- Save the Dalmatians


- Save the Dalmatians
Annual 2009 - Volume 12 Issue 1 - Editor: Terri Haase
P.O. Box 47031-432, Gardena, CA 90247-6831, 310-803-5414
Copyright © 2009 Save the Dalmatians and Others Canine Rescue, Inc.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of our Save the Dals family and
friends. The end of one year and the beginning of a new
brings the opportunity for reflection. It has been nearly three
years now that I have been a board member and day to day
volunteer for this wonderful organization. It has been a joy to
meet and speak with so many people who share the love,
care and understanding of this great spotted breed. It is all of
you who help our small group of volunteers to conquer our
fears and worries…..will our older dogs find homes, will a sick
dog survive, will we survive through this economy? The year
2009 brought many blessings from those willing to give their
time: helping with transport, slideshows, email, phone calls
and opening their hearts & homes as foster homes. A big
thank you to Carl, Deb, Miriam & John, Pam & Rick, Fiona,
Charlie, Kirk & Kathy, Mike, Leanne, David, Fran, Terri (the
founder of Save the Dalmatians) and all the others who
answered are calls for help, and to those of you who adopted
a rescued dog. Wishing all of you and your four legged family
members a magical holiday season and a wonderful New
Dixie’s Night before Christmas
by Esther Davis
Ok, as Dixie’s mom, I know Dixie is smart , but this is
something else. I read to her and her brother and sister a
book called “I, Trixie who is Dog” by Dean Koontz. Trixie is
writing from the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. And when I
got up the other morning I found my lap top open and on and
Dixie sleeping beside it. She spells better than I do. Hope
you like it; it's from Dixie to all dogs everywhere.
Donna Mincheff
Save the Dalmatians
It was a week before Christmas and out in the yard, I was
sitting and thinking oh so very hard. My brother Huckleberry,
and my sister Gypsy wanted to know what was wrong with
me. "I’m worried," I said "there are lots of
dogs who have no homes, no love, no food not even bones!"
Huck, turned and hid his bone, then looked at me and said,
"Maybe Santa Paws can help." Then Gypsy yelped, "He
would! But how would we tell him?"
Donna’s little Dal girl Abbey—Merry Christmas!
The three of us thought for a minute or two or maybe it was a
few. Then Gypsy smiled as she looked at Huck and me. She
turned and flew into the house, Huck and I hot on her tail.
"The humans" she said, "Write letters to Santa Claus, so why,
can't we write Santa Paws? I heard that he might live in
Atlanta." We found paper and a pen and that's when I knew,
this plan wouldn't work, none of us could read or write. I sat
and I wondered "What now?"
I whimpered and sighed and just shook my head. Gypsy
stared hard at the floor, but Huck refused to admit defeat. "I
got it," He said "We'll give him a call! I am sure information
can tell us how." So Huck dialed the number and Gypsy held
the phone, but when the operator came on and asked
who they wanted, they all began to bark, and the operator
began to wonder, what kind of call is this? He hung up the
phone shaking his head, leaving only the sound of the dial
tone. "He, didn't understand us, it's easy to see." Huck said
as he began to sneeze.
The next day out in our front yard I looked at the others and
said in a whisper. "I know how to talk to Santa Paws, I am
going to stay up until he comes. And please don't tell me I am
being dumb." "We won't" said Gypsy. "We will stay up with
you!" Huck agreed and we made a plan.
On Christmas eve after the stockings were hung I settled
down to wait by the tree. Huck was restless, he wanted his
new toys while Gypsy just yawned and acted coy. "It's finally
here." Huck said with excitement. Gypsy spoke up almost as
excited, "I just hope someone makes us a dog biscuit pie."
"We'll get toys and treats, I know we will." Huck said almost
knocking over the tree.
By midnight settled in our spots, I waited and waited almost
giving up hope. Then out in the yard I heard sleigh bells and I
ran to the window as fast as I could. I saw a small sleigh with
eight dogs in harness, all different breeds with a mutt in the
lead. I turned around to see Santa Paws was watching me.
