April 3, 2016 - American Martyrs Church


April 3, 2016 - American Martyrs Church
A W e l c o m i n g C o mm u n i t y , H e l p i n g O n e A n o t h e r
Second Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Sunday
L i v e H o ly L i v e s
Jesus Christ.
A pr il 3, 2016
Rev. Msgr. John F. Barry, P.A.
Associate Pastors
Rev. Joseph Kammerer
Rev. Rick Prindle
Fred Rose
Derek Brown
Chris Amantea
Dick Williams
Business Manager
Bob Hodges
Weekend Mass
Saturday Vigil: 5 pm
7am, 8am, 9:30am, 11:30am and 5pm
Weekday Mass
Monday / Wednesday / Friday:
8am , 12:10 pm and 5 pm
Tuesday / Thursday:
6:30am , 8am , 12:10 pm and 5pm
Saturday: 8 am
Holy Day Mass
Vigil: 5pm
Holy Day: 6:30am, 8am,
12:10pm, 5pm, and 7:30pm
Reconciliation (Penance)
Tuesday: 7 am -7:15 am
Wednesday: 5:30 pm -6 pm
Thursday: 7 am -7:15 am
5:30 pm -6 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am -9 am
4 pm -4:30 pm
Eves of Holy Days: 4 pm -4:30 pm
Confessions by request anytime;
call Rectory for appointment.
624 15 t h S t r e e t
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
I Trust in
Celebrating the Feast of Divine Mercy
today at 11:30am
Holy Mass – Chaplet – Adoration – Benediction
A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y
We welcome you to American Martyrs Catholic Community
Next Weekend's Mass Celebrants
Parish Facilities
Sat 5:00pm:
Sun 7:00am:
Fr. Rick Prindle
Fr. Abraham Raju
Fr. Joe Kammerer
Msgr. John Barry (Livestream)
Fr. Rick Prindle
Msgr. John Barry
This schedule is subject to change.
624 15 Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
310-545-5651 | fax 424-327-9703
Mailing Address:
PO Box 3639, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-1639
Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm | Sunday, 8:30am-11:30am
1400 Deegan Place, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
310-545-5651 | fax 424-327-9702
Temporary Parish Offices are on 15th Street
between the Gym and the Parish House
ST. KATERI ROOM (enter from Deegan Place)
O'DONNELL HALL (enter from O'Donnell
parking lot, south east side of the building
SS. BRIGID/BRENDAN (closed for remodel)
GYM - 701 15th Street | 310-802-8720
Do not park on 15th Street.
Use parking structure and crosswalk
HOLY FAMILY HOUSE - 700 17th Street
Do not park on 17 Street.
Use lower level entrance next to Gym
PARISH HOUSE - 659 15th Street
SACRED HEART HOUSE - 720 18th Street
Do not park on 18th Street. Park in O'Donnell
or School lots and enter from schoolyard.
St. Joseph's Chapel, Meditation Garden
Upper Room Library (open Sunday,10am-4pm)
Assistive Listening Devices Headphones are available for 9:30am
& 11:30am Sunday Mass.
If you have trouble hearing
at Mass, please check one
out before Mass at the
entrance to church and
return the device after Mass.
Daily Prayers
of the
Mon-Fri, 7:00am-8:00pm
Saturday, 7:00am-5:00pm
Sunday, 1:00pm-5:00pm
Closed during regular Sunday Masses.
Contact: Jim Quilliam
AdorationChapel@Americ anMar t yrs.org
Monday - Saturday, 7:30am, in the Church
for the
Please pray for the sick in our community that they may
find comfort and healing in Christ, especially:
George Wagner
Martha Ortez-Mena
Jacob Conde
Pat O'Brien
Samantha Concetti
John Sullivan
Kay Taylor
Marygene Evanek
Steve Piko
David Higi
Kent Kirkpatrick
Carissa Enright
Kathy O'Mara
Helen Solis
Paul & Sharrone Schaffer
Mary Heffernan
Kathleen Yewell
Jack Radville
Tuesday following the 8:00am Mass
Wednesday following the 5:00pm Mass,
followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet
A r med Forces
We pray for those serving overseas in our
Armed Forces, especially:
Sgt Ciriaco Ayala - U.S.M.C.
CPT Maureen Bannon- U.S. Army
LTJG Joshua Bergen - U.S. Navy
CPT Evan Bernstein - U.S.M.C.
Jonathan Concetti - U.S.M.C.
SSG Eric Cothren - U.S. Army
PVT Julia Cothren - U.S. Army
LCpl Fred Hoffman - U.S.M.C.
SGT Charles Koffman - U.S. Army
1LT Nicholas Marquez - National Guard
Matthew Murphy - U.S. Navy
SSgt Kyle Nesbitt – U.S.A.F.
Brendan Quinn - U.S. Navy
Cpl Paul Regotti - U.S.M.C.
LT Marissa Watson - U.S. Navy
Sacramental Information
Baptism For Infants - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays at 1:00pm
Contact Deacon Fred Rose, 310-545-5651, for appointment.
Pre-Baptism instruction for parents and godparents is required.
