Cedar Creek Annual Report 2013 swf.indd


Cedar Creek Annual Report 2013 swf.indd
from Head of School
Andrew Yepson
our message
t takes a big sacrifice to send your children to
Cedar Creek School.
We realize that many parents make education a
priority and go without the nice vacation, the newest car,
or restaurant meals to ensure their children get the right
start in life.
We also know it’s worth it. We can measure the return
in real numbers – exceptional test scores, college admissions, and thousands of dollars in scholarships offered.
We also have the stories of students getting the
attention they need they wouldn’t get in another environment; of students being nurtured and feeling safe
on our campus; and of students succeeding in their
post-graduate experiences. Those stories are immeasurable and hard to put a dollar value on their impact.
Thank you for sharing your praise and expressing
your satisfaction with our school, which is reflected in
increased enrollment and generous giving. We also are
grateful for the countless hours of volunteering so many
of our parents contribute towards improving the school.
Without your support, so many improvements would
not happen.
As you may already know, tuition does not cover the
cost of running the school. Critical projects get done
because many realize we must supplement the budget
with funds other than tuition. Some have asked for
Some have asked for more information about how
the money you donate is spent.
This Annual Report is designed to answer those
questions. We want you to know exactly
where your dollars are going.
more information about how the money you donate is
spent. This Annual Report is designed to answer those
questions. We want you to know exactly where your
dollars are going.
Please know that we have in place numerous checks
and balances to ensure that we are being good stewards
of your money. We also continuously evaluate our needs
and your ideas and concerns to make sure the school is
following a sound strategic plan.
Remember, we value your input, and we want to continue to hear from you. Our thorough communication
plan has as one of its goals to ensure our constituents
– parents, students, faculty and staff, community members, grandparents – have all the information they need
to continue their trusted support of our school.
Again, we thank you for the sacrifices you’re making
and your continued support to ensure your child is on
the road to success at Cedar Creek School.
our board of directors
What an exciting time to be a part
of Cedar Creek! Its Board of Directors has been working hard with the
administration to ensure the school is
growing and meeting the needs of its
student body as we continue to fulfill
the mission.
One of our main focuses is technology. With rapid changes in this arena,
it has been a goal of the Board to help
ensure our students are ready for their
post-secondary paths. Colleges and
universities across the nation as well
as employers across the spectrum are
expecting our students to not only pos-
sess traditional skills, but to master the
latest technology at the same time. Our
iPad program supports this mission.
We’ve been able to make significant
improvements to the physical plant as
well, thanks to the generosity of the
Cedar Creek family.
These changes are taking place while
we continue to grow in student population and maintain our superior
college-preparatory education. Our welltrained, caring and experienced faculty
is rising to the occasion of meeting the
multiple needs of today’s students.
The Board also realizes that it is criti-
cal to remember the school’s roots and
our obligation to provide a safe and
nurturing environment for all our students, even in these fast-paced times. It
is also critical to remember that we are
a school steeped in Christian traditions
that translates to an education embracing all the gifts our children possess.
The Board looks forward to a dynamic period for the school and working
with the administration, faculty, staff
and parents to continue to build our
legacy of excellence.
Brandon Ewing, Board President
Bottom row, from left: John
Mark Wilhite, Teresa Carroll,
Tanya Wade, Emily Adams
(class of 1993), and Andrew
Yepson; top row, from left:
Greg Bimle, Jay McCallum
(class of 1978), Brandon
Ewing (class of 1987), John
Maxwell (class of 1981) Paul
Riley (class of 1991) and Lonnie Menzina.
our parent club
he Cedar Creek Parent Club
finished 2012-13 on solid footing in many areas, including fund-raising, improvements to the campus, and
support of our wonderful teachers.
Through Cougar Gear sales, various
fall fundraisers, Box Tops and Holidays in Cedartown, we were able to
raise more than $47,000 after paying
all of our bills! Ten percent was donated to the Endowment Fund, and
more than $26,000 has been dedicated
toward new steel doors for the main
high school and elementary buildings.
The new doors will provide much better energy efficiency and also contribute to our school’s overall security and
safety of students.
