Newsletter JPIC - Loreto Institute Mauritius
Newsletter JPIC - Loreto Institute Mauritius
ISSUE 4 July 2015 Newsletter JPIC JPIC : Justice Paix et Intégrité de la Création Prendre soin des biens de la Création qui sont destinés à tous, y travailler en veillant à leur juste répartition, à une plus grande justice sociale, à une solidarité avec les pauvres. JPIC Values to influence our lives and work A Rights-Based Approach Recognizing that such rights must be actively nurtured, respected, defended and developed and not taken for granted A Commitment to Right Relationships That are the basis of justice …. and are characterized by sincerity and truth A belief in Equality We know that at birth, all are equal – in theory - but everywhere discrimination and inequality undermine this fundamental truth Freedom From want, from fear and to live in dignity Non-Violence We know that true peace is not just the absence of war, and that it must be built on truth, freedom, justice and love Taking Responsibility We accept that responsibilities are an intrinsic and necessary part of rights and that these responsibilities are a duty for everyone, not an option The Fundamental Importance of Creation We believe that Earth is sacred and we seek to promote respect, understanding, harmony and the sustainability of our planet. JPIC Handbook for Reflection and Planning Page 2 Loreto College Bambous Virieux Le jeudi 2 avril, dans la cour du collège Lorette Bambous Virieux, les élèves étaient en effervescence. La raison est qu’une soixantaine d’élèves nécessiteux ont reçu chacun une paire de chaussures, dons de Loreto College Ballarat situé à Melbourne. Chausse, Chaussons, Chaussez ! Et les enfants sont heureux ! Le lancement officiel du Thème de L’Année « Justice » a eu lieu au cours d’une assemblée spéciale. Chaque classe a eu l’occasion d’informer leurs amis sur ce que La Justice représente pour eux, après avoir réfléchi et travaillé sur le thème en classe en concertation avec leur prof. Cela s’est fait par le biais d’un chant, d’une danse et d’un slam Un très beau tableau peint sur toile par le prof de dessin démontre la déesse grecque tenant d’une main une balance et de l’autre, une rose afin de représenter le thème. Be lovers of truth and doers of justice Mary Ward Page 3 Loreto College Bambous Virieux Quête pour le Népal Les élèves et le personnel du LCBV ont apporté leur contribution à ceux qui ont été touchés par les tremblements de terre au Népal. Merci à tous pour ce geste de générosité “C’est vrai que ce nous réalisons n’est qu’une goutte d’eau par rapport à l’océan. Mais, sans cette petite goutte, il manquerait quelques chose à l’océan” (Mère Teresa) Page 4 Loreto College Quatre Bornes The LCQB Bio Garden Club began its activities in the first term of 2015. The Club involves students from Forms 4, 5 and 6 and the Biology teachers. The students have been teamed so that each day there is a group of students working in the garden during the recess, under the supervision of the teachers. They need to water the plants and to remove the weeds. We are happy to help our students getting involved in gardening as an extracurricular activity. In the garden, there are plants such as balsam, geranium, citronella, pineapples, maize, ‘sensitive’, aloé vera, ginger, saffron, ‘la queue l’ail’ and potatoes. The students thus become aware of some types of plants that exist, especially those available in Mauritius, and can grow in a small plot of land. Some of these plants are actually used in the laboratory for simple experiments. For example, geranium is used to demonstrate photosynthesis, balsam to investigate transpiration and potatoes to show asexual reproduction (vegetative propagation) in plants. The students are interested to ‘follow’ the growth of plants that they eat or that they might have only heard of, but that they have never seen before. These plants are: pineapple, maize, sensitive and balsam. We hope that our Bio Garden Club will bear much fruit, though small but ‘big’ because it comes out of passion and care! Julia, Stephanie and Bernard Page 5 Loreto College Rose Hill Justice Campaign at Loreto College Rose Hill The theme for year 2015 in Loreto College Rose Hill is “LOVE and JUSTICE begin with me”. The campaign was launched during the first term. The purpose is to consciously focus on LOVE and what it means to practice love in all areas of our life, and at the same time what it means to be JUST. These two values are closely linked and we cannot have one without the other. Page 6 Loreto College Rose Hill Justice Campaign at Loreto College Rose Hill During the year, through different activities, we are invited to dig deeper into these values and explore self-acceptance, forgiveness, respect, embracing diversity, care and compassion and thus expand our individual and collective consciousness. Together we can make a difference through love. “There is