06 June 10, 2014 - City of Geneseo, Illinois
06 June 10, 2014 - City of Geneseo, Illinois
11 City of Geneseo Agenda for City Council Meeting June 10, 2014, 6:00 PM Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, IL 61254 I. Pledge of Allegiance II. III. Roll Call Presentation – Todd Ehlert and Geneseo Middle School Track & Field Team IV. V. VI. VII. Chamber of Commerce Report by Brian DeJohn City Engineer Report by Greg Ryckaert Mayoral Comments Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting from April 22, 2014. b. Approval of Minutes of the Special City Council meeting from April 22, 2014. c. Approval of Minutes of the Special City Council 2nd Meeting from April 22, 2014. d. Approval of Minutes of the City Council Meeting on May 13, 2014. e. Approval of Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting on May 27, 2014. VIII. IX. Public Comment will be requested throughout meeting. Other Business 1 22 a. Administrator Job Description and Ordinance O-14-103 b. Consideration of an increase in the City’s contribution of Hotel Motel Tax by $2,500 for 2014 to Henry County Tourism. c. O-14-104 Amended 2012 Tax Levy Ordinance for the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. d. O-14-106 An Ordinance Adopting the Budget for all Corporate Purposes of the City of Geneseo, Illinois, In Lieu of the Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year Commencing on the First Day of July, 2014 and ending on the Thirtieth of June, 2015. e. R-14-101 Resolution to allow the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Twin States for Network Service and Technical Support. f. Consideration to purchase the Rotary Fan Press for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. g. Consideration of quotes for Park and Cemetery mowing equipment. h. Consideration to approve the Water Distribution Leak Survey. (handouts at meeting) i. Consideration of the redesigned Disc Golf Signs. j. Consideration of Resolution R-14-100 Surplus Property, 2001 Freightliner. k. Consideration of Mobile Radar Sign with $3,100 trade in. l. Consideration to purchase a new Underground Locator from MidAmerican Technology, Inc. m. Approval of the appointment of the Municipal Hearing Officer. n. A consideration of a proposal for Executive Recruitment Services o. Consideration of R-14-102 a Resolution allowing the Mayor to enter into an agreement for Music Licensing for Governmental Entities. X. XI. Bills for the Month of May Public Comment 2 33 XII. Adjournment 3 44 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Committee of the Whole Meeting April 22, 2014 Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday April 22, 2014 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Alderman Doug Crow, Keith Kennett, James Roodhouse, Jason Robinson, Robert Wachtel, Carl Freeman and Justin Snodgrass answered roll call. Others in attendance included City Clerk Loree K Phlypo, Directors Rice and Opsal, Chief Piotrowski, City Accountant Karen Brandau, Consultant Jim Hughes, City employees, retired City employees, representatives from the Republic Newspaper, The Dispatch Newspaper, Channel 6 News and Ancel Glink Attorneys Margaret Kostanopolis and Derke Price. Kathy Allen offered a prayer for the City. Public Works – City Owned 6 Acres Director Rice stated that the gentleman that currently farms the 6 acres that the City purchased has $825 invested in fall work in the property. He stated that he would like to know what Council wants to do either lease for another year to for $1,000 or go out for bids. After a brief discussion it was agreed to take it to City Council to offer the lease to the current farmer for $1,000.00. Public Works – Auction in the City Park Director Rice stated that Sherman Roland would like to auction off a motor home with 100% of the proceeds to the Wounded Warrior Fund. He stated that Mr. Sherman is renting a shelter in the park and he has asked us to close off Pearl St. for the auction. He stated that this function is endorsed by the VFW. Discussion took place and there was a concern over the Farmers Market functioning that day. Director Rice stated that this wouldn’t interfere with the Farmers Market. Public Works – Fireworks 2014 Director Rice stated that he would like to send out the letters for donations to the Fireworks Fund from local businesses. He stated that he plans to use J&M Displays again this year and rent the land from Mark Anderson for $100 to fire off the fireworks. Public Works – Hiring of a Plumbing Inspector – INFORMATION ONLY Inspector Mills stated the Doyle James a retired Rock Island Plumbing Inspector has been hired for the City of Geneseo part time Plumbing Inspector. He stated that he will only work a 1,000 hours a year and that he was endorsed by the State Inspector. Administration – A.B.A.T.E. Proclamation Mayor Palmgren proclaimed the month of May as Motorcycle Awareness Month. Administration – General Liability Insurance HRS Jill Laingen stated that the City needs to go out for RFP’s for the General Liability Insurance. There was a short discussion confirming that this RFP would include Property, Casualty and Workers Compensation insurance. 4 55 Administration – Event Liability Insurance Consultant Hughes stated that this mainly applies to the Ice Cream Socials that are held in the City Park. He stated that this creates an additional expense to the Organization that is causing some organizations to not be able to participate in the Ice Cream Socials. City Clerk Phlypo stated that some organizations have contacted me stating that the liability insurance requirement will make it impossible for them to participate. Discussion took place and an option to requiring liability insurance was to keep the liability for the Ice Cream Socials as part of the City’s exposure and not require it of the organizations. Administration – Economic Development Incentives Revision Consultant Hughes stated that the current TIF area allows for specific rebates of sales tax, utility bills and he would like to expand it to City wide. Administration – Review City Administrator Job Description and Ordinance Mayor Palmgren stated that she would like to see an interim administrator in place for a period of about 5 months. She stated that this would give us time to look for a permanent one. She stated that she would like to see the qualifications upgraded to a Master’s degree with 5 years of experience in Public Management and have a strong financial background. John Philips who is a former City Administrator from Rock Island is assisting the Mayor with information on the City’s search for an Administrator. Mayor Palmgren stated that the job description and the current ordinance are included in the packet and if you would like to discuss it further you can contact her. Administration – Review of City Code regarding Protocol for Mayor Pro-Tem City Attorney Thurman stated that Mayor Pro-Tem is on an as needed basis. According to statute a Mayor ProTem is appointed only in the event that the Mayor cannot perform their duties; he went on to say that in the event that the Mayor is not available for a meeting then the Council would appoint a “Chairman” to run the meeting for that night. Derke Price from Ancel Glink Law firm stated that actually the City Clerk can call the meeting to order and then the Council can vote on a chairman for that particular meeting. Administration – Summer Seasonal Employees & Fall Co-op Program Director Opsal stated that he has Co-op students paint and mow and perform duties that he then doesn’t have to have the higher waged employees perform. HRS Laingen stated that these are part-time employees and the participants are guaranteed 15 hours a week through the school program. City Attorney – Protocol for consulting City Attorney prior to outside legal counsel Mayor Palmgren stated that she feels that the protocol needs to be any legal matter is brought to Virgil first and he decides whether or not he needs to consult a municipal law source. She stated that Virgil is the current City Attorney and is on retainer there is no reason to bypass him. Electric Department – Declaring Surplus Equipment Director Opsal stated that he would like to surplus two trailers that the Electric department has; a 1981 Barr Trailer and a 1995 Reel Trailer. He stated that he would then like to purchase as a replacement a Single Reel Trailer. Public Safety – Special Event Liquor Licenses Chief Piotrowski stated that there have been businesses that carry a current liquor license that would like to have more special events during the year and therefore that they would like the City to consider increasing the number of special event liquor licenses that it allows during the year. He stated also that we may need to consider changing the application time period; the state requires 15 days and the City requires 45 days. He stated that places that hold a package license would like to have tastings which would require it to change to non-consumption on the premises to consumption on the premises. He stated that he and the City Attorney would work on the changes. 5 66 Public Comment – Mayor Palmgren asked for public comment after each agenda item so that the public can be more involved. Executive Session – Mayor Palmgren asked for a motion to enter Executive Session at 8:30pm. Motion by Freeman, second by Wachtel to enter into Executive Session at 8:30 pm under 5ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting, and also 5ILCS 120/2(c)(6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body. Motion by Snodgrass, second by Freeman to reenter the Committee of the Whole meeting at 8:50 pm. Motion by Freeman, second by Wachtel to move all the Committee of the Whole agenda items to the City Council agenda for approval. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Adjournment Motion by Freeman, second by Beck to adjourn the meeting at 8:51 pm. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Respectfully submitted, Loree K. Phlypo City Clerk 6 77 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special City Council Proceedings April 22, 2014 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 8:54PM. Aldermen Doug Crow, James Roodhouse, Jason Robinson, Carl Freeman, Keith Kennett, Robert Wachtel, Howard Beck and Justin Snodgrass were in attendance, Also in attendance were City Clerk Loree K. Phlypo, Directors Opsal, Rice, Building Inspector Mills, and Chief Piotrowski, City Accountant Karen Brandau, Ancel Glink Attorney’s Margaret Kostopulos and Derke Price, the press, present employees, retirees and residents. Mayor Palmgren stated that she promised to save the tax payers money, give the citizens a voice, and put an administrator in place. The idea to consolidate the City Council and the Committee of the Whole was in an effort to save money. Employees would not have to attend two meetings that hold a discussion at one meeting and just restate the item and vote at the other meeting. She stated that she felt that it could be done in one meeting. She stated that the Special City Council meeting agenda that was posted on April 17th which called for investigation into purported changes to the meeting date of the Committee of the Whole was unnecessary as the meeting took place as scheduled. Mayor Palmgren stated that the environment has been hostile toward her in what she believes is an attempt to control and silence her. She stated that it was her hopes to have the Committee of the Whole and the City Council on the same night in an effort to get information out to the Public. On Thursday the 17th Alderman Crow brought in an agenda wanting to censure the Mayor and terminate one of her staff. After review by the City Attorney and the Mayor they determined that it could open up the City to possible litigation to post the agenda identifying them and the Deputy City Clerk who received the agenda was told not to post it. On Friday the 18th Alderman Crow and Wachtel posted it publically anyway and called the Police Department over to witness it. In an attempt to circumvent the personnel policy and discipline policy 3 Aldermen posted a Special City Council Meeting Agenda identifying an employee. This agenda was then removed and a second agenda was posted replacing the employee’s title with the word “employees”. She stated that in Section 1.05 of the Personnel Manual it states; “City Council Members shall not become involved in direct personnel matters except where provided within this manual”, this reference is to salaried employees not hourly. Mayor Palmgren asked Aldermen Kennett who he is investigating the Mayor or the employee. Aldermen Kennett stated that he is investigating the actions of an employee as related to changing the meeting date of the Committee of the Whole meeting as an ordinance violation. Alderman Kennett felt that the agenda that was posted was permissible. Alderman Beck asked what the deadline for the Geneseo Republic was, Lisa Depies stated that it is Tuesday at 5pm. The City Clerk stated that she had asked on Wednesday if Lisa could hold a spot as has been requested before that there may be something that needs to go in 7 88 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special City Council Proceedings April 22, 2014 the paper. Alderman Snodgrass stated that the conversation that he had with the Mayor led him to believe that the meeting item would probably be on the Committee of the Whole agenda for discussion and then Friday when the Republic newspaper came out it was in there that the meeting was cancelled. Mayor Palmgren stated that once something goes to press there is no stopping it. Derke Price stated that he was contacted by 3 Aldermen. The issue is whether the Mayor asked the clerk to do this or whether the Clerk took it on her own initiative and the Mayor just said that she is the one that asked her to do it. Derke Price stated that the reason for the specificity on the agenda is due to the Johnna Mahoney case where she raised the same issue and the City paid money to her. Alderman Snodgrass stated that they don’t want to punish anyone. An email was received by the Aldermen that the Committee of the Whole meeting was cancelled. Alderman Beck and Snodgrass both had a conversation with the Mayor on the subject and Aldermen Snodgrass was in favor of going back to one meeting but assumed that it would be on the Committee of the Whole meeting agenda for discussion. Snodgrass stated that all we were asking is that you respond with a I’m sorry I made a mistake and we will talk about it at the next meeting. Alderman Snodgrass stated that the Mayor did not return emails or phone calls on the subject. Mayor Palmgren stated that she had multiple calls into Alderman Wachtel and Kennett with no response. She stated that according to the Open Meetings Act a regularly scheduled meeting can be rescheduled with notification of 10 days. City Clerk Phlypo stated that no one came in to talk to her about this. She stated that she has never denied anyone anything and her door is always open. Alderman Beck stated that he feels like we are just going to move in circles on this so he is going to make a motion to adjourn. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to adjourn the meeting at 9:25PM. VOICE VOTE. 8AYES. 0 NAYS. MOTION CARRIED. By: LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK 8 99 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special City Council Proceedings April 22, 2014 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY CITY OF GENESEO ) ) SS ) I, Loree K. Phlypo, City Clerk of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing are the original minutes of the City Council Meeting on April 22nd, 2014 of the City Council and that said minutes consisting of one page was approved at the legally convened regular meeting of the City Council meeting on May 13th, 2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and the seal of the City this ____day of May, 2014. (Seal) By: 9 1010 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special City Council Proceedings Addendum April 22, 2014 Second Meeting PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 9:26PM. Aldermen Doug Crow, James Roodhouse, Jason Robinson, Carl Freeman, Keith Kennett, Robert Wachtel, Howard Beck and Justin Snodgrass were in attendance, Also in attendance were City Clerk Loree K. Phlypo, Directors Opsal, Rice, Building Inspector Mills, and Chief Piotrowski, City Accountant Karen Brandau, Ancel Glink Attorney’s Margaret Kastanopolis and Derke Price, the press, present employees, retirees and residents. a. Council member falsely posing as Mayor Pro-Tem without authority The City Clerk stated the Alderman Wachtel came into her office and stated that Ancel, Glink wanted copies of the emails between her and the Mayor with regards to the proposed meeting change and that as Mayor Pro-Tem he didn’t have to fill out a FOIA request. The City Clerk gave him the documents. Alderman Wachtel denied stating he was Mayor Pro-Tem. b. Council member violating proper FOIA procedure in obtaining documents The City Attorney stated that as Aldermen a FOIA is not needed for documents. c. Council member without authority contacting law firm of Ancel & Glink posing as authorized agent for City of Geneseo incurring attorney fees to the liability of the City Aldermen Beck asked if there was an ordinance or resolution that states that Alderman Wachtel acted outside of his ability. Mayor Palmgren stated that the City of Geneseo doesn’t have a contact with Ancel, Glink for service. d. Council member in violation of City of Geneseo Ethics Code Sec.11.01(D) in participating in political activities as follows: 1. Solicitation of names on Petition for mayor for Linda Vanderleest 2. Dissemination of a political letters to the residents of the City of Geneseo in support of candidate for prior mayor Linda Vanderleest 3. Publication of a political letter to the editor in the Geneseo Republic on March 14, 2014, in support of prior mayor Linda Vanderleest Derke Price stated that these items are part of freedom of speech and there was no violation made. e. Issuance of a false press release after forced resignation No Action f. Violation of open meetings act by modification of City Tax Levy without publicly posting and without a proper vote by City Council which decreased monies to the police pension Mayor Plamgren said that the 2012 tax levy was filed with the County and was over 105% and the County Clerk contacted the Mayor and Jim Hughes and a 10 1111 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special City Council Proceedings Addendum April 22, 2014 Second Meeting letter was sent from Jim Hughes stating to take the overage out of the Police Pension levy. It wasn’t brought back to the City Council or re-voted on. Alderman Beck asked do you mean that a different levy amount was applied then what we voted on. Mayor Palmgren stated yes. Jim Hughes stated that Barb Link wanted an answer right away. Alderman Kennett stated that they are in better shape than they were. Police Retiree Tom Daly stated that the Police Pension fund has been underfunded by the City for so long and now due to policy changes the City is being forced to bring it up to date. The City always gives us less then what we ask for. The police pension is solid due to their smart investing policies not because of the City. Alderman Beck stated that he understands that an answer was needed immediately by Mr. Hughes and that it was a technical issue and difference of processes, but he would make a motion for the staff to find $6,000 to give back to the Police Pension fund at the next City Council meeting. Alderman Wachtel seconded the motion. g. Removal of City property regarding PST computer file Mayor Palmgren stated that in the Mayor’s office the computer is gone and she understands that it was the personal laptop of Mayor Van Der Leest, but along with it went the City files. In the event that we are faced with litigation or something we would need those files. Alderman Snodgrass asked if the files were backed up on the server and City IT Dave Kepner stated that the backup was initiated only yesterday. Mayor Palmgren also stated that there is an Android phone that is missing also and needs to be returned. HRS Laingen has sent an email asking for the phone to be returned and has gotten no response. B. Possible hearing and Resolution of Censure of elected officials Alderman Beck stated that he saw no need for Censure of any elected officials, unless anyone else does. Public Comment Mayor Palmgren stated that her wish is to have everything