2016 April, May, June Angel Letter


2016 April, May, June Angel Letter
End-Time Handmaidens, Inc.
International Headquarters • P.O. Box 447 • Jasper, Arkansas 72641-0447 • U.S.A. • Telephone (870) 446-2252 • Fax (870) 446-2259
A Tax-Exempt, Non-Profit, Interdenominational Missionary Ministry
Website: www.eth-s.org • Email: [email protected]
Sharon E. Buss, M.Min., President
E. Buss,
J. Buss,
Vice President
Vice President
Gwen R. Shaw, Ph.D., Founder
Gwen R. Shaw, Ph.D., Founder (1924-2013)
April/May/June, 2016
Dearly Beloved,
World Convention News: We hope that August 1-5, 2016 is on your calendar for the End-Time Handmaidens and
Servants 38th World Convention in Springfield, Missouri at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Oasis Convention Center.
A Vision from God for Springfield, Missouri: Rachel Sizelove and her husband, Josie, were Free Methodist
evangelists who went to Azusa Street in 1906 and were filled with the Holy Spirit. They brought the Blessing to
Springfield, Missouri, and started the first Pentecostal work there. I want to share with you a vision Rachel had about
a year before the formation of the Assemblies of God. I’m quoting from the book The Sparkling Fountain, a history of
Pentecost in Springfield, by Fred T. Corum. He recalls his Aunt Rachel with “a holy glow upon her countenance...she...
said, ‘I’ve been in the presence of the Lord, and I saw the Lord sounding a bugle for the angels of heaven to go and do
battle for the city of Springfield.’ She saw the angels come down and battle and conquer. And the Lord spoke and said,
‘I’m going to do a work in Springfield that will astonish the world.’ Then God showed her a great crystal fountain of
pure water bubbling up out of the city of Springfield. She told us that in her vision, healing waters flowed out over the
whole land. They flowed to the four points of the compass and covered the entire earth. ”
We can plainly see how God has brought that vision to pass through the many, many of His people who have been sent
throughout the world from the Headquarters of the Assemblies of God in Springfield, and have brought multitudes to
Jesus, building the Kingdom of God in the earth. And we deeply honour His handiwork! Even the name “Springfield”
evokes a picture of water springing up in a fertile field, refreshing the harvesters!
Theme: “The Fountain of Living Waters!” As the Lord led us to Springfield for this event, I began to ponder
and seek the Lord for His theme. I remembered Rachel Sizelove’s vision and searched the scriptures. I felt the theme was
to be: “The Fountain of Living Waters.” I believe that we will have an opportunity to drink and soak in the Presence of
the Lord in this gathering together unto Him, our Fountain of Living Waters! Come for a refreshing! Come get your sickle
sharpened for the Harvest! Come and receive your marching orders for the next season on God’s calendar!
Speakers: God has so beautifully led us in lining up the speakers for His event. Etienne Blom, is a seer from South
Africa, who is being used of God in a powerful way in the nations. Karen Dunham, is a remarkable woman of God
who is being used by Him to bring His move among the Palestinians. Dr. Sam Matthews, carries the anointing of Rees
Howells for preaching and intercession. Sigi Oblander, Sister Gwen’s co-worker from the 1970’s and early 80’s, is
deeply anointed to open profound things out of the Word of God. Mark Bristow, moves in a healing anointing since he
sat under Kathryn Kuhlman’s ministry in the 1970’s. Eva Dooley, is a powerfully anointed woman of God from Greece
with an outstanding prophetic gift. Clay Nash, is a revivalist from Arkansas with a mantle from Evan Roberts.
Children’s and Youth Ministry: Stephanie Schureman, the author of the children’s book, Here I Am, The One
You Love, and leader of “Fire Camp,” will minister to our younger children (5-12), presenting the Holy Spirit as our
Friend, teaching them to hear His voice, how to interpret their dreams, and more. So bring your children and grandchildren
to be filled up at “The Fountain of Living Waters!” Pastors Don and Catherine James will be in charge of the youth 1218, bringing in special speakers and drawing the youth into a deeper walk with God. A nursery will also be available.