another side to love called justice. And justice is really love in calculation. Justice is love correcting that which revolts against love” (Martin Luther King) Page 7 Loreto College Rose Hill Another activity was THANK YOU WEEK. Gratitude can turn something negative into something positive. Sometimes we do not see the many things that we need to be thankful for in our lives. During that week students and teachers were invited to share these by posting their thoughts on a big panel in the corridor. Gratitude helps us realize what we have, acknowledge it and appreciating it. Practicing gratitude can change our life and strengthen our relationship with others. The Care and Concern Club of LCRH T he Care and Concern Club of LCRH helps 28 poor families living mainly in the suburbs of Rose Hill. A the end of each month (on Saturday), these families come to collect rice, oil, canned food among other foodstuff which are provided. The club also caters for needy students, who receive each day their lunch at school. This year, we have decided to celebrate Mother’s Day with the 28 mothers that come monthly for help. Thus, the students of Upper 6 together with other students, have decided to give each mother a shawl which will be useful during winter. The mothers will receive their gift on Saturday 30th of May. Page 8 Loreto College Curepipe Education For Sustainability (EFS) program in the curriculum Our challenge in 2015 at Loreto College Curepipe (LCC) is to implement the Education For Sustainability (EFS) program in the curriculum without adding extra workload to our dear teachers and students so for the first term , we decided to work together on the theme water. Our aim was to help students understand the importance of water, its uses, its beauty through the nice pictures and music, its economic aspects as an emerging sustainable blue economy, pollution, and climate change related to the drastic climatic conditions such as flashfloods and torrential rains. I must say that the LCC family has revealed so many talents through this program: we have so many gifted students who expressed themselves through various art works , poems, songs, video masking, powerpoint posters , embroidery and maquette making. I would also like to share that the form 3 social studies students were initiated to the system thinking tools – the casual loop diagrams (simpler one) to understand the effect of torrential rain and flash floods in Mauritius. Students with the help of Mrs Florelle Babet (H.O.D social studies dept) draw a nund – mapping where drastic climate change was linked to property destruction , loss of flood, trees, moral desolation , missed classes , lack of time to cover the syllabus, diseases such as gastro enteris, conjunctivis and mosquito related diseases. Finally, my warmest Thank You to each and everyone from all departments for their time, devotion, commitment and contribution in making this first theme water a real success across all fields. My deepest gratitude to Mr Jerry Lee Hon Chong and Mrs Lucy Leve Hang for their continuous support. Mrs Zaahirah Koheeallee Hosenbocus LCC EFS MENTOR The LCC Go Green members surrounded by Mr Lee, Mrs Leve Hang and EFS mentor Mrs Hosenbocus Loreto College Curepipe Page 9 Water is health. Clean hands can save a life. Water is nature. Ecosystems lie at the heart of the global water cycle. Water is Urbanization. Every week one million people move into cities. Water is industry. More water is needed to manufacture a car than a swimming pool. Water is energy. Water and Energy are inseparable friends. Water if food. To produce a steak you need 15000 litres of water. Water is equality. Everyday women spend million of hours carrying water. World Water day is celebrated every year on the 22 of March all across the world. The day was established to be celebrated as an annual event in the year 1993 by the decision of the United Nations General Assembly. This Campaign was declared as a World Day for Water to be celebrated on this date to increase the awareness of people about the importance, need, conservation of water. People are encouraged to listen and understand the water issues. Since the beginning of this event celebration, the UN-Water has been responsible for the selection of the World Water Day theme and distribution of global messages. The theme for the World Water day 2014 was “Water and Energy " and the theme for the World Water day 2015 was " Water and sustainable Development. Water is the core of sustainable development and critical for socio-economic development, healthy ecosystems and for human survival itself. It is vital for reducing the global burden of the disease and improving the health, welfare and productivity lf populations. It is central to the production and preservation of a host of benefits and services for people. Water is also at the heart of adaptation to climate change, serving as