Camp Guide 2015 EN FINAL


Camp Guide 2015 EN FINAL
A helpful tool for your camp family
Welcome to Ouareau!
94th Season
Welcome note from Jacqui & Gabrielle
Dear Ouareau Families,
Let us introduce ourselves: we are Jacqui Raill &
Gabrielle Raill, Owners & Directors of Camp Ouareau.
This camp guide was written for your whole family
to provide all of you with valuable information about
Ouareau. We hope this camp guide will help the
whole family have an enjoyable camp experience.
We understand that new families may have many
questions about the Ouareau experience before
they send their daughters to us; we encourage you
to make use of the “Notes & Questions” space
provided following this page. As you read, feel free to jot down whatever questions
may arise, and then send them by email to our Client Care Director — she will be happy
to answer you! We look forward to having your daughter at camp this summer! !
Yours in camping,
Jacqui & Gabrielle Raill
" Camp Ouareau, where girls and young women can discover their true selves"
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Notes & Questions
Jot down your questions here as you read!
We love answering questions! Send them to: [email protected]
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Notes & Questions
Jot down your questions here as you read!
We love answering questions! Send them to: [email protected]
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Prevention of homeloneliness …………………………………………………………………………..p.1
A. Practice sleeping away from home …..……………………………………………………p.1
B. Pack with your daughter ……………..………………………………………………………..p.1
C. Open House June 7th, 2015……………………………………………………………….…..p.1
D. Goal Setting………………………………………………………………………………..……..p.1
E. Talking points about “what to do if you miss home”………………….…………………..p.1
F. The “going away promise” ………………………………………………………………….…p.1
G. Night light …………………………………………………………………….…………………..p.1
H. Keep us Informed…………………………………………………………………………….….p.1
Cool & Rainy Weather Gear…………………………….…………………………………….p.2
Sun & Insect Protection…………………………………………………………………………p.2
Sleeping Bag & Warm Clothes………………………………………………………………..p.2
Sports Equipment………………………………………………………………,,,………………p.3
Unplugged Program ………………………………………………………………….….……..p.3
“Do Not Brings”…………………………………………………………………………..………p.3
Labeling & Labels………………………………………………………………………………..p.4
SESSION DATES…………………………………………………………………………….……………….p.4
Bus ...................................................................................................................................p.5
Arrival Day…………………………………………………………………………………….…p.6
Driving Directions……………………………………………………………………….……p.6-7
Shipping Baggage………………………………………………………………………..…..p.7
Opening day schedule ……………………………………………………………….……..p.7
Table Of Contents
Individual choice for each camper ………………………………………………………..…p.7
How campers choose activities ……………………………………………………………….p.8
List Of Activities……………..……………………………………………………………………..p.8
Language classes …………………………………………………………………………..…….p.8
The language program ……………………………..…………………………………………..p.8
Canoe Tripping & requirements…………….…………………………………………….……p.9
Hiking trips………………………………………………………………………………………..…p.9
Evenings, theme days, sundays at camp………………………………………………..p.9-10
Email service………….…………………………………………………………………………..p.10
First year camper call………………………………………………………………………..…p.10
Care Packages .................................................................................................................p.11
Social Networking between campers, CITs & staff……………………………………….p.11
A. Explanation.........................................................................................................................p.11
B. Schedule for Visitor’s day & Departure for campers on July 11th or Aug. 8th............p.11
A. Medical & Wellness forms.................................................................................................p.12
B. Health Cards.......................................................................................................................p.12
C. Dental.................................................................................................................................p.12
D. Medication.........................................................................................................................p.12
E. Medical Staff at Camp…………………………………………………………………….……p.12
Cabins & Yukon Tents…………………………………………………………………………….p.13
Dining Room.........................................................................................................................p.13
Bathroom & Showers............................................................................................................p.14
7. STAFF & CIT’s
A. Staff……………………..……………………………………………………………………………p.14
B. C.I.T. (counsellor-in-training) Program…………………………………………………..…p.14-15
A. Payment................................................................................................................................p.15
Sister Discount…………………………………..………………………………………………….p.15
Camper fees ………..…………………………………………………………………….……….p.15
B. Transportation Costs ............................................................................................................p.16
C. Refunds..................................................................................................................................p.16
D. Camper Regulations & Camp Policies...............................................................................p.16
E. Bymph’s Depanneur.............................................................................................................p.16
F. Items sold at “Bymph’s Dépanneur”.................................................................................p.17
Preparing for Camp
1. Getting her Ready for Time Away
Here are some ways to prepare your daughter for an emotional healthy
adventure away from home:
Note: We use the term “Homeloneliness” instead of instead of
Prevention is one of the most effective strategies to cope with
B. Happy Camper Tips
From Dr. Chris Thurber
A. Practice sleeping away from home
-Arranging for practice time away from home, such as a two or three
day retreat with extended family or friends, is a great way to help
prepare her for sleep-away camp.
1. Welcome your child to
-This is especially useful for children who have never spent a night away
camp by sending a letter
from home.
early so that it gets to camp
B. Pack with your daughter
when your child gets to
- Involving your daughter in the packing process is a great way for her
to familiarize herself with her “camp stuff”.
C. Open House June 7, 2015
2. Don’t make a “pick-up
- Bring her to “Open House” if you can, this allows her to meet some
deal.” It undermines
staff and see the set up of camp before she starts her experience.
children’s confidence &
D. Goal Setting
dramatically intensifies
- Talk with your daughter about the adventure she’s about to have - all
the activities she will get to do, the friends she will make and the
3. Double -check the opening
wonderful time she will have during her stay at camp. We have found
& closing dates & times.
that one of the best tools our staff have when working with a camper
who is missing home is talking to them about all of the reasons and
4. Pack a personal item from
goals they had before they arrived.
home, such as a stuffed
- Both the parents and camper need to fill in a portion of the
“information form” concerning your goals.
- The counsellor reads these goals and will check in with your daughter
during her time at camp to help her achieve these goals. We do
understand that these goals can change and grow throughout her time at camp.