Make your reservations by calling the Ramada Plaza toll-free number: (888) 532-4338. Be sure to mention that
you are attending the End-Time Handmaidens and Servants World Convention so you can get the reduced rate of $89
(plus tax). It includes a hot buffet breakfast, and nearly all the rooms have a coffee pot, refrigerator, and microwave.
Banquet: We’ve never before had to pre-pay a portion of the convention expenses prior to our arrival, but this time
we do. So we are really encouraging you to pre-register (see enclosed form or go to our website), not only so that we will
have the wherewithal to pay the deposit, but also to give you the opportunity to make a reservation for the banquet we will
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy
...and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.” (Acts 2:17, 18)
have prior to the closing service. You will have your choice of Chicken Parmesan or Roast Beef, with a signature
salad, chef’s starch and vegetable, warm rolls with butter, chef’s dessert, and freshly brewed regular and decaffeinated
coffee, and iced tea. We have to let the chef know before you arrive at the Convention how many will attend the banquet
and which entrée they want. So please pre-register and help us give the chef a good count on the meals.
Prayer Request: If you have been to the World Convention in recent years, you will remember what wonderful
hospitality we experienced at the St. Louis Airport Marriott Hotel. Many of our attendees were used by God to make
an impact on the staff. As of this time, they haven’t yet been able to fill the dates that they had been holding for us.
We felt very strongly that the Lord was leading us to leave there this year, so we had to obey, but I feel that the Lord’s
reputation is at stake here. Please agree with us, that unless there would be some sort of danger involved to do so, God
will send a good, godly piece of business to bless the Marriott and fill the July dates that they have open. We want to
leave a blessing behind us and show the staff there that God cares for them!
Attain New Levels: It’s time to step up! No matter if you are newly saved, or if you have been walking with the
Lord all your life, it’s time to come up to a new level in God. We must have a higher level of authority, which comes
from a more intense level of intimacy with God. As I have lately been reading the biographies of two great intercessors,
Praying Hyde, and Rees Howells (see the enclosed book ads), I’m struck by the depth of commitment, and the extreme
obedience in the smallest issue that God would bring up to them to set them free from self. In our society, one might
even think it was harsh. But that is a part of the price of a costly anointing. Being consecrated to God, set apart to serve
Him alone, is costly. You lose all right to yourself — our lives are not our own, we have been bought with a price (1
Corinthians 6:19-20). When God takes ownership — when we really make Him Lord, we don’t get to run our own
lives anymore. The days in which we are living, and the days that are shortly to come, require a lifestyle of extreme
obedience. Only extreme obedience will qualify us for the extreme miraculous. And we are going to need to have the
extreme miraculous operating in our lives!
These will be the best of times, and the worst of times. The conditions will be the seedbed for the manifestation of the
sons of God (Romans 8:19). Everything will be extreme! The world has already been prophesying to us with Xtreme
sports, Xtreme music, Xtreme vehicles, and lots of other extreme things. It seems that the earth itself is experiencing
extreme weather, earthquakes, and volcanoes. The real reason for “global warming” is that Hell is enlarging its borders
because the sin and the degradation of humanity have become so extreme. Breaking extreme poverty, extreme greed, extreme sin, extreme darkness, etc. calls for an extreme outpouring of the
Holy Spirit! We must become more extreme in our dedication, our consecration, our laying down of self, in order to
allow our Extreme Creator, our Extreme Saviour, our Extreme Soon-Coming King to live His life in us and through us!
He will give us the extreme grace that we need to be overcomers and bring Him extreme glory! The extreme love of
God that provided the extreme sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ will conquer all extreme darkness!
Our founder, Sister Gwen Shaw, composed our End-Time Handmaidens and Servants theme chorus many years ago. It
is a prayer birthed out of an extreme desire to be used of God:
Let the love of my God shine through me,
Let the beauty of Jesus men see.
