newsletter rev.qxd


newsletter rev.qxd
Volume XX VI Number IX
By Phil McPeck
n the middle of introducing a new employee to MaxFund
Animal Adoption Center, co-founder and director Nanci
Suro left her office with as much hurry in her voice as in her
step: “Abraham, stop what you’re doing. You’re going to
Cleveland. That dog’s not going to die.”
“That dog,” he would learn, had been surrendered to MaxFund,
adopted, returned in late 2011 and adopted out again in April
2012. Now the dog was at Cleveland Animal Control in Ohio,
according to a phone call from a staffer there. Reports were that
he was within 48 hours of being euthanized on May 24.
The nonprofit MaxFund, 1005 Galapago St., Denver, microchips
every dog and cat that comes through its doors and even when
animals are adopted out the true no-kill shelter remains the
point of contact in the chip-maker’s nationwide registry. A pet’s
new owner has the option for a small fee of also associating his
or her name with the chip.
Paper files of who had last adopted the dog, named Stimpy, did
not migrate to MaxFund's current computerized system. But
an exhaustive search of records and memories, including the
memories of staff at MaxFund Wellness Clinic, put together
proof that Stimpy was a MaxFund alum. The microchip
became the bull terrier's lifeline. He would be rescued — again.
Never mind that the clock was ticking, that there would be
costs or that there were 1,300 miles to cover to reach him.
Abraham Mares is facilities manager for MaxFund’s three
adjacent entities: the dog adoption center, cat adoption
center and MaxFund Wellness Clinic on the edge of downtown
Denver. He laid down the tools where he had been putting
up white boards for cat center staff to track monthly
Newly rescued as a stray in
Cleveland, Ohio, bull terrier
Stimpy catches some sleep
on the return trip to
MaxFund Animal Adoption
Center in Denver.
intakes and adoptions. The boards would have to wait.
He was on his way to Cleveland.
The white van with the MaxFund logo on the sides rolled
into the eastern Ohio city on Lake Erie just before animal
control closed for the weekend at 3 p.m. Traffic on freeways
and tollways was awful on the Friday afternoon, a barely
rested Mares said. Still 9 miles from Stimpy, a senior clerk
at the city shelter, Mary Galaska, did something extraordinary
for a government agency — she told Mares by phone that
she would stay until he arrived and the rescue was complete.
“They were wonderful,” Suro said afterward. “I don't know of
any animal shelter that will wait for you.”
Mares, a 12-year employee of MaxFund, recognized the bull
terrier like a long-lost friend. Within the hour, Stimpy again
belonged to MaxFund.
Galaska said her agency sees only a handful of the distinctive
bull terriers each year. “Four or five — if that,” she said.
“I know this dog,” Mares said he told Galaska.
What isn’t known is Stimpy’s journey to Cleveland or how he
became a stray on the city’s lower west side, known as the
Tremont area. Stimpy was turned in May 10 and had no collar,
Galaska said. “He wasn't in bad shape. Whoever had him was
taking care of him.”
Continued on page 7
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
A huge thank you for Bill Peyer, who has done an
amazing job for us on a couple of projects. Don’t you
hate to have someone who comes and bids on a project,
starts it and then goes somewhere else for days. We do
too, and then we found this amazing guy who not only
has affordable prices, but is there till the job is finished.
He says no job is too small or large.
Dad is happy these days. In his little fenced off place everything has grown up tall and bushy. Some parts look like a
jungle! He spends a lot of time out there. It looks like he
pulls other green stuff out of the ground that he doesn’t like;
it all looks the same to me. He takes our hose and squirts
everything with water every day, sometimes more when it’s
hot and it hasn’t rained. Every day he goes out with a basket
and brings things from there to the kitchen. I don’t have any
idea why he does all this, but it seems to make him happy,
and that’s a good thing!
Mom and Dad had a new guy (Gypsy and I didn’t know him
but he turned out to be a nice guy) spend a lot of time at our
house. He took off our back steps and all the railings of the
back porch and the steps. That was scary because Gypsy and
I usually come out of the back door and down those steps at
ninety miles an hour seeing who can get to where the squirrel is sitting on our fence. For a while we had to get to the
back yard through the basement door. One day Mom and
Dad let us come out on the deck (slowly) when there wasn’t
any railing or stairs. We went to where the stairs used to be
but there was no way to go anywhere but back into the
kitchen. It was scary. Squirrels fascinate me, but I wouldn’t
want to climb to the top of a tree. I guess the strange man
didn’t like it either because he then made the deck much bigger and new railings and steps. The steps don’t go straight
down now but turn in the middle to go toward the back
yard. Mom and Dad like this but I don’t. I always make sure
that I get through the door first, giving me a head start over
Gypsy, but she’s more athletic and that turn helps her catch
up. The good part is that Mom and Dad now eat breakfast
on the deck. That allows Gypsy and me to have them all to
ourselves. The cats aren’t allowed outside.
If you have any job you want done you really should
call Bill.
His contact info is:
Empeyer Renovations, LLC
[email protected]
Tell him MaxFund sent you.
How do I make the switch or embark on
a career with animals?
Answer: Before you quit your day job, volunteer at
your local shelter, veterinarian’s office or zoo. … This is
an excellent way to meet professionals ... learn about
the job and get your foot in the door.
— (“The Everything Guide to Careers with
Animals,” by Michele C. Hollow and William P. Rives,
VMD. Adams Media/2009)
MaxFund is offering discount tickets to “Molly Brown”
at the Denver Center Theatre the week of October
20th. Just go to Denver Center Theatre website at, and after you click on the
ticket link, put in the code MAX for your discounted
tickets. A portion of the proceeds go to MaxFund.
So my world’s all ok. How’s yours?
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
by Snoopy & Gizmo
It’s me, Gizmo, finally it is my turn. Snoopy probably just did not want to share as he knew I would be talking about
him. He now has to take a pill and gets “special food”. It sure smells good but I am not allowed to have any and just
forget about that pill! They feed us at the same time so hopefully we will not get the other one’s food; but sometimes
we still manage to sneak a bite or two of the others food if they get busy and forget to pick it up. (That is the “not
nice” part of the special food, we used to have food down all the time but now we only get it 3 or 4 times during the
day.) Since Snoopy has his special food you would think he would not care about mine but he does. He is not supposed
to eat my food as it is too high in something they call fat and it makes him throw up (yuck). I think his food tastes
pretty good but Mom says that is just because I am not supposed to eat it; something about “forbidden fruit”, whatever
that is. However, the good side for me is that he isn’t allowed to eat his canned food or his treats, so guess what, I got
them. Yeah for me! Oh, Mom says that is not very nice of me rub to it in; sorry Snoopy. The big down side to this
as I see it, is that he is feeling better and he is back to aggravating me at night, right around 9pm just like he used to.
