Page Eight The N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R D - N O V I NEWS Thursdoy, April 29, 1965 K i n g A s s a i l a n t e n c e N F T H E W I X O M BRANCH B I R M I N G H A M - B L O O F F I C E OF O M H E L D B A N K I / THE WIXOM ( M j h OFFICE OF 2 Ford Motor Company © Pure Oil Station ffi Aunt Jemima's Kitchen N o w y o u W i x o m s o o n . c a n b a n k l o c a l l y - s a v e t i m e R o a d n e a r 1-96. L i k e B B B , t h e • F r e e • 4 % • O p e n W i x o m p e r s o n a l o n a l l A n a n d a t t r a c t i v e O f f i c e c h e c k i n g n e w i s t h e a c c o u n t s s a v i n g s - c o m p o u n d e d S a t u r d a y s T H u n t i l n o o n . E W I e x t r a d r i v i n g . b u i l d i n g , o n l y b a n k w i t h a a n d p a i d X O I R M I N G H A M - B L B i s o f f e r i n g i n t h e f u l l a r e a i n t e m p o r a r y b a n k i n g t o o f f e r c o n t i n u o u s O F F I C O M F I E (vtember F e d e r a l D e p o s i t I n s u r a n c e C o r p o r a i i o n L D a l l t h e s e b a l a n c e A N w i l l a t o p e n a d v a n t a g e s : o f E B q u a r t e r s s e r v i c e s , OF WIXOM ROAD NEAR 1-96 I o p e n q u a r t e r l y . M O B m i n i m u m BRANCH B B K $ 2 5 0 . 1 a c e s S e n t O V I Warren Roliert Wrigllt is still bodily harm carries a maximum behind lars todajr awaiting sen sentence of lO years. FBI agents said that Wright Vol. 10, No. 50, 16 Pages, Two Sections 10c Per Copy, $4.00 Per Year In Advance tencing for shooting Northville Novl, Michigan, Thursday, Moy 6, 1965 Police Chief Eugene King three pleaded guilty March 31 to rob. bing the Northville braIjch of De months ago. llls sentence will bepronoiInc trolt Federal Savings last June ed May 20 by Wayne County Cir 8. No date of sentencing has been D e v e l o p e r s D e f a u l t cult Court Judge Charles Kauf- set, the FBI said. man. Wright could be put in prison Wright's trial halted after three days last weei: and he plead for up to 25 years for the robbery, ed guilty Wednesday to the re the FBI indicated. Wright's trial got .underway duced charge of assault with the last Monday. Testifying from Intent to do great bodily harm. V i l l a g e C o v e r s At first he was charged with Northville were Mrs. AUce Rlt chle, poUce dii^atcher; Officer assault with intent to kill and Louis Westfall; Mrs. Judith Hedmurder. lund, a teller at Detroit Federal Asslstaot Prosecutor Gerald Savings and Chief King. Groat told the court: "Accep tance of the plea of guilty to the King ^ent over three hours offense of assault wltlj intent to on the stajJd Tuesday. It was the S e w e r P a y m e n t do great bodily harm ... fits the first time that he publlcally told facts and circumstances of the his side of the incident. happening. When his luncheon date at the Novl officials have made the be covered as soon as bonds for a one-year payment moratori "The prosecution is of the Thunderbird Inn with Ted Cuda, first payment on the $1.5 million water transmission lines are um, too. opinion that there is a question a uniform supplier, was inter sewer trunkline but had to dig sold.Thepayment Islncorporatof fact as to the intent to kill and rupted February 10, King said he But Sheldon indicated that he into the village treasury to meet ed in the purcliase agreement would make up for the secondmurder and that both of the was told "a man in a green car the obligation. for the Willowbrook water sys year payment by making two crimes ... provide for a long is su^iciously circling around Harold Ackley, assistant vil tem. It amounts to $26,000. term of Imprisonment. payments In the third year. the bank." lage manager, turned over the "The defendant is awaiting In addition, Sheldon, accord 'At this pohit Wright hadn't payment for $91,361.92 Tuesday At the council meeting, a check ing to an agreement signed by sentence on a count of bank rob done anything wrong," King said afternoon to the Oakland county for $18,200 was accepted from the council, has the privilege to bery. It is quite possible that.. 1 was curious about the aqua department of public works. Sheldon as the first payment for buy an additional 200 taps in sentence would be served con colored car." Since the project was a large 500 taps. Sheldon was granted the future if they are available. secutively." In an effort to check the sus undertaking. It was done under Assault with intent to do great pect's Identity, King ordered of the supervision of the county ficers William McGee and Louis DPW. Westfall, who were In another Ackley said the village col N e w B a n k car, to stop him for g)eeding. lected roughly $50,000 from de Wright was going 52 in a 35velopers who had requested sew A c c e p t i n g B i d s mile-per-hour zone. er taps. The rest of the money A p p o i n t s was taken out of the general fund. 'The only thing we had was Council Monday night, authoriz that he was driving a sugIiclous ed Ackley to cash two bank cer car," King Indicated. "The car M a n a g e r o r W a t e r L i n e tificates if needed to cover the F had 1965 plates so the old lic payment. Each certificate Construction will begin shortly ense number couldn't be veri The village accepted bids was ^proved earlier by the state amounts to $20,000 each. on permanent quarters for the fied. But Ackley said that although Tuesday afternoon for ale trans finance commission. MOM P L E A S E R - I t doesn't Uke much to warm a mother's heart. Matt Davis shows Wixom brajIch of the Blrmlng"There wasn't really enough The system cost $62,500. the cash on hand is at a low mission lines to bring Detroit how with his mother, Mrs. William Davis, 352 Orchard drive, hi case you've forgot ham-Bloomfield Bank. evidence to arrest him. I want water to Novl. Harold Ackley, assistant vUpoint the certificates may not ten, Sunday Is Mother's Day. Thomas H. Wagner, chairman ed to talk to him and find out Now it is up to Johnson & lage manager, said that council be cashed at all. State road and of the board and president of what he was doing. And I wanted sales tax funds are expected Anderson, consulting engineers will probably meet Friday to BBB, made the announcement. to do It in such a way to make to make a recommendation. A award the contract for the water shortly to fill the coffers. At the same time Wagner an- it legal. A traffic violation would The village had to dip into its bond issue for $210,000 to cover lines. nounced that Richard Turel has make It legal," lCing said. The bond Issue is scheduled own funds to meet the commit the lines' expense plus purchase P r i n c i p a l R e s i g n s been appointed manager of the Confronting Wright, King de ment because the National Bank of the Willowbrook water system to be sold May 17. Wixom office. Turel is a former branch manager for Michigan tected a strong odor of alcohol Culbert said he is seeking a of Detroit said it could not "le Wanted: a principal at Novl jun submitted his resignation to the Bank and assistant cashier of on his breath. King then told successor for Stewart who is an gally" approve a loan. Novl board of education last Wed Wright: "I am taking you back ior high school. George Kenyon, manager of J the Warren Bank. experienced administrator since School Superintendent Tom nesday night. to the police station. I think you the Novi branch of NBD, told the i "We are pleased to provide a Novl will start a high school pro Stewart, the only full-time should have some -black coffee Culbert today is looking for a re council he was "extremely sor- 4 man with Mr. Turel'sbackgfound gram in the fall of I966. and I am going to give you a placement for Sam Stewart, who principal in the Novl system Is ry" but loans can only be made j to head thisoffice," Wagner said. Meantime, the dlstrlctls losing U p g r a d e leaving his position to assume a ticket for c e d i n g . " for bond and tax anticipations. At th. mi-.meut a U.mpci..ry teaching fellowship at Temple eight teachers In June, CullKrt King felt that once he got Earlier, the council had-: trailer office has been establish fold the school board. University in Philadelphia. Wright to the station '1 could thought such a loan could be need across from the main entrance Mrs. Rowena Salow, a long At the same time he will be really check him out." He gotiated. S of Ford's Wixom assembly plant taking course work to obtain his time social studies teacher in the would have called several wit Meantime, Ackley said that j: on Wixom road. system. Is retiring early due to doctor of education degree. He nesses to identify the subject. special assessment proceedings g O f f i c i a l s Its permanent office will be hopes to earn the degree in two illness and Mrs. Alice Rlckertis win start against three develcq)- ij-j But King never got a chance to built on four acres of land south ending her career as a firstyears. carry out his investigation. ers who have defaulted In paying f" of the UAW hall. Stewart has been an adminis- grade teacher. After ordering him out of the their share for sewer taps. The new structure, which will Richard Tift, science teacher trator in Novl for three years. car, Wright shot King twice in It's n o w H a r o l d A c l c l e y , a s s i s t a n t V i l They are Stepehn-Allen, Ho include drive-in windows, night at the junior high, is returning to , Previously he taught English and the abdomen in front of the Har ward Keating Hilltop Co. and lage m a n a g e r . depository, safety deposit vault the University of Michigan for social studies in the Bedford Unold Bloom residence on West Marc J. Alan. Stephen Allen had and full banking facilities, is ex C o u n c i l has c h a n g e d A c k l e y ' s c l a s s i f i his masters degree. Ion school district. Main street. equested 270 taps, ffilltop 250 pected to open around July 15. cation f r o m V i l l a g e administrative a s s i s Others who are departing are He holds bachelor and master "He quickly fired one, two," and Alan I60. Turel said the Wixom office tant. E a r l B a i l e y a c q u i r e d A c k l e y ' s o l d degrees from Wayne State Unl Mrs. Ann Waters, home econom King said. "I lunged towards Howard Bond, village attor will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4: ics; Henry Dykstra, shop; Miss verslty. title. him to prevent being shot again. ney, has said that if proceedings p.m. daily with two exceptions. "I am excited about learning, Carol Ramseyer, math; Mrs. Sal are started the amount due for BiU McGee disarmed him." A c k l e y has W o r k e d f o r the V i l l a g e s i n c e Hours on Friday will be extended Stewart said, "and want to con ly Nelson, second grade and Mrs. taps must be paid before the plat King remembered Wright say it W a s i n c o r p o r a t e d . E a r l i e r , h e W a s t h e to 6 p.m. and on Saturday the fa Ann Prlne, sixth grade. tinue my own education to Im can be approved. cility will be open from 9 a.m. ing: "Don't worryabout me.Take b u i l d i n g , h e a t i n g and e l e c t r i c a l i n s p e c t o r prove my professional qualificacare of that man. He's shot." Sam Stewart A check for $3,600 was re uitn noon. for Novi township. tlons. ceived from Stephen-Allen but P r i o r to c o m i n g to N o v i , A c k l e y W a s a "I have made many friends the council said it would only be F e s t i v e here and will miss them." c o u n c i l m a n in W a l l e d L a k e and W a s e m applied toward .the total due of Stewart saidhe expects to move S e e k B l o o d D o n o r s $10,000. p l o y e d b y the s t a t e h i g h w a y department. to Philadelphia in August with his Others who have paid are Hen B e f o r e the s h i f t i n t i t l e s , B a i l e y Was Mrs. Barbara Stadnik, chair Wixom's community blood been helped in the past and no wife and two daughters. ry Bashlan, Suburban Develop W e e k c a l l e d the a d m i n i s t r a t i v e a s s i s t a n t t r a i n e e bank expects to build up its man of the blood bank said: one in our area has ever been Culbert, as well as members of ment, Victor Almus, Blackwoodand o r d i n a n c e e n f o r c e m e n t o f f i c e r . B a i l e y deposits next week. "The blood program Is a com refused blood whether it could the school board, regretfully ac Taylor, Lloyd R. Johnson and munity service of proven be replaced or not." cepted his resignation. s t a r t e d W o r k i n g f o r the v i l l a g e a s a p a Max Sheldon. A blood drive will be con worth. It is people helplngpeoo m i n g "We are losing someone who C The Paul LeBost share will t r o l m a n in 1960. ducted next Tuesday from 2 ple by keeping afresh supply of She said that anyone between has made a great contribution to p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wixom life-saving blood for you and the ages of 18 and 59 may con education in Novl. I am happyfor Plans for Michigan Week are elementary school on Wixom your neighbors. tribute. "We will accept blood him," Culbert said, "but It will be firming up today in Ndvl and road. for any bank at this time." "Many in our community have (llfticult to replace him." Wixom. Michigan Week runs from May 16-22. Novl Village President Joseph H i t G r a s s F i r e s w i t h B u r n i n g B a n Crupl and Councilman Dean LenhelSIr will travel to Lapeer May A state-wide burning ban is in "no burning will be allowed until A spectacular grass fire in In a good many years," Potter 17 for mayor's exchange day. Lapeer's Mayor Wellington Roweffect today for an Indefinite peri we get a good soaking rain." Wixom Monday swept across related. "It was started by Last year a sifnilar ban was 1,200 acres of land. Wixom Fire Mllford resident who was care den and Councilman George Farod. rand will visit Novl. The Michigan Conservation imposed. Chief Robert Potter estimated lessly burning rubbish." In Wixom, Mayor Wesley McLocal fires again have taken that a two-mile square area was Department ordered the ban late Potter said that the wind was Monday afternoon because of dry their toll in land loss, area Are destroyed. The destruction was "the biggest obstacle in trying Atee and his wife along with officials said. Carelessness ac confined to an area bound Wixom, to bring the fire under control." Councllmen Oscar Simmons and conditions In the state. A conservation department counts for inany of the blazes, West Maple and Charms roads. Other departments from Novl, his wife will trek to Elk Rapids spokesman in Pontiac said that they pointed out. "It is the worst fire I have seen Mllford, Commerce township, on Grand Traverse Bay for the Kensington Park and the Proud event. EUf Rapids Village President Lake recreatio^were called to Ward Babcocfc and his wife plus the scene. the superintendent of public util Potter said that some of the ities and the police chief will be firemen were scorched but "thelr feted in Wixom. burns were confined to thelr Mrs. Florence Harrlsis Mich hands and back. Many had thelr igan Week chairman in Novl and hair singed." Leo Harrawood is co-chairman. The fire alarm was sounded at Mrs. Donna Thorsberg, deputy 12:46 a.m. and the last piece of city clerk, is in charge in Wix equipment pulled away from the om. scene at 6:30 p.m.. Potter said. Highlight of Mayor Exchange Meantime, Novl Fire Chief A day in Novl will be the banquet Fred Loynes said an investiga in the community building, Mrs. tion is being made to determine Harris said. Representatives the cause of a fire Saturday night from local groups will attend. in the village. A big event In Wixom will be It occurred in an unoccupied spedzX train ride May 18 the farm house located on Ten Mlle road near the C i: 0 railroad "Wixom Thunderbird Express" to Lansing. Governor Romney tracks. will greet the passengers in the "We beUeve It was sUrted by state capltol. Any resident Is wel an arsonist," Chief Loynes stat come to climb aboard. ed. Robert Skellenger, a Novl Complete activities for Mich fire officer, Is conducting the igan Week In both communities probe. MICHIGAN BOOSTERS---S.'tni Stewart, principid of the Novi junior high school, and will appear In next week's edl•The blaze was reported at Mrs. Florence Harris, Novi chainnan for Michigan Week, show oR the state Rag. High winds and smoke hinder fire fighters. Hon. Coatinued on Page 10 Co-chairman Leo llarrawood is at the right. Michigan Week runs from Maj 16-22. Thursday, May 6,1965 The N O R T H V I L L E RECORD-NOVI NEWS Page Two IF YOUR HAIR ISN'T BECOMING TO YOU F o r T h e G a r d e n e r T I YOU SHOULD BE COMING TO US! This column on gardening in Plants grown indoors will sel formation Is compiled by the dom be attacked by Insects or Northville branch of the National- disease If you buy them from a Farm and Garden Club. reputable florist. C A L L US Water is another essential of The only disease - as distinct ^ 1 plants. If a plant receives too from infestation by Insects Utile water, 'it will wilt. This which occurs often enough to con SOON seldom causes serious damage sider. Is caused by soli borne, unless It occurs frequently, and rot-producing organisms. In then It stunts growth and causes young plants, it Is known as N e w s A r o u n d N o r t h v i l l e oLov - oCe flower drop. "damping off". As there is no Too much water is more com effective remedy, a plant that Mice McDonough, son of Mr. A coffee In honor of brlde-elect VceK s visit to tne uauonal con mon. The first symptom Is us has this disease should be des Beauty Salon andMrs. TlioiIIas McDoaough of Charlotte Maria Klrchmalr will vention of the D.AR In Washing ually the dropp'Ing of lower troyed promptly. ton, D.C. Mlmi was a delegate leaves. New leaves may continue Thayer boulevard ^ent two be given by Mrs. Cri£5)en Ham What to do about Insects? In weeks touring the souUIern states mond and Mrs. Richard Nelson, from the Plymouth Corners, chil to appear on top, but an over- sects that attack houseplants can FI-9-0838 dren of the American Revolution, watered plant gets leggyandbare be controUed with the same with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Saturday, May 8, at Mrs. Nel NorthvIlle and Jackie was a page for the of foliage at the base. Mrs. Edward McDonough afid son's Napier road home. chemicals used to eUmlnate sim their son, Milie, of Chery Hill, Charlotte Is the daughter of senior regional vice-president at If you suspect that a plant has ilar pests outdoors. An aerosol New Jersey. Their Itinerary Mr. and Mrs. Kagar Hell of the convention. Mrs. Merwln and had too much water, tap it out of house--pIant bomb Is both effec included New Orleans, Sea Is- Klrchbechl, Austria. Her fiance her daughters also spexA twoits pot and look at the roots. tive and convenient to use in laIJd, (Georgia, and St. AugustijIe Is the son of Howard Meyers, days sight-seeing at the World's Root tips should lie white. If doors. Follow the directions on Florida. Sr., of West Eight Mile Road, Fair. they are brown, repot in loose, the package. spongy soil mixture; and water Mrs. George Miller, 46018 less frequently. Mrs. Peter Romano of Novl Bloomcrest drive will be hostess April 15 in honor of Mrs. John Moisture in the air Is also Im C h u r c h W o m e n Klaserner of South Chlgwldden to the Northville Garden Club's portant to a number of house D & C STORE MOTHER'S DAY drive, Northville Estates. Guests annual meeting at her home, Mon plants. It Is difficult to supply In day, May 10, at 12:30 p.m. 12 at the shower were the wives of adequate amounts under average M e e t M a y MAY 9th the shower were the wives of wintertime home conditions, The United Presbyterian Wo the employees of the Norwest where air is consistently warm men wlU hold a meeting, May 12 SUNDAY Tool and Machine Company in V o v i and dry. If there is too Utile M a r c h at the First Presbyterian church Nov! where Klaserner is em humidity over a period of time, of Northville. ployed. the leaf tips of some plalits will Mrs. Victoria B. Johnson, who R a i s e s $ 6 6 5 turn brown. spoke at a meeting three years A '3on Voyage" luncheon was You caIl Increase the amount The 1965 March of Dimes cam ago, will talk. riven by Mrs. William B. Crump paign in Novl raised $665.25 to of humidity In the immediate At noon, the women will at at her home on Tlmberlane last support the fight against crippling vicinity of the plants if you grow W E M V E T H E tend a "quiet time" Inthechurch Thursday, in honor of Mrs birth defects. them in a metal plant box or sanctuary with Mrs. William WilDouglas Day (Jean Day) who will Funds were raised through the tray lined with pebbles. Set pots Uams playing the organ. Lunch be leaving for Europe In a few traditional Mothers March, can- onto this layer and keep moist. eon will be served at 12:15, weelcs. Evaporation will increase the nlsters, and mailers. followed by Mrs. Johnson's in humidity of the air layer Just ******* The following volmjteers.serv terpretation of Hofmann's fa Alison Atherton, a 1962 grad- ed as divisional chairmen,'Mrs above and surrounding the plants. mous palntlDg "Christ In the If you use this method, you uate of Northrille High School Nina Clot and Mrs. Bernadettj Midst of the Doctors". was recently appointed to the Groves, co-chairmen of the Mo must not have the water deeper Guests who wish to hear Mrs. than the pebbles, for drainage executive council of the univer thers' March. Johnson are welcome to the pro action through the bottom of the sity activities center at the Uni gram at 1:15 p.m. Women who pot must continue to take place. versity of Michigan. She will M O T H E R ISenior C i t i z e n s If the pot stands in water, the plan to attend the luncheon can 1 serve as chairman of the inter The northville Senior Citizens roots will receive less oxygen make reservations by calUngi! national affairs committee. This Club will meet Tuesday, May II and they will rot, just as when Mrs. Don Miller, 349-0022 or the' committee plans and sponsors MOTHER'S DAY at 7:30 p.m. in the scout rec- you overwater a plant from the church office, 349-09H. Baby the international world's fair, sitting will be provided. reatlon building on Cady street. top. one of the most popular projects BOXED CANDY 89c and Sflc on campus. MOTHER'S DAY CARDS lOc to 50c Alison Is the daughter of Mrs. Rhoda Atherton of L>Tiwood drive, GIFT WRAPPING RIBBONS BOWS Echo Valley. P l a n A n n u a l T e a M a y 2 1 BLOUSES 98C-$1.98-S2.98 Mrs. George Merwln of CotThe women of the First Bap HOSIERY 69C-77C-99C tor. The children wlU view a The cost of tne entire evening tisford drive, with her two daugh Is $1.00 for mothers and 50? ters, Mimi and Jackie, returned tist church of Novl are planning puppet show. JEWELRY 59c to $1,00 for daughters. The public iscorto Northville Friday from a their annual tea for mothers Mrs. Barnes further said that and daughters, Friday, May 21, dlaUy invited to attend. For res a fashion showpresentedbyAUce at 7:15 p.m. To accommodate ervations call Mrs. C. Stlpp at Rebecca of Farmlngton, will the crowd expected, the tea will MA. 4-2708 or the church, H 9hlgMlght the evening. Mrs. Bud D & C S T O R E 3647. be held at the Novl junior high school, located on Taft road Wmiams of Warren, and the S P R I N G "Melody Three" Trio will proacross from the church. 139 E . Main Nofthville E n g a g e d According to Mrs. Paul E. vide the music. Tom Cathey, Dlgilay Manager Barnes, chairman, the program IS is planned for mothers and daugh for the Korvette Store In Rose ters of all ages. The mothers ville, wIU create a garden set will hear Ruth Strohschein, M.D. ting using the theme "Candle H E R E ! pediatrician, relate her ex Ught and Roses". R E M E M B E R Mrs. Lawrence Smith and her periences as a Christian doccommittee are planning a buf fet luncheon. Helping Mrs. Smith I THE BIBLE | are Mrs. Orin Stader, Mrs. Ray QUALITY Nelson, Mrs. Al Burton, Mrs. SPEAKS I William MaclJcrmaid and Mrs. DRY CLEANING Doug Watson. ALTERATIONS I DYE WORK TO Y O U RE-WEAVING CKLW TUX 800 KC RENTAL Slate L O V I N G FI-9-0777 G ABOUT ME? I R E Y D L ' S SEE CLEANERS and MEN'S WEAR THIS 112 East Main THE LIFE Every Sunday Northville HANDBAGS IS B r e a k f a s t St. John's Episcopal Church in Plymouth, will hold a mother and daughter communion and breakfast at the church on Mother's Day, Sunday, May at 7:45 a.m. A short program wlU follow the breakfast ulth an Invocation by Mrs. Sidney Strong and tri bute will be paid to mothers by Donna McNlece of NorthvlUe. Reservations can be made by calling Ruth RounsvlUe at 4536237. Mrs. Bernard Sellmanl is chairman of the event. WHO CARES A 10 A.M., Channel 2 BLOUSES DRESSES DUSTERS JEWELRY { j i v e l l f o B i ^ i o W e r ALL-WEATHER COATS NITIE SETS Charlotte KIrchmair Mr. and Mrs. Kagar Hell of Klrchbichl, Austria has announc ed the engagement of her daugh ter, Charlotte IMarla JUrchmalr to Tenants Patrick Meyer. Her fiance is the son of Mr. andMrs. Howard Meyer of West Eight Mile road. A July wedding Is planned. S s o n her day MOTHER'S DAY MAY u i i i i 9th F HATS SLIPS IN U N THESE F m Let's give c cheer for CLOTHES!: Mom . . . the family's favorite "leacJing lady!" from G i / / s Set the stage for a happy Mother's Day with $ L 0 0 flowers from our REG. $1.00 7 9 0 P^' THE C O M E R ' w n I eee H a l l S in which I do not make a new acquaintance. C O R N E R --Samuel Johnson attendprofessional N O R T H V I L L E chapter r e c e i v e d its official Q u e s t e r s t a t u s as p a r t o f t h e national antique study s o c i e t y just last month. O r g a n i z e d f o r the p u r pose of studying an tiques, art objects and their historical baclcgrounds and d e d i c a t e d to t h e p r e s e r v a t i o n o f historical landmarlts, the n a t i o n a l s o c i e t y h a s g r a n t e d c h a r t e r s to 30 F u t u r e p l a n s o f the g r o u p i n c l u d e a t r i p to M a r s h a l l , M i c h i g a n , a n d a t o u r o f c e n tenniel homes, **************** MAY IS M O T H E R ' S M O N T H , a n d f o u r local church groups are honoring her with old-fashioned mother daughter breakfasts, dinners or banquets, Northville Presbyterian women are holding a dinner the f i r s t i n s e v e r a l y e a r s - at 5:45 p , m . M a y 2 0 . In a d d i t i o n to g r o u p s i n g i n g a n d t r i b u t e s to m o t h e r s a n d d a u g h t e r s t h e r e w i l l b e an e a s e l t a l k by M r s . F r e d e r i c k H a r t t , s e l e c t i o n s f r o m " 0 Y e J i g s and J u l e p s " given by Nancy Shafer, a p r i m a r y school quartet directed by M r s . G e o r g e J e r o m e , and a dance by M a r y Jo H o l m a n . E s p e c i a l l y f o r t e e n a g e r s w i l l be a r e n dition of "Downtown" a n d the p a r o d y , " U p t o w n , " by their m o t h e r s . M r s . H. O . Evans, Mrs. Joseph Petrock and Mrs J e r o m e with- d a u g h t e r s S t a c e y , a n d M a r y and Jane are participants. Traditional a w a r d s to the o l d e s t , y o u n g e s t a n d " m o s t est" a r e b e i n g a r r a n g e d by M r s . F r e d Kester. Mrs. Crispen Hammond i s chair man, AT ST. PAUL'S L U T H E R A N church m o t h e r s a n d d a u g h t e r s w i l l be h o n o r e e s at 6 : 4 5 p.m. M a y 21 a s t h e m e n o f t h e L a y m e n ' s L e a g u e c o o k a n d s e r v e the b a n quet. P r o g r a m p l a n s a r e u n d e r W a y . L e o nard Hack is ticket c h a i r m a n . M r s . W a r n e r K r a u s e w i l l p r e s i d e as t o a s t m i s t r e s s . **************** OUR LADY 312 VICTORY N e w c o m e r s H o l d were C o f f e e SPRliNG SWING--Younesters at AInennan elementary school try out the space ladder, a new piece of play ground equipment. Some S300 from the school's P T A ftind was used to purchase the space ladder plus a fence climber and bar slide. All equipment was installed last week. OF J O Ladies' Store-116 E. Main 417 DUBUAR N E S F L O R A L C O Pt-"]^,!'^ . NORTHVILLE 103 E. Main Street Phono FI-9-0613 Cities Sunday. Holy chairmanship the Stan Name of Theodore program responsible for M e e t S a i . on ecca 124 E. MAIN ST. PHONE FI-9-5048 ^ F r i d a y , M a y 7 The W e r e Victory break Grand I f 24 spring floral cent daughters from recited Our a and Lady poem to d o n ' t , DO Y O U KNOW , ^ NORTH... get a n a l l t h e e l e c t r i c h o t w a t e r w a t e r y o u n e e d h e a t e r , DETROlf EDISON J y o u S - P - E - C - l - A - L y o u r m o n e y o a c k ! guarantee you get from Etiison when you buy an approved electric CAN BUY? water heater. It's good for a full year, and you don't haVe to buy SPRING SUITS g : e t Every cent! Inclufiing installation cost, if any! That's the kiiifi of 2 AND 3-PIECE your heater from Edison. If you'd like, we can have an Edison 2 5 Specialist come out to your place to tell you what size Uink you % CORN $ 5 . 5 0 o This Special Is Good thru Saturday, May 15 f need, the price of the healer, and its surprisingly low opei-iting cost. T o get all the hot water you need-guaranteed—c:\ll your Edison Office or NUTS ************** AT N O R T H V I L L E METHODIST Church m o t h e r s and d a u h t e r s W e r e to h e a r a c h a l k t a l k by A r t h u r S i n c l a i r o f D e t r o i t at t h e i r a n n u a l b a n q u e t T u e s d a y e v e n i n g . 