E. Talking Points about what to do if you miss home
- Tell your daughter that missing home is a very natural, normal and common reaction.
- That she can use strategies to help cope such as writing letters home.
- Sharing her feelings with her counsellor or Unit Head. They are there to listen, support and help. Thinking
about all the stories she will have to share with her family on her return.
F. The “Going home early promise”
- Please do not tell your daughter she can come home if she “misses home” or “doesn’t like camp” because
this will undermine her ability to see these challenges through and will make it very difficult for our counsellors
to help her overcome any initial homeloneliness and/or difficulties.
G. Nightlight
- If your daughter sleeps with a night-light or a hall light on at home, is it a good idea to start getting her
accustomed to sleeping without it. Sharing a cabin with other girls means that she will not be able to fall
asleep with her flashlight on. However, having cabin-mates is a great comfort and she is likely to quickly
forget she ever needed a night-light!
H. Keep us Informed
- If something major (in child or adult terms) has recently happened in your daughter’s life just before coming
to camp - such as as the death of a family pet or a difficult year at school - please inform us. It will make it
easier for our counsellors to do an excellent job of taking care of your daughter’s needs if they know what
she has been going through.
Preparing for Camp
2. Clothes & Equipment
The provided clothing list has been designed for a four-week
stay at camp with laundry service once a week.
A. Cool & Rain Weather Gear
Warmth and comfort for some of the colder, rainier days is
especially important, so ensuring that your daughter has sufficient
and effective rain gear is crucial.
- Please note that a light windbreaker is not sufficient.
- A warm jacket is a must.
- Make sure that her raincoat is waterproof; rain pants are good to
have as well.
- Everyone must have waterproof footwear.
- They can wear rubber boots – Crocs are also a camp favourite.
- For days when it is both rainy and cold, Crocs or water sandals
are insufficient.
B. Sun & Insect Protection
- Send enough warm clothing
- Good sturdy pair of running
shoes for running games
- Pack a couple of lightly colour
long-sleeve T-shirts for evening
bugs are not as attracted to ligh
Special things to bring to camp:
- Thumb tacks: to pin things up
cabin walls
- Small floor mat: beside her bed
makes her living space cozy &
keeps her feet warm
- Blue & Red bandanna and/or
coloured t-shirts for our exciting
Ouareau games
- Dress Up Clothes: simple
costumes or some silly clothes
dress up opportunities
We spend most of our days outside in the sun.
- Campers must always wear a hat or bandanna during activities
- Apply sunscreen.
- Have a full water bottle handy.
- We encourage the use of bug spray, as we do have mosquitos,
black flies and sand flies — though they tend to be less of a
problem after the first week of July.
Recommended Insect Repellent (alcohol-based repellents, such
as “OFF,” tend to last only a short time):
- Citronella Oil: a natural product
- Muskol: more effective, though tends to be too strong for
younger children (does contain DEET).
- Lavender Oil: Lavender essential oil is also known to work as an insect repellent.
C. Sleeping Bag & Warm Clothes
Ouareau, situated amongst the beautiful Laurentian Mountains, is certainly not immune to some cool
summer nights. Nearing the end of August, we can experience lows of 5 degrees Celsius! Most sleeping
bags sold today are adequate for our summer nights, but please ensure that your daughter also has warm
pyjamas and warm clothing for those chilly mornings while the sun is trying to warm up camp. For August
campers, we recommend toques or hooded sweatshirts for cold nights and mornings as it can be quite
D. Laundry
Laundry service is available once per week with the cabin or tent group.
E. Pillow
Camp does not provide pillows, except to campers traveling by plane. Please send one with your
If your daughter is likely to wet her bed, please ensure
her sleeping bag is one that we can wash frequently
and does not need to be dry cleaned.
Preparing for Camp
F. Sports Equipment
Camp provides all equipment needed for our exciting camp
Your daughter may want to bring her own tennis rackets or canoe
paddle, if she has a favourite one.
G. Lifejacket/PFDs
Due to the importance of a proper fit, lifejackets are not provided by
the camp although they are compulsory for every camper at water
- Assure that it is Canadian Coastguard approved
- Ensure the weight specification is correct for your daughter
NOTE: A boat cushion or waterskiing belts is not sufficient
Keep in mind...
Clothes brought to camp are at risk of getting dirty and/or a bit
ruined, so it’s always a good idea to pack clothing with this in mind.
Thinking of canoe tripping?
Depending on your
daughter’s interest in canoe
tripping, you may wish to
purchase a more lightweight,
compact sleeping bag that
she can take on trip with her.
A good three season bag is
recommended. Example:
MEC Mirage Sleeping Bag
3. Packing
It is important that your daughter’s luggage can fit under her bed — so
please be sure that the luggage is less than 12” in height. Small metal or
wooden trunks have been a camp favourite for years — plastic ones are
great as well!
A. Unplugged Program
Please go over this program with your daughter before camp! The central goal of being unplugged is to help
children reconnect with nature and with their peers, and one way of achieving this goal is to offer children an
environment unmediated by electronics, which Ouareau has always done. We ask that campers, with the
support of their parents, leave all electronic devices at home, including ebook readers, cell phones, mp3
players (iPods), smart watches, handheld video games, etc. There is also no need for campers to bring their
digital cameras: all campers will receive a complimentary DVD filled with hundreds of camp pictures taken by
staff photographers!
B. Please Do Not Bring
• Shampoo, Conditioners & Soaps that are non-biodegradable: We cannot use these in our septic systems, we
can only use biodegradable products
• Non-biodegradable products will be kept in the office & given back to her when she departs from camp, she will
have to purchase biodegradable soaps at our trading post
• Anything Electrical: This includes hair dryers, radios -- cabins and tents do not have electricity.
• Digital Cameras with Rechargeable Batteries: If bringing digital cameras, please ensure that the camera
takes batteries that can be replaced; we cannot recharge camera batteries for campers.
• Inappropriate Reading Material
• Food or Candy: we do have small animals, squirrels etc, they are attracted to food in tents or cabins. We
serve ample meals, and fruit is always available to snack on!