Snoopy’s supposed grooming of me, especially when he bites too hard is his way of saying it is time for me to go
upstairs for the night and have the gate put up so I cannot come back down. Come to think of it that is another
negative about this “special food.” At night I used to sleep on the desk chair down stairs and now I have to sleep
upstairs with the dogs! No special chair or lamb’s wool mat, no anything. Bummmmer.
Mom, Big D and Snoopy are going camping again so I guess you will be hearing from him in the next newsletter.
He gets to write more because he is a traveling cat and not a whole lot happens here at home, but there is no way
you would get me in that thing they call an RV. Loki agrees with me but Lexi is nuts like Snoopy, she even likes to
ride in cars. To me it’s nothing more than a very big car and I prefer that my home does not move or make strange
noises. It makes me think I might be going to the vet.
Well, I guess that’s all for now. Hope you had a great summer, I sure did.
Your Cat Reporter Gizmo
Visit us on the web at:
Editor & Layout
Carolyn Venard
Contributing Writers
Bill Suro, VMD
Phil McPeck
Angel Ireson
Ilene Johnson
3,953 Unaudited Circulation
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
Published monthly by MaxFund
Animal Adoption Center, a true no-kill
shelter to provide medical care for
injured dogs and cats with no known
owners, and to find new homes for
these animals once they are recovered.
The MaxFund is committed to the
following goals:
–Develop and implement educational programs pertaining to animal
care, with emphasis on the importance of
–Disseminate information on
spay/neuter facilities and conduct
spay/neuter clinics for low-income families.
–Be a spokesperson for the animals
on issues of animal welfare.
–Cooperate with other animal
facilities/shelters in the accomplishment
of the above goals.
Contributions for this newsletter are
welcome. Please check the back page
of newsletter for each month’s deadline.
We especially enjoy letters and photos
from animals adopted from our shelter.
MaxFund Animal Adoption Center
720 West 10th Avenue | Denver, Colorado 80204
Phone (720) 266-6081
Wellness Clinic (303) 595-0532
Adopt a Lifelong
and a Friend Forever
Piko is a male Chihuahua/Papillon
mix. He is housetrained. Rides nicely
in the car and walks well on a leash.
Chelsea is a sweet female Husky
mix. She is housetrained and wellmannered. Friendly to other dogs.
Daffodil is elegant and beautiful.
She really enjoys pets and
attention. Likes to play.
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
Harley is a handsome and intelligent
Miniature Pinscher mix boy. He is a
high energy boy.
Priscilla likes to be petted and she
loves attention. A little shy.
Come see her.
Precious likes treats. She also loves
pets, rubs and scratches.
Stunning white coat and bright
Jake is a handsome Chihuahua mix
boy. Gets along with other small
dogs. Loves the human voice.
Flame enjoys treats and she is good
with other cats. She is as cute as a
button. Come see how special she is.
Eeyore is quiet so he is often
overlooked. He does like to be
petted though. Come for a visit.
By Ilene Johnson
Since Gunner is a hound dog, he loves the great outdoors. He is equally happy going for a leisurely stroll
to the park as he is going on a hike. And as mentioned, he is a joy to walk wherever you want to take
This handsome boy
is a Coonhound
mix (with some
Bernese Mountain
dog in the mix)
who wants to be
your new best
Gunner clearly was trained somewhere along the
way, as he knows his commands. He gets along well
with both other dogs, as well as with cats. He also
loves kids, and can be a great family dog.
Manny was born in 2006. He is a people lover in general;
he truly seems to love everyone that he meets, old and
young. As an added bonus, he also gets along great
with other dogs.
Manny loves getting out for nice walks. He is a lot of
fun to walk, as he is not too fast and not too slow. In
fact, he is a right-by-your-side kind of dog.
Manny loves attention and affection, and also loves his
treats (and who doesn’t, right?).
Manny does suffer from separation anxiety, and would
do best in a home where he is not left alone for long
periods of time. As Laura McGaughey, ABCDT, RVA,
Certified Dog Trainer/Veterinary Assistant, pointed
out in her excellent article in Paw Prints last month,
there are many ways to successfully deal with separation anxiety, and there are many resources available.
Manny is also on thyroid medication.
Manny is available for adoption or foster care. Please
come and meet him - he promises to win your heart!
Gunner is a handsome American Foxhound mix
who was born in 2007. Gunner was relinquished to
MaxFund by his owner through no fault of his own;
his owner had to relocate, and was not able to bring
Gunner with him.
While his name means,
variably, “battle strong”
and “bold warrior,”
Gunner is actually a
very “chill” kind of guy,
who is very easy to
walk, easy to be with,
and who is truly a no
fuss kind of dog. As
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
well, he knows how to be lively and playful when
you want him to be.
If you like kicking back and stopping to smell the
roses (or anything else that smells good), and just
enjoying life and nature, Gunner can be your best
new companion to share that with. He is looking
forward to making your acquaintance!
Are you looking for a
quiet, sweet Chihuahua
mix? Well then, you have
found him! Chucho is
waiting patiently to
meet you.
This good-looking boy is
two years old, and came
to MaxFund from another shelter. You could not
ask for an easier-going boy. He is quiet in his kennel.
Additionally, Chucho loves his walks, and gets along
well with both cats and other small dogs. He is
understandably afraid of big dogs, due to an injury
he suffered in the past.
When you first meet Chucho, he is quiet, and perhaps
a bit shy, but he warms up very quickly. His very
favorite thing is getting a tummy rub, and he will be
asking for you to rub his tummy in no time at all.
One of our volunteers took him home for an overnight
visit, and said that he was a delightful guest, who got
along famously with both her dog and cat.
Chucho would love to meet you, and promises to give
you lots and lots of love.