Parent Club is also active throughout the school year with projects that
support our teachers, including
• Recognition of faculty and staff
• Adopt-a-Teacher
• Teacher Christmas reception and
Christmas bonus
• Teacher Appreciation Month and
We want every Cedar Creek parent
to get involved with Parent Club! It
is a great way to get to know faculty
members, other parents, and students
and make the Cedar Creek community
even stronger while playing a role in
your child’s education.
Emily Adams,
Parent Club President
the academics
The Class of 2013 accepted more than
in scholarships. This 44-member class was offered
an ACT average of
the top half,
26.5. The class average was 23.5.
College Acceptances
National Merit
Chloe Kaczvinsky
$4 million in scholarships.
The top 25 percent of the class earned
Percentage of 20
graduates who
qualified for TO
Jeff Carroll
$1.4 million
A sampling of some of the acceptances
of the Class of 2013:
Arizona State University
Auburn University
Baylor University
Boston College
perfo nteer hour
The College of William & Mary
by the ed in 2012
Duke University
of 20 3
George Washington University
Georgetown University
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Texas A&M University
University of Alabama
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma
University of Pennsylvania
University of Southern California
University of Virginia
along with our top Louisiana colleges and universities
the extracurricular
uper Omnia. The Best of
All. At Cedar Creek we
strive to uphold the motto
of Super Omnia by using our
God-given abilities to take full
advantage of the resources and
opportunities offered to us as
we seek knowledge and pursue
excellence in our personal conduct and all our endeavors.
This pursuit occurs not only
in the classroom, but on the
playing field, on the stage and
countless other venues.
Some highlights:
• Since joining the LHSAA
21 years ago, Cedar Creek has
won 29 state championships
and 16 state runner-up finishes
in athletics.
• The Cougar Golf Team captured its fifth consecutive state
championship in 2013.
• Cedar Creek was named the
Division IV Sweepstakes Winner in Literary Rally for the
ninth consecutive year in spring
• The Cougar Quiz Bowl team
came home with a state divisional championship.
• Grades 1-5 raised more than
$10,000 for St. Jude’s during its
Math-a-thon in 2013.
• The Robotics Team won Regional Mini Urban Challenge
competition and traveled to
compete in Washington, D.C.,
for the second year in a row.
• Eight students received College Board AP Scholar recognition based on their outstanding performance on the 2013
Advanced Placement Exams.
our numbers
our generosity has translated
into Cedar Creek School being
able to make significant improvements to its academics, athletics
and physical plant. Here is some of
the work completed in 2012-13:
54% Instructional
expenses, including
teacher salaries
26% operating expenses
6% facility improvements
6% maintenance
4% technology upgrade
4% related services
• Replaced all lights and ceiling
• Relocated switches so individual
rooms have their own switch
• Rewired intercoms
• Replaced all exterior doors
• Renovated the elementary office
• Purchased new playground equipment
• Created a teaching garden
• Purchased new math and reading
texts for grades K-5
Middle School
• Replaced flooring
• Replaced exterior doors at both
ends of hall
• Replaced lights
• Replaced floors
• Removed old radiators and repaired walls
• Painted classrooms
• Added new A/C units in some
• Painted stage
• Removed dividing curtain and
basketball goal
High School
• Replaced main exterior doors
• Upgraded our internet by installing 100 Mb/s dedicated fiber, new
servers, and other necessary hardware campus wide.
• Installed wireless access points
so that the internet can be connected to wirelessly from anywhere on
• Purchased Smart Boards so that
all elementary classes (1-5) have a
Smart Board and the
89% tuition/fees
3% related services
1% other income
7% donations
& Fundraising
49% Celebration
~ iPad Program
15% Parent Club
17% Foundation
Endowed Fund
15% Athletics
4% Miscellaneous
your generosity
our message
from advancement
s Director of Advancement
at Cedar Creek School, I am
always overwhelmed by the generosity of our community. Your desire to continue the Cedar Creek
“legacy of excellence in education” is demonstrated by your
support of the many fund-raising
and volunteer opportunities offered throughout the year.
Over the last year, we encouraged you to share your “gifts” of
time, talent and treasure. From
The Creek Fund to Holidays in
CedarTown; The Foundation
Endowed Fund to Celebration;
athletics to the arts; campus work
days to teacher appreciation week
and on and on, your “gifts” are
enriching the lives of our students
and faculty. Thank you!