• Money: if she is traveling with money, ask her to hand it in at the office and we will put it away until she leaves
• E-Book readers, MP3 players, iPods, hand held computer games, etc: these will be removed and mailed
back to your home at the campers expense if not handed in on the 1st day
• Aerosol Cans: We use an incinerator to burn paper & cardboard; we cannot run the risk of exploding aerosol
cans in our waste baskets.
• Please do not send your daughter with pocket knives, matches or lighters
• CIGARETTES, ALCOHOL & or NON-MEDICAL DRUGS: Any camper found with cigarettes, alcohol or nonmedicinal drugs will be immediately sent home. Medicines are to be handed in upon arrival.
Preparing for Camp
C. Labeling & Labels
-Make sure that all of your daughter’s camp items and clothing are labelled properly. Here is a
company that can help you with that!
!D. Valuables
-We collect plane/train tickets, passports, travel money, and
any other valuables on opening day. Valuables are stored in
the camp office.
Guess which things get
mixed up the most?
Raincoats, B
oots or Croc
lifejackets are
available in
E. Laundry
styles, camp
ers tend to h
ave very
- Laundry is done once a week and is returned 2-3 days later.
similar ones
so it is espec
important to
- We cannot allow for hand washing of garments, so please do
label these c
not send clothing that requires such care.
and obviousl
anent marke
- Laundry is sorted by lights and darks, but please ensure that all
r works grea
inside of rain
t on
items have been machine washed & dried at least once
coats, boots
or Crocs.
before coming to camp.
!F. Soaps
- We can only use biodegradable products.
- Also, we recommend avoiding highly scented products, as they tend to attract more black flies
and mosquitoes!
!G. Uniforms at camp; required clothing for campers:
Two white t-shirts (one plain, one with Ouareau Crest), & one pair of white, beige, or green shorts/pants
- Crested t-shirt: provided free of charge by Camp (you will have ordered the correct size during registration)
- Brought from home: any pair of shorts/pants that are white, beige or green + a plain white t-shirt.
Campers, CITs and staff wear the
camp uniform each Sunday, on
Visitor’s day, and for Opening &
Closing Ceremonies.
On Saturday for dinner the
campers need a white top to
wear that is not their uniform
t-shirt, as well as black bottoms.
We recommend having uniform
bottoms BOTH shorts & pants if
possible, to accommodate for all
kinds of weather!
*Please note that we require all six
and eight week campers to find
alternative accommodation during
our mid-camp break.
(July 24th to July 27th)
Our staff are not on duty at this time
— if you require assistance in setting
up arrangements, please call camp.
July 4 weeks
Sunday, June 28 to Friday, July 24, 2015
August 4 weeks
Monday, July 27 to Saturday, August 22, 2015
July 2 weeks session 1
Sunday, June 28 to Saturday, July 11, 2015
July 2 weeks session 2
Sunday, July 12 to Friday, July 24, 2015
August 2 weeks session 1
Monday, July 27 to Saturday, August 8, 2015
August 2 weeks session 2
Sunday, August 9 to Saturday, August 22, 2015
Jr. Camp July Session 1
Sunday, June 28 to Thursday, July 2, 2015
Jr. Camp July Session 2
Tuesday, July 7 to Saturday, July 11, 2015
Jr. Camp July Session 3
Sunday, July 12 to Thursday, July 16, 2015
Jr. Camp July Session 4
Monday, July 20 to Friday, July 24, 2015
Jr. Camp August Session 1
Monday, July 27 to Friday, July 31, 2015
Jr. Camp August Session 2
Tuesday, August 4 to Saturday, August 8, 2015
Jr. Camp August Session 3
Sunday, August 9 to Thursday, August 13, 2015
Jr. Camp August Session 4
Friday, August 14 to Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Getting To Camp
1. Transportation
A. Bus
We hire a charter bus to transport campers to camp and/or to take campers back to Montreal.
We also provide transportation to and from the Montreal Trudeau International Airport, with one of
our camp vehicles or a rented van. The buses are chaperoned by our staff, who meet the families
and have programs and activities for the campers on the bus. This is a great way for your
daughter to start her stay at camp.
LOCATION: Arrival & Departure & Location
St. Jean & Highway 40
June 28th or July 27th:
2:00 pm - buses LEAVE for Ouareau
Please be at Fairview by 1:30 pm so all campers/parents can be checked-in and all
the luggage can be loaded.
July 12th or August 9th:
9:00 am - buses LEAVE for Ouareau
Please be at Fairview by 8:30 am so all campers/parents can be checked-in and all
the luggage can be loaded.
9:30 am
11:30 am
Bus leaves Ouareau
Arrives at Fairview
B. Car
Camp Ouareau has limited space for parking, so please only use one vehicle when bringing your
daughters to camp.
Driving your child directly to camp:
June 28th or July 27th: - Arrive between 3:00pm - 4:00pm
*Please do not arrive before 3:00pm; if you arrive
before this time we will ask you to come back at the
designated time.
July 12th or August 9th: - Arrive between 10:00am - 11:00am
*Please do not arrive before 10:00am, if you arrive
before this time we will ask you to come back at the
designated time.
Picking up your child at camp:
All Sessions: - Arrive between 10:00am - 11:00am.
*Please do not arrive before 10:00am, and if you
cannot pick up your daughter on time, please give
us a call.
C. Train
Please check the summer train schedule for specific departure and arrival times. There is sometimes
no facility for checking baggage on these trains, so TRUNKS might need to be sent on another train
the day before. Do not forget to give your daughter the claim check if this is the case.
!Arriving in Montreal
Departing from Montreal
!D. Plane
**We meet the campers at Dorval Train Station
(Please try to schedule her arrival between 9:30 am to noon)
**Leaving from Dorval Train Station
(Please try to schedule her departure between 1:00pm to 5:00 pm)
Arrival or Departure at Montreal Trudeau International Airport
Between 10:00am to 12:00pm
Between 2:00pm and 5:00pm
NOTE: Camp is 2 hours from the airport or train station. Do not make airplane or train reservations for
DEPARTURE before 2:00 pm if your daughter is flying internationally or to the USA, as we are two hours from
the airport and she needs to arrive 3 hours in advance to check in.