Dear MaxFund,
Thanks for caring for animals. I have two former
Maxfund critters. Papon is a 7 year old Chihuahua
Terrier adopted 5 years ago and Gandhi is an 11 year
old Siamese cat (the love of my life) adopted 10 years
His lymphoma is “contained”
and he has outlived his
expectancy. I’m
hoping for a cure,
but so far none
is available.
Ann Waite
1. Keep it simple and short. Begin teaching
any new trick or skill with brief lessons
throughout the day.
2. Patience. Make sure you are not overly
tired. One bad training session can set
your dog back.
3. Remember your dog needs repetition to
understand. Use the same words and
actions each time you train.
4. Reward! Reward! Reward! For every small
or large success. Your dog needs to know
when he/she is performing correctly. Make
a big fuss and you'll reap big rewards!
LASER THERAPY at lower cost, available to the public at
MaxFund Wellness Center – 1000 Inca St, Denver, CO
80204 – (303) 595-0532 –
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
Long Arm Continued from page 1
Mares’ assessment was the same. “He’s not skinny. He’s
really clean, too.”
Stimpy also is deaf.
Cleveland Animal Control sees between 4,000 and
5,000 dogs a year, and a dog’s fate can depend on its
health, aggressiveness toward people and suitability
with other animals, among other things, Galaska said.
“We try not to euthanize any adoptable dog,” she said.
The city posts its canine wards on FaceBook and works
with Cuyahoga County, local shelters and scores of pet
advocacy groups to place dogs in homes.
Animal control’s policy, as it is at most shelters, is to
scan strays for a microchip in the hope of locating
owners, Galaska said. Only MaxFund information was
on Stimpy's chip.
Rarely will a registrant go as far as MaxFund did to
retrieve a dog, Galaska said.
Among Mares’ photos on the return trip to Denver is a
sleeping Stimpy, a solid lump of white fur nestled in
pillows on the rumpled white sheets of a motel bed. In
another picture Mares sits on a lawn during a driving
break, the clearly muscular dog on his lap. Stimpy's
pink tongue matches the lining of his erect, pink-lined
ears. Small, dark eyes and a black nose punctuate an
otherwise snowy face.
The Avid-brand microchip that saved Stimpy is no
different than any of myriad chips on the market. “The
important thing is to get the animals chipped,” said
Heidi Hahn, manager of MaxFund Wellness Clinic.
The low-cost veterinary practice that’s open to the
public microchips dogs and cats for a one-time fee of
$40 — no annual re-registration fee, Hahn said.
The chip, about the size of a grain of rice and easily
injected through a needle into the area of an animal’s
shoulder blades, contains only the registrant’s contact
information. It’s keyed to the chip's unique identifying
number and held in the maker's database for the life
of the pet.
Abraham Mares, facilities
manager of MaxFund
Animal Adoption Center,
takes a break with Stimpy
on the return trip to
Denver. Mares concurred
with animal control staff
that whoever had the deaf
bull terrier Stimpy before
he was found as a stray
on the lower west side of
Cleveland had taken
care of him.
time you move, first thing on the list is the post office.
The second thing is to call the chip company.”
She has a second bit of advice, too: “Every time you go
to the vet, have them check to make sure the chip is
there. Chips can migrate,” although that’s not common,
she said. “You rarely will hear a not-positive story
about a microchip.”
MaxFund adoption counselor Erica Jenkins said
she can only wonder whether early in life there had
been a “Ren” to the re-rescued bull terrier's Stimpy,
referring to the 1991-1996 Nickelodeon cartoon
series “The Ren and Stimpy Show.” The series
revolved around often off-color adventures and
antics of a hyper Chihuahua named Ren and his
pal, a less-than-brainy cat named Stimpy.
If that was the source of Stimpy’s name, “Ren” would
have been more apropos. “He’s a high-energy dog,”
Jenkins said. “I can tell you he’s strong. He’s superfriendly. Loves people.”
Phil McPeck is chief of media relations for MaxFund
Animal Adoption Center — A True No-Kill Shelter.
Last year, MaxFund placed 1,572 dogs and cats and
spayed/neutered 4,900. He may be reached at
[email protected].
“I chip my animals because I hope that if anything
happened, God forbid, they would come back to me,”
Hahn said. She said her advice to pet owners is “Every
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
By Phil McPeck
axFund Animal Adoption Center just feels
right to Carol Bennett, much the way a scratch
behind the ears can comfort or win over a dog.
Denver's premier no-kill animal shelter has engendered
in her a loyalty matched only by that of a fine dog and
explains why six mornings a week MaxFund can count
on Bennett to be at 1005 Galapago St. to walk as many
as 20 of its small dogs.
In 2007 volunteering and working with shelter animals
came together for her at MaxFund. Bennett also has a
part-time dog-walking and pet-sitting business.
All but one morning a week, rain or shine, she starts a
cacophony of eager barking when she walks into the
MaxFund kennel about 7:30. She talks to the dogs as she
leashes them and two by two they go on a 15- to 20minute walk around the block or through the neighborhood on the southwest edge of downtown. “I give them all
potty breaks,” Bennett said. After as many as 10 such trips
to accommodate 20 dogs, she takes some for “play time” in
MaxFund’s fenced, parklike courtyard with its artificial
turf, trees, kiddie swimming pool and toys.
Hopefully life in a kennel is a temporary experience for
most of the dogs, Bennett said. “I look at my own pets
and they have a house to roam.”
Bennett has two cats — her own and one she fosters for
MaxFund. The canine member of her family is Betty,
an American Eskimo-corgi mix she rescued in 2005.
Betty had been living on the streets of Denver with a
homeless man who no longer could keep her, Bennett said.
Every morning walk is an opportunity to be an ambassador
for MaxFund and encourage an adoption. A chance
meeting and chat with a man on his way to the dog
shelter led to one of Bennett’s favorite stories.
MaxFund volunteer Carol Bennett logs her
walking of dogs from the animal adoption center
at 1005 Galapago St.
“I love getting them out of their kennels,” socializing
them and “letting them know they're loved and
valued,” Bennett said. The dogs’ pictures and stories
can be seen at
Large or small, dogs awaiting adoption to a permanent
home are in the shelter through no fault of their own,
Bennett said, and “I feel like I’m kind of a bridge
between their former life and their new life.”