Let the pattern of the Son be the one,
The only one that men will see in me.
God wants to make us a fountain of His love — a fountain of living waters, that brings life to those around us. The Lord
is kind and gracious, and His love, according to 1 Corinthians 13, is also kind. If He lives inside of us and is Lord, then
His lovingkindness and tender mercies should be the natural outflow of His Presence within us. Sadly most of us are
way too easily offended and we have difficulty loving the unlovely. Quirkiness, individuality, and differences of opinion
cause us to put up walls to keep people out.
Individuality: In his book, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers refers to the difference between
personality (the God-designed you) and individuality (the self life). “Individuality is the husk of the personal life.
Individuality is all elbows, it separates and isolates. It is the characteristic of the child and rightly so; but if we mistake
individuality for the personal life, we will remain isolated. The shell of individuality is God’s created natural covering
for the protection of the personal life; but individuality must go in order that the personal life may come out and be
brought into fellowship with God. Individuality counterfeits personality as lust counterfeits love. God designed human
nature for Himself; individuality debases human nature for itself.
“The characteristics of individuality are independence and self-assertiveness. It is the continual assertion of individuality
that hinders our spiritual life more than anything else. If you say — ‘I cannot believe,’ it is because individuality never
can believe. Personality cannot help believing. Watch yourself when the Spirit of God is at work. He pushes you to the
margins of your individuality, and you have either to say — ‘I shan’t,’ or to surrender, to break the husk of individuality
and let the personal life emerge. The Holy Spirit narrows it down every time to one thing (cf. Matthew 5:23-24). The
thing in you that will not be reconciled to your brother is your individuality. God wants to bring you into union with
Himself, but unless you are willing to give up your right to yourself He cannot. ‘Let him deny himself’ — deny his
independent right to himself, then the real life has a chance to grow.”
A Landmark: I had a lovely birthday on April 14th. Thank you to all who sent greetings and birthday wishes. I
appreciate your kindness and love! I’ve been thinking about a very significant, life-changing event that happened to
me just days after my 18th birthday. On Sunday, April 17, I decided to track down the day on the 1976 calendar to find
out exactly what the date was. I found that it had happened on the 17th, so I felt to record some thoughts about it in my
journal and I want to share them you:
April 17, 2016. Forty years ago today at a women’s luncheon in Brighton, Michigan, where Sister Gwen was speaking, I heard God
say, “I want you: I want you 100%, and I want you right now!” I said, “Yes,” and in my limited understanding, I thought I gave myself
100%. At the time, I understood it to mean that I was going to serve God in a full-time capacity in a ministry of some sort.
Through the years, I have discovered that 100% is deeper than what I had already given Him, and each time He has brought up the
subject, I again said, “Yes.” And the consecration became more complete.
Tonight Philip and I watched the DVD of the third session of the “Arise Intercessors” event with Dr. Sam Matthews that we missed
due to being in Nigeria. I have gained a new understanding of what 100% means. [I highly encourage you to get the recordings!!!]
The Lord has invested a great deal in us: purchasing our salvation, healing, and restoration to Kingdom standards through the
blood soaked sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. The question has come to me: What kind of “Return On Investment” is our Father
anticipating and expecting? Are we allowing Him to be Lord? Are we obeying His Word and His Voice? Are we allowing Him to
develop the character of Christ in us with the evidence of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit?
When an investor invests in property, stocks, bonds, or in a start-up business, he is expecting to receive back all that he invested with
a profit. Are we becoming profitable to our Father? Is His Kingdom being manifested in our lives? Are we becoming mature sons that
can run the family business the way Father intended?
Lord, I repent of the compromise with the world, the flesh, and the devil that I have allowed in my life that has kept me from growing
to the stature I should have attained by this time. I am grateful for the angel You have assigned that brings everything I/we need.
Please help me overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of my testimony. I choose to love You more than life all the way
through each death to self daily, by Your grace! Thank You, Lord!
