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Follow us on Social Media - B`nai Torah Congregation
summer 2016
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Introducing B’nai
Torah’s New Logo
Exciting Improvements to
our Building are Underway!
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Our Services
Friday Evening,
Shabbat Services
5:45 p.m. - Mincha
6:00 p.m. - Kabbalat Shabbat, Ma’ariv
Eleanor & Paul Weinerz”l Cultural Center
Saturday Morning,
Shabbat Services
Rabbi David Steinhardt, Rabbi David
Englander, Cantor Boaz Davidoff
8:45 a.m. - Main Sanctuary
(Summer Hours beginning June 25th:
9:00 a.m. - Eleanor & Paul Weinerz”l
Cultural Center)
Keep up with all that’s happening
at B’nai Torah and help us grow
our digital community! Follow us
on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.
And please help us by liking
and sharing our posts.
Havurat Shabbat
A Spirited Shabbat Service for Families
of All Ages - 10:00 a.m.
(Services will resume in the Fall)
Like: B’nai Torah
Congregation - Boca Raton
Minyan Katan (Shabbat)
Grades K-5, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Glassman Chapel (when Hebrew School
is in session only)
Follow: @bnaitorah
Shabbat Mincha/
Glassman Chapel
Weekday Shacharit
Sunday - 8:45 a.m., Glassman Chapel
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.,
Glassman Chapel
Weekday Mincha/
Sunday through Thursday - 5:30 p.m.,
Glassman Chapel
Follow: @bnaitorah
Rabbi David Steinhardt, Senior Rabbi
Rabbi David Englander, Rabbi
Rabbi Rikki Arad, Executive Director
Cantor Udi Spielman, Senior Cantor
Cantor Boaz Davidoff, Cantor
Nancy Goldstein, ECC Education Director
Cathy Berkowitz, MRS Education Director
AviGail Whiting, Synagogue Engagement Coordinator
Beth Herman, Executive Assistant of Education
Claudia Sternberg, Art Director
Debbie Fried, Camp Keshet Director
Elaine Siegell, Rabbi Steinhardt’s Executive Assistant
Elysa Stark, Cultural Arts and Membership Coordinator
In This Issue
5 The Great Debate by Rabbi Steinhardt
14 Introducing Our New Logo
17 TLC Volunteer Opportunities
19 Life Events in our Community
Erica Gordon, ECC Administrator
Francisco Valdez, Maintenance Director
Jacki Kary, Accounting
Judy Schneider, Receptionist
Julie Risisky, Ritual Facilitator
Lauren Berger, Program Coordinator
Leesa Parker, ECC Director of Operations
Loulou Amiel, Senior Staff Accountant
Marc Tardarlo, Security
Paul Goldstein, B’nai Mitzvah Program Director
Penina Bredoff, Melton Site Director
Rachel Kaplan, Director of Communications/Programming
Randi Good, ECC Receptionist
Sam Hitner, Director of Finance
Sharon Chazan, Cantorial Assistant
Summer Faerman, Director of TLC
Toni Miller, Accounting
Zena Gruda, B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator
Rabbi Rikki Arad and B’nai Torah congregants on
the March of the LIving
2015-16 Congregational Officers
Toby Levi*
Mark Glickman*
Executive Vice President
Richard Birdie
Vice President
Jerry Budney
Vice President
Marvin Finkelstein
Vice President
Scott Frank
Vice President
Steve Ginsburg
Seth Marmor
Stan Kutlin
Shelly Gross
Financial Secretary
Women’s League President
Larry Faerman
Men’s Club President
Spencer Sax*
Foundation President
Kenneth Lipman, Esq.
Synagogue Counsel
Michael Berezin
Marcy Kammerman
Elissa Schosheim*
Terry Bresnick
Rob Kantor*
Rick Schuster
Shula Fleischer*
Eric N. Klein*
Benita Segal
Marleen Forkas*
Scott Levin*
Tammy Smith
Bruce Grundt
Julie Risisky
Art Stark
Spencer Sax*
*Ner Tamid Society Member
B’nai Torah’s Ramah Darom 2016 Campers
6261 SW 18th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33433
Phone: (561) 392-8566 | Fax: (561) 362-0990
The Ruth & Edward Taubman ECC: (561) 750-9665
Mirochnick Religious School: (561) 392-8005
Lazy Days of Summer?
Not at B’nai Torah!
by Toby Levi, President
have heard somewhere that we should “roll out those
lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.” However, at B’nai
Torah, these words do not ring true.
We had a very good year in so many respects, and I’d
like to take this opportunity to share some highlights.
Our Selichot service, under the direction of our Senior
Cantor Udi Spielman, has become a tradition and last
year we had over 900 people in attendance and a
25-piece orchestra. Our Concert Series took us on a
spiritual journey from Hazzanut to Kosher Gospel and
we are all looking forward to the 2017 Series celebrating
Cantor Spielman’s 10th anniversary with B’nai Torah.
Our cast of authors and scholars-in-residence was
outstanding – I hope you all had a chance to attend some
of these very thought-provoking lectures. Dr. Robert
Watson returned, as well as Rabbi Donniel Hartman. We
also welcomed Rabbi Matt Berkowitz, David Gregory, and
Alan Dershowitz. We are so lucky to attract authors and
scholars of this caliber.
The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning is
thriving and expanding. Our site director, Penina Bredoff,
was honored with an “Excellence in Recruitment” award
as she took Melton from a moribund program to one that
is exceeding all expectations.
Thanks to Rabbi David Englander and Cantor Paul
Goldstein, our B’nai Mitzvah program has grown and
flourished. Our students truly learn how to engage in
Shabbat services and Torah study thanks to our private
and small-group lessons.
Of course, The Ruth & Edward Taubman Early Childhood
Center - under the direction of Nancy Goldstein continues to be the only accredited Jewish pre-school
in South Palm Beach County. I could write so much
more, but suffice it to say that they have achieved reaccreditation for an additional five years. Kudos to Nancy
and her very talented teachers.
Cathy Berkowitz, director of the Mirochnick Religious
School, was chosen to partner with the William Davidson
Graduate School of Jewish Education at the Jewish
Theological Seminary, as part of an exploration of the
future trajectory of congregational learning. Cathy,
congratulations again.
Rabbi Rikki Arad, our Executive Director, has
accomplished so much since coming to B’nai Torah.
She was instrumental in designing and implementing
the “Bringing Shul Home” initiative which brings the shul
experience into private homes. The Annual Dinner Dance,
honoring Debra and Jerry Kramer, was a great success.
She worked with Dr. Jeffrey and Barbara Feingold in
securing a new Torah for B’nai Torah and helping them
organize a community-wide celebration in honor of this
new Torah. Rikki, thank you for all that you do. We are
who we are because of our hard-working and dedicated
We could not achieve the success we have without the
leadership of our Senior Rabbi David Steinhardt and
Rabbi David Englander. They not only guide us spiritually,
but they are with us for all of our life cycle events and for
daily support and guidance. They are the heart and soul
of this shul. I feel honored to work with them and we are
so fortunate to have them lead B’nai Torah Congregation.
Lazy days of summer? Not at B’nai Torah! Our Main
Sanctuary will be closed this summer for a complete
renovation. Just wait until you see how beautiful it is
going to look. In addition to these renovations, the clergy,
leadership and staff are preparing for our High Holy Days
as well as our programming calendar for next year. Also
this summer we will welcome back Cantor Boaz Davidoff,
who will be with us through mid-Decemeber. These are
exciting times for our shul! If you are not yet a member, I
urge you to consider joining one of the most dynamic and
successful shuls in the country.
I wish you all a good summer filled with peace, and
hopefully we’ll see you in shul.
Toby Levi
The Great Debate
by Rabbi David Steinhardt
ear Friends,
A few thoughts about the elections and Shavuot.
We are approaching the summer and another election
season. Actually, the election season began about the
time the last vote was counted in the last election. That is
a sad commentary, and it speaks to the fact that so many
elected officials are more concerned with power and control
than with governance. And we see – and all agree – that
governance is broken. I don’t think we see too many leaders
who are willing to come together, define the problem,
agree that it needs to be resolved, and then figure out a
way to solve it. Inevitably, that means compromise. Many
are simply too stuck in their way of perceiving the world
to compromise. They are stuck in themselves and their
ideologies. They are trapped by money and special interests
and lobbies. I have heard candidates speak regularly about
their ideological principles as needing to be served, but
not say that America and the American people need to be
served. That is disturbing.
The art of debating ideas is lost, and the debates have
become very personal and cruel. Disagreement has led to
the point where many are fearful of giving their opinions.
