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am !! JMr?f:J'1-' * ^'^^^!' ^^^!flWS^!HWy; PUM(^iiW|l^^|PPi!pi3iPflllf "-•\. wmmmmmmma^m . f •''• '*ii: t - v * * « » ' • , ' ; • •, J ,-^¾¾^. * * A Consolidation of The Conmna Independent and Conmna Journal t . •PA- ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR CORUNNA, MICHIGAN* TH VOLUME 55, NUMBER 3 AY, JANUARY 18, 1940 99 Animal Meeting of Shiawassee Mutual HELD IN CORUNNA ON THURSDAY OF LAST WEEK. of O f f i c e r * t«r of Elected Secretary. eminent commander of the Owosso commander?, which was highly complimented by. the inspecting officer for the impressive conferring of the temple decree, upon a candidate. The singing hy the Knights Templar choir of Flint a fine asset to the cere* moamL MEETING OF COONTY PAST •ATfiOKS The Old -Timer ytAVHO> tti, TW fcflUlS TM£ Tiki WHfcd, ISM) 9OULM0 twttio Alt IKE WW UP Tf£ S S ^ i f t l S S e . ***** ir <A*s*g^ a*** CNE* Aftpott* N TH& swre — .¾ Members of the Shiawassee County Jpast Matron's Club of the Order of the Eastern Star, met on Wednesday in the home o f Mrs. Blanche The annual meeting: of the Shia- GeUntly for a snbecription luncheon, wassee Motoal Life Insurance Com- with Worthy Matron, Mrs. Nora pany was held in Goas Memorial Morse, *ad her officers of Corimna Church House, Conmna* on Thurs- Chanter, as hostesses. A delicious day of last week, when a goodly at- chicken. dinner was served. Eightendance of the shareholders were teen members of the d o b were present: W&iani -. J. MoCaBoogh, *«* The principal matter of business was the election o f officer* f** the, the afteafnoon coadopti iianpng, year. V k e ntesidoa*, ear l a d , W9Bama,. of retary and andit°r were the ealy of-J < fleers elected, the president, Mr~T McCullough and the director, W. H. [ dmcttBae* ana passed upon. TamwMiu being fed&OTera** ^ \ Jfr&i £ hold the April meeting in Frank X. Glbaa; ww* has gives* fgefN«*r. -I&hrop, in the some of Mrs. company such a splendid a^lministia- | Harry Oalhy, the hatcheon for the ties* of his offiee. ,,•£*« given the see- day to bo co-operAtrre/ DEATH OF M S . L S. WATERMAN First Report of New Refci Board Many friends in Durand, Owosso and Corunna were saddened to learn of the death of a former resident of all three cities—Mrs. ( E . S.) Nettie I Waterman, who died on Saturday last in the home of a sister at Paris, REPORT FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER MADE TO BOARD. -Ontario, where she had lain, very ill, for many months. Mr. Waterman, also-ill for a long period of time, -/survives her.-. Their only son, Reginald Waterman, was killed in an Total Cost of Relief of Every Sort automobile accident fifteen years, W«, f 11,745.62-Direct Relief ago. Mrs. Waterman .was interred' Totalled $1,510.63. in Brentford, Ontario, on Tuesday o f this week. . The first report of the newly orMr. and Mrs. ^Ettetman were of nixed and functioning Shiawassee jtheH>idoehool,tf j M ^ l o l k . Both ty Social Welfare commission ,'iaera clovers - ex tjue Tpsoullfuj, in $ii& the new hoard took over that &eavy job an December 1st, was 1 tieaiar their charming aem* - at tha made to i h e Board of Supervisors edge of McCurdy Park, Comuna— ^ust as they' were about to adjourn a lovely place Jadeed. They had hut Wednesday afternoon. Aeeordt* of friends in tha^eounty,many to the fignres released by tfee of them intimates % nearly fifty aoajrd, the total cost of relief of years, shite Mr. an4 Mr& W^sierinas awery sort was 1Ai&&.St darinar " -to". <ke eoniity~to ^the: atopth of December, and the ,: They .have smce&cyleift Direct refief two yearragoV f^ar Florida, i to b« gono^ only h n l a ^ next! isms in charge of tnstepd- oqjth were taken veryflBm Twjsn^-frtts game, Mrs. Mona Florida and west;to : ~tae" home..of' tioa expense, coohty mm • « / , episcopal and eoatagioas disease of well J Canadian; relative* instead—not bebills aatouated to'$4,*»&48- Of tha **""**.*»***>*» & & t t * J t £ e ^ : ^ m . • » * ? * * * • : ^ v e s t r y m e n , gathered h v S ^ h o W of two other coaf-^'in? able^o rjetura home-s|t>c«v Their totals amoaoi: ^ succeed himself. T g x i a d fc^snors at the next session of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Sheardy on Friday P « J g * ^ the state A vacancy occurred in the offkeg ^bs^^Srhml <^up^r, and the support night for the annual meeting of the> ^eah£as. games were directed by T&as house here v » ; l i t Teeontly sold. coatrihated l^oW.d*^ . Xrs. WaterinSn i^ofcw &rtive part • 4½^ January 1st t^ere were 4*1 of vice president, an office held for oftae'eoimty ^ ^ be actively sought church, whkh was preceded-by a pot-, '.'••• in civic affairs in-the--e**h'ntyv In Co- cases on direct relief, which is just several years by J. Watson Hurst, of • fcetweett ^OVK.**^ thai thM, , nek aKU sapper; One long table and ' ''* runna, she was an active iHiHhci of About 100. cases less than a year ago. Owos$o township, Mr. Hurst having j ^ Election "of/officers followed and- ^ ^ ones seated the company l A : i t il tho Friday *Afternoonpar-T The report gave W detail flie ex" *-*-•— ^ - — - ^ :etuby*and -*— passed away last week, just bef^^ !rew»Hed as follows: ' for a LmeeL ticipated in many social .affairs. penses of the entire commission, the Thursday's meeting. Geo. Winegar, At IflhS^^flS^^f ^ ^ o»eloek Bev. Wm, D. well known farmer of. Perry town1st vice president, Mrs. Jessie Kay, Mrs. Waterman was vice president personnel and salaries of the new ~~* Davis, rector of St. Paulas and of ship, whose farm is a few miles Corunna. of the Michigan Branch of toe, In- set-up, as provided «by the supervisors northwest of Morrice, was elected t o ' 2nd vice president, to be chosen Christ Chureh, Owosso, cafietf the Layton Thompson, son > f the late ternatjonal King** Daughters and at the October session; meeting to order and led in a devothe position forme1"' > held by Mr. Jn April Thompson, a resident of C*-1 Sons and had beatf a nw^nber of the . The personnel of the department tional memorial service fur sevconsists of: Chairman, Henry Sachs, Burst. Mr. W . i e i t ^ w a spleadid' • , Sjfcretary-treasarer, Mrs. Btanehe r W « « »and « ™ p >passed, s«^-w » y daring « - « « « the « « rotea several y « r » ago, was thW s t o f t ^ J ^ o ^ f o r ^ eral members away busiiieosmaiu as w d l as a swiUjiifct ' year anong them P Wm. Notaagel "*** n«B«d t&*Qm* secretary of The News jeras wfth asany fnends m Durand, fire dollars p*r day; direcfarmer and fruit grower/ aa4•• | b and ad* junior warden for many yearaTand *°* Genesee C^MmtV Tuberculosis | ^ expresoion of sympathy to the dV tor, Mrs. Caroline Ifcriysnaa, $law anta April. -his .place'' as voted' husband, Mr/ Wsteinuin, . ano" per month artisrant, Harry Bell, choice as vice President m f f o t Mrs. Mary Curtis, recently deceased * * i P T i m ? o n ; . . . • „..,. T Cjraana, $100 per month; secretary, one, in the opmJwi of the Ne«|t Reports were read by the ehurch arh^cinal of ZiaHwerssaii/ttnior High to the other irarvrric^t^Udvoav ; jporiag the afternoon, the "'^- MWle. Prieat .lordaa, S040 to »1100 secretary, A. W. Burae^t, ami Ahttreh ^ 'jgieiaentary schools, m Ffant. jTsar; emikhsspst, fteger Araett, ^-. paay voted to pay a fire * tre*«r«r t Harry * • « . tha U d i e . ' m J***** heajas iusjsew work ft»t0O to f t J 0 O ; invest^ators, Mrs. dfita of WesWy Bacon, a Gafld treasurer, Mrs. Sheafdy, and , ^ i * * ! ^ : ^ * * Jeaaar/ «2, Myrtle Sawyer, Mrs. Marie Aagosthe Sunday •cheol secretary, K i n , ¾ ^ T N W * " * * * ^ ^ • * • * • tase, and Harry Ekfawg<, fMO ' *•—* hy many of the yoaager folks s a T S a t * om -'ii. faxhafM H* wae hara^ere, atA farm and the fauher e a r r W iaaarfc, frit nf a m riaaiia iha local schools, gotag t<i tn Vs^adjanntll' IAW. «nce on the IwrtWiwaa However, a en|»yed mat -*-..- i •'Mwatfioa of 'vaatrvnaisi was sae FBnt jshoa hia pneMNiajovearat few daya after the, aseasben aad fippadn af -tha' ASBt 4« t t i O . bant buraad, U If.manidjw.Barl Lewie,tedA, W. ? * y m^f1'" ^ " ' " S f . , ^. at taarateaf free put in a claim for personal property HageHon Fermers* elsha, in Burnett were sa-etected and two aew If** »«*iral splendid poaRSoas .¼ wore sea tea far hBseaaeav lost, thinkittg that Ms father's faas»> of Mr. aad ( r a . 1 1 h e , i , ^ ^ 4 ^ , ^ atea^hara elected: Dr. Was. Watakaaf fr?*f :<—<F f ^ i J f l ! and the opening of the followsttg ance covered hie neraonal property. Two fine sett of *. £**?ESlMhA Edward Bar i m high rsajaidttroughodt that see* business session was in the heads ;«f atea certified for WPA That was not true and the boa*d ^ J ^ # S I t m T l ^ ^ d m H K w w - k H e i w ^ e d hta laidielora de- Mrs. Cora Sherrard, assno? vice pres- essployahh| John, hat Wne-had not yet haoa aa> turned down the riahau It was v ' oul Saiawaisse Caaaty Fair, hy R. «-J T*fT £?Jtt£?22jll^JSl-'avae fraat-waT5^af *L la 19»4. He ident. by the stockholder to ho paid. idaaad. The welfare dopaitmsat ia The guest officer was Mrs. tanaa iaveatigatbur nssaaa of putting taaaa Haocock. aad Cos, Got—a, vi <*~1™^£X1£JZ DsSST'ww fa *"" ***** i«tnr««t*« » *«»Hh Pratt, of Owosso, jrito installed the to work, the rapert, read by Mrs. fallowing corps e l officera: Presir T. B. Association. Mrs. Erwto UHaJne, Mrs. '<> *»* C°*»*y dent, Mra. ABce Austin; senier rice Thus far 12 relief clients hare president, Mrs. Com Sherrard; junior Frank wtce, Mra. Eunice Vibhert; trtmsurer, turned in their license plates at the * * Mrs. Lottie Goodall; chaplain. Mrs. Order of the -fepswtnwat. Othesa An especially fnteresttng meeting Mary Sktan^eondactor, Mrv..MBdr«d haae proteated; grring many exeaaea, oft the Corunna Botary Club was iag herself and two Tocal daota hy featare and* included Cummings; guard, Mrs. Emma-dHor- saoat of wWdB-3taMk.net stood up an that of Tuesday evening of tin* Alma Harmon and Joyce Beauty, with the liinfag of byasas aad favorite St. Mary's CattoKc chaseh, Do- ris; secretary, Mas. Lottie Peacock; der i ismsssTtlwii week, when Ben C Schweites*,'af at the piano ^ ^ ^ S L ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ . " » * • wa* *a« i**no of a beautiful patriotic instructor, Mrs. L«tina Dix-J Owosso, general manager of the UnMrs. Kay Mrs. - . ^ , . . last t - ^ Saturday «-ta«l»v H• M The report also stated that under The concluding feetare of the eve- at the piano. ^.hrfk»i»i •« Aand . U - J , -f W W B H » » »U»B•V». <in; nresa correspondent^ Mrs. Carrie ion Telephone CoBspaar, was Utt a recent order of the State Land Of« > » ^ > w M t o th^hour's J J J ^ T^e^vCoHlna, daughter w h e t t ning's fan was a mirth provoking speaker. pleasure hy readering a group of of V r . and Mrs; 7. S. Collins; of Ver Hughes; musician, Mrs. Battle Bob- fice Board, hones, .owned by relief Mr. Schweitzer brought along w2h S ? ^ , , ^ ! ^ ^ L ^ r ^ l P«»» clients, which are up for sale for denon/beeanw tae ! n W coigactor, 1 hinTseVeral ' »ovie, J j * ^ \ ^ ^ * • . tottet e * n r y w « * ^ mseVeral reels of "taUring/ ^Siring" linquent taies in the so-catted scavBosie Noreross; Cusack, - ~» . •son of- Mrs. - - —EHrabeth . . and.' -O«M**> -MAWMW.. sssntant guard, and also related many interesting enger sale . February 13, may be Mrs. Emily Jacobs; color bearers, the late Francis Cusack, of MNr. A cooperative luach was served facts concerning the telephone inwithdrawn from the sale by proper Nuptial high mass was read by Bev, Mrs. Mary Boursmith, Mrs. Edith dustry. The first portion of Iris talk following adjournment. amplication by the owners. The apFr.TE^Cassidy. jRhodes, Mrs. Cora Kadolph, Mrs. was devoted to the telephone indus- - The next meetingof the club will