1968 catalog - Sheldon Brown
1968 catalog - Sheldon Brown
:he- world’s most elegant bicycle. The le incorporates such patented features Dynohub built-in generator, with tailmd o v e r s i z e d h e a d l a m p , f o r k l o c k , *y-Archer Hub, Brooks Butt Leather , shock-stop rubber grips, Dunlop -Wall tires, large touring bag and The perfect choice in Bronze Green )se who demand the ultimate. Model DL-24 available in 21” and 23” in Bronze Green. Model DL-24L available in 21” frame World famous high quality classic touring bicycle, incorporating every feature for comfort and reliability. Standard equipment i n c l u d e s S t u r m e y - A r c h e r 3-speed h u b w i t h t r i g g e r c o n t r o l , Brooks Leather Saddle, shock-stop rubber grips, Dunlop AmberWall tires, front lamp bracket, pump and touring bag. Gents Model DL-22 available in 21” frame in Black, Burgundy and Bronze Green and 23” frame in Black and Bronze Green. Ladies Model DL-22L available in 21” frame in Black, Sky Blue and Bronze Green, 19’/2” frame in Sky Blue. Ize Green. Nylon Tires are standard equipment on all Raleigh 26” wheel models including Superbe, Sports, Sprite and Colt. Spinted addition to the Raleigh line of fine touring bicycles is the 5-speed Sprite. Built f o r e f f o r t l e s s f u n c y c l i n g . D u a l shiftl e v e r s g i v e f i n g e r t i p c o n t r o l o f a 5-speed gear range from extra-low to super-high . gears are fully enclosed in the new patented Sturmey-Archer 5-speed hub. Standard equipment includes new Nylon Spnte white-walled tires, rear wire spring carrier, Brooks leather saddle, shock-stop grips, new safety pedals with inset reflectors. Boys Model DL-70 available in 21” frame in Burgundy and Bronze Green and 23” frame in Bronze Green. Girls Model DL-70-L available in 21” frame in Burgundy and Bronze Green. REC SUPER COURSE GRAND PRllX H a n d - m a d e i n R a l e i g h ’ s Carlton factory by the world’s leading specialists in the racing field. The frame is precision built with 531 Reynolds Tubing. Equipped with Simplex Prestige IO-speed gears, Williams 40-52 chain wheel and 14-28 T Sprocket. Wide Flange hubs, Weinman center pull brakes and alloy rims (27” x I’//‘). Dunlop high pressure raci n g t i r e s , G. B. h a n d l e b a r a n d s t e m , B - 1 5 racing saddle. A truly elegant hand-made bicycle built by Carlton, of course, with great care and precision. Fully lugged special racing frame tubi n g d e s i g n e d ,o p l e a s e t h e m o s t c r i t i c a l Gents Model DL-100 available in 21’/2” and Gents Model DL-115 available in 21’/2” and 23” frame sizes in BI tltion Blue colors. 23’/z” frame sizes in Coffee and Bronze Green mlnrc 23’/z” frame sizes, in Flamboyant Red and B r o n z e G r e e n c o l o r s a n d 25’/z” f r a m e i n Ladies Model D-130hlml..,” . . . A r--..,.+, sportsman. Equipped with Simplex Prestige 10 speeds gears, Weinmann center pull brakes, wide flange hubs with wing nuts, Dunlop Sprite aum wall tires, alloy bar and stem, and L-15 racing saddle. A fine racing bicycle tion as a “Record 2030 tubing, fully S i m p l e x prestige IC center pull brakes, tires, leather racing and mattress saddle plus other deluxe R: Gents Model DL-12 A RALEIGH BY ANY OTHER NAME I! The mark of a Real Raleigh is the Heron Crest and only bicycles exact specifications and with all the special quality features descri RALElGH SPEClFlCATIt U n m a t c h e d Ramboyarrt Cdor FWshes s t a n d a r d o n a l l R a l e i g h M o d e l s , i s achieiei through an exclusive 5 step electrostatic coating process with layers of primer . . . bonderized rubber undercoat and 2 coats of high gloss finishing lacquer. FINISN - Raleigh enameling and nickel-chromium plating are recognized the world over as the finest due to the rust proofing method and over 90 years experience in the world market. F R A M E S - Made of highly tensiled (2030) steel tubing ioined by lugs fitted with inner liners . . . every joint sealed and precision-brazed to hold a lifetime. FORKS - Are of tubular steel especially designed and tapered for lightness,. maximum durability and shock-absorbing resilience individual brazed-in tips insure true axle aii& m e n t i d e n t i f i e d b y exclusive Raleigh T h i m ble Crowns. BOlTOM B R A C K E T ASSIWBLK Precision Machined through 30 separate operations features turned axle and cups fully lined with indluidual ball bearings for frictionf r e e operatlon. RIMS - All steel, section tubular Raleigh pattern rims for extra strength. Standard on all models. MOVlNG PAW!3 - E v e r y m o v i n g p a r t i s f u l l y ball bearing with machined cones and cups. Parts remain tight and dirt free. T I R E S - NYLON extra strength tires by Dunlop standard on al! 26” wheel models. All Raleigh made bicycles bearing this factory affixed emblem are UNCQNDlTlONALLY GUARANTE against all defects in material and workmanship anywhere in the world and Raleigh will rep!1 without cost any RaKgh made part which is found defective in manufacture. This ,guarantee is alternative to any rights in Faw and does not cover defects from wear, accidl ~&r~nsuse nor defects In products not manufactured by us, nor dealer labor charges or transportat Made in England . . . Serviced Throughout America . . . Guaranteed Worldwit
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