Maine Antique Tractor Club
Maine Antique Tractor Club
2013 Maine Antique Tractor Club MATC Newsletter PRESIDENT: Bob Clark, 634 Sandy River Rd., Starks, ME 04911 696-3698 VICE PRESIDENT: Matthew Hunter, 17 Nash Dr, Chelsea, ME 04330 622-6608 [email protected] SECRETARY: Harriet Spencer, 35 No Shore Dr, Smithfield, ME 04978 362-3351 [email protected] TREASURER: Terry Spencer, 35 No Shore Dr, Smithfield, ME 04978 362-3351 [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Dorita Downes, 652 Titcomb Hill Rd, Farmington, ME 778-5950 [email protected] WEBMASTER: Burl Ewell, 48 Serenity Dr, W Gardiner, ME 04345 207-522-0693 -WEB PAGE: http// President’s Message We have had a busy summer so far. All of the members who have volunteered to help also have had a lot of fun along with the work they have done. I hope to see more of our members at the remaining events and remember these old tractors collect the nicest people. Keep them tractors rolling. Bob Clark We send our sincere condolences to the Walter Partridge family on the loss of their son and brother, Bruce, who passed away suddenly in July. **Festival Meeting: There will be a Festival Meeting on Sept 4th at the Norridgewock Land Building. Pot luck at 6 pm, meeting at 7 pm. All are welcome. 1 Founded in 1994 Highlights of the August Meeting: The meeting was held in Weld with Mike & Laurie Pratt, Steve & Sharon Lee, and Coval & Sonya Conant as hosts. The hamburgers and hot dogs they grilled added to our pot luck lunch. Thanks, hosts, for helping to make this a good day. A moment of silence was held for Wally Fenlason. We missed Thurston & Jo Ann Haslam and hope they will be back with us soon. It was reported an EDGE&TA member causing an accident will be required to pay the $1,000 deductable. This is a new policy. A thank-you letter was read from A-T Children's Project, our charity fund raiser at the festival this year. A thank-you note was read from Devin Burgess, one of our scholarship recipients. He is going to the University of Maine studying electrical engineering. This is Steve Lee's last year as chairman of the pulling committee. If we are going to continue pulling, we need workers to carry on. It's time to think about making a pulling area on our land. The lawn & garden pulling committee had another pull. Our young pullers are having a good time. At the last pull Glenn DeWitt grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. Other members brought salads and chips. It was a great day. It was voted to pay $20 a day for gas at Bangor Fair for a total of $180. It was voted charge Waterford Fair $500 for the tractor pull. Steve Lee won the 50/50 raffle - $30. He donated the money to the land improvement fund. Several members won door prizes donated by our hosts. Enjoy the rest of summer. See you at Windsor Fair. Harriet Spencer, Secy. NEXT MEETING: September 8, 2013 Hosts - Bob Hamlin & Rita Fitzsimmons 48 Malloy Rd.. Turner, ME (207) 225-3822 AUGUST Aug 8- 17 Skowhegan Fair. Contact Bill Clark @ 474-6664 Tractors will be displayed at fairgrounds all week. AUG 4-11 Topsham Fair, Contact Glenn Dewitt @ 737-9206 Tractor Display and barrel train will be there all week Aug 16, PHILLIPS PARADE. Contact: Steve Lee @ 585-2286 Phillips Old home Days Big Parade with line up at 4:00 p.m. at the Ballpark west of town on Route 142. Parade begins at 5:00 p.m., usually with a funny theme. Aug 21 & 22 Maine Farm Days at Misty Meadow farms in Clinton. Contact Bill Clark @ 474-6664 Need big tractors and drivers to haul wagons with visitors on farm tour. There will also be ground plowing and harrowing both days using trailer plows and disk harrows. Please no hydraulic stuff. This will be for demonstration to visitors on how plowing and disking used to be done. Should be a fun two days! Aug 17-24 Union Fair, Contact Glenn Dewitt @ 737-9206 Tractor Pull with progressive drag on Friday Aug 23 at 