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thegazette Western’s Daily Student Newspaper • Est.1906 SPORTS MUSTANG HOCKEY Men score big... p.8 VOLUME 101, ISSUE 68 • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 SEX ISSUE OPINIONS SEX SURVEY FREE SPEECH Fill it out inside... p.2 Do freedoms extend to the blogosphere?... p.4 Who’s gonna be USC Prez? COME WASTE YOUR TIME WITH ME Yesterday, candidates for the 2008 University Students’ Council presidential election were announced. Here’s a brief introduction this year’s nominees. Read tomorrow’s Gazette for more details. Ryan Gauss Year: 4 Program: History and political science USC experience: King’s University Students’ Council President 2007-08 and KUCSC speaker. Jon Purdy/Gazette OH, MAN! WHY DID I SPEND ALL MY MINUTES ON HOTLINES? Fourth-year kinesiology student Nathan Ho was getting his knickers in a twist over his sub-par cell phone service yesterday in Talbot College. You should try homing pigeons, Nate: it really works for our daily newsroom. Stephen Lecce CFS-Ontario Student council’s OUSA membership passes pro-life under review this month ban motion By Jay La Rochelle By Lauren Pelley Gazette Staff Gazette Staff The always-controversial abortion debate is heating up across the province after the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) of Ontario passed a contentious motion. At a conference in January, CFSOntario approved a motion to support student unions that wish to ban pro-life groups from their campuses. The motion was brought forth by the Lakehead University Student Union, that wished to deny official club status to the group Life Support. Concerns CFS-Ontario would support student unions targeting religious groups that oppose abortion were raised by a representative of the Ryerson Student Union (RSU), who was in attendance at the conference. Heather Kere, RSU VP-education, proposed an amendment to the motion on the basis the definition of an “anti-choice” group was not clear. The amendment was not passed. The University Students’ Council is set to review its membership in the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance and Western students are being asked for input. According to USC external affairs coordinator Patrick Duncan, the council’s provincial and federal representation is reviewed every two years. This year, the USC is discussing its provincial membership in OUSA. OUSA is a coalition of elected university student councils from across the province. The organization provides research and ideas to the provincial government on how to improve postsecondary education in Ontario through lobbying, advocacy, awareness campaigns and various other means. The USC has been a member of OUSA since the organization’s inception in 1997, but had previously been part of the Ontario branch of the Canadian Federation of Students. The CFS, founded in 1981, represents over 80 student unions PLEASE SEE PRO-LIFE P3 across Canada and, unlike OUSA, aims to represent student interests at both the provincial and federal levels. Several other differences also exist between the two organizations, despite their similar goals. While the CFS advocates solidarity, OUSA offers student unions the ability to be autonomous, David Simmonds, VP-university affairs for the USC and OUSA president, explained. “We take positions [on issues], but if a member school is uncomfortable with that, they can step back,” Simmonds continued. He said OUSA focuses solely on matters of postsecondary education, whereas the CFS takes stances on various issues. Dave Molenhuis, the Ontario representative for CFS, said the federation is uniquely member-driven, unlike OUSA. “OUSA was founded as an organization of student councils and has a student council mentality about it,” Molenhuis added. “We’re differentiated on that ... [CFS] has more focus on individual membership.” Molenhuis noted OUSA does not run services for students. “We still own Travel Cuts, the largest student-owned and operated travel organization in the world,” Molenhuis said. “We’re leaders in that respect.” On Feb. 13, students can attend a public forum to discuss the merits of membership in OUSA or the CFS. “We’re looking at both organizations holistically and inviting both organizations to come speak to us,” Duncan said. “As well, we’re getting student input on the process to get a broader vision of what the campus is looking for and what Western’s needs are.” The public forum will aid the USC’s External Affairs Committee in drafting a report to bring to council. Voting on the issue will occur in early March. Simmonds, who chairs the committee, declared a personal conflict of interest and is acting only as an OUSA spokesperson in the USC’s decision process. The forum will be on Feb. 13 from 4:30-6 p.m. in the McKellar Room, University Community Centre. Year: 4 Program: Political science USC experience: Senate-at-large 2006-07, 2007-08; social science councilor 2006-07; residence councilor for Essex Hall; financial aid commissioner and three-time social science soph. Christan Mariyanayagam Year: 5 Program: Psychology and medical science USC experience: Homecoming commissioner 2006-07; charity commissioner 200607; science councilor 2006-2007; student life employee. Mitchell Steinberg Year: 4 Program: media, information and technoculture USC experience: Orientation Week 2007-08; Medway-Sydenham soph 2005-06, 20062007; three years on Medway-Sydenham residence council. P2 ➤ news theGazette • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 1. What is your age? 2. What is your gender? A) Female ..............................................❍ B) Male..................................................❍ 3. Are you sexually active? A) Yes ....................................................❍ B) No .....................................................❍ C) Does my hand count? .......................❍ 4. What is your sexual orientation? A) Heterosexual .....................................❍ B) Homosexual ......................................❍ C) Bisexual ............................................❍ D) Other.................................................❍ 5. If you are LGBT, are you out? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 6. If yes, at what age did you come out? A) 14 or less......❍ B) 15-16............❍ C) 17-19............❍ D) 20-22 ...........❍ E) 23-25............❍ F) 25+...............❍ 7. Age lost virginity? A) Under 13 .......❍ B) 13-15............❍ C) 16-18............❍ D) 19-21 ...........❍ E) 22-25............❍ F) 25-30............❍ G) Still waiting ...❍ 8. Number of partners? A) 0 ...................❍ B) 1 ...................❍ C) 2-5................❍ D) 6-10..............❍ E) 11-25............❍ F) 26-40............❍ G) 40-60............❍ H) 60+...............❍ 9. What age is the oldest person you’ve had sex with? A) Less than 17....❍ B) 18-22............❍ C) 23-28............❍ D) 29-35 ...........❍ E) 36-45............❍ F) 46-55............❍ G) 56+...............❍ 10. In what public places have you had sex? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 11. Have you ever had sex with a: A) Teacher .........❍ B) Professor.......❍ (Bonus points if they taught ethics) C) TA..................❍ D) Boss..............❍ E) Frosh.............❍ F) Soph..............❍ G) Team mascot ..❍ 12. Have you ever faked an orgasm? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 13. Did you partake in first-year floorcest? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 14. What’s your favourite position? ________________________________ ________________________________ If it’s new, explain it ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 15. What’s your strangest fetish? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 16. Do you enjoy talking during sex? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ If yes, what’s the strangest/dirtiest thing you or your partner has said? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 17. Have you ever said the wrong name of your partner during sex? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ If yes, did you finish? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ WESTERN Walk-In Clinic No Appointment Required Students Welcome Hrs. Mon. to Fri. 9:00am to 9:00pm Sat. & Sun. 9:00am to 3:00pm Conveniently located just minutes from campus at 240 Wharncliffe Rd. N at Oxford St. West Suite 201 101.68.C.01 519-435-0111 Pharmacy on-site 18. Have you ever forgotten the name of your partner during sex? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 19. Immediately after sex, do you generally: A) Clean up............................................❍ B) Cuddle ..............................................❍ C) Go about your own business .............❍ D) Turn on TV/music ..............................❍ E) Sleep.................................................❍ F) Other .................................................❍ 20. What’s the most memorable piece of music you’ve had sex to? ________________________________ ________________________________ Best music to have sex to? ________________________________ ________________________________ Best movie to have sex to? ________________________________ ________________________________ 21. What lengths have you gone to to have sex with someone? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 22. Have you ever said “I love you” for the explicit purpose of having sex? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 23. Do you tend to be dominant or submissive? A) Dominant ..........................................❍ B) Submissive .......................................❍ C) Neither ..............................................❍ 24. Have you ever fantasized about someone else while having sex? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 25. How many times per week do you masturbate? A) None .............❍ B) 1-3................❍ C) 4-9................❍ D) 10-15 ...........❍ E) 15+...............❍ 26. Strangest object you’ve masturbated with? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 27. Have you ever caught a roommate/housemate masturbating? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 28. Have you ever caught your parents having sex? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 29. How often do you enjoy porn in all its forms? A) 1-3 times a day.................................❍ B) 1-3 times a week..............................❍ C) 1-3 times a month ............................❍ D) Less frequently than any option given here ..................................................❍ E) Never ................................................❍ 30. Have you ever had a threesome? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 31. Have you ever paid for sex? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 32.Have you ever tried to pay for sex and been turned down? A) Yes B) No 33. Have you ever been paid for sex? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 34. Have you ever role-played during sex? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ If yes, what’s your favourite scenario? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 35. Have you ever been involved in a friends-with-benefits relationship? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 36. Have you ever been a home-wrecker? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ 37. Have you ever made a video with a partner? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ If yes, did you use nightvision? A) Yes ................❍ B) No .................❍ If yes, was it leaked on the Internet? A) Yes ................❍ B) No.................❍ Are you applying to GRADUATE SCHOOL or PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL? Need to write a Personal Statement? Come to the SDS Writing Support Centre Presentation Writing a Personal Statement Tuesday February 5, 2008 3:30- 4:30 Room 210 U.C.C. To register please visit: 3-day forecast Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Cloudy High 10C Low 9C Snow High 1C Low -6C Sunny High -2C Low -11C Weather news ➤ P3 theGazette • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 Pro-life group on Booze, drugs, sketchy driving, oh my! main campus? CONTINUED FROM P1 “The amendment was to clarify the language around the past actions of the group that would be denied space,” Kere said. Kere noted pro-life groups should not be banned unless they are harassing students or using sensationalistic imagery. She added the group at Lakehead had behaved inappropriately in the past. Sandy Hudson, the CFSOntario Women’s Commissioner, said while the motion is not meant to target religious groups, groups that oppose abortion should not be funded by students. When asked whether Ryerson students should be exposed to both sides of the abortion issue, Hudson said allowing an antichoice group would be like allowing a white supremacist group on campus. Hudson added the literature distributed by Life Support likened abortion to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and the Holocaust. The CFS-Ontario decision is welcome news for Joyce Arthur, coordinator of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada. Arthur believes pro-life groups should not receive support from student unions because they seek to repress human rights. She said these groups are comparable to Neo-Nazi movements. Jakki Jeffs, executive director of Alliance for Life Ontario, asked why pro-life groups are being targeted by student unions. “What is so different about a pro-life group other than it is politically incorrect?” she asked. Although Western’s main campus does not have a pro-life group at present, there is one at King’s University College. According to Nathan Welch, a member of King’s Live for Life, a pro-life group at King’s, the University Students’ Council will review an application by students at main campus to establish a prolife group in the next two weeks. He said such an application was turned down by a previous council. By Mike Hayes Gazette Staff Criminals of all stripes found their way into London this past week, giving police lots of work and crime reporters lots of material. From panicking pedestrians to driving four sheets to the wind, the usual suspects were at it again. On Western’s campus, a driver struck a female student walking east across Huron Street, south of Lambton Drive. The driver allegedly honked at her and stopped — an action she perceived to mean ‘continue walking.’ Unfortunately, the driver thought honking the horn meant she should stop. The end result was a pedestrian with bumps and bruises and a driver in trouble for not giving the right of way. Meanwhile, crime was imported to the Forest City by way of Windsor. The London Police Service arrived at an address on Southdale Road and executed a search warrant for Nicholas Ingram — wanted for an attempted murder charge in Windsor. Hilarity ensued as Ingram and two others were found with drugs and firearms. Among the goodies: enough blow to buy at least four seconds of Super Bowl advertising (or $22,400), about 50 grams of crack and a “small quantity of marijuana.” Last, but not least, were numerous RIDE programs operating on Sunday to coincide with the Super Bowl. Though many stayed home to watch the big game, RIDE processed 200 drivers over the day. Of these drivers, six were tested and two found themselves without a license after failing their sobriety tests. The story of the day goes to the driver who introduced his car to a tree at Wilton and Highbury Avenue. The driver was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries and arrested upon release. Whether he couldn’t go on after New England’s botched perfect season is unknown. NEWSBRIEFS Purple people unite It is time to ditch your boring blue Facebook skins and get one that shows your Mustangs spirit. now offers a downloadable skin for your Facebook, specially designed for Western students. The application replaces the traditional blue borders with purple ones and uses a Western Mustangs logo instead of Facebook’s symbol. The Western skin is only compatible with Mozilla Firefox. It also requires the Greasemonkey extension. Both the Greasemonkey extension and the skin itself can be downloaded free of charge. “I think it’s kind of cool,” first-year management and organizational studies student Taylor Hamet said. On the other hand, first-year social science student Gillian Schurr thought it was “kind of tacky.” “And it’s not necessary,” firstyear social science student Cynthia McGill added. To Westernize your Facebook for free, check out w/21973. —Matt Pietrangelo Get Tanned For Your Winter Break! New Hot Bulbs! ✄ ONE FREE Session* Math and Statistical & Actuarial Sciences - OPEN HOUSE Tues. February 5, 2008 Middlesex College Rm 107 4:00 - 6:00 pm Our degrees open the doors to: business, finance, research, health care… Intent to Register is right around the corner, plan your future now. Everyone is welcome. - PIZZA SERVED - X Vibrant Sun ➢ 205 Oxford St. Richmond St. Feb. 6 • U.S. VISA Information Session When: Wednesday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Where: UCC, room 315. Representatives from the Consulate General of the United States discuss traveling, studying and working in the U.S. and the necessary visa classifications. • La Tertulia When: Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. Where: University College, room 117. The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures presents “La Tertulia,” a Spanish conversation group. Anyone wishing to speak Spanish and meet people from different Spanish-speaking countries is welcome. • Geography Speaker Series When: Wednesday, 7 p.m. Where: Natural Science, room 1. • Crossing Borders When: Wednesday, 7 p.m. Where: Huron University College, Student Activity Centre World University Service of Canada presents the documentary Life in the Camps, which shows what life is like in Kakuma refugee camp. Also learn about the Student Refugee Program at Huron. Free Ethiopian food and music. • Charity on the Rocks 2008 When: Saturday, Feb. 16, 9 p.m. Where: UCC, the Wave. The Undergraduate Engineers Society holds a benefit concert to support development and overseas initiatives. Tickets are available at InfoSource. Fore more information: 101.58.C.03 What We Do ments available, but bring your own mug. ✄ Feb. 5 • USC Campaigning Begins When: Tuesday-Monday, Feb. 18. Where: Across Campus. • Writing Skills for International Students When: Tuesday, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Where: University Community Centre, room 211. • Condensed Matter Seminar When: Tuesday, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Where: Physics and Astronomy Building, room 123. • Charity Screening of Fool’s Gold When: Tuesday, 7 p.m. Where: UCC, McKellar Room. Hosted by the Greek community at UWO. Tickets are $10. All proceeds from the screening will be benefiting the London Abused Women’s Shelter. • Engineers Without Borders: World Bank Meeting When: Tuesday, 12 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Where: Spencer Engineering Building. Maja Andjelkovic is a World Bank representative and counselor for Canadian Affairs and external affairs in North America with the World Bank. Her talk is going to focus on Canada’s role in the World Bank and its role in developing nations. • The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil When: Tuesday, 8 p.m. Where: Huron University College, Student Activity Centre. A film series launch by Students Acting in Development. Light refresh- Western Rd. *New customers only N Expires Apr 30/08 ONE PER CUSTOMER GREAT TANS…GREAT PRICES 645-6052 205 OXFORD ST. E. (CORNER OF RICHMOND AND OXFORD) FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING P4 ➤ opinions theGazette • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 thegazette Volume 101, issue 68 “Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom of thought. