Untitled - SainikSchool Bhubaneswar
Untitled - SainikSchool Bhubaneswar
"Nc hi vidyate, g'yo'n^e,na sadrisam -l-ct kalenotrnqni yo,9,s-scrmisidhan svcyam vindoti pavitrornihq -" Bgginning of new lifg-.-.-...,...-.rListen to the of tlte E><]rortation Da.vnnl to Look flris Dcryl For if is Life, the very Life of Lif e, fn it:s brief ccrrrr:se lie sll the yclLrr Reo,lities of Wenities cnd E><istranceTlre Bliss of @rovvtlt. -l-he .Action. €kcr1r of Tlte Splend<rur of Ele,autlr; For )le:=trardalr is br-rt a dr-eortr, -l-ornorF€Dvn And is onllr cr Vision; Br-rt Todolz lirred rnc.tces rnrell F{apgriness }/estendalr <r Drearn af Errerlz tevel.rl And TomorrcDw Gl Vision of HaVe Look tlrerefore trc flriss well bay! GATEIIIIAY$ TONATIONAL DEFEI'ICE ACADE|HY g|ffirrrr{l!ffi.tgnrfun ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE qfrvrirlr{li I ll *fs*f*m#vrr*'rvnvrbariqazr grusl?r|ftrueFr+aiffid 1. o Salientfeatur"r 2. Intrcduffift* 3. Aim ., Fti;AF .ie 4. . SainikSchoolBhubaneswar Set-up/Affiliation 5. . Organizatiorral 6. / Programme AdmissionPoliry/ Mediumof EntranceExamination / Supplyof Marks of Eeminatioli / Centresfor Feamination 7. Reservation 8. Schoolsession/ vacation 9. re/ Scholarship FeesStruc'tu 10. lmporhntNotes 11, Listof SainikSchools Prospectus Introduction: in variouspartsof the established Schools 4. 'sainikSchoolsarefullyresidential of highstandardwitha military codntryfor boysprovidingPublicSchoolEducation syllabusandpattemof education, followuniformcuniculum, bias.Theseinstitutions examination. Aim: physically 2. The primaryaimof SainikSchoolsisto prepareboysacademically, (NDA). intothe NationalDefenceAcademy andmentallyforentry 3. Other objectives: (a) To removeregionalimbalanceintheofficereadreof the D nceSenrices. (b) Todevelopqualities of body,mindandctraracterwfrichwillenabletheyoung of tomorrow. boysof todaytobecomegoodandusefulcitizens (c) Tobringpublicschooleducation withinthe reachof thecommonman. Locationof SainikSchoolBhubaneswar: is locatedwithinthemaincityof Bhubane r ina 4. SainikSchoolBhubaneswar byAir,Rail,Road greencampusof about250acresandwellconnected sprawling andCityBusservice. Airport RaitwayStation MainBusStand 14Kms 08 Kms 13Kms Organizational set-up: SainikSchoolsare managedby a Societyregisteredunderthe Societies of the undertheChairmanship Registration functioning Ac1A Boardof Governors DefenceMinisterGovt.of Indiais the ChiefExecutivebodyof the SainikSchools undertheChairmanship Socieg.Eachschoolhasa LocalBoard ofAdministration commandfor general of GeneralOfficerCommanding in Chiefof the concerned on the Schools.ThreeServiceOfficersviz.Principal, administrative supervision of the Schools,aredeputedfromthe DefenceServices. Headmaster andRegistrar Affiliation: Sainik Schools are affiliatedto the Central Board of Secondary Education S. (CBSE)and impartsuniformcurriculumfrom class-Vl to class-Xll. Admission PolicY: SainikSchoolsadmit boys in classesVl and lX throughan All India Entrance 6. Examinationheld once in a year.ihe age of the boys shouldbe 10-11 yearsfor Class-Vl and 13-14years for Class-iXas on 1'1July of the year in which admissionis sought. Admissions are made strictly in the order of merit on the basis of the Entrance Examination,interviewand medicalfitness. The boys admittedto the school will remain in the School for the entire course. For Sainik Sihools, the term of "entire course" is from Glass-Vlto Glass-Xll.Parentsof boys who are in receiptof Scholarshipscan withdrawthem withoutcompletingthe entire only after repaymentof the total amountof the Scholarshipsenjoyedby the boys "ourr" periodof their study in the School. during All boys admitted to sainik schools, who are in receipt of any Go_v!