The King’s Treasury: When the Lord was dealing with Rees Howells about his finances, He said “ ‘I want you to
be a steward and not an owner. Will you give up all claim on your money to Me?’ Rees did not understand this. Was not
his money already the Lord’s? The Lord then showed him his position. He had previously faced the fact that he could
not ask God to meet a need if he could supply it himself. So all his money had actually been spent on the Lord’s work.
But it was still his money, and he had the joy of giving it, and the right to give or withhold. ‘In future, as a steward,’ the
Lord said, ‘you will not have the right even to give without My permission. And not a penny of My money will be spent
except on essentials.’ Explaining what he meant by this, the Lord asked him, ‘If you had a family of children who were
without food or clothing, would you spend a penny on the daily paper, or on any non-essential?’ ‘No.’ ‘Well, the world is
My parish, and while there is one person needing the necessities of life, you will not spend a penny on anything else.’ ”
After he made this consecration, the enemy began to taunt him that he would be worse off than a man in the local jail.
“ ‘He gets a little which he can spend when he comes out, but you will never have a penny.’ ‘Yes,’ answered Rees, ‘but
remember this — I did it by choice.’ The moment he said that, ‘it seemed as if the whole heavens were illuminated,’ and
the Holy Spirit said to him, ‘Let me tell you what you have done. To-night I have grafted you into the Vine, and all the
sap can flow through you. You are a branch in the Saviour. The branch gets nothing — it is the needy that get the fruit.
But after to-night, from this place of abiding, whatever the Father wants to pour out to the world through you He can
do so. “Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit.” Because you have done this for Me, you are no longer a
servant, but I have called you a friend.’ ”
He goes on to explain how he was tested in this for the next eighteen months, and how the Lord then raised up a man
who often heard from God to send finances at the precise time when Rees was praying for them, as the Lord did not
allow Rees to ask for funds.
I am of the conviction that Hudson Taylor was right when he said, “God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s
supply.” We have been cutting expenses down to the essentials, giving to the poor, and trying to obey God in every way
He leads. “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be
made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6). We have prayed much about our financial needs and have tried to keep from
making them known to people, trusting God. But I felt that He was leading me to two scriptural principles:
1) The King can give orders to receive offerings to make repairs: “Jehoash said to the priests, ‘All the money for
the dedicated things which is brought into the house of the Lord, in current money, both the money of each man’s
assessment [for all those bound by vows], and all the money which any man’s heart prompts him to bring into the
house (temple) of the Lord, let the priests receive such contributions for themselves, each from his acquaintance; and
they shall repair any breach in the house of the Lord, wherever a breach is found’ ” (2 Kings 12:4-5, AMP).
2) God provided a “temple tax” for the upkeep of His House in Exodus 30:12-16. Every man, 20 years old and up,
whether rich or poor, was to give a half shekel for the service of the Lord’s Tabernacle.
Work Week: June 6-10 is scheduled to be our Engeltal Work Week and several have volunteered to come and make
repairs in Engeltal. But there is no point in them coming if we don’t have the materials they need to make the repairs. If
you have a vow to the Lord that you haven’t paid, please obey Him and send it, and if your heart prompts you to bring
an offering for the repair and upkeep of Engeltal, please be prompt and bring it or send it. Whether it is to purchase a 2”
x 4” (about $2.49) or a new roof for one of the houses ($4500) or a bucket of paint ($30 for interior, $45 for exterior), or
siding for one of the houses ($350), every gift will be received with gratitude. This is only a small sample of the needs
to give you an idea of how you can participate in making needed improvements in the Valley of the Angels.
The Arkansas Trail of Hope Tour began in July 2015 as a series of worship nights through the state of
Arkansas for equipping, aligning, and empowering the saints in Arkansas for the turning of this nation back to God.
The river of God’s Spirit is rising up in Arkansas, and the Lord led that an event should be held at our Ozark Glory
Tabernacle, May 6-7 (two meetings). Dutch Sheets came to minister in this great event in which we partnered with the
intercessors and worshippers of Arkansas, for God’s purposes. Don’t miss the recordings (see the enclosed ad).
