Touching the lives of children and families


Touching the lives of children and families
Annual Repor t for 2004
Touching the lives of children and families
Alan Murray, President/CEO
Every child who walks through the doors of The Children’s Place has
a story to tell. Many times the story can be tragic and often heart
wrenching. Fortunately, with services and support provided by
The Children’s Place, these stories have happy endings… with hope
for a brighter future.
In 2004, the Board of Directors and staff of The Children’s Place embraced a
strategic direction aimed at ensuring that every child or family who comes through
our doors is guaranteed to receive services of the highest quality. “Clinical Excellence”
isn’t just a catch-phrase but a real commitment to using research-based best practices
in our daily interactions with young children and families. It means investing in
staff training and development and identifying treatment approaches that achieve
long-term results for children.
At its heart,“Clinical Excellence” is a promise to every young child we serve to
provide the range of services and support they need to move beyond their traumas
and toward a more stable, self-sufficient future. That is the happy ending we strive
to achieve.
The mission of The Children’s Place is
to promote positive mental health and
development outcomes through
prevention, treatment and family
support for young children who have
experienced abuse, neglect or trauma.
O n e
v o i c e.
Many stories.
Statistics tell the tale.
In the United States, more than three million reports of child abuse and
neglect are made to child protective authorities each year. Of this
number, more than 160,000 suffer serious or life–threatening injuries.
About 1,200 children die in this country each year from abuse and
neglect. When a child dies, something has gone horribly, tragically
wrong. We cannot replace a young life lost, but we can work together
to repair the damage to children suffering from abuse and neglect and
to ensure that no more children fall victim to violence.
The Story of Darius*
ach child served by The Children’s Place has a unique voice. Blended
together, all the children who pass through our doors create the sound of
hope for a brighter, happier, safer future.
One of these children is Darius. His story is told on the following pages by
the professionals who have worked with him and by Darius himself
through the drawings he created during the course of his treatment. Darius
came to The Children’s Place when he was three years old. Details of his life
up until then are sketchy at best. What is known, is that his parents were
drug abusers, homeless and violent. His older sister was sexually abused.
All three children lived in extreme neglect, surrounded by filth,
This self-portrait was drawn
after Darius had been in
treatment for 1 year.
Clearly he is feeling good
about life and himself.
impoverished and routinely exposed to domestic violence.
* not his real name
R e a c h i n g o u t, m o v i n g f o r w a r d ,
changing lives.
Clinical Excellence
During 2004, The Children’s Place invested a tremendous amount of its resources in fulfilling its strategic
direction of Clinical Excellence. Clinical staff were trained in the three “best practices” of treatment with
traumatized children identified by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network through the Kauffman
Foundation Best Practices Project.With this training,The Children’s Place became the only local agency,
and one of only a handful of agencies nationwide, to have staff trained in all three of these evidence-based
treatment approaches.
Child and Family Therapist
hen we first met Darius, he was operating at the level of an 18-month to
24-month old child even though he was 3 1⁄2 years old. Severe abuse and neglect
had made him extremely impulsive and easily distracted. He struggled to
express himself, and, when his needs were not met or his behavior was
challenged, he would throw himself on the floor or bang his head on the table.
Severe tantrums were a daily occurrence.”
“Individual therapy helped Darius work on his ability to calm himself when
frustrated and gain awareness of his feelings. In the 18 months that he has been
at The Children’s Place, he has gained skills that help him deal with daily
frustrations and has made progress in other areas such as self-control and
self-expression. His tantrums are now a thing of the past.”
In addition, new standardized assessment tools and outcome measures were
identified and integrated into the clinical treatment of the young children we serve.
These tools help us track individual client progress, as well as demonstrate to our
supporters the efficacy and effectiveness of treatment provided by agency staff.
Darius drew this self-portrait
during his first few months
at The Children’s Place. His
struggle with self-identity
and connection to others
is evident. The lack of
development in his fine and
gross motor skills is also
Classroom Teachers
arius came to the classroom with many special needs. The
goal was to provide opportunities within the classroom setting
for Darius to feel successful acquiring basic preschool skills.”
“The first thing we needed to do was potty train this 3 1⁄2 year
old. Training was made more difficult because it appeared that
Darius had never been exposed to toileting and had a fear of
the process. Over the course of a year, he was successfully
trained which added greatly to his sense of accomplishment.”
The Children’s Place partnered with agencies to improve services to substance-abusing women and their
children through the formation of the Family Recovery Coalition.Working collaboratively, The Children’s
Place, Amethyst Place, Family Drug Court, Friendship House/Catherine’s Place, The National Council on
Alcohol and Drug Dependence, Sheffield Place, and the Women’s Employment Network assist women and
their families with access to comprehensive treatment services to support them on the road to recovery.
The goal of this collaboration is to reduce relapse recidivism and ultimately improve health for families in
our community.
The collaboration is funded for three years through grants from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
The Victor E. Speas Foundation through Bank of America, the Menorah Legacy Foundation, and the Morgan
Family Foundation.
Occupational Therapist
hen we first saw Darius, he was two years behind
his peers in fine and gross motor development. His difficulty
with eye-hand coordination made it impossible for him to
hold a crayon or grasp scissors. He also had difficulty
performing tasks that required balance such as standing on
one leg or walking up stairs.”
“Individual and group Occupational Therapy have helped
Darius improve tremendously. His fine and gross motor
development are now in line with his peers and he no longer
needs Occupational Therapy services.”
The Day Treatment Services program at The Children’s Place has been
notified that its current accreditation through the National Association
for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) was extended through
2006. Originally obtained in 2001, the NAEYC accreditation assures
our supporters that education services provided within the Day
Treatment Services program meet or exceed the highest national
standards of quality.
Speech and Language
In a session with his
therapist, Darius drew
this picture of his
family as a detached
and disconnected
grouping of people.
arius arrived with significant problems in his
ability to articulate effectively. He had trouble with hard
consonants and word endings and would often switch
letters when he said words. Initially, Darius was placed
in group therapy to address these issues; but, as he grew
older, additional language delays became apparent.
Individual speech and language therapy was introduced.”
“Today Darius is much improved in his abilities to
In addition, the agency successfully passed its survey by the Joint
Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
during a two-day on-site visit conducted in late October. Following an
in-depth review of the agency’s management, administration, programming,
and finances the agency’s JCAHO accreditation was renewed through 2007.
Child and Adolescent
met Darius after staff at The Children’s Place expressed concerns
regarding his ability to stay awake during the day. Darius was taking
several prescribed medications; however, upon review of the type and
dosages of those medications, there was a concern as to the long-term
neurological effects of the high dosages he was receiving.”
“Over the course of several months, the level of medication given
Darius was lowered until he was able to remain alert and productive
in the home and classroom setting.”