120 E. MAIN = GUARANTEED WHERE YOU to y o u w i t h Opening breakfast presented See Our Window for New Styles and Colors M o n d a y The last business meeting of the year of the Farmlngton alum nae association of Delta Gamma will be held at the borne of Mrs. John Jones, 32303 Craftsbury, Farmington, on Monday, May 10, at 8 p.m. crew g i v e n as p r i z e s . F i r s t school un Club =SATISFACTION Marzonie a kitchen corsages were mother. Club and s e r v e d J o h n s o n and grade Men's A r t THE mothers. L I I l i e Three The annual spring coffee for the Northville Newcomer's Club H o s t i n g Free P r o g r a m was held April 28 at the home of bring some slides of his pots, Mrs. E. 0. Weber on Woodhlll Are you Interested In art, drive. design, pottery, or photography? showing how ideas from nature Plans were discussed for a Would you like to have a new view are Incorporated Into art and de summer arts and crafts group to of nature? A blade of grass, sign. be taught by Mrs. Florence Bau John Loree received his M.A. a stone, a drop of water, In fact, er. Other upcoming events in all things in nature contain ele from Alfred University, Alfred, clude a trip to the Detroit Art Adult ments of design that have served New York. He is presently with Lutheran Museum, May 28 and an after the Art Department at Eastern as ingjiration for artists. noon of bridge May 13 to be held Michigan University. Loree's Classes to Start at the home of Mrs. Clyde VadOn Tuesday evening. May 11 spedal field Is ceramics, but he ner. also teaches classes in art and Pastor Charles Boerger of St. at 8:00 p.m., the 3 Cities Art design. He shows at the Detroit Newcomer members who at Paul's Evangelical Lutberan Club will sponsor a free public Artist's Market and at the Fortended the coffee were Mrs. Ver church announces the beginning program In the NorthvlUe High sythe and Lantern Galleries In non Llnd, Mrs. Jamie Honecker, School-Room C. John Loree of an adult class which wlU Mrs. Jean Day, Mrs. Florence will give a lecture and slide Ann Arbor. study anddlscussthebaslcteachTHE GROSS'-ta the back row are Mr. and Mrs. WiUiani Gross with baby Todd. This will be an exciting and Bauer, Mrs. Don Neuby, Mrs. ings of Christianity as found in prc^am on "Photography—A Brent, Blake, Maik and Wendy are up front. lnq)lrlng program. Please come. Harry Gilmer, Mrs. Donald Walthe Old and New Testaments of Potter's Point of View". His denmayer, Mrs. Fay Waldren, excellent slides show abstract- Invite the hosts. There is not Scripture. A yearning for the "wide open Mrs. Earle Mcintosh, Mrs. Ger Uons In nature, and he will also an admittance ckarge. spaces" brought the William Attendance attheseclasseslsa ald Burnham, Mrs. Thomas FaGross family to Novl. requirement for membership in V i s i t A S m a l l P l a n e t gan, Mrs. F. F. Ishac, Mrs. Clin the Lutheran church. There Is no Bill, 29, now owns one-acre of ton Albright, Mrs. Kent Mathes, obligation to anyone attending the land and Is eyeing a spot In his M o t h e r ' s D a y S p e c i a l Mrs. Klngsley Purton. classes to join the church, how backyard for his garden this W i t h P l a y e r s G u i l d Also enjoyiie the conversation ever. ^rlng. Hewlllalsobebusyplanthour over coffee were Mrs. Ro Ing a lawn and shrubs. The first class session will be NorthvUle Players Gufld will the Broadway stage, added an bert Cartwright, Mrs. HaltonAxheld in the parish haU of St. bring down the curtain onits sec other major credit to the liter tell, Mrs.JohnStuyvenberg,Mrs. He and his wife, Lois, and their Paul's Lutheran church. High five children, Wendy, 8, Mark, 6, ond season ofamateur theatre the ary accomplishments of play Dean Lenheiser, Mrs. Ben Kline and Elm streets, Northville, on B e a u t i f u l S a u c e r M a g n o l i a s Charles Fountain, Mrs. Blake, 4, Brent, 3, and Todd, 9 weekend of May 20-22 with three wright Vldal whose latest success Mrs. Wedaesday evening. May 12 at months, live at 24942 Glenda In performances of GoreVlibl's has been U s best-selling novel Herbert Weston, Mrs. Howard 7:30 p.m. "Julian.'' Kennedy, Mrs. Baxt Ledgerwood, the village. Their home is a trl- -"Visit to a Small Planet." In Full Bloom The play, flrstwrlttenfor tele Performances of '•Vlslt" on Mrs. Charles Bauer, Mrs. James • Unchurched people of the area leveL . . . . are cordially Invited to attend. Wendy Is a thlrdgraderatAm- vision during TV's golden age of Thursday, Friday and Saturday Herter and Mrs. Ronald Tlpplng. erman elementary school and live drama and later ezpandedfor nights WlU be staged at 8:30 ln Northville high school auditor Mark attends kindergarten there. ium. Bill, employed by General Mo G r e e n R i d g e N u r s e r y F e l l o w s h i p D a y Players guild members are M a y Adds tors, ls an electrical apprentice Library now selllngtlcfcetspricedat$L50 at the Chevrolet plant in Warren. 8600 NAPIER ROAD for adults and 85 cents for stu He drives 50 miles roimd-trlp 17 New Titles dents. Ticket reservations can daily to -work. Call 349-1111 Seventeen titles bavebeenadd- also be made by phoning Mrs. E l W o m e n t o O b s e r v e Both he and his wife are grad ed to the bookshelves of the len McNelece at FI 9-2380. shlp Day, which is marked by uates of Miimford high school in May Fellowship Day, an ob both statewide and nationwide Novl public library in recent In addition to its roll as finale Detroit. After graduation. Bill weeks, reports librarian Mrs. to the 1964-65 season, "Visit to servance of United Church Wo programs. enlisted In the Air Force and was Robert Flattery. a Small Planet" will also mark men, will be observed In North Mrs. Walter Murphy ls pro stationed In Texas and England New volumes of fiction are the Northville players' cultural vUle at 1:30 p.m. Friday when a gram clialrman with Mrs. Paul for four years. They were mar The Man, Mallabec, The Intrud contribution to Michigan Week program, "Peqjie, Poverty and Beard giving devotions. A tea ried while he was in service. Plenty," wIU be presented in the committee under chairmanship er, The Fortress, Funeral ln festivities. In 1959 be mustered out of the feUowshlp haU of Northville of Mrs. William Swank will serve B erlln. Sea Jade. Up the Down Air Force. Then he enrolled at Methodist church. Staircase, Daily and Sunday, J e tea following the program. Michigan State university and was This program in the form of a alous God, Winds of the Day, S t u d e n t P i a n i s t s a student there for 11/2 years. choral reading depicts Inner City and Joyous Season. NORTHVILLE LODGE Earlier, Lois was a teletype conditions ofpove'rty, Mrs. Doug During April, Mrs. Flattery operator for Owens-Corning FlbT o H o l d R e c i t a l s NO. 186 F. & A. M. las Bolton, WSCS president ex said, Mrs. and Mr. Edward 01erglas in Detroit for two years. Regular Meeting ah of Novl, presented six chlldPiano pupUs of Mrs. Wllllam plained. She stresses thatall wo Right now. Bill is working 2nd Monday each, month lay atofeacn rens books to the library. They C. WlUlams will be presented in men of the community are invit overtime and going to night class rlo' Howard E. Shields, W.M. are Friends of the Library and two recitals to be ^ven Friday ed. This Is the tlllI:d annual ob es so be finds little time for R. F. Coolman. Sec. each month a donation Is made. and Saturday at her home on servance locally of May FellowbowUng, swimming or gardening. Books of Olah's contributed Eaton drive. Asked about her hobbies, Lois are the Texas Tenderfoot, The Mrs. Williams' more advanc si1illed:i.'What spare time?" Long Trail North, Tammy, Ad ed students will give their re ToM was tugging on her skirt ventures m Squaw Valley, Ad cital at 4 p.m. Friday. They are as she was trying to shoo his ventures In Hollywood, The Ch Judy Bogart, Carol Clark, Pru brothers into the basement play armed Circle and The Bobbsey dence Hartt, Jane Jerome, l M s room. Twins. tln Boor and Lesllanne Erasure. Pi^lls presenting their pro gram at 3 p.m. Saturday are Sheryl Schwendemann, Mary Ste A n n o u n c i n g T h e phens, Carol Weber, Cathy Mapes, Roberta Day, Margaret Morse, Susan Northriqi, Nancy Weldner and Kim Davis. Pro grams are to Include solos and duets. Catholic and daughters Choose everything from lux to accessories here for special occasions. at a b r e a k f a s t f o l l o w i n g 8 a m . M a s s second of OF mothers A p p l i c a t i o n s Applications for the awards to be presented by the Northville Town Hall series are now be ing received, Mrs. William Slattery, president, announced. Mrs. Slattery said that "char itable organizations are eligible and applications may be made to Mrs. William Milne, 537 West Dunlap, Northville." Any questions, she said, may be referred to the following mem bers of the awards committee: Mrs. Harry Wagenschutz, 341 Beal and Herman Moehlman, 127 East Main, Northville; Mrs. Mar garet Hough, 1199 Sheldon road, Plymouth; Mrs. Leonard Stldwlll, 23664 Longacre road, Farmington; and Mrs. Wllllam E. Parks, 32140 Myrna, Livonia. A m e r i O T H E R O F F I C E R S of the new c h a p t e r are M r s . Jack W i l l i s , president; M r s . H. J. Frogner, first vice-president; Mrs. George Miller, treasurerandmembership chairman; M r s . Arthur Basel, secretary; Mrs, Robert Bretz, corresponding secre tary; M r s . John B u r k m a n , librarian. The g r o u p . W h i c h m e e t s on the f o u r t h M o n d a y of the m o n t h , g a t h e r e d f o r a d e s s e r t t e a l a s t W e e k at the h o m e o f M r s . M i l l e r o n B l o o m c r e s t . C u t and p r e s s e d g l a s s W e r e s t u d i e d . W i t h 16 m e m b e r s a l r e a d y i n t h e c h a p t e r , t h e m e m b e r s h i p v o t e d to c l o s e at 20 i n o r d e r to b e a b l e to m e e t i n h o m e s . P l a n s W e r e m a d e to p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e national convention currently being held ( M a y 4 - 6 ) at G r e e n f i e l d V i l l a g e . M e m b e r s s i g n e d to t o u r t h e d e c o r a t i v e a r t s b u i l d i n g at t h e v i l l a g e W e d n e s d a y a n d v i s i t D e t r o i t antique s h o p s on J e f f e r s o n and C a s s a v e n u e s as W e l l as the W a l k e r m u s e u m i n C a n a d a on a b u s t o u r T h u r s d a y , each m FI-9-0777 the Michigan chapters. N a m e s of Q u e s t e r c h a p t e r s a r e s e l e c t e d to r e f l e c t s o m e s p e c i f i c a s p e c t o f l o cal history or heritage. Base Line W a s c h o s e n b y the l o c a l g r o u p a s the O l d B a s e L i n e o f t h e c o u n t y W a s s a i d to h a v e b e e n s u r v e y e d north and southandeast and W e s t from here. erpieces 50c l NEW Carnation BOUTONNIERE i Brosius W i l l ^ W e r e ANYWHERE W While she sightsees abroad, M r s . B r o s i u s h o p e s a l s o to p u r s u e h e r a n t i q u e s h o b by. B e f o r e l e a v i n g f o r the E a s t s h e a c cepted second V i c e - p r e s i d e n c y o f the newly-formed B a s e L i n e C h a p t e r of the Questers society. F o r some time a m e m b e r o f the F a r m i n g t o n Q u e s t e r s c h a p t e r , Mrs. B r o s i u s W a s i n s t r u m e n t a l in h e l p i n g f o r m the n e w N o r t h v i l l e g r o u p . fast. JUST PHONE FI-9-1040 E meetings. arranged CARNATION o n / /oofc upon every day to be lost, a t t e n d t h e c o n V e n t i o n o f Dr. W h e r e der POTTED PLANTS w c a n P s y c h i a t r i c A s s o c i a t i o n . T h e y p l a n to l e a v e f r o m there for Edinburgh, Scotland, ROSES DELIVERY SERVICE f to W e e k CUT FLOWERS CORSAGES o A N T I Q U I N G IN S C O T L A N D i s t h e p l e a s urable prospect on s c h e d u l e f o r M r s . Charles O. Brosius. Dr. andMrs. Brosius of H a g g e r t y C o u r t l e f t f o r N e w Y o r l c l a s t last H O S E T R e v i e w i n g Church MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL . . . r By Jean Oay feted I S n O N u N AT fine collection. WE GIFT WRAP, TOO! O 1 Sunday 9:45 A.M. H n Page Three The N O R T H V I L L E RECORD-NOVI NEWS Thursday, May 6, 1965 see the Satisfaction Guarnn teed sign. f OOP PAR Do"^,! I M I T y''i'"s t o r i -rMMVirmiriiiMSm* MQwofa M stmomc m i M i n IMAM reUtiler who di.sphiys the Edison E D I S O N Thursday, May 6, 1965 The N O R T H V I L L E RECORD-NOVI NEWS Pdge Four BE T h e N O V I N E W SURE . . INSURE § C a r r i n g t o n NATIONAL . & J o h n s o n EDITORIAL W I T H Real Estote & Charles F. Carrington Compfefe 101 N. Center St.. Nurlhviilo. Mirhigan. Carl H, Johnson fnsuronce 120 N. CENTER Second Class Postage Paid at .Northville. Mich. C O U P O N . S e m i - B o n e l e s s Service NORTHVILLE FI-9-2000 WHOLE H A M SWIFT'S PREMIUM SI BSCJtlPTlON RATES: D • ~ I g • • — H WHOLE OR HALF Published each Thursday by The Northville Record, inc.. T H I S Insurance O U B L E I TOP VALUI S T A M P S ! THSOUCH SATUHDAY, MAY J m WITH THIS COUPON AND B $S PURCHASE OR MORE • Exceptfleer,Wine pr Cigarettei. Coupon valid ot ||| Kroger in Detroit n SB ondEo»lernMich. AWIT J~ S4.00 PER YE.AR l.N MICIIIG.AN; S5.00 ELSEWHKRE ELECTRIC Advertising Manager CONTRACTOR F John Harrington News Editor *Sales and Service for Deico Motors •Wiring for Light and Power •Fluorescent Lighting *No Job Too Large or Too Small Donald Bauerle Superintendent Robert Blough Publisher William C. S//ger R E S H F ^ R E E WITH MAILER , TIGER TOWN ! COUPON W E D G W O O D 1, C O LTD , i i SLICED C O U N T R Y S I D E PHONE FI-S-3515 D e S P E A K I N G K a y B O I I E D ^ H A LB. M E l e c t r i c 431 YERKES P L A T E NORTHYlLLE TASTY /'^-'CHOICE f o r T h e R e c o r BLADE CENTER C U T d G L E N D A L E FRESH By 8ILLSLIGER C H U C A four-inch obituary Detroit' News announcement last Friday Funeral day . 3 9 ' R U. S. C H O I C E FRESH TENDERAY PICNIC O A S T COUNTRY STYLE CLUb""'^'^x^'>_ residents. services W e r e afternoon Head, L I V E R in brought back s o m e fond m e m o r i e s f o r m a n y l o n g time Northville 3 9 < K B E E F The W I E N E R S . SLICED held last i n Detroit retired band for master Satur EdWin B E E R O P F O R K J. and m u s i c A S R T O A S T R O L L U T T E teacher. Ed Head board Was hired of e d u c a t i o n "Northville The Ed by the C a s t e r l i n e Northville i n 1926 to o r g a n i z e a School and C o m m u n i t y B a n d " . idea W a s spearheaded L a n g f i e l d , then a m e m b e r o f the s c h o o l H e a d W o u l d c o m e to N o r t h v i l l e t w i c e a W e e k , o n c e to t e a c h a n d o n c e to d i r e c t t h e b a n d . It W a s o n e o f t l i e f e w b a n d s i n t h e a r e a and b e c a m e v e r y m u c h in d e m a n d . Its m e m b e r s h i p w a s m a d e up o f a d u l t s as w e l l a s h i g h s c h o o l s t u d e n t s . B u t the c o r e o f the o r g a n i z a t i o n w a s H e a d ' s f a m ily and f r i e n d s . Insuranceman Charles Carrington was a m e m b e r of that o r i g i n a l N o r t h v i l l e s c h o o l and C o m m u n i t y B a n d . H e r e m e m b e r s that H e a d , an e x c e l l e n t c o r n e t i s t , w o u l d p l a y the c o r n e t w i t h o n e h a n d w h i l e d i r e c t i n g the band with the o t h e r . H e a d ' s b r o t h e r , C e c i l , now l i v i n g i n E n g l a n d , p l a y e d the F r e n c h h o r n ; the d i r e c t o r ' s two s o n s a n d f o u r d a u g h t e r s w e r e also m e m b e r s . There was Edwin, a c o r n e t i s t , a n d S a m u e l , s t i l l a top p o p u l a r b a n d t r o m b o n i s t who h a s p l a y e d with the P e t e Bess, Fountain aggregation. Daughters P e g g y , J o y c e and C e c i l e were joined by a half-dozen other outside musicians giving the b a n d a s o l i d b r a s s s e c t i o n , C a r r i n g ton r e c a l l s . O t h e r s w h o p l a y e d i n that o r i g i n a l b a n d include E d A n g o V e , Bob Reed, Russell Knight, C h a r l e s A l t m a n , B i l l , B e n and Cathy Duguid and D o n Robinson. In l a t e r y e a r s t h e c o m m u n i t y b a n d l o s t s o m e of i t s e a r l i e r z i p . B u t H e a d c o n t i n u e d t o r i d e t h e b u s t w i c e a w e e k to N o r t h v i l l e until he " c o u l d n ' t stand w a i t ing i n the c o l d w e a t h e r f o r the b u s , " L e s l i e L e e r e c a l l s . L e e then took o V e r and rebuilt the b a n d a l o n g i t s p r e s e n t l i n e s as a "high s c h o o l " m a r c h i n g band. B u t f o r those ring marches can recall days, of the Northville John favorite " O n the ford", who t h r i l l e d Phillip of those and " N e w Hart of E d Head S c h o o l and C o m m u n i t y the b e s t ideas u l f T a n k F cision Tool's John Lutz credit for proposing a free at t h e W i x o m s t e r s u l l S c a GiIlf Oil Corporation's largest facility Id Mlclligan wlU be lII full operation next month lIi Novi. Tile village will then ranJt as a Elajor petroleum redistribu tion center in the U.S. ConstructloE on Gulf's 23-acre tank farm got underway last July. The facility Is modeled after one buDt in Houston and ls similar to five put up along the eastern sea board. Six towering storage tanks hold Gulf's three brands of gasoline and fuel oil, said Richard Gron Pre has been trip given to L a n Wixom in d u s t r y i s f o o t i n g the b i l l and a r r a n g e m e n t s for C special & 0 According greeted be accommodations railroad to a b o a r d the have a l r e a d y been plans, the y o u n g s t e r s by G o v e r n o r Romney has to for board enough miss of e d u c a t i o n merit to p e r m i t a d a y of s c h o o l . "hospitality t h e project that t h e children It's m ' N l e O p e r a t i o n e i din, delivery foreman at the Novi Hamtramack facility will be cur tailed extensively," he said. farm. Besides the storage field, a When filled up, the tanks con tain 3.8 million gallons of fuel terminal office and truck and oil and 7.9 million gallons of pump and tank maintenance cent ers will be located at .Novi, gasoline, Grondin said. Gulf will employ 100 people, Grondin, a Northville resKlent, has been employed by Gulf for Grondin said. lO years. Previously, he wa:s Initially the facility Is serving terminal supervisor at Gulf's lUver Rouge tank farm. "The River Rouge facility is now completely closed down. The office personnel came out here E V E N last Monday. Operations at the I S C a n y o u R E L A D S S I N scheduled d a y " , Tuesday, M a y 18. G P O P WITH COUPON & '5 PURCHASE OR MORE ^ KROGER BRAND a r s QUART JAR n N o v i KROGER BRAND 10' 3 MILK 6 R A P E J U I C E N KROGER 3 CHICKEN N O O D L E GALLON GLASS the metropolitan area, Grondin said, but evenhially tanker trucks from the lower half of the state will load up In Novi. In addition, a computer will be installed to direct the loadhig as pect so that the Novi farm can be open on a 24-hour basis six days a week, Grondin said. SAVE 3 SAVE 18=-ALL R E G . O R DRIP beg PURPOSE C A M P B E L L ' S S O U P . . . V . a c P a c - O P E N DAILY TIL U P . M . CH1CKEN O F THE S E A , BREAST O ' CHICKEN OR C L O Y E R D A L E 134 N, Cenler F A R M S Northville D A I R Y S T A R K I S T T U N 4,^.02 A 4 c A V O N D A L E BRAND FI-9-1580 P E A R ^ i C W O F F E E ,,0 H A L V E S . . . . . . . . 3 ^^i n ASSORTED VARIETIES-FROZEN M v ^ ^ a m m i m c R T O O O B J E C C T O T T A N C R E A M P I E S . . <„fs KROGER BRAND KROGER OR BORDEN'S e O G E 6 2 9 ' , C O C K T A I L 5 WITH COUPON & »5 PURCHASE OR MORE 4 i f K ^ 8 5 ' FROZEN BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY i n v e s t C H E E S M E O R T O N D I N N E R S '^1 3 9 ' S A V E 3 4 ' Kroger Fresh, All White, Grade A a d o l l a r OR MORE A DAY.. to build an estate, or accuinulate an investment fund 1-lB. CTN. SAVE L A R G E UP 7 0 or buy an interest in American industry? SAVE 14' Mony Mutual Funds have plans to oid you invest basis. E G G S Phone or write today. M Member Detroit Stock Exchange E L - O j S O F P O P S B O R D E N ' S T Philadelphia-Baltitnore Stock Exchange B R E A Mayflower Hotel 2 D O G O C W i ^ ^ 4 E R S G A S i s s t i l l a w i s e c h o i c e M A Y 8, 1965 N O T H I N G N O T H I N G 9:00 A.M. - 1 2 : 0 0 NOON C O O K S C O O K S F A S T E R ! B E T T E R ! .-Ml ilic- n c w },':is r^inijcs o i l e r a n i . i i i n g a u t o m a t i c E N J O Y A L L T H E Y O U at the Fire Hall at 215 W. Main St., Northville, Mich- B C O S T ! A N I H S T C O F L K . . . baih. m o s t If R a n g e s is t h e m o d e r n A N A S a n d s t y l i n g t h a t i s FRUIT i m p o r t a n t w h e n S A V E o p e r a t e W a t e r YOUR CHOICE 6 E E E R BRAND M U A I C T O WITH COUPON & '5 PURCHASE OR MORE E R E C U K L S A V E 3 0 ' SPECIAL LABEL A R O o x T S U E P E R ' X 48-CT. BOX A S A P P L I A N C E Published by Consumers Power Company 99( . J J FOR $ 5 . 4 9 WITH COUPON & >5 PURCHASE OR MORE . . l . » I M : H J 4 . 1 I I J T ? M - , lA.UIM.HJaj.lllJ.tl COUPON W I T H THIS C O U P O N A N D a PURCHASE OR MORE W I T H THIS C O U P O N A N D %i P U K C H A S E O R M O K E W I T H THIS C O U P O N A N D $S PURCHASE O K MOKE S P K I A L LABEL I KROCEK K E C U I A R O K DKiP GRIND I J ' n f ] i L « , S * L . „ . . . ^ R I N G SIZE CHEER ! V A C P A C COFFEE J MTEX SANITARY NAPKINS J • I-IB. C A N 6 5 ' , 5-lB. 6-OZ. P K G . 8 9 ' S A V E 3 4!• V a l i d t h r u S a t u r d a y , M a y 8, 1 9 6 5 . Ui m miill I SAVE lO< V a l i d t h r u S a t u r d a y , M a y 8, i 9 6 5 . U m i l ' 48.C0UNT PKG. 9 9 ' WITH THIS C O U P O N A N D $5 P U R C H A S E O R M O R E COUNTRY a U B I S A V E 30" ROLL l.tB. ! V a l i d t h r u S o t u r d o y M a y 8, 1 9 6 5 . l i m i t I BUUER ROtl 57' S A V E 8- V o H d thru S a t u r d a y , M a y I, 1 9 6 5 . U m i t a G a s Martha M. Milne, City Clerk G TREES I I I I Y O U R Z H e a t e r May 31,1965. S E E VALUABLE ! I • y o u b u y , i n s t a l l a n d s e c o n d > t o - n o n e of the clinic. Licenses must be obtained on or before H iW* r o M r v a d i e l i g h t to l i m i t q u a n t i t i a i . P r i c a i o n d I t o m i e f f t c t i v a a t K r o g a r i n IJatrait a n d lEaitarn M i c h i g a n t h r u S a t u r d a y , M o y 8, i 9 « S . N o n a x l d to d a a l a n . C o p y n g h t 1 9 6 5 . Tha K r o g a r C o m p a n y . LB. I'lial's the j o y of o w n i n i ; a e c o n o m y Y O U f e a t u r e s . . . Dog licenses will be issued to both city and town- I c , r 3 9 ' . CONCENTRATED tOW SUDS -ISr SAIVO TABLETS 'il^^ 77' GUSS INSIDE-WHITENS YOUR WASH 'ifDUZ PREMIUM DETERGENT . 'nliV FOR SPARKLING CtEAN DISHES aii.„ LIQUID THRILL ~ l 80' AU-PURPOSE CLEANER „ QZ. TOP JOB "«l"39' SOFTENS YOUR WHOLE WASH >-0JDOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER ',1^ 77' REGULAR SIZE-MILD ZEST FACIAL SOAP 2sAn31' HARDY-4 to 5 FT. ASSORTED VARIETIES o f f e r A L L O J E RIPE the k i l i l u - n . i n i h e l a u n d r y a n d i n the See t l i e i n lotiay. the Michigan Department of iiealth. E T T (;.\S w a t e r he:itcr. G a s S 111 c l e a n hen w . i i e r l u v a l l t h e l a m i l y , . . i i i m a n y o t i i c r features y o u ' l l e n j o y . A two-year vaccine will be used as recommended by F N • i i n l a v ' s a u l u i n a l i i (i.VS w a t e r h e a t e r s m e e t e v e r y that h o l d heat w h e r e y o u w a n t i t . . . p l u s 12:00 Noon to vaccinate your dog for a fee of $4.00. A h o m e . W i l l i (;.\.S y o u c a n d e p e i i d l u i p l e n t y c o n t r o l . ..automatic meat t i i e r m o m e t e r . . . G 1 2 » < 3 9 ' KROGER d e m a n d iipi I n n w a l e r n e e d s i n t h e n u x i e r n tirninf; d e v i c e s . . . u c i v ; l o w t e m p e r a t u r e o v e n igan on Saturday, May 8, 1965 from 9:00 a.m. until Clerk M H O T W A T E R W A N T . . . A T L O W speedy top burners witii a u t o m a t i c c o n t r o i s Dr. Thomas Heslip will hold a vaccination clinic Marguerite N. Yoiing, Township I C E ! G O L D E N SATURDAY, N l4-OZ. WT. JAR 3 E N I D Phone GL-3-l890-If No Answer Phone GL-3-I977 I OR F U D 6 E E S SPOTLIGHT Donald A. Burleson Resident Partner T K I H SAVE 10'=-3 FLAVORS SMOOTH AS S A T I N - N E W ANDREW C. REID & CO. O d o z . 19=-B0RDEN'S T W I N Investment Securities N 2 C as little or as much as you wish on a systematic ship dog owners at the Northville City Hall on the day May W e s l e y M c A t e e to c o n v i n c e t h e W a l l e d Lake r will a n d at T h e r e ' s o n e h i t c h . I t ' s up to W i x o m o r made. a s e s s i o n of the l e g i s l a t u r e . tend A F R U I T and his Wixom. school. a HOMOGENIZED F Band f o r a l l the 275 g r a d e s c h o o l y o u n g s i n g S C A N N E D Also Serving Breakfast, ^L^unc^an^Sandwiche^^^^^ I'Ve h e a r d f o r Week c o m e s from A P P L E S A U C E . ASSORTED F L A V O R S - B I G " K " I c e 0 i c a H t G quire vaccination of all dogs tvithin their limits. of EMBASSY BRAND D The Northville C i t / and Township Ordinances re- One LB. C L O Y E R D A L E W i l l l i n g e r on f o r e v e r . Michigan R PACKER'S LABEL Sousa or marches Mall" memory to t h e s t i r B F I L L 'ER UP - Jacli HicIts of Lansing loads up Ills tanker at the Gtilf redIstribuUon center in Novi. Next to HicIts is RclIord Grondin, delivery foreman at the Novi tanit fann. The Gulf facility will be in full operation by next month. b o a r d . L a n g f i e l d h a d seen a high s c h o o l b a n d p e r f o r m at a R o t a r y c o n v e n t i o n i n D e n V e r a n d d e c i d e d that N o r t h v i l l e , t o o , should have a band. He a p p l i e d f o r the N o r t h v i l l e a s s i g n ment on a p a r t - t i m e b a s i s i n M a r c h , 1926. H e W a s h i r e d b y th-e b o a r d o n t h e s a m e night another young fellow appeared b e f o r e the b o a r d f o r a j o b . H i s n a m e W a s Russell Amerman. Home Ray J . Casterline Fred A. Casterline 1893-1959 Director 24-Hour Ambulance Service Fleldbrook 9-0611 by the late H e a d , a native of C o r n w a l l , E n g l a n d , W a s e m p l o y e d b y the D e t r o i t s c h o o l s y s t e m as a m u s i c ' t e a c h e r . Funeral O Private OH-Stre^t Parking O Air Conditioned Chapel ^ D E A L E R O O s ° T A M P s WWITH S THIS T A C O Um P O N PO N* D 1 2 5 s T A M P s Q 4 WITH 9 T THIS M COUPON k m ON n u 5 0 S T r M P S J J S O ^ WITH W THIS » " COUPON f ^ f ^ r -ON p i . _ ANY THREE I'A-IB. LOAVES I 5-OZ WT. JAR FRENCH BRAND | 2-lB. PKG. 9-INCH ASSORTED | ! ^^mmmm m FUVORS FROZEN I M E L - O - S O F T I INSTANT COFFEE I morton fruit pies I m ^ l H n i % V r r K K • m V K I V n r K W I I r i E » ! T ' I V a l i d thru Saturday, 1 ^ | V a l i d thru Saturday, A I ^ " T . ' T . r ^May8,<965. ^ M a y 8, 1 9 6 5 . ^ J t ^ r M 9 6 5 . B R E A D I Q* S T 2 PKcs C U T - U P ^IL^^.KKf 2 ROASTING "fTi:^ A M P s FRTIRS, iiSli^i CHICKENS t j | ^ J Z t rSrSw on t w o i-ifl p k g s S O s t a m p s D rI 1 I COUNTRY CLUB WIENERS | • Vaiidth,« Saturday, ^ 1 © • M a y 8 , 1 9 6 5 . S O s t a m p s w i t h t h i s COUPON ON lO-lB. BAG M A I N E P O T A T O E S V a l i d thru S a t u r d o y , © ' M a y a , 1945. ^ O 1 I Thursday, May 6, 1965 The N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R D ..OVI NEWS Page Six O F F I C I A L M m U T E S OF m R T E V l L L E C I T Y C O V M I L YOUR CITIZENS MAN WILL INSURE YOUR Regular Meeting of the North- and Butler Streets, moved by Resignation of City Manager: The City Manager spoke about from Wing to Cady) on Saturday during this period. Mr. Allen discussed the need vliie City Council-Aprii 19, 1965. Canterbury, supported by Blacl: The Clerk read the resignation Bill 207 which proposes to levy afternoons. City Manager Is to for attention to the former Gib The regular meeting of the to adopt said resolution. of the City Manager, Bruce K. a fee of $10.00 per space on all follow through with this. HOME-AUTO-BUSINESS Mrs. Carlson discussed a Bergstrom parking lot; Oils Is Northville City Council was call Unanimously carried. Potthoff, effective May 28, 1965. public parking lots. LIFE-HEALTH-BOAT to be checked by the City Man where property on Carpenter St. Mr. Canterbury explained In ed to order by Mayor Allen, Moved by Canterbury, sup Council asked that property ager. refuse has accumulated. The .Monday, April 19, 1965 at 8:05 g^-ners on these streets be not- ported by Kester that the fol considerable detail the proposed Mr. Allen reported that four Library Bill which could affect city manager Is to InvesHpite' p.m. in the Northville Cit}' Hall, ified a few days in advance of lowing resolution be adopted: Northville Insurance Agency WHEREAS Bruce K. Potthoff Northville Library service. A and report at the next meeting. benches, which he is donating, Present: Allen, Canterbury, actual paving. 