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt.” —BERGEN EVANS Allison Buchan-Terrell Brice Hall James Hayes Editor-In-Chief Deputy Editor Managing Editor Editor - [email protected] Deputy - [email protected] Managing - [email protected] website at University Community Centre Rm. 263 The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, CANADA. N6A 3K7 Advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579, Fax: (519) 661-3960 Editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580, Fax: (519) 661-3825 The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students’ Council. Blog crosses the line The government is currently investigating a student at the University of Toronto-Mississauga for hateful comments posted on his blog, specifically advocating the killing of Western soldiers in the Middle East, in addition to a number of anti-Semitic comments. The student’s comments suggested that someone ought to kill Western soldiers in order to get Western nations out of the Middle Eastern theatre. There were further comments regarding the influence of Western Jewish people and the author’s desire to kill Jews. While we value freedom of speech and expression, such a blog post obviously raises unsettling questions about limits for Internet content. There is a fine line between what is and is not appropriate to publish online. While blogs ought to have a lesser standard of censorship than more institutionalized media outlets such as newspapers, that doesn’t give everybody a free pass to say anything they want online. Bloggers often get away with racier and more controversial statements than mainstream media, but there’s a difference between controversy and hate literature. This student’s comments are undoubtedly inappropriate and constitute hate — especially with regards to the anti-Semitic comments. As such, it is reasonable to say he should be monitored, if not punished. Freedom of speech is a right that needs to be protected; it’s admirable for people to create an open dialogue on contentious issues. However, it’s fair to say no real dialogue is necessary on issues like anti-Semitism, especially content that can be interpreted as a call to arms. The government is right, then, to investigate this individual. It’s important to keep a close eye on this type of subject matter when it is so readily available to anybody with a modem. This blog could plant the wrong ideas in its readers’ minds; while we’re in no position to determine whether this student’s blog is a legitimate call to arms, it should be noted that it appears that way. It’s worth mentioning the difficulty of censoring or possibly marginalizing an already bitter group, and we need to remember that this individual is right in his own mind. However, this issue has already received significant media attention and these thoughts are not serving constructive debate. We have hate speech laws in effect for a reason — largely to prevent the distribution of, or access to, material like this. Anti-Semitism is destructive, and there needs to be initiative on the part of our government to prevent it from being spread. As such, the government is right to monitor this individual closely. It should investigate the avenues available to censor, if not punish him. Letters to the Editor Don’t like sophs or Charity Ball? Just don’t go Re: “Charity Ball a soph-fest for douchebags” Jan. 31, 2007 To the Editor: It seems as if Matt[hew Barnes] had something negative to say about every aspect of Charity Ball. If all he was after was meaningful conversation, cheap drinks and nice decorations, he should have stayed home where he could have made all three for himself. Charity Ball is the only campus-wide semiformal in which people from all faculties and programs can have a night together and raise money for a good cause. I do not understand his hatred towards the sophs who choose to attend Charity Ball. I fail to see how being a soph and dressing up makes Charity Ball less enjoyable for somebody who clearly shouldn’t have gone in the first place. People go to the ball to have fun and be with friends, not to make themselves feel like they are making a difference. It seems a bit late in the year for the obligatory attack on O-Week and the volun- Re: “Government wrong to push human papillomavirus vaccine” Jan. 23, 2008 To the editor: HPV causes genital warts, is very contagious and is now one of the most common STIs in the world. Symptoms may not appear for months after exposure to the virus. Some people never get symptoms, even though they carry the virus and can infect sexual partners. Certain types of HPV are a significant indicator for predicting cervical cancer in women. Cervical cancer is preventable. The To the Editor: Not interested in my rebuttal? I’m not interested in being personally attacked by someone I don’t know for attending an event with my friends. You seem to have lost track of the purpose of the night during your ranting and raving. Many of us recognize that Chari- —Erica Spear Political Science II most effective approach to eradicating it is Cancer Care Ontario’s recommendation for cervical cancer screening. This is accomplished through regular Pap tests and recommended vaccinations. To clarify, Gardasil (the HPV vaccine) prevents two HPV types that cause up to 70 per cent of cervical cancers, as well as two types that cause genital warts. The vaccine is most effective when given before the onset of sexual activity, thus giving a rationale for the Ontario school-based inoculation program for Grade 8 females. Gardasil is also effective for women up to 26 years of age. On Oct. 5, 2007, Cancer Care Ontario stated: “Gardasil has been extensively tested for five years in international studies involving over 20,000 women. The vaccine has passed the same rigorous evaluation process required of all new drugs in Canada.” As a fourth-year public health nursing student, I believe in an upstream approach that includes promoting health and preventing disease. There is no better situation where an old saying is more appropriate: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” —Lindsay Holmes B.Sc in Nursing Not a big fan of sophs, suits, $5 drinks or charity? Send us a letter at [email protected] Section Editors 2007-2008 News Lauren Pelley Mike Hayes Sarah Berman Jaela Bernstien Arts & Entertainment Desiree Gamotin Kaitlin Martin Michael Gregoris Letters: Must include the contributor’s name, identification (ie. Economics II, Dean of Arts) and a telephone number, and be typed double-spaced, submitted on disk in Macintosh or IBM word-processing format, or be emailed to [email protected]. Letters more than 300 words or judged by the Editor-In-Chief to be libellous, sexist or racist will not be published. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters and submissions and makes no guarantees that a letter will be published. Associate Editor Dave Ward Opinions Malcolm Aboud Sports Ravi Amarnath Stephanie Ramsay Katie Graves Photography Jon Purdy Jonas Hrebeniuk Justin Wu • Please recycle this newspaper • —Bryan Feheley Political Science IV ty Ball is an expensive night at the bar, where a dress code is in effect, but we go anyway. I heard many people say, “Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s for charity.” Which is more important? That attendees be able to name the charity or that they choose to attend an event where the proceeds will be going to a charitable cause? What matters more is that the Western community raised $24,000 for the Big Sisters of London, an amazing charity that gives back to the community. If you feel so disparagingly towards your peers, do us all a favour and donate your money directly without coming to Charity Ball next year. Personally, I don’t feel like being attacked for contributing to a cause and enjoying an evening with my friends, some of whom happen to be sophs — myself included. Oh, and by the way, before you write me off as some “pretentious Western girl,” I knew which charity was the beneficiary before I attended the event. Tests show HPV vaccine effective and necessary Editorials appearing under the ‘opinions’ heading are decided upon by a majority of the editorial board and are written by a member of the editorial board but are not necessarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member. All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors or staff. Graphics Tony Smerek Elena Iosef teers who make it run, and seems immaterial to his argument. I am a three-time soph, and I will always consider it my favourite part of my university life. Every year, us sophs have to deal with cheap, underhanded attacks against our character and the program we put so much into. If you don’t like Charity Ball, then fine: stay home and do not complain. There is no illusion of grandeur here — just people wanting to have a good night. And please do not try to blame every bad experience you have on sophs — it just cheapens your argument and makes you look petty. Gazette Staff 2007-2008 News - [email protected] Erik Adler, Tara Athar, Erin Baker, Mary Ann Boateng, Dino Bratic, Steve Sports - [email protected] Browne, Krystale Campbell, Len Caballes, David Chen, Andrew Cionga, Dylan A&E - [email protected] Clark, Carly Conway, Russ Courtney, Anna Coutts, Amie Marie Curiale, Alana Opinions - [email protected] Daley, Mallory Daley, Clay Dasilva, Kate Davis, Adam Feldman, Brian Gasparek, Ryan Gauss, Jack Hansen, Will Harris, Lindsey Janzen, Kelly Jeffs, Sakhti Kalaichandran, Ragini Kashyap, Shawn Katuwapitiya, Tyler Kula, Matt Web Shawn Foster Gazette Composing Ian Greaves, Manager Cheryl Forster, Maja Anjoli-Bilic Larkin, Jay LaRochelle, Mike Last, Amy Leitner, Jared Lindzon, Eva Markowski, Gazette Advertising Chris Scott, Paul Sham, Shaun Sinclair, Gennelle Smith, Alexis Stoymenoff, Alex McKay, Manager Doug Warrick, Mark Ritchie Cali Travis, Ian Van Den Hurk, Matt Vens, Sheila Weekes, Dale Williams, Matt Kevin Melhuish, Danielle Neziol, Carl Onofrio, Maciej Pawlak, Josh Safer, Zerker P5 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 ArtsEntertainment 94.9 CHRW TOP 100 of 2007!! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Infusion aids cancer research Annual fashion show offers bursaries By Eliot Hong Gazette Staff Infusion is back for its fifth year, but this time it isn’t following its usual roots. The student designers, models and dancers from across the city are busy preparing the fashion show for Feb. 9 at the London Convention Centre in support of young cancer survivors. The not-for-profit charity fashion show began in 2003 as a means to help cancer charities. This year, Infusion has shifted its focus to helping youth and young adults directly, offering $2,000 bursary packages for postsecondary education. It also pays the debts from the cost of cancer care, since the average patient has $25,000 of debt. “Cancer patients aged 13 to 28 are a unique segment, as people younger than 13 get cancers that are common in that age. People over 30 get cancers that are com- mon, too — the middle segments get cancers from all over the place, so it’s a lot harder to assess and treat,” Shawna Eiseinstat, creative director and choreographer for Infusion, says. Eiseinstat has been involved with the show since the beginning. “One of my girlfriends received an email from the organization looking for dancers and asked if I wanted to come out and try out. I didn’t want to dance, but I thought to myself, they probably need choreographers. So I sent an email to them and I got brought on to do the show.” Having taught hip-hop at Western for five years, as well as having her own dance studio in London (Élan Dance Arts), Eisentstat incorporates a variety of musical styles into the show, ranging from hip-hop and breakdance to lyrical and jazz. “I used to hold auditions for choreographers, but now I bring in friends with dance history or guest Tuesdays - All You Can Eat Mexican Buffet 1199/pp choreographers … I have a few coming from Toronto, like Shawn Byfield from Hairspray and Kim Parnell from Ab Strakt Breakin’ Systemz.” Infusion, however, is different from other fashion shows. “One of our main things that we hold above other fashion shows is that we audition models that aren’t stereotypically ‘model’ skinny or tall. We accept anybody [from] all sizes, shapes, colours — as long as they are passionate about our organization.” One of this year’s surprises is a guest appearance by Omarion, R&B crooner and former lead singer of B2K. With fashion scenes like socialite, corporate and celebrity, this show is guaranteed to be worth the cost. Ticket prices may be steep, but considering the cause and the entertainment, the Infusion Fashion Show is the place to be this coming weekend. Infusion tickets range from $41, $46, and $65 for regular, premium, and VIP tickets, and can be bought at a booth near the Tim Hortons in the UCC from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. every day this week. Album Neon Bible Fables The Reminder Melody Day Loved Ones Challengers So This Is Goodbye Little Jabs The Knaves Hand Carving Hand Ashtray Rock Oh, My Darling Grow Up & Blow Away Glory Hope Mountain Label Merge Records Mint Records Cherry Tree Merge Records Phono Graphique Mint Records Domino Bumstead Independent Independent MapleMusic Hardwood Records Last Gang Paper Bag Records Knives Don’t Have Your Back Lose All Time In Our Bedroom After The War Five Roses Get Up! Fancy Footwork National Anthem Of Nowhere Friends In Bellwoods Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? Little Steven’s Underground Garage The Coolest Songs in the World Vol2 25 Spoon Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Born Ruffians 26 The Born Ruffians 27 Stars Do You Trust Your Friends? A Weekend In The City 28 Bloc Party 29 Russian Futurists Me, Myself And Rye The Millions Too Many 30 A Northern Chorus 31 Tim Hecker Radio Amor In Rainbows 32 Radiohead 33 Great Lake Swimmers Ongiara Writer’s Block 34 Peter, Bjorn And John 35 Do Make Say Think You, You’re A History In Rust 36 The Good, The Bad And The Queen The Good, The Bad And The Queen 37 Handsome Furs Plague Park 23 38 Blonde Redhead 39 Square Root Of Margaret Teragram Photeur Baby 81 40 Black Rebel Motorcycle Club 41 Black Lips Good Bad Not Evil Woke Myself Up 42 Julie Doiron 43 English Premiership P And Not P Young Galaxy 44 Young Galaxy 45 Cailen Dye OBLQ People Are Different 46 Wooden Stars 47 Sloan Never Hear The End Of It Volta 48 Bjork 49 The Shins Wincing The Night Away Take Action! Vol. 6 50 Various Artists 51 Various Artists Manoeuvres 1: A Collection Of Vancouver Electronica Volume IV: Lions Of Love 52 The Two Minute Miracles 53 Various Artists Link Pins Our ill Wills 54 Shout Out Louds 55 The White Stripes Icky Thump Our Love To Admire 56 Interpol 57 Architecture In Helsinki Heart It Races CBC Radio 3: Breaking New Sound 58 Various Artists 59 Rufus Wainwright Release The Stars After My Misspent Youth 60 The Machines 61 Montag Going Places Is Is 62 Yeah Yeah Yeahs 63 Modest Mouse We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank If Looks Could Kill 64 Camera Obscura 65 Bright Eyes Four Winds Drive You Wild! 66 The Shimmys 67 Oh! The Pretty Things Broke, Bored And Sober New Seasons 68 The Sadies 69 DD/MM/YYYY Are They Masks? Polyentendrii 70 Carbon Dating Service 71 Besnard Lakes Are The Dark Horse 2006 Polaris Prize Album Of The Year 72 Various Artists 73 Wilco Sky Blue Sky Baqontraq 74 Legion Of Green Men 75 Bocce Hi Birdbear/Can’t Reason Do It? How To Kill 76 Die Mannequin 77 Tokyo Police Club Smith EP Reunion Tour 78 The Weakerthans 79 Rilo Kiley Under The Blacklight Boys And Girls In America 80 Hold Steady 81 Buck 65 Situation The Station Agent 82 Moka Only 83 Awkward Stage Heaven Is For Easy Girls The Mix Up 84 Beastie Boys 85 Swallows Awkward Situation Memoreaper 86 Rick White 87 Swan Lake Beast Moans 88 Sondre Lerche And Phantom Punch The Faces Down Quartet 89 Tim Hecker Harmony In Ultraviolet Lon Gisland 90 Beirut 91 The Hives The Black and White Album Gang Of Losers 92 The Dears 93 Air Pocket Symphony The Old Soul 94 The Old Soul 95 Various Artists CBC Radio 3 Sessions Live The Party 96 The Guys 97 Toolshed Relapse The Shepherd’s Dog 98 Iron And Wine 99 Gonzales Solo Piano Boxer 100 The National 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Courtesy of Travis Mazereeuw Artist Arcade Fire Immaculate Machine Feist Caribou Thesis Sahib The New Pornographers Junior Boys Two Hours Traffic The Knaves The Riderless Joel Plaskett Emergency Basia Bulat Metric The Acorn Emily Haines And The Soft Skeleton You Say Party! We Say Die! Stars Miracle Fortress Skratch Bastid Chromeo Apostle Of Hustle Various Artists Of Montreal Various Artists signifies the artist is CANADIAN Last Gang Paper Bag Records Arts&Crafts Secret City Records Independent Last Gang Arts&Crafts Independent Polyvinyl Wicked Cool Record Co. Merge Records Warp Records Arts&Crafts Vice Records Upper Class Sonic Unyon Alien8 Recordings Independent Nettwerk Red Ink Music Constellation Records Parlophone Records Sub Pop 4AD 33 1/3 Sony/BMG Vice Records Endearing Records Independent Arts&Crafts Independent Sonic Unyon Murderecords Atlantic/Warner Sub Pop Hopeless Records So Called Recordings Weewerk Balanced Records Merge V2 Capitol Polyvinyl Story Board Geffen Doormat Records Car Park Records Interscope Sony BMG Merge Records Saddle Creek Off the Hip Independent Outside Music We Are Busy Bodies Teargas Recording Tree Outside Music Rogers Nonesuch Post Contemporary Dadmobile Records How To Kill Paper Bag Records Epitaph Warner Vagrant Warner Camobear Mint Records Capitol Records Magnetic Angel Void Scratch Records EMI Kranky BaDaBing Records Universal MapleMusic Virgin Hand of God Recordings Universal Friendship Backburner Sub Pop Sunnyside Records Beggar’s Banquet signifies the artist is LOCAL $ Wednesdays 2 Can Dine for 1999 puzzle solution from page 7 Fresh Mexican Grill & Tapas Lounge Thursdays are 1/2 price Nachos - all Day 215 Piccadilly @ Richmond 519-435-1197 2nd Floor UCC 101.56.C.02 24 $ McKellar Room $ UNDER THE VOLCANO 4 regular admission 3 Tuesdays $ Feb 1-7 P.S. I LOVE YOU rated PG 7:00 Nightly – NO SHOW TUESDAY 136 minutes 519 661-3616 SWEENEY TODD rated 18A 9:30 nightly 126 minutes Preview showing of FOOL’S GOLD rated PG Tuesday Feb 5th 7:00 pm $5 -proceeds to charity P6 ➤ classifieds theGazette • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 The Gazette Marketplace 30 words for $8 or 4 issues for $30 519-661-3274 [email protected] Housing Housing Housing Housing Housing #1 ABSOLUTELY THE best off campus houses! All sizes of apartments on all sides of campus. Many brand new red brick units are available. These houses go very fast. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected] #1 AMAZING HOMES outside the gates. These homes are in great student areas very well maintained and spacious. All types of configurations, please call and get to see a few options instead of just one home. Call Bart 519-859-8333 #1 AMAZING, JUST built, 4 large bedrooms, luxury apt. Home Like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed internet, 5 new appliances, parking, 2.3km to campus. Call Wendy 519-667-0047. View at #1 APARTMENTS! Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? Our large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Western students should be concerned with their studies- not house problems. Let London Property Corp.’s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-6700327. [email protected] #1 IN OFF campus housing. Looking for a popular area to live? Or would something a little less busy sound better? Call Hal Patterson to tour all of London Prop’s properties that would fit your living style. We are here for you, to make sure everything is what you’ve been looking for in an off campus house. 519902-4499. Don’t wait too long, till they’re all gone. #1 IN OFF campus rentals! All sizes and many locations to choose from. These are the awesome red brick ones, and they go fast. Call Jon 519-852-7993, [email protected] #1 IN STUDENT living. 