5:30pm. Tractor display and barrel train all week. *August 24th, Saturday, at 9 AM there will be a Lawn & Garden Pull at the Norridgewock Land. All are welcome, come and watch the little kids and the big kids pull their tractors. August 24 New Gloucester Community Fair contact Kevin Buck @ [email protected] or 926-3361. Fair is from 10 am to 7 pm with tractor or implement display welcomed. Fairgrounds are on Bald Hill road or check out the web page at for map. This is a change from October to August Aug 24, Anson-Madison parade. Contact Bob Clark @ 696-3698 Line up on main street in Anson at 9:00 a.m. for 10:00 am parade start time. Aug 25 – Sept 2 Windsor Fair Tractor display all week. Contact Terry Spencer @ 362-3351 Aug 30, BLUE HILL FAIR. Contact: Dale Fairbanks @ 778-2157 or 317-1872 or [email protected] Tractor Pull on Friday Night at 5:30 p.m. All classes using Progressive Drag. This is one of our pulls that is most appreciated by the audience and Blue Hill Fair association. SEPTEMBER Aug 30 – Sept 2 Harmony Free Fair. Contact Ralph Bagley@ 683-2391 Labor Day Free Parade. Unload at Chadbourne Road, there will be a sign for directions. Line up at 8:30 a.m.Sept 2 for 9:30 a.m. parade. Display on fairgrounds afterwards for about one hour. Sept 6- 8, Litchfield Fair, Contact Glen Dewitt @ 737-9206 Maine antique tractor club is invited to display tractors all three days. Barrel train will be active all three days. Sept 11-14 Oxford Fair, contact Bill Davis @ 539-2597 or Scott Stevens @ 890-4176 Tractor pull with Progressive Drag will be on Saturday the 14th at 9:00 am. *Sept 14th, Annual Tree Farmer of the Year Award is being given to honor The Abbott Ladd Family on Sept 14 from 9 am to 3 pm at Brown's Tree Farm 164 Tabor Hill Rd, Vassalboro. There will be walking tours, vendors, woodsman team, logging with horses and mechanical and other activities going on all day. For further information contact Mark Brown @ 233-9348. Antique tractors are requested to be on display at this event and our people mover will be here also to transport people around the farm. NEW - September 14th The Hartland - St. Albans Lions Club car, truck and tractor show will be held on Saturday, at the Hartland Consolidated School. The show begins at 9:00 am and is over by 2:00 pm. There will be no entry fee for tractors and the owner and a guest will have free admission. Tractors will not be judged. For more information call Bob Davids at 938-3258. New Sept 16, Farmington Fair Tractor Pull with the Progressive Drag at 6 PM on the infield in front of the Race Grandstand. Sept 20-22, Unity Common Ground Fair, Contact Glenn Dewitt @ 737-9206 One of our most popular events! Need at least 5 or 6 big tractors to haul people movers from parking lot to fair grounds. Members are encouraged to attend and help drive the tractors. All drivers who want to park inside the fair grounds must be inside before 8:00 a.m. September 27th Cumberland Fair Tractor Pull, Contact Tim Dolby @ 892-4175 Tractor pull with progressive drag Friday , Sept 27 at 12:00 PM in front of the Grand Stand. 2 OCTOBER Sep 29 – Oct 6, Fryeburg Fair. Antique tractor show on Tuesday October 1 which is senior citizens day. Contact Don Chandler @ 935-3339. Don is always looking for unique or special tractors. Please contact him for information if you plan to come so he can ensure there is display room. Tractor pulls on Sept 29 and Oct 1 with Fryeburg rules. Contact fair office for information on pulls. October 12-13 Plow days in Gorham. Contact Dave McCullough @ 839-4205 or 796-2286 or Bill Rust @ 839-3946 Plow days will be held at the Parsons farm at 320 Buck st in Gorham. Oct. 13, Sunday. Cabot Cheese Company is putting on a Farm Promotion Day at Kreb's Farm in Starks. Directions: Off from Rte 134 at the Sandy River Rd intersection: 86 Krebs Rd, Starks, ME. Call Bob Clark 696-3698 for further info if