transitions - Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging


transitions - Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
t r a n s i t i o n s
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Dear Friends,
2002 was a year of transition for the world. The events of September 11, 2001 left our nation
reeling emotionally, politically and financially. We as individuals and as a nation continue to
feel the effects.
The year was one of transition for Benjamin Rose as well. Like most organizations, we had to
carefully evaluate budgets, facilities and programs. We moved our Adult Day Program from its
Shaker Heights location to Margaret Wagner House in Cleveland Heights. We eliminated some
positions while maintaining direct services needed to accomplish our mission. We did not replace
staff who left the agency, forcing our committed workforce to take on additional responsibilities.
And, with tremendous gratitude, we said farewell to our very dedicated President/CEO of 17
years, Dr. Alice J. Kethley.
While we faced many changes in 2002, our mission remains constant: helping older people in
their homes, in residential settings such as Kethley House at Benjamin Rose Place, and through
research conducted by our nationally renowned Margaret Blenkner Research Institute.
Thanks to many of you, our Annual Drive in 2002 exceeded the amount raised in 2001 by over
$41,000. Other changes set a new tone for our future:
In February, our branding campaign culminated with the unveiling of a more classic logo, and
simplifying the use of our name. In May, Richard Browdie was chosen as the new President/CEO,
coming from the position of Secretary of Aging for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In
October, we began the process for a new strategic plan, which will guide us from 2003 until
2006. A public forum helped us glean invaluable input as we continued to seek the best ways
to serve a growing population amid shrinking resources.
Many other exciting events took place in 2002. Some are highlighted in the pages ahead.
We’d like to thank you for your support as we enter a new era.
Mary R. Izant, Chairman,
Board of Directors
Richard Browdie,
Benjamin Rose’s goal is to help older
adults and their families maintain their
independence and self-sufficiency with
dignity and respect, through in-home
care, residential care, and applied research.
I was a stockbroker and financial planner.
Then I had a stroke. It was a painful
transition at first: not being mobile—
family and friends having to pack me
into the car with the wheelchair. But
I’ve got the greatest family and friends
in the world.
In the last three years I’ve learned to be
happier. I take online visits to the art
museum. I go to stroke survivor support
groups. The group reminded me that
I am a survivor, not a victim.
It’s true you don’t know what you have
until it’s gone. I could dwell on the way
my life was, but I’d rather look ahead
to the future.
— John Klein, Stroke Survivor
and Benjamin Rose Client
Thelma handles me with care. She rubs
my joints when they’re sore. She told
me the right way to get in and out of
the tub so I don’t fall. She was so compassionate when my husband died last
year. I don’t know what I’d do without
her. She makes my day.
—Dora Karr, Client,
on Home Care Aide
Thelma White-Stephens
of Benjamin Rose
Community/In-Home Services
c o m m u n i t y
Highlights of Community/In-Home Services
need for accurate data on the older people Benjamin Rose serves is vital. Funding
sources require this information to be submitted in their specific formats. For example,
Medicare, a major funding source, requires home health agencies such as Benjamin Rose
to submit monthly reports to the Ohio Department of Health for statistical and billing
purposes. In order to automate this process and keep accurate track of data, nursing staff
began using special software from Misys Healthcare Systems in July. The software allows
better record-keeping by sorting out errors before the information, which requires constant
monitoring, is submitted.
Services provided many
types of vital services to
older adults in the greater
Cleveland area. In 2002,
these included:
Telephone information
and consultation to
approximately 3,000
Over 50,000 in-home
visits to 1,220 clients.
These clients received
one or more of the
following services:
home health care,
adult day care, mental
health services, social
services and in-home
private duty.
Six hundred
nursing assessments/
consultations to elderly
residents of Cogswell
Hall on Cleveland’s
west side and 350
to participants at the
Hispanic Senior Center.
Life Plans assessments
for long term care
insurance by Benjamin
Rose social workers
and nurses to approximately 220 people
in the community.
Elder Corporate Care
activities at area Ford
Motor plants 3-4 times
a month.
Group work, educational sessions for
caregivers, student
field placements and
outreach activities.
■ The
The Misys software also tracks information for social service and mental health clients.
Social workers are able to organize basic demographics and keep records of visits made,
including time spent with each client. The software is also being used to schedule visits
by home care aides, who provide housekeeping and personal care services.
Adrian Turowski joined Benjamin
Rose in August as the new vice
president for Community/In-Home
Services. Mr. Turowski, who most
recently served as director of program
management for Pennsylvania’s
Department of Aging, has an extensive
background in social work administration. Throughout the remainder
of 2002 he worked with Community/In-Home Services management to evaluate and
restructure Benjamin Rose’s many programs for older adults and their families.
In December, the Adult Day Program (ADP) moved from its facility at the corner of
Lee Rd. and Chagrin Blvd. in Shaker Heights to Margaret Wagner House in Cleveland
Heights. The move is advantageous to both staff and the Program’s functionally/mentally
impaired clients.
Margaret Wagner House is the site of Benjamin Rose Community/In-Home Services.
Now, ADP staff can interact more directly with their colleagues to provide timely and
quality services to clients. Many ADP clients have Benjamin Rose case managers. By
moving these clients to Wagner House, there is more opportunity for case managers to
visit clients, hold case conferences, and provide appropriate therapeutic interventions.