160 E. Main 349-1122 Subject of bicycle stands In the are now ready for tile rear area Carlson and Kester. Let Bids For Paving Of West, has served the City of Northville letter is to be sent to members of Uie City Hal! grounds. faithfully as City M.mager for of the legislative committee re business district was discussed. Absent: Ambler Pennell and Butler Streets; Ken Rafhert, C.P.C.U. City Manager Is to work on questing their support. Mrs. Carlson reported on the Mrs. Carlson introduced her After examination of bids by 3 1/2 years, and Installed drinking fountain being City MaIIager reported there Beauttfication Association meet WHEREAS he has performed daughter, Mrs. Shirley Nuotllla the City Engineer, it was recin business area; also having and her two grandchildren who commended that the CadillacAs- his duties as City Manager for will be a meeting with Mr. Ralph ings she has attended and men shanty removed from present were present for the Installation phajt Paving Company be awarded the citizens of Northville in an Stephenson on Wednesday, May tioned that various municipallttes CITY OP WIXOM location at Hines Drive and ceremonies. bid for paving of West, Pennell, excellent manner, contributing 5, 1965 regarding the consultant have Mayor's Committees ap Center St. ORDINANCE NO. 57 Miiyor Allen asiced the Clerii and Butler Streets in the amount to responsible and effective gov work he is doing with the Plan pointed for this type of project. City Attorney mentioned sev ning Commission. Moved by Council unanimously agreed to to report on City Canvassing of $6,215.03. Moved by Black, ernment AN ORDINANCE COMBINING T H E DUTIES OF CLERK Kester, supported by Black that appoint Mrs. Carlson chairman of eral pieces of proposed leg now hereby be it resol Board's results of City Election supported by Carlson that islation which Council might of April 15, 1955. Cadillac Asphalt Pa\'ing Company ved that the City of NorthviUe the City Attorney be instructed a Mayor's Committee on BeautAND TREASURER be Interested In following; the Mayor, term 1965-67, A. Mai- be awarded bid forpavingof West Council expresses their deep re to Dreoare an agreement In iflcation for the City of North Attorney is to obtain further coim Allen, 720 votes. Pennell aIid Butler Streets in the gret with Ills resignation (Jrfay 28, structing the Mayor and Clerk ville and she Is to report per THE CITY OF WIXOM ORDAINS: Information on bills conceroing Council term, 1965-69 (Elect amount of $6,216.03. Unanimous- 1965) and wishes him coming suc to execute the purchase, by the iodically on this activity. Municipal Courts and Charter Mr. Canterbury mentioned City of NorUivllle, the Chas. cess in his enlarged sphere of Section 1. Pursuant to Sec. 4.8 of the City Charter two) , Beatrice B. Carlson, 602 ;y carried Elwell property at 124 E. Dun Increased activity in the depart Townships relaUvetoannexatloa. votes; Del Black, 465 votes; C. g^.^^^ And Adoption Of responsibility. There being no further ment of Public Works during the of the City of Wixom, this Council deems it necessary lap street at no more than $15, Unanimously carried. Oscar Hammond, 411 votes; W. ^ . ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ "^^j Development early spring moaUis, May and business, the meeting adjourned Wallace Nichols, 362 votes; The City Manager is to run 400. Unanimously carried. Plan: for the proper and efficient operation of the City that June, suggested City Manager at 10:45 p.m. Charles Toussaint, 132 votes. Mr. Kester Introduced the Mr. George Zerbel, Chairman necessary notices requesting and Department of Public Works Respectfully submitted, Municipal Judge, term 1955subject of having a patrolman on the administrative office of Clerk and the administraof the Northville City Planning applications for the position of 69, beginning July 4, 1965, duty in thebusiness section (Main Superintendent do this, in order Martha M. Milne Commission called attention to City Manager for the City of to cope with the heavy work City Clerk Charles McDonald, 699 votes. Mr. Canterbury from Hutton to Wing; Ceater St. five office of Treasirer be combined. the fact that the printed notice Northvlile. Above votes were certified on in the Northville Record of above volunteered to work on these Section 2. That this ordinance shall be in force April 8, 1965 by the City Can amendment to the Zoning Ordin matters concerned with hiring vassing Board; L. M. Eaton, a City Manager. ance Is the correct material. and effect only until such time as the council for the chairman; Aubrey French, Rob Moved by Canterbury, supported Miscellaneous: ert Whltehalr and W. E. Mc City Manager spoke about the by Kester that said amendment be City of Wixom shall deem otherwise. Carthy. adopted aspublished.Unanimous- agreement with Mr. Penn rel Clerl: Milne then administered ative to Randolph Street. Because Section 3. This Ordinance is declared by the City ly carried. the oath of office to Mr. Allen „ . , „ , ^ Request To Transfer Checlter mangltude of the project he sug as Mayor; Beatrice Carlson and ^^^^^^.^ to be an emergency ordinance requiring immediate gested that the City of NorthviUe Del Black as Council Meinbers council having received pre- enter Into an agreement with Mr. passage. It shall become effective immediately upon who were then duly installed. vious material concerning the re Penn. It will be necessary to con Minutes of the last meeting sult with the Planning Comm quest for transfer and there being passage and publication thereof. were approved. no objections to some; moved by ission regarding this proposed Moved by Carlson, supported construction. Copies of the pro Made and passed by the City Council of the City Kester, supported by Carlson by Kester that bills in the fol to approve transfer of Checker posed agreement are to be sent lowing amounts be paid: General of Wixom this 27th day of April, A.D. 1965. taxlcab license within the City of to Council along with a copy of $ 19,885.27; Water $ 3,339.66. FAIR TIME-riie 11th annual Novi CommunIty School Fair will be held from 5:30Northville from Florence Pitt- the original contract. This engin Wesley E . McAfee,Mayor 9:30 p.m. Friday at the Novi elementary school on Novi road. There'll be a puppet Unanimously carrlei man to Stephen Sweeney, Individ eering will consider the proposed Communications: show, gomes, refreshments, gift shop, bake sale, greenhouse and prizes. Pictured Elizabeth A. Waara, Clerk-Treasurer ually and as trustee, acting for Thompson-Brown development A card of acicnowledgement Tlmolsen Castillo, James D. on Eight Mile Road. here are two teachers, Mrs. Mary Hart (left) and Mrs. Laura Jensen (right). Behind from the famllt of Roy Lindsay Berry, Robert Sweeney, Merwln the puppet stace are Mrs. NofniaiI Planck and Mrs. ilUchard Smith. Council Minutes: Tucker, E. Richard Larges and Letter of resignation from Michael Kleltch. Unainlmoasly NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO T H E ZONING ORDINANCE OF T H E V I L U G E OF NOVI, NOVI, MICHIGAN Phil Blaachard relative to his carried. PARCiu-A-'db. C Ceaisr Sill) membership on the Northville Recommendation Concerning part 0( the 3Mibeaal 1/4 «( SecUat II, T. 1 N., R. • C.. Karl Ta*oiM|>. OaUaait Cavntr, City Planalag Commission. City Overnight Parking Restrictions: Michii.n. descrlbadae; Beilnnlni at the eauU.««ii earner af Stella. II, T, I N . , K. B E . ; Manager Instructed to write a Theata N. ••l'.JJ'-OO" W,, Uaoi Itte eaolls Una af eaid 3ecilan i J . O-JO. M ' ; Thance The recommendation from the H. D*. )}>.0O'' C.. Maa| a Uee f«faU«l la Ua aeet Una af SacUtn t). TOO. 0'; Thance letter of appreciation to Mr. 3. lV,J)'-eO" E., al.nia lla« parallal t» Iba eaMlbllr.* afSetuaii;). lao. iO'; Theata City Manager was read asking 3. O'-.ll-.OO'- » . , ataei Ue laai Iiaa afsectlan I). TOO. 0' U ika palni af b«fln--iin|. Caauioiai Blanchard for his servlcesonthe that over-night parking on Main 14. )1 Acrat. l«»)a«t la eaeemanto and raaincuaaa of racard and la ihe rt|hU af ihe fubllc and Planning Commission. If ior (aaernmaoial Mil la any fari IheraaT laaea. •« •* deeded far read ar highway r*rwot**. St. , Wing to Griswold; Center To b« cbaflSBd (row a 1 R - l - r and C - l Dlicrtct -tf « i ^ i , OwMrAl Comnercl*! Communications From Citizens: St., Cady to Dunlap; Cady St., Essie Nirider, representing PABCeu-D'' (MiJuitl* ramUy KaiideolUl) Center to Church; Dunlap, Cen the Northville Retail Merchants' Perl of (he Sa«iMe*i l/4 af Stcum IJ, T. I N . . R. 8 t.. Na»i re-neMp. OaJtlaad Cooaiy, ter to Hutton; Button, Dunlap Miebifea. deecrlbad a«- Beiinnlrtt al a point an ihe (ovih Una af Seeuen 21. T. I N . . X . t C . . Assoclatloa reported that the to Main; Church, Main to Cady aald patnl btlni N. BV-JV-OO" W.. •M.BO'. ae maieured Alang (tt* eei<lb llna of Secllan merchants are happy with the Iran ItM eaal.<ieaJl earner qf Sactlan I); Thenta caollaulni aisag lh( eeuth Una ul SeeUan « , St. be prohibited between the n. Bt'.)S'.00" W,, JOO.O'j TheoeaN. 0'.)V.0O"C., alani e Une parallel t» lha eaei lina af adoption of the Municipal ParijSacUati I), lOOO.Oft'i Theatea. J4'.)0''C., 1110.80'; Thane e 5. C - l l ' . D O " W.. alem hours of 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. UM eaii Une af aectlan I). )00,0'i Tl^aea N. BV. 1J'-00"W., elea, e line parallel i . the ing Authority and have expressed eaalh lint af Stcllan IJ, BtO. BO'j Thenta 3. O'.JJ'.OO" W.. Al»n| • line paraUel ta lha aaii The City Attorney was Instruct lint Of 3*ttlan I), TOD.O' ta Ihp patti af bailonlng. ConUtnirtg IJ. DI Acrat. their hope that it will proceed 3uli).<( tt eetemente anm ra.irlcUani o( raeerd end ta Ifle rl|h<e a( Iht public and af aer ed to draft the proper resoifmrnrt.eeui unit In any pan Ihereaf Uhtn, .tied ar datdtil far («ed ar M|h«ar purpotae. as soon as possible. utlon relative to this matter and To cAaiiga fro* an K - l - f SeMll rerm BUerlct, to an R-2-A, KaaCrlcCad HulMayor Allen asked cipls reBlly leildcncial DiacrLcC. present it for the next meeting. Dempsey Ebert if there was a fAUCCL "C'' fltatldanital) " M r . Canterbury would like pub report from the committee from licity given to this matter before Part al tht 3ouirie>ti 1/4 af 3tcu*n 21. T. I N . . It. S t:.. and pari at iht Caai 1/: af SDuih.eei the Northville Chamber of 1/4 at Secuan 2). T. I N . . K. S C . , aitd pari at me Cett Ml af Cast Ml of Norlhaael 1/1 af the adoption cf the resolution. Saellen IJ, T. 1 N . . It. B t.. lyln| 3,mlherlr af Crehd Ki.ar A.an.t. Ne.i T»-nehlp. OtkUad Commerce working on Mayor's County. MlChlien, more penlcitUrly deecrlbtd ae: naiinnlai at a paint on Iba eouth line ef Communications From City 3t<uan J), T. I ^ . . H. B t.. eald paint being N, ••>*.)l''O0" w., liiiO.BO-. at mtaiired Exchange Day. Mr. Ebert will aloag tna touUi Una of Section IJ frorn the toulhtatt caentr oTStcltan ;S. Tbanct canilnu|n| Manager Regarding Parking Met aloni the touU) lint af Seetlan 13, N. Bt*.J5'.60~ W., IIM.O'. Tbtnc N. O-.OI'.IM" w,, report more on this at a future parallel ta tha Norlh and 3ajiti 1/1 lint of SecUan lOt&.O'; Thsnct N. i)<*--II'-OO" W., ers: parallel IP lha toulh line af l^ctlan I). 0'; Theott 5. O'-Oa'-M" c, , aIon| lha Nertb and date. 3o.itM/4 Una of3e<Uoa £). Ifl.O'l Trieaet S. a a ' . H M l " i r . . parallel (a Uia aa«(l> line •# The Clerk read the commun SedianJJ, 100.0'; Thenet 3. O'.Ot'.O*'' C,. parallal M the Nnrth and South 1/4 line o( 3e«Uan Bids to Open for 1965 Spring ication from the City Manager 2J. 66).0'; Thence 3. B4'-> 14'-J V W.. alan< th< eoulh line af Stelien I J. 211. <>• U Ihe aatiarlr Street Repair Program; lint of the P e n Mar<tu(tte Mailroad Right.of.oar ||00* wide); Thenre Norih«atl*rlr. alang wherein he recommended the e%ld aaeitrlr Une of (aid rauroad ri«hi-i4-«er »- Iht eo«th lin* of -tcaled No« Maoar 3<sb4iii. The Clerk read the advertise elan (Liher 4) af Plati. Pa|t Zh. O.C. R.|; Thance alonj Ihe 3outh Ind Cad llnet of eald purchase of 100 manual Duncan »ae»trd ejbflivmon. N. BB".it*.«" C.. Jifc. i i * end N. O'-IT'.JB''C.. 1271,96'. reipaeuvaly. ment for bids for 1965 Spring to tha Caei and W«at 1/1 Una of Stctioa 11. T. I N . . h. S C.; Tlience eleng eaid Can and Weil parking meters. After some dis 1/4 Unt of Secllan 2). 5. n»-.Jl'-0;" C.. «b4. 17* ic tha canter pa*l at «ald Sacllan 21 and street repair program as it N. 84 • J I ' . U " C . 200'). IJ'; Thanet N. 0-14'.44- C . 4T2.<ll<, Thenea 3, Of - Ifi'-O I • C., cussion, City Manager was 673.0-. ThfBce 3. • -11'.07" W.. alani Iba aaet Unt ol Saclion II. 41',. 88' to Iht Ceer 1/4 appeared in the Northville Rec earner of Saction 2). T. I N . . H. B E . ; Thanet 3, O-JV-OO" w., atoni lha teal Una af JecInstructed to arrange a work Uo(i21. 1092.78'. ThaneaN. flf-14'-10''W,. eoo. 0'; Thetict H. 0 .5V-00"W., MO.H'j ord. Thenet N. flt -Ja'-iO" W.. itO. BQ'; Thance 3. O'.JV.OO" W.. 1000. OB' to tha patnl of btginmeeting where parking meter rUn|. Ci>nleintn| 180.81 Ai:fr». mare or lae*. Subieet ta taaerrienla and retirledone of raeard The following bids were opened representatives could be present and la Ittt rt|hli of IH^ public and Of ear gavernmanlal unit In an/ aatt inanof tihen. uatd «r daadert tor or hi^hBeT puraotat. and duly In^cted by the City to discuss this matter. This Attorney: Cadillac Asphalt Pav To a rrr«-> art R - l - r , SaeU ranit OUCrict, and a C-J.-'CatieraI CoMrCLal meeting to be Thursday, April J l i c r l c t . CO an R-L, 0(M rantly KaaldcnCUi OlatrtcC. ing Company $ 51,299.00; Oak 29, 8:00 p.m. at the City Hall. PAHCCL "0" (Canitnarclal Sue) land Pa vlngCompany$58,538.75. Proposal From Harold Penn For Part of the Eaei 1/2 of Ihe Can Ml of Utt Northeaal 1/4 af faction 2J. T. : N . . ^. I E . . Novi The City Manager and City Performance Of FuU-Time In Ta*n*hip, Oakland County. Mlcblgan. lying aexlhtrly ol Grand Hl'tr Arenua, dtecribed as Dellnnloi al a p,ISt on tha atii Una of 3eCUan 21. T. I N . . H. B C . »ald point balng Engineer were Instructed to exa spection For The Detroit Water N. 0 -11'.07-* E.. 41}. Bt'. at rreaairatl elan* lha ae*t Una af Snellen II. from tha Eaei IM mine bids and report at the Main Project: Corner of latdSeetl n 2); Thence N. B» -)8'-0I"W.. 873.0'; Thenee N. 0*.14'-44*'C. . 400.0'; Thence aloni the eoutharlr Una of Grand lt|«arA.anxe. 3. TO'. J l ' . J V E. , 707. In-; next meeting on recommenddThence elung lha eatt Une af Section II, 3. 0 -II'.01" » . . 130. 0' la Ihr point of be|innin|. Harold Penn, City Engineer ZonUtnirii 4.61 Acrti. Subject la teeanient* and reitrictlani af reeord and to Iht rlghtt of Iht tlons for this contract. public and of any gareinmenial unit In eny pari thereal taken, uiad or dradtd for rvad ar li.|h. read the proposal stating costs *«r purpoiei. Public Hearing On Paving For for full-time inspection. The Cit)la changa froa B - l - r , Swall ranaa DlatilCt, U> a C-I, Onaral CowatrcUl Cta. West, Pennell andButlerStreets: trioc a part of J"arcol a. Manager has talked with Mr. Property owners having been PAKCCt {Indijtlrull Weissman who is doing the work duly notified by mall of the Pub and construction is to start May Ml that part af the Norlinseii i/4 af 3actl n 26, T, I N . . « . fl X... Ta%n(hip of Norl. OakUnd lic Hearing for Special Assess Co-jnty. Miehiian. Iri"! C " t of »>• MoUr. Wafna aad Monro* hall-ay. no* known aa Ihe Pare 3rd within the City of Northville. Marifuatta Railway, more pariiciUrly daecflbed as- neilnnlng at tlta North 1/4 earner of ment on paving of West, Pennell, SecUon 18. T. I N . , K, N C., Thtnct S. 0 .;7'.4«" W. . along tha North and Suulh 1/4 llni of The quoted rates were agreeable laldSacuoa 18. 265^. &S'; Thenet N. B* .4B'-10'' W.. alan| Iht East and Weei 1/4 line af taid and Butler Streets, the Clerk was Seellen ;4, IBft.BJ'; ThaneaN. 4*. 10'. J i " W,, along the Caal li,,M.af.>»ar lloe af IJ»a Pare with Mr. Weissman. This con Marquelit Railway 1100' ilde), I88I.1I'; Thenet N. H i ' . 14'.11" E., alang lha NattMlne al instructed to read the Resolution SacUan J8. 412. •>' lu the point of beginning, "antalnlni 17. A^ Acrai more ar laaa. struction mil be covered by per Confirming Special Assessment Subject 10 tatamenle and raairuuoni of record aad lo th* right* of (he public and af any gavtrnmits and a cash deposit. No -laaial unit la any P*'" thtrtel uktn. xaed or deeded for raed or hl|hwa> purpoeit. Roll #65-1, paving of West Street To chanst froo. AC Agricultural Dlatrlct, to an M - l , LlanC naiHifactiitinB Blagreat supply of pipe will be stock trict. from Randolph to Dunlap Streets. piled on the local street for this PAdcaiL-r- IWaniel) Moved by Canterbury, supported job. Movedby Carlson, supported Pafi af th, 3. W, 1/4 of lha 3, C. 1/4 of Secuan 21 and part of th* 3. C. 1/4 of iht S. W 1/* of 3*elion 21, by Carlson to adopt said resol T. I N . . H. B E . , NoTl To-nehlp. Oakland Co-nty. Wiehl|an, deicrihed «>' neglnning el Ihe So«th 1/4 by Canterbury to accept proposal eorntr at Section 2!, T, I N . , it. B E . . . Thenee 3. B f - M ' - l ^ ' ' :00' elan r tha taath Una o/StcHon 21, ution. Unanimously carried. 1 NANCi ; 6 , 4 £ Th.nceN. O'.OI'.Oa- W,. 6|,i'along a Unt perallel lo the ^ort^ .nd So„tk l / i ime of 3tetlen IJ; Thanca for full-time inspection on above N B*--)4'.M"t 200' paralltl to Iht touth lint of 3aellon 21; Th'sct 0* .0'''.04'' *., )*l* along The Clerk read the Resolution lheNorthand3a-ihl/4U«aol3eCllan21. Th.nC. 3. fl4*. )4'.00'' C.. |6V elan; a Una parallal ta the .o«th basis. Unanimously carried. Una of leclian 21; Thence 3. 0'.04'.04" t.. lO^^• elang a lint parallel la the North end Sa^ih 1/4 IWa a( Confirming Special Assessment Z o N i N O M a p A m e n d m e n t N M 6 Saci.onlJ; ThaneaN, B9*-1 V.OO" • , . I8\' alan t the le.lh ll«a af ^ectlor 11 la Ihe palm of beginning, Roll #65-2, paving of Pennell Canltintni 1 eeree mart or leee. Syhjact lo aaeer„entt and reairieliona of record and la the righle af the LEGAL NOTICE-Record STATE OF MICHIGAN Probate Court for The County of Wayne 544,978 Estate of LUCY McCORRY, Deceased It is ordered that on July 14, 1965 at 2:30 p.m. in the Pro bate court room, 1221 Detroit, Michigan, a hearing be held at which all creditors of said de ceased are required to prove their claims. Creditors must file sworn claims with the court and serve a copy on Mary Sarvls, Executrix of said estate, 2007 Earlmont road, Berkley, Mich igan prior to said hearing. Publication and service shall be made as provided by statute and Court rule. Dated May 3, 1965 Ira G. Kaufman Judge of Probate A TRUE COPY John E. Moore Deputy Probate Register Newspaper Northville Record 53 public ar-l of any |0»ariimanUI unti In any part thereof takm. used e' derd-'l ("t road or hiihway furpoaaa, STATE OF MICHIGAN Probate Court for the County of Wayne h4o,35u Estate of LAURETTA CHAM BERLAIN, also known as LORETTA CHAMBERLAIN, Deceas ed. It Is ordered that on May 25, 1965, at 10 a.m. in the Probate Court room, 1301 Detroit, Mich igan, a hearing be held On the petition of Raymond P. Heyman for probate ofapurported will, and for granting of ad ministration to the executor nam ed, or some other suitable per son: Publication and service shall be made as provided by statute and court rule. Dated April 12, 1965 Ernest C. Boehm, Judge of Probate Raymond P. Heyman Attorney for Estate 18724 Grand River Avenue Detroit 23, Michigan A TRUE COPY Wlillam H. Ruder Deputy Probate Register 5l V i l l a g e of N o v i , Michigan Vo chaOBa fro* an f - l - F . Saiatt tlat Dtitrlct. r-r** D l a t r u c , to an I - l , Ono Umily Mildan- PAKCEL "C" tCathallc Church) Pan af lha Eaell/I af th» Sauihaaei 1/4 af Saeilan : i . T. I N . . R. B E . . Novi Townahlp. OaUand Coanly. MtcWiaa. deecrlbed ae fiectanlag •! • F-'M «h ^- » • f**"' betht N O'.H'.OO" C lOOO' ae mtaeured alaa| ihe eaei Une nf ^'etian H . fam fha aauiheeel earner af 3e tfanll T 1 N . «. B C ; Thane r N. « . H'.IO" W.. .00'. Thtnc.ft. 0'. H'-OO" E., M0.7a.. aloo, a Unt parallal to the aaal Una afS.cUan 21; Than„ 81*-»4'.10" E.. « 0 ' ; Thanet 3. O'.»V.0O"W.. 140.7-*'along lha aan Una af 3ietian IJ la ita palm of baglrMimi. -.onialnlni II acraa mar. or laia. lubjecl ta teeamante atrf raetrlettane af reeerd aad to lha ri|hti af the peblic and a( anf |a.,rnme«ul ani In anr part thereof takan. u*ad ar doedtd far raad . r hiariwar purpoeke. to an X-t, On« ftmilf Kcil> NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing iffill be held on proposetl Amendments to the ZoolnB Map of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Novi to include the folloiwing changes: On petition of Sheldon Realty Co. and Ten (Mile Development Co. the Board has been requested to rezone the following described properties, including Parcels A, B, C, D and E. On their own motion, the Board will consider the rezoning of the following described properties, including Parcels F and G. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD AT 8:00 O'CLOCK P.M. EASTERN STANDARD TIME A T T H E VILLAGE H A L L , LOCATED AT 25850 NOVI ROAD, MAY 24,1965. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a copy of the proposed Amendments to the Zoning Map may be examined at the Village Office at the Village Hall during the regular office hours until the date of the Public Hearing. Poge Seven The N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R D - N O V I NEWS Thursday, May 6, 1965 ^ ^ y , y , L L A g E p l a n n i n g BOARD Eugenie Cbdquet, Secretary NOVI V I L U G E COUNCIL Mabel Ash, Clerk W o o d w a r d In Fatal G l a s s C o . Crash - C O M P L E T E GLASS SERVICE 1^ A Souttifield resident, ctiarged with manslaugtiter In a fatal aIid fiery accident In Norttiviile April 9, was arralgnedlastTliursdayin i-Iorthville MiInlcipai court. Robert Oaic, 23, stood mute and Judge Ctiaries McDonaid enter•:•(! a plea of not guilty. Oais will no.v face an examination in the loc;>! court May 17. Oak's car, according to police, smashed head-on on South Main street with another driven by .James Lalewicz, 21, who died in the smoldering wreckage. Lalewicz, originally from Ho^veIl, ras boarding at 111 South Wing street. On impact Laiewicz's compact car, •vith the gas tanit in the front, burst Into flames. He was trspped inside. The Wayne coun ty coroner said Lalewicz suc cumbed before the tanlt erupted, spemng out. the fuel. Kis body, was badly charred. OaJc suffered a cut over his right eyebrow and bauged up his i.:p.ecs. Police said that Oak re fused to make a statement. "STORE FRONTS REPLACED "STORMS and SCREENS REPAIRED AUTO "CUSTOM and FRAMED MIRRORS WINDSHIELDS "SHOWER DOORS REPLACED "COLORED GLASS 2 STORES TO SERVE Y O U . . . 27100 GRAND RIVER... PHONE KE-2-4148 12614 HAMILTON... PHONE TO-8-7217 1; -->'. ••. ;-•<>-»..,'. SliCCE.SS S T O B Y - T e n new members were added to the roll of Novi Rotao' club last Thursday during the "Ladies Night'' program. Pictured are Elmer Conrad, past governor of district 638; Earl Lacey. Emery .Jacques, John Johnson, Virgil Feldman, ..Vt Brandenburg, Club sccretarj' Bob Metz, Harold .'Vcliley, John FarreJl, present district governor, Phil Ander son, Bill King, Andy Burgess, Henry Bashian and Bill Hughes, past district governor. The club now has 38 members, an increase of 22 from last year. Leo Harrawood is president. ¥ R E S C u t - U p . o r C L O S E D . W I X Q S U N D A Y A S H \ G o v e r n m e n t I n s p e c t e d Split Q u a r t e r e d U S U A L M LB. H a l i b u t Steak ^'49' S a l m o n Steak i > 6 9 ' Swift's C o n n e Premium H d g A l l g o o d n LB. PKG. s S l i c e d 4 9 ' 2 B a c o n 9 5 "SUPER.RIOHT" COUMTRY-STYLE Thick Sliced Bacon "SUPER-RICMT" 6 « 3 " Fancy Sliced Bacon . " S u p e r - R i g h t " Steaks are cut from M a t u r e , C o r n - F e d Beef A WELCOME-Wixom Mayor Wesley McAtee (left) welcomes Richard Turel, manager of the BIrmingham-Rloomfield Banlt's new branch, to the city. The bank's tempor ary headquarters are located south of the UAiV hall on Wi.xom road. E W S F R O M W I L L O W B R O O P C e n t e r S T E A K S A L E C u b ^ c C u t R o u n d N & 8 9 lb or Sirloin 9 9 K relative to "VocaUoiis Linda Grensing and Marge LenN o C o u p o n s , N o G i r a i n i c k s , N o L i m i t s . . . J u s t Q u a l i t y M e r G i i a n d i s e a t L o w P r i c e s ' Marion Berry 474-7470 road Edythe and Paul Herrmann of Week". helser. Dorothy Flattery won Marie Pletron, 4 yrs. of age, first, Marguerite Parent second McMahon Circle, also Edythe six brothers a1ld sisters: Franli had her tonsils removed on the and Virginia Bosak consolation. S A V E 2 4 ' Bosak, Jr., Robert, Nancy, Su 22nd of April and is home now. Marilyn Davey won first prize C A N f i i D V m T A B L i S A L E ! san, GinnyandStevehadthehappy She surprised the family by eat when the Thursday Bridge club . ;cas!on of celebrating Edythe'; ing a piece of rye bread on the played at the home ofNancy Milllparents' 25th weddlfig almlvers- morning of the 23rd. Marie is the ken on McMahon Circle. Linda lona Sweet P e a s <-^z ComstocicW a x B e a n s ' E i g h t O ' c l o c k ary on Saturday April 24. Her daughter of Melvln and Barbara of Grensing was guest player. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank West LeBost. I-LB. l-LB. A & P Spinach A & P C r e a m Corn Mr. and Mrs. EdwardAndrews BosaJ: cf Northville. Paul's parents, Mr. and Mrs. of West Ten Mile are the proud To R e g i s t e r I5-0Z. l o n a C u t G r e e n B e a n s ^^-o^ C O F F E E lona Tomatoes Peter G. Herrmann of Livonia parents of a little baby girl. They named her Heather. She was born were also celebratong thelr sll ver wedding anniversary the fol at SL Joseph Mercy hoqiital, Youngsters lona Cut W a x Beans <5oz. A & P Sauerkraut lowing week; so, they were also Pontiac on April 14, weighing LB. 1 8 9 Enrollment of next fall's kin lbs. 13 oz. honored guests. l5-0Z. I-LB. A & P B e e t s dergarten students In the Novi A & P T o m a t o Sauce She has a little brother Mich The families enjoyed a chicJcen B A G I Community School District will dinner at Frankenmuth's Bavar- ael, 3 yrs of age, the g r a n c ^ be held on Friday, May 14. ents are: Vern and Grace Fisher, ian Inn at Frankenmuth, MlchiAll children who will be five Franklin; and Merril and Lillian gaa. YOUR CHOICE H a l f a n d H a l f ^ 4 9 ' years old before September l, Mr. Ray Mason of LeBostpar- Andrews, FarmlIigton. 1965 are eligible for this early Kim Berry of McMahon Circle ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mason of AT SAVINGS Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania came went on a bike hike at Kensington enrollment and are asked to re 4 4 9 port according to the following to visit Ray and Carol on April State Park wltll members of troop i l P P L E P K IG for a week. The grandchildren 755 of Northvllle.Theboysrodea schedule: Parents and children whose Marti, Cheri, and Bonl really en total of 32 miles, camped out and A & P F A K C Y , SOLID P A C K joyed having their grandparents over night and worked at passing last name start from A thru L J A N E PARKER I-LB. tests to upgrade themselves In the report at 9 a.m. Those whose •,rith them at Easter. 7-OZ. 8-OZ. TCle the grandparents were scouting program. ICim's mother last name start from L thru Z S A V E 16c CANS SIZE W h i t e A l b a c o r e T u n a 4 here, grandpa had his 66thbirth and father, Mr. and Mrs. John report at 1 p.m. 3 9 * Willowbrook and Orchard Hills Berry, went to Northville to tlie day and the happy couple had SAVE He ON 2 LOAVEi-JANE their 42nd wedding anniversary. Predjyterian chinch to watch tlie subdivision areas report at Or lAVES-^ANE PARKER PARK! 1-LB. Roy and Carol, his sister and waves of scouts arrive wet, mud chard Hills kindergarten room. QTR5. 8 9 N u t l e y M a r g a r i n e . . 5 brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. dy but very happy and very tired All others in the district report Novi school kindergarten Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKeon P o t a t o B r e a d 2 i^^i^b 3 9 ' McHale, celebrated these won I-PT derful events by taking Mr. and of Willow Lane had several guests room. JANE PARKER I3.EGG RECIPE _ Children who will be five years 8-OZ. Mrs. Joe Mason to the Danish for breakfast Easter morning. BTLS. 8 9 < This certainly made it more fes old after September l and on or A & P G r a p e J u i c e • e . 3 Inn, Farmington. A n g e i F o o d " i ^ f ^ Z f ' Mr. and Mrs. George McCof- tive and exciting for the children. before December 1, will be en rolled in the summer kindergar Bob's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. J . f ery of East LeBost had Delorten screening program. Parents A6^ ^ c A L . es' mother, Mrs. Eleanor Wojclk McKeon were there, as well as of tJiese children are asked to 6 9 * I r e s h O r a n g e J u i c e wth them' for Easter breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. William Smelt. C A t m n t m s A L P . The Willowbrook Association report for a meeting on May 18 Just this past week they also had at 8 p.m. In the Orchard Hills meeting of Friday, April 23 which A&P HALVES OR SLICED— !-LB. l3-0Z. her grandmother, Mrs. Martha school. 5-02. 