INTERVIEW ACHIM HICKMANN “QUALITY PERFUME IS WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO US!” OBTAINER: Mr. Hickmann, EVORA has premium tion carries weight, and we offer our clients a consultation quality cosmetics, such as those from Dr. Nabet, to determine what scent is right for them. Quality perfume and in addition, high quality perfumes. EVORA sells is what is most important to us. We save on everything else; only „Eau de Parfums.“ What does that mean? apart from the commission, that is :- ). We use standardized bottles, individually printed with the name of the scent. Achim Hickmann: There are various levels of quality among perfumes, which are made of alcohol, perfume oil, and wa- Perfumes are purely a matter of taste, and have to ter. The most expensive ingredient is perfume oil: the more suit the particular person wearing them. What does oil used in production, the better and more expensive the EVORA‘s product portfolio of scents and perfumes scent. look like? Can everyone find „their own scent“? Are there trends, as in fashion? Mostly Eau de Toilettes are marketed, because they are cheaper to produce. An Eau de Toilette is generally made up Perfumes are divided into families of scent, such as fresh, flow- of between 4 and 8 percent perfume oil. Eau de Parfum is ery, fruity, or oriental notes, for example. Naturally, we offer more valuable, and generally consists of 8 to 15 percent per- scents from all of these families, and also their sub-groupings. fume oil. Given that most consumers are not aware of these With over 20 different scents for women, and 15 for men, ev- differences, they often buy what is supposedly the more eryone can find their favorite. Real trends are seldom, and cost-effective variety. EVORA is about quality, and so we of- when they appear, we incorporate them immediately. fer only Eau de Parfums, all of which are made up of 15% perfume oil. “EVORA IS ABOUT QUALITY, AND SO WE OFFER ONLY EAU DE PARFUMS, ALL OF WHICH ARE MADE UP OF 15% PERFUME OIL.” Who is responsible for the development of new perfumes and scents at EVORA? How should we imag- You yourself have a lot of experience with perfume, ine the process, from conception to the finished bot- thanks to your past with LR. What makes a good per- tled product? How do you know that a new scent is fume and how can a person recognize quality? How good, and that it will please the customer? can someone find the perfect perfume for them? In the house of EVORA, Ms. Matousek is responsible for all Perfumers judge a perfume according to different criteria product development. When we recognize specific trends in as a consumer. For them, the development and harmony of our market research, we contract the perfumers we work with scents is very important. Consumers on the other hand want to develop a flowery scent, for example, which should either a perfume that pleases them. It should last long on the skin, smell sporty, seductive, or eccentric. Then, suggestions are de- and should not by any means have an obtrusive smell. The veloped until we are happy with the results. The variation of „perfect“ perfume first pleases the person wearing it, and the scent we decide upon is ultimately then produced in large then many, many others. quantities and filled into bottles. Simultaneous to production, a fitting name for the perfume is generated. In doing so, we have Perfumes from renowned designers or stars can been using the names of islands for women‘s scents, and city easily cost 50 EUR, and prices above 100 EUR are names for men‘s. How well the perfume is received among cli- not out of the ordinary. EVORA on the other hand, ents becomes clear in the following months. is offering women 50 ml bottles of Eau de Parfums for 19.50 EUR, and men 100ml for 25 EUR. How can What portion of the EVORA afford to offer such a quality product to its total product portfolio clients for so little? does the perfume line make up? Many clients buy a perfume because they like the advertis- 116 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 05/2011 ing. So a lot of money is paid out for ads. That can quickly Our perfumes are of sig- add up to campaigns costing 20 to 50 million, if not more. nificant value to us, be- Without this advertising, perfumes just cannot be sold in cause of the ease with traditional stores. Designs and licensing, for celebrities for which they can be sold, example, push prices even higher. Over 80% of the sales particularly in compari- price is not invested in the actual product, the scent, but in son to products that need its marketing. In direct marketing, a personal recommenda- explaining. 05/2011 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 117 A host of products can be sold over the telephone Recently, EVORA Perfumes has released a „Star Edi- What do the new scents mean or Internet. As a consumer, you even take the risk tion“. The Turkish singer CanKan has his own perfume for the Turkish market – or of ordering fashion without trying it on first, just by with EVORA. Is CanKan only a marketing instrument, for the German market, given looking at pictures of the product. That is not the as among other perfume vendors that hire stars for that many of CanKan, Dogus, and case for scents, because a consumer of perfume gen- marketing, or is there a larger story behind this deci- Aylince‘s countrymen live in Germa- erally wants to know how the product smells. sion? How did the agreement between EVORA and ny? CanKan develop and what is the nature of your coopThe marketing possibilities for business partners eration? over the Internet are equally limited in that respect. As of yet, we are not active in Turkey, but in the long term that will unavoidably change. At the moment, our Turkish clients Offering an English consumer a perfume while in CanKan learned about our business through an EVORA con- in Germany, Austria, and BeNeLux are very happy with the Germany is surely complicated. Is the fact that it sultant, and he then also started up as a consultant, because he perfumes. really is a personal „face-to-face“ business an ad- immediately recognized the business‘ possibilities. His favorite vantage or disadvantage for business partners mar- products were the Power Pearls and the EvoCell Series. In a short Will EVORA at some point offer scents from German keting EVORA perfumes? How can the Internet time, he built up an organization made up of hundreds of part- stars, or other international stars? What criteria nonetheless be helpful in selling perfume? ners. We chose to recognize his commitment by producing a scent have to be met, or, how are stars chosen? for women and one for men, which he was able to help develop. You can of course describe a perfume with pretty words on We are open to cooperation with German stars. For us, iden- the internet, and clients would respond by ordering, but you CanKan was the first member of EVORA perfumes‘ new tifying with EVORA and its products is the prerequisite to any would also have to count on a lot of returns in the process, „Star Concept.