plications for this exemption may be Atteiidants of the couple were P»oli»« J e i n try in its infancy, and showed the be in the home o i M M . CankHn. „ _ . and Mrs. « . „ Rev. SchUtts were hosts John Conklin, eousih of the bride,' An informal session followed the obtained by direct relief clients, old *?w value of vacuum tubes in phone ton Monday evening for a meeting of and Miss Ann Marie Cusack, of installation ceremonies With^emarta age assistance clients, aid to decommunication, these tubes amplifythe Broadcaster's class of the M. E. Belding, aister of the groom. Francis I Ke»»* oif*»red.bv Mesdam-s Hazel wndent children clients and aid to ing the human voice and sending it church school, with twenty-seven CoUins, brother of the bride, and Bums, Ida CoUmsr Lenna Pratt. blind clients. They should be apalong the wires, thus permitting Nye Sehna Sherrard, Mrs. plied lor at the office of the agency The usual picturesque assemblage present for a co-operativg dinner Fr*nlt McCarty, served at the altar PStella voice transmission for great disarke n d Mrs .through which the client is receiving during the ceremony. * * - Everdeen. of foreign born men and women ap- served at seven o'clock. tances. laid. A full legal description of the The second reel portrayed an ex- peared before Judge Joseph Collins • Th* president, Lowell Bouck,; j Miss Elsie Baxter played the pro j property must accompany the apafter supper called the bn? - cessional from Lohengrin and the reperiment conducted in 1935 when on Mondav afternoon for a federal shortly ness J plication and the applicant must be meeting of th class to order, cessional from Mendelssohn. "*Memtwo persons only a few feet apart in examination as to their qualifica-i [living in the premises, a New York off ice spoke to each oth- tions for citizenship. The usual with Mrs. John Barkley offering tens of the church choir sang the ! Certification of the applicator* er by telephone ar.d radio, their number were present to witness the pwyer, and Mrs. E. 0 . Street follow- high mass. Baskets of red tulips i must be made by the township board, alwavs intering with a reading from "The Upper decorated the altar. The bride traprocedure, which is always of inter voices flashing 23,000 miles in oneRoom," The text of this fine piece versed the center aisle of the church or city est—a teaches and a class of eighth quarter of a second. R. Clifford Frazee, aged il years. village . , . .council _ ^ commission, . , . . h,ch t h e " ( M * literature is "Ye are the light of on the arm of her father, who gave gt-aders from one of the Owosso a resident of Byron, was committed ™ *' P">P«*y « ! <> pa ^ d The third reel told of the heroic sehools being present as well as a the World; a city that is set on a her in marriage. She wore a suit to the county jail for forty o'ays bv , work performed by the telephone sehools • .. D. - A. . R., ~ },5]}t t n a t c a n n o t be hid," taken from . 0 f sheer navy wool, street length. group of- members of- the Justice Homer Bush on Monday, af- j companies in restoring communicaMatthew 5. I A wedding breakfast was served • ^ ha<} who, following the court session, tion following the disastrous New The class voted to contribute to CotUge Grove Inn, followmg the ^ ^ ^ ^ ; m o f v n f s o n < H e w a i S presented the newly made citizens England hurricane in the fall of the needs of a family in want. An . rv,ce, to the immediate fannlies. ^ . ^ j ., ^ ^ ^ , M f : with small American flags. 1938. Mr. and Mrs. Cusack will make * „ ^.__ _ 1 J » 0 „e ___^ Mr. Schweitzer said there were As to the qualifications of the invitation to meet with Mr. and Mrs. $50 fine and $8.75 costs. fc L f d Dlea<.in- e v e n t w h i c h honored 22,000,000 telephones in the United would be citizens, one case was con- Gordon Valentine in February was t h e i r home in the Tilden apartments ( pFrazee was arrestf ,' when Lyford A tinned until next September to give J ^ d with pleasure, and Mrs Ray on Main street in V e r n o n . T h e 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ % ^ f ^ *j«£ ^ 1 ^ ¾ ¾ officer nd M] States. Washington, D. C , ranks Livingston trek married recend? was a dinner first among cities having the most the petitioner further opportunity to Gellatly and Mrs. E. 0 . Street ap. b n d e was graduated from Vernon fc f f , f ^ l Z S c ^ t y ! J « l S d K . home and found E ? S u ^ f g ^ telephones in proportion to popula- study up on the American for m of pointed as program committee for ( High School. ^ tion with San Francisco and Los government, while that of another the evenmg. rtJ?W * '"S?™7* <£ 1? * i » ft»*V **** ^oe hanffina^bi the t ^ e^oom, W and MW. Wm Quayle, B Angeles next in line. man was continued to the same time, The committee in charge of the Bowler m Durand. Severa pre- ^^ J *.. YTX^ h o m L MemberTof; the im when it developed that ofhethe hadprohiserv- ^J»_ entertainment._for_ nuptial Mr affairs were given_m_ her B^u s h£ o£f C^ Z^UI W f tSr en S S ? r^ t e bride ™d M o n Jostic,/Homer ed time for violation Mrs. Wealthy Mond.y^evenme Shumacher and honor. Cusack^is a nephew^oi ^i e s esU onjnn#> ^ a d m i t ^ ^ in<?luded: Mls Sasie B Long or Vernon and is em^ M bition law. There was some question * J«nkms. i d t lh, f, t t v hne ^ ard _,„,,W. Wo ^ K""* *"du M"""* * * ""^ ^ •** h*""" Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Goward. of Bana j _ f . L . « . _ „ , , A\axtaii\r as to how he had answered question? The first number wa* Reminis5 u hM h e h a d t 0 5 h o o t th deer tn and S a «Jdn«?J <S sT John'! school at ' " ' * *****< their sons, John and Dale; at his preliminary examination, and cences of a Sunday School Class" by Johns school at ^ M e a t foj. h i s f a m i , y Tho Mr ^ M r s M. F a t r i o > c a n d Mt/ Owosso Commandery, No. 49, also as to his return to Canada af- Mrs. Barkley and lovely duets follow- Si h S S S S ? ^ ^ w a s s h o t i n y y i n ^ t o j , COUnty , n< ? Mrs. R. J. Chase and thesr famKnights Templar, was given its an- ter his release from the Ionia re- ed, "Ivory Palace?" and 'The Old nuDoarosion. nual inspection last Monday night at formatory, after serving his term, Bugged Cross" by Velma Shumacher • where tJiere has been a deer herd jijes of Vernon; also Mr. and Mrs. the Masonic Temple, Owosso. The and his subsequent return to this and Dorothy Schlitts, Miss Shumachfor several years. . Irving Nichols, of Bancroft. inspection followed a dinner at 6;30 country. er accompanying. The radio is like everything else , * n shooting ihi deer, Fy^ree also A social afternoon followed dino'clock. The program that sounds most inter-1 violated three 'other orovwionsof ner, the rela^ves presenting the newAmong those admitted was one In the style of Major Bowes' amaThe respecting officer was Grand man who had been a resident of the teur night there were several ore- esting is drowned out by the blare of t h * d e e r **w» ^ 6 ^ o f "IHng a doe, lyweds with a gift. Junior Warden Frank G.-Millard,'of country nearly4>0 years, yet who had sentation*, "Throw Out the Life one you don't want. fVilli^g a deer out-.of-.season and The young bride recently resigned Flint, formerly of Commas About never been naturalised. He was bom Line," Royal Vincent- and Rev. . hunting Oeer ip a closed county. her position in the^office of ^ r In80 knights attended, including memi in England. Schiitts; "The OM Ruggec Cross," !' Frazee, who is an electrkitn, last dian Trails Bus Line wl •«* bers fr6m Flinty Saginaw, Port During the morning Monday, the Ray Gellatly and Mrs. Schlitts; and But if war orders make a boom, year was arrested • five times on been an efficient emplc Huron,'Grand Rapids and Durard. calendar for the January term of "Sweet as the Years Go By," Messrs. could what became of thegood theory wetl jtrical charges of by violating! state e!ec- Detroit Sunday where'they evoninjr with will her make times by that loafing code, doing the cem-tFact-work Duell D. Devereaux, of Corunna, is court was arranged Bouck, Gellatly, Vincent, K. Cooper, and decreasing production? without a license. ; , ,;^ » . , home at 217.6 "McClellan ' . . - " . - • ' • : . . . . : ' - - * • • ' . • . ' " ' ' . - . * tk2et"m!^^ ROTARY OLD** MEETING • ^ mum ami wa MEET AT PARSONAGE i tcorr COURT NOTES X A OVEN JAIL TERM HONORING NEWLY-WEDS COHMANDERY INSPECTED m m saloon hv another high4lgnt w e m in fat story t t * t to ftSh. Are the Implements in Good Shape? Your Implement Repair man is right on thfe job, with repairs for your Implement, whatever it may need* We also have a number of used Tools and Implements, all in excellent condition, and priced to meet your pocketbook. It's a good time right now to look over your Implements, and get things in shape for early spring work. C. T. U. Mat yesterday (Wednesday) *t the hem* of Mrs, ,ri, K V O W BSmTIv STACK Bead* Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and The Fanners Guild, composed of lira. David Cutlar were Mr. and Mr*. the Farmers' Union, No. 158, and .Paul Snyder. the Coat of Milk Production, wHkh I Urban 'Wenslick, of near New emerged under the former nana at Lorhrop, called at the Paul Snyder a recent meeting met at Edgcwood bona Tuesday, Park.on Monday evening at eightMrs. Paul Snyder will be the hon- thirty o'clock, January IB, with" two ored guest on Friday when the state officers as their guests. Birthday dab meets. Mr. Kurrle, the retiring president, Miss Edith. Perry, of Flint, spent opened the meeting with the newly the week-end with her parents, Mr. elected officers in their chairs, by and Mrs. Richard Perry. ealling on the members to repeat the Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Judd and sons Lord's Prayer in unison. were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. ( Ru&sell Sraithgsll, the new secre and Mrs. Stanton Judd and children, tary read the minutes of the last Mr. and Mrs. Ford Eshelman and meeting. family of Midland were Saturday! Mr. Kurrle introduced the state guests of her mother, Mrs. tiarie] secretary, Norman Olson, of Sparta, Phelps. ' ' " ' • ' • . w n o tiifc^d o n the secretarial duties Misses Marie Parr and Vjyian \0{ the office. Rudolph Stechschulte, Shipman were home over the week- former president of the Cost of ProMid from Central (State Teachers 'daemon, w*s called upon for remarks college. J after which, the state president, Harry Mr. and Mrs. John KAderaVandI Atchinsbn, of Northvflle, was mtroramily spent Sunday with their dnced 4 0 speaker of the evening, daughter, Mrs. Zatocil and family j An explanation of Bffls No. 50 near Owosso. I aiwi 71, which are in Washington at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gardey, ef present, was gives. The tatter bOl ' , were dinner goesfa Tuesday M e« the Cos} Of Production of Mjgfcv " '• ' jhffi N*- 1«»» by Senator on the bffi. power gjv- PURE DRUGS j CHOICEST CONFECTIONS, E T C '1 Our Prices Mean a Real Saving »X^ Wynn's Drug Store »x< •5* Opposite Court House * ! byarra*!hrfor "''IB* at the college Is is invited to all of tins* rounded! out series « In ia hsjsjnjmihuT' «Mf hi QM wafsl. Pr. deWothem* at nfiebigan Stall* Coftegn, has ****** «led Dr; M. M. Kaappvn, bead of ike ce&ege history dtpartrntnt, for a talk 00 the current European situation. Another of similar not* will be presented by Derret Brady, wct^d traveler And lectsuoi, who will praoailt a lecture iUustrated with motion pictures on present condition* in Burope,*** ,v.' Student showing of costemersneJe ^ ^ a ^ ^ M k ja^siaaaaM asm ^aan»e> a^t^aisMatfgej *9 fall term college work is another Tfca L a d W Aid Society third Wednesday of each TPRHUL WtECTW Air GAINES ekfc wmmm PULVER et CAR&ftjfD ATTOsUfOT-AT-LAir itsttatasiuSi Information compfied by Pr. fliatasn. They expect to be gene United States Dcpertaent of about etx_w*ekn. culture shows the" bag* A naaaber of t i e sismenbi ef Mr. Sanbaag pUyad Thaisdai #rendngat & B ^ ^ s * ^ e a * T o f N e w t o t h - trectera, rop, at their P, T. A, meeting. Ties* farm use. Back _ were I M and total we* aboot taking paxtt 'ftnea kem Tobey, Herbert, Lea i a i ^ t r M S S u y n n i a t ^ e a i t b W Stanton Indd. On Friday evening a w a g t o g 440 mfflleoa. they teak part at a actujsl near Swarts Creek and also Joyce and M » MeCoaaba. Lois and Kenneth nlny Hawaiian gnttars, ake Herbert fim uMx Judd. Lea Judd antf Joyce Mee*uusjSj^P^si^ ^e wn eS"S> eeissnw waw^s* ^^r^sf^a sn*A Three Jersey Cows, one Breed Staff members win not neglect Comba pley the Spanish guitar. Sew, St-' Leghorn pullets. C. J. suggestions about hew to make pcr- Stanton Judd plays the late and WesterveU, 1 mSe west of Lenaea. chaece, how to better manage homes, Edra McCosabs taw saandottn. how to cook meats. "Food Parts and Mtaciae" » the title of another feature scheduled twiea i^ e^aaaBssadeae *thoae lend. "Planning Our family I will bo a t the Old Coruto* Stat* U the subject assigned to Mrs. Lydia Bank, Snradaj,-Jawpary 6 and 29; A new Maxlene JBietrieh, vastly Ann Yynde, formerly on the college Februwr *, 17 a n i March t . At the staff and now extension specialist in improved and-bearing little reaem- Bad Baker Haxdware store .M lis** The undersigned wifl sail nt tfc* ttem. sjx mHea iwrent adoption for the United bmnet to her jjrwrieo* appearances n o » V J f e n t W W f t afcf except JBTaJinjiiiuiil neasitT, returns of Corunna, or three mOee sevth sift*? 