Getting To Camp
E. Arrival day
1. Our CITs (Counsellors In Training), dressed in bright yellow t-shirts, will be there to greet you at
the camp entrance out by the highway.
2. You will be asked to follow the hand signals of the yellow-shirted CITs at a slow driving speed
down our gravel road.
3. A staff member will greet you and ask you to hand in your daughter’s wellness form, stating
that she is not ill and has not recently been in contact with anyone showing signs of any
contagious disease, as well that you have verified that she does not have lice.
4. Next, you will pull into our luggage drop-off zone, where another CIT will greet you. We will
unload all luggage and label it with your daughter’s cabin/tent name so that our baggage
handlers can bring it down to her cabin/tent for you.
Staff on the buesscorting
5. Then, we ask that you park your car in order to ensure that we can
get all other vehicles through camp in a timely manner. CITs will
direct you to the parking lot, and once your car is parked, you will
meet your daughter’s unit head, who will introduce you to her
The staff m
hter up to
your daug
at time
have a gre
for the bus
6. One of your daughter’s counsellors will bring you down to the
ngs in Fren
cabin or tent so that you can have a look at where your daughter
will be staying, get her settled in, etc. By this point, her luggage
and Eng
and make
has been labeled and heavy items will soon be transported down
to her cabin/tent for her.
sure tha
knows all a
*Note: if it is important to you that you make your daughter's
have once
time she’ll
keep that luggage separate — and with you — to then
a t ca m
walk it down to her cabin or tent.
7. At the end of the drop off period (4pm for June 28th or July 27th or 11am for July 12th or
August 9th) there will be a bell to signify a whole camp meeting in the lodge. This is also the
time for all parents to be leaving camp, if not already gone. We ask that you say your
goodbyes either at your daughter’s cabin/tent, or walk her to the lodge with her cabin mates
and say goodbye there. Please avoid walking with your daughter to the car and saying
goodbyes in the parking lot, as in our experience this can be more difficult for your daughter.
F. Driving Directions
Option #1 - From Montreal
Civic Address
• Hwy # 15, Laurentian Autoroute North
2464 Rte. 125,
• Exit 89, Hwy # 329 (towards St. Donat) Just past Ste.
De La Merci, QC
• Stay RIGHT and follow #329 towards St. Donat
• Travel to the end (approx. 25 km).
• Turn RIGHT on Route #125 (do not go into St. Donat)
• Camp is approx. 7.5 km on your LEFT. 2464 Rte. 125, Notre
Dame De La Merci, QC
• There is a sweeping bend in the highway with a rocky outcrop just before our gate. Keep an
eye out for the Mont Ouareau hiking area, we are just beyond that.
• If you see Chemin St-Guillaume or the Sonic gas station — you have gone too far!
Getting To Camp
Option #2 - From East Montreal
• Take Hwy. # 25 North — this will become Hwy. # 125 North
• Once the highway changes to Hwy. # 125 it will take approx. an hour
• Continue up Hwy. # 125 past the village of Notre Dame De La Merci
• We are on the right hand side, approx. 10 km past Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci
We strongly
• 2464 Rte. 125, Notre Dame De La Merci, QC, J0T 2A0
campers tra
vel to camp
• If you see the Mont Ouareau hiking area on your left – you have gone too
the bus as th
e camp
begins on th
e ride
to camp! Th
Option #3 - From Airport
ey will have
ty to meet ot
• Hwy. # 20 East
campers an
d a couple of
• Hwy. # 13 North
staff membe
rs, learn som
• Hwy. # 640 East
songs and ch
at all the way
Ouareau. W
• Hwy. # 15, Laurentian Autoroute North
e’ve also foun
odbyes are
• Exit 89, Hwy # 329 (towards St. Donat) Just past Ste. Agathe
easier for
parents and
campers whe
• Stay RIGHT and follow #329 towards St. Donat
n it
is less prolon
• Travel to the end (approx. 25 km).
• Turn RIGHT on Route #125 (do not go into St. Donat)
• Camp is approx. 7.5 km on your LEFT. 2464 Rte. 125, Notre Dame De La
Merci, QC
• There is a sweeping bend in the highway with a rocky outcrop just before
our gate. Keep an eye out of the Mont Ouareau hiking area, we are just
beyond that.
• If you see Chemin St-Guillaume or the Sonic gas station — you have
gone too far!
G. Shipping Baggage
If you need to ship your daughter’s luggage to camp, there are two
#1 Bus: Send to 2464 Rte. 125, Notre Dame De La Merci, QC J0T 2A0, with instructions to phone (819-424-2662)
the camp on arrival. We charge a pick up fee since the bus station is a 60 km drive for us.
#2 Courier: DO NOT USE PUROLATOR - they deliver only on Fridays. We recommend UPS.
Parental tip
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
1. Activities
A. Individual choice for each camper
-Camp has four activities per day; two in the morning, and two in the
-Most activities have well established levels that the campers can
work towards completing.
-Completing levels is optional, but strongly encouraged to learn
new skills!
-GOALS: talk to your daughter about her goals for her time at
camp, and which activities you would like her to take.
-Language classes are not chosen; they are assigned by skill level.
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
B. How Campers Choose Activities
- She chooses her own activities every three days.
- Groups will fill out an activity choice form with their counsellors
- To participate in water activities, for her safety, your daughter needs a certain strength in
swimming. We do an evaluation the first full day, but she can continue to retry throughout her
stay at camp to improve her evaluated level:
4 lengths of any stroke
4 lengths of front crawl, 2 of any stroke, 3 minutes treading water
6 lengths of front crawl, 4 of any stroke, 5 minutes treading water.