Beyond the list of tangible
items, projects and programs
Lynda Steed
majority of middle school and high
school classes have either a Smart
Board or a Promethean Board
• Provided teachers with iPads and
professional development training
on how to use them in class
• Installed projectors and an Apple
TVs in all classrooms
• Provided four mobile iPad carts
for classroom use
• Purchased a new bus
• Replaced air conditioners in the
Varsity Gym
• Repaired and replaced parts of
the sidewalk and parking lot in front
of the varsity gym to make it wheel
chair accessible
• Replaced carpeting and flooring in
the upstairs of varsity gym and the
basketball locker rooms
• Resurfaced the track
• Purchased a new tractor with
loader, forks, bush hog, and finishing mower
• Cut trees and brush from behind
tennis courts and football field
• Moved air conditioners in ELC
to help prevent recurring drainage
• Built an addition to
softball locker room
• Added new buildings
by football practice
field and renovating
training room
• Performed a myriad
of general maintenance and repairs
that directly benefit from your
support, there is a greater “gift.”
Your “gift” of trust. Thank you
for the trust that you have placed
in Cedar Creek School to educate
your children and grandchildren
and for trusting us with your
personal “gift” of time, talent and
treasure. We thank you and assure
you that we will continue to be
good stewards of your gifts!
our donors
The Creek Fund
Super Omnia $5000+
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Barron
Dr. Cindy and Mr. Greg Bimle
Community Trust Bank
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brandon Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Niles H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robbins
Gold $2500-$4999
Mr. and Mrs. Don Barron
KLS Chris Killgore
Mrs. Marcia McNeill
Dr. and Mrs. Hoa Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Norris
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Wilhite
Emerald $1000-$2499
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Carroll
First National Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Guinn
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Hild
Mr. John E. Maxwell
Mr. John J. “Mickey” McHale
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
The Ensure Agency, Inc.
Trinity Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Walker
Cougar Pride Club $500-$999
Mr. and Mrs. Jed Brashear
Mrs. Patricia Doughty
Dr. and Mrs. J. Roman Farrar
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haworth
Mr. and Mrs. William Hyams
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson
Drs. Dayanny and Michael
Mr. and Mrs. William Manning
Ms. Carol Massey
Drs. Tonya and William Slusher
Drs. Martina and Sedo Tamakloe
Dr. and Mrs. Tommy Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Layne Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yepson
Dr. and Mrs. William Green
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hampton
Mrs. Mary Hill
Mrs. Faye Kavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler League
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Machen
Dr. and Mrs. John Maxwell, II
Mr. and Mrs. Clay McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun McIntire
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Menzina
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Orr
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stokley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Woodard
Friends Club up to $249
Argent Financial Group, Inc.
Mr. Donnie Barmore
Mrs. Leslie Belding
Ms. Catherine Boddie
Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. John Colvin
Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Everett
Mrs. Kourtney Frichter
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Futch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallagher
Mrs. Vickie Hall
Mrs. Mallory Temple Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hollingsworth
Mrs. Becky Huckaby
Mr. Zachary Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Troy D. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kaczvinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Linder
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Lolley
Mr. Shane Mabou
Ms. Meagan Marsalis
Mr. and Mrs. Jay McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morganthall
Mrs. Haley Perot
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Pike
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pike
Mr. and Mrs. Monty Pinton, Jr
Mrs. Melissa Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pyles
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rainer
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ray
Mrs. Bertha Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Reece Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. David Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sidhu
Dr. and Mrs. Rick Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Slusher
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Storms
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Stringer
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Taylor
Mr. Clayton Teague
Mr. and Mrs. George Trevison
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vallery
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Vascocu
Ms. Linda E. Viator
Ms. Sherri White
Ms. Lauren Ashley Yepson
Athletics Fund
Super Omnia $5000+
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hill
Ruston Petro Partners LLC
Emerald $1000-$2499
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown
Community Trust Bank
Cougar Pride Club $500-$999
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chicola
Dr. and Mrs. Sean Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haddox
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Smith
Patrons Club $250-$499
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Greg Sampognaro
Friends club up to $249
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Antony
Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Everett
Mr. and Mrs. John Jimmerson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Klug
Ms. Amy Parnell
Ruston Chevron
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Spillers
Ms. Cheryl Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Wade
Patrons Club $250-$499
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Blackwell
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Boersma
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Craft
Dr. and Mrs. Sean Dwyer
our donors
Mr. and Mrs. Layne Weeks
Endowed Fund
Super Omnia $5000+
Mr. John E. Maxwell
Cedar Creek School
Cougar Pride Club $500-$999
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Killgore
Patrons $250-$499
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
Friends Club up to $249
Ms. Susan Potter
Mr. and Mrs. John Jimmerson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
Drs. Tonya and William Slusher
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Barron
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rahn Sherman
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Smith
Cedartown Sponsors
Holiday Brunch Sponsor
Community Trust Bank
Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Wilhite
Santa Sponsor $1500
Minute Magazine
Spring Media
Christmas Tree Sponsor $1000
Hood Companies
Reindeer Sponsor $500
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Alexander
Mrs. Sunny Moon
First National Bank
Green Clinic Management, Co.,
Lincoln Builders, Inc.