In 2004,The Children’s Place was able to help children and families in the following ways:
• 6,900 hours of therapeutic services for children eight and younger
• 1,500 hours of classroom support and education per child for children six weeks to six years
of age
• 5,800 hours of parent education and support to biological, foster and adoptive parents and
other caregivers
• 270 hours of training to other professionals working with young at-risk children and families
In addition, 622 Jackson County children and their families received early childhood intervention
referral services through the First Steps Services program.
uring the eighteen months that Darius has been attending
Drawn toward the end of
his treatment as a gift
for his therapist. Darius
depicts his therapist as
the sun. Clearly the sun
shines warmly on Darius
at this stage of his life.
He is feeling connected
and embracing of
The Children’s Place, he has come a long way. He has responded to the
multi-disciplinary approach here to function at a more successful level.
He no longer flies into a rage when touched. In fact, while he may first
pull away when his therapist puts a hand on his back, the second time
he will lean into her touch. Perhaps most notable is his new-found ability
to engage with other children in positive, appropriate interactions – a
significant achievement for a child with severe attachment disorder.
Within the agency’s walls, he has made up much of the ground he lost in
his early life. We are proud to say that Darius is ready to enter and be
successful in kindergarten in the fall.
S u p p o r t
f o r
The Children’s Place.
s a not-for-profit organization, The Children’s Place relies on a variety of funding sources.Various local,
state and federal sources provide a large portion of the funds needed to finance the costs of facilities and staff.
Additional generous financial support is provided by the United Way, individuals, foundations, groups and
corporations, as well as the activities of The Angels of The Children’s Place and the Student Advisory Council.
The Children’s Place Board of Directors and staff continued to focus on building and sustaining a
financially strong organization and concluded those efforts with the adoption of a balanced budget for
2005. The primary focus continues to be maximization of current revenue sources and diversification of
funding through the acquisition of appropriate new revenue sources. In addition, constant attention is
directed toward minimizing expenses without compromising the quality of services provided by the
Notes about 2004.
The Children’s Place relies on numerous revenue
sources each year. In 2004, we continued to focus
A key 2004 accomplishment, which required a
significant level of agency resources, was the
our efforts on diversifying and enhancing funding
sources to improve the financial viability of the
agency. Some key accomplishments in 2004
successful attainment of the tri-annual JCAHO
accreditation. Cost containment efforts resulted in
overall agency spending below the approved 2004
included: 1) entry into the Family Recovery Coalition
Project with partner organizations through funding
provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
2) continued partnering with the University of
Missouri-Kansas City on the “KC Metro Child
Traumatic Stress Program,” 3) receipt of significant
program funding from several local groups and
foundations and 4) successful completion of an
agency luncheon and golf tournament.
budget. The cost containment efforts focused on
reducing discretionary spending where possible
without negatively impacting the level of services
received by agency clientele.
2 0 0 4
Revenue Source
Earned Revenue
$ 2,135,596
10 0
Other Revenue
Private Contributions
2 0 0 4
Day Treatment Services Program
Parenting Support Services Program
First Steps Services Program
Outpatient Treatment Services Program
Management and General
Fund Development
$ 2,155,695
10 0
R e v e n u e
E x p e n s e s
I n
a p p r e c i a t i o n
o f
t h o s e
who so generously touch the lives of children.
It is a pleasure to
acknowledge the
following donors
who have so
generously supported
The Children’s Place
over the past year,
January 1, 2004
December 31, 2004.
2005 Board of Directors
2004 Volunteers – Individuals
2004 Volunteers – Individuals
Mrs. Susan Ball
Mr. Steve Bellis
Mrs.Wendy Burcham
Mr. Sean Colligan
Mrs. Jane Druten
Mr. Dennis A. Ehrich
Mr. Patrick Gavin
Mr. Eric C. Hansen
Mr. Leon M. Harden, Jr.
Mr. Joe S. Howard
Ms. Betsey Hughes
Mr. Bradford M. Johnson
Mr. David Matson
Mrs. Laurie Montague
Mrs. Julie Mulhern
Dr. Sharon G. Portwood
Mrs. Diane Power
Mrs. Mary Reintjes
Mrs. Kimberly Salaway
Mr. George D. Shadid
Mrs. Laura Curry Sloan
Ms. Cynthia J. Smith
Ms. Shani K.Tate
Dr. Irene R.Walsh
Mrs. Janet Warren
Libby Conwell
Rhianna Cisneros
Brian Cotroneo
Justine Cotter
Dale David
Debbie David
Hannah David
Megan David
Virginia Emley
Jenny English
Alberta Faust
Ed Faust
Erin Fitzpatrick
Katie Fritts
Carrie Gabhart
Nicholas Gavin
John Gavin
Annie Haden
Tracy Haden
Jim Hamilton
Margaret Hansen
Trevor Hansen
Alex Hercules
Amy Hartman
Paget Higgins
Michelle Jimerson-Morris
McClain Johnson
Byron Kam
Eleanor Kerr
Ann Langworthy
Grace Livers
Cady Loftus
David Long
Catherine Luftkin
Celeste Luthi
Thatcher MacDonald
Kacie Matson
Zack Matson
Janice McCollum
Allison McNitt
Katie McNitt
Ann McShane
Cindy Moore
Kailey Moore
Benjamin Neenan
Gary Nafziger
Alex Nussbaum
Brad Porch
Deborah Quirk
Dee Riddle
Emily Riesmeyer
Crystal Rollwagen
Melissa Rhodes
Debra Rubin
Ann Russo
Gin Sanders
George Shadid
Pat Shannon
Dayne Sharbel-Phillips
Don Sherman
Margo Shoopman
Susan Sinclair
Sonny Singer
Carrie Skahan
Margy Sonnenberg
Cozette Spurney
Ann Stacey
Laura Strickland
Blair Tackett
Paige Tackett
Maegan Tremonti
Christy Towle
Dorothy Tucker
Rory Valliere
Patty Walters
Judy Wasserman
Janet Warren
Stephen Weiss
Emily Welch
John Winget
Anna Wooddell
2005 Advisors
Mr. Robert Bernstein
Mrs. Mary Shaw Branton
Mr.Alvin Brooks
Dr. Richard Dreher
Mr. David V. Francis
Mrs. Nancy Green
Mrs. Paget Higgins
Mrs. Margi Pence
Mrs. Gail J.Weinberg
2004 Volunteers – Individuals