6 lengths of front crawl, 4 of any stroke, 5 minutes treading water (plus ‘wet
exit’ skills test, done on the first day of activities)
C. List of Activities at Ouareau
Camp Ouareau offers a variety of activities for your daughter. Below is a list of the activities; for
further descriptions of each, please visit our website at
Water Activities
Swimming (details below)
Canoe Trip (details below)
Land Activities
Rock Climbing
Wilderness Survival Skills
Low Ropes (Hebertism)
Expression Activities
Arts & Crafts
!D. Swimming
We offer Red Cross up to Level 10 and Bronze Medallion/Cross courses.
On your Additional Forms, please indicate whether or not you would like
your daughter to be participating in these courses, and discuss your choice with her before
the summer! Please also let us know what level she most recently passed.
E. Language Classes
Campers are evaluated on the basis of their ability to understand and speak their second language. They
are then separated into classes. Our Understanding classes aim to get campers to comprehend the
instructions and day-to-day conversation that happen at camp. Once they are capable of doing so, they
go on to Speaking classes, which teach campers how to answer general questions, express their needs, and
converse with others. If they are considered proficient enough to start communicating with their peers, they
may or may not take our optional Extended classes, which are project-based. All language classes are
aimed to empower campers to function and develop relationships in a bilingual environment, by
emphasizing practical and immediately applicable content.
A. The Language Program
2. Programs
The language program at Ouareau works in several ways. The Language of the Day is an integral part of the
program. The staff work on a cycle where two days are spent speaking entirely in French, and the next two
days are spent speaking entirely in English. On Sundays all instructions are given in both languages, as
Sundays are bilingual. Campers are encouraged to speak the language of the day to the best of their
ability. Approximately 35% of our campers are bilingual, and they can help a fellow camper with translation.
Unless there is an emergency, or a situation where emotional or physical safety is being threatened, our staff
are expected not to translate for the campers. The second way that the language program works is through
cultural immersion. Campers live in cabins or tents with other girls who are French or bilingual, thus allowing
them to interact in both languages throughout the day with their cabin-mates and co-cabin-mates.
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
B. Canoe Tripping & Requirements
D. Overnights
Each camper has an opportunity to go on an
overnight, weather permitting, which means
sleeping out of their usual cabin or tent at a
campsite and cooking breakfast over a campfire.
Groups go on overnights to one of our on-camp
campsites (Dekopis) or to Blueberry Island (a 10minute paddle from camp) (Chipkas & Seniors).
Seniors may also go to Doigs Island (30-45 minute
paddle from camp), weather permitting.
Campers may have the opportunity to experience
canoe trips on several levels, depending on age,
interest, and skills. Campers trip with groups of the
same skill level and age group. Please let your
daughter know in advance that although we try
very hard to satisfy every camper’s desire to trip, we
cannot guarantee a canoe trip for every camper
that is qualified. Our tripping schedule varies
according to the weather, space limitations, and
suitability, therefore postponements and
cancellations do occur. The skill requirements to go
on a canoe trip are outlined below:
• Endurance Paddle - 5 km paddle showing
consistency or strength; ability to paddle on both
• Intermediate Canoe - strong bow strokes, safety,
basic steering.
• Advanced Canoe - accomplished sterner and
advanced bow strokes
• Voyageur Canoe Test - includes assisting in a
canoe-over-canoe rescue, paddle awash,
dumping a canoe, putting on a lifejacket in the
water, shallow water emptying of a swamped
canoe, and deep water re-entry. This must be
repeated every year.
Canoe trips vary in length from 2 days to 5/6 day
trips. The usual size of a trip is 8 campers & 2 staff in 4
canoes, and are generally made up of Chipka and
Senior campers.
E. Evenings, Theme Days & Sundays at Camp
Below are some examples of the programs offered
during the summer
Opening Ceremonies: We have been holding this
ceremony since 1922. This is a quiet campfire to
welcome all to camp and acknowledge the
number of years they have been at camp.
BBQ: On the kitchen staff’s day off, so we have a PJ
breakfast, a normal lunch and a barbecue dinner
at night, provided by our leadership team and
counselling staff.
Unit Night: Each unit does their own evening
program with age-specific activities.
Cow’s Tea: On Saturday nights, the Senior campers
are in charge of the dining room, along with the
kitchen staff. The campers LOVE this meal.
Skit night: Cabin/tent groups are paired together
and do a skit on a theme, rotating between French
and English.
Group night: This is an evening spent together with
your daughter’s cabin/tent and co-cabin/tent
mates as well as the two counsellors doing many
different activities like spas, hikes, crafts and body
painting, just to name a few.
Ouareau Games: Campers spend their session on
one of two teams, Matanak (Red) or Sakhikan
(Blue). We hold camp-wide running games where
they compete for their team’s honour! Capture the
Flag doesn’t hold a candle to these killer games!
Theme day: Held once every two weeks, these are
half-day theme-driven programs.
Bymph’s birthday: The July camp banquet.
Everyone gets to dress up as a friend of Bymph
(Bymph is our camp mascot! Pictured below) and
celebrate his birthday.
Hiking trip (3 days)..............$135
Canoe trip (5 days)............$220
Climbing trip (1 day)............$45
Costs are approximate, it varies
with the number of participants.
C. Hiking Trips
We offer hiking trips throughout the summer. These
trips can be an afternoon, a full day or even as long
as three days in length. Each trip is carefully
planned and well supervised. Generally, we hike
our stunning local mountains (“Lookout”) or in Parc
Mont Tremblant.
We do charge an additional fee for out trips. These
cover extra transportation and park fees. The prices
listed are an approximation and are charged to
your daughter’s trading post. Permission for these
trips needs to be given on the information form.
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
Theatre productions: We have two camper theatre productions performed each month. The first production
is put on by the Dekopis & Chipkas (8 to 13 years old). They present theirs twice; once for us and once for the
parents on Visitor’s Day. We will call to inform you if your daughter is in the theatrical production being
presented on either July 11th or August 8th, 2015.
The second one is put on by the Chipkas & Seniors (12 to 15 years olds) and they present theirs to us just once
before the end of each month session. A Chipka camper (12 & 13 yrs old) can only perform in one theatre
production of the two per month.