_Scholarship includinj DefenceScholarshipare requiredto avail all chancesfor the NDA Examination conduciedby the UPSC.They are also liableto appearfor tests, interviewsand medical examinationi at the Servicei Selection Board or other Military Institutions,Training Institutionsto which they are asked to report.Failure to fulfil this liability or attempts to leave these Institutions pre-maturelyor wilful attempts on the part of such boys to undertake this as a procedural formality only, if dictated, will make the Parents/ Guardians liable to reiund the entire amount of Scholarships enjoyed by such students. per Disputesarisingout of admissions,promotionsand withdrawlswill be dealtwith as the relevantrulesof sainik schools society Rules& Regulations. The scheme of EntranceExaminationenvisagesa writtenexaminationfollowed 7. by an interviewand medical test. The medical test will be accordingto the medical siandardsprescribedfor entryto NationalDefenceAcademy' Examination The Entrance Glass-Vl Language Mathematics Test lntelliqence Class-lX Mathematics Science Enqlish SocialStudies WIill be as follows: Max Marks 100 100 100 Max Marks 200 75 100 75 Durationof Exam 02 Hours 40 Minutes Durationof Exam 2/zHours 02 Hours $)ros ectr.rs Medium of EntranceExamination: The Entrance Examinationis conductedin Hindi and English Medium only. 8. Candidatesappearingfor Class-VlEntranceExaminationhave the optionto take the in regionallanguagei.e. Odiya.For Class-lXthe questionpaperwill be in Examination E n g l i s ho n l y . Programme of Examination: g. Firm date and programme of examinationwith necessary instructionwill be to the parentswell in advance. communicated 10. ProposedCentresfor Examination: Centre. for Class-lXwill be conductedonly in Bhubaneswar 11. EntranceExamination Cancellationof Centre(s)will be made by the SchoolAuthorityin case of non-availability of minimumrequirednumber of candidatesfrom a Centre. Candidatesopted for such Centre(s)will be allottedanother centre based on the choice made in the application form.underintimation. 12. Candidates who appeared earlier in the Entrance Examination for the particularclass are not eligibleto apply again. 13. In case a candidate has not attended any school upto class V and seeking admissionto Class Vl in this school,an attestedcopy of the Birth Certificateissued by the concernedGovt. Authorityshould be enclosed along with the filled in application form. For admissionto Class lX, the boys must be studyingin a recognizedschool. Supply of marks : 14. Parents desirous to obtain the marks secured by their wards in the Entrance Examinationand Interviewcan get the same by payinga fee of <100/-in the form of DD aftercompletionof admissionprocess. '15. Reservation: o 67%of seatsarereserved for the boysfromthe Stateof Odisha. Territories o 33%of seatsarethrownopento boysfrom otherStates/Union s !EProsDectus t O classification:Withinthe abovereservation - ZSo/o of seatsare reservedfor childrenof servicepersonalincludingexserviceman - 15o/o reservedfor SG - TTzo/o reservedforST Schoolsession: to 31$ Marchof from'1'tApril sessionof theschoolcommences 16. TheAcademic theensuingyear: Vacation: 17. Studentsaregranted70 daysin a year.Thevacationis plannedbythe school accordingto the academicneedsof the school.Generallythe totalvacationis intotwo partsi.e.40 daysin summer(May-Jun)and30 daysin autumn bifurcated (Oct-Nov). Fee Structure : 18. All fees/duesare payablein advance.Tuitionfees can be paidon yearly, Penaltywill be chargedfor latepayment or quarterlybasis/installments. half-yearly of fees/dues. feesstructure,a candidate(GEN/SC/ 1g. Accordingto the existing(.2010-2011) ST/DEF)is requiredto makea totalpaymentof Rs. 740001-(approx)at the time Therewillbe 5-10percentincreaseof fees at the commencement of admission. to the parentsfromtimeto of everyacademicyear,whichwillbe communicated time.ThefeesincludesTuitionfeearrdotherchargeslikeclothing,cautionmoney, SSC FeeS,mediclaim, diet, incidental,pocketmoney,text books,stationery, smartclassetc.Feesshouldbe sentonlyin theformof DemandDraft insurance, bank SainikSchoolpayableat any nationalized drawnin favourof the Principal at Bhubaneswar. ospectus Scholarship(Govt.of Odishaand Govt.of India): are asfollows: 20. The Govt.of Odighascholarship Amountof ScholaFhlp FULLRs.30,00U* % Rs.22,5001% Rs.15,000/Rs.7,500/% Ministryof DefenceScholarship: Existing Defence Typ6of _Serving E26Servicemen' Scholarshio Personnel Scholarshio Full . Half NCOs& Ors NCOs& Ors JCOs Offiiers JCOs Officers Rs. 10.500# Rs.5,250/Nil Prcposed Scholarshio Rs.32,000/Rs,16,000/Nil