
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
March, 2016
Places of the Passion: Lenten Midweek and Holy Week Series
The scenes of Lent are familiar. The Upper Room, the Garden of Gethsemane, the halls of Pontius Pilate,
and the hill of Golgotha—these are the places we remember when we meditate on our Lord’s Passion. Yet
when Jesus enters a place, He never leaves it as He found it. The most troubling places in our lives become the
most amazing places of God’s grace when Jesus visits them.
For this reason, in our midweek Lenten series, we will read and contemplate Luke’s account of our Lord’s
Passion. Each week, we will read a different section of the story; and each week, Luke will take us to a different
place, the places of the Passion.
Our focus, however, will not be on these physical places. Instead, we will gaze in wonder on the spiritual
work that our Lord does there. Jesus will share His strength in our times of weakness. He will fill us with His
praise in the midst of our sorrow. Week after week, we will enter the places of the Passion only to discover our
Lord . . . waiting for us . . . willing to share with us a love that was set in place before the foundations of the
Plan to come to our Lenten services this year. Prepare to enter into these places of devotion, for there, your
Lord will meet you, sharing with you His wondrous love that saves a fallen world.
Midweek of Lent 3: “The Betrayal: A Place of Eternal Love” (Luke 22:47–53)
Midweek of Lent 4: “The Courtyard: A Place of Renewal” (Luke 22:54–62)
Midweek of Lent 5: “The Trial: A Place of God’s Will” (Luke 22:63–23:25)
Holy Thursday: “The Last Supper: A Place of Forgiveness” (Luke 22:7–23)
Good Friday: Tenebrae Service (Service of Darkness)
Easter: “The Empty Tomb: A Place of Remembering” (Luke 24:1–11)
A word form Pastor McCarty
Dear Fellow Redeemed,
Here we are almost halfway through the forty
days in Lent. We started our journey on Ash
Wednesday, February 10th and together we have
marched onward towards the focal point of the
Lenten season, which culminates in the sacrificial
death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ upon a
rough and rugged, old wooden cross. For many
people this is not where they want to end up. It is
a gruesome sight to behold and one that causes us
to anguish over the fact that Jesus died a horrible
death, one He did not deserve to go through. It
was not fair, it was not right for such an event to
have taken place. Why did it happen? Why was
this tragedy not stopped? It is so painful to think
about and so devastating to imagine people could
be so hateful. And yet, we too have to admit how
we were involved in placing Jesus on that cross.
Our sins played a part in why our Savior went
willingly to His death on Calvary. He went so you
and I might have forgiveness of our sins and the
hope of eternal life spent in the new Heaven and
the new Earth which God has planned for all who
are in Christ.
As we continue to experience the events of the
Lord’s Passion through the various worship
services here at Emmanuel, and especially through
the readings which give us an accurate account of
Jesus’ life, suffering, and death, may our eyes be
open to the magnitude of God’s love for each and
every one of us. While we were yet sinners, Christ
sacrificially gave Himself up in humble obedience
to the Father, so that the plan of salvation would
be successfully carried out. Let us cry out in
thanksgiving, “O what great love is this, O my
soul, O my soul; O what great love is this O my
In response to our Lord’s show of His
wondrous love, it should be our desire as people
of God to be in His holy house on Sunday
mornings and Wednesday evenings, so we might
come before Him in humble adoration with
repentant hearts. To instill this point, I would like
to encourage each of you to take the opportunity
to read the words of a Lenten hymn in our
Lutheran Service Book. The hymn I am
referencing is “Jesus, I Will Ponder Now.”
Certainly, the message conveyed by this powerful
hymn is something which I believe should stir
your soul and Christ-centered spirit to faithful
I am sure we are all quite aware of the fact that
Lent is definitely a time of preparation, reflection,
and repentance. But for those of us who are in
Christ all does not end at the cross, for there is so
much more we have to excitedly wait for. What a
joyful day we have to look forward to in the
celebration of Easter and the glorious resurrection
of the Lord of Life, Jesus Christ. This is the
culmination of the Christian faith and the blessing
we bask in as believers. If Jesus had not risen from
the dead, we would simply be worshiping a dead
Jesus. But because God raised Him from the dead
on the first Easter morning, we, too, shall be raised
from the dead and will live forever with Him in
eternal glory.