needed. New Event: October 12, Damariscotta Pumpkin Parade. Parade is approximately 1 mile and starts at Louis Doe Home Center on Mills Road in Newcastle traveling Mills Road to Maine Street and ends at the Damariscotta Baptist Church. I would love to have your group participate in our parade and look forward to seeing you there. Contact Mark Doe @ 207-592-1249 or email [email protected] for more info. Doodlebug Pulling Competitions: SUNDAY, AUGUST 25: 9:00 AM • Dover-Foxcroft / Piscataquis Valley Fair SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1: 2:00 PM • Harmony Free Fair SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7: NOON • Garland Doodlebug Bowl The “Doodlebuggers” are looking for new members to join them. Contact Lloyd Holland at 285-7582 or Randy Chapman at 416-9700 or [email protected] Bangor Fair Volunteers July/August 2013: Many thanks to the men and women who volunteered with their tractors and their time to ride the people mover for the 9 days the Bangor Fair hires us to provide a ride from the midway to the agriculture side. Those providing a tractor Jay Fowler, Ron McCarthy, Bob Hamlin, Mike Pratt, Gene Cunningham, Ron Staples, Thurston Haslem and Willy Rowe. Volunteers who ride the people mover and also drive the tractor are Thurston Haslem, Mel Nickerson, Donna Nickerson, Erland Bradstreet, Matt Hunter, Jay Fowler, Terry and Harriet Spencer, Rita Fitzsimmons and Dale Fairbanks. Dale Fairbanks 3 Jay Fowler on JD Tractor and Steve Lee on the Progressive Drag Waterford World’s Fair, North Waterford, Maine Progressive Drag July 20, 2013 2500 lb. Class 1st Stephen Powers, Jr. 2ndScott Stevens 3000 lb. Class 1st Scott Stevens 2ndJason Hannigan 3rd Mike Hannigan 4th Bernard Bumpus 5th Linda Hooker 3500 lb. Class 1st Bill Davis 2nd Scott Stevens 3rd Otto Hunt 4th David Berry 5th Stephen Powers, Jr. 6th Dale McConnell 7th Linda Hooker 8th Mike Hannigan 4000 lb. Class 1st Bill Davis Oliver 60 Oliver 60 1.18’/2.9’/112.50’ 5.23’/10.25’ Oliver 66 Case VAC Farmall C Ford NAA Oliver 66 Farmall 230 John Deere 40 John Deere 40 9.10’/77.49’ 68.83’ 60.78’ 32.24’ 8.90’/6.10’ 90.62’ 80.09’ 59.74’ 57.52’ 49.65’ 41.0’ 18.23’ 15.22’/13.97’ 2 Arthur Child Cockshutt 30 100.65’ 3rd Brian Winslow Oliver 66 98.99’ th Farmall 230 94.11’ th 5 Don Pease Cockshutt 30 93.98’ 6th Rita Fitzsimmons Farmall 23 91.34’ th Oliver 77 90.89’ th 8 Otto Hunt Farmall C 45.21’/57.26’ 9th David Berry Ford NAA 37.77’/44.74’ 7 Scott Stevens 4500 lb. Class 1st Stephen Powers, Jr. Oliver 77 118.54’ 2nd Arthur Child Cockshutt 30 112.57’ rd Massey Harris 97.96’ th Cockshutt 30 97.87’ 3 Solomon Orff 4 Don Pease 5000 lb. Class st Massey Harris nd 2 Rodney Stevens John Deere 435 Diesel 38.22’/36.45’ 3rdFloyd Stevens John Deere 435 Diesel 35.35’ 4th Brian Winslow John Deere 50 1 Solomon Orff 4 John Deere A John Deere A 65.75’ 62.63’ 1st Burl Ewell John Deere A 45.39’/76.76’ 2nd Brian Winslow John Deere A 71.36’ 1st Steve Lee Farmall M 92.71’ 2nd Brian Winslow John Deere D 84.76’ 3rd Rodney Stevens John Deere D 82.77’ 1st Steve Lee Farmall M 94.02’ 2nd Brian Winslow John Deere A 79.91’ John Deere D 74.77’ John Deere 730 66.92’ 2 Bob Clark John Deere 720 62.08’ 3rdFloyd Emerson John Deere 720 50.00’ Farmall 230 22.70’ 6500 lb. Class Case VAC Farmall B Farmall B Ford 8N Ford 8N 102.07’ 4 Bob Hamlin 1stBob Clark 2ndBurl Ewell 6000 lb. Class Oliver 66 nd 5500 lb. Class 68.16’ 30.91’/20.01’ 7000 lb. Class rd 3 Bill Davis 7500 lb. Class 1st Bill Clark nd th 4 Bob Hamlin NEW PULLING EVENT; Sept 16, Farmington Fairgrounds at 6 PM on the infield of the race track in front of the race grandstand. Antique Tractor Pulling Dates: August 23, Friday 5:30pm Union Fair Tractor Pull August 30, Friday 5:30pm Blue Hill Tractor Pull Sept 14, Saturday 9:00am Oxford Fair Tractor Pull Sept 16, Monday 6:00 pm Farmington Fair Pull Sept 27, Friday 12pm noon Cumberland Fair Pull