The Gift of Hope The Gift of Hope


The Gift of Hope The Gift of Hope
Fall 2007
The Gift
of Hope
Jesuit Alum Among Those
Bringing Care
to African Children
Annual Roll of Donors
Houston, Texas
Jesuit Science teacher David Daily walks
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Table of Contents
The Gift of Hope
p. 4
Nuclear Disaster Story
of Survival
p. 10
Annual Roll of Donors
p. 21
President’s Message - 3
Development - 6 - 7
Principal’s Perspective - 8
School News - 9 - 12
Spirituality - 13
Alumni News - 14 - 17
Class Notes - 18 - 19
Births - 20
In Memoriam - 20
By George - 54
Fall, 2007
Vol. 39, No. 1
Rick Rivers, Director of Communications
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Richard Nevle
Fr. Falvio Bravo, SJ|
David Daily
Dr. Tony Garcia-Prats ‘94
Phillip Wiggins ‘08
The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 39, No. 1, Fall Edition,
is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College
Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston,
TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston,
TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory,
8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Richard Nevle
Director of Development
NJ Santarcangelo ‘67
ON THE COVER - Dr. Tony Garcia-Prats ‘94 with
Mantsane, a young HIV-AID patient he is caring for
in Lesotho, Afirca.
The Loyola Society at Strake Jesuit
ift of a
The Loyola Society at Strake
Jesuit includes those individuals
who have made Strake Jesuit
College Preparatory a beneficiary
through a will, a charitable trust
agreement, a gift annuity agreement, a retirement fund, or a life
“Time is
the school
in which
we learn.”
insurance policy. These gifts
are considered part of
Planned Giving.
Such gifts, truly the Gift
of a Lifetime, ensure that the
mission of Strake Jesuit - to
train young boys to become
Men for Others - continues
for generations into the
If you would like more
information on Planned Giving at
Strake Jesuit, visit our web site at and click on
‘Giving to Strake Jesuit’ and then
‘Planned Giving’. Or contact NJ
Santarcangelo '67 in the Office of
Development at 713.490.8152.
President’s Message
Dear Friends,
At our recent mass of the Holy Spirit, I mentioned that after a busy school year I had enjoyed
a wonderful summer, a summer, in fact, better than I deserved. I then said that all we have
is truly gift. What we have, though often the result of diligence and hard work, is still in the
end a gift from God.
I challenged our community to reflect on two significant graces that St. Ignatius so often
writes about—gratitude and generosity. Ignatius realized that we can respond to our God
with deep generosity only when we ourselves experience gratitude for what we have, gratitude for our talents and gifts, gratitude for opportunities and education. In his Spiritual
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Exercises, St. Ignatius hopes that we become aware of God’s blessings, which are, of
course, most acutely present in the person of Jesus Christ, his life, death and resurrection.
With that awareness, St. Ignatius says, comes the freedom to pray the final prayer in the
Exercises—the Suscipe:
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty
My memory, understanding, my entire will.
All that I have and possess,
To you, Lord, I return it.
Give me only your love and your grace:
That is enough for me.
St. Ignatius intends that after experiencing God’s blessings, we respond to God’s love in the
spirit of the Suscipe.
As I write this letter for our Annual Report, I am abundantly aware of the generosity of so
many, and overwhelmingly grateful for that generosity. So many of you—alumni, parents,
grandparents, friends—have supported our mission this past year and provided us with the
means to educate boys to become Men for Others. Your generosity has helped us to balance the operating budget, allowed us to provide a Jesuit education to more than 100 young
men who otherwise could not afford it, and enabled us to continue to renovate our facilities
and so provide an exceptional learning environment for our students. All of this to educate
the whole person—heart, mind, body and soul.
Your generosity, flowing from your own gratitude for God’s gifts freely given to you, has been
a source of blessing and gift to the young men of our community and to their families. We
pray that they, too, recognize how God has blessed them through their education at Strake
Jesuit and that they will respond generously to the needs of others throughout their lives.
As we know, to whom much is given, much is expected (Luke 12:48).
I sincerely thank you for your support of our work. We serve the mission of the larger
Church each day through our mission right here on campus. You and so many others make
that work possible. Thank you!
Be assured of my prayers for you, just as I ask for your continued prayers for our community.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle
Hope is the thing w
with feathers
That perches in the soul.
And sings the tune
Without the words,
and never stops at aall.
Emily Dickinson
by Dr. Tony Garcia-Prats ‘94
Fate dealt a cruel second blow to the HIV/AIDS-infected children of Lesotho in sub-Saharan Africa. As if the tragedy of their illness were not enough, they also
live in a country that is scarce of pediatric physicians. Jesuit alum Dr. Tony Garcia-Prats ‘94 is one of some 50 Baylor College of Medicine physicians who are
bringing the gift of hope to these children in conjunction with Texas Children’s Hospital. The joint effort is the Pediatrics AIDS Corps (PAC) in which doctors
like Garcia-Prats make a 12- or 24-month commitment to serve in exchange for a living stipend, housing allowance, and eligibility for student loan repayment. Each
physician can expect to treat 1,500 children for HIV/AIDS as well as to train and educate other health professionals.
Here, Dr. Garcia-Prats provides a personal account of his experiences through his relationship with Mantsane, one of his young patients.
antsane doesn’t
does know that she’s different than other children I cared for
hen I completed my pediatric
residency training in Houston — but she is. When
I first met her six mont
months ago after my arrival in Lesotho, a small country in subSaharan Africa, she wasn’t as happy as she looks in this picture. She was a very
sick girl whose world was collapsing around her.
Her father had died a few months earlier, leaving her mother to support
Mantsane, her younger sister, teenage brother and 18-year-old pregnant sister on
a factory job that pays the equivalent of about $125 a month.
The first time I saw her at the clinic, she had just suffered a stroke — rare
for normal children — that left her unable to swallow or speak. A few weeks later
Mantsane became a double orphan when a neighbor found her mother dead on
the floor of their tiny one-room house. Each of these circumstances makes Mantsane’s story uncommon in the United States, but what really makes her different is
that she is HIV positive.
HIV-infected children are a rarity in the United States and most developed
countries. Children with HIV almost always acquire it from their infected mothers,
either during pregnancy, delivery or through breastfeeding. Adults often remain
relatively healthy for years after they become infected, but children’s immature immune systems often are overwhelmed by the virus.
Dr. Garcia-Prats and Mantsane.
Without treatment, 25 to 40 percent of HIV-infected children will die before
they are 2 years old. The advent of antiretroviral medications and therapy that fight
HIV improved those chances for survival. HIV-infected children in developed countries receive these life-saving medications, which almost instantly change their fate
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
from certain death. Even more importantly, doctors discovered that in
response, BIPAI developed and implemented the Pediatric AIDS Corps,
most cases it’s possible to prevent children from being infected by their
hiring 52 physicians to commit a minimum of one year to working in
mothers. In the United States in 2004, there were only 48 new cases of
these clinics.
pediatric AIDS reported.
After completing a pediatric residency and a chief resident year
Thankfully, there just aren’t very many children with Mantsane’s
problems in the United States.
at Baylor, my wife, Heather, and I joined BIPAI — she as a biostatistician and me as one of the physicians in the first class of the Pediatric
Unfortunately, Mantsane’s story is all too common in Lesotho.
AIDS Corps. In August 2006 we moved to Maseru, Lesotho, along with
Worldwide, there are an estimated 2.5 million children living with HIV.
10 other doctors and began working in BIPAI’s pediatric HIV/AIDS clinic
Two million of those children live in sub-Saharan Africa. And even though
here. This is how I came to meet Mantsane.
a child dies every minute from HIV somewhere in the world, fewer than
5 percent of infected children receive any treatment.
Not all children are infected with HIV here in southern Africa, but
In the less than one and a half years that the clinic has been
open, close to 1,000 HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children have been
enrolled, and more than 300 are receiving antiretroviral medications.
almost all children here are affected by HIV. In Lesotho, where the HIV
Mantsane is just one example of the hope that medicines and
prevalence is close to 25 percent, many uninfected children have lost
physicians can bring. Soon after she came to the clinic, she was started
one or both of their parents to HIV. In fact, more than 15.2 million chil-
on therapy and had a fantastic response. She has recovered almost all
dren worldwide have lost one or both of their parents to HIV/AIDS, with
of the neurologic function damaged by her stroke.
12 million of those children living in sub-Saharan Africa.
Caring for children like Mantsane has been an incredible experi-
But this is not a story about sadness and suffering, it is a story of
ence. There is nothing quite like watching children literally transform be-
hope. To address the disparity between what was being done for HIV-
fore your eyes from deathly ill to full of life. It is a privilege to be a small
infected children in the United States compared to children in the devel-
part of the global response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and even more
oping world, Dr. Mark Kline founded the Baylor International Pediatric
rewarding to be a large part of the solution for Mantsane and other chil-
AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) in the late 1990s at the Baylor College of Medi-
dren. Now Mantsane actually is the happy, smiling, healthy looking child
cine and Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. BIPAI built state-of-the-
you see in the picture. Though she still faces a difficult future, orphaned
art pediatric clinics in several developing countries, including Lesotho. It
and infected with HIV, she now has a future. And — if her smile is any
lobbied for improved access to pediatric formulations of the life-saving
indication — it will be a bright one.
antiretroviral medications, developed a pediatric HIV curriculum and began training health professionals.
One of the largest barriers to improving pediatric HIV/AIDS care
and treatment was the lack of pediatric health professionals. Here in
Originally published in Universitas, the magazine of Saint Louis University.
Dr. Tony Garcia-Prats ‘94 lives in Maseru, Lesotho. You can reach him via
e-mail at [email protected].
Lesotho, before BIPAI’s arrival, there were only two practicing pediatricians in the country, serving a population of just over 2 million. In
An anonymous mother gives medicine to her sick baby at a public hospital in
Maseru, Lesotho. There is a one full-time pediatrician in the pediatric ward.
Mothers have to stay by their children’s bedsides 24 hours a day as there
are not enough nurses to provide care. Parents administer medicine, take
temperature, and check their babies’ vital signs, just like a nurse would do.
Two-year-old Lebohang Sekeleoane, with his mother,
Matsietsi, is HIV positive and suffers from tuberculosis. Thanks to the care he has received at the clinic, his
mother says he can now play and run around.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle
School Surpasses $1 Million in Financial Aid
This year Jesuit surpassed a mile-
stone in its financial aid program. It
marked the first time in history that
the school has awarded over $1 million in financial aid. The significance
of this milestone is more than a representation of the school’s mission
to provide a diverse student body. It
is also a testimony to the school’s
many alumni, past parents, parents, and friends who support that mission by
exam,” he explained. “We could select only
to accept diverse classes, not every student
making contributions to the school’s Financial
those students who come from our traditional
will be in the top percentiles on the entrance
Aid Endowment. It is the consistent growth of
feeder schools, or only boys who are Catholic.
exam, not every student will be a star athlete
that endowment that made it possible for the
We could overcome endowment issues by fill-
or star debater, not every student will be Cath-
school to extend the awarding of financial aid
ing the class with qualified students who didn’t
olic and come from a Catholic school, and not
to families in need. And is that ability to provide
need any financial aid at all.
every student will have parents who can afford
that aid that allows the school to remain true to
recruiting 8th graders who are top athletes and
its mission.
promise them spaces on teams or scholar-
The Jesuit financial aid program as it cur-
ships and fill their young heads with visions of
rently exists began in 1983 when a total of
$77,600 was provided to students in need of
At a President’s Dinner a few years ago, Fr.
Daniel Lahart, SJ, President of Strake Jesuit
We could start
our full tuition.”
defined the school’s mission in the context of
“We could do many things differently and
assistance. Since that time, the school has dis-
the make-up of the student body. “We could
still fill our freshman class and Strake Jesuit
tributed nearly $8 million to families in order for
begin to fill our freshman class with boys who
would be a very good school. And we would
their son’s to attend Jesuit.
all tested in the top percentiles on the entrance
lose our soul.”
“Strake Jesuit will continue
Robert ‘85 & Emily Clay Make Historical Campaign Gift
Robert ‘85 and Emily Clay have made a historic gift of $1.5 million to
select category of people who have impacted the history of the school.
The Greater Glory Capital Campaign. The gift, announced by President
The Clays now join the company of the families of the Strakes and the
Fr. Daniel Lahart, S.J., is the largest individual gift to the campaign to
Morans as ones who has left such a significant mark. Robert has also
date. Mr. Clay, a member of the Strake Jesuit Board of Directors, has
been extremely generous in the contribution of his construction exper-
been very involved in overseeing the construction of the Athletic Com-
tise. This campus now bears his touch.”
plex and has been involved in every aspect of the planning for Phase III
of the implementation of the school’s strategic plan, which will include
the new W.T. and Louise J. Moran Dining Hall, Clay Student Activity
Center, and Chapel.
“I am proud to be able to give back to a school that gave so much to
me,” said Robert Clay ‘85. “As a board member, I have directly seen the
good that Fr. Lahart, Richard Nevle and the entire SJ staff have done for
our school and am happy to donate to such a great cause.”
“Robert and I are very excited to see the next phase of construction
begin and hope this donation will encourage others to do the same”
added Emily Clay. “I have always thought of Jesuit as an oasis, a magical place for young men to grow as whole and complete individuals.”
“We are fortunate as a school to have had so many people who have
contributed to Strake Jesuit over the years and have made it the school
that it currently is,” said Fr. Lahart, “This gift by the Clays puts them in a
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Robert ‘85 & Emily Clay
Preparations Begin for a Magical Night at
2008 Fantasy Auction - ‘Magic in the Emerald City’
The 28th annual Fantasy Auction,
items or services for the auction,
Magic in The Emerald City, will be
you can purchase advertising
held on Saturday, April 5, 2008, at the
space in the auction program, be-
Marriott Town Square in Sugar Land.
come an auction sponsor, or get a
This event benefits Strake Jesuit’s
group of friends together to buy a
Financial Aid Endowment, providing
table for the evening. Just as im-
important financial support to many
portant are the many volunteers
Strake Jesuit students.
needed to assure the success of
Susan Smith, Auction Chairperson,
this great event. With all the areas
along with many committee chairs
that must be covered, there’s sure
and volunteers, began the planning
to be something that will fit your
for this magical evening at the kick-
schedule. There are even oppor-
off luncheon held on September 11 at
tunities for alumni parents to join
Chris and Irene Lahart’s home. Plan
the fun.
For more information or
to join Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man,
to volunteer, please contact Su-
Lion…and Toto, too, for an evening of
participate, but that is just the start. Although
san Smith at 713.972.0221 or
Gift Gathering Parties, held during the fall
April seems far away, there are many ways
Auction Coordinator Sharon Venables at
for each grade level, are a wonderful way to
to get involved, even now. Besides donating
magic on Saturday, April 5.
Gala Honoring Fr. Billac, SJ Set for May
One of the most beloved members of the Jesuit community,
Fr. Chris Billac, SJ, will be honored next May with a special Gala
and dinner. The event will allow the many alumni, parents, faculty,
and staff to thank Fr. Billac for his many years of service to the
The special evening is scheduled for Saturday, May 10,
2008 at the Marriott Westchase (the former Adam’s Mark Hotel)
on Westheimer just inside the Sam Houston Tollway. All proceeds from the evening will benefit the Fr. Christopher Billac, SJ
Endowed Scholarship.
“Few have touched the lives of as many for as long as
has Fr. Billac,” said school president Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ.
“Whether it was in Theology class or Latin, his wit, his care, and
his genuineness have been an important part of Strake Jesuit.”
Fr. Billac first arrived on the Jesuit campus in 1967 and remained
until 1981. He then returned in 1991 and has served on the faculty
since. Beyond the classroom, Fr. Billac has remained in contact the Jesuit alums through annual Birthday Cards, serving at Alumni Chaplain,
as well as countless baptisms and weddings.
More details and information on what promises to be a wonderful
evening will be available online, through e-mails, and mailings. So mark
your calendars now!
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle
Most days the Jesuit campus is crowded with students, teachers,
where students hang out during the day and it points across the quad to
parents and visitors. Between classes a parade of students moves be-
another sculpture, this one as abstract as the “Call to the Father” is rep-
tween the North and South ends of the campus passing alongside the
resentational. It looks for all the world like the figure of Jesus is pointing
broad green meadow between the library on the South and the sci-
to the Edward Lee Hendricks, mobile, “Suscipe” that hangs in the foyer
ence and 800 building on the North. Throughout the course of the day
of the 800 Building. The nine gold arcs that comprise the sculpture
from first though seventh periods there is usually at least one pick-up
appear to float in space, indistinguishably moving in a gentle rhythm.
game underway on the quad, be it soccer, football, wiffle ball or ultimate
One of our English teachers once told me that sculpture reminded him
frisbee. Sometimes different games go on simultaneously as students
of a fleet of souls. This sculpture is a memorial and a reminder. It calls
burn off energy, enthusiasm, and stress between classes. When eve-
to memory eight people who were assassinated by a group of Salva-
ning comes, the quad slowly clears and a rare silence settles in and the
doran soldiers on the night of November 16, 1989. Six of them were
numerous sculptures that dot the campus cast lengthening shadows as
Jesuit priests who were teachers and administrators at the Jose Simeon
they silently take over where crowds of students left off.
Canas University of Central America; the other two people killed that
Great sculpture is not just about the mass of the media of which it is
night were the cook for the Jesuit community, Elba Ramos, and her
made, it is also about the spaces between and among the mass of the
teen-age daughter, Celia Marisela Ramos. The six Jesuit victims were
sculpture. Like the spaces between notes in music, space in sculpture
Father Ignaciao Ellacuria, Father Martín Baró, Father Segundo Mon-
gives a piece rhythm. Consequently that quad which is so filled with
tes, Father Amando López, Father Juan Ramon Moreno, and Father
kinetic life during the day, come evening, has a different measure. The
Joaquin López y Lopez.
figures in Robert Nicpon’s statue, the “Call of the Father” look out over
The names of each of these people are engraved on eight of the
the quad. While much of the sculpture on campus is abstract, Nicpon’s
arcs. The ninth arc is inscribed with the words, “Take, Lord, and re-
statue is clearly representational. The Mothers Club put together years
ceive” the first words of a prayer St. Ignatius Loyola composed, known
of surplus funds to commission a Madonna. Unlike most statues of Je-
as the Suscipe. As Fr. Lahart mentions on page 3, this prayer reminds
sus and Mary, in this piece Jesus is not an infant or a young boy, he is
us that all that we have is a gift, and that we are called to return that gift
clearly a teenager well on his way to manhood both physically, mentally
in service and in love. So the sculpture, and the martyrs it commemo-
and emotionally. He could be one of our students.
rates, reminds all of us involved in the work of the Jesuits–teachers,
There is a physical resemblance between son and mother in the
students, parents, benefactors, the people who work in the kitchen, and
statue (Nicpon used the same model for both faces), but the statue por-
the people who lead the institutions-that what we do is a gift–a gift we
trays a boy - a young man yearning to get on with it. Nicpon chose that
have received and freely return. In life our Salvadoran colleagues re-
moment in the life of Christ when his parents found him in the temple,
turned their knowledge and expertise by sharing it with their students
and he explained his absence by saying that he had to get on with his
in the classroom, the kitchen and the lab. In returning their lives, they
father’s work. His left arm is stretched outward pointing to the future–his
taught the world.
left hand is stretched back and his fingers are interlocked in the fingers
Neither Robert Nicpon nor Edward Lee Hendricks knew about one
of his mother’s left hand–a beautifully proportioned hand but clearly a
another’s sculpture and how they would be placed on our campus. It
strong one. Seen from the back, the left hand
just works out that the figure of Jesus and the
of the figure of the young man points forward
whole movement of Nicpon’s points to Je-
and slightly upward in one direction while the
sus’ future as a teacher and martyr–toward
mother’s hand points in the other direction and
a squadron of martyrs and teachers, and in
slightly downward creating a long and dramatic
between, on the green meadow teachers and
diagonal that gives the statue a motion of its
students, parents and friends work out their
own–the figures are almost like dancers.
lives in the shadow of saints.
Clearly the sculpture, its expressions and
masses, the graceful arc made by the interaction of the two people tells a story of its own
about the relation of mothers and sons, fear
and confidence, worry and hope. But the statue cannot be taken out of context of its placement on the campus–the figure of Jesus points
to the future, but it also points to the green pitch
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
school news
Summer Service Trip Provides Glimpse of Life
“in the shoes of the poor”
by Philip Wiggins ‘08
“Did you ever think you would be in some
9:00 or 10:00. Even
hot country, in the middle of nowhere, dig-
though the schedule
ging holes for people you’ve never met?”, said
was simple, the re-
Thomas Campbell.
sults of the day were
Even though the Central American heat
majestic. The nature
was diligently adding on hours to the work day,
of my next statement
I could only smile at this comment. I have nev-
is so cliché, yet it ac-
er been one to dig holes for random strangers
curately illustrates my
on the street or, for that matter, one to donate
hard labor to anyone. However, this past July,
I spent ten days in Nicaragua digging holes,
when you give up a
heaving rocks, moving dirt and sitting in con-
little manpower to dig a
fusion as hoards of little Nicaraguan children
hole and completely al-
bombarded me with friendly insults and taunts
ter the living conditions
in Spanish. I also spent ten days touching the
of a person who asks
lives of people who would look upon our hous-
for so little. The state-
es as palaces and our overlooked pleasures
ment is cliché because
as staunching treasures. It was ten days that
I believe it accurately describes the feeling of
re-shaped my values and outlook.
sacrificing yourself for others and stepping into
The work day was a simple one: get up
service for others. Nicaragua taught me that,
at 6:00, breakfast at 7:00, load water at 7:30,
for seventeen years, I have invested too much
work until noon, eat Peanut Butter & Jelly for
value into material things that, surprisingly
lunch, break until 2:00, work until 6:00, eat rice
enough, are not pre-requisites for happiness.
and beans at 7:00, reflection at 7:30, shower at
I came to realize that ten days in the shoes
8:00 and, depending upon how long it took Mr.
of the poor reveals itself to be ten days in the
D’souza or Mr. Norkus to loose their patience
sandals of the rich.
with our sleepy jabber, collapse into bed at
During their time in Nicaragua this summer,
Philip Wiggins (left) and School Chaplain
Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ (right) spent time at an
orphange for handicapped children.
Rich like Jesus.
Six Selected at National Merit Semifinalists
Six members of the Strake
gram. These seniors include Cur-
1.4 million students who entered
Jesuit class of 2008 are among
tis Antolik, Anish Bavishi, Steven
the program last year as juniors,
16,000 other students named as
Glass, Michael Hannon, Thomas
now have an opporttunity to con-
ship winners will be announced
semifinalists in the 53rd Annual
La, and Daniel Miller.
tinue in the competition for some
between April and July of 2008.
National Merit Scholarhsip Pro-
Curtis Antolik
10 Fall 2007
These select few, from among
Anish Bavishi
Steven Glass
worth $34 million.
8,200 Merit Scholarship awards
Michael Hannon
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Thomas La
Daniel Miller
Nuclear Disaster Site Tells a Story of Survival
school news
This past summer, David Daily, Tatum Lynn, and Brian Reddy, SJ, all faculty members of the Strake Jesuit Science Department, were provided an opportunity, through a grant from the Fleming Fund for Teacher Enrichment, to visit Chernobyl, site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster. Here, Mr. Daily tells of the
experience from his own perspective.
by David Daily
While the experience of visiting Chernobyl
there had been an accident, but soon other
stopped three times at security stations. Our
is of the greatest experiences I have ever had,
countries saw evidence of the disaster as well.
tour guide mentioned he was only allowed to
one of the most surprising elements of the trip
The prevailing indicator was the radiation de-
tour so many days due to the high levels of ra-
was to learn how the people in the area treat
tector at other nuclear facilities in surrounding
dioactivity. We heard the guide’s stories about
the disaster. Between the various tour guides
countries. The radioactive dust had traveled so
when he was a boy living in Kiev. He recalled
and the museum, there is virtually no informa-
far that it was landing on other nuclear power
that, on one afternoon, bus after bus began ar-
tion about the technical side of the accident. No
plant workers and setting off their radiation de-
riving from Chernobyl. The buses kept coming
one cares. There seems to be an unwavering
and coming. One after the other they came,
feeling that Russia would survive this disaster
The Russian government did everything
dropping off people. Nobody was quite sure
and that the people were going to do whatever
they could to keep the nuclear disaster a se-
what had happened, they only knew that there
was necessary to live and grow as a people.
cret. However, they soon realized that the ra-
was an accident at the nuclear power plant.