Next class is Sunday, April 10.
Adult Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist (RCIA)
Deacon Derek & Terri Brown, RCIA@Americ anMar t yrs.org
Rite of Christian Initial for Adults welcomes and prepares adults
for full participation in the sacramental life of the Church.
Classes begin in September.
Marriage - Contact Rectory at least 6 months prior to wedding date.
I n M emoriam
Laurene Anastasi
Marc Bleecher
June Domozych
Doris Muckley
Rita Wood
May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace.
Holy Matrimony
Third Banns:
Jeremy Zimmerman and Ariana Simpson
Second Banns:
Kevin Atmore and Emily Warlick
Anointing of the Sick - Celebrated throughout the year.
Call anytime in case of serious illness.
Mass Intentions - Scheduled in person at the Parish Offices.
Prayers for the Sick and Deceased - Contact the Rectory
with the names of family members who are ill or deceased.
Funeral Planning
Contact the Rectory to arrange Funeral or Memorial Services.
Bereavement Support
Deacon Chris & Yvonne Amantea
camantea@AmericanMar tyrs.org | yamantea@AmericanMar tyrs.org
A pril 3, 2016 |Second S unday of E a st e r / Di v ine Me r c y S u nday
Calendar, Mass Intentions & Readings
This Week
N ext Weekend
MONDAY, April 4
Men’s & Women's AA Meeting
9:00am HFH Monday Morning Starters
9:00am SpC Monday Morning Faith Sharing
5:00pmODH Happy Holy Hour Dance Class
7:00pm PH
Natural Family Planning
8:00am ODH
10:00am SHH
TUESDAY, April 5
Men’s AA Meeting
8:45am ODK Senior Fellowship Sandwich Making
9:15am SpC Tuesday Morning Scripture Study
Senior Fellowship Group
3:00pm ODH Mustang Players
3:30pm PH
Legion of Mary
6:00pm HFH Teen Tuesday
7:00pmHFH Beginning Again
Matthew 25 Meeting
7:00pmSCH Virtus Training "Protecting God's Children"
Re-Membering Church
7:30pmSHH Al-Anon
7:30pm SpC Contemplative Prayer
Men’s & Women's AA Meeting
9:30amODH Mothers of Young Children
Weekly Scripture Readings with Fr. Joe
5:00pmODH Happy Holy Hour Dance Class
7:00pmODH Virtus Recertification "Renewing the Promise"
7:00pm SpC Vocations Committee
9:00am HFH
April 7
Men’s AA Meeting
Mothers of Young Children
AM Children’s Choir
Consoling the Heart of Jesus
8th Grade Graduation Parent Meeting
FRIDAY, April 8
11:15am SJC
Silent Meditation
12:00pmSpC Matthew 25 Saturday's Blessings
3:30pmSCH Irish Dance
7:00pmHFH Circle of Friends
NOTE: Dates and locations are subject to change without notice.
Please check with the ministry to verify event.
BB-SS. Brigid/Brendan ∙ BBP-SS. Brigid/Brendan Patio ∙ CH-Church
ChP-Church Patio ∙ GYM-Gym ∙ HFH-Holy Family House ∙ ODH-O’Donnell Hall
PH-Parish House ∙ SpC-Spirituality Center ∙ SpG-Spirituality Garden
SpL-Spirituality Center Library ∙ SCH-School ∙ SHH-Sacred Heart House
SJC-St. Joseph’s Chapel ∙ SK-St. Kateri ∙ SKMR-St. Kateri Music Room
April 9
Matthew 25 Sandwich Making
AA Women
Welcome Table
SUNDAY, April 10
Welcome Table
7:00amODH Pancake Breakfast
Children's Liturgy
Spiritual Library (open until 4:00pm)
3:30pmODH Year 2 Confirmation
Pastoral Council Information Meeting
Infant Baptism Preparation Class
After all MassesBBP
Mass Intentions
for the
MONDAY, April 4 - The Annunciation of the Lord
Readings: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38
8:00 Ramona Clinton † (Gunderman Family)
12:10 Anthony Moret † (Catherine Harris)
5:00 Jennifer Bikel † (The Muldoon Family)
TUESDAY, April 5 - St. Vincent Ferrer
Readings: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
6:30 Kay Giery † (Brian & Cheryl Burdiak & Boys)
8:00 Dave Dietz † (Beverly Busby)
12:10 Sr. Loretta Guevara, SA (Fuentes Family)
5:00 Kye Hellmers (Bardy Ryan)
Readings: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Jn 3:16-21
8:00 Bill Elliot † (Larry & Helene Grik)
12:10 Suzie Rose †
5:00 Special Intention (The Quilliam Family)
THURSDAY, April 7 - St. John Baptist de la Salle
Readings: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-18, 19-20; Jn 3:31-36
6:30 Suzanne Jones † (Estelita Garcia)
8:00 Evan Harrington † (Jerry & Cherri Olson)
12:10 Anthony Nuzzo † (Carol Quinlan)
5:00 Special Intention
FRIDAY, April 8
Readings: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
8:00 Lawrence McNeil † (Gebele Family)
12:10 Joseph Napolitano † (Napolitano Familly)
5:00 Laura Alcala (Joyce Payne)
Readings: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21
8:00 Richard Marino – RIP (Marino/Drews Family)
5:00 Gerry Geppert – RIP (CFM Friends)
SUNDAY, April 10 - Third Sunday of Easter
Readings: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13; Rv 5:11-14;
Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-1
7:00 Rev. Terry Franklin †
8:00 Jo Marie Law † (Barbara Barr)
9:30 For the Parishioners, Living and Deceased
11:30 Regina Lyons (Ryan Family)
5:00 Martin Clement † (John Clifford)
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y
Pastoral Council & Other Volunteer Leadership
We Need You
Consider getting involved in the councils and commissions that serve in an advisory
role to our Pastor and Parish. They are the P astoral C ouncil and the following
commissions: Community & Evangelization • Faith Formation • Liturgy & Worship • Social
Justice & Outreach • Stewardship.