2,3,4,5,6, and 7 bedroom places that are just steps from campus or closer to the downtown district. All major appliances that save time and money. Large rooms and common areas to socialize with peers and roommates. Full time property management. Act fast! - while the’re still available. Call Hal Patterson at 519-902-4499 #1 LOCATIONS DOWNTOWN, Luxury homes behind the Ceeps. Different types of apartments and homes. These go very fast, come check them out now and save yourself the hassle of house hunting. Call Bart 519-859-8333 #1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Most have 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Zach 519-932-0627. #1 STUDENT RENTALS. 2-7 Bedroom units in the best students areas around campus and downtown. Houses/apartments and townhouses available. All in great shape, and most include dishwasher and washer/dryer. Call John at (519) 859-5563 for more info. 0.1 KM TO campus. Old North large 4 bedroom houses: one with newly remodelled kitchen and bathroom, new dishwasher; both with washer & dryer. More - large yard, quiet area. Serious students . 519433-9837 1 BEDROOM APT. close to campus. Parking and Laundry on site. Great for a quiet individual, nonsmokers preferred. $615 plus hydro. Won’t last long, never a vacancy! Kory - 519-808-5679 1,2,3,4,5,6 APARTMENTS, HOMES and townhomes for rent. The large new red brick buildings adjacent to campus and downtown. Really large bedrooms and closets, all appliances, high speed networking, well maintained. Many to choose from, all price ranges. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected] 1,2,3,4,5,6 BEDROOM LUXURY homes and apartments available downtown. Situated right in the heart of the action. Call to view these don’t last. Best locations in London, rides available. Call Bart 519859-8333 1ST CHOICE IN off campus student housing. Redbrick apartment buildings and townhomes. Various locations all over London. 5 major appliances, large living spaces, close to all amenities and major bus routes. Call for viewing. Call Hal Patterson 519-9024499. Call now! 1ST CHOICE IN popular redbrick townhomes and apartments. Free parking, free maintenance, free property management. Close to the gates, Masonville Mall, or downtown area. 5 major appliances, and just steps away from all major bus routes. Act fast! Don’t wait too long, before they’re all gone. Call Hal Patterson 519.902.4499 to book an appointment today 2 2 BEDROOM apartment styles to choose from. Located very close to Campus. Hardwood floors, free parking, laundry, and free snow and lawn care. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. [email protected] 2 3 BDRM ADJACENT to campus. Newly built, supersized rooms, all appliances, very clean, parking, networked for internet. Call Jon 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 2 3 BEDROOM 2 blocks from gates, open concept, newly renovated, from $375 - $450/ room. Call 519672-5801 2 7 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE for rent. Near campus, near downtown. Close to gates and right on bus lines that take you all over the city. 5 major appliances, free parking. Does this sound interesting? Give Hal Patterson a call to view. 519.902.4499 anytime! 2 7 BEDROOMS available. Looking to live where everyone is talking about? The redbrick apartments are for you. Right near campus and close to downtown. Free parking and 365 days a year property management. Be the one to brag to your friends where your living. Call Hal Patterson to book a tour 519.902.4499 2 BDRM #1 student rentals. These newly renovated units are within walking distance of campus and on a great bus route as well. Amazing price includes utilities. Call for more details anytime (519) 859-5563. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS close to campus. Hardwood floors, loads of space. Great student area, right on Western bus route. Great price, and utilities included. Loads of free parking. These places truly are a steal! Call me (John) at (519) 859-5563. 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment - 2 minutes from UWO, large, bright, clean and very quiet in private home. Self contained, own laundry facilities, $930/ monthly, utilities, parking, cable included. 519434-8164 2, 3, & 4 B.R. HOMES for non-smoking responsible females. Great locations! Very modern, direct bus or walking distance, 5 + 6 appliances. 1 4 bdr with fireplace. Ole Norgaard at 519-657-6911 or 519-8783008 3 5 BDRMS AT 217 Sarnia. Live at one of the most popular student corners in London. Within steps of campus, you can’t get closer. All of these units have big common rooms and spacious bedrooms. Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 3 & 4 bdrm adjacent to campus. Large/equal rooms, large closets, all appliances, networked for internet, parking. Newly constructed, very clean and spacious. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 3 & 4 BDRM apartments and townhomes. These are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, very spacious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very clean and well maintained. For more information or showing please call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 3 3 BEDROOM red brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students. These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519670-0327. [email protected] 3 5 BEDROOM APARTMENTS available at high demand corner. The corner of Sarnia and Western Rd. is known for the student life and is just steps from campus. If this sounds what you are looking for. Call now! Hal Patterson 519.902.4499. Book a tour of this corner, you’ll find that you won’t ever want to leave. Don’t wait too long, before they’re all gone. 3 AND 4 BDM homes available close to the Frog, check if there is a line from your front step, great location, big rooms, big common area, call Bart to view 519-859-8333 3 AND 4 bedroom apartments and townhomes. These are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, very spacious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very clean and well maintained. For more information or showing please call Jon anytime 519-8527993, [email protected]. 3 AND 5 Bdrm 217 and 200 Sarnia Rd. across the street from campus. Very spacious new units include all appliances, parking, networking for internet. Very nice. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 3 BDM DOWNTOWN, Albert St., entire house, all appliances, spacious bedrooms, parking, hardwood floors, very clean, nice back yard. Call Jon 519-8527993 anytime. 3 BDR OLD North area home with gleaming hardwood floors, spacious rooms, modern kitchen, laundry & all other appliances. All other information by phone. Ole Norgaard 519-657-6911 or 519-878-3008 3 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks, right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer included. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563. 3 BDRM APARTMENTS close to shopping and on direct bus route, minutes walk to Richmond Row, no need to take cabs from these places to the bars; great luxury apartments. Call Bart 519-859-8333 3 BDRM APT, Yale Street. Near Ceeps. $450 per mth./bdrm. Utilities included. Older Victorian home. Main floor, completely renovated. Private. Laundry, (not coins) & parking. Avail. May 1st, 2008. Call Dave at 519-657-4836 or on the web at under housing. 3 BDRM CLOSE to Masonville, near campus. 7 min walk to campus, very large rooms and closets, includes laundry and dishwasher, parking, on bus route. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 3 BDRM TOWN houses and apartments. These units are just steps from campus at the corner of Sarnia and Western road, right next to Perth and Essex residence. These units all have spacious bedrooms and common areas. All come with free parking, maintenance and full-time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 3 BEDROOM - GREAT location minutes from campus off Western Road. $335 +. Call Steve at 519951-7529 or [email protected] 3 BEDROOM ADJACENT Western campus. Live in the new red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for more information or showing 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 3 BEDROOM ADJACENT Western campus. Live in the new red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for more information or showing 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS available right around the corner from campus. Within feet of major bus routes. Everything you’ve ever wanted in an off campus student lifestyle of living. Free parking, property management, and maintenance. Call now! Hal Patterson 519-902-4499. If you wait too long, they all could be gone! 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent. Live on Richmond, near the gates, just south of Masonville or right downtown. With a variety of options for you, we can meet any student’s needs. Most units are newly built and come with all 5 appliances. Call Zach at 519-932-0627 anytime to view. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent. Why not live with Western’s most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studies - not house problems. Let London Property Corp.’s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327, [email protected] 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, in beautiful homes. All inclusive, downtown/Richmond Row. Nicely renovated, laundry and parking. Responsible Landlord. May 2008. Call Paul, 519-660-3659 3 BEDROOM BESIDE Perth Hall - so close to campus. Three really large bedrooms, and large living room/kitchen. Very new, clean, utility efficient. All appliances and pre-wired for internet. Live in style! Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 3 BEDROOM CONDO, 15 minutes from UWO. 5 appliances, private parking, $1050/month + utilities. Phone John now at 519-432-4321 3 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Richmond near Masonville. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location, near all amenities. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John at (519) 859-5563 to book a tour. 3 BEDROOM, PRIME locations & condition, downtown & near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Refer a Friend Program -get $100 in cash! 519-645-7368 3 BEDROOMS BRAND new townhouses. This is the best student housing available to Western students. Tons of amenities and loads of space. Only steps from campus. Live in style next year in this must see location. Call John anytime at (519) 8595563. 3, 4 AND 5 Bedroom apartments and houses seconds from front gates on Richmond. Directly on bus route to campus and downtown. Most include washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John at (519) 859-5563 to book a tour. 3, 4, & 5 BEDROOM apartments, townhomes, homes, very close to campus. Large/equal size bedrooms, all appliances, networked for high speed internet, new, spacious. Call for more info, showing, anytime, Jon 519-852-7993, [email protected] 3, 4, 5 + 6 BEDROOM houses at Oxford & Wharncliffe. Available May 1, 2008. Clean, spacious and carpeted with skylights, fireplaces, dishwasher, laundry & parking. Call Jim Lovell @ 519-691-5891 3, 6, 2 BEDROOMS. Castlegrove Blvd. Newly renovated, new appliances, spacious rooms & more. Direct 5 min bus to classes, laundry included. Great neighborhood, close amenities, great value. Call: Pat 519-870-9941 3,4,5 BEDROOM HOUSE. May 1/08. Close to bus, minutes to campus. 147 Paperbirch (Sarnia near Wonderland).5 appliances washer/dryer, freezer, 2 baths, large livingroom & large familyroom, wireless internet/cable. $340+. 519-289-2374 4 & 5 BDRM #1 student rentals in London! Come live in the best student housing available to Western Students. These new apartments have huge rooms, closets and washrooms and include free parking, maintenance, lawn care and snow removal. Don’t live in an old student dump next year, live in style. (519) 859-5563 call anytime. 4 & 5 BDRM homes and townhomes, Live in the awesome red brick ones next year. So close to campus. Super sized rooms, all appliances, parking, prewired for internet. Many to choose from. Call Jon 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 4 & 5 BEDROOM apartments and houses, very close to campus, large/equal bedrooms, all appliances, networked for hi-speed internet, parking included, 2 bathrooms. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 4 4 BEDROOM red brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students. These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519670-0327. [email protected] 4 5 BDRM APARTMENTS and townhomes and houses, many locations, all spacious, fully applianced, parking, networked for internet. For more info, or to view, call Jon anytime at 519-852-7993, [email protected] 4 5 BEDROOM, Western Road, Newly renovated, large rooms $375 - $450 /room. Call 519-672-5801 4 6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Units are modern, clean and close to campus. Get everything you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking, spacious bedrooms and common rooms and full time maintenance. Bedrooms are networked for internet. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 4 AND 5 BEDROOM units, close to Gates and downtown, large bedrooms, dishwasher, parking, brand new, Rents from $425-$450, Call now 519-643-6014. Check them out at Don’t miss out! 4 BDR HOMES for non-smoking females. Clean, close and only $475 per person including all utilities. Very modern, one has working fireplace. To view phone Ole Norgaard at 519-657-6911 or 519-8783008 4 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks, right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563. 4 BDRM APARTMENTS for rent. Why not live with Western’s most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studies - not house problems. Let London Property Corp.’s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-6700327. [email protected] 4 BDRM APT, Yale Street. $400 per mth./bdrm. Utilities included, older Victorian home, completely renovated. Private. Laundry (not coins) & parking. Avail. May 1st, 2008. Call Dave at 519-657-4836 or on the web at under housing 4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for high speed internet! Located in great student areas. Act fast- these won’t last. For more information call Zach at 519-932-0627. 4 BDRM HOMES around the university in various locations, well maintained, many newly renovated with new kitchens, bathrooms, these are some of the best student rentals available, Call to view, rides available Bart 519-859-8333 Why Rent? Buy D SOL Student Renters Stop Throwing Your Parents Money Away On Rent Thousands of your dollars each year go into your landlord’s pockets. Our specialized team can help you and your parents save on these expenses by getting you access to Housing Property. Email now to find our how. 519 851-7653 [email protected] Sales Representative ReMax Centre City Realty Inc. 101.58.C.04 JASON SIMS BROKER Newly Built 3 and 4 Bedroom Redbricks Professional, Experienced Property Management - for the smaller Landlord - since 1980 Before you purchase we will analyze your property from a Rental perspective Contact Us @ 519 642-HOME(4663) [email protected] 101.56.C.01 101.62.C.01 classifieds ➤ P7 theGazette • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 The Gazette Marketplace 30 words for $8 or 4 issues for $30 519-661-3274 [email protected] Housing Housing Housing Housing Personals 4 BDRM TOWNHOUSES near all amenities. These 4 bedroom townhouses are 3 floors and 2 washrooms for 4 people! Bedrooms are spacious, bright and have huge closets. Free parking and property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 4 BDRM. APTARTMENT John Street near Ceeps $500 per Mth/ Bdrm . Utilities Included.Older Victorian home. 2 - Floors, completely renovated. Private. laundry not coins & pkg. Avail. May 1st, 2008. Call Dave at 519-657-4836 or on the web at - under housing. 4 BEDROOM 3 floor townhouse in private student community. $395 includes all utilities. TV cable, hispeed internet and telephone can be included. Large common room, 2 bathrooms, laundry, clean and comfortable. 5 min bus to campus, near shopping and downtown. This house also available fully furnished. Call Joseph, Summit Properties 519-6712671 4 BEDROOM ADJACENT to campus. Homes and townhomes. Live in the new red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for more information or showing 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 4 BEDROOM AMAZING, brand new large luxury apt. Home like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, high speed internet, 5 new appliances, parking, 2.3km to campus. Call Wendy 519-667-0047, view at 4 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, in beautiful homes. All inclusive, downtown/Richmond Row. Nicely renovated, laundry and parking. Responsible landlord. May 1 2008. Call Paul, 519-660-3659. 4 BEDROOM BILLIARDS, close walk around corner from Mustang Stadium, newly renovated luxury house, enormous lot, pool table, bar, basketball net, 3 marble bathrooms, gas fireplace. Pictures at $365pp. (416) 835-5293, [email protected] 4 BEDROOM HOUSE inclusive 4+2, 92 Edgar Drive excellent condition, 10 minute walk to UWO, 5 min. to Brescia, $350/bedroom all inclusive (cable/ internet), bathroom, kitchen, living room, laundry. May 1st. Call Luke 519-857-9050 or email: [email protected] for pictures 4 BEDROOM HOUSE. Attention Ladies! New home for rent. $395 /bedroom, deck, garage, 3 car parking, storage space, 2 - 4 piece bathrooms, landscaping & snow removal provided, 5 brand new appliances, on 2 major bus routes, lots of living space. Lease starts May 1, 2008. Rob: 519-777-8946 - anytime. 4 BEDROOM HOUSES with skylights, fireplace, hardwood floors, laundry and parking. Available, May 1, 2008. Call Jim at 519-691-5891 4 BEDROOM OFF Western Road. Hardwood floors, parking and laundry - $445+. Call Steve at 519-9517529 or at: [email protected] 4 BEDROOM REDBRICK apartments available for rent. Most have five major appliances, open concept kitchens. Steps away from campus and all amenities. Call now! To find a place to call your own, dial 519.902.4499. Ask for Hal Patterson and he would be glad to show you and your roommates around. 4 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Oxford. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location. Three floors, two full washrooms! Huge rooms and closets. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John at (519) 859-5563 with questions or to book a tour. 4 BEDROOM, PRIME locations & condition, close to campus & downtown, on LTC bus routes. Don’t wait - these units go fast! Rides available to view. Call now, 519-645-7368 5 BEDROOM BROUGHDALE, directly on the path between Med-Syd., recently renovated, high ceilings, large rooms, gas fireplace, upper walk-out deck, 2 full baths, big backyard, huge jacuzzi tub. $435. 416835-5293 [email protected] 5 BEDROOM CONDOS 1 km from campus. Spacious, clean 3 story townhouse, 2.5 bath. Parking, 5 appliances, some renovations. $330-$365 per room plus utilities. Call Todd 519-615-4334 5 BEDROOM HOMES. Great locations in the near west area on Paperbirch Cr. Close to bus, easy to walk, all the amenities. $405/month utilities included. 10 month lease, and/or pay your own utilities negotiable. All large bedrooms, living room, family room, exercise room, parking, 6 appliances, and more. Check it out at or call Dave at 519-471-8126 for an appointment. 5 BEDROOM HOUSES. Bright, clean and spacious with skylights, fireplace, dishwashers, laundry and parking. Available, May 1, 2008. Call Jim at 519-6915891 5 BEDROOM HOUSE on Sherwood Ave. 0.5 km from campus, directly south of Sydenham Hall. $410/rm plus utilities. Available May 1 for 12 month lease. Spacious bedrooms and common areas. 2 bathrooms, 2 fridges, washer, dryer, parking for 2 cars. Well-maintained by dependable local landlord. Call Paul or Sarah at 519-438-2426. 5 BEDROOM RED brick house, just built at Richmond gates. 9 foot ceiling, 3 bathrooms, all new appliances, washer, dryer, fridge, stove, dishwasher, 2000 sq. ft., this house newly built, never lived in. Call asap 519-852-4483 [email protected] 5 BEDROOM, 2 blocks from gates, fabulous 5 bedroom, large rooms, porch, fireplace, new kitchen and bathroom. 