Thank you! Thank you to each one who has been faithful to send help on a monthly basis! We appreciate your
faithfulness, no matter the size of the gift! We are truly grateful to God for you and your heart toward Him.
Your handmaiden,
Subject to Change by the Holy Spirit
• June 6-10, 2016 — Work Week at Engeltal. Bring your skills and tools and give us a hand!
Contact Morgan McCasland (217) 691-6411. Email: [email protected]
• July 17-20, 2016 — Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle Camp, 11352 Heflin Lane, Ashland, VA 23005
(804) 798-7756. Email: [email protected]
• August 1-5, 2016 — World Convention, Ramada Plaza Hotel & Oasis Convention Center, Springfield, MO.
Call (888) 532-4338 to make reservations. Mention you are attending the ETH&S World
Convention to get the discounted room rate of $89 plus tax for 1-4 persons in the room.
• September 22-25 — ETH&S East London, South Africa Convention
• September 28-October 2, —ETH&S Cape Town, South Africa Convention
Calling all revivalists,
intercessors, and
hungry hearts!
You are invited
to attend this lifechanging event!
Meet with God!
Connect with the
people you need to
subject to change by the Holy Ghost
End-Time Handmaidens and Servants
38th World Convention
“The Fountain
of Living Waters”
Monday, August 1 – Friday, August 5, 2016
Ramada Plaza Hotel and Oasis Convention Center
2546 N. Glenstone • Springfield, MO 65803
Sunday, July 31, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Pre-Glow Meeting
Monday, August 1, 2016
10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Opening Service
Room Rate for 1-4 persons is $89.00/per night plus taxes. Book by July 8!
Tuesday-Thursday August 2-4
7:00 a.m.
Prayer Time
9:30 a.m.
Morning Service
3:30 p.m.
Bible Study
7:00 p.m.
Evening Service
To make hotel reservations
Call Ramada Plaza Reservations toll free at 1 (888) 532-4338 or (417) 866-5253.
Mention that you are attending the End-Time Handmaidens and Servants World Convention.
Friday August 5, 2016
7:00 a.m.
Prayer Time
9:30 a.m.
Morning Service
5:30 p.m.
immediately followed by Holy
Communion and Closing Service
Parking is free
For more information contact: End-Time Handmaidens. Inc.
P.O. Box 447 • Jasper, AR 72641 • Tel. (870) 446-2252 • [email protected]
Register for the Convention online at www.eth-s.org
Speakers include:
Sharon Buss,
President of
and Servants,
Etienne Blom,
a seer from
South Africa,
who is
powerfully used
of God in the
Eva Dooley,
a powerfully
woman of
God from
Greece with
an outstanding
prophetic gift.
Mark Bristow, Sam Matthews, Karen Dunham,
who carries the
who moves
a remarkable
anointing of
in a healing
woman of God
Rees Howells for who is being
preaching and used by Him to
since he sat
under Kathryn
bring His move
among the
ministry in the
Everyone is welcome!
Sigi Oblander,
who is deeply
anointed to
open profound
things out of the
Word of God.
Clay Nash, a
revivalist from
Arkansas with
a mantle from
Evan Roberts.
Making your plans...
If you are driving, the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Oasis
Convention Center is conveniently located about
three blocks from I-44 at exit 80. The hotel is within
walking distance of a wide selection of restaurants,
Walmart Supercenter, and a golf course.
Parking: Free.
Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet served daily in
the tropical atrium from 6am-10am.
Ramada Plaza Hotel and Oasis Convention Center
2546 N. Glenstone • Springfield, MO 65803
Telephone: (417) 866-5253 • Reservations (888) 532-4338
When making reservations, mention
End-Time Handmaidens & Servants Convention
to receive our group rate.