Please attend an information meeting, offered on each of the following dates:
Sunday, April 10, 6:15pm (after the 5pm Mass) - Parish House
Tuesday, April 12, 7:30pm - Parish House
Friday, April 15, 8:15am - Holy Family House
If you have other questions, contact Edna Murphy, [email protected] | 310-710-0316
"Go, do not be afraid, and serve" - Pope Francis
Give thanks to the LORD for He is GOOD;
His LOVE is everlasting. Ps 96
"Liturgy, the Work of the People"
Liturgy, defined as the "work of the people," includes
the preparation and implementation of our liturgical
celebrations. The goal of liturgy is the "full, conscious, and
active participation" of all the people in our worship.
When we think of "active participation" in liturgy, we
may associate these with the musicians, lectors, presider,
etc. However, all members of the worshiping community
actively participate in the important ministry known as the
Ministry of the Assembly or the Ministry of the Celebrating
Christ is present in the actions of the community of
believers who come together to celebrate their faith, and
the presence of Christ in their lives. We strengthen one
another's faith in the ways that we sing, respond, and are
attentive to each other and to what is happening during our
Sunday Eucharist.
Are you interested in becoming a liturgical minister?
Liturgy in many ways. They greet parishioners, assist with
seating, select a family to take up the gifts at the offertory,
take up the collection, assure the smooth distribution of
communion, hand out bulletins, prayer cards and deal
with emergencies. Ushers serve at the Mass they normally
attend with their family. They are also asked to assist at extra
Masses at Christmas, Easter and Holy Days of Obligation.
Membership is open to all parishioners.
For additional info, contact Chuck & Dee Kilmer, 310-676-5381
or Ush er Co o rd inato r @ Americ a nMa r t yrs.org
LECTORS are people of faith who have the unique
responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God for the
assembly at our Sunday liturgies. They serve in this role as
members of the community, joining with their family, friends,
and all who are gathered to worship.
Lectors don’t just read, they proclaim the Word of God. In
the proclamation of the Word, Christ is present. With careful
preparation, Lectors convey in each reading the depth of the
sacred text. Training is available and appropriate materials are
supplied for the Sunday readings.
For additional info, contact Toni Sweet, 310-546-4200 or
Le c torCoordi n ator@Am e ri c an M ar t y rs.org
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS assist the presider at our
Eucharistic celebrations in distributing Holy Communion to
the assembly. These Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion
share Eucharist with members of the assembly with the
greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist, and with a
joyous, welcoming spirit that embodies Christ truly among
us in the Liturgy.
This ministry is open to active, confirmed parishioners.
Training is provided and ministers are assigned based on
their Mass preference and availability, serving at one of the
six weekend Masses, usually 1-3 times per month.
Questions? Contact EucharisticMinistr y@AmericanMar t yrs.org
or Peggy Paul, 310-370-4752 | Maureen Miller, 310-545-6252
A pril 3, 2016 |Second S unday of E a st e r / Di v ine Me r c y S u nday
P arish L ife
Coffee & Donuts
O'Donnell Hall
Mothers Outreach Ministry is serving Coffee &
Donuts after the 7am, 8am, and 9:30am Masses.
NEXT WEEK: Pancake Breakfast Ministry is serving pancakes,
eggs, sausage, orange juice and coffee in O’Donnell Hall
after the 7:00, 8:00, and 9:30am Masses.
S enior F ellowship G roup
Protecting God’s Children
Have you completed your VIRTUS requirement?
Is your current certification expired?
All parents, liturgical ministers, coaches and other adults
interacting with minors are required to complete the
Protecting God’s Children Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Session for
Adults, and renew their certification every four years.
Tuesday, April 5, 7:00-10:00pm, AMS 8th Grade Classroom
VIRTUS Recertification, “Keeping the Promise Alive”
Wednesday, April 6, 7:00 - 8:30pm, O'Donnell Hall
Facilitator is Patti Williams, pw i l l i am s @Am e ri c a nM a r t yr s. o rg
Our monthly Potluck Lunch gathering is Tuesday, April 5
at 11:30am in St. Kateri. Bring a dish to feed 6 to 8 people.
We love to see new faces.