One of my favorite Easter songs is “I Know
That My Redeemer Lives.” What sweet comfort
this sentence gives. I can boldly tell you, this great
hymn has given me assurance and hope which has
carried me throughout the difficult times of my life.
I am confident in the promise made by my Lord in
John11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he
live, and everyone who lives and believes in me
shall never die.” We are the recipients of this
beautiful promise, so we should be living as people
of hope. And since we have this assurance, it is our
calling to share the Good News with others.
We are offering many opportunities for you to
invite family and friends to experience the
awesomeness of the Passion of our Lord and His
glorious resurrection. As earlier noted, we have the
Sunday morning and Wednesday night services
during Lent. Then we have worship during Holy
Week on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and
Good Friday. Finally, the grand finale celebration
of our risen Savior will take place on Easter Sunday
at 7:00 and 10:30 a.m. Now is the time to be bold
in sharing our faith, let us not miss it. Invite! Invite!
One last announcement: We will be doing a
Cross Walk again on Good Friday from 2-3 pm. We
will begin the event at the northwest end of the
Britton School parking lot. Come join us!
Bless, Pastor McCarty
The Board of Elders
Inside This Issue
2 – A Word from the Pastor
3 – Membership Actions/Bd. of Elders
4 – Bd. of Education
5 – Bd. of Fellowship/Church Nursery
6 – Bd. of Publicity
7 – Bd. of Stewardship
8 – Bd. of Trustees
9 – Bible Study Opportunities
10 – Worship Servants
11 – Birthdays, Baptisms, Anniversary
12 – Prayer Lists
13 – Broadcast Guide
14 – Life Quotes
15 – Operation Christmas Child
16 – Help Your Children Save Money
17 – Contact Us
The Board of Elders met February 22nd.
Just a reminder, about our Lenten worship
schedule. We have a 6:00 pm Soup/
Supper followed by 7:00 pm Worship,
every Wednesday of Lent through March
16. Holy Week services will be held as
follows: Maundy Thursday, March 24,
evening service 7:00 pm, Good Friday
March 25, evening service 7:00 pm, March
27, Easter Sunrise Service, 7:00 am.
Easter Breakfast at 8:30 am, and Easter
Late Service, 10:30 am. We look forward
to having you worship with us throughout
The board has asked the sheriff’s
department to patrol near our church
grounds on Sunday mornings. Also, ten
minutes after church service starts, all doors
will be locked except for the door near the
church office entrance.
We’re also working to update our Sunday
morning Checklist for the Elders.
February 8th, the board gave our church
secretary Teresa Bohannon a performance
Membership Actions
Name: Patti Schultz
New Address: 360 N. Main St.
Britton, MI 49229
Members: Mike, Angie, Gavin, Aubree Gwilt
Transferr: St. John’s Luthern Church,
Adrian, MI
Date: February 22, 2016
Member: Karl Kempf
Peaceful Release
Date: February 22, 2016
The next Board of Elders meeting is
scheduled for March 21, 6:00 pm
Michael Korunka
Director of Elders
The Board of Education
Opportunities to Nurture Your Faith!
It is God’s intention that all Christians – children,
youth and adults – grow and learn. The Lord Jesus,
our Savior and Redeemer, has given the Church the
command to bring the children to Him that they may
find hope in the promise of everlasting life. Please
consider helping and supporting our Pastor and
teachers as they assist in nurturing the baptismal
faith of our “little lambs.” The Lord has given us the
task, the privilege, and the means to nurture the
faith of each member of Emmanuel’s family. Please
be a shining example and let your light shine. Join us
for one of our Bible Studies, Sunday School, and
Confirmation classes and get involved in God’s Word.