For some it means friendships and for some it literally
means jobs. Most Jewish professionals and rabbis I know
believe that there are areas of conversation where they
simply “cannot go.” This is true about public discourse in this
country, and certainly when it has to do with Israel. What a
sad state of affairs! When I grew up, clergy were unabashed
in their leadership for civil rights and against the war in
Vietnam. Things have changed.
summer 2016
Our tradition has a lot to say about debate and discourse,
and our tradition actually values the disputes and debates
of the rabbinic minds. The Talmud is built around this type
of discourse. Sometimes opinions are determined to be
simply wrong. Sometimes there is no clear right answer. And
sometimes there is a sense that we cannot know what is
right or wrong at the present time. There is actually a word
used in the Talmud that ends a long argument. The word is
taku and it means that this argument will not be decided by
us; it will be decided when the Messiah comes. (And no one
knows when that is!)
On the evening of Saturday, June 11, we gathered for the
celebration of Shavuot. This is a holiday of learning as we
celebrate our story of revelation. Traditionally, Jews would
stay up and study all night long.
This year, we joined together for prayer and some
cheesecake and then we studied some of the great debates
and disagreements in Jewish history. There have been
plenty. Congregants had the opportunity to learn from Rabbi
Englander, Rabbi Arad and myself and the conversations
were interactive and lively.
It’s appropriate that we did this topic this year. We modeled
how to have debates, how to disagree, and how to allow this
to be meaningful and productive.
If you missed it, I hope you will join us next year for what will
surely be another interesting and fun evening of learning!
Rabbi David Steinhardt
Rabbi David Englander
ince it is summertime, I will begin with a camp
reference. When I went to summer camp, there were
swimming groups: beginner, intermediate, swimmers,
all the way up to lifeguarding. I have now advanced in
my social media use about as far as I ever advanced
in swimming at camp; which is to say I am a solid
intermediate. But don’t expect to see me with a whistle
on the docks ready to dive in to save you (actually,
I can’t even dive!).
I am not on Facebook so you can’t find me there.
I have a Google account and so we could “hang out”
if you really wanted to. I even know what Instagram is,
though I don’t have an account, and I recently signed
up for WhatsApp (if you don’t know – don’t bother).
I have become a late adopter of Twitter, enjoying my
“feed” much more than I ever thought I would. It is rather
difficult to say anything meaningful in 140 characters,
and those who are able to do so on a regular basis are
worth my attention. I even Tweet once in a while, and
should probably do more.
Every technology in history is only as good as what
it is used for. Social media brings people closer together
for the sharing of ideas, for keeping up with family or
friends who live far away, for feeling a sense
of community even when we are not near those to whom
we wish we lived closer. And when it is used to insult,
defame, degrade, or otherwise scrape the bottom of the
kind of communication people are capable of, we might
wish it never existed. What can be shared with a click
of a button today on every phone and computer still
astounds me. There is beauty and inspiration there,
and there is racism, sexism, homophobia, misogyny,
and extreme closed-mindedness, as well.
As we travel in cyberspace, we should commit to abiding
by at least the same rules of civility that we would
expect when we see people we know, and people we
don’t know, face-to-face. Even from my “intermediate”
status, I can tell that one has to be very careful to be
on the right side of the line of using this powerful tool.
As the siddur says about every new month, li’vracha v’lo
li’klala, for a blessing and not for a curse.
I wish you a wonderful summer and look forward to
seeing you soon at B’nai Torah.
Rabbi David Englander
The Lillian and Philip Cooperman
Academy for Adult Jewish Learning
Thanks to everyone who made the Cooperman
Academy’s program in 5776 a wonderful success.
Check your mail for the newest Academy brochure,
or visit
The Cooperman Academy for Adult Jewish Learning at B’nai Torah
is proud to be home to The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Beach County! The school is a unique opportunity to learn Jewish texts, values,
and foundational traditions in a pluralistic and intellectually stimulating environment.
Come for the learning.
Stay forinthe
Adult Learning for
The Wondering Jew
2016/17 Class Schedule:
Beginning Sept. 12, 2016 . Core Year One - Rhythms & Purposes (25 weeks) with Dr. Leon Weissberg & Rabbi Baruch Plotkin, 7:00 p.m.
. Core Year Two - Ethics & Crossroads (25 weeks) with Dr. Leon Weissberg & Rabbi Baruch Plotkin, 7:00 p.m.
. Core Year One - Rhythms and Purposes * (25 weeks) with Paul Azaroff & Dr. Sandra Lilienthal, 10:00 a.m.
*at the Levis JCC Sandler Center
Beginning Oct. 31, 2016 . Jewish Denominations - Addressing the Challenges of Modernity (10 wk.) Shayndel Plotkin, 10:30 a.m.
. Jews in America - Insiders & Outsiders (10 weeks) with Dr. Sandra Lilienthal, 7:00 p.m.
Beginning Dec. 5, 2016 . The Holocaust as Reflected in Diaries and Memoirs (10 weeks) with Dr. Leon Weissberg, 3:30 p.m.
Beginning Feb. 6, 2017 . Jews in America - Insiders & Outsiders (10 weeks) with Shayndel Plotkin, 10:30 a.m.
. Bereshit 1 - From Adam to Abraham (10 weeks) with Dr. Sandra Lilienthal, 7:00 p.m.
Beginning Sept. 13, 2016 . Core Year One - Rhythms & Purposes (25 weeks) Rabbi David Steinhardt & Marion Hirschmann, 9:30 a.m.
Beginning Nov. 1, 2016 . Bereshit 1 - From Adam to Abraham (10 weeks) with Rabbi David Steinhardt, 10:45 a.m.
Beginning Jan. 31, 2017 . Bereshit 2 - The Story of the First Jewish Family (10 weeks) with Rabbi David Steinhardt, 10:45 a.m.
Beginning Sept. 7, 2016 . Foundations of Jewish Family Living for young parents (10 weeks) with Rabbi David Steinhardt,
Rabbi Rikki Arad and Rabbi David Englander, 9:30 a.m.
Beginning Sept. 15, 2016 . Core Year 2 - Ethics & Crossroads (25 weeks) Marion Hirschmann & Dr. Sandra Lilienthal, 9:30 a.m.
Beginning Nov. 3, 2016 . Shemot 1 - From Slavery to Sinai (10 weeks) with Marion Hirschmann, 10:45 a.m.
. Foundations of Jewish Family Living * for young parents (10 weeks) with Rabbi Marci Bloch, 9:45 a.m.
*at Congregation B’nai Israel
. Jews in America - Insiders & Outsiders * (10 weeks) with Dr. Sandra Lilienthal, 1:00 p.m.
*at Congregation B’nai Israel
Beginning Feb. 2, 2017 Shemot 2 - Revelation and Revolution (10 weeks) with Marion Hirschmann, 10:45 a.m.
. Shemot 1 - From Slavery to Sinai * (10 weeks) with Dr. Sandra Lilienthal, 1:00 p.m.
* at Congregation B’nai Israel
. Israeli Literature - As a Window to Israeli Society (10 weeks) with Marion Hirschmann, 12:45 p.m.
For more information, contact Penina Bredoff at (561) 392-8566 or [email protected].
For detailed class descriptions, fees and to register, visit:
Generously supported by: A grant from the Nathan Cummings Foundation,
with the encouragement of Beatrice Cummings Mayer
Ner Tamid Society B’nai Torah Foundation
The prestigious Ner Tamid Society honors donors who have contributed a minimum of $100,000 to the B’nai Torah Foundation.
This can be done through a gift or through a charitable trust, life insurance policy, will, IRA or pension. Donors are acknowledged
on the Ner Tamid recognition wall located in the front lobby of the synagogue. Create a Jewish Legacy through our Ner Tamid
Society and perpetuate Jewish life from Generation to Generation.