A new life is something she knows about. For 30 years
Bennett, of Denver, was an employee of then-telephone
company Qwest and essentially was forced into retirement by layoff in 2009. As a volunteer, she had worked
with the Denver Dumb Friends League but found the
scheduling there unworkable. Bennett said that over the
course of six years she also traveled occasionally to Best
Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah, where she
would care for cats in the mornings during her visits and
walk dogs in the afternoons. But the travel was taxing.
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
The man was arriving to see about a particular dog, an
older mixed breed he wanted to give a second chance.
If that dog didn't work out, for whatever reason,
Bennett said, she asked that he look at Delilah.
Carol Bennett leaves
the dog shelter with
two small dogs for a
15- to 20-minute walk.
She makes as many as
10 such trips a day, six
mornings a week.
Delilah, a coonhound,
had been in the shelter
for three years. “I could
see she was getting
depressed. She wouldn't
walk far,” Bennett said.
As it turned out, the retired gentleman met Delilah and
the two have been together since.
And that just feels right, too.
dogs: Peanut Wigglebutt; Sir Hog Knucklehead;
Sasha Biggiepotamus Fierce; Otto Von Longdog; and
Zippity Do Dawg. The top five for cats: Snuggles
Butt Le Lee; Count Flufferton; Katy Purry; Walter
Croncat; and Joey Banana Pants.
Camp Bow Wow, the franchise-based dog day care
and overnight boarding company headquartered in
Broomfield, has been sold, Pet Product News reported
online Aug. 6. VCA Inc., a network of more than 600
animal hospitals nationwide and based in Los Angeles,
did not disclose the purchase price. Camp Bow Wow
— with $71 million in franchise sales in 2013, according
The Wall Street Journal — was founded in 2000 in
Denver by Heidi Ganahi and her brother. It employs
more than 3,500 people, Pet Product News said.
Nestle Purina, who through its Purina Cat Chow division
made a $50,000 donation to renovate MaxFund Wellness
Center, recently opened Mexico’s first Purina Pet Park
just north of Mexico City. It allows for dog agility
activities and has an area for disc throwing. In 2015
Purina plans to open a pet food factory in the
central Mexican state of Guanajuato, the website reports.
The Pet Care Trust on Aug. 1 began accepting grant
applications for its Pets in the Classroom program.
Pre-kindergarten through eighth-grade teachers in
public or private schools may apply for one of eight
types of grants at The
Pet Care Trust has awarded more than 40,000 grants
since 2010 toward its goal of introducing 5 million
children in 100,000 classrooms to pets and the
benefits they provide.
Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. of Brea, Calif., has
culled from its database of a half-million pet names
the 50 wackiest for dogs and cats. Pet Age magazine
in its Aug. 7 edition lists them. The top five for
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
There now is a facial recognition app for dogs.
Owners may register a photo of their dog for free at, concentrating on the eyes and
nose. An app can match a photo taken with an
iPhone or Android smartphone to ones in
FindingRover’s database. The county animal control
in San Diego, Calif., is the first institutional user of
the system that does not require an unfamiliar dog
to be taken to a veterinarian or shelter to be scanned
for a microchip to obtain owner information, the
Associated Press reports.
~Compiled by Phil McPeck
What words best
describe Nita? How
about adorable, and
full of energy!
Seriously, don’t let a
couple of gray hairs
fool you - this little
girl is incredibly
young at heart.
Nita is a dachshund
mix who was born in 2007. She has beautiful
smooth black fur. Her two back paws have some
white on them, which makes you think of a delicious
Oreo cookie.
Nita is so sweet and well-mannered. She loves
people, and other dogs. She also loves going on
walks. On a recent walk, she looked up joyfully at
every person that passed by, and you could tell that
she wanted to meet everyone and get to know them.
She is just that kind of dog, who possesses both
good cheer and a loving spirit.
Nita is waiting to share her love with you. Please
come and meet this very precious girl.
Thanks to the following people
and businesses whose generous contributions help all the animals.
Adamson, Leonard
Agilent Technologies
Akers, Raymond & Deborah
Andrade, Ruby
Baker, Jetta
Barna, Daniel
Bartalot, Robert
Bartalot, Sally
Beauprez, Erin
Becker, Roger & Shirley
Bell, Mary
Benton, Jacquelyn
Berg, Judith Lee
Bioletti, Robin
Bishop, Marcia Hewitt
Boling, Sonja
Bruns, Laura
Bush, Gayle
Cartwright, Wanda
Catbagan, Andrew
Classic Travel
Clifton, Beverly
Colorado Combined
Converse, Joyce
Corle, Gail
Cortez, Darlene
Crawley, Brigitte
Cunningham, Kathleen
Curley, Kimberly
Dallas, Reuben
David W. Robb Estate
Delanty, Patrice
DePetris, Carey
Donald F. & Shirley T.
Hastings Family Fund
Driscoll, Alana
Dukes, Charles
Duncan, Lanette
Dunham, Joan
Easter, Marilyn
Edge Sports & Entertainment
Eichman, William & Linda
Engel, Sharon
English, Louise
Geist, Donald
Gilden, Dr. Donald & Audrey
Gillespie, Shirley & Eugene
Goss, Tate & Connie
Gowans, Robert
& Karen Louise
Grant, Rondle
Gzehoviak, Anthony
Haen, Joyce
Hale Pet Door
Hamilton-Fieldman, Lisa
Hardwick, Dr. Sally
Hautzinger, James & Anne
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
Heasty, Jr., G. William & Sally
Heaton, David
Hewett, Peter
Hoffman, Patricia
Hoffman, William, Judith,
& Michael
Hoffner, Brad
Howell, Samuel
Hurst, Virginia
Hussey, Bob & Katherine
Jacobs, Kathleen
Johnson, Margaret
Kammerer, Annika & Kersti
Kaumeier, Rick
Kellogg, George & Yvonne
Kelly, Bernadette
Kent, Peter
Kern, Betty
Kirshner, Naomi
Kiser, Rona
Kokesh, Pat
Kreft, Larene & Hercules
Kunz, Dr. Dianna
Kuta, Shirley
Lambert, Stephen
Lampman, Don & Paula
Langlee, S. Sonja
Langlee, H. Donald
Latshaw, Rhonda
Laviana, Donna
Lawrence, Mary & Paul
Leckenby, Juliet
Leinz, Albert & Helen
Lent, Mariann
Lentz, Tim
Levine, Amy & Gemma
LibertyGives Foundation
Life Academy Ministries
Little, Lori
Luedke, Joan
Martinez, David
Martinez, Dorothy
Maslanik, Anne
McKesson Foundation
Miller, James
Miracle, Celesta
Mlinar, John
Mohatt, Gayle
Montanio, Richard & Patricia
Mooney, Michael & Melissa
Moore, William
Motykowski, Brian
Muro, Vincent & Georgia
Murry, Kelly
Nestle Purina PetCare Co.