This attitude is expressed in the memori-
dioactive dust was causing the countryside to
Our trip to the power plant took us over very
als to the firemen and police officers that fill
be contaminated. In response, they started a
contaminated regions. One such area was so
the entire trip to the plant. Memorials to those
massive quarantine of the plant while trying to
hot with high radioactivity that we had to drive
who gave their lives to make sure the plant
cover the reactor in a gigantic sarcophagus.
about 50 mph through it so that we would re-
had been physically concealed in order to save
They bulldozed houses, confiscated any vehi-
duce the amount of radiation we were exposed
lives. The memorials are wonderful sculptures
cles that were exposed to radioactive dust and
to. Our Geiger counter hit a max of 1.14 rad/
and statues that depict firemen putting out fires
brought in over 90,000 workers to help work
hr (a measure of radiation). That meant that, if
or saving people in their arms. The Ukraine
in a highly radioactive area. Each worker was
we would have stayed in that area for an hour,
people talk about the Chernobyl disaster the
only allowed 60 seconds to do their job or they
we would have been exposed to four times our
same way we talk about 9/11, trying to focus
would be over exposed to radiation.
yearly recommended radiation dosage.
those who saved so many lives by risking their
Sweden was the first country to detect that
For our journey, we all piled into a very
After getting searched several times, we fi-
small car in Kiev and headed to the power
nally made it to the completely deserted city.
plant about 100 miles away. On the way, we
Cars, trucks, boats, and buildings were all
The museum includes a display of photos of the many firemen and policemen (left) who died while
assisting others to escape. Among the ghostown-like images is an abandoned amusement park (right).
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 11
school news
intact but completely abandoned. A complete
My trip to Chernobyl was nothing like I ex-
100 meters away from the actual power plant
amusement park was left in ruin as were apart-
pected. I thought I would meet scientists and
and visiting the Chernobyl museum has ex-
ments, public swimming pools, fire stations,
engineers who would mathematically show me
panded on how I can teach about the disaster.
car repair shops, and houses. Everyone’s life
why everything happened and what the build-
I can tell stories of people who were there at
had been forsaken because of this accident.
ings were exposed to and what the radiation
the time and their thoughts about the disas-
Arriving at the power plant was a little nerve
was doing to everyone. However, upon my ar-
ter and government’s reaction to the disaster.
racking, considering how much contamination
rival I soon realized no one cared about how
I can show pictures of an entire abandoned
had been spread. The core is still extremely
the disaster happened. What they focused on
city, plants that are genetically mutated, and
hot with between 500-2000 rad/hour. Upon
was, as a people, how they had to overcome
artwork that glorifies the heroes (firemen and
our arrival another tour guide joined us. She
this catastrophe and survive while honoring all
policemen) that saved the world from the fire
was able to explain what the plant looked like
the people that made that survival possible.
that would have spread more radioactive dust
inside the sarcophagus after the explosion.
As a nuclear engineer, it is easy to teach
if not promptly extinguished. There are pictures
Again, she did not discuss the explosion itself
about the Chernobyl disaster because of the
of artwork that display the hatred of nuclear
nor did she worry about the technical aspect of
technical information I was taught in college.
power and how it’s killing the environment and
the cause for the explosion. She was more in-
I can describe physically what happens when
people. There are themes of human survival
terested in explaining how the plant was struc-
pumps fail, water stops flowing, and uranium
and the will to overcome one of the worst di-
turally maintained and what would happen to it
gets too hot. I can show radioactivity on a
sasters in our history.
in the future with the new sarcophagus, which
colorful map and talk about what happens to
I am now able to teach the human side as
was being funded by countries all over the
the land and animals when radioactive dust
well as the technical side of the worst nuclear
spreads across the country side. I can discuss
disaster to occur in our time. I am able to tell
The next day we were able to visit the
every technical detail that happened at the
stories, show pictures, and say that I have
museum and see all the equipment used in
Chernobyl disaster area due to my education,
talked to the people directly, and I now know
cleaning up the contamination, news articles,
but that is not enough information for someone
what they were feeling at the time. The scien-
photographs, letters, and art work about the di-
to truly understand the magnitude of this ac-
tific discussion I used to have has been com-
saster. Again, there was no information about
plimented with the accounts of people who ac-
the technical side of the accident.
Traveling to Chernobyl and being less than
tually survived the encounter.
With the Chernobyl plant in the background (left) a geiger counter shows a radiation level of 530 mRad/
hr which is not a dangerous level unless you are there everyday for long periods of time. A memorial (right) is
dedicated to the policemen and fire fighters who helped put out the fires that were burning inside the nuclear power
12 Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
school news
Strake Jesuit’s Katrina Efforts Highlighted in Recent Book
Those who were members of the
The section retells the story of how the school
Strake Jesuit community in September
and broader community stepped up to the plate
2005 will never forget the way the com-
and reached out to welcome the displaced stu-
munity came together on behalf of the
dents and families from New Orleans.
Katrina victims from New Orleans Jesuit.
The book proceeds to tell the very per-
It was a time that validated the commu-
sonal story of the Badum family, members of
nity’s identity as one made up of Men and
the Strake Jesuit community. Certainly not
Women for Others.
unique, it tells the story of how the Badum
Now, those efforts have been high-
family opened not just their hearts, but also
lighted in a recent book published by
their homes to members of the Jesuit New Or-
Loyola Press. They Made All the Differ-
leans family. It was a story repeated across the
ence by Eileen Worth, PhD has captured
Strake Jesuit community.
stories from across the country and the
Ms. Wirth, the parent of a Jesuit high school
“incomparable success of Jesuit high
student, is a professor of journalism and mass
schools and their far-reaching effects.”
communications at Creighton University in Ne-
The Strake Jesuit story is told in Part
2: Schools Serving Communities, Sec-
braska. She has written four books and numerous articles for national publications.
tion 10: Two Schools Linked by Katrina.
Five New Members Join Board of Directors
Martha Wyrsch
John O’Shea
James Bashaw ‘80
Hunter Nelson
Louise Parsley
The Strake Jesuit Board of Di-
founder of James E. Bashaw &
John O’Shea is President of Mil-
rectors welcomed five new mem-
Co., a financial services compa-
lennium Midstream Partners. His
CEO of Spectra Energy Transmis-
bers this past summer. Among
son, Chris, is a senior at Jesuit.
sion Group. Her son, Peter, is a
them are alums, current parents,
Hunter Nelson is a partner with
Louise Parsley is a noted Hous-
part parents and combinations of
The Sterling Group, a private eq-
ton writer and speaker. Her hus-
the three.
uity investment firm in Houston.
band, Bob, is a Jesuit alum from
James Bashaw ‘80 is a Jesuit
His son, Jack, is a junior at Jesuit
the Class of 1972 and their son,
alum whose son, Travis, is a cur-
and his son, Hunter, Jr., graduated
Bayless, graduated from Jesuit in
rent sophomore. Mr. Bashaw is
in 2001.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Martha Wyrsch is President and
current senior at Jesuit.
The Chronicle 13
of broken nets
and tired arms
“Put ou
out into deep water and
lower y
your nets for a catch.”
Luke 5:4
by Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ
Yesterday, while preparing the gifts of bread and wine at the altar, Jesus’ words
to Simon Peter came back to me: “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a
As I lifted up the gleaming paten and cup and waited for the drowsy--yet prayerful
responses from the people gathered for Mass in our library chapel, I genuflected, and
offered a few questions in my heart to God: my broken nets? my tired arms? how deep
is the ocean?
Before I turned the page of the Sacramentary to pray the Preface, I knew I was
hooked. Right there and then, in the middle of the Holy Eucharist, God reeled me in,
gently catching me in his skilled hands.
“Put out into deep water and lower your nets,” was all I could hear inside my winded
heart. Like a fish caught in a net, I flounder around and trembled.
My broken nets, Lord, take them!
Help me to mend the nets and help me to love and serve the people you have given to
care for here at Strake Jesuit.
My tired arms, Lord, strengthen them and use them!
Help me to reach out to all, especially those in need of consolation. Let my arms be a
shelter for the suffering.
How deep O Lord, is the ocean!
Take away my fear of the unknown and give me only your love and your grace, that is
enough for me.
In the Spirit of generosity and gratitude, may our efforts and endeavors here at
Strake Jesuit, as well as of those who support our mission--our friends, family and
benefactors--be renewed and strengthen.
May we have the courage to listen to Jesus’ words calling us to put out into deep
water and lower our nets.
Be part of the miracle! Allow the Lord to catch you!
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle
alumni news
Water Polo Alums Return to Campus for Game
A total of 22 alumni of Jesuit and the
Water Polo program returned to campus on
Wednesday night, August 8 for a game against
members of the current Crusader water polo
team. When the final clock ran out, the alums
came out on top by a count of 11-10.
Among those who returned for the annual
competition were Joshua Badgett ‘00, Richard Bailey ‘99, David Beathard ‘77, Matthew
Clinton ‘91, John Eukel ‘07, Conrad Fried ‘04,
Luis Gonzalez ‘02, John Hornberger ‘03, Mark
Hornberger ‘07, Gregory Keogh ‘07, Robert
Top: Coach Horn tries to
get his alums organized.
Keogh ‘04, James Kermath ‘06, Tyler Kirchoff
‘04, Taylor Luksetich ‘02, Blake Marvin ‘01,
Francisco Padua ‘97, Alejandro Padua ‘98,
Antonio Padua ‘00, David Stigant ‘95, David
Bottom: David Beathard ‘77 and
Honorary Captain plays some defense
as he tries to block a shot.
Strickland ‘03, and Eric Woolridge ‘02.
More Alumni Games Coming this December!
If you are a basketball, lacrosse, or soccer alum, mark your calendar for Thursday, December 27. That is the day when you will be invited to return to campus and experience
the school’s magnificent new Athletic facilities in an alumni game. Watch your e-mail
and mail for details.
Alums Return to Campus
year he will also be teaching English.
For the fifth straight year, the start of a new school year also
For more information on the Alumni Service Corps Program, visit
brings new members of the Alumni Service Corps (ASC) to campus.
the school web site and click on Alumni - Alumni Service Corps. More
The program, which began in the 2003-04 school year, offers recent
information can also be obtained by contacting N.J. Santarcangelo,
Jesuit alumni who have graduated from college a chance to return to
‘67, Director of Development, at 713.490.8152 or at njs@strakejesuit.
school for a year of service while making their career plans. The ASC
members live in a house in the Jesuit Community, teach classes and
are involved in extracurricular activities.
Strake Jesuit alum John Foster ‘88 returned to
This year, there are two
members of the ASC. Hec-
the school in June 2007 to serve as the Treasurer.
tor Chavez ‘02, graduated
Mr. Foster graduated from Texas A&M University
from Columbia University
with Bachelor degrees in both Accounting and Man-
in 2006 and spent the last
agement. Since
year working for a local law
that time he has
firm. During the school year
worked as the
he will be teaching English
and working with the De-
bate Team.
Charles Sharman ‘03,
graduated from Trinity University in May, 2007 where
he studied Art History, Architecture, and English. This
Fall 2007
Charles Sharman ‘03 and Hector Chavez ‘02
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
John Foster ‘88
alumni news
Alum Named Outstanding Young Houstonian
Stephen Fraga ‘93 (second from right), accepts
his Young Outstanding Houstonian Award
from (left to right) Charles Bacarisse, Harris County Clerk, and Ember & David
Since 1932, the Greater
Board, Fraga also works with Family Services
Chamber of Com-
of Greater Houston, DePelchin Children’s Cen-
Houston Junior Cham-
ter, Heights Area Chamber of Commerce and
ber (Houston Jaycees) and the
the Houston Business advisory board. Fraga is
Junior Chamber Foun-
the President of Tejas Business Products.
have recognized the
Houstonians who have received this rec-
young men and
ognition include President George H.W. Bush,
of Houston for their ac-
Howard Hughes, Dr. Denton Cooley, Lt. Gov-
and contribu-
ernor William P. Hobby, Jr., CBS-TV Anchor-
tio to the Houston commutions
man Dan Rather, Jim Dannenbaum, Jim El-
nit Originally the award was
kins, Jack Blanton, Mayors Lewis Cutrer and
as the Distinguished
C.A. “Neal” Pickett, Senator Jack Ogg, As-
Key Award and later
tronauts Gus Grissom and Ed White, Judges
to Outstanding Young
Paul Pressler and Greg Abbott, Houston Oilers
Man of Houston in the early 1940s.
Warren Moon, Ray Childress and Curtis Dun-
Among this year’s recipients is Jesuit
can, Houston Astro Jeff Bagwell, TV personal-
alum and current member of the Strake Jesuit
ity Debra Duncan, David Mandell, Ember Man-
Board of Directors Stephen Fraga ‘93. He was
dell, and City of Houston Councilman Michael
honored, along with the other recipients, at
and event at the Wortham Theater on July 24,
2007. In addition to this service of the Jesuit
Two Jesuit Alums
Celebrate at Vow Day
Fr. Billac, SJ Offers Online
Alumni Chaplain’s Corner
Over 30 members of the Strake Jesuit community, including faculty,
Alumni Chaplain Fr. Chris
staff, and parents, made the annual journey to Grand Coteau, Louisi-
SJ has begun an online
ana on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary on Wednesday, August 15
on the Strake Jesuit Alum-
for Vow Day for the New Orleans Province. Two Jesuit alums, David
ni web site. The postings, entitled
Paternostro ’04 and Michael Wegenka ’05, took their vows in the So-
Corner, will be updated
ciety of Jesus, having completed their two year Novitiate. Both Dvaid
once a month and
and Michael are now attending Fordham University in New York.
wil offer his thoughts of inspiration
and reflection.
Chaplain’s Corner online.
Jus go to and, in
the lefthand menu click on Alumni and then Online Community.
The Chaplain’s Corner link will appear in the right hand side of the
Fr. Billac’s latest postings to the Chaplain’s Corner can also be
received as an e-mail . If you would like to receive his postings by
e-mail, send a request to [email protected]
Pictured left to right: School President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ with
Jesuit alums, David Paternostro ‘04, Michael Wegenka ‘05, Bill
Farge, SJ ‘65, and Derrick Weingartner, SJ ‘87
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle
alumni news
Reunion Weekend Brings Large Number of Alums Home
A record number of alumni returned home for Reunion Weekend
September 14 & 15. The classes of 1967, ‘72, ‘77, ‘82, ‘87, ‘92, ‘97, and
2002 gathered to renew old friendships with two days full of activities.
The class of 1967 was the third class in school history to gather for their
40th Reunion.
The weekend began with a Golf Outing at Wildcat Golf Course on
Friday afternoon. Thirty alums from virtually every Reunion class gathered to kick-off the festivities.
That evening all class members returned to campus for a reception
hosted by school President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ. For many, it was the
first time they had been back on campus in many years and they were
awed by both the size of the trees as well as the new construction. Over
the course of the evening, alums enjoyed catching up on old times as
well as reminiscing with faculty members including Fr. Chris Billac, SJ
and Brother Casey, SJ.
On Saturday, alums returned to campus again with family - in-
cluding their parents - for a daytime look at the school. Tours were
conducted to bring everyone up to date on the changes that have
occurred since their days as students. The afternoon ended with a
Mass celebrated by Fr. Billac. That evening, the alums enjoyed their
own class parties held at some of Houston’s finest restaurants.
Next year’s Reunion Weekend will celebrate the classes of
1968, ‘73, ‘78, ‘83, ‘88, ‘93, ‘98, and 2003. The specific dates will
soon be set, but members of those classes are encouraged to
watch their mailboxes and e-mail for details.
Any members of the Reunion Weekend 2008 classes inter-
ested in assisting in the planning for next year’s celebration are
encouraged to contact Tim Scalzitti, Director of Alumni Relations at
713.490.8153 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Top right: Members of the Class of 1967 returned to campus for their 40th Reunion.
Below left: (left to right) NJ Santarcangelo’ 67, Jesuit Director of Development, Chris ‘77 & Lisa Webre and Matt ‘77 and Valier Manis.
Below right: Members of the Class of 1982 John Carpenter, Tom Pitner, Mark Kubicek, and Vince Holm.
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
alumni news
Brother Casey welcomes members of the Class of 1982 Ale
and Craig & Leslie Gilcrease.
Members of Class of 1987 Ed Horan,
Pat Bridges, Kevin Brand, Jerome Cashiola,
Mark Harris, and Neil Gidley.
Fr. Chris Billac, SJ with members of Class of 1992
Brian Ching and Mark & Erica Ching.
Members of Class of 1997 Chris & Catherine
O’Neill, William Brewer, Chris Dewhurst, and Skip
Members of Class of 2002 Matt Stoner, Jonathan Steets,
Ryan Caldwell, and Chris Angelo.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle
class notes
Paul Barron ‘67
served 24
years in the United States Marine
Corps as an air controller and helicopter pilot. After retiring, he earned
a library degree from the University
of Texas at Austin and is currently
Director of Library and Archives at
the George C. Marshall Foundation.
He is married with two children, a
son who is a mechanical engineer,
and a daughter who is a college student.
Tom Caradonio ‘67
has two
children who graduated from the
University of Texas. He and his
wife, Christie, have been married 31
years. He has been Pres/CEO of the
Northern Kentucky Convention and
Visitors Bureau for over 10 years
and the governor recently named
him the Chairman of the Kentucky
Tourism Development Finance Authority which is a tax abatement
program to foster economic development through Tourism related industry.
Don Feehan ‘67 has been married for 28 years to his wife, Donna,
and they have raised two wonderful children, Matt and Deb. He
has worked for the past 30 years
for Chevron, in Houston and, since
1985, in the San Francisco Bay
Doug Foster ‘69 still
law in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
His son Brian is a lawyer in New
York City and his daughter Katie
is an occupational therapist in Chicago. Doug is married to Valerie
Knight Foster of Albuquerque.
George Laflin ‘72 and his wife,
Pam, have been married for 27
years and have two kids, Mitchell
and Annie. He owns a successful
energy business. He has traveled
the world for work and pleasure and
earned an MBA from Harvard Business School
Fall 2007
David Almaguer ‘77 has been
married to his wife, Jill, for 23 years.
He joined the Houston Fire Department and became a Paramedic.
He was then promoted through the
ranks to Senior Captain. His family
has a cattle company raising mostly
Texas Longhorns but they also raise
Spanish Mustangs.
John Bradley ‘77 was elected
John Aiuvalasit ’74
a grandfather for the first time when
Sean Anthony Aiuvalasit was born
on July 9, 2007 to John Jr. and Kimsan Aiuvalasit of Sachse, Texas.
Charlie Braden ‘75 in entering
his 20th year with the Norfolk Airport
Authority in Norfolk, Virginia as Director of Market Development. His
wife, Beth, teaches kindergarten at
Norfolk Collegiate School. His son,
Chad, is a sophomore at the school
and his daughter, Berkley, is a freshman at Georgetown University in
Washington, D.C.
Jim Hasenpflug ’75
and his
wife, Molly, are living in Colleyville,
Texas. He works in Information
Technology Management and Molly
John Aiuvalasit ’74 and first grandson, Sean.
works at the neighborhood elementary school. Their son, Chris, graduated from Oklahoma State in May
2006 and is currently working for
Cerner Corp. in Kansas City, Missouri. Their daughter, Amanda, will
graduate from Oklahoma State in
May 2008 with an Elementary Education degree. This past July the
family took an Alaskan Cruise.
to serve on the Board of Directors
for the statewide nonprofit agency
Children’s Advocacy Centers of
Texas. The agency serves to support the work of local nonprofits that
provide a safe place for children to
report abuse and receive counseling. He also serves as the President
of the Board of Directors for his local
Children’s Advocacy Center in Williamson County. He has been the
District Attorney of that county since
December 2001.
Brady Drennan ’78 is a Lieutenant Commander Brady Drennan
in the U. S. Navy. He and his wife,
Debbie, reside in Virginia Beach,
Virginia with their sons, Matthew
and Christopher. He is the Submarine Production Manager at Mid-At-
Jim Hasenpflug ’75 and his family enjoyed an
Alaskan Cruise this past July.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
lantic Regional Maintenance Center,
Naval Station Norfolk.
John Hasenpflug ‘79 is now
the Western National Accounts
Manager for Bomac Vets Plus Inc.,
a manufacturer of nutraceutical and
nutritional supplements for the livestock and companion animal industry. He and his wife, Debra, live in a
former pecan orchard near Wharton
Texas with our three boys Michael,
Matthew, and Mitchell.
Gonzalo Amador ‘80 and his
wife of 22 years, Ellyn, welcomed
the arrival of David Gabriel, born on
August 3, 2007. He joins his four
sisters, Teresa, Selina, Sara and
Anita and one brother, Joseph. The
Amadors have lived in north Dallas
for the last 20 years. Gonzalo left
Texas Instruments after a 17 year
career to join a small nano-technology startup, Omniprobe, Inc. as the
senior mechanical design engineer.
James Dowd ‘80 will have his
first book published in January 2008.
The title is “The Vitamin D Cure” and
the publisher is John Wiley & Sons.
It has been an exciting project and
he hopes to share all that he has
learned on this journey with the Jesuit Community in 2008.
Mike Riccetti ’84 has recently released the third edition of
his guidebook Houston Dining on
the Cheap – A Guide to the Best
John Bradley ‘77
Larry Perdido ‘86 and his wife,
Annabelle, welcome their third child,
son Keegan Lee, to the family on
August 15, 2007 in Austin, Texas.
He joins big sisters Cameran and
John Neslage ‘87 and his wife
Ashley are proud to announce the
birth of their first child, daughter
Claire Elizabeth, on January 12,
2007. He started a new job as inhouse counsel at Westlake Chemical Corp in December of 2006 and
he is enjoying his new responsibilities at home and work.
Robert Hubbell ‘88 is the Head
Equipment Manager with the Arena
League Austin Wranglers as their
Head Equipment Manager. During
the off-season he works as an Assistant Equipment Manager with the
NBC Show “Friday Night Lights.”
Charles Chopin ’89
and his
wife, Erin, welcomed the birth of their
son, Aidan Davis Postell Chopin, on
June 2, 2007. His brother, Cameron,
and sister, Maile, are almost as excited as mom and dad about the ar-
rival of the new baby.
Rusty Thiem ‘89 is a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. He is currently
serving a four month tour in Iraq
as the Operations Security Officer.
He lives in San Antonio with his
wife, Elma, and 18 month old son,
Matthew. Following his next tour in
Newport, Rhode Island he will be
stationed in San Diego, California
in 2009.
Mark Montalbano ‘91 and his
wife, Gina, welcomed the birth of
their son, David Michael, on February 10, 2007. He is growing fast and
we look forward to introducing him to
the Strake Jesuit family and bringing
him to his first football game in the
near future.
Mike Janicke ’92
had been
a high school special education
teacher the last four years in Austin
and moved to New York this summer and will be teaching here. He
married Lisa Spilde on June 30 at
the Silver Bay Conference Center
on Lake George in the Adirondack
Mountains of upstate New York.
Jesuit alums participating in the
ceremony were Alex Jessett ‘92,
Jimmy Bonura ‘92, Dave Warwick
‘91, Scott Blevins ‘92, and Jayson
Goodner ‘92. Chris Bevans ‘92 also
attended the wedding. Lisa is an elementary school music teacher and
a concert pianist.
Mike Janicke ‘77 (far right) with his new
bride, Lisa, and fellow Jesuit alums
Mark Bane ’93 is currently finishing out his degree in Marine Biology
at Texas A&M in Galveston. He will
immediately start work on his masters working with endangered sea
turtles. His wife, Darcie, and their
two daughters, Kaitlyn and Kendall,
will be joining him in League City,
Texas in July 2007.
Christopher Less ’93 was
married to Dr. Ann Schroeder (St.
Agnes Class of ‘95) in October of
2004. The ceremony was officiated by Rev. Chris Billac SJ. They
had their first baby, daughter Grace
Christiana, on June 26, 2007.
Guillermo Trabanino ’96
has been living in San Salvador,
El Salvador for a little over a year
working as an independent information technology consultant.
Matthew Byrne ‘97 has graduated from Tulane University and then
the University of Texas School of
Law. While in law school he worked
with several public interest groups
on civil rights, voting rights, and
death penalty cases. After graduating law school Matt worked for
two years as a fellow in the federal
public defender’s office in Moscow,
Idaho challenging death sentences
on appeal and in post-conviction in
the state and federal courts. He is
now defending criminal cases at trial
in Austin and is associated with the
law firm of Joseph A. Turner, P.C.
Andrew Gatus ‘02 and fiancee, Leti
(St. Agnes ‘02).
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Eddy Aguirre ’97
is entering his
second year of teaching high school
Honors and Advanced Placement English at Jones High School in Houston, as
well as working with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund within the Gates/Marshall School Redesign Program. He was
recently engaged to Rebecca Schneider
of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, a medical
student at Baylor College of Medicine.
The wedding will be in May 2008.
class notes
Inexpensive Restaurants in Houston. Previous editions have been
praised as “excellent,” “remarkably
comprehensive,” and even “a fun
read.” This third edition has been
completely revised, updated and
thoroughly researched to provide
profiles of the best 300 inexpensive
restaurants in the Houston area,
plus restaurant-related asides, and
helpful indices such as listings by
cuisine and area.
Skip McVeigh ‘97
will be getting
married to longtime girlfriend Natalie
Marley on October 20, 2007. Currently
he is a consultant for Accenture in Houston and Natalie is in the process of getting her PhD in psychology.
Philip Steuernagel ’98
from the University of Houston this past
May and received his Master’s Degree in
Bilingual Education.
Andrew Gatus ’02 was recently engaged and will be marrying his St. Agnes
girlfriend Leti Aguerre ’02. They plan a
May 2008 wedding.
Brandon Dybala ‘03 will be presenting his first publication on digital image forensics at the ACM Multimedia and
Security Workshop in September.