2 S-4 mflee States Department ef Agriculture. so tk* screan^Csmday wkan Univer- e n d * 4 saTe " D e s b y ^ d e a Again w opens at tazes for ^s^lctf*WsT|sjWii.-, -^-¾ xrenasrer. tb» Capitol Theatre for a three day mm E. airatT 41 food for t b c Pinna ef ^eeae wfr' ce*ri«e*ee«Vbttt bow ' WMti- SjBttws, t ® ^ fl^ foo^^^wne* t l ^ lose v _ ^ ^ ; t4 Lome ' " \ \ , ; for want of sasanHsmV the starthig but SBttaajr nierimeg. «»ey tion. Dr. Ereratt Sneidoa, former^ of this ntaee. Mr/fiyere^ «p«eW to an- • owosso toemo*& atws Dietrich's almost 1 s t a r i n g tranafonastieit features a njctnre HOMER M. BUSH netabU in many other reapeets, chief ATTORNEY A T L A W these being the presence of Stewart, one of the screen's 41« fV. Mack St. foremost male stars, who plays the title role opposite Mntlene. Together they head what is probably the greatest supporting cast assembled for a western epic HICKS * DFS JARDINS NOTICE OF MEETING OF DRAIN- ever type of picture. Such prominent Sold at all Drug Stores ATTORt»iYa AT LAW AGE BOARD favorites as Mtscha Auer, Charles T* Wkk.1 it •!*• r n . n r i ' Winninger, Brian Donlevy, Irene Bidg. O W O N * Mick K^^^uISLmZir *C+* «« thNotice is hereby given that on the jHervey, , i . '• .Una . , Merkel, » cWarren . Hymer, c w. K ... PROBATE ORDER Allen Jenkins, Samuel S. Hinds, Billy 13th day of November, 1939, a petiGilbert and many others are included tion wag filed with Linus H. Frost, State of Michigan, the Probate County Drain Commissioner of the in the list of players. Court for the County of Shiawassee. The task of combining this imJAMES A. QUAYLE county of Saginaw, asking for the At a session of the Probate Court ATTORNEY AT LAW locating, establishing and construct- portant talent into a comedy-drama for the County of Shiawassee, held ing of the Bell Drain, located in the filled with action and spectacle has at the Probate Office in the City of Beat* BUg. CorUB»a, Township of Chapin, County of Sag- be«u expertly done by producer Joe Corunna, on the 9th day of January, inaw, Township of Fairfield, County Pasternak, the man responsible for in the year one thousand nine hunall the Deanna Durbin and Gloria of Shiawassee. Jean successes. "Destry" was di- dred and forty. And. Whereas, a certified copy of rected by George MarshaiL a veteran Present, Roy D. Matthews, Judge E1XJS F. WILSON said petition was served upon Charles of many great western pictures of of Probate. ATTORNEY \ T LAW G. Cook, County Drain Commissioner the past. In the Matter of the Estate of of the County of Shiawassee, and the 114½ l i B * U S Chalmer M. Bilhimer, also known as As the star entertainer in the Last Commissioner of Agriculture, by Chance Saloon, Miss Dietrich has a C. M. Bilhimer, Deceased. Linus H. Frost, County Drain Com- role that marks a drastic change E. McLaughlin, Administramissioner of the County of Saginaw. from her recent performances, but torCecil with the Will Annexed of said Now, Therefore, in accordance is in many respects similar to the estate, having • '•'»»» rendered his Final Acwith Act. No. 316, P. A. 1923, as memorable character she portrayed count to this Court. V. O. I AUN amended fay Act. No. 318, P. A. ISfcf, in T h e Blue Angel," the picture a meeting of the Drainage Board of that made her a star. r-LAW ATTORN* It is Ordered, That the 30th day said drain will be held at the S. W. of January next, at nine o'clock in Marlene sings to the cowboys and 20aM! Met Corner Sec. 35 in the Township of miners such tunes as "little Joe," the forenoon, at said Probate Office, VCH. owoss Chapin, county ot Saginaw, on the "You've Got That Look" and "The be appointed for examining and al24th day of Ja&oary, 1940, at 20:00 Boys in the Back Room." She cheer- lowing said account. o'clock in the forenoon, to determine fully connives at crooked card And it is Further Ordered, That a the necessity of said improvement. copy of this order be published three games, dances the Virginia reel and r>. D. S. Now, Therefore, all persons owning makes violent love to Stewart, and consecutive weeks previous to said H.B.MOC lands liable te a s assessment for besw cftmaxes it all by^n fist-fight with day of hearing, in the Corunna News, • . « • • % BwSg. Office in M efjts or whose mads will be creased Una Market a newspaper sprinted and circulating, by said down, or auy nwmkSpelfcy afThe rough-end-tumble conflict is in said County of Shiawassee. fected, are requested to be present at undoubtedly the greatest feminine, ROY Dl MATTHEWS, said meeting, if they so desire. Jndge of Probata. fist-fight ever put on the screen^smtf Dated at Lansing, MJcUgan, this is dosUnsil to rank as the he skhjett By FRANCES BARNES, « * i day of December, 19S*. Probate Register. cosnterpart of the great fight in it O. R ELMER A. BEEMER, Adr* with WiB Annexed: •The Spoilers," Commissioner of Agriculture, Deelcref Ve* Mr. Cecil R, McLaughlin, The scene near the end of the By JOHN HUDSON, 318 W. Oliver S t , 1M» picture in which hundreds of tike Deputy. Owosso. Michigan. women in the town, armed with roll- ADLE r i -*• ^sVl TOKIT*»HBS CHOCOLATE afEASUPKS From kitchen bAosntories ef igan State College comes the Information that one-fevrth cup of sifted cocoa is considered ^ eejoal in -fJs£ vor to one ownce ef chocolate. The coroa should he sifted becanse it packs in the can. ,f • : RIKA asvi fear of New a i l eVIscfc leans 12 Head Good Hereford Feeding 6 Holstein Heifers, 1 1-2 yrs. old Steers, wt. 500 lbs. . 1 Holstein Cow, 2 yrs. old 1 Purebred Jersey Cow, 6 yrs. old, fresh, calf by side Black Percheroc Geldrn^, w t 1S$C 1 Brown Swiss Heifer, 15 mo. old lbs* 70 HEAD HOGS (All these Pigs are vaccinated for Hog Cholera) 4 Registered Poland China Sows 3 Duroc Jersey Brood Sows 1 O. L C. Brood Sow (These Sows are bred to a pure Poland China Boar) 15 Head Feeder Pigs, art. 100 lbs. 15 Head Feeder Pigs, w t 75 lbs. 14 Head Feeder Pigs, w t 60 lbs. 16 Head Feeder Pigs, 8 weeks old 2 Poland China Boar Pigs, w t 125 lbs, 8 Good Brood Ewes 40 Borbon Red Hen Turkeys 6 Borbon Red Gobblers 60 Yearling Leghorn Hens 225 Leghorn Pallets 200 Plymouth Rock Pullets (These Hens are aQ under good production) FARbf IMPLEMENTS 4-Row Bean Cultivator 3-Section Harrow Cultipacker Corn Planter 160 Rd. Barbed Wire 8-inch Bur Feed Grinder Cream Separator Bean Pulter Wagon Double Disc SidV Rake Elecirie Fence Control Set Platform Scales 60-tootb Drag Beet Lifter A quantity of Alfalfa Hay, Cera Stocks, Corn, Oats and Barley A quantity of Bw*et Clover Seed, also Alfalfa Seed SHEEP AND POULTRY TERMS OF SALE—All sums of $16.00 and under, cash. Over that amount » credit of nine' months time will be given on approved nets*, with interest at 6 per cent per ana tun. 2 per c e n t discount for cash on all credit items. RUSSEL GLEN BOSSERDET, R-ll*, 7-X1 'T*, PftOF*4ST«ML F. S. HAJtftY, Clesfc State V "t : A • s*r - * * - - » % . ^ i • - * « « * -;— V..' !*«•*• i, Thank You W e wish to than!: t h e F a n n e r s f o r their poultry business -during the past year. W e had some very fine quality poultry ;. , and our customers certainly appreeciate this quality. LEMON JACAU ENTERTAIN POMONA GRANGE Roy Du^ekel has been in Detroit for a eouple of days. The Venice Center Grange enterMiss Virginia Haffner has resumtained the, Shiawassee County Poed her position in Flint mona Grange at the meeting on WedRoy Lare was at Jackson on a nesday of last week, when a most business errand Tuesday. enjoyable program carried out. Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Sutton were in A pot-luck dinner was was partaken of Port Huron on Saturday. at noon, and during the afternoon, Mrs. Chas. Ray spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Kay Colby, of Laingsburg, her son, Clarence Ray and family, at was in charge. During the sessions Flint. j the altar was draped, in memory of j Lewis Reimel and Miss Mary Mc- the late C H. Bramble, former State Dowell were in Owosso Saturday af- i Master of the Grange, and a beautternoon, iful memorial service, in charge of Mrs. Roy Roberta, of Okemos, was Earle Simpson, .Mrs. M. Stone and a guest last Wednesday of Mrs. Beu- Mr. and Mrs, William Hennjnger was lah DunekeL carried owt Mr. *wd Mrs. Davis, of Lyon, were Rev. W. Baker, pastor of the Concallers In the home of Mr. and Mrs. gregational church at Durand, conSt. John on Friday. tributed a splendid talk on "The Mrs. Leo Baddy, of Lake Orion, Farmers Recreation*.** , spent Saturday afternoon with the Burin* tiae'afternoon, the followJack McDowell fasaiiy. iag progjeam'vaacarried out: F. S. Chapman left Monday mera*TOw New Sear/* Mrs, i a M R ft. hostaeas trip of ft few daya 'a Owavtunin tbe norleyrn peat rftha state. ; rUniferm i t y / Mr. end Mra. r>»i*ht CKfterVrf , .vftfta. ftjrwy, >r Sttna,» Mr, fe^ta* Kay Co^rMn J. A . S L * * h » .Saw. Oawca, of 88bt W e are in t h e market a t all times f o r poultry. Whenever y o u have good poultry f o r safe drop us a card and w e will eall Tuesday or Saturday. LUCE ***** X A. *S%. 3oJut ©a ^srfdng^ wei* :|6»^day . t r i e r s in the home of Mrs. A Whenyoose* lea your power, consider both the tractor and the w o r k i n g bwk for it. John General Purpose Tractors aod Equip. are psrtmtri that work hand in hand to attymr tQttL Only John Deere Geoeral Purpose Tractors provide simple, two*ejritSC QCpC04t> amitty and l o n g e r fife of fewer, heavier pans, and ability t o bum tpw-» , cow faelsaccesifaUy year r all the ind "nijfiwTiiw: ihii Ihlt W i s * bpK*ae< *>y hU^anth* ra»Jftejaiaao. ' The^rt^P^^SlbV^Tttwith Bu^ns Gwtit&t on. Wednesday^ Jfcbf ruary'14. '• • " '"~;'/•" V"v> ' .V-* - Mrs. Geo. Sottofi sjwnt^two taw week in the hem* *£ her __ er, Mr. and Mrs, MiBard B^dwinfbf nDuraikd. •>• $ ^ anoYVfe } 'Cha^Sian antHtr, and Mrs.? Peter TouTaori, of Flfnt, were Sunday gtiesbt of Mr. and ifes?. How to help bufldrup. your church: Chas. White. . . : . . . . -.'V" I? B e in'your ptece atjthe appomtMrs. Ethel C«nley f a s hosted to ^ t i n t e ; ••,••- • '-r^sr-ii -' >..