ADP staff are also exploring ways to collaborate with PACE (Program for All-inclusive
Care to the Elderly), a program also housed at Wagner House.
i n - h o m e
Highlights of Kethley House at
Benjamin Rose Place
Benjamin Rose’s Information Technology department
keeps up with the latest health care technology. In
October, the department put into place an electronic
charting system (ECS) at Kethley House at Benjamin
Rose Place. The software integrates all the departments,
enabling staff to accurately report required information
submitted to the Ohio Department of Health.
Information on each resident — such as medication,
dietary needs, and activities attended — is kept in
one database. The electronic chart eliminates unnecessary duplication of information
inherent with paper charting. The ease of accessing and entering information saves
staff time and improves the quality of care for residents.
Early in 2002, Kethley House was re-accredited by the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Kethley House scored an
excellent 99% on the assessment. JCAHO evaluates the quality and safety of care
for nearly 17,000 health care organizations. To earn and maintain accreditation,
organizations must undergo an extensive onsite review by a team of JCAHO health
care professionals at least once every three years.
Kethley House at Benjamin Rose Place was home to 723 older adults from the greater Cleveland area in 2002.
One hundred seventy-nine people resided on Kethley House’s second and third floors, while 544 people were admitted.
Most of these were people needing physical and occupational rehabilitation on the first floor for conditions such as
stroke, knee and hip replacement and other surgery before returning to their homes.
■ Throughout
2002, Kethley House maintained an exceptionally high 95% occupancy
rate. In March, Kethley House started offering health care through Evercare, a national
health care provider with Medicare, Medicaid, and private-pay long-term care products
and programs. The goal of Kethley House’s contract with Evercare is to reduce residents’
hospital stays. Under the terms of the contract, a nurse practitioner joined Kethley
House’s clinical team to ensure preventative care.
r e s i d e n t i a l
c a r e
When our family was faced
with an unexpected, and very
difficult situation, the staff at
Kethley House helped us to
make the right decisions.
Kethley House really is a
house and not a “home.”
— Ruth Cordes,
— Martha Towns,
— Betsy Cikra,
I’ve been a Benjamin Rose research
interviewer for 10 years. I love people,
and I really like feeling that the people
I interview get some relief from their
situation, whether they’re the caregiver
or the care receiver.
—Curtiss Thompson Moon, Interviewer
Margaret Blenkner Research Institute
r e s e a r c h
Highlights of the Margaret Blenkner Research Institute
■ There
are many sources of information that are used
to measure the quality of a nursing home, each one
assessing a specific component. Whether it’s gauging
resident and family satisfaction or looking at deficiency
data from government reports, nursing home administrators traditionally have had to sort through an intimidating amount of information to find out if they were
doing the right things. Thanks to a two-year grant from
the Commonwealth Foundation received in fall 2002,
the Research Institute’s Dr. Farida Ejaz and Dr. Jane
Straker from the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami
University will try to make this plethora of information
more manageable by merging it into a more coherent
and complete perspective on nursing home quality. To
ensure that it’s user-friendly, the pair will conduct focus
groups with nursing home administrators and staff to
determine the best way to package this information so
it can provide direction for improving quality.
For the past several years, Dr. David Bass and Research
Institute colleagues have collaborated with the Alzheimer’s
Association to find ways to improve care and services for
dementia patients and their families. Those efforts received
a boost in November, when the Research Institute received
a planning grant from the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation to expand their collaborative work to include
the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical
Centers and Alzheimer’s Association Chapters across the
country. The planning grant is the first step of a larger
project — VA Partnership for Dementia Care — and
will be used to create a “best practice” care model for
older veterans with dementia. With the successful completion of the planning grant, the essential components
will be in place for a large, multi-site clinical trial to test
the effectiveness and cost of the VA Partnership.
In 1962, Margaret Blenkner became Benjamin Rose’s
first director of research. Forty years later, the Research
Institute that bears her name continues to conduct applied
gerontological research to
enhance the quality of
older people’s lives.
The highlight of the
Research Institute’s
anniversary year in 2002
was a conference titled
“The Partnership of
Research and Practice:
Celebrating 40 Years of
Applied Research and
Aging.” Keynote speaker
Dr. Fernando Torres-Gil,
an associate dean in the School of Public Policy and
Social Research at the University of California, Los
Angeles, shared some of the insights on advocacy
he gained as the first-ever assistant secretary for aging
in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Through a variety of presentations, practitioners, educators,
and students in attendance gained valuable insights into
research-practice partnerships in the workforce; integrating
health care and community services; assessing quality in
long-term care; and supporting older clients and their
family caregivers.
Benjamin Rose’s Margaret Blenkner Research Institute is internationally renowned for investigating ways to help
older people and those who care for them. In 2002, the Institute conducted eight new and ongoing projects. Among
the funders of these grants are The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Administration on Aging, Retirement Research
Foundation, AARP Andrus Foundation, and the National Institute on Aging. Complementing the research is the Benjamin
Rose Library. Its elder-specific collections are used by gerontologists, geriatricians and students throughout the country.
f i n a n c i a l s
Sources of Program Support: $23,477,000
Benjamin Rose is dependent on gifts for the
difference between the cost of services and the
sources of support. Financial statement audits
and Grants
by Ernst and Young, LLP are located in
Benjamin Rose’s Finance Office.
from Trusts*
Cost of Program Services: $25,758,000
Residential and
Rehabilitative Services
(Kethley House at
Benjamin Rose Place)
4.6% 0.7%
*Loss on sale of investments
Wagner House
Residential and
Rehabilitative Services
(Kethley House at
Benjamin Rose Place)
Services Fees
Affiliated Organization
(Fairhill Center)
Legacy Society
B e n j a m i n
R o s e
The 1908 Legacy Society, named to commemorate the founding
date of Benjamin Rose, was established to recognize those who
have included Benjamin Rose in their will, estate plan, or other
planned gift. We greatly value the commitment of these individuals
to the continuation of Benjamin Rose’s work on behalf of the
elderly in our community.
