Program Book - Women`s Missionary Council


Program Book - Women`s Missionary Council
The Council President’s Message
Women’s Missionary Council
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Executive Board Meeting
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Hilton - Jackson Hotel
Jackson, Mississippi
Dr. Elnora P. Hamb, Council President
Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick III, Episcopal Patron
Quadrennial Theme: “Christian Missionaries:
A Light of Hope in a Troubled World”
Elnora P. Hamb
9th President of the Women’s Missionary Council
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Greetings to Senior Bishop William H. Graves Sr.,
Patron Bishop Lawrence Reddick, III, Associate
Bishop Kenneth W. Carter, Host Bishop Thomas L.
Brown Sr,. and Dr. Louise Brown, , Bishop Ronald
M. Cunningham, Chairman of the College of
Bishops, other distinguished members of the College
of Bishops, their wives and widows, Council Officers,
Immediate Past President Dr. Judith E. Grant, Dr.
Sylvia M. Faulk, President Emeritus, Executive
Board Members, General Officers, Judicial Council,
Connectional Officers, Clergy, Missionaries, Laity
and Ecumenical guest.
ejoice in the Lord Always and again I say
rejoice! It is with great joy and thanksgiving
that I greet you and express my profound
gratitude for the opportunity to serve as the Ninth
President of the Women’s Missionary Council of the
Christian Methodist Church and to make my fifth
Executive Board Report.
We owe a debt of gratitude to those who have
labored untiring to maintain and participate in the
ongoing work of the Council. This report reveals how
each region president, department secretary, chairperson and correspondent has met the challenges of
its time in uniquely innovated ways. Thanks to the
college of Bishops, General Officers, Council Officers
and Missionaries on all levels for your commitment
to excellence and cooperation. Special thanks to
Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick, III our Episcopal
Patron for his sound wisdom, support and a listening ear when I so desperately needed one.
My reflections of 2008 include many history –
making events that are most memorable:
WMC 90th Celebration
The celebration of the 90th Anniversary of the
Women’s Missionary Council. The Women’s
Missionary Council celebrated 90 years of service to
the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, started
in Nashville, Tennessee, September 3, 1918 continues the legacy of inspiring and equipping our mem-
bers to participate and work collaboratively with
other women’s organizations and groups, to participate in advocacy for justice,
rights, the oppressed and
voiceless, women, children and the elderly. In
this time of global change
and national crises, the
Council is again called to be the one clear and relevant voice for change; We are challenged as never
before to speak for those who have no voice and to be
the light of hope where there is darkness.
I thank you for the many invitations to speak at
local churches, district workshops, retreats and
region conferences, which were all memorable occasions and gave me an opportunity to see you, the
missionaries in action.
To be invited to speak at the 129th Church
Anniversary at the Greater Mount Zion
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in
Orysa, Tennessee (Henning, TN) Sunday, April 20,
2008, was special because it was my home church of
birth. A prophet has
no honor in its hometown did not prove
true on this occasion, I
appreciated. A memorial plaque hangs in the church that reads “The
home church of the Ninth President the
Women’s Missionary Council Dr. Elnora P.
Hamb”. It was truly a celebration in which the
entire Missionary department of the First Episcopal
District was present: Region
presidents: Sandra JonesWest
Springfield- East TN and
Arkansas Nita Threadgill.
Reverend Deborah Washington, Pastor, Reverend Bethel L. Harris, Jr.
Presiding Elder and Senior Bishop William H.
Graves, Presiding Prelate.
A prophet has
no honor in its
Wo m e n ’ s M i s s i o n a r y C o u n c i l C h r i s t i a n M e t h o d i s t E p i s c o p a l
The election, of President Barack Obama, the first African – American President to the
United States of America. Many thought or said electing an African-American as president could
never happen and, certainly could not in their lifetime. However I
maintained that if we support and vote for him he could win. What a
mighty God we serve. “To confront the serious economic challenges our
nation faces, I called for a new
era of responsibility and cooperation. We need to look beyond
short term political calculations and make vital investments in health care, energy,
and education that will make
America stronger and more prosperous well into the future.” ( President
Barack Obama). These are also some of the Missionary Women objectives - Healthcare and Education.
As the light of the world, let's give our support to this New Era of Change - A Light of Hope in a
Troubled World.
“I called for a new
era of responsibility
and cooperation.”
Finally, the completion of Phase I - the construction of the first
story of the Women’s Missionary Council Elnora P. Hamb
Library and Conference Center in Ikot Epene, Nigeria, the
first of its kind. You have adopted the HOPE NETWORK Project as
a means to furthering our mission to meet the needs of an expanding global and diverse world. You are to be commended for your
benevolent spirit.