Jennifer Bellet
Carol Bennett
Jackie Bergman
Dee Binda
Chase Bray
Charlie Caffrey
Stephanie Cashen
2004 Volunteers Groups
Distribution By Air
Girl Scout Troup #5419
Hallmark Cards, Incorporated –
Credit Services
Kansas City Convention and
Visitors Bureau
2004 Volunteers Groups
2004 Patron Angels
2004 Guardian Angels
2004 Angels
Kansas City Young Matrons
Kansas Social Security
Kiwanis - Overland Park Club
Philadelphia Insurance
SHARE Project – Shawnee
Mission East HS
SBC Pioneers
Temple Beth Shalom Mitzvah Day
Target – Independence Store
Target – Olathe South Store
Welcome House
Mrs. Elise Chapline
Mrs. Susan Crowe
Mrs. Peggy Dunn
Mrs. Mimi Eckels
Mrs. Linda Farchmin
Mrs.Alberta L. Faust
Mrs. Patricia Gound
Mrs. Paula Halsey
Mrs. Paget Higgins
Mrs. Laurie Ingram
Mrs. Janice B. Knopke
Mrs. Denise LeBow
Mrs. Doe Loftus
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Maday
Mrs. Katereh Mahobian
Mrs. Janet M. Miller
Mrs. Bernadette Miller
Mrs. Julie Mulhern
Ms. Moira Mulhern
Mrs. Jennifer Murphy
Mrs. Richard Owen
Mrs. Hallie Peavey
Mrs. Margi Pence
Mrs. Mary Jane Porter
Dr. Sharon G. Portwood
Mrs. Carolyn Price
Mrs. Carolyn Simpson
Mrs. Susan Sloman
Mrs. Julie Strickland
Mrs. Barbara Vaughan
Mrs. Jane Wetzel
Mrs. Ursula Whitaker
Ms. Heather Wong
Mrs.Adele Hall
Mrs.Ann Marie Hamilton
Mrs. Susie Heddens
Ms. Lisa Hickok
Ms. Jean T. Kiene
Mrs. Pat Martin
Mrs. Jackie Massman
Ms. Courtney R. Earnest
Mrs. Emily Eckles
Ms. Leslie Eisemann
Mrs. Rhonda Eymann
Mrs. Mitzi Foster
Mrs. Beth Fowler
Mrs. Susan Garner
2004 Guardian Angels
2004 Angels
Mrs.Terry P. Bauman
Mrs. Jody S. Beynon
Mrs. Mary Shaw Branton
Mrs.Wendy Burcham
Mrs. Lyndon Chamberlain
Mrs. Denise Dudenhoeffer
Mrs.Amy Embry
Mrs. Joanna Glaze
Mrs. Nancy Green
Mrs. Jill Hall
Mrs. Lynette Bates
Mrs. Rebecca O. Bowen
Mrs. Elizabeth Brandt
Ms. Sarah Brookfield
Mrs. Karen Bullard
Mrs. Cheri A. Castor
Ms. Jennifer Clemente
Mrs.Ann Crampton
Mrs. Ellen Cray
Mrs. Jane Druten
2003 – 2004
Student Advisory Council
Marti Chance
Ryan Coughlin
Lauren Cromer
Annie Fairchild
Jimmy Fields
Tracy Haden
Christine Henry
Gracie Livers
Thatcher MacDonald
Angela Miller
P.J. Mingos
Stephanie Mingos
Davi Moeller
Kyle Pierson
Rachel Potts
Caroline Powell
Melissa Rhodes
Maddie Samuel
Blair Tackett
Paige Tackett
Brooke Vittor
Katie Wheeler
Connor Zecy
2004 Patron Angels
Mrs. Lizbeth H. Barelli Pener
Mrs. Sarah Baum
Ms. Sandra Carroll Berger
Mrs. Dori Boers
“Our therapist did a great job. We felt
very comfortable with her and so did
our child. The Children’s Place is a
very friendly place.”
Mrs. Susan Mayfield
Mrs. Janice McCollum
Mrs.Tinka McCray
Mrs. Laurie Montague
Mrs. Christine Murray
Mrs. Lynne O’Connell
Mrs. Laura Redmond
Mrs. Mary Reintjes
Mrs.Victoria Reisler
Ms. Lisa Schellhorn
Mrs.Aggie Stackhaus
Mrs. Cynthia Styslinger
Mrs. Leslie Whitaker
Mrs. Betty R. Henson
Mrs.Anne N. Hickok
Ms. Sarah Higdon
Mrs. Christina V. Hogan
Ms. Betsey Hughes
Mrs. Katherine T. Hughes
Mrs.Wendy Klein
Ms. Kimberly Luger
Mrs. Kirsten K. McGannon
Mrs.Theresa McGhie
Mrs. Susan Miller
Mrs. Julie M. Morris
Miss Sheryll L. Myers
Mrs. Kristin Patterson
Ms. Laura Perin
Mrs. Mary Petrow
Mrs. Mary Ann Powell
Mrs. Page Reed
Mrs.Ann Renne
Ms. Megan Rupp
Mrs. Nancy Sayler
Mrs.Yeva Schorgl
Mrs. Pat Shannon
Mrs. Connie Shay
Mrs. Betty Slegman
2004 Angels
$5,000 to $9,999
$1,000 to $4,999
$1,000 to $4,999
Ms. Shani K.Tate
Mrs. Bridget Wagstaff
Mrs. Jane Wooldridge
Edward G. and Kathryn E. Mader
R.A. Long Foundation
The Massman Foundation
Mrs. Dorothy E. Rupp
State Street Foundation
Children’s Mercy
Hospitals & Clinics
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Colligan
Mr. Brett L. Conley
Country Club Bank
Distribution by Air
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Druten
DST Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dudenhoeffer
J. E. Dunn Construction Co.
Enright Foundation, Inc.
Financial Holding Corporation
Ms. Linda J. Fox
Francis Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David V. Francis
GE Energy
Gerson Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hall, Sr.
HCA, Midwest Division Office
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett C.
Helzberg, Jr.
Herman Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Reed W. Hickok
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine O.
Hockaday, Jr.
Ms. Betsey Hughes
Husch and Eppenberger
JCK Family Foundation
Ewing Marion
Kauffman Foundation
Muriel McBrien
Kauffman Foundation
Kuehn Foundation
Lathrop & Gage L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCallister
Mercury Club
Mr. Geoff Miller
Morningside Neighborhood
Mrs. Mary Finley Newton
Mrs. Jeannette Nichols
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Parelman
Mr. and Mrs.W. Keith Pence
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Reintjes
Mr. Chad Riggins
Mr. and Mrs.Alfred C. Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Schofer
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shackelford
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Shadid
Mrs. Beverly Smith
Ms.Vivian J. Sosland
Victor E. Speas Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steadman
Still I Rise Foundation
Stinson Morrison & Hecker LLP
Ms. Shani Tate
and Mr. Dayveon Ross
Tension Envelope Foundation
The Timothy Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David C.Tucker
Variety Club
of Greater Kansas City
Visitation Junior Board
Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Warren
Mrs. Judy Wasserman
White Goss Bowers March
Schulte & Weisenfels
Mrs. Sally K.Wood
$50,000 to $100,000
The Hall Family Foundation
Heart of America
United Way, Inc.
$20,000 to $49,999
Morgan Family Foundation
Hoffman Family Foundation
Kauffman Fund for Kansas City
Oppenstein Brothers
Jewish Heritage Foundation
of Greater Kansas City
$1,000 to $4,999
American Century
Companies, Inc.
Applebee’s Neighborhood
Grill & Bar
Mr. and Mrs.Alan Atterbury
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Banker
Beauty Brands
Ms. Sandra Carroll Berger
Bernstein - Rein Advertising, Inc.
“The Children’s Place has a very
impressive, well-knowledged, and
trained staff. They were personable,
friendly and caring.”