Treasurer's Report as of July 31,2013 Balance in Checking; $5,822.05 Balance in Saving: $9,560.40 Balance in CD's: $21,130.92 Total Balances in Bank: $36,513.37 Several MATC Members attended a meeting with EDGE&TA NE Director, Wayne Timchuck. Several changes in our insurance was brought up and suggested everyone who participates in any tractor event be reminded of these changes.. The below information from Larry Voris, Director at Large, was published in our June, 2013 Newsletter, last page, but please take note of the five paragraphs especially the Second and the Fifth paragraphs. Keep it safe while we enjoy our hobby with our tractors. Dale Fairbanks, Safety 'Larry Voris, EDGETA Director at Large: At the National Board meeting at Morrow, Arkansas, May 19, 2013 we met with our insurance agent for a very informative meeting, discussing our insurance policy. First, it is getting very hard to obtain an insurance policy like the one that EDGETA has and it is even harder to keep a policy like this enforce. We can tell by the tractor pulling clubs that are applying to EDGETA for membership in our organization. They can not obtain a policy at a reasonable price and they only want to be a member of our organization for our insurance benefit program only. They want our insurance program but want to use there pulling rules. Our requirements state 3.5 mph in all classes, no exceptions. If you read the exhibition class, it is 3.5 mph too. If you are pulling classes over 3.5 mph then EDGETA is not your choice. There are companies that will insure tractor pulls with the higher speeds, but they are getting harder to find and are clamping down on their benefit programs too. If you want to put it into prospective, “with the EDGETA program, you are buying a Cadillac for the price of a bicycle”. The EDGETA tractor pull is a “traction contest” not a speed race. Second, we have had several little fender benders and it was the decision of the Board of Directors that the member involved in an incident be responsible for the $1,000.00 deductible on the insurance policy. The reason being, the members must have some responsibility if an incident should happen. Third, in the youth driver program, the youth must test and be certified on every tractor they drive. Fourth, for all the rest of us, we probably need to go through a driver program too. We must be a defensive driver. It is not tunnel vision when we get on a tractor; we must be watching the other drivers and looking at the whole picture. Try not to get yourself in a position that you feel uncomfortable. Fifth, loading and unloading a tractor or any kind of equipment is probably one of the most dangerous things we do. If you see something that is not right, stop and keep your distance. If help is need, offer only if you see what the problem is and that you can make it safer. Try to keep all spectators at a safe distance away from all loading and unloading areas. We all like to watch people come in to a show and unload their equipment. It is also scary to look at some of the trailers that tractors and equipment are being hauled on. Sixth, some of the ramps being used are not safe. I have watched people load & unload row crop tractors using only 2 ramps and some want to use a wooden 2 x 8 for the front wheels. If one falls off a ramp, it is instant; you don’t have time to prepare yourself for the fall. Loading and unloading in wet weather is especially dangerous. A rubber tire on a dry metal ramp is slick, but on a wet metal ramp is bad. And all ramps should be the same length.' 5 MATC NEWSLETTER 2013 Pedal Tractor Pull 2013 Festival Having fun in the Festival Parade Livestock Hoist at the Festival. Behind the hoist is a 1937 Chev truck owned by Al Ladd Arthur Child, Farmington 4th of July Parade 6 ABOVE 2 PHOTOS: Youth Pull - Lawn & Garden, 2013 Festival
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