Current Newsletter (PDF Format)
Current Newsletter (PDF Format)
nd u o r A ’ n i l N e ed C h a r l o tte N Chapter rolina Met / na aroli orth C New Members Barbara Koriakin Pauline Cramer Sharyn Schulze Renewing Members Anne Bellinger Barbara Bentley Betty Ann Watts Linda Miller Marilyn Gore Nadeerah Newby Table of Contents 1 Presidents Note 2 January Meeting 2 Hobby Lobby Classroom Update 2 ASG Annual Conference 3 February Meeting 4 Making Silk Lotus Flower 5 Meeting Schedule 6 Meeting Schedule Cont. 6 CAB Information 8 Advertising Rates 8 Changing Contact Info. 8 Online Membership Info 8 Membership Renewal This newsletter is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November. All newsletters are on the National ASG web site at Volume 20 Number 1 1st Quarter 2012 charlotte [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] President’s Note will be the first of several sale dates to generate cash flow for our chapter. The Fibre Studio is also the setting for our Thursday evening group. The address and phone are on our We have some fun activities event calendar planned for this year. Check out pages. our calendar in this issue. The The Original Saturday group is our largest and has the most planned activities. Sewing and Quilt Expo will be The Thursday night group is small in Raleigh NC for the first time and only has a couple of meetings June 21-23. Info is not available planned. The Garment group is on regarding classes and registration, hiatus right now. Please contact but you can sign up for notification me or another member if you have at their website, www.sewingexpo. something interesting you would com. Would anyone care to go and like to learn, or even better, if you share expenses? would like to share it with any of The ASG annual conference is in our neighborhood groups. We love Houston, TX this year. The dates new ideas. are August 16-20 at the Hilton A fabric sale is going to be held Americas. I have already booked my Sunday March 11 at the Fibre flight and made hotel arrangements. Studio. The fabrics were donated It is so much fun and inspirational. to our guild. It is a variety of I always come home with a new fabrics, mostly themed cottons, but fervor and excitement just waiting also polys, linings, some home dec to be poured onto fabric. pieces, tapestries. There will also be Okay, that’s enough rambling. books and threads. Also available will be the cottons that Wendy has See you at the machine, Diane Burleson been storing in her home. This That old saying is so true: as one gets older, the faster the time flies. It’s March already, spring will be here soon. Time for shorts and tee shirts and flip-flops, and—oh, wait, we have had that kind of weather most of this winter. So maybe we need to make NEW shorts and tee shirts because we’ve worn out the others. Needlin’ Around 1st Quarter 2012 1 January Meeting January’s meeting is dedicated to planning the activities and projects for the upcoming year. Our usual activities are returning again this year: • Saturday- creative stitchers sewing at Hobby Lobby • Thursday- night sewing/ demos at the Fibre Studio • Sunday- Garment • Annual Retreat of this years Saturday activities can be found on page 5 of this newletter. In order to rase money for our chapter we, we will begin selling fabric and other sewing items donated to the chapter. Our first fabric sale date is coming up Suday March 11 at the Fibre Studio in South Park, with more dates to be anounced. Thre is also there are few surprise In addition to our usual events, we are adding a fabric and sewing special events that are currently in notions sale and possible speakers. the exploritory phase that would include guest speakers. For updates You will notice a few minor check future issues of the newsletter adjustments to times and locations and Yahoo groups of some of our “Creative Stitchers” Reita Fisher Saturday meetings. A detailed listing Hobby Lobby Classroom Update Our Saturday afternoon sewing • September- Room is not group that meets the 3rd Saturday available- will go on a “road of every month will resume our trip” to be determined customary meeting location in • October- Room is not available- will likely go to Hobby Lobby’s classroom, as opposed to the employee break room Reita Fisher’s house for a that we were using for most of last fabric dyeing activity. year. For the most part we will meet Some of the other meetings at 12:30 every month as scheduled may require a delay in start times with the following exceptions: like March due to Wilton Cake • March- Start at 1:30pm (not decorating classes being held in the 12:30) classroom before our meeting. Reita Fisher Long Arm Quilting Marcia Kephart 9224 Newfield Street Charlotte, NC 28216 704-615-0797 [email protected] Volume 20 Number 1 ASG Conference offers workshops, seminars and lectures in two-day, allday, half-day, two-hour and 90-minute formats. Classes are tailored to every sewing interest and every level of sewing skill. 