- - • the bridge club cm Tuesday evening 2 . / P r a y for your church; of this week* /^hen a most delightful S; jC^toe with la purpose* aff»ir was held. ''...•'. 4. B e generous ki yo,ar minxL r ;*Mrs. Leo Loyett was a guest on" '•' 5.' B e cheerful. • . ?: . Tuesday shower «giv^n • •-mat• a••**•... * **in «honor ^•$• During the week #alI.upoji br»o of Miss Jearf Marshall, a t j t i e White t^^^ ami invite him t o church.% House near Conuih<on Tuesday. 7. B e a Bible student. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Marble and 8. B e a Cither. JMr. and Mri. Btfmarf Hogan were 9. Give upon the first day - t their cottage near Mio on Sunday. ' They report pteaty of avow and ice week,Divine Worship, 10:00 a. m. . in that seeikm. Church SchooV 1 1 ^ 0 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sutton had as Epworth I ^ e g u e , 7^00 p . m. men* : • * Ssmday* Mr/ and Mrs. Kvening Worship, 8KM> o'clock* ffwerion Powrie, of Flint, Mr. and Prayer service every Wednesday Mrs. J»a«i BaWwte aftd dauirht*r, night a t SzvO o'clock, Haqr Jo, of BewelL Mrs. George "The Church with a glad hand." Kenyon, of Ann Arbor, and Mrs. W. ETX* CARLESS. Minister. F. Baldwin and WUHam Baldwin, <rf I^tnaon. #-)-^ Mr. a a 4 Mrs, J U b t . Csaenn were hi PUut Satarday e v e s i n f , w h e n nhey r~. the aMaisajre of X w ArAtfiag4 of Mr. aad We wish to extend onr heartfelt a yosjagsa-wfroal '""""}& for flic acts Flint. The taarriage ceremony t#ok a i d Kwrttful floral of* place in the Court straet Methodist oar e|urch, at eight oVbjck ^ajb|Mf|atta« *)f r * •., Mt. a p d M ^ J u a y r f a f p n have the laaa *t liswbajijfc»tWftCTveW •jftrfa^^Pf, 'Wa. Uu^'tik^^t^i,ita^^JJitrl-J^i9fii fta4v|r win take oirer Hm buainssa mat: Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Burpee are singers and pall bearers, also meaihaving an auction sale at their farm, beR of tbe taffies' Aid and King's north aad" wort of Judd^ ^^onera. on Daaghters, Mn. Charles Bay and Family w i t W ' t o . j s i h j ^ a . umtpmt baautiful decoratioas daring* the Christ* we saw n^hing more outstanding thaa A e lighted fhrine at the Lennon bone, . Last, fall the roung ladiea built the beautiful shrine, and dariag the holiday ses^ son the whole was. beautifully illumMichigan housewives need n o t even inated each evening. be accurate budgeteers t o applaud Seth Howes, one of the pioneers h e w s that many of the important of the community, died at his home food commodities are in such ample two miles east of Lennon on Monday supply that there's goot eating in morning, after a brief illness. Mr. sight withoYtt too great a strain on Howes was^a highly respected resi- the pocketbook. dent, and scores of sincere friends Although members of the home in this vicinity mourn his passing. economics extension staff at MichMrs. Howes passed away a few igan State College recommend a cook months ago. Deceased is survived make at least an occasional food budby two sons, Harry, of Flint, and g e t plan, news nationally is that most Frank, at home; also one grandson. foods are plentiful enough. Estimates of the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics include the prophecy that e g g sup- & 4% plies ought to be ample and that quantities of dairy products are exMiss Thrasher, county music in-1 pected to be adequate. Fresh winstructor of Lansing, held a sectional ter vegetables in generous, quantities meeting ut the Kerby school Tues- i are backed up by a good supply of j canned vegetable^ in storage. j day at 2:00 p. m. Dried and canned fruit in ponsid- 1 The boys of the upper grades are interested and enthusiastic over their erabie volume augment plentiful j new wood working class which meets fresh fruit supplies especially o f ; oranges and grapefruit. ; on Tuesday and Thursdays. Cooks worrying about meat for the The girls are taught sewing at the same time and also meet on Tues- frying pan or the roaster can aid the ; farmers and packers and those pock- j day's and Thursday^. A goodly representation o f tha etbocks again, if they remember that j school have attended Swanee River the pork supply is so great it has : at the Capitol theatre in Owosso. raised the total meat supply higher This picture is of great historical than it has been for several years, j Besides all these, there- ia that 1 and musical interest f o r it portrays the life and work of'Stephen Foster. great abundance of American wheat, j The seventh and eighth grade lit- plentiful for both domestic and ex- j erature class is studying John Green- port needs. So budget or no budget, j the cooks apparently have little to ; leaf WWttier's "Snowbound." Primary children have dramatised worry them. the story of the "Gingerbread Man." Primary -children learned two new songs, "Snowman" and the "GingerHOW MANY BAGS PULL? bread man." Kathryn Ann Cionin brought tho Michigan has its share of sheep and primary pupils a book, "Pinocchic" thus can claim, especially in quality, to read. its share of the nation's wool proThe pupils receiving "A" in spell- duction. Qn western ranges and in ing exercises last week a r e : Mar- farm and feeder flocks of central jorie Borst, Richard Miller, Duane and eastern states there is an estiG&n&siey, Almeda Ray, Billy Root mated total of more than 50 million and Kathryn Ann Cronin. ^, sheep. Wool produced by these animals is nearly S00 million pounds anMarylin Kingsbury has returned'to nually. school after a week's absence. . * • / : ; tmmmm i^SLlf, HMfl S I S PIEASB r/ !:\ ^^^^^^^^ Have opened up the Blacksmith Shop, opposite the Post Office, and am prepared to do your repair work promptly* and in the best manner. Will appreciate your patronage. Will drive to your farm to do horseshoeing. JOHNSON & DUNCKLEY Your BIadun.it!* L E N N O N , MICH. Fine Corunna Home ! CHEAP FOR CASH Known as the Mrs. F. E. Dutcher home, 2i9 E. Oliver St., Corunna. Eight rooms and bath, 100 ft. frontage, good repair and nicely located. Buy direct from owner. F. L H**lett, Michigan LET THE NEWS HANDLE THAT JOB PRINTING LENNON SCHOOLS s Daroer RICHARD BENTLEY, Proprietor Ward Building Venice Center We Want Beans We Need More Alfalfa Seed See us for Highest Prices Walsh Bean and Grain Co. «4 1.».;,*>V GEO. DULLER, Manager Phone 16 Lennon, M **K -£** * -i fnjwp p » ->*»|pOr ansa emsp • * % _ ' mm, tmmirmmm K. *£ m TheCorunna Newt The. *?**?WaJII I Corunna Schools Merry Circle Class of the rOSUSMC» W E t a X Y mm Northwest Venice church held their CALENDAR OP EVENTS -Nnuary meeting in the parlors of Wren's bm, a aigbt dub, Just LOUIS N. SHEARDY, the church on Friday evening. ' J*n« 19—Basketball game at Dn- of Cerwana, on M*21, was About twenty enjoyed the usual rand, wrecked by a fire at noon last WedErtt<'r?l « • S o t w f Cl**« amtt«r a t tb« — - o f came* under the leadership Jan. 24-26—Midyear es Post 'V:'V • »r Corunn*, 3Ml«his«n, •mtef nesday, and wbftc the demolishing of of George Pardonnet, the vice presi tin? »e* of March '*. 1870. I STUDENT COUNCIL dent was much greater than at ffrst soade iter which; Mr. Pardonnet, in the At a meeting of the Student Coun- knew*. THE A i l ERIC AN PRESS ASSOCIATION ?>3ence of the president, James Gal- cil last week expenses for high school The place was operated by Bernard New York City. N. Y. '^way, conducted the business meet- M party were^ given as $3.82; gate re- Sutte*, and he states'that a large ing. The chaplain conducted the de- ceipts $4.90; S, C, loss, $8.02; sum of money, concealed under the votional hour. $13.81 iii treasury. bar, we* destroyed. Mr. Sutter has NEW LOTHROP Plans were made to hold a valeni t w a g v o t € 4 to provide printed asked the government t« send an exJrmes/ Orris, who has been tine party next month, the girls to stationery for use of the Council and pert here 4 o examine the ashes, in •irsg a valentine. They voted to t o write letters of appreciation to all an. eifpn to have the money replaced. i ?i hcrr.c here is much improvassist in paying for recent redecorat- schools with whom the basketball A purse ^n the second floor, in the teAm p i a y 8 , thanking each for good living apartments of Mr. and Mrs. M A:<\ MIV. Ferris Johnson spent rg of the church. For the good pf the hour, a song sportsmanship shown at Che games. Sutter, which :ontained about $400, r-.«••'• •• »r the home of Mr. and Mrs. -«t was enjoyed, with Miss Vernie was not damaged. Percy Key&er, at St. Johns. Mole accompanying. i GIRL RESERVES Just how the blaze started will •> . i-oopcr is ill at the home of The weather permitting, the next -,. „. . « „ •fc^u, w-,M*.;M-.probably never be known. It was hte daughter, Mrs. Earl White and ••rgolar meeting Will be a sleigh ride , Jhe Q^ J^^i^^Sf •discovered as it was creeping, up the ?.: ••••vsf-. west of the village weet ^-«tv the euests meeting at th* ^ s t > Donna Jean Reid presid- inner partitions, and in a m°meat Fred McKone has rented "the Irv- church after* wtJch X y w U i en oy ^ ™* ^J^^tl-T the entire front part of the building nd , , .. , „ _ __ „.„.. _«. J.QSU1UIICU aiciKU n o e p a r t y ^ code o were *. _ .re* was in flames. The fire departments u 4 U I B ing Gorham farm west of town and n old fashioned sleigh ride party * **** P«1>o*e and V7u ove there in the spring. Mr. ending at the clay pits where they ****** b y t h e P * " ^ ™ ; So** 8 a n d I of Owosso and Corunna responded «rd Mrs. Gorham will occupy their will enjoy an hour of skating. games were enjoyed, promptly, and prevented the fife home here in the village. Miss Catherine Galloway is the SENIORS PICK PLAY 'from completely ruining the buildMr. and Mrs. John Nelson left this -cretaiy of the society. \ This was The secret*s out. After weeks of ing. weeV to spend the winter months in t f e first meeting with the newly furtive searching by the committee, | Mr. Sutter states that the loss wOl Florida. Others in this community elected of ticer* presiding, the Senior class has decided to pre- 'probably exceed $3,000 with hut who are also in Florida are Mr. and Mr?. Riv^ell Confer. Mr. a**d Mrs. sent that heart-rending 'Shammer," partial insurance. Arthur Hanchett and B. H. Barrett. "Small Town Romeo." It will come Mrs. N0es Owen with Mrs. Charles off *ome time daring the middle of Lare and Mrs. Hottb Lee as co-host* March, ' ess, entertained ladies of the eon**. SENIOR SUPPER Dean Battsby* who has inanity at a social hour treat two to smell store at Cootervule, five Friday afternoon. Mrs. Cfeejg* Not just bv chance is the campus Come one, come alii The second croft, for several years* Kline, Mrs. Grin -f Mkhjgair State College rated secSenior Supper to be given by the last Friday after* Joseph Kneiper were t» eon- <wl »»*z bwittfnl in the United rfasa of N M > wfl! he served at the struck by a Grand teste. The Tirntnsam m thousands of Church Bouae, FehmauT U by «b« was drivjas* a t * menta. Senior groups headed by Clara Clark soutk and west of DancTafl. T h e Young Harris and Ms i J TThiiwie" ^ b * «»eaa will Accoxdutr t o the * Of the. Churcht o f Oni be announced later, out it wSf be tored to the home o f Mr, and MfsT » • good and lota of i t Beryl Delbridge, WmU Saturday ev*Ct^RlCUIJUM CHANG£S AT ning for a co-epataafi rBaner aaA, •»» - , CA»BS BEAITY RESULT ; (If PLANS !•' i ?•£'•,:>-, ' & " ' • • ' .' a?-B' < V ! 6*% T h o M r --^^^^^^-^-1 -: and Footwear Yes, we cater to the thrifty folks who like style as well as moderate prices in Footwear ALBERT B0URSM1TH Opposite Court House • Corunna, Mich. More beat Unite Pfer Dollar BANCROFT MAN D U B ) • •*%?