Chad Marti ’03 and his wife, Lauren,
have started their family with their new
edition, daughter Katelyn, who was born
August 15, 2007.
Char Marti ‘03 and wife, Lauren, with
new edition, daughter Katelyn.
The Chronicle
class notes
Kenneth Byrne
Father of Matthew ‘97
Fred Clifton
Father of Paul ‘93 and Peter ‘95
Charles Falkenhagen
Father of Randy ‘66 and Brent ‘69
Elizabeth Mathews
Mother Glenn ‘77 and Paul ‘81
Chris Horton ‘87
Chris Horton, a member of the class of 1987,
passed away on July 31, 2007 after a long
battle with cancer. Chris earned a B.S. in
Construction Science from Texas A&M. He
and his wife, Miles, were blessed with two
children, Noe and Nicholas. In his memory,
his parents, classmates, and friends have
established the Chris Horton ‘87 Memorial
Scholarship at Jesuit.
Fall 2007
Juanita McDonald
Mother of Wayne ‘67 and Grandmother of
Steven ‘94, Joe ‘95, and John ‘98
John O’Hearn, Jr,
Father of Brent ‘01
Herbert Price
Father of Bob ‘73
Joaquin Quilez
Father of Bryan ‘91 and Father-in-Law of
Ken Lesniak ‘87
Walter Simmons
Father of Louis ‘97 and Chris ‘05
- BIRTHS Claire Elizabeth Nelsage on January 12, 2007
John ‘87 and Ashley
Alberto Muniz ‘75
Alberto Muniz, a member of the class of
1975, passed away on June 21, 2007 from
a heart attack. Alberto earned a BS in Masthematics from Loyola University in New Orleans in 1981. He is the brother of Joe ‘77,
John ‘80, Louis ‘81, and Tony ‘87 and uncle
of Michael Williams ‘01 and Carl Fuess ‘02.
Virginia Bashaw
Mother of James ‘80 and grandmother of Travis ‘09
David Michael Montalbano on February 10, 2007
Mark ‘91 and Gina
Aidan Davis Potell Chopin on June 2, 2007
Charles ‘89 and Eric
David Gabriel Amador on August 3, 2007
Gonzalo ‘90 and Ellyn
Keegan Lee Perdido on August 15, 2007
Larry ‘86 and Annabelle
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
2006 - 2007 ROLL OF DONORS
This is a very exciting time at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory.
It is with great honor that I write to you for the first time as Chairman of the Board. It is a
privilege to serve with such generous and hard-working board members. Speaking for those
members, I want to express our gratitude and appreciation to the faculty, staff, parents, past
parents, alumni and friends who make this great school work and provide the opportunity for
growth far into the future.
This year started with the largest freshman class in the school’s history, a total of 238. When
these new students are seniors in 2010-2011, the school will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of its founding in 1960.
By virtue of the support of so many listed on these pages, the school has continued to grow
in many ways. The new construction projects completed as part of The Greater Glory Capital
Campaign are magnificent. In many areas, specifically athletics, they have changed the entire
face of the school. At this writing, because of the tremendous support of so many throughout
the community, the school is on the verge of beginning construction of Phase III of the Campaign, the final phase. When complete sometime next year, Strake Jesuit students will have
a new place to nourish their bodies in the W.T. and Louise J. Moran Dining Hall, expand their
horizons in the Clay Student Activity Center, and feed their souls in the new Chapel.
courtesy www.Ale
Last May, the Class of 2007 became the first class in 10 years to graduate on campus when
Commencement was held in the new Competition Gym. The excitement and sense of gratitude of that day serves as an inspiration. We should all be inspired by the accomplishments of
our students, the hard-work of the dedicated faculty and staff, and the generosity of so many
who continually express their appreciation and belief in our mission.
Thank you again for your continuing generous support. It allows Strake Jesuit to develop Men
for Others who are Open to Growth, Intellectually Competent, Physically Fit, Loving, Religious, and Committed to Doing Justice.
John O. Niemann, Jr.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle
Roll of Donors
Publishing this Roll of Donors is a small way in which Strake Jesuit College Preparatory can publicly recognize those who have made cash gifts and gifts-in-kind
to the School. Gifts included in this Roll of Donors are those made from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. Every year the list grows with new friends who join the
dedicated and consistent donors who have supported the School for many years. Each gift is appreciated and every gift is put to good use, whether it be to provide
financial aid, renovate or maintain facilities, develop new academic programs or enhance technology across campus.
Please take a few minutes to read the names of alumni, current and past parents, faculty and staff, as well as friends of the School who have made a gift this year.
Because of their support, Strake Jesuit can continue to challenge young men to learn, lead, serve and grow to become Men for Others.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / ✠ Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
 Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Anonymous + ✠
Anonymous + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley + ✠
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee + ✠
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Bandy + ✠
Dr. Michael F. Bardwil ‘73 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi ✠
Bridgeway Funds
Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Burks ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa ✠
ChevronTexaco + ✠
Clark Condon Associates ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Claunch ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Guy L. Clifton + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole ✠
Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Colley + ✠
Conoco Phillips, Inc. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Lucia Cordua
Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty + ✠
Dolan Foundations ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Eichelberger ✠
Mr. George M. Fleming ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D. Foster ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Goldman ✠
Mr. & Mrs. George Goolsby + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale ++ ✠
Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Warren T. Hoeffner
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias +
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse H. Jefferies ✠
John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Keel, III + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Knapp Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart + ✠
Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger ++
Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Victor T. Linck ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch + ✠
Fall 2007
M. D. Anderson Foundation ✠
Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. + ✠
Mary Gracely Footprints Foundation
Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus ✠
Dr. & Mrs. William D. McChesney ✠
McDermott International, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn McDonald + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Miraglia ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Miranda ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 ++ ✠
Mr. James Moriarty ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris + ✠
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 + ✠
The Honorable James R. ‘76 &
Dr. Katherine Murphy + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson ++
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea ✠
Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ ✠
Pogo Producing Company
Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray
San Antonio Federal Credit Union
Scanlan Foundation ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Senosiain
Mr. & Mrs. Darby Sere + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets + ✠
Shell Oil Company ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith ✠
Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 ++ ✠
Strake Foundation ++ ✠
Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club + ✠
Strake Jesuit Community + ✠
Strake Jesuit Dad’s Club
Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Terry
The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation ✠
The Brown Foundation, Inc. ✠
The Coca-Cola Company + ✠
The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation
The Lallinger Family Charitable Foundation
The Lyons Foundation ✠
The Medallion Foundation, Inc. ✠
The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Torras ✠
Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner + ✠
William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation + ✠
Williams Community Relations + ✠
Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Mrs. Sheila M. Condon ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. ‘68 ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous +
Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers + ✠
Apache Corporation + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Ashy ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James Barkley ‘81 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreau✠ ‘67 + ✠
BP Amoco + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Branda ‘69 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Orion H. Campbell, III ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charley Casserly ✠
CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cogan, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Contreras, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Philip Cousino ✠
Mrs. Odessa C. Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. David Dacus + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton, Jr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dobrowski ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan ✠
ExxonMobil + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++
Dr. Geri-Lynn Fromm
Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 ++
Mr. C. A. Gillan & Mrs. Cathy S. Nunnally ✠
Global Santa Fe
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Gordon ✠
Mr. William D. Gray ‘98 
Mr. & Mrs. Dan N. Hannon ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hansen ‘85 ++ ✠
Mr. Richard A. Hanus + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger + ✠
Houston Electrophsiology Associates
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard ✠
Mr. David R. Juist & Ms. Annie Fabio + ✠ Mr. &
Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 ++ ✠
Mr. Duane H. King ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Kubicek ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne ✠
Dr. M. Jerome Lewis, D.C. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui ✠
Mr. Hunter L. Martin, III ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin ✠
Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara +
Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Mehrinfar ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Miller + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins ‘80 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde D. Munoz ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James Nakfoor ‘82 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario ✠
Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka + ✠
Occidental Petroleum Corp. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bob Perkins + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Proffit +
Martin H. Reddy, Ph.D. ‘73 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck ✠
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Roberts ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Rogers ✠
Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger ‘72 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Steininger ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Stoia ✠
Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette ✠
The Butcher Fund +
The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation
The Lynett & Haggerty Families ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Till ‘82 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Wurzer ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Adair ✠
Mrs. Irene Adolph
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 ✠
Archer Chrysler-Jeep-Suzuki, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence H. Armour, III ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe ✠
Mr. Roger G. Baker & Mrs. Sarah J. Colletti-Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Tuck Bassett +
Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar ++
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Belanger ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 ✠
Mr. Peter Boudreau & Ms. Susan D. Fernbach ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Brann ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin ✠
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 + ✠
Bryn Document Solutions
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82 +
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 ✠
Mr. Brandon J. Calva ‘02
Capital One N.A.
Dr. & Mrs. Blase A. Carabello
Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Carrillo ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Chen-Yu Chiang + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark + ✠
Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven ✠
D. E. Harvey Builders ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Denkler + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke ✠
Dobrowski L.L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ ✠
El Paso Energy + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Falsone +
Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 ++ ✠
FMC Foundation
Mrs. Margaret Fuess
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher ‘76 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Glass ✠
Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour ++
Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Gray, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Guerrero ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Haney
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. ++
Mr. Russell Heinen & Mrs. Shawn McKean ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo A. Hernandez ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Kevin Houston
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91
Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Greg J. Jungeblut ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Thomas Kenney
Knights of Columbus Council 11343
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch ‘73 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Umberto La Matta
Mr. & Mrs. Myles J. Lambert ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lazzeri ✠
Mr. Thomas Leibowitz & Dr. Victoria Regan
Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Luk
Marathon Oil Company
Mr. & Mrs. Blair H. Margot ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marietta + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Marks ✠
Marsh, Inc. + ✠
MBC Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick ✠
Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 &
Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt ++
Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt T. Methvin + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims + ✠
Mr. Charles J. Minero & Mrs. Terrie E. Bean-Minero
New Orleans Province of the Society of Jesus
New York Life Insurance Company ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland ‘76 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Hung V. Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick +
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ray P. Nix ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Noble ✠
Mr. Sean O’Neill ‘85 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn ✠
Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Pedigo
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Pilon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Pollan ‘76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Redman ✠
Mr. & Mrs. G. M. Reinhardt + ✠
Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler ++
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III + ✠
Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Mrs. Mary H. Cook ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt ✠
Sterling Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kurt Szopiak
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina ✠
The Andrews Foundation ✠
The Clorox Company Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vlasak ‘84 +
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre ‘67 + ✠
Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wilson + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wolterman
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William H. York ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ ✠
Advanced Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Mr. & Mrs. Song Ahn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ainsworth +
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Anderson ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Munir M. Asfar
Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Ashcraft
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Atwood
Mr. Andrew W. Bagot & Ms. Lori L. Cunningham
Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bannon ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Barrett
Mr. Cletus B. Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia K. Conrad-Bayer ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Bellis ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno ✠
Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Carroll ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Herve F. Chain
Champion Industrial Sales Company
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins
Mr. Edward C. Colman +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill ✠
Mr. William S. Condon
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Connolly
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Cooksey ✠
Mr. & Mrs. George Z. Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cromwell
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88
Mr. Robin A. Dawson ‘65 ++
Mr. Carlos De Aldecoa ‘91
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76
Dr. & Mrs. Francesco J. DeMayo
Mr. & Mrs. David Depinet
Mr. & Mrs. Rod L. Desroches
Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst ++
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt +
Mr. Renaud J. d’Herbes
DHR International
Mr. Patrick C. Dickson ‘95 +
Mr. & Mrs. Peter U. Die
Ms. Elizabeth R. Dillon
Duke Energy ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque ‘90 +
Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk ✠
The tradition ot Huddle Up is repeated on the first day of each semester, when
students gather at the start of the day for prayer and reflection.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon ✠
Dr. Douglas K. Fernandez & Dr. Nancy Zefo
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Fisher ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fi ✠ +
Mr. & Mrs. George Fordes ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fraga ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Gaal
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto A. Garcia ‘83
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Gary, III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gidley ‘79 +
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Gidley ‘82 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill
Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Graves
Dr. & Mrs. P. M. Gray, Jr.
Mr. Edward M. Green &
Dr. Concepcion B. Diaz-Arrastia Green
Greenwood King Properties
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Grehn
Grey Wolf Drilling Company, L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hale, Jr.
Halliburton, Inc. +
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty, D.D.S. ‘77 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81
Dr. Hans W. Hansen, Ph.D. ‘88
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Hartis
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Heckler
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Heinrichs ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + ✠
Dr. David Hernandez & Dr. Julie Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hogan + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan
Houston Endowment, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Jacobson + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Jennis
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Khan
Dr. Margaret Kinalska
Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch ✠
Mrs. Nancy Koch +
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 +
Dr. & Mrs. Harmohinder S. Kochar +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman ✠
Mr. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kwik ✠
Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Landry
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lattanzi
Mrs. Eileen M. Light
Mr. & Mrs. Christian E. Liipfert
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Livesay
Mr. & Mrs. G. Stuart Livingston ‘76
Mr. Martin M. Loperena & Mrs. Clara M. Rojas-Loperena
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Love
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Lykos ✠
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner +
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Giri Mani
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Marcum ✠
Dr. & Mrs. David R. Martin ‘90
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Martin
Mrs. Thomas McErlean ++
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay
Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Mendez
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Miller + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mobley, II ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut ✠
Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore + ✠
Ms. Cynthia Moriarty
Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87 ++
The Chronicle 25
One of the highlights of Spirit
Week each fall is the freshman
haircuts, some of which certainly
leave many moms wincing - at
least for a few weeks until the
trimmed locks grow out.
Mr. & Mrs. Rafat N. Nemry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish ‘80
Northstar GOM, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ontko
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Organ
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Ward W. Pendleton
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Pepi
Dr. Emerson C. Perin ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Phillips, III ✠
Dr. Richard A. Plumb & Mrs. Nancy G. Porter ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano
Dr. G. S. & Dr. Rekha C. Ramesh ✠
Resources Global Professionals, LP
Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Harry F. Richards ++
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez + ✠
Dr. Miguel A. & Dr. Maritza Rodriguez-Homs
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Rooney ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose ✠
Mr. Peter Sanguesa ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller
Dr. & Mrs. John Schiro ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Schiro ‘82 ✠
Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 +
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Scott
Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting + ✠
Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN +
Dr. Richard K. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 +
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk ✠
Ms. M. Anthony Startz + ✠
Stat Care Inc.
Mr. David R. Stewart ‘69 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart ✠
Strake Jesuit Faculty & Staff ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Taetz
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson B. Tarver
Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Taunton ++
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor
Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 ++ ✠
Tejas Office Products, Inc.
The Houston Exploration Company ✠
The Plaza Group
The Roth Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Dean R. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth ✠
Total Gas & Power North America, Inc. ✠
UHY Advisors Tx, LP
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie R. Villalva
Fall 2007
Mr. Frederic C. Warner, Jr. ‘78
Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb
Dr. Tara L. Wegryn
Wells Fargo + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Whitty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell S. Williams ✠
Ms. Nancy Younger
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Anonymous +
Anonymous + ✠
Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo
Mrs. Linda C. Adolph
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Aguiar
Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison
Alumni Class of 1967
Ms. Kimberly A. Amador + ✠
Ameriprise Financial
Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone ✠
Argonaut Insurance Company
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Arguello, Jr. + ✠
Ms. Roxanne L. Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 ✠
Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Baker +
Mr. & Mrs. Thanh K. Banh
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Barone
Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Bartholomew
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Bay ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr. ‘80 +
Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ
Mr. Bob Bilski
Mr. Alan C. Black & Ms. Laura M. Celis de Black ✠
Blackstone Insurance Services, L.L.C.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boone, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Boyer
Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Braden ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Steven V. Brewer ✠
Mr. W. R. Brice & Mrs. Leslie B. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 ++
Mr. Chris Burke ‘86 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Burns ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Byrnes ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Calva + ✠
Mr. Edward Campana ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 +
Mr. & Mrs. Luis J. Cardenas +
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87+
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Carroll
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. O. K. Carter ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. + ✠
Dr. Gaston L. Casillas & Dr. Carmen E. Gonzalez
Mr. John T. Causey ‘87 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. Graydon K. Cayce ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie J. Cernoch ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Benny Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 +
Mr. & Mrs. Yimkei G. Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 +
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Christenson
Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Clay ‘86 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter + ✠
Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81
Ms. Angela B. Cox ✠
CRA International
Mr. Robert E. Crane, II ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 ++
Mr. Dante Crosa & Mrs. Elizabeth M. Landeta
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Cuadra ‘81 +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Cuellar
Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Curtis ‘66 +
Mr. & Mrs. John D’Antoni
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson
The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 &
Ms. Sarah Duckers ++
Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies +
Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Emilio De Cardenas ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John M. De Franco ✠
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Mr. Joseph DeBakey ‘80
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Delclos ‘78
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Delclos +
Mr. Rigoberto & Dr. Dorothy Delgado
Dell Computers
Mrs. Barbara A. DeMayo
Desktop Digital Printing, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 +
DHK Development, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dolan +
Mr. & Mrs. Rupert R. Dominguez
Dominion Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin
Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97
Dr. James E. Dowd ‘80 & Dr. Susan Willis
Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel
Mr. John K. Dubiel ‘86 & Dr. Randi Dubiel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy +
Mr. Steven M. Duin ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Dulworth ‘73 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86
Mrs. Elaine H. Eichelberger
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Elias
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Erbs ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Rolly C. Erice +
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart ‘70 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fletcher ‘83
Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fox, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Foy ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Fraga ++
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fredette ✠
Fulbrook Partners Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Humberto B. Galvan
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Garibaldi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garza, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Geddie
Ms. Jennifer M. George
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Germain ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Goodrich ✠
Mr. Theodore J. Gorman ‘93 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham ++
Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Mrs. Barbara Divine +
Mrs. Kay Grothues
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gurasich ‘66 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Norwood W. Hackemack
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. + ✠
The Honorable & Mrs. Joseph Halbach
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hall
Mr. Michael F. Hall ‘77
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Hanratty
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Harrell
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien M. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hathorn ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Haynes
Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Henry
Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Mrs. Trudy Hansen +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Heyburn
Mr. Joseph W. Higgs & Mrs. Rita L. Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hilbe ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hmaidan ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hollkamp
Mr. Justin Holy ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey John Horner
Houston Chinese Women’s Assoc.
Mr. Herschel L. Howard & Ms. Jeanne M. Higbee
Ms. Josephine Huang
Mr. Shane W. Hudson, Esq. ‘93 ✠
Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huston
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman ‘76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inman ++
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Janda
Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik ✠
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Johanson
Mr. & Mrs. Brent M. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones
Mr. Christopher Jordan ‘85 ++
Mr. John G. Jordan ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jordan
JP Morgan Chase +
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Junghans
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kainer
Mr. Don F. Keating
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keating
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Keller
Mr. J. G. Kelley ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kenney ‘93
Mr. Mike Kerley + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Kilgard ‘91
Mr. Jeffrey F. Kindschuh
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klein ‘79
Mrs. Ann Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kowalski ‘71
Mr. Dana B. Kraft ‘89
Mrs. Louis E. Kramr
Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Kurtin ‘83
Mr. Tri M. La & Mrs. Theresa T. Vo
Mr. Joseph R. Lach
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Landram
Mr. Richard N. Lane ‘73
Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. LaRue
Mr. & Mrs. Nam H. Le
Mr. Thomas Lea ‘76
Mr. Richard Leonardon ‘79 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 ✠
Ms. Debbie J. Lewis ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Lewis
Mr. Robert C. Livingston ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 + ✠
Ms. Diana O. Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Lumpkin +
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna ‘86 ++
Dr. & Mrs. George E. Madjitey
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Madsen + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Marco
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Y. Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. ++
Mrs. Lois Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. Juan F. Mayorga
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McAfee ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McAuliffe ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. McBee + ✠
Mr. Michael C. McBride ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. McCann ✠
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McConnell ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath
Mr. Duncan McLean ‘85
Mr. James E. ‘74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McMahon ‘88 ✠
Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 ++
Mr. & Ms. Thomas H. McNeely ‘86 +
Ms. Patricia Mead, C.P.A.
Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Mealey ‘74 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Meggs
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Melson
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Milazzo ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller
Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Tim E. Mills
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Monroe + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91
Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Mrs. Amanda Vavilala
Motiva Enterprises LLC ✠
MS Legal Search, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 ++
Mr. Archie Nahigian ✠
Ms. Janet H. Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra ++
Northwestern Mutual Life +
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine
NRG Energy, Inc. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Ojeniyi
Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Meara
Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon +
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus M. Pacheco
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Padon ‘71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Panaligan
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Parks ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Pepin
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek ‘80 +
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Pettit
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S. ‘72
Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Arnaud G. Pichon +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. Pruden
Dr. Miguel A. Quinones ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Radabaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Ramirez + ✠
Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80
RBS Greenwich Capital
Mr. & Mrs. Heber V. Resende
Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 ++
Mr. Frank Ribelin
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Richards ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde ✠
Mr. Carlos E. Roman + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Florentino A. Roxas ✠
Dr. Robert C. & Dr. Kathleen Ryan
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 ✠
Mr. David M. Sabonghy ‘97
Sage Dining Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Sampson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 + ✠
Sayed Feghali Cardiology
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Schmitt ‘90
Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 ++
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel + ✠
Mr. Philip B. Scott & Ms. Linda S. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sepulveda
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. ++
Shipley’s Donuts
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III ‘67 +
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sisak
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Smith
Mr. Stephen Sobhi ‘94 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Souls ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65
Mrs. Elizabeth Standish +
Ms. Julie F. Stankus
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Steets ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 +
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Steinhubl
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Strake ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor
Sun Microsystems
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Mr. Lawrence E. Tanner, Jr. ‘84
Target +
Test Masters SAT & PSAT Programs
Texas Industries
The Men’s Wearhouse
The Northrop Grumman Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Theall ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Thesing ✠
Mr. Jeffrey E. Thomas ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Enrique F. Tiangco
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Triplett ✠
Dr. Stephen D. Tse ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Twardowski
UBS Foundation USA
Dr. & Mrs. John Uecker ‘85
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Valdes
Mr. Paul J. Van Osselaer ‘68 & Ms. Jewel Arrington ++
Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 +
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables + ✠
Mr. Bill Vick
Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey + ✠
Wachovia Bank
Wachovia Corporation
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wallis
Dr. Ronald Walls ‘80
Mr. Charles B. Walters ‘96
Mr. William S. Walters ‘98
Mr. & Ms. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr.