If you plan to fly, the hotel is eleven miles from the
Springfield airport, and they have a complimentary
shuttle service to pick you up from the airport. (The airport
code is SGF—there are over 20 cities by the name of
Springfield in this country. Make sure you fly to the right
one!) You also may find better pricing to fly into St. Louis
or Kansas City and rent a car to drive to Springfield.
Musicians include:
Philip and Sharon Buss
Don’t miss the banquet Friday evening
before the closing service!
Jimmie Black
Scott and Carolyn Buss
Youth and Children’s Meetings:
The youth and children will be dismissed from the morning and
evening meetings after the song service, etc., to go to their
classes. Pastor Don James oversees this area of the ministry.
Pastor Catherine James is in charge of the youth 12-18, bringing in
special speakers and drawing the youth into a deeper walk with God.
Stephanie Schureman, the author of the children’s book, Here I
Am, The One You Love, and leader of “Fire Camp,” will minister to
our younger children (5-12), presenting the Holy Spirit as our Friend,
teaching them to hear His voice, how to interpret their dreams, and
more. So bring your children and grandchildren to be filled up at “The
Fountain of Living Waters!”
A nursery is also available for infants and toddlers.
Claren and Nancy McQueen
Mark Bristow
End-Time Handmaidens and Servants
38th World Convention
Ramada Plaza Hotel and Oasis Convention Center — August 1-5, 2016
Pre-Registration Fees Before July 22, 2016: Individual Adult $30.00 each (After July 22: Individual Adult $50.00)
Age 0-17 yrs $5.00 each – up to 3 children, 4th child or more free
I will be staying at the Ramada r
I will be staying elsewhere r _______________________
I will be staying at the Ramada r
I will be staying elsewhere r ______________________
Translation r
Book Table r
Language ____________
Usher r Youth r Media Dept. r
Host/Hostess r Altar Ministry r
Translation r Language ____________
Book Table r Usher r Youth r Media Dept. r
Registrationr Host/Hostess r Altar Ministry r
BANQUET (Friday at 5:00 p.m.
prior to the closing meeting)
I want the chicken dinner r ($30, includes gratuity)
I want the roast beef dinner r ($30, includes gratuity)
I won't attend the banquet, but will attend the meeting r
I have to leave before the Friday night meeting r
NAME: (for name tag)
FULL NAME:(if different than above)
I want the chicken dinner r ($30, includes gratuity)
I want the roast beef dinner r ($30, includes gratuity)
I won't attend the banquet, but will attend the meeting r
I have to leave before the Friday night meeting r
FULL NAME (as printed on name tag)
PRE-REGISTRATION FEES (July 22 or before): Adult $30 each
Age 0-17 yr $5 each up to 3 children–4th child or more free
BANQUET: $30 per person.
ALL parents MUST serve as a volunteer in Children’s Ministry for
one session during the Convention.
A CHILD CARE INFORMATION Form MUST also be completed
for EACH CHILD attending the Convention. This form will
be available to you at the registration table at the World
Send check payable to: End-Time Handmaidens, Inc. r - OR - Please charge my credit card: Visa r • MasterCard r • Discover r • American Express r
Name on Card: ____________________________________________________________
Exp. Date:
CVV2 #: _________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________
Please register online or return this form by July 22, 2016 to: End-Time Handmaidens Inc. • PO Box 447 • Jasper, AR 72641-0447, USA
www.eth-s.org • Telephone: (870) 446-2252 • Fax: (870) 446-2259 • Email: [email protected]
Books that Will Help You Gain the Victory in Prayer!