Ms. Ashley L. Page
Elf Sponsor $250
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Fair
Family Pharmacy Family Vital
Lincoln Outpatient Therapy
Dr. and Mrs. Derek R. McClusky
North Louisiana Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
A Special Thank You to
Bank of Ruston - iPad Sponsor
Celebration Sponsorships
Louisiana Purchase Banquet
Sponsors - $5000
The Ewing Family
In honor of our Founding Families
Louisiana Plastic Industries
Piney Woods Tavern
Sponsors - $3000
Dr. and Mrs. J.V. Jones, Jr.
M.L. Smith Jr., LLC
Crossroads Cook-Off Sponsors - $2500
Community Trust Bank
Ewing Timber
Janet Fortenberry-State Farm
Ruston Tractor
Atchafalaya Basin Sponsors
- $2000
The McClusky Family
Mr. and Mrs. Don Robbins
The Wetlands Sponsors $1500
First National Bank
Green Clinic
Hood Petroleum, Inc.
Mayzel Logging
Myrtis and Virgil Orr
Gregory C. Sampognaro, M.D.
Wildlife Refuge Sponsors $1000
Aegis Capital, LLC
Don M. Barron Contractor, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Kerry Byrnes
Courtesy Automotive Team &
Green Clinic Cardiology
Robert and Billie Dawkins
Dr. Bobby Ensminger &
Dr. Roman Farrar
Roni and Mike Haddox
Just Like You
Louisiana Insurance Services,
LOTS/Legacy Rehabilitation &
Durrett Law
Dian and Keith Maxwell
Ramona and Heath Miller
Dr. and Mrs. C.L. Neal
Spring Media
T.P. Outdoors
Darin Woods Welding Service
Deer Stand
Sponsors- $750
Bank of Ruston
Teresa Carroll
Kay and Karl
Duck Blind Sponsors$500
Hodge Bank & Trust
Lincoln Builders of Ruston, Inc.
Nancy and Bill McIntyre
Peoples Bank
Ruston Medical Group
Lynda and Doug Steed
Drs. Martina and Sedo Tamakloe
Fishing Hole Sponsors - $250
Arcadia Oilfield Supply
Shirley and Randall Barron
Caples & Robinson Orthodontics
Clinton Insurance Agency
Liz and Darrel Craft
Sean Dwyer
Amy and Kyle Green
Hill Oil
Andy Halbrook - Edward Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Haley
Cindy and Bruce Hampton
Joan K. Johnston
Johnston Dental Care, LLC
Malone Polaris
Marion State Bank
Dr. and Mrs. John Maxwell
Deanna McCallum, Attorney at Law
Jill and Lonnie Menzina
Candi and John Moak
Becky and Lue Napper
& Camdyn and Lomax Napper
Dr. and Mrs. David Osafo
Lauren and Shane Phillips
Lauren Roebuck Designs
Ruston’s Locker Room, Inc.