Polly H. Clemo
Lewis E. and Lois H. Cole
Mary French Conway
Barbara Denison
Dale W. Dettmer
Emily Ann Drake
Mary and Oliver Emerson
Ruth B. Fiordalis
Barbara and Peter Galvin
Catherine R. Gerbic
Catherine Heiser
Sarah O. Hirsch
Alice J. Kethley
Jennifer B. Langston
Barbara S. (Buster) Oldenburg
Henry Ott-Hansen
Edward H. Richard
Linda Richard
Dale M. Rothenberger
Susan and Jackson G. Simpson
Gretchen Smith
Marcia J. Wexberg
Dorothy M. Young
Anonymous (three individuals)
c o m m i t m e n t
s p e c i a l
In Appreciation of
Marcia J. Wexberg
Ms. Margaret V. Grevatt
In Honor of
Georgia J. Anetzberger, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCarthy
David Bass, Ph.D.
The Staff of the Margaret
Blenkner Research Institute
Molly E. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Galvin
g i f t s
Anjali Issacs Kala
Mrs. Alma H. Sloan
Alice J. Kethley, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Conway
Mrs. Louise W. Crane
Donley’s, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gunning
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Norweb
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Smith
Springcreek Foundation/Mr. and
Mrs. David Warshawsky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Storey
In Memory of
Frederick B. Alofsin
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Harvie
Mabel Amster
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Amster
Augusta M. Anetzberger
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Cardinale
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Weber
Warren Dusenbury
Mrs. Zoann L. Dusenbury
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Mort and Marion Epstein
Mr. Jesse Epstein and
Dr. Carol Epstein
Ruth Formanek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K.
Bertram E. Gardner
Dr. and Mrs. Drue King, Jr.
We chose to establish a named fund to honor our
parents because of the high quality of care our mother
received at Kethley House at Benjamin Rose Place.
We felt comfortable working with the supportive staff.
That was extremely important, as our mother’s
illness made it difficult to care for her. After an
extensive search of facilities, we felt Kethley
House clearly was the best place for our mother.
—Catherine R. Gerbic and Linda Richard
Glenna S. Bissell
Mr. Stephen Rosen and
Ms. Alice Bissell
Mary Ann Caston
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rothstein
Polly H. Clemo
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Arnold
The Sogg Foundation/
Carol Markey
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Conway
Ms. Patricia A. Anzells
Emily A. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ettinger
Dr. Phyllis Ehrlich
Dr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Caston
Frances King
Mrs. Juanita N. Williams
Barbara Oldenburg
Dr. Ruth M. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Bashaw
Nancy G. Rome
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Michael
Phyllis Victor
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joseph
Sara Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wester
Astrid Weizman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Kogan
Herbert Bass
Dr. Marjorie M. Moyar and
Mr. Bert W. Moyar
Ms. Gwendolyn Williams
James E. Bennett
Ms. Emily A. Drake
Elizabeth Bishop
Mrs. Thomasine B. Mason
Olive L. Bitonti
Mr. Salvatore Bitonti
Naomi I. Butts
Mrs. Merlyn Newland
Alona G. Christensen
Mr. Robert W. Dresher
Ms. Karyn H. Kelley
Marie Gilchrist
Mr. Dale Wilson
Ida Greenfield
Mrs. Sanford Bloch
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Botnick
Mrs. Stanley R. Creed
Mr. and Mrs. James A. LaRue
Ms. Sandra M. Lipman
Barbara Griffiths
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tindall
Frieda Guggenheimer
Mrs. Gloria F. Hastings
Rosemary M. Hackman
Dr. Virginia O. Benson
Cleveland Restoration Society
Mr. Thomas A. Jorgensen
VIP Restoration, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Zambie
Lydia S. Hartstock
Mr. William O. Hartstock
Alice McCarroll
Mrs. Judy Dowd Bourne
William M. Harvie
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Harvie
Charles L. Mlakar
Mrs. Jean H. Owen
Mrs. Arthur H. Schweitzer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wicks
Eleanor C. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hatch III
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hatch
Florence A. Hinton
Dr. May L. Wykle
Harry A. Karr
Mrs. Harry A. Karr
Addie Katzenmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Roland S. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Katzenmeyer
Dr. and Mrs. Roger H. S. Langston
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Litzler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pokorny
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Smith
Hilda Kennerdell
Mr. G. Geoffrey Dampeer
Nina Komaromy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Johns
Wilbert J. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Gardner
Ms. Audrey M. Halpern
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold M. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Reese
Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Scolnick
Robert Long
Ms. Emily A. Drake
Anya Macko
Mr. David Macko
Charles Mangano
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Caserta
Ms. Laura Ann Caserta
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Caserta
Virginia E. Markan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bartone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bowers
Ms. Alice E. Boyda
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Citro
Mrs. Charles Della Vella
Judge Donna C. Fitzsimmons
and Mr. Matthew T.
Ms. Mary Sue Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. William Hallock
Mrs. Kenneth R. Lyman
Mr. Thomas B. McGreal
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Mustee
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Ockuly
Spahia and Carducci Families
Eunice Moloney
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Behrens
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Hays
Mr. Clay Motsinger
Ms. Maryanne Sutherland
Ms. Mary Ann Theby
John J. Monroe
Mr. Charles A. Bacon
Dr. Thomas J. Barrett
Biales, Zwick & Garvin LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bold
Bond, Sippola, DeJoy & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen A. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Carfagna
Charter One Bank, F.S.B.