Mrs. Rose F. Webre +
Dr. & Mrs. James C. West ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. White
Ms. Terry R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Wippold ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam ‘86 +
Mr. Canice Wu ‘82 & Ms. Anita Cole ✠
Mr. & Mr. Ronald N. Yeakle
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 + ✠
The Orientation Dance
serves as the unofficial
kick-off to the school
year as old and new
friends come
together and bonds are
formed that will last a
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 27
Parent Donors
Gifts to the Parent Drive are used to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual operating costs at Strake Jesuit. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Parent Drive, Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / ✠ Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
 Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Goldman ✠
Mr. & Mrs. George Goolsby + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. William D. McChesney ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn McDonald + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Miraglia ✠
Mr. James Moriarty ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Terry
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. David Dacus + ✠
Mr. C. A. Gillan & Mrs. Cathy S. Nunnally ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard ✠
Dr. M. Jerome Lewis, D.C. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui ✠
Mr. Hunter L. Martin, III ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Miller + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Proffit +
Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Roberts ✠
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger ‘72 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Stoia ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Wurzer ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Tuck Bassett +
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Chen-Yu Chiang + ✠
Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Haney
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Blair H. Margot ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Marks ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Noble ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Andrew W. Bagot & Ms. Lori L. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Bellis ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Herve F. Chain
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton
Mr. & Mrs. George Z. Crawford
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt +
Mr. & Mrs. Peter U. Die
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk ✠
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Fisher ✠
Mr. & Mrs. George Fordes ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Gary, III
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Heinrichs ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Jacobson + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh + ✠
Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Harmohinder S. Kochar +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kwik ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Livesay
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis
Ms. Cynthia Moriarty
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ontko
Dr. Richard A. Plumb & Mrs. Nancy G. Porter ✠
Dr. G. S. & Dr. Rekha C. Ramesh ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose ✠
Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting + ✠
Ms. M. Anthony Startz + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Taetz
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie R. Villalva
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Bay ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Burns ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie J. Cernoch ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fox, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garza, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Norwood W. Hackemack
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien M. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Horrell + ✠
Ms. Josephine Huang
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huston
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman ‘76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kainer
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley ✠
Mr. Jeffrey F. Kindschuh
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka ✠
Ms. Debbie J. Lewis ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. McCann ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt ✠
Members of the Jesuit football team helped
bring smiles to a bunch of small faces when
they served as Buddies at a Challenger football
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth
Mr. Philip B. Scott & Ms. Linda S. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Triplett ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Wippold ✠
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic F. Affonso
Mr. & Mrs. Jackie Q. Bass
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Beneke
Mrs. Susan F. Bolz
Dr. & Mrs. Jose Gregorio I. Casar
Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro G. Chaveste
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cornett ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jabib Dacak +
Ms. Beverly Park-Davis ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo F. Dumantay ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Eukel
Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Furnace
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Gibula
Mr. Thang Q. Hoang & Dr. Amy A. Hoang
Mr. & Mrs. Hamlet Hovsepian ✠
Ms. Milagro Iglesias
Mr. Zygmont L. Jankowski, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Jean-Baptiste
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp ✠
Mr. Thanh T. Le & Mrs. Huong T. Pham
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Lillja
Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Merrill
Mr. Bart Morey & Dr. Andrea Spiering
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Oaks
Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Parreno
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Penn
Ms. Santosh K. Post
Mr. Patrick A. Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Rodriguez ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Shields
Mrs. Rosa Sokulski
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. St. Aubin
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Walling
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Weems
Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Young
Ms. Patricia M. Zarembo ✠
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Claunch ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats ✠
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Miranda ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Torras ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Contreras, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Dan N. Hannon ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layn ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara
Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bob Perkins + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Rogers ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Steininger ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence H. Armour, III ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Brann ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Denkler + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher ‘76 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Glass ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo A. Hernandez ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Myles J. Lambert ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Luk
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marietta + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gre✠ E. McBride ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland ‘76 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Redman ✠
Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Mrs. Mary H. Cook ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William H. York ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Song Ahn
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Anderson ✠
Mr. Cletus B. Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia K. Conrad-Bayer ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill ✠
Mr. William S. Condon
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Grehn
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Hartis
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Heckler
Dr. David Hernandez & Dr. Julie Martinez
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones ✠
Dr. Margaret Kinalska
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lattanzi
Mr. & Mrs. Christian E. Liipfert
Mr. Martin M. Loperena &
Mrs. Clara M. Rojas-Loperena
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mahoney
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Marcum ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Miller + ✠
Dr. Richard K. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton
Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Taunton ++
Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow ✠
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bon ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Barone
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Yimkei G. Cheung
Mr. Dante Crosa & Mrs. Elizabeth M. Landeta
Mr. & Mrs. John D’Antoni
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. John M. De Franco ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Elias
Mr. & Mrs. Rolly C. Erice +
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garza, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Harrell
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hmaidan ✠
Mr. Herschel L. Howard & Ms. Jeanne M. Higbee
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Janda
Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik ✠
Mr. Tri M. La & Mrs. Theresa T. Vo
Mr. & Mrs. Juan F. Mayorga
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Milazzo ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tim E. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Padon ‘71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. Pruden
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Radabaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Heber V. Resende
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Sampson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Thesing ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Enrique F. Tiangco
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Ms. Maria E. Alvarez
Mr. & Mrs. Boris E. Aranovich
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar C. Ayeras
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Basarabescu
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley F. Blankenship +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph K. Brezger
Mr. & Mrs. Eliseo C. Bunag
Mr. David R. Byrnes ‘80
Ms. Christine Campbell 
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Castenell
Mr. & Mrs. Russell T. Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Day
Mr. & Mrs. Camilo E. Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Donatti
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Elmer ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Fluellen
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. Fogarty ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Hamor
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harms
Ms. Caroline O. Kermath + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Bahadin K. Khatami
Ms. Gladys D. King
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Kingerski ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Knizner
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Landry
Mr. & Mrs. Erik D. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Minda
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Navratil
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Novick
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. ‘76 ++
Ms. Maria J. Regalado
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rice
Dr. Mike L. ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Rice ++
Mr. Eric R. Romero
Ms. Walee Schwing ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Taylor
Ms. Dawn R. Terrazas-Chambers
Dr. Gregory N. Uche & Mrs. Stella N. Obi-Uche
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Vu
Mr. William M. Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Yu-Tung Wu
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Anonymous + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Eichelberger ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith ✠
Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Mrs. Sheila M. Condon ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Branda ‘69 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Orion H. Campbell, III ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton, Jr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan ✠
Dr. Geri-Lynn Fromm
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee ✠
Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Mehrinfar ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde D. Munoz ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger ‘72 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Till ‘82 ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe ✠
Mr. Roger G. Baker & Mrs. Sarah J. Colletti-Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Belanger ✠
Mr. Peter Boudreaux & Ms. Susan D. Fernbach ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marietta + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Hung V. Nguyen
Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Pedigo
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde ✠
Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wolterman
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Munir M. Asfar
Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Ashcraft
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Carroll ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Connolly
Mr. Renaud J. d’Herbes
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto A. Garcia ‘83
Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Jennis
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Lykos ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano
Dr. Miguel A. & Dr. Maritza Rodriguez-Homs
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Rooney ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Scott
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Dean R. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb
Dr. Tara L. Wegryn
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell S. Williams ✠
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo
Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison
Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Bartholomew
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Bay ✠
Mr. Alan C. Black & Ms. Laura M. Celis de Black ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Graydon K. Cayce ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Yimkei G. Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. Rupert R. Dominguez
Mrs. Elaine H. Eichelberger
Mr. & Mrs. Humberto B. Galvan
Mr. & Mrs. Nam H. Le
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Meggs
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Melson
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus M. Pacheco
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sisak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Steinhubl
Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Enrique F. Tiangco
Mr. & Ms. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr.
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Arevalo
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Biba
Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stafford G. Brame
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Coffield
Ms. Uyen K. Crenshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Jabib Dacak +
Mr. Steven M. Duble ‘82 +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Dunbar ✠
Dr. Augustine & Dr. Margaret Egbunike
Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Feinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Frazie
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Haesly
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Harding
Mr. & Mrs. Rommel G. Henson
Mr. & Mrs. Hamlet Hovsepian ✠
Ms. Martha H. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Darvin E. Mayo
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullagh
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Mealey ‘80 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Garry P. Mendonca
Ms. Sarah A. Mercier-Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Mira
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Murguia
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Noe
Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Nonmacher, III ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Luis F. Nunez
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Oaks
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Orrell
Ms. Kay Paschall
Mr. & Mrs. Manoj G. Perera
Dr. John R. Potts
Dr. & Mrs. Mauricio A. Reinoso
Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel
Ms. Marie-Pierre M. Stien
Mr. & Mrs. Mohammed K. Sultan
Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ung
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Vela
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Voorhees
Mr. & Mrs. Herman V. Wilkins
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Work
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Warren T. Hoeffner
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse H. Jefferies ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Knapp Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss + ✠
The Chronicle 29
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart + ✠
Hon. & Dr. James R. Murphy ‘76 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters ✠
The Annual Blood
Drive seems to grow
each year with both
students and faculty
making the decision
to give the gift to life.
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Ashy ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Philip Cousino ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dobrowski ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Gordon ✠
Mr. Duane H. King ✠
Mr. Hunter L. Martin, III ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Adair ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Blase A. Carabello
Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher ‘76 ✠
Mr. Russell Heinen & Mrs. Shawn McKean ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Kevin Houston
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Thomas Kenney
Mr. Thomas Leibowitz & Dr. Victoria Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick ✠
Mr. Charles J. Minero & Mrs. Terrie E. Bean-Minero
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kurt Szopiak
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre ‘67 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Rafat N. Nemry
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Organ
Mr. & Mrs. Ward W. Pendleton
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Pepi
Dr. Emerson C. Perin ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Schiro ‘82 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson B. Tarver
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Williams
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Cooksey ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cromwell
Dr. & Mrs. Francesco J. DeMayo
Mr. & Mrs. David Depinet
Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries
Dr. Douglas K. Fernandez & Dr. Nancy Zefo
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill
Mr. Edward M. Green &
Dr. Concepcion B. Diaz-Arrastia Green
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hale, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Khan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Landry
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Love
Mr. & Mrs. Giri Mani
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Aguiar
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thanh K. Banh
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74 ++
Dr. Gaston L. Casillas & Dr. Carmen E. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Benny Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson
Mr. Rigoberto & Dr. Dorothy Delgado Mr.
Steven M. Duin ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Garibaldi
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Geddie
Ms. Jennifer M. George
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Germain ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Goodrich ✠
The Honorable & Mrs. Joseph Halbach
Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Henry
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr.
Mr. Joseph W. Higgs & Mrs. Rita L. Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hilbe ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hollkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey John Horner
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huston
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Johanson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka ✠
Mr. Joseph R. Lach
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd
Dr. & Mrs. George E. Madjitey
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Y. Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Murray
Ms. Janet H. Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Ojeniyi
Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Meara
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Panaligan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Pepin
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov ‘79
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S. ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sepulveda
Ms. Julie F. Stankus
Ms. Terry R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Wippold ✠
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Atir A. Alattar & Mrs. Shatha A. Mustafa
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Felipe d. Balmaceda
Dr. & Mrs. Marcu D. Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Kulwant S. Bhatia
Ms. Maria E. Bodanese
Mr. & Mrs. Kevan M. Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Carter
Mr. Mark H. Cassidy
Ms. Sherri F. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Cobb
Ms. Thu T. Dang
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent O. Droughton
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Eukel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Grenier
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hatam
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hoang
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ledesma ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Lillja
Mr. & Mrs. George D. Lyons III ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Matson
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Medrano
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Mouser
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Neidinger
Mr. & Mrs. Son Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Noffsinger
Mr. & Mrs. Luis F. Nunez
Ms. Santosh K. Post
Mr. Jose G. Renteria & Mrs. Maria Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rice
Mr. Fernando A. Sanchez Ferrer &
Mrs. Barbara J. Lohff
Ms. Stephanie J. Sullano
Dr. Gregory N. Uche & Mrs. Stella N. Obi-Uche
Ms. Ami G. Wang
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr. ✠
The success of the Annual Parent Drive relies greatly on the dedication of volunteers.
The following individuals helped the 2007 Parent Drive reach record levels.
George Crawford - Chair
Joyce Aguiar
Jeffrey & Gwendolyn Anderson
Roxanne Atkinson
Trevor Bello
Michael Benigno
Robert Brock
Victor Brook
Juan & Joanne Carrillo
Thomas Chambers
James Collins
Steven & Elizabeth Cooksey
Richard Cunningham
Thomas Denkler
Barbara DeWitt
Fall 2007
Terry Eukel
John Geddie
Clayton Gordon
Charles Grenier
Ronald Hale
Fleur Hatam
Russell Heinen
Timothy Henken
Joseph Higgs
David Hollkamp
Michael Jones
Richard Keogh
Eric Khan
David Lafferty
Mark Love
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Nicholas Lykos
Giri & Shaila Mani
Hunter Martin
Daphne Mendonca
Eric Neidinger
Randa Nemry
Janet Nguyen
Charlene Oaks
John Ofield
Beverly Park-Davis
Clarence Rife
James Rooney
Austin Tenette
Vicki Velarde
Marilyn Winters
Past Parents & Friends
Gifts from Past Parents and Friends can be made to support an Endowment or to the greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving
including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / ✠ Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
 Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Anonymous + ✠
Anonymous + ✠
Anonymous + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley + ✠
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee + ✠
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Bandy + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi ✠
Bridgeway Fundsv
Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Burks ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa ✠
ChevronTexaco + ✠
Clark Condon Associates ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Guy L. Clifton + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole ✠
Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Colley + ✠
Conoco Phillips, Inc. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Lucia Cordua
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty + ✠
Dolan Foundations ✠
Mr. George M. Fleming ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D. Foster ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. George Goolsby + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale ++ ✠
Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias +
John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Keel, III + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart + ✠
Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger ++
Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Victor T. Linck ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch + ✠
M. D. Anderson Foundation ✠
Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. + ✠
Mary Gracely Footprints Foundation
Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus ✠
McDermott International, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn McDonald + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Miranda ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris + ✠
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 + ✠
Hon. & Dr. James R. Murphy ‘76 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ ✠
Pogo Producing Company
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray
San Antonio Federal Credit Union
Scanlan Foundation ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Senosiain
Mr. & Mrs. Darby Sere + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets + ✠
Shell Oil Company ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 ++ ✠
Strake Foundation ++ ✠
Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club + ✠
Strake Jesuit Community +✠
Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club
The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation ✠
The Brown Foundation, Inc. ✠
The Coca-Cola Company + ✠
The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy
Memorial Foundation
The Lallinger Family Charitable Foundation
The Lyons Foundation ✠
The Medallion Foundation, Inc. ✠
The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner + ✠
William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation + ✠
Williams Community Relations + ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous +
Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers + ✠
Apache Corporation + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 + ✠
BP Amoco +✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charley Casserly ✠
CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cogan, Jr. ✠
Mrs. Odessa C. Curtis 
Mr. & Mrs. David Dacus + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton, Jr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty + ✠
ExxonMobil + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++
Global Santa Fe
Mr. Richard A. Hanus + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger + ✠
Houston Electrophsiology Associates
Mr. David R. Juist & Ms. Annie Fabio + ✠ Mr. &
Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne ✠
Mr. Hunter L. Martin, III ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Miller + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka + ✠
Occidental Petroleum Corp. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bob Perkins + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Proffit +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach +✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger ‘72 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed + ✠
Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette ✠
The Butcher Fund +
The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation
The Lynett & Haggerty Families ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Till ‘82 ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Robert H. Adolph ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 ✠
Archer Chrysler-Jeep-Suzuki, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tuck Bassett +
Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar ++
Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin ✠
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 + ✠
Bryn Document Solutions
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 ✠
Capital One N.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Chen-Yu Chiang + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark + ✠
Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven ✠
D. E. Harvey Builders ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Denkler + ✠
Dobrowski L.L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ ✠
El Paso Energy + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Falsone
FMC Foundation
Mrs. Margaret Fuess
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff ✠
Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour ++
Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Gray, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. ++
Mr. Russell Heinen & Mrs. Shawn McKean ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Greg J. Jungeblut ++ ✠
Knights of Columbus Council 11343
Mr. & Mrs. Umberto La Matta
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lazzeri ✠
Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos + ✠
Marathon Oil Company
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marietta + ✠
Marsh, Inc. + ✠
MBC Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt T. Methvin + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims +✠
New Orleans Province of the Society of Jesus
New York Life Insurance Company ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick +
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ray P. Nix ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. G. M. Reinhardt + ✠
Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler ++
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III + ✠
Sterling Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 + ✠
The Andrews Foundation ✠
The Clorox Company Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wilson + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York + ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ ✠
Advanced Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ainsworth +
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P.
Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bannon ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++
Champion Industrial Sales Company
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Mr. Edward C. Colman +
Mr. & Mrs. Rod L. Desroches
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst ++
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt +
DHR International
Ms. Elizabeth R. Dillon
Duke Energy ✠
Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix +
Mr. & Mrs. George Fordes ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fraga ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Gaal
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ ✠
Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. P. M. Gray, Jr.
Greenwood King Properties
Grey Wolf Drilling Company, L.P.
Halliburton, Inc. +
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners +✠
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hogan +✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan
Houston Endowment, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Jacobson + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh + ✠
Mrs. Nancy Koch +
Dr. & Mrs. Harmohinder S. Kochar +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer ✠
Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ +
Mrs. Eileen M. Light
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner +
Mrs. Thomas McErlean ++
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Mendez
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Miller + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut ✠
Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle + ✠
Northstar GOM, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Phillips, III ✠
Resources Global Professionals, LP
Dr. & Mrs. Harry F. Richards ++
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez + ✠
Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting + ✠
Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Smith
Stat Care Inc.
Strake Jesuit Faculty & Staff ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Taunton ++
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor
Tejas Office Products, Inc.
The Houston Exploration Company ✠
The Plaza Group
The Roth Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth ✠
Total Gas & Power North America, Inc. ✠
UHY Advisors Tx, LP
Wells Fargo + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Whitty
Ms. Nancy Younger
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Anonymous +
Mrs. Linda C. Adolph
Alumni Class of 1967
Ms. Kimberly A. Amador + ✠
Ameriprise Financial
The Chronicle 31
Big Brother, Little Brother Day brings freshman and the senior mentors together for a
day of fun and fellowship.
Argonaut Insurance Company
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Baker +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica + ✠
Rev. Christopher A. Billac, S.J.
Mr. Bob Bilski
Blackstone Insurance Services, L.L.C.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boone, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Steven V. Brewer ✠
Mr. W. R. Brice & Mrs. Leslie B. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Byrnes ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Calva + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Luis J. Cardenas +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Carroll
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Christenson
Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78
CRA International
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Cuellar
Mr. & Mrs. John D’Antoni
Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies +
Mr. & Mrs. Emilio De Cardenas ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Delclos +
Dell Computers
Mrs. Barbara A. DeMayo
Desktop Digital Printing, Inc.
DHK Development, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dolan +
Dominion Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin
Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy +
Mr. & Mrs. Rolly C. Erice +
Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Fraga ++
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fredette ✠
Fulbrook Partners Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Garibaldi
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly
Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham ++
Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Mrs. Barbara Divine +
Mrs. Kay Grothues
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hall
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Hanratty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Haynes
Fall 2007
Mr. & Mrs. John Heyburn
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hilbe ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hollkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Horrell ✠
Houston Chinese Women’s Assoc.
Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inman ++
Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Brent M. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jordan
JP Morgan Chase +
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Junghans
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka
Mr. Don F. Keating
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keating
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly
Mrs. Ann Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kowalski ‘71
Mrs. Louis E. Kramr
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Landram
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. LaRue
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 + ✠
Ms. Diana O. Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Lumpkin +
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Madsen + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Marco
Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. ++
Mrs. Lois Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McAfee ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. McBee + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath
Mr. James E. ‘74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean ++ ✠
Ms. Patricia Mead, C.P.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller
Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Monroe + ✠
Motiva Enterprises LLC ✠
MS Legal Search, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras + ✠
Mr. Archie Nahigian ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norrz ++
Northwestern Mutual Life +
NRG Energy, Inc ✠
Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon +
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Arnaud G. Pichon +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Powell
Dr. Miguel A. Quinones ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Ramirez + ✠
RBS Greenwich Capital
Mr. Frank Ribelin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Florentino A. Roxas ✠
Dr. Robert C. & Dr. Kathleen Ryan
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 ✠
Sage Dining Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 + ✠
Sayed Feghali Cardiology
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66 +
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. ++
Shipley’s Donuts
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Souls ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65
Mrs. Elizabeth Standish +
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Steets ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor
Sun Microsystems
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Target +
Test Masters SAT & PSAT Programs
Texas Industries
The Men’s Wearhouse
The Northrop Grumman Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Thesing ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Twardowski
UBS Foundation USA
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Valdes
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables + ✠
Mr. Bill Vick
Wachovia Bank
Wachovia Corporation
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wallis
Mr. & Ms. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr.
Mrs. Rose F. Webre +
Dr. & Mrs. James C. West ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. White
Mr. & Mr. Ronald N. Yeakle
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Anonymous + ✠
Accent Screen Printing
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock + ✠
AIM Foundation
Mrs. Clare Aiuvalasit
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Akwari
Mr. & Mrs. Raul G. Alabastro
Mr. & Mrs. Celestine A. Alaribe
All American Letter Jackets
Allied Carpet Cleaners
Mr. Raphael Altmann
Dr. & Mrs. Pedro J. Alvarez
Amerada Hess Corp.
American Eagle Outfitters Foundation
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Amici Ristorante
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation +
Analog Devices ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Apollo +
Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Ashe +
Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Aurisano
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Faisal S. Ba’aghil
Mr. & Mrs. J. Greg Badgett ++
Mr. John F. Baesch & Mrs. Evelyn A. Herzog
Baker’s Safe and Lock Co., Inc
Bank of America + ✠
Ms. Maria H. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bartenstein, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates
Mr. William J. Batik
Mr. & Mrs. Dom Bausano, Jr. +
Mr. Mark E. Bazin ‘98
Bead Designs
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bernhoft, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry +
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bischoff
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley F. Blankenship +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Bondor +
Mr. M. J. Branda
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Brasseaux ‘81
Ms. Christi M. Brewster ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Briceno
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Broeckelmann
Brookfield Properties
Ms. Alisa Broussard ✠
Mr. & Mrs. F. R. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bucci
Mr. & Mrs. S. Scott Buckheit
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Burdick
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr. ++
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Burton ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Caine + ✠
Mr. Arden D. Callender + ✠
Mrs. Katherine Capp
Cardinal Health
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carmouche
Mr. & Mrs. Brodie M. Carroll
Mr. John T. Carroll
Ms. Lurline Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Cashiola +
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 ✠
Mrs. Leslie D. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Merlin A. Castille
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Cate
Catholic Home Loan
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catlett ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Cloy N. Causey
Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo F. Dumantay ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Dunbar ✠
Mrs. Rose M. Durden ++
Mr. & Mrs. Byron F. Dyer
Ms. Eileen F. Dyer
Mr. Jack Earnest
Mr. & Mrs. David Ecklund +
Mr. G. I. Edmonds
Dr. Augustine & Dr. Margaret Egbunike
Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Eidson
Ms. Louise P. Ellingson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Elmer ✠
Emco Press
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Erbs
Dr. & Mrs. Garret J. Etgen ++
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Eyberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Ezelle
Mrs. Jane Falk + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Falsone
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Farah
Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez ✠
Mrs. Josefina M. Fernandez
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Fernbach
Ms. Janelle Festa
Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Fontaine
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Formica
Mr. & Mrs. Bill F. Forney, Jr.
Ms. Barbara V. Z. Fosdick
Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey C. Foster
Dr. & Mrs. Miguel Franco
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fried ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Furey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Galati ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gammage + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Gandarillas
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos H. Garcia
Dr. & Mrs. Efrain Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Garcia
GE Foundation ✠
Mr. Joseph Genitempo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Gherardini
Dr. & Mrs. John L. Gidley ++
Central Market +
Charity Guild of Catholic Women
Mr. & Mrs. Russell T. Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. Vance Christopher + ✠
City of Houston
Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton ++
Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Condon
Mr. & Mrs. David Conroy
Costello, Inc.
Ms. Irene Cox ✠
Cram Crew ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Cremins +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Crowley ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. David Cummins ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Cutting
Mr. & Mrs. Jabib Dacak +
Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Dalfrey
Mrs. Dorothy Daly ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dampf ✠
Mr. C. J. Danna
Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante +
Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso A. Dato
Mrs. Helen B. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. De La Fuente
Mr. & Mrs. John Dearborn
Mrs. Sheri DeGrace
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Denton ++
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Derbes
Mr. & Mrs. Camilo E. Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Johnnie Domingue
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Donohue ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh D. Doran
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dosher +
Ms. Liz Dow
Mrs. Almena M. Downey
Mr. & Mrs. William Downey
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle +
Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Duarte
Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Dugger
Ms. Barbara S. Duhon
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Glaser
Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez
Mr. & Mrs. David Gornet
Mr. Gary Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Lauren Grenier
Mrs. Sophie C. Grenier
Ms. Helen M. Grivich
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 ++
Judge & Mrs. Joseph Guarino
Ms. Eveline Guest-Teich
Ms. Berta M. Guiral +
Mr. August Gullo
Dr. & Mrs. Augusto E. Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn
Ms. Catherine S. Hajovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Warren W. Hall
Ms. Angela Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Victor M. Hamilton +
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hammer
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Hamor
Dr. & Mrs. Kye J. Han
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hanley, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. A. D. Hardee
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Harding
Mrs. Marian Y. Harper +
Mr. & Mrs. A. Judd Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harrison +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harry +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Harville
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Helton
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne V. Herbert +
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger ++ ✠
Mrs. Anne Hindmarch
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hobbs
Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Holy
Home Depot
Mr. & Mrs. Wai-Leung Hon +
Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Horner +
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Hubbell +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hudec
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Huete ++
Ms. Rosemarie J. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Branson O. Hunter ‘68 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hyland
Inman Texas Company
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Jacobus
James Coney Island
Mr. & Mrs. Maximo J. Jante, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jetter
Mr. & Mrs. Fajun Jiang
Mr. & Mrs. Henry O. Johnson, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Johnson
Ms. Sara J. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Tony D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe H. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kainer
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell ++
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kerai
Mr. & Mrs. Steve W. Kercheval +
Ms. Caroline O. Kermath + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kerwin
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart M. Ketaineck
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian
Ms. Sharon Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Neil D. Kirkpatrick, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski +
Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Kramer
Mr. Thomas H. Kranz
Mr. Charles A. Kukorola & Mrs. Pamela M.
Mrs. Harriet Kuykendall
Mrs. Gilbert Lafuente, Jr.
The gifts of the contributors listed here helped to defray the cost of the 2007 Fantasy Auction,
which raised a record amount for the school.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee
Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone
Mr. & Mrs. Munir M. Asfar
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Atwood
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bandy
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bartholomew
Mr. Cletus B. Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia K. Conrad-Bayer
Mr. Bob Bilski
Mr. Alan C. Black & Ms. Laura M. Celis de Black
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi
Mr. and Mrs. James Branda
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brann
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Kevan M. Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock
Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Burns
Capital One N.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Carrillo
Ms. Monica Casar
Mr. Mark H. Cassidy
Ms. Sherri F. Cassidy
CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman
Conoco Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Contreras, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George Z. Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Day
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Delouche
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan
Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henning
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey John Horner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Horrell
Houston Chinese Women’s Assoc.