Sunday Adult Bible Study:
Time: 9-10:15 am
Location: Church Fellowship Hall
Topic: “Exploring All the Scary Things in Revelation.”
Sunday School:
Time: 9-10:15 am
Location: Preschool-4th grade classrooms in the
lower level. 5th-8th grades upstairs (2nd floor in the
purple room)
Wednesday Bible Study:
Time: 9-10;15 am
Location: Church Fellowship Hall
Classes will resume in April
Wednesday Confirmation:
Time: 6-7:30 pm
Location: Meets in the purple room down from
Pastor’s Office.
Topic: Luther’s Small Catechism
Saturday Men’s Bible Study:
Time: 8:00 am
Location: Meets in the Church Fellowship Hall
Topic: Focus On the Family Video Bible Study
Series “That Man May Know.” It is an extremely
informative study done in the Holy Land by
theologian and historian Ray Vander Laan.
Jesus loves you always and forever no
matter what! That’s the message that
children will take away from this “farmtastic” experience at Barnyard Roundup.
We will explore the concepts of the wellloved words from Psalm 23: The Lord as our
Shepherd is present with us, provides for us, and
protects us now and forever. These truths come to
life for children through the imagery of the farm,
giving 21st century context to the five Bible
accounts including the feeding of the 5,000, the
parable of the sower, and Jesus appearing to Mary.
Through these lessons, kids will learn to step out in
faith, confident in Jesus’ love for them.
If you are interesting in purchasing a t-shirt for VBS
this year, please let Bonnie Turner
know. We will be placing an order
in early May. The shirts are $8.99,
sizes youth XS to youth L and
adults S – 3x.
Registration will be opening in April for all ages.
What a privilege it is to serve you, serve with you, and
be served by you in Christ’s name!
Bonnie Turner
Camp Concordia Early Birds
Register for summer camp before March 1st and
receive 10% off Sunday - Friday camps for
grades 3-12. Go to
today, or call 616-754-3785 for a summer
Camp Concordia
13400 Pinewood St NE
Gowen, MI 49326
The Board of Fellowship
Greetings in Christ! Our activity level is
ramping up as the warmer weather
approaches-thanks to everyone who attended
our New Year's & Valentine's Day coffee
hours! There will be no coffee hour in March;
our Easter Breakfast celebration will take its
Thank you to the Fellowship committee, the
friends of fellowship and the Youth group for
hosting the first three Lenten suppers. An
average of 28-30 have been attending-thank
you for your support! Education will host the
supper on 3-2-16 & Carolyn Reitz will host the
meal on 3-9-16, while LWML will host the meal
on 3-16-16. Please join us at 6 PM for a hearty
meal before the 7 PM service.
Easter Breakfast will be served at 8:15 AM on
Sunday 3-27-16 in the Fellowship Hall. A
donation sheet is posted in the narthex for
those that can help out. The free will offering
will go towards the fund for the new Nativity
scene. We will try a new flow pattern this yearthose attending should come down the steps
from the narthex (or take the elevator) and use
the hallway by the classrooms to enter the
Fellowship Hall and go through the food line
before sitting down.
Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, 3-15-16
at 7 PM at Tim Horton's in Tecumseh to make
our final plans for Easter Breakfast. All are
welcome to join us! Thanks to Joann Bartush
& Anita Faust for their donations of washcloths
and dishtowels for the kitchen.
In Christ,
Dr. Lorrie, Tammy, Sue Ellen, Anita, Lolly &
The Church Nursery
For the month of March, we will be
Curriculum” in the nursery. We will be
learning that “Jesus is with us when
we’re scared” & “Jesus is alive” with
our friend “Cuddles” the lamb. We
welcome all infants,
preschoolers to come
about Jesus with us.
If anyone would like to
volunteer to help out in
the nursery, please let
me know.
Nicole Garner
The Board of Publicity
Members of Emmanuel:
If you noticed our nativity set display this past
Christmas, you may have seen there are several
items that are in disrepair. For this reason, the
Board of Publicity will be running a fund raising
campaign. The funds will be used to purchase a
new outside nativity set for the Church. If you
would like to contribute to this fund, please use
your envelope for Designated Offerings and
write nativity set.
LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE: At Emmanuel this
year, we will be joining many other churches
across this nation and other countries in the
Operation Christmas Child program. This
program runs all year long, Each month a
designated item is collected until the end of
November. In November all the items are packed
into a shoe box and distributed to children
around the world. To be on schedule, we have a
little catching up to do. For the month of January,
the items where hats, gloves and scarves. For
February the item is accessories, such as
children's sun glasses, jewelry etc. In March, the
items are quality crafts. Please help put a smile
on a child's face this coming Christmas. Nicole
Garner is heading up this program at Emmanuel.
If you have a question, please talk to her for more
information. We need your help to make this
program a success.
F.Y.I. Did you know that Emmanuel has a Love
Fund. You may ask yourself, what's it for? The
Love Fund was established to help our fellow
members in times of emergencies, when
unforeseen things happen in life. If you are in
need, please contact Pastor. If you would like to
contribute to this fund, mark a plain envelope
with the words- Love Fund. Thank you in
advance for your help.
Upcoming and ongoing events at Emmanuel:
March 12th: The Cub Scouts will be having
their Pine Wood Derby.
June 17th: The American Red Cross will have
a blood drive at Emmanuel Starting at 12
noon until 6 P.M.
June 20-26 Vacation Bible School will present
the program titled "Backyard Rodeo" starting
time 6 P.M. until 8 P.M.
Please remember, Right Now Media is
available to members of Emmanuel on the web.
Director of Publicity, Wayne Davis
The Board of Stewardship
Do Not Be Afraid!
“A young man dressed in a white robe
. . . said, ‘You are looking for Jesus the
Nazarene, Who was crucified. He has risen!
He is not here. See the place where they
laid Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter
. . .’ ” (Mark 16:5-7).
“Trembling and bewildered, the
women went out and fled from the tomb.
They said nothing to anyone, because they
were afraid” (Mark 16:8).
Who wouldn’t tremble and be afraid!
You go to anoint a body to prepare it for a
proper burial, but the body is missing. Then
some ethereal creature tells you the body
isn’t there because it is no longer dead but
alive. Who could take it in? “Don’t be
alarmed” the man in white said. Yeah,
Yet, looking back, perhaps the women
remembered the thousands He had fed
with only two fish and five loaves of bread
(Matthew 14:15-21). Maybe they thought
again about the raising of Lazarus from the
dead (John 11:38-44). After all, He was the
one who had stilled the raging sea (Mark
Somewhere, sometime, that trembling
and bewilderment turned to joy and faith,
for they did go tell His disciples and Peter
(Matthew 28:8). And Jesus met them and
greeted them, and they worshipped Him.
“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Do not be afraid.
Go and tell My brothers . . .’ ” (Matthew
Jesus’ last command is the same
as this one: Don’t be afraid. Go and
tell. We can understand the fear of
the women at the empty tomb. What
are we afraid of?
Trouble? Or
hardship? Persecution? Or famine?
Nakedness? Or danger? Or sword?
There is no fear in these things! “No, in
all these things we are more than
conquerors through Him Who loved
us” (Romans 8:35, 37). We have the
benefit of history. The women at the
tomb couldn’t fathom the outcome,
but we have God’s Word that assures
us of our victory in Christ. We have His
promise, “And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age”
(Matthew 28:20). So don’t be afraid!
Go and tell!
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
“But He was pierced for our
transgressions, He was crushed
for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5).
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees had some unexpected
expenses the last couple of months.
The water pump at the parsonage had to be
replaced due to a crack in the unit. Gordon and
Sons Well Drilling replaced it with a stainless
steel pump.
The water softener at the church had a leak due
to being rusted. Bailey's Water Care installed
a new unit.
All of the thermostats at the church were
replaced by programmable thermostats that
can be controlled from your computer, tablet, or
iPhone. These thermostats will allow us to
have better control of all the rooms. These
thermostats were installed by Garner Heating
and Cooling,
Also during a routine inspection of the heat
exchanges on the North side of the church, one
of the units had a crack. This could have
caused a dangerous situation, as carbon
monoxide could have leaked into the building.