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Coviello
Mr. Thomas F. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Croasdaile III
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DeGulis
Mr. and Mrs. Dana A. Dennis
Mr. John J. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ely
Ms. Mary C. Fayen
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Fayen
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gambol
Ms. Georgia T. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. J. James Greulich
Ms. Martha I. Hackman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Haflinger
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Holden, Jr.
Hoovler Financial & Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Hoynes
Dr. Louis J. Juliano
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot M. Kaufman
Mr. Ray L. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Kidder
Ms. Beth A. Knezevich
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. David Kornswiet
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Krutschnitt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Ms. Joan M. Lima
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Mallett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. McDevitt
McDevitt Mechanical
Contractors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. McKeever
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.
Meaney, Jr.
Mr. Frank W. Milbourn
Mrs. John J. Monroe
Mr. John T. Mulligan
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F.
Neubauer, Jr.
Mr. Henry Ott-Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Pelegrin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Peterman, Jr.
Ms. Katherine S. Pike
Mr. Michael Prots
Mr. John J. Reidy, Jr.
Ms. Donna K. Rhodes
Ms. Mary Rosenberg
Mr. Robert J. Sanson
Mrs. Mark A. Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Steinhouse
The Andrews School
The Shaker Heights Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan A. Truthan
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Van Luvender
Mrs. Marjorie P. Waldeck
Ms. Kathleen L. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. White
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wirtshafter
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Zampini
Patricia Nadbath
Mr. Frank R. Nadbath
Joanne Ortelle
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Schaftenaar
Anne B. Ott-Hansen
Mr. Henry Ott-Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Quintrell
Ferdinand Peplowski
Mr. Ricky Erben
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kropf
Mr. Gary Martz
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Weitzenhof
Isabelle Roemer
Mrs. Charles C. Barnes
Leonard Rome
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Weidenthal
Alma and Dale Rothenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Dale M.
Rothenberger, Jr.
Jack L. Schulman
Ms. N. Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Charna
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kleinman
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Silver
Frances Siegal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cicero
Lois P. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson G.
Josephine Smith
Mrs. Virginia Mlakar
Robert Stone
Mrs. Elsie V. Handler
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Schultz
Helen Tobocman
Mr. and Mrs. William Tobocman
Martha Van Achter
Mrs. Frederick Weizman
Victor N. Victor
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Schultz
Ms. Hazel Vidt
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Vidt
Leonija Virsis
Mr. Martin O. Virsis
Kay Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Sullivan
Albert R. Yafanaro
Mrs. Albert R. Yafanaro
Josephine Ratkosky
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Rodgers
Dorothy P. Richard
Mrs. Linda Richard-Schenk
Henry and Ida Richard
Henry & Ida Richard Foundation
Mildred Rifkin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Katcher
d o n o r s
Benefactor - ($1,000+)
The Abington Foundation
Bicknell Fund
Louise I. Brown Charitable Lead
Trust No.1
Calfee, Halter & Griswold
Ms. Polly H. Clemo
The Cleveland Foundation
The George W. Codrington
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Conway
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Christine H. Crone Charitable
Lead Trust
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Deaconess Community
Ms. Emily A. Drake
Mrs. Zoann L. Dusenbury
Mr. John J. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver F. Emerson
Mr. David K. Ford
Mrs. Frances W. Gale
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Garda
Mrs. Bruce Griswold
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence K. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gunning
Estate of Virginia Harrison
Mary C. Hanes Charitable
Lead Trust
The Hankins Foundation
George M. & Pamela S.
Humphrey Fund
J. G. Bell Foundation
Kahler Family Trust
Dr. Alice J. Kethley
The Kresge Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Roger H. S. Langston
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. LoPresti, Jr.
The Lubrizol Foundation
Valerie C. Marousch Trust
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Miller
NACCO Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Oldenburg
Estate of Anne B. Ott-Hansen
Mr. Henry Ott-Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Paulson
The Pavey Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Pinkerton
The Plain Dealer
Henry & Ida Richard Foundation
Mrs. Linda Richard-Schenk
Saint Luke’s Foundation of
Cleveland, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schubert
The Sherwick Fund
Mrs. Alma H. Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Spahr
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Steinbrunner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Storey
Mr. and Mrs. C. Carlisle Tippit
Wellington Management
Company LLP
Wuliger Foundation, Inc.
Patron - ($500+)
Marion C. and Walter K. Bailey
Mrs. Walter A. Bates
Mrs. Charles S. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bensing
BP Amoco Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Corning Chisholm
Cleveland Restoration Society
Mr. G. Geoffrey Dampeer
Donley’s, Inc.
Mr. Henry F. Eaton
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ference
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fiordalis II
FirstEnergy Foundation
Forest City Enterprises
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Galvin
Mrs. Marjorie K. Garson
Ms. Lynne D. Kearns and
Dr. Conrad Revak
Mrs. Thomasine B. Mason
MBNA America
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Meisel
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morley
David & Inez Myers Foundation
Dr. Linda Noelker
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Norweb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Quintrell
Ms. Deborah Z. Read and
Mr. John W. Read
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Redick
Mr. and Mrs. Dale M.
Rothenberger, Jr.
Ms. Carol A. Runge
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson G. Simpson
The Sogg Foundation/
Carol Markey
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Summers, Jr.
Summit Strategies, Inc.
Thompson Hine LLP
Mr. Adrian Turowski
United Way Services
Verizon Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. David Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. David H.