4 9 < Opalewski, visiting with them was to have been a general elec F r e e s t o n e P e a c h e s JAKS Parents are asked to provide tion of officers was so poorlyatC h e e s e S p r e a d s " t B r 2 from Fenton. AfrP WHOLE — l-LB. l4-0Z. Mr. Larry Chismark of LeBost tended that the business at hand legal evidence of the child's attended the Puppy I/iatch of the could not be successfully con blrthdate at the time of enroll A p r i c o t Hcrives ment. Poodle Group of Southeastern cluded. S w e e t , V i n e - R i p e n e d The association plans to have AfrP GRADE " A " — l - L B . l4-0Z. Michigan at the American Legion S A V E 3 0 ' Hall, Sunday April 25, Royal Oak. another meetlngand will, of cour Purple Plums Steven Chismark attended an se, notify the people of WillowAn Ideal Mother's Day Gift B l o o d B a n k brook. The association hopes to open house retreat at Duns ScoC A N T A L O U P E S tus College on West Ten Mile send a mimeographed copy of its YOUR The annual blood bank conduct- I M e l l o w m o o d by-laws to each resident, along CHOICE ed by the Northville branch of the with the notice; enabling them to 4 9 9 ' American Red Cross will beheld L e a s e s B u i l d i n g familiarize themselves with Friday, May 21 at the First! them. Charles Cherry Co., a counMethodist church. N y l o n s A W GRADE " A " 36 E A C H selor in machine tool appraisals ^ ?jmday April 18 Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Winter is chairman I SIZE A p i » l e S a i i e e . . 4 ' i ; £ 4 9 « auctions and liquidatlMs, wiU " j ? ; . ^ " ^ ^ ^ J ^ ' " ? ' ^ ; J^;; ° ' of the bloodbankdriveandlsask60 GAUGE 3 9 ing those persons who have been 15 DENIER s r s c ^ s ^ p S o S wood garage building on Grand given blood from the Northville their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. SOUTH AFRICAN BARLINKA i?lver just west of Novi road. supply to help the effort to replen Bayard Temple, Dearborn. EnfaCherry has signed a five-year ish It. Regular donors are being mllle they attended Easter ser G r a p e s ^ ' 3 9 ' lease, according to Novi busi contacted by Mrs. Winter or Mrs. PAIRS L I U ^ vices at St. Paul's American ^ ^ ^ $ u p e t M a r k e t s nessman Leo Harrawood. Har Beatrice Carlson. Those who Lutheran church In Dearborn. SAUD ^ ^ A rawood said that Cherry will wish to contribute may contact BOX V W ./4Ulli<' tMitlct'S DirlNDiiBU rang MiPcstsT jmci igs< Wednesday Brldce met at Vir use tlie stcucture to repair used either Mrs. Winter or Mrs. Carl ginia Barnes home on MoorlngT o m a t o e s • . 3 >^' k g b T machinery for resale. son at FI 9-2361 or FI 9-1330.1 Prices Goo<J Thrii SelHrdey, May 8rii, Jb All EoMefi) Michlien AftP Stocw side drive. Guest players were 3 2 I Page Eight T h e N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R D :'^OVI NEWS ThursfJay, May 6, N O V I H I G H L I G H T S c o u t s S P l a y G O L P L A Y Large 8600 NAPIER S A N D Bog Ready FI-9-IIU South 580 South Main Lyon Econ-O-Wash M i x Lyon DEPT. Count on our skill and -i'°:expefience to save you ."time, trouble and money AND South Mach SERVICE Dry Cleoning Hours 8:30 to 6:30 p-m. Mon.-Sat. Closod Sunday DRY CLEAN...10 LBS. H.OO STEAM FiNiSH...5 GARMENTS 25c C O N C R E T E Northville John (Next To Kroger's) YOUR ONE-STOP DRY CLEANING AND 24-HOUR LAUNDRY SERVICE Econ-O-Wash M O R T A R "YOUR LOCAL FORD E V E R Y T H I N G H E T O U C H E S T U R N S TO E X C I T E M E N T ! J. M U K Heating & i DEALER- SONS Sheet M e t a l p E E T ^ W o r k POWER H U M I D I F I E R S BLACKTOP 117 W. Main FI-9-0TJ0 M u s t a n g N i n e R u FI n s O v e r n i g h t B i k e W i n S t r r T r a i c a k n m g e n l a u a k t o tilts due to mental lapses and weak hitting. Now the Mustangs are firmly entrenched in second place in the Wape-Oakland Conference with a 5-2 mark, second only to Mllford's 5 - l slate. Thanks to Northville's alert play Monday, Mllford was top pled from the unbeaten ranks by the convincing score of 11-5. And Northville did it the hard way, coming from Ijehind to wipe out a 4-0 first inning deficit, big six-run second frame turned the trick. Shortstop John Jame TiIe Mustangs are out to malje a prophet of Uieir coach and In the process, they just might carve a nitch for themselves In the Wayne - Oaldand Conference baseliall race. No sooner hadCoachBobKucher proclaimed that M s charges were "on the move'', then they toolc it to heart and hung up four . more victories to run their win skeen to five games. Optimism runs high and spirit even higher for good reason. The local nine got off to a dismal start, dropping two conference T e W M r i n e e t Surprise performances in the the 880-yard run in 2:09. Second place finishers were : shot put highlighted NorthviUe's second track conquest of the year DenMs Cook in the pole vault, In a triangular meet here Satur Jon Kaake i l l the 440-yard run; Jim Trijtter In the 100 and 220day. Northville talUed 73 points to yard dashes, Dave Cook in the Brighton's 62 and South Lyon's 180-yard low hurdles; the 880 yard relay team of Chuck Keegan, 19. By heaving the shot 41 feet six Trotter, Bob Ruland and Kipfer; and three-quarter inches, North and the mile relay team of Kline, ville's John HlIJck surprised the Pete Sutherland, Kaake and Cook, Ken Boor in the mile, J l m B e l l field and M s coaches to boot. He beat favored teammate Jerry in the low hurdles and Keegan ia the 220-yard dash all took tMrd Burns. But Coaches Roy Herald and places. ' l ^ p b Redmond pointed out that Hlncfc, B u m s aild M a r k L i p a , who finished fourth, all turned in stel G o l f e r s lar performances by surpassing the 40-foot mark. NorthviUe's Kent Klpfer again N e w was the top point getter, wracking S e t : up two firsts and two seconds. He took M s ^ c i a l t y , the pole a r k ' vault, with a lO-foot six-inch ef- M • l o r L He also won thelOO-yard dash in 11 seconds flat, in addi tion to seconds ln the broadjump ' and as a member of the 880-yard relay team. Other first place wlnnersfrom • the ranks of the Northville thlnclads were Ron Jones in tile mile run in 5:04 and Roger JOlne in The sky's the limit as far as Northville's llnksters are con cerned. They almost reached that Mgh in smashing the Northville team score of 156 with a solid 154 total against UM verslty of Detroit Ugh A p r i l 28. And Coach A l Jones' golfers needed the low score to top a good U of D team, wMch polled SPORTS C A L E N D A R a 164 team score. That's good golfing in any prep circles. Baseball Low man on the totem pole was Northville's Jim BertoM, Today-Brighton-A who once again beat U s touted Monday-Clarenceville-A teammate, J i m St. Germain. T U s J V Baseball time Bertoni didn't need anyplayToday-Walled L a k e - H off. He fired a 35 to top St. Ger Monday-ClarencevIlle-H main's 37. A l l the local golfers g a r k l e d Wednesday-South L y o u - A in the team effort, however, as Track Ted Bunker and Bob Regenhardt oatiiraay-Oxford i n v i U t i o n both posted 41's. al-A With a 167-195 victory over T u e s d a y - C l a r e n c e v i l l e and West B l o o m f i e l d - H Redford Union Friday, Northville pushed its season record to 6-2. Tennis St. Germain continued to shoot Today-Clafkston-H in the 30's as he led the field IVlonday-Clarencevllle-H with a 37. Just behind U m came Bertoni with a 41, Rick Talbot Golf with a 42 and Bunker with a 47. Today-Mil Sird-A NorthviUe upended Southfield, Tomorrow-Brighton-A 163-179, Monday on the MeadowMonday-Brtghton-H brook links for its seventh season Wednesday-Oak P a t k - R win. B o w l Northville Womens League 80.0 S2.0 Hayes Sand&Grav. • B e l Nor Drive Inn 79.0 53.0 Ramsey's B a r 77.0 55.0 C. R. Elys „' 76.5 55.5 Oakland A ^ h a l t 73.0 59.0 Blooms Ins. 69.0 65.0 W. McBrldeBldrs. 62.0 70.0 Myers StandardOil 59.5 72.5 Del's Shoes 59.0 73.0 Grantland Refrlg. 56.0 76.0 Northville Lanes 51.0 81.0 Cal'sGulf 50.0 82.0 200 Games: L . Jones 234, W. Schwab 232, L . Paddock 213, F . Bushey 210. i n g Thursday Nite Owls John Mach Ford 88.5 51.5 Thomsons & G 88.0 52.0 Olson Heating 81.0 59.0 Lov-Lee Salon 73.5 66.5 Spike's Shell Ser. 70.5 69.5 Northville Lanes 66.5 73.5 The H l - L o ' s 66.0 74.0 L i l a ' s Flowers 56.5 83.5 Perfection Cleaner 56.5 83.5 Thomson Trucking 53.0 87.0 Team HI single & U series: Spike's Shell 872-2411 Ind. HI series; M . SchneU 581. Ind. Hi Single, M . Coxlord256. F i v WITH A GIFT FROM son's bases loaded single pro vided the spark. C o n t i n u e No less instrumental in the N e t t e r s win was Right Fielder Chuck Boerger. He banged out three U t s in W i n n i n g W a y s three trips to the plate to score three times and to drive in two By winning twice the NorthviUe each match. more. That's Ms finest game Jim Long wMpped Ron Ranger, netmen held on to a shareof first thus far, although since he broke place in the Wayne-OakUnd Con 6-0, 6-3; Larry TMbos took iden into the lineup, none of Ms ef ference and set the stage for a tical 6-1 sets from Chris Musforts have been lackluster. showdown today at the Cass Ben aus, and Bob Langtry had a Uttle As Kucher put it, " i t looked more difficulty In digioslBg of ton courts. like a runaway in the top half The Mustangs will take on B i U Husted, 6-1, 9-7. of the first when Mllford came Doubles still looms large as Clarkston in a return match. By up with four runs. But the boys Mght's end, they hope to avenge a problem as Northville dropped •eally showed me something," both matches. an earUer 3-2 loss. he added. The duo of Jim HiU-Ron McAdding importance to the match Northville got two back in its Is the fact that NorthviUe is tied CoUum was upended, 6-2, 4-6, haUofthe first. wlUl Clarkston at 4-1 for the loop 6-1, wUle the team of Randy Boerger led off with the first lead. The winner will have to Burnett-Steve Quay succumbed, of U s Mts. Then Catcher Doug battle Bloomfleld HlUs, also 4-1, 6-2, 10-8, In the final contest. Swiss reached first on an er lor the crown. Milford was no match for r o r . F i r s t Baseman Jerry ImsIt was easy pickings for Coach NorthviUe Monday as the local land singled to score Boerger, Dick Norton's prepsters In their netters breezed to a 5-0 victory. before he and Swiss executed a two previous matches. Playing in the number one sin double steal to account for an First tofeelNorthville'sprow- gles g)ot. Long dumped Mike Caother run. ess was Holly' last Thursday oa well, 5-3, 6-3; Parent beat Butch Then NorthviUe exploded for the home courts. The score was Morose, 6-0, 6-3, and TUbos six runs in the second. Dave blanked Joe Schullheis in love 3-2. Boerger, Chuck's jmiior bro As in the past, NorthviUe was sets. ther whoplayssecondbase, walk Norton, wUle moving U s stal strong in the singles, sweeping ed. Center Fielder Bob BeUer warts around to give them ex bunted safe to first base and perience, came up with two dou both runners moved along on Novi Stops bles wins. the bad throw. Randy CaUgulrl - B i U Hart Chuck Boerger singled to came up with a 6-2, 1-6, 7-5, N o v i N i n e center to knock In two runs. Colts, 10-3 win over Bob Sanders-Dave Pow Swiss and Imslaad walked to Novi, in its first year of ninUi ers, and Burnett-Quay polished load the sacks, setting the stage W i n , 19-1 grade baseball, sports an un off Jim Demko and J i m HeaUey, for Jameson. 6-1, 6-0. The Novl Wildcat nine was too He rifled a single into center blemished record. In an extra match, Northville much for Nankin MUls as Den Novl's latest victim wasNorthto score two markers, and when Jim Hill almost matched TUbos' nis Primeau pitched U s way to the ball eluded the center fielder, viUe junior varsity by a 10-3 feat of beating Schultheis, 6-I a one-Ut victory last week. Jameson came all the way around count In a loosely played game 6-1. Novi battered ffankln with a to score behind Imsland. T U s Monday. Its record now stands 14-Ut attack wUch produced a at 6-0. gave NorthviUe an 8-5 lead. 19-1 score. E r r o r s plagued Northville as NorthviUe added three insur H o n o r s Primeau baffled the Vikings they made 10 mlscues. In the pro A c a c i a ance runs in the sixth to sew It a l l the way. An error robbedUm cess, they dropped routine popupups. K r a u s e , R a n s o m of a perfect game. Pitcher Steve Evans got credit Besides pitching flawlessly, NorthvUle banged out six U t s . Acacia Mutual Life Insurance for the win. U s fourth against It was a different story for the company Is honoring two of Us Primeau led the WUdcats wIUi two losses. After a shaky start, Colts Friday when they came area representatives for their four U t s . he settled down to Umit Mllford from behind to beat Clarence- outstanding performances. to five U t s In the last six innvlUe, 11-7. Invited to attend the com Ings. Northville traUed 6-1 at the pany's "leader conference" i n The gpark that ignited North end of two Innings, due to shaky Colorado Springs i s Lawrence ville's basebaU surge was pitching. But then the J V ' s set Ransom, C L U , agency salesman walloping, 14-1 win April 27 tled down to permit only one run for the Northville area, and Scott against visiting West Bloomthe rest of the way. Krause, manager of the Detroit field. Big poke of the game was Bob and MlcUgan branch. Krause In that one, the Mustangsbroke Hubbert's home run. Scott Bergo Uves at 47325 Dunsany in North S E loose for 14 Mts.ChuckBoerger, pounded out three Uts, a triple viUe. Bob Tuck, JamesonandBobBartand two doubles, and Ted Budek Ransom has quaUfled for the ski aU had two U t s apiece. also slammed three U t s . honor award in seven of U s 10 West Bloomfleld was handcuff "The boys really hustled," years with Acacia. ed by the fire-balling right arm said Coach Dino Soussanis. They Krause was honored for U s of starter Imsland, who gave up stole a total of eight bases. outstanding acMevement i n i m only one U t In a four Inning Jim Peterson got credltforthe proving the standing of the Mich stint. He struck out six and win. igan branch walked five. Sophomore MU:e Grant fiUshed up, blanking the Lakers wUle striking out two and walking only one. In a prolonged, free scoring affair. Walled Lake was edged by Northville, 12-10, AprU 28. F i r s t Inning gplurges became habit with Northville in Its 1-6 conquest of visiting Holly Friday. The Mustangs countered four times in the opening frame, and traded runs the rest of the way to wrap up their fourth straight win. AU but one Mustang garnered Ut In a nine Ut onslaught Chuck Boerger lashed out two U t s and brother Dave spanked one single, but drove In four runs. DR. L. E. A d d A S c r e e n e d 47873 W. 7 Mile Rd. Fleldbfook 9-0D5S A s k M O T H E R ' S 5 g o L 4.95 D & D floor :. l A N F W S CRACK FILLER gal. $2.49 LUMBER E - J A Y > M A R T i 349-1780 NORTHVILLE'S ORIGINAL MODERN LUMBER STORE ADJOINING CITY'S MAIN PARKING LOT 9 W l 1 P . M . to 9 P . M . Wed., Friday, Sat. 10 A . M . to 5 P . M . To 0 L D F I N G E R AMF AUTOMATIC TECHNICOLORPIN B E R T FROBE SPOTTERS HONOR BLACKMAN as mSSY GALORE Schroder s Home Furnishings DON BINGHAM RES.: 349-2879 DEBBIE . M M Y S I X L O V E S " REYNOLDS ' H In Color — Debbie and six mischievous Itids in a riot of fun. Plus Cartoons Showings 3:00 • 5:00 n u s p e c i a l On D e l i c i o u s B e e n NOj^HVILLE SUPER SERVICE LANES 132 S. CENTER FI-9-3060 Courteous Scrvice liMicrt Rcpulrs ^ ^ o c i i > > " X ^ / F O i t CAilS AND Ti«ICK.S...iVli: CAItltY DIESEL FiJii:L ^ nOAD AND WnECKEit iJEItViCE TllNl:-Drs...FliEE riCK-UP A1\D DELivEltV Vour i-STOI' Serilcc Sl4lioii...O|)|i. Slad' iiusinhii 41122 W. 7 Mile 349-3856 or FI-9-1333 MOTHER'S BOXED DAY CARDS STATIONERY ONE MORE REASON WHY ... MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE BRINGING THEIR PRESCRIPTIONS TO ... N O R T H V I L L E D R U G C O . "YOUR HEALTH IS OUR BUSINESS'' A L L A U X , R. P h . FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY 134 E . Main FI-9-08S0 E T H E Chnrolet Impala Sport Sedan Her Day, /Hay TABLE FOR Y O U R P A T I O T H E 9 P l a n n e d F o r S H E D Y o u STORE GARDEN ASK F / N f US FOR O U R TOOLS PLANS! f O O D S R e d H o t a n d R o l l i n g ! C H E V R O L E T 46077 G R A N D R I V E R M U R R A N O . 1 W A Y W h a t ' s i/our Vacation p l a n — W o r l d ' s F a i r , Y e l l o w s t o n e , N i a g a i t i , M a c k i n a c Bridge, s u m m e r cottage? See us for the right C h e v r o l e t so y o u ' l l m a k e it in style. L i k e a. l i v e l y C o r v a i r . O r the style a n d economy of a C h e v y I I . O r a y o u t h f u l C h e v c l l c , f;ivoiiLe in its size class. O r a luxurious J e t - s m o o t h Chevrolet. T h e last three a i e available w i t h the economical, spirited T u r b o - T h r i f t S i x . Y o u c a n order a M o n z a w i t h up to 140 hp. Y o u can't find a newer car or ; i better time to b u y one. C o m e i n — p i c k yourjs now! D i n n e r AT THE ROSEWOOD COLOGNE HOW A B O U T A NEW inc. YOU CAN DEPEND ON US FOR COSMETICS Add a screened porch for the whole fainily to enjoy. We'll gladly help you design your porch, give you step-by-step building information, or recommend a reliable contractor.. TO NORTHVILLE PERFUME Why not vacation at home this summer? UTILITY Has CHOCOLATES FAMILY... Nows The Time To Build a A BOXED NEW SUMMER F U N DON STEVENS RES.: 349-3494 Nigiitiy Showings 7:00 and 9:10 Sunday Showings 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 «nd 9:10 SATURDAY MATINEE, M A Y 8 e M O T H E R Fonnica Counters Phone 349-4480 Kcntiie AraishonB Producfjs PiasUc iVaii Tiie Temporary Answering Service or Iff OLD M A S T E R S Antiquing and woodgrain creative finish es...Just Paint Them On! % M i 6 m GIFT IDEAS D A Y Covering Featuring Sales and Installation ot: DRIVEWAY OUR MANY FOR T H E WHOLE PICNIC ALBERIR BROCCOLI I ... HARRY SALTZIMNi CHOOSE FROM - OPTOMETRIST- G r e e t i n g s Service S T O R E 350 S. Harvey, Plymouth Opp. Central Parking L o t -HOURSMonday, Tuesday, Thurs. 9-1400 for D R U G P o r c h ASK FOR JOE D R E S S I N G N O R T H V I L L E REHNER Phone GL-3-2056 Norttiville H i k e e Saturday morning scouts of troop 755 left the Presbyterian church by bUse and went to Ken sington Park. They traveled by way of Taft road. Old Grand Riv er, and Milford road to the park. BUI Andrews, Bob Armstrong, Jim Armstrong, K i m Berry, Mark Buonlconto, Ed Cheesman, Leo Cherne, C. Cook, Rick Endress. A r t Endress, Ken Enn, Jim Frogner, Mark Gazlay, Ed Ham mond, Alan J a s l o w , P U l Kennedy, B i U KeUy, Scott Lenheiser, 1)11lard Meadows, Ralph Luckett, Jeff Mahoney, Rick Moore, C. Olevnik, George Spannos, Bob Stoddard, John Stopper, Mark TeUam, BilUe Thomas, Andy Walter were accompaMed by leaders: BlUie Thomas, Fran Gazlay, J e r r y Stopper and J i m Tellam. During the overUght campout they worked on advancements, had lUtlatlon of new members and met scouts of troop 731 from the Methodist Church wUch was camping on the other side of the Huron River. Dads who helped cook, repair bU:es and aid the group back by the same route on Sunday in a heavy rain were: Boyd A r m strong, Dick Endress, J i m Frog ner and Gene Cook. . M t T A L 24-Hoiir Service On Our Own Installations T a k e F By M r s . H. D. Henderson orchards at 11:00. A luncheon will urday May 8 at the parsonage. Holy Cross Episcopal Misiaon Kerrie Haley brought treats. row, Webelo. (Den 7) Ronnie AT FI9-2428 be served at 12 o'ciock at the For any additio.ial information The Bishops committee of Holy Mrs. Colton is leading the troop Hartwig, Bobcat. (Den 9) Joiin Don't forjet the anIiual .\ovi Rosewood Restaurant on West regarding activities of this group Cross church met last Sunday at during the absence of Mrs. Miller Henson - Bobcat; Alien Coffey School Fair this wee!< on Friday Grand River. call Mary MacDermaid, presi the home of William Ruland. The who Is home recuperating from a silver arrow under wolf; Donald A p r i l 7. Among the many at 27 HOLES In the afternoon at 1:30 the dent. annual united thank offering of major operation. Waldemayer - wolf, gold, silver tractions diIrIn;; the day are the group will visit Paragaon Steel Workers conference was held the women of the church was NEW CLUB HOUSE arrows (Den lO) Elwood Coburn, gift shop, caady shop, puppet and at 2:30 Perkins Engine Co. at the parsonagr on Tuesday, offered at the May 2 Sunday Liquor-Beer-Wine-Sandwichi wolf, gold arrow; David Jaclcson Novi Cub Scout News sliow, fun house etc, also games on Wixom road. From 3:30 to 4:00 May 4. PlaIis were made for morning service. Grand River at Bcclt R o a d - N The Den Mothers met at the Ro - wolf, gold arrow. and refreshments. From 5:30 to p.m. they will tour Novi then ga Vacation Bible School in June MIDGE C O V A , Owner-Prc The E.C.W. monthly meeting bert WIlkins home Monday even 7:30 p.m. a spaghetti dinner m i l ther at the home of M r s . F l o r and Rev. Hubert .Kahrl of the was held May 4 at 8 p.m. at the ing May 3 to plan the monthly be served ulth choice of meatless ence Harris for cocktails from Rural Bible Mission will be in H o n o r i n g O'Harra home. Among items un program. or with meat dinners. Come to 4; .m. to 6:00 p.m. charge, also plans were made der discussion was the re-sched The third Den Mothers train the fair and have fun. r At 6:00 p.m. a potluck smor for Fathers Day in June when uling of the rummage sale the ing session will be held at the C . H a r o l d B l o o m A g e n c y Inc Mrs. George Lien entertained gasbord will lie served at the Novi fathers will assume all teach women of the church wish to C o n f i r m a n t s South Lyon Presbyterian church the Meadontrook Country club Community hall. The Novi or ing positions in the Sunday school sponsor. Wednesday, May 5 from 12 to 2 The 20 members of the con COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE ladles at bridge this weelt on ganizations taking part are Novi for the day, also ph-ms were Choir practice as usual at p.m. firmation class of the F i r s t LIABILITY HOMEOWNERS Tuesday. There were 12 ladies Methodist and Novi Baptist made for Youth Sunday when the the Cookson home at 7:00 p.m. Cubmasters and committee Methodist church will be piests present at the Lien home on churches, Novi lOOF and Re- young people will take a turn at AUTO FIRE PLATE GLASS Thursday evening. men and other interested fathers of the commission on member Twelve Mile road. bekahs. Blue Star Mothers, Farm running the Sunday school. The few ECW women who have held their 3rd training session ship and evangelism and the com M r . and .Mrs. Russell Button Bureau, Board of Commerce, A l l ladies are reminded of the been providing for and sponsor Wednesday at 8 p.m. InNovi Ele R I C H A R D F. L Y O N , M A N A G E R mission on education at a picnic and Rose and Russell J r . attend Novi Planning Board, Board of change in the meeting time for ing the Sunday coffee hour would mentary school. The monthly Thursday, May 13, from 6:30FI-9-1252 ed the Dewey Gardner music re Education, Township board, Novi the Vera Vaug?BI circle. It will be appreciate assistance from other committeemen meeting was held 8:15 p.m. at the Willows in Cass cital, the first of three Spring Boy and G i r l Scouts, Police de next Tuesday 'night at the home members of the ECW in helping to Tuesday, May 4 following the Benton Parlc. Nortliville recitals at the FirstBaptist chur partment andfire department etc. of M r s . Les Flshback and in ad furnish coffee and cookies and a 108 W. Main Den Mothers meeting to finish A committee composed of M r s . ch in Northville Sunday after There will also be a Friends ta dition to the regular meeting, the helping hand at clean uptime. coordinating activities and plan Essie Nirider, M r s . S. D. Kinde noon. Novi girls taking part in the ble for citizens attending who ladies will sew on cancer pads. Novi Junior High News a hike and cookout for all Cubs and M r s . Lester PhilUps wiU recital were Julia Dingman who are not a member of any par White material Is still needed and The ninth graders had a suc May 15 to be held at the Island plan the menu for the supper. played the piano andDenise Ward ticular group or are visitors. may tie dropped off at the church. cessful car wash at Novi school Lake Recreation area. U S E P U R W A N T A D S Members of the class are ask who played the organ. Mrs. Doyce NOVI REBEKAHS There will be a retreat for the on Saturday. Funds they receiv A l l area scouts will be selling ed to bring their own table ser Ward and daughters and M r . and Degree team practice (tonight) men of the church on May 28-29 ed helped to finance their trip to tickets for the annual Scoutorama vice. Cars will leave the church Mrs. George Dingman were also May 6 at 8:00. The degree team at Camp Cobeac and registra Lansing on Wednesday of this June 5 and 6 at the John Ivory at 6:15 p.m. present at the recital. 9 - 1 7 0 0 e F I will Initiate candidates at the tion may be made with Pastor v.'eek. Farms. Purchase of the 50? tick Rev. and M r s . Paul Barnes Halem Rebekah Lodge in B e r k Barnes and additional informa Friday evening was the date ets helps to support the local cub and son, Steven were the Sun ley, Monday May 10. Regular tion obtained from him. for the Spring daIIce at Novi Jun scout program. Prizes will day dinner guests of M r . and lodge meeting Thursday, May 13 Several church families at ior High. awarded the cubs selling the most M r s . Larry Smith. at the hall. Rummage and bake tended the Missionary Interne i i s i i i e i i s Sports news as follows: Base tickets. Saturday visitors at the home sale May 13 at the hall. Bring in Farewell program held at the ball with Northville Mondaynight At the monthly cub scout pack of the Clarence Smiths were M r . rummage May 12. Inter City Baptist church in A l and baseball with Mllford Thurs meeting a parade of cubs showed R c p / o c c Old Warn Out Furnaces and M r s . Stan Barker and their and Bailors NOW! Monday May 17 Mayor E x len Park on Friday evening. Sev day night. Both games at Novi. off a variety of fruit and vegeta!C.R. E l Y three daughters from Greenville, change day Novi Rebekahsare i n eral of the Interns were dressed Free Estlmaies GL-3-0400 Day or .MIC Track meet at Northville Tues ble masks they had made daring Indiana. & S O N S " " vited for potluck dinner in the in native costumes, special music day night. J r . High students will their April theme of the Green Hot ..Ur-IIot iiatcr-Alr Conditioning M r . and M r s . Donald Tuck evening. was brought by a choral group ^be receiving their report cards Thumb. A clever skit was preNo .Money Down FiiA Terms ,.