Note: D atthe Theschoolwillcollectthetotalfeesfromtheboyseligibleforscholarship amountas andwhenreceived m the The scholarship time of admission. Parentsof cadets creditedto cadets'account. respectiveGovernmentwillbe everyyear, are requiredto submitfteshincomecertificate availingscholarship from willbe awardedonlyon receiptof validincomecertificate Thescholarship the parentsof eligiblecadetsandreceiptof grantfromthe Govemmenl of India,Ministryof Defenceprovidesan amountof Rs. 11000/ii) Govemment (approx)every year towards dietary chargesto cadets of all categories ' inespectiveof the incomeof the parents. Lastdateof sale and receiptof Filledin Application: 21. The lastdatefor saleof Prospectus/ApplicationFormand receiptof filledin Applications inthe Newspapers. ApplicationFormarenotifiedthroughadvertisement receivedaftertheprescribeddatewillbe rejected. rosPectus a) Notransferftornany er SainlkSchooleto SainlkS$od Blr$alpsraratd vlceversais Permisslble. or sdrohahlpg.. anarqingadmlsslon of fal3edocumenbor qon@ilng any lnlbma0onregattrWilp c) Subraiselon wlll rerult h tq€dott c, ldmhdGn candidate for getUng.Goil.Satrglarchlp or afterthoadmbr|oru of stud'enbat any tagebefiore andwithdrawal d) Ds-notfall prayto any orp urhob arsu@ riCmgdonor !dt*nl*p.an{ favorsof anyklrd or cashftomyott. dernands eail intheAllIndieSeffi(8cNnl Enbme whohare.appearcd e) GandftJates, for adm ionin 6nySalnkSdroolam nd b e&Dle egahbtte Examihation sameclass. 6 List of Sainik Schools 1) Sainik School Amaravathinagar Dist: Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) Pin Code * 642 102 Ph No. -04252-256296 9) Sainik School Gopalganj P O : H a t h w aD i s t : G o p a l g a n j Bihar,Pin Code - 841 436 Ph. No,- 06150-231681 '17)Sainik School Nalanda PO: Rajgir,Dist: Nalanda B i h a r ,P i n C o d e - 8 0 3 1 1 6 Ph. No. - Ail12-255449 2) Sainik School AmbikaPur B i s h u n p u rR o a d . D i s t - S a r g u j a Chattisgarh trin Code - 497 001 Ph. No -07774-23A999 10) Sainik School lmphal PB No * 21, lmphal Manipur,Pin Code * 795 001 Ph No. -Q385-2423424 1B) Sainik School Purulia Dist: Purulia,West Bengal Pin Code * 723 144 Ph. No. -A3252-223999 3) Sainik School Balachadi Dist : Jamnagar (Gujrat) Pin Code - 36'1 230 Ph. No. - 02893-286229 11) Sainik School Kapurthala Kapurthala,Punjab Pin Code - 144 006 Ph No -018?2-232532 19) Sainik School Pungalwa Dist: Peren, Nagaland Fin Code -797 1Od Ph, No. - 03862-289199 4) Sainik School Bhuhaneswar Dist : Khurda (Odihsa) Pin Code - 75'1 OO5 Ph. No - 0674-2581845 12) Sainik School Kazhakootam Thiruvananthapuram(Kerela) Pin Code - 6S5 585 Ph No -0471-2418245 20) Sainik School Rewa Rewa, Madhya Pradesh Pin Code - 486 001 Ph. No - 07662-254803 5) Sainik School Bijapur Bijapur (Karnataka) Pin Code - 586'102 Ph. No - 08352-270638 13)Sainik School Kodagu P O K u d i g e( K a r n a t a k a ) P i n C o d e- 5 7 1 2 3 2 Ph No -08276-278961 21) Sainik School Rewari Sector-4, Rewari Haryana, Pin Code - 123 441 Ph. No -01274-260854 6) Sainik School Chittorgarh Chittorgarh(Rajasthan) Pin Code - 312 001 Ph No - 01472-248695 14)Sainik School Korukonda V i z i a n a gr a m ( A n d h r aP r a d e s h ) P i n C o d e- 5 3 5 2 1 4 Ph, No - 08922-246168 22) Sainik School Satara Satara, Maharastra Pin Code * 415 001 Ph. No. -02162-234483 7) Sainik School Ghorakhal Dist: Nainrtal(Uttarakhand) Pin Code * 263 156 Ph. No -05942-224045 15)SainikSchool Kunjpura Karnal, Haryana Pin Code - 132023 Ph. No - 0184-2384551 23) Sainik School Sujanpur Tira Hamirpur,Himachal Pradesh Pln Code - 176 f A Ph, No. -01972-272024 8) Sainik School Goalpara Rajapara, Dist: Goalpara Assam, Pin Code - 783 133 Ph. No - 03663-287076 16) Sainik School Nagrota Nagrota,Jammu Pin Code - 181 221 Ph No. -0191-2673927 24) Sainik School Tilaiya Fist: Koderma, Jharkhand Pin Code * 825 413 Ph No - 06534-235048 PostalAddress@one Principal, SainikSchoolBhubaneswar, PO:SainikSchool, Dist: Khurda,Bhubaneswar, Odisha,Pin -751005. Number TelephoneNo. 845(Principal) 0674-2581 r) (Headmaste 0674-2588245 I 644(Registrar) 0674-258 FaxNo. 845 0674-2581 Email : [email protected] Webslfe; www.sai ni kschoolbh uban eswar.org