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Weidenthal
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wheeler
Sponsor - ($250+)
Dr. Ruth M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Baron
Dr. David Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Browdie
Dr. James W. Campbell and
Dr. Patricia D. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Cardinale
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Caserta
Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Chapman, Jr.
Combined Federal Campaign
Dr. Farida Ejaz
Dr. and Mrs. Victor W. Fazio
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K.
Ms. Kathleen Fox
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gretter
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Harnett
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Harvie
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hatch III
Herman Gibans Fodor, Inc.,
Ms. Mary R. Izant
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Jack, Jr.
Kaiser East Group
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Katcher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit C. Kuechle
Mr. and Mrs. A. Malachi Mixon III
Dr. Marjorie M. Moyar and
Mr. Bert W. Moyar
Mrs. John F. Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Jon H. Outcalt
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Eliot Paine
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pender
Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin
Mrs. Florence B. Rutter
Mrs. Daniel C. Schipfer
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Schultz
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Vidt
Ms. Marcia J. Wexberg and
Mr. Kenneth D. Singer
Dr. Carol Whitlatch
Ms. Gwendolyn Williams
Dr. Denton H. Wyse
Supporter - ($125+)
Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Ambus
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Arnold
Mrs. Charles C. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Barratt
Ms. Virginia D. Benjamin and
Mr. Philip L. Woodcoc
Ms. Jewell Benton
Miss Leona Bevis
Mr. and Mrs. Austin V. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Carfagna
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carter
Mr. George N. Chandler II
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cicero
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Cozier
Mrs. Louise W. Crane
Mr. James A. Dingus, Jr.
Dr. Mary M. Doll
Dominion Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Maier M. Driver
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ettinger
Mrs. Morris E. Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Fabens III
Mr. and Mrs. victor gelb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ginn
Dr. James E. Greene and
Dr. Giesele R. Greene
Mrs. John A. Hadden, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Harding III
Mrs. Mary Jane Hartwell
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hatch
Ms. Shirley D. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Hayes
Mrs. Carole F. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoyt III
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hrusovsky
Mrs. Patricia A. Huczel
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Izant, Jr.
Mrs. Frank E. Joseph
Dr. Katherine Judge
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Katzenmeyer
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Kelley
Mr. Ray L. Kennedy
Dr. and Mrs. Drue King, Jr.
Mr. Daniel W. Kling
Mrs. Henrietta G. Kraus
Mr. H. Howard Laundy
Mr. and Mrs. Hilmore Lee
Ms. Wendy J. Looman
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Lowrie
Ms. Kelly Lutian
Mr. William E. MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Lester T. Miller
Mr. Robert S. Monitello
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy B. Parks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner
Mrs. Lincoln Reavis
Mrs. Nancy G. Rome
Mr. and Mrs. Neil T. Ruddock
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saks
Ms. Sedate A. Sharpe
Mr. Charles H. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mrs. Paul J. Stueber, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tobocman
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Bashaw
Mrs. E. Ellen Beckle
Mr. Edward M. Beesley
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Behrens
Mrs. William Hay Bemis
Ms. N. Benjamin
Dr. Virginia O. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Berke
Ms. Sylvia L. Betts
Biales, Zwick & Garvin LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Bilsky
Mr. Salvatore Bitonti
Mrs. Sanford Bloch
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bold
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bolton
Bond, Sippola, DeJoy & Co.
Mrs. Evelyn Bonder
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Botnick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Clegg
Mrs. Cynthia S. Cleminshaw
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Cohen
Miss Helen C. Cole
Mrs. Aimee Convery
Mr. Richard D. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Corrado
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Coviello
Mr. Thomas F. Cox
Mr. John H. Creech
Mrs. Stanley R. Creed
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Cristal
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Croasdaile III
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Currie
Mrs. Nancy V. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Davis
Mrs. Alvin B. Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Julius Fishman
Mrs. Helen V. Fitzhugh
Judge Donna C. Fitzsimmons
and Mr. Matthew T. Fitzsimmons
Mrs. Justine Flashman
Ms. Mary Sue Foreman
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Fountain
Ms. Mary Francik
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fratianne
Dr. J. Dermot Frengley
“EVERY person deserves to live his or her senior years in dignity and comfort.
We give to Benjamin Rose to help make this possible for many more in
our community.”
—Juanita C. Storey
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman H.
Treadway III
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wallenhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wester
Mr. and Mrs. William A. White
Mrs. Lewis C. Williams
Friend - (up to $124)
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Loretta Jeanne Ablon
Mr. and Mrs. Julius P. Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adler
Ms. Ruth V. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Amster
The Andrews School
Ms. Patricia A. Anzells
Ms. Barbara J. Appel
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Augustus II
Mr. Charles A. Bacon
Dr. Lester A. Ballard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Barney, Jr.
Mr. John M. Barr
Dr. Thomas J. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bartone
Mrs. Judith D. Bourne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bowers
Ms. Alice E. Boyda
Mrs. Martha H. Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Owen A. Brady
Mrs. Emily H. Brasfield
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Brightup
Mrs. Peggy F. Broder
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Dr. and Mrs. Jere H. Brophy
Ms. Nancy L. Browne
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Bruner II
Mrs. Ezra Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Armond D. Budish
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Burkons
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Ms. Carleen K. Carver
Ms. Laura Ann Caserta
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Caserta
Dr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Caston
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Charna
Charter One Bank, F.S.B.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Chilcote, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Citro
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DeGulis
Mrs. Charles Della Vella
Mr. and Mrs. Bourne P. Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Dana A. Dennis
Details Hair Salon
(Jeanine Skolsky)
Mr. and Mrs. David P. DiFrancesco
Miss Adela Dolney
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Donley
Mr. Robert W. Dresher
Ms. Mary A. Dziedzicki
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Ekelman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Eklund
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ely
Emery Remodeling Co.