• - . . - r . i . . - . . . . . ^ ^ and family spent last weekend •Anyone in Walled Lake who and the speaker was Rev. Fred this week. sented by Den 5 under the direc C O M P L E T E . camping with their trailer at wishes pickup for rummage call Renich of the MI program locat O t w e l l H e o t i n g & Supply Co Hon of Den Mothers Phyllis Rlt. Novi G i r l Scouts Wheatley, Canada on Lake E r i e . Mrs. Sentz MA 4-1193. ed in Farmington. I4475 Noniiviiie Rd. Piymoutti ter and Laree B e l l . The following The senior G i r l Scouts left last Mrs. George Mairs has been Classes are being taken at The lOOF and Rebekahs wlU ••WE CURE SICK FURNACES" awards for achievements andad em (Doc) otwcii on the sick list for several days. sponsor a roast beef dinner at the Detroit Bible college throughout Thursday for New York city. c e n t e r ' Among the places they visited vancement in ralik were made: M r . and M r s . Ollie Tucker of hall, June 6. the month of May by several were radio music hall, Empire Awards: (Den 1) Lynn Dietrich Hazel Park spent Sunday with teachers in Sunday school. Cour State building at night, a boat bear, gold, silver arrows; Lion, Novi Baptist Church News APPLIANCE SERVICE >T«EES • Mr. and M r s . Robert Cotter. The annual Mother and Daugh ses being taken are: "Bringing ride around Manhattan Island, gold, silver arrows, Roger PelPROMPT AND EXPERT SHRUBS . Saturday evening M r . and Mrs. ter tea will be held on Friday Children to Christ," "Ten Steps and the World's F a i r . The girls chat - bear, gold arrow; Jeff, TV Ifi/ASHER DRYER DISPOSAL'. BULBS • William Fox attended the 25th May 21 at 7:15 p.m. at Novi to Successful Leadership" and who made the trip by train were ery Pelchat - Bobcat - (Den 2) Q.'i SEEDS DISHI^ASHER wedding anniversary of their junior high school. Plans arebe- 'Orga.iizIng Smaller Church Donna Tymensky, Nancy Cook, Cliff Schulot - Bobcat; Dlcron FERTILIZER ALL MAKES daughter, A p r i l ' s father-in-law ing made for special flower gar Programs." Janis Paquette and Kay Gillett. Tafralian - webelos; (Den 4) and mother-in-law, M r . and M r s . den setting and a Fashion Show They were accompanied by their Ken Cookson - Lion, gold, silver Northville Electric Shop John Pastor at Allen Park. with clothes from Rebecca Salon Novi Methodist Church • leader, M r s . Donald Cook and arrows, Webelo; Dan Rowley M r . and M r s . James Wilenlus from Farmington and Northville. FI 9-335P IS3 E. liiain Co/ Thomas FI-9-0717 A mother and daughter party they came home again on Mon silver arrow under wolf, goli^ and family spent Sunday with the The speaker will be D r . Ruth was held Wednesday evening for day. silver arrows. l i t t e r ' s parents, M r . and M r s . Stroeschein, M.D. and music will the mothers and daughters in the Brownie Troop 351 i s still (Den 5. Thomas B e l l - silver SPRAY AHAY Rex LaPlante at Caro. be presented by the MelodieTrio community. They had a prograai Custom Builder ond Contractor working on its mothers day gifts. arrow under bear. Lion, goldarWEEDS AND INSECTS The Novi Democratic Club met and others. For reservations call and refreshments. The affair wais Complete Custom Sprariiig RESIDENTIAL and COmERCIAL REMDELING on Tuesday of this week at 8:00 the parsonage FI 9-3647. sponsored by the WSCS. Service by...JlM LEE INSURANCE REPAIRS and CABINETWORK p.m. at the Rosewood Restaurant May 16 will be Baby Dedica A membership class will- be (Staiidaffl Oil Ageiit) oa West Grand River. A 6:30 tion Day and any parents wishing held on Saturday from 1:30 to 334 W. Lilieity St." Soutti Lyon P & A T H E A T R E F o r F R E E E S T I M A T E S C a l l : dinner preceded the meeting. to participate may call Cradle 3:30 p.m. at the church with the. Specializing in... ' NORTHVILLE M r s . Howard LaFond was with Roll Director, M r s . James W i l - pastor. Rev. LaVere Webster. • Fi-9-0210 GLEN STEWART 383-2ES4 - 624-1607 Mosquito Control her sister, M r s . Josephine Sit- enius for additional iDlormation May 2-9 i s National, family ELDON HORTON 438-87I3 Born, Livestock Sproying arz at Henry Ford h o ^ l t a l in FI9-2056. Now Showir>g..."THE T R U T H A B O U T S P R I N G " week and wiU be observed in Insect Infestations ' Detroit a l l day Saturday. M r s . Primary church i s available various ways. (Color) Spraying Fence Rows Sltarz underwent major surgery during the church hour for young mm's A curriculum meeting for the there. Field Spraying sters from grades one through first quarter will be held at Holey M i l l s , John M i l l s , James MacArfhur Rodio-TV Service M r . andMrs.TedSlentzwentto three and Is under the leader Brighton Methodist church the Lawn Weed Control Cliarlotte last Thursday to visit ship of M r s . Richard Lippert evening of May 13. A l l teachers PHONE GE-7-7S41 PARTS and SERVICE the former's aunts, M r s . Van throughout this month. The chil are urged to be present.. Licensed and Insured Starts May 12fh... Patton, who suffered a broken dren will be learning about mis FOR ALL MAKES May 28 a surprise dinner will Call Us For A FREE ESTIMATE hip recently and M r s . Avis Pat sionary work in Central A m e r i honor Bea Kennedey who i s in We Stock v. A Cofnplelo Radio - T V Service terson, who i s home from a va ca. charge of chlldrens work in YpLine of Weed (Color) ^ m D F I N G E R " •-KlllarB Mia cation in Florida. On Wednesday May 12 at the silanti. l22W.iyiain Nonlivllle Inaecticldfs. • M r . and M r s . Stanley Orzech- midweek service Rev. and M r s . Everyone in the Methodist owsld and sons M r . and Mrs. Wil David Chamber will speak and churches are advised to read the liam Miller and M r . and M r s . present slides on their work whole book of Ephesians this CANVAS-ALUMINUM Harold Miller spent this past with Berachah House, formerly month. COMPLETE FIBERGLASS weekend at the Miller farm near known as Desert Jewels Home On the prayer calendar please L A N D S C A P I N G Rose City. T H E which is one of the home mis include in your prayers at home CALL COLLECT l l Mr. and M r s . Roy Schram re sions the church supports. T H E A T R E and In foreign lands. At home, P E m Spofting Goods FOR FREE ESTIMATES A N D turned Sunday evening from a The calling program Is con Kansas, Horton Murray Church, weekend at their cottage near tinuing into the third week on Foreign, India Lucknow, Com TREE SERVICE PLYMOUTH, MICH. Cadillac. m UNT & Amm Monday night. The Senior B . Y . mission on Christian Literature. Willis Miller has returned to met at the parsonage on Sunday 624 Soulii Main Ann Afbof N 0-5-3126 College students will answer his place of employment at Ford at 5:30 to participate and the questions on college activities The Home of Single Features Motor company in Dearborn after college and business age group etc. on Sunday morning in the MONUMENTS to perpetuate cherished memriei several weeks of convalescence met at the church at 5:45. Young Sunday school classes. from a major operation. Standing Always In Loving Tribute people in the college and busi The Wesley Choir helped to Mrs. Glen Salow Sr. and her ness age group within the com O n e W e e k — W e d . thru Tues. — M a y 5 fhru 11 entertain the mothers and daugh Choose here a beautiful family memoriol sister, M r s . Orville Fletcher munity are encouraged to attend ters Wednesday evening by their in ageless gronifc or morble entertained approximately 50 the Bible study meeting on Sat J A M E S B O N D I S B A C K I N A C T I O N ! G R E E N R I D G E singing. relatives and friends at the Sa Allen Monument Works low ifome on Sunday to celebrate NURSERY the 9lst birthday of their mother M r s . Deby Lamerson. The oc casion was also a five genera tion celebration as follows: great great grandmother, M r s . Debj; Lamerson; great grandmother,Mrs. Glen Salow Sr., grandmo ther, M r s . Esther Voskuhl of Walled Lake; mother, M r s . Gary Skillin and son Bobby of Detroit. M r . and M r s . John Tymensky and M r . and M r s . Anthony Skeltis and their families spent the past weekend camping at Crestview. Mrs. Gertie Lee, Mrs. Russell Race and M r s . Harold Henderson of Novi and Miss Helen Watkins and M r s . Ruth Starkweather of Northville had dessert luncheon and an afternoon of cards at the home of M r s . Marie Nutter in Northville last Thursday. Weekend guests at the home of M r . and M r s . Clyde Wyatt were M r . and M r s . Gar Peterson and daughter, Marilyn, from Marian, Indiana. Although their home was undamaged by the recent tornado there was much damage in nearby areas in Marian. Mrs. Leitha Collins of Union Lake visited her brother and sister-in-law, M r . and Mrs. Hadley Bachert on Fonda street this past SuIiday. MAYOR EXCHANGE DAY Mayor Exchange day Is sched uled for Monday, May 17. The day will begin at 9:00 o'ciock with a m.eetlng at the village hali. At this time the Methodist ladies will serve coffee and do-nuts. They will visit the new junior high s c h o l at 10:00 a.m. and Bashlan Poge Nine The N O R T H V I L L E RECORD-NOVI NEWS Thursday, May 6, 1965 • S e e y o u r C H E V E L L E C h e v r o l e t • C H E V Y U d e a l e r • f o r a n e w C O R V A I R Y 1 Mile West of Novi Road L u m b e r RESERVATIONS A C C E P T E D 630 Baseline & B u i l d i n g C e n t e r Phone 349-0150 R a t h b u r n C h 560 SOUTH MAIN S T R E E T e v r o l e t NORTHVILLE S a l e s , l i i c : Fleldbrook 9-0033 Page The T e n N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R D - N O V I T h u r s d a y , M a y 6, 1 9 6 5 NEWS P O u b FRANK AUSTIN a r HAMILTON home f o r John Lochart Hayes J r . M e m o r i a l s e r v i c e s w i l l tie held with Father A l e x a n d e r K b b a s h o r Main terline Thursday home, at 8 p . m . the Reverend with in Grand Lawn cemetery, Detroit Mr. tjj-terlan church ofllcIatiag. M r . was troit, October i l l f o r the past y e a r . M r . came pany retired almost 28 years. December He of Home L. .ARSO.MST HITS-.-\n unoccupied farm house at T e n Miie road arid croJSSIne went up in .smoite Saturday night. .Novi firemen were Northville department. T h e fire was brought under control after believe it was started by an arsonist," said Novi F i r e C h i e f F r e d H i t G r tiie C & O railroad assisted by the four hours. "We Loynes. a s s Continued F i r in Jr. o f 359 South of Detroit Q u i z 11:33 p . m . Saturday, a n d like the N o r t h v i l l e beat G a r d e n C i t y i n a local team rampant to F i r e Chief B u d H a r t n e r . the show, seen newspaper week. assistance o n channel 4, consisted of questions articles pieces based on I n the In addition, the past Representing were Karen and Elliott. Mrs. Jean school In Hurlbert Richard. Parernal doused seniors. ship department ap trash when fields H o n o r e d o f the Staman telephone Chief make Tuesday lent" presented of an "excel Further, of th? varsity Margaret Hembrey, Becker, were of Charles seared. said four Injured. He fire tunate toinette A l e x a n d e r . Miss Flor traffic M r s . Staman. Sepich Detroit, Paul Monday theCasterlinefuneral e d i n g s Mrs. of Two youths 15087 10 days They den Alfred last Yerkes, Garden City and Clifford C o x of Inkster. attended schools and the was a o f the U n i v e r s i t y Northville high school i n the 1S20S. a former Northville they remained i n Northville until they m o v e d to F e r n - a resident, she was a member o f the N o r t h v i l l e P r e s byterian church and a number of civic She groups. is survived by her hus B e r g l e , of 475 W . M a p l e - Paul's fined Jaycees will hold a family chlci> hurst, Ferndale; a daughter, M r s . sas and three grandchildren. They Three Five road, G a r guilty to dis charges 57845 East T e n was arraigned innocent April on M o n ^ — a bond. or 3ne day i n j a i l . were April 26. James sen At damage County Circuit Thursday MUler cost H e p a i d the 41751A s p e n d r i v e when he w a s found session case P l g g l n s w i l l b e the f e a speaker A d l e s ' N i g h t banquet o f the P r e s byterian guilty Men's club I n d i a n Thursday Walled apopularafter- Lake, 70ina zone i n the c i t y . H e w a s found guilty and fined $ 3 5 . and has been o n the Z Wayne county c i r c u i t bench since FABRIC 1950. hall a t the c h u r c h fellowship SHOP m a y be m a d e b y c a l l i n g the F I 9-09ll or Phil Nau- o man, F I 9-3509 b y M o n d a y . n o N e w C r e d i t P l a n a O f f e r e d of M i c h i g a n I industry f o r twenty < y e a r s , h a s announced the f o r m a tion of Retailers Acceptance affiliate tance Credit C o . as a Fort Accep A t — said h i s company, quartered to M In Carnes, 39 Woodland Careless Copenhaven a c a r for a period on High street over 46 M a r c h 19. at A t h i s t r i a l the f i n e w a s s u s p e n d ed. business I'd m a k e "hit" ties tlie credit opportunity market approximately offers w h o f a i l e d to the right of w a y to a n o t h e r causing an accident lion to represented outstanding Card credit by P H O N E mil 349-9871 cards. of Acceptance ON tap the 135 E . Cady Corp., Northville are HAIR STYLISTS guaranteed payment for transac tions made via approximately one-hundred different credit on the confidential cards types O P E N : pany. Ward is a resident of Ply M o n d a y thro Thusday T T E mouth. S M I T H S S P O R T e. MAItl S T . C e f e b r o f i n g \ t $ road. lic April t u r d a 8 t h d r i v i n g cost a Union Novi was ticketed A p r i l a y 7 t h & road and Grand River. McGrath, 20566 L e n - nane, Detroit, w a s found guilty of not having a driver's registra ed A p r i l 15. H e paid a fine of $10. w a s fined $15 M 4 and Dunlap streets A p r i l G I F T S A steep fine o f $65 w a s p a l d b y F r e d S c h e n i m a n , 26029 W h i p p l e , N o v i , f o r d r i v i n g under the i n f l u Pruett, 441 Butler w a s charged with being a l a 18. A t h i s tion on h i s p e r s o n . H ewas ticket street, S ence of alcohol at East Grand s f u s f River and Hazeltlne March 20. l l l l l l l l l l l C o m e O u r in a n d R e g i s t r a t i o n l G r a n d P r i z e ! S B A L L - B A N D G R A N D P W i n c h e s t e r I L L O U G H B R I Z E H O E T o n Farmington P L Y M O U T H S h o p p e S DOWNTOWN 322 S, M A I N 2 2 Y B o n S GL-3-3373 S N O R T H V I L L E W h e n y o u c a r e e n o u g h to s e n d the very b e s t W Saturday and Friday Evenings by Appointment C A Y - T I M E E t/l GR-4-9M6 list approved b ythe F l o r i d a c o m f o r By o 23344 Farmington Rd. . . . Formliiffton of "Michigan's Most Exciting Gift Shop" R o a n d Credit he w a s at l tn men In one hundred S i g n E , w e s t e r n Wayne and Oal^land coun a motorist a fine of $10. S a m Thomas woman driver or one day i n jail. M a a n y w h e r e l In Judge E m e r y J a c q u e s court, 22, pleaded guilty. M a b l e Shaffer, M - head Plymouth, indepefident e Lauderdale, Florida. Ward L o o k licensed of Credit Card Corp., J u s t Card was ticketed A p r i l Mile, Security Charge FARMINGTON Road and Grand C E N T E R River 474-0420 z U t r i a l he w a s fined $ 3 0 . ing l o Fi-9-1910 C a r d U v e n t u r e , 63 W e s t J o s Lake l N . Center Northville excessive noise at N o v i road a n d Twelve O and R e s e r v a t i o n s f o r the 6:30 p . m . dinner ephine, E c o r s e , was charged w i t h P l a c e , w a scharged with abandon street, c o i sa former com and driving with an expired < selection of patterns. 25 at W e s t a n d N o r t h a v e n r o a d s Fred was ticketed for speeding, Willard o CQ P r i n t s of p o l i c e f o r the c i t y Detroit a a O F Make your own summer curtains from our wide Judge Plgglns, dlimer speaker, H e a d 159 P e n h l l l , ense. H e w a s fined $10. W i l l i a m Marshall, 335 Linden, U NEW S E L E C T I O N at h i s t r i a l tlie Carroll, / • at the annual L a was dismissed. The charge Kenneth <u c O •- of a weapon. Because o f lack of evidence for Lake B a s k e t A R R I V E D 9412 M o r t e n - i n p o s s e s s i o n o f a l c o h o l on South 415 A u JUST Judge Ebellng, accident was made at Napier Linden H E R WITH K n i t t i n g hazard. his trial Michael R o g e r s street Sunday. S o r view, T a y l o r Township, was t r i e d $ 5 0 fine w a s p a i d b y D e n n i s motorist ^ H e r e made and caution, f a i l u r e t o repoi-t in court Monday of being a minor yield ^ i ^ * . ' Anderson their event. t h e f i e l d a s w e l l a s h o m e d e - '.• — N O TG I F T f o r v i o l a t i o n o f o r d i n a n c e 5, p o s w a s fined $15, $5 court Brandenburg, @ - 28268 E d w a r d avenue, was c h a r g 19, a n d posted he A of the call for service Sunday, found g u i l t y a n d fined $ 6 0 . hours at plans school Ballln- diamond. Dave chairman h P i g g i n s against a M a d i s o n Heights motor ist being a traffic Dennis said at the high t had been ed with d r i v i n g without due c a r e conduct. Lane, are serving guilty of driving without due care 40-mile Is He 0 and C o x $20 tences In the Oakland county j a i l . days In jail. Ford 34503 Rodgrlguez property Novi, ger 3 each. restaurant fine. e ^ ^ ^ from the N o r t h v i l l e n p e r s o n s at the W a l l e d L a k e c a s i sentence T h e court found h i m guilty a n d I on S p e a k Wayne R o b e r t L . D a v i s of W i c h i t a , K a n Both were charged A p r i l 24 b y M i l e road, South L y o n , was found A barbecue she c o m m u n i t y a n d taught h i s t o r y at band, T h e y w e r e H e n r y R o d g r l g u e z of Plymouth, and John $100 personal r Robert room no. In addition. Judge City, pleaded orderly i n Judge court three, en baseball the s a m e afternoon, until o Donald R . W a r d , a n executive graduate While Thursday. lic S c h i l i n s k I of 42266 Baggott, i n jail Anderson's streetfor falls Member-affiliates w e r e s e n t e n c e d to would e n o w the M e t h o d i s t Larson married * ** d Novi police with being disorderly of road, He e e Mon w a s ticketed o f $25 o r five pleaded i held the parade S e w i n g T o parsonage. 1942 w h e n 11. n street, dale. 2 5 , cost the participants a fine obtain b u r n i n g p e r m i t s at i lap guilty a n d fined $50. in and caution on G r a c e Street A p r i l n were a with h e r f a m i l y to N o r t h v i l l e , ed South R o g e r s street. H e wasfound municipal court rear April by Nov! police. u G . and for many years livingat 139Dun violations by McDonald r u c k u s i n the p a r k i n g lot i n the sus the v i l l a g e hall a n d w e r e ticketed e n c e PanattonI i s the coach. HAYES, J R . r WHY church, 1895, a n dshortly thereafter m o v m i n o r i n p o s s e s s i o n of a l c o h o l on c a n serve h i s jail A resldentsweren'tasforas c on the weekend. W . Shoe- Hanson of Will Simmons was con motorist victed Mile didn't o days in jail. cut h i s l e g w h i l e D e n n i s Other Karen r on both charges, f i n e d $35 a n d two too. L a r r y T h l b o s andA n P At h i s trial he w a s found guilty the tained burns on thea r m s . Hanson crew Detroit Judge a w a r d to the N H S t e a m f o r a n d B i l l S k e l t i s s i n g e d t h e i r h a i r , Members t ense h a d been revoked, too. garage and pole were Michigan Ireland and Robert winning a majority o fi t s debates. are afire. Loynes v l l l e high school have made their fighters University r A p r i l 2 1 , at S o u t h M a i n the wind open The u d r i v i n g the w r o n g w a y on a one back point. Services fire way street. Sepich's d r i v e r s up a n d a spark set nearby a o Parkslde, commis came daughter cemetery. She w a s the U g h s c h o o l l i b r a r Lawrence M r s . Staman was legally burn some LOCHART day. sioner. The varsity debaters atNorth- JOHN morning at Northville supervisor and currently Is ing Funeral Home and burial was at Rural Hill The atCas- teacher, B e r g l e E . Larson, a n d of land D e b a t e r s terUne Northville the ruined. an Oakland county r o a d grandparents, M r . and On noon announced ceremonies J u d g e a short Illness. S e r vices were held Saturday 1919 the away ville P u b U c L i b r a r y . In 1925she Staman Is a former Nov! town c o a c h e d the w i n n i n g t e a m . to passed of M i c h i g a n . She r e t u r n e d to tills but it w a s put out according of a p i o n e e r f a m i l y o f community, i a n a n d l a t e r w o r k e d at the N o r t h owned b y F r a z e r S t a m a n o f 26850 D u g a n o f the h i g h S r . of South L y o n and re A Saturday, W i x o m road were grand M r . and M r s . William M r s . R o yK e h r of N o v i . report. C another fire parents, tanker which was purchased finally park quickly, including gallon capacity her Besides Is survived b y a bro Infant said a day. of member w a s b o r n at P o n t i a c A u g u s t 2 1 , metary. P to h o l d i n g the p a r a d e a n d a 25 the It cemetery missioner troit, after was at 6:55 p . m . S u n d a y i n C a s s Benton along two proximately three acres Margaret English 3,000 for Y e r k e s Larson, 69, a Georgia maternal in Northville, according April T h e department responded to a b l a z e at 3:33 a . m . Sunday. and Karen a r e juniors and L a r ry and Barbara called and sent Firemen Becker, Hembrey, L a r r y Barbara It cently. Northville high Margaret was of equipment, truck the students gave opinions on editorials. school see fire Northville tor for being newsy. The sky. " W e could as taby died Penn l b e g i n a t 1:30 p . m . o n Sunday, consideration given LARSON B u r i a l was In Roseland P a r k C e - ther. iseen up Loynes said. won a movie projec haven't Whipple estate a week e a r l i e r , l i t b u r n i n g f r o m 10 M i l e a n d T a f t , " T V quiz show Sunday a n d the fires grandson. in New Grace Hospital in Detroit. parents, Grass andJacque- and a A p r i l 29 a t H a r p e r H o s p i t a l , D e Patterson The 23, Because f o r m e r resident o fN o r t h v i l l e a n d this Lake D r i v e In Lake. April Patterson W i n Wed Fimeral daughter of and M r s . William Walled s Infant Mr. Penn be evening. M a y 13. Berkley for Brldgltt Patterson, born. e held last Harold some Edward lyn L . PATTERSON the S a w y e r year a week. tured FRANCIS YERKES were at mander this neth a n d h i s vrife C a r o l o f D e a r Northville a n d two Services this i In Detroit. He i s survived Frances nesday M e m o r i a l Day ob 30, A m e r i c a n Legion C o m born; three daughters, M r s . L e n - grandchildren. BRIDGITT r o f the s t e e l oard Piner, Patricia I , 1958. S u r viving i s h i s wife, Telfci; a s o n , David o celebrated by h i s wife, M a r y , one son K e n of main tenance at the M a y b u r y S a n l t o r for 19l7. M r d i v i s i o n o f the J o n e s M o t o r C o m 25, 1893, w a s 7 2 . H e to N o r t h v i l l e i n I 9 3 B , a n d lum 21, H a y e s w a s maIIager Hamilton, born In Hull, England, had been superintendent m i n D e t r o i t . H e w a s b o r n In D e of M i c h i g a n h o s p i t a l . H e November ston, Detroit, d i e d suddenly A p r i l e 28, at the B r e n t (General h o g j i t a l H a m i l t o n died Sunday at the U n i versity L o c h a r t , 4 7 , o f 14404 W i n . M i n Northville will New York, officiating.Burial was L l o y d E r a s u r e of the F i r s t P r e s - n servances of the R u s s i a n O r t h o d o x c h u r c h . street, a t the C a s - funeral a Traditional y May f o r F r a h k A u s t i n H a m i l t o n of-426 South l L e v e r A c t i o n R i f l e y H O P Thursday, Moy 6, 1965 T h e N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R D - N O V I NEWS Page Two Michifinn D I R E C T O R Y B R O O K L A N E O F G O L F r o m t h e Slielilon and Six Mile Nortliville sis K r e a C h u r c h e s P A S T O R ' S S T U D Y "i Submitted each weelt by one of the ministers of the :'4 area churches listed on this page. George Tiefel, Pastor Holes-par '••'24 T e e Driving Range REORCA.'nZED CHURCH W I X O M Immanuel Lutheran Church, South Lyon Rotes Effective Moy 1 OF JESUS CHRIST OF HRST BAPTIST CHURCH will be trying to showhls grat through his death and resur LATTER DAY SAINTS 620 N. WIsom Ri., wlxom "Cleanse out the old leaven $1.50 9 holes > 1 W E E K 31610Schooicra/t j i Bra4>er itude by his works. Since he rection, fle has thereby cleans Rev. Robert Warrec that you may be fresh dough, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Plymoutl) Phone M»r)iet 4-3823 $2.50 18 holes ; ' DAYS really i s "unleavened" through ed us of the leaven, or yeast, OF ^0!^THVILLE as you really are unleavened. Rojtr Caull, Pasior- Ctrilc Fitch. AsSunday WorshiJ>-li:l0a.ni.aaiI7p.m.; Pislor Rohf rl Spradllng Christ's atoning sacrifice and of evil, which (like natural yeast soclale Pastor For Christ, our paschal lamb, Suoday School iO ajn. $1.75 9 holes 1 SAT., SUN. Res.: 234 Hlirh Slreel resurrection, he will thereaf Sunday Worship - 11 a.m. lod 7 p.m. In a lump of dough) left to it has been sacrificed." l Corin Sundjy Worsfilp - 11 a.m. i 7:30 p.m.; Sunday School -9:45 a.m. $3.00 18 holes i HOLIDAYS ter cleanse out, more and self would ferment our whole ST. WILLIAM'S SuaAr School-10 i.m. thians 5,7 CATHOUC CHURCH more, all the old leaven of self being into something abomin The Church against good LADIES- DAY MONDAY WaUed Lake, MlcUgas ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL League P l a y Openings A v a i l a b l e ishness that still clings to his able in God's sight. Through works? If not performed by tVANGEUCAL LUTHERAN Father Rarmcod Jcoes CHURCH 0 HOLES J l : ALL DAY SI .5C nature. Because he human For L a d i e s and Men Christ a man i s declared ac CHURCH OF THE Asslshml Rev. Ihipbael Dc1oske Rev. David T. Davles, Rector bona fide Christians? Of course EPIPHANY Sunday Mass - 7:30,9 and II a.m. asT Rev. Peter H. Beciwlih, knows that Christ, our paschal ceptable by God: we are cleans Christians applaud whenever Rev. Jobn W. Miller, Ptslor 12:15 p.m. Asststan: FI-9-9777 lamb, the iamb whose blood ed of all leaven of guilt; throu and wherever good and useful CL 3-8807. CL 3-1191 574 Sheldon Rd., Plymouth saves us from eternal death, gh Christ we are "unleaven works are accomplished! We Worsliil)i>l^ al 416SC S Mile South of Ann ArtJor Trail has been sacrificed. Yes, andls ed." are grateful for the many fine Suataj iVorship - 8:30 i lI a.m. Bee. 453-0190 Of: 453-0190 S A L E . M C O U P O N risen again, and i s present Now a person who is "unleav Suada; School - 9:4; s.m. Sunday Worship - 9 i 11 a.m.; Suntiay and helpful services perform T H / 5 COUPON PLUS ONE PAID GREEN'S School 9 t 11 a.m. with his believers, living and ened" through faith in Christ ed by individuals and groups SALEM CO.NCRECATIONAL FEE PERMITS TWO PEOPLE TO PLAY 9 working through them to ac will strive to do good because of the most diverse sort in our nRST METHODIST CHURCH CHRISTIAN OR 18 HOLES. complish everything pleasing he i s grateful. He will not per 109 West Dualap, Northville 7961 Dickenson, Salem communities: hospital auxili Rev. S. D.Khide, Mlnlslcr S O U T H L Y O N Jack Barlow, FI-9-1378 to God. This is the motivation form good works with any idea aries, assistance to orphans, Offlce FI 9-1144, Res. FI 9-1143 Sunday Worship -10 a.m. 4 7:30 p.m.; the ChristianChurchapproves. of meriting his own salvationveterans, youth, and many, Sunday Worship - 6:30 4 11 a.m.; Sun Sunday School - 11 a.m. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH This i s the right reason for do God has already granted him day School-9:45 a.m. many more examples. But the 279 Dartmoor Drive USE O U R W A N T A D S ing good works. that through Christ - but he SALEM FEDERATED Christian faith is wary of mo Whitmore Lal;e, Mich., KI 9-2342 CHURCH Wllllam F. NichoUs, Paslor tives. Rev. Elwood ClJpchas*. Paslor Phone: NO 3-0698 FULL SALVATION UNION Not all works have the same 8057 McFadden, Northville Ron Sutterfleld, Assistant Pastor 51630 W. EI«ht Mile R l spiritlIal value in relation to Offlce: FI 0-0674 Sunday Worshlp-ll a.m.47a.m.;Sun James F. Andrews, Cen. Pas. Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. and 7-.30p.m.; God and his eternal judgment. Sahirday Worship - 8 p.m.; Sunday day School - 9:45 a.m. Sunday School-II a.m. Worship - 3:30 * 8 p.m.; Suaby School Here the saying holds true, " A 2:30 p.m. good tree brings forth good WEST SALEM COUNTRY CHURCH OF CHRIST fruit." Many works, even thou CHURCH OUR UDY OF VICTORY PARISH 22820 Valerie St., cor. LIlllan gh they are good and useful to 7050 Angle Road, Corner of Northrille, MlchIcan CE 7-2498 Tower, Near 1, Mile road the community here on earth, Atomic bombs darken our s k i e s . . . raciioactive fallout threatens unborn genera FI 5-2621 Harold Hawley, Minister Pastor Harry C. Richards are not properly motivated in Ret. Father John WIttstock Sunday Worship - II a.m. and 6 p.m.; tions . . . there is strife, unrest, even war in many parts of the world! How can we Su.iday Worshlp-lIa.m.;SundaySchooI Sunfcy Mass - 7, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School -10 a.m. the sight of God - "with an face the future with confidence when humanity stands at the very brink of -10 a.m. _ _ _ _ _ _ and 12:15 p.m. eye to eternity." destruction? CHRIST TEMPLE If you are talking about whe FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST 8275 McFadderi Street, Salem There is only one way: to be courageous and steadfast, and trust in the wis ther or not a person Is worthy Alton Clarler, Pastor Pastor R. L. Slzemore dom and mercy of God! ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL 1"™ Nine M.Ile Road Sunday Worship -11:30 a.m. 4 8 p.m.; of eternal life, the Christian LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Worship - 11 a.m. 4 7 p.m.; Sunday School-9:45 a.m. faith calls you to repent and This little girl, my own daughter, does not know what troubles my heart. She corner High and Elm Streets Sunday School - ID a.m. believe a man (every man) Rcr. Charles Boerger, Pastor is not afraid of t o m o r r o w . . . not yet! Through the Church she will learn the ways church n 9-9864. Parsonage FI 9-3140 falls short of what God ex CONGREGATIONAL of the Lord and how to live a truly Christian life. Through prayer may God help Sunday Worship - 8 and 10:30 a.m.; FIRST BAPTIST CHRISTIAN CHURCH pects (This i s taught in God's me set an example for my daughter... teaching me to put my trust, yes, my very Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. R. T. Hall, Pastor •Salem; Jack Barlow, Pastor law); and no matter what works Sunday Worship -11 a.m. 4 7:45 p.m.; Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. 4 7:30 p.m.; life into His hands, no matter what the future might have in store for us! you do, your works lack any Sunday School -10 a.m. Sunday Schniil - 11 a.m. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN value before the eternal judg CHURCH OF NORTHVILLE ment of God. The works may Rev. Uoyd C. Erasure FIRST UNTTED SAI.KM llAI'TISTCIIUIiCH East Main and Church Sts. be useful to the community, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH R170 Chubb lid.. Salrm Sunday Worship -9:30 4 11 a.m.; Sunbut they won't help on the day South Lyon FI 'J-2337 daySchool-9:30 4 I1a.m. of judgment. Norman A. Rledeial, Minister Ilex I.. Dye, Pastor Sunday Wnr.shIp - 11 a.m. i r,:VI p.m.; Sunday Worship -8:30 4 11 a.m.; Sun But God has redeemed us Sunday Sftli'K*! - 10 a.m. day Schwl - 9:45 a.m. through the coming of his Son, TRINITY CHURCH (BAPTIST) GREEN OAK 3M40 W. SU Mile near Hacgerty FREE METHODIST CHURCH CA 7-lOCJ PLYMOUTH'S EXCLUSIVE CAMERA SHOP SINCE 1945 US-23,2 miles north at Whitmore Laite Bc7. Normui Mathlas, Pastor A. C. Poinda, Jr., Pastor HI 9-2357 Sunday Worshlp-lla.m.;SuadaySchocl Sunday Worship -11 t.:n. * 7:50 p.m.; -9:30 a.m. Respected for Sunday School -10 a.m. CALVAI«y MISSIONARY BAPTIST Quality a n d Service CHURCH IMMA.