Houston Electrophsiology Associates
Mr. Jim Hull & Mrs. Debbie Schindler
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch
Ms. Jean Janssen and Mr. Steven Pate
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Thomas Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Khan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Konopka
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Radabaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kubiak
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Umberto La Matta
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach
Ms. Debbie J. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lillja
Dr. Miguel A. & Dr. Maritza Rodriguez-Homs
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Lykos
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Victor N. Makris
Dr. & Mrs. Guillermo Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marietta
Ms. Walee Schwing
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Martin
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. Darvin E. Mayo
Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith
MBC Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McMeans
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Mealey ‘80
Sterling Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Medrano
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Stoia
Ms. Sarah A. Mercier-Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Erik D. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Triplett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Minda
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Vela
Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Miranda
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr.
Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Noe
Ms. Terry R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters
Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Wurzer
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Pedigo
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Penn
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Pepi
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Plumb
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 33
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Lancaster
Mr. & Mrs. Neal F. Lane +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus
Mrs. Virginia C. Lassus
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Lavery
Mrs. Dorothea Lea
Mr. David J. Leal
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ledesma ✠
Leslie & Co.
Lincoln Printing & Copy
Mr. & Mrs. Elbert W. Link
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Liu +
Mrs. Patricia B. Liu
Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Llana +
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Loeffler, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Enrique H. Longhi
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz +
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent S. Lovoi
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Lutz +
Mr. & Mrs. James Lyke
Mrs. Sarah H. Lynch
Mrs. Ann Mabry
Mrs. Virginia Mahoney ++
Mr. & Mrs. Victor N. Makris +
Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Mancillas
Mr. & Mrs. Julius Maresh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Marion
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Markowski
Dr. Sylvia Marotta ++
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter L. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Masera ✠
Ms. Nancy M. Mathews +
Mr. & Mrs. Claude L. Matthews, Jr.
May Department Stores Company
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. McAuliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McConnell ‘68
Mr. Edward S. McCullough
Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. ‘67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Don McGinn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McLean +
Mr. & Mrs. John T. McMahan
Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McMeans
Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon +
Mr. & Mrs. Garry P. Mendonca
Ms. Maria R. Menendez
Meritdirect, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Merkel +
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Merrill
Merrill Lynch & Co. +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Messina
Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mezei
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil R. Middleton +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Miggins
Dr. & Mrs. Luka Milas ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Milberg
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Mitchell
Mrs. Inge Moore
Ms. Kathleen E. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Moran, Sr. ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Morrow +
Mr. Gerry Moses
Mr. John E. Moss
Dr. David E. Mouton
Nags Head Inn
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Navarro ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David Nissman +
Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Nonmacher, III ‘71
North Pacific
Mrs. Carolyn Novelli +
Ms. Carmine Novembre
Mrs. Violet Oaks
Mrs. Christeen O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Connell ++
Mr. & Mrs. Paul I. Ofield
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Oliver ✠
Ms. Ruth Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Ty Ong +
Opera in the Heights
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ott
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Owens
Ms. Dolores Owolabi-Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Pace
Mrs. Jo-Ann Padula
Ms. Sandra Pakledinaz
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton G. Pearce
Mr. Patrick L. Peavy
Penn Virginia Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny + ✠
PepsiCo Foundation
Benjamin J. Perez
Mr. Manuel Perez, III
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde J. Perrere
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 ++
Mr. Jeffrey W. Plaut
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Plough
Mr. & Mrs. George D. Porter
Ms. Christine Porterfield
Mrs. Anne W. Pratt
Ms. Danielle Pung ++
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Raia ++
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Raineri, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph
Ms. Gayle G. Ramsey
Ms. Linda Ream + ✠
Ms. Julia R. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Renaud
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 ++
Mrs. Sharon Rhem
Dr. Mike L. ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Rice ++
Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Ries
Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Rigby
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Riley
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Roberts ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tomas W. Rodriguez ✠
Mrs. Marguerite Rogan +
Ms. Sybil F. Roos
Dr. & Mrs. Guillermo Rowe
Mrs. Elsie Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Saberre, Sr.
Mr. Patrick Saccomanno ‘80 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71
Dr. Lonnie Sadberry ++
Mr. & Mrs. Winston M. Sahinen
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery R. Sanders ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Saul
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scamardi
Mr. & Mrs. Norman O. Schenk
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schillaci ‘74
Mrs. Calista Schneidau
Mr. Charles Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Schutz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Schwarzbach ‘75
Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Sentmanat
Mr. & Mrs. Mushtaq A. Shaikh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Shebay ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shewbart
Mr. J. E. Simpson ++
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Simpson
Ms. Sharon R. Simpson
Ms. Victoria T. Singley
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Slania
Mr. & Mrs. B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Welton Smith
Mr. Lynch D. Smyth
Mr. & Mrs. J. Brian Sokolik
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear ++
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Spradlin
Sprint +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. St. Aubin
Ms. Dena S. Sturwold
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Suhor ++
Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Susarrey ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tannourji
Mrs. Fred J. Tarcza +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Taylor
TBD, Inc
Mr. Richard F. Teichgraeber
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Tennant +
Mr. & Mrs. Craig H. Terrell
Among the newer
traditions at Jesuit
is Grandparents Day,
when students are
able to share Mass
and lunch with their
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Textron, Inc.
The Augusta Group
The Boeing Company +
The Container Store
The Monogram Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Thibodeaux
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Thompson, III + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson + ✠
Ms. Aline T. Tran
Mrs. James F. Traynor 
Mr. & Mrs. Elton Troegel
Mr. & Mrs. Phil A. Tschoepe + ✠
Mrs. Gordon G. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Twining
Mr. & Mrs. John Upton, Sr.
Mrs. Alice N. Vick ++
Mrs. Gladys C. Viltz
Mr. Hugh I. Vrsalovic ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Walsh
Walter Industries, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Wark
Mr. Paul J. Washington
Washington Mutual +
Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Weems
Mr. Derrick Weingartner, S.J. ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Weingartner +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Wenzel
Mrs. Walter Whipple
Mrs. Eunice Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wildman
Mr. & Mrs. Herman V. Wilkins
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 ++
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis ++
Dr. & Mrs. Duane Windsor
Mrs. Marilyn Wood
Ms. Billie M. Wright
Ms. Jean Wu
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wygant, Jr.
Ms. Pat Yankow + ✠
Ms. Karen Yoon
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson P. Zambito
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Zaozirny
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo P. Zubizarreta +
Alumni Donors
Gifts to the Alumni Drive were directed to a variety needs including endowed scholarships, financial aid, and greatest need of the school. Giving club classification
is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / ✠ Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
 Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
General Contributors
General Contributors
Alumni Drive 2006: $3,580.00
Total Giving: $3,580.00
Members: 69
Participation: 12%
Alumni Drive 2006: $9,980.00
Total Giving: $36,005.00
Members: 84
Participation: 26%
President’s Club
Ignatius Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Robin A. Dawson ‘65 ++
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 ++ ✠
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bisesi ‘68 +
Mr. & Mrs. Branson O. Hunter ‘68 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McConnell ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Regan ‘68
Mr. Stephen R. Ross ‘68
Mr. Michael J. Steiner ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Stolpman ‘68 +
Magis Club
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Steets ‘65
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 + ✠
General Contributors
Crusaders Club
Alumni Drive 2006: $13,475.00
Total Giving: $27,855.00
Members: 86
Participation: 31%
gifts up to $499
Mr. John L. Berry ‘65
Mr. Jeffrey W. Dixon ‘65
Mr. George W. Everhart ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond B. Hardin ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kramb ‘65
Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. ‘65 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. O’Donnell ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sumicek ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Walker, Jr. ‘65
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre ‘67 + ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bujnoch ‘70
Mr. Stephen W. Burke ‘70 +
Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo ‘70
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Doerfler ‘70 +
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Keeney ‘70 ++
Mr. Joseph P. Light ‘70 +
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 ++
Dr. & Mrs. Randall V. Sellers ‘70 +
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Smith ‘70 ++
Dr. Miguel T. Suderman ‘70 &
Mrs. Sylvia Pena-Suderman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Walsh ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. White ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 ++
Mr. Edmund F. Wirfel, Jr. ‘70 +
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 ++ ✠
Magis Club
Ignatius Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Braden ‘67
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67+
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 ++
Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Mrs. Trudy Hansen +
Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 ++
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III ‘67 +
Dr. & Mrs. James C. West ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 ++
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 ++ ✠
General Contributors
Alumni Drive 2006: $2,925.00
Total Giving: $60,925.00
Members: 84
Participation: 25%
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 ++ ✠
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Curtis ‘66 +
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gurasich ‘66 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66 ++
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 ++ ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Cadena, Jr. ‘66 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Donohue ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Drake ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Falgout ‘66 ++
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Howard ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Manus J. Isensee ‘66
Dr. Louis A. ‘66 & Dr. Cheryl Leblanc ++
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Lewis ‘66
Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Mauro ‘66
Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell ‘66 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66
Mr. Richard C. Squyres ‘66
Dr. Edward F. Stuart, Ph.D. ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. R. Jeffery West ‘66
Mr. Paris B. Winn ‘66
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiuvalasit ‘67
Mr. Paul B. Barron ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Caradonio ‘67
Mr. John Courtade ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Glenney ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guarino ‘67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Gullo ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. ‘67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Morrison ‘67
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Murr ‘67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Naert, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles ‘67 +
Alumni Drive 2006: $$3,920.00
Total Giving: $44,368.80
Members: 76
Participation: 12%
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. ‘68 ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 ++
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68
Mr. J. G. Kelley ‘68
Mr. Paul J. Van Osselaer ‘68 & Ms. Jewel Arrington ++
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Branda ‘69 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++
Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 ++ ✠
Crusaders Club
Alumni Drive 2006: $8,373.79
Total Giving: $20,373.79
Members: 72
Participation: 19%
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69 ++
Stanislaus Club
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. David R. Stewart ‘69 + ✠
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 +
Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 ++
Mr. James R. Dilger, Jr. ‘69
Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Doyle ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gannon, III ‘69
Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 ++
Mr. Randy Hodnett ‘69 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck ‘69 +
Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Kelleher ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Padon ‘69 +
Mr. Joseph J. Rebman ‘69
Mr. William F. Rudman ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Schuler, Jr. ‘69 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Shebay ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Simpson ‘69 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Ulsh, Jr. ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Vick ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Washburn ‘69 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley M. Winn ‘69
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 +
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 + ✠
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 + ✠
The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 &
Ms. Sarah Duckers ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kowalski ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McAfee ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Padon ‘71 +
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello ‘71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Cruickshank ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. Fogarty ‘71
Mr. Shelby K. Hobart ‘71
Mr. Stephen Keyser ‘71+
Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Nonmacher, III ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Parke ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger ‘71 +
Dr. & Mrs. R. M. Wiseman, M.D. ‘71
Alumni Drive 2006: $1,895.00
Total Giving: $49,197.93
Members: 76
Participation: 17%
Ignatius Club
Alumni Drive 2006: $3,225.00
Total Giving: $4,475.00
Members: 78
Participation: 18%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger ‘72 ✠
Magis Club
Crusaders Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart ‘70 ++
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 ++
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 ✠
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 ✠
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 35
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + ✠
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 ++
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S. ‘72
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Crowley ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Guthrie ‘72
Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 ++
Mr. Vastine J. Hilsher ‘72
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Maher ‘72 ++
Mr. Mark W. McGrath ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 ++
Dr. Mike L. ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Rice ++
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Villarreal ‘72 +
Mr. Michael W. Rabalais ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Walker C. Taylor ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 ++
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Walton ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Zagst ‘73
Magis Club
General Contributors
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Erbs ‘75 +
Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75 ++
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Richards ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 +
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Berno ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Cardenas ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Castille ‘76
Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Dunn ‘76
Mr. Ramon Fernandez ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Freeman ‘76
Mr. Timothy E. Halbleib ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 ++
Mr. J. D. Medina, Jr. ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nicknish ‘76 +
Mr. & Mrs. John P. O’Malley ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Permetti ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina ‘76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. ‘76 ++
Mr. Thomas J. Stommel ‘76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Tom F. Troegel ‘76
Alumni Drive 2006: $2,632.00
Total Giving: $35,022.00
Members: 87
Participation: 18%
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 ++ ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ ✠
Magis Club
Alumni Drive 2006: $8,535.00
Total Giving: $28,835.00
Members: 79
Participation: 23%
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74 ++
Mr. James E. ‘74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Mealey ‘74 ✠
Ignatius Club
General Contributors
gifts of $10,000 or more
Dr. Michael F. Bardwil ‘73 ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Martin H. Reddy, Ph.D. ‘73 + ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch ‘73 ✠
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Aiuvalasit ‘74 ++
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bentz ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Federico M. Bravo ‘74
Dr. & Mrs. Luke R. Bucci, Ph.D. ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Buvens, Jr. ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman ‘74 +
Mr. Dion J. McInnis ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Brent E. Munson ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schillaci ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 ++
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ ✠
Magis Club
Alumni Drive 2006: $33,820.00
Total Giving: $106,487.50
Members: 107
Participation: 31%
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Dulworth ‘73 ✠
Mr. Richard N. Lane ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 ✠
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Cunningham ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Downey ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73 ++
Dr. Gary A. Hilsher, D.D.S. ‘73
Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Lea ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mahoney ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. O’Donnell ‘73
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 + ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 +
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Braden ‘75 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cahill ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Yehia A. Elsaadi ‘75
Mr. L. Patrick Flynn ‘75
Mr. David R. Gilmartin ‘75 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Heard ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Isensee ‘75 ++
Mr. Douglas B. Johnson ‘75 ++
Mr. Lamont C. Lee ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Ryan ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Schwarzbach ‘75
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Slatton, D.D.S. ‘75 +
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Tilton ‘75 +
Mr. Robert E. Tincher ‘75 & Ms. Kathleen Currey
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Volmert ‘75
Alumni Drive 2006: $14,305.00
Total Giving: $63,605.00
Members: 105
Participation: 33%
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Hon. & Dr. James R. Murphy ‘76 + ✠
Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas + ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,99
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher ‘76 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland ‘76 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Pollan ‘76 +
Alumni Drive 2006: $36,821.94
Total Giving: $40,821.94
Members: 122
Participation: 19%
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 +
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty, D.D.S. ‘77✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mobley, II ‘77
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. Michael F. Hall ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McAuliffe ‘77
Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 ++ ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Theall ‘77
General Contributors
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. G. Stuart Livingston ‘76
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman ‘76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch ‘76
Mr. Thomas Lea ‘76
Class of 1972
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 +
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bradley ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Cogan ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Frey ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77 +
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Lindberg ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Livingston ‘77
Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 ++
Mr. Michael T. Parker ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Webre ‘77 +
Alumni Drive 2006: $6,916.02
Total Giving: $10,516.02
Members: 117
Participation: 16%
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 + ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Frederic C. Warner, Jr. ‘78
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78
Mr. Robert E. Crane, II ‘78
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Delclos ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Strake ‘78
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Burton ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dutton ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. John Mateker ‘78
Mr. James O’Connell ‘78
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo ‘78
Mr. Lonnie Sadberry ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Toner ‘78
Class of 1977
Alumni Drive 2006: $6,115.00
Total Giving: $11,515.00
Members: 133
Participation: 23%
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gidley ‘79 +
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klein ‘79
Mr. Richard Leonardon ‘79 ✠
Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Mrs. Amanda Vavilala
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov ‘79
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Biondi ‘79
Mr. Jack Caliva ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, III ‘79 +
Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fontenot ‘79
Mr. Donald Fucik ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. John Keating ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Crespin M. Linton ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pack ‘79 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Permetti ‘79
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Piazza ‘79
Mr. William C. Reuter ‘79 +
Mr. & Mrs. Marco J. Rubin ‘79 +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneidau ‘79 +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Strake ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Wark ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Otey White ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Whitenburg ‘79
Alumni Drive 2006: $15,901.00
Total Giving: $52,454.56
Members: 125
Participation: 36%
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins ‘80 ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish ‘80
Dr. & Mrs. John Schiro ‘80
Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr. ‘80 +
Mr. Joseph DeBakey ‘80
Dr. James E. Dowd ‘80 & Dr. Susan Willis
Mr. Robert C. Livingston ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek ‘80 +
Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80
Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher ‘80
Dr. Ronald Walls ‘80
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche ‘80 ++
Mr. John W. Berardi ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Brown ‘80 ✠
Mr. David R. Byrnes ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carpenter ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. James Docherty ‘80
The Honorable & Mrs. Mark A. Ellis ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Fouke ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia ‘80 +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hardey ‘80
Mr. Michael Herrod ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Holden ‘80
Mr. Christopher Jennings ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Magee ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Mealey ‘80 ✠
Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Reat ‘80
Mr. Thomas G. Reilly ‘80 & Ms. Sandra Baker
Mr. Patrick Saccomanno ‘80 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stephenson ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Viancos ‘80 +
Alumni Drive 2006: $4,732.00
Total Giving: $38,938.20
Members: 126
Participation: 19%
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. James Barkley ‘81 ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren ‘81
Mr. Edward Campana ‘81
Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Cuadra ‘81 +
General Contributors
President’s Club
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Arnold ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Brasseaux ‘81
Mr. Jack Farah ‘81 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81 ++
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Judge ‘81
Mr. Mark O. Kinkead ‘81 & Ms. Laurie C. Steinberg
Mr. Mark A. Mendel ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parsley ‘81 +
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Redmon ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Sachnik ‘81 +
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Wilson ‘81 +
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Gidley ‘82 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Schiro ‘82 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 +
Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 ++
Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 +
Mr. Canice Wu ‘82 & Ms. Anita Cole ✠
General Contributors
Alumni Drive 2006: $19,085.50
Total Giving: $58,266.50
Members: 132
Participation: 29%
gifts up to $499
Lt. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy ‘82 +
Dr. & Mrs. Allan Conde ‘82 +
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor ‘82 +
Mr. Steven M. Duble ‘82 +
Mr. Michael Gawronski ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Hughes ‘82 +
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Iglesia ‘82
Mr. Mark Kubicek ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar J. Mangini ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. McAuliffe ‘82
The Honorable & Mrs. Patrick Mizell ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. David F. O’Brien ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Ragas ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. David Wager ‘82
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82 + ✠
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. James Nakfoor ‘82 ✠
Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Till ‘82 ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82 +
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 37
Magis Club
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 +
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hathorn ‘85
Mr. Christopher Jordan ‘85 ++
Mr. Duncan McLean ‘85
Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 ++
Dr. & Mrs. John Uecker ‘85
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 +
Mr. John T. Causey ‘87 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 +
Dr. Stephen D. Tse ‘87
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Anders ‘85
Mr. Joel H. Bennett ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Braniff, Jr. ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connell ‘85 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Maddock ‘85
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Palasota ‘85 +
Mr. Troy Porter ‘85
Mr. Chris Reinecker ‘85
Capt. & Mrs. Mario Smith ‘85
Mr. Chris Solcher ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Thames ‘85
Mr. Daniel Weber ‘85 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. White ‘85 +
Alumni Drive 2006: $13,340.00
Total Giving: $14,340.00
Members: 153
Participation: 34%
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 &
Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt ++
Magis Club
Alumni Drive 2006: $10,789.00
Total Giving: $12,289.00
Members: 122
Participation: 10%
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Kubicek ‘83
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto A. Garcia ‘83
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fletcher ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Kurtin ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clutterbuck ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Coerver ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini ‘84
Mr. Thomas Ehrig ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Judd S. Fruia ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III ‘84 + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hearon ‘84 +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Herrin ‘84 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Heyburn ‘84
Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hill ‘84 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Johnston, III ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Mike J. McMahon ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mouton, Jr. ‘84
Mr. Randolph Newcomer ‘84
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84 +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Porterfield ‘84
Dr. Alberto I. Roca ‘84 & Dr. Nancy Aguilar-Roca
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stefani ‘84 +
Mr. Hugh I. Vrsalovic ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Wall ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Wallis ‘84 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Kef L. Wilson ‘84
Mr. Scott M. Zaleski ‘84
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83
Mr. Andrew Grimland ‘83
Mr. Michael Gruber ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo ‘83 +
Ignatius Club
Alumni Drive 2006: $7,479.00
Total Giving: $8,194.00
Members: 153
Participation: 28%
Stanislaus Club
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vlasak ‘84 +
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. Lawrence E. Tanner, Jr. ‘84
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Mark J. Aitala ‘84 & Ms. Sara Beechner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 ++
Fall 2007
Alumni Drive 2006: $13,089.00
Total Giving: $119,089.00
Members: 159
Participation: 25%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 ✠
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hansen ‘85 ++ ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Guerrero ‘85
Mr. Sean O’Neill ‘85 + ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Peter Sanguesa ‘85
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. Chris Burke ‘86 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Clay ‘86 ✠
Mr. John K. Dubiel ‘86 & Dr. Randi Dubiel
Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna ‘86 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McConnell ‘86
Mr. & Ms. Thomas H. McNeely ‘86 +
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam ‘86 +
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. James Bartlett ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Claude ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 ++
Mr. Julien G. DuPont ‘86
Dr. John Forney, M.D. ‘86 +
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory George ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. John Griffin ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86
Dr. David A. Herrin ‘86 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hurlston ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86 ++
Mr. Robert C. Lilienstern ‘86
Rev. Alexander D. Lupo ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Newell ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Ogle ‘86
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Solcher ‘86 +
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Poonsak Tran ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Venables ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Vitulli ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Willingham ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Wise ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Yates ‘86
Alumni Drive 2006: $12,302.00
Total Giving: $13,042.00
Members: 156
Participation: 26%
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 ✠
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87 ++
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 ✠
Dr. Jack An ‘87 & Dr. Karen Klatte
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Bach ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu ‘87
Mr. Philip A. Cremer ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Dessens ‘87
Mr. Clay Duarte ‘87
Dr. James L. Ebaugh ‘87
Mr. Ken Gray ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mitchell ‘87 +
Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Phillipson ‘87
Dr. John F. Schultz, M.D. ‘87
Mr. Tim N. Smith ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stevens ‘87 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 + ✠
Mr. Raphael Suter ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Traynor ‘87
Mr. Derrick Weingartner, SJ ‘87
Alumni Drive 2006: $5,193.00
Total Giving: $6,455.33
Members: 165
Participation: 14%
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88
Dr. Hans W. Hansen, Ph.D. ‘88
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McMahon ‘88 ✠
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Kris Begnaud ‘88
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Bilton ‘88
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bothe, Jr. ‘88 +
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Byrne ‘88
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Philip Clinton, USAF ‘88
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Medrano ‘88
Mr. Michael C. Newhouse ‘88
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Connell ‘88 +
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Petrov ‘88
Alumni Drive 2006: $2,175.00
Total Giving: $2,225.00
Members: 126
Participation: 15%
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. John G. Jordan ‘89
Mr. Dana B. Kraft ‘89
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89
Mr. Charles E. Chopin ‘89 & Dr. Erin M. Davis
Mr. Santiago Chuck ‘89
Mr. Adam Clinton ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford ‘89
Mr. Stephen Huh ‘89
Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89
Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89 +
Mr. John Papajohn ‘89
Mr. Dax Philbin ‘89
Mr. Charles A. Schwalbe ‘89
Lt. & Dr. Russell P. Thiem ‘89 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Warren J. von Eschenbach ‘89
Alumni Drive 2006: $5,065.00
Total Giving: $5,710.00
Members: 116
Participation: 10%
Alumni Drive 2006: $5,16.00
Total Giving: $6,511.00
Members: 124
Participation: 27%
President’s Club
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque ‘90 +
Dr. & Mrs. David R. Martin ‘90
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fraga ‘93
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Schmitt ‘90
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Dampf ‘90 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Holy ‘90 +
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio LaMatta ‘90 +
Mr. & Mrs. Jared M. Montegut ‘90
Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 &
Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch + ✠
Mr. Scott E. Stewart ‘90
Alumni Drive 2006: $7,222.27
Total Giving: $24,282.24
Members: 107
Participation: 18%
Ignatius Club
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 ✠
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91
President’s Club
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Carlos De Aldecoa ‘91
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Kilgard ‘91
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 + ✠
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 + ✠
Mr. Ruben F. Davalos ‘91
Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. de Ybarrondo ‘91 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Derek George ‘91
Mr. Jeff S. Girotto ‘91
Mr. Brad Kerwin ‘91
Mr. Christopher P. McConn ‘91 +
Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91
Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya ‘91 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Zachary J. Smith, M.D. ‘91
Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Tennille ‘91
Alumni Drive 2006: $3,525.00
Total Giving: $3,825.00
Members: 121
Participation: 14%
Magis Club
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 +
Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93
Mr. Theodore J. Gorman ‘93 ✠
Mr. Shane W. Hudson, Esq. ‘93 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kenney ‘93
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Carroll, II ‘93
Mr. Timothy R. Collins ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Doyle ‘93
Mr. Alfredo T. Garcia ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93
Mr. Patrick J. Hennessey ‘93
Mr. James F. Hyland ‘93
Mr. Stephen K. Jones ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. M. S. Kerr ‘93
Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93
Mr. Brett L. Mason ‘93
Mr. Kevin A. Mineo ‘93
Mr. Jeremy A. Mouton ‘93
Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Nugent ‘93
Mr. Richard A. Ramirez ‘93
Mr. Steven W. Roberts ‘93
Mr. Andrew Romanek ‘93 & Ms. Martha Garvett
Mr. Marcus W. Sharp ‘93
Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ulrich, III ‘93
Mr. Quentin T. Williams ‘93
Alumni Drive 2006: $2,290.00
Total Giving: $2,290.00
Members: 153
Participation: 9%
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. Charles B. Walters ‘96
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Chiste ‘96
Mr. Andrew J. Dougherty ‘96
Mr. Ryan J. Eberle ‘96 +
Mr. Andrew B. Frew ‘96 +
Mr. Michael M. Gallagher ‘96
Mr. Vincent J. Ho ‘96
Mr. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96
Mr. Keagan H. Lee ‘96
Alumni Drive 2006: $11,513.50
Total Giving: $11,513,50
Members: 139
Participation: 21%
Stanislaus Club
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 ++
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97
Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 +
Mr. David M. Sabonghy ‘97
General Contributors
Alumni Drive 2006: $3,295.00
Total Giving: $3,795.00
Members: 122
Participation: 14%
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. O. K. Carter ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 +
Mr. Justin Holy ‘94
Mr. Stephen Sobhi ‘94 ✠
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Benjamin Agee ‘94
Mr. David E. Cabrera ‘94
Mr. Robert T. Chisholm ‘94
Mr. Matthew Chiste ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. John Cook ‘94 +
Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel ‘94 +
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Wallis ‘94 +
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wilhelm ‘94
Mr. & Ms. Zachery L. Yeglin ‘94
gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer ‘97
Mr. Robert J. Bruce ‘97
Mr. Anton J. Dach, III ‘97
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Dewhurst ‘97 ✠
Dr. Beau K. Greer ‘97
Mr. Jonathan F. Kalian ‘97
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Murray ‘97
Mr. Matthew Osten ‘97
Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘9
Mr. John Pham ‘97 +
Mr. George M. Porter ‘97
Mr. William J. Scheifley ‘97
Mr. Jonathan R. Spring ‘97
Mr. Kevin M. Stone ‘97
Mr. Paul E. Suarez ‘97
Mr. Mark S. Tisius, Jr. ‘97
Mr. Nathan W. Wellborne ‘97
Alumni Drive 2006: $8,350.00
Total Giving: $8,400.00
Members: 149
Participation: 14%
Stanislaus Club
Alumni Drive 2006: $4,055.00
Total Giving: $3,175.00
Members: 143
Participation: 11%
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Foy ‘92
Mr. Michael C. McBride ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 +
President’s Club
General Contributors
gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. Patrick C. Dickson ‘95 +
gifts up to $499
Mr. Andrew O. Gaal ‘92 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Giordano ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Han ‘92
Mr. Brendan J. Johnson ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle W. Kornegay ‘92 ✠
Mr. Michael E. Lacey ‘92 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Luster ‘92 ✠
LCDR & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory V. Nelson ‘92
Mr. James E. Pawlikowski ‘92 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92 +
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Stigant ‘95
Mr. Matthew S. Wong ‘95 +
Mr. Richard A. Zientek ‘95
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Michael A. Ackal, III ‘95
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Allbright, Jr. ‘95
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus ‘95
Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 +
Mr. Carlo E. Romero ‘95
Mr. Frank A. Simcik ‘95
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. William D. Gray ‘98 
Mr. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. Jeffrey E. Thomas ‘98
Mr. William S. Walters ‘98
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 +
Mr. Mark E. Bazin ‘98
Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III ‘98 + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. G. Travis Clifton ‘98
Mr. Anthony J. Gracely ‘98
Mr. William N. Knecht, Jr. ‘98
Mr. Edward J. Malek, III ‘98
Mr. Brian D. Parks ‘98
Mr. Brian C. Smith ‘98
Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98
Lt. David F. Zerda ‘98
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Alumni Drive 2006: $1,080.00
Total Giving: $1,100.00
Members: 143
Participation: 13%
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Bryan M. Baralt ‘99
Mr. Gregory P. Barra ‘99
Mr. John W. Bates, V ‘99✠
Mr. Paul W. Bilnoski ‘99
Mr. Joseph P. Garcia-Prats ‘99
1st Lt. & Mrs. Travis J. Hinkle ‘99
Mr. Gerardo A. Interiano ‘99
Mr. Kevin J. Kracker ‘99
Mr. Antonio Liska ‘99
Mr. Steven J. Roush ‘99
Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix ‘99 +
Mr. Brandon S. Sims ‘99
Mr. Russell T. Vanelli ‘99
Alumni Drive 2006: $1,370.00
Total Giving: $1,370.00
Members: 168
Participation: 12%
Magis Club
gifts from $500 to $1,499
Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. John C. Adolph ‘00 +
Mr. Ryan Brhlik ‘00
Mr. David J. DeFilippo ‘00
Mr. Lawrence G. Dunbar, Jr. ‘00
Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00
Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00
Mr. Matthew K. Johnson ‘00 +
Mr. Donald B. Lassus ‘00
Mr. Olle L. Lorehn ‘00
Mr. Harry T. Moore, Jr. ‘00
Mr. Clark E. Smith ‘00
Alumni Drive 2006: $795.00
Total Giving: $995.00
Members: 187
Participation: 10%
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Mark E. Buck ‘01
Mr. S. Scott Buckheit, Jr. ‘01
2nd Lt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01
Mr. Michael S. Connelly ‘01
Mr. Andrew D. Dewhurst ‘01 ✠
Mr. Kelly M. Layne ‘01 ✠
Mr. Jefferson T. Michael ‘01
Mr. Daniel J. Phalen ‘01
Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01
Mr. Christopher R. Taunton ‘01
Alumni Drive 2006: $2,975.00
Total Giving: $3,025.0
Members: 167
Participation: 8%
Crusaders Club
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Brandon J. Calva ‘02
General Contributors
gifts up to $499
Mr. Sajid Amir ‘02
Mr. Armando S. Huaringa ‘02 ✠
Mr. Brian U. Nwokedi ‘02
Mr. Eric J. Olson ‘02
Mr. R. Bayless Parsley ‘02
Mr. Michael S. Raia ‘02
Mr. Matthew R. Stoner ‘02
The Chronicle 39
President’s Young Associates
President’s Young Associates Club members are alumni who, in the period of one to
four years after they graduate from Strake Jesuit, make leading gifts of $50 or more.