Nyholm, Diane
O Brien, S. E.
O’Neill, Michael & Suzie
Oja, Maureen
Olson, Patricia
Ortiz, Ivy
Oughtred, Darlene
Palmer, Mary Ann
Pappas Architecture
& Design LLC
Patterson, Mary J.
Pech, Marion
Pelphrey, Darrin
Peterson, Christopher
Peterson, Helen
Powell, Terry & Peggy
Raab, Ronald & Mary Ann
Rally for Impact Foundation
Ramelow, Jo Ann
Rasmussen, Sheila
Renegade Brewing
Company LLC
Renquist, Maria
Rhysling, Kieran & Leigh
Rinde, Debra
Roberts, Dr. David & Mrs. Debra
Rodgers, Rosemary
Roesch, Elma & Edmond
Rubinowitz, Martin & Marsha
Russell, Fae
Sacred Heart House of Denver
Sakata, Thom
Sanders, Sandy
Schell-Varkony, Pam
Schmied, Jeb
Schmied, Jeb
Schneider, Sherwayn
& Patricia
Schuck, Doug
Shelton, John & Donna
Sher, Litamae
Sherry Surber Estate
Sinopoli, Janice
Sipos, James & Suzan
Smith, Ardy
Smith, Barbara A.
Soltysik, Susan
Sorrentino, Robert & Helen
Spita, Walter & Joyce
Springston, Stacy
Starr, Michael
Stavros, Helen
Steffen, Lee
Stevens, Shirley
Storz, Michele
Suro, Nanci
Tedesco, Christine & Steven
Thangasamy, Andrew
The Serenity Shoppe
Thomas, James
Tom’s Home Cookin’
Tombari, Julie & Chris
Trautwein, Mary
Trefz, Robert Omar
Trujillo-Lopez, Lee
Trust Company of America
Van Binsbergen, Lesha & Tim
Vancil, Rozanne
Van Demark, Jeffery
Vetter, Gloria & Doug
Vickery, Sangmin Kim
VMWare Foundation
Voelz, Brian
Voya Foundation
Waite, Ann
Wakefield, Cindy
Werner, Stephen
West Horizon Adventures Inc.
Wiscamb, Merrie
Woodpride Flooring LLC –
Christine Hancock
Yanaga, Florence
Yasinitsky, Paul & Norma
Yoho, Kristi
Albu, Hope
Baum, Karen
Beck, Ann
Buckner, Sandra
Carle, Jonathan
Carmany, Jeanette
Curran, Nancy
Daugherty, Katherine
Eiland, Denise
Falasco-Hatter, Nancy
Freese, Lynae
Hand, Jayna
Hannum, Marcia
Hartbarger, Hazel
Hidalgo, Mark
Hull, Naomi
Jacobsen, Ellen
Janisch, Gloria
Johnston, Karen
Kearns, John
Kinsey, Jennifer
Kohl, Mary J.
Margy & Josh
Levin, Gail
Lutz, Catherine
Malaby, Carolyn
Martinson, Sheryl
Matheis, Emily
McDonald, Todd S.
McNabnay, Kira
Murphy, Jr., Paul J.
Obeslo, Joan
Pace, Angela
Pearson, Sharron
Ready, Nancy & Dwight
Rossitto, Janie
Rotgers, Allan
Ryan, Scott
Saalwaechter, Joan
Serkes, Nanette
Sims, Jeff
Smith, Janice
Suro, Anne
Trehern, Lanita G.
Wall, William
Andres, Valerie
& Andrew Sontoski
Atencio, Erin
Barton, Kim
Bishop, Mike
Bivens, Dave & Sarah
Black, Andrew
Blair, Florence
Blair, Ryan
Bliss-Kandel, Caroline
Bruce, Jaclyn
Carpenter, Heather
Chandler, Valerie & Dale
Dalton, Bobby
Davis, Zack
Dillon, Katie
Dinner, Ginger L.
Dodson, Evelyn
Dogan, Sirin
Donovan, Patricia
Fabrizio, Nicholette
Feld, Jennie
Gaughan, Therese
Gibason, Diane
Gordon, Gayle
& Ken Feldman
Grant, Lori
Green, Brad
Hammons, Rebecca & Glenn
Harvey, Angel & David
Hicks, Josh & Erin
Hollands, Doug
Kargarzadeh, Daniel
Kerr, Laura
Kirby, Pam
Lenker, Liberty
Livermore, Chad
Marasa, Jr., Frank
Marchewitz, Lora
McGaughey, Laura
Moell, Lauretta
& Russell Mellon
Moon, Deb
Moore, Gerald & Marsha
Nolin, Teri
Nolte, August
Orebivi, Gboluwaga
Poeschel, Annalisa
Quattromani, Max
Rautus, Toni
Reuer, Julie
Rhoda, Benjamin
Rice, Tamara
Roberson, Greg
Rowland, Claire
Rubenstein, Joan
Salinas, Donna
Slaight, Linda
Stringer, David
Sturgeon, Jeremy
Szobar, Brigitte
Tanaka, Grace K.