-*UEL EV. LUTHERA.N 51395 Ten Mile Rd.. Northville CHIWCH Poator Herbert Smitii 330 Eiist Liberty, South Lyon Sunday School 10 a.m. Pastor Oco. Ticfcl. Jr. Sunday Service 11 iind 7 p.m. Divine service 9 a.m. Singing Sefvfce: Second Sunday Sunday School I0:I5 a.m. each month 2:30 p.m. V I CHUKCH OF THE HOLY CROSS (Episcopal) Rev. Peter TooelU, Vicar ; Orchard Hills School 10 Mile and Quhice, Nov! FI 349-1594 Sunday Worship -8 a.m. at chapel (44080 Marlsix) and 10 a.m.; Sunday School 10 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NOVI Eleven Kile Road and Taft Church Phone n 9-3477 Rev. Paul E. Barnes, Pastor Sunday Worship - 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 3382S Grand River KarmlngtoQ Sunday Worshlp-Ila.m.;SundaySchool -11 a.m. NOVI METHODIST CHURCH Rev. R. uVere Wehser CE 8-8701 Sunday Worship - 9 a.m.; SuaAySchool -10 a.m. lONCDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH'S WrTNESSES 22024 PooHac Trail Victor Stalma, Mhilster Sunday Address - 4 p.m.; Wafchtower Shidy-5:15 p.m. NEW HUDSON llETHODiST CHURCH 5e«07 Grand River CE 8-8701 R UVcr* Wehster, Mhilster Suatoy Worship - 11 a.m.; Sunday School-9:45 a.m. ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN, NORTHFIELD 2945 E. Northneld Church road Raymond Frey, Pastor. 663-1669 Sunday Worship .- 10:30 a.m.; Suatay School-9:30 a.m. OPEN Y M O U T TIL PLYMOUTH CHURCH '..F CHRIST 0351 ChMM Itfad Plynji.uth, Michigan Funday Worshlp-10:30a.m.46:00p.m.; Sunday .Scho'jl - :i:3D a.m. PLYMOl'TH .SFVENTII IlAY AnVFNTtST rjlUltf.ll 42'./0 ,Vapl.-r («i. N'-rth 'if Warren fid. f'lyni'iulli, MIrli. f/eslie Neal, Fa.^for 452-8054 .Saturday Worship - MO a.m.; .Salihatfi .';rfi<^il -10:45 a.m. C A B I N L A W A A N A L Y S I S Y o i / n y I a. C i v i pation in the war. Still in progress Isthepreparatlon of a book entitled "Twice Told Tales of the C i v i l W a r " to be edited by M r s . Mildred M i l l brook. She performed a similar job on another commission pub. llcation, "Michigan Women In the Civil War." Q U I Z N W E E D S E v e r y onc of u.s have said or thought at some time or an other: " T h a t person drives me c r a z y " . . . or there is a per son now and then from whom you shy away. M a n y l i m e s these reactions arise from simple, innocent m a n n e r i s m s that are jinnoying . . . but before we criticize others, let's take a good iong iook at ourscivn.s YES NO 1. D o you have several slock phrases you use constantly? ( ) ( ) 2. D o you ever waik down the street with a toothpick i n y o u r moutli? ( ) ( ) 3. D o you jingie the coins i n your pocket, rattie c a r keys, etc.? ( ) ( ) 4. W h e n you are taiking to a person do y o u flick reai (or i m a g i n e d ) hairs or specks of his or h e r ciothing? ( ) ( ) 5. D o y o u have poor tabie manners and cat ting habits? ( ) ( ) 6. Is it hard for you to keep your feet still? F o r instance, when sitting, do you cross one ieg and whip it back and forth? ( ) ( ) 7. If y o u have a coid (or even when y o u don't) do you sniffle? ( ) ( ) 8. D o y o u bite your fingcrnaiis and/or c o m b y o u r hair i n public? C ) ( ) 9. Is your voice m u c h softer) than n o r m a i ? ( ( ) ( ) ( ) iouder (or T Apply Agrico® W e e d CoRti'c! N e w With F e r t i l i z e r Ifi^^'oTn. Tuesday Psalms 2:1-11 Monday Job li:l3-20 Sunday Genesis l3:8-i8 only Tliursday lie rail 30:15-13 Wednesday Proverbs 14:19-28 Friday Piiiirppians 1:15-26 much ) 10. D o y o u often d r u m on the tabie or c h a i r arm? ( ) 11. D o y o u enjoy shocking people with off-coior stories? ( ) 12. A r e y o u prone to insist on one certain brand of food, clothing, etc. and refuse to t r y any other? ( ) ( 13. D o y o u enjoy arguing or contradicting others? ( ) 14. A r e your fceiings easily hurt ? ( ) l s . l s your conversation centered around your self and things that have happened to you? ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 to 10 points: W e suggest y o u take serious stock of yourscif a n d perhaps even talk with someone close to y o u . f a m i l y , friends or your doctor o r c l e r g y m a n . Y o u a r e obviously high-strung and h a v i n g emotional problems as weii as difficulties with your reiationships with others. Y o u want heip . . . o r you wouldn't have read this f a r ! Copyright <a2? t <a2? t <a2? G . E . M i l l e r Dodge Sales and Service t ^ t w t <2i2? T r i c k e / s Huilting, Fiihing and iiobby 43220 Grand River Novl t <si2? t <si2? t ^ Saturday Hebrews 3:12-19 KcLiUr Adixniiing Service, Inc. Stnuburg, Va. t Northville Shoes and Shoe Service 104 E. Main Joe Reviiier w? t <sn? t D O N A L D R. W A R D ANNOUNCES THE FORMATION OF H. R. Nodar's Jewelers Moin at Center Northville RETAILERS C R E D I T C A R D A C C E P T A N C E C O . 127 Hutton Northville 349-0600 2 o u t o f 3 Rosewood Restaurant Breakfast, Luncheon, Dinner 46077 Grand River Novi Novi Rexall D r u g PrescriptionJ Profosjionaily Perfect — Properly Priced p r o f e s s i o n a l t u r f m e n u s e Micii's Friendly Service Mobil Gas Station 115 W. Lake South Lyon A g r i c o ! H e r e ' s w h y : Pelky P l u m b i n g , Heating South Lyon 437-2023 They must show results-and I^esulta Show w i t h A g r i c o . A g r i c o Grass Food w i t h 60% organic Don's G u l f Service 302 S. Lafayette South Lyon GE-7-9301 Everett Implement C o . Allis-Chalmers & Iniernaiional Parts & Service Novi Wiggle Feed C o . 43963 W. Grand Rrver Nov! FI-P-3133 Northville Hardware Your Tfusiv/orthy Store 107-109 Center Si. nitrogen greens your grass while it builds soil fertility. That's what the "pros" k n o w - s o t r y A g r i c o on your lawn. - 33'A-lb. bag feeds5300sq.lt. $ / l 9 5 Scolty & Fritz Service 333 S. Lafayette South Lyon Ollly *TC Cal's G u l f Service 202 V/. Main and 470 E. Main Fl-9-1818 Northville Fi-9-122; C R . E L Y & S O N 0 & C Store 139 E. Main Northville S Northville Standard Serv. FI-9-3350 Bob & Jan's Music Shoppe Specializing in Gospel Records 131 E. Main Norihville N O R T H V I L L E 302 E. Moin 349-4044 Brader's Dept. Store 141 E. Main ^ Northvaia The Little People Shoppe 103 E. Main Northville Nor-West T o o l & Machine 45241 Grand River Novi E-Jay L u m b e r M a r t Shop at your Modern Lbr. Store 349-1780 Northville Novi Realty A g e n c y Real Estate, Insurance Novi GR-4-5363 A l l e n M o n u m e n t & Vaults Phil's Pure Service 24-Hr. Road-Aid Free Pickup, Delivery 130 W. Main FI-9-1622 C. Harold Bloom Agency 108 W. Main Northville 349-1252 Northville D r u g C o . FI-9-0850 A. G . laux, R. Ph. o r i e Sunoco Products 41122 W. 7 Mile s ? some of those stories but it i s a job to get individuals to sit down and write them out so that M r s . Mlllbrook may put them in shape for publication," said Halght. "We no doubt win find that some of these stories will ap proach what we might call myth ology, but most of them do have some basic truth," he said. "Our commission feels that it Is Im portant to obtain some of these stories to preserve a part of our heritage which will be lost other wise." «***•*•»**«• A "helping hand" in checking state tax resources has been ex tended to the Revenue Depart ment by the U.S. Internal Rev enue Service. Babson MICHIGAN 139 OL o u r i s 3-3246 m H i t s kind. There will be few areaslndeed that will fall to receive some flllup from the big upswing in tourist traffic. Those catering to vacationers would do well to increase their Inventories by perhaps as much as 10%, espec ially in the case of experienced, w e l l - established operations. There will be healthy gains for motels, hotels, reorts, restau rants, camping sites, entertalIiment centers, gift shops, road side stands, service stations, garages, cottage rentals, and transportation of many sorts be sides automotive. Trade and service establish ments that do not have an adequate staff of skilled employees will T e l l t a t e F that persons would be discover a mid-summeradjournmentdate, ed if they failed to file complete most observers agree along ses returns with either state or fed sion i s In the offing. With government reorganiza eral authorities. tion and fiscal reform still hang Some 37 other states have ing in the air without form, similar agreements with the In there appears little hope these ternal Revenue Service. District major areas can be acted upon Director .R. I. Nixon In Detroit along with other pending contro said the program has been of versial legislation by the sched mutual advantage in the other uled adjournment. states. As in previous sessions, it i s The states release informa expected this year will find the tion to the federal service from legislature extending its workvarious state tax returns, such time indefinitely when summer as those required under estate arrives. Best guess is the ma and corporate laws. jority of the work will be ac complished by early or mid-July ************* in time of the new budget to take Degjite deadlines already set effect. for legislative action, including An adjournment i s then ex pected for a month or longer be fore resumption of a fall session to deal with such weighty prob lems as fiscal reform. From present Indications, at least that much time will be needed before any firm plans for P e a k new or revised revenue measures to be drawn and ready for con lose heavily over coming months sideration by the entire legisla to those who prepared more care ture. fully. Attentive and friendly service will reap a rich harvest, since buyer resistance will be encouragingly slight during the most prosperous summer this nation has ever enjoyed. B O N U S According to travel auth orities, there may be l5%-20% V E R S A T I L E more foreign visitors coming to the United States during the D U M P C A R T height of the vacation season. This, of course, will add Its measure to the tourist boom. Hence, businessmen and mer chants who are on their toes should easily chalk up the best year ever In terms of tourist trade alone. H T R U A S K Y C T O e B a I 6 t 2 u - r I I e O P O B B a U g y . > AND AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING REFRIGERATOR C O M P A R T M E N T . . . N O W ONLY $ R 2 2 9 t 5 TNi Mat •ifniriei that tl^a nat ratrigeratad voiuma anil net afiair araa aia caflillad ac> cufaia by Via National tivctfica) ManuTaC* lixari AuixjaUcn. • 2 FrtiMr Door Shilvtt • 2 Aluminum tc« Tray* • 4 Full-Width Stialvtft (1 AdJutUblt) • 2 PorctI«ln-on*Su«I Crlipira • HindyEss Sfiolf • Butttr Chist • ZFull-Wldth DoorShilvti • MifltitUc Door GiiktU all A Hd$t F r i s b i e R MLvmATAN imnai TOU OJKATU VALUI I TrtrauinapfeiramarCaniUntDeMlniprovament. K«l>ln«ror cdncaninta* anfineerlni time and man«y la Brlni r^u epplianca* tntt •r* meM uMfui, mom dapartdaBia and mor* tMtl •• in flammer utm. e f r i g e r a t S A X T O N G A R D E N "FOR T H E O N E H U N D R E D T H T I M E , Y O U R S O N 15 NOT G O O D ENOUGH TO a n d C E N T E R 587 A n n Arbor Trail 43039 G R A N D O U S E NOVI, P H O N E P I T C H . " R E S S E MICHIGAN 349-2472 D M A Y S Try 4 9 8 t o Giving S S H I F T S RIVER M O T H E R ' S D 2 9 8 A p p l i a n c e s 453-6250 corroK H P R T by A Y 9 Her O 2 9 8 t o 4 9 8 . . . S W E A R S E Jeanie Jamaicas-Slacks-Bermudas LADIES Full Nylon Half Slips Size N Y L O N H O by Berkshire, Hayes and Fruit of the Loom Slips with Panties to match by Movie Star 9 Independent Business and Professional Men AfflllATEO v^lih Crtdit Card Accaptinci Corp. Fort tiudtrdila, Florida to 3 | 9 8 9 t %]so ° 9 8 Please S h e ' l l 349-9856 l o v e t h e s e T a p p ' s Standard S e r . 2 9 8 South Lyon V A L U THIS C O U P O N Spencer Rexall D r u g 112 E. Lake South Lyon GE-8-4141 South L y o n L u m b e r C o . 201 S. Lafayeife GE-7-9311 Wixom Co-op. Elevator South Lyon and Wixom New H u d s o n L b r . C o . 56601 Grand River GE-a-8441 A B IS L E C O U P O L Lovely $ 1 . 0 0 ANY Purchase GALLON P o i n t 2S34S N O V I R D , A T R A I L R O A D D I E of PAINT C P r o d u c t s , NOVI P H . Inc. S B L O U S E S G Ladies O U T S T T O E R o n d Baby O E 141 a n d W N 2 9 8 Doll PJ's S Sizes 10 Thru 44 2 9 8 O ] 9 8 4 9 8 to N FI-9-0793 Offer expires Tues., May 4. ' 9 ^ 5 | f l 0 0 0 0 f l l WALTZ LENGTH SHIP ' N ' SHORE 2 9 8 D S t r i e k e r A of Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer a 5 9 8 to by the with Docron and Cotton SLEEVELESS and SHORT SLEEVE WORTH On her S K I R T S ^ N P A R E. Main 4 9 8 • USE F r e e Y O U R T M E N T S F1-9-3420 Pai-kinij b r a d e r ' s at R e a r C H A R G E of E Sleep Coats Northvillo Long Gowns T O e 13.5 CU. F T . KELVINATOR WITH lOO-LB. TRUE FREEZER Get this versatile dumpcart Buy a Bolens Husky tractor now and save work year round. Bolens exclusive Fast-Swilch Attacfiment System lels you change powered attacfiments In seconds, t^imparc cost, features, performance and style. You m't buy a better com pact tractor. of Docron and Cotton Blend Don S Northville Northville Super Service 128 S. Lafayette Mcintosh Homes Custom Builders 340 N. Center 349-4032 Box t A Clearing-House of Integrity For 580 S. Main Frisbie Refrig. & A p p l . 43039 Grand Wvor Novi PLYMOUTH, P.O. S BABSON PARK, Mass—While tourist travel in the continental United States smashed all records In 1964, even that a l l time high is likely tobe surpass ed during the upcoming months when vacationing reaches its peak. This will be of great importance to industry, and to etalUng, wholesaling, and ser vice trades of practically all types. For there are very few fields that are not affected to some degree—either directly or Indirectly—by the volume of tourist traffic webbing the coun try, particularly from early spring to early fall. With national Income and fam ily spendable funds at historic heights and still headlngperslstently upward, it would not sur prise us to see over-all tourist spending during 1965 top that of last year by asmuchaslO%-l5%, --a truly impressive advance. One of the most heartening indicators in this direction i s the consensus of travel agencies, tour planners such as gasoline companies, and resort establish ments that spectacular gains are already visible all along the line. Helpful also to domestic travel Is the Administration's contin uing plea for Americans to travel at home Instead of abroadin order to help stem the outflow of the dollar. Even though it looks as If our citizens still plan to golnfor heavy overseas travel this year, there will be a good number who will heed the Administration's appeal. Perhaps the most sign ificant results here will stem from the number of business groups' that have already change d - a n d others that will changeearlier plans for meetings out side the country to stateside arrangements. Foreign cancell ations are showing up more freq uently. During the first quarter of 1965, sales of new autos soared to another record for that period. There i s no question that more families have at least one new car than ever before in the nation's hlstory,-and there are few things more conductive to stimulation of the travel urge than a brand--new, troubIe--free car just walttng to go. The unending threads of highways are an invit ation to far vistas and natural wonders, and the combination of fast, comfortable cars and high speed turnpikes make longer trips more attractive. Nor should the almost incred ible growth of Interest in boating over the past few years be Ignored. This, too, means fantastic addition to many facets of vacation business and trade, for both fresh and salt water localities. In the warmer c l i mates, the boating mania pre vails the year round, bringing profitable rewards to boat builders, marinas, shore re sorts, novelty shops, and boat ing service establishments of a l l 12 to 22 points: In the broad sense, y o u m a y be c h a r m ing a n d intelligent, but you d r i v e people a w a y from y o u by a series of silly and scnseiess m a n n e r i s m s . N o w that y o u know what they are, get b u s y ! 10-6-4 fertilizer base. r Jane Sherrod Singer 24 to 30 points: People like you and y o u y o u a r c careful o f the i m p r e s s i o n y o u make. Y o u give the appearance of being c a l m and self-assured. Y o u r littie fauits a r e overlooked, but w h y don't y o u t r y for a l l no's on this test? M "NOCKa OUT a Roger Mannerisms? 1 through 5 a r e just bad habits w h i c h y o u c a n break with a Uttle thought a n d awareness of y o u r actions. 6 through l l are physical traits w h i c h m a y indicate nerves, fatigue, self-consciousness, etc. If you can't e l i m inate the cause, y o u c a n at least use self-control. 12 through 15 are annoying m a n n e r i s m s that a r e the most difficult to correct because they stem from the inner Y O U , y o u r character and your personality. How ever, y o u c a n change yourself i f y o u want to badly enough. ^ W Clarence W. Lock, revenue commissioner, says his depart ment has an arrangement with the federal unit providing for an exchange of tax information be tween the two agencies. Lock emphasized the informa tion exchanged ona request basis would be used only for tax pur poses. Both governmental agen cies are bound by secrecy pro visions which guard against i m proper use of tax information. Tax returns made available to Lock's department would be only those specifically requested and would be Issued only to authoriz ed personnel. The department chief stressed the fact tjiat the exchange plan would provide greater certainty Floyd L . Halght, commission chairman, i s looking for between 150 and 200 stories of the war which are recalled by relatives or friends of Civil War veterans. "Most a l l of us have heard S C O R I N G : The answers to a i l the questions should he N O . A N A L Y S I S : The questions fall under three headings: 1 9 l H o v e By •Incl. Dsniiclion, PlaniaIn, Mustard, Foitjil. ! E v e r wonder if tlicre was any use for empty plastic bieach bottles? Probab y not. but the manufacturer of one such product passes aiong word that s:uba divers would do well to save their empty containers. The bottles can be tied to gether in a cluster and malte a good float. The diver then drops a line from it, as a guide, when he heads down to hunt the denizens of the deep. The cluster floating on the surface also serves to warn boaters in the vicinity that tliere is a diver below. w A n n o y i n g 9 H FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 1100 W.Ann Arhor Trail Plymouth, Michigan Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School-10:30 a.m. D o GL-3-5410 Evening o G I V E Y O U R S E L F TWO POINTS F O R E A C H NO. K I L L S MLLOWBROOK WHITMORE LAKE COMMUNITY CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Evangelical Unlled BreUircn Robert F. Davis, Pastor Meadottiroot at Ten Mile Rd. Sunday Worship-11 a.m.,SundaySchool Rev. Marrtn E. Rickcrt, tlin. - 9:30 a.m. PIrtM* cn, 6-0626 Sunday Warshi{)-lia.m.;S<indgiySchool -9:45 4 II a.m. L '1 w h i l e it s t r e n g t h e n s y o u r l a w n . ST. PATRICK'S CATHOUC Fr. Leo A. MaUiowsil; Pastor Whitmore Lake Rd. at Northfleld (lurch Rd. Sunday Mass - 8 4 10:30 a.m. ORCHARD H1LLS BAPTIST ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH SBC CHURCH ( Missouri Synod) Orchard Hills School 7701 East M-36, Hamburg Ten Mile and Ouhice, Nov! Sun<hy Worship - 10:45 a.m.; Sundiy Rev. Fred Trachsel, Pastor School-9:30 a.m. FI 9-9904 Suahy Worship - II a.m. 4 7 p.m.; ST. STEPHEN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Soaday School -10 a.m. Deaconess Olive Robinson Sunday Worship-10a.m.;Sunday school -10 a.m. ST. JOHN'S AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev, C. Fox SOUTH LYON 23225 cm Road; CR 4-0584 METHODIST CHURCH Snaky Worship - 8:30 and 11 a.m.; Ferris S. Woodruff, Pastor Suodar School - 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship -10a.m,;Sunday school -II:15a.m, P Every Plymouth B R O A D L E A F ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOUC Fr. Elmer A. Mahoney, Pastor Assistants Fr. Joseph Ryhhiskl and Fr. Stanley Mllewski Sunday Mass - 8 and 10 a.m. S E L F An Approved Comefa Shop 882 W . A n n A r b o r T r . n LANSING - Stories based on C i v i l War activities are In de mand currently as the State Civ i l War Centennial Observance Commission concludes its five years of work. I The Commission was appoint ed by former Gov. JohnB. Swainis:- son to bring to light the contribu tions of Mlclilgan people In the war between the states. Life of the commission ends this year. A part of its work has been the publication of a series of books on Michigan's partici 3 N O R T H V I L L E N O Mirror C O U R S E R E C O R O - N E W S - H E R A L D f A Page Three T h e N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R D - N O V I NEWS Thursdoy, Moy 6, 1965 R Store A C C O U N T i o n The N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R D - N O V I Page Four T h u r s d c y , M c y 6, 1965 NEWS T h u r s d o y , M a y 6, 1965 W a i i t A d s W o r k L i k e M a g i The N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R O - N O V I c T - L - C a r d of 3 Thanks I want to ttiiUil; a i l rny fri^-ndi; for tlie inacy g^t-well cards and t>oautiful jjlant:; I received follo»-hMT n:y surfi-ry. Many ttianks for your Ihougli'Julnesi. Btttv Lonji For Sale Reel 3 - F o r Estate 5-i ..i.CRF.S OR H A L F . S550 per acre. C 1 / 2 m i l e s vvsi o! Nnrihi-llle on Seven M i l e road. On property from 12:00 to G:00p.m. Sundays, Joseph T r e m a i n , B r o k e r . G L 32.158. 52 S o l e T I U - L E r e L , 3 bdrm., 1 1/2 baths, fam ily room, p,anc-led kitchen w-ith b u i l t - i n range and oven. Storms and screens, water filter, S800 down and ass-umeVA mortgage. C a l l G E 8-8573 for appointment. 51tt CLF;'>N 3 B D H M . brick ranch, a l u m . S ' s i S's. Gas heal, carpeting, drapes, large lot, Sl-i.SOO. GR .1-8G03. willowbrook. HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, utility room, gas | heat, garage, furnished or unfurnished, in Brighton. 1036 E . Grand R i v e r , c o r . K l s sane. H17-19p L A K E Lots l o o t e d In the Irisli 1 hr. 15 mln. from Detroit. at $850. 10'"£ down 522 per mo. 5-2510. B R I E F L Y - E V E R Y CITY CON AL ATMOSPHERE. HOMESITES. HALF WEST - F o r NORTHVILLE O F F SEVEN V e r y n i c e home on b c a u t i f u l l ) R E A L T Y of SEE 7 acres. Beck road. Beautiful 453-1020 4-cor east ON YOUR L A N D 519 AND n INSURANCE C. bcdrootu S60 P e r Mt)nth style) 3 bedrm. Aluminum Insul. Siding, Cop-% p e r plumbing, Duratub, 3 pc. Bath, Double bowl sink Installed. Complete-.vlring-.t1th fixtures. Large Covered Front P o r c h W a l l s and ceilings Insulated. 1/2" d r y wall ready to decorate. Model; 28-125 Pontine T r a i l 2 M l . North of Ten K i l e , South Lyon. Three- chalet (Sv»iss brick with fireploce baseinent. and Many built-lns. SI 00 D O W N 2-fam. ON Y O U R L O T ily with large rooms, 2 s e p a r a t e 3 bedrms., brick r a n c h , 40 ft. gas furnaces, w i d e , full bsmt., o v e r 1000' No D o w n PaymeiiT 3 b l o c k s from p u b schools. rental raontli Lot volue 55x150. 5170 sq. Tota per month. PRICE office 23623 6 M i l e R d . , 2 b l o c k s E . of T e l e g r a p h . at H O M E S 7-2808 located contemporory in N o r t h v i l l e Sub. terrace, W a n t A d P a g e s Call and gorboge 1953. 20720 M i d d l c b c i t ot 8 M i l e disposal. in GR-6-1700 ed Each 5 0 ' x l 0 3 ' . Zon 2 family. At corner N. CENTO of csmefSclioalcran-Detroit 312 E l y Dr.Immediate possession. Don't take our word, come and see for yourself this 3 bedroom large home. F u l l base ment, f a m i l y room. D r y e r , stove, refrlge r a t o r . Recently redecorated. Interior photos at office. n k e t LOT JAMES in N o r t h v i l l e c Estates 5 - F o r Sale F a r m 219 D E B R A . . . N E W C o v e r a g e CARL H. JOHKSON GL REAL ESTATE BROKER d e s i g n e d and l a n d s c a p e d . B u i l t 120 N . Center by q u a l i t y b u i l d e r . F o r o person- Fl-S-2000orFI-9-0157 ol tour of this home s e c J c o n goroge. G a s on p r o p e r t y - F r e e heat 9536 Cliubb R d . USE O U R W A N T A D S 3 4 9 - 4 0 3 9 9 5 0 0 H o m e s N o v i , A n d i n W i x o m , S o u t h W h i t m o r e NORMA N o r t h v i l l e , SCHMEMAN, L y o n , L a k e Closing A r e a ! tiful P R I V A T E in RECORD-NEWS-HERALD WANT ADS ARE DISTRIBUTED TO E V E R Y ML ttaim loke lots oro b e i n g YOUR HOME the Irish just VEGETABLE l O M a y t a g " H a l o of H e a t " E l e c t r o n l c G a s D r y e r - Model D G - 5 0 2 . C l o s e out. $209.95. PUBLIC c h a s e r s . A l m o s t 10 o c r e s of l a n d s u i t a b l e for r e t a i l stores or s h o p s , Swim-Fish-Golf- BLUNK'S 3 M l l e s « l . e f Nsrtlivllle on 7 M i l e R o a d FI-9-125B focturing. L A K E 3 4 9 - 4 0 3 0 More Than N O R T H V I L L E 30,000 Readers - 7 - F o r - Ads Are Get A L T Y Sole J. 10% Offers: DOWN S22 Per Montii Miscellany - L N F O R M A T I O N Inlormation c a l l . . . FI R a t e s C O L U M N I N C H . S A V E 15c P E R C O L U M N I N C H ON R E P E A T O F S A M E A D F O L L O W I N G W E E K . M E R R I T T , R E A L T O R 1-6 r o o m h o u s e i n N o r t h v i l l e , w i t h c o n e r o o m e f f i c i e n c y A V A I L A B L E TO CONSISTENT CUSTOMERS. o r G E 2-cor garage, extra large 1 0 0 ' x l 6 S ' Excellent 3 bedroom brick on large wooded lot, family room s w/f/i fireplace, 2-car attached garage, screened terrace, b at sr ee e t . E x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . G o o d down, 5120 month. men f, carpeting, modern throughout. 7 - 2 0 1 1 buy ot AD 1 - C a r d (if T h i u i K s 2— In M('m<in.iiu .(-(-or . S . i l i - - l t e . i l I >tJte 4—ihl^i^e^s UpprirlunitieN r,-l-ur .Sal(--l.ami i»r()diK-e l i - K i i r Sah--llr,u->i-l.,.l(l 7 - i - i i r .s.ile.-Mi.,( (-llanv H-h(ir K e i i l n - H a i i t e d III l i i - i i l |0-M,uili'<I III l l i n 39440 GRAND RIVER NOVI MATHER SUPPLY COMPANY 10930 West S i x M i i e r i o D ~ Sycamore F a r m s i s c u t t i n g Merlon iji A.E. S E N G TIRE CO. 29835 E i g h t M i l e R o a d sod at 7278 Haggerty R d . h e t w e e n l Joy and Warren. Y o u P i c k - U p or | ' and U s e d T r u c k and bedrooms, within walking distance of schools, gas heat, full basement, screened porch, garage. Four A . M . INDEX Il-Mlsc<-llan.v Hauled i W l i - l p n.inl(d i : ) - S l l u a l l i ) l i > H,inU-d i-I—i*eL^. A n i n i a N . .Siippiu-.s i r i - l - i i r S i d e - tutus Kj-i.iiM 17-1-(Hind i N - l i u > i t i c s . i .Services 19-Sper-iul N i i l i c e s • /iQvc Three bedroom brick, gac hcot. Industrial CENTER STORE Auctioneers HAS I H O M E GROWN E V E R G R E E N S 1 S P E C I A L . . . D I G Y O U R OWN Spfuce-Junipers-Yews EVERYTHING 2liFT T R U C K E R S I BLACK ( R e n t a l or S a l e ) for 5 *** yards Kr,yil 11. l.:iKht M i i e R o a d 2 M l i e s iV. o f p o n t l a c T r a i l BULK U W N SEED SEED POTATOES 1/2 9-2195 Evenings ONION SETS Our two Want Ads *** H Y D A Y S P E C I A L | GARDEN TOOLS l L L FRESH CUT and Garden Power Equipment ROLLERS . A L M HD. AUSTIN T E GEORGE L . CLARK, Y o r e QTRS. HEALEY a n t A d s MCB-3000 1100 '53 DODGE pick-up. Runs good. F I 93682. MKlll SPORTS SEDAN O B E R G E N 1000 W. M a p l e n M O T O R S W a l l e d Laite Mfl-4-1331 N e x t P a g power. S. A u t o . $795. 'SO O O D C E 4-Qoof, 8. A u t o . $595. '60 D O D G E 4 - D o i r . 6. S t i c k af '60 P L Y M O U T H W A G O N . 8. W i l l i a m s & L l o y d , Inc. Stick. $695. G.E. MILLER N E W NORTHVILLE DODGE U S E D C A R L O T e U ! ! FI 9-0660 127 H u n o n Nofthvllle BLOCK SOUTH OF STOPLIGHT '64 F O R D 2 - D O O R S E D A N . V - 8 . 1959 RAMBLER IN S O U T H LYON '64 F O R O 4 - D O O R G A L A X I E 5 0 0 . STICK. RADIO AND H E A T E R . V8 WITH R A D I O A N D H E A T E R . $ 1 7 9 5 . $ 1 9 9 5 . FULL PRICE 2-DOOR. $395. '63 C H E V R O L E T S T A T I O N W A G O N . AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. RADIO $ 1 1 9 5 . AND HEATER. '63 F A L C O N 2 - D O O R , Fiesta Rambler, Inc. ONLY 1205 A n n A r b o r R d . $ 1 1 9 5 . Plymouth '62 F O R D F A L C O N W A G O N . '61 P O N T I A C C O N V E R T I B L E . GL-3-3600 ONLY G E N E R A L O F F I C E , typing and some bookkeephig, One g i r l office h i N o v i . G R 48360. $ 8 9 5 . $ 1 2 9 5 . T R A N S P O R T A T I O N A-1 ..lit S P E C I A L S '55 P L Y M O U T H 4 - D R . $295 '57 F O R O W A G O N S 99 '59 R A M B L E R '56 F O R D 2 - D O O R $ 99 $ 99 B u y s EXCEPT at J o h n O P E N M a c b ' s 'TIL 8 : 0 0 P . M . N I G H T L Y WEDNESDAYS T H R E E TO CHOOSE F R O M W I L L I A M S S C H O O L B U S d r i v e r s , p a r t - i h i i e , n e i i or, viomen. Must be a b l e . t o pa:ss p h y s i c a l e i a i I i . Contact E . v r n l l s o D , N o r t h v i l l e P u b l i c Schools, n 9-3400. 