• £ BBS MRSSSSS • BEACON eoal give* more for yem moaey be> ' •"-•- • "«-->~*^ > ' were.. Mr. and Mri, Mr, m with abrkb and wn^ tlw modern of hV Ha wns thrown l $ o foot Mr. and Mrs. Bateral said the Rev. Roy Sheehy. ^. of eoHegOy Cermin* Hi of fife, Mr. Sssnsoy was bom as Her. Patrick Henry, of Mobile. I t moatta of A e year. j ^ i l w M l i c i T i i iiiifi nlmn sligntly a t England, on July 2 8 , 1 8 7 4 <*» Ala., began a series of special meet*£**?-**••?* "*&* the beginiiteg of * e wow semeater. son o f Mr. and Mrs. Dean Imnahf, .ings at the Brent Creek church Sun* landscaping pains Was prepared by *~ rapby will be drop- Sr. A t the age of two yonrs, hew*3iy evening and wiD continue thru T. Glenn, PhflHpa. Sine* | S 1 1 he ped for SedoftJRy. Sociology i» a ever, ho was brought t o the United Sunday, Jan. 28. | A prayer service has served as landscape architect for of bow to get along within-* States by his parents, and will be held each evening at 7:30 Michigan State College, of community prob- fly settled in the Bancroft followed by a serSnon at 7?4S. A « . T h e iistawy begmft .wlcn the pur# * w i ^ t m^ ft wffl » e ta-ght by LylO He had l r ^ virtnafly all hk fife in meetiags at the New LotJvop of the original «7« acres m Boucktol<h^ I I th and 12tn grades, the areas of Perry, odist church will be cancelled except 18S6 and the resnttaut clearing of I Ceaamateml law wffl be *<fere*lto. the Sunday morning a m k a s durfag aomo o f the wooded areas eovured ennnsMeJnl Umleiiti wishing 'to W& the period of the evaugeliitk meat- PxtednnRy with white and red oaks * Z T T « a V U e t in the H A and l £ l h tegx. « ^ * « ^ P > ^ ^ *bo flr^ Mrs, SteBa GiBett; Mrs. Orsha lege students Wore reojuiitd flvo days £^¾¾ StnJL of Ferry; e n d n CoJby and Mrs. Roy Cannfin war* * week to work from two and si half • | E L « - * - » « * fThsrffnr wffl teach hestesaos at the regular meeOas of to three boars daily on the ***» *• rskWmSSrt h v t h r i tf * f — ^ the Methodist Ladies' AM Society the «*rnun ** « t clearing some of ! ? A l « S r a V ^ T ^ hTVeollana prsheU at the^North Ch** Wcdnos- <%*%**»** ^ ^ ^ 'p t n u o r y ^ s ^ c f Wnc ttS'sy day noon. Mrs. Jesse Hier presided Foresight early entered landman- His. ^Jj itanwswxa. Maybe yon like ft, bnt we*re gotover the business meeting in the ab- inR attempts. Drives and paths * J ^ ™ *nmm»>jaets mrwri*n^ tiny pretty tired of running: into a ****** ^ ' j J * ^ P « * « « t . **?• * • * ffJJ.'"Sf ,*»* ^ A^am Oliver to>mm9t0t one-half credit toward a ejntt every time we torn the dtoL The moetino;. hoatoas committee for1 « « / ^ . 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 7 ^ . 7 / ^ ^ diploma a t graduatioa time. *Tb* the February west apnaesteat- of out these in 18SSstill andstanding more in lS«6, ed, inemding Mrs, Georgia sletts, north soma, and Z T ^ t k * corrienhmz » untouched. lUrlDERCARTEN NEWS of the library. Labeling and Mrs. Irving Gorham and Mrs. Jhrne And if yott'huOd a better ^additional planting by Dr. W. J. Beat Hier. The fbegnn about 187§, and the first sideTn* children dramatised^ the trap, every other guy in the bnsinim walks, 4 * 0 * f e e t > f them, were be- "***•• • W 1 Monday. They are will make one just like it next week* gun in 18»*. Mainly eoHege^rrown , e * f n i n * : ^ l r o w n n ^ 1 * r*' * i C ? r about 10,000 pieces f>f shrubbery nition The Allies am sure of victory., and trees have been planted and a SIXTH GRADE NiiWS They let Mussolini haw afl ths-sup; meetias; o f ^.the. New definite system of fsnidJhig and care Lothti*> ^Chapter Order of Bastern instituted in the mat twelve years to The fo!lowW<'eceirsi,. M A' f on plies he needs, add ttoyfcnm rush to the- reacue^of ths:wianmr.,; oujt Hm tradition of planned their' ttU-nw t n t ^ i n HJUIBK Star wamVid.st.tbji.Ms^nic^essplC - . . 1 . . » -DOrothy Francis. Charkm JLemtr, Friday evening. A ee-eperative din- but' natural beauty. ' Mary Jean Oswald, Wyier Rigiing, ner preceded the business meeting, Hercele Schonberg and Junior TisWorthy Matron Mrs. Andrew WalA hick town'is a placo whia» the worth .in charge. Plans were made polkenmndoesh't know thnf M t n y CALEDONIA J | '. w # » « quite proud of OUT Scotust law except what he telbr th to titr^e a public chicken dinner Satiafeople urday evening, February S, followed Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swan rere dogs we Jnst finished masjeg in art to do,,* by m entertoisimeiit | n charge of fundsygnest* of his brother, HaraM riant, They were all drawn free Mr. *nd Mrs. £arl LeRey, Mr. and Swan and family. hand. The side favored by ^sanity, deMrs. John Fisher and' Mrl and Mrs. { Ur& Charles Wilkinson was a Suncency and arithmetic can afford to Ray jHanchett. The dinner conaxdt- A , guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles wait. The other needs only time and tee Includes Mrs. Floyd Wightmau, ' g a j t h and Carl Shaw. ropetohang itself. Mrsv^Ernest Self, Mrs. Bart Beamish, ] Mrs. Hilda Duramer and son, DenMrs.:: Stella Gillett. Mrs. Floyd War- aid,, returned on Monday from a ten Here's the story: A lawyer, a ner and Mrs. Laura Warner. ' jdays yisit spent in Texas. Her and *n edh>r were at the Bargain: Something that is nnreaThe NewLothrop Chapter wfll be Mri and Mrs. Bud Cox. of Deof Heaven, and St. Peter was aonabiy cheap because the people hosts to the Vernon Chapter at * trait, were Sunday guests of her parwho. produced i t got starvation the routine of ad- wages. joint school of instruction Monday | « 1 , ^ sir. and Mrs. John Dudeck. ,goi^« , . through ^ ^ evening, Feb. 12 Mrs. Mildred Ker- I . Mr. and MnL Elwin Bitter enter- ( ^ ^ f ^ ^ * « v**« u .w-1 nen, of Ithaca, will have charge of tained at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. I "Did you ever teH a lie? he asked the school Charles Ritter and Mr. aid Mrs. Wei- * » I , 1 W ^ ^ ^ ° ^ ^ **0»**l It isn't war that saddens us, but l d e f e a n the fact that enlightened minions lington Sherrard. i^YV' ™ ^ » f« * 5 T he turn to murder and destruction beMr. and Mrs. George Lake and Mr. M * * * *° * was .nnocent but cause one little paranoiac tells them . FARMS r ^ » a and Mrs. E. J. Spitler and daughter, ' ^ w t S ™ ^ TENANTS BUYING w n they must. the last two years Marian, spent Sunday with Mr. and «You « • * shall ™- do penance by running Michigan w: Y o u sh farmers beginning Mrs. M. D. Hoag. The ladies are sis- around * J1 outer walls of the city has had 57 *r the the purchase ' .'•ins through loans 1 ters. once, before entering in," said St. "Why won y?" asks the cheerful, federal Farm Se-! The neighbors of Mr. Sutter, of Peter. authorized b-" guy. And he never learns that he ; n n 4vera<M» nn r . ' Wren's Inn, who recently suffered a curity Adn"»i •> "Did you ever tell a lie?" St. Peter 'gets, by so nicely because somebody se farms h S b^en loss by fire of his Inn have formed 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 ^ chase prici else does his worrying. $6,095 of \r $756 has been irt%.» oee and helping him to repa;r dam-, ^ J M ^ L u e d the oreach0 the form ii .'ements. One of age done to his place of business. ™£ t w « : *' ..!?>*U*J t n e P**cnZ r ! e r the purchbuilt a new home, The Kerby school has again r e - - " 0 n two different ocenrons I Eventually mankind will develop 44 othe^ V i.d it necessary to sumed sessions for the first time w a s ' Poaching funeral m o n s for a little sense, and then it won't be make home m>. A total * 5« since the holidays due to the illness p e n of whom no ^good couid be said necessary for thousands to die merehave mad<.r •• . _ ,. " " ' „ * *t.„ » 4 „ L „ *r«. U « ^ M w*Uh i i l « d to make their lives appear a ly to get rid of a few politicians. .on their fi >;•<:to other bondings of the teacher, Mrs. Harold Walsh. w+„ * e d e x t r a m v tit improve the land [each. Mrs. Forest Haven, of Mor- Howwi ^ i c e , " snid S t Peter itself. Th rice, is supplying until Mrs. Walsh is * •J'*" ™ ^ " J ^ / ^ I Lincoln told us not to swap horses well enoughtobe back in the school. ^Z^.*™**™" ^ d ^ 1 * "Who 1? that guy and where's he while crossing a stream, but suppose the darned thing is a swamp without going?" asked St. Pete?. If fr«*r are ruled by law any other side in sight? "That's a country editor and he's rather thwhat law says the Roosevelt says he .has built up gone baek to get his car," a bystandguQty nr lament shall include powers which would be dangerous in er replied.—Exchange, a curtr hy the judge? other hands*. Anyway they'd be dan^ The average girl would rather gerous to different people. have beauty than brains because she We must avoid centralized govern- knows the average man can see much If she i. •r husband, she tells better than he can think. his faults - voice is bitter. If There is some good in everybody. ment. As it is now, only one fortyshe lovpi !>.< tells his faults Even the meanest man will gladly eighth of America need }te crippled without sr • bitter. give you his pet formula for curing to prove that a fool idea won't work. There might be more friendliness indigestion or whatever you've g o t in this world if people woulduri^rtess advicetoeach other. Malcontents keep growing: "We Prvb-. S?«5: Whoever wins If a man has few friend?, you are in 1"' in 1944. Taking the luckytobe one of them. The fewer want our deserts." But they never mec r will make people there aretodivide his love, the more tell us just what they've done to de- G-Man Hoover says he*mmy marry serve anything. if he finds the right girt You'd hate v v gets. think a G-hian could get hi* women. ti7thsm fleieat foel, gpammm W E t t . WELL, LOOiC W H O ' S HEREl JEWLOTBROP KUEIE IT 0 8 HOT f ii 3 j^r 7 mif w«?» isn K &, A thoughtful driver is one who re•••hawing of *n Whatever becomes of the gifts that The reason married men are not members that passengers in the •W Germany's awful are exchanged, as good as new, afwanted in the army is because they swaying back seat have no steering is that ter being tried on, sampled and manare supposed to do their share of wheeltobrace by. .M. u:c sword, toe. handled by the family? fighting at home. Paine's Feed and Seed Store Our low overhead is what permits ustosell the things you need on the farm at the lowest possible prices. Laying Mash, Calf Meal, Pig Ration, £iectrie Fence, Pails, and other needed items. And when you are randy to sen your Besnr youTI find a splendid market right hvre. WardWarehooM v- VwceC«tar,MKftV -'; •"" ^''pnpRipi ..