OPERATING IN THE COURTS OF HEAVEN by Robert Henderson. Why do some people pray in agreement
with God’s will, heart and timing, and yet the desired answers do not come? Why would God not respond
when we pray from the earnestness of our hearts? The answer is found in where our prayer actually takes
place. We must direct our prayer towards the Courtrooms of Heaven and not only the battlefield. It is in the
Courtrooms of Heaven where our breakthroughs can be found. When we learn to operate there we will see
our answers unlocked and released. This book will teach you the legal processes of Heaven and your place
in it. When we get off the battlefield and into the courtroom we can grant God the legal right to fulfill His
passion and answer our prayers…………………………….……… #054550 $15.99
REES HOWELLS, INTERCESSOR by Norman Grubb. A MUST read for intercessors!!! How did the faith
and prayers of a humble coal miner affect the course of World War II? Rees Howells was a man uniquely
taught of God who found the key to prevailing prayer, became the channel of a mighty revival in Africa, was
taught the principles of divine healing, and progressed even further in faith until world events were affected
by his prayers. Learn the secrets of living in the intimacy with God that will affect change... #045602 $12.99
SAMUEL REES HOWELLS, A Life of Intercession by Richard Maton.
Rees Howells taught his son Samuel the principles of intercession and commissioned him some weeks
before his death, stating, “Whatever you do, stand and maintain these intercessions.” For the next fifty-four
years, Samuel Rees Howells exercised a powerful intercessory ministry as he focused on prayer in Gospel
liberty, in order for the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be given to every creature. Learn how
God still intervenes in world history, from the Korean War to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and from the Six-Day
War to the fall of the Soviet Union! This book provides a fascinating insight into what is possible when the
Holy Spirit finds an individual who will stand in the gap and become a channel for His intercession. Be a part
of the shifting of world events—be an intercessor!........................... #077150 $16.00
PRAYING HYDE edited by Captain E.G. Carrè. A deeply moving biography of a joyful intercessor, whose
life of prayer brought thousands of souls into the Kingdom of God in India. John Hyde’s prayer life ranks in
a league with the prayer lives of Andrew Murray, George Mueller, Charles Finney, Frank Bartleman, Rees
Howells, Evan Roberts and other prayer warriors of church history. If you wish to learn to pray effectively,
you can have no better example than the life of John Hyde. A compilation of accounts of his life by several
authors................................................................................................................................... #020302 $14.99
HOW YOU CAN PRAY IN THE END OF DAYS by Dr. Billye Brim. Billye Brim has now written the book
Kenneth E. Hagin prophesied in the early 1980’s that she must write! In this time that the Bible calls “the end
of days,” the Lord needs the Body of Christ to work with Him and to pray the plans of God into the earth.
This book will teach you about Awakenings and how to pray for them, ruling over Satan and the kingdom of
darkness, how to pray for Israel, and more...................................… #012802 $10.00
THE LORD IN THE FIRES by James Maloney. Presented with the candor, insight, and humor that have
become the hallmarks of his previous books, this is a unique teaching on the concept of being baptized with
fire. Rather than burn us to cinders, the Spirit of God wants to set us ablaze, to fashion His people into fire
brands in His hand, instigating radical change in everyone around us by increasing their awe of the God we
serve. This book is like no other book you’ve read on intimacy with God, the fear of the Lord, and the testings
of our faith. Jesus promises, “Everyone will be seasoned with fire” (Matthew 9:49). The question is: will you
allow the Lord in the fires to increase your awe in Him, or will you let your circumstances burn you as chaff?
...................................................................................................................................................#076555 $13.95
Press in for the Ministry of Healing!
CHRIST THE HEALER by F.F. Bosworth. God is not just able to heal, He is willing! The Lord is gracious and
compassionate, and He longs to give you all the blessings of redemption, including physical healing. Why is
this blessing of divine healing the source of so much confusion in the church? What does the Bible really say
about healing? Carefully search the Scriptures for answers to perplexing questions like these. Faith begins
where the will of God is known. By understanding God’s will for your healing, you can live in the fullness of your
salvation in Christ – spirit, soul, and body…..................................…….#012101 $13.99
HEALED WITHOUT SCARS by David Evans. For years, the author has helped
people from all walks of life learn how to live in victory. In this book, he will guide
you to a joyful life of wholeness in Christ as you learn that you can be healed
without scars! Have you been hurt by past disappointment, fear, rejection, abandonment, or failure?