Before the gathering, at 8:45am in the O’Donnell kitchen, we
will be sandwich making for St. Lawrence. Diane Dumond,
310-376-3599, and Ann Jund are in charge of sandwiches.
Altar Society - Monthly Meeting
Games at 10:00am, after sandwich making.
Join us on Thursday, April 14 at 9:00am in St. Kateri. Questions? Call Judy Parnin, 310-374-9804 or Dee Kilmer, Everyone is welcome; no reservation needed.
The doors will be open after 8:00am Mass for a continental
breakfast, a short meeting, and then our speaker who is a
Holocaust Survivor.
M others of Young C hildren
She will talk of her time in the concentration camps, and
how she endured them. After her talk she will have a Q & A.
Wednesday, April 6
I have heard a survivor speak, and they give us so much of
9:30–11:00am, O'Donnell Hall
history, and how they and others made it through. You'll be
MOYC provides a network of friendship and local resources very glad you came.
to mothers with babies through pre-school aged children in
American Martyrs Parish. Whether you're a first time mom or Ministry Contact: Dorothy Higi, 310-545-2016
you come with a brood, we welcome you! Bring your parenting
questions, your prayer intentions, and your children for
playtime and fellowship in a relaxed, supportive environment.
Our guest speaker will be Stephanie from the Mother Nurture
Center in Redondo Beach who will provide an overview of Monday Morning Starters
resources available at the Mother Nurture Center and also 9:00-10:30am, in the Holy Family House
Job Seekers - join this weekly career
conduct a Q&A. Babysitting provided.
networking group and rev up the energy on your search.
Ministry Contacts: Elizabeth Serrano, 310-245-4459 or
Contact: Andrea Connolly, [email protected]
Erin Hanlon, 609-760-7988 | moyc@Americ a nMa r t yrs.org
or check out our group on LinkedIn.
M other's O utreach M inistry
Monthly Meeting - Thursday, April 7
9:30am, St. Kateri Room
Coffee and bagels will be served.
M.O.M. is a supportive network of parish women
and their children who provide friendship and
spiritual growth through involvement in outreach projects.
We welcome new members and their children.
Ministry Contacts: Deana McGinity, 310-871-3516 or
Jacqueline Steib, 310-266-7177.
Monday, April 18, 2016
17th Annual
American Martyrs School
Golf Classic
Palos Verdes Golf Club
Find the link for online registration at
w w w. A m e r i c a n M a r t y r s. o r g
A.M.C. S eniors (fk a S ingle S eniors)
The monthly meeting is Tuesday, April 12 at 1:00pm in St. Kateri.
Ministry Contacts: Thelma, 310-621-1690 or
Magda, 323-469-0577
Golf Co-Chairs: Carrie Hayes & Catherine Cobb
Volunteers Needed
Please call for details, 310-418-1051
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y
Commission Chair: Gary Ferrell
Stew ar d ship @Am er ic anMar t y r s.o r g
S t e wa rdsh ip ...
moving us closer to God
When I had a real job, my company would exhibit our
products at trade shows several times a year. After each
event we would have a "post mortem". This was the very
uninspiring term for a meeting to review how we did at the
exhibit. We would assemble the key people involved and
considered the good and the not-so good aspects of the
event. We took notes and vowed to make adjustments next
With Lent and Easter behind us, are any of us considering
how we did during this holy season by conducting a post
mortem? I don't mean you have to set up a meeting and talk
it over with your family or friends. After all there are only two
key people involved; the Lord and you. If we look back on
where we may not have lived up to our Lenten goals and
reflect on which human trait caused us to miss our goals,
we can then let God in and ask for help. So we deepen our
relationship with God and get some insight on fixing a
weakness. This is what some would call a win-win situation:
move closer to God and improve ourselves.
Lent officially ends on Holy Thursday when the Triduum
begins. This is the apex of the Liturgical Year. As with Lent
we should think about how we did during this time. Did we
take advantage of the services available on Holy Thursday
and Good Friday? Did we truly
celebrate the Easter Mass of the
Resurrection? On Easter Sunday,
St. Paul made it clear why we
should celebrate in his letter to the
Colossians. It is because we share
in Christ’s Resurrection. Paul also
says that Jesus spent time after
the Resurrection ministering to His
followers. This is at the very core of
our stewardship philosophy. We
are gifted, and we need to use our
gifts to serve our community and
one another.
Thank you! As a result of our Annual Stewardship
Renewal in the fall, we had 574 new commitments to
ministries. Additionally, over 10% of these were from
parishioners not previously active in any ministry. This is
a sign that we are moving towards being good stewards
of our many gifts. You can see the results of the Renewal
on the AMC website.
Please contact us, Stewardship@AmericanMar tyrs.org with
questions or comments on this article or about Stewardship.
If you want to become more involved at American Martyrs,
contact Jenny Attanasio at 310-545-5651.
Start your morning with
The Minute Message
Click this link on our
Am er ic a n M a r t y r s.o rg
(You do not need a Facebook account to view the messages.)