General Contributors
General Contributors
Alumni Drive 2006: $345.00
Total Giving: $445.00
Members: 203
Participation: 5%
gifts up to $50
Mr. Kyle P. Armand ‘04
Mr. Josef E. McLean ‘04 ✠
Mr. Mark Yap ‘04
gifts up to $50
Mr. Clayton Dalton ‘05
Mr. John DeWitt ‘05
Mr. Paul Falk ‘05
Mr. Antonio Felguerez ‘05
Mr. Jordan Hahn ‘05
Mr. Joseph Hernandez ‘05
Mr. Sean Hoskins ‘05
Mr. Brian Jacobson ‘05
Scott Macbeth ‘05
Mr. Ryan Mathews ‘05
Mr. Kevin McCarthy ‘05
Mr. Jason Peters ‘05
Mr. Alexander J. Radcliffe ‘05
Mr. Carlos Ramirez ‘05
Mr. Robert Roach ‘05
Mr. Matthew Strausser ‘05
Mr. Thomas F. Vandenbrand ‘05
Mr. Stephen Wolters ‘05
President’s Young Associates
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Brian Albrecht ‘03
Mr. Andrew T. Dunbar ‘03
Mr. Michael Harper ‘03
Mr. John McLean, III ‘03
Mr. Trevor Meeks ‘03
Alumni Drive 2006: $1,435.00
Total Giving: $1,775.00
Members: 206
Participation: 20%
President’s Young Associates
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Luke C. Aguilar ‘04
Mr. Andrew Bueso ‘04
Mr. Jonathon Clark ‘04
Mr. John Clarke ‘04
Mr. Nicholas Cobler ‘04
Mr. Clark Doherty ‘04
Mr. Julian Habib ‘04
Mr. Joshua R. Hilbe ‘04
Mr. Ted-Michael Hontiveros ‘04
Mr. Grant Jungeblut ‘04
Mr. Russell Kampe ‘04
Mr. Andras Konya ‘04
Mr. Robert Ladd, Jr. ‘04
Mr. Ross Lawrence ‘04
Mr. Varun Mehta ‘04
Mr. Felipe Serrano ‘04
Mr. Dwane A. Todd ‘04
Alumni Drive 2006: $2,718.00
Total Giving: $2,718.00
Members: 217
Participation: 47%
President’s Young Associates
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Cordt Akers ‘05
Mr. Michael Autry ‘05
Mr. Paul Badum ‘05
Mr. Patrick Breckon ‘05
Mr. Daniel Calvo ‘05
Mr. Ivan Chew ‘05
Mr. Nathan Chiang ‘05
Mr. Oliver Collado ‘05
Mr. Miles Colley ‘05
Mr. Conroy Delouche ‘05
Mr. Brian A. Dillon ‘05
Mr. Thomas M. Garcia-Prats ‘05
Mr. Mel Hainey ‘05
Mr. Robert Heth ‘05
Mr. Ronald N. Juist ‘05
Mr. Matthew Lahart ‘05
Mr. Christopher Layne ‘05
Mr. Nicholas Lovell ‘05
Mr. Robert Meara ‘05
Mr. DeWitt Methvin ‘05
Mr. Cole Moore ‘05
Mr. Christopher Nissman ‘05
Mr. Alex Roessler ‘05
Mr. G. R. Sacra, Jr. ‘05
Mr. Daniel J. Sheets ‘05
Mr. Guy M. Sullaway ‘05
Mr. Kevin Tan ‘05
Mr. Joe Thottupram ‘05
Alumni Drive 2006: $3,092.50
Total Giving: $3,332.50
Members: 229
Participation: 47%
President’s Young Associates
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Christopher M. Adcock ‘06
Mr. Richard F. Ardila, II ‘06
Mr. Kevin R. Baker ‘06
Mr. Timothy J. Bandy ‘06
Mr. John A. Boone ‘06
Mr. Curtis D. Calva ‘06
Mr. Patrick J. Clayton ‘06
Mr. Samuel M. Craven ‘06
Mr. Dwight L. Daboval ‘06
Mr. Andrew L. Falsone ‘06
Mr. Timothy L. Garibaldi ‘06
Mr. Kelly B. Halaszyn ‘06
Mr. Sean D. Hilbe ‘06
Mr. Ryan A. Keel ‘06
Mr. James E. McLean, Jr. ‘06 ✠
Mr. Ryan C. Moore ‘06
Mr. William M. Moran ‘06
Mr. Patrick M. Owens ‘06
Mr. Adam Perkins ‘06
Mr. John J. Phillips, IV ‘06
Mr. Matthew H. Riggs ‘06
Mr. Trey D. Smith ‘06
Mr. Zachary D. Snider ‘06
Mr. Joseph A. Strawder ‘06
Mr. Adam P. White ‘06
Mr. Daniel J. York ‘06
General Contributors
gifts up to $50
Mr. Dane C. Armand ‘06
Mr. Mark A. Balhoff ‘06
Mr. Joseph G. Bernica ‘06
Mr. Thomas R. Blizzard ‘06
Mr. Matthew A. Braun ‘06
Mr. Jeffrey V. Christopher ‘06
Mr. Tomas E. Diaz ‘06
Mr. Matthew T. Hutson ‘06
Mr. Stephen M. Kradzinski ‘06
Mr. Ryan J. Lumpkin ‘06
Mr. Mark A. Morales ‘06
Mr. John R. Passmore ‘06
Mr. Nicholas R. Peterson ‘06
Mr. Chanson J. Pipitone ‘06
Mr. Robert S. Pondell ‘06
Mr. Andrew T. Roth ‘06
Mr. Nicholas L. Shaw ‘06
Mr. Micah W. Stroup ‘06
Mr. Austin L. Tenette, II ‘06
Mr. Jesse N. Valdez ‘06
Mr. Luis J. Vallejo ‘06
Among the school’s most
popular traditions is Spring
Fling, when studens, parents,
alumni, and their families
come together to enjoy a day
of food and fun.
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
O F 2 0 0 7
In its sixth year the Senior Class Gift presents an opportunity for the students to make the transformation to alumni and to leave a parting gift
to the school. The Class of 2007 raised pledges totaling over $13,500 from almost 60% of the class to pay for composite class photos of each
Alumni class to be framed and put up on campus.
President’s Young Associates
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Colin E. Chambers ‘07
Mr. Jaques D. Delouche ‘07
Mr. Lucas A. Frank ‘07
Mr. Matthew-Gerard P. Gonzalez ‘07
Mr. Jacob T. Haney ‘07
Mr. John C. Henken ‘07
Mr. John A. Huston, Jr. ‘07
Mr. Daniel J. Kisch ‘07
Mr. Santiago Lombo Luque ‘07
Mr. Patrick E. Morris ‘07
Mr. John O. Niemann, III ‘07
Mr. Kenneth A. Parreno ‘07
Mr. Christopher R. Ramesh ‘07
Mr. Christopher M. Wall ‘07
Mr. Jacob L. Wurzer ‘07
General Contributors
gifts up to $50
Mr. Anthony C. Ableman ‘07
Mr. Andrew M. Albrecht ‘07
Mr. Blake W. Bagot ‘07
Mr. Steven T. Bass ‘07
Mr. Bradley C. Bassett ‘07
Mr. Thaddeus A. Bay ‘07
Mr. George H. Brueggeman, III ‘07
Mr. Ricardo Buelna ‘07
Mr. Stephen G. Bueso ‘07
Mr. Timothy J. Burns ‘07
Mr. Rafael E. Calvo ‘07
Mr. Kyle E. Cavanaugh ‘07
Mr. Jason H. Chiang ‘07
Mr. Michael M. Connelly ‘07
Mr. Chioke Cuartero-Crawford ‘07
Mr. Habib D. Dacak ‘07
Mr. Thomas G. Devine ‘07
Mr. James M. DeWitt ‘07
Mr. Robert J. Faulk ‘07
Mr. Joseph N. Ferrone ‘07
Mr. Michael E. Fisher ‘07
Mr. Reid D. Fontenot ‘07
Mr. William O. Fuentes ‘07
Mr. Daniel J. Garcia-Prats ‘07
Mr. Gregory J. Gary ‘07
Mr. Robert L. Garza, Jr. ‘07
Mr. William A. Gibula ‘07
Mr. Zachary A. Gillan ‘07
Mr. Brett A. Goldman ‘07
Mr. Edward B. Goolsby ‘07
Mr. Nathan E. Hessel ‘07
Mr. Anhkiet H. Hoang ‘07
Mr. David M. Horrell ‘07
Mr. Brian D. Hoskins ‘07
Mr. Timothy E. Idstein ‘07
Mr. Taylor D. Inman ‘07
Mr. Matthew S. Jacobs ‘07
Mr. Benjamin M. Jacobson ‘07
Mr. Travis A. Janik ‘07
Mr. Charles D. Jankowski ‘07
Mr. Zachary T. Jannasch ‘07
Mr. Nicolas C. Jean-Baptiste ‘07
Mr. Patrick W. Johnson ‘07
Mr. Kyle A. Kainer ‘07
Mr. Joel B. Kelley ‘07
Mr. Gregory L. Keogh ‘07
Mr. Matthew C. Knauss ‘07
Mr. Aneil S. Kochar ‘07
Mr. Mauricio J. Lafuente ‘07
Mr. Andrew R. Lahart ‘07
Mr. Ryan T. Le ‘07
Mr. Michael M. Le-Nquyen ‘07
Mr. Austin J. Lewis ‘07
Mr. Kevin D. Livesay ‘07
Mr. Dwayne R. Luquetta ‘07
Mr. Oliver M. Maarraoui ‘07
Mr. Paul J. Macejewski ‘07
Mr. Justin M. Manalansan ‘07
Mr. Sean B. Margot ‘07
Mr. Casey E. Martin ‘07
Mr. Hunter L. Martin, IV ‘07
Mr. Matthew C. McCann ‘07
Mr. Matthew M. McChesney ‘07
Mr. David M. McColloch ‘07
Mr. John J. McCourt ‘07
Mr. Christopher T. McGeehan ‘07
Mr. John T. McVaney ‘07
Mr. Juan F. Mendez ‘07
Mr. Stephen M. Mengis ‘07
Mr. John A. Merrill ‘07
Mr. Todd A. Miller ‘07
Mr. William M. Miraglia ‘07
Mr. Robert B. Morey ‘07
Mr. Jimmy Moriarty ‘07
Mr. Rishi R. Naran ‘07
Mr. David C. Noble ‘07
Mr. Anthony C. Oaks ‘07
Mr. Robert J. Ontko ‘07
Mr. Rexford T. Park ‘07
Mr. Gerardo P. Pereira ‘07
Mr. Brian D. Peters ‘07
Mr. Richard M. Post, III ‘07
Mr. Albert J. Ramirez ‘07
Mr. Andrew N. Richard ‘07
Mr. Steven J. Rife ‘07
Mr. Sean D. Roberts ‘07
Mr. Eric G. Rodriguez ‘07
Mr. Nicholas A. Rodriguez ‘07
Mr. Michael S. Rohde ‘07
Mr. William B. Rose ‘07
Mr. Tucker J. Shields ‘07
Mr. Courtland B. Smith ‘07
Mr. Michael J. Sodek ‘07
Mr. Jason A. Stangel ‘07
Mr. John M. Stell ‘07
Mr. Patrick J. Stoia ‘07
Mr. Zachary S. Taylor ‘07
Mr. Blake C. Triplett ‘07
Mr. Marc A. Vasquez ‘07
Mr. Nicholas E. Villalva ‘07
Mr. Andrew B. Walker ‘07
Mr. David M. Waters ‘07
Mr. Guillermo M. Wippold ‘07
The following alumni donated their gifts of time and talent to the various events and programs of the Strake Jesuit Alumni Association including
assisting in planning Reunion Weekend 2006, President’s Alumni Receptions around the country, making calls during the annual Alumni Drive
Phone-A-Thon, and participating in the Brother Casey Saturday PH Community Service Project. Many of alumni listed below lent their support
to multiple events and/or programs. We thank them for their generous donations of time and talent to the Alumni Association, and to the school.
Thank you for Honoring Your Commitment to Service.
William Schneidau ‘80 - Drive Chairperson
Anthony Ableman ‘07
Moses Ogbonnaya ‘07
Larry Mason ‘66
Steven Bass ‘07
Robert Ontko ‘07
James Glenney ‘67
Colin Chambers ‘07
William Rose ‘07
John Webre ‘67
Michael Connelly ‘07
Henry Roth ‘07
Scott Fleming ‘69
Jaques Delouche ‘07
John Stell ‘07
Miguel Suderman ‘70
William Fuentes ‘07
Mark Isensee ‘75
Daniel Garcia-Prats ‘07
David Beathard ‘77
Nicolas Jean-Baptiste ‘07
Eric Hathorn ‘85
Gregory Keogh ‘07
James Bartlett ‘86
Daniel Kisch ‘07
Tom Stallings ‘86
Matthew Knauss ‘07
Alex Gomez ‘87
Coleman Konopka ‘07
Todd Lorenz ‘88
Andrew Lahart ‘07
Theodore Gorman ‘93
Santiago Lombo ‘07
Shane Hudson ‘93
Todd Miller ‘07
Christopher Dewhurst ‘97
Patrick Morris ‘07
Ryan LaRue ‘97
John Niemann, III ‘07
Gerald Blancett ‘99
Stephen Nijoka ‘07
The annual Brother Casey Saturday PH Project
is one of the many ways that alumni volunteer
their time on behalf of the school.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 41
Endowments & Scholarships
Gifts to Endowments and Scholarships contribute to the Endowment Fund, the interest on which supports the Financial Aid Program or other specified areas.
Legend: ✠ Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / * New Endowment or Scholarship
Michael Alchediak, SJ Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Delclos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle ✠
Martin H. Reddy, Ph.D. ‘73 ✠
Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas ✠
Mrs. Rose F. Webre
Alumni Finanacial Aid Endowment
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67
Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ✠
Mr. John C. Adolph ‘00
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiuvalasit ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Aiuvalasit ‘74
Alumni Class of 1967
Ameriprise Financial
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Anders ‘85
Argonaut Insurance Company
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Arnold ‘81
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Bach ‘87
Bank of America
Mr. Bryan M. Baralt ‘99
Mr. & Mrs. James Bartlett ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Berno ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Bilton ‘88
Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 ✠
BP Amoco ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bradley ‘77
Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Brasseaux ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Federico M. Bravo ‘74
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66
Mr. Mark E. Buck ‘01
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75
Mr. Chris Burke ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Burton ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Buvens, Jr. ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Byrne ‘88
Mr. David E. Cabrera ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Cadena, Jr. ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cahill ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Cardenas ‘76
Cardinal Health
Lt. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy ‘82
Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille ‘73
Mr. John T. Causey ‘87
ChevronTexaco ✠
Mr. Matthew Chiste ‘94
Mr. Charles E. Chopin ‘89 & Dr. Erin M. Davis
Mr. Santiago Chuck ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83
Dr. & Mrs. G. Travis Clifton ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86
Conoco Phillips, Inc. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello ‘71
Mr. John Courtade ‘67
Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Crowley ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Cruickshank ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Cuadra ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69
Mr. Joseph DeBakey ‘80
Dell Computers
Mr. Patrick C. Dickson ‘95
Mr. Jeffrey W. Dixon ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Donohue ‘66
Fall 2007
Dr. James E. Dowd ‘80 & Dr. Susan Willis
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque ‘90
Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79
Dr. James L. Ebaugh ‘87
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Erbs ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67
Mr. L. Patrick Flynn ‘75
Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Freeman ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ✠
Mr. Andrew O. Gaal ‘92 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gannon, III ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia ‘80
Mr. Joseph P. Garcia-Prats ‘99
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88
GE Foundation ✠
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Giordano ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Glenney ‘67
Mr. Ken Gray ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73
Dr. Beau K. Greer ‘97
Mr. & Mrs. John Griffin ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Guerrero ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Han ‘92
Dr. Hans W. Hansen, Ph.D. ‘88
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Heard ‘75
Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Mrs. Trudy Hansen
Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72
Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hill ‘84
Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69
Mr. Justin Holy ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck ‘69
Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73
Mr. Matthew K. Johnson ‘00
Mr. John G. Jordan ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Kelleher ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kenney ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. M. S. Kerr ‘93
Mr. Brad Kerwin ‘91
Mr. Stephen Keyser ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Kilgard ‘91
Mr. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Kubicek ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Kurtin ‘83
Mr. Richard N. Lane ‘73
Mr. Lamont C. Lee ‘75
Mr. Antonio Liska ‘99
Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67
Mr. Olle L. Lorehn ‘00
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Magee ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mahoney ‘73
Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94
Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. ‘65
Dr. & Mrs. David R. Martin ‘90
Mr. Brett L. Mason ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Mauro ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McAuliffe ‘77
Mr. Michael C. McBride ‘92
LCDR & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McConnell ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. ‘67
Mr. Mark W. McGrath ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McMahon ‘88 ✠
Mr. & Ms. Thomas H. McNeely ‘86
Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mitchell ‘87
Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mobley, II ‘77
Mr. Harry T. Moore, Jr. ‘00
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Morrison ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins ‘80 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Murr ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory V. Nelson ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles ‘67
Mr. Randolph Newcomer ‘84
Mr. Michael C. Newhouse ‘88
Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93
North Pacific
Mr. & Mrs. David F. O’Brien ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. O’Donnell ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. John P. O’Malley ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76
Mr. John Papajohn ‘89
Mr. Michael T. Parker ‘77
Mr. Brian D. Parks ‘98
PepsiCo Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Permetti ‘76
Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97
Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Ragas ‘82
Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Redmon ‘81
Mr. Chris Reinecker ‘85
Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69
Dr. Alberto I. Roca ‘84 & Dr. Nancy Aguilar-Roca
Mrs. Elsie Ryan
Mr. David M. Sabonghy ‘97
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71
Mr. Lonnie Sadberry ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider ‘73
Dr. & Mrs. Randall V. Sellers ‘70
Shell Oil Company ✠
Mr. Frank A. Simcik ‘95
Mr. Brandon S. Sims ‘99
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III ‘67
Mr. Brian C. Smith ‘98
Mr. Jonathan R. Spring ‘97
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stefani ‘84
Mr. Michael J. Steiner ‘68
Mr. Scott E. Stewart ‘90
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Stolpman ‘68
Mr. Kevin M. Stone ‘97
Dr. Edward F. Stuart, Ph.D. ‘66
Mr. Paul E. Suarez ‘97
Mr. Raphael Suter ‘87
Mr. Christopher R. Taunton ‘01
Texas Industries
The Boeing Company
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Tilton ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Poonsak Tran ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ulrich, III ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Vitulli ‘86
Dr. & Mrs. Warren J. von Eschenbach ‘89
Wachovia Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Walker, Jr. ‘65
Dr. Ronald Walls ‘80
Mr. Charles B. Walters ‘96
Mr. William S. Walters ‘98
Mr. Frederic C. Warner, Jr. ‘78
Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Wilson ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69
Lt. David F. Zerda ‘98
Joanie Alvarez Memorial Scholarship
Mr. Julien G. DuPont ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr.
Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine MouldsMerritt
Barco Resources Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. ✠
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Christopher Billac, SJ
Endowed Scholarship
Mr. Mark J. Aitala ‘84 & Ms. Sara Beechner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr. ‘80
Rev. Christopher A. Billac, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bujnoch ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82
Charity Guild of Catholic Women
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter ✠
The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Guthrie ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70
Mrs. Marian Y. Harper
Mr. Vastine J. Hilsher ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klein ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens ✠
Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras ✠
Ms. Ruth Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Parks ✠
Mr. Daniel J. Phalen ‘01
Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose ✠
Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82
Sun Microsystems
Mrs. Fred J. Tarcza
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Whitenburg ‘79
Brother’s Keepers
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Biba
Mr. & Mrs. Kevan M. Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. Yimkei G. Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. John D’Antoni
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dobrowski ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger ✠
Ms. Caroline O. Kermath ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Livesay ✠
Dr. John R. Potts
Shell Oil Company ✠
Strake Jesuit Dad’s Club
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Taetz
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables ✠
Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young ✠
Brother’s Keeper Endowment
Mr. Alan C. Black & Ms. Laura M. Celis de Black ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman ✠
Conoco Phillips, Inc. ✠
Mr. Tatum O. Lynn ✠
Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus ✠
McDermott International, Inc.
Benjamin J. Perez
Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed ✠
Fr. Edward Brueggeman, SJ Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ✠
Lorain S. Butcher Endowed Scholarship
The Butcher Fund
Christmas Eve Mass Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien M. Harris
Mr. J. E. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Thesing ✠
Class of ‘95 Scholarship
Fr. Edward T. Coles, SJ Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Permetti ‘79
Mrs. Marguerite Rogan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scamardi
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Traynor ‘87
Dr. Stephen D. Tse ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson P. Zambito
Mr. Jack Farah ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond B. Hardin ‘65
Mr. Andrew Romanek ‘93 & Ms. Martha Garvett
John Folzenlogen, SJ
Endowed Scholarship*
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95
Class of ‘96 Scholarship*
Mr. Andrew J. Dougherty ‘96
Mr. Michael M. Gallagher ‘96
Mr. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96
Mr. Keagan H. Lee ‘96
Strake Jesuit Community ✠
Terrence J. Crane ‘90
Endowed Scholarship
Matt Fuess ‘79 Scholarship
Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89
Mrs. Margaret Fuess
Jams A. Crehan
Endowed Scholarship
Hillary Grivich Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry ✠
Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00
Ms. Helen M. Grivich
Edward A. Cremer Scholarship
Thomas & Lucille Hensley Scholarship
Mr. Philip A. Cremer ‘87
Mark & Tom ‘80 Dante Scholarship
Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante
The Darouiche Family Endowment*
Mr. Andrew B. Frew ‘96
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72
Albert & EthelHerzstein
Charitable Foundation in
Honor of Emil Nakfoor
Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche ✠
The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation ✠
Archbishop Daniel N. DiNardo
Endowed Scholarship
Captain Andrew R. Houghton
Endowed Scholarship
Strake Jesuit Community ✠
Brother Casey Ferlita, SJ Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78
Mrs. Susan F. Bolz
Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso A. Dato
Bro. Casey Ferlita, S.J.
Mrs. Josefina M. Fernandez
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hyland
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inman
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner
Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon
Mr. Manuel Perez, III
Anonymous + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Dewhurst ‘97 ✠
Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97
Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97
Halliburton, Inc.
Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Murray ‘97
Mr. John Pham ‘97
Mr. Nathan W. Wellborne ‘97
Robert Iglesias ‘84
Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini ‘84
Ms. Berta M. Guiral
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91
Monsignor James A. Jamail
Scholarship Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Allbright, Jr. ‘95
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel ✠
Jesuit Community Scholarship
Mr. Carlos De Aldecoa ‘91
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray
David C. Kegg Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75
Andrew R. Kell ‘98 Scholarship
Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98
Mr. Mark E. Bazin ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell
Ms. Patricia Mead, C.P.A.
Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Jack Koch Endowed Scholarship
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75 ✠
Mr. Raphael Altmann
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Burdick
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Brodie M. Carroll
ChevronTexaco ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clutterbuck ‘84
Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Dalfrey
Mr. G. I. Edmonds
Mr. Thomas Ehrig ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey C. Foster
Mr. Michael Gawronski ‘82
Ms. Catherine S. Hajovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Harville
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Herrin ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Heyburn ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hyland
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jetter
Mr. & Mrs. Henry O. Johnson, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe H. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch ‘73 ✠
Mrs. Nancy Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75
Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. McAuliffe ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. McAuliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Don McGinn
Mr. John E. Moss
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mouton, Jr. ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Raineri, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Riley
Mrs. Gordon G. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Volmert ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Webre ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. White
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wildman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters ✠
Ms. Billie M. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wygant, Jr.
Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller
Mr. Archie Nahigian ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87
Eileen R. & F. Vern Lahart
Retreat Endowment
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa
2nd Lt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93
Mr. Anthony J. Gracely ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn ✠
Mr. Gerardo A. Interiano ‘99
Mr. Mike Kerley ✠
Mr. Kevin J. Kracker ‘99
Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart ✠
Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
Mr. Donald B. Lassus ‘00
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Messina
One of the most
anticipated events
of the spring,
particularly for
juniors and their
parents, it the
Cross and Ring
Ceremony when
they take a step
closer to being
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 43
Mr. & Mrs. Jared M. Montegut ‘90
Mr. Carlo E. Romero ‘95
Strake Jesuit Community ✠
Mr. & Ms. Zachery L. Yeglin ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. ‘68 ✠
The Annual President’s
Dinner each spring
provides an opportunity
for Jesuit to recognize
and thank many of its
J.B. Leininger, SJ Endowed Scholarship
Mr. Gregory P. Barra ‘99
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 ✠
Mr. John W. Berardi ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr. ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 ✠
BP Amoco ✠
Mr. Edward Campana ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman ✠
Conoco Phillips, Inc. ✠
Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81
Mr. Joseph DeBakey ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty, D.D.S. ‘77 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hardey ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Kubicek ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light ‘75
Mr. Robert C. Livingston ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald ✠
Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Nugent ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek ‘80
Mr. George M. Porter ‘97
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Radabaugh
Mr. Thomas G. Reilly ‘80 & Ms. Sandra Baker
Mr. Thomas G. Romano ✠
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel ✠
Mr. Marcus W. Sharp ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stephenson ‘80
Textron, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Weber
Steve McConnell ‘78
Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo ‘78
Kenneth McGregor ‘04 Scholarship
J.B. Leininger, SJ Faculty
Endowed Chair
Mr. Brian Albrecht ‘03
Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy ✠
Mr. Michael Harper ‘03
Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan ✠
Mr. John McLean, III ‘03
Mr. Trevor Meeks ‘03
Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Wallis ‘84 ✠
George E. Light Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77
Mrs. Eileen M. Light
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light ‘75
Chris Mathews Endowed Scholarship
Ms. Nancy M. Mathews
Mrs. Lois Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91
Mr. Luke C. Aguilar ‘04
Mr. Kyle P. Armand ‘04
Mr. Andrew Bueso ‘04
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68
Mr. Jonathon Clark ‘04
Mr. John Clarke ‘04
Mr. Nicholas Cobler ‘04
Mr. Clark Doherty ‘04
Mr. Julian Habib ‘04
Mr. Joshua R. Hilbe ‘04
Mr. Ted-Michael Hontiveros ‘04
Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler ✠
Mr. Grant Jungeblut ‘04
Mr. Russell Kampe ‘04
Mr. Andras Konya ‘04
Mr. Robert Ladd, Jr. ‘04
Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
Mr. Ross Lawrence ‘04
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens ✠
Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall ✠
Mr. Varun Mehta ‘04
Mr. Felipe Serrano ‘04
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 ✠
Mr. Dwane A. Todd ‘04
Mr. Mark Yap ‘04
Merline Mulvihill, SJ Scholarship
Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69
Richard C. Nevle Scholarship
Mr. James R. Dilger, Jr. ‘69
Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Doyle ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 ✠
Al C. Novelli Scholarship
Mrs. Calista Schneidau
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82
Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82
Seven Men, One Mission
Endowed Scholarship
Mrs. Carolyn Novelli
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Cremins
Frank Padon Memorial Scholarship
James Spring Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Padon ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65
Robert B. Parke, Sr. Scholarship
Janet & John Springer
Endowment Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Parke ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer
Robert & Gana Parsley
Endowed Scholarship
Daniel P. Whitty Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren ‘81
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parsley ‘81
Mrs. Rose F. Webre
Eva Williams & Annie Rimes
Memorial Scholarship
Mark Reuter ‘73 Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85
Shell Oil Company ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler
Pat Yankow Endowed Scholarship
Ms. Pat Yankow ✠
Scanlan Foundation Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86
Wallace Schneidau Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Frey ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne V. Herbert
Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 &
Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneidau ‘79
Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Whitty
Brian F. Zinnamon, SJ Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Dom Bausano, Jr.
D. E. Harvey Builders ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto ✠
Mr. Shane W. Hudson, Esq. ‘93 ✠
Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91
Ms. Carmine Novembre
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Powell
Mr. Matthew R. Stoner ‘02
ift of a
The Loyola Societty includes those individuals who have made Strake Jesuit College Preparatory a beneficiary
through a will, a charitable trust agreement, a gift annuity agreement, a retirement fund, or a life insurance policy.
Mr. James Doyle 
Mr. Charles Schwalbe ‘89
Ms. Helen Grivich
Mrs. Lorraine Stenger 
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Chapman
Ms. Juliana Hirn Lindsay 
Rick & Shana Walker
Mr. James Crehan 
Mrs. Louise J. Moran 
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Honors & Memorials
Gifts made in the honor or memory of a friend or relative directly support the Financial Aid Program or project designated by the contributor.
Legend: ✠ Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
In Memory of Rev. Anthony G.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bernhoft, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Cate
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. Bill F. Forney, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guarino ‘67
Ms. Eveline Guest-Teich
Ms. Rosemarie J. Hughes
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Lancaster
Mr. & Mrs. Claude L. Matthews, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen E. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Plough
Ms. Sybil F. Roos
Mr. & Mrs. Winston M. Sahinen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Schutz
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Welton Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O. Walker
Ms. Jean Wu
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67
In Memory of Fr. Michael
Alchediak, S.J.
Mrs. Rose F. Webre
In Memory of Mr. Richard
Armstrong, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto
In Honor of Fr. Chris Billac, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Parks
In Honor of Mrs. Toni Blizzard
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel
In Memory of Mrs. Colene Curtis
In Memory of Jon Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Curtis ‘66
In Memory of Fr. Francis
Edwards, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Cutting
In Memory of Mrs. Rosa Ferlita
Mrs. Susan F. Bolz
Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso A. Dato
Bro. Casey Ferlita, S.J.
Mrs. Josefina M. Fernandez
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hyland
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inman
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner
Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon
Mr. Manuel Perez, III
Mrs. Marguerite Rogan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson P. Zambito
In Memory of
Mr. Leonard Llores, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78
In Honor of Ron & Judy Girotto
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Ezelle
In Memory of Mr. Dennis P.
Mahoney ‘76
In Honor of Mrs. Mary Goodyear
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Saul
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Claunch
Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats
Mr. Dante Crosa & Mrs. Elizabeth M. Landeta
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Christian E. Liipfert
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach
Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club
Strake Jesuit Class of 2008
Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde
Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner
Mr. Benjamin S. Werner ‘08
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch
In Honor of Mr. Robert S. Parsley ‘72
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Carter
In Memory of Mr. John F. Pinedo ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Saul
In Memory of Mr. Irwin H. Reiss
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell
In Memory of Mrs. Bessie Sabater
Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Carrillo
In Honor of Mrs. Diana Schrom
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel
In Honor of Rose
Schwartzel’s Birthday
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
In Memory of
Mr. Bernard Schwazbach
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr.
Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Elbert W. Link
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens
In Memory of Ms. Madeline G. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78
In Memory of Rev. Paul J. Theall ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Saul
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel
In Memory of Allen Everett Gray
Mrs. Ann Mabry
In Memory of William D. Gray ‘98
In Memory of Ms. Christine
Mr. S. Scott Buckheit, Jr. ‘01
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Ms. Eileen F. Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Gherardini
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hobbs
Ms. Sara J. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Tony D. Johnson
Ms. Caroline O. Kermath
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart M. Ketaineck
Ms. Sharon Kim
Mr. Charles A. Kukorola & Mrs. Pamela M.
Ms. Diana O. Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Marion
Meritdirect, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mezei
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Milberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ott
Ms. Sandra Pakledinaz
Mr. Jeffrey W. Plaut
Ms. Christine Porterfield
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Spradlin
Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tannourji
Ms. Karen Yoon
Ms. Maria H. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Curtis ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Taylor
Mr. W. R. Brice & Mrs. Leslie B. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Briceno
Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Dugger
Ms. Barbara S. Duhon
Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Eidson
Ms. Angela Hamilton
RBS Greenwich Capital
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Warren W. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. John T. McMahan
Mrs. Christeen O’Connell
Ms. Dena S. Sturwold
In Memory of
Mr. Alberto E. Muniz ‘75
Mr. William J. Batik
Mr. Thomas H. Kranz
Walter Industries, Inc.
In Memory of Mrs. Viola Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel
In Memory of Mr. Anthony Ottis ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Saul
In Memory of James Leonard ‘05
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock
Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bartenstein, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bucci
In Memory of
Ms. Isabelle L. McClain
In Memory of Robert H. Parsley
Mrs. Rose F. Webre
In Memory of Mr. Jack F. Webre
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73
Mr. Jack Earnest
Ms. Louise P. Ellingson
Ms. Barbara V. Z. Fosdick
Judge & Mrs. Joseph Guarino
Mr. Edward S. McCullough
Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68
Ms. Gayle G. Ramsey
Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Rigby
Mr. Lynch D. Smyth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67
In Memory of Rev. Brian F.
Zinnamon, SJ
D. E. Harvey Builders
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto
Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon
Ms. Carmine Novembre
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Powell
The gifts of the contributors listed below were designated for the Strake Jesuit Art Museum and its
mission to educate by gathering, preserving, and presenting a collection of artworks on the Strake
Jesuit campus.
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77
Mr. Michael E. Lacey ‘92
Mr. Edward C. Colman
Mr. & Mrs. Giri Mani
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Blair H. Margot
Pogo Producing Company
Mr. William D. Gray ‘98 
Mr. Frank Ribelin
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 45
General Scholarship
Gifts to the General Scholarship Fund go directly to assist students through the Financial Aid Program.
Legend: ✠ Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor /  Deceased
Anonymous ✠
Mrs. Linda C. Adolph
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Akwari
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Mr. & Mrs. J. Greg Badgett
Mr. John F. Baesch & Mrs. Evelyn A. Herzog
Mr. Mark E. Bazin ‘98
Bridgeway Funds
Ms. Alisa Broussard ✠
The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation
Catholic Home Loan
Mr. Robert T. Chisholm ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter ✠
CRA International
Mrs. Odessa C. Curtis 
Mr. & Mrs. David Daily
Mr. & Mrs. Rod L. Desroches
Mr. & Mrs. William Downey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon ✠
Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar J. Gonzalez ✠
Mr. William D. Gray ‘98 
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72
Dr. & Mrs. Augusto E. Gutierrez
Mr. Kelly B. Halaszyn ‘06
Mr. Timothy E. Halbleib ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy, Jr. ✠
Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69
Mr. Vincent J. Ho ‘96
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel ✠
The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation
The great support provided by organizations
such as the Mothers’ Club at events like Open
House make so many events at Strake Jesuit a
Mr. Stephen K. Jones ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Jones
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly
Knights of Columbus Council 11343
Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
The Lallinger Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. David J. Leal
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch ✠
Mr. Tatum O. Lynn ✠
Marathon Oil Company
Mary Gracely Footprints Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil ✠
Mr. Kevin A. Mineo ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. ✠
Mr. John J. Norkus ‘95 & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Norkus
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent ✠
Mrs. Violet Oaks
Mr. Favian Ovando
Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95
Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers ✠
The Roth Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Senosiain
Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Sentmanat
Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shewbart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor
Mr. Paul J. Washington
Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wilhelm ‘94
The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda
The companies listed here contributeed to Strake Jesuit or the Strake Jesuit Art Museum through their Matching Gift programs. Their incusion of Jesuit among the organizations that qualify for their programs allows their
employees who are listed on these pages to increase the impact of their gift.
AIM Foundation
Amerada Hess Corp.
Ameriprise Financial
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Analog Devices
Apache Corporation
Argonaut Insurance Company
Bank of America
The Boeing Company
BP Amoco
Brookfield Properties
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Cardinal Health
JP Morgan Chase
Fall 2007
The Coca-Cola Company
Conoco Phillips, Inc.
Dell Computers
Dominion Foundation
Duke Energy
El Paso Energy
FMC Foundation
GE Foundation
Global Santa Fe
Halliburton, Inc.
Home Depot
The Houston Exploration Company
Marsh, Inc.
May Department Stores Company
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Motiva Enterprises LLC
New York Life Insurance Company
North Pacific
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Northwestern Mutual Life
NRG Energy, Inc
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Penn Virginia Corporation
PepsiCo Foundation
Pogo Producing Company
Shell Oil Company
Sun Microsystems
Texas Industries
Textron, Inc.
The Clorox Company Foundation
The Northrop Grumman Foundation
Total Gas & Power North America, Inc.
UBS Foundation USA
Wachovia Corporation
Wells Fargo
Williams Community Relations
Faculty & Staff Donors
Under the leadership of Michael Kerley, the Faculty and Staff reached historic donation and participation levels in gifts and pledges made to Financial Aid Endowments, Scholarships, and the Annual Drive.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / ✠ Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
 Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Arguello, Jr. + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry + ✠
Mr. John W. Bates, V ‘99 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bick + ✠
Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ
Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III ‘98 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun + ✠
Ms. Alisa Broussard ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Tracy A. Byerly, II ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Catanese + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan ✠
Mr. James P. Clooney ✠
Mr. Joseph V. Cordella, Jr. ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Crowley + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David Daily
Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. de Ybarrondo ‘91 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Reynold D’Souza ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon ✠
Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Adalberto M. Garza ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James Gilbert ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar J. Gonzalez ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich ✠
Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hollingsworth + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard ✠
Ms. Amanda G. Hudson ✠
Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny + ✠
Mr. Mike Kerley + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Knotts ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle W. Kornegay ‘92 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick + ✠
Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ledesma ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 + ✠
Mr. Tatum O. Lynn ✠
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall ✠
Mr. James E. Marvin ✠
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon +
Mr. Bart Morey & Dr. Andrea Spiering
Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus ‘95
Mr. Favian Ovando +
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Parks ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Peri ✠
Ms. Linda Ream + ✠
Ms. Eva Riojas ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers ✠
Ms. Liza Rodriguez ✠
Mr. Carlos E. Roman + ✠
Mr. Thomas G. Romano + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Rushing ✠
Mr. Patrick Saccomanno ‘80 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah ✠
Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch + ✠
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz + ✠
Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach + ✠
Strake Jesuit Community + ✠
Strake Jesuit Faculty & Staff ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio E. Venza + ✠
Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey + ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Wallis ‘84 ✠
Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow ✠
Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith ✠
Ms. Pat Yankow + ✠
The gifts of the contributors below helped to defray the cost of the 2007 Strake Jesuit Scramble.
San Antonio Federal Credit Union
Advanced Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Champion Industrial Sales Company
DHR International
Dobrowski L.L.P.
Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc.
FMC Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71
Grey Wolf Drilling Company, L.P.
Northstar GOM, LLC
The Plaza Group
Resources Global Professionals, LP
Tejas Office Products, Inc.
Twelve Oaks Medical Center & StatCare
Fulbrook Partners Ltd.
Wachovia Bank
D. E. Harvey Builders
David Hollkamp, Certified Financial Planner TM
Gregory P. Frank, Costello, Inc.
Inman Texas Company
Lighting, Inc.
Nags Head Inn
Steve A. Kamel, P.C.
One of the new features introduced
at the 2007 Strake Jesuit Scramble
was a Women’s Division.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Carroll
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 47
A Decade of Giving
The individuals and organizations listed below have generously contributed
to Strake Jesuit and its mission for at least ten consecutive years.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph ‘75
Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Aiuvalasit ‘74
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. J. Greg Badgett
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Berno ‘76
Mr. John L. Berry ‘65
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Braden ‘75
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66
Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75
Mr. Chris Burke ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Cadena, Jr. ‘66
Mr. John T. Causey ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86
Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connell ‘85
Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81
Mrs. Dorothy Daly
The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 &
Ms. Sarah Duckers
Mr. Robin A. Dawson ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Denton
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83
Mrs. Rose M. Durden
Dr. & Mrs. Garret J. Etgen
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Falgout ‘66
Mr. Jack Farah ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Fraga
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69
Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats
Dr. & Mrs. John L. Gidley
Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour
Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert
Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale
Mr. Timothy E. Halbleib ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hansen ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Herrin ‘84
Dr. David A. Herrin ‘86
Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger
Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hill ‘84
Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69
Mr. Randy Hodnett ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76
Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Huete
Mr. & Mrs. Branson O. Hunter ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Isensee ‘75
Mr. Douglas B. Johnson ‘75
Mr. Christopher Jordan ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Greg J. Jungeblut
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Keeney ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell
Mr. Michael E. Lacey ‘92
Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger
Dr. Louis A. ‘66 & Dr. Cheryl Leblanc
Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna ‘86
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Maher ‘72
Mrs. Virginia Mahoney
Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66
Dr. Sylvia Marotta
Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy
Mrs. Thomas McErlean
Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67
Mr. James E. ‘74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean
Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82
Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77
Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 &
Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller ‘76
Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66
Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67
Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent
Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68
Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80
Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72
Mr. James E. Pawlikowski ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Permetti ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72
Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75
Ms. Danielle Pung
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Raia
Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. ‘76
Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69
Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66
Dr. Mike L. ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Rice
Dr. & Mrs. Harry F. Richards
Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74
Dr. Lonnie Sadberry
Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66
Shell Oil Company
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr.
Mr. J. E. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Smith ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stevens ‘87
Strake Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Suhor
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Taunton
Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73
Mr. Paul J. Van Osselaer ‘68 & Ms. Jewel Arrington
Mrs. Alice N. Vick
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Walker, Jr. ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Washburn ‘69
Mr. Daniel Weber ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Greater Glory
The Greater Glory Capital Campaign has been met with great success. The momentum generated by pledges and gifts from the
contributors listed here has allowed many projects included in the campaign to be completed. These projects, as well as those
still planned, will lead to a bright future for Strake Jesuit for many, many years to come.
Diamond Society
gifts of $1,000,000 and up
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran
Platinum Society
gifts of $500,000 to $999,999
Estate of John Brooks Williams
Strake Foundation
Strake Jesuit Community
The W.T. and Louise J. Moran Foundation
Gold Society
gifts of $250,000 to $499,999
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley
In Honor of Scott Fleming ‘69
Vincent D. & Margaret L. Foster
The Gordon & Mary Cain Foundation
Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation
Scanlan Foundation
John & Marian Seger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner In Honor of James P. Grizzard
& grandsons Matthew ‘02, Daniel ‘05, and Benjamin ‘08
Silver Society
gifts of $100,000 to $249,999
Sue & Charlie Adcock
Robert E. & Judith T. Agee
The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation
The Bandy Family
Jack & Barbara Bonner
Cathy & Giorgio Borlenghi
Gerardo & Loretta Bueso
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85
Michael & Lucia Cordua
The Cullen Foundation
The Darouiche Family Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi
The Hagale Family
Don & Ellie Knauss
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman
Sandi & Jim Lemming
The Family of James J. Loughlin, Jr. ‘74
John & Sharon Lynch
The Lyons Foundation
The Medallion Foundation
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr.
Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal
Hunter & Betsy Nelson
NFL Grass Roots Program
John J. & Betty H. Norkus, Jr.
John & Charlene O’Shea
Robert S. & Louise B. Parsley
The Terry Crane Foundation
Michael L. & Elaine D. Thiele
Bronze Society
gifts of $25,000 to $99,999
Tom Adolph ‘75 In Memory of Robert H. Adolph
Brock & Colleen Akers
Stephen & Debbie Arbogast
James & Lee Ann Badum
Robert & Bunny Bambace
Bank of America
In Honor of Eileen M Bardwil, Mother’s Club President ‘73
In Appreciation for the Lives and Service of
Fr. Peter Martin & Fr. Daniel Barfield
The Family of Alan D. Bergeron
Jeb & Cynthia Blackwell
Tom & Toni Blizzard
James M. & Emilie D. Booth
Charlie & Lou Braun
Allen D. & Patti M. Brown
George & Jo Ann Brueggeman
Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Burks
Charley, Bev, & Shannon Casserly In Memory of
Kelly Patricia Casserly
The Thomas P. Chambers Family
Gerardo & Gelines Chapa
Jim & Amy Claunch
The Coca-Cola Company
Completion of the magnificent new Athletic Center Complex at the start of
the 2006-2007 school year was a major accomplishment for The Greater
Glory Capital Campaign.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Richard & Karen Coffman
John & Jeannie Cogan
David W. & Paula B. Cole
David & Bobbie Colley
Chip & Vivian Colvill
Conoco Phillips, Inc.