43tft & U E 4 F 0 R D G A L A X I E 5002-Door L L O Y D , I N C . SOUTH LYON GE-8-2791 GE-7-2034 Hardtips. F R O M S U S S . * • * * • • • • • * • ** 1SB3 2 - O O O R H A R D T O P . 8 e y l - C H I U } C A R E to n y home, fenced i n T t r d , Soiitli L j O B area, c a n 438-3242. H18a ( r f m n d i i i n N l beater. Animals, S T O P IN AND SEE ANY W o n t e d OF * OUR C MORE THAN 20 SELECTED USED CARS. WE FEEL WE HAVE THE FINEST CARS IN THIS AREA. - X - H E V Y L A N D S P E C I A ' 6 3 C H E V R O L E T 4 - 0 0 OR E C O N O M Y 6 '58 C H E V R O L E T 2 - D O O R , 6 W I T H A WITH H E A T A N D M U S I C . T W O Y E A R STICK. O N E OWNER: S H A R P . O N L Y M E N T O WORK on golf course. B o b - 0 L l n k Golf Club. G r a n d R i v e r and Beck, Novi. * TWO YOUNG male c a n a r i e s - l a r g e b r a s s cage. F I 9-4869. G E R M A M SHEPHERD - Female, Can adian champion. F o r sale cheap. 349-5280 Harden, 50100 W. 10 M i l e . John Mach Ford Sales USED P O O D L E P U P P I E S , toy, black. A l s o grown females for lease. G R 4-2604. CAR $ 1 3 9 5 . ilr : L S * $ 4 9 5 . ' 6 1 I M P A U SUPER SPORT CONVERTI 'S3 I M P A U 2 - D O O R H A R D T O P . A B L E , 327-POWER G L I D E . R & H . S H A R P ONE OWNER G E M WITH T H E R I G H T EQUIPMENT AND A 2-YEAR WAR LOT * RANTY FOR ONLY $ 1 6 ^ 9 . 139 N . C E N T E R S T R E E T $ 1 7 9 9 . NORTHVILLE F R E E P U P , house broken, a l l shots. F I 9-0559. 'S8 F O R D 2 - D O O R . L O W P R I C E D FI-9-MII3 TRANSPORTATION. ONLY H O U S E K E E P E R , general, own room and T V , l i v e - i n , 437-2436. HI7tfc '63 I M P A L A 4-DOOR H A R D T O P . 8 C Y L . AUTO. T R A N S . R & H . POWER S T E E R $ 8 8 . N O N - U N I O N licensed journeymanplumbI e r s $5.23 1/2 per h r . Must be dependable. i 4 0 - h r . week. CaU 437-2023. H16tfc ING T O O . A R E A L S T E A L F O R O N L Y '58 C H E V R O L E T 2 - b O O R . N E E D S S O M E WORK. $ 1 6 7 5 . ^ '5? C H E V R O L E T B E L A I R 4-DOOR. A U T O i T R A N S . R 81 H . A R E A L C R E A M $ 9 9 . P.rr.,«u ' E X P E R I E N C E D counter and short order I waitress, nights. P r e f e r older woman, FI 9-9794. ire • ' E l MONZA 4-DOOR. O N E OWNER, LOW M I L E A G E . A L L H E W T I R E S . ^ 2 9 9 S M O K E OR D R I N K . U R G E S E L E C T I O N OF P L A N T S AND CORSAGES $ 8 8 8 . TWO HIGH S C H O O L boys to work h i nurs ery on Saturdays. Apply Saturdays.R. A . M a c A r t h u r 65521 W. 8 M i l e , 2 m i l e s west of P o n i l a c T r a i l . HI8 * R WE S E L L A N D S E R V I C E HELP! ( M i c h i g a n and C a n a d i a n ) *** SiMPUCITY * * * -k * ^ HELP! HELP! A T H B U R N ' * S \ A b l e - b o d i e d m e n . C o l l e g e boys a c TORO-REO-ARIENS * MOTO-MOWEB-YARDMAN SEO S O U T H MAIN * F1-9-0033 G R E E N RIDGE NURSERY POWER R A K E (Rentol 52.50 Hour) * . HELP! ceptable. P l e a s a n t outside work. SWEEPERS REALTOR Napier Road ~ ' 5 4 349-Ull Int.'.-J T o n P i c k u p N $95 '55 C h e v . ' / i T o n Pickup $95 '57 C h r y s l e r S150 O R T H V I L L E L I S T NOW F O R Q U I C K R E S U L T S ! ! H A R O L D C H U R C H , S T A N J O H N S T O N and L . M . E A T O N W Y N I N G S BIRD HOUSES F L O W E R S * * * SALESMEN MEMBER OF T H E MULTI-LIST SERVICE S NORTHVILLE'S OLDEST REAL ESTATE OFFICE OFFICE PHONE FI 9-3470 1 6 0 E a s t M a i n St. Plwne 3W-1515 SOUTH L Y O N e '60 C H R Y S L E R 4 - D o » . F u l l M I D D L E - A G E Lady to do Ught housework for f a m i l y of (wo. L i v e i n p r e f e r r e d . 438309l or 437-2004. 18 TRELLISES $ 1 . 0 0 E l MIOGET-SPFITE - ! K I T C H E N H E L P , women, B o b - O - L I n k G o l f I • Club. 48150 G . R i v e r , Novt. Lawn SPREADERS DOZEN R MG, CAR GARDEN GLOVES Estates. T s AREA'S '59 F O R D 4-DOOR. D O E S N ' T ( F l o w e r s and V o g e l o b l c s ) BARBEQUES R THE W A I T R E S S , neat and clean, over 21 y r s . I B o b - 0 - L l n k Golf Club. 47666 G . River, I Novi. NO. 1 R O S E S A n g l i n S N A P D R A G O N S WE H A V E B U Y E R S F O R H O M E S IN T H I S A R E A . i R. A . M a c A R T H U R TILLERS WE A L S O D E L I V E R $3.00 C l o s e d Sunday GARDEN CARTS $6.25 i f: l i i i u r s : 9 a . m . - i p . m . . S a l . 9 a.m.-5 ; WHEELBARROWS LOAM 3'-4' S P R U C E 52.50 DORMANT SPRAYS O W a n t e d B u s S u p e r v i s o r - F u l l time position Includlng approximately 4 hours drivhig time. Qualifications - male having p r i o r exper ience wltli buses o r trucks. Some mechan ical ablUty preferred. Make application a t Superlntendent's office O r c h a r d H i l l s School 41900 Ouhice D r i v e , Novi SAXTON'S WO-2-0l88 i M O T H E R ' S N a 90 i 0 P a n t i a c T r a d Property. in town, fenced, C W M A N F O R full o r p a r t - t i m e outdoor work. M e r r y - f f l U N u r s e r y , 49620 A m i A r b o r R d . Plymouth. 453-3141. HORSES B O U G H T , sold, boarded. ESSi School Secretary _ Y e a r romidposi- L e s s o n s . Registered quarter horse colts a o n In Superhitendeni's office. Tamaraclt F a r m . 438-2102. 48tf Q u a l l f l a t l o n s - must be experienced hi of F R E E P U P P I E S for good home 9 weeks fice procedure. S k i l l s of typing and short old. C a l l after 6:30. N O 5-9017. H12tfc hand. . \ e w and I s e d F u r n i t u r e FARM PEAT /(.-cor garoge, T W I N BEDS viflth box sprhigs, excelleht condition only. GE 8-4812. HJ8cx! 1 2 - H e l p PRiV.VTE SALES LEAF RAKES LIST through NORTHVILLE REALTY I 200 Real E s t o t e O f f i c e s w o r k i n g to Sell Y o u r • ® Tires like new. Supplies S A T U R D A Y - 7 : 3 0 P.M. SEEDS beautiful Northville J U N K C A R S and trucks. We buy. 3*i^ 2900. ittt l l - M l s c e l l o n y 474-6060 u n f i n i s h e d bedrooms u p s t a i r s . 2-car garage. $11,500. Beautifully situated 4-bedroom brick, large livable basement, I T h r e e lots in most of which is at ground level, gas heat, built'ins. Novi Township. t A u t o s 4-Ooor. A u t o , t r a n s . R and H . A U T O S A L E S M E N . Experienced to seU Chevrolets. Must be good c l o s e r s , e x c e l lent commission and fringe benefits. Rathb u r n Chevrolet Sales, 560 S. M a I n , N o r t h vlUe. L A D Y T O come days, prepare meals, light housekecphig for convalescing lady, Northville. Own t r a n ^ r t i H o a . G A 1 - 1 4 3 9 or G L 3-0617 51-52 TRUCK TIRE SERVICE New lots L i v i n g room, bedroom, k i t c h e n . A l s o n '63 F O R D F A I R L A N E R I D E W . u ( T E D to and froin E a s t e r n M l c h Igati s u m m e r school dally. C a l l F I 9-3160. 1 4 - P e t s L Transit. Small T o o l s . M i s c e l l a n TOP-SOIL FI S a l e .] ? ! : ! S i t B f l t f o n s W a n t e d j GL-3-0723 I 4 .Mile .Nortli o f 7 M i l e A T T E N T I O N r e s i d e n t i a l or i n d u s t r i a l . i '02 .lOHNSON 35 h.p. outboard motor, '49 Vinc.nt - motorcycle. '50 F o r d truck F 6 tour wheel drive. .174-7437. B A B Y STTTER W A N T E D . Walled Lake a r e a . L i v e In. 4 to 5 day week. WUl p r o vide transportation. 624-24-12. 52 AUCnON F I V E M I L E R O A D --1,000 F E E T WEST OF N E W B U R G J 4 3 A c r e s . I d e a l l y l o c o t e d b e t w e e n 11 M i l e o n d i - 9 6 , o b o u i • • m i l e e a s t of N o v i for Fertile 30-ocrc farm. Four bedroom home, born, shed and other buildings. Good terms. W. S e v e n M i l e R d . s 19G3 M E R C U R Y Monterey - 4-dr. stick sliift, breeze-away window, low mileage, cleai:. SMOO. FI 9-0090. L I C E N S E D p r a c t i c a l nurse for afternoon shift. F I 9-0011 Eastlawn Convalescent Home. F E M A L E COOK, no experience neces- j E N G I N E E R A N D famUy of 5 want 3 or 4 sary, will t r a i n for restaurant work, c a l l ' ; bedroom single home i n Northville school GR 4-9726 for Interview. d i s t r i c t . W i l l sign lease, local references. F I 9-1347. YOUNG M A N or w o n u n to perform c l e r i cal duties for Northville area industry. 3 BEDROO'M home h i Northville school Write qualiflcatloos. B o x 266 c / o N o r t h ville Record. d i s t r i c t . 2 high school children. I y e a r minimum lease, lonjer If home Is right. Garage p r e f e r r e d . References. F I 9-4789. W O M A N for o n i c e h i Northville a r e a . 35tf BookkeephiE and p a y r o l l experience de s i r a b l e . Write qualifications to B o x 286 F A R M with mhilmum of 10 a c r e s . Two to c / o Northville R e c o r d . three bedroom house. Out buildings. 9732692. 43tf G . M . Auto Service M g r . Send quallficaUons to B o x 114 P . c ^ South L y o n H e r HSOtfc aid. 1 0 - W a n t e d to B u y Wc D e l i v e r . Livonia, Michigan N . Pontlac Trail each. d I 349-44BB P a s s e n g e r T i r e s and T u b e s J a c k ond D e a d l i n e WANT 2 ' ^ Q U I N C E apt. 519,900. $2,500 Rent W A N T E D U N F U R M S f l E D house to r e n t 2 c h i l d r e n . 4G-I-0004 or 5-U-3265. BULBS LOADING To 3 - B E D R O O M HOUSE h i New Hudson o r South Lyon. W i l l pay to $100 a month. 437-1145. HI Bp AVAILABLE For Bcfier Resu/rs 1 0 C O . Plymouth m w lot. Good oreo. Dead-end • • t T w o 1./2 A c r e L o t s o n R i ^ . r ^ C t . L o w P ' J « „ d ° ' 5 1 , 5 0 0 Modern brick, three bedroom ranch type. Excellent condition. A l s o o d i a c e n t o n e 1 ^ O V V - m e r l o t , $ 2 , 0 0 0 . Or a l l 3 Gas heat, city water, carport, planter in living room. Has 4.'j^ for 5 4 , 5 0 0 . A g o o d i n v e s t m e n t . 9 - 1 7 0 0 T u e s d a y S U P P L Y 3 P o i n t H i t c h , Scrapor, C u l t i v o - Walled Lake--C24-2441 i n t o o n e or t w o o d d i t i c n a l b e d r m s . r Rambler-Jeep Sales & Service FEED BULBS G.I. Morfgoge. P r i c e d of 5 / 5 , 5 0 0 . F I M A T H E R a n d kept i n i i d o . CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CONTRACT RATES P h o n e POTATATOES ii: S P R E A D I N G J U N I P E R S D O N D I S P L A Y A D V E R T I S I N G O N W A N T A D RAISES - $1.40 PER GL-3-5151 Detroit, M i c h i E a n UOS h o u s e . A d j a c e n t to M c o d o w b r o o k C o u n t r y C l u b . $ 3 5 , 9 0 0 . w h i c h c o u l d be c o n v e r t e d D i s p l a y I I 9 9 S. S h e l d o n R d . Plymouth S T R I P P i m S Seeder ( s t i l l now). S p r i n g T o o t h Har SOFTENER SALT DELIVERED recreation room. M a s : ^ ( \ l l ) i m has adjoining dressing room a n d b o t h.. L L aa rrgge e > V h / 5 ' l o t w i t h t r e e s . 2 6 x 2 8 g u e s t WEEK. CRESTWOOD P A R K APARTMENTS We C a m O v e r 70 P r o d u c t s PIT Sproycr. C a s e Rotory Mowor, B r i l l i o n BULBS CAHNA • l l o t p o i n t ..Vppliances -..tir C o n d i U o n e d F r o m 5135 month i n c l u d i n g heat. M o d e l s open d o i l y (furnished). FIREPLACE WOOD SEED G U L F G a s and O i l SUPPLY GLADIOLUS 512,000. I L o v e l y l i room h o u s e , i n c l u d i n g 6 b e d r o o m s , 3 b a t h s o n d C l a s s i f i e d SEPTIC TANK STONE GL-3-5490 11:00 A . M . eous i t o m j . E v e r y t h i n g p u r c h a s e d new 5c P E R WORD O V E R 15 WORDS S A V E 15c O N R E R U N O F S A M E A D All Day Saturdcy C O M P A N Y KINSEY-KOPLOY CO. 25c C H A R G E F O R B O X R E P L Y 100 D e l u x e 1 ond 2 bedroom u n i t s . "Community Club B u i l d i n g . " •SwJmmlni; P o o l - P r i v a t e . L o c k a h l e Basement ' B a l c o n i e s , Carports .tvallahle FI-9-0S14 o v e n . B u y e r c o n o s s u m e o 5!'iS F H A mortgage. and Thornapple L a n e , Community GL-3-2SS3 PLYMOUTH PLUMBING SETS SPECIALTY N E S T Reed Court. F u l l basement. Garage. B u i l t - i n stove and A b e a u t i f u l 3 a c r e , corner b u i l d i n g s i t e ot S h e l d o n u n t i l Saturday o n l y Apanment 10930 W. SIX M I L E & row, DAHLIA a h o o . A p p r o x . 70 H o u r s C o a o M o d . D C 3-0723 AND e SPORTS W O M E N F O R store work hi South Lyon - steady employment. Good wages. W r i t e Box 33S, c/o South Lyon H e r a l d . H18-19CX EXECUTIVE SALES Opportunity for aggressive man to step Into executive sales with many chances for advancement, w i l l t r a i n , seek man living In this a r e a . C a l l NO 2-D304 for appohitment for interview. H18cx C A P A B L E W O M A N to do part Hme house work In South Lyon, from 1 to 5 p . m . W i l l pay $30 for 5 days. Must have own C a l l F E d e r a l 2-3124 or franqjortatlon. write 269 Cherokee road, Pontlac, M i c h . Hl8cr Wholesole P r i c e s SEED BIRD ONION King D i e s e l Front E n d Looder w / B a c k - W A L L E D L A K E FEED HAVE FOR SALE: s 'GO VOLKSWAGEN panel, runs good, lights, brakes, lots of m i l e s left. Cash $150. GL 3-0.100. 51tf T R A I N E E - Young m.m for quality con trol department In local area f i r m . Must have basic knowledge of measuring In strument and blueprint reading. S a l a r i e d position, full benellts paid. M a l l r e s u m e ; and expected starting salary to Box 370 • c / o South Lyon H e r a l d . An equal oppor- '• tunlty employer. H18-19cx j Plymouth's S e l l i n g R c f o i i or tor, 3 Bottom P l o w . O r c h a r d D i s c end 9-2519 UPTOISWORDS-SI.OO ON C O N S E C U T I V E WALL i 15-For SINGLE to help lalie care of p r i vate owned saddle horses. Steady work, L . J . Ranch, 6 M i l e and Beck road. F I 94110. Most E x c l u s i v e SAND - GRAVEL - TOP SOIL Feed ( L o o k (or A u c t i o n S i g n s ) T H E S E A R E A FEW OF T H E P R O P E R T I E S A n e a r l y n e w , 3 b e d r o o m , 2 s t o r y h o u s e w i t h 14 b o t h o n R A T E S D. i W a n t e d M A L E - C l e r k of W-.irks - or superin tendent, s m a l l public housing project at South Lyon, M i c h . Noubrecht i Neubrecht 233 ,Iohn R St., Detroit 2C. WO 1 - l G M . HlScx R E N T OUR Clamorlneshampooer tor your spring rug cleaning. Gambles Store, South Lyon. Htfc PLLMIJINC; .SlPPI.Il;s Open Inkster & B e e c h D a l y , SOIL GL Results! For South Ljron KILLERS L A W N FARM MACHINERY PTO, Bound WE To E SHOP UNDSCAPING PljrmoBili D $495. 85c FILL SAND-FILL DIRT L i k e new C a s e N o . D 5 3 0 B C o n j t r u c t l n n Your L O T S Want R R E N T OUR Clamorlneshampooer tor your s p r i n g rug cleaning. Gambles Store, South Lyon. Htfc LIMESTONE-SLAG P l y m o i i t i i R o a d between TOP Start at s s s o . and CRAB-GRASS CONTRACTORS 453-6300 One Hour A i n i r 'A ACfe L o t s Weed SEED Redferd, M i c h . - D e t r o i t Suhiirli With WEDO, & STOP AT WHITE BARREL R O T O T I L L E R , Gambles, South Lyon, phone G E 8-8551. H17tfc . S 1 . 9 5 up E. R.'s WESTERN FERTILIZERS A U C T I O N 8 INC. 6i|0 S t a r k w a t l i e f and H O N E T rooms or any type of l i g h t manu- TO A L L S O U T H L Y O N H E R A L D S U B S C R I B E R S F e l t Hats SLEEPING R O O M , private bath entrance, parkinE. Near business section. F I 9 - 3 0 M . C R O P L i i N D , 74 a c r e s . . ' l u i e M i i e a n d C u r r l e R d . $8.00 per a c r e or shares. K e 29546. $3.50 F O R S Y T H I A M A Y R e d s and Others personal services, office show Horse Hair P a d s b e t w e e n H a g g e r t y and S e e l e y R d s . A P P L E S - N o f t l i e r n Spys, Steele one hour awoy, you may Ski-Skote. & t T O O L i DIE M A K E R - Must have 10! 195C FORD - Four new U r e s . $85. 349years experience. Day shift. Permanent [ 5280, U N F U R N I S H E D upper apt., heat and hot position. Age: to 65 years. F u l l blue- j water included, centrally located. F I 9- c r o s s blue-shield plan paid. Pensionplan. j 024G after 5 p . m . Paid Hfe Insurance. P a i d sickness and ac-1 ddent plan. To three weeks vacation, i 5,000 s q . ft. B U I L D I N G for lease In N o v i ; Contact M r . F . Graves, O A S B c a r h i g on G r . R i v e r . Zoned for hidustrlal or j Co., Whitmore Lake, Michigan. A n equal c o m m e r c i a l . A l l utilitlesfurnlshed. A v a i l - - opportunity employer. able Now. 349-47-14. H18-19CX 14.9 ile.st L i b e r t ) St. 13919 H a g j e r t y E G G 40S81 S i x M i l e r 1 2 - H e i p T H R E E - R O O M apartment. Stove and r e frigerator furnished. Couple only. 616 Oakland at Baseline road. R U M m C E S A L E , St. Joseph's A l t a r So ciety. May 8th. 9 to 2, Church H a l l . M a r garet W i l l i a m s . -137-2-159. H17-18 349-4456 g M a y t a g ' 'Halo of H e a t " E l e c t r o n i c D r y e r - Model D E - 5 0 0 . C l o s e out. $189.95. e 2 R O O M FURNISHED apt. 149 E . Main, Northville. & HEATING SUPPLY WILL B E OPEN THRU MAY A T T E N T I O N : Industrial L a n d P u r enjoy four s e a s o n r e c r e a tion. IN N O R T H V I L L E - N O V i - W i X O M A N D Hills mmAN termites:'? Protect your home from termites. F o r hiformatlon call South Lyon Lumber C o . Phnnn r,R 7 - S 3 n Htfc ..0231 ( R U M M G E i BAKE Sale. A l s o v H U g e i store. On F r i d a y , May 7, 9 a . r a . - 8 p . m . i and Saturday, May B, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. St.. Matthews ladles league at 861 NorUi P o n tlac t r a i l (at railroad) in Walled Lake. ' FLOWiR PLAHTS HiRE -THE v Rent 9-Wanted GET n N E A R S A L E M : 15 a c r e s for corn, large pasture. Near New Hudson: U r g e liay field, 7 a c r e s of corn, 13 acres barley. L a r c o acreage for oats, soybeans, po tatoes etc. Your terms. NO 5-8194 or FI 9-0305. H18CX D R Y F I R E P L A C E wood, any length slab wood at m i l l . 55. FI 9-2367. tf 5 / 8 " Curl! Straps 5 R O L L S R O O F I N G . B i c y c l e s , most s i z e s . D i c k L y k e , 218 W. L i b e r t y , South L y o n . G E 8-3491. H18p IX Special Purchase - Beige Nylon tweed carpet by F a m o u s maker. $4.95 per ai-yd. 50H ORCHARD sold this wock. Located o 8 - F o f Miscellony CI.NDEns for drlveuays and parking lofs; seasoned fireplace wood. G L 3-1921. FISHING L I C E N S E S , Trout stamps and money orders. 4 Hp. B r i g g s and Stratton enelnes $34.95. Stone's Gamble, N o r t h ville. A N T I Q U E • wardrobe, place for hanging clothes a l s o 2 d r a w e r s . Wonderful f o r g u a cabhiet. Phone G E 8-3466. H165fc S A T U R D A Y beou- Sole F U L L E R BRUSH products. South Lyon and Immediate vli-iniiy. M r s . E l m e r ( V i r j l n l a ) Everett. Dial 437-2G02. H13tfc 15 ft. P E N N - Y O N B O A T , windshield, con t r o l s , llchts with 10 hp evlnrude or 40 hp M e r a i r v . C a l l M A 4-2966 after 4. S: 10-6--I F A R M S T Y L E ferUllix-r 50 lb. bag S1.69 - Stone's Gamble, Northville. F O R D 5 ft. heavy duty Rotary mower, good h i rough g r a s s , c o m , wlieat, etc. Excellent condWoE. 349-2039. Maytag super Highlander Automatic " Washer, model 302- C l o s e out. $239.50 Out T h e last of t h e s e C IF YOU'D like to help your local Kiwanls club help otlK-rs, donate those rummage items In the basement or attic today. G E -2-110 or G E 3-.1411, G E 7-2607, Ray Rose, 327 N. Lafayette, South Lyon. H18-2ICX S T A R T Y O U R G A R D E N NOW M O T H E R ' S D A Y w c l a l , red and white magnolias hi hud, ?2 4 $3. D i g your owii. A l s o sprcadhiE and miriEht yews 2 4 3 ft. $ 3 . B r h i g shovel and coQtahier. HIII View N i w s c r y , 23417 Novi road between 9 and 10 M i l e roads. 343-2811. BROKER 42"romiaeJtensiootabIswith4chalrs M o d e r n walnut with phistic top. Was $129.35 now $99.95. y •64 N U R L E T T E moWl home 12 x 53 - ' A U T O batteries, tires and accessories. excellent condition; 21 M.^adortrook, Gambles, South Lyun. H41tfc Country Estates, phone 437-7123. H18-19CX T A P E R E C O R D E R and 16 m m . sound projector service, a l l makes. FI 3-2G37. F L O W E R i V E G E T A B L E plants, Arthur 23577 No;-l road. 37tf B . Woodraansee, 439 Reese, South Lyon. Phone G E 8-42G-1. H18-19p 12 T R A Y S and 2 cabinets of addressoSraph plates. FI 5-1700. -IGtf G A R D E N PLOWING, have own equipment, C H I L D ' S SWING set, baby c r i b . FI 9- 7 4 0 " Drop leaf ext. table with 4 side c h a i r s , chmasion maple fhiish b y H e y w o o d - W a k e f l e l l Was $223.95 now $189.50. CHlCICEN AMD GOOSE effiS, w i l l hatch. Whlie e m d e r s aod hsuity r o o s t e r s . F I 93341. L o n p h o r 2 to 5 Sunday. /-For C O M P L E T E maternity u-ardrobe, like new j s i z e 11-12. 437-2465. HlScx I F U R N A C E A-1 condition. Cheap427-3130. 25123 Plymoiith R d . , D e f r o l l . G 4 2 " round extension table with four mates chairs, d n a a m o o maple by Heywood-Wakefleld. Was $237.50 bow $199.50. L A T E S E E D P O T A T O E S $3 a hag. Fen left. 55555 West 12 M i l e , New Hudson. 43fi-8255. meat 3 A c r e s , 4 b e t J r o o m , VA b a t h s Nofthvllle , W A L L T E N T u-ltli floor, l a r j e screened windows, 10 X 12, excellent condition SG5. Hl8fx' 349-9920. WILD S T R A W B E R R Y P L A N T S for sale. 47671 W. l O M i l e . F I 0-33a8. 3-1250 Miscellany P I L E IS S O F T aiid lofty .... c o l o r s retain | h r i l l a n c e ^n carpets cleaned m i l l B l u e ! L u s t r e . Rent e l e c t r i c sttampoocr $ l . D a n - ; c e r s . South Lj-on. HlBcx ; Produce SALEM REALTY J u s t completed, p r o f e s s i o n a l l y Sole 4 - 6.50 X 13 USED T I R E S $25. Casings perfect, tread good. C a l l F I 9-1153. B . P . W . R U M M A G E S A L E , Sat., M a y 15, 9:00 a . m . at 111 N . Lafayette, SouUi L y o n formerly Harold's T . v . H18-I9a VE-fi-B591 3 4 9 - 4 0 3 0 I 4 0 ' x l 4 2 ' . 53.700. T e r m s . H-CtNTM HASENAU 7 - J o r S H R U B B E R Y $1 and $2, Evergreen h-ees $2. 41805 11 M i l e road, N o v i . . 3 0 " while deccratorbachelorchestand * open bookcase top by D i i i e . Was $119.90 now $69.50. e W l i l l W i l W I i l M M M B M B M I I N E W N I M R O D camphig h-allers for rent by weekend or week. Phone 474-2240. 1963 A M E R I C A N Homecrest mobile home completely furnished. $4500. Country E s tales, 34 H l U c r c s t . G E 7-2724. C a l l f i r s t - 3 6 " Buffet Mid open Hutch top In d n 3 namon maple fhilshhyHeywood-Waiiefleld. Was $189.95 DOW $159.95 BR-3-0223 First and Fairbrook. KIND 2 4 8 " Buffet and opeh hutch t o p h i c i n a a mon maple finish by Heywood-Waitefleld. Was $239.95 now $199.50. M o i l e l : 13940 E v e f E f e e n refriger Only 536,000. 3 LOTS. from 5 8 , 9 0 0 . Y o u r lot or o u r s . dish A 1961 A L L - S T A T E motor b U e , C0CC. E I ceUent condldon. C a l l C R 4-7099. 152" Buffet and Open Hutch top h i an tiqued knotty pine by L i n k - T a y l o r . Was $ 2 9 9 . 9 5 . N o w - $249.95. B r i c k t r i - l e v e l or 3 bedroom r o n c h - at 3 0 x 6 0 s p r i n g fed p o n d . B u i l t ELLIS Y o u porch, 3-car oven cooking units, washer G i v e screened brecrewoy, garage, built-in tached ator, outside large enclosed Management Broker room w i t h T R A C T O R WITH mower blade plow, c u l tivator, c a r r y - a l l and disc also 2-wheel t r a i l e r . F I 9-1755. SPECIALS 2 1.''2 a c r e l o t , 3 b e d r o o m s , 1 ] / ' . baths, family D E S K , ghlss top. 349- OF KE-7-3640 - KE-7-2699 home Hills ONE 3 4 9 - 4 0 3 0 C & L HOMES, INC. 535,900.00. Beautiful OFFICE F O R D 8-N T a c t o r . Good condition. Phone 438-8257. H18 L A R G E OAK dining-room set, s m a l l ma ple dlnlng sot. Simons single bed daven p o r t B o x springs and mattress shigle bed on met:U frame. 349-2757. c a s t of Pontioc T r a i l . E x c e l l e n t buy C O B B ft., c e r a m i c t i l e , 2 0 ' l i v . m i l e s of Detroit. M o d e l and F u l l price 517,000. USED 0170. 20801 Westvlew 3 bedroom quality hullt B r l c k Ranch 1. Modern kltchen with a U b o l l t - h i s 2. F a m i l y room with floor to c e l l l i i g flreplace. 3. Sewing room for Mother. 4. Utility room h i r e a r of 2 c a r at tached garage. ing r n . W i l l b u i l d w i t h i n 50 65 A c r e s o n S i x M i l s R d . j u s t FULL K r r C H E N SINK, double porcelahi, a l l flxtures. Best offer. C a l l after 5:00 p . m . FI 9-0676. 572.81 Month p l u s t a x e s 2 2 9 H i g h St. V e r y n i c e s a Y E A R C R I B , one year c r i b , l a t h i nette, buggy, s t r o l l e r , hjfaat seat, jump seat, fecdhig table. $50 for a l l . F I 91273. M A Y T A G A U T O M A T I C v n s h e r , goodcondiUoD. $50. c a l l 343-3075. 511,400 and fenced lot. 523,900. A U T O batteries, a r e s and a c c e s s o r i e s . Gamhlea, South Lyon. H16tfc SARATOGA" loft. landscoped 16' S T A R C R A F T alumlnum host, 40 hp e l e c t r i c start Evinrade motor, controls. Converiihle too. bunk seats. Complete wiUi heavy duty T i l t - B e d t r a i l e r . 437-1214. 629 West C r e s t Lane, South Lyon. S O F A BED C O U C H ; never used cost $120 W i l l take half. 3 chest drawers, $5, $8, $10. 53305 G r a n d R i v e r , near New Hud son. 437-7833. Soudi Lyon GE-7-513I "THE F O R D A N D hiteriiatlonal farm equipment 10 good coadldon. Suliahle for s m a l l o p e r a i o r . A l s o young stock and feeder p i g s . Phone 437-2120. HlStfc LETZRING A HOME F O R Y O U 121 South L a k e .St. 2-car garage. N i c e l y lie H . 9-1630 h Miscellany T H E R E ' S A G I R L without shoes, a hoy with only a shigle, torn shirt. Woo't you help us help boys and g i r l s Hire these? Give us your rummage and w e ' l l put s m i l e s on young faces. Klwanls Rummage. G E 7-2410 or G E 8-4411. A P T . S I Z E refrigerator$20; twhiheds?50; Sewing cabljiet $5; couch and chair $25. 437-2074. H18 IN " 6 5 " Avenue. Sale F A R M I M P L E M E N T S : disc, g r a i n d r i l l , portahle mangle. Reasonable, hay h a l e r , corn p i c k e r , phone G E 8-8251. H17-19a GOOD USED 3 4 9 - 4 0 3 0 lot o n B e t h a n y j u s t Reed 7 - F o r S a l e j i o u s e h o l d C 7 S J - B 0 Y C h a i r s hoth modern and C o l onial. L a r g e aelecdonCoIoulalUviDgroom and dhdng room furnlhire. J o e r h i ' s Home F u r n . , 666 E . HurOB. St., M i l f o r d . Two b l o c k s West of iMWlhigalley. . H l 5 - l 8 a at office. 55,300.00. No Down Payment 6 - F o r ESTATE toched garoge. Interior photos goroge and north o f Seven M i l e R o o d , near $7,150 r US F O R REAL basement. Modern k i t c h e n . A t - Northville Golf C l u b . 150x175. $ 6 0 per Estate end a half 2-bedroom home. F u l l L o c a t e d on outdoor g r i l l . S35,000. 831 P e n n i m a n 349-5270 Sale - Real K-ctma 9850 W. Seven M i l e R o o d . 6.5 WosT S e v e n M i l e r o o d i o s t S T A R K - For a c r e s of land in c o u n t r y . Story landscaped ZERO D N . - a 3 Estate c a r g a r a g e on l a r g e n i c e l y l a n d MILE V o r i e t y of H o m e s l Real 7 ROOM HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, large newly sprnTET PIANO - L e o B i r d made \rr C r t n remodeled kitchen, close to schools and e l l s . Excellent condition. J350. 474-1246. 50 shopping, 2 car garage. 80x120 lot. Phone FI 0-1132. 51 U P H O L S T E R E D R o c k e r s and c l i a h s from J29.95. Gambles, South Lyon. HSOtJc s c a p e d lof. O n l y 5 2 3 , 9 0 0 . OF Some pmts. l e s s than rent B Sale ranch. F a m i l y room, fireplace, 2- ACRE EDGE V.A. REPOSSESSED O u r 3 Estate v i l l e . Very nice 3 bedroom brict IN A R E F I N E D R U R 3 4 9 - 4 0 3 0 A D S Real 4 7 1 4 1 S. C b i g w i t i d e n i n N o r t h GEneva W A N T HILLS Full The Senior-Parent T r i p Club eitends 3 . 4 0 "^mpp^N-CMTIR a b i g tlank you to the merchants for their gifts, to the parents who helped and to SUiLOINGSITE everyone who contributed In any way maJtVacant 2 lots on C a l d w e l l . Ing our May Day Carnival a success. H i s a 39-1' frontage. Ideal for open ty-pe basement of b l - l c v e l , S7,000. 60 X102 ft lot overlooking ravine, $2,000. 3 - F o r Sale Real Estate. 225 X 220 X 128 J 310 pie shape i n esB Y OWNER - -1 bdrm., paneled family t.-ibllshea Sub. $5500. room with fireplace, dining room, built318 X 150 X 250 close to Walnut Lake i n in oven and range. B i - I e v e l . $17,000. Bloomfleld Township. A l l custom homes Phone 349-3463. In this area. Sale NORTHVILLE C U S T O M B U I L T R A N C H HOME PRIVATE H i l l s Just L o t s start c a l l . . . . FI I w l s h l o thank aH my friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and many l e t s of idndness and for food sent In ifter my return home. Pastor Sprad.hig for calls. Baptist church for bcauilai Easter L i l y and tfielr prayers, F r e d ::asterUiie and son and family for their .'althfulness. M r s . Anna WTiite O U R 3 - F o r ROAD. A n appreciative thack you to M r s . L u e l l a Nephew for her (Tift and to M r s . ;Vibert Read and M r s . Marion Render.'orthe toys donated to the House ot Jack a n d J i l l . H18CX USE Estate EDENDERRY VENIENCE ..is o l .iVprll 19 I u-11! no longer be em ployed at Tony's B a r b e r Shop. Many thanks to a l l tlie people over tin. past years for their support. Startir-e M i y 1 I Mill be associated '-iltli Ted's Barber Shop, Brlctiton. I would like to personally Invite a l l my eld friends to meet me at this location. 1 v l l l be v o r k l c j from 2-C p.m. Tuesday ttiroufh F r i d a y and a l l day Saturday. Paul K o i a k Hlflci R e a l NEWS A X T GARDEN CE-8-4721 Journeyman O N 5 8 7 A n n A r b o r Trail •453-6250 DIE S CENTER Wilson Mower 43375 i : Mile nr. Nov! Rd. MAKER A l l tiruudfl cx[i(M iftict;, '.{(.