Follow Msgr. Barry
on Twitter
@Ms grJo h nBarry
Pastoral Care
B eginning A gain
Our group offers a welcoming and healing atmosphere for
those experiencing separation or divorce.
The next meeting is Tuesday, April 5, from 7:00 - 9:00pm in the
Holy Family House. The topic is "Adaptation."
For more information call Jenny Attanasio, 310-545-5651.
S tephen M inistry
Deacon Dick & Patti Williams, 310-545-8244
Do your problems lock you in a place of fear?
In today’s gospel, the disciples are locked in the upper room,
full of fear about what might happen to them. Problems
sometimes seem so big they paralyze us with fear so we can’t
work through them. It can happen to anyone. Wouldn’t it be
helpful to have someone to talk to and maybe to pray with
during that time?
A Stephen Minister can be your confidential companion to
help you stand up and deal with the difficult times of life.
We’re here to support you with your unique needs. Leave a
message on our Stephen Ministry confidential phone line
at 310-545-8244. Deacon Dick and Patti Williams will meet
with you to explore whether a Stephen Minister may be a
good fit for you.
C are N otes C an H elp You C ope Check out the Care Note rack in the Church vestibule.
There are many topics that change frequently.
Enriching Your Life Through Gratitude
Prayers for Coping With Cancer
Please deposit donations in the Poor Box.
A pril 3, 2016 |Second S unday of E a st e r / Di v ine Me r c y S u nday
Commission Chair: Steven Perry
SJO@Americ a nMa r t yrs.org
R espect L ife M inistry
Assisted Suicide in Canada Continues Downward Slope
“It has sped through Canada like a runaway train, set to
Please join Matthew 25 on Saturday, April 9 at leave in its path a near-complete dislocation of morality
St. Lawrence of Brindisi to feed the homeless from medicine. Once in place, legalized assisted suicide and
and needy in the community. Volunteers meet
at O'Donnell Hall at 8:00am to prepare sandwich meals and euthanasia will destroy life, bring back the ethos of Nazi
Germany, in which human dignity is subsumed by one’s
then carpool to distribute these meals at St. Lawrence.
usefulness, and strip doctors of their conscience rights and
Donations of clothing and hygiene and toiletry products turn them into opinion-less expeditors of death.
are desperately needed for this project (bath soap, shampoo,
The reach of this dark movement has spread so thoroughly
conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes.)
Rockin' Readers SLB joins us to read to the small children that the media and the public refers to this form of murder
present with their parents. Volunteers are welcome to bring/ as ‘medical aid in dying’ and ‘death with dignity:’ two bland
expressions meant to put a happy face on evil.
donate books and also read to the children.
‘This is not a matter of ‘medical assistance in dying,’ the
To volunteer or to donate items contact:
Catholic bishops of Alberta said in a March 3rd statement.
Jim Quilliam at j imq uil liam@ou tlook . com.
‘What is at issue here is state-sponsored killing of the
innocent. Killing is not medicine. This has no place in a just
ethical society.’
Ready to Serve in this Jubilee Year of Mercy?
Excerpt from an article in the National Catholic Register
Matthew 25 is looking for co-chairs for the Christmas
March 20, 2016
Project for December 2016.
This long-standing Parish tradition is in need of volunteers Physician-Assisted Suicide will become legal in the state
to coordinate donations coming in and where the gifts of California on June 9, 2016. Look for future bulletin
will go. Project planning starts in October. Training is
announcements on this topic.
For information about the Respect Life Ministry, contact
Interested? Contact Matthew25 @Americ anMa r t yrs.o rg
Steve Perry 818-800-5653 | re s pe c tl i fe @Am e r i c a nMa r t yr s. o rg.
M25 Outreach - St. L awrence
This event will focus on Pope Francis’
appeal to ‘every person living on this
planet’, for an inclusive dialogue of how
humanity is shaping the future of our
common home.
Monday, April 11,
7:00 -- 9:00pm
American Martyrs Church
O’Donnell Hall
624 15th St., Manhattan Beach , CA
group disussion
resources/ follow-up
Attendees will create ways
to help put the call of
Laudato Si into action.
American Martyrs
welcomes all people to
join in this effort
dedicated to the common
good and respect of our
earth. This event will lead
us to a new
understanding of how our
faith calls us to care for
Allis Druffel, So. Cal. Outreach Director,
California Interfaith Power and Light
Email: fadaleanthony
Rice Bowls will be collected after all Masses
We hope your Lenten experience
was enhanced by your work with
the Catholic Relief Services Rice
Bowl program.
Please write a check, payable to
American Martyrs, for the money
you gave to your Rice Bowl
during Lent and include it in the Rice Bowl you return. In
the note section on your check, please note 'Rice Bowl'.
We thank you for this help.
O ngoing O utreach
M atthew 25
C ontact : [email protected] | PJ M urphy , 310-430-5676
Friends of St. Lawrence: weekly tutoring at St. Lawrence of Brindisi
Contact : Linda Northup, l i n da@f ri e n ds of watts.org
LA Catholic Worker: 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday
of every month, 7am - 1:00pm
Contact : Sam Dumond, ds du m on d@ve ri zon .n e t (Tuesdays)
Paul Jacoby, pgj acoby 2@ve ri zon .n e t (Thursdays)
Restorative Justice: counseling at Camp Miller in Malibu
Contact : Tony Fadale, af adal e @ve ri zon .n e t
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y
Faith Formation
A dult A ltar S ervers N eeded
I nfant B aptism
Pre-Baptism instruction for parents and godparents is required
to have your child baptized at American Martyrs Church.