^::^-. m * ' * • * * - ,^\ ., fevsag Gotham, of New Lothrop, ^¾¾^ Jade* Ce&ss* last St^jMepiRjmt. ed a decree of divorce to Jos. Buehler against Kn. Honor* Buehler, The eoapla had been married since last March. Xerritt Gfllfland, of Corunna R. F. D., paid a fine of »26 and coats of $10 last Saturday, when he pleaded guilty before Justice Nichols to a charge of reckless driving*. The Modern Priscilla Club will hold a dinner meeting tomorrow (Friday) night at the. Moore Restaurant, at half past six o'clock. The members of the club will go on from there to the home of Mrs, Joseph Collins for bridge. At-the annual meeting of the Shiawassee Telephone company of Perry last .week, the following officers were named for the ensuing year: President, Bert Smith; secretary, Frank Crawford; treasurer; Russell Brandt; manager, E. A. Bufthart. Arthur Lswcock, city mail carrier, drove to Florida, starting last Saturday, taking as passengers his mother, Mrs. Frank Jenkins and aunt Mrs. Wm. Parker, Mr. Laweock will be gone several weeks, the ladiea remaining for the remainder of the winter. Rev. and Mrs. Ross Wilson, aged residents of Durand, observed their sizty-third wedding ai»ivezanry at their home in the city last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson came to Durand about twenty years ago, after having held pastorates ih several-pisses in %. <F& ^ CASH IN BANK IS A QUICK ASSET in the truest sense of the word. Whether your reserve is for business or personal use, whether carried in & Checking or Savings Account, or both, it gives you a sense of personal security not otherwise obtainable. This Bank invites your deposits. OLDCORUNNA STATE BANK •^ o, i%*U -7¾ I*- Prank Brown is serious Mrs* meat at Mrs. : «£OUttty fined to her Dazend S. O. C A. Crane will open her heme Friday for a meeting of the " ¢ ^ ^ ,,^ as Dec nessciate hostMiss Marine ' • * * - . Meter Tatars** the first «f the week to their studies at Ceetml State Teacher'sCoSege. Mrs. F. M. Kay tew receatly caring for ' to for treatseeat. Mrs. Foes la ed as sessewhnt better «f km . ?s* w^aw^vn) nany. enup^s, _. ng^pjninuu^ ^^n> The 84th anniversary of the forming of Byre* Lodge, P.. and A. fct* was held on Thnreaay eveaiag of test week, when the ledge ware hosts to Huldeh Chanter, Order BMfpm jljii Dr. Pox, of tho village?gave aTustory of the order, while entertain* meat was provided, by the German Band, and its director, John Knight. Seta W. Howes, beloved resident of Clayton township, just east of Lennon, for many years, died at his home on Sunday evening last, following a brief illness. Mr. Howes was born on March 22, 1854, in Gaines township, and had resided all of his life in Genesee county. He is survived by two sons, Harry, of Flint, and Frank, of Lennon; two brothers, David, of Tacoma, Wash., and.Cha*. of Corunna; tnd two sisters, Mrs. Zatda Pixley, of Detroit, and Mrs. Swayzee, of Corunna, Mrs. Howes passed away about.six months ago. Funeral services'were conducted Wednesday at 11 o'clock by Rev. E. L. Carless,. pastor of the Lennon Methodist ehurch, with interment in the Bendle cemetery. , **-* Duo-Therm Oil Burning Circulating r "Glow Boy,^ tl*e OMUtaiKfjng Co*J and Wood Burning Heaters, We wita to call your attention to the fact thai tbeM two different type-of Het^nrs are rated A No, 1 by better lkesstmg QUIET PRIMARY COMING INCOROWiA It begins to look like a very quiet election _iw Corunna this spring, as the time for the fffing of petitions has passed with but one contest'in sight The time limit was four o'clock Monday afternoon, and at that time* far the only contest,-CterUgnated his is> Mr. and Mrs. Wad* Cnrrie were to heeonte a. candidate for in Detroit last Saturday to MiHhutfan for aider* by General Moof the third ward, against the to Its older lumbers. 7A henAH of petitions dB>^a or the, republican ticket. Mayor W. F. w « - w , Afien Brown, and Mrs. WteBJe MS* ler for prepared vouchers totaling In $1,275,*©© f « the final six tsenths* visors wfll att be re-nomiaated with* diatrfeetion of 194» gasoline tax rev- oat opposition: Sort Durham in the eases to the counties. The disUihu first ward, Best Derr in the second tfen includes: Shiawassee, $11,297: and Fred Peacock in the third. tSestteea, «47,70«; Livingston^ **v Bert Hewn, alderman front the 6SS; SegJnnw, ? » , 1 « . ana the only candidate for Mrs. Was. Woodaonse win b«, L^st that #ffJee, *L3e m the first ward. ess today (Thursday} for Nelson Tubfas, who has heM the ofof the Baptist ^omen* fice for some time, declined to serve in her home on Mack St. further. No one filed for that office, so it is apparent that some perplace for the week- son may be elected by the writing ia of a name for the office. a'eteeJL njgat at' 'half .past a half west of JudoTs Corwffl held a gala at his farm on —,.# eT ^wenejanj SEBk* Afc* ^a- The way dictators , it mm* a free Fhm tick 40 serf*. dote • • m 'V ' ^ * s . *-• .:3S*Sft>- ^*w •-.<* C • » . ttttal sWMBp A^aVsaT e^^SnBJg^gJBva^nlojiSgSBE^ • • • / wjnnmnnpn^i^^^nninjvana- ^arnK,. n s m ^ v n a swath of Bancroft Saturday, of jog cattle are to be sold; as wait as a **r-. •*&**.» Mr. ead Mrs. At Larson were hosts]* **** a s i a ^ fo a * Mrs. s3u*>~ large aaasfcer of team and the usual S turdey evening in their heme hi >f **4 »»**•• te Antrte» Uwaaajp amount of farm impteesents. Glen Cetiiaaete*aendraeftl«sfcan*%a»|f«^ *»»«*»** wffl serve as eectioeeer. 5, 4aV CHOtCB Wttl^SIAajCEO cteh, of oweese* A tanehoen wualji™ *r** ~ ? * -'*^*2!r Walworth,^ Tho nunageasent of the jgaakar, Mr. aad Mrs. ftrwm Walworth and (Coraaaa's popular night dab, anHstftlFOstl* COWS, KZ-BftED to the members at Atho M*. asm Mrs. Davoi Cnfter woe* In nounces that a series of old-time of play. Forty-eight weaned calves; a,/few stent Aaaafef far two days last woek I dancing partka win he given eaeh cows with young calves; 52 tt&reeStave Howie, taring vse State Farm Ufa and,Wedaeaday evaaiag. Fred GUhert year old Hereford heifers to lialve is another to iifiirt the loss of AaAaiaahila |and his "gang**, with "Sam," theUater. Also choke Hereford yearl* try from his fansu mouth * M g * Wffidwson, 17, of Owoaso | calling man^ wffl be on hand, and all tag steers and heifers. Should be 5 to 6 Raata 1, was tnrnad over, to State attending are assured a fine evening. seen to be appreciated. E. M. his place on last Patio* front the IS^aad Haven post s There wili be no door charge—just Buggies, Box *?*> F*irfiekL Iowa, Edward Moaroe, «4, of teat Friday. The hoy deserted a plenty of good, wholesome entertaintown} who was to have had aa CCC camp at Grand Haven, taking metit -0" ination before Justice H< a etefftehaj* of clothing. H* was Fred Hayes, aa active member of IsstjFriday on a chnvjie of arrested V Deputy Sheriff George rassrs* group in Shiawassee eettniy lg*e aid by EtweB. ',!a number of years and one of of not jpilty and There was no P. T. A. meeting at first to join the Coat4 of Preduc* the Martin, school on Friday evening Club orgsaHpd. in the county .* *., l*ao^^Bjnn|yjn the dhjfcfet*' The was elected' psastdeat t §gW» A. ^eeeidentrs daughter, Mter Gufld ,at a Price aa Fat so tha fact that he w a r t y Jones, it 81 with the mumps, • the^osssssnMrmers' m l ahb! Norma Daaon has the chicken *****?**!? ^^ i £** a t fj*** -in jaS since January S. Bay sTeaiaan, 31» of Byron, wQl pox. The P. T. A. was called off for 7 ° ° * ZS?"?!?** ^"P*?***** '^•C^i have anAevmmsrion in municipal ' t * ,w° ^^bs. ^day eight. mOther officers of the orre Hlt " '-' Cwaeao oa Jmnnary 23, on M. *L. ** Matthews, aged M yea», a ££2** *»!"* ** * « of larceny by eonvorsion, resident of»Vernon for more than .r M ~ Hn ** « . . , . • ^: ifa/^^ard Badnonof Wayne sixty years, and a pioneer thresher ^ i w a * men are held in the Meanwhile he is out on bafl of the county, died in the Durand S»«iaaw county jafl for ^ o break$$•«. Newman, it is alleged, sold hospital Monday, after an Ames* of "** **** ^tenng1 jobs m Steawassee 29 tona of hay the Jitter a week. Tuneral services were con county. They are Harold Gross, 23, part-of last year, which was to he ducted frpm the home Wednesday and Frederick Jones, 19, both of stored niatO B3d*on wanted i t How- afternoon, at two o'clock," with in- Burt, Mich. They admitted their ever, when Bfldson came t<> get it, terment m Greenwood cemetery. Mr. guilt to Under Sheriff Downer and i t had been sold a second time and and Mr*. Matthews celebrated their Deputy Sheriff Duane Rear on Monhad been removed. Newman pleaded fiftietn wedding anniversary on d*y- Ta* youths admitted robbing Frank Thornwald, a farmer living not guilty. ' December 2S. [near New Lothrop, of grain on two occasions. It is not certain whether they will be returned here or prosecuted in Saginaw county. Warrants , for them will be secured here howJ j ever, Sheriff Ray Gellatly said. J J. Watson Hurst, well known re[ tired Ann Arbor railroad employee, i died at his home just west of Owosso last Friday, yaftor an illness of sev~ eral weeks. Mr. Hurst had been a resident of the vicinity for more than sixty years,1 anc was held in the highest regard . He ws" prominent in When the sen goes down, farm activities, anu for several years so do the nsst on station* had served as vice president of the to-staUoo telephone cell*. Shiawassee Mutual Fire Insurance Folks who have wailed Co. In 1S31 he was united ".n mar* iatil 6:30 p. *. to cell can riage to Mrs, Maude Goodwill, who now talk at s mora convensurvives. Funeral services were conient hour. A* 7 p. m. k>w ducted from the Jennings-Lyons night utes oa these calls chapel, Monday afternoon, ai, 2 ;30 are about 40¾ LOWER o'clock, with interment in Oak Hill thanconrnpoadiAgciurgai cemetery. in me dsyuste. Bememoer this low rate i* only lot The Shiawassee County Agricul9tatkxhto-*totk>B oath. tural Soil Cons*.-.';tlon Association was host on Wednesday night for a businessmen dinner, when each farmer member was privileged to bring a businessman as his guest. The purpose of the dinner, as exnteiaed by Harold jGtfee* of Bennington, president, .."was "to iufdrm the business men as to what this soil con* servatioa is all about" "Most business men teen to look upon it as I more or less of a dole aod we got them together to inform them difJfetently," said Cline. Senator Her. man H. Dignan was the toastmaster {and Claude Shufelt, superintendent ef seaaob at Morriee, was the principal 711 Paying 31c for Butter Fat * k * * » ' tWhRY llOWExcfaanse m - > • I*-' THE QUAKER ALWAYS GOOD EhTJ|RTAINItffia^ ^¾^ DINE AND D/*CE Every Wednesday Night-Amateur Night Thursday Night^Pal" Night, Ladic*F«nt Fricby Night-Basket Night, Door Prize of Tnrec Baskets of Groceries Saturday Night-Always die Big Night Sunday Night-Amateur Finals Bring y c w T ^ ^ .--11 GOOD NEWS Sav&AfterSunset J THE UNION TELEPHONE CO. ^e^o^^^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^o^tBSP COAL WE HAVE PLENTY OF ALL GRADES OF COAL AND COKE WANTED: BEANS AND GRAINS ALBERT TODD CO. CORUNNA Phone 20 s£ LCT THE NEWS HANDLE THAT JOBPR1NT1NC . »x« m! tXJ B i ^ " t J W ^ ^ J j ™ , ^ ^ . , ! , ,^1111.11,1(1 L.Jj.BB) af A t t d •- vjifiLia'wie'ij- ar • «*-r-: '\ • r* *• , * • * » • • •.iwfv LEST "V HE F O R G E T General Elevator Business We are completely equippe4 for a general business, and are buying Beans and all grain crops, and paying the highest market prices at all times. $ 99.93 Amount on hand JACKSON M A I N Parr? t w M t U a Dec. t l . IMS—Auditor'* Raj A l m o s t on hrnnd . _ _ _ . — — JONES * DUNN W i I ft nil T t M i i U p Dec*. SI. I M S . Amount overdrawn —_— 2 - 1 5 4 » C h u . Snara-nar, surrey kelp ,,»848 BF 2 - 1 4 4 9 i d B w r Pease, labor • „ : _ * 8 8 1 RF 2 - 1 3 4 9 Bex Clark, survey _S 3443 RF 2 - 1 4 4 9 . Wasonfl Dnteker, i v r t r kelp - 8 8 4 4 RF 2 * 2 4 4 9 Fred VoafcafC. Uer _IIMIf M U Rex Ckuke, mm? •«?* BF 4-144 Inter'] «478 B F aareey help — < . 1 1 4 4 Jmtfor .4474-RF 1 f 3-14» 8880 «F .***•*? *-14* wTenoxIl OvcdMr. -4 88.08 Amount overdrawn — - -—— Dae. . 1 1 , 1»88—Auditor'* Report. Amount on hand _._._, „_•_-— 8.1» 4-10-39 Delinquent U x _ _ - . _ 8.18 ¢.11.SO DeUa«o*nt tax —!•-•* 5 4 1 4 9 Delinquent tax 480.10 4 4 1 4 9 Delinquent U x - . - 1.X 1 0-80-89 DeUa«*e»t U x •__„—— 4 . 3 4 8-10-30. Delinquent UX „ . . _ — .8* . 1 18.14 f 81.14 4.0« 4.48 We are handling all kinds of Feeds and Coal, and assure you a square deal always. 8444.48 Amount on hand K A Y DRAIN Dee. 8 1 , 1»*B-^—Auditor"* Report. iaimint « kaa4 , , 8 '.18 UKRRINC HOMJJX 84.0« 14.44 Dee. S I , lOSa—^Attdftor*. Report. AmooBt w k » 4 - ^ _ _ — • liCWIS DRAIN 8.4« ^»4.8« E S, 1.«; jLojtfvtfjja Dee. 8 1 , 1»8S—AmdKtOt'* AmoUBt «.«•: Phone 21F3 Lyons caufc. S-lh» *; 10-1 4 9 .Aaaaaaxien*, — T - ^ ™ „8440.40 ? _ «90.74 f Balance on aaad 1 9 - 1 1 4 8 Delinquent U x .„ .i .at U-S-89 Joe Olaen. - mileaxe »Wl » F U - t - M Carl Edmoads. survey help 3512 B F 11-8-8« O. M. Elliott. survey „-.