transparent for the residents of the City. She doesn’t want any meetings like the one that took place on Saturday January 26, 2014 at 8am. Alderman Freeman stated that was the meeting for the rewording of Jim Hughes contract. Alderman Beck stated that he would like to put this meeting behind him an ADJOURNMENT Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to adjourn the meeting at 9:53PM. VOICE VOTE. 8AYES. 0 NAYS. MOTION CARRIED. By: LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK 11 1212 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special City Council Proceedings Addendum April 22, 2014 Second Meeting STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY CITY OF GENESEO ) ) SS ) I, Loree K. Phlypo, City Clerk of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing are the original minutes of the City Council Meeting on April 22nd, 2014 of the Special City Council and that said minutes consisting of one page was approved at the legally convened regular meeting of the City Council meeting on June 10th, 2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and the seal of the City this ____day of June, 2014. (Seal) By: 12 1313 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council 115 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254 May 13, 2014 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Aldermen Doug Crow, Howard Beck, Carl Freeman, Keith Kennett, Robert Wachtel and Justin Snodgrass, and Jason Robinson were in attendance, James Roodhouse was absent. Also in attendance were City Attorney Virgil Thurman, City Clerk Loree K. Phlypo, Directors Opsal, Rice, Building Inspector Mills, and Chief Piotrowski, City Accountant Karen Brandau, HRS Jill Laingen the press, Cathy Foes from Henry County Tourism, and various audience members. Proclamation Mayor Palmgren affirmed the City’s support to the A.B.A.T.E. movement by proclaiming May to be Motorcycle Awareness Month in the City of Geneseo. Chamber of Commerce Brian DeJohn represented the Chamber. The Geneseo Entertainment Guide was handed out and was distributed to Chamber Members, the lobby at City Hall and can be viewed online. The Chamber Scholarship Committee will be presenting to the scholarships to the winners tomorrow night. The Rock the Rail permits from the State will be back in the next two weeks for finalization of that event. Elizabeth Ann’s will be having an open house on Saturday with samples for those who attend. Promote Geneseo will be hosting a bus trip on June 26, 2014, there will be 40 people on the first bus trip and the participants will attend two art activities, one at Smith Art Studio and the other one at Geneseo Art League. For more event information vist the Chamber web site at www.geneseo.org. Engineer’s Report Greg Rychaert City engineer reported that the water main project has started and the survey is done and after the design is completed the permits will be issued. Mayoral Comments Mayor Palmgren asked that the Mayoral comment be moved to later in the meeting. Recognition of Alderman Betcher Mayor Palmgren wanted to honor Alderman Betcher for his contributions to the Council and his service, working on the Vision 2020 project for the City. He was unable to attend the meeting but will be presented with a plaque. Consent Agenda Mayor Palmgren asked to withdraw minutes from April 22, 2014, so that the Clerk could work on them more. Mayor Palmgren wanted the item Protocol Mayor Pro-Tem to be informational 13 1414 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council 115 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254 May 13, 2014 only. Alderman Wachtel made a motion with a second by Snodgrass to move the following other consent agenda items to Other Business; City Council minutes from April 8, 2014, City Council Second Session minutes from April 8, 2014, Ad hoc Committee minutes from May 3, 2014, Solicit Proposals for 2015 General Liability Insurance including workman compensation, and Protocol regarding Mayor Pro-Tem. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Freeman,Snodgrass,Beck,Wachtel,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Roodhouse Motion Carried Henry County Tourism – Cathy Foes presentation, consideration of a request for a portion of hotel tax Cathy Foes from Henry County Tourism made a presentation to the City Council on what her organization offers. Marketing for Geneseo would include tours, the sports market, and tapping into the Hennepin Canal Renaissance for tourism, as well as the future passenger rail that is set to have a stop here in town. The Chamber of Commerce promotes tourism in Geneseo within a 50 mile radius and Henry County Tourism would market Geneseo to the outside world. Tourism growth is not immediate but takes steps to build it. The City gave the tourism group $7500.00 last year and this year they are asking for $21,000.00 as a 50% match to state grant funds, this is the amount that Annawan, Galva, and Kewanee contribute and combined this would allow for a larger grant to be written. With a contribution of $21,000.00 this would allow the making of a 3 minute commercial, the only stipulation is that it would be broadcast at least 50 miles away from the area. There is growth potential for the current events such as Trains, Planes, and Automobiles and the Christmas Walk. With the addition next year of the passenger rail Geneseo will be very busy, this could be a destination stop for our events as well as to other areas. Motion by Wachtel, second by Freeman to move the request by the Henry County Tourism for a portion of the hotel tax to the next Committee of the Whole for further discussion. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF 2012 TAX LEVY BUDGET MODIFICATIONS The County Clerk notified the City that the tax levy was over 105%. Jim Hughes sent a letter to the County Clerk stating that the monies needed to come out of the police pension levy to bring it down below the 105%. To replace the money that the police pension will be lacking it will come out of the general fund as reported by the City Accountant. City Accountant spoke to Jim Hughes within the last 2 weeks for a better understanding as to where the money will come from. Tom Daly from the police pension board reports to the state what is levied and what is collected and without all the levied money being collected this would change the funding ratios. Alderman Snodgrass wanted to not vote on this, since the funding year isn’t over with yet there 14 1515 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council 115 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254 May 13, 2014 is no issue. Motion by Kennett, second by Freeman to move a cleaned up copy of the 2012 Tax Levy Budget to the June City Council for approval. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Consideration to allocate to police pension fund the full amount of $210,000.00 budgeted for the July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 fiscal year. Alderman Snodgrass felt that for clarity’s sake, because it was going to be transferred anyway he would make the motion. Motion by Snodgrass, second by Robinson to allocate to the police pension fund the full amount of $210,000.00 budgeted for the July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 fiscal year. VOICE VOTE. 6 AYES. BECK - ABSTAIN. 1 ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. Consideration of approval of an Interim City Administrator Alderman Wachtel made a motion to delay this item. Alderman Beck struggles with the wording and wanted clarification as to what was being voted on. City Attorney Thurman clarified the item saying that it was consideration of approval of the process to move forward to select a City Administrator and move to City Council for approval. Alderman Robinson felt that there wasn’t enough information on the process of hiring an administrator. Mayor Palmgren assured Robinson that all the emails on the process that were sent out to all aldermen he received also. Alderman Beck requested that the next interviews were more open with information to the aldermen not on the committee. Alderman Wachtel had a problem with the job description and not knowing what duties they will be responsible for. Alderman Beck stated that this would just be to declare that the City has a vacancy in this position. Mayor Palmgren sited legal issues with hiring a contracted administrator versus a temporary employee in that position, as a contract employee they cannot handle personnel issues and as a temporary employee they can, so the City needs to be careful as to what capacity they bring someone in under. Motion by Snodgrass, second by Freeman to approve the position of interim City administrator. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. CONSIDERATION TO ALLOW THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A LEASE WITH DEAN OLSON TO FARM THE 6 ACRES PURCHASED BY THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 2014 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000. Alderman Freeman thought that a thousand dollars was a low fee and Director Rice stated that because of the location and small acreage that this is what was charged in the past. Alderman Beck felt that the length of the lease needed to be changed to December 1, 2014 or when the crops are off the field. Attorney Thurman thought that a letter indicating that Mr. Olson should get permission be for any fall work is done would be in order also. 15 1616 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council 115 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254 May 13, 2014 Motion by Wachtel, Second by Crow to allow the Mayor to sign and the City to enter into a lease with Dean Olson to farm the 6 acres purchased by the City for the year 2014 in the amount of $1,000.00. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. TO USE J&M DISPLAYS FOR THE CITY FIREWORKS DISPLAY FOR 2014 AND TO SEND OUT LETTERS TO BUSINESSES SEEKING DONATIONS TO BE USED TO PAY FOR THE FIREWORKS DISPLAY AND TO RENT LAND FOR $100 FROM MARK ANDERSON FOR A LAUNCHING AREA. CONSIDERATION No Discussion Motion by Freeman, second by Beck to approve using J&M Displays for the City Fireworks display for 2014 and to send out letters to businesses seeking donations to be used to pay for the fireworks display and to rent the land for $100 from Mark Anderson for a launching area. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Consideration of revised economic development incentive ordinance upon City Attorney review. City Attorney felt that he hasn’t had enough time to review the document and he would like more time. Alderman Beck added that the every applicant is evaluated on a case by case situation. Mayor Palmgren would like an internal budget impact study done to determine the impact on the City by opening the incentives up citywide. Motion by Wachtel, second by Freeman to delay this item to the Committee of the Whole on May 27, 2014. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Consideration of updated City Administrator job description and ordinance. No discussion Motion by Wachtel, second by Beck to move the consideration of updated City Administrator job description and ordinance to the Committee of the Whole on May 27, 2014 for discussion. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Consideration of event liability insurance for special events that are held on City property. This item was brought up specifically about Ice Cream Socials in the City Park. It was a recommendation by the IML but not required. It was added as a requirement to the Ice cream Social applications last fall. Alderman Beck felt that in some instances proof of liability insurance would be needed so he would like to see it on the next Committee of the Whole agenda 16 1717 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council 115 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254 May 13, 2014 for further discussion. Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to not require proof of general liability insurance for Ice Cream Socials held by non-profits at the City Park for 2014. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Consideration of summer seasonal employees & fall Co-op program HRS Laingen stated that she is waiting to get the approval to start looking at the applicants. Director Opsal says the program is wonderful. Those hired would start in the summer as Seasonal then would become a Co-op employee in the fall when school starts. Alderman Crow asked about the paragraph on the job description that says that they will 15 hours a week in conjunction with the Geneseo School District and how can they be Seasonal. The seasonal positions have a different job description that they would fall under. Alderman Kennett asked if this would then exclude retirees from being able to work Seasonal and Director Rice said that would still be an option. Motion by Freeman, second by Crow to approve summer seasonal employee & fall Co-op program. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Freeman,Snodgrass,Beck,Wachtel,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Roodhouse Motion Carried Consideration of protocol for consulting the City Attorney prior to outside legal counsel City Attorney Thurman addressed the council by saying that there are some areas that are not his expertise and that he would be the first to say if he felt that an issue was out of his expertise and that it needed to be looked at by outside council. Review of the Charter showed that under Article 5, Section 1 the City Council appoints the City Attorney, whereas the Municipal Code allows the Mayor to appoint the City Attorney. The Special Charter provisions take precedence over the Municipal Code except under a few exceptions where the Municipal Code says it supersedes the Charter. Election law is one of those exceptions due to the process needing to be standardized. The Charter appointment is limited to the City Attorney with regards to attorney’s that would handle specialized issues there are statutory provisions and section 8-7-1b of the Municipal Code says the Corporate Authority can appoint special City Attorney’s to handle special matters and can do so for a period of time of over a year but only the length of the term of the Mayor that is sitting when that particular attorney is hired. Corporate Authority is clearly defined in case law to include the Mayor and City Council. The former Mayor and City Council clearly provided for occasions when outside legal Counsel was needed. Technically the way the statute reads that ends when that Mayor’s term is over. We don’t have anything with the current Corporate Authority showing that they have hired outside Counsel at this point. City Attorney Thurman stated that he has 34 years of City experience and he would like to have a proper 17 1818 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council 115 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254 May 13, 2014 protocol in place that says that any issues that come up that he is approached first to decide if it’s within his area of expertise. He would like the opportunity to make that judgment. According to Statute 8-7-1b it doesn’t allow for 3 Councilmen to hire outside legal Counsel for the City. Alderman Beck asked that a draft for the Protocol be brought to the Committee of the Whole for wording review. Alderman Snodgrass handed out an ordinance that he engaged Ancel, Glink to create pertaining to the Authorization of the Aldermen of the City Retaining Independent Legislative Counsel. Alderman Snodgrass made a motion to move this ordinance and whatever documents that Virgil felt he needed to the Committee of the Whole, Alderman Wachtel seconded it. Mayor Palmgren shared an Ancel Glink bill that she received that covered the Committee of the Whole and Special City Council meetings that Aldermen asked them to attend. This bill totaled $6,037.50. Alderman Wachtel called forward Clarence Johnson in consideration of his time. Mr. Johnson wanted to lodge a complaint with Building Inspector Mills about a roofing job site that he feels is not permitted by out of town contractors. Mayor Palmgren assured Mr. Johnson that since Mr. Mills was not at the meeting that she would have Mr. Mills call him and address his concerns. Consideration to allow Sherman Roland to conduct an auction in the City Park of a motor home with 100% of the proceeds being donated to the Wounded Warrior Fund. No Discussion Motion by Snodgrass, Second by Freeman to allow Sherman Roland to conduct an auction in the City Park of a motor home with 100% of the proceeds being donated to the Wounded Warrior Fund. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION R-14-096 AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY This request was so that Director Opsal can dispose of the Electric departments old bucket truck as soon as the new one comes in. Motion by Snodgrass, second by Freeman to approve resolution R-14-096 authorizing the Sale of Surplus Personal Property. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. CONSIDERATION OF SALE OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY AT 433 EAST NORTH STREET Resident Ann Hutchinson asked what portion of the property at 433 East North st. is going to be sold and what will it be developed as. Director Opsal stated the grassy area in front of the office building. It was decided that before anything else is declared that they should discuss it in executive session. Motion by Beck, second by Wachtel to move this item until after Executive Session. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. 18 1919 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council 115 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254 May 13, 2014 MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC SAFETY Consideration for approval to purchase Public Safety radios After reviewing the current police department repeater system it appears that a digital system may have better capabilities for the Police Department officer’s safety. Chief Piotrowski would like explore options to switch to a digital repeater system and the replacement of mobile radios may be needed also. The 911 board requested that we use a standard analog radio system and would like the systems to be compatible with the PSAPs of Kewanee and Henry County. If the City commits to maintaining the 911 PSAP in Geneseo the 911 board has approved 50% of the total cost of the system. Motion by Freeman, second by Beck to approve the purchase of Public Safety Radios. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Freeman,Snodgrass,Beck,Wachtel,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Roodhouse Motion Carried Alderman Snodgrass asked that the Minutes from April 8th first session have a correction made; Former Mayor Van Der Leest nephew was being inducted in the Honor Society rather than abducted. Motion by Beck, second by Snodgrass to approve minutes from City Council April 8, 2014 First Session with correction. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Consideration to approve City Council minutes from the meeting on April 8th, 2014 Second Session Motion by Snodgrass, second by Freeman to approve as written the minutes from second session April 8, 2014 VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Consideration to solicit proposals for 2015 General Liability Insurance including Workman Compensation. Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to solicit proposals for 2015 General Liability Insurance including Workman Compensation. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Approval of the minutes of the Administrative Interview meeting from May 3, 2014. 19 2020 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council 115 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254 May 13, 2014 Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to approve minutes from Administrative Interview meeting from May 3, 2014. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. BILLS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL Motion by Beck, second by Wachtel to approve the bills for the month of April. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC COMMENT NONE MAYORAL COMMENT Mayor Palmgren stated that she would like to review all the TIF’s to ensure that they are setup correctly and that they have all been approved by the City Council. The Bestor Dr and Route 82 TIF currently has a negative balance and that is being looked into. The Sav-A-Lot agreement has incentives that total $1.9 million dollars and she is going to review it. Alderman Beck stated that the Council would like to be a part of the TIF discussions and investigations. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Property matter pursuant to: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body. Motion by Freeman, second by Snodgrass to enter into Executive Session at 8:05 P.M. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. REOPEN CITY COUNCIL MEETING Motion by Freeman, second by Wachtel to open City Council meeting at 8:57 P.M. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. ACTIONS AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION Consideration of the sale of municipal property at 433 East North Street Motion by Beck, second by Wachtel to put the item in Abeyance. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Palmgren stated that she is looking into what happened to the Welcome to Geneseo sign that was located out by the new Casey’s. Alderman Kennett stated that it was moved due to Casey’s storm water pipe running right through that location. Alderman Snodgrass agreed that 20 2121 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council 115 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254 May 13, 2014 was the reason that it was moved. Mayor Palmgren stated that it was a $10,000 sign and that it cost $4,000 to move it. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to adjourn the meeting at 9:01P.M. VOICE VOTE. ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. By: LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK 21 2222 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Committee of the Whole Meeting May 27, 2014 Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday May 27, 2014 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Alderman Doug Crow, Keith Kennett, James Roodhouse, Jason Robinson, Robert Wachtel, Carl Freeman, Howard Beck and Justin Snodgrass answered roll call. Others in attendance included City Clerk Loree K Phlypo, Directors Rice and Opsal, Chief Piotrowski, City Accountant Karen Brandau, HRS Jill Laingen, Water/Wastewater employees Dave Geary, Vince Newton, and Ancel Glink Attorney Derke Price. Chamber of Commerce Music Licensing for Government Entities Presentation Brian DeJohn presented an option for licensing to play music downtown. There are 10 speakers downtown so that music can be played during special events. In the past the licenses have been paid for individually. This proposal is for Music Licensing for Government entities and is a contract for a year. The cost is based on population. Our current population would require a fee of $330 per year with any event that generates over $25,000 in gross revenue there is a 1% fee. Brian would like the City to consider taking entering into this agreement and the Chamber would pay the fee. Alderman Beck asked that instead of taking one vote to move everything to City Council that they vote after each item so that it doesn’t get confusing. Motion by Wachtel, second by Beck to instruct the City Attorney to draft a resolution allowing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with BMI Music Licensing for Government entities. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 8 Crow,Freeman,Snodgrass,Beck,Kennett,Roodhouse,Betcher,Wachtel NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 0 Motion Carried CSO Fowl within the City Limits CSO Dennis Mallum is charged with the task of enforcing the City ordinances and as it sits now there is no ordinance specifically that applies to keeping fowl within the City. City ordinance now states that if you have 5 or more acres then you are considered a farm and you can keep fowl. Resident Kristin Mortenson started a petition to allow 6-8 chickens to be kept within the City limits. She along with several other residents attended the meeting and are in support of keeping chickens. It was stated that why should someone be limited if they can’t afford 5 acres. They believe that everyone should have access to natural organic chicken eggs. Kristin stated that the parameters would be outlined coops would have to be kept clean, they would have to be a certain distance away from neighbors, and no roosters. Supporters of chickens within the City limits stated that a few chickens don’t equal farming. Kristin stated that she has heard more complaints about multiple barking dogs and nothing about the chickens that are in town. There are several Cities within the Quad Cities that allow chickens within the City limits, examples are Silvis, Moline and Rock Island. Mayor Palmgren asked Ms. Mortenson if she could come back to a Committee of the Whole meeting with some parameters for the ordinance that would allow fowl within the City Limits. Alderman Beck asked for examples of ordinances from local towns that have voted to allow chickens within their City Limits. Motion by Wachtel, second by Freeman to have City Attorney Thurman prepare clarification of the current ordinance addressing fowl in the City limits. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 8 Crow,Freeman,Snodgrass,Beck,Kennett,Roodhouse,Betcher,Wachtel NAYS: 0 22 2323 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 0 Motion Carried Motion by Wachtel, second by Snodgrass to move the item Chickens within the City Limits to Abeyance to allow for time to research the item further. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 8 Crow,Freeman,Snodgrass,Beck,Kennett,Roodhouse,Betcher,Wachtel NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 0 Motion Carried Henry County Tourism – Request for 50% of Hotel/Motel Tax Cathy Foes from the Henry County Tourism stated that Geneseo currently gives the Henry County Tourism a stipend every year. The board went from being a membership based organization to a Co-op organization. Cathy stated that she works with local Chamber organizations. City Accountant Brandau stated that the hotel motel tax is staying steady and there should be $12,000 in revenues over expenses. Cathy stated that marketing funds are matched 100% and that the majority of the money has to be spent outside of a 50 mile radius. Motion by Beck, second by Wachtel to increase the City’s contribution to $2500 for 2014. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Event Liability insurance for Special Events held on City Property Alderman Beck wanted clarification on what was passed last month on this subject. City Clerk stated that it was passed that liability insurance was not required for Ice Cream Socials for the 2014 season and that it would be further discussed as to what course to take for other events. It was decided that there was a need for direction through an ordinance with parameters based on profit/non-profit status, type of event and basically only events open to the public with family events being excluded. Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to bring an ordinance to the June Committee of the Whole for further discussion. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Comments from the Public Hearing on the Budget Adoption City Accountant Brandau asked if there were any comments on the budget. There were none and the budget will be approved at the June City Council meeting. NO ACTION Twin States Agreement Director Opsal that he would like to enter into an agreement with Twin States for them to provide network service and technical support for City Hall Computer Network. He stated that he would like to have the City Attorney directed to draft a resolution allowing the Mayor to sign this agreement. Alderman Roodhouse asked for clarifications on the duties and that they seem pretty basic if we have a full time IT guy on staff. Director Opsal stated that we do have a full time IT guy on staff, and that this is just stating all the possible duties they could provide. This proposal is for $115 an hour, the City currently uses Orbis and they charge $125 an hour. Motion by Freeman, second by Snodgrass to move to City Council for approval of a resolution drafted by the City Attorney to allow the Mayor to sign an agreement with Twin States. Voice Vote: All Ayes 23 2424 Motion Carried Save-a-Lot Development Incentive Package Alderman Kennett wanted to answer any questions that anyone had on the development agreement. Director Rice stated that the architectural drawings are almost complete and that they are putting together a total property picture before they start the project. Once they have everything ready they will then pay a $250 fee and take the plans to the Plan Commission. City Attorney Thurman stated the in Paragraph 3 there is a time period that may have to be extended to keep in compliance with the agreement. Mayor Palmgren asked about the 90% rebate on sales tax that they are going to receive and Alderman Kennett stated that it would be 90% of the sales tax that Save-a-Lot produced so it would be tax that we wouldn’t have had without them. He stated that there was a marketing study completed and between 15-20% of Fareway’s current business will probably go to Save-a-Lot but also the leakage of business to the Quad Cities would slow down and stay local. The audience asked how many employment positions would be created with this store. Alderman Kennett stated that this would add approximately 20 FT/PT jobs to the area. NO ACTION Revised Economic Development Incentive Ordinance City Attorney Thurman stated that this ordinance is geared toward retail businesses and that it would follow the same procedure as it currently does. This would include new or existing businesses. It would expand to City wide and not just be for the downtown area. Alderman Freeman asked if there had been any feedback from the downtown businesses. Alderman Kennett wanted to focus on the downtown but have the option to extend incentives to City wide. Alderman Beck felt that it needed broader clarification. Motion by Freeman, second by Crow to move this item to abeyance and revisit it at the June Committee of the Whole. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Review of necessity of Municipal Hearing Officer vs. Associate Circuit Judge Mayor Palmgren stated that she would like to review the Munices system that is in place. It has been use for about 9 months and we aren’t meeting our expenses. It was not meant to be a money maker but it at least needs to pay for itself. City Attorney Thurman stated that Munices works but so did the court system. Alderman Freeman stated that we aren’t meeting our expenses. Motion by Freeman Died for lack of a second. Purchasing Policy Review Mayor Palmgren stated that the Purchasing Policy was included in this packet for review of the dollar amounts. City Attorney Thurman stated that 2/3rd vote is binding on the City. Resident Gary Joyner stated that the policy was set up to include Professional Services and they are outside the bid process. NO ACTION Protocol for consulting the City Attorney prior to contacting outside legal counsel City Attorney Thurman stated that he made it clear at the last meeting that an item that needs legal counsel should be discussed with him and let him determine if it is within his expertise or not. This should be determined on a case by case basis and then if it is determined that outside legal counsel is needed then the Aldermen can vote as they wish. He stated that the ordinance that was submitted allows an alderman to call Ancel/Glink if they don’t get the answer that they want. He stated that part of the turmoil can be avoided and the arguments can be curtailed by not calling outside counsel to come to the meetings. Alderman Robinson stated that he reviewed the last 5 years’ worth of invoices from Ancel/Glink and he feels that the billing is very descript. Alderman Crow stated that they saved the City money in change orders. Alderman Beck feels that the Protocol should include that the City Administrator would be the go to person to the City Attorney. Alderman Wachtel stated that he felt that Virgil should have reviewed the Special City Council Agenda that the Mayor 24 2525 posted, since it contained accusatory statements against Aldermen. Ancel/Glink Attorney Derke Price stated that there was nothing wrong with that agenda it was worded appropriately and the Mayor had every right to post it, just like the agenda that the aldermen posted that named the Mayor and City Clerk was legal due to the precedence that had been set with the Mahoney case. Motion by Beck, second by Wachtel to move the Protocol to the Committee of the Whole in June to allow for more review time. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried City Legal Services NO ACTION City Administrator Job Description and Ordinance Mayor Palmgren stated that this ordinance is model language from John Phillips from Rock Island. The job description mirrors the ordinance. Words were updated such as “Comptroller and Village”. Alderman Beck asked that there be some elaboration on the “Removal” section and he would like the flow chart clarified. Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to move this item to City Council for approval subject to revisions. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Dewatering Study Director Rice stated that he has Chief Wastewater Operator Dave Geary and Tracy from Donohue Associates here tonight to discuss this item. Dave Geary stated that they need a sludge press, the truck that they are currently using to haul the sludge is from 1986 and isn’t running very well, and they are also having a harder time finding farmers that will take the sludge. If it was pressed there would be more options for disposal. Regulations are getting stricter and more technical with all the possible pharmaceuticals that are in the sludge. The current wastewater plant was designed to dry sludge but the equipment is old and doesn’t operate quite right. Director Rice stated that he toured the new facility in LeClaire Iowa and they have a Rotary Fan press, it leaves a smaller foot print and gives you more options for disposal. Director Rice stated that he would like to get this approved in concept and the final estimated cost is $676,976.00 Motion by Crow, second by Robinson to move to City Council for approval of the Rotary Fan Press. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Park & Cemetery Mowing Equipment Director Rice stated that he would like to replace some equipment that is getting old. He stated that he would like to waive the bid process because he doesn’t want to have an outside business low bid and then when the equipment needs to be repaired he has to drive 30 miles to get it fixed. He would also like to look at mowing equipment for the water/sewer departments. Mayor Palmgren asked if this is in addition to the contracted mowing that we currently are under, he said yes. Motion by Wachtel, second by Beck to return to City Council with quotes. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Water Distribution Leak Survey Chief Water Operator Vince Newton stated that the City used to have this performed every 5 years and now we haven’t had it done in 10 years. They always find leaks and can then pin point them to within 2 feet of where they are located. He stated that he would like to get a handle on the water loss. Motion by Freeman, second by Roodhouse to move the Water Distribution Leak Survey to the City Council meeting for approval. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried 25 2626 Disc Golf Signs Director Rice stated that Mr. Chuck Larson of Rock River Arms would like to donate in memory of his late brother Mark Larson Disc Golf hole marker signs. Alderman Beck stated that he felt that the company logo should be smaller and make the memorial part bigger, so that it doesn’t appear to be so much of an advertisement. Motion by Wachtel, second by Crow to move to City Council with suggestions of a redesign. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Removal of non-viable trees Director Rice stated that all the trees on S. State Street that appear to have died are guaranteed and will be replanted at no additional expense to the City. NO ACTION Surplus Property Director Opsal stated that his new bucket truck will be coming in mid-June and he wants to be ready to sell his old one to help finance the new one. Motion by Roodhouse, second by Freeman to move Surplus Property to City Council for approval. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Mobile Radar Speed Sign Chief Piotrowski stated that the Police department has a portable radar speed sign that is currently not working correctly. He has the opportunity to trade it in to upgrade the equipment. He stated that if we use the same company we can get a $3,100 trade in toward a new sign. Motion by Wachtel, second by Roodhouse to move to City Council for approval. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Chief Piotrowski stated that he has two requests for road closures for information only. One is for Bark in the Park on Saturday July 19th and the other one is Concordia Lutheran Church on June 9-13. Posting yard sale signs CSO Dennis Mallum would like clarification of the sign ordinance with regards to temporary sign postings. City Attorney Thurman stated that he would draft some wording the would allow temporary signs to be aloud for 72 hours at which time they would need to be removed by the owner of the sign. Power poles would be off limits to sign postings. Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to have the City Attorney draft new language for clarification and move this item to the Committee of the Whole on June 24th. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Public Comment – Mayor Palmgren asked for public comment after each agenda item so that the public can be more involved. Mayor Palmgren stated that she has received 2 more resumes for City Administrator position. She will be getting the documents out to the Aldermen and the Ad-hoc committee for review. Executive Session – Mayor Palmgren asked for a motion to enter Executive Session at 9:30pm. Motion by Freeman, second by Roodhouse to enter into Executive Session at 9:30 pm under Pursuant to Collective 26 2727 Negotiating matters pursuant to: 5ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective Negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. Pursuant to personnel matter pursuant to: 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 8 Crow,Freeman,Snodgrass,Beck,Kennett,Roodhouse,Betcher,Wachtel NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 0 Motion Carried Motion by Freeman, second by Wachtel to reenter the Committee of the Whole meeting at 10:50 pm. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Adjournment Motion by Roodhouse, second by Freeman to adjourn the meeting at 10:51 pm. Voice Vote: All Ayes Motion Carried Respectfully submitted, Loree K. Phlypo City Clerk 27 2828 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL June 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: City Attorney Thurman SUBJECT: City Administrator Job Description and Ordinance BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Review of job description and ordinance. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Administrator job description b. O-14-103 28 2929 29 3030 30 3131 31 3232 32 3333 33 3434 34 3535 35 3636 ORDINANCE NO. O‐14‐103 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE POSITION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR WHEREAS, the Mayor and the City Council have determined that it is in the best interests of the City to have the position of City Administrator to more ably continue in the provision of services to the citizens of the City of Geneseo. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Geneseo, Illinois, as follows: SECTION I: That the above and foregoing recitals be and are hereby incorporated herein by reference as findings of fact by the Corporate Authorities. SECTION II: That the Municipal Code of the city of Geneseo be and is hereby amended by adding the following new Sections to read to wit as follows: AUTHORIZATION TO EMPLY ADMINISTRATOR; APPOINTMENT. The Mayor and city Council are hereby authorized to employ a City Administrator. Such Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council. BOND. The City Administrator shall furnish a bond in such amount and with such surety as may be approved by the corporate authorities, such bond to be conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or her duties. The cost of the bond shall be paid by the City. The bond of the City Administrator may be part of a blanket bond. COMPENSATION. The City Administrator shall receive such compensation as the Corporate Authorities shall, from time to time, establish. The City Council may enter into an employment agreement which specifies in writing provisions, including but not limited to, establishing the level of compensation of the City Administrator specifying benefits including levels of support for the City Administrator’s continuing professional education and association activities, determining separation pay upon termination of the City Administrator’s employment and defining other conditions of employment. CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR. The City Administrator, under and subject to the direction of the Corporate Authorities, shall be the chief administrator of the City, and shall be responsible to the Corporate Authorities for the proper administration of the affairs of the city and policies adopted by the City Council. ACTING ADMINISTRATOR. Whenever the City Administrator is absent from the city for personal reasons, or on account of City business, or is otherwise unable to perform the duties and 1 36 3737 responsibilities of the City Administrator due to short term illness or disability, the City Administrator may designate in writing a member of the City’s senior administrative staff to serve as acting administrator and to carry out the duties of the administrator during the administrator’s absence. In the event of a prolonged absence, as determined by either the City Administrator himself or the Mayor and City Council, then the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the City Council shall appoint an acting administrator, whose office shall be temporary and who shall serve only until such time as the City Administrator is able to resume the duties of his office. POWERS AND DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATOR. The City Administrator shall have the following powers and duties: A. Provide for the enforcement of all laws and ordinances within the city. B. Attend all meetings of the City Council and other official City Boards and Commissions as directed by the City Council, except those which the City Council determine that attendance is not required because of a conflict or other reason. The City Administrator shall have the right to take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the city Council or other City Boards and Commissions, but shall have no right to vote. The City Administrator shall be entitled to notice of all special and regular meetings of the City Council. C. Prepare and submit agenda for City Council meetings and Committee of the Whole to the Mayor for approval. D. Recommend to the City Council such measures as, in his or her judgment he or she deems to be in the best interest of the City. E. Employ, discipline, suspend and terminate any city employees except Mayoral officers or appointees, corporate authorities, and excepting as when otherwise provided by law, city Code, ordinance, or contract and to the extent permitted by law, and subject to the policies and procedures of the City’s Personnel Policy. F. Propose to the Mayor and City Council such personnel rules and regulations as the Administrator deems necessary to manage the personnel of the city; These rules may cover procedures and policies to govern the following: 1) The administration of the position description, classification and pay plans; 2) Recruitment, selection promotion, evaluation, transfer, discipline and separation of city personnel; 3) Establishment of hours of work, attendance, leave regulations and working conditions; 4) Rules covering the outside employment, nepotism and political activity of City personnel; 2 37 3838 G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. 5) Maintenance and use of necessary records and forms; 6) System of handling grievances. Supervise and administer the conduct of all collective bargaining processes of the City and recommend to the City collective bargaining agreements for consideration and approval by the City, and administer all employee organization contracts reached through the collective bargaining process. Direct, supervise and coordinate the activities of all departments, offices, and agencies of the City, except as otherwise provided by law, and to administer the affairs of the City to ensure that all City business is accomplished efficiently and economically. Recommend to the City the creating, consolidating, and combining of offices, positions, departments or units of the administrative and executive departments of the City. Investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the City and services maintained by the public utilities of the City and see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the City are faithfully observed. It shall be the duty of the City Administrator to ensure that all franchises granted by, and all contracts with, the city are faithfully kept and performed by all parties hereto. Keep a current inventory of all real and personal property of the City and location of such property. The City Administrator shall be responsible for the care and custody of all City property which is not assigned to some other officer or body for care and control. Prepare and submit to the Mayor and City Council by the date set by the Council a recommended annual budget for city operations and recommended capital programs; and administer the approved budget after adoption. Supervise and administer the procurement of commodities and services for all city departments, offices and agencies, and promulgate purchasing rules implementing city ordinances which are consistent with state law, which shall be followed by the employees in the procurement of goods and services. Report to the City Council periodically the financial condition of the City. Submit to the Mayor and City Council and make available to the public a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the City as of the end of each fiscal year. Represent the City in its dealings with other governmental agencies and officials, businesses, not‐for‐profit organizations, residents, and the general public as necessary. Cause to be prepared grant and/or loan applications on behalf of the City; administer grant and/or loan funds and shall have caused the preparation of relevant reports to the Corporate Authorities and all appropriate agencies. Evaluate City projects, programs, agreements and services and make recommendation on modifications and improvement thereto. 3 38 3939 T. Devote his or her entire time to the discharge of his or her official duties. U. The City Administrator shall perform such other duties as may be required by the City Council consistent with state statutes and ordinances of the City. V. Hold such other appointive offices as may be consistent with law, as the Mayor and City Council may determine, and to faithfully and honestly discharge the duties and powers associated with such office; The powers assigned to the City Administrator are not intended to diminish those powers otherwise assigned to other officers by statute or ordinance, including, but not limited to the Mayor. MATTERS DIRECTED TO ADMINISTRATOR’S ATTENTION. All offices and departments shall submit all matters requiring City Council action or attention to the City Administrator, who shall submit them to the City Council with recommendations as may be deemed necessary. All departmental or employee requests shall be submitted to the City Administrator who shall provide instruction as to policy and action Except as otherwise provided by state law or city ordinance, elected and appointed City officers shall deal with administrative services of the City through the City Administrator and shall not give orders to subordinates of the City Administrator either publicly or privately. REMOVAL. The City Administrator may be removed in accordance with law; including but not limited to any agreement between the Administrator and City, the City Personnel Ordinance and state Statutes. SECTION III. Repealer. All ordinances or resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict herewith, to the extent of such conflict, are hereby changed and amended to be in compliance with this Ordinance; and to the extent the same cannot be so amended, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. SECTION IV. Effective date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. APPROVED THIS ______ day of _________________, 2014. _________________________________________ MAYOR NADINE PALMGREN 4 39 4040 Seal _______________________________________ Loree K. Phlypo – City Clerk AYES: 0 NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 0 5 40 4141 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Mayor SUBJECT: Henry County Tourism consideration of a request for a portion of hotel tax BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Cathy Foes from Henry County Tourism is requesting a portion of the hotel tax for future promotion of the City of Geneseo tourism. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Summary of hotel/motel tax 41 4242 HOTEL/MOTEL July 2013 - May 29, 2014 REVENUES: Hotel Tax Interest TOTAL REVENUES: ACTUAL 46,867 122 $46,989 EXPENSES: Chamber Henry County Tourism Quad Cities Chamber Police Tourism Incentives TOTAL EXPENSES: 11,170 7,500 5,000 5,000 2,809 $31,479 $15,510 Current Revenues over Expenses I expect to receive approximately $3,000 more revenues in for May received at the end of June. $18,510 Expected Revenues over Expenses FY 2014 We budgeted to have $9,000 Revenues over Expenses so there is a possible $9,500 that could be spent and still stay in budget. 42 4343 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: City Accountant SUBJECT: Consideration to approve the 2012 Tax Levy as modified. BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 1. O-14-104 Amended 2012 Tax Levy Ordinance for the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. 43 4444 City of Geneseo O-14-104 CITY OF GENESEO ORDINANCE NO.O-14-104 AMENDED 2012 TAX LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRYCOUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2013 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2014 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO THIS 10th DAY OF JUNE, 2014 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR JUNE 10,2014 44 4545 City of Geneseo O-14-104 ORDINANCE NO.O-14-104 AMENDED 2012 TAX LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRYCOUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2013 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2014 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS: SECTION I: There shall be levied upon all property subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Geneseo as that property is assessed and equalized for state and county purposes for the current year the amounts hereinafter set forth as budgeted or deemed necessary to defray additional expenses and liabilities for all corporate purposes or so much thereof as may be authorized by law, for the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. SECTION II: The specified amounts as levied for the various objects or purposes are placed in a separate column designated, "Amount To Be Raised From Tax Levy". Amount Appropriated General Fund General Administration General Administration – Audit Council Community Development Inspectors Public Services Public Services – Public Benefit Public Services – Garbage Public Services–Public Comfort Tax Public Services – Street Lighting Public Safety Public Safety – ESDA Amount To Be Raised From Other Sources Amount To Be Raised From Tax Levy $345,700. $513,200 10,000. 100,500. 12,000. 91,200. 895,700. 500. 500. 4,000. 1,000. 1,619,500. 1,600. 100,500. 12,000. 91,200. 885,700. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1,564,500. 0. $167,500. 10,000. 0. 0. 0. 10,000. 500. 500. 4,000. 1,000. 55,000. 1,600. $65,700. 508,300 0. 550,000. 25,000. $65,700. 508,300. 0. 550,000. 25,000. $0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Electric Department 2006B Debt Certificates 2007A Bonds 2007B Bonds Louisa Operations Louisa Maintenance 45 4646 2 Louisa Administration Generation Operation Generation Maintenance Production Transportation Operation 20,000. 541,000. 378,000. 1,880,000. 10,000. 20,000. 541,000. 378,000. 1,880,000. 10,000. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 21,000. 21,000. 0. Distribution Operation 256,000. 256,000. 0. Distribution Maintenance 545,500. 545,500. 0. 1,689,500. 1,689,500. 0. 2004 Bond $135,250. $135,250. 0. 2006 Bond 81,750. 81,750. 0. Utility Tax 46,000. 46,000. 0. Operation 167,000. 167,000. 0. Maintenance 117,000. 117,000. 0. Administration 229,500. 229,500. 0. $65,300. $65,300. 0. 17,500. 17,500. 0. Operation 225,000. 225,000. 0. Maintenance 151,000. 151,000. 0. Sanitary Sewer 107,000. 107,000. 0. Transportation Maintenance Administrative Water Operations Sewer Operations EPA Loan Pollutant Discharge 46 4747 3 Administration 339,000. Amount Appropriated Insurance & Tort Judgment Social Security IMRF Debt Service Cemetery-Perpetual Care Economic Development Fuel Depot Hotel/Motel Tax Health Insurance A-Police B-Police D-Police Police Pension Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Administration Total 2012 Tax Levy 339,000. 0. Amount To Be Raised Amount To Be Raised From Other Sources From Tax Levy $95,000. 133,000. 192,700. 312,600. 10,000. 23,000. 159,000. 23,000 986,300. 0. 2,500. 0. 210,000. 931,000. 25,000. $0. 15,604. 97,796. 312,600. 10,000. 23,000. 159,000. 23,000. 986,300. 0. 2,500. 0. 20,797. 931,000. 25,000. $95,000. 117,396. 94,904. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 189,203. 0. 0. $14,524,100. 13,777,497. $746,603. SECTION III: The City Clerk be and hereby is authorized to request that the County Clerk of Henry County, Illinois not extend $134,310 of the required $134,310required to be levied for the principal and interest and fees authorized in and by Ordinance No. 1776. SECTION IV: The City Clerk be and hereby is authorized to request that the County Clerk of Henry County, Illinois not extend $497,700of the required $497,700required to be levied for the principal and interest and fees authorized in and by Ordinance No.1888. SECTION VI: The following summary represents the total amount levied for the 47 4848 4 City of Geneseo O-14-104 following corporate purposes: Tax Levy Recapitulation Corporate General Fund (65 ILCS 5/8-3-1) Social Security Fund (40 ILCS 5/21-110, 110.1) $167,500. $117,396. Tort Judgments, Liability and Property Insurance (745 ILCS 10/9-107) $95,000. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (40 ILCS 5/7-171) $94,904. Police Pension Fund (40 ILCS 5/3-125) Water & Sewer Debt Service Fund (Ordinance No. 1776) $189,203. $0 Electric Debt Service Fund(Ordinance No. 1888) Electric Debt Service Fund(Ordinance No. 1889) $0 Police Protection Fund (65 ILCS 5/11-1-3) $55,000 Street and Bridge 65 ILCS 5/11-81-2 Garbage 65 ILCS 5/11-19-4 $10,000. $500. Audit 65 ILCS 5/8-8-8 Emergency Services and Disaster Operations 65 ILCS 5/8-3-16 Public Benefit 65 ILCS 5/9-2-39 Public Comfort Stations 65 ILCS 5/11-21-4 Street Lighting 65 ILCS 5/11-80-5 $10,000. $1,600. $500. $4,000. $1,000. TOTAL TAX LEVIED: $751,000 SECTION VI: The City Clerk shall make and file with the County Clerk of said County of Henry, on or before the time required by law, a duly certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION VII: If any section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. SECTION VIII: This ordinance shall be in effect upon its adoption by the City Council of the City of Geneseo, its approval by the Mayor, and its due publication in accordance with law. 48 4949 5 City of Geneseo O-14-104 Passed and adopted by two-thirds vote of the City Council of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, on the 10thday of June, 2014 and approved by the Mayor, June 10, 2014. ___________________________________ Nadine Palmgrem, Mayor (SEAL) __________________________________ Loree Phlypo, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 49 5050 ORDINANCE NO. O-14-104 6 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY CITY OF GENESEO ) ) ) SS: Published in pamphlet form by authority of the City Council of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, this10th day of June, 2014. State of Illinois County of Henry ) ) ) ss. I, Loree Phlypo, certify that I am the duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois. I further certify that on June 10th, 2014, the Corporate Authorities of such municipality passed and approved Ordinance No. O-14-104, entitled AMENDED 2012 TAX LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2013AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2014, which provided by its terms that it should be published in pamphlet form. The pamphlet form of Ordinance No.O-14-104, including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof, was prepared, and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the municipal building, commencing on June 12, 2014, and continuing for at least ten days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance were also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the City Clerk. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and the seal of the City, this 12th day of June, 2014. Loree Phlypo City Clerk for City of Geneseo 50 5151 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: City Accountant SUBJECT: Consideration to approve O-14-106 Budget Ordinance BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 1. O-14-106 An Ordinance Adopting the Budget for all Corporate Purposes of the City of Geneseo, Illinois, In Lieu of the Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year Commencing on the First Day of July, 2014 and ending on the Thirtieth of June, 2015. 51 5252 ORDINANCE NO. O-14-106__ AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS, IN LIEU OF THE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JULY, 2014 AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF JUNE, 2015 ______________________________________________________________ Whereas, on February 11, 2014, there was submitted to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Geneseo, Illinois a proposed budget for all corporate purposes of the City of Geneseo for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of July 2014, and ending on the thirtieth day of June 2015; and Whereas, the Public Hearing was conducted on May 13, 2014, as required by law; and Whereas, the above procedure is in conformance with the ordinance of the City of Geneseo pertaining to budget policies and procedures as passed by the Geneseo City Council as amended on April 13, 2010; and Whereas, the City has enacted such ordinance under provisions of Sections 5/3-11-8 and 5/8-2-1 through 5/8-2-9.11 of Chapter 65 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Geneseo, Illinois that the budget for all corporate purposes of the City of Geneseo, County of Henry, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015, is incorporated herein by reference, and is hereby adopted. 52 5353 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Budget Adoption Ordinance is in lieu of the statutory appropriation ordinance and that the amounts set forth in the budget for various corporate purposes shall constitute the aggregate amount of appropriation for the City of Geneseo, Illinois. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed, insofar as they so conflict. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication thereof, as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESO, ILLINOIS, this 10th day of June, A. D. 2014, and approved by the Mayor of this City this 10th day of June. A. D. 2014. ________________________________ Mayor of the City Of Geneseo, Illinois ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk of the City Of Geneseo, Illinois Ayes: Nays: Abstain: Absent: 0 0 0 0 53 5454 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY CITY OF GENESEO ) ) ) SS: Published in pamphlet form by authority of the City Council of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, this 12th day of June, 2014. State of Illinois County of Henry ) ) ) ss. I, Loree K. Phlypo, certify that I am the duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois. I further certify that on June 10th, 2014, the Corporate Authorities of such municipality passed and approved Ordinance No. O-14-106, entitled AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR ALL PORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS, IN LIEU OF THE APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JULY, 2014 AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF JUNE, 2015, which provided by its terms that it should be published in pamphlet form. The pamphlet form of Ordinance No. O-14-106, including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof, was prepared, and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the municipal building, commencing on June 12, 2014, and continuing for at least ten days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance were also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the City Clerk. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and the seal of the City, this 12th day of June, 2014. Loree K. Phlypo City Clerk for City of Geneseo 54 5555 GENERAL MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Fiscal Year Ended June 30,2015 REVENUES: General Fund General Corporate Levy General Audit Township Property Levy Public Services - Street & Bridge Public Services - Public Benefit Public Services - Garbage Public Services - Public Comfort Public Services - Street Lighting Public Safety - Police Protection Public Safety - ESDA Public Safety - Pension Public Safety - Crossing Guards Other Revenues Total General Fund Revenues EXPENDITURES: General Fund Administration Council Community Development Inspectors Public Services Public Safety Total General Fund Expenditures $161,100 $11,500 $65,000 $59,400 $500 $500 $4,000 $1,000 $55,000 $1,600 $204,500 $5,000 $2,952,700 $3,521,800 $501,600 $92,400 $12,000 $98,500 $960,000 $1,852,300 $3,516,800 ELECTRIC, WATER, AND SEWER FUNDS REVENUES: Electric Refuse Water Sewer Bond Proceeds $7,653,200 $408,700 $1,030,400 $1,079,900 $0 Total Electric, Water, and Sewer Revenues EXPENDITURES: Electric 2006B Debt Certificate 2007A Bonds Louisa Operations Louisa Transportation Maintenance Louisa Administration $65,800 $493,700 $600,000 $25,000 $20,000 55 $10,172,200 5656 General Operation General Maintenance Production Transportation Operation Transportation Maintenance Distribution Operation Distribution Maintenance Administrative Capital Expenditures $570,200 $441,600 $1,930,000 $10,000 $24,200 $209,600 $600,800 $1,737,800 $600,000 Total Electric Expenditures $7,328,700 Refuse Salaries Customer Billing Expense Contractual $6,000 $1,000 $392,000 Total Refuse Expenditures $399,000 Water 2004 Bond 2006 Bond 2013 Refunding Bond Utility Tax Operation Maintenance Administration $87,900 $76,300 $37,600 $46,000 $193,500 $168,000 $260,625 Total Water Expenditures $869,925 Sewer EPA Loan Pollutant Discharge Fee Operation Maintenance Sanitary Sewer Administration Capital Expense $65,300 $17,700 $265,000 $94,500 $138,000 $331,725 $110,000 Total Sewer Expenditures $1,022,225 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues Total Revenues for Special Revenue Funds 56 $1,787,300 5757 Expenditures Downtown Fund A-Police B-Police Police DUE Equipment Social Security Fund Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 2006 Debt Service Cemetery Perpetual Care Motor Fuel Tax Fuel Depot Hotel/Motel Tax Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Electric Meter Deposits Water Meter Deposits D-Police TIF Funds Capital Projects $0 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $138,500 $135,000 $281,800 $0 $125,000 $101,500 $43,500 $33,000 $500 $100 $100 $3,000 $23,300 $556,000 Total Special Revenue Expenditures $1,448,800 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Revenues Total Revenues for Internal Services Funds $1,100,550 Expenditures Workmen's Comp Health Insurance Cafeteria Plan $62,700 $697,450 $2,000 Total Internal Services Funds $762,150 57 5858 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Lewis Opsal SUBJECT: Twin States Technical Service Agreement BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: To provide network service and technical support for City Hall Computer Network. Would like to enter into this agreement and direct City Attorney to create a Resolution allowing the Mayor to sign. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Twin State Support Summary for the City of Geneseo b. R-14-101 Resolution allowing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Twin States. 58 5959 Support Summary for the City of Geneseo May 21, 2014 From To Mark Faust Twin State Technical Services David Kepner City of Geneseo Task Checklist The following list identifies items beyond routine maintenance and general support that we have identified as short-term needs: Perform security audit of Cisco ASA Firewall Install Spiceworks helpdesk ticketing system o Obtain [email protected] email address Disable user profiles for all former employees that are still active in Active Directory (Windows Domain) Perform security audit of file and folder permissions for all shared directories Scan all servers for open ports, determine if vulnerabilities exist, configure for optimal security Create backup script targeting all users’ .pst files Acquire and install TrendMicro Worry Free Business Security Remove LogMeIn executables from all servers and workstations Verify Windows workstations are automatically receiving security updates from Microsoft 59 6060 Ongoing Maintenance Monthly Maintenance Approximately 8 - 12 hours per month for primarily server-side support o Check available system logs and performance monitors for errors and fix them o Install security patches and updates o Maintain physical disk health checks o Perform routine checks of automated backups o Perform routine checks of antivirus Support Requirements We require that you maintain service/maintenance agreements with hardware and software vendors. We ask that you provide up to two designated contacts to work with and authorize Twin State Technical Services’ work. Ongoing Support Help Desk Access Twin State has a full time help desk to serve your everyday needs The Twin State Help Desk is here from 8 am – 5 pm to answer any questions, troubleshoot problems, and dispatch engineers as quickly as possible during business hours. This system helps us to effectively receive, manage, and fix problems for our clients. We’re able to solve a lot of problems over the phone, which saves our clients time and money and allows us to dispatch engineers for issues that require personnel on-site. Every call we receive is tracked in our Help Desk Ticketing System, which helps us make sure our team companywide is always aware of any outstanding issues. These tickets will normally be assigned to your account representative. If your engineer is unavailable and the issue needs immediate assistance, then with your permission, we will assign the first available qualified networking team member. The help desk is staffed with qualified, helpful technical engineers, and receives many compliments from our clients on its ability to solve issues you may be experiencing and its friendly, helpful service. 60 6161 Recommended Services Stratus Offsite Backups Keeping your data secure is a top priority for any business. IT best practices suggest that a business keep their most important data backed up both onsite and offsite. At Twin State, we utilize a state-of-the art backup application to store our clients’ data in a secure, offsite location. We call this service Stratus. With Stratus, you are able to choose what data is stored offsite and know that it is protected if a catastrophic event (natural disaster, fire, water damage, etc.) affects your place of business. The monthly charge for this service is listed below. Stratus Component Monthly Cost Desktop Application License $5.25 per desktop Server Application License $8.75 per server Backup Data $0.40 per GB Remote Monitoring The Twin State Network Monitoring Service gives both Twin State and you immediate feedback on the health of your information systems. Our Help Desk monitors systems each workday from 8 am – 5 pm, excluding weekends and holidays. If there's a problem with your Internet connection or server, if you're running low on disk space or if your system hasn't yet installed critical security patches, we'll know right away and be able to start working on a solution. By allowing us to learn about problems before they escalate into systems “down” situations, we avoid the costly work needed to recover systems and data. This means you'll spend less time reporting problems and we'll spend less time diagnosing them, saving money and resources. In fact, this system gives us the ability to fix some problems remotely. The monthly charge associated with this service is listed below. Devices Monthly Cost 1st Windows Server $35 Additional Windows servers $15 per server Firewalls $5 per firewall Switches $5 per switch Routers $5 per router 61 6262 Patch Management We use an updating system to manage software patches for non-Microsoft software such as Adobe and Java, and Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) for all Microsoft products. This service seamlessly keeps all your machines updated to the same level, and in a way that does not interrupt your users. No longer will your users get pop ups on their screens t o update their machines. Yearly charge for this service is listed below. # of Machines Monthly Cost Yearly Cost 1 to 25 $10 $120 26-75 $15 $180 76-100 $20 $240 101-150 $30 $360 151-200 $40 $480 Other Services Available at Twin State Technical Services Part of what makes us unique is the broad technical expertise we have under one roof. It is not unusual for your technology projects to include all these disciplines: hardware, software and web/Internet. For this reason, our developers, network engineers, and web team often work as a team to provide complete care to our customers. Here are the areas (in addition to networking) in which we provide services: Software Programming As a core part of our business, we’ve developed software for clients in manufacturing, distribution, medical, retail, agriculture, education, and transportation. Our goal has always been to develop applications that are simple, useful, and work seamlessly with our clients’ existing systems. Databases We’re great at building on top of your existing databases to make them work well with newer technologies, especially accounting and e-commerce. We can integrate your existing system or migrate your data to something new. Specializing in SQL server and Access, we help secure web access to confidential data; review, sort, and manipulate data online; and communication with web-based vendors and transmit data. Web Design & Development We create responsive, mobile-friendly websites that look great on any device that can access the web. We have in-house designers and developers who have worked with a variety of content management systems, programming languages, and APIs to help clients build fully-custom websites that meet their goals. 62 6363 Copywriting, Web Content, and Social Media We have a full-time writer on staff who creates original content that is useful, accessible, and optimized for search engines or for promotional events. We’ve worked on everything from print brochures and catalogs to social media marketing campaigns for our clients. Analytics There are a lot of myths and misinformation in the world of SEO; bad advice can actually harm your search engine ranking. We’ll explain SEO in plain language and help you craft content that’s friendly to users and search engines. Our team members are Google Analytics Qualified, which means we know how to get the most out of your traffic. If you want to learn more about the people visiting your site, or if you’re looking to finely tune your e-commerce, we’ll help you set and implement measurable goals and improve your overall site experience. 63 6464 G ENERAL I NFORMATION Billing, Fees, Terms Billing We bill at the end of each month for all work completed and materials purchased on your behalf within that month. Offsite support and onsite support is billed in 15 minute increments at Twin State’s current hourly rate. Fees Our regular hourly fee for all services is $115. Reduced rates are available based on the number of hours used annually. After Hours Fees All hours beyond M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm are billed at time and a half. Travel We bill mileage at $0.44 per mile. Standard Agreement Before our work begins for you we both sign the Twin State Technical Services Engagement Agreement. Terms This agreement is cancelable by either party with 30 days written notice to the authorized representative of each party. 64 6565 RESOLUTION #R-14-101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS, TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH TWIN STATES FOR NETWORK SERVICE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo has a need for Network Service and Technical Support for the City Hall Computer Network; and WHEREAS, the Geneseo Municipal Utilities now uses Twin States for their technical service needs and have been satisfied with their work: and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the City of Geneseo to enter into a Technical Service Agreement with Twin States; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Geneseo, Illinois authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Twin States for Network Service and Technical Support. Approved this 10th day of June, 2014 Adopted this 10th day of June, 2014 _________________________ Mayor of the Cityof Geneseo, IL ________________________ City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, IL AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 65 6666 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10th, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works PRESENTER: Chief Waste Water Operator, David Geary SUBJECT: Sludge Dewatering Study Final Draft BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The City contracted with Donahue Associates to study the best alternative for Digested Sludge Dewatering. The report and findings have been returned to the City. RECOMMENDATION: Make this a part of a greater project package and proceed with-in the next 24 months. Land applying sludge is getting more and more difficult and the City is going to have to do something different in the near future. BUDGET IMPACT: None DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Transmittal Letter Final Study 66 6767 Wastewater Treatment Plant Digested Sludge Dewatering Study City of Geneseo, Illinois Date: April 28, 2014 To: Klint Rice, Director of Public Works Dave Geary, Chief Wastewater Operator Copy: Tracey Webb, Donohue & Associates Ed Nevers, Donohue & Associates From: Aric Bergstrom, Donohue & Associates Re: Digested Sludge Dewatering Study Introduction The City of Geneseo operates a wastewater treatment plant that digests biosolids produced from wastewater treatment in an anaerobic digester. Sludge from the digester must be disposed of on a regular basis to maintain operations. The existing plant was designed to remove excess water from the sludge using vacuum assisted drying beds with the resulting sludge cake being land filled or land applied. However, the drying beds proved problematic and are not being used. The operator has been disposing of the digested sludge in its liquid state by land application. Because the plant does not have sufficient liquid sludge storage capacity it is difficult to dispose of on agricultural land in the proper seasonal time windows. The City has had some resistance from the agricultural community regarding the application of liquid digested sludge due to soil disruption caused by sludge incorporation (disc injection) into the soil. Therefore, the City has decided to investigate the disposal of the digested sludge in a landfill as a cake solid from a new dewatering operation. This study will evaluate two different dewatering technologies, rotary fan presses and screw presses, for possible incorporation into the existing Sludge Building. Design Basis The wastewater treatment plant produces approximately 600,000 gallons per year of digested sludge which is 4.0% to 4.5% dry solids by weight which equates to approximately 200,000 pounds/year of dry solids. Plant staff would like to dewater this annual sludge quantity by running the proposed dewatering equipment one day every other week for 6 to 8 hours or 156 to 208 hours per year. This results in a minimum dewatering equipment hydraulic capacity of 48 gpm and minimum dry solids capacity of 962 pounds/hour. Operation of the dewatering operation in this mode may negatively impact compliance with the plant’s NPDES limitation for ammonia nitrogen. If ammonia nitrogen concentration in the plant effluent spikes upward following a dewatering operation, it may be necessary to operate the dewatering unit more frequently for a shorter period of time. No dewatered cake storage area is needed as the cake produced will be hauled directly to a landfill rather than stored onsite. The existing centrifugal Fairbanks Morse sludge transfer pump will need to be replaced with a positive displacement pump (progressive cavity or rotary lobe) to overcome the pressure within a dewatering system while maintaining a consistent flow rate. The sludge line between the transfer pump and the 67 6868 Wastewater Treatment Plant Digested Sludge Dewatering Study City of Geneseo Sludge Building is assumed to be in good shape and is not expected to require replacement so no site work is anticipated. Wash water is available via an existing nonpotable line with 55 psi of pressure. Filtrate from the dewatering equipment will be returned to the plant via the existing vacuum filtrate pumps. An emulsion polymer feed system will be added to the building to flocculate the sludge. The Sludge Building HVAC system is assumed to be adequate and therefore no modifications are proposed. Dewatering 7,698 lbs/day of solids at 4% solids concentrations to 20% solids would result in approximately 30 to 40 cy/day of dewatered sludge cake being produced. Dewatered cake would be transferred from dewatering equipment to a roll-off container using a shaftless screw conveyor. Rotary Fan Presses Liquid sludge and polymer are mixed and fed into a flocculation tank before entering the fan press itself. Sludge flows into the inlet end of a circular annular space between two perforated or slotted plates. The “fan” referred to in the name is simply a circular array of plate supports that are externally visible on some models. The dewatering pressure is provided by the feed pump and is regulated by the press’s rotational speed and an adjustable discharge orifice. As sludge turns to cake in the machine it is conveyed by friction with the rotating filter plates to the discharge chute. Filtrate flows through the plates towards the outside of the enclosure (often referred to as a channel). Units can be fitted with multiple channels to increase dewatering capacity. Typical rotary fan press performance ranges and average performance are presented in the following table. The average performance values listed will be used for further evaluation in the absence of pilot test data. Table 1: Typical Rotary Fan Press Performance Typical Range Typical Average Cake Solids 20%-28% 24% Solids Capture 94-97% 95% Polymer Use 8-12 lbs/ Dry Ton 10 lbs/ Dry Ton Equipment proposals and reference checks for leading fan press manufacturers Fournier Industries and Prime Solution Inc. are attached in Appendix A along with a conceptual fan press layout drawing in Appendix B, and an economic analysis in Appendix C. Overall, installation of a rotary fan press has an estimated initial cost $601,000 with a present worth of $1,188,000. Donohue Project No.: 12651 2 68 Donohue & Associates, Inc. 6969 Wastewater Treatment Plant Digested Sludge Dewatering Study City of Geneseo Screw Presses As shown to the right, the screw press is a simple, slow moving mechanical device. Similar to the rotary fan press, polymer and sludge are first flocculated ahead of the dewatering equipment. Dewatering is continuous and is accomplished first by gravity drainage at the inlet end of the screw. Then the sludge volume is reduced as the sludge is pressed against a screen basket by the screw from the inlet to the discharge end of the press. Filtrate passes through the screen basket and is collected in a drainage pan while cake sludge is discharged from the end. Typical screw press performance ranges and average performance are presented in the following table. The average performance values listed will be used for further evaluation in the absence of pilot test data. Table 2: Typical Screw