the crucial link between the climate system, human society and the environment. Water is a finite and irreplaceable resource that is fundamental to human well-being. It is only renewable if well managed. Today, more than 1.7 billion people live in river basins where depletion through use exceeds natural recharge, a trend that will see two-thirds of the world's population living in water- stressed countries by 2025. Water can pose a serious challenge to sustainable development but managed efficiently and equitably, water can play a key enabling role in strengthening the resilience of social, economic and environmental systems in the light of rapid and unpredictable changes. World water day, is a day to celebrate, a day to change and a day to prepare. It is celebrated by organizing variety of events and activities such as visual art, theatrical and musical celebrations of water, excursions, distributing messaged through TV and radio channels or internet, educational events based on the importance of clean water and conservative measure, competitions and so many activities. Today, the Loreto College of Curepipe is proud to say that for the past years we have not missed to celebrate this special day. A short video, was prepared by the Form 5 members of the LCC GO GREEN CLUB and presented to the whole school. In this Video, the importance of water was shown and it emphasized on how lucky we are, to have water at our reach. Living in a Multicultural country, the Upper six students prepared a sketch to show the importance of water in their respective religions: Christians, the Baptism, Muslims, the ablutions and Hindus, the sacred water dance. Furthermore, stickers with the symbol representing water was distributed to commemorate the World Water Day 2015. LCC GO GREEN CLUB, Vice-President - Zainab Khodabux. Page 10 Comme nous le dit Saint Paul, le carême est un temps favorable. Un temps pour se rapprocher de Dieu, un temps pour se mettre au service de ceux qui souffrent. Le carême est toujours l'occasion de transmettre à nos élèves les valeurs de l'Évangile. Après l'opération en faveur des habitants d'Anoska en 2014, cette année les élèves ont été mobilisés pour venir en aide aux victimes des inondations, qui ont frappé Bel Ombre. Les mots « entraide », « solidarité », « générosité », « partage » et solidarité », font partie de notre quotidien dans nos assemblées comme dans nos classes de catéchèse. Pour le carême 2015 : les élèves ne sont pas restés insensibles au drame des victimes des inondations. Avec le support de l'ONG Caritas Maurice qui lutte contre la pauvreté, l'élan de solidarité s'est organisé. C'est avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme que les élèves du CPE encadrés par leurs professeurs se sont mis au travail. Une préparation réglée comme du papier à musique. « C'était un grand moment d'émotion. Les élèves se sont répartis les tâches. Réception des dons, dispositions et décoration des boîtes, confection des cartes de souhaits, rédaction du discours lors de la distribution aux familles...rien n'a été laissé au hasard », s'émerveille une catéchète. Page 11 Le geste s'est joint à la Parole. Et cette vague de générosité a gagné non seulement les enfants, mais aussi les parents qui nous ont aidés à rassembler les dons. A Bel Ombre, le jour de la distribution des vivres et du matériel scolaire, le bonheur se lisait sur les visages. C'était une belle rencontre avec des chants, prise de parole et témoignages des enfants qui ont rappelé que le Christ est aux côtés des sinistrés. La présence des enfants est une preuve que le Seigneur est avec ceux qui souffrent. Une expérience inoubliable qui restera gravée dans la mémoire et le cœur des élèves de la junior school. En effet, ils ont noué des liens d'amitié avec les familles en difficulté. A la suite du Christ, à la suite de Mary Ward notre fondatrice, les enfants ont fait l'expérience de Jésus présent dans nos frères et sœurs en détresse. Comme le disait si bien Mère Térésa, il y a plus de joie à donner qu'à recevoir. Cela les enfants l'ont bien compris. Un geste d'amour, une semence pour l'avènement du Royaume. Aujourd'hui, Dieu a besoin de nous pour soulager la misère de son peuple. Page 12 Loreto College Saint Pierre COMBATTONS NOS MAUX PAR DES MOTS Du lundi 24 novembre au vendredi 28 novembre 2014, le département de français du COLLEGE LORETTE DE SAINT PIERRE a organisé pour les élèves de Form 4, 5 et 6 un atelier de slam et simultanément un atelier de formation pour les enseignants. Ce projet longuement mûri par le département susmentionné a pu être rendu concret grâce au soutien de la direction du collège et surtout avec l’apport et l’expertise de « Makadam Phylozophy ». Ainsi, le duo composé de M. Jamel Colin et de Stéphanie Lo-Hun a mis sur pied un concept visant à promouvoir le slam à travers le team-building, la revalorisation de l’estime de soi et le