Cynthia & Dr. Richard Aronsohn
Esther* & Milton* Blank
Alisa & Dr. Richard Cohen
Ellen & Edward Cohen
Jane & Alan Cornell
Tammy & Dr. Jack Faintuch
Miriam* & Henry* Fistel
Shulamith Fleischer & Robert
Marleen & Harold* Forkas
Marcy & Bill Forster
Shirlee* & Daniel* Freed
Isadore* Friedman
Meryl & Ron Gallatin
Nancy & Mark Gilbert
Mark W. Glickman
Phyllis & Gerald* Golden
Suzanne & David Goodis
Dorothy* & Milton* Gordon
Linda & Alan Hurst
Anne & Norman Jacobson
Carolyn & Robert Kantor & Family
Pam & Dr. Ethan Kass
Phyllis & Samuel Kaufman
Sue & Myron* Kirshner
Anita* & Paul* Kivell
Gillian & Eric Klein
Debra & Gerald Kramer
Donna & Gerald Kramer
Doris B. & Saul* Kuperstock
April & Roger Leavy
Anne* & Fred* Levi
Toby & Norman Levi
Courtney & Dr. Scott Levin
Nauma Levin
Mildred & Abner* Levine
Rabbi Marc* N. Liebhaber
Alissa & Dr. Jay Maizes
Sam* Mandelker
Gay & Morris* Mandon
Beatrice Cummings Mayer
Maruka & Bernard* Mirochnick
Millicent & Sigmund* Nathan
Michael Ostroff & Family
Sarah & Richard Parker & Family
Marilyn & Jack Pechter
Miriam & Zwi* Preminger
Hiromi & Robert Printz
Madeleine & Norman* Reich
Barbara & Jeffrey Rosenberg
The Sandelman Family
Carie & Spencer Sax
Mildred & Sol* Schaikowitz
Elissa & Dr. Peter Schosheim
Carol & Murray Shear
Ruth & Edward* Taubman
Eda & Cliff Viner
Beate* & Henry* Voremberg
Hedy & Dr. Bryan Wasserman
Eleanor* & Paul* Weiner
Pamela & Robert Weinroth
Amy & Fred Weiss
Gabriela & Walter* Weiss
* Of Blessed Memory
Main Sanctuary Undergoing Changes
We are looking forward to the renovation of our sanctuary! Construction will begin June 18th and will continue throughout the
summer. We will re-open in time for the High Holy Days with a brand new look!
There will be a new color scheme, including new sanctuary seating and carpeting. The alcove seats will be replaced with a
beautiful new fabric, and we will receive new chairs for our bima, as well. Additional handrails will be placed on the bima and
we will also be updating our electric. In addition to these exciting renovations, we are enhancing the technology available
for our hearing-impaired congregants. We are
very excited to bring an even more beautiful
sanctuary to our B’nai Torah family.
On behalf of the renovation committee, I wish
you all a wonderful summer!
Elissa Shosheim
Rabbi Rikki Arad
Executive Director
ear Friends,
I recently came back from the March of the Living, and I
must say, I am forever changed.
I was asked to go on the trip as a rabbinical leader. As
a Jewish professional and educator, and as a second
generation Holocaust survivor, I didn’t think there was
anything I didn’t already know regarding this dark time in
our history. I was wrong…
There were days I was supposed to console crying
students, when all I wanted to do was cry myself. It is said
that when you teach, you learn. This was most certainly
true of my experience. I went on the March of the Living
to teach, to guide, and to support. In the end, I was also
a student who learned so much. I wouldn’t have gotten
through it if it weren’t for the amazing students and my
fellow staff members with whom I will always share an
amazingly strong bond.
As you know, I am from Israel, and I travel there often. I
always feel a sense of comfort and pride when arriving at
my home, and the home of the Jewish people. When we
arrived there after the March, however, the feeling was
very different. Of course, I still felt comfort and pride, but
I also felt a sense of relief. Judaism is alive and thriving.
Arriving in Israel, after seeing firsthand the horrors of the
Shoah, reminded me how critically important it is to have a
strong Israel.
preserved from generation to generation. Additionally,
we must make sure our members are aware of what is
happening in the world and learn how it impacts us, so
that we can work together to be part of a better, more
tolerant, and more accepting world.
For these reasons, the B’nai Torah professional staff and
I are working very hard to make this another fantastic
year filled with fun and meaningful Shabbat and holiday
observances, the best of Jewish culture and art, and
substantive learning opportunities through our amazing
early childhood center, religious school, and our adult
learning offerings.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or
concerns, please reach out to me. We also have a new
“Kvell or Kvetch” comment box located by the front office.
Wishing you all a wonderful and peaceful summer.
Rabbi Rikki Arad
I arrived back to Boca filled with inspiration and a sense of
obligation to do everything possible to support, celebrate,
and educate others about Israel, and also to continue
maintaining and growing our synagogue. We must
continue to offer meaningful programming and learning
opportunities for people of all ages and stages so that all
who come to B’nai Torah can strengthen their commitment
and connection to Jewish life and Torah. We must ignite
a love for Judaism and a strong Jewish identity in our
children from an early age, and work to keep that flame
burning throughout their lifetime so Jewish life can be
summer 2016
The Ruth and Edward Taubman Early Childhood Center
ongratulations to the graduates and their families. They
are all “Ready to Rock and Roll.”
We have all worked together to create a warm, caring and
nurturing environment. In a world where things may be
far from perfect, we have given our children a wonderful
beginning in the hopes that they may be the start of a more
perfect world. All thirty-four graduates will always have a
“Piece of My Heart.”
To our graduates: As you all “Go Your Own Way” know
that “You’ve Got a Friend” always and that what you have
learned at The Ruth and Edward Taubman Early Childhood
Center will be carried forward with you and will be used as
a base for a strong Jewish future.
I close with a smile on my face, warmth in my heart, and
much anticipation for many more tomorrows of success and
peace for all.
Nancy Goldstein
Mazel Tov to the Following Graduates:
Lauren Friedman
Noah Magill
Daniel Singer
Derek Barbag
Tyler Gallow
Max Manning
Isaac Statlander
Rachel Bromson
Jacob Ginsberg
Bryce Mayer
Hadley Stock
Mila Carrabba
Taylor Haage
Haelyn McCauley
Brooke Upbin
Zevi Cohen
Dahlia Homer
Andrew Newman
Brian Weitzner
Zachary Cooper
Ezra Kovacs
Addison Pike
Emily Witker
Aaron Franks
Sydney Kovari
Marcus Prince-Cardoza
Hayden Worth
Matthew Freedland
Maia Levy
Kaylee Schaeffer
Ross Yeslow
Carter MacLachlan
Rebecca Sherman
Mirochnick Religious School
& Youth Department
big THANK YOU to our BRUSY dream team - Andrei
Sujka, Zach Smith and Stephanie Goldstein - for a great
year! These three amazing individuals have been leading
our youth groups since November and have done such a
fantastic job! This year, we also added a new youth group
called Chalutzim (for Kindergarten and 1st grade) that
meets twice month. We had great programming throughout
the year and we are busy planning another wonderful
season ahead. Andrei and Zach are continuing their
college education and FAU and Palm Beach State College,
respectively, and Stephanie recently graduated with her
Masters in Social Work from FAU and will be working locally.
I am proud to announce that our USY chapter won “Chapter
on the Rise” within the Arvot subregion, and our very own
Hannah Wolfe was elected subregional president!
Save the da
Sunday, Septembe te!
r 11th
B’nai Tora
h Universit
y and
First Day o
f Religious
Andrei, Stephanie
and Zach will
continue to direct
and facilitate
our youth group
programs for the
upcoming year.
Mazal Tov to our newly-elected
2016-17 BRUSY boards!
Cathy Berkowitz
“If only the rest of the year
and the rest of the world could
be like Camp Ramah!”
“I can just be me
at camp and people
love me for it.”
“I love Shabbat and
Havdalah at camp.”
“I love my
counselors and my
friends from camp.”
“I love dancing
at Havdalah.”
“Ramah is my
second home!”
USY: Leo Karp, President; Zachary Maizes, Vice
Our campers going to Ramah Darom:
Melanie Atias
Drew Barrier
Mikayla Berkowitz
Liza Chapman
Tamar Davidoff
Yuval Davidoff
Yaffa Englander
Zev Englander
Deborah Faerman
Justin Goodis
Shaina Goodis
Avi Gordon
Mayah Hamaoui
summer 2016
Yael Hamaoui
Avery Isan
Leo Karp
Brenna Kornblatt
Amy Kraft
Samuel Kraft
Fayth Martin
Sara Melin
Romi Rozenbaum
Lauren Saslov
Ava Schenker
Alec Segal
Ari Segal
Adina Silverstein
Pres. Membership; Gabriel Turmail, Vice Pres.
Social Action/Tikun Olam; Yaffa Englander, Vice
Pres. Religious Education; Mikayla Berkowitz,
Vice Pres. Communications.
Max Silverstein
Shayna Silverstein
Ariel Vahnish
Yahonatan Vahnish
Josh Vlessing
Samantha Ostroff
Eyal Danino
Ramah Rockies
Josh Maizes
Ramah Israel and
Poland Seminar
Cole Deutch
Kadima: Jona Smolka, President; Yael Hamaoui,
8th grade rep.; Deborah Faerman, 7th grade rep.;
Zev Englander, Membership at large.