(Joe Emery)
Mr. Jesse Epstein and
Dr. Carol Epstein
Mr. Ricky Erben
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Ernest
Mrs. Frances T. Fangboner
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert J. Fasick
Ms. Mary C. Fayen
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Fayen
Mrs. Daniel W. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Fields
Mrs. Lois G. Filipic
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gambol
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Gardner
Ms. Georgia T. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Garretson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Garson
Mrs. Hugh R. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Glaser
Mr. Chester J. Gray, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. James Greulich
Ms. Margaret V. Grevatt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gries
Ms. Martha I. Hackman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Haflinger
Dr. Robert A. Hahn
Mrs. Robert J. Hajek
Mr. and Mrs. William Hallock
Ms. Audrey M. Halpern
Mrs. Elsie V. Handler
Mr. William O. Hartstock
Mrs. Gloria F. Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Hays
Ms. Jenifer Heidorn
Mr. Preston B. Heller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Herman
Mrs. Martha E. Hickox
d o n o r s
Friend - (cont’d)
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland S. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Holden, Jr.
Hoovler Financial & Insurance
Services (Debra Hutchison)
Mr. Everett Hosack
Mr. and Mrs. L. Walter Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Hoynes
Ms. Carolyn Huggins
Mrs. Jennie E. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Ingersoll
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Iredell IV
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Kogan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Kohut
Mr. William E. Kohut, Jr.
Dr. Lenore A. Kola
Mr. and Mrs. David Kornswiet
Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Kozokoff
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kropf
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Krutschnitt
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kunkel
Lamson & Sessions Foundation
(John Schulze)
Mr. and Mrs. James A. LaRue
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Lau
Mr. David F. Leahy
Dr. and Mrs. L. Douglas Lenkoski
Mrs. Nancy McCormack
Mrs. Nora G. McCowan
Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. McDevitt
McDevitt Mechanical Contractors,
Inc. (Anthony McDevitt)
Mr. Thomas B. McGreal
Mrs. Margaret M. McGuire
Mrs. Genevieve McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. McKeever
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Meaney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Means
Dr. Barbara J. Messinger-Rapport
Mr. Frank W. Milbourn
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold M. Mitchell
Mrs. Jean H. Owen
Ms. Irene Papp
Ms. Emily Parkman
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin P. Peers
Ms. Mildred Pekarek
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Pelegrin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Peterman, Jr.
Ms. Brenda Peters
Ms. Katherine S. Pike
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pokorny
Ms. Branka Primetica
Mr. Michael Prots
“During her illness, Anne stayed in the rehabilitation center at Kethley
House at Benjamin Rose Place and was very pleased with the excellent
care she received. She commented on how friendly and caring the
staff were. We would like our donation to be used to support
this area to help others needing rehabilitative care.”
—Sarah Hirsch, daughter, and Henry Ott-Hansen, husband
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Janke
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Johns
Mr. Thomas A. Jorgensen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joseph
Dr. Louis J. Juliano
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Junglas
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Kaesberg
Mr. Daniel Q. Kane
Ms. Marcia M. Karchmer
Mrs. Harry A. Karr
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot M. Kaufman
Ms. Karyn H. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Z. Ketchum
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Kidder
Mr. Henry T. King, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth H. Kirtz
Mrs. Vincent S. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kleinman
Ms. Beth A. Knezevich
Dr. Carolyn J. Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Koch
Ms. Ellen Kofron
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Ms. Gwen E. Lewis
Ms. Joan M. Lima
Mr. and Mrs. John Limbocker, Jr.
Ms. Sandra M. Lipman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Litwinowicz
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Litzler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Livermore
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Loomis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Lozick
LSC Service Corporation
(Curt Brosky)
Mrs. Stanton Luntz
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lutjen III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Lutjen
Mrs. Kenneth R. Lyman
Mr. David Macko
Mr. and Mrs. H. Stephen Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Mallett, Jr.
Mr. Gary Martz
Ms. Catherine A. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCarthy
Ms. Marlene McClain
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mitchell
Mrs. Charles L. Mlakar, Sr.
Mrs. Virginia Mlakar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Moffett
Mrs. John J. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Motch III
Mr. Clay Motsinger
Mr. Andrew K. Mull
Mr. John T. Mulligan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Mustee
Mr. Frank R. Nadbath
The Honorable and
Mrs. Joseph J. Nahra
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F.
Neubauer, Jr.
Mr. Sterling Newell, Jr.
Mrs. Merlyn Newland
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Neye
Mr. Jim S. Nezu
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Nord
Mr. Marshall I. Nurenberg and
Ms. Joanne Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Ockuly
Ms. Grace B. Ordin
Psychology Clinic
(JoEllen K. Salkin)
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. John Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Reese
Mr. John J. Reidy, Jr.
Ms. Adina Reshotko
Ms. Donna K. Rhodes
Ms. Delesia Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Rodgers
Mr. Stephen Rosen and
Ms. Alice Bissell
Ms. Mary Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic S. Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rothstein
Mr. Judah Rubinstein
Mrs. Arlene Ryan
Ms. Maria Ryndik
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Safran
Mr. and Mrs. Oswaldo G. Salazar
Mr. Robert J. Sanson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Schaftenaar
Ms. Anne Schleicher
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schneider
Mr. Jeffrey J. Schoonover
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Schreiner
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schulze
Ms. Dorothy Schur
Mrs. Arthur H. Schweitzer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Scolnick
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Scovil II
Mrs. Ellery Sedgwick, Jr.