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
Tavares, Melissa
Templeton, Bonnie
Vaughn, Beverly
Vroom, Tracy
Walter, Rachele
Watson, Marilyn
Wells, Becky
Wood, Patricia
Yelmene, Kagen
Young, Michelle
Albu, Hope
Allee, Susan
Andrews, Nancy
Arnold, Elizabeth
Beck, Anne
Bishop, Marcia Hewitt
Call, Cris
Clark, Charlene
Cohron, Steve & Melissa
Cracchiolo, Cari
Emerich, Monica
Everding, Fred & Josephine
Foraker, Peggy
& Danny Stacy
Fredricey, Donald
& Michelle
Gilmore, Joan
Goldberg, Carol
Hand, Jesse
Hartbarger, Hazel
Heiberg, Beth & Elvin
Hildenbrand, Maggie
Hlewko, Lauren
Houle, Stephen
Jacobsen, Ellen
Margy & Josh
Levin, Gail
Long, Linda
Louvado, Michelle
McLerran, Russ,
Monica & Lynn
Meyers, Larry & Mary Ann
Mostow, Susan
Murdock, Bob
Perrault, Michael
Quinn, Sharon
Sajbel, Mia & tom
Saly, Joy
Sammons, Susanna, Jim
Lykins & Della & Kona
Selvaggi, Lara
Sewald, Susan & Mark
Shifers, Ron
Slomczewski, Laura & John
Smith, Janice
Stanwood, Grant
Tanoue, Tami
Whitaker, Andrea
Williamson, Cindy & Jim
Thank you to the following people who generously send
in a donation every month. WE COUNT ON YOU!
Adams, McCrystie
Allee, Susan
Baker, Jetta
Bana, Kathleen
Banks, Jen
Bernal, Bonnie
Bostrom, Lauren
Brennen, Kerrie
Brown, Jeff
Brumbaugh, Roland
Carter, Stacy & Matt
Caruso, Steve
Corle, Gail
Cracchiolo, Cari
Curley, Kimberly
Davis, Joseph
de Gortari, Jennifer
Dean, David
DeShazer, Vince
Dougherty, Nicholas
Driver, Nancy
Duncan, Lanette
Eackles, David
Endicott, John
Furnas, Katherine
Gillespie, Shirley & Eugene
Goolsby, John
Haber, Judith
Hamilton-Fieldman, Lisa
Hardwick, Dr. Sally
Heaton, David & Jennifer
Hlewko, Lauren
Hoffman, Patricia
Hoffman, William, Judith,
& Michael
Houle, Stephen
Howe, Robert
Hubbell, Margot
Kammerer, Annika & Kersti
Kaumeier, Rick
Kellogg, George & Yvonne
Kelly, Bernadette
Kern, Betty
Kirshner, Naomi
Kiser, Rona
Kokesh, Patricia
Krinsky, Joshua
Kval, Ellen
LaFleur, Anne & Jacques
Lambert, Stephen
Lampman, Paula & Donald
Lane, Brianne
Latshaw, Rhonda L.
Leo, Jan
Leppke, Megan
Levine, Amy & Gemma
Louvado, Michelle
Love, Susan
Lucas, Valerie
Lucero, Kristen
Luedke, Joan
Marsh, Susan
Maslanik, Anne M.
McCorry, K.J.
McKelvey, Elizabeth
Mile Hi Classified
Miller, James
Miller, Susan
Murdock, Bob
Murray, Kelly
Ognibene, Todd
Ortiz, Ivy
Patterson, Mary J.
Pelphrey, Darrin
Perrault, Michael
Phan, Chi Phuong
Ramelow, Jo Ann
Rather, Joan
Raymond, Sue
Renquist, Maria E.
Rioux, Trish
Rodgers, Rosemary
Roesch, Elma & Edmond
Rubinowitz, Martin
& Marsha
Russell, Fae
Sammons, Susanna & Jim
Lykins & Della & Kona
Sanders, Sandy
Schantz, Michelle
Schmied, Jeb
Schuck, Doug
Selvaggi, Lara
Sewald, Susan
Shelton, John & Donna
Shifers, Ron
Sims, Jeff
Sipos, James & Suzan
Smith, Ardy
Smith, Laurie
Sorrentino, Helen & Robert
Stevens, Shirley
Straley, Janis
The Serenity Shoppe
Thomas, James
Tom’s Home Cookin’, Inc.
Valdez, Alex
Vancil, Rozanne
Vermilio, Ryan & Robyn
Vickery, Sangmin Kim
Voras, Gerry & Christina
Waite, Ann
Walker, Tom
Whitaker, Andrea
Williams, Lee
Wiscamb, Merrie
Yergler, Cynthia
Zanabria, Sasha
In memory of Bo – Joseph Davis
In memory of Jennie Vigil’s beloved, Boo Boo
– Marci Lemberg
In loving memory of my beloved, Spunky, who I adopted
at the MaxFund 8 years ago. With great sadness
– Carolyn Carder
In memory of Elaine Selsberg’s beloved, Cocoa
– Joan Ringel
In honor of Moby who gave joy to Ed and Lori
– Angela McCoy
In memory of Levi & Lexie – Gerald & Marsha Moore
In memory of M. J. & Bruce Wildfang’s beloved, Gibbs
– Cynthia Kuehn
In memory of Mr. Magoo, a dog so loved by Shai
Nowlan for so many years – Sara Oxley
In memory of Anita H. Rouse’s beloved, Mattie Sue
– Mira J. Fine’
In loving memory of Agie Miller - your Mommy told us
some incredible stories about you. Rest in peace in
doggie heaven. Love, Ava, Luis and Alyce
In memory of Fritz, an impressive Standard Poodle, who
had a loving home and a great “supervisory” position
with Jim & Sue Delphia – Bonnie Hartman
In honor of our sweet girl, baby Grace. She was a rescue
dog who loved “the land” in Estes Park. We love and
miss her – Cynthia Muller
In memory of Miss B Burns, beloved feline friend of
Professor Tom Burns – Tamara Kicera
In memory of Lucky, a 15 year old pure breed Collie
rescued from a bad situation and in poor health.
MaxFund gave her a safe, loving place to stay and she
soon found her way over the Rainbow Bridge.