200’ deep backyard, maintenance included. $400+/ room. Call 519-672-5801 5 BEDROOM, 2 full bathrooms, 2 fridges, dishwasher, washer, dryer, hardwood floors, great condition, on Richmond Street, bus across the street. $385 / per. Call Michelle 519-777-6019 5 BEDROOM, POPULAR red brick buildings in many great locations. Huge bedrooms and spacious modern kitchens. Live in the finest student housing in London! Call Jon anytime - 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 5 BEDROOM, PRIME locations & condition, downtown & near UWO, on LTC bus routes. See us first! Rides available to view. Refer a Friend Program -get $100 cash! Call 519-645-7368 6 6 BEDROOM red brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students. These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519670-0327. [email protected] 6 7 BEDROOM adjacent campus and downtown really spacious, newly constructed homes, all appliances, 2 full bathrooms, multi car parking, large/equal size bedrooms. Call for more information or viewing 519-852-7993 any time [email protected] 6 7 BEDROOM houses downtown and near campus. Huge houses with lots of common area and spacious bedrooms. Places include new appliances, free parking, and full time property management. Great prices. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 6 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast, so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563. 6 BDRM A+ location. Steps from UWO, direct bus route, 2 kitchen, 2 bathrooms, very modern and huge bedrooms. All inclusive, even cable and internet. Call now - 519 933-9331, 6 BDRM APARTMENTS for rent. Why not live with Western’s most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studies- not house problems. Let London Property Corp.’s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-6700327. [email protected] 6 BDRM HOUSE, Essex St. $425 per mth/bdrm. Utilities included. Fully renovated home, large bedrooms, 2 baths, Laundry (not coins), parking, 2 fridges. New bathrooms & kitchen. Avail. May 1st. 2008 Call Dave at 519-657-4836 or on the web at under housing. 6 BDRM HOUSE, Grosvenor St. at Maitland. $400 per mth./bdrm. Utilities included. Older Victorian home, large bedrooms & 2 baths, completely renovated. Private laundry (not coins) & parking. Avail. May 1st, 2008. Call Dave at 519-657-4836 or on the web at under housing 6 BDRM HOUSES on all sides of campus. Most feature 5 new appliances, spacious rooms and huge closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for high speed internet. Act fastthese won’t last! For more information call Zach at 519-932-0627. 6 BEDROOM 2 blocks from gates, open concept, newly renovated, 2 kitchens, 2 baths, large bedrooms, fireplace and deck, new appliances. $400+/ room. Call 519-672-5801 6 BEDROOM BOTH sides of campus, and some downtown. These are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, all appliances, sprawling room sizes. exactly what you thought off campus was going to be like. Ready to be seen. Call Jon anytime 519-8527993, [email protected]. 6 BEDROOM GATES, best location at UWO front gates. University Cres., large glass sunroom in front, recently renovated, hardwood & tile, fireplace, glass brick, large backyard with patio. $385. (416) 8355293, [email protected] 6 BEDROOM HOMES. Great locations on Trott Dr. and Walmer Grove and Paperbirch Cr. Modern homes. Easy to walk to school or take the bus. Both have many extras such as decks, 2.5 baths, Jacuzzi tub, large bedrooms, family room, parking, and 6+ appliances. $395/month utilities included. Utilities not included and/or 10 month lease can be arranged. Check them out at or call Dave at: 519-471-8126 for an appointment. 6 BEDROOM OLD Victorian home downtown behind the Ceeps, newly renovated, new appliances, hardwood floors, 3 bathrooms, great porch to hang out on, big rooms and huge common area. Call Bart to view 519-859-8333. 6 BEDROOM, TOTAL renovation, Richmond gates at Broughdale Ave. New kitchen, 3 full bathrooms, washer/dryer, 2 fridges, dishwasher, hardwood floors, large deck, large bedrooms, pot lights, new furnace, plumbing and wiring, great location, great house. $475/room+. Call 519-852-4483, email: [email protected] 6- 7 LARGE BEDROOMS in newly renovated clean home. 2 large bathrooms 100 metres from UWO (behind Althouse College) $400+ 905-840-0297 [email protected] 7 7 BEDROOM red brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students. These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519670-0327. [email protected] 7 BDRM A+ location. Downtown, direct bus to UWO on Richmond. All large bedrooms with loft area. New kitchen with new appliances dishwasher. Hardwood floors. Laundry, parking. Call 519 933-9331 7 BEDROOM ADJACENT campus or Richmond & Oxford area. Live in the awesome red brick ones next year. Supersized rooms all appliances, wired for internet. Much parking, dynamite homes. Call Jon for more information or showing anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 7 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent. Why not live with Western’s most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studies- not house problems. Let London Property Corp.’s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. [email protected] 7 BEDROOM HOUSES. Many to choose from. Both sides of campus and downtown. Live in the awesome red brick ones. All appliances. Lots of parking, fully networked for internet. Very well maintained, super sized rooms. For more info please call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, [email protected]. 7 BEDROOM, PRIME locations & condition, downtown & near UWO, on LTC bus routes. These units go fast! Rides available to view, Call now at 519-645-7368 7 BEDROOM, WALK to campus, off Western Road. Large house, 2 full bathrooms, laundry, parking, $400+. Call Steve at 519-951-7529 or [email protected] ABSOLUTE RENTALS. PRIME locations on LTC bus routes, near UWO and downtown, Richmond Row, Ceeps. Many units now available. See us first! Rides available to view units. Call 519-645-7368. Refer a Friend Program -get $100 cash! ATTENTION UPPER YEAR students, brand new luxury 4 bdrm apt. Home like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed internet, 2.3 km to campus. Call Wendy 519-6770047, view at FREE MONTH’S RENT as a signing bonus! 4 or 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom newly renovated house on Wharncliffe Rd - IKEA Kitchen, 2 fridges, laundry, hardwood floors, parking, storage in basement, loads of character! $360+ or $420 all-inclusive per room. Won’t last long - Call Kory 519-808-5679 or email [email protected] HOMES AND CONDOS. Quiet areas, great newly renovated homes in high end areas. These are definitely not your typical student homes, be the envy of all your friends Call Bart to view these magnificent homes 519-859-8333 KINGS, ALL FEMALE, 5 bedroom house, 1061 Patricia St. at University, behind King’s library parking. 3 bathrooms, 5 appliances, parking. In province groups only, 12 month lease. Matt Kennedy 519-317-3023 LONDON PROPERTY CORPORATION is offering you a place that you can call home. 2-7 bedroom apartments and house available to be seen at anytime. Spacious rooms and common areas to study, entertain, or to enjoy living on your own. Places are going quickly. Act fast, and let me help you find a place that fits your needs. Hal Patterson 519.902.4499. LPC Rental agent. OLD SOUTH FURNISHED studio apartment. Separate entrance, laundry room, parking, close to bus routes, shopping, 7 minutes from campus. $550/month, plus first and last, Includes internet, cable, utilities. Available January 1. Call 519-438-9809 LUXURIOUS NEW 5 bedroom, Victorian styled homes, located in most desired student area, Richmond Street! High-end finishes throughout, and only steps to UWO gates, or downtown! Bargain priced from $350/room for premium Richmond Street. Includes 5 huge bedrooms, and amazing new flat panel TV, washer, dryer, dishwasher, range and refrigerator. Individual cable & internet connections in every room. Beautiful ceramic tile & hardwood floors, central air. Great parking, fun & convenient location! Showings of these luxurious new homes are starting immediately, and these house go quickly. reward yourself for looking early for a fabulous student house - don’t miss out! Call Carl 519-860-8801 or email: [email protected] ROOMS FOR RENT in various locations. Leases available Jan 1/08 for short term lease. Call to view, very nice clean rooms in 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Great deals, you can’t live in a nicer place for these prices! Call Bart 519-859-8333 THE BEST YET! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 bedrooms, apartments & homes for rent. Great places & great rents, close to campus, parking & laundry on site. Available May 1, 2008. Please call (cp) 519-852-2674 or 519858-2674 MEN MEET MEN. 722 York Street, London (beside Western Fair Grounds). Open everyday. 519-4382625. or TIPS ON — HOW TO WRITE A CLASSIFIED AD THAT SELLS PANAMA CITY BEACH Slack Week special from $119/quint. Voted #1 spring break destination. Book friends - go free! Bus and hotel from $299/quint. Book now, space limited. 