judges and Others: Ever wonder what the “Greats” from the past were really like? How many of you (us) have them in our pedigrees? How many remember with clarity their coat, color, markings, movement, temperament? How many members today can even say that they saw, examined, or knew these dogs and many others? Whew, if only we had those digital recordings back then! Hopefully these brief words have opened your minds to the limitless possibilities of the digital DVD recordings from the National Specialties. We think that this is an irreplaceable tool for owners and breeders alike. And for Judges, the DVDs are an important and wonderful tool to sharpen your impressions of Breed type and the Breed standard. We post our filming schedule to our website and update it frequently. Our URL is below You can also place an order for shows that we’ve completed. What a great resource for Judges Education as you are studying for approval of new Breeds! We wish to thank all of the Judges who have worked diligently with us to make the best exhibition possible for the dogs, for the audience and for the video. Now, back to work! http//www.showdogvideopros.com/Orders.html. Litter News & Good To Know Stuff July 08 Guardian Brave Vanda Guardian First Lady Guardian Dalmatians is proud to announce. 10 new puppies! Born on June 9, 2008 7 girls, 3 boys. No patches. www.guardian dalmatians.com DALMATIAN CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC AKC SANCTIONED "B" DALMATIAN PUPPY MATCH WHEN: JULY 19, 2008 WHERE: FEATHERLY PARK, 24001 Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim 92802 CLASSES FOR : 6-9, 9-12, & 12-18 Months ,Novice, American Bred and Open. SAME FOR DOGS/BITCHES JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP: Novice Junior:8 and under 12 Years, Novice Intermediate:12 and under 14 Years, Novice Senior:14 and under 18, Open Junior:8 and under 12 Years, Open Intermediate:12 and under 14,Years, Open Senior:14 and under 18. NOVICE RALLY OBDIENCE EXHIBIT RAFFLE AND LUNCH will be available. Bring Chairs For more information , contact Lesley Stevens at: lesleystevens @msn.com Dalmatian End Tables No Two are alike! Hand Made Sculpture End Tables by Darrell S Ross http://www.art-by-ross.com/index.html Original portraits in the Classic Tradition Patricia L. Caulfied 124 Summerhouse Lane York, Pennsylvania 17408 717 792-1346 [email protected] `Tessa` “BISS CH ALL AROUND FIESTA SIGHT UNSEEN ( BIS CH FIREMAN’S FRECKLED FRIEND X CH FIESTA’S LADY ROBBSDALE ) Tessa earned a spot in the TOP 20 for 2007 at just 2 years of age after just completing her Championship in August. She has earned numerous group placements and won Best In Specialty at the Houson Shows Spring 08. We are well on our way to another TOP SPOT Honor! Thanks to all of our friends and fans. Jana Rodes ~ All Around Farm ~ Argyle, Texas ~ email: Herby70 @aol.com