He was a large dog with very kind eyes, what breed he was I
could not tell. His fur was gray with a trace of soot, and he
wore a hunter green hooded cape, and a small bell.
Huck and Gypsy stared and stared at Santa Paws, I walked
up to him slowly as he said down. "Santa Paws." I said feeling
very small, "I only want one thing this Christmas. And that’s
for every dog to have a home."
Santa Paws sat down his sack as he looked at me. "Dixie, my
sweet girl, I whisper to humans, where I get a chance. I ask
them to adopt, I know they won't be sorry. Tell me, dear
Dixie, if you could tell humans what you wanted to say? what
would you tell them? I'd like to hear."
I thought for a moment then I began to speak, "I'd tell them,
that cute little puppy they bought is going to grow up really,
really fast. You bought him because he's oh so very cute. He
is so small for having such great big feet. Then before you
know it, he won't be so cute when he stands 6"2" on his hind
feet. Don't get rid of him because of this! Dogs are not throwaways, we have feelings too. We want to be loved and given
hugs. Older dogs can love you and give back to you threefold I know this I don't have to be told. I am from a rescue and
my sister and brother are too. We have our forever home; all I
want is for others to have them too."
The room was quiet a while then Santa Paws said, "There are
people who care, there are many rescues and when I whisper
in people's ears I ask them to help them however they can. I
know times are tough, but if you don't have money, find other
ways to help, you won't be sorry. There is one rescue I, try to
help. It's one you know very well, Dixie. It's Save The
Dalmatians And Others Canine Rescue. They do great work
and for that I give a cheer. They all work for one goal and
that's to find dogs their forever homes."
Santa Paws put presents beneath the tree, then filled all our
stockings and smiled. Then he said as he disappeared
"Some day Dixie and I hope it is soon all dogs will be as loved
and as happy as you."
We ran to the window and watched as
he picked up the reins and said,
"These were all strays but now they
live with me, they help me
happily as you can see. The
first one on the right is Pete and
next to him is Keith, Behind them
is Timmy and Jimmy, then comes
Kyle and Lyle. then last but not
least is Teaser and Cesar. I
named him after the Dog
Then he gave a whistle and in the air they flew as he said,
Happy Howl-A-Days to all and to all remember to adopt! Help
Save The Dalmatians And Others Canine Rescue, help save
a life and with luck that life might become your best friend."
Love, Dixie
Save the Dalmatians on Facebook
Yes, we are on Facebook, the primo social networking site!
You can see our posts to our Facebook page right on our web
site news page at http://www.savethedals.org/news.html. Or
if you wish you can become our fan on Facebook by clicking
on the “Become a Fan” button on our news page Facebook
widget. You can also find Save the Dalmatians in Facebook’s
Causes application. Join us!
Web Site Redesign
We recently had our web site beautifully redesigned by Anna
Spikings, mom to the gorgeous Dal-boy, Pongo-Roo. If you
have not visited our web site recently, please do so:
http://www.savethedals.org We really appreciate all the hard
work Anna put into our web site. Thank you again, Anna!
Don’t Forget to Renew or Sign Up
for Ralphs Community Donations Program!
Below Party Dals have fun playing in the back yard.
Now every time you shop at Ralphs, you can generate
donations to Save the Dalmatians simply by registering your
Ralphs Club Card online at http://www.ralphs.com/ In their
menu on the left side of the page, click on Community
Contributions, then click on Participants. Our NPO number is
84112, which you will enter into the form, along with your
name, address, Ralphs Club Card number, etc. If you do not
have a Ralphs Club Card, you can easily get one from the
customer service desk at any Ralphs. Each time you shop at
Ralphs, you must swipe your registered Club Card, otherwise
the purchase will not count. We hope you will join this
program for an easy and free way to help the Dalmatians!
Thank you!