All of these great achievements remind us that God is ready to do
a new thing. Isaiah 43:18, 19 says “Remember ye not the former
things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new
thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers
in the desert”. Here God was speaking to the exiles of Israel in Babylon a people who had convinced
themselves that their future was uncertain. The only thing they seemed to remember were the formal
years when Israel was the envy of all nations. They could not see” a new thing” breaking forth.
To dwell on the hardships of days gone by is pointless. To cherish the record of what God did in the past to overcome those
hardships is valuable, but is not a stopping point. What’s most
important is the new things that God is doing and will be
doing before your very eyes. God’s desire is that we be made
new, continual renewed, in our relationship with him. How
will the knowledge of God’s continuing work of renewal in
your life cause you to face life differently this year?
Behold, I will do a
new thing; now it
shall spring forth; ...
Wo m e n ’ s M i s s i o n a r y C o u n c i l C h r i s t i a n M e t h o d i s t E p i s c o p a l
God of our weary years, God of our silent tears,
Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who has by thy might
Led us into the light, Keep us forever in thy path, we pray
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee
Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
True to our God,
True to our native land.
James Weldon Johnson: “Lift Every Voice and sing”
(Third stanza)
The poem was later set to music by Mr. Johnson’s brother in 1905. This song soon became a way for
African Americans to demonstrate their patriotism and hope for the future. In calling for earth and
heaven to “ring with the harmonies of Liberty”. We could speak out subtly against racism and Jim Crow
laws and especially the huge number of lynching’s accompanying the rise of the Ku Klux Klan at the
turn of the century. On January 20, 2009, the Rev. Joseph Lowery (former president of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference) used a near-verbatim recitation of the song’s third stanza to begin
his benediction at the inauguration ceremony for President Barack Obama. “God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears, thou who hast brought us thus far on
the way”. Through His beloved Son, the future for African
Americans and all races is now bright and hopeful. I challenge you to reflect on our journey to freedom and the new
thing” that is springing forth through God’s power. May you
continue to have hope and a stronger faith in God as your
source of strength. Yes We Can!
Behold, I will do a
new thing; now it
shall spring forth; ...
We live in hope. “I have it all planned out – plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give
you the future you hope for.( Jeremiah 29:11: the Message Bible). Hope acts on the conviction that God
will complete the work he has begun even when the appearances,
especially when the appearances, oppose it. Every person we
meet must be drawn into that expectation. Every situation in which we find ourselves must be included in the
kingdom that we are convinced God is bringing into
being. Hope is buying into what we believe…It
is of course, far easier to languish in despair
than to live in hope, for when we live in
despair we don’t have to do anything or risk
anything. If we live in hope, we will go
against the stream. There is no secret, what
God can do, what He has done for others
he’ll do for you. Keep the faith. And your
faith will keep you.
Region Conferences
You are the link that connects us to the
local and district conferences and we are pleased
in the many and varied ministries that you have
been involved in this year. (See the Compilation
Book). For this we say thank you.
Wo m e n ’ s M i s s i o n a r y C o u n c i l C h r i s t i a n M e t h o d i s t E p i s c o p a l
Number of Region Conferences
Number of Region Reports Received
Number of District Presidents
Number of Local Societies
Number of Adult Circles
Number of Officers
Number of Secretaries
Number of Chairpersons
Number of Adult Members
Number of Rossie T. Hollis Department
Number of Rossie T. Hollis members
Number of Mattie E. Coleman Departments
Number of Mattie E. Coleman Members
Number of Phyllis H. Bedford Departments
Number of Phyllis H. Bedford Members
Number of members added
Number of Members Deceased
Number of Institutes
Number attendance Missionary Institute
Number of Workshop/Retreats
Total Society Members
Number Participating NCNW
Number Participating CWU
Valiant Woman
Number participating WFMUCW
Number of Lena Jones Rice Marches
Amount Reported for Expansion to
Region Conferences
This report does not include the 10th Episcopal District Region Conferences in Ghana, Liberia Nigeria,
Congo, Rwanda Haiti and Jamaica.
We thank the Local and District Missionary Societies for going the second mile for our Overseas Mission
The Bray Temple CME Church – East Saint Louis, IL.
Mrs. Barbara C. Hill – St. Louis District Missionary President $114.06
For Haiti (only)
Third Episcopal District
Chicago District (Linda Lewis, President) Third Episcopal District
For the purchase of Bicycles
Houston District (Linda Woolage, President) Eighth Episcopal
District for Bed Nets for Ghana
AFFILIATE ORGANIZATIONS AND PARTERNSHIPS: You are to be commended for your level of
participation with our affiliate organization and partnerships. World Federation Methodist and Uniting
Church Women, Balm in Gilead, National Council of Negro Women, Church Women United, Bread for
the World, American Bible Society, One Church One School, Church World Services and the National
Council of Churches.