•(Jfly work. 6 . E. ' 5 9 D e S o t o Wagon $250 '59 Ford S295 '59 Chevrolet $350 M I L L E R northville C dodge - A P P L Y Phone 3 4 9 - 1 1 <4 8 A T H E Y MFG. CO. 100 S. M i l l Piyiiiouih 127 H U T T O N NORTHVILLE FI-9-0G60 • • • • H • E V • Y j > L A • N * D * • * • T h u r s d a y , M c y 6, 1965 The N O R T H V I L L E R E C O R D - N O V I e r M e NEWS e t H e r C O M E D Y e C O R N E R L 1 5 - For S a l e - A u t o s 15-For Sole Autos 1 8 - B u s i n e s s Services , 18-Business Services J 8 - Business Services) PUnCIIASI.N'G I.iild ciia!r:u:ts al lilscount. P..UNTI.NG and Decoratlne, Interior SEWING Machine 4 Vacuum sweeper ex FI 3-2642 .oiler 5 p.m. 52 and exterior. Also wall wastiinir. RoyJIoI- pert service. Specializing on Eleclrolui lis. Pli. FI 0-31GG. 26tfj and Klrby parts and service. All other PKOFESSIO.V^L givine limited p.'-ivnie ana j malces. Vacuum sweeper hoses exchang scml-prlrale Eni^llsti insxas al a--li.cilvcHOTG-TILLER ; RENTAL. You buy Scott's ed »1th your useable hose ends $4.95. M A N Y M A N Y boardlaB stable.-;. 3.rj-!Ej7. Lam prod-jcts. We apply them free.Spc-l F! 0-1015. Htfc cbl 50f per liour off regular rental price. I.NTE.RIOR i EXTERIOR palnUnr. First ; Stone's Gamble, .Northville. LIGHT HAULING - 3-19-5758. class work. VA -1-3320. D o l l a r s a r e S A V E D CHAIN SAW RENTAL, power nke rental STUD SERVICE resisteredAmerlcanSadT.yLORING - Ladio.-;', men's eIoi!ies, (thatch remover). Special 50? per houroH dle horse. A show horse, easy rider. Fee alleri-d. F.-nnk Kis.':. CE V-:"C. SC50 rcpilar rental price. Stone's Gamble, $50 or one chance 525. AtGC80SheldonRd. Rii.-ihton road .near 12 mile. !il8p Northville. Whilmore LaJce, phone AC 7--I-lll after 6 i n t h e C o u n t r y COOPERATrV'E-IC i-jmiiiace sale May 7 CARPENTER work, roueh, (Inlsh, shlngl. p.m. Wm. D. McDoKild, Mauacer. Ed EhHl7-19p In 0 - Q a.m. to 5.-30 p.m. Wheeler Fire inc. noorinc. Phone .138-8036. .A. Allan, nls. owner. Htfc MATTRESSES 4 BOX springs, stauoard "EGGS ARE CHEAPER IN THE COUNTRY, House near Mlddlebt.lt. CraJid River. Top quiility morchandisf. - roci; bottom pric and odd sizes ot best grade material. See MILK IS CHEAPER IN THE COUNTRY, es. Free coflee. our retail showroom at Six Mile and EarUSE OUR SUTTER IS CHEAPER IN THE COUNTRY." harl road. Tim miles west of Pontbc PL\STERI^•G - cellinss. rooms, addlTrail. Adam Hock Bedding Co. Telephone WANT ADS tions, repair work. FI 9-2603. tf GE 8-3855, South Lyon, tf ini so are G S W USED CARS at UPHOLSTERY done. 25'i discount. Free estimates anytime, samples shown in home. Can GL3-3890orGL3-8363. 23tf i y wait? Drive a naroaio HOW! SPANN'OS TILE COMPANY ceramic Hie B e g l i n g e r O l d s a n d C a d i l l a c Wm TO O U R kitchen sinlts complete bathroom vinyl asphalt. All types of floor covering, Free BM Ann Arbor fioad PlymoulU, Mich. estimate. FHA terms available. 0 down. Phone 053-2071 GE 7-2831. l4tf .18-Business SQUARE DANCE-WESTERN STYLE LQST registration ciotc for this squore dance class is 8 p.m., May 6- You are inviteci. For informotion coll GR-40335. 36728 W. Seven Mile, Livonia. O o CLEANERS COMPLETE CARPET SERVICE Experienced and Rciiahle DAVID LQUTON 533-3293 PLUMBING-HEATING SEV i>ST.ALL.tTiON nEMODELi.NC SERViCE HORK Electric Sewer clcaninc Electric Pipe Thawlns '61 Oiils Staftire ConvertJUIe. Fuii power. S2895 '64 OiUs 9S Holiday Sedan. S2GS5 '64 - Cadillac-Door Hardtop. S3895 '63Cadiliac Seville willi factory air conditioning. $3495 '63 Bonneviiie Convertiiile. S149.00 Donn '63 Cornel4-Ogor. Deiuxe. $1295 '63 Pontiac Caialina Sport Coupe. $1995 '63 Ford Station Wagon. $1250 '62 Chevrolet Impala Station iAIagon, $1395 '62 Pontiac Convertiiile. S1695 '62 Dodge 2-Qoor Hardtoji. 880. S124S '62 Cadillac 4-Door Hardtop. Factory air condit. $2295 '62 Corvair Monia Convertiiile. 4-!peed, $1295 '61 Cadiliac Convertiiile. Full power. Bucket seats. $129 Down '60 Olds 2-Door Hardtop. Double power. $895 '60 Mercury 2-Door. Real sharp. $795 '60 Chrysler Crown imperial. Full power. $1035 '57 Cadiliac Coupe. Full power. S69S '58 Chevrolet 4-Door. Like new. $475 "Go ohcod—^hoo^ T H I S CAR ENGLISH HD. LINE CORTINA-CT '63 Ford Galaxie 500 2-Door ilT Fastback. Automatic. R&H. V-B. Brilliant red. $ 1 5 9 5 . CORTINA-WAGON C O R T I N A - 1 2 0 0 a n d l 5 0 0 SEDAN A N G L I A - S E D A N and VAN B E R G E N 1000 IV. Maple M N T E R T O R Walled Lake B E R R Y I O N A S MA-4-1331 I O N A L A L WE DON'T SELL FOR APPLES, BANANAS OR ORANGES, BUT i»E WILL TAKE ANY FORM OF NEGOTIABLE LEGAL MONEY* E FORTMEBESTIH PAINTING, DECDtlATING. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. PAPER HANGIKG. . FREE ESTIMATES. INSURED. REFERENCES. KE-HTIJJ '60 Mercury Monterey 4-Door Se dan. Automatic. R&H. WW. Sharp black finish. ^ / ^ ^ ^ CR-4-4204 'SO Mercury Commuter 4-Door Bronze finish. COMPLETE MODERNIZATION '60 Falcon Wagon 4-Door. R&H. ^ i ^ ^ ^ $ 1 8 9 5 . Roofing - S T B R O S N 675 ANN ARBOR ROAO GL-3-0303 T I A C IN A L U M I N U M SIDING Consolidate Old Bills 7 Years To Poy No Money Down Additions--Free Estimates FHA Terms O T O R S TRI-COUNTY HOME MODERNIZATION CO. CR-4-9243 L E P I A N O TUNING GL-3-6307 O C A A R E A ' S L N O H . O U N Servicing Fine Pianos in This Area for 30 Tears ROOFING & SIDING 9-1945 ROOF PROBLEMS? No icb too big or too small! Our Specialty-All Kinds of Roofing Roof Repairs Eavetroughs FREE ESTIM.-VTES Caii anytime. Sunday hiciuded. A i i iVerli Guaranteed GE-7-2068 NEW HUDSON ROOFING COMPANY No Job Too Small Free Estimates Insurance Work CR-4-1465 smun msicsjuDio 'PIANO and ORGAN 'INSTRUMENTAL FI-9-0580 O R D D E A EXCAVATING P E N D E R BROS. SEPTIC TANKS - GRADING CHUCK SMITH 13650 10 Mile - South Lyon Phone G£-7-246(S Aluminum Siding Aluminum Trim Guaranteed 30 Years Roofing - A l l Kinds T h e CA-5-48B0 KE-1-4066 P r e - S p r i n g U S D o T h e B l u e s ? W o r k We'll clean (wash) your winflows, take down your storms, put up your screens, wash yoiif walls, clean your sutlers, make youf floors shine (and even that dark basement). CLEAN YOUR RUGS S A L E S REMODELING ATTIC ROOMS - CABINETS ADDITIONS RECI?EATION ROOMS Sove Money, Deal Direct Work Myself STRAUS FI-9-20a5 1 9 6 4 ' B y Ciiuicbes Wheeling & W h y ! ! Dealing Bob Cann LOW DOWN PAYMENT CARS Cl.renc. DuCh.m» - F U L L PRICE DOWN PAYMENT '61 American 2-Doof. Automatic. <63 Classic Station Wagon, Stand R and H.S595 ard. R&H. $195 Down. '61 American 4-Ooor. Standard. R and H. S59S '63 Classic Station Wagon. Standard RSH. White sidewalls.$i45 Down. '61 Rambler Classic Custom. Au tomatic. R&H. New tires. $695 '61 Classic Station Wagon, Auto matic. R&H. $95 Down '60 Rambler 4-Door. Standard. R&H. $335 470 MAIN GL Nexf to mayfloner Hotel '55 Chevrolet Station Wagon. $5 On. 3-11000 Pfjrmoufh FIESTA RAMBLER ..-.Paw T Pace* lpaj;e2,Seuio1i2 - I PIANO and ORGAN INSTRUMENTAL H e s l i p Q A f t e r S u 1205 Ann Arbor Rd Plymouth CL-3-3600 e r i Raymond I. Foley 437-2214 56180 W. 10 Mile Rd. South Lyon ( 3 9 2 % ) S e e V I whatever service i s rendered in In elaborating Crupi said that its area. " 9 4 - S 7 % " of the village covers At the present time, the village the township. This percentage of Is r e ^ n s l b l e for a l l the upkeep local residents pay taxes to both of fire fighting equipment and the village and township. doles out salaries for the fire of But he viras critical of the " 3 ficers and wages for the volun 6%'' who are merely In the town teers. A l l the township pays Is the ship and reap the benefits with Insurance on the fire equipment. out contributing to the tax cof He was out of the council Crupi claimed that some parts fers. chamber about five minutes. of the township "are getting a l l He will bring the subject up When he rehirned he address the services and not paying for again Tuesday night at a regular ed the councU and said: " F r o m them." now uh thu ih-b deparhcent l s 3f 3f 5(• • theirs. They don't want to talte on pro-ration expenses." Crispi believed that one unit of government should own all the C o u n c i l A d o p t s B fire equipment, for example, and the other should be charged for Cost of running the village Is coming from sales tax, court sy over fire protection erupted going up but the taxpayers will fines and fees and state highway (see story on this page). be paying the same five mills allocations. Councilman Donald Young said again for the 1965-66flscalyear. Last year total revenue antici that It wlU take roughly $81,000 Council officially adopted the pated was $222,771. to maintain the village-township new budget Monday nlgM. In In the out-going column, big hall and run the police and fire come and expenditures are peg Items are administrative ex departments, ged at $244,080. He figured that the village penses $66,396; police depart On the In-coming side of the ment $64,200 and fire depart should receive "anywhere from $2,500 to $5,000 a year" from ledger, the village anticipates ment $11,950. $70,080 from property taxes with It was during the review of the the township to cover services the remainder of the revenue annual budget that the controver rendered. ? Fealares : 3, SWthw Z • Want Ads... ....--Paees •-JJ-6, Se«lU»B S , Food NeiwsK n } g « r . . . - - P a 6 e » . A&P Pase 7 , Lal(«:s1de Market Page 1 SecUon 2 Remodeling ond Repairs Block, Brick and Stone I N C R E A S E TRAmPORTATlOIS S t o p O Novi, Michigan, Thursday, May, 13, 1965 GARDNER MUSIC STUDIO IRWIN KINNE 447 iiesl Laiie, South Lyon Phone GE-7-78Gi PRim F O R m i n g t o V i l l a g e "We hope the dinner will be a tor will show off their products. from 6-8 p.m. Monday through "And we expect a few more Thursday. On Thursday - educa success." In addition, she said a displays to be put up before Mon tion day - Stewart said the whole "friend's" table will be set up day," Stewart said. school will be open for public in for residents who don't belong to Residents can see tlie displays spection in the evening. any local organizations. • • After the dinner, a dance school from Farmington will perform. "We hope everyone gets to the junior high school to see the local W i x o m H o s t s industrial d l q i l a y s , " said P r i n cipal Sam Stewart. Perkins Engine, which Is lo cated on Wixom road in the v i l lage, will exhibit its "one m i l E l k R a p i d s lionth engine." At the same time, Stewart Wixom, the smaUest commua- for the tour. said, U-Haul, Harrawood Jeep, At 6:30 p.m. a buffet dinner for Strieker Paint, General Filters, Ity in the area. Is planning a BIG agenda for Michigan Week. 80 will be served at the Aunt Paragon Bridge & Steel, Inter lake Windows and Michigan Trac The city will kickoff the Jemima Pancake house sponsor state's annual celebration with a ed by the chamber of commerce. On Tuesday the "Wixom Thun dance Saturday night at the UAW hall on Wixom road across from derbird Special" WiU highball to Lansing, leaving the city at 9 the Ford plant. The Wixom Goodfellows are a.m. Wixom elementary young sponsoring the dance from9p.m. sters, guests of local Industry, to 1 a.m. Tickets can be pur will go to the state capitol and are expected to see Governor chased from anyGoodfeUow. N E W S City officials will roU out the Romney and be recognized on red carpet Mond.iy during may the floor of the legislature. "Others Interested in cUmbor's exchange day. This year Wixom was paired with Elk Rap- ing aboard can make arrange 10c Per Copy, $4.00 Per Year In AfJvonce Ids located on Grand Traverse ments by calling 624-4557," said M r s . Thorsberg. A nomi Bay. Elk Rapids President Ward nal fee will be charged. John Lutz, a local business Babcock, Superintendent of PubUc UUUtles Clark Bratschi and man, dreamed up the trip. The PoUce Chief Herbert Breaman C & 0 will provide the train. A tour of the Ford plant i s WlU come to Wixom. They wlU be accompanied by their wives. on tap Wednesday foUowed by a Wixom Mayor Wesley McAtee tea at the city hall. A resume and Councilman Oscar Simmons of local firms will be sent to and their wives will travel to every resident. A program extoUlng Michi Elk Rapids. Meantime, Mayor Pro-Tem gan Is set for Thursday from Howard Coe and Howard Hend- 2-3 p.m. at the WLxom elemen rian, president of the Wixom tary school. The pubUc Is In Chamber of Commerce, wIU vited. Principal Miss Ethel Mug greet the visiting dignatarles. ler said the program Is under At 9:30 a.m. Monday a wel the direction of M r s . Louise council meeting and will advocate fire departments. He said we have coming ceremony wIU be staged Bradsher. "Wixom - The Past, Present that the council turn over the de never paid a fair share." at the city haU on Pontiac T r a l L Bachert termed Crupl's action Bret Tate and Carla Smith, king ^and Future'' will be viewed F r i partment to the township. On the other side of the hassle, " a surprise." and queen of the local clean-up, 'day during heritage day. M r s . Novl Township Supervisor Hadpalnt-up and fix-up campaign, Paul DePodesta i s planning a " A few months ago Emery ley Bachert admitted that "we Jacques, the township attorney wlU present flowers to the of historical d l ^ l a y at the ele haven't got any money in our and Howard Bond, the village at ficials' wives from Elk Rapids. mentary school from 1-3 p.m. Cookies and lemonade wlU be budget to run the fire depart torney, set out to smooth out our Afterwards, a tour of the mu ment." nicipal buUdIng and a "Meet the served. differences," Bachert said. A " B i g Day for K i d s " I s b l U Wixom People" coffee hour i s Bachert said that Crupi entered ed for Saturday, M r s . Thors slated. He said that Crupi's plan was the township board meeting and berg said. A bicycle parade wUl "started talking about the town unexpected because of the agree Said Donna T h o r * e r g , deputy begin at the elementary school ment "to work out our problems. ship taking over the police and city clerk and Michigan Week and proceed to the city haU. ch!iirm;1n: "Everyone i s Invited to stop In and share some coffee • • • • The king and queen of clean and frlendUness. up week wIU be featured and the same floor the township board was conducting Its monthly meet ing. After reviewing the budget, es pecially the portions dealing with the operation of the village hall and police and fire departments, Crupi adjourned the bearing to have a word with township of ficials. .Fortbe.Wimeii biO<irTi»«n... with Eoiope-hoQiHl.Jean D « y ~ ' Newcomers Coinef...... i Speaking for tlie Secord.,.'.. Headers speak , I ^^dminisbxtors Speak on S i ^ l s . . MASON CONTRACTING I N N i t t i n g O v B o e t r h h e e r a d W wixom officials are hoping that Detroit Edison will re-route pro posed high-tension power lines around the city. AS it stands now, Edison ap parently plans to buUd 130-foot tall towers and run them through the city. They would be erected along Beck road to Pontiac trail and then swing on a westerly B o a r d CAltPENTER AND CABINET WORK Counter Tops, Tile Floors, General Repair, JANiTORIAUJimE R WINDOWS Your Home of Studio 850 N. Center Northville 349-1894 263 FARMER PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN PHONE 453-0411 1st o u d g e t He was referring to the "3-6' of residents who are strictly In the township and don'tpay a "fair share" for local services. It was brought out that the v i l lage foots nearly the entire bUl l o r keeping up the villagetownship hall. AU the township covers Is the Insurance on the building. During the remainder of the day, there wUl be a luncheon and tour at the Ford assembly plant and the visitors will view Wix om from the air. HoUoway Construction C o m - ! pany Is providing a heUcopter two basebaU games will be play ed at the Wixom field behind city hall. HoUoway Construction Is pro viding free hot dogs and pop for a l l youngsters again tWs year, M r s . Thord)erg said. T l b a n l k s E X C A V A T I N G CO. Licensed PIbg. 4 Excav,iUng GL-3-2500 WO-3-7192 PLYMOUTH, MICHIG.<iN CE-7-2446 mmiED FREE ESTIMATES E 23283 CurIle Roafl ALUMINUM STORM AND 1 L C ROOFING REPAIRS SEWERS BULLDOZING FARMER: F G A L E WHITFORD Total Rebuilding If Required ROOFING 505 .N. Center CARPET Laying, Repalrihg. Maise over, stair carpets shifted, re-strotcliijig. Sewtog and hhidlog. Work giiaranteed. Free estimates. Call GEueva 8-3179. H44tfc of the Piano Technicians Guild f! GUARANTEED 18-Busines5 Services Member PLYMOUTH FINANCE CO. 833 Pennimiui-Pl> mouth GL-3-C060 L e t I N C . 874 ANN ARBOR ROAD OR TOO BIG Kitchens LIFETIME PHONE CL-3-2424 We're O NO JOS TOO SMALL G o t WE HAVE MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM AT COMPARABLE PRICES. P M DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH 2S15 LEBANESE POUNDS '59 Pontiac catalina 4-Ooor. Double power, r&h. WW. 2,380.95 INDIAN RUPEES '58 Cadillac 4-Doof Haidtop. Full power. Air conditioning. 23,195 AUSTRIAN SHILLINGS '58 Buick Special 4-Dr. Double power. R&H. WW. 1,570 VENEZUELAN FREE BOLIVAR B E R R Y . Sfonc - SPECIALIZING $ 2 2 5 - ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL CARS E Services HAVE WALLS washed the modern way. No CASH FOR Land Coatracts -Edmuod P. mess. Half the tlme. RcasooaWe rates. Yerlses, Attorney, 132 E. Mahi, North Free estimates. GL 3-3768. 51 ville. Ph. 349-3440. 14tf GRADING and LANDSCAPING ALL TYPES OF SIDING '53 Rambler American 2-Ooor. Sedan. Runs like new. Good tires. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM W 18-Business Attics-Awnings Storm Windows-Doors Boscmtnts m. Green metallic finish. All Vinyl interior. HOME e Maybe he has cooled off today but Village President Joseph Crupi was a little hot under the collar Monday night about the op eration of the fire department. He felt thatNovltownsWpIsnot paying " a fair share" In running the fire unit. Consequently, he Indicated that the village should forsake the de partment and "Jiand It over to the township." His actloif regarding the de partment came in the wake of a brief - iind apjj.irentl> lieated discussion with township of ficials. The council was weighing the 196S-66 budget in Us chamber on the second floorof the villagetownship hall. In another room on DISCING Money When You Need It ^ ^ ^ 5 Prices quoted based on foreign exchange quotations as listed in ttie Wall Street Journal, 4:00 p.m., April 29,1965. '64 Pontiac Grand Prix. Doubie power. R&H. WW. 2 to choose. 1,038,461 JAPANESE YEfj '64 Pontiac Catalina Coupe. Double power. R&H. WW. 3 to choose. 863.30 ENGLISH FOUNDS '64 Buick LeSabre 4-Door Hardtop. Double power. R&H. WW. 14,117 HONG KONG DOLLARS '64 Pontiac Catalina Vista. Double power. R&H. WW. 119,077 BELGIAN FRANCS '64 Dodge Poiara 500 Coupe. Big engine. 4-speed. R&H. New 2,373 CANADIAN DOLLARS whites. '63 Chevrolet Super Sport Coupe. 327 V8. Power glide. Power 7.600 WEST GERMAN MARKS sleeting. R&H. WW. '63 Pontiac Catalina Vista. Double power. R&H. WW. 25,000 MEXICAN PESOS '63 Pontiac Tempest Coupe. Straight stick. Heater. 7.601 DANISH KRONE '62 Pontiac Bonneville Vista. Double power. R&H. WW. 7,352 FRENCH FRANCS '62 Pontiac Catalina 4-Dr. Double power. R&H. WW. 2 to choose. 5,403 KOLUND GUILDERS '62 Chevrolet Biscayne Wagon, i cyl. stick. R&H. m. 750,000 iTALiAN LIRA "61 FonJ Faiflane 2-Door. 6 cyl. stiisk. Heater. 14,326 PORTUGESE ESCUDO 'El Pontiac Tempest Wagon. 6 cyl. stick. R&H. WlfV. 499.32 SOUTH AFRICAN RANDS '60 Mercury Monterey 2-Dr. Doubie power. R&H. WH. Sharp. 249.46 iRAC DINAR '60 DeSoto Adventiiref Coupe. Double power. R&H. WiW. Sharp. Firsr Class laying, sanding, finishing, old and new floors. Own power. Free estlmaies. Work guaranteed. K. BARSUHN Ph. GE-8-3602, if no answer cull EL-G-5762 collect George Lockhart Wagon. Auh). PS. PB. R&H. WW. '62 Ford Galaxie 500 XL Con vertible. Auto. PS. R&H, WW. Sparkling burgundy. Black Vinyl interior. ^ ] 5 2 5 9|c We will accept the American dollar equivalent. FLOOR S A N D I N G PLOWING & r Expense Review Sparks Fire Department Hassle CASH LOANS Up To Sl.DOD.DO 'S3 Mercury Monterey 4-Door HT. Breereway. Auto. PS. PB. Heater, WW. Beautiful gold finish. Gold Interior. $ 1 7 4 5 . 'S3 Mercury Convertible. Auto, PS. P.B. R&H. WW. Coral finish. All Vinyl interior Sharp. S • 'painting co: h V o l . 10 , No. 48, 26 Pages, Three Sections CALL P E t B AND O W E N ; $ 8 9 5 . '63 Comet Custom 2-D05r Sedan. Auto. R&H. 170 engine. WW. Gold, red, black interior. $ 1 1 9 5 . P O N T I A C T $ 1 1 9 5 '61 Chevrolet Biscayne 4-Door Sedan, R&H. 6 cyl. Rebuilt motor, Clean car. Beige tinlsh. o In the afternoon the party will Novi Council President Jo seph Crupi and Councilman Dean tour Paragon Bridge & Steel, Lenllelser will venture to Lapeer. Perkins Engine and other points Councilman Donald Young will of Interest. A smorgasbord "community" act as official host for the v i l banquet will be staged at 6 p.m. lage. Lapeer officials will arrive at at the community building on Novi the village hall at 9 a.m. Monday road. Mrs. Harris said that many and be introduced to village and local organizations wlUpartlcipate. township officials. They Include the Novi farm A full itinerary i s scheduled. At 10:30 a.m. the party will bureau, board of commerce, Releave the village hall and go to bekah's, school board, police and the junior high school to view fire departments, planning board, the displays set up by local i n township board, and Methodist and Baptist churches. dustry and businesses. M r s . Harris emphasized that Echo Valley and Orchard Hills subdivision will be visited at 11 "everyone who plans to attend a.m. followed by a stop at Bash- the potluck dinner should bring ian's orchards and lunch at the a passing dish and dinner ser vice for themselves. Rosewood restaurant. BULLDOZING IT COSTS NO MORETO HAVE THE BEST! For fast, courteous sorvico call CL-3-0244 or 349-0715 y GR-4-8770 CUSTOM BUILDER QTRS. FORD T AND CARPENTER '62 Mercury 4-Door Sedan. Auto. R&H. WW. Dark blue finish. a W O R L D ® and SPECIAL THE A R E A ' S COMPACT C U R I O U S REPAIR E d '64 Mercury Monterey 2-Door HT Fastback. Aifto. PS. PB. R&H. WVV. White with reil vi nyl interior. 5,000 mile tactory warranty left. 9 5 M EXCAVATING Euilhmoving-Lund Clearing Site Development-Grading RAY WARREN EXCAVATING CO. 37639 II.WGERTV RD. 474-6695 FH.A Financing Availabie r NEW I N S T A L L A T I O N S C-IENN C . I O N G 116 East Dunlap NofTliWIle Plionc Ficidhrooli 9-0373 '63 Pontiac Cataiina Z-Uam HarHtop. Automatic. Power steering. Power iiraites, R&H, Q Q C WW. Low, low mileage witii red inter$ 1 0 / lor. e KOCIAN SEWER and WATER COME OUT AND CHECK!! e "We want to maice people iIl the community letter acquainted with one another." This i s the goal of Mrs. Flor ence Harris, chairman of Michi gan Weelc activities In Novl. A community dinner is slated for next Monday night to bring lo cal residents "closer together," M r s . Harris said. Novl will be host to Lapeer of ficials during mayor's exchange day. Lapeer Mayor Wellington Rowden afid Councilman George Farrand will be here Monday. Rowden Is a florist and has headed local government in L a peer for 21 years. Farrand, an Investment counselor, has been sitting on the council for 12 years. FINEST 474-1968 p Services SHARPEMNG saws and other edged tools, scissors, sharpened free vrith hand saws. No better worlt at any price. 326 Pennell Street. Northville. tf CARPET a 1 9 - S p e c i a l Notices WANTED: People to attend Mikado pre sented by (he Northi-lile hich srhnol clioir Northrtlle high school auditorium, 8 p.ra' May 6-7-8. 5j' After this date, I »1H not be responsible for any debts contracled by any one other than myself. Harold W. Van Slfkle, Jr. Ill7-19cx ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets Tuesday and Friday evenlnes. Call CL 3-1579 or Fl 3-lIl3. Vour call kepi confldenUal. i^SIl FI?KE fireplace wo,>d. You cm. Hjtrid red worms. Year i-oiind sunplv. Native trees, .•spring .-uid tall. Fl a-llGH. :2tf A R T H U R IIKSUP v i n g 1 0 Arthur Heslip i s bowing out as a member of the Novl Board of Education. I Heslip told the News he Is not seeking office again In the June 14 election. His present term expires June 30. "It's about time for me to retire," Heslip remarked. "I've been on the board long enough." He was named to the Novl board In 1956 after the Durfee District was consolidated. Heslip served as president of the Dur fee board. Since sitting on the local board, Heslip has been elected president three times. Currently he is a trustee. "I have always tried to do what I thought was best," he said In looking back on his long stay on the board. He runs a farm at 42680 Nine Mile road in the village and he and it|c wifo i(3V(» i-oisortmrtfviijenti,!! I Y e a r s eight sons and one daughter. Trustee Russell Taylor's term Is ending, too. But Taylor said he Is stIU undecided about run ning again. Taylor i s rounding out his second term School superintendent Tom Culbert said that only one resi dent, Keith Branch, has taken out nominating petitions for the school board positions. Branch resides at 43009 Eleven mile road. He has four young sters attending schools in the district, Culbert said. Petitions are still available at the school board office In Orchard Hills school, 41900 Quince drive. Culbert said the deadline lor filing there Is 4 p.m. Friday. He reminded residents that next Monday is the last day to register for the school balloting at the Novi township hall on Novl r"?"?. i E d i x o m s o n L i n e It takes people to make Mich igan Week a success. AndlnNovi and Wixom many residents and businessmen have cooperated. M r s . Florence H a r r i s heads the state celebration in Novl. Her co-chairman Is Leo Harra wood. Others on her working com mittee are Gladys and AndyBurgess. Ken Bassett, Russell Tay lor, Lee BeGole, Florence Wy att, Hazel Baley, Florence Sentz, Viola Groenenberg, Signa Mit chell, Nesby Button, Mary Grimes, Gladys E a r l , LlUIan MlUer, Gertie Trotter, AUce Rltter, Mabel Ash and J e r r y Stipp. Mrs. Donna Thordjerg Is the general chairman in Wixom. She has been assisted by John Lutz, Mark PurceU, Sud Blatt, Richard WeUs, David Carlson, Lottie Chambers, Irene RoUo, Minnie Greenlee, Ethel Mugler and Winnie DePodesta. s O f f i c i a l s course to the city limits. Members of the council dis cussed the problem Tuesday night and would Uke to meet soon with Edison representa tives. A change In the local zoning ordinance i s forseen as a way to afford the city a stronger voice In settling the issue. In modUylng one section of the ordinance the city planning com mission has suggested that "overhead or underground lines and necessary poles aiId towers to be erected to service prlnlarIly those areas beyond the city shall receive the review and ap proval after a public hearing, of thelxjard of appeals." Crashes ; AddltlonaUy, the board shall consider "Injurious effects on abutting property and the order ly appearance of the city." In altering another section the planners said that no structure should exceed 100 feet In height "unless such structure has re ceived review and approval of the board of appeals." B i k e S a f e t y A bicycle safety class for Wix om youngsters wlU be held at lO a.m. Saturday at the city hall on Pontiac Trail. PatrolmanAIan Prudhomme wUl conduct theses-slon. M o v i n g H e a d q u a r t e r s REIGNING R O T A L T Y - K i n g and Queen of clean-up week in Wixom-Bret Tate and Carla S m i t h - w i l l present the key to Uie city to v i s i t i n g ofricials from E l k Rapids Monday morning. Both are kindergarteners at Wixom elementary school. Bret i s the son of Mr. and Mrs. George McCoUum and C a r l a is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Smith. H e r e City M Is General Motors invading the area's Fordsvllle, the city of Wixom? In a way It Is. Maypr Wesley McAtee has announced that the G M prov ing grounds In Mllford has do nated about 200 feet of fenchig for the Little League ball diamond behind the city ball. This donation will lower the cost for fencing the entire field, McAtee pointed out. R. Robinson of Wixom, who iras selected to Install the fenc ing, has agreed to deduct the retail worth of the GM dona tion from his total b i l l . McAtee said that exact amount of fencing needed for the field WlU be determined this week. i c h Michigan i g a Tractor n k T r a Machinery c Co. t is J. A. F r o s t S r . , p r e s i d e n t of the builfiing NcVi Monday program will that is become a r E origina1 office sinJcing its r o o t s deep i n N o V i . announced o firm, Michigan and that Tractor's "We Was Tractor repair road. just a year opened an ago t h a t 18,000 anff s e r v i c e c e n t e r General offices are Michigan square at foot 24800 N o v i now l o c a t e d i n have d Frost i n said. g Besides Wi11 p r o v i d e s a l e s r o o m s sold center. our b u i l d i n g in Detroit spring," Frost said. now, but the firm Frost said employs the 30 i n the number Wi11 g r o w to 125 n e x t y e a l * . Founded the in distributor 1944, Michigan for Caterpillar Tractor is Tractors i n the 1oWer p e n i n s u l a , c o v e r i n g 57 coun ties. Detroit. Michigan square it n a n d e x p e c t to be s e t up i n N o v i e a r i y ne.xt village It a building. space Right headquarters. p and another r e p a i r second-stage underWay x foot Tractor is structure adding in a front 64,000 of the Gerald LaFleche is p r e s e n t o p e r a t i o n i n the in charge villjigc. of the