Search the Internet, Generate Donations
Save the Dalmatians will now receive a direct donation every
time one of our supporters uses GoodSearch to search the
Internet. This is an amazing new opportunity to raise money
every day at no cost to you. GoodSearch is the search engine
with a unique social mission. It's powered by Yahoo, so you
get the same great search results. They donate 50% of
advertising revenue to the nonprofits and schools selected by
the users. Now you can make a difference in the lives of
many Dalmatians, simply by changing the way you search the
Internet! Click to download the GoodSearch toolbar and get
started now - http://www.goodsearch.com/toolbars.aspx or, if
you don't want another toolbar on your browser, you can
make goodsearch.com your home page.
Grant Hoogland (6 months old) with his adopted Dalmatian,
Zero (10 years old) in Apsen, Colorado during Halloween
Shop with iGive.com to Benefit Save the Dals
iGive.com provides you with an easy way to generate
donations to Save the Dalmatians just by shopping online at
the sites you love to shop on. Just go to
http://www.igive.com/ to sign up and designate Save the
Dalmatians as your charity of choice, then use their shopping
mall to locate the items you wish to buy. It’s as easy as that!
Here is a picture of Molly (formerly Hailey) in her new home
Our Adopted Kids and Friends
Save the Dals volunteer Christmas Party: from left, Carl Wolff
and Samantha, Dave Crigna and Abbey, Leanne Stefan and
Daisy, Donna Mincheff and Maggie, Bill Haase and Sammy,
Fiona Field and Whitney. Terri Haase standing at back. Thank
you to Deb Simpson for taking the photos! Our sincere
gratitude goes out to all the volunteers who make it possible
to keep Save the Dals saving Dalmatians!
Hi guys! Just a note to let you know Haley/Molly is doing
great! It is almost a year since we added Molly to our family &
we couldn't be happier. She is happy & healthy & so sweeteveryone loves her. My mom got a pug puppy (Milo) & they
are best friends. I think Molly thinks the pug is her puppy. At
first Molly was not interested in toys or in playing-now they
play tug of war & tussle for hours @ a time. I wish I had a
video. Every week end we go to the dog park & walk for
miles. Let me tell you-your rescue work is greatly
appreciated. Thanks again-bc
Hi everyone, As many of you know, a couple of months ago I
had to put my beautiful Dalmatian Lucy down after 15 1/2
years. It was the most difficult decision I have probably ever
had to make. I decided to take a break from having any
animals for a while, but that didn't last. I became involved with
a group in Gardena called Save the Dalmatians. I decided I
would give foster care to Dalmatians to keep them from being
destroyed. I was able to save my first Dalmatian ( Bleu ) and
found a great home with a Fireman in Brawley for him. But I
should have known my weakness because the next two 1
year old girls became permanent in my home. One was so
severely abused by the previous owner that she would cry
when I tried to pick her up. After a week she is doing much
better and I continue to work with her and give her and ( Millie
) and Maggie everything they need to live the life they
deserve. It has been one of the most fulfilling things I have
done in a long time. I will be involved with this cause now for
the rest of my life. ~Kirk
Here's a photo for you to use of our three girls which was
back in 97 . . . still one of my favorite pix. And oh how they
hated having to sit and endure Mom behind the camera.
When I was finished and I told them it was OK to get off the
couch they made a bee line for their bedroom upstairs. I
could almost hear them say how glad they were with that
photo shoot over. Simon is still doing well and loved. He's
turning into quite the handsome and smart guy learning more
tricks and of course playing with his favorite pal, Graham, our
yellow tabby. We just moved into a house and they both have
a lot more room .... more room for chasing each other and
playing. ~Grace
Sabrina Marie, left, and Polka, right, love snoozing on the
couch. They are not spoiled, no not at all!
Callie, on left, with her new brother Mack.