Our Pride and Joy
Jonah Sabbota
Danielle Kaniuk
Corey Frydman
Ethan Alexander
Chloe Nadler
Michael Cooper
Elijah Levine
Ryan Wechsler
Aaron Adler
Joshua Maizes
Ava Schwartz
Ashlee Wenzel
Hannah Frydman
David Alkon
Michael Cooper
August 27th
Son of Susan & Howard Cooper
joshua maizes
September 17th
Son of Alissa & Jay Maizes
Ryan Wechsler
September 3rd
Son of Randee & Eric Wechsler
ava schwartz
September 24th
Daughter of Rachel & Andrew Schwartz
jonah sabbota
August 11th
Son of Barbie Sabbota & Mark Sabbota
Mitzvah project: Ryan will be
volunteering and raising money for the
Manitou Experience - a one-week camp
for boys and girls who have experienced
the death of a parent, sibling or primary
Ethan Alexander
August 20th
Son of Sondra & Jeff Alexander
Elijah levine
September 3rd
Son of Corinne & Daniel Levine
Chloe nadler
August 26th
Daughter of Stacey & Adam Nadler
Mitzvah project: Chloe will be volunteering
her time with the SOS Children’s Village
- an organization dedicated to the care
of orphaned and abandoned children - in
Coconut Creek. Chloe has planned projects
and activities throughout the summer with
elementary school age children at SOS.
2016 B’nai Mitzvah
ashlee wenzel
October 15th
Daughter of Nicole & Ira Wenzel
hannah frydman
October 22nd
Daughter of Meredith & Jarrod Frydman
Mitzvah project: Elijah will be
volunteering and raising money for the
Manitou Experience.
Mitzvah project: Hannah donated her hair
to Children with Hair Loss, which provides
children suffering from hair loss due to
medical conditions with a free wig. She
inspired 30 additional hair donors.
Danielle Kaniuk
September 4th
Daughter of Lori & Ron Kaniuk
corey frydman
October 22nd
Son of Meredith & Jarrod Frydman
aaron adler
September 10th
Son of Sara & Howard Adler
Mitzvah Project: Project Beisbol
Mitzvah project: Corey will coordinate an
event to collect household goods that will
benefit families in need.
David alkon
October 29th
Son of Sultana & Jaime Alkon
Chai Members
A special thank you to our Chai Members whose continued generous
support makes B’nai Torah’s outstanding programming possible.
Elliot & Helene Brody
Victor Cohen
Ron & Meryl Gallatin
Lowell Glazer
Lester Hersch
Jerry & Debra Kramer
Mildred Levine
Beatrice Mayer
Lothar & Carlyn Mayer
Millicent Nathan
Robert & Hiromi Printz
Clifford & Eda Viner
Carol Alcalay
Joel & Beverly Altman
Lawrence & Karen Altschul
Richard & Cynthia Aronsohn
Howard Egdish & Gloria Berger
William & Debby Berman
Sidney Besvinick
Martin Bloom
Bobbi Brand
Shirley Brooks
Phyllis Butters
Laurence & Beverly Chaplin
Alan & Jane Cornell
Karl & Shirley Enselberg
Kenneth Esrig
Jack & Tammy Faintuch
Jeffrey & Barbara Feingold
Marleen Forkas
Paula Frank
Irwin & Edith Friedman
Stuart & Robin Friedman
Arthur & Cheryl Germain
Mark & Nancy Gilbert
Larry & Brenda Glassman
Steven Glassman
Marvin & Libby Golberg
Bea Gold
Phyllis Golden
Howard Goldsmith
Steven & Monica Goldstein
Jeffrey & Jan Greenhawt
Irwin & Linda Gross
Larry & Shelly Gross
Morris & Judy Gurevitch
Calvin & Babette Haddad
Harold & Beatriz Jacobsohn
summer 2016
Naomi Jacobson
Norman & Anne Jacobson
Neil & Felice Kantor
Ethan & Pam Kass
Mike & Joan Kaufman
Marvin & Rhona Kirsner
Eric & Gillian Klein
Sylvia Kopkin
Gerry & Donna Kramer
Joseph & Frances Krause
Ron & Liz Krinick
Marvin & Barbara Kushnick
Richard & Gail Kwal
Michael & Sydelle Lazar
Roger & April Leavy
Toby Levi
Nauma Levin
Morris Lewitter & Carol Pessah-Lewitter
Kenneth & Madelyn Lipman
Alan Lipson
Jay & Mayra Litt
Charlotte Mandelblatt
Budz’l & Debbie Menin
Maruka Mirochnick
Richard & Tamara Morgenstern
Michael Ostroff & Esther Rosenberg
Elliott & Cathy Packer
Jack & Marilyn Pechter
Steven & Elissa Pollack
Mitchell & Gail Pollak
Miriam Preminger
Allen & Jewel Prince
Jack & Patricia Randell
Gerald & Joyce Robinson
James Robinson
Jeffrey & Barbara Rosenberg
Steven & Lisa Rosenfeld
Phyllis Rosenstock
Julian Rubinstein
Jeffrey & Janice Sandelman
Toni Sandler
Norman Schlanger & Judith Kay
Andrew & Alison Schreier
Monroe & Marilyn Schulder
Jay & Eunice Shapiro
Dan & Lizette Sheinberg
Rhoda Shemin
Allan & Claire Sheres
Arnie & Stacey Shinder
Sally Sokoloff
Allan & Shirley Solomon
Dave & Ethel Sommer
Larry & Judy Speizman
Harry & Ellyn Steinbok
Samuel & Marilee Susi
Ruth Taubman
Shari Upbin
Bryan & Hedy Wasserman
Bruce & Carla Weiner
Myriam Weinstein
Daniel & Selma Weiss
Fred & Amy Weiss
Gabriela Weiss
Henry & Rita Wells
Steven Wexner
Dorothy Wizer
Raymond & Etta Zimmerman
Sylvia Zipper
Irwin & Nancy Aronson
Joshua & Nancy Bailin
Neil & Robin Baritz
Sam & Anita Berman
Bert & Carol Bez
Sheldon & Norma Bodnick
Frederic & Jeannette Bogart
Jerold & Holly Budney
Louis & Suhaz’l Caplan
Scott & Laura Chapman
Richard & Cherie Chosid
Jay & Micki Cohen
Richard & Alisa Cohen
Jeffrey & Suzanne Deutch
Norma Erdle
Jerome Farber
Edward & Dale Filhaber
Barbara Fisher
Grant Freer
Henri & Heni Galel
Elias & Bernice Garelick
Jill Genson
Mark Glickman
Ruth Glickstein
Henry & Judith Goldrich
David & Suzanne Goodis
Norbert & Lynn Graber
Lee Greenspon & Miriam Granat
Jeffrey & Helene Grantz
David & Myrna Gross
Sheldon & Deborah Gross
Bruce & Andrea Grundt
Yaacov Heller & Sue Mochtak-Heller
Mitchell Kaminsky
Gil & Elaine Kanter
Robert & Carolyn Kantor
Edward & Zerlina Kaplan
Linda Kaplan
Marjorie Kaye
Sue Kirshner
Sarah Klompus
Lawrence Korpeck
Jan & Myra Kronish
Keith & Gail Kronish
Charles & Gayle Lichtman
Lawrence Lidov & Michelle Schwartz
Jay & Alissa Maizes
Stuart & Janice Marowitz
Mark & Joan Mendel
Joseph & Beth Mishkin
Alan & Beth Mitchell
Robert & Erika Moskovits
Skip & Caryn Nashban
Stewart & Lila Newman
Toni Nieves
Joshua & Susan Paul
Murray Rehner
Andrew & Donna Robins
Rose Robinson
Maxwell & Linda Rosenbaum
Todd & Caroline Rosenberg
Jack & Mindy Rosensweig
Jerome Roth
Lorrilyn Saex
Mark & Ruth Samarel
Spencer & Carie Sax
Rick & Betsy Schuster
Henry & Jody Schwartz
Bruce Segal & Benita Haber Segal
Bernard & Harriet Shavitz
Murray & Carol Shear
Gary & Elaine Shore
Syd Sieber
Elyse Silver
Sidney & Irma Sobel
Arnie & Gittele Soloff
Jerry & Sandra Staub
Patricia Stein
Linda Stewart
Marc & Rhonda Strauss
Milton & Phyliss Thurm
Stuart & Corina Waldman
Mark Wasserman & Sue Gurland
Jaredz’l & Amanda Weiner
Stanley & Hilary Weiner
Roy & Deborah Weisman
Barry & Joan Winograd
Teri Wolofsky
As of 05/2016
Magen David Adom
Ambulance Dedication
In Honor of the
Drowos Family
Introducing B’nai
Torah’s New Logo
On May 22, 2016, a special dedication ceremony
took place at B’nai Torah Congregation. Magen David
Adom, Israel’s national emergency service, received
a generous donation - a brand new ambulance to be
shipped to and used in Israel for emergency response.