A Father
$10,000 to $19,999
Country Club Christian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford M. Johnson
American Century Companies
Arvin Gottlieb Charitable
Foundation, UMB Bank,Trustee
Hallmark Cards, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Barret S. Heddens, III
$5,000 to $9,999
J.B. Reynolds Foundation
Missouri Bank & Trust Company
The Sosland Foundation
Food Concepts International
The Robert and Phyliss Bernstein
Family Foundation
Blackwell Sanders Peper
and Martin
Blue Chip Group
Ira and Florita M. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buchbinder
Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Burcham
Burns Publishing
Aileen V. and Redman
Callaway Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John Callison
Chiefs Childrens Fund
Children International
$200 to $999
Dr. and Mrs. John M.Adams
K. M.Alexander
Rep. Barbara P.Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S.Alpert
Andrews McMeel
Universal Foundation
Mr. and Mrs.Alan Antin
Aquila, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E.Atha, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Austin
Dr. George Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Cory R. Ball
BALLS Food Stores
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Bash
Mr. Mark C. Bass
Mr. Stuart M. Bauman
Ms. Betty A. Bax
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bellis
Ms. Madeline Benoit
$200 to $999
$200 to $999
$200 to $999
$200 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bertram Berkley
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Berkley
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Bertsch
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beynon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Binda
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Boers
Mr. Cory Boese
Ms. Carol A. Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bowers, Jr.
Ms. Cathy D. Boysen
Mrs. Mary Shaw Branton
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bruening
Mrs. Janelle Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Burcham
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Burley
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Cain
Mr.Alan W. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cates
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Ms. Barbara A. Chevalier
The Colt Group, L.C.
Community America
Credit Union
Mr. Darrell J. Condon
Ms.Trudy K. Cooley
Mr. and Mrs.William H. Coughlin
Mr. Clinton Crenshaw, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Crow
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cukjati
The Louis and Dorothy
Cumonow Foundation
Mrs. Patricia O. Curtis
Mr. Jeffery M. Daniels
Ms. Kimberly M. Dayani
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Dean
Ms. Cheryl DeLong
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dittmann
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dodd
Ms. Linda Dodds
Ms. Julie T. Donelon
Mr. Charles A. Duboc
Mr. and Mrs. David Eckels
Mr. Chariti M. Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Embry
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Emley
Ms. Manuela Erives
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan J. Fagan
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Faust
Mr. Matt Fergerson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fidler
First Horizon Home Loans
Dr. Laura Fitzmaurice-Amick
and Mr. Mickey Amick
Ms. Gloria Flake Gerhardt
Mr.Terry L. Funk
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gavin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Gilbert
Ms. Carol A. Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glaze
Mr. Dwain M. Gleason
Ms. Judy Goff
Goin’ Round Gallery & Design
Mr. and Mrs. John Goodwin
Mr. Harold M. Goss
Ms.Anna Graether
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Green, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green
Mr. and Mrs.Ted Greene
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Hall
Hallmark Cards, Incorporated
Hallmark Corporate Foundation
Halpin and Company
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, III
Mr. and Mrs.William C. Hanes
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hansen
Harvest Graphics
Mr.Tim J. Henderson
Mr. Joseph Hiersteiner
and Dr. Cathy Hiersteiner
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M.
Higgins, III
Mr. and Mrs. John Hjalmarson
Mr. Ronald F. Hodges
Ms.Tammy S. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. John Howland
IPM Group, Inc
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Isenberg
It’s Only Natural
Drs. Jay and Mary Anne Jackson
Mr. Ron L. Johnson
Mrs. Michelle T. Jolles
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff C. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.William D. Kahle
Ms. Catherine M. Kerwin
Ms. Jean T. Kiene
Mr. Mark Killen
Mr. and Mrs.Wm.Terrence Kilroy
Ms. Roberta Lancaster
Mr. John R. Langford
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Lauer
Ms. Kristy A. Lewis
Lockton Companies
Mr. Mitchell A. Love
Mr.Todd Lowenstein
Ms.Alice C. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Massman, IV
Mr. Donal L. McCloud
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.W.
Ms. Brigitte McCrary
McCullough Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Iain McGhie
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Melcher
Ms. Eva M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller
Ms. Cindy L. Mincks
MMG Worldwide
Mr. and Mrs. Don Montague
Ms. Kimberly Munsterman
Mr.Alan Murray
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Murray
Mr.William D. Myers, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nafziger
Ms.Angela M. Nolan
Ms. Bette L. Nonemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nussbaum
Mr. Samuel D. Otto
Padgett Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Palmer
Ms. Roshann Parris
Mr. and Mrs.William R.
Patterson, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Patton
Mrs. Mary Petrow
Mr.William E. Pfeiffer
Philadelphia Insurance
Mr. Lyle Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Piehler
Drs. Sharon and Glen Portwood
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Power
Price Chopper Community
Rewards Program
Mr. and Mrs.William Quirk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rancatore
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Redmond
Mr. and Mrs.William Reisler
The Resource Group
Mrs. Marilyn P. Rinker
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robb
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Salaway
Ms. Nancy Norton
and Mr. Rusty Sallee
Mr. Chad E. Seal
Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman
Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP
Shughart Thomson and Kilroy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Sloan
Ms. Cynthia J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stacy
Mr. and Mrs.Wayne Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. James Stowers, III
Mr. Clinton C. Swearngin
Mr. and Mrs. John Swendrowski
Ms. Carolyn M.Thurmond
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.Towle
Mr. Paul A.Tymosko
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Uhlmann, III
UMKC Student Bar Association
US Stone Industries
Mr.Thomas E.Vanderford
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk W.Vaughan
Ms. Barbara Walters
Warren’s Christmas Tree Farm
Ms. Heidi Watkins
Mr. Stephen E.Westhead
$200 to $999
$100 to $199
$100 to $199
$100 to $199
Dr. and Mrs. James Whitaker
Mr. Joseph A.White
Mr. Mike White
Mr. and Mrs. Reeves W.Wiedeman
Mr. and Ms. Charles D.Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M.Williams
Mrs. RA Williams, et al
Mr. and Mrs. Marc F.Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. John A.Woltjen
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J.Wood, III
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wooldridge
Wornall Homestead
Homes Association
Henry E.Wurst
Family Foundation
Mr. Donald Yocum
Mr. and Mrs. John A.Young, III
Young Adult Division of the
Jewish Federation
Ms. Stacy Benson
Ms.Terry Bigby
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bleakley
Ms. Rae V. Block
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Bortnick
Dr.Anne Bray and Dr. Jack Bray
Mr. James H. Breitenkamp
Ms. Judy Brewster
Jeri A. Brown
Ms. Barbara E. Brussell
Mr. Robert H. Busler
Mr. and Mrs.William E. Byers
Mr. Chris Chaney
Ms. Susanne Christopher Shutz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Clune
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cohn
Ms. L.Taven Cornett
Ms. Cheryl P. Cornish
Coventry Health Care
of Kansas, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Creidenberg
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Cunningham
Ms.Ann S. Curl
Mrs. Maria Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Everist
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Favreau
Mr. and Mrs. David Fenley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Firebaugh
Dr. and Mrs.Alan D. Forker
Mr. Kevin D. Fulks
Mr. and Mrs. James Gamble
Mr. and Mrs.Alan Garner
Mr. Harold T. Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Goldberg
Mrs. Laura Greenbaum
Mr. Frank Haidusek
Mr. and Mrs. Casey Halsey
Ms. Laurie J. Hamilton
Mrs. and Mr. Lynne Hayes
Hearst-Argyle Television, Inc.