Convertible Gas/electric See4 was installed by
Garner Heating and Cooling in February.
The second unit could possibly have to be
replaced at any time.
Other expenses coming up in the near
future, is the old boiler in the furnace room
will have to be replaced.
The roof on the East side of the church will
have to be replaced as shingles have been
blowing off. Terry Faust has already
replaced 3 squares of shingles in the past
three years.
Please pray and consider giving a donation
to the Improvement Fund.
Thank you!
Bill Keehn, Direcctor
Saturday Mornings at 8:00 am
That Man May Know
By: Focus on the Family
Focus On the Family Video
Bible Study “That the
World May Know” is an
extremely informative
study done in the Holy
Land by theologian and
historian Ray Vander
Sunday Morning Bible Class
9:00 am
Come and enjoy a delicious breakfast,
fellowship with brothers in the faith,
and learning about various Biblical
locations in the Holy Land!
Study on the Book of “Revelation”
This class will not meet until
Wednesday, April 6th at 9:00 am.
See you there!
Worship Servants for
Greeters: Darlene Gergely (Captain)
Louise Vershum ~ 3/6, 3/13
Rita Horton: 3/6, 3/13
Elders: Ken Huner ~ 3/6, 3/20,, 3/27 (Late)
Mike Korunka ~ 3/2, 3/9, 3/13, 3/16
3/24, 3/25, 3/27 Early)
Don Schroeder ~ 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/25
Elder Assistants: Rudy Meyer ~ 3/6, 3/13,
3/20, 3/27 (Late)
Jerry Pape ~ 3/24
Harry Jones ~ 3/27 (Early)
Ushers: Dan Wilke ~ 3/6, 3/20
Paul & Mark Prielipp ~ 3/13, 3/27 (Late)
Jerry & Matt Pape ~ 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/25
Matt Pape ~ 3/24
3/27 (Early Service volunteers needed)
Acolytes: Gibson Wilke ~ 3/6, 3/20
Chesney Wilke ~ 3/13, 3/27 (Late)
Keeley Pape ~ 3/2, 3/9,, 3/16, 3/24, 3/25
Evan Korunka ~ 3/27 (Early)
Lectors: Kathryn Mohr ~ 3/2
Carrie Schlea ~ 3/6
Yvonne Bigelow ~ 3/9
Rudy Meyer ~ 3/13
Yvonne Bigelow ~ 3/16
Lorrie Tritt ~ 3/20
June McCarty ~ 3/24
Susan Faust ~ 3/27 (Early)
Liz Harris (Late)
Altar Care: Susan Faust
IF YOU HAVE any comments, questions or
suggestions, please contact any one of our
Liz Harris, Bud Butler: 3/20, 3/27
Jane Griggs: 3/20, 3/27
Lenten Services: Darlene Gergely~
Liz Harris ~ 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/24, 3/25,
3/27 (Early Volunteers Needed)
Tellers: Rudy Meyer, Vickie Meyer,
Beth Loesch
March 1 ~ Connie Garner
4 ~ Sarah Bartush
Elizabeth Wolf
7 ~ Lennie Day
Elloisa Guzman
8 ~ Jared Davis
11 ~ Rita Horton
Lylla Kinnick
12 ~ John Wielfaert
13 ~ Ed Tritt
14 ~ Brandon Garner
19 ~ Susan Dancer
Matthew Vallad
20 ~ Larry Turner
21 ~ Jeffrey Helm
22 ~ Grace Hoelzer
Dixie Smith
23 ~ Kim Huner
Claudia Rincon
24 ~ Jaxen Barnett
Megan Barnett
25 ~ Joyce Conrad
26 ~ Sally Schafer
Paige Goody
28 ~ Makenna Havens
29 ~ Cenobla Guzman
31 ~ Michael Hintz Jr.