Staff theatre production: The staff put on a production for the campers in both July and August camp.
Banquet: The grand finale meal for staff and campers at the end of August camp.
La Roche: We hold a reflective program on Sunday mornings with themes like nature, friendships, world
citizenship, and more. Songs, poems, stories, and contemplative questions allow campers a quiet moment.
Sunday Evening program: An indoor campfire with stories and music, usually echoing the theme of the
morning’s “La Roche” program.
Closing ceremonies: A very creative evening for all. Songs, stories, and candles close our summer in an
extremely special way.
Mailing Requirements
In order to be charged regular postage
fees, please ensure your daughter’s
envelopes are minimum 4x6 inches!
Please do not send large/oversized
envelopes in her stationery kit.
3. Mail
Campers can write posted letters & have the opportunity to write, once a week,
a letter that will be scanned & emailed to you. If anything comes up in a letter
that you are wondering about, please do not hesitate to call us. Our client care
director, Isabelle Carmelo, will assure that this is done; please make sure we
have a working e-mail address on file.
!A. Letters
-Estimated time for a letter to arrive to camp: Montreal 3-4
weekdays, Toronto 5-6 days, up to 8 days from the US and 10 days for international. *If you send a letter by
priority post or express post, please mark “signature not required,” otherwise it will take an extra day to get to
camp. Please keep in mind Canada Post guidelines for envelopes when purchasing stationery for your
B. Fax
You can send your daughter faxes daily. There is a charge of 30 cents per page which is charged to her
Trading Post account. FAX NUMBER: 819-424-4145
C. Courier
UPS comes daily, and Purolator only comes on Fridays.
D. E-mail Service:
Mailing Address
“Your Daugh
ter’s Name”
P.O. Box # 10
Saint Donat,
QC, J0T 2C0
This service is linked with our online registration program and it is unlimited & free of
charge. We offer a secure, easy e-mail service (text only) for our families from any
internet-connected computer.
- You will also be able to share this privilege with relatives and friends with a simple,
easy-to-use, automatic e-mail
- No need to enter cabin name or session, everything is pre-programmed.
- Reuse the same account year after year
- Camp opens one e-mail attachment each morning and then prints the individual emails of each child; her counsellor then gives them out with the rest of the letters
and faxes.
- Your daughter can write a letter once per week, that will be scanned & emailed to you; you can decide, with your
daughter, if you would like to take advantage of this service.
Office Telephone
E. Telephone
- Campers do not use the phones — the exceptions being her or an immediate family member’s birthday.
She may also call on visitor’s day if her parents/guardians are not able to visit.
- If at any time you wish to speak to the director or your daughter’s unit head, you are more than welcome to
call. (819-424-2662)
- For each camper who is attending Ouareau for the first time, their family will receive a phone call from their
daughter’s unit head or our client care director.
- The phone calls will be made after the first 72 hours of camp.
- We will send you an e-survey prior to your daughter’s arrival, asking for your availabilities for this call.
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
G. Care Packages
- It is common for campers to receive many emails, letters, and packages while at camp, though some are
perfectly content to disconnect entirely from home while away.
- Campers love receiving care packages, but please remember do not send food or candies!
- Some great alternatives include a book for Siesta, a colouring book, toys or games to share with her group
mates, a fancy pen, writing paper, a magazine, crossword puzzles, a stuffed animal etc.
H. Social Networking between Campers, CITs & Staff
- Ouareau Staff & CITs have been specifically instructed NOT to have any form of private social networking
with campers: this includes e-mailing, Facebook & Twitter etc.
- If you wish to have your daughter communicate with staff after camp they can do so with your permission
through standard mail. Please send us a quick e-mail or note to the camp office with the name of the staff
you give permission to contact your daughter by standard mail.
- Ouareau has an official Facebook page that campers, CITs & staff can use to communicate with each
other; we are also on Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest… find us everywhere!
4. Visitor’s & Departure Day
A. Explanation
- We have one Visitor’s day per month for our four-week campers on
July 11th or August 8th between 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- Campers are not to have visitors on any other day without permission
of the director — we do not allow casual friends dropping in.
- Campers do not leave with anyone except their parents without written
- On your daughter’s “information form” you can indicate alternative
people you give permission to, to either visit your daughter or to pick up
your daughter at the end of her session.
- Two-week campers do not have a visitor’s day.
- Please try to arrange an alternative in advance, by sending a letter of permission to go out with
another family on visitor’s day, if you cannot visit with your daughter.
B. Schedule of Visitor’s & Departure Day for July 11th & August 8th
10:00 am
Arrival of Parents & Guardians to pick up campers who are departing
Families can pick up luggage for departure, then park your car
Arrival for Visitors (of month campers)
You will be directed to our welcome table, where our staff members can call for your
daughter(s) to be brought to you.
Please take some time to meet your daughter’s counsellor & her unit head.
NOTE: All families, visitors, or those taking their daughter home must check out before you
leave camp. If the person with your daughter is not a parent or guardian, we need written
permission to allow your daughter home or out of camp for a visit.
The programming team & campers invite you to a Sing Song outside the lodge
Presentation of the theatrical production of the first two weeks.
Gabrielle & Jacqui Raill, directors of camp, invite you & your family for cake, ice
cream, tea & coffee in the dining room
Free Swim for all
NOTE: Due to our insurance policy, parents, visitors, guardians, and family other than the
camper are not permitted to use any camp equipment such as the climbing wall or boats.
Time to say goodbye to visitors!
Camp begins again! A bell will be run to indicate that all campers and staff should
head to the lodge for a special evening program for our Month campers.
NOTE: Please assure that you check back in when you bring your daughter back to
NOTE: Families of campers who are departing are more than welcome to stay for the day, if
they wish. Or they can simply pick up their daughter between 10:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
5. Medical Information
A. Medical & Wellness forms
- Be sure to read the medical & wellness forms carefully and fill them
out completely.
- Medical form is due back to camp between April 1st and May 1st. If
your daughter takes prescription medication, have your doctor fill in
the doctor’s portion of the form
- The wellness form is to be brought to camp on your daughter’s arrival.