Mrs. Paul Henson
Mr. Robert D. Herman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Herman
Mr. and Ms. John D. Hickok, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.William A. Hirsch
Ms. Jody Hitchcock
Ms. Martha Hoover
Mrs. Leslie Hubbel
Mr. Darrell C. Hudson
Ms.Terry K. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Hughes
Mr. David Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hyde
Ms. Laura E. Jakes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Jensen
Ms. Patricia R. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John Johntz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.Tom Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Kaplan
Ms. Rosalie Karczewski
Ms. Diane Kelly
and Mr. Mark Molos
Mr. and Mrs.Tom King
Ms. Joyce E. Kinney
Kiwanis Club of Overland Park
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koeppen
Mr. Herbert Kohn
Ms. Julie A. Lamfers
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Lang
Ms. Cathy A. Lathrom
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laudan
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Lawhon
Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Lawrence
Mr. Paul S. Leake
Mr. Dirk J. Lebar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leitstein
Dr.Victoria Little
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Loftus
Ms. Mary D. Lyell
Mr. and Mrs.William M. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Mackle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Mahurin
Mr.Aaron G. March
Mrs. Robert A. Marshall
Ms.Arlene Martin
Mr. Henry J. Massman, III
Mr. and Mrs. David Matson
Mrs. Susan Mayfield
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCann
Ms. Claire C. McCaskill
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.W.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. McCray, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon McGraw
Ms. Elizabeth P. McLiney
Mr. and Mrs.W. Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
McShane, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.Anthony Mendolia
Ms. Julie Miller
Ms.Wava J. Morales
Mr. Mark Morgan
Mr. Michael Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. George Morris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morris, III
Mr. Frank W. Moseley
Ms. Daphne N. Muchnic
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mulhern
Ms. Moira Mulhern
Ms. Kelly L. Murphree
$100 to $199
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.Accurso
Mr.Anthony Albracht
and Dr. Michelle Pal
Mr. and Mrs. Don Alexander
“Thank you for helping us when we
needed it.”
Legal Guardian and potential Adoptive Parent
Ms. Norma J.Alexander
Ms. Suzanne E.Allen
Ms. Catherine Allin-Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs.William J.C.Amend
Mr. Robert C.Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Don R.Armacost
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
Ms. Heather K. Badwey
Mr. Edward C. Balzano
Ms. Katherine Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Battey
Ms.Amanda Beal
Reverend Eric D. Belt
Dr. and Mrs. Dale E. Darnell
Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson
Mr. Jay Dillingham
Ms. Joan Doherty
Mrs.Angela M. Donelan
Mr. Neil T. Douthat
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Dreher
Dreiseszun Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Dudley
Ms. Judy K. Dunagan
Ms. Judith Eckart
Mr. and Mrs. John Eckels
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eisler, Jr.
$100 to $199
$100 to $199
Under $100
Under $100
Ms. Jennifer Murphy
Ms. Kim Neilon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark O’Connell
Dr. and Mrs. James H. O’Keefe, Jr.
Mr. Brad W. Oxandale
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Patch
Ms. Nancy B. Pennington
Mr. Gary W. Philipps
Ms.Wilma L. Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas K. Powell
Dr. Richard Price
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Price
Mr. Robert Price
Mr. and Mrs. John Puetz
Mr.Thomas Quast
Mr. John H. Quattlebaum
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Reintjes
Mr. and Mrs.Allen Reynolds
Ms. Patricia Y. Rivette
Ms. Susan M. Roberts
Mr. Charles Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson
Ms. Kathleen Rodell
Mrs. George Saleh
Mr. Nelson Sanchez
Ms. and Mr. Lisa Schellhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Schulte
Ms. Ellen Schulte
Mr.Travis M. Schulte
Mr. Peter Schwartz
Ms. Katharine A. Seelye
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Seib
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Shank
Drs.Vidya and Janard Sharma
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slegman
Mrs. and Mr. Beth K. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Sommerland
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Spaulding, III
Ms. Dana Squires
and Mr. Steven Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stackhaus
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Stiles
Mr. Eugene M. Strauss
Dr. and Mrs. John Strickland
Mr. Daniel R. Stroupe
Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Styslinger
Mr.William Swanberg
T.J. McCoy & Associates,LLC
Ms. Julie A.Terrell
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E.Thornhill
Ms. Christine Twemlow-Bliss
Jungkun S.Walden
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walsh
Mr. John R.Weisenfels
Ms. Michelle D.Williams
Mrs. and Mr.Amy Wolf
Ms. Natalie A.Wolf
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald R.Wollard
Ms. Barbara Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. James M.Yeretsky
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bethune
Ms. Bernice C. Biel
Ms. Barbara Blaylock
Ms. Sherri J. Bloesser
Ms. Susan Boerger
Ms. Susan Carter
Mr. and Mrs. L’Mitchell Castor
Catholic Charities of Kansas
City - St. Joseph Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chapline
“I feel the professional staff at
The Children’s Place is a great
group of people who genuinely care
about the children and what
is in their best interest.”
A Social Worker
Under $100
Ms. Janet Ackerson
Mr. Paul Ackley
and Ms. Cathy Tschirhart
Mr. Douglas Alderman
Mr. Larry Alexander
Almar Printing
Mrs. Carlene Anderson
Ms. Connie S.Appleton
Mr. and Mrs. Fera S.Aramovich
Mr. James S.Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Armstrong
Ms. Rebecca L.Ashcraft
Mr. Seanessy M.Axtell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bain
Mrs. Lizbeth H. Barelli Pener
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Barnow
Mr. and Mrs.William B. Bates
Ms. Laura D. Battle
Ms. Ruth A. Battle
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Baum
Mr. Joe Beck
Ms. Stephanie Beckerman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Benson
Mr. and Mrs.William Berkley
Mr. David Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luetje, III
Mrs. Betty Berol
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bolen
Mrs. Robert Bollier
Ms. Kathryn Bomgaars
Ms.Angela Boohar
Mrs. Rebecca O. Bowen
Ms. Linda M. Bradbury
Mr. and Ms. Bruce E. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs.W. Perry Brandt
Ms. Mae M. Bratt
Dr. and Mrs.Abe E. Braverman
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bredar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brett
Mr. and Mrs.Arthur Brisbane
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Brooker
Ms. Sarah Brookfield
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brooks
Ms. Emily C. Brown
Ms. Sheri L. Brown
Mr. Spencer Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buffum, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Bullard
Ms. Molly M. Bunta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bush
Mrs. Cathy Camalier
Ms. Karen Cannestra-Jegen
Ms. Michelle A. Cargile-Weber
Ms. Michelle S. Chappell
Ms. Mary Charles
Ms. Dana Chatlin
Ms. Jennifer Clemente
Ms. Lisa A. Clough
Ms.Wendie Collins
Ms. Margaret Comford
and Ms.Alicia Prince
Ms. Megan Conger
Dr. and Mrs. Barry R. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas H. Corbin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W.