RIP Dear One – Jan Eckhardt
In memory of Rylee, Nikki & Ryan Anderson’s beloved
Golden Retriever. Memories of Rylee will be forever
cherished by all who knew him – Judy Stiponovich
In memory of Augie & Bosco – Ginger Dinner
In memory of Jim, Annette, Ashley, & Dano’s, Sierra,
who was the nicest of “Nice Dawgs.” Thinking of all
of you. Big hugs - Kim, Bernie, Kit, Butterball Siegel
In memory of my beloved daughter, Susan Unger
– Joseph Davis
In memory of Rosie Hannah – Mary McNeley
In memory of Jacob Bergeron
– Christa & Charles Bergeron
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
In memory of Dalas A. Brown –
Carrie Mann
Shawn Garcia
Rosalynn Garrett
Tammy Pratts
In memory of Dick Deerfield – Jay & Jo Ann O’Niel
In memory of my dear friend, Barbara Anshutz
– Lou Kirkland
In memory of Jackie Applegate, a lifelong lover of
animals – The Merchant Family
In memory of Cheri Tapia – Larry Greenther
In honor of Jerry Carroll & Linda Jones for using Elite
Roofing for their Roofing Needs!!! – Elite Roofing
In honor of Matthew & Mary’s wedding –
Wendy Vean
Max Gad
Mike & Megan Schultz
Robert & Linda Trout
Diana & Jeremy Kane
Richard Friedman, Kathy Ciampi, & Steven Friedman
In honor of Jacob Henry Alcatraz – Karen A. Wirthlin
For my sister, Susan Hartman’s birthday
– Claire Hartman
In honor of Dorothy Stevens’ birthday – LaVonne Baker
In honor of Margi Jackson - Laura Krenz
In honor of Robert Dickson – Mikio & Christina Nihira
In honor of Stacy Carter – Rally for Impact Foundation
In honor of Tim & Cassi Hairr’s wedding
– Nancy Barger & Linda
In honor of Thomas See, for all that you are, all that you
do, and for taking such good care of four legged
friends in more ways than you let anyone know!
– Jennie, Ian, and Misha
In honor of Ricardo’s birthday – Rachel Streur
In honor of LuLu’s 1st birthday – Kelley Van Scoyk
Happy 60th Birthday Joyce!! You are an amazing
woman and we are so lucky to have you in our
lives...personally and professionally! We love you
and hope you had a wonderful birthday celebration
– Lindy, Michelle & PQ
In honor of Joyce Joransen’s 60th birthday –
Michelle Vinson
Patricia Walkenhorst
Carol Ann McConville
In honor of Britt Lea & David Brown’s wedding
– Alison Lazar
AT (720) 266-6081
by William N. Britton
This thoughtful book is the Native American story of what happens
to our pets when they die. It was written by the Director of the
Companion Golden Retriever Rescue Program in West Jordan,
Utah. This story makes a perfect gift for anyone who has lost a pet.
You can order your copy from the MaxFund for a $10.00 donation for
each book ordered. Pawnote: This book can be sent as a memorial.
Please sent me_____copy(s) of The Legend of Rainbow Bridge.
Enclose a $10.00 donation for each book ordered, plus S/H charge
of $1.00 for the first book, .50 for each additional book. Please
make checks payable to The MaxFund.
I am enclosing a check for_____________.
Name: _______________________________________________
Street: _______________________________________________
City:____________________________State:_____Zip: ________
Phone #: (_______)_____________________________________
Purina One Dry Cat Food (Salmon & Tuna)
Purina One Kitten Food Dry and Canned
Friskies Canned Food • Iams for Dogs
(Chicken & Rice or Lamb & Rice)
Large Milk Bones• Cat Litter
KMR Milk Replacement for nursing
Kittens and Puppies
Windex • Stamps
Long Choke Chains • Sturdy Leashes
All sizes dog harnesses
Toys for Dogs and Cats • Cat/dog traps
Packages of Raw Hot Dogs
(dogs are given medication with them)
Bleach • Paper Towels • Toilet Paper Facial
Tissues • Dish Soap • Fans
Whiskas Cat Milk • Large Blankets
(no comforters, please)
Acreage for a Sanctuary—Our Dream
Gift Cards for Petco and PetsMart
ipad and laptops for adoptions
Vist the MaxFund Wish List under
“Find a Gift” on!
Mail to: The MaxFund, 720 W. 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204
If you would like to make a contribution to The MaxFund Animal Adoption Center to recognize an outstanding achievement or service, to commemorate an occasion, in memory of an individual or pet, or to sponsor a Pet Pal, please complete the following and mail it to The MaxFund, 720
West 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204 or call 720-266-6081 for more information.
This gift is
[ ] In Memory of (Animal Friend) __________________________(Human Friend)______________________
[ ] In Honor of (Animal Friend) ____________________________(Human Friend)______________________
[ ] For the special occasion of _______________________________
[ ] To sponsor a pet pal ($15 a month). Cat_____Dog_____Either_____Enclosed is_____for_____months.
[ ] Enclosed is my monthly Pledge. Amount__________
[ ] Please contact me to volunteer.
[ ] MaxFund is in my will.
This donation was made by:
Please send an acknowledgement of this gift to:
Name: ___________________________________
Name: ______________________________________
Street: ___________________________________
City: ________________________________________
State:____________________Zip: _____________
State:_______________________Zip: _____________
Phone: ___________________________________
Email: ___________________________________
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
MaxFund appreciates our dog run and cat colony sponsors!
Support from the following sponsors helps to cover the cost of food, vaccinations and
medical care for the animals at MaxFund. Our sponsors appreciate your business!
Robert Gratiot
Dog Paintings
(click on “Good Dogs”)
CRCG (Canine Rehabilitation
And Conditioning Group)
Alex B. Campbell, Vice President
Enduring Resources, LLC
[email protected]
Proud Sponsor of Olivia
Proud Sponsor of Teddy
Proud Sponsor of Chelsea
small earth vintage
vintage clothing for the
modern person
Lawrence P. Hartlaub
Attorney at Law
[email protected]
Performance Construction
Roofing, Siding, Gutters, Painting
& other construction related services
Proud Sponsor of Chika
Proud Sponsor of Chango
Proud Sponsor of Gizmo
[email protected]
Would you like to do more to help the animals at MaxFund?
Become a dog run or cat colony sponsor today! As a MaxFund
sponsor you’ll receive a 5 x 7 ad space in the lobby of the dog
shelter or cat room wall and you’ll be featured on this page of the
Paw Prints Newsletter! Your monthly donation will help to provide
the necessities for the deserving and appreciative cats and dogs
at MaxFund. For more information call Pam at
719 210-3338 or email [email protected].
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
Sponsors appearing below either pay $30.00 per
month or they contribute a significant amount of
in-kind donations. If you would like to be listed on
this directory, please contact the MaxFund offices
at (720) 266-6081.
Robert D. Colwell, CPA
5728 S. Gallup St. | Littleton, CO 80120
(303) 347-9402
Well Animal Institute
303-654-0560 |
Mobile teeth cleaning for your pet
Victoriana Antique & Fine Jewelry
1417 Larimer Square, Denver, CO 80202
303.573.5049 |
They will donate 10% of all sales purchased on
the 9th for “Canine” & cats having “9” lives.