Press Performance Typical Range Typical Average Cake Solids 20%-25% 20% Solids Capture 95-99% 95% Polymer Use 20 - 30 lbs/ Dry Ton 25 lbs/ Dry Ton Equipment proposals and reference checks for Huber Technologies and Schwing Bioset are attached in Appendix A along with a conceptual screw press layout drawing in Appendix B and an economic analysis in Appendix C. Overall, installation of a screw press has an estimated initial cost $677,000 with a present worth of $1,538,000. Donohue Project No.: 12651 3 69 Donohue & Associates, Inc. 7070 Wastewater Treatment Plant Digested Sludge Dewatering Study City of Geneseo Recommendation Figure 1 below shows the cumulative present worth of the two dewatering technologies considered. Equipment maintenance costs with either of these two technologies are expected to be minimal and assumed to be equal for this analysis. Manufacturer maintenance requirement correspondence is included in Appendix A. Figure 1: Alternative Present Worths Initial cost for the fan press is less than the initial cost of the screw press. The higher cake solids concentration (resulting in lower disposal costs) and lower polymer costs associated with the fan press further enhance the fan press being the more economical choice. The smaller foot print required for a fan press also lends itself better to installation within the existing Sludge Building. Based on these considerations we would recommend the installation of a fan press for sludge dewatering over a screw press for this application. We strongly recommend the City conduct pilot testing with fan press manufacturers to better determine expected performance characteristics using actual conditions prior to design and construction. Donohue Project No.: 12651 4 70 Donohue & Associates, Inc. 7171 Appendix A Equipment Proposals and References 71 7272 Thetford Mines (Quebec) March 5th, 2014 Attention: Aric Bergstrom Donohue & Associates, Inc. Subject: Geneseo, IL WWTP - Dewatering Equipment Budget Proposal Further to your recent request to our local representative, we are pleased to submit our budget quotation for the supply of sludge dewatering equipment and services for your project. a) Sludge type and quantity Type: Anaerobically Digested, Primary & WAS Total solid content of sludge: 4.0% Sludge Quantity: 600,000 gallons/year processed 208 hours/year To execute the above performance, the following equipment and service are suggested: One (1) Rotary Press Model 4-900/4000CV, Four-channel unit Equipment and service One (1) Rotary Press model 4-900/4000CV One (1) Flocculator One (1) Lot of piping between flocculator and rotary press, c/w sludge sampler One (1) Sludge flowmeter One (1) Polymer flowmeter One (1) Filtrate collector pipe Four (4) Cake Chutes Four (4) Wash water solenoids for automatic wash sequence Four (4) Cake sensors for safe unattended operation Two (2) 2-way air-actuated valves for automatic sludge re-circulation One (1) Control Panel c/w PLC Allen-Bradley CompactLogix Series L10 & Pro-face 6" touch screen HMI, and VFD’s for both rotary press and flocculator On site start-up, commissioning, training and performance testing assistance for a total of 64 man-hours, including 2 trips to the jobsite. One lot of Submittal and O&M Our lump sum budget price for the above equipment and services: US$305,000.00. The above suggested equipment is illustrated on drawing no. B-C-24110 Rev. 11. FOURNIER INDUSTRIES INC., 3787 Frontenac Blvd W., Thetford Mines (Qc) Canada, G6H 2B5 Tel. (418) 423-4241 Fax (418) 423-7366 Steve Oftelie office/mobile : (952) 288-5771 email : [email protected] 72 web : www.rotary-press.com 7373 March 5th, 2014 p. 2 Subject: Geneseo, IL WWTP, Dewatering Equipment Budget Proposal (Cont'd) General notes: 1. Our budget price does not include the following items: a. Unloading and installation of the equipment on site. b. Sludge pump and its VFD c. Dilution Polymer system d. Conveyor (if required) e. Air compressor 2. Budget price is valid for a period of ninety (90) days. 3. Budget Price is Ex-works Thetford Mines (Quebec) Canada, freight allowed to Geneseo, IL. 4. Standard Terms of Payment: 10% net 30 days after shop drawing submittal 90% net 30 days after delivery 5. Equipment delivery: Shop drawings: Equipment: Four to six (4-6) weeks after Purchase order acceptance. Ten to twelve (10-12) weeks after drawings approval. 6. All taxes: Extra if applicable. (*) Anticipated production rate is based on past experience with similar type of sludge. If the sludge conditions change, our performance may be affected; please advise us of any changes in sludge properties, so we may amend this proposal. As a next step, we would suggest full scale pilot testing on site with our mobile unit. At your request, we would be happy to prepare a proposal for pilot testing. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information you may require. FOURNIER INDUSTRIES INC. Steve Oftelie Western Regional Sales Manager c.c.: Mr. Tom Dennis, Drydon Equipment, Inc. Mr Serge Fournier. Director, Rotary Press Sales and Development FOURNIER INDUSTRIES INC., 3787 Frontenac Blvd W., Thetford Mines (Qc) Canada, G6H 2B5 Steve Oftelie office/mobile : (952) 288-5771 73 Tel. (418) 423-4241 Fax (418) 423-7366 email : [email protected] web : www.rotary-press.com 7474 March 5th, 2014 p. 3 Subject: Geneseo, IL WWTP, Dewatering Equipment Budget Proposal (Cont'd) FOURNIER INDUSTRIES INC., 3787 Frontenac Blvd W., Thetford Mines (Qc) Canada, G6H 2B5 Steve Oftelie office/mobile : (952) 288-5771 74 Tel. (418) 423-4241 Fax (418) 423-7366 email : [email protected] web : www.rotary-press.com 7575 From: Thomas Dennis [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 8:43 AM To: Bergstrom, Aric Cc: Steve Truitt Subject: FW: Geneseo, IL Fournier Rotary Fan Press Maintenance Response Aric, See below. If you have additional questions please contact me. Thanks Best Regards, Tom Dennis P: (920)439-1188 C: (414)322-1567 F: (920)439-1079 From: Steven Oftelie [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 1:41 PM To: Thomas Dennis Subject: RE: Geneseo, IL Tom, The scrapper blades and deflector should be replaced after 8,000 hours. I would not consider that “major” maintenance since it costs about $1,100 per channel and takes about 2 hours per channel. The screens should last between 45,000 and 50,000 hours, that would probably be the major repair time frame. Best regards, Steve Steve Oftelie Regional Sales Manager Fournier Industries Inc. tel: (952) 288-5771 email: [email protected] From: Bergstrom, Aric [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 12:34 PM To: Thomas Dennis Cc: Steve Truitt; Bergstrom, Aric Subject: RE: Geneseo, IL Could you provide an estimate on the number of operating hours that could be expected before major maintenance would be required? Aric Bergstrom, PE Process Engineer Donohue & Associates, Inc. Phone: (920) 208-0296 75 7676 INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE M'FR Fournier Facility Marseilles, IL SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY GENESEO WWTP Mar-13 Owner Contact Jason Phone 815-795-4000 Date 12-Mar-14 QUESTIONS 1 Model Dual channel 36" 2 No. Units 2 3 Installation Date 2009 4 Cake Solids, % 20-21% this year, 25-26% other years 5 Polymer Dosage Use 3.5% polymer per ft of digester. 6 Solids Capture, % 7 Construction Problems No. 8 Start-Up Problems Gas generation in long sludge lines led to some gas binding. Now they open the sample lines to bleed gas off before startup. 9 Manufacturer's Service Fine. a) Start-Up b) Warranty c) Post-Warranty 10 Maintenance History Weekly cleaning. 11 12 Problems since Installation Satisfaction Yes, would recommend to other plants. 13 Recommendations 14 Other Run the press 3-4 times a week, takes 5 to 40 minutes startup. 76 7777 INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE M'FR Fournier Facility Pecatonica SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY GENESEO WWTP Mar-13 Owner Contact Dan Barber Phone 815-239-9330 Date 12-Mar-14 QUESTIONS 1 Model Dual channel 36" 2 No. Units 2 3 Installation Date 2009 4 Cake Solids, % 26% 5 Polymer Dosage Doesn't recall 6 Solids Capture, % Doesn't recall 7 Construction Problems None 8 Start-Up Problems None 9 Manufacturer's Service Good a) Start-Up b) Warranty c) Post-Warranty 10 Maintenance History Fine 11 One electrical control panel issue. 12 Problems since Installation Satisfaction 13 Recommendations Extra training would be good. Heat the discharge chute it is prone to freezing in cold weather. 14 Other He's operated belt presses, centrifuges, and Somat dewatering systems and the Fournier press is by far his favorite. Very. It is awesome 77 7878 INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE M'FR Fournier Facility Ottawa SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY GENESEO WWTP Mar-13 Owner Contact Bob Shull Phone 815-433-0245 Date 12-Mar-14 QUESTIONS 1 Model 6 channel 36" 2 No. Units 2 3 Installation Date 2010 4 Cake Solids, % 17% 5 Polymer Dosage Doesn't recall 6 Solids Capture, % Doesn't recall 7 Construction Problems None. 8 Start-Up Problems None. 9 Manufacturer's Service Fine. a) Start-Up b) Warranty c) Post-Warranty 10 Maintenance History 11 12 Problems since Installation Satisfaction 13 Recommendations 14 Other Very satisfied. Likes it better than belt presses or centrifuges. 78 7979 SLUDGE DEWATERING 48" DUAL CHANNEL ROTARY FAN PRESS SKID SYSTEM BUDGETARY PROPOSAL FOR: DONOHUE & ASSOCIATES (Project: City of Geneseo, IL) PRIME SOLUTION, INC. 610 S. PLATT STREET OTSEGO, MI 49078 USA PH: (269) 694-6666 FX: (269) 694-1298 www.psirotary.com Prime Solution Regional Sales Manager: Mr. Josh VanPatten / MO: (269) 355-3617 / [email protected] 79 8080 BUDGETARY PROPOSAL Date: March 7, 2014 Number: P-140307JV1 To: Donohue & Associates 3311 Weeden Creek Road Sheboygan, WI 53081 Contact: Aric Bergstrom PH: (920) 208-0296 E-Mail: [email protected] Page No. 2 of 3 Pages PSI Sales Rep: Marshall-Bond Pumps Contact: Jason Metz PH: (920) 469-7708 E-Mail: [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: One (1) Dual Channel 48" Rotary Fan Press Skid System as listed below in this Scope of Supply. All equipment listed below is factory tested, pre-plumbed/wired and ready for field installation. Sludge type, feed solids, volatile solids, pretreatment, polymer selection, desired cake solids and process variations will affect performance of the equipment. Delivery, installation, system integration, utility and piping connections not included and/or listed below in this Scope of Supply shall be provided by others. ROTARY FAN PRESS EQUIPMENT SCOPE OF SUPPLY - One (1) RFP48D – 48" Dual Channel Rotary Fan Press, 5.0 hp Direct Gear Drive System, Epoxy Coated Carbon Steel Housings and Base, Pneumatic Sludge Discharge Gate Control, Pneumatic Flow Control, All 304 Stainless Steel/Hard Chromed Tapered Slotted Filter Screens with Stainless Steel Support Wheels, Intermittent Filter Screen Wash with Valves (requires minimum 45 psi @ 20 gpm intermittently per channel). - One (1) RFP Skid Platform, Epoxy Coated Carbon Steel Welded Construction. Anchor Bolts To Be Provided By Others. - One (1) In-Line Full Port Pneumatic Mixer with 4-Port Injection Ring. - One (1) PVC Sludge Retention Manifold with Clear Site Tube Cleanout. - One (1) Pneumatic Sludge By-Pass Control Valve. - One (1) Sludge Feed Magnetic Flow Meter. - One (1) Sludge Feed Pump (Rotary Lobe) with VFD Gear Drive Direct Coupled On Common Base. - One (1) Air Compressor with Receiver. - One (1) Emulsion Polymer Feed/Blend System, with Integrated Controls (water required 45 psi @ 27 gpm). - One (1) Auto Process Control Package (semi-unattended operation) For System As Listed In This Proposal. - One (1) Central Operator Panel with Touch Screen Controls, Ten Inch (10") Display, Lamps and Main Disconnect Power. System To Include Operation of Associated Dewatering Equipment As Listed In This Scope of Supply, 480 Volt/3 Phase/60 Hertz (Unless Specified Otherwise), NEMA 4X Rated Enclosure. - Two (2) Copies of Operational/Maintenance Manuals. - One (1) Standard Limited Workmanship Warranty. - One (1) One Day Installation Inspection Trip. - One (1) Three Day Start-Up/Training/Performance Testing Trip. We Propose to furnish material as stated, FOB Factory, freight allowed to job site (offloading by others), complete and in accordance with the above specifications for the sum of: U.S. Dollars: $302,400.00 All applicable taxes/fees are the full responsibility of the Purchaser/Customer and not included as part of this proposal. Any non-payment amounts, fines, fees, expenses caused thereof shall be the full payment responsibility of the Purchaser/Customer to any and all parties and/or authorities as the case may be. Prime Solution, Inc. – 610 S. Platt Street – Otsego, MI 49078 USA80– PH: (269) 694-6666 – FX: (269) 694-1298 – www.psirotary.com 8181 BUDGETARY PROPOSAL Date: March 7, 2014 Delivery: Number: P-140307JV1 Page No. 3 of 3 Pages 10 – 12 weeks from receipt of firm purchase order, receipt of down payment and approval of submittal(s) (1 time shipment only). Submittals: 20 working days from receipt of purchase order with complete project information supplied by Purchaser/Customer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Clarifications, Exceptions & Recommendations: Any system integration, ancillary equipment, services, access platforms, stairs and/or handrails, etc. not listed in this Scope of Supply shall not be part of this proposal and shall be provided by others if required. All equipment offloading, site storage, installation and interconnecting wiring and piping between all equipment listed and other ancillary equipment or sources shall be by others as selected or retained by the Purchaser/Customer. Any and all required chemistry (pretreatments/polymers, etc.), testing fees, etc. not listed as included in the Prime Solution, Inc. Equipment Scope of Supply shall be provided and/or paid for by others. The Purchaser/Customer understands and agrees that the type of sludge, pretreatment process, pretreatment chemistry, polymer selection, feed solids, volatile solids, sludge age, any/all changes (temperature, pH, etc.) to the sludge/slurry characteristic(s) not clearly defined in any written documentation will affect the sludge’s/slurry’s ability to be dewatered and performance/capacity of the equipment. The Purchaser/Customer shall be responsible to provide all suitable pretreatment chemistry for obtaining a suitable and stable flocculated sludge/slurry for mechanical dewatering to achieve any performance requirements. Prime Solution, Inc. can only estimate production performance based upon information supplied by the engineer and/or Purchaser/Customer, lab sample(s) or on-site pilot testing and does not take any responsibility for final equipment performance unless overall process is approved by Prime Solution, Inc. in writing. Any changes and/or omissions in any way to the type of sludge/slurry listed in any specifications that affects dewaterability of the sludge/slurry shall release Prime Solution, Inc. of any/all performance responsibility. Prime Solution, Inc. is furnishing the dewatering equipment only and is only subject to the Limited Workmanship Warranty and/or Scope of Supply. All equipment, material and components manufactured by others used in the design of the dewatering system shall have the same warranty afforded to Prime Solution, Inc. and is subject to and stipulated by the respective manufacturer’s warranty provided that the required maintenance has been performed by the Purchaser/Customer. Prime Solution, Inc. does not provide any guarantee or warranty of the process, chemistry or other parts and products purchased/supplied by others whatsoever, whether expressed, implied or statutory, including but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty that the contents of those parts and products will be suitable and error free. Any damages to the Prime Solution, Inc. equipment caused by parts, products or services provided by others will not be covered by the Limited Workmanship Warranty. In no respect shall Prime Solution, Inc. incur any liability for any damages, direct, indirect, special, or consequential arising out of, resulting from, or any way connected to the use of those parts or products provided by others, whether or not based upon warranty, contract, tort, or otherwise; whether or not injury was sustained by persons or property or otherwise; and whether or not loss was sustained from, or arose out of, the results of parts and products or any services provided by others. If there are any delays in shipment by the Purchaser/Customer, the Purchaser/Customer agrees to pay storage charges equal to 0.5% of the total project order per month the order is held by Prime Solution, Inc. for shipment. Should any additional service trips, equipment, supplies and/or labor be required by Prime Solution, Inc. to assist the Purchaser/Customer beyond what is listed in this Scope of Supply, these charges shall be in addition to the price listed in this Scope of Supply. On-site service for process or chemistry after installation and start-up will be subject to additional charges and is not included in the Limited Workmanship Warranty. This proposal is not to be shared in whole or in part with third parties outside of Donohue & Associates or the City of Geneseo, IL without the express written consent of Prime Solution, Inc. Thank you for your interest in Prime Solution and our Rotary Fan Press and we look forward to talking with you in the near future. Prime Solution, Inc. – 610 S. Platt Street – Otsego, MI 49078 USA81– PH: (269) 694-6666 – FX: (269) 694-1298 – www.psirotary.com 8282 From: Marshall Bond Pumps [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 1:31 PM To: Bergstrom, Aric Subject: RE: Geneseo IL Prime Rotary Fan Press Maintenance Response Aric Below are some common maintenance practices from Prime. Every 2000 hrs. or so you have to change the scraper cap. Takes about an hour per channel. Every 10000 hrs or so the center seal would need to be evaluated to see if it needed changed and about every 3000 hrs or so the radial seals need to be evaluated to see if they needed to be changed. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks. Please let me know if need more. Any further discussion about a Pilot? Thanks Jason 920-469-7708 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Subject: RE: Geneseo IL Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 17:33:39 +0000 Could you provide an estimate on the number of operating hours that could be expected before major maintenance would be required? Aric Bergstrom, PE Process Engineer Donohue & Associates, Inc. Phone: (920) 208-0296 82 8383 INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE M'FR Prime Solution Facility Stanley WWTP SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY GENESEO WWTP Mar-13 Owner Contact Forest Atwood Phone 540-778-3606 Date 12-Mar-14 QUESTIONS 1 Model RFP36D-SK 2 No. Units 1 3 Installation Date 2009 4 Cake Solids, % 18-20 5 Polymer Dosage 55 gal in 3 weeks, running 24 ours a week 6 Solids Capture, % Doesn't recall 7 Construction Problems None 8 Start-Up Problems None 9 Manufacturer's Service Good. Had one air compressor issue early but was handled under warranty without trouble. a) Start-Up b) Warranty c) Post-Warranty 10 Maintenance History 11 12 Problems since Installation Satisfaction 13 Recommendations 14 Other Very satisfied, likes it much better than belt presses he used at another plant. Easy clean up 83 8484 SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY GENESEO WWTP INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE M'FR Prime Solution Facility Sycamore Mar-13 Owner Contact JC Roach Phone 815-895-2992 Date 12-Mar-14 QUESTIONS 1 Model 2 No. Units 3 Installation Date 4 Cake Solids, % 12% 5 Polymer Dosage 15 lbs/tom 6 Solids Capture, % Doesn't recall. 7 Construction Problems 8 Start-Up Problems 9 Manufacturer's Service a) Start-Up b) Warranty c) Post-Warranty Never could get promised cake solids. They are curably replacing the press with a centrifuge. 10 Maintenance History 11 12 Problems since Installation Satisfaction Not satisfied at all. 13 Recommendations Do a pilot test. Lack of fine screens leads to hair plugging the filter plates and requires extensive maintenance. 