Corey, Ph.D.
Ms. Sarah R. Corliss
Costco Wholesale
Mr. and Ms. John R. Courtney
Mr. Jack S. Craft
Mr. and Mrs.William Crampton
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Cray
Mr. Fred Crouch
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas T. Crouch
Dr. and Mrs. John Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curran
Mr. and Mrs.Albert Darling, Jr.
Mrs. JoAnn DeFrain
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell J. DiCarlo
Mr. Christopher H. Doane
Under $100
Under $100
Under $100
Under $100
Ms. Rosa L. Dobson
Mr. and Mrs.William P. Donnelly
Ms. Barbara A. Downey
Mr. and Mrs.Arthur J. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doyle
Ms.Wendy Doyle
Mr. Eugene Dreyer
First United Methodist
Church Raytown
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Ms. Kathleen F. Fitzgibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Foster
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gound
Mr. and Mrs. Moulton Green, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Green
Ms. Crystal D. Gronberg
Mr. Powell Groner
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gumowitz
Gunter Pest Management
Ms. Susie Haake
Ms. Sherri Hahn
Mr. Brian A. Hall
Ms. Leota F. Halloran
Mr. Scott D. Hamby
Mr. Gunnar Hand
Mrs. Kristina Hanson
Ms. Erica L. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Carter R. Harrison, Jr.
Mr.Truett Hause
Heartland Combined
Federal Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. James Hebenstreit
Ms.Anne Heck
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heide
Dr. Mary Henry
and Dr. Clarke Henry
Mr. and Ms. Donald Higdon
Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Higgins, Jr.
Ms.Vicki S. Hipp
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hogan
Ms. Mary Jo Holland
Ms. Sandra L. Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. Ken V. Hornung
Ms.Ann Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Howard
Ms. Linda K. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs.William
Humphrey, III
Mr. and Mrs. Hal J. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ingram, III
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Ives
Ms. Elizabeth Janssens
Mr. Leonard O. Janssens
Mrs. Charlotte Jett
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Jezak
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Johnson
Ms. Glenda Johnson
Ms.Tara R. Johnson
Ms. Jean Johnston
Mrs. Charles D. Jones, II
Ms. Cyndi C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Jones
Mrs. Pat Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones
Mrs. Brian C. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Joyce
Junior League
of Kansas City, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jurden
Mr. and Mrs. Koby D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Kanaley
Mr. and Ms. Edward Kander
Ms. Nancy Kearney
Lajean P. Keene
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Keller
Mr. Kimberly S. Kelley
Ms. Christine C. Kemper
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Kenney, III
Mrs. David L. Kerr
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Kilbride
Ms. Kerry C. Kimes
Ms. Mary C. King
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Kirk
Ms. Lisa Klein
Mrs.Wendy Klein
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Knight
Ms. Evelyn R. Knop
Mr. and Mrs. David Knopke
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Koeneman
Mr. and Mrs. Carter H. Kokjer
Mr. Chad W. Kordt-Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Kos
Mr.Anthony Kostusik
Dr. and Mrs. Padma Krishna
Mr. and Mrs. George Kroh
Ms. Kathryn E. LaBelle
Mr. and Mrs. James Lacy
Ms.Andra E. Lahner
Mrs. Ellen B. Laner
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Laner
Ms. Natalie S. Larrabee
“I loved The Children’s Place. They
were wonderful. They showed real
concern with my family’s problem.
I would send anyone who needed
assistance with similar problems to
The Children’s Place. Thank you all
very much.”
A Grandmother
Mr. and Mrs.Terrence P. Dunn
Ms. Courtney R. Earnest
Ms. Lori Edmonds
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Ehrich
Ms. Leslie Mark
and Mr. Mark Eisemann
Electronic Data Systems, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Embry
Mr. R. David Emley
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin
Engelmann, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Erber
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Eymann
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Fager
Ms. Sharon Falk
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farchmin
Mrs. Kathy Fatall
Ms. Emily Fehr
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ferber
Ms. Judith Field
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Frame
Mr. and Mrs. David V. Francis
Mr. and Mrs.William L. Frick
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Gall
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Garies
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Garrison
Ms.Arzelia Gates
Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop Gates
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland Gates
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig L. Gilliland
Mrs. Denise Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gilmore
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Glassman
Reverend and Reverend
Virgil G. Glenn, III
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Goldstein
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin F. Goldstein
Mrs. and Mr. Erin Gorny
Under $100
Under $100
Under $100
Under $100
Mr. and Mrs. David Larson
Mr. and Mrs. John Larson
Mrs. Imogene R. Leard
Dr. and Mrs. Jim LeBow
Ms. Michelle L. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Legard
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Leonard
Ms. Mary R. Lindquist
Ms. Katherine J. Liston
Mr. Daniel C. Loiacono
Mrs. Cynthia G. Loporto
Ms. Kimberly Luger
Mr. Robert P. Lyons
Ms.Anne J. Maas
Mr. and Mrs. Brian MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Maday
Ms. Catherine Madden
and Mr. Jeffrey Yabuki
Mr. and Mrs. John Mader
Mr. and Mrs. Sassan Mahobian
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mann, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas K. Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Marston
Ms.Ann Maschler
Mr. Dustin J. Summers
and Ms. S. L. McAnany
Ms. Keri J. McCann
Ms. Christy M. McCart
Ms. Michelle McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCausland
Mr. Chandler McCray
Mr. and Mrs. Hatch C. McCray
Ms. Mary E. McEniry
Mrs. Kirsten K. McGannon
Ms. Karen McLeese
Mr. Duayne Mendenhall
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Miller
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Milton
Mr. and Mrs. James Morris
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Mulhern
Ms. Susan Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. J.Thomas Murray, Sr.
Miss Sheryll L. Myers
Ms. Esther Nelkin
Dr. and Mrs. John Nelson
Ms. Linda J. Nelson
Ms. Donna R. Nelson Walters
Mr. and Mrs. David Nicely
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nolan
Mr. Daniel E. Norgren
Mrs. Barbara Nottberg
Mr. Brad Nowlin
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Neill
Mr. James D. Ogden
Mr. Randall G. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Orrick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owen
Mrs. Leone H. Park
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Payne
Mrs. Hallie Peavey
Ms. Sandra Peine
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Penning
Mr. and Mr. Ronald D. Perentis
Ms. Laura Perin
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas P. Phillips
Ms.Vickie L. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Piero
Mr. Robert E. Piersa
Plaza Crown Collectors
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter
Mr. and Mrs. James Powell
Mr. Brennan Power
Ms. Sara Prem
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg J. Putthoff
Mr. and Mrs.Walter R. Randall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. B. John Readey
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Reed, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reed
Mr. Ronnie T. Reed
Ms. Kelli Reiling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reintjes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Renne
Ms. Barbara Resch
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rhoades
Mrs. Harry Rice
Mr. Chad M. Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B.