- Please always provide us with an alternative contact and keep us updated if your contact
information changes while your child is with us. It is also important to advise the camp of any last
minute changes in your daughter’s health.
**Please do not send non-prescribed medication. (ex. Advil, Motrin), we have everything needed**
!B. Health Cards
- There is no need to send her medical card, but we need a valid # and expiry date for all Canadians.
- Camp will pay any fees for your daughter and charge her camp store account accordingly
- Camp will send copies of the bills (for outside-of-Quebec families) so you can be reimbursed.
- Canadian families from out-of-province will be charged for doctor’s fees which can be
reimbursed by your provincial health insurance, but the administrative fee is non-refundable.
!C. Dental
- If your daughter wears any sort of orthodontic appliance, please have it verified before she
comes to camp.
- The closest orthodontist is in Ste. Agathe, a 30 minute drive from camp and we find that they are
sometimes on extended holidays during the summer months.
!D. Medication
- For the camp to dispense prescription medication, it must be provided in a properly labelled
pharmacy bottle or pill pack with the camper’s name, complete instructions and the reason for
the medication clearly indicated.
- All medications, including ointments, must be handed in to the health care
professionals. Inhalers for asthma and EpiPens for bee stings are
the only possible exception, but they must be recorded on your
medication form.
- EpiPens: Please supply camp with two EpiPens. If your daughter
has a food allergy one EpiPen will be kept in our camp kitchen
and the other in the health centre.
!E. Medical Staff at Camp
- We try as much as possible to have a nurse or doctor on site, but
we can’t guarantee this.
- All of our staff have first aid certification and CPR training, and
we have a full time Health Care Professional.
- All canoe, kayak, windsurfing or sailing out-trips have at least
one staff member that is lifeguard trained.
- We are only a ten minute drive from the local CLSC
(Community Health Clinic) in St. Donat.
- The Ste. Agathe hospital is thirty minutes away and there is a
local ambulance service.
- We are an hour and a half away from the Montreal
Children’s Hospital.
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
6. Living Arrangements
A. Cabin & Yukon Tents
- Yukon tents and cabins are equally comfortable and secure — and neither have electricity or
are connected to bathrooms.
- Yukon tents have wooden floors raised off the ground and a double canvas roof. They can be
rolled during the day, which means that the sides are
brought up to welcome in fresh air.
- Cabins have large screened windows that remain open.
Find us o
- “Group Clean Up” is done every day by the campers.
Facebo Twitter and
NOTE: We cannot guarantee placement in one or the other,
“Camp ok under
but the important factor in your daughter’s stay is whom
she’ll live with. Campers live in tents or cabins of 4 or 6 girls.
Staff do not live in the same tent or cabin as the campers;
staff live in nearby cabins scattered all over camp.
B. Units
- We have three units at camp which are divided according
to age.
JUNIOR & DEKOPI: aged 6 - 11 and currently in kindergarten
to grade 5 (“Dekopi” means “the mountains”)
CHIPKA: aged 12 (by December 31st, 2015) + 13 and
currently in grades 6 or 7 (“Chipka” means “hug a tree”)
SENIOR: aged 14 (by December 31st, 2015) to 16, currently in
grades 8 to 11
- Campers are placed with other campers of their own age group within one year of each other.
- Each unit has a “Unit Head” who is responsible for the health and happiness of all the campers
and counsellors in her unit.
- If you have any questions about your daughter please do not hesitate to call and ask for your
daughter’s unit head. If she is not available a message will be given to her. Isabelle Carmelo, our
client care director, can also answer any of your questions.
Our Client Care
w parents to
date on
keep you up to
anything that’s
with your da
Isabelle Carmelo
C. Dining Room
-We have a family style dining room where campers sit at round
or rectangular tables with other campers from their unit (not
necessarily their cabin mates) and with a few staff and/or CITs.
-Campers must respect the language of the day during meals
-Campers sit alternately by language to encourage speaking
their second language during meals.
-Campers’ table arrangements change every week.
-There is a fun tendency to break out in song in the dining room
which can make meal time quite exciting — each table has
song sheets so everyone can follow along!
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
D. Food
- Our chef Joe has been feeding our Ouareau girls for more than 15 years.
- The meals he provides to camp are home-made, well-balanced, nutritious and camperfriendly!
- We have vegetarian options for each meal.
- If any of your daughter’s dietary needs change after filling out your application form, please let
us know!
- Campers have the opportunity to get tuck (candy) three times a week after dinner.
- We do not allow campers to keep candy or any food in their living space, as it attracts animals.
- We have to discard all food that campers bring or that is sent in a care package, so please
ensure that your daughter is food/candy-free!
E. Bathroom & Showers
- We have two bathroom facilities, one on each side of the camp
- There are also two shower facilities. Each camper must have a shower twice a week during
Siesta, but she can have a shower each day during Cultiva, after fourth period.
Diversity Atmosphere Respect Esteem
All of our campers participate
in a community-living
agreement, which consists of
the following concepts:
1. Are all my actions
accepting of DIVERSITY?
2. Are all my actions ensuring
the protection of Ouareau’s
3. Are all my actions
RESPECTING the physical
and emotional safety of
others and myself?
4. Are all my actions
promoting self-ESTEEM?
7. Staff & CITs
A. Staff
-Our staff are highly qualified and experienced. Most are
bilingual college/university students or recent graduates.
-We have approx. sixty staff between the ages of 17 and 25.
-Our camper-to-staff ratio is 3:1.
-Many of our younger Resource Staff (especially our 17 year old
staff) are previous campers who have completed our twomonth CIT (Counsellor In Training**see below for more info)
-We have a thorough pre-camp staff training period before the
campers arrive.
-Training sessions are held in camper characteristics, health &
safety, emergency procedures; we also do specific activity
training, and certification courses for lifeguards and rock
climbing staff.
-Our training period helps to knit our staff into a cohesive team.
-All summer staff, with a few exceptions, are in charge of a
cabin/tent group. This means that our activity specialists double
as cabin/tent counsellors.