„3558 B F 11-5-39 Dale Grander. survey kelp 8(80 B F 1 2 4 3 4 9 Jack Reef, haul tooli 8*18 B F 12-« 7-»» Eajil Lee, dimin tlie . „ . 3346 B F ,J*e. SI, m 8 ~ A u d » W * Report. Amount op band — J _ ^ — ^ _ 1 ^8.34 JOHNSON DRAIN R o t * a n * Fafrfiefcl Towaaaipe Dee. «1,.IAS—Auditor'* Report. Amount overdrawn ...._ —$108.72 JONES CREEK (JOINT) Doe. S I , 1**8—Auditor's .Report. Amount ofc band . - _ — / f 24.38 J E N W N C S D9XAI* ' tto«*b«ta*i T m i i U p Dec. S I , m ^ - A u d l t o r ' a Report. Amount on hand _...' „. r ^.,_—$ .07 Assessment, Sept. t T , - l » « - — 199.00 Dee. » , - l » W — A w t t a * " * Amooat o a ' Dee. H v *NW Aww«t Jf^S**^ - t 8.48 v^nfjtor^ * ' 98^8^0911^917^ *-lf-t» «-kv»9 Fr** Le%fa _<S *S«V'- it :&±£:&*&k&)ssk®k '.* "J-yf^fT^--^: ' * I* «9,t8 t l O V E Y DJLAIN »81 '^ HASFOKD Ntt B , ^ ^ N ' T HioitiF Amount on hmmti , . B8TTC31NER 'a Be!K>^t.,^<,-' Dee. t l , 1913—Ai ,. A y B t en, tootd 4-15-1:9 B*cvti'l8)E$B. fa*or _ . ~ It* C 4-1K-89 Ben SeneiTer, T< >&dr ^ . . . 1 t C S>i-90 Porry Lttmeec Cow tOe A eement ~ 1T9 C £.1.-39 Fred*l*«k*. No AndR. 'Jf 1 •••• .. "Order •.. Date,-,,.,., No. . 9-19-39 i«BB H e n e b . m •• • cat* ferns* *iH, retaove V -4«9«.|Wf, ,<j»stiuetioa 5-15-39 '"GieB^SwfttB', htbor !.. 15* C 7-7-89 A. Kmrrle, labor 219 C 7-7-89 Ted Kurrle, 1.V6T , 1 : . . . - 220 C •*' 7-15=89 C. Coallm. . 138 C 3 40» -8 40.00 N« AodH. •*11_" 1 twV/l**f i n • ! l e t " 1 * I c M « i aaad , 4-10-89 Dctinqoeut , U x S-31-39 DmVmjg**l t a x 8.29 MU »-' J ^" on Aawawt :"_'3i^' 1*1431 AmottBt on aaad <*X • i,i> *< HntSPCT£« DOAJN Dec. 3 1 . 1038—AaaMar's - t 3.41 Dee. 3 1 , 1933—A«diUr'» aWpert. ABMNDU on m u d ~ - 1 - 8 «9.88 D a c ' f l . 1« ASIt i.Hi Dee. 8 1 , t$** AadlUe'e Baaert. iartaat. a a aaad - — * 149 • _ i • Amount on hand . „ , ^ 1399.-^1,-- • a r e e j a * > .. „. U l f RF 3-1-39 tUU. Kralftik mbor ^ -. ' 3319 B F 3^f^» r w Sjtmrtmaa. ' • : * * ! **•' sorry. -T>ate>«t?<.i ^t-:^-*''"i*a t-t7-39 ••••;' •; „•' " *:;?-r: •,.-:: \ m ..t-- z la** ^^^ZJ4m 99 D»e. t l . Aaasamt m 131 8.37 19.03 17.89 -; it £-8« ";"'*"' r "iS9Cft ^ u t A i N •-• _*1804B Lennox Mich. •••V*.-., 10-1-38 if-iH*» n-1-99 'it. 11-1,4» D11-)49 tea— D . <9t«o», —.;.,, 3493 B » 18.30 10.SO 10.60 Amount overdrawn _.__ „ AsEesBraent, Sept. 27. 1939 .. 10.30 Order Date No. 5 - U - 3 9 A. J . Waatfcka. tabar . -J' ,' .... 144 C ' 5-13-3* A . J. WeetUke. fcAar 4145. R F 3-3-3* A. J. Westfaae, labor _ .4*89 B F 3 89.40 -8 89.40 No Audit. 3-30-39 Clare Gorman, Tabor . 393R RF 3-30-30 Fred Herman. Jr.. labor 3937 RF 3-30-3» Harvey Kirk. labor 2928 RF 17.80 13.20 2.00 3.10 Amount 2.50 16.80 22.50 7.20 S.80 7.00 7.00 10.60 14.00 S.5S 13.40 •. 16.40 15.15 12.89 2.60 47.33 2.40 overdrawn r 1.40 1.00 3 £.20 HUDSON DRAIN Venice and Clayton Twps. (Jaiat) >c. 31, 1938—Auditor's Report. Amount on-hand . 3 15.57 HERRINGTON DRAIN Antrim and Burns Townships I W . 31, 1938—Auditor's Report. Amount on hand 3 2.08 HO WD DRAIN Vernon Township D M . 31. 193«—Auditor's Report. Amount <»i i*i&v,d t 34.44 HUNT AND ACKLEY No Audit. HA2ELTON HWV. N« Audit. 4-1R-39 State Bsnk of Perry, replace order No. 6007, written 8-28-37 4041 RF 3 76.Q* HALL DRAIN Dee, 8 1 , 1988—Audi tor - * Report. Amount on hand 3 12.18 HUMPHREY DRAIN Woadbnll and SeiMa T o w a s h U i 5-16-39 Wendall Duteber, labor 4152 RF 3 4.00 S-tS-S* 0 . M. Elliott. soreey ..'.... 4168 RF 23.00 ..i5rl4;89 Sturtevant A »"• » * » o d , oiskes 4186 RF 2.40 S-24-39 Wendall Dutcher, Ubor <i»* RF 1.00 6-1-89 Wm. Kuehner. »MAM ' 2.00 3248.10 275.00 3 2.80 4221 RF 2.00 Amount overdrawn 3 23,00 HILL DRAIN D«>c. 81, 193S--Auditor's Roport. Amount ?>n hadd .... 3 j . 2 6 -3 11.75 KAN08JSE LAKE t u i w Tannship Dee. 3 ) , 1988—Auditor's Report. Amount on hand 3 4.00 KELLOGG DRAIN B e a n i n e f ^ and Perry Townsuipa D«»c. 13. 1988—Auditor's Report. Amount on hand _ 3 .82 8-31-39 Wendall Dntcher. labor 4630 RF 7.50 8-31-39 Edear Harryman, labor 4631 RF 4.40 8-31-39 Alfred Miner, labor . 4 6 3 2 RF 6.00 3-31-39 Milo VanLuven, labor _ 4 6 3 S RF 3.00 S-31-39 Jim VanLuven, labor .4634 RF 6.00 fl-Sl-39 Paul Thompson, labor 4635 RF 6.00 S-31-S9 Robert Uann, labor .4636 RF 6.00 8-31-3» Wendall Dutcher, labor -.405« RF 4.00 8-8-39 Robert Rann. labor ...4057 RF 3.20 S-IC-39 Arthur Brewer, survey . . . 4 0 6 2 RF . 13.50 8-15-39 WendaJl Duteher. survey help 4064 R F 4.00 H-lS-nu Robt Rann. 406£ survey n«i|) M & i L^Y'^teasTAjvr 13-27-34 Je Oea . lt-tlOS AXUmms^ ^4444- C Daa. 41 T 1984—Aaalrmrts Report. Asaonat .ojt.' * • » * , ; *—*—-—?— 1-1.39 Caapanaa Giaees Ca.. aa«4 »4 C 2 . 1 4 » Chapaaa» Gwvat Ctv; sand ^^^.MOt BF . 4 - 1 4 4 9 Dettnque** t a n _ 5 - 1 1 - 4 9 ' D e 5 n « u e s t to. ^..^.^3 4 1 4 9 Dottaaoent t a x « 4 4 1 4 4 DeiUaneMt tax 4-30-34 Defiaajaent tax — ^ — 8 - 1 0 4 » DeJiaaueat tax _ _ ^ ~ - - i Phone 6. -4845.11 Amount on band LOOSUNC CLASS BUYER BaL Brouarkt Forward, overdrawn 3441.82 Order Ant Date No. Dr. 10-10-38 J o e Fields, condemnation proceedings 3472 RF 4.00 10-10-38 Rarotd. Dunham, condemnation proceeding* .. _ . . 3473 RF 4.00 200.00 4.S48.2& Amount overdrawn Amount overdrawn 3160.32 — CASH FOR DEAD UVESTOCK ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITION Horses and Cows $1.00 Each SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE MILLENBACH BROTHERS CO. PHONE COLLECT—OWOSSO 258 Amount overdrawn 3 69.80 KOAN AND EXTENSION Venice Township De*. 81, 1938—Auditor's Report. Amount on hand ..,„ 3 29.81 KANOUSE (JOINT) Ore. 31, 1938—Auditor's Report. Amount on hand _ 3 n.89 /•' KDVNEY DRAIN New Haven Township Dec, 81, 1*83—Auditor's Report. Amount on hand 3 3.89 KOONTER JOINT WITH CLINTON CO. ^.ScioU and Victor Tawnahips 4-15-39 Mabel Morehouse, posting ....437« RF 3 3.50 5-1-39 Bert Derr, v Bd. Mewbei _ 4378 RF 4.00 5-1-39' Samuel Chavey, B<;. Member _ ... 487» RF 4.00 A-1-39 Harold Dunham, Md. Member 4X80 RF 4,00 7-f-«9 t*einiEftburK Prenii. printin« 4395 RF 7.20 * 22.7«, '^.l. Of. 10-15-33 Shiawassee Co. Journal, printing notices, due April 15. 1940 .' S279 C 11-2-38 Carl Edmonds. survey help _ 3513 RF Il-S-38 0 . M. Elliott, sur ey 3546 RF 12-30-38 Gus Abendschein, damages ....• 6333 C 12-31-38 O. M. Elliott, survey 3678 RF Dec. 3 1 , 1938—No Audit. 1-14-39 Robt. Eveleth, survey help 8765 RF 1-14-39 Wendall Duteher, survey help „...3756 RF l - ! 6 ' 3 9 Rer C!»rlr survey ...3783 RF 2-1-39 Harold Rice. nurvey .._ 3805 RF £-1-3* Wendat) Duteher. survey help »806 RF 2.15-3» lUrold Rice. survey „.-..8887 XF 2-25-3» R. C. Welch, final payment on contract »4 C 3-21-39 R. C Welcn, 'payment OP contract 108 C 3-21-3» R. C. Welch, payment on contract _..... 10» C 3-21-3» R. C. Welch, payment on contract -.-110 C 4-28-3» R. C. Welch, payment on contract, t o be transferred to Road Dept. 130 C Sept. 27. 193» Assessment . •>^i'; 4 .-» *. f ^ - f 9JW Dee. 81. Aateuat em HOPKINS LAKE Owosso Township 10.40 49.88 .j-„S*3)9 MP 11-9-9S DaSa O l i i l i r . ' earrey aaa* - ^ . :8499 B F U - l a ^ S i D i n a u i " ««* — 1 3 ^ 9 - 3 9 Jnafc Raaf. aaal «aala , r ',...9414 •!»• 12-34-39 NaxaaU-Btk. BF 13^7-8* - ifc4J-«<L „G«a»4J M a * &*' ^ »* BTCilJ^' N o Audtt. ,.. < . x-31-39 Dettaaseatt tax. | Amount o a a a i d , 1 ^ -J"^ A m o m t orardrawa corners driving. Car for ^periTnie<^a^ i» as good a s you can find anywhere, and you J! find tfce much price OIL hand X KuTrle. ' - ' A'wodaMi; avar4«f-w»J:--Tr^-—w'- _. ^.^-.. _.S 7.99 KJO-LY NO- S J-)»-39 Laaam»4m S a a a . " laaar . 9 9 3 » RF ~ * ~ I * - 9 t - Carl BdmoaJe. t i t e r ^^ 3883 R F 1-16-3* Harold Bice. •••mjnNsr,.^: ^JMTf BF 8-1-Si Harold Bice, surrey _ . 3333 RF 3-1-89 Weadall Datebar, sarvey beta _ _ r 3 * 3 * B F 8-8-39 Bymer Borer*. aaol tool* _. 8839 R F 1-15-39 Fred Wilkinaoa. stakes .... 3918 RF 4-1-39 Perry Lumber ^ Co.. lumber . „ . _ 394* RF 4-15-39 G. Rovers. haul tools „. 4023 RF 5-1-3* G. Rowers. haul tools ., .........4132 RF lit $ 26.90 ^ ' D e e . H i 193S-—AuiBurt B e « o r t . . . , U j ^ a ( .J$ 33^9 .-L"_t f.9t . w ^ -t Amount overdrawn A i M M n m t , October c I ., ,i^5'«* , •* 4-10-S9 Prifcaneat tax r ; a r l i - « * , iDjUninfc « H 3v81-M PtBaeaeat U s .«-11-39 Dfjteavaat. tax «-49-89 DeMaahea* tax MATHOM 3BJUUN •&i\ • • * * » eeaL.riUdi.n T . Dee. 81. 134W—Aadtter'* S e p AaMKBt tm aaad ,- , . . Z T I - 3 9 . Gaaacau Gravel Caw. aaad 78 C 8-13-39 Vernon Elevator. lumber — — 13« C 3-11-3» Deliaaaeat tax „, 7-1-3» A . Karrle, laaer 209 C 7-1-39 A . Kurrle. labor 4301 B F 7-1-39 T. Kurrle. labor 4808 B F 7-1-39 C r^rry, labor - . . 4305 KF 7-1-89 Deann Cbivrja/ labor 4306 R F 7-1-39 HsroW Smith. moor 4308 RF 7-1-S3 C. Conkiin, labor .,,, 109 R F 7-1.39 Keith Devoe, labor 4311 R F 7-1-39 Fred Smith. labor 4314 B F 7-1-39 Wayne 2*inbu.«i. labor 4315 R F 7-3-39 Dijcnsn Hdwc, •upp. 4324 RF 7-8-39 C. Conk'in. labor ... 432K RF 7-5-39 C. J. W<iaenb*nr, shovel* ... 4837 RF 7-3-8» Ed. Haye*. labar 43S6 RF 7-19-3» A. Kurrle, labor 4389 R F 7-13-3» Denni* Chrivia, labor 4390 RF 7-13.3» J. Kl&pfco. tabor 4391 RF 7-1,3-89 HaroW Smith, labor 4392 RF 7-13-39 C. Conkliw, UW .43^3 R F 7-13-39 K-Mth D«vo*. labor 4394 R F 7-13-1» Fred Smith, tabor .. 4395 R F 7-I3-39 Paul Thomp*on, mbor 439« RF 7-13-3» Ed. Hsyee, labor 4897 R F 7-13-3» C. Hayes, labor 4398 R F 7-18-3» C. Perry, labor _ 4 3 9 9 KF 7-13-3» Wayne Zambaisi, aOmr _ 4400 RF 7-13-3« T. Kurrle, labor 4491 RF . 7-13-3» W. Bradd, labor 4402, RF 3-31-3» Delinquent tax 7-17-89 Fred Smith. tabor - '...442« RF 7-18-3» Fred Wilkinson. •takes 4452 RF "~"iis?:. '""'-'.: :*" r+* ,1MM*. 4 1 . 1M•—A«4aur'e aVt«wrt. i: rt 4-15-89 Warfcart CVsrey. a a * d a V • * & "v, _ 3**« B F 4-15-39 ataraar Kfc*. aayvey aaip, 99W1 .BF* 9-1-99 t a x CftMfc. •mroay'" . ^ ^ . - - . , , - 3 1 9 1 ' R F 5-1-39 Baa C * * . : •V.'Qjaamat'-'^i..a .•,, .4399) JBF 3-18-9* Rujt O a t k . ^ _ 4 1 T 1 MT **14f Da*. 3 1 - >WJh^Aadte>^ » a » ••!. AaveaAt aa aaad , ...^, S 39JJ9 Aakoaat oa D.::4a«IBi,\ *4**? *-i ' lT»17-3ft , »«rrej b a > - _ j _ * f f l » " B F 4-15-39- ' ' G o t f i t o i ^ W ^ S . ^ - M — ' batd tools _ ^ _ 4 « 0 R F ••-: 8=1-39 A B e x «bwki-:.-. • - i t*rwct; . t ,...,,. ,t493t>,RE_. _. S-1-^9 ;.•***&*&-.,, 5* aprrey ...: L^...T100 B F S-15-8B Bex Clark. survey „.; „ „ 4 1 7 0 RF 3118^3» Gordon-Auetirt; aaml flMat'4^^^L-4lM BF- .-.8-1^89^ Bex C l o * V . «.,.-• . sarrey _„ .4217 ftF . 7-1-39 Rex Clark. •tmrey „„_„4288 B F J*8f^aT0J#i%^E: jj - ^ \%M • 4-1-39 , • Alr^ad - FemsG&ir* - ^ , survey k a > , — ^ - 4 * ? * *$',"4-1-39 B e x C a t t , " ' . ' . . _ * i $lrVey* * : i **** R F 4-1S-39 Herbert Corey, ^ a a r r e y betp _ . . . 3^77 R F Dee. * i . 1|«S—A»diU«^ » e j ^S^ ' . , - : ;-• %LLH 53.13 4.80 52.00 1.00 24.0« 2.00 Only the best Quality of Materials and V 2.00 8.00 the finest Workrnanship used by 3.60 7.00 THE CORUNNA NEWS 3.00 800.00 1,000.00 1.040.00 430.00 PHONE 1373 . J * CORUNNA, MICH. •: ^¢¢^1^-^805¾ t#r Vm. U* t e H - Aeet4e**9 Collier, i » m d ^ ^ t m e t r or • » r *f their) uakjrewn Heirs, devmeea, legatees and assign*, DefendWitt,' i^ftaaranoa e f all of said beosrteredmeeid <rom A e date azai that in ease of their appearance Ussjr eanae their answe? to the B31 of Coa*fm*wt m this cause to be ffied and a eopf thereof to be served on said Plaintiffs' Attorneys within fifteen days after service on them of a copy o f aaid BH1 of Complaint, and that in default thereof that the aaid Bin of Complaint be taken as confessed by said Defendants. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that within forty days the aaid Plaintiffs ^attse .