Charlene Peitrowski
Brittany Wielfaert
March 1 ~ Beth Alcock
3 ~ Bruce Siebarth
5 ~ Bud Butler
7 ~ Jaxon Phillip
9 ~ Joseph Downard
Rebekah Moeller
13 ~ Gavin Gwilt
15 ~ Rebecca Tritt
16 ~ Natalie McNicol
21 ~ Grace Gimesky
23 ~ Nicole Garner
Lucas Wielfaert
25 ~ Doug Holezer
Ella Shepherd
30 ~ Bradley Faust
Cenobia Guzman
Elloisa Guzman
Glanna Guzman
March 12 ~ Larry and Bonnilee Turner
Tiffany Gross
Dolores Ziobro (mother of Lorrie Tritt)
Helen Schmidt
Paul Schafer
Melvin Scheffler
Sue Gwilt
Laura Anderson (daughter of Darlene Gergely)
Ginger Clark (daughter of Darlene Gergely)
Jeanne Kennedy (niece of Helen Schmidt)
Dorothy Helm
Bud Butler
Ed and Lois Schmidt
Inge Williams
David Wielfaert
Velma Brown
Lennie Day
Jerry Williams (grandson of Helen Schmidt)
Charles Williams (son-in-law of Helen Schmidt)
Bruce Siebarth
Matt Schwartz (friend of Sue-Ellen Smith)
Terry Welsh (father of Cori Roberts)
Nancy Orban
Kathy Trapp
Terry Merritt (husband of Laura Merritt)
Margaret Schroeder
Cambrian Assisted Living
Family Prayer:
We remember all our families during times
of personal and family trial and tribulation.
Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Wolf
Broadcast Guide
D and P Communications
We are pleased to announce
Emmanuel has become part of the
community access advertising on
Channel 21, watch for updates!
97.7 9:00 PM
96.5 6:30 PM
WSAE-FM 96.5 11:00 AM
(Radio dates and times subject to change)
Worship for Shut-ins 6:30 a.m. on TV 40
Listen to “THE LUTHERAN HOUR” every Sunday
with Rev. Gregory Seltz on the following radio
dials: Adrian, WNDH (103.1) @ 12:00PM &
WNDH (103.1) @ 12:00PM; Ann Arbor, WAAM
(1600) @ 9:00AM; Detroit, WDFN (1130) @
6:30AM; WRDT (560) @ 12:00PM; Sarnia,
Canada, CHOK (1070) @ 8:30AM; Jackson,
WKMH (970) @ 9:00AM & 11:00AM; Lapeer
WMPC (1230) @ 7:30AM; Port Huron, WHLS
(1450) & WHLS (1590) @ 5:00AM; Toledo, WPOS
(103.1) @ 7:00AM; KAWZ (99.5) @ 10:00AM;
WWYC (1560) @ 10:00AM. Visit RealAudio on
the Internet at
March 6
"Reconciled Reconcilers"
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr.
Gregory Seltz
Through forgiveness, God gives us
another way to deal with people who
have hurt us.
(2 Corinthians 5:17-20)
March 13
"It's Worth the Sacrifice"
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr.
Gregory Seltz
God calls us to be the right people
in the wrong place, for the sake of
(Philippians 3:8-14)
March 20
"Strive for What You Already Have"
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr.
Gregory Seltz
Christianity is about putting to work
what God has already given us, in
(Philippians 2:5-11)
March 27
"An Unbeliever's Sermon"
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr.
Gregory Seltz
Pastor Ken Klaus asked several nonbelieving friends to help him write
his Easter sermon. Hear what they
(Luke 24:5-6)
“Life Quotes”
Coffee Hour is held the third Sunday
of the month.
Come have a cup of coffee and enjoy
the fellowship!
by our Library!
Check out our new
There are books for
adults and children. Check them
out soon!
Britton Care and Share Food
Pantry needs your support for this
year-round cause.
They need non-perishsable food
and items such as paper products
and hygiene items. Please place
your items in the box in the
narthex. Thank you!