Wo m e n ’ s M i s s i o n a r y C o u n c i l C h r i s t i a n M e t h o d i s t E p i s c o p a l
H.O.P.E. NETWORK: (Helping Other Peoples Empowerment)
Financial Contributions
Episcopal District 1-Bishop William H. Graves
Mrs. Nita Threadgill
East TN
Ms. Pamela Springfield
West TN
Mrs. Sandra Jones
Dr.Willie M. Willette
Mrs. Catherine J. Gills
Bishop D. I. Isom, Jr.
Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield
Episcopal District 2-Bishop E. Lynn Brown
Mrs. Phyllis Tyler
Atty. Juanita Bryant
Episcopal District 3-Bishop Paul A.G. Stewart
Michigan IN
Mrs. Eloise Love
Mrs. Christine Buchanan
St. Paul CME (Chicago)
Dr. Elnora P. Hamb
Mrs. Ira Scott Benson
Mrs. Christine Buchanan
Chicago, IL
Mrs. Pamela & Fred Fields
Chicago Dist. WMS Mrs. Linda Lewis
MI IN Stewardess Mrs. Nancy Madlock
Mrs. Leola Duncan
Mahogany Graphics
Mr. William Darke
Mrs. Frances Evins
Allen Metropolitan CME Chicago Missionary Society
Milwaukee, WI
Ida M. Black WMS
Mrs. Donna K. Wallace
Episcopal District
NE Mississippi
South LA
Crowley Dist LA
4-Bishop Thomas Brown, Sr.
Mrs. Jackie T Wagner
Mrs. W. Jean Moore
Mrs. Ruby L. Silas
Barbara Bennett
Barbara Bennett
Episcopal District
St. James CME
5-Bishop Lawrence Reddick III
Mrs. Sallie McCant
Mrs. Christine Walls-Tucker
Tallahassee, FL
$ 650.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 200.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 40.00
$ 10,179.17
$ 500.00
$ 500.00
$ 500.00
$ 500.00
$ 300.00
$ 310.00
$ 365.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
Wo m e n ’ s M i s s i o n a r y C o u n c i l C h r i s t i a n M e t h o d i s t E p i s c o p a l
Episcopal District
Central Georgia
Georgia North
South Georgia
South West Ga.
6-Bishop Othal H. Lakey
Mrs. Jennie Haughbrook
Mrs. Rudine Phelps
Dr. Kim Ezekiel
Mrs. Siddie Willis
Mrs. Wylene Broomfield
Dr. Leo Pinkett
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 500.00
$ 500.00
$ 500.00
Episcopal District 9-Bishop Henry M. Williamson
Alaska –Pacific
Mrs. Mattie Powell
Mrs. Eloise Lee
Northern CA
Mrs. Sallie Lindsay
Southern CA
Mrs. Alfreda Davis
St. Mary’s CME Church – Oklahoma City, OK
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 4,200.00
*Episcopal District 10-Bishop Kenneth W. Carter
$ 2,000.00
Episcopal District 7-Bishop Thomas L. Hoyt, Jr
Mrs. Faye Crowder- Phillips
Mrs. Emma Cox-Lovelace
Bishop Marshall Gilmore
Mrs. G. Bernice Richardson
Porter Temple CME Mrs. Sella Ray
Episcopal District
Central Texas
Dallas Ft.Worth
East Texas
S East Texas
Dallas Dist. WMS
8-Bishop Ronald M, Cunningham
Mrs. Linda Hinton
Mrs. Johnnie P. Barron
Mrs. Diana Hardiman
Ms. Rita R. Washington
Mrs. Gladys Stern
Mrs. Gladys Stern
Dr. W.C. Champian
Total Collected from all sources
Wo m e n ’ s M i s s i o n a r y C o u n c i l C h r i s t i a n M e t h o d i s t E p i s c o p a l
Even though our work is incomplete it challenges
us to stretch ourselves, and to reach just a little
higher which opens up opportunities for the Lord’s
Grace to enter and do the rest. It is my desire that
those who read this report will be motivated and
inspired by it, that they will be called, committed
and compelled to serve.
“We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny
fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is
God’s work…nothing we do is complete…no
statement says all that could be said…no program accomplishes the church mission.”
President’s Travel and Involvement
January 4-5, 2008 - Constitution and Bylaws and
Handbook Committee Meeting – Atlanta, GA.
January 6-10, 2008 - Pastors’ Conference,
Phillips Board of Trustee Meeting, Atlanta,
January 25 – February 4, 2008 - Nigeria –
Mission Trip
February 5-7, 2008 - Religious Conference
Managers- Orlando, FL
February 8-9, 2008 - Lane College Board of
Trustee’s Meeting – Jackson, TN
February 23 – March 1, 2008 – Executive Board
Meeting – Omni Jacksonville Hotel – Jacksonville,
April 9-12, 2008 - Third Episcopal District Spring
Convocation –Detroit, MI
April 19-20. 2008 - Mt. Zion CME Church
Henning (Orysa), TN this is my home churchWorkshop Saturday and Speaker on Sunday.