2012 Schedule of Events Aug 15 -17 (8am-5pm) Trained Sewing Instructor Workshop Aug 15 (7pm-9pm) Leadership Reception Aug 16 (8am-12pm) Coprorate Annual Meeting Aug 16 (1-4:30pm) Leadership Track Session for Chapter Presidents and CAB members Aug 16 Optional Workshops Aug 17-19 Core Conference Aug 16 Exhibit Hall Preview Night Aug 16 (5:30pm) Fashion Show rehearsal Aug 17 “Extravaganza of Fashion” Fashion Show Entry deadline July 28, 2012 Aug 18 Baseball Game, Houston Astros v. Arizona Diamondbacks Aug 18 Designs By Digi 2 ASG Annual Conference Hanc oc Fabri k c s and J o An n's Fab Disco ric offer unts mem to ASG bers. Needlin’ Around Stitched, movieLodging 2012 Lodging Hilton Americas - Houston 1600 Lamar Houston, TX 77010 713-739-8000 1st Quarter 2012 Please support our advertising retailers. Whenever you patronize an advertiser, tell them you saw their ad here. It will encourage them to continue their support of the ASG with their ads. February Meeting It’s a Cinch! To help Autism Society. February’s meeting was dedicated to creating travel jewelry cinch sacks for donation to the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC). Each sack will then be sold for $10 each with proceeds going to assisting individuals and families affected with by autism here in North Carolina. During our meeting, we completed 13 bags for donation to the ASNC. I will be so bold as to say, any reason an ASG member can sew on something makes it a good day. I will continue my boldness, and say we love helping others in general, and any time we can help others while sewing nothing makes us even happier. So why did we choose this particular charity to contribute our efforts to? As some of you may know already, Wendy Arend (Past President) accepted a donation of 400lbs of fabric from a neighbor whose mother passed away a few years ago. This neighbor has kids afflicted with Autism and Wendy suggested using the that fabric donated by the grandmother of autistic children to help the cause. If you would like to learn more about the cinch bag project or how to make your own contributions please go to: or email jewelrybags@ Reita Fisher Volume 20 Number 1 Needlin’ Around 1st Quarter 2012 3 Making a Silk Lotus Flower pillows, use as a For our 1st Thursday evening meeting of the year on Feb. 9, Diane Burleson taught us how to make Silk Lotus flowers from silk duponi. Kenneth King gave instructions for making these with Martha Stewart on her Sept. 2010 show. When finished, the flowers may be used to embellish clothing, hats, or attach a pin backing to it to corsage. All who attended were able to complete the flower by the end of the meeting. They were all beautiful, even the ones that had begun to ravel a little, the fringe just added character. Another option would be to singe the edges with a flame. Of course, Diane gave us suggestions to further embellish the flowers with beads, heat set crystals, fun fashion yarns, etc. Diane shared her plan to hand dye some silk to use for making flowers. Wouldn’t that make realistic looking roses! We all enjoyed learning this simple, yet elegant technique for making silk flowers. Linda Student 4 Volume 20 Number 1 Needlin’ Around 1st Quarter 2012 “Advancing Sewing as an Art and Life Skill” ASG M ission S tatement CREATIVE STITCHERS’ DAY Meetings are held the 3rd Saturday of each month from 12:30 – 3 pm* (note some time and location changes) Location: Hobby Lobby, 2310 Matthews Township Parkway, –, NC Group Leader: Margaret Johnson When: January 15 Project: Planning Meeting February 18 Project: Community Service- It’s a Cinch! Leader: Wendy Arend March 17 Project: UFO- UnFinished Object Leader: ??? Supplies: Any Unfinished project you would like to work on or get help with. BSS April 21 Project: Community Service- Ugly Quilt Leader: Ann McPharland 803-431-4108 Supplies: Very heavy muslin - I will provide Fabric scraps - at least 12" square (ideal fabrics are warm and light - old t-shirts, fleece, pieces of quilt batting, etc) Old blankets, bedding, pillows, cushions (these can be ripped open and the stuffing spread out over the quilt) LONG heavy needle (at least 6") to tie the quilts Scissors (to cut off sleeves, zippers, buttons, etc) Strong cord or yarn to tie quilt top Thimbles or sailmaker's palm (it can be tricky to get through all those layers) please! All supplies should be freshly