14 Other 84 8585 BUDGET PROPOSAL Project Name: Geneseo, IL Equipment: RoS3-Q800 or Q620 Proposal Date: 3/6/14 Huber Contact: Gary Wesselschmidt Central Regional Manager 816-623-9955 Represented By: Bob Lecey Energenecs 414-940-9284 Huber Technology, Inc. 9735 NorthCross Center Court Suite A Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: (704) 949-1010 Fax: (704) 949-1020 85 8686 DESCRIPTION Sludge Characteristics Type – Anaerobically Digested Influent Solids – average 4.0% Sludge Produced per Year – 600,000gallons Operation Schedule Q800 - ~220hr/yr Q620- ~330hr/yr ROTAMAT® RoS3 Q800 – Sludge Dewatering Press One (1) RoS3-Q800 – $350,000 Typical Performance Per Machine: Hydraulic Throughput: 45GPM at 4% Solids Loading: 900lb/hr at 14% Note all performance is estimated based on typical screw press performance. guarantee performance Huber must test the sludge or run a pilot test. In order to Including: RoS3-Q800 Screw Press in 304L stainless steel construction; with full submersion passivated surface treatment for superior corrosion protection. Fully enclosed basket Shafted screw with integrated maintenance free bearing 10º inclined auger tube 5Hp, Class 1 / Division 2 drive motor, 460VAC, 60Hz, 3ph Spray wash requirement 68GPM at 70psi (1-3mins per hr of operation) Included Ancillary Equipment: One (1) – Polymer Flow Meter One (1) – Sludge Flow Meter One (1) - Compressor One (1) - Control Panel – Huber Standard Control Panel Design Startup Services 86 8787 ROTAMAT® RoS3 Q620 – Sludge Dewatering Press Pricing: $275,000 per unit Would require 4x duty machines at 1750 lb/hr processing rate. Typical Performance Per Machine: Hydraulic Throughput: 30GPM at 4% Solids Loading: 600lb/hr at 14% Note all performance is estimated based the pilot test conducted 10/21/13-10-25-13. Changes in sludge characteristics from this pilot could change performance. Including: RoS3-Q620 Screw Press in 304L stainless steel construction; with full submersion passivated surface treatment for superior corrosion protection. Fully enclosed basket Shafted screw with integrated maintenance free bearing 15º inclined auger tube 3Hp, Class 1 / Division 2 drive motor, 460VAC, 60Hz, 3ph Spray wash requirement 36GPM at 70psi (1-3mins per hr of operation) Included Ancillary Equipment: One (1) - Polymer Unit – Velodyne One (1 )– Polymer Flow Meter One (1) – Sludge Flow Meter One (1) - Compressor One (1) - Control Panel – Huber Standard Control Panel Design Startup Services Note: Discharge Conveyors and feed pumps are not part of this proposal. Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Equipment specification is available upon request If there are site-specific hydraulic constrains that must be applied, please consult the manufacturer’s representative to ensure compatibility with the proposed system Electrical disconnects required per local NEC code are not included in this proposal Huber Technology warrants all components of the system against faulty workmanship and materials for a period of 12 months from date of start-up or 18 months after shipment which ever occurs first Budget estimate is based on Huber Technology’s standard Terms & Conditions and is quoted in US$ unless otherwise stated Equipment lead time from approval of shop drawings is expected to be around 26 – 28 weeks. Equipment sizing is based on the diameter of the screw i.e a. RoS3 Q280 b. RoS3 Q440 c. RoS3 Q620 d. RoS3 Q800 87 8888 Huber Screw Press Maintenance Response From: Bob Lecey [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 10:07 AM To: Bergstrom, Aric Cc: Wesselschmidt, Gary Subject: Fwd: RE: FW: Geneseo, IL Huber RoS3Q screw press Aric, See Gary Wesselschmidt's response to your RoS3Q maintenance question. If you need anything else, let us know. Thanks, Bob ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Wesselschmidt, Gary <[email protected]> Date: Monday, April 14, 2014 Subject: RE: RE: FW: Geneseo, IL Huber RoS3Q screw press To: Bob Lecey <[email protected]> Hello Bob, Interesting timing on your question. We just discussed this when I was in NC last week. The brush is rated at 8,000 hours. That is the only item I would regard as “major”. Due to the brush/ wiper the auger and basket never need to be maintained or replaced as with similar screw press designs. Gary Wesselschmidt Central Region Sales Manager HUBER Technology, Inc. 2235 Martha Lane Greenwood, MO 64034 Tel: 816 623 9955 Cell: 816 550 6102 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.huber-technology.com HUBER Technology is C-TPAT Certified Come see us at WEF Residual and Biosolids at Booth# 407. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. From: Bob Lecey [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 3:40 PM To: Wesselschmidt, Gary Cc: Aric Bergstrom Subject: Fwd: RE: FW: Geneseo, IL Huber RoS3Q screw press Gary, Can you please respond to Aric on his question regarding RoS3Q operating hours? Thank you, Bob Could you provide an estimate on the number of operating hours that could be expected before major maintenance would be required? Aric Bergstrom, PE Process Engineer Donohue & Associates, Inc. Phone: (920) 208-0296 88 8989 INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE M'FR Huber Technology Facility Dover WWTP SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY GENESEO WWTP Mar-13 Owner Contact Ray Vermette Phone 603-516-6475 Date QUESTIONS 1 Model RoS3Q 800 2 No. Units 2 3 Installation Date 2012 4 Cake Solids, % 30 5 Polymer Dosage 20 lbs/ dry ton 6 Solids Capture, % Doesn't recall 7 Construction Problems None 8 Start-Up Problems None 9 Manufacturer's Service Excellent, really easy to work with a) Start-Up b) Warranty c) Post-Warranty 10 Maintenance History 11 12 Problems since Installation Satisfaction 13 Recommendations 14 Other Very satisfied, would recommend them to another facility. They replaced two GBTs and two belt presses with these units and have dropped operator time requirements by over 90%. They feed 1% primary/WAS to the units. 89 9090 INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE M'FR Huber Technology Facility Daphne WWTP SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY GENESEO WWTP Mar-13 Owner Contact Jim Caudle Phone 251-621-0979 Date 12-Mar-14 QUESTIONS 1 Model 2 No. Units 3 Installation Date 2012 4 Cake Solids, % 18% 5 Polymer Dosage Doesn't recall 6 Solids Capture, % Doesn't recall 7 Construction Problems None 8 Start-Up Problems None 9 Manufacturer's Service Huber has been great to work with. a) Start-Up b) Warranty c) Post-Warranty 10 Maintenance History 11 12 Problems since Installation Satisfaction 13 Recommendations 14 Other None. Very. The do exactly what was promised. Would recommend them. 90 9191 350 SMC Drive Somerset WI 54025 Phone: (715) 247-3433 Fax: (715) 247-3438 March 11, 2014 Donohue & Associates 3311 Weeden Creek Road Sheboygan, WI 53081 Attn: Reference: Subject: Aric Bergstrom, P.E. Sludge Dewatering Screw Press, Geneseo, IL Schwing Bioset, Inc. Quotation No. 2014077 Dear Mr. Bergstrom, Schwing Bioset, Inc. is pleased to propose the following as our scope of supply for the above referenced project: SLUDGE DEWATERING SCREW PRESS Design Conditions: Schwing Bioset dewatering system sized for anaerobic digested sludge: Dewatering 600,000 gallons per year at 4% solids input sludge, 156 – 208 operating hours per year (962 – 1283 dry pounds per hour); 20 - 25% solids sludge cake output, Model: Quantity: Design Capacity: Polymer Consumption: Press Length: Press Width: Press Height: Weight est.: Press HP: FSP 09 HP One (1) 1283 dry pounds per hour / 64 gpm 25 - 30 lbs / dry ton sludge 20 feet 5 feet 6 feet 8 inches 13,640 lbs 5.4 HP 91 9292 Dewatering Screw Press Geneseo, IL Schwing Bioset Inc. Scope includes: 1. The SBI Screw Press system is designed for continuous dewatering of flocculated slurry. The system consists of a Screw Press dewatering unit, reaction tank, progressive cavity sludge feed pump, liquid polymer blending system, and control panel. 2. The Screw Press dewatering unit compresses and dewaters flocculated slurry using a screw rotating at very slow speed in a perforated screen. The filtrate will discharge from a drip tray below the perforated screen into a discharge pipe. Access doors allow a direct view of the dewatering process. The simple operating principle is achieved with only a few functional component groups. Slow movement and the high quality design of the structural components guarantee a high service life. 3. Press dewatering system is powered using a Premium efficient, TEFC motor. Variation of the Screw speed is achieved with VFD (480V/3Ø/60Hz). (VFD, motor, and speed reducer included) 4. For general housekeeping purposes the back washing cycle cleans the screens automatically (generally 1x/day for less than 5 minutes). Dewatering operations are not interrupted during washing cycle. Washwater flow required is 30 gpm at 45 psi or greater, duration is 2 – 3 minutes. 5. Air compressor provided for discharge pressure cone actuator and movement of wash ring. 6. Effective flocculation is achieved in a mixing reaction tank that is part of the Screw Press. It is a closed design with paddle and flow breakers for effective mixing and gentle transport of the flocks. • VFD, TEFC motor, and speed reducer included for reaction tank mixer. • Diluted/activated polymer from the polymer feed system enters sludge pipe at tee upstream of Sludge Flocculation Tank. 7. Magnetic sludge flowmeter and reaction tank pressure sensor included for control of sludge feed to Screw Press. Magnetic sludge flowmeter to be installed between sludge feed pump and reaction tank. 8. Includes progressive cavity sludge feed pump for the rated service. (VFD, motor, and speed reducer included) 9. Includes liquid polymer blending system for the rated service. • Polymer system delivered as a pre-assembled skid complete with progressive cavity polymer pump, polymer/water variable speed mixer, motors, NEMA 4X local control panel, and all internal wiring and plumbing. 10. Screw Press is shipped fully assembled including motor and speed reducer. 11. The Screw Press must be located above the discharge cake conveyors (cake discharges continuously from bottom of press). This quote does not include discharge cake conveyors or supports to elevate presses, if necessary. These must be requested if these are to be added to the SBI scope of supply. SCREW PRESS CONTROL PANEL Quantity: Power Supply Enclosure Type: 03/11/2014 One (1) 480V/3Ø/60Hz NEMA 4X 92 Page 2 of 6 9393 Dewatering Screw Press Geneseo, IL Schwing Bioset Inc. Scope includes: 1. Allen Bradley CompactLogix PLC and Panelview HMI. 2. The Control Panel shall control and power Screw Press dewatering unit, reaction tank, progressive cavity sludge feed pump, and liquid polymer blending system. 3. Schwing Bioset standard analog input and output devices shall be provided. SPARE PARTS Available upon request FIELD SERVICE Schwing Bioset shall provide a trained service technician to supervise system installation, assist start-up, and / or to train the owner’s personnel in the operation and maintenance of the Schwing Bioset supplied equipment. The SBI service technician shall be made available for Six (6) days over Two (2) trips. If required, additional SBI service may be purchased at the prevailing rates at the time service is performed. Current service rates are as follows: • US $115.00 per hour – standard eight (8) hour day. • US $172.50 per hour – overtime (over and above the standard eight (8) hour day.) • US $230.00 per hour – Sundays and holidays. • Travel and per diem (i.e., hotel, food, car) expenses at cost + 15%. SYSTEM SUMMARY Dewatering Screw Press Screw Press Control Panel SBI Field Service: One (1) One (1) Six (6) days over Two (2) trips Total price for the above listed scope of supply............................................ $382,000.00 All prices are quoted: F.O.B. Factory Full Freight Allowed to jobsite Price is valid for 60 days Price is in US dollars 03/11/2014 93 Page 3 of 6 9494 Dewatering Screw Press Geneseo, IL Schwing Bioset Inc. TAXES: No taxes are included in this quote. The amount of any applicable present or future state/local sales/use tax or other government charge upon the production, sale, shipment, and/or use of the goods covered by this quotation shall be added to the invoice where appropriate. TERMS: 10% with order 10% with submittal approval 75% when equipment is ready to ship 5% with acceptance by contractor, not to exceed 90 days from shipment. Payment terms offered are subject to final credit approval. SUBMITTALS: Eight (8) to ten (10) weeks after receipt of approved order. Four (4) copies shall be provided. DELIVERY: Equipment shall be delivered twenty (20) to twenty-eight (28) weeks after submittals are approved. OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUALS: Two (2) final hard copies and two (2) electronic copies on CD-ROM shall be furnished with the equipment. O&M Manuals will be delivered four (4) weeks after equipment delivery. WARRANTY Schwing Bioset, Inc. warrants its new equipment against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, and which shall not have been subject to misuse, negligence, or accident, for a period of one (1) year that shall commence upon startup or ninety (90) days from delivery, whichever occurs first. Schwing Bioset, Inc. will replace or repair free of charge, FOB jobsite, such part or parts thereof as in its sole judgment shall be deemed defective. Schwing Bioset shall not be responsible for freight costs to transport parts to final destination. Due to the specialized nature of Schwing Bioset material handling equipment, Schwing Bioset field service technicians shall not be restricted in adjusting or repairing Schwing Bioset furnished equipment, regardless of collective bargaining agreements entered into by other parties. This warranty shall not apply to any equipment manufactured by us which shall have been loaded or 03/11/2014 94 Page 4 of 6 9595 Dewatering Screw Press Geneseo, IL Schwing Bioset Inc. operated beyond its rated capacity as specified by Schwing Bioset, Inc. Damage resulting from improper installations or alterations outside our plant will be considered as misuse and not as a defect. Certain parts of the equipment provided by Schwing Bioset such as the pumping cylinders, valves, pumping rams, screw flights, sliding frame components, trough liners for screws etc. in contact with material, are subject to normal wear. This normal wear is not covered under this warranty. Schwing Bioset, Inc. shall not be liable for consequential damages or injuries of any kind, or for expenses, losses or delays incidental to any failure. Schwing Bioset, Inc. reserves the right to make changes and improvements in its product without incurring any obligations to install any such changes or improvements in its products previously manufactured. This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty expressed or implied or any other obligation or liability on the part of Schwing Bioset, Inc., and no other person is authorized to make any representations or warranties beyond those herein expressed. Without limiting the generalities of the foregoing, THERE IS NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MARKETABILITY AND NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS 1. Installation, offloading, field assembly, and erection of the Schwing Bioset, Inc. (SBI) supplied equipment. 2. Storage of equipment and/or costs for long term storage (longer than 3 months). 3. Racks, trays or supports for hydraulic lines, sludge lines, or control wiring. 4. Miscellaneous metal. 5. Field painting of any of the SBI supplied equipment. All touch up painting required due to normal wear and tear during shipping shall the responsibility of others. 6. Field-routed grease tubing 7. Supports for grease tubing, conduit or control wiring. 8. Field wiring of any kind. 9. Labor and material for preliminary, final field, system performance and system integrity tests. 10. Anchor bolts, nuts, and washers for the SBI supplied equipment unless otherwise stated. 11. Cost for Engineer, Owner, or Contractor to witness any shop test. 12. Additional costs to supply alternate products other than specifically mentioned in this scope. 13. Networking, hardware, communication modules, or power supplies not specifically mentioned in this scope. 14. PLC programming software or software licenses not specifically mentioned in this scope. 15. It is the contractor’s responsibility to field verify building dimensions, equipment access and that equipment layout /dimensions are suitable to accommodate the Schwing Bioset supplied equipment. 16. Field service technicians or special tools not specifically mentioned in this scope. 17. Water and drain piping of any kind. 18. Motor starters or variable frequency drives not specifically mentioned in this scope. 19. After equipment is delivered to site, disposal of any hydraulic oil shall be by others. 03/11/2014 95 Page 5 of 6 9696 Dewatering Screw Press Geneseo, IL Schwing Bioset Inc. 20. Spare parts not specifically mentioned in this scope. 21. Screw press supports and discharge cake conveyors not specifically mentioned in this scope. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at (cell) 720-326-4366, or email [email protected]. Yours very truly, Schwing Bioset, Inc. Scott Kelly Midwest Regional Sales Manager cc: Scott Springer, Chuck Wanstrom – SBI Dean Wiebenga – Peterson and Matz 03/11/2014 96 Page 6 of 6 9797 From: Scott Kelly [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 3:31 PM To: Bergstrom, Aric Cc: 'Rob Szekeress' Subject: RE: Geneseo IL - Donohue Dewatering Study Hi Aric, The attached slides are from my PowerPoint presentation discussing Screw Press maintenance. Please let me know if you have additional questions. Have a great weekend! Best regards, Scott Kelly Schwing Bioset, Inc. Midwest & International Sales Manager 720-326-4366 www.schwingbioset.com From: Bergstrom, Aric [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 11:33 AM To: Rob Szekeress; Scott Kelly Cc: Bergstrom, Aric Subject: RE: Geneseo IL - Donohue Dewatering Study Could you provide an estimate on the number of operating hours that could be expected before major maintenance would be required? Aric Bergstrom, PE Process Engineer Donohue & Associates, Inc. Phone: (920) 208-0296 97 Schwing Screw Press Maintenance Response 9898 INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE M'FR SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY GENESEO WWTP Mar-13 Schwing Bioset Facility Owner Contact Phone Date 21-Mar-14 98 9999 Appendix B Conceptual Layouts 99 100 PROJECT NO. 12651 APRIL 2014 GENESEO, ILLINOIS CITY OF GENESEO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DIGESTED SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY FAN PRESS CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT 100100 PLAN 101 PROJECT NO. 12651 APRIL 2014 GENESEO, ILLINOIS CITY OF GENESEO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DIGESTED SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY SCREW PRESS CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT 101101 PLAN 102102 Appendix C Economic Analysis 102 103103 CITY OF GENESEO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DIGESTED SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY FAN PRESS INITIAL COST ESTIMATE General Description Cost estimate on install a new rotary fan press dewatering system within the existing Sludge Building. ITEM Architectural/Structural Earthwork Concrete Metals Buildings Demolition Units Quantity Unit Cost ($) See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown Process-Mechanical Equipment Sludge Feed Pump Polymer System Fan Press Compressed Air System Conveyor Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea 1 1 1 1 1 10,000 12,000 305,000 1,000 16,000 Equipment Subtotal Equipment Installation Initial Cost ($) 0 1,156 952 0 5,000 10,000 12,000 305,000 1,000 16,000 344,000 % 1 10% 34,400 Process-Mechanical Piping Systems Lump Sum 1 50,000 50,000 Plumbing Lump Sum 1 10,000 10,000 HVAC Lump Sum 0 Electrical Lump Sum 1 15,000 15,000 Instrumentation & Controls Lump Sum 1 10,000 10,000 Sitework & Yard Piping Lump Sum 0 Subtotal (Minus Equipment Costs) 126,508 30% Contingency Subtotal (With Equipment) 508,460 Contractor Overhead & Profit (Minus Press Equipment) 25% Total Construction Cost Engineering 37,952 50,865 559,326 Lump Sum Total Initial Cost 1 41,600 41,600 600,926 103 104104 CITY OF GENESEO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DIGESTED SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY FAN PRESS ARCHITECTURAL/STRUCTURAL WORKSHEET ITEM Earthwork: Dewatering Earthwork: Excavation Earthwork: Underdrain System Earthwork: Pile Foundation Earthwork: Flood Protection Levee Earthwork: Flood Protection Gravel