Mrs. Mollie S. Seidenfeld
Mrs. Mark A. Sexton
The Shaker Heights Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Shea
Miss Sally E. Sheldon
Miss Melissa H. Shin
Mr. Terry L. Shockey
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Silver
Mrs. Elaine M. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smeltz
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Smythe
Spahia & Carducci Families
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Steinhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Albin A. Sternen
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Sullivan
Ms. Maryanne Sutherland
Ms. Mary Ann Theby
Mr. and Mrs. Chilton Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tindall
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan A. Truthan
Mr. Howie Vactor
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Van Luvender
Ms. Judith Verba
VIP Restoration, Inc.
Mr. Martin O. Virsis
Mrs. Marjorie P. Waldeck
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Warren
Ms. Kathleen L. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Weitzenhof
Mrs. Frederick Weizman
Dr. Steven Wexberg and
Ms. Anita L. Rothschild
Mr. and Mrs. David Wicks
Mrs. Juanita N. Williams
Mr. Dale Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wirtshafter
Dr. May L. Wykle
Mrs. Albert R. Yafanaro
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Yee
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Zambie
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Zampini
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Zeisler
Ms. Caroline Zicarelli
Services Funding Sources
Benjamin Rose Trust Funds
Cuyahoga County Health and
Human Services (Community
Mental Health Board)
Western Reserve Area Agency on
Concordia Care
Corporation for National and
Community Services
Ohio Department of Aging
Older Americans Act
Alzheimer’s Respite Program
Violence Against Women Act
The Cleveland Foundation
Ceridian Performance Partners
Life Plans
Work Family Visibility
William Klein Foundation
Working Solutions
Child and Adult Care Food
Mental Retardation/
Developmental Disabilities Levy
(Cuyahoga County Mental
Disabilities Board)
Client fees
Private insurance
Cogswell Hall
In-kind donations
Options for Elders (Cuyahoga
County funding)
Gifts and donations
We have made every effort to
ensure the accuracy of the donor
and funder lists. However, if you
have any corrections or additions,
please call our Development Office
at 216.373.1607.
To our Donors:
You are at the very heart of our ability to
continue our commitment to care for the
elderly in these unsettling times. This is
especially important as we respond to the
transitions of a growing elderly population.
Thank you for helping ensure that
Benjamin Rose’s long and distinguished
pursuit of its mission will continue.
v o l u n t e e r s*
Mary R. Izant
Catherine D. LoPresti
Vice Chairman
Ms. Cathy A. Archuleta and
Mr. Mac McCall
Mrs. Dorothy Hudson
Ms. Gail Isley
Mrs. Alice Backus
Ms. Hattie Jackson
Jennifer B. Langston
Past Chairman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Baioni
Mrs. Monica Jackson
Ms. Katie Barnie
Ms. Gloria James
Leigh L. Fabens
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bernardo
Mrs. Cletonia Johnson
Mrs. Wayne Bicker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones
Mrs. Grace Blusiewicz
Ms. Thelma Jones
Mr. James Bolcavage
Mr. and Mrs. John Kealy
Reverend Walter Brownridge
Mr. and Mrs. David Kelly
Mrs. Margaret Bunevich
Dr. and Mrs. Alex Mark
Mrs. Patricia W. Calvo
Miss Jessica Martin
Mrs. Theresa M. Centrackio
Mrs. Nancy Martin
Mr. Ambrose Clague
Dr. Lucille S. Mayne
Ms. Susan A. Clerkin
Ms. Etta McGrew
Mrs. Carol Conti-Entin
Ms. Nancy McIntosh
Ms. Suzanne Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Means
Ms. Mildred J. Copez
Ms. Margaret M. Miller
Mr. Daniel Crown
Reverend Moon/Covenant
Emily A. Drake
Selma Baron
Ruth B. Fiordalis
Patricia R. Frutig
Barbara Y. Galvin
Giesele Greene, M.D.
Joan Gretter
Robin Gunning
Iris A. Harvie
Kathryn L. Kaesberg
Joyce Ann Lee
Thomasine B. Mason
Marjorie M. Moyar, PH.D.
Barbara S. Oldenburg
Ella H. Quintrell
Deborah Z. Read
Nancy G. Rome
Barbara S. Schubert
Gretchen D. Smith
Juanita C. Storey
Sara E. Wallace
Lee Warshawsky
Marcia J. Wexberg
Margaret S. Wheeler
Mrs. Robert M. Clements
Mary F. Conway
Mrs. Charles O. DeWoody
Mary deC. Emerson
Mrs. Robert I. Gale, Jr.