Next class is Sunday, April 10 at 7:00pm in St. Kateri.
For information and schedule of classes, go online to
w w w. Am e r ic an Mar t y r s. org | Sacraments | Baptism.
Questions: Contact Deacon Fred Rose, 424-327-9610 or
d ea co n fre d @ Am e r ic an Mar t yrs.org.
Consoling the Heart of Jesus
Small Group Retreat
Join us for a 10 week small-group retreat
that delves into the simplicity and
grandeur of Consoling spirituality.
This retreat is based on the popular book
by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, Consoling the
Heart of Jesus.
Gain new insights into how you can
console Jesus; learn the keys to the great
sanctity of the saints and blesseds like
Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska,
and Mother Teresa; and have all the tools
you’ll need to "become a saint, a great
saint, and quickly."
Beginning Thursday, April 7 and Friday, April 8, there will
be an evening session and a repeat morning session for 10
consecutive weeks, concluding with a June 12 Prayer Service.
Evenings - Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm in O’Donnell Hall
Mornings - Fridays, 9:00-10:30am in St. Kateri
Contact Sharon Law, Sha ron5 82 @verizon.net | 310-963-9484
to sign up and RESERVE YOUR BOOKS (Materials fee-$25).
Pick up books on April 2/3 after all Masses.
C ontemplative P rayer
Every Tuesday evening, 7:30 - 8:30pm
St. Joseph’s Chapel in the Spirituality Center
“O Lord, you have passed over into new life, and you now invite
us to pass over also. We pray that our faces will never look back.
Let us, by God's grace, make heaven on earth here in our hearts.”
St. Francis de Sales, Prayer for Easter
The effect of God’s grace is to bring us back to
our original and intended course, with a yearning
for increased holiness and infinite goodness. It is
our experience of God’s grace that can then be
reflected back to all of life.
Join us in prayer for this Easter season to celebrate the love of
Christ and the joy of the Resurrection. Contemplative Prayer
meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm for one hour. Newcomers
are always welcome.
Join us once, often or always, for the Love of it!
For information, call Donna Ennis 310-941-1349
“A little while longer and the world will see me no more,
but you will see me. Because I live, you will live also.” John 15:19
What We Do:
We are altar servers for Funeral or Memorial Masses and on
occasion are asked to serve at other special Masses.
Funeral or Memorial Masses are scheduled weekday
mornings and afternoons and Saturdays.
What is the Commitment?
When a Funeral or Memorial Mass is scheduled, a notice is sent
to all adult altar servers. You respond to the request only if you
are available to serve at that time.
Interested in this extremely rewarding ministry, contact
Angie Babick, 310-532-7953 | ki ki babi c k @att. net.
Tuesday M orning S cripture S tudy
Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible!
If you would like to have a deeper
relationship with God and a better
understanding of your faith, then join us
for Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible.
You will not only benefit personally from
being part of this study, you will also help to bring about a
profound renewal in our parish as we grow closer to Christ.
We will begin this new study on Tuesday, April 19. We meet
in the Spirituality Center on Tuesdays, 9:15-11:00am.
For more information or to sign up, contact Alvin Fletcher
at 310-379-5241 or email a l v i n j e r r y @ h o t m a i l . c o m with
"Tuesday Morning Class registration" in the subject line.
F aith E nrichment & P rayer G roups BIBLE STUDIES
Sunday’s Readings In Context (on break until April 20)
Wednesday, 7:30-9:00pm in the Spirituality Center
Contact: John D'Isacco, 310-546-1302
Tuesday Morning Scripture Group
Tuesday, 9:15-11:00am in the Spirituality Center
Contact: Alvin Fletcher, 310-379-5241
Weekly Scripture Reading with Fr. Joe
Wednesday, 10:00-11:30am, in the Spirituality Center
Tuesday, 7:30-8:30pm, in the Spirituality Center Chapel
Contact: Donna Ennis, 310-941-1349
Monday, 9:00-11:00am in the Spirituality Center
Contact: Sharon Law, 310-963-9484
2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30-9:00pm in the Spirituality Center
Evening Prayer, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet
Contact: Sharon Law, 310-963-9484
2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:00-8:30pm, in Parish House
Contact: Avito Moniz, 310-430-5257 or Beverly, 310-376-2056
Friday, 11:15-12:00noon, in the Spirituality Center Chapel
Contact: Beverly, 310-376-2056
Contact: Jenny Attanasio for referral, 310-545-5651
A pril 3, 2016 |Second S unday of E a st e r / Di v ine Me r c y S u nday
Faith Formation
Youth M inistry (AMYM)
Teens and family, have a very blessed Easter Sunday!