Road Earthwork: Earthwork Units Unit Cost ($) Initial Cost ($) lump sum cu yds sq yds ft cu yds sq yds 0 Concrete: Footings Concrete: Base Slab Concrete: Walls Concrete: Floor Slabs Concrete: Structural Slabs Concrete: Columns Concrete: Channels Concrete: Precast Roof Concrete cu yds cu yds cu yds cu yds cu yds cu yds cu yds ft Metals: Aluminum Grating Metals: Aluminum Handrail Metals: Aluminum Stairway Metals: Baffles and Weirs Metals: Metals sq ft ft risers sq ft Building: Building: Building: Building: Building: Building: Buildings sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft Demolition: Demolition: Demolition: Demolition: Demolition Quantity 1 1,156 1,156 1,156 34 28 952 952 0 cu ft cu ft lump sum lump sum 1 5,000 5,000 5,000 104 105105 City of Geneseo Wastewater Treatment Plant Digested Sludge Dewatering Study Fan Press Present Worth Analysis Factors Comments Discount Rate 3.0% Inflation Rate 0.5% Escalation Rate (Above Inflation) Electricity (0-5 years) 2.5% Electricity (6-20 years) 2.5% Natural Gas 2.0% Polymer 2.0% Electricity Escalation Rate = 2.5% National Institute of Standards, Annual Supplement to NIST Handbook 135 Discount Rate = 3% Inflation Rate = 0.5% Natural Gas Escalation Rate = 2% Polymer Escalation Rate = 2% Life Cycle Cost Analysis Capital Cost Year (n) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 600,926 Periodic Costs Replace Salvage O&M 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 3,640 Annual Operational Costs Electricity Landfilling Polymer 274 16,632 12,574 280 16,965 12,825 287 17,304 13,082 295 17,650 13,343 302 18,003 13,610 310 18,363 13,882 317 18,730 14,160 325 19,105 14,443 333 19,487 14,732 342 19,877 15,027 350 20,274 15,327 359 20,680 15,634 368 21,093 15,946 377 21,515 16,265 387 21,946 16,591 396 22,384 16,922 406 22,832 17,261 416 23,289 17,606 427 23,755 17,958 437 24,230 18,317 448 24,714 18,684 Total Annual 33,119 33,710 34,313 34,928 35,555 36,195 36,848 37,513 38,192 38,885 39,592 40,312 41,048 41,798 42,563 43,343 44,139 44,951 45,780 46,624 47,486 PW Periodic PW Annual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32,728 32,343 31,964 31,590 31,222 30,859 30,502 30,149 29,802 29,460 29,123 28,790 28,462 28,139 27,820 27,506 27,196 26,891 26,589 26,292 PW Cumulative 600,926 633,654 665,997 697,961 729,551 760,773 791,633 822,134 852,284 882,086 911,546 940,668 969,458 997,921 1,026,060 1,053,880 1,081,386 1,108,582 1,135,473 1,162,062 1,188,354 20-Year Present Worth 1,188,354 Fan Press Capital Cost 20-Year Present Worth Average Annual Cost 600,926 1,188,354 40,189 Notes 105 106106 CITY OF GENESEO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DIGESTED SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY SCREW PRESS INITIAL COST ESTIMATE General Description Cost estimate on install a new screw press dewatering system within the existind Sludge Building. ITEM Architectural/Structural Earthwork Concrete Metals Buildings Demolition Units Quantity Unit Cost ($) See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown See Worksheet for Detailed Cost Breakdown Process-Mechanical Equipment Sludge Feed Pump Polymer System Screw Press Conveyor Washwater Booster Pump System Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea 1 1 1 1 1 10,000 12,000 350,000 16,000 4,000 Equipment Subtotal Equipment Installation Initial Cost ($) 0 1,156 10,952 0 5,000 10,000 12,000 350,000 16,000 4,000 392,000 % 1 10% 39,200 Process-Mechanical Piping Systems Lump Sum 1 50,000 50,000 Plumbing Lump Sum 1 12,000 12,000 HVAC Lump Sum 0 Electrical Lump Sum 1 15,000 15,000 Instrumentation & Controls Lump Sum 1 10,000 10,000 Sitework & Yard Piping Lump Sum 0 Subtotal (Minus Equipment Costs) 143,308 30% Contingency Subtotal (With Equipment) 578,300 Contractor Overhead & Profit (Minus Press Equipment) 25% Total Construction Cost Engineering 42,992 57,075 635,376 Lump Sum Total Initial Cost 1 41,600 41,600 676,976 106 107107 CITY OF GENESEO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DIGESTED SLUDGE DEWATERING STUDY SCREW PRESS ARCHITECTURAL/STRUCTURAL WORKSHEET ITEM Earthwork: Dewatering Earthwork: Excavation Earthwork: Underdrain System Earthwork: Pile Foundation Earthwork: Flood Protection Levee Earthwork: Flood Protection Gravel Road Earthwork: Earthwork Concrete: Footings Concrete: Base Slab Concrete: Walls Concrete: Floor Slabs Concrete: Structural Slabs Concrete: Columns Concrete: Channels Concrete: Precast Roof Concrete Metals: Aluminum Grating Metals: Aluminum Handrail Metals: Aluminum Stairway Metals: Baffles and Weirs Metals: Screw Removal System Metals Building: Building: Building: Building: Building: Building: Buildings Demolition: Demolition: Demolition: Demolition: Demolition Units Quantity Unit Cost ($) Initial Cost ($) lump sum cu yds sq yds ft cu yds sq yds 0 cu yds cu yds cu yds cu yds cu yds cu yds cu yds ft 1 1,156 1,156 1,156 sq ft ft risers sq ft lump sum 34 28 1 10,000 952 10,000 10,952 sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft 0 cu ft cu ft lump sum lump sum 1 5,000 5,000 5,000 107 108108 City of Geneseo Wastewater Treatment Plant Digested Sludge Dewatering Study Screw Press Present Worth Analysis Factors Comments Discount Rate 3.0% Inflation Rate 0.5% Escalation Rate (Above Inflation) Electricity (0-5 years) 2.5% Electricity (6-20 years) 2.5% Natural Gas 2.0% Polymer 2.0% Electricity Escalation Rate = 2.5% National Institute of Standards, Annual Supplement to NIST Handbook 135 Discount Rate = 3% Inflation Rate = 0.5% Natural Gas Escalation Rate = 2% Polymer Escalation Rate = 2% Life Cycle Cost Analysis Capital Cost Year (n) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 676,976 Periodic Costs Replace Salvage O&M 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730 Annual Operational Costs Electricity Landfilling Polymer 137 19,950 25,303 140 20,349 25,809 144 20,756 26,325 147 21,171 26,852 151 21,595 27,389 155 22,026 27,937 159 22,467 28,496 163 22,916 29,065 167 23,375 29,647 171 23,842 30,240 175 24,319 30,844 179 24,805 31,461 184 25,301 32,091 189 25,807 32,732 193 26,324 33,387 198 26,850 34,055 203 27,387 34,736 208 27,935 35,431 213 28,494 36,139 219 29,063 36,862 224 29,645 37,599 Total Annual 48,120 49,028 49,955 50,900 51,865 52,848 53,851 54,874 55,918 56,983 58,069 59,176 60,306 61,458 62,634 63,833 65,056 66,304 67,576 68,874 70,198 PW Periodic PW Annual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47,600 47,088 46,581 46,081 45,587 45,099 44,618 44,142 43,672 43,208 42,750 42,297 41,850 41,408 40,972 40,541 40,115 39,694 39,278 38,867 PW Cumulative 676,976 724,576 771,663 818,245 864,326 909,913 955,012 999,630 1,043,772 1,087,445 1,130,653 1,173,403 1,215,701 1,257,551 1,298,959 1,339,931 1,380,472 1,420,587 1,460,280 1,499,558 1,538,425 20-Year Present Worth 1,538,425 Screw Press Capital Cost 20-Year Present Worth Average Annual Cost 676,976 1,538,425 58,985 Notes 108 109109 109 110110 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10th, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works PRESENTER: Public Works Director, Klint Rice SUBJECT: Park and Cemetery Mowing Equipment. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Both the Park and Cemetery Divisions have 2 John Deere 1445’s with over 2000 hours. These units are used daily in both facilities and the Park unit is equipped with a cab and front mount snow blower. It is time to look at replacement of one or possibly both units. With the heavy volume of grass, it is time to look into an alternate deck and bagger for the John Deere X749. This unit is used in the parks and on the boulevards, and the bagger will help with fall clean up and keep the grass out of the streets during the summer months. RECOMMENDATION: Staff would like to meet with the local John Deere dealer and begin discussing the best options and best value approach for replacement of the 1445’s and get a firm price on a new deck and bagger for the X749. Staff will return to Council in June with quotes and ask for approval of purchase out of the 2014/15 budget. BUDGET IMPACT: $25,000 - $30,000 out of the 2014/15 budget – line item 01-5.020.800.1223 DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Quotes 110 111111 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10th, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works PRESENTER: Public Works Chief Water Operator, Vince Newton SUBJECT: Proposal for Water Distribution System Leak Survey BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: There are many leaks that never show to the surface, it has been 10 years since the City last had a complete survey of the 42 miles of water main. The City recently had M.E. Simpson locate a leak on Second Street that was showing on First Street. RECOMMENDATION: Go out for proposal to have the study completed. As we work to sell more water, we also want to make sure water isn’t being lost. BUDGET IMPACT: Up to $10,000 out of the professional service line item in the 2014/15 Water Budget 30-5.675.500.2060 DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: None 111 112112 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL June 10th, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works PRESENTER: Director of Public Works, Klint Rice SUBJECT: Richmond Hill Disc Golf Signs BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Mr. Chuck Larson of Rock River Arms would like to donate new hole marker signs for the Disc Golf Course in Richmond Hill Park. The Signs will be in memory of his late brother Mr. Mark Larson. RECOMMENDATION: Staff will install the signs on wooden posts that are left over from the dog park project. With Councils’ approval of the sign design, staff will have this completed by late summer. This project will make a very nice impact on the quality of the City’s Disc Golf Course. BUDGET IMPACT: None DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: The sign design 112 113113 CITY OF GENESEO COUNCIL MEEETING June 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Electric Department PRESENTER: Director of Electrical Operations, Lewis Opsal SUBJECT: Surplus Equipment BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Staff is seeking approval to declare 2001 Freightliner truck surplus equipment. This truck will be replaced by a 2014 International truck ordered in July 2013. RECOMMENDATION: Approve of surplus declaration. BUDGET IMPACT: The funds raised from the sale of the equipment will be allocated to line item 20- for gain on sale of equipment. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. R-14-100 A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Personal Property 113 114114 CITY OF GENESEO RESOLUTION R-14-100 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO THIS 10TH DAY OF JUNE, 2014 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Geneseo Henry County, Illinois, this 10TH day of June, 2014 1 114 115115 RESOLUTION NO. R-14-100 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ______________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo, County of Henry, State of Illinois has the authority pursuant to 65 ILCS 11-76-4 to provide for the disposition of personal property by sale in such manner as the Corporate Authorities may designate, with or without advertising the sale; and WHEREAS, the City currently owns the following personal property: 2001 Freightliner Truck (“Personal Property”) that is no longer necessary or useful for the City’s purposes; and WHEREAS, the City desires to dispose of the Personal Property as follows, such being in the best interests of the City: “Best Means Possible”. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: The facts and statements contained in the preambles to this Resolution are found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted as part of this Resolution. SECTION TWO: The disposition of the Personal Property using the “best means possible” is hereby approved. The Director of Electrical Operations, or his designee, is authorized to dispose of the Personal Property using the “best means possible” and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute such documents as may be necessary to effectuate such disposal and transfer title. SECTION THREE: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. 2 115 116116 SECTION FOUR: All prior Ordinances and Resolutions in conflict or inconsistent herewith are hereby expressly repealed only to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency. SECTION FIVE: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Geneseo this 10th day of June, 2014, pursuant to roll call vote as follows: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: APPROVED this 10th day of June, 2014. _______________________________ Mayor Nadine Palmgren, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Loree K. Phylpo, City Clerk 3 116 117117 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Police Department PRESENTER: Chief of Police Tom Piotrowski SUBJECT: Mobile Radar Speed sign BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Police department has a portable speed radar sign that is currently not working properly. We have the opportunity to trade in the current sign to upgrade our equipment. The radar is capable of producing information for review of average speed, time of day and numbers of vehicles, at a minimum. RECOMMENDATION: Accept proposal and send to council for full approval BUDGET IMPACT: Approximately $3,000.00, with a maximum trade in allowance. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 1) proposal 117 118118 118 119119 CITY OF GENESEO COUNCIL MEEETING JUNE 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Electric Department PRESENTER: Director of Electrical Operations, Lewis Opsal SUBJECT: Underground Locator BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Staff is seeking approval to purchase new underground Locator from MidAmerican Technology, Inc. for the sum of $4,860.00 with training and delivery. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the purchase. BUDGET IMPACT: 2013-2014 Capital budget 20-5.690.800.1223 DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 3 Quotes 119 120120 M.J. FRIEDL & ASSOCIATES, INC. 2900 LOVE POINT RD. STEVENSVILLE, MD 21666 QUOTE To: Lewis Opsal 433 East North St. Geneseo, IL 61254-1347 Company: City of Geneseo Phone: Fax: E-Mail: From: Mike Friedl Qty Model 1 1 1 1 6-2-2014 Quote: 622014-2 Description Price vLoc Pro2 Receiver 200.101.023.C242 Loc-10Tx Transmitter $ 2,399.00 $ 1,835.00 A-Frame Holux GPS Bluetooth Module $ 495.00 $ 165.00 $ 152.00 Plus Freight $ 65.00 TOTAL $ 5,1110.00 1 Date Validity: 12-31-2014 Terms: Net 30 5% Charge for all Credit Card Transactions! Regards, Mike Friedl M.J. Friedl & Associates, Inc. 2900 Love Point Rd. Stevensville, MD 21666 Office 410-604-1079 Fax 410-604-1998 120 121121 MidAmerican Technology, Inc. Quote 3708 East 25th Road Serena, IL 60549 Phone (815) 496-2400 Fax (815) 496-2500 Number: E1949 Date: May 07, 2014 Bill To: Ship To: City of Geneseo Electrical Department 433 East North Street Geneseo, IL 61254-1347 City of Geneseo Electrical Department 433 East North Street Attn: Lewis Opsal Geneseo, IL 61254-1347 PO Number Item # Description Terms Sales Rep Ship Via Net 30 Days KB Hand Deliver Quantity Price Each Amount vLoc Pro2 Receiver with Compass and Signal Direction 1.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 200-101-023-C242 Loc-10Tx Transmitter with Carry Bag 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 A-Frame Fault Finder with Carry Bag 1.00 405.00 405.00 Holux GPS & Holux Holder 1.00 155.00 155.00 Bluetooth Module 1.00 150.00 150.00 Above pricing includes hand delivery and on-site training. All equipment listed above is currently in stock. Total 121 $4,860.00 122122 City of Geneseo Electrical Department 433 East North Street Geneseo IL 61254 Email: [email protected] Date 6/2/2014 QUOTATION FOR EQUIPMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY COST TOTAL vLOC Pro2 Receiver with compass and Signal direction 1 2350 2350 200-101-023-C242 Loc-10Tx transmitter with carry bag 1 1800 1800 A-Frame fault finder with carry bag 1 405 405 Holux GPS & Holux holder 1 155 155 Bluetooth Module 1 150 150 Ground shipping from CA 1 TOTAL 80 $ Thank you for the opportunity to quote. 122 4940 123123 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL June 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Mayor SUBJECT: Appointment of Municipal Hearing Officer BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Municipal Hearing Officer’s contract expired May 1, 2014. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 123 124124 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL June 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Mayor SUBJECT: Proposal for Executive Recruitment Services BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Recruitment Proposal b. R-14-103 Resolution to allow Mayor to enter into an agreement for Executive Recruitment Services 124 125125 125 126126 126 127127 127 128128 128 129129 129 130130 RESOLUTION #R-14-103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS, TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH COLE S. O’DONNELL MPA, ICMA-CM WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo has the need to hire an Administrator; and WHEREAS, in the event that the City of Geneseo requires the assistant with the hiring process; and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the City of Geneseo to enter into a Executive Recruitment Agreement with Cole S. O’Donnell MPA, ICMA-CM; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Geneseo, Illinois authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Cole S. O’Donnell for Executive Recruitment Service. Approved this 10th day of June, 2014 Adopted this 10th day of June, 2014 _________________________ Mayor of the Cityof Geneseo, IL ________________________ City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, IL AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 130 131131 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Chamber of Commerce Presentation PRESENTER: Brian DeJohn SUBJECT: Music Licensing for Government Entities BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: This is an agreement to cover the use of music at events that take place in the City. Examples would be festivals, concerts, arts and crafts fairs, parades, sporting events and shopping events just to name a few. This license would cover any location that the local government has arranged to use. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. FAQ for Music Licensing b. Agreement c. R-14-102 Resolution allowing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with BMI. 131 132132 132 133133 133 134134 134 135135 135 136136 136 137137 137 138138 138 139139 139 140140 140 141141 141 142142 142 143143 RESOLUTION #R-14-102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS, TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH BMI FOR LICENSING MUSIC USAGE WITHIN THE CITY WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo plays music downtown and at events throughout the year for residents and visitors pleasure; and WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo has the need to play music both recorded and live: and WHEREAS, BMI offers Music Licensing for Local Governmental Entities; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Geneseo, Illinois authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with BMI for Music Licensing Service. Approved this 10th day of June, 2014 Adopted this 10th day of June, 2014 _________________________ Mayor of the Cityof Geneseo, IL ________________________ City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, IL AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 143 144144 City Council City of Geneseo Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. Chambers of the City Council 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, Illinois 61254 AGENDA BILLS General $16,622.47 Inspectors $1,307.44 Public Works $33,234.12 Public Safety $15,517.77 2006 Debt Service $5,000.00 Motor Fuel $3,756.79 Fuel Depot/Fuel $24,207.18 Economic Development $471.25 Electric $274,529.61 Electric Meter Deposit $141.98 Refuse $37,275.70 Water $71,511.82 Water Meter Deposit $100.24 Sewer $42,241.89 TIF Downtown $10,862.65 TIF South Rt. 82 $44,774.00 Capital Projects $52,760.35 Health Insurance $65,762.73 144 145145 145 146146 146 147147 147 148148 148 149149 149 150150 150 151151 151 152152 152 153153 153 154154 154 155155 155 156156 156 157157 157 158158 158 159159 159 160160 160