Katie Reardon
MyApartmentMap, LLC
PO Box 1102 | Rye, NH 03870-1102
Phone: (603)-319-1712
MyApartmentMap is a housing search website,
we have pet friendly listings all over the USA.
Canine Rehabilitation & Conditioning Group
(CRCG) is 100% dedicated to enhancing and/or
improving a dog’s life and physical abilities
through exercise, recreation, and rehabilitation.
Englewood | Broomfield | Longmont
One number - 303-762-SWIM (7946) | [email protected]
Teaching in an Effective and Loving Way
Group Classes: Beginning through
Specialized. Behavior Counseling. Boarding
with Training, Reiki, Yoga (with your dog),
Intuitive Readings—10% off any service for
dogs adopted through MaxFund.
The Misha May Foundation, mutts in safe homes always
Executive Director–Lorraine May 303-239-0382
[email protected].
Uncle Dan’s Pet Grooming
Dan Goracke & Kerry Malloy
1440 Carr St., Lakewood, CO 80214
(303) 205-1586 Tues-Sat 7am to 5pm
Waggin’ Tails “The Gentle Touch”
Grooming • 21 Years Experience
4223 S. Broadway, Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 781-9961
CIJI’S Natural Pet Supplies
2260 Kearney St. | Denver, CO 80207
(303) 322-8000
Bonnie Simpson, Owner/Mgr.
Paws Up Pet Supply
Promotional offer: When you enter “MAXFUND” in
the coupon area of the checkout you will receive 10%
off your entire order and we will donate 10% or your
order total to MaxFund as well. Your #1 Source For
Anything Pets!
K-Canine Wellness
Rehab, massage, acupressure, reiki, nutrition
and behavior (303) 324-3911
[email protected]
Angelique Moyer | U Lucky Dog
Denver’s top of the town best doggie daycare
and kennel-free boarding facility
4040 Fox Street | Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 720-328-8179 | Fax: 720-292-1817
Paulette Goemmer, Broker Associate
Keller Williams Real Estate
(720) 313-2176 Mention the MaxFund and
Paulette will donate $250 upon the success of
any Real Estate contract.
Greg Christian, Broker Associate
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
(303) 972-8900 $250 Contribution to
MaxFund on any closed contract.
Tom’s Home Cookin’
Tom Unterwagner and Steve Jankousky
800 E. 26th Ave. (26th Ave. at Clarkson St.)
Denver, CO 80205 (303) 388-8035
Sierra Locksmith—Louis Chavez, Owner
7347 W. Kentucky Dr. “B”
Lakewood, CO 80226 (720) 435-7518
Commercial, Residential and Vehicles
Emerald Isle—Famous for Mexican Food and
Sunsets on our Deck Overlooking the Cherry
Creek Reservoir 4385 S. Parker Rd., Aurora, CO
(303) 690-3722
Michaela Phillips | America’s Mortgage
1942 Broadway St. Ste 314
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 443-6292
[email protected]
Mention the MaxFund and Michaela will
donate $250 upon closing.
Pizza Republica
5375 Landmark Pl., Greenwood Village, CO 80111
(720) 489-2030
PAW PRINTS | September 2014
The CelticTavern
1801 Blake St, Denver, CO 80202
Ph: 303-308-1795 • Fax: 303-308-1576
Performance Construction
Locally owned by animal lovers
303-761-7663 | [email protected]
Roofing, Siding, Gutters, Painting and other
construction related services. Mention this ad
and we will make a donation to MaxFund for
every job completed.
Strait Line Roofing Services
Your choice for residential and commercial roofing;
including asphalt, tile, metal, E.P.D.M. and
repairs. Insurance specialists. A+ BBB member.
Donation to MaxFund made in your name.
(720) 331-1803 or
Colorado Custom Sheds | Nathan Bray
Cell: (650) 208-3885 • Landline: (303) 670-3396
[email protected]
Cats or Dogs – Pain Inflamation Healing –
Back, Neck, Ears, Bladder, etc.
Dr. Bill Suro | MaxFund Wellness Center
(303) 595-0532
Christina M. Bara, NCMT
(303) 750-5458
Massage Heals More Than the Body...
MaxFund Wellness Center
1000 Inca St., Denver, CO | (303) 595-0532
Dr. Bill Suro, Dr. David O’Brien, Dr. Jamie Charlie
Low Cost Veterinary Services and Laser Therapy
Open to the public
VCA Douglas County Animal Hospital
531 Jerry, Castle Rock (303) 688-2480
Dr. Eppard & Associates
Aspen Commons Animal Hospital
1842 S. Parker Rd., Denver, CO 80231
Dr. Bob James (303) 368-4171
Cutting-Edge Energy Therapy Institute
Pet Communication • Trauma Release Therapy
Pat Pattison, CMT CHT PEC
(303) 722-0272 E-mail: [email protected] They give 40% of
each ad placed on their webpage to the
MaxFund. Place your ad on-line. $29.99 for
30 days. Add photo for $1.00.
Beginning to Intermediate
Every Tuesday – Arvada
Every Wednesday – Broomfield
Every Thursday – Englewood
Lanette (303) 216-0600
[email protected]
MaxFund Animal Adoption Center
720 W. 10th Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80204
Inside This Issue!
Long Arm of MaxFund
Meet Some MaxFund Dogs
Volunteer Finds MaxFund
The Scoop
Denver, CO
page 1
page 5
page 8
page 9
9th Consecutive Year We’ve Earned The Public Trust
“Only 2% of the charities we rate have received at least 7 consecutive 4-star
evaluations, indicating that MaxFund consistently executes its mission in a
fiscally responsible way, and outperforms most other charities in America.”
I would like to become a member of MaxFund and help give injured animals with no known owners a
second leash on life. I understand that by becoming a member, I will receive a monthly newsletter.
(Membership is renewable annually and is tax deductible.)
Name: __________________________________________
City:_____________________________________________State:____________Zip: __________
Home Phone Number ______________________________
Work Phone Number (Optional) _____________________
Email Address ___________________________________
MAIL TO: MaxFund Animal Adoption Center • 720 W. 10th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80204 • Phone (720) 266-6081