The ambulance was generously donated by Jeff and
Linda Drowos in honor of their children, Bryan and
Joanna Drowos, and their grandchildren, Lila and
Jackson Drowos, who are members of B’nai Torah
and attend The Ruth and Edward Taubman Early
Childhood Center. The ambulance is also given in
memory of Jeff’s parents, Jean and Izzy Drowosz’’l.
Magen David Adom is Israel’s ambulance, bloodservices, and disaster-relief organization, serving
as emergency medical first responders for the
state’s more than 8 million people. MDA is the only
organization mandated by the Israeli government to
serve in this role, but it’s not a government agency,
so it relies on private funding.
Yasher Koach to the Drowos family!
A big thank you to everyone who attended the
Annual General Meeting and voted on our new B’nai Torah
logo! You’ll see this new logo start to make its way onto our
printed collateral, on staff shirts, social media, signage and
Branded-Item Giveaway!
With the debut of our new logo, and an enhanced focus on
social media, we are hosting a giveaway contest via Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram! To enter, simply check our social media
outlets for the announcement of the contest and follow the
instructions on how to comment, share or re-tweet. Three lucky
winners will receive a promotional item featuring our new logo.
Women’s League of BTC
2016-2018 Executive Committee:
President Joanne Shulman
VP Programming Abbie Statsky-Frank
VP EducationNancy Aronson
VP Membership
Barbara Weiss
VP Torah Fund
Cynthia Chiefa Goldstein
VP Social Action
Jewel Prince
VP Ways & Means, Immediate Past President
Shelly Gross
TreasurerRoseanne SopherWLBTC
Financial Secretary
Julie Risisky
Recording Secretary
Barbara London
Mazel Tov!
B’nai Torah’s Sherry Sukel was named
the 2016 Torah Fund Woman of the
Year. Sherry is a long-time Torah
Fund leader and dedicated member of
Women’s League – both at B’nai Torah
and nationally. She has been a tireless
fundraiser and vocal supporter of JTS
and has personally touched the lives
of many throughout the Conservative/
Masorti community.
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved
BT Children’s Choir Performs
for Holocaust Survivor Group
In honor of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, members of
the B’nai Torah Children’s Choir sang songs for the Holocaust Survivor
Group of Boca’s Century Village. The children delighted the audience
with songs in Hebrew, Yiddish and English.
New Members
Phyllis & Gary Gladstein
Nancy Germansky
Donna & Herman Brovender
Marilyn & Edward Oshins
Sandra & Jacob Schwalb
Oscar Maren
Be part of our B’nai Torah family!
Left to right: Sammie Wolfe,
Joey Mibab, Cantor Mitchell
Martin, Rebecca Wolfe and
Aaron Mibab.
summer 2016
If you would like more information
regarding membership, please contact
Elysa Stark, Membership Coordinator,
at (561) 392-8566.
B’nai Torah Congregation never turns
anyone away from becoming a member
because of financial challenges.
Unarmed / Armed Security Personnel
Executive / Close Protection
Screening / Access Control
Emergency / Tactical Response
Retail / Loss Prevention Solutions
Corporate / Retail Investigations
Command Center / Console Operations
Management / Consulting Solutions
Special Event Services
SOS Security supports the B’nai Torah Congregation.
For more information:
Love Outreach Boca Ministry
What: Handing out hygiene kits, sorting clothing donations,
serving lunch, socializing, cleaning
Where: First United Methodist Church - 625 NE Mizner
Blvd, Boca Raton (“The Gathering Place”)
When: Sundays
What: Assisting with laundry needs
Where: Boca Laundry – 1900 NW 2nd Avenue, Boca
When: Tuesdays, 2:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Contact Ann at (561) 674-3378.
Highland Elementary
What: Help with book checkout, organizing, book chats,
read-a-louds, playing literacy board games
Where: 500 Highland Avenue, Lake Worth, FL 33460
When: Wednesdays June 8 - July 13, 8:30 a.m. - noon
You must be a registered volunteer to participate - a very
simple process that can be done prior to volunteering.
Contact Yecenia “Jessy” at (561) 202-0548.
What: Computer instruction, yoga instruction, Sit & Fit
facilitator (curriculum provided)
Where: 21160 95th Ave S, Boca Raton, FL 33428
When: Schedule is flexible
What: Bingo calling
Where: Stratford Court - 6343 Via De Sonrisa Del Sur,
Boca Raton, FL 33433
When: Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 3:15 p.m.
Contact Andrea at (561) 392-5940 ext. 6014.
Brighton Gardens (Assisted Living)
What: Setting up, serving and cleaning up dinner
Where: Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church - 200 Ruby
Street, Boca Raton, FL 33431 (Behind the Fire Station on
the corner of Glades and Federal Hwy.)
When: Thursdays, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Jewish Association of Residential Care
Stratford Court (Independent Living)
What: Bingo calling
Where: Brighton Gardens - 6341 Via De Sonrisa Del Sur,
Boca Raton, FL 33433
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Contact Andrea at (561) 392-5940 ext. 6014.
Boca Helping Hands
What: Kitchen and warehouse assistance; bagging
Where: 1500 NW 1st Court, Boca Raton, FL 33432
When: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
Please fill out an application at www.bocahelpinghands.
org and you will be contacted promptly after submission.
Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services
What: Friendly visiting
Where: Varies
When: One hour a week or every other week
What: Meals on Wheels delivering
Where: Varies
When: Friday mornings for 1-2 hours
What: Kibbitz & Ride - Pre-scheduled rides for seniors who
no longer drive. Most appointments are to doctor’s offices.
Where: Varies
When: Varies
Contact Nadine at (561) 852-3357 or [email protected].
Meryl and Ron Gallatin
Tzedakah, Learning
& Chesed Program
Why: Because even small acts of tzedakah, learning and chesed can bring lots of “TLC” to our world!
For more information about any of these programs, and other volunteer opportunities, contact Summer Faerman
at (561) 392-8566 or [email protected].
Life Events in our Community
Condolences to:
. Gail Schaefer on the passing of her husband, Jeffrey Schaefer
. Ruth Taubman on the passing of her brother in law, David Grodin
. Mark Polani on the passing of his father, Haim Polani
. Carolyn Yasuna on the passing of her mother, Betsey Cooper
. Lauren Diamond on the passing of her father, Alex Morgenstern
. Jodi Fleissig on the passing of her father, Melvin Schanerman
. Beth Shadowitz on the passing of her mother, Marilyn Freund
. Marla Egers on the passing of her mother, Annette Weiss
. Ida Novack on the passing of her father, Abraham Orenstein
. Scott Singer on the passing of his mother, Renee Singer
. Jack Pechter on the passing of his sister, Helen Bienefeld
. Dr. Lawrence Korpeck on the passing of his mother, Mona Korpeck
. Scott Frank on the passing of his father, Stanley Frank
. Amy Weiss on the passing of her brother, Jerry Cooperman
. Melvin Owens on the passing of his brother, Stuart Oshinsky
. Mark Samarel on the passing of his aunt, Beverly Levy
Mazal Tov to:
. Evy & Joel Udell on the birth of their grandson, Liam Isaac Udell
. Maddi & Steve Sackel on the birth of their grandson, Caleb Grey
. Carla & Bruce Weiner on the birth of their grandson, Jude Oliver Rom
. Bernice & Elias Garelick on the birth of their great granddaughter, Ruby
Samantha Barnet
. Lee Bloom on the birth of their great grandson, Miles Harrison Bloom
. Judy & Steve Ickowitz on the birth of their great granddaughter, Lila Grey
. Linda & Alan Hurst on the birth of their grandson, Simon Isaac Hurst
. Michael Ostroff & Esther Rosenberg and Marlene Ostroff on the engagement
of their daughter, Jennifer Ostroff to Samuel Richter
. Bonnie & Stuart Sigel on the engagement of their daughter, Megan Taymore
Women’s League
Judaica Shop
he entire volunteer staff of the
Women’s League Judaica Shop would
like to thank the congregation for
supporting our Judaica Shop Scholarship
Fund with your purchases. As a result of
your generous support, we have been
able to donate $10,000 to the scholarship
fund which supports our students in the
Mirochnick Religious School, as well
as provide funds for students attending
Jewish camps, participating in the March
of the Living, and visiting Israel.
We wish you all a wonderful and safe
summer and we look forward to seeing
you in August and September.
Please stop in to say ‘hi’ to our staff
and feel free to browse all of the new
merchandise we’ve added during the
Beginning June 1st,
the Judaica Shop will be on
Summer Hours:
Monday through Thursday;
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Friday through Sunday: CLOSED
We will be closed in July for inventory.
However, appointments outside of the
shop hours can be arranged by calling
Robin Schwartz at (914) 329-1025.
