histgory for the web - Macedonia Baptist Church
histgory for the web - Macedonia Baptist Church
M B C O H The history of Macedonia Baptist Church is intricately woven in the tapestry of the culture of these beautiful mountainswhichencompassher. Time and historical events have moved her from her simple beginnings in 1839. Macedonia Baptist Church is believed to be the oldest Baptist church in the county and was organized by Josiah Carter along with eleven other members. The church was constructed of logs and was used during the Civil War as quarters for soldiers.Eventhebencheswerecarriedoutsideandusedashorsetroughs. In1942,whentheTVAcameintobuildadam,thechurchbuilding, beingneartheriver,wastaken.Manyofthematerialsfromtheoriginallog structure were used in the new wooden structure, complete with a potbellied stove, outdoor bathrooms, and a well for water. Sunday School roomswereaddedandin1948theseroomswerededicatedtothememory ofservicemenwholosttheirlivesinWorldWarII.Itwasin1949whenthe irst Memorial and Homecoming service was held on the irst Sunday in Junetohonorthememoryofthoseservicemen. In1957,aftermanyyearsofplanning,thecongregationdecidedto buildanewchurchandstartedabuildingfund.Moneymadefromthesale ofcornintheGod’sAcreplanwasdepositedintothebuildingfundaccount. The government marked trees and contributed the lumber. The men cut, loggedandhauledtreestothesawmillusingtheirtractorsandtrucks.The churchwasbuiltmostlybyfreelaborandwas built at night and on weekends. The Church was framed, covered and sub- loored when Thanksgiving came. The ladies spread a bountiful dinner on the sub- loor and they gave “Thanks” to God for the many blessings andtheprogressonthebuilding.Thisdayof “Thanks” has been observed on the Sunday before Thanksgiving each year until this presentday. OnSeptember9, 1973,Macedoniadedicatedthepastoriumonthe churchgrounds.Aprivatecontractoraswellasmenfromthechurchbuilt thepastoriumasahomeforthoseservantsoftheLordwhowerecalledto serveatMacedonia. In1976itwasvotedtobuildfourmoreSundaySchoolroomsanda baptismal pool. That year as Youth Sunday was observed, the guest speaker was Ray Goff, a young quarterback for the University of Georgia Bull Dogs. On March 29, 1981, Macedonia Church members were surprised, but honored as former president Jimmy Carter visited and worshippedwithus.Thiswasindeedaverymemorableserviceforallwho attended. As membership increased, a larger church building was begun in 1995undertheTogetherWeBuild(TWB)Plan.Groundbreakingbeganin Mayof1995andonMay12,1996,thenewsanctuarywasdedicatedasthe oldsteeplebellwasmovedtothenewsteeple.Withthedawnofthenew centuryapproaching,theY2PayPlanwasintroducedtoreducethedebton the building. As God moved and worked through members, families, and friendsofMacedonia,notonlywasthedebtreduced;butitwaspaidinfull. The theme of Y2Pay was “To God Be The Glory” and indeed it was God’s movingthatallowedMacedoniatoenterthenewcenturydebtfree. OnEasterSunday2006,thefellowshipofMacedoniaBaptistChurch celebrated irstandforemostourrisenLord.Itwaswithjoyandthanksgiving that we could worship in our Lord’s house encompassed by the new beautifulstainedglasswindows.Asyouenterthedoorsofthechurch,you will note the praying hands asthis indeedis aHouse of Prayer. Flanking the outer doors, the medallions in the windows proclaim, “Hosanna” and “Praise Ye The Lord”. The medallions within the sanctuary signify the WordofGod(theBible),theSpiritofGod(thedove),theKingdomofGod (the crown), and the Gift of God (the Cross). We pray that these symbols willbeastandingtestimonyofourFatherandthatthebeautyofthewindowswillglorifyourLordwhoindeedisworthyofpraise! Yes, this tapestry of Macedonia is as colorful and varied as the memberswhichmakeupherfellowship;butitisthecommonbondoflove — the love of Jesus Christ — that binds her together. The buildings have been moved, the structures relocated, and new additions have been made; yet the church has remained the same...God’s people gathered together to worship and serveourLord,JesusChrist.