-Our staff are focused on the well-being of our campers, and
truly work together to make the camp environment exciting,
fun, safe, and nurturing.
B. C.I.T. (Counsellor In Training) Program
- Girls who are 16 years of age by July 1st of the year they apply
are eligible to be considered for the Counsellor in Training
Program of that summer.
-We select approximately 10 to 20 participants for the CIT
program each summer. Applications are sent out in November
and places are confirmed by mid-January.
-16 year olds can return to Ouareau as campers if they feel
they are not ready for the CIT program.
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
CIT selection is based on:
• Leadership ability and compatibility with others
• Activity skills, Bronze Cross, Advanced canoeing
• Skill in any other major camp activities
• Sincere interest in becoming a Ouareau counsellor
• Ability to function in her second language
The two-month program is under the supervision of the CIT Coordinator(s)
and the Camp Director. The program cost is the full fee for a one month stay
at camp, plus added training & trip fees.
This course includes:
• Learning how to teach skills, including practical experience in teaching
and improving personal skills
• Working with cabin/tent groups on the counsellor’s day off
• Child psychology
• Leadership and Team building skills
• History and philosophy of camping
• Camping standards and organization
• Wilderness first aid 16 hour course
• A major canoe trip (5 or 6 days) with emphasis on leadership skills
A girl who is interested in working towards a counselling career should be developing her skills while she is still a
camper. Acceptance as a CIT does not guarantee a counselling position.
Quebec Camping Association Standards allow us to have a maximum of 30% of our staff be 17 years old,
meaning that a second selection process must follow the CIT program the following summer to choose our 17
year-old staff.
8. Financial Matters
- A payment of $500.00 (dated the day you make the application) must accompany the
application form, or $100.00 for a five-day session (Junior Camp)
- A post-dated payment (dated April 1st of year of stay) must be received within 10 days of your
daughter’s acceptance to camp.
- We accept credit cards, cheques or money orders, but our preferred method of payment is by
Interac e-transfer.
- All prices are quoted in Canadian funds. Please note: no discount or refund is made for late arrival
or early departure.
- In exceptional circumstances the Director reserves the right to expel a camper for major
misconduct in which case camp fees will not be refunded.
Sister Discount
- We offer a 10% discount for an additional sister (Note: where sisters are attending camp for
different periods of time, the discount applies to the shorter period).
- A rebate on fees will be given for referrals that result in a new family attending camp.
Rebates will be credited to your account at the end of summer, and appear on your final
summer invoice.
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
B. Transportation Costs
Camp Bus Fee to or from Montreal (Fairview Plaza)
Airport-Train Escort and Camp Bus Fee to or from Montreal
Special Trip to or from Montreal
C. Refunds
It is important to understand that last minute cancellations affect Camp Ouareau more than most camps. We
accept registrations in such a way to try to ensure that there are English-speaking campers and Frenchspeaking campers in each cabin or tent group. This makes it extremely difficult to fill last minute openings.
- In the case of cancellation before March 1st, there will be a refund of $350.00 and a forfeit of $150.00.
- After this date, the full deposit of $500.00 is forfeited.
- Cancellation after April 1st will result in complete forfeiture of fees.
!D. Camper Regulations & Camp Policies
-Campers are not to go to the beach area without a staff member
-Campers are not to go into each others' cabin or tents
-Campers are not to go into any staff or CIT cabin.
-Campers are not to go to the Hebertism area or the Climbing wall without
a staff member.
-Campers are to stay within the boundaries of camp; these are shown to
them on the first day of camp
-All medications are to be handed into the office upon arrival to camp
-All electronic devices are to be handed in upon arrival. Ex: cell phones, MP3
players etc. -No profanity allowed, verbally or printed on clothing, etc.
*No camper will physically or verbally abuse any other camper, CIT or staff
*No camper may possess or use cigarettes or alcohol or any non-medicinal
!E. Bymph’s Depanneur
The last two points are considered major misconduct, in which case the camper will be expelled from camp
without any refunds.
Bymph’s Depanneur is our “camp store,” where your daughter can buy items that she needs,
toothbrush, shampoo etc. The camp store deposit appears on your statement. $50 for two weeks,
$100 for 4 weeks. On the “Additional Information Form” you can indicate which purchases over
$5.00 you authorize your daughter to make.
What things can be charged to my daughters trading post account?:
• Anything that your daughter may buy at the “camp store” (see last page of this guide for list of possible items).
• Charges for canoe, climbing and hiking trips that require transportation, and park fees.
• Transportation to & from Montreal if she comes to camp by bus, plane or train.
• Medical expenses not covered by Camp Ouareau.
• Camp clothing ordered from our website (by May 1st).
• Faxes
• Clothing that is left behind that we mail to you. NOTE: We e-mail to see if you want these items sent back or not
• The remaining balance will be credited to your card, donated to our Campership fund, or returned to you. You will be
invoiced if more than the deposited amount is spent.
A detailed record of your daughter’s camp store account will be mailed to you in the fall.
Campers do not need money while at camp.
NOTE: Unless she is traveling to and from camp by plane or train and needs money for her traveling,
please do not send money with her.
While Your Daughter Is At Camp
F. Items that may be sold at “Bymph’s Depanneur” or Camp Store
Product Name
Product Name
After Bite
Bandannas (2)
Batteries (9V)
Batteries (AA)
Batteries (AAA)
Batteries (C)
Ear Plugs (swim)
Ear Plugs (wax)
Embroidery Floss
Envelopes each
Fax (per page)
Nail Clippers
Water Bottle
Lip Balm
Sanitary Napkins
Song Book
Stamps (CAN)
Stamps (INT)
Stamps (USA)
Goggles (swim)
Hair Brush
Hair Elastics (10)
Kleenex (Large)
Kleenex (Small)
Ouareau Pennant
Swim Tests
Tampons (6)
Map of Camp (poster)
*these are estimated rates based on
current Canada Post information
NOTE: Prices are pre-tax amounts and are subject to change
94 years young
Jeune depuis 94 ans