1-866-858-8548 or Prime Rentals! FIRST AID CERTIFICATION Weekend Classes from 10-6 Refer a Friend Program - Get $100 Cash! Great Prices and Locations Register at Infosource UWO GATES & DOWNTOWN Call: 519 645-7368 WEBSITE OF THE DAY It does only one thing, but it does it oh, so well. On the home page, just type in a cell phone number and a brief message (“Pick up dry cleaning”) and this site sends it out as a text message to that phone on the date and at the time you specify. The service works with a few select Canadian carriers but you don’t have to know your recipient’s carrier to send a message. www.ohdon’ Site of the day highlights your choices for best sites on the web. Share your favourites with other UWO students. Tell us what makes your choice unique. If you want, we’ll even print your name. Send it to: [email protected] Subject: ON THE WEB The BIG Mix S T H G I with MATTY FRIDAY N eeps TOP 40 Brit PoP at the C HiP HoP Dance HOW TO PLAY Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solving time is typically from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. The Gazette publishes Sudoku puzzles with varying degrees of difficulty. Frosh, Soph Senior, Grad Student Today’s Difficulty level FROSH For Solution, tips and computer program at: For solution, turn to page 5 Tuesday Night is Corona Night & $2.50 Bowling before 9:00pm Tuesdays, Buy Any Pizza @ Regular Price & Get The 2nd FREE!* 777 Adelaide St. 519.645.7164 Tuesday Cornona Night! Book your Club Night with US! *of equal or lesser value Call Domino’s: 519-672-3030 101.52.C01 THROUGH SERT ‘Extracurricular Courses’ 2. Make your description CLEAR and FACTUAL. State the year, make, model, color, size, and tell what condition the item is. Also state the special features. 101.47.C.02 6 BEDROOM HOUSE, 1.25 km to UWO., close to bus stop and downtown, washer, dryer, parking for 4, backyard. $400/ bdrm all inclusive. Call 519-8596259 after 5 pm. 6 BEDROOM, PRIME locations & top condition, downtown & close to campus, on LTC bus routes. See us first! Rides available to view, Call 519-645-7368 GYMNASTIC COACHES REQUIRED. North London location. $9 - 12.50 per hour. Call Vicki at 519-4744960. SUMMER CAMP: HEADS & staff for waterski, swim, arts & crafts, dance, tennis, ice-hockey, wall-climb, windsurf, sail, canoe, kayak, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, archery, pottery, beads/jewellery, rock guitar, drama. Nursing students to aid camp doc. [email protected] WRITE FOR US! New national business journal for women accepting applications for freelance writers. Enjoy flexible deadlines, portfolio growth and national exposure. Send resumes, writing sample through 1. Use a KEYWORD. This immediately tells the reader exactly what it is you have to sell. Travel 101.68.C.03 4 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE in newly renovated house. Eat-in 4 appliance kitchen, diningroom, 2 livingrooms, 2 full bathrooms. Laundry, AC. Furnished bedroom available. $400/rm, utilities, internet & cable included. Tim 1-519-301-2135. 4 BEDROOMS IN a 5 bedroom home, parking, close to UWO, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, laundry, newly renovated and clean, non-smokers. $490/ mth includes utilities. Call Roy 519-475-4105, e-mail: [email protected] 5 & 6 BEDROOM brick homes, Richmond and Oxford area. Beautifully maintained, all amenities, steps to downtown, 5 min. bus to UWO. Starting at $375/bdrm. Call 519-432-8065 anytime. 5 AND 6 BEDROOM houses, close to Gates and Downtown, large bedrooms, dishwasher, parking, brand new, Rents from $425-$450, Call now 519643-6014. Check them out at Don’t miss out! 5 BD DOWNTOWN. New house. 9 month lease. all stainless appliances, high ceilings, gas fireplace, parking. Be the first to live in this new house. Call Eric for a tour. 519-859-3236 5 BDM HOME with gigantic deck behind the Ceeps beautiful floors, modern kitchen, great room sizes, surrounded by student homes. Great area with great atmosphere, steps from Richmond Row. Call Bart to view 519-859-8333 5 BDM HOUSE, Hollywood Cr. Entire large home, five large rooms, 2 full bathrooms, hardwood floors, garage, large backyard. Very close to bus stop. Call Jon 519-852-7993 anytime. 5 BDRM 3 LEVEL townhouse. Direct bus route,15 min. walking distance to UWO. Spacious rooms with 2.5 renovated bathrooms and updated kitchen. $425 incl. even cable/internet. 519-933-9331 5 BDRM AMAZING, $375. Newly renovated townhouses, 3 baths, 7 appliances (2 fridges / dishwasher and free laundry), internet / phone/ cable networked, private backyard patio, new kitchen and flooring. Walk to UWO. Rides available. Call now and pick paint colors. Justin 519-857-2480 5 BEDR, 2 full bathrooms, 5 year old house. 2 fridges, dishwasher, washer/dryer, great condition, across from UWO Richmond gates. Rides available. $425/ per. Call Michelle at 519-777-6019 or 519-679-2512 5 BEDR, 3 full bathrooms, 1 year old house. 2 fridges, dishwasher, washer/dryer, lots of parking, 1 minute walk from UWO. Rides available. $450/ per. Call Michelle at 519-777-6019 or 519-679-2512 5 BEDROOM 3 floor townhouse in private student community. $395, includes all utilities. TV cable, hispeed internet and telephone can be included. Large common room, 3 bathrooms, 2 fridges, laundry, clean and comfortable. 5 min bus to campus, near shopping and downtown. Call Joseph, Summit Properties 519-671-2671 5 BEDROOM BACKSPLIT home. Direct bus route, close to UWO, excellent references, AC, internet, 6 appliances, parking, storage, well maintained. Nonsmoking females preferred. 325+/ room. Available May 1st. 519-476-6475, [email protected] Employment P8 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 Sports ON DECK: Wrestling results... Wednesday Men’s Hockey Mustangs dispatch Lancers in crucial game | Victory keeps Western in contention for first-round bye | By Daniel Da Silva Gazette Writer With its season coming to an end, the Western men’s hockey team is in a dogfight with three other teams in the competitive Ontario University Athletics Far West division. Trailing Lakehead University by five points before the weekend, Western needed to get two points against the last-place Windsor Lancers Saturday night at Thompson Arena. “It was a big game and the guys sometimes have the tendency to take Windsor a little bit lighter. But if we play well enough, we should be able to beat them,” Western assistant coach Barry Martinelli said. The Mustangs did just that, emerging with a huge 3-1 victory over the visitors and leaving the arena with 38 points on the season. It was certainly not the Mustangs’ best performance, but it was just enough to win. “We sat back a little too much. It was an average game for us, but we picked up the two points. It was an ugly win tonight,” Mustangs goalie Brad Topping said. Left winger Jesse Boucher led the way with the game-winning goal and an assist and helped the Mustangs to a 17-4-4 record. Kevin Richardson and Jeff Martens were also on the scoresheet for Western. The Mustangs, on the strength of a three-game winning streak, were looking to carry momentum into the beginning of the game. However, they got off to another slow start. Just over four minutes in, Windsor opened the scoring, getting a fortunate bounce when a pass in front of Topping deflected off Windsor’s Dillon Stokes and into the cor- ner of the net. “When they scored the first goal, we knew we had to pick it up a bit because they upset Laurier the other day and we wanted to make sure that didn’t happen to us,” Martens said. Western did just that, getting its legs going after the opening goal by establishing a hard-hitting forecheck and creating several great chances. The hard work finally paid off when Richardson buried a rebound after Sal Peralta’s initial shot. It was Richardson’s teamleading 17th goal of the season. Defenceman Adam Nemeth drew the other assist. While the game was played in Windsor’s zone for large portions of the second and third period, the Mustangs seemed to be snake-bitten and failed to capitalize on several great chances. If visiting goalie Jim Watt didn’t make a spectacular save, it was the post that came to Windsor’s rescue. “Sometimes you do a lot of right things but the puck just doesn’t go in the net,” Martinelli said. “Their goalie had a really outstanding game.” It wasn’t until late in the second stanza that Western finally got the lead. With 2:27 left in the period, a nice passing play by Kyle Piwowarczyk and Patrick Ouellet set up Boucher, who buried a hard wrist shot top shelf with Western on the power play. With the game so close, Topping came up with several good saves when the Lancers threatened. He stopped 30 of the 31 shots he faced. Watt stopped 35 of 38 for Windsor. Western locked up the game late in the third when Boucher fed Martens with a beautiful long pass, allowing Martens to go in alone on Wednesdays SALSA Jonas Hrebeniuk/Gazette DIGGING DEEP LIKE A TEXAS OIL MAN. The men’s hockey team snagged a vital two points in its 3-1 victory over the Windsor Lancers this past Saturday at Thompson Arena. The ’Stangs have a doubleheader against the rival Lakehead Thunderwolves looming next week. a breakaway. He made no mistake and put the shot into the top corner. The game was not without some controversy. Windsor had two goals disallowed: one for a high stick and the other for a player batting the puck into the net with his arm. Windsor head coach Peter Belliveau was clearly upset with the calls during the game. “I thought the ref was pretty biased tonight,” he said. “But I thought the team competed pretty hard. A lot of our forwards are hurting but I thought the guys showed a lot of heart.” The Mustangs now go into Waterloo to play the Warriors before coming back to London for a doubleheader against the divisionleading Lakehead Thunderwolves. The team needs to win its three remaining games in order to have a chance to win the division and get a bye in the first round of the playoffs. “We have to come out and play hard every game,” Topping said. “If we outwork the other teams, I think we’ll be fine. Obviously, we have to have better starts to the games. Hopefully, we can go into the playoffs on a roll.” FREE Dance Lessons Thursday ViVa la Vogue Fridays Allure Saturday Sensual Saturdays LSAT MCAT GMAT GRE Preparation Seminars Complete 30-Hour Seminars Proven Test-Taking Strategies Personalized Professional Instruction Comprehensive Study Materials Simulated Practice Exams Free Repeat Policy Personal Tutoring Available London. Like Never Before. 101.68.C.02 153 Carling St. 519-434-6600 Book your next event with us! Thousands of Satisfied Students Oxford Seminars ON CARLING 1-800-779-1779 / 416-924-3240
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