April 26-27, 2008 - Lane College Graduation
weekend – Jackson, TN
May 6-8, 2008 - General Connectional Board –
Memphis, TN
May 30 – June 1, 2008 - Shelbi J. Hamb,
(Granddaughter) High School Graduation- Warner
Robbins, Georgia
June 22, 2008 - Missionary Speaker – Jubilee
CME Chicago, IL
July 7-10, 2008 - National Youth and Young Adult
Conference – Orlando, Florida
July 11 - 17, 2008 - World Federation Methodist &
Uniting Church Women, Caribbean Regional
Seminar- Republic of Panama
July 20-21, 2008 - Michigan Indiana Region
Conference, Holiday Inn Matteson, IL.
August 3-8, 2008 - Southeast Missouri, Illinois &
Wisconsin Region Conference-Renaissance Hotel –
St. Louis, Missouri
August 10-13, 2008 - Northern California Region
Conference – Hilton Gardens Inn – San
Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge
August 15-17, 2008 - Carter Tabernacle CME
Church -Orlando, FL
Annual CME Convocation
Sept. 30 – October 3, 2008 - Knoxville, Tennessee
Sept. 28 – October 3, 2008 - CME Convocation –
Knoxville, Tennessee
October 14-15, 2008 - Board of Trustee Meeting
Miles College - Birmingham, AL
October 20-22, 2008 - Balm in Gilead – The Black
Church Institute- Virginia Beach, VA
October 23-24, 2008 - One Church One School –
Dallas, Texas
December 6, 2008 - Co-Chaired the 100th
Birthday Celebration of Dr. Zelda Q. Birdsong
along with Judge Bertina Lampkin – St. Paul CME
– Chicago, IL – Rev. Dr. Bernard Johnson, Pastor
December 12-14, 2008 - Shreveport District
Women’s Missionary Society- Mrs. Saundra
Robinson, District President, Mrs. Jackie Wagner,
Louisiana Region President, Rev. Dr. Wayne
Williams, Presiding Elder
January 10-15, 2009 - Pastor’s Conference,
Phillips Board of Trustee Meeting and Founder’s
Day – Atlanta, Georgia
January 18, 2009 - Missionary Day Speaker –
Israel CME Church – Washington DC
January 18, 2009 - Balm in Gilead Black Church
Inaugural Ball – Washington DC.
February 7-12, 2009 - Ikot Epene, Nigeria –
Dedication of the Women’s Missionary Council and
Elnora P. Hamb Conference Center.
March 7-14, 2009 - Executive Board Meeting –
Hilton-Jackson Hotel, Jackson MS.
Wo m e n ’ s M i s s i o n a r y C o u n c i l C h r i s t i a n M e t h o d i s t E p i s c o p a l
That the Women‘s Missionary Council through the Overseas Mission Department adopt
a program to assist in rehabilitation of the Pauline B. Grant School in Accra, Ghana, the
Elnora P. Hamb Nursery and Primary School in Kano, Nigeria and the Norma Jean
Cummings school in Nigeria.
Purchase treated bed nets to help prevent malaria.
Purchase and install a pump for a village water system.
Gifts of the heart kits: health kits, schools kits and baby kits.
Purchase Bicycles for transportation.
Complete Phase II of the Building a Library in Nigeria and equip it with
furniture and books, etc.
That the Women's Missionary Council continues paying the teachers salaries
for the Joseph C. Coles and the Mae C. Lindsey Schools in Jamaica.
That we support the “Sister to Sister Legacy Luncheon” as a means of funding our
Health Initiative and encouraging membership growth.
That we continue and strengthen the on going projects of the Council: Helena B. Cobb
Scholarship, Save Our Sons Scholarship, Overseas Mission, Hunger and Meals for
Millions, H.O.P.E. Network, and World Federation of Methodist & Uniting Church
That each Missionary on all levels pledge and pay $25.00 for the Development Fund
That each Missionary would solicit members for the Eula W. Harris Life
Membership Department.
That we giving a standing ovation to Bishop Kenneth Carter for serving as the Associate
Bishop for this Executive Board Meeting.
That we extend thanks to Bishop Thomas L. Brown Sr., Dr. Louise Brown and the entire
Fourth Episcopal District for the hospitality shown to the 2009 Executive Board and all
those in attendance.
Dr. Elnora P. Hamb
9th President of the Women’s Missionary Church
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Wo m e n ’ s M i s s i o n a r y C o u n c i l C h r i s t i a n M e t h o d i s t E p i s c o p a l