laundered May 19 Project: Grommet Purse (11”H x13”Wx5”D) Leader: Reita Fisher Supplies: 9- 2½”x22” Fabric Strips (Purse Body) ¼yd- Top Band 1/3yd- Straps 2 yd- Nylon webbing (for strap foundation) 1yd Fabric- Lining 1yd Interfacing 4- 1" inside grommets (Like Dritz) 6"x14" Peltex for base BSS Optional 4 purse feet Volume 20 Number 1 Fo r You June 16 r Refer Project: Flip en Look on Flop Yahoo G ce Most cu r Purse/ rrent In oups for f o rmation Key West Tote Leader: Diane Burleson Supplies: 3 fat quarters of fabric 1 yard Heat n Bond 1 zipper 18” 1/3 yard clear vinyl Iron or Press Pressing cloth BSS 1 yard ribbon/ webbing (for carrying strap) July 21 Project: Paper Pieced Gift Bag Leader: Diane Burleson Supplies: 1/2 yard (aprox) fabric for bag fabrics for piecing pencil foundation/thin paper eraser straight edge (for drawing/tracing) Pressing cloth Iron BSS August 18 Project: Cape Sit-n-Sew/ Workshop Leader: Linda Student 704-366-8320 Supplies: Pattern and Supplies TBA September 15 Road Trip Project: TBA October 20 Road Trip- Reita’s House Project: Possible fabric dyeing Leader: To be Announced Supplies: To be Announced Location: 5220 Quail Ride Dr. Mint Hill, 28227 November 17 Project: UFO Smack down Leader: Wendy Arend December 11 (Sunday) Project: Holiday Party Location: Reita Fisher’s house 5220 Quail Ride Dr. Mint Hill, 28227 1 Zipper 18" or Magnetic closure Needlin’ Around BSS= Basic Sewing Supplies Thread Needles Scissors rotary cutter mat if desired Sewing Machine 1st Quarter 2012 5 Chapter Advisory Board PRESIDENT Diane Burleson 704-332-0578 [email protected] TREASURER Wendy Arend 704-321-1583 [email protected] 1st Vice President NEWSLETTER Reita Fisher 704-573-4738 [email protected] 2nd VICE PRESIDENT & MEMBERSHIP Judy Harkey 803-547-6794 [email protected] SECRETARY Mary Ann Evanoff 704-888-0977 [email protected] PUBLICITY/WEB Marcia Kephart 704-615-0797 [email protected] COMMUNITY SERVICE Phyllis Yandle 704-458-2742 [email protected] NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP COORDINATOR Margaret Johnson 704-537-4191 [email protected] CHAR/MECK EVENING Diane Burleson 704-332-0578 [email protected] CHAR/MECK “CREATIVE STITCHERS” Margaret Johnson 704-537-4191 [email protected] SUNDAY GARMENT GROUP Diane Burleson 704-332-0578 [email protected] For Y our Refer ence Look on Yahoo Gr rrent In oups for formati on Volume 20 Number 1 Most cu 6 CHARLOTTE/METRO EVENING Location: Fibre Studio, 4724 Sharon Rd Suite K, Charlotte NC 28210 Group Leader: Diane Burleson 704-332-0578 April 12 Paper piecing demonstration May 10 Copy RTW Bring materials and supplies to trace and alter a pattern made from a readyto-wear garment. Linda Student has a lovely cape-like jacket that can be used as a free alternative for the cape project this year. CHARLOTTE/METRO GARMENT When: TBD Location: Diane Burleson’s home Group Leader: Diane Burleson 704-332-0578 Project: Currently on Hold Searching for Location Check for Updates in Yahoo Groups Newsletter dates: 1ST Qtr Articles Due: 1/15 Delivered: 2/1 Needlin’ Around 2nd Qtr 4/15 5/1 3rd Qtr 7/15 8/1 4Th Qtr 10/15 11/1 1st Quarter 2012 LONG CREEK MILLS Adhesive Remover Stabilizers Threads Pete & Alice Moore Managers Charlie Rector Owner Monday - Saturday 9:00 -5:00 108 Webb Street, Gastonia, NC 28052 Phone 704-864-6651 Toll Free 1-866-869-6651 Fax 704-865-8242 Volume 20 Number 1 Needlin’ Around 1st Quarter 2012 7 and ASG Charlotte e-mail address: [email protected] for more information Charlotte meetings & events American Sewing Guild Charlotte Metrolina Chapter 2123 The Plaza Charlotte, NC 28205 The American Sewing Guild is a non-profit organization of home sewers. Its purpose is to provide information education, and programs for its membership and the community. Membership is open to the public. For information contact: The American Sewing Guild National Headquarters 9660 Hillcroft, Suite 510, Houston, TX 77096 Advertising Rates Per Quarterly Newsletter Full Page $77.50 Half Page $52.50 Quarter Page$28.00 Eighth Page $17.00 Business Card (Standard) $12.00 Classified Ads: Non-Member $10.00 Plus $.20 /word 8 Volume 20 Number 1 To Change your name, address or phone number write: The American Sewing Guild Association Headquarters 9660 Hillcroft, Suite 510 Houston, TX 77096 713-729-3000 Needlin’ Around Renew Your Membership Online You can now renew your membership online: 1. Go to the ASG web site at 2. Click on Membership at the top left 3. Scroll down to renewal Member 4. Under Choose a Chapter 5. Choose NC-Charlotte 6. Enter your Member ID# 7. Click Renew 8. You can then pay with a credit card. 1st Quarter 2012
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