We will see our SEALED. 1 teens on Sunday, April 3 and
our SEALED. 2 teens (and their sponsors!) on
Sunday, April 10 for Confirmation classes at
3:30pm in O'Donnell Hall.
AMYM Contacts: Monica Leon, mleon@Americ anM ar t y rs.org
Rachel Brown, rbrown@Americ a nM ar t y rs.org
Faith-based books for kids are for reading both inside the Cry
Room and in the Church. Please return the books to the cart at
the end of Mass.
Book donations are being accepted; drop them off at the Parish
Office; books with themes other than faith will be donated to
St. Lawrence of Brindisi.
Contact: Mary Hornickel, 310-466-3820
Children's Liturgy is NEXT WEEKEND at the 9:30am Mass
We invite all children grades 1-6 to join us at 9:30am in
St. Kateri for a liturgy designed especially for them. Then we
join the parents in the Church for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
SRE Schedule
Grades 1-6 will be on break for one more week - Spring Break.
SRE resumes the second week of April:
SRE Grades 1-6
April 12/13
April 19/20
Sunday SRE
April 10
April 17
Director of Religious Education: Patti Williams, 310-546-4734
pw i l l i am s @Am e ri c an M ar t y rs.org
$crip $ense
Looking for a Way to Support our Local Businesses?
The vendors below contribute a percentage of each gift
certificate purchase to our scrip program. So please consider
purchasing scrip and then patronize these local businesses.
And thank them for supporting our parish community!
Food & Drink
Arthur J's • California Pizza Kitchen • El Gringo • El Sombrero
Ercoles • Fishing with Dynamite • Fonz's • Four Daughters Kitchen
Good Stuff • Grunions • Hermosa Beach Fish Shop
Johnny Rockets • The Kettle • Local Yolk • Mama D's • Mangiamo
Marmalade Cafe • Martha's 22nd St. Grill • MB Post
OBs Pub & Grill • Ocean Diner • Panchos • Shellback Tavern
Simmzys • Sions • Tin Roof Bistro • Tomboys • Wahoos Fish Tacos
Bakery, Coffee & Pizza
Beckers Bakery • Cake Bakeshop • Manhattan Bread & Bagel
Beach Pizza • Fresh Bros. Pizza
Round Table Pizza • Union Pizza Company
Clothes & Shoes
Beehive • Brooks Shoes • Deep Pocket Jeans Co • Spyder
Surf Concepts • Super Sports • Wright's
Specialty Grocers, Produce & Wine
Bacchus Wines • Barsha Wines & Spirits
Bristol Farms • Grow, the Produce Shop • Manhattan Meats
Hair, Nails, Salon and Spa
Body Suite Spa • Dominic Nail Spa • Hush Hush Hair Salon
Murad • Trilogy Spa • Vicara Aveda Salon
Specialty Shops
Banner Stationers • Pages, a Bookstore
Tabula Rasa • Ten Thousand Villages
Scrip Sales Hours:
Weekdays,7:45am - 3:45pm (Fridays until 1:00pm)
Sunday,8:30am - 11:30am
Special Orders or Other Info: Contact the Scrip office
at 424-327-9608 | S cr ip@Americ anMa r t yrs.org
Archdiocese continues helping survivors of sexual abuse
and their families
As we start April, National Child Abuse Prevention Month, the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles wants to reiterate that it remains
committed to helping survivors and their families heal and find
peace. If you believe you or someone you know is a victim of
sexual abuse by a Church employee or volunteer, please contact
the Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator at (213) 6377650 for help and support.
For particular help, call Assistance Ministry at 213-637-7650.
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y
C ontact I nformation & R esources
Priests and Deacons
Msgr John Barry
Fr. Joe Kammerer
[email protected]
Fr. Rick Prindle
[email protected]
Deacon Chris Amantea
[email protected]
Deacon Derek Brown
[email protected]
Deacon Fred Rose
[email protected]
Deacon Dick Williams
[email protected]
Administrative Staff
Business Manager
Bob Hodges
Community Services & Facilities
Bob Visty
Finance Director
Pattie Johnson
Liturgy & Worship
Monica Hughes
Music Director
Bill Svarda
Parish Communications
Anne Riordan
Parish Stewardship
Jenny Attanasio
Pastoral Center Administrator
Dottie Arias
Plant Manager
Tony Hatfield
Scott Dixon
[email protected]
r [email protected]
[email protected]
Religious Education
Director, Religious Education
Patti Williams
Director, Youth Ministry
Monica Leon
Director, Sunday Preschool
Kristen Holleran
American Martyrs School
Principal, Camryn Friel, Ed.D.
CASA DE LOS ANGELITOS Maternity Home, 310-325-8208
24 HOUR Pregnancy Helpline, 310-787-HELP
VICTIMS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY, Suzanne Healy, 213-637-7650
Sunday Mass is shown Live each week
Click the button on our Homepage
w w w. A m e r i c a n M a r t yrs. o rg
and watch Mass as it happens,
or anytime after that.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Construction Fence is up!
The O’Donnell Hall Remodel has begun.