Ms. Julie Robertson
Mr. David M. Robinett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Roos, Jr.
Mr. Bryan T. Rose
Ms. Gina Ross
Ms. Megan Rupp
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Russ
Mrs. Kristin E. Russell Happ
Ms.Ann Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Ryan
Mrs. John Ryder
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sachse
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Sackin
Ms. Evelyn Sailor
Mr. and Mrs.Alvin J. Samuel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sayler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scarbrough
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick T. Schaffer
Ms. Karen Schatz
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Schmelzle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schorgl, Jr.
Miss Amy L. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Scott
Ms. Laura Scott
Ms.Terrie L. Scott
Ms. Missy Scovell
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Searles
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Serra
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie K. Sha
Mr. and Mrs.William
Shackelford, IV
Ms. Mary Jo Shaney
Mrs. Leigh D. Shannon
Mrs. Pat Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. James Shay
Mr. and Mrs. James Sheedy
Mr. and Mrs. John Sherk
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Shoare
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Shuchart
Mrs. Carolyn Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Max Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sink
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sloman
Ms. Kimala D. Small
Mr. and Ms. Robert L. Smart, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Solis, Jr.
Ms. Jane Sosland
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P.
Ms. Cheryl M. Spangler
Ms. Elaine Spencer-Carver
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Spradley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sprague
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Sprecher
Ms.Teresa Sprouse
St. Luke’s Northland Hospital
Pharmacy Department
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stacy
Ms. Jennifer E. Stahl
Mrs. Mary J. B. Stallard
Mr. and Mrs.William Stapleton
Ms. Deanne Stedem
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Steinacker
Dr. and Mrs. David Steinhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stimach
Ms. Maria D. Stimach
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Storm
Mrs. Deanna K. Stranghoner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Streen
Dr. and Mrs. John Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strickler
Mr. and Mrs.William K. Strickler
Mr. David Sturm
Ms. Linda K. Sullivan
Ms. Joan M. Supica
Mr. Dick Sutter
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Swanston
Ms. Jeanie R. Swartz
Ms. Sara Swearingen
Ms. Carol Swift
Ms. Jill Swords
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tamblyn
Ms. Shannon Tancona
Ms.Aisha Tate
Mr. and Mrs.William Tempel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C.Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson
Under $100
Under $100
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.Thompson
Mr. Michael H.Thursby
Mrs. Diane L.Todd
Nada Tomanic
Mr. and Mrs. H. Guyon
Townsend, III
Ms. Norma Trahan
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J.Trent
Mrs.Andree Tron
Mrs. Mindy Trowbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.Truog
Ms. Dorothy Tucker
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Twyman
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Vile
Mr. and Mrs. John C.Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wagstaff
Ms. Linda Wait
Ms. Stephanie R.Waldeck
Dr. and Mrs. Darryl Wallace
Ms. Nancy L.Walter
Ms. Susan M.Warren
Dr. and Mrs. Hadley Warwick
Mr. and Mrs.Ted Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.Watson
Ms. Michelle Watson
Mr. and Mrs.William P.Watson
Ms. Sandra S.Watts
Mr. and Mrs. George Waugh
Ms. Louise C.Weber
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Weir
Ms.Andrea Weisz
Welcome House
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert West
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wetzel
Mr. and Mrs. James P.Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.Wheat
Ms. Susan Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F.Whitaker
Mr.Toni L.Whitaker
Mrs.Ted A.Wiedeman
Ms. Janet Wilkerson
Mr. Bradley B.Wilson
Mrs. Nancy J.Wilson
Mrs.Wynne Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Witt
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T.Wolf
Ms. Sheryl A.Wolfe
Ms. Jenny Wolff
Ms. Heather Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Dick H.Woods, Jr.
Ms. Sue Woods
Mr. Craig S.Woodson
Mr. and Mrs.William H.Woodson
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Woodward
Mrs. Mia Wooldridge
Mrs. and Mr. Pattie
Wooldridge Curry
Ms. Maxine Woolery
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G.
Mrs. Sara Wrablica
Mrs. JoAnn Wunnicke
Ms. Julianna Zimmer
Our appreciation for the
support of the following
government agencies.
Missouri Department of
Economic Development
• Neighborhood Assistance
Missouri Department
of Elementary and
Secondary Education
• First Steps System Point of
Entry for Jackson County
Missouri Department of Health
and Senior Services
• Child and Adult Care
Food Program
• Sexual Assault Prevention
Services Program
• Sexual Assault Victim
Services Program
Missouri Department of
Public Safety
• Victims of Crime Act Program
Our appreciation for the
support of the following
government agencies.
Missouri Department of Social
Services, Children’s Division
• Children’s Treatment Services
• Foster Care/Adoption
Resource Services Program
• Specialized Foster Care
Training Program
Missouri Department of
• Missouri Elderly and
Handicapped Transportation
Assistance Program
• Section 5310 Capital
Assistance Program
(replacement vans)
Children’s Trust Fund
Jackson County Community
Mental Health Fund
Board of Trustees
Jackson County
COMBAT Commission
Kansas City, Missouri
• Child Care Program
(through 4/30/04)
U.S. Department of Education
funding through subcontract
with Mid-America Regional
U.S. Department of Health &
Human Services, Substance
Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
funding through subcontract
with University of
Missouri-Kansas City
2004 Inkind Donors
Aetna Rx Pharmacy - Order
Entry Evening Shift
American Century Investments Performance & Integration
and Investment
Accounting Teams
American Century Investments Shareholder Education
2004 Inkind Donors
Ararat Shrine Temple
Ms. Jill Ault
Ms. Marilyn Aylward
Mrs. Lynda Azima
Mr. David Barber
Barnes & Noble Country Club Plaza
Barnes & Noble - Leawood
Ms. Deb Barron
Beauty Brands
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bellis
Mrs. Jackie Bergman
Bernstein - Rein Advertising, Inc.
Mrs. Nancy Berry
Mr. Bob Blickhan
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Board Of Public Utilities
Boulevard Brewing Co
Ms. Cheryl Brewster
Ms. Judy Brewster
Ms. Marcelle Bruck-Keedo
Mr. L. M. Brummet
Bunzl Koch Supplies
Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Burcham
Bushnell Performance Optics
Ms. Cathie J. Butenas
Ms. Danette Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chenowith
Cherokee Christian Church
The Christian Family
Ms. Michelle Clements
Cobler Consulting, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Colligan
Ms.Wendie Collins
Mr. Jeremy Colwell
Ms. Carol Jean Cook
The Copy Point
Mr. Pete Corpeny
Cosentino’s Price Chopper
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cosgrove
Country Club Bank Mission Hills Branch
Covansys - E.R. Committee
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cox
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Crow
Ms. Kathleen Cuddy
2004 Inkind Donors
2004 Inkind Donors
2004 Inkind Donors
2004 Inkind Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Curry
Mr. Guess Davidson
Ms.Alberta J. Daw
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Distribution by Air
Ms. Linda Dodds
Mrs. Maria Donigan
Ms. Pam Drotts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Druten
Duggan, Shadwick,
Doerr & Kurlbaum
Mr. Bill Eisele
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Embry
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Emley
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Ernst
Executive Women’s
Golf Association
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan J. Fagan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fairchild
Fairmont Kansas City
at the Plaza
Falcon Valley Golf
Ms. Heather Feagans
Devon and Carlin Ferrari
Fidelity Security Life - Claims
First Horizon Home Loans
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fisackerly
Ms. Linda Flake
Fleet Reserve Association
Ford Motor Company
Ms. Johanna Gamet
Ms. Billie George
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gottsch
Ms.Anna Graether
Ms. Sara Gragg
The Greater Kansas City
Community Foundation
Mr. Dante Hall
Ms. Sue Hall
Hallmark Cards Incorporated Finance
Hallmark Cards Incorporated Gold Crown
Retail Operations
Hallmark Cards Incorporated Research Department
Hallmark Hall of Fame
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Harden, Jr.