développement personnel. L’atelier a vu la participation de six élèves et d’un enseignant de français : M. Kevin MACKAY ainsi que le chef de département de la matière concernée : Mme Annick VICTOR. Au programme : Jeux, présentation de « Makadam Phylozophy », l’historique du slam, visionnage de film, étude de texte et écriture, partage, restitution d’un concours de slam. Au terme de ces cinq jours de travail, chaque participant s’est vu remettre des livres en guise de souvenir. M. Kevin MACKAY pour sa part a eu pour mission de lancer au premier trimestre 2015, un club de slam au Collège Lorette de Saint Pierre. Il devient par conséquent un ‘slammaster’ qui animera des rencontres de slam au collège. Visionage du film ‘Freedom Writers’ La précieuse collaboration que le Collège Lorette de Saint Pierre a pu avoir avec « Makadam Phylozophy » lors de cet atelier a été des plus enrichissantes. Cela a pu nous conduire à la conclusion suivante : chaque caillou ou fardeau porté par l’adolescent peut être transformé pour devenir par la suite une victoire sur les maux de la vie … ANNICK VICTOR Chef de Département LCSP Remise des prix lors de la journée de formation de français Page 13 It all started at the beginning of this year. We were asked if we were interested to have an environment club. At first there were very few members. We had as project to plant and clean the garden. We decided to be more serious about the club. We were motivated but then Mr. Brian, our teacher, came with a paper about a competition organized by the ministry of environment. We really wanted to participate. In fact we were motivated than ever. Therefore we started searching for ideas, different ideas. We didn’t want to do what others do. Then Mr. Brian, in charge of the club, talked about the ‘plastic bottles greenhouse’. We saw the video and it was so interesting that we started working on the project immediately. We had to find a way to collect the maximum bottles that we could. Then came the idea of the competition of collecting bottles among the different classes at school. We were amazed of how most students at school were interested and were bringing lots of bottles. We were even more motivated. After collecting a great amount of bottles, we started cutting them. At first, only the members of the E-Club were helping but later more students started to help during the recess. We had to be 100% ecological; therefore we had to think of what to do with the bottom of the bottles, the caps and the labels. We then decided to make a dustbin with the caps, a curtain with the bottoms and with the labels, we made flowers. Today we are threading the bottles and the structure is almost set up. We are very much sure we will succeed and we are making our best. We know that we can. Page 14 In the meantime, we didn’t abandon our garden. We planted and cleaned the garden several times. We even harvested and got money in selling them to the teachers. It was great satisfaction. We had a problem though with the greenhouse. We needed fund to buy the materials for its structure. Care for the environment represents a challenge for all of humanity Pope John Paul II Page 15 Loreto College Saint Pierre LCSP Participation to United Nations : My World 2015 Survey A MESSAGE to the World : A Global Collaboration through the Arts The theme chosen for the mural is “Freedom from discrimination and persecution”. The group of students has chosen this theme because it is a problem which is faced by millions of people around the world. This can be seen throughout the generations that is the past, present and most probably the future. This is a topic that can be discussed even in class to sensitise young people about discrimination and inequality. It is a problem that affects all mankind, people of different skin colour, of different beliefs and cultures. Somehow, somewhere everybody has been or could have been a victim of discrimination in a way or another. Page 16 Loreto College Saint Pierre A MESSAGE to the World : A Global Collaboration through the Arts (ctd) The mural represents the humiliation and bullying that some girls undergo at school and also the discrimination for people having different physical appearances or handicapped. We hope that people will live in harmony and peace. This is why we included the white dove symbolising peace. The four colours of our national flag represent our country which is a multicultural nation. The people wearing the school uniform are holding hands to symbolise love and respect. We have also worked on a caption “UNITY IN DIVERSITY”, this is our hope for the future generation. This project was an enriching experience enabling us to develop our creative skills, and working in group has helped us to promote self-esteem and a spirit of camaraderie. Thank you for this opportunity. Lower 6 students 2014 Loreto College Saint Pierre (girls) Mauritius (November 2014)