[email protected]
[email protected]
1701 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805
pwilliams@Americ anMar t yrs.org
mleon@Americ anMar t yrs.org
[email protected]
310-545-8559 | fax 310-546-7219
1701 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805
AMS@Americ anMar t yrs.org
American Martyrs Preschool 310-802-8149
Director, Mara Zepeda
and funerals. Please call Gigi 310-528-9024
[email protected]
Lay Leadership
Pastoral Council President
Mark Kemple
Finance Council Chair
Chuck Dapoz
A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER is available for Sunday 5:00pm Mass, weddings,
1705 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805
mzepeda@Americ anMar t yrs.org
• Our Welcome Center offices and staff and the
Scrip Office have relocated to the trailer next to
the Parish House (just West of the gym.)
• Deacon Fred’s office is in the Parish House.
• However, the entrance to O'Donnell Hall will be
through the south east doors located behind the
• 15th Street will be ENTRY ONLY to the parking lot.
• In addition to the Laurel Avenue exit, the ramp
behind O'Donnell Hall will be opened for exiting.
We all know that construction comes with temporary
disruptions and inconveniences, but our goal
is to improve our facilities for the long term. Thank
you for your extra patience and understanding.
A pril 3, 2016 |Second S unday of E a st e r / Di v ine Me r c y S u nday
Gym, Field & Athletics
Lou Ann Selsky, 424-327-9578 | lselsky@Americ anMa r t y rs.org
G ym & Field R eservations: Contact Pat Breen,
Gym Committee Chair, Gy m @ Am eric anM ar t y rs. o rg
B eyond O ur Parish
As Catholics, our source of hope is our belief in the Resurrection Sacred Heart Retreat House, Alhambra
and the eternal life with God. Burial in a Catholic Cemetery Don't miss this unique spiritual experience, you will have
assures the respect of our Catholic beliefs and practices and opportunities to attend Mass, Adoration, and conferences
that of the sacredness of the human body. The staff at Holy given by Rev. Brian Mullady, OP, Retreat Master. You will also
Cross would like to offer assistance to all parishioners in have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation
making arrangements when a death has occurred. We also and spent quiet moments in personal prayer and reflection in
offer a program for planning ahead for the burial of a loved the Chapel or in the beauty of the outdoor gardens.
one before the death has occurred. We offer traditional ground This weekend retreat begins at 5:00pm on Friday and ends at
burial and cremation burial sites.
12:30pm on Sunday.
You are invited to come to the Cemetery at 5835 Slauson Ave,
Culver City and a member of our trained staff will assist in For reservations/rates, visit w w w. s a c red h ea r t retreatho u s e.co m
addressing your questions and concerns and show you what
plans are available to suit your needs.
WALK FOR LIFE TEAM KICKOFF CELEBRATION - Tuesday, April 5, 6:30-8:30pm
Planning ahead is a very important part of our lives. One of the
inevitable events in each person's life is our death. The financial The Pregnancy Help Center in Torrance is holding a Walk For
cost incurred at the time of death can be a source of stress and Life Team Kickoff Celebration at the Toyota Museum in Torrance.
added suffering at a difficult time for family and loved ones. All those wishing to be team captains or to learn more about
Call 310-836-5500 for an appointment or questions.
the Walk For Life on May 21 are welcome. The celebration will
include Walk tips, food, fun and raffle prizes.
Learn more at su p p o r t p hc to r r ance.o r g or contact the Center at
310-320-8976 or email Norma atg r ove @ p hc to r r ance.o r g.
Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t yrs.org
A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y
Celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy
TODAY, SUNDAY, APRIL 3 - 11:30am Mass
Holy Mass – Chaplet – Adoration – Benediction
The Divine Mercy Novena began Good Friday, March 25 and continues
through Saturday, April 2, concluding on Sunday, April 3 at the 11:30am Mass.
“It is important that we accept the whole message that comes to us from the Word of God
on this Second Sunday of Easter, which from now on throughout the Church will be called
“Divine Mercy Sunday.”
Homily of Pope John Paul II – April 30, 2000
In observing The Feast of Divine Mercy we should:
• Celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday
• Sincerely repent of all our sins with complete trust in Jesus
• Receive Reconciliation prior to the feast day
• Receive Holy Eucharist on the feast day
• Venerate the Image of the Divine Mercy
To ensure that the faithful would observe this special day with intense devotion, Pope John Paul II
established that Mercy Sunday be enriched by a PLENARY INDULGENCE under the usual conditions.
Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplets are available in the vestibule of the Church
Curious about where the church is today?
Do you have questions on what Catholics do,
how we do it, or who we are?
with our faith community
at American Martyrs
Re-Membering Church
Come as you are, whoever you are.
Sessions are designed to answer your questions in an informal setting.
April 5:
April 12:
April 19:
April 26:
Everybody's Story is Different
Unlocking the Door to Catholicism
Am I Welcome? Do I feel disconnected?
It's a Journey, Personal and Communal
You are invited to bring a friend and attend one (or all)
of the four Tuesday evenings in April
7:00pm in St. Kateri
For more information, call 310-545-5651,
or Monica Hughes, M H u g h e s @ A m e r i c a n M a r t y r s . o r g