Sigel to Mastthew Eric Pincus
. Stephanie Englander on receiving the Rose & Solomon Turetsky Outstanding
Achievement in Teaching Award from Donna Klein Jewish Academy
. Bill Nathanson on his 90th birthday
. Dr. Bernard Metrick on his 100th birthday
Mishebeirach Notice To include the name of a loved one, please
contact the office by the Thursday prior to the Shabbat Service. You
can also leave a voicemail 24 hours a day with Elaine Siegell at ext.
309. Please include the Hebrew name of both the ill person and his/her
mother. Names are kept on the list for two weeks at a time.
summer 2016
Tributes and Contributions
To B’nai Torah Congregation
*January 1 - March 31, 2016
Adopt a Family
Mr. William Nathanson In memory of Nathaniel Nathanson
Mr. William Nathanson In honor of many blessings & pulpit honors
General Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Appelbaum
In memory of Murry Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Artzi
In memory of Alfons Golinski
Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Barbag
In memory of Sara Katzin’s mother Jean Siff
Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Barbag
In memory of Bruce Lebowitz’s mother
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berezin
In honor of 50th wedding anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berezin
In memory of Rebecca Leibovich
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berezin
In honor of Wallach marriage
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berezin
In memory of Marvin Hamburg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berg
Dr. Sidney Besvinick
In honor of the birth of Becca Lieberman
Mrs. Shirley Brooks
In memory of Elsie Brooks
Mr. Howard Brummer & Ms. Mindy SteinTzedakah
Mrs. Yael Camhi
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Channing
In honor of Alan Lieberman’s Granddaughter
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
In memory of Rosita Kugler
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
In honor of Betsey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
In honor of the birth of Becca Lieberman
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
In honor of Noah & Sara’s Engagement
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
In honor of David & Myrna Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Cohen
In honor of Cohen Aliyah
Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Cohen
In honor of Cohen Aliyah
Mr. & Mrs. Noah Davis
General Donation
Dr. & Mrs. Karl Enselberg
In honor of Marvin Golberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ab Flatt
In memory of Rosita Kugler
Mr. & Mrs. Ab Flatt
In honor of Betsey Cooper
Mr. Melvin Ginsberg
In honor of 83rd Birthday
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In memory of Rosita Kugler
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In honor of Berezin’s 50th anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In honor of Jack Klein’s Bar Mitzvah
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In memory of Dave Sommer
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In memory of Attman grandddaughter
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In memory of Ronald Berkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In honor of Bill Fine’s birthday
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In honor of Paula Berezin speedy recovery
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In honor of Elaine Siegell’s daughter’s wedding
Mrs. Shirley Glickman
General Donation
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goldberg
General Donation
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Goldrich
General Donation
Dr. & Mrs. David Gross
In memory of beloved mother Rosita Kugler
Mrs. Ruth Levy-Platt
In honor of Marvin Golberg’s 85th birthday
Ms. Lois Lieff
In honor of Rabbi Riemer
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Merkur
General Donation
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Paul
In memory of Carole Storch
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Paul
In memory of Haim Polani
Mr. David Peskind
In honor of Jerry & Lillian’s 65th Anniversary
Mrs. Marion Polinsky
In honor of Sue Kirshner’s 90th Birthay
Mr. & Mrs. John Pollock
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mr. Murray Rehner
General Donation
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Robins
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Ms. Lanie Sacks
In honor of Caroline Mizrachi
Mr. Norman Schlanger & Ms. Judith Kay General Donation
Mr. Clifford Seresky
In honor of Noah & Sara’s Engagement
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Stark
In honor of brith of grandson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Steinberg
In memory of Annette Weiss
Mrs. Jeanette Suskin
Misheberach for David Michael Daire
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Thurm
In memory of Herman Boren
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Thurm
In memory of my beloved brother Stuart Boren
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Udell
In memory of Jerome Udell
Drs. Stuart & Corina Waldman
In honor of Auf Ruf
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Weisman
General Donation
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wolfe
In memory of Barbara Most
Ms. Eunice Wolfson
General Donation
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Wolk
In honor of great grandchild, Ashton Duber
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Worobow
In memory of Elsa Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Worobow
In memory of Julius Turkewitz
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Zimmerman
In memory of Rosita Kugler
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lewitter
In honor of Morris Lewitter’s birthday
Alisa and Richard Cohen Confirmation Class Fund
Mrs. Vivian Bergman
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
In honor of Richard & Alisa Cohen
In memory of Rosita Kugler
In honor of Braun’s grandchild
In memory of Jean Deutch
In honor of son Zachary Masters
In memory of Carole Storch
In honor of David Dweck
In honor of BetseyCooper’s SpeedyRecovery
In honor of Vivian Bergman’s Birthday
In honor of Steve Cavayero’s Recovery
In honor of Gross’ Grandson Levi Cohen
In memory of Norman Cohen
In memory of Betsey Cooper
In memory of Haim Polani
Beatrice Cummings Mayer Pastoral Care Fund
Mrs. Beatrice Mayer
In memory of Nathan Cummings
Mrs. Beatrice Mayer
In memory of Alan Cummings
Mrs. Beatrice Mayer
In memory of Ruth Cummings
Mrs. Beatrice Mayer
In memory of Herbert Cummings
Bill Forster Fund for Youth Activities
Mr. & Mrs. William Forster
In memory of Rosita Kugler
Mr. & Mrs. William Forster
In memory of Jean Deutch
Dr. & Mrs. Hal Rosenthal
In memory of Shirley Alderman
Cantor’s Programming Fund
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
In honor of Myrna Gross’ birthday
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Kestenberg
In honor of David Dweck-Man of the Year
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kramer
Mr. Seymour Margolis
In memory of Helen Morgolis
Mr. Seymour Margolis
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sufrin
Ms. Teri Wolofsky
In memory of my dear mother Sophie Robinson
Diane Marcovitz Adult Education Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Leinwand
In memory of Sylvia Tractenberg
Dr. Arnold and Pearl Schosheim March of the Living Scholarship Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Kestenberg
In memory of Jean Fleischmann Siff
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schosheim
In memory of Carole Storch
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schosheim
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schosheim
In memory of Jean Fleischman Siff
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schosheim
In memory of Jared Weiner & Ori Rom
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schosheim
In honor of Ella’s 1st birthday
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schosheim
In honor of Michaels Rosenfeld’s Graduation
Dr. Burton Wollowick Torah Reading Fund
Mrs. Charlotte Mandelblatt
In honor of Karen Wollowick
Eda & Cliff Viner Family Endowment Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Viner
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Viner
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Viner
In memory of Carole Storch
In memory of Haim Polani
In memory of Marilyn Freund
Educate a Family Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lewitter
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lewitter
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lewitter
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lewitter
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lewitter
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lewitter
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lewitter
In memory of Fannie Lewitter
In memory of Sidney Lewitter
In memory of Therese Becker
In memory of Harold Marcus
In memory of Milton Siegal
In memory of Raymond Evans’s mother
In memory of Ray Hutt
Esther and Milton Blank Children’s Music Endowment Fund
Mrs. Jo Robbins
In honor of Arthur & Ruth Maron’s 20th anniversary
George Goldstein B’nai Mitzvah Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
Mr. William Nathanson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronen Rubin
George Goldstein Chumash Fund
In honor of Benjamin Berger’s Bar Mitzvah
In memory of Israel Goldstein
In memory of Ronald Berkowitz
Jewel & Allen Prince Early Childhood Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Prince
In memory of Rosita Kugler
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Prince
In memory of Fred Grodin
Lillian and Philip Cooperman Adult Education Fund
Mr. & Mrs. William Forster
In memory of Rose Lit
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Gorenstein
Dr. & Mrs. David Gross
In memory of Mother Roselit
Mager-Cohan March of the Living / Camp Ramah Youth Scholars Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Berman
Melvin Klein Ritual Wine and Liquor Endowment Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Feinman
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Leipzig
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Levine
Mr. & Mrs. I. Ronald Moskowitz
Ms. Sonia Saxanoff
Ms. Sonia Saxanoff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smilow
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Stark
In memory of Joan Levine
In memory of Rose Miller
In memory of Melvin Klein
In memory of Bill Leipzig
In memory of Fannie Miller
In memory of Rose Miller
Rabbi Steinhardt Discretionary Fund (cont.)