Mrs. Hugh R. Gibson
Sally K. Griswold
Mrs. Laurence K. Groves
Virginia R. Izant
Frances M. King
Margaret B. Kuechle
Elizabeth G. Norweb
Mrs. Nelson P. Rose
Anne K. Stueber
Ms. Gladys Dale
Community Church
Mrs. Nola M. Drake
Mr. Jeffrey Murphy
Mrs. Darlene Dunn
Ms. Shula J. Neuman
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Edwards
Mr. Gordon Panton
Mrs. Phyllis Fahrland
Ms. Ellen Petler
Mrs. Doris Forman
Mrs. Charles H. Reeves
Brother Freeman
Mr. Jeremy J. Shively
Ms. Denise R. Garrett
Mr. Marc J. Spelar
Ms. Michelle Gayles
Ms. Elizabeth A. Sutton
Mr. Mark George
Mrs. Margaret T. Terman
Ms. Eileen Graves
Ms. Ella Thomas
Mr. Charles T. Griffith
Reverend Tufts
Mr. Michael Gully
Mrs. Cecilia Wernet
Ms. Bertha Hanson
Ms. Karen A. White
Mr. George Harabin
Ms. Gwendolyn Williams
Mrs. Janna D. Head
Ms. Dorothy Wilson
Mrs. Julia Hearn
Ms. Vera Witson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hoover
Benjamin Rose Thanks You for
the Generosity of Your Time
*as of November 22, 2002
m a n a g e m e n t
850 Euclid Ave., Suite 1100
Cleveland, OH 44114-3301
fax: 216.621.7521
Richard Browdie
Mary Dziedzicki
Executive Secretary
Linda S. Noelker, PH.D.
Sr. Vice President, Planning and
Organizational Resources
Dee Weber, M.B.A.
Vice President, Human Resources
Lynne D. Kearns, M.S., R.H.P., N.H.A.
Vice President, Housing and
Campus Development
Polly H. Clemo, B.A.
Vice President,
Institutional Advancement
Ruth Ann Ference, B.A., M.A., M.B.A., CFRE
Director, Development
Patricia A. Walter
Director, Office Services
Charles Hageman, B.B.A.
Director, Reimbursement
and Fixed Assets
Total Finance Staff:
25 Full-time
1 Part-time
1 Flexible time
Community/In-Home Services
2373 Euclid Heights Blvd.
Cleveland Hts., OH 44106-2797
fax: 216.791.8030
Frank P. Cardinale, M.B.A., C.P.A.
Sr. Vice President, Finance and
Support Services
Jeffery Lanphear
Director, Purchasing
Ellen Girard, B.A.
Director, General Accounting
Mary Ann Buzzelli
Director, Grants and General Ledger
Lori Gurley, B.S.B.A.
Director, Accounts Receivable
Kethley House at Benjamin
Rose Place
11900 Fairhill Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44120-1053
Mary S. Grant, M.H.S.A., L.N.H.A.
fax: 216.795.1178
Charles T. Molta, M.D., M.A.C.P.
Medical Director
fax: 216.795.1145
Rhonda Wachs, M.S.S.A., L.I.S.W.
Director, Social Work
fax: 216.795.1178
Adrian Turowski
Vice President, Community/
In-Home Services
Janice Hanna, R.N., M.S.N.
Director, Nursing
fax: 216.795.1145
Mary Ann Caston, M.P.H., B.S.N., R.N.
Director, Central Operations
Mark Grippi, B.A.
Director, Admissions/Marketing
fax: 216.795.1178
Doris Matthey, M.S.W., L.I.S.W.
Director, Mental Health Services
Semanthie Brooks, A.C.S.W., L.I.S.W.
Director, Clinical Operations
Debra A. Thompson, B.A.
Director, Human Resources
fax: 216.795.1145
Eileen Reynolds Wallenhorst, R.N.C.
Director, Health Services
Gwendolyn Merriweather
Manager, Business Office
fax: 216.795.1145
Sylvia Pla-Raith, M.A., L.S.W.
Director, Benjamin Rose
In-Home Services
Carol Hrusovsky, R.N.
Director, Education
fax: 216.795.1145
Adult Day Program
2373 Euclid Heights Blvd.
Cleveland Hts., OH 44106-2797
fax: 216.373.2020
Paulette Reeves, A.A.
Director, Nutrition Services
fax: 216.795.1178
Total Administration Staff: 10
850 Euclid Ave., Suite 1100
Cleveland, OH 44114-3301
fax: 216.621.4236
s t a f f*
Linda Elliott, M.S.S.A., M.A., A.T.R.
Total Community/In-Home
Services Staff:
80 Full-time
6 Part-time
55 Flexible time
Richard A. Fertal, A.A.
Director, Support Services
fax: 216.795.1145
Gloria Y. Daniels, B.A.
Director, Program Services
fax: 216.795.1178
Cordell Jones, B.S., O.T.R./L.
Director, Rehabilitative Therapies
fax: 216.795.3359
Total Kethley House Staff:
223 Full-time
69 Full-time equivalent
Margaret Blenkner
Research Institute
850 Euclid Ave., Suite 1100
Cleveland, OH 44114-3301
fax: 216.621.3505
David M. Bass, PH.D.
Director, Research
Sidney Katz, M.D., M.A.
Distinguished Scholar
Farida K. Ejaz, PH.D.
Senior Research Associate
Carol J. Whitlatch, PH.D.
Senior Research Associate
Katherine Judge, PH.D.
Research Associate
The Benjamin Rose Library
12200 Fairhill Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44120-1013
216.231.7230 fax: 216.231.7323
Karen M. Bensing, M.S.L.S., A.H.I.P.
Total Research Staff:
21 Full-time
2 Part-time
1 Flexible time
*as of March 20, 2003
2002 Annual Report:
Polly H. Clemo
Vice President,
Institutional Advancement
Anne Schleicher
Jeanne Hoban
Maryanne Lutjen
Donor Information
Steve Zorc
Academy Graphic Communication
Design and Printing
CO M M U N I T Y / I N - H O M E S E R V I C E S
850 Euclid Ave., Suite 1100
Cleveland, OH 44114-3301
216.621.7201 fax: 216.621.7521
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Cleveland OH
Permit No. 3601