If so, you’ve probably learned that time doesn’t necessarily heal all wounds. When pain from the past
lingers in your life and causes emotional scars, you need to understand that God is always ready to
help you be healed….....................................................................................................#034201 $12.99
The Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ!
The Power of the Precious Blood: A Bible Study on the Blood of Jesus Christ —
by Gwen Shaw. The life of the flesh is in the blood, and all the power of Jesus Christ to heal, to save and
cleanse from sin, to make covenant with God, to be protected from evil and much more becomes available
to us because He shed His life-blood for us. It is the ground on which we stand to do spiritual warfare in the
Courts of Heaven and on the battlefield. As with all of our Bible studies, this book includes study questions at
the end of each chapter.………........……………………..….………..…...#000303 $5.00
The Blood: Entrance into the Supernatural ­— by Rona Spiropoulos. A face-to-face
encounter with the powerful Blood of Jesus came to Rona in a supernatural visitation
when she was baptized in the Holy Spirit in Africa. A two-part book with Prophetic
Meditations and a Bible Study on the Blood of Christ. ‘This is the most powerful book
on the Precious Blood of Jesus that I have ever read. This wonderful little book will open up a new world for
you. Read it prayerfully and watchfully. It is the supernatural Divine Blood of Christ that opens the door for us
to enter into the supernatural.…..………................................................…..………..…..………. #108950 $17.00
Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood: the Greatest Inheritance of Power and Revelation
that Jesus left Us by Ana Mendez Ferrell. This book is fresh and alive with revelations
concerning the act of Holy Communion, one of the subjects that have been misunderstood among the
traditional and contemporary church. The Lord reveals himself dynamically; to reform the most powerful
inheritance He left us, through eating His Flesh and Drinking His Blood. Through this amazing book, you will
discover the real manifestations of God, opening doors to experience a new relationship with HIM. You will
discover things about the Blood and Flesh of Christ that will compel you to go deeper
into your relationship with Christ……….................................…………..#037202 $17.00
Get to Know the Holy Spirit!
Ye Shall Receive Power from on High: A Bible Study on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
by Gwen Shaw. This Bible study is not only for those who are still seeking the baptism of the
Holy Ghost, but also for those that have already received the “Power.” This vital handbook for
every Christian, traces the truths taught throughout the Word. It includes teachings on why we
need this enduement of power, how to receive it, the fruit of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and
more. Includes study questions at the end of each chapter.…..........................… #000310 $5.00
Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God’s Spirit Invades the Hearts of His
People by Jim Cymbala, with Dean Merrill. Now with a built in study guide, the author shares that Jesus wants to renew
his people — to call us back from spiritual dead ends, apathy, and lukewarm religion. Cymbala knows the difference
firsthand, Thirty-five years ago his own church, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, was a struggling congregation of twenty, then
they began to pray, God began to move, street-hardened lives by the hundreds were changed by the love of Christ, and
today they are more than ten thousand strong.………………………………………………………...…….. #026301 $14.99
Anointed Messages from our Recent ETH&S Events
Arise Intercessors! — April, 2016
Session 1 - Learning to Walk in the Spirit Session 2 - Strength for the Journey
Session 3 - Becoming Connected
Session 4 - Arise to a New Level
Dr. Sam Matthews
Dr. Sam Matthews
Dr. Sam Matthews Dr. Sam Matthews DVD
CD Product Code
Trail of Hope — May, 2016
DVD CD Product Code
Session 1 Dutch Sheets
$12.00 $7.00
Session 2 Dutch Sheets
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Friday Night Live Worship
Grace for Change
Nigeria Report & “Hath God Said...?”
Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain
To Soften a Hard Heart
Obstacles or Opportunities
Sharon Buss
Sharon Buss
Sharon Buss
Sharon Buss
Michael Woodhead
Product Code
From the Archives — Sister Gwen Shaw
Tails on Fire Sir, We Would See Jesus
“If My People...” Conditions for Revival
Gwen Shaw
Gwen Shaw
Gwen Shaw
CD Product Code
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