March 7 - “I think it is vital that society
understands and appreciates the sanctity of
every human life whether it is a developing child
in the womb or somebody approaching the end
of their life. When I graduate and become a
doctor I am hoping to be able to use my skills to
help save lives. I think abortion is never the
answer and hope that one day, as a doctor, I will
be able to help women to make the right
decision.” Siobhan Fearon, 19, of Hull York
Medical School This “Life Quote” is from
Lutherans For Life –
March 14 - “Either all human life—from unborn
children to demented mothers and fathers—is
created … and therefore infinitely precious, or
humans are nothing but the result of mere
chance, indistinguishable morally from a sand
flea. The choice society makes will determine
whether the most vulnerable among us will be
respected and protected … or whether we will
‘put them down’ when they become a burden.”
Chuck Colson, author and founder of Prison
Fellowship This “Life Quote” is from Lutherans
For Life –
March 21 - “Next time you worship, don’t be
afraid to look around you. You may see Jesus in
the face of a child, or the smile of a teen, or the
tears of a friend. You might understand the
value of life through the rhythm of a breathing
tube, or the unfolding of a walker, or the chatter
of a toddler. Above all, your life will be given
value through the means of grace—gifts from
the God who created us, redeemed us, and
continues to sanctify us. Come to the Source of
Light—then go out and let it shine!” Karen
Frohwein, Lutherans For Life of Iowa This “Life
Quote” is from Lutherans For Life –
March 28 - “[When] you devalue one life, you
devalue all lives.” Bobby Schindler, brother of
Terri Schindler Schiavo and advocate for the
cognitively disabled. This “Life Quote” is from
Lutherans For Life –
Lutherans for Life….
Emmanuel’s Wish List
Camera to video worship services
Church logo
Church logo window decal sticker
Church L.E.D. outside signage
Desk for Pastor
Dry erase board (white board)
Nativity Set
Outdoor pavilion
Pave the North driveway approach
Stainless steel drinking fountain for the
fellowship hall
Updated playground
Operation Christmas Child demonstrates
God's love to children in need worldwide
by delivering gift-filled shoeboxes and the
good news of Jesus Christ!
March’s item of the month is “quality
crafts”. Some people choose to knit,
crochet or sew hand crafted items for the
children to put in the shoes boxes. Some
people put together small craft kits that the
children can make themselves. Other
ideas are
making necklaces, bracelets,
hair bows, etc. Stickers, paper, markers,
anything crafty for the month of March!
Thank you for your help with this mission
to let children know God loves them!
Nicole Garner
Help Your Children Learn
to Save Money
The Church Extension Fund Stamp
Program is a good investment for
children and a great teaching tool for
parents who want to teach their
children to save. Kids buy stamps to
put in a savings book. Filled books
are mailed and the savings grows.
Adults can participate, too! No one is
too old or too young to begin an
account. Start the Savings Habit!
Contact LCEF at 800.843.5233
Stamps may also be purchased online!
Books for Children and Teens
From CPH
Jump into books that teach children
about their Savior, Jesus Christ! Our
biblical books and stories, coloring and
activity books, Hear Me Read books,
and beloved Arch® Books series engage
children in the Bible and deepen their
understanding of prayer, devotion, and
Christian life through a Lutheran lens.
Perfect for gifts, quiet bags, and holidays
such as Easter and Christmas, many
books are available in digital and e-book
formats. 800.325.3040
Our Christian books for youth and
teens help young people deal with the
unique pressures in their lives and
grow in prayer, devotion, and faith in
Jesus Christ. Many books are also
available in digital and e-book formats.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
9950 Ridge Hwy.
Britton, MI 49229
Church Office ~ 517-451-8148
Pastor Dave’s Cell Phone ~517-301-0456
Deacon Ken Huner’s Cell Phone ~ 734-395-4945
Email: [email protected]
On the Web:
Wi Fi Network Name ~ Emmanuel - Guest
Password ~ ontheridge
Contact Us
Publisher: Susan Faust
[email protected]
Assistant: June McCarty
[email protected]
3rd Sunday of the month