Mr. & Mrs. William Fine
In honor of the Bluefeld’s 75th anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Fisher
In memory of Marvin Perlman
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Fisher
In memory of Fannye Perlman
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Gallatin
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mrs. Gerta Gleich
In honor of Phyllis Butters’ son Malcolm’s marriage
Mrs. Gerta Gleich
In honor of the birth of Mr & Mrs Grantz’s granddaughter
Mrs. Gerta Gleich
In memory of my beloved Father Morris Messinger
Mrs. Bea Gold
In memory of David Sommer
Mrs. Bea Gold
In honor of Betsey Cooper’s Speedy Recovery
Mrs. Bea Gold
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
Mrs. Bea Gold
In honor of Alan & Civi’s New Grandson
Mrs. Bea Gold
In honor of David & Myrna’s New Grandson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goldberg
Mrs. Sheila Goldberg
In memory of Jacob Goldberg
Mrs. Sheila Goldberg
In honor of Malcolm & Kathy’s Marriage
Mrs. Sheila Goldberg
In memory of my beloved mother Edith Kossof
Mrs. Esther Goldman
In memory of Michael Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Gorenstein
In honor of Reesa & Mark Waldman
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Gorenstein
In honor of Elaine Scharfe
Mr. Lee Greenspon & Ms. Miriam Granat In memory of Attman granddaughter
Mr. Lee Greenspon & Ms. Miriam GranatTzedakah
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Grantz
In memory of Max Grantz
Mrs. Constance Greenberg
In memory of Husband Alvin Sherb
Mrs. Constance Greenberg
In memory of my beloved Mother Helene Schumger
Mr. & Mrs. Myer Hart
In honor of 63rd wedding anniversary
Mr. Arnold Haskel & Mrs. Charlotte Rosoff In memory of Betty Bierman
Mr. Arnold Haskel & Mrs. Charlotte Rosoff In memory of Harry Bierman
Mr. Harry Hauptman
In honor of 99th birthday
Mrs. Francine Higer
In appreciation of Rabbi being so nice
Mrs. Bettina Hoffman
In memory of Stephen Soloman Goffin
Mrs. Solange Howard
In honor of Nancy & Howard Moskowitz
Mrs. Solange Howard
In honor of Betsey Cooper’s speedy recovery
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jacobsohn
In memory of Rosita Kugler
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jacobsohn
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jacobson
In memory of Frieda Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. Neil Kantor
In memory of Esther Kantor
Dr. & Mrs. Neil Kantor
Mrs. Sylvia Kopkin
In memory of Herman Gassman
Mr. Martin Kotler
Mr. Martin Kotler
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Krinick
In honor of Phyllis Sandler’s speedy Recovery
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Krosser
In memory of Celia Krosser
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In memory of Dear Mother
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In memory of Fred Weiss’s Mother
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In memory of Jean Deutch
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In honor of the Lieberman’s new grandchild
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In honor of Betsey Cooper’s speedy recovery
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
Speedy Recovery to Good Health
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In honor of the Gross’s new grandson
Mr. Alan Lipson
In memory of Aaron Lipson
Mrs. Helene Lowenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Mayblum
In memory of Kate Mayblum
Dr. Bernard Metrick
RSD Donation
Ms. Rebecca Michel
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Ms. Ruth Polivy
In memory of David Frank Polivy - Beloved Son
Mrs. Rhoda Pollack
In memory of Philip Kayne
Mrs. Rhoda Pollack
Mrs. Rhoda Pollack
In honor of Sylvia Zipper’s Speedy Recovery
Mrs. Rhoda Pollack
In honor of Betsey Cooper’s Speedy Recovery
Mr. & Mrs. John Pollock
In honor of Gerald Stein’s Complete & Speedy Recovery
Mr. Herbert Ptack
In honor of My 6 Grandchildren
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Ross
In memory of Sara Katzin’s Mother Jeanne
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Ross
In memory of Helen Lebowitz
Dr. & Mrs. Saul Ross
Hartman’s Tel Aviv Project
Dr. & Mrs. William Rymer
In memory of Robert Casella
Ms. Lanie Sacks
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
Mrs. Rosalind Schwartz-Fein
In memory of Rabbi Lester Schwartz Beloved Husband
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Sharfe
In memory of father, Ed Vickar
Mr. Mikhail Shmukler
In memory of my beloved Daughter Alla Gersten
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Siegel
In memory of Loved Ones
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Siegell
In honor of David Dweck
Ms. Elyse Silver
In memory of my beloved husband Leon Charney
Mrs. Paula Silver
In honor of Paula & Michael Berezin’s Anniversary
Mrs. Paula Silver
In honor of The Hamentashen Kitchen Group
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sopher
In honor of Amos Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Speicher
In honor of the birth of Jerry & Donna Kramer’s Grandson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stein
Purim Groggers
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Steinmetz
In memory of Nathan Steinmetz
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Steinmetz
In memory of my belved mother Sadie Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Strauss
In memory of Shila Strauss
Mildred & Abner Levine Flower Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Samuel
In memory of Mary Zalkind
Millicent and Sigmund Nathan Library Endowment Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Berman
Dr. Sidney Besvinick
Dr. Sidney Besvinick
Dr. Sidney Besvinick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chosid
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Gross
Mrs. Sue Kirshner
Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Nachimson
Mrs. Ruth Weiner
In honor of Sue Kirshner’s birthday
In memory of Sam Besvinick
In memory of Florence Capland
In memory of Charlotte Feuer
In honor of Sue Kirshner’s birthday
General Donation
In memory of Betsey Cooper
In memory of Evelyn Savage
In honor of Sue Kirshner’s birthday
Mirochnick Religious School Endowment Fund
Drs. William & Lori Sternheim
In memory of Dr. Herbert
Drs. William & Lori Sternheim
In memory of Gerald Sternheim
Oxler-Farber Fund for Camp Ramah Scholarships
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Fishman
In honor of Jerome Kauffman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Fishman
In honor of Nora
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Fishman
In honor of Joan Vogelbaum
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Fishman
In honor of Seymour Rose
Ms. Lisa Moore
In honor of Lauren & Graeme’s Wedding
Drs. Stanley & Suzanne Stier
In honor of Sara & Noah’s Engagement
Rabbi Englander Discretionary Fund
Dr. & Mrs, Richard Aronsohn
In memory of Jeff Deutch’s Mother Jean
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
In honor of the Kantor’s class reunion
Mrs. Esther Goldman
In memory of Michael Goldman
Mrs. Francine Higer
In appreciation of Rabbi being so nice
Mr. & Mrs. Gil Kanter
Mrs. Toby Levi
In memory of Rosita Kugler
Mr. Alan Lipson
In memory of Aaron Lipson
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Mizrachi
In memory of Alter Justen
Ms. Felicia Putter Goldstein
In honor of Chad Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Schneiderman In memory of Isidore Schneiderman
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Silver
In memory of Jeanette Steinberg
Ms. Sally Sokoloff
In memory of Jay Sokoloff
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Soloff
In memory of Ida Gabay
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Stagman
General Donation
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Sternberg
In honor of Robbie Sternberg’s Bar Mitzvah
Ms. Elca Taras
In memory of Mary Pencer
Mr. Mark Wasserman & Ms. Sue Gurland In honor of Gil & Elaine Kantor
Mr. Mark Wasserman & Ms. Sue GurlandTzedakah
Rabbi Steinhardt Discretionary Fund
Ms. Rosalyn Abrams
Dr. & Mrs, Richard Aronsohn
Dr. & Mrs, Richard Aronsohn
Dr. & Mrs, Richard Aronsohn
Mr. & Mrs. Ely Attman
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Berman
Drs. Steven & Randy Birnbach
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Blyn
Mrs. Barbara Cohen
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Alisa Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Cornell
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Cornell
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Cornell
Dr. Paul & Mrs. Ellen Diamond
Dr. Paul & Mrs. Ellen Diamond
Dr. Paul & Mrs. Ellen Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Dion
Mr. & Mrs. William Fine
Mr. & Mrs. William Fine
summer 2016
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
In honor of Annabel Jane Deutch
In honor of Betsey Cooper’s Speedy Recovery
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
In memory of Erin Levitas
In honor of Morris Lewitter birthday
In honor of Mr.& Mrs. David Wallach
In memory of Helen Garber
In memory of Edith Blyn
In memory of Claire Rubenstein
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
In memory of Ernst Cornell
In memory of beloved mother Helga Lipow
In memory of Frida Cornell
In memory of Nanette Hirschkowitz
In memory of Helen Latner
In memory of Silvia Eizenman
In honor of Samuel & Anita’s Great Granddaughter
In honor of Mrs. Alvin Gelman special birthday
In honor of Ellis Fine
Rabbi Steinhardt Discretionary Fund (cont.)