Tonya and Jaime Slusher
Buffy and Scott Walker
Laundi and Stephen Williams
Susan and Andrew Yepson
The Camp Sponsor
National Jewelry
A special thank you to:
Ben Dance
Kay and Karl Malone
Tangled Designs
Decal Shop
Malone Polaris
Rabb’s Liquor
Celebration - Raise the Paddle
Gold $2500-$4999
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fortenberry
Ms. Heather R. Gantt
Emerald $1000-$2499
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Barron
Dr. Cindy and Mr. Greg Bimle
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis
Mr. and Mrs. B. Jay Durrett
Mr. and Mrs. John Durrett
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brandon Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haddox
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Johnson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Malone
Mr. John E. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Clay McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Niles H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Pardue
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Robinson
Drs. William and Tonya Slusher
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
Cougar Pride Club $500-$999
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Everett
Dr. and Mrs. J. Roman Farrar
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Guinn
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. William Hyams
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Klug
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Madden
Dr. and Mrs. Derek R. McClusky
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Menzina
our donors
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pullin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W.D. Robbins, II
Mr. and Mrs. Modell Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Shirley
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Spillers
Patrons $250-$499
Mr. and Mrs. David Kent
Dr. and Mrs. John Maxwell, II
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Norsworthy
Friends Club up to $249
Dr. Amy and Mr. Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. Jody D. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Belknap
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bourn
Mr. and Mrs. John Colvin
Mr. and Mrs. Micah Crawford
Ms. Priscilla Donalson
Dr. Jerrilyn and Mr. Jim Frasier
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hollingsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson
Mrs. Teresa Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Kenley
Mr. and Mrs. Haig Kitishian
Ms. Laurie Mabou
Mr. and Mrs. Dusty May
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Norris
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Roebuck
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rolen
Ms. Regina Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Eugene
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Starkey
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Trammell
Dr. and Mrs. Kerry Viator
Mrs. Marilyn Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Walker
Ms. Ann Walsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yepson
Gold $2500-$4999
Mr. and Mrs. Don Barron
Hood Companies
Emerald $1000-$2499
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Menzina
Cougar Pride Club $500-$999
Lauren Roebuck Designs
Irrigation-Mart, Inc. - Jay Robbins
Friends Club up to $249
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Black
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Layne Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Storms
Memorials & Honorariums
In Honor of Zachary Simmons
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Simmons
In Honor of Gary Sidhu
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sidhu
In Honor of Caley Pyles
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pyles
In Honor of Brandon Shapiro
Mrs. Dianne Futch
In Honor of Brett B.
Mrs. Bertha Robinson
In Honor of Mr. Ben James
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Vascocu
In Honor of Bruce Hampton
Mrs. Pat Haworth
In Memory of Fern Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
In Memory of Mr. Hays Colvin
Mr. and Mrs. John Jimmerson
In Memory of Martha Ann
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
In Memory of Robert Haworth
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
In Memory of Keisha
Best Helm
Cedar Creek Class of 1992
In Memory of Dr. William Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rahn Sherman
Drs. Tonya and William Slusher
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
In Memory of Mr. Bill Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
In Memory of Mr. William A.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jimmerson
In Memory of William Larance
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
In Memory of Dewey Myles
Mr. and Mrs. John Jimmerson
Ms. Susan Potter
Mrs. Melissa Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steed
In Memory of Alton Buddy
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
In Memory of Doris Rhymes
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Neuroth
In Memory of Sylivia Eyvonne
Mr. and Mrs. John Jimmerson
Cedar Creek School 2012 – 2013
Annual Report is published by
Cedar Creek School Advancement
Every effort has been made to
include all contributors and to verify
the correct listing of donor names.
If your name has been omitted or
listed incorrectly, we apologize and
would appreciate notification.
our family
eteran English teacher Mrs.
Pat Haworth retired in May
from Cedar Creek. Friends, former
and current faculty, alumni and
students poured into the reception
honoring devoted service, and
accolades accumulated on social
media, detailing the indelible mark
she made on so many.
mark your calendars
Homecoming 2013 - November 1st
Cougars vs. Ringgold
Pre-game Presentation 6:30 P.M. - Kick-off 7:00 P.M.
Holidays in CedarTown - November 14th - 16th
Opening Holiday Brunch featuring Chef Cory Bahr
~ Thursday November 14th ~10:00 -12:30
Limited tickets -$20.00 person
Open to the Public
November 14th 12:30 - 8:00
November 15th & 16th 10:00 to 5:00
Admission $5.00
Cedar Creek Celebration 2014
Chillin’ and Grillin’ on the Creek
April 5, 2014
Ruston Civic Center
2400 Cedar Creek Drive
Ruston, Louisiana 71270
[email protected]
our team