Ms. Luana Harris
Mr. and Mrs.Troy Hartman
Healthplus Physical Therapy
Heart of America
United Way, Inc.
Ms. Caryn Hefferren
Mr. and Mrs.Tom Hertz
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M.
Higgins, III
Ms.Tina Hill
The Hire Family & Neighbors
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hirtzel
Mr. Priest Holmes
Ms. Marjorie Howard
Geoff Howe Marketing
Ms. Betsey Hughes
Hyatt Regency Crown Center
The Independent Magazine
Internal Revenue Service - R&E
Ms. Betty Iorg
The IPM Group, Inc.
Mrs. Michelle Jimerson-Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Johnson
Miss Abby Jones
Miss Carly Jones
Mr. and Mrs.Tom Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Koby D.
Kansas City Chiefs Football
Club, Inc.
Kansas City Convention and
Visitors Bureau
Kansas City Country Club
Kansas City Life
Insurance Company
Kansas City Power and Light
Kansas City Renaissance Festival
The Kansas City Star
Kansas City Young Matrons
Kapke,Willerth & Leonard LLC
Miss Miriam Kaseff
Miss Rachel Kaseff
Ms. Karen D. Kawallek
KCMO City Communications
KC Royals
Ms.Trudy Kelley
Dr. Mary Kelly
Kelly’s Westport Inc.
Ms. DeAnna Kerr
Mrs. Eleanor Kerr
Kiwanis Club of Overland Park
Mr. and Mrs. John McCallister
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.W.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McGinnis
McLioness Realty Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
McShane, Jr.
Ms. Brandy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller
Missouri Gas Energy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monroe
“The Family Story Nights were very
nice. Our son enjoyed the activities
and books; we enjoyed the
information that was shared. They
were very nice, caring teachers.”
A Parent
L’Chaim Havurah
Mr. Clarence Lampkin
Ms. Benno Landfair
Mr. Eric Langmack
Mr. Jim Larson
Mr.Tom Lawrence
The Limited - Town Center
Ms. Sarah Long
Mr.Todd Lowenstein
Ms.Anita G. Lundy
Manual Career and Technical
Center - CNA Course
Ms.Toni Marengo
Ms. Betsy Martin
Mrs. and Mr. Beverly Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Martinez
Massage Therapy
Training Institute
Mr. and Mrs. David Matson
The Matthews Family
Mrs. Brenda McBee
Mr. and Mrs. Don Montague
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Moore
Morningside Neighborhood
Mrs. Deborah Mosimann
Ms. Melissa Mullins-Fees
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Murphy, Jr.
Mr.Alan Murray
Mr. and Mrs. James Myers
Ms. Janice Newberry
Ms.Angela M. Nolan
Ms. Janet Obannon
Ms. Lisa Ogden
Ms. Janice Orrick
PB&J Restaurants, Inc
Pediatric Interest Group at
UMKC Medical School
Pembroke Hill Book Club
Mr. and Ms. Kent Perks
& Friends
2004 Inkind Donors
2004 Inkind Donors
2004 Inkind Donors
2004 Inkind Donors
Philadelphia Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle P. Phillips
Drs. Glen and Sharon Portwood
Dr. and Mrs.Alan E. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Power
Rep. Bryan Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rea
Reece and Nichols - Plaza Office
RH Donnelley - Credit Services
RH Donnelly Payment Processing
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Richard
Rudy’s Tenampa Taqueria
Mrs. Pat Shannon
Ms. Kelly Sherl
Ms. Mary Sinclair
Mr. and Ms. Paul Sinclair
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Sinclair
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Jennifer Spencer
Sprint - 6360 Community
Relations Team
Sprint - 6450 Building
Sprint - 6480 Building
The Steede Family
St. James Lutheran Church
St. John’s United
Methodist Women
The Studio
Symphony Women’s Association
Systems Material Handling Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Russell E.Tackett
Take Two Productions
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tamblyn
Ms. Rosanna M.Tanderup
Ms. Shani K.Tate
Ms. Margaret Taylor
Ms.Tracie Thomas
Time Warner Cable
Touch for Life, LLC
Trinity United
Methodist Church
two hip chix
UBS Financial Services, Inc
Ms. Jillie Ullman
The Venteicher Family
Mr. Matthew Wagner
Dr. Irene R.Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Warren
Mrs. Judy Wasserman
Welcome House
Western Blue Print
Ms. Lisa Wijhands
Mrs. Nancy J.Wilson
Winkler’s Diamonds
The Woodlands
Ms. Sara Woods
Mr. and Mrs. John A.Young, III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Young
“The staff at The Children’s Place
were very nice people who were
helpful and informative.”
A Mom
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Price
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Ms. Barbara Radov
RBC Innovations Inc.
RCA Group
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Salaway
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Schmidt
Ms. Rosemary Schmiedeler
Ms. Susan Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Shadid
T h e C h i l d r e n ’s P l a c e t h a n k s i t s d o n o r s fo r t h e i r g e n e ro s i t y.
We a p o l o g i z e i f a n e r ro r o r o m i s s i o n h a s o c c u r r e d . We h o p e yo u w i l l b r i n g i t t o o u r a t t e n t i o n .
To u c h i n g
t h e
L i v e s
o f
C h i l d r e n
a n d
F a m i l i e s .
C h i l d A d vo c a cy S e r v i c e s C e n t e r, I n c .
Two East 59 Street
K a n s a s C i t y, M O 6 4 1 1 3
8 1 6 3 6 3 1 8 9 8 • F A X : 8 1 6 8 2 2 7 7 11
H o m e P a g e : h t t p : / / w w w. t c p k c . o r g
Joint Commission
on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
S p e c i a l t h a n k s t o t h e fo l l ow i n g c o m p a n i e s :
J o D e n e C o l e ma n - C u k j a t i , J o D e n e ’s i n k a n d S a ra P r e m , C o m mu n i t y A m e r i c a C r e d i t U n i o n .
With your help Darius’ stor y ends
with the sound of hope.
T o u c h i n g
t h e
Two E a s t 5 9 S t r e e t
K a n s a s C i t y, M O 6 4 1 1 3
L i v e s
o f
C h i l d r e n
a n d
F a m i l i e s .
Non-Profit Org.
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Kansas City, MO
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