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Strauss
Mrs. Barbara Susser
In memory of Goldie Mooney
Mrs. Sheila Trossman
Hartman’s Tel Aviv Project
Mr. Sam Tuchman
In memory of Miriam Tuchman
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Weiss
In honor of Rabbi Steinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Weiss
In memory of beloved father Arthur Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Wilde
In memory of Jack Wilednik
Mrs. Esther Wolfer
In memory of David Sommer
Mrs. Esther Wolfer
In memory of Stuart Adam Wolfer
Mrs. Marsha Zidel
In honor of our parents Harriet & Jack Rubin
Mrs. Sylvia Zipper
In honor of Betsey Cooper’s Speedy Recovery
Mrs. Sylvia Zipper
In memory of my loving husband Sidney Zipper
Mrs. Phyllis Butters
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. William Fine
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Ab Flatt
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Glassman
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mrs. Gerta Gleich
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mrs. Lynn Kordon Goldberg
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mrs. Raye Liptzin
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mrs. Renee Loeb
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Ms. Ruth Polivy
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robbins
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Rosenberg
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mrs. Rosalind Schwartz-Fein
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Soloff
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Mrs. Esther Wolfer
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Women’s League Judaica Shop Youth Scholarship Fund
Ms. Lisa Moore
In memory of Gladys Moore
Mr. & Mrs. George Risisky
In honor of David & Mary’s wedding
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Smith
In memory of Nathan Glauberman
Mr. Mark Wasserman & Ms. Sue Gurland In memory of May Polatchek
Mr. Mark Wasserman & Ms. Sue Gurland In honor of Robbie Sternberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Wilde
In memory of Sam Belz
Ruth and Edward Taubman Early Childhood Center Endowment Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Birdie
In memory of Leo Birdie
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Birdie
In memory of Anne Paskin
Mrs. Phyllis Butters
In memory of David Grodin
Mr. & Mrs. Ab Flatt
In honor of Siegell wedding
Mrs. Miriam Fried
In memory of Joseph Fried
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Golberg
In honor of birth of Libby & Marvin’s grandson
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Golberg
In honor of Goldberg’s grandaughter Becca
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Golberg
In honor of Betsey Cooper’s speedy recovery
Mrs. Bea Gold
In memory of David Grodin
Mr. & Mrs. William Gralnick
In memory of Joseph Fried
Mr. & Mrs. William Gralnick
In honor of the birth of Becca Lieberman
Mr. & Mrs. William Gralnick
In honor of the birth of Levi
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In memory of David Grodin
Dr. & Mrs. Saul Ross
In appreciation of BTC
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Schildkraut
In memory of Lillian Roseman
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Schildkraut
In memory of George Dainoff
Mrs. Ruth Taubman
In memory of Rosita Kugler
Mrs. Ruth Taubman
In honor of Marvin Golberg’s 85th birthday
Mrs. Ruth Taubman
In honor of Noah & Sara’s engagement
Mrs. Ruth Taubman
In honor of Becca Lieberman
Mrs. Ruth Taubman
In honor of Myrna & David Gross Grandson
Mrs. Ruth Taubman
In honor of Elaine Siegell Daughter’s Wedding
Mrs. Ruth Taubman
In memory of my mother Rose Gross
Mrs. Ruth Taubman
In memory of Haim Polani
Mrs. Ruth Taubman
In memory of Betsey Cooper
Sam Mandelker College Connection Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Cohen
In memory of Mollie Clovsky
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Rudnick
In memory of Lillian Rudnick
Sari Singer Holocaust Survivor Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Graber
Mr. & Mrs. Gil Kanter
Tzedakah, Learning & Chesed Program
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ferraro
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Bueller
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Drowos
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Fleysher
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gore
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Kotler
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sopher
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Weisholtz
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ginsburg
Weiner/ Rosenberg March of the Living/High School in Israel Scholarship Fund
Dr. & Mrs. David Gross
Dr. & Mrs. David Gross
Mrs. Anneliese Haber
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Rosenberg
In memory of Ori Rom
In memory of Jared Weiner
In memory of Jack Haber
In memory of Ori Rom & Jared Weiner
In memory of David Kahn’s uncle
Yahrzeit/Yizkor Fund
Ms. Rosalyn Abrams
In memory of Aaron & Mae Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berezin
In memory of David Berezin
Ms. Sharyn Bernstein
In memory of my husband, Charles M. Bernstein, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Bert Bez
In memory of David M. Bez
Drs. Steven & Randy Birnbach
In memory of my beloved Sol
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Bueller
In memory of my mom Sally
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Bueller
In memory of my mother Gertrude
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burton
In memory of Stanley Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Butters
In memory of my beloved brother Volf Ronis
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
In memory of beloved Uncle David Fishman
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
In memory of beloved my Father Sidney Chaplin
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Chaplin
In memory of beloved Grandfather Samuel Hager
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chwatt
In memory of Harriet Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chwatt
In memory of my beloved father, Samuel Chwatt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chwatt
In memory of my beloved Mother Ida Chwatt
Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Cohen
In memory of Berisch Appenzeller
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Epstein
In memory of Bertha Gelfond
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Feingold
In memory of my mother Miriam Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Feinman
In memory of Frances Feinman
Mr. Jeffrey Fellen
In memory of Frances Green
Mrs. Mona Fleisig
In memory of my beloved father Harry Poskar
Mrs. Mona Fleisig
In memory of beloved father Murray Fleisig
Mr. David Freedman & Ms. Laura Kahn In memory of Estelle Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Friedman
In memory of Jason Richard Stern
Mrs. Lynn Kordon Goldberg
In memory of Blanche Cooper, beloved aunt
Mrs. Lynn Kordon Goldberg
In memory of Mary Goldberg
Mrs. Esther Goldman
In memory of Murray Zoberman
Mr. Lee Greenspon & Ms. Miriam Granat In memory of mom Star Bruck
Mr. Lee Greenspon & Ms. Miriam Granat In memory of dad Aaon Bruck
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greenhawt
In memory of Edwin Greenhawt
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grohman
In memory of dear Uncle Felix Amiel
Drs. Zev & Danielle Gurion
In memory of Shlomo Goor-Arye
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Haddad
In memory of Frances & Leon Levine
Mrs. Elaine Harris
In memory of my mother Anne Nadler
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Harris
In memory of father Jerome Harris
Mr. Harry Hauptman
In memory of Max Hauptman
Ms. Ronnie Havrilla
In memory of my beloved son Ross Waldman
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Heiman
In memory of Morris Stal
Mr. Lester Hersch
In memory of Mildred Hersch
Mrs. Solange Howard
In memory of my beloved husband Robert Howard
Mrs. Solange Howard
In memory of Nessim Benaim
Mrs. Solange Howard
In memory of Freha Benaim
Mrs. Rebecca Kay
In memory of Sanford Kay
Mr. & Mrs. David Klingsberg
In memory of Harold Morganstern
Ms. Sara Klompus
In memory of Charles Silverman
Mrs. Doris Brooks Kuperstock
In memory of Stanford Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Levinson
In memory of Irwin B. Levinson
Dr. & Mrs. William Lippy
In memory of William Neff
Mr. Ernest Liss
In memory of my father Morris Liss
Dr. & Mrs. George Liss
In memory of Max Liss
Mr. & Mrs. Perry London
In memory of Elizabeth London
Mr. Saul Marsh
In memory of Bertha Marsh
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Paul
In memory of Yael Paul
Dr. Steven & Mrs. Elissa Pollack
In memory of Frances Testan
Mr. Murray Rehner
In memory of loved ones
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rich
In memory of Frederick Miller
Mrs. Doris Robbins
In memory of Arnold Robbins
Dr. & Mrs. Jacob Rosensweig
In memory of Charles Etzkovitch
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Ross
In memory of my beloved father Michael Knoblock
Mrs. Mildred Schaikowitz
In memory of Sol Schaikowitz
Mr. Norman Schlanger & Ms. Judith Kay In memory of my beloved wife Sharon Schlanger
Mrs. Frances Schmutter
In memory of Morris Schmutter
Mr. & Mrs. Monroe Schulder
In memory of beloved father Frank WHite
Mr. & Mrs. Monroe Schulder
In memory of beloved daughter Helaine
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schwartz
In memory of beloved mother Beatrice Kaplan
Drs. Bruce Segal & Benita Haber Segal In memory of David Segal
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sholk
In memory of Nathan Nichol
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Silver
In memory of David Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Silver
In memory of Edith Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Silver
In memory of Sidney Zuckerman
Mrs. Erica Spindel
In memory of my beloved Mother
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Steinmetz
In memory of Dr. Dennis Steinmetz
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Sternberg
In memory of Roberto Belkind Katz
Ms. Irene Tannenholtz
In memory of my beloved father, Jacob Tannenholtf
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Wallach
In memory of Raymond Wallach
Ms. Myriam Weinstein
In memory of Jetta Bakst
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Thank you to Claire Sheres of Coldwell Banker for sponsoring B’nai Torah’s Chai Magazine. We appreciate Claire & Allan Sheres for being one of our corporate sponsors.
If your company would like to be part of our corporate partnership program, please contact Rabbi Rikki Arad, Executive Director, at [email protected].