James A. Crehan Estate 
D. E. Harvey Builders
The Dacus Family
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton
Corey B. Davis Class of 1990
John & Michele Dearborn
The Delouche Family
Vincent & Francine DiCosimo and Family
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty
Dolan Foundations
Mitch and Jamie Eichelberger
Paul & Liz Espenan
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Frey ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Gangelhoff
Lex Gillan and Cathy Nunnally
Ron & Judy Girotto
Bob & Elena Goldman
Catherine D. & George F. Goolsby & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg
The Family of Marianne Hanus
Frank & Sharon Henning
Gilbert & Kari Herrera
David & Lori Hessel
The Hildreth Family
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hmaidan
Glen & Eve Hou - G.E.T. Enterprises, Inc.
Mark & Yvonne Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch
Jesse & Gloria Jefferies
Steve & Jackie Kamel
The Family of Ryan A. Keel ‘06
Mr. Duane King
Micahel & Julie Koch
Doug & April Konopka
Christopher J. & Irene Y. Lahart
Joseph & Betty Lahart
Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart
The Lynett & Haggerty Family
Lyondell Chemical Company
M. D. Anderson Foundation
Antonio & Carla Maarraoui
Enrico A. & Lucille A. Mango
The Marek Family
Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus
Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66
Bill & Mary McDonald
In Honor of our Mother Jeanne Mealey
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Joe Messina
Chris Miller Family
The Chronicle 49
Victor & Lisa Miranda
Jim Moriarty
Mike & Lynne Morris
Ron & Susan Mucci
Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor
The Neyland Family In Memory of Herb & Barbara Neyland
The Niemann Family
David ‘83 & Amy Novelli
Mike & Brook Novelli
Brian S. Parsley, M.D. ‘74
Dr. Lindy & Mrs. Karen Rachal
Edward & Julie Rhyne
The Roach Family
The Family of Bill Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Schiro
David, Donna, & Grant ‘04 Schmidt
Mr. Stephen Schneidau ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom
Boone & Rose Schwartzel
Judy & Darby Sere
Monte & Dana Sneed
Joyce and Tom Standish
Dr. & Mrs. Randall A. Stenoien
Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club
Guy ‘78 & Ginny Sullaway
Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81
Larry & Kay Tanner
Richard Walker & Shana Sloas
The Family of James & Sandy Walker
Kerry & Linda Walsh
The West Endowment
Gerry & Martha Wyrsch
Founders Society
gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
Ray & Mary Albrecht
Charles T. & Susan Y. Ashy
Randy & Barbara Ayers
Dr. & Mrs. H. S. Bedi
Cindy & Scott Brann
John & Vicki Brentin
Denise & Butch Callegari
David & Cindy Chambers Family
Stephen Chen ‘03 & The Joseph Chen Family
Sheila Condon / Clark Condon Associates
Dr. & Mrs. Guy L. Clifton
Tracey & Anne Coats
The Michael Connelly ‘69 Family
Daniel & Wendy Daboval
Tom & Way Denkler
Mr. Andrew D. Dewhurst ‘01 & Mr. Christopher Dewhurst ‘97
James T. Doyle Estate 
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk
William & Maureen Fisher
Greg & Melanie Frank
The Franshaw Family
Charlie & Joyce Frazier
Mike & Mary Jane Gallagher
Juan & Peggy Garcia
GE Foundation
The Parents of Steve Glass
James L. & Mary K. Goodyear
Mr. Matthew Hansen ‘93
John & Sarah Hastings
Russell Heinen & Shawn McKean
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr.
Ruthie & Mark Herfort
David & Janet Hinners
The Family of Steven Hogan
The Family of Stephen & Karen Hornberger
Bo & Pam Howard
Hugh & Peggy Idstein In Honor of Benjamin ‘04 & Timothy ‘07
David R. Juist & Annie O. Fabio
Greg & Laura Jungeblut
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger III
Paul & Penny Layne Family
M. Jerome Lewis, D.C.
Victor T. & Karen S. Linck
Mark & Karen Livesay
Dale B. & M. Kathryn Marietta
David Marks & Mary Grimord
Ron & Susan Martin
The Family of Hunter & Colleen Martin
Gregg & Jackie McBride
Richard G. McCann & Bonnie M. McCann
W. David & Anne E. McChesney
Lisa & Peter McStravick
B.J. & Catherine Mehrinfar
Dee & Stacy Methvin
Robert J. & Kathryn A. Meyer
Bill & Cathy Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims
Fall 2007
Among the many great features
of the new Athletic Center Complete are (top to bottom):
- A State-of-the-Art Fitness Room
- Compeition Pool
- Four Lighted Tennis Courts
-2,400 seat Competition Gym
In addition, there is a three-court
Fieldhouse Gym, locker rooms
for all sports, athletic training
room, two classrooms and
Athletic Department offices.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Joseph & Anne Miraglia
Rev. David & Kay Moore
Clyde & Brenda Munoz
Hon. & Dr. James R. Murphy ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. James Nakfoor ‘82
In Thanksgiving for our sons
New York Life Insurance Company
Kathy & Phil Noble
Jean Janssen & Stephen Pate, parents of Ted Crane ‘09
Joe Bob & Jeanne Perkins
Pat & David Peters
Richard T. & Dana M. Peterson
The Family of John J. Phillips IV
Dan & Patricia Pipitone
Gregory S. & Suzanne D. Price
G. Michael & Phyllis Reinhardt
Phillip & Jill Ribbeck
The Roach Family
Glynn & Jean Roberts
William V. & Gail B. Rogers
Mark ‘74 & Melissa Sacra
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Sims
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk
Tom & Bridget Staudt
David R. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Austin Tenette
The Matthew Wall Family
Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91
Williams Community Relations
Kathryn & Tom Wilson
Robert W. & Cynthia Y. Wilson
Marvin A. & Lynn N. Wurzer
General Contributors
gifts to $10,000
In Honor of Trevor W. Adair ‘10
In Honor of Jim Gilbert
Anil ‘87 & Amy Adyanthaya
Gonzalo & Ellyn Amador
The Family of Aaron Amador
Analog Devices
Cristiana & Mark Anderson
Anderson Oil Ltd, In memory of Virginia Bashaw
The Andrews Foundation
Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara Bone
Nick & Michelle Arguello
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence H. Armour, III
Herb & Robin Ashe
Mr. & Mrs.Daniel Austin ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76
Mr. & Mrs. George Banos, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Barth, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. John W. Bates, V ‘99
Frank & Nicole Bay
Mr. Cletus Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia Conrad-Bayer
Ken & Beverly Belanger
Angelo & Carolyn Bellis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno
Liz & Greg Bernica
Harry & Marilyn Bick
Mr. Alan Black & Ms. Laura Celis de Black
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78
Jack G. Bonner III
John & Sheryl Boone
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Boudreaux ‘67
Mr. Peter Boudreaux & Ms. Susan Fernbach
BP Amoco
James F. ‘69 & Michelle M. Branda
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Branda ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Pamela J. Brasseux - In Honor of
Bob & Louise Parsley’s 25th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Brewer, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Steve & Julie Brewer
Ms. Chrisit Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody
Alisa Broussard
In Memory of A.J. Brown II
Mrs. Marian Brown, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burke, Jr., In memory of Virginia Bashaw
Tim & Mikki Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Burton
J. Phillip & Elizabeth P. Butler
Tracy & Lindsay Byerly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Byrnes
Tom & Kris Caine
In Memory of Christie Callender
Daniel & Joan Calva
Mr. & Mrs. Orion H. Campbell III
Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Carrillo, Ian & Adam
Stephen & DeLess Carroll
Paul J. & Anne Storey Carty
Sam & Alejandra Cashiola
Tony & Michele Catanese
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catlett
Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh
Graydon & Marilyn Cayce
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie J. Cernoch
Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy
Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman
Charles W. & Elizabeth D. Goodyear Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Chen Y. Chiang
Tracy & Vance Christopher
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Clark, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
The Family of Gregory W. Clay
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons
Matthew ‘91 & Leslie Clinton
Richard & Ann Clogan
James Clooney
Harold A. Condara, Jr., M.D. & Sally P. Condara
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Contreras, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Conway
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cooksey
Joe Cordella
John & Nan Cornett - In Honor of our son James
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Counter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cousino
Angela Birch Cox
Mrs. Irene Cox
Cram Crew
The Craven Family
Jerry & Heidi Crist
Mike & Donna Crowley
Mr. & Mrs. David Cummins
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cushman, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mrs. Dorothy Daly
Eric & Tracey Dampf
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dampf
Beverly Park
Mr. & Mrs. Emilio De Cardenas
John & Agnes De Franco
Mr. & Mrs. Henri de Ybarrondo ‘91
Mr. Richard Deyoung, Jr., In memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Dini
Rudy & Susanne Dismuke
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Reynold D’Souza
Individual Player
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keith Duhon
Duin Family
Duke Energy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dulworth ‘73
Lorenzo & Maria T. Dumantay
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dunbar
Joe & Mary Eberle
El Paso Energy
The excitement about the
Campaign continues to
build in preparation for the
start of construction on
Phase III. This final phase
will include (images on next
page) the conversion of the
Smith Gym into the Moran
Dining Hall and, on the site
of the original cafeteria, the
construction of a three-story
Student Activity Center and
a new Chapel.
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 51
Dan & Debbie Elmer
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. D.A. Falcone
Jane M. Falk
Dr. & Mrs. Sayed Feghali
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Fenelon
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez
Larry & Linda Finke
Brent & Sandra Flechsig
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Fleming ‘69
The Fordes Family
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Forgason, In memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fredette
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fried
Omar & Lucy Fuentes
Mr. Andrew O. Gaal ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Galati
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gallagher
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia Rameau
Dr. Francisco & Dr. Magda Garcia-Torres
Albert & Evangelina Garza
General Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Germain
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gidley ‘79, In memory of Virginia Bashaw
The Family of Paul Gidley
Mr. David R. Gilmartin ‘75
Joey & Anthe Gimenez
The Giralt-Rondon Family
Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert
Alex ‘87 & Carmen Gomez
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Goodrich
In Honor of John L. & Mary L. Gorman
Daniel & Gabriela Granados
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray ‘84
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John Gurasich ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hackett
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich
Mr. & Mrs. Mel F. Hainey
Dan & Laura Hannon
Linda & Jim Hanratty
The Hansen Family
Dr. & Mrs. William Hanson
Jeffrey P. & Patricia C. Heinrichs
Gale & Robert Heisler
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hennessey, Jr. In Memory of Lillian
Braun Derden
Ms. Nancy Hennessey In Memory of Lillian Braun Derden
The James Henrikson Family
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Hernandez
Guillermo Hernandez-Ching
Mr & Mrs. Harold Hidalgo, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Hidalgo, Banfill, Zlotnik & Kermali, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. James Highberger
Hitech Polymers, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Holmes, In memory of Virginia Bashaw
Bob & Shirley Horn
Tom & Edith Horrell
Tom & Rosanne Hoskins
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty
Mr. & Mrs. David Houston, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
The Houston Exploration Company
Mr. & Mrs. Hamlet Hovsepian
Mr. Armando Huaringa ‘02
Ms. Ammie Hudson
Shane W. Hudson ‘93
Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel
Fr. Douglas Hypolite, S.J.
International Paint, LLC In Honor of Don & Ellie Knauss
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Irwin, In memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mary C. Jackson
Sharon & Stewart Jacobson
The Family of Elizabeth Jamerlan
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Janik
Juan & Jeanie Jones
Kevin L. & Monica L. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley
Dirk & Sharon Kemnitz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kenny
Richard & Monica Keogh
Mr. Mike Kerley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kingerski
The Kisch Family
Jennifer & Gary Klumpp
Bobby & Micaela Knotts
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch ‘73
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Kornegay ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kruckemeyer
Kenneth & Cynthia Kwik
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Dr Javier A. & Dr. Priscilla Lafuente
Myles J. & Debra L. Lambert
Michael Lange ‘81
Rodolfo & Irma Laucirica
Ms. Elizabeth Lawhorn, In memory of Virginia Bashaw
Kelly Layne ‘01
David & Susan Lazzeri
Robert & Patti Ledesma
Richard E. Leonardon ‘79
The Lestin Family, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Letsos ‘73
Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos
Debbie Lewis & Austin ‘07
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Llorens
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Loeffler ‘65
Ken ‘91 & Wendi Lojo
Julie & Todd Lorenz
Richard & Joan Lovell
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Luster ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Lykos
Tatum Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. George Lyons, III
John & Lydia Madsen
Walsh Jesuit High School
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Marcum
Blair & Margo Margot
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt
Marsh, Inc.
E.Ray & Toni L. Marshall
In Memory of William E. Marvin
Stephen & Linda Masera
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Mason
Maurice Pincoffs Company, Inc. In Honor of John F. Webre ‘67
Harvey & Mitzi McBee
Mr. & Mrs. Gary McBee
Mr. & Mrs. Joe McCourt
Bill & Tracy McDonald
Joe & Norma McFadden
John McKirahan, Jr.
James & Theresa McLean
James E. McLean, Jr.
Josef E. McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McMahon ‘88
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. McPartland
Mr. & Mrs. David Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. Luka Milas
Jim & Pat Milazzo
Gerald W. & Thomasine B. Miller
Michael & Kathleen Miller
Helen Marie and Bill Monroe in Memory of
Helen Graham Garvey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Montoya ‘91
Michael P. & Nancy Y. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Moran, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Moses, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Motiva Enterprises LLC
Anne Mrok-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins ‘80
Tony Muniz ‘87
Dave & Kathy Muras
Mr. Archie Nahigian
Kenneth & Heather Naumann
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Navarro
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Nazario
Mr. Graham Neuhaus, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nevle
Dr. Son Nguyen & Dr. Anh Dang
Eric & Sandra Nielsen
Daniel L. Novelli
NRG Energry, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Nugent
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Mr. Patrick T. O’Donnell & Dr. Elizabeth O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Burke O’Malley ‘84
Mr. John A. O’Neal
Sean O’Neill ‘85
The O’Neill Foundation
Scott & Juli Osborn
Liz Padon
Brian & Linda Parks
John & Jill Parsley
Karl & Susan Penny
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peri
Dr. Emerson Perin
Richard A. Plumb & Nancy G. Porter
Ms. Alice Pratt, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Piero & Mary Puccini
Dr. Miguel A. Quinones
Drs. Rekha & G.S. Ramesh
Carlos Rafael Ramirez
Ms. Linda Ream
In Memory of Gary I. Gordon, Medal of Honor
Mr. & Mrs. James Redman
Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard
Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried
Clarence & Joan Rife
Eva Riojas
Rick & Lisa Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. William Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Tomas W. Rodriguez
Ms. Liza Rodriguez
The Family of Nicholas Rodriguez
Drew & Kathy Rohde
Mr. Carlos Roman
Thomas Romano
Sujey Romero
Mr. Thomas Romine
Mr. & Mrs. James Rooney
In Memory of William F. Gray ‘98
Roxas Family
Phil & Pam Rundle In Honor of George & Jo Brueggeman
Thomas & Samantha Rushing
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70
Mr. Patrick Saccomanno ‘80
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah
Tim Scalzitti ‘90 & Lynn Wilgenbusch
In Honor of The Scalzitti & Napolitano Families
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schiro ‘82
Walter & Pilar Schneider
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Schwarzbach
Ms. Walee Schwing
Ms. Saint C. Seifert, In memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. & Mrs. John Sellingsloh, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Karen, Morgan, & Cory Selzer, In Memory of Jeanie Bashaw
Angelo Sermas & Marsha Soechting
Shell Oil Company
Mike & Katie Simpson
S C H O L A R / S P O N S O R
Gary & Pam Smith
Stephen S. Sobhi
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III
The Souls
Scott Spencer & Mary Cook
In Honor of Ellen & Roland Squyres
Anthony Long Startz
Michael & Carole Stell
The Lorraine Stenger Estate 
William B. & Becky L. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stoia
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, Jr, In memory of Virginia Bashaw
Strake Jesuit Faculty & Staff
Guidance Office
Karl R. & Melanie L. Strickland
Gerry & Paulette Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Summa
Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Susarrey
Ronald & Marilyn Taylor
Tom Taylor ‘66 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Plummer
Joesph & Sarita Tennant
Michael & Kathleen Terracina
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Thesing
Russell & Elma Thiem
Hugh & Judy Thompson
In Memory of John Paul II
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Till ‘82
Mr. Alan M. Timme
Terry & Margaret Tomlinson
Total Gas & Power North America, Inc
Maher & Sherry Touma
Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Triplett
In Memory of Frank Vatalaro
Vicki & Randy Velarde
Clarence & Sharon Venables
Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio E. Venza
Constance M. Vickery
Mr. Will Volding & Mrs. Mary Tarpey
Mr. Robert Wagnor & Repulic State Mortgage,
In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wallis ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters
John & Debbie Webre
Wells Fargo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison
Mr. & Mrs. Lee W. Wiley, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Stacy & John Wilkirson
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Williams, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw
Mr. Charles Williams
Stan & Maria Williams
Kevin Wilson-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Wippold
Erich W. & Karen S. Wolz
Canice P. & Anita Wu
Ms. Patricia Yankow
Clifford E. & Margaret B. York
William & Debbie York
James W. Young & Denise D. Doctor
Patricia M. Zarembo
Tony & April Zubizarreta
Those listed here have chosen to Sponsor a Strake Jesuit student through the Scholar/Student Partnership. By
doing so they have chosen to reach out to a deserving Financial Aid student in a very personal way. As a Sponsor they have the opportunity to meet the student and watch him grow throughout his time at Jesuit.
Archdiocese of Galveston
Ms. Mary Nugent
Captain Andrew Houghton Foundation
Mr. Michael Rome
The William and Linda Kirvan Family Foundation
The Roth Foundation
Bridgeway Chartible foundation
Jack Koch Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Sisler
Dick Cancelmo
The Lallinger Family
Terrance Crane Foundation
The James J. and Mary E. Loughlin Scholarship
The William A. and
Madeline Welder Smith Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Desroches
Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Mr. Rick Walker and Ms. Shana Sloas
The Chronicle 53
Unaudited Financial Statement for Fiscal Year
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Student Activities &
Financial Assistance - 7% Athletics - 1%
Annual Drive - 7%
Maintenance &
Repairs - 6%
Student Activites &
Athletics - 5%
Utilities &
Telephone - 6%
Income - 11%
Supplies - 6%
Other - 7%
Salaries & Benefits - 70%
Tuition - 74%
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Financial Report
Earned Income
Tuition, Fees
and Other Income....................
Strake Jesuit Foundation* Financial Report
Beginning Fund Balance....................
Contributions & Gifts...........................
Operating Expenses............................
Investment Income...............................
$ 177,528
Total Income (Loss) from Operations
Realized/Unrealized Gains..................
Total Foundation Income.....................
Operating Expenses.............................
Net Foundation Income (Loss)............
Fundraising Appeals
Annual Giving, Auction, Spring Fling,
Bequests, Strake Jesuit Foundation
and Others..............................
Endowment Payout to
Strake Jesuit Foundation.................
$ 269,718
Financial Aid Contribution to SJCP...
($ 159,307)
Total Net Income*.................................
Ending Fund Balance...........................
*The Strake Jesuit Foundation is the financial aid endowment fund for the school.
*Excess used towards Capital Expenses.
Depreciation and Contributions to Endowments
Although names on the preceeding donor lists have been reviewed carefully for accuracy, errors may occur in a document of this length. If your name was listed incorrectly, misspelled, or omitted, please accept
our apologies and bring the error to our attention.
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
Summary of Gifts
Annual Giving and Events
General Scholarships
General Endowment
Endowed Scholarships*
*Gifts to Endowed Scholarships fund the Strake Jesuit Foundation.
Does not include Greater Glory contributions.
Summary of Gifts
Contributions by Giving Level
Ignatius - 68%
Annual Giving - 58%
Scholarship - 26%
General - 3%
Magis - 5%
General Scholarship - 15%
General Endowment - 1%
President’s - 7%
Stanislaus - 11%
Crusaders - 7%
The Greater Glory
Cash and Pedges as of June 30, 2007.
Other Restricted
$3, 879,492
Society - 15%
Society - 14%
Unrestricted - 75%
Society - 14%
General - 4%
Endowments - 19%
Other Restricted - 6%
Society - 22%
Society - 24%
Society - 7%
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
The Chronicle 55
All Hail the freshmen!
In 1961 Strake Je-
Many are what
suit opened the doors
others might classify as
to its first Freshman
minority students. I re-
Class of only 91 young
member having a con-
men. They were not
versation on this topic
only our first freshmen,
but four years later they
freshman. It was not so
were also the first to
very long ago but it is
graduate. To this Olde
a fond memory for this
Crusader, Strake Jesuit
has always been what I
conversation took place
like to call “a school of
at a summer football
firsts.” Without a doubt,
practice. He and I were
1961 was a milestone
sizing up a group of his
in the history of the
peers on the practice
school. True it was
Jesuit’s first freshman class - 1961
somewhat of a modest
field. He looked out on
the field and saw black,
start but it soon became quite clear, that this was only just the begin-
white and brown kids. I saw only green and told him so. He was a
ning. Since then, year in and year out the many “firsts” have just kept
good kid. He understood immediately and from that moment on he was
coming. Over the course of the next forty-six years, the growth and
green too. I am sure that to this day he is still Green…just like me. This
development of this institution must be characterized as nothing less
year 238 green freshmen showed up for school. I know that he would
than phenomeninal, As for the future, I believe that with the arrival of
be pleased.
every new group of eager young freshmen there will most assuredly
Many of the new freshmen are here representing their families
come yet another grand SJ milestone to mark their student years at
as the latest chapter in the proud book of our SJ tradition. Twelve are
this, our beloved Alma Mater.
the sons of Alumni Dads, 21 have older brothers that are SJCP gradu-
This year will be no exception. Indeed, by the time the bell rang
ates, and 29 freshmen join brothers currently enrolled at Strake Jesuit.
on the first day of school, our 238 new Jesuit 9th graders, began by
These numbers are nothing less than amazing to an Olde Crusader
setting the record as the largest freshman class in the history of this
like me. I began this writing with my nostalgic memories of 1961 and
school. Another first is in the making as they are also on a course to
the first 91 freshmen. In order to put it all in perspective, one has to
become our largest class to graduate. Certainly, before that can hap-
realize that those first young men were pioneers. They enrolled in a
pen, four years of intense academic effort will be required. Nonethe-
school with no alumni dads to guide them and no older brothers to
less, I look forward to that graduation day knowing that these young
lean on. There were no upper classmen; indeed, no seniors, no juniors
men were admitted because they have already demonstrated a per-
- not even a sophomore to help show the way. In 1961, who could
sonal commitment to achievement and a willingness to tackle the task
have imagined a 2007 freshman class so large, so diverse and yet so
at hand.
bonded to our past.
Four years is a long time even for this Olde Crusader, but it will be
To the new freshmen and to their proud parents I say, “Welcome
most interesting to see what challenges lie ahead. The freshmen arrive
all!” You have now become a part of the Strake Jesuit family. Let’s all
on campus as a diverse group. Given their numbers, I suppose that is
join together as we turn out another 238 Men for Others.
to be expected. 50% of our freshmen come to us from Catholic middle
schools, 29% from other private schools and the remaining 21% attended public schools. The young Crusaders come from all around
I promise that these next four years will be a wonderful experience.
To fulfillment of that promise, I pledge my shield and my sword.
the greater Houston area. Among their ranks are students from an astounding 96 different zip codes. Obviously the word has spread: Strake
Jesuit is a great school.
Fall 2007
w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g
When you
Sponsor a
your gift
comes with
a face
a name.
Whether you have been a longtime
contributor to Strake Jesuit, or you have just been
waiting for the right opportunity to get involved,
consider sponsoring a financial aid student.
As a Sponsor, you will be able to meet the student and
watch him grow throughout his Jesuit experience.
It is a very personal and rewarding way to reach out to
a deserving young man and impact his life
in a meaningful way.
For more information, contact NJ Santarcangelo '67 in
the Development Office at 713.490.8152.
Homecoming Game vs
Langham Creek
Homecoming Dance
SAT Exam
Technology Night
Mother-Son Luncheon
Grandparents Day
Father-Son FunDay
ACT Exam
All Saints Liturgy
SAT Exam
Father-Son Golf Tournament
St. Stanislaus Liturgy
Parent-Teacher Meeting
17-19 Freshman Retreat
Thanksgiving Day
Band & Orchestra Concert
ACT Exam
Our Lady of Guadalupe Liturgy
Alumni Soccer, Basketball, and
Lacrosse Games
Alumni Appreciation Day
For up to date event information,
go to
PARENTS, if you are still receiving your
son’s Chronicle although he no longer
lives with you, let us know so we can
change our records and send the magazine directly to him. If you enjoy reading
the publication but do not receive a copy
of your own, let us know that too. We
would be glad to send a copy to your
son’s new address and continue to send
you one.
Contact the Alumni Office at
[email protected] or at
Arc, 1974 by Alexander Liberman measures 120 x 48 x 65 inches
and is cast welded bronze. It is on loan from the Museum of Fine
Arts Houston and is located outside the entrance to the Kamel
Commons between the 200 and 300 buildings.
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
8900 Bellaire Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77036