“ The singer Aylince also now has her cooperation. because the scent does not meet a client‘s expectations. That own perfume, and in July a scent by the Turkish musi- is why our consultants sell perfumes only in the course of cian and star Dogus will begin being marketed. What is Which perfume is your personal favorite? Which one personal meetings, during which clients can smell and try the philosophy behind the new marketing concept? Are do you wear? out the perfumes. stars‘ scents helpful to all of EVORA‘s business partners? How should we imagine a sales presentation? Would Because I find myself at the source, I of course use a number of different perfumes, chosen according to my mood. Riva, the business partner have all of the EVORA scents What makes our star concept special is that we do not hire celeb- Oman and the CanKan perfume Marivkan are my favorites. with as samples, and the client can try all of the per- rities in and sell perfumes in their name. Our stars identify with In the women‘s line of perfumes, I especially like Masira, and fumes out, just like in a shop? EVORA and actively sell the perfumes themselves, along with then Madeira and the Aylince perfume. other EVORA products, and as consultants they are also building That is exactly how it happens, and it works great. up their own organizations. Thank you very much for talking with us. 05/2011 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 119 FRAGRANCE OF THE STARS: CANKAN, DOGUS & AYLINCE SMELLING LIKE THE GREAT STARS FROM THE WORLD’S STAGES WITH THE CELEBRITY FRAGRANCES BY EVORA FOR MEN AND WOMEN During an interview with OBTAINER, Fatih Altintas CanKan: At first, I wanted to build a consultant organization CanKan: I am 1,000 % satified if that was possible. How do these products? How do you like them? Are you sell- alias CanKan, Orhan Baltaci alias Dogus, Aylin Balci and I did that. We only had the idea for a personal fragrance you describe a fragrance - it simply smells good. ing these products as well or just your own perfume? alias Aylince tell how they were involved in creating later. Dogus: Yes, same here. Of course, my perfume smells better CanKan: We started with the EVORA business before we had than Cankan‘s. our own perfumes. My favorites, besides the perfume, are the the EVORA fragrances. Dogus: It was the same for me. The focus is on building the OBTAINER: As musicians you are stars in Turkey, Ger- EVORA business. I consider the personal fragrance a Thank many and many other countries. People think one hit You from EVORA for my dedication. is enough for retirement and still you are distribution Power Pearls and die EvoCell skin care line. Aylince: Mornings, mid-days and evenings. I’d love to bathe in this perfume. It is fantastic. partners at Evora with your own fragrances. Do stars Aylince: It is quite crazy to have a personal perfume. It is lots these days have to be also business men and women of fun to sell EVORA products and to create excitement for OBTAINER: The network marketing industry pro- in addition to being artists? Is a pure career in music this business in other people. vides the opportunity to pursue this career based on with concerts and CD sales not sufficient anymore? Dogus: I got to know the EVORA buiness through the Power Pearls and the EvoCell products. These are really good cosmetic products. flexible time management. There are part-time net- Aylince: It was the same for me, and in the meantime I became OBTAINER: How much were you involved in the de- workers who work three to five hours per week up acquainted with the products by Dr. Nabet. I didn’t think that CanKan: One never knows how long the success lasts in the mu- velopment of the fragrances, the perfume bottles and to full-time networkers who don’t do anything else there are such great cosmetic products out there. With the Re- sic business. A second leg to stand on provides lots of security. the packaging? How did the collaboration with Evora but networking. How much time are you putting into vitaxin mask I looked five years younger right away, and I like work? operating your Evora business and how well does it to spray on the Zen Lotion before and during my concerts. cut across with your music career or can it even be Dogus: There are lots of artists in Turkey who were only successful with one or two hits and then found themselves left CanKan: I was involved in all processes starting from the fra- empty-handed. grance to the flacon to the packaging design. I was even allowed to choose the name “Marivkan“. OBTAINER: How did you actually get involved in the integrated? OBTAINER: What are your plans and goals for 2011, of course as musicians on one hand but on the other CanKan: I am focusing on my music career but when I see hand also as Evora distribution partners? What can how much time I spend with EVORA I am asking myself what we expect? network marketing industry? Were you already famil- Dogus: It was very easy. I described what I had in mind and is really my main business. Due to our celebrity status, the iar with the business model? EVORA realized my wishes. music career and the EVORA business can be joined together CanKan: I am working on a new album right now, and after- well. wards I plan to fully focus on building my organization. The CanKan: Someone I knew told me about it. After the EVORA Aylince: I liked the way we developed the fragrance, too. EVO- business had been explained to me in detail I was fascinated RA had already done good work ahead of time and getting the Dogus: Although, Fatih is the crazier networker I also use ev- with the opportunities. details down worked really well. Now I have my favourite per- ery opportunity to talk about the EVORA business. goal is the highest career level. fume in my favourite bottle with my favourite name. also to be able to live off of the EVORA income alone. Aylince: During my concerts, I always get talking with my Dogus: Fatih (Cankan) explained network marketing to me with so much enthusiasm. OBTAINER: Now you have your own fragrance. Do fans. And that can quickly go into the direction of additional Aylince: For me, fun is most important. I want to create ex- the perfumes correspond with your character, your income and fragrance. citement in people with my music and with the EVORA busi- OBTAINER: How did you learn about Evora and where essence? Are you satisfied with the final products and did the idea come from to launch a personal fragrance can you identify with them 100%? Please describe the OBTAINER: In addition to perfume, Evora also offers to the market? character and specifics of your fragrance! cosmetics and skin care products. Did you already try 120 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 05/2011 Dogus: I am focusing on the music right now. The goal has ness. OBTAINER: Thank you very much for this interview. 05/2011 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 121