This happened a little over 3 years ago when my guy was 3. I
think my guy D'Leo wants to be a cross dresser or a model for
Victoria 's secret! I wish I had seen all this happen! I just
caught my liver dal, D'Leo, in my back yard chewing a new
Bali T-shirt bra dangling around his neck. It definitely is not
his size! By the time I got the camera he had come into the
kitchen. Would have liked to have caught him doing this as
the bra with tags on was placed on my bed while I packed for
a trip. He had to travel through the living room, kitchen, and
two heavy dog flaps to go out in the yard. A Welcome
ceramic frog must have gotten broken on the deck as a piece
was in the yard, possibly caused by bra dragging? There is
some wet chew marks on sensitive spots, but no punctures yeah! Still laughing while hand washing the dirt off. ~Jane
and the livers
Last year (July 4, 2008) we decided it was time to replace our
9 year old Dalmatian's friend. Mia was lonely and now she's
very happy with her playmate, Mosa, who was only 2 years
old at the time. Because of Save the Dals we've all been
living happily ever after. ~JESS & ROCHELLE
Olivia loves to wear her blankets around the house, so friends
said she needed a costume for Halloween. My mom bought
her one, thought she would use as a pattern for a "vest/coat"
for the winter. As you can see Olivia thought she liked the
costume... posed for many pictures... then decided she was
done. She is THE BEST doggie. Has learned a few more
signs, Dalmatian smiles daily, is a big cuddler/snuggler.
We couldn't love her more and are so grateful to all of you for
helping prepare her path to being a part of our family!
Pongo-Roo with Anna’s dad on horse
Beautiful Roxy enjoying her new yard.
Bo shows off his new svelte figure after his mom Dory put him
on a diet on adopting him. And he’s a therapy dog now too!
Hey, it’s Rudy Valentino! Aw, look at that face!
Benjamin, mom and “sis” K.D. Benjamin was rescued from
the Lancaster shelter.
5 yr old Preston with his pals in his new home. Preston was
rescued by Save the Dals just before the shelter was going to
euthanize him for having kennel cough.
Brinkley, a deaf former junkyard “guard” Dal (can you believe
that?!?), getting some love from her grandpa.
Whitney giving mom Fiona some snuggly love.
Linnea’s Dal boy Loki snuggles with Marko the Cat
Please Sponsor Me!
Lucky was rescued from the Long Beach Animal Shelter in
July 2009 after a volunteer contacted Save the Dals and told
us about this sweet boy whose time was up at the shelter. He
is part of our special needs senior program. Lucky has
arthritis & disc/joint problems and therefore he will need to
take medications to alleviate discomfort and inflammation for
the rest of his life, which Save the Dalmatians pays for along
with medical care and food. Like all of us who are aging he
has his good days and on some days he needs a little extra
help. This older boy still has a lot of unconditional love to give.
He still enjoys life, "stopping to smell the roses" on his walks.
Please consider sponsoring Lucky with a monthly or one time
donation. Thank you for your support!
Linnea with Dal Pamina and Kiki the Cat
We Want a Home!
Alice’s Dals: This is typical of Moo Moo's nightly assault on
poor Rocket -- straddling her, climbing on her falling or lying
down on her all while trying to find a spot to sleep in their big
dog bed. Note the look of helplessness on Rocket's face...
who's the Alpha dog here, anyway?
Dee Dee
Fletcher and Molly – how cute are they?!
Please visit us on Petfinder.com to see all our adoptable Dals,
some with awesome musical slideshows!
Please help Save the Dalmatians continue our work of rescuing and placing
Dalmatians in Southern California. Your donations are desperately needed. We
are an all-volunteer organization. Every penny that is donated is used to
provide veterinary care, food, toys and publicity to generate homes for our
rescued Dalmatians. Please give generously so that we can afford to save
more Dalmatians and make the public aware of their plight. We are a 501(c)(3)
tax-exempt, non-profit organization. Your donations are tax-deductible to the
extent permitted by law. Thank you for your kindness to the Dalmatians!
Street Address____________________________________________
Hi! I’m Bleu. Please adopt me.
City, State and Zip
Donation Amount: ___ $15 ___$30___$50___$75___$100 $____Other
Donations may also be made via Paypal https://www.paypal.com to
[email protected] Thank you for your support!
You can help Save the Dals save money by joining our savethedals-announce
group and receiving our newsletter online. Just go to
Save the Dalmatians and Others Canine Rescue, Inc.
A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization
P.O. Box 47031-432
Gardena, CA 90247-6831