¾ copy of this order to be published in the Corunna News, a newspaper published and circulating in said County, and that such publication be continued therein once in each week for six successive weeks. Dated: October 28th, 1939, JOSEPH H. COLUNS, Circuit Judge Attest SHERMAN E, WELCH, Clerk PULTER eY CARLAND, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. B«a§ajBji} Addresa: OWOMO Springs Bank Btdg., Oweoeo, Michigan. . Sail pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee, in Chancery, at the City of Cortmna, Michigan, is said Comity, en the let day of December, A. D. 1939. l a this cause, it appearing to the anderatgned from the BUI of Com* plaint on file in said cause, sworn to by one of the attorneys for said Plaintiff,- that the above named Defendants are proper and necessary parties in the above cause, and that it is not known whether the above named Defendants are living or dead, or where they may reside if living, or whether the title, interest, chum, lien or possible right held by them, or any of them, in the subject matter of this suit- baa been by them, or any of them, assigned to any person or persons, or if dead, whether they, or any of them, have personal repreeeut»£tvee or heirs living, or where thay>or any of them, may reside* or whether such title, interest, claim, fcen-.or posjmle right has been disposed-of by Wfll by them, or any of them, and that said Plaintiff does not know and has been unable, after dtt*j*&t Mirch and i n q i ^ t » | « v | 7 0 SAID DEPENDANTS: certriAa the n*iw*^ of f aMtt. hiker 5.44 Hnyoo,.4 it* nr .41X1 BF s-utt A. Karri*. .412* M - H I M McCaan, tut sip* _..„_ 4122 4-1-»• A. Karri*, labor 41¾¾ 4-2-2» Gtt. Peek, ^1-4847 4.46 «F 11.11 ay »1 RF 2.4» BF 164 Aatoa*.* overdrawn „_^wl Best. 27. 1929 A u w M t B t . f 40.21 45.»7 Amount on hand „ _ _ * MINER DRAIN Rush and O ^ a w T««ra*Uy* Dec 21. IMS—Auditor** Report. Amount oft band ..... . { Order Date No. 4-1-2» Weadall Datebar, .41 i a RF %14.lt R. D. Mntt*eW4\ A * 4e»v Re. , 7-12-24 o0w||sUMMM«t Mt-Sf 4-21-44 'DvllswaMBWi- fceW I-I1-S4 4.14-49 DeUaeoeat tax _ tWC ±i.-'. ••--, -•- ********* »-14» i*a«s 4-24-44 tM 1.4» 2-14-« 15.4* .88 Amt. Dr. 4.N B U M See*, — 4STt * F 5 44.44 Amooat «e baad MANBOst D4LUN \* Doe. SI, 194S—AettHor** Report. No Audit. MIKAN DRAIN Voraaa Tawaabj* October 1, 1948, Amoaat overdrawn __•.__J 82.40 1.70 4-1-48 Dettnoaent tax — — .4« 5-1-48 Delinquent tax ——^-— Amt. Order Dr. Dote No. 11 -'4-58 Corl Edmonds. 1.40 onrvey-belo 3501 BF 11-2-48 O. M. EUiott. 8.00 •arrey •—__-.—2556 RF 1.42 4-14-29 Dehnqnent tax — 1.54 6-11-49 Detinoaent tax -• .10 4-41-49 Delinquent tax -+Al i - t e - 2 4 Delinquent tax f-22-44 G. S a v o n , A baal «toota 4444 BF 4*1S-Sf lidHaaneBt tax ., g e t # ^ 14.4* 2.TS 4.44 .It 1^00 . .12" Amount ovardrami _ —— A 221» SilTCHZNSR DRAIN Tea**** Doe. SI, 1»»S—Awaftor". Report. 7-ii-s* T-i7-»» John Deere Sprt^ader MORE LOADS^-EXTRA YEARS -» * * - • • tike adciitiotial years of service you get from a ri L%bfje ii|>re>der are due, largely, to mc>untiiig the beater on the axk~~the famous patented feature of constructkm ^whigb has kept John Deere ~ ^ out m the lead for HMM^ tian 25yeara. # wrejpi fafteemv* thea>of a jtajjit. and thgfciv thai'the Mid Bffl of taken a* eenfeased by State of-JBehlgaB; ^ , ^ ^ ¾ ¾ Coor*^fbr the Comlly of SWawaaaeC^ In the Matter of the Estate of Roth lJewis, Deceased. Hotice fax hereby given that more the* t%o month. f ^ « # ^ j * * ! bees allowed for eredftora tto preeetrt their •%%&* «4PM«»t m* debased to said court for exa»i«ation WM *** and that all credttort of •aid dat^aaad'ara^r^tllred'to premmt their claims to said court, Bt the probata offtee. a ^ ^ i t y ^ f C o r o - n « > from aaid West fleet of Lot Flftee* (1») Bast to and from Pine mreet, bat *de right of Ft IS FURTHER ORDERED that ofsafilWeatTaMyCtO) wiAin forty dafs tin a**) ef North Half a copy ox this ( ¾ ) of U*Plftae4i t l * ) . a n d . t o the m the Ceraana N< owners of tike 8e*tfc Half ( ¼ ) of North Half f * ) 4 * * > t f i f t e e n < U ) , jt • • • that andfe their heir* and aamgna; aH fa h.'A. tioat bo cafttinwed'tiaarelK Goulds swhlNriait «f Oat La* ^ for her One < « of Dated i DaceaahsV l«ytv*v. JOSEPH H. COLLINS, Circuit Judges. Hot^ietMlof theSsmthHalf < H ) of Maat: Lots Frinrtaea (14) aad SHERMATi E. W E I A J H , <li). dackv Datadi Octsber ttfh, 1 * » . PTAYXR * CARUU*D V Attorneys f*r Plaiat^f, PTJLV1R « CAJtLAJfP, Buaineas AddtMarjOwoaao, MSek. Attoraaya far Plaintiff. MOTICS Attdnem: Owoaaa, MJalu TOSAIDDB*«frMMTp; The above asR hi i t lean, apd » broaght to quiet title to the follow- aWstiiSS that said claims wiH be beard by said court on l^atmlay, the «nd Jay of April. A>rD. 1940, at ten o'clock tn the foretbootu • -4 4» 54 Dated: January 9f A.JJJJJJ* -T o^dga of Ptybata. Executor: Mr. € . P. McDWitt, Corunna, MJchigaiL - J 1444 tu afatrtnati was these certain p i e « e * « j « w « e i s f d B * » D W S ( ^ 1 i a | T s 9 l l a 6 of kaad sitnatfcds and " ^ j M < 4«« Q t g *f Owoaao. Shmwaaaee tWrnty, Michigan, deecribeVl as follawa: South Oae-half of XeVPlre, of Mrik H f 4 S».4« taaa, and the North Six inelies^of Lot f^ntv aed W* Sfet, of B M I S h * , * « £ * « JJrwt tram Washh^toa Street Ninety f*at> -tttKST Original Plat of the Vl^sga < Otosr •'.-t» uMMl< >- PtJLVER * CARLAND, forPWntift , D». S-iaat,- • .«St4 C prtattac l t - t r i a s Reaa aa4 B u t , •^POUM ,4|1» State of Michigan, in the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee, In Chancery. Louis Haas, and Eathryn fiaas, Plaintiffs, va. John F. Salisbury, Emma M. Salisbury Bond, and her, (their or any of their) unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns, Defendants. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee, in Chancery, at the City of Corunna, Michigan, in said County, on the 28th day of October, A. D. 1939. In this cause, it appearing to the txudtwsigned from the RIR of Complaint on file in said caiisOT sworn to by one of the Attorneys for said Plaintiffs, that the above named Defendants are proper and necessary parties in the above caaae, and that 3t is not known whether the above named Defendants are living or dead, or where they may reside if living, or whether the title, interest, claim, Ben or possible right held by them, or any of them in the sabject matter of this suit ha* bees by them, or any of them, assigned to any person or persons, or if dead, whether they, or amy of them, have peraonai representatives or heirs living, or where they, or any of them, may naatrbji, or wheth er such title, interest, claim, lien or jiiissiMe right hat been dispossd ef by WSI by tfcenu> ee spy e f them, and that mid Plaintiffs do not know and ^11S^4 ' Sim LIL ami ?*>ea^K 'te^£»Wmj**K a w a i of the peraotts who are racmda<a at QaT4motmm e*wem< wmaeut being named, ami that, Charsfaca, none of said Defendants can be served with pes com, and that .therefore, aattet; %h* movietone of the Stasate it n lasrffil to make aaM parties Defend* mete batata as above etytafc "W*-WW+nnt-:.;'jn*' Dec SI. IMS—A»4lt»r*« .»> Amovnt on 1na4 LEAVTTT DfUUN K I M OMI roll noH Doc t l . 1SSS—Avditor'i -S 2.44 Amount on band LAMB CREEK <J<HNT) Dec. SV'XSIS—AwUiofi Report. AmouAt oa band ._—>——*1S8.58 LADUE DRAIN Dec. SI, 1948—Auditor'* Report. Amount o» hoad — • 49.42 AND WILLIAMS Fairfield T m t U p Dee. 41, 1918—Auditor's Report. .4 14.29 Amount oa bond Order Ant, No. Date Dr. 4-2-34 D. Green. 1.44 Ubor _ „— 1*8 C : 5-l-S* Kerta Devoe. 1.44 tabor _ ~ i™ J»l C 5-1-49 C. CoakUa. 1.44 Jabor _ - . . l»t C 6-15-49 Weadan Dotcaer. 4.99 tabor _ _ _ 4 1 M *F 6-U-t* O. M. StUtatt, 14.44 nrvwr =—•»•• *F 5-15-14 Ted Karrle, 2.S9 tabor I I M RF 5-18-54 Mabel Moroaowe. 4.0« reieaoe* 4X9» RF 4-1-49 O. M. EUott. 12.40 9*rw*r -_ 4X49 ItF 4-1-49 Weadall Dnteher, 4.20 •arvoy help 411« BF 7-19-4» R. B. Riebard•on, poruent on contract, dac 57S.29 4-15-40 144 C 472.42 9-27-49 AuMaameat —-—• IJOYNES . 4 41.11 Amount on baad IJONC DRAIN Doe. 41. 1944—AndKor*f oa „2 414« ^OJSSpatB NO. S Doe. «1, Aajkoaat LAKE Doe. t l , Aetoaat -Aai*tar-» If**—A oa ANO 1HI-A oa baad M U K S H , AND 2 4444 4 447 JACStaON Ova4 Joaa4 Dee. t l . 1444—A»44t>r*o » n i r t . ^M^la¾^^.^m^p^¾2J4lw4¾^¾r,•^f^^ «• band — _ _ 4 t w - * - ' ' • •*^.^av-«IHfM«**'- •ftffltftiiil ttrfjitir l4nii4>f|i f l l V ilsf IJIiiiptlt THI CHRHTTIAH SCIENCE MONTTOt AM ^mWamamaat AmVto MaaenaMamr Mi HEAJUWC CUbUfS said' court for' juftment. and that a f creditors _^ tiid deceased are retmind to pretawt their claims to said court, at the probate office in -Ibe City of Corunnaj IT.fS LHAND ORDER OF P t a U C A T t O H THE WORLD? GOOD NEWS ais C AoMwat «e tmmt •&SX State 7 of" v ^ Court fer ^ fJemtty^af In the Matter of the Estate of Paul En***, Deceased- v . •. _, Notice ia itereby given that mora than two moatha from thia date, have D«e. si, it»s—Aweltor* -* t Monca OF ssae lt.U Dee. .at, 1 4 4 5 - A ^ d W . Report. itt s a i d C O U n t y , ^ ^ ° 1 ^ * • Amoaat oa baad , \ i_js' 9M day of April. A. D. 1M0, and tttt* MUXETT BftAMi said clafana witt be tkeard by amd court rorry Te^aaaaa , n Monday, .the 1st day of April, Dec n . i»48—AodHor-. Report. . U_ ja^o "«5 ten o'clock in the foreAmount on baad 4-9-99 Deliaeaoat tax - 4-40-4» Redemptioao _ - „ Amount on band .... .14 gy^^ .4 «4.41 Dated: m - * 4 Dateqiioat tax ^ 6-30-2» Delinquent tax — . ~ » 67^8 •*< ' * * * " ' * * , T \ a _ - i - .12 UOOn. A t SU«h ******* U will b e " J f » " .J* .01 determined by the Court, wno tne 2.«« heirs of the above named deceaseo December 27, A. D. 19S9. BOY D. MATTHEWS, MAPLE SWAaiP Judge of Probate. Saiawaaoo* aad Coltdinta TowaobJaa Administrator: Oetober 1, 1928, 5 52.20 Amount overdrawn — Mr. Duane Kear, Amt. Order Corunna, Michigan. Mr. Date No. 19-10-28 Joe Field*. Bd. M«a«b*r 2471 RF 10-14-29 John Pierce. Bd. Member _ S 4 4 4 RF 11-2-28 Carl Rdatoado. sarrey belp 2524 RF 11-2-24 O. M. ElUott. iuri«y 4544 RF 11-29-48 Ray Horntae. dradeiae 4219' C 12-22-2* Joe Otaen. mitaace „ — 2 4 1 4 RF 12-27-4$ Arsae-Preao, printiae 2424 RF 12-41-28 O. M. KOiott. •urver —.._..: 2472 RF l S ^ t - 4 4 Carl Edmonds, anrver b.*lp — 4496 RF 12-41-44 Joe Otaen, mileace _ _ _ . — - 2 7 4 4 RF No Andit. Z-15-49 C*ri Edatond*. carrey belp, duplicate for 2445 „ 2 4 6 4 RF 4.04 4.4« NOTICE OP HEARING CLAIMS BEFORE COURT State ef Michigan, the Bfcehatf Court for tha County of Shmwaaaee. In the Matter of the Batata of 8.04 Alma L. Jenkinson, Deceased. 29609 Notice is hereby given that more 2 49 ! than two months from thia date have been allowed for creditors to preaent 13.25 'their claims against said deceased to said court for examination and ad14.00 justment, and that all creditors of t.eo said deceased are required to present their claims to said court, at the probate office, in the City of Corunna, 2.0» in said county, on or before the 1st day of April, A. D. 1949, and that said claims will be heard by said court on Monday, the" 1st day of 1.44 — 6 t 9 t . l 5 April, A. D. 1940, at ten o'clock in Awoont OTerdrntra 2*2 7-2» AaMoaaMat — 649.44 the forenoon. At such hearing. It win be determined by the Cetrrt,~*bo - I 42.S7 Aatoant oa the heirs of the above named deceasbtlSTKCUAY DRAIN ed are. ,Ve -4444.44 r Dated: December 24V A:'TJ&mft. 14-14-2» - tt».M Amoaat e* baad 14-1-24 ROT D. MATTHsyW&/ • „ 4.7» Dotmcaeat tax Judge of Probata. Aart. Older Administrator: Dr. Date No. Mr. Worthy S> Cooyer, Cashier, 11-6-4» O. M. BBwtt, 4.44 -ssse C Owosao Savings Bank, 11-14-42 Mr. Miehigaa. 221.44» roaal dyke 1.60 ,4447 RF ^nmmmmaaaaaalaaatfiXSaBaaaai ^ g g r * . ^ '^"f^^^'jwijg!^!!?1'^^" - 1 ^ ¾ ^ ¾ ^ « ^ f * 3 ? ^ ' ^ ™ ? « 3 f f f ~ ^ ;*7i W . nT" A 5:,c.;.^B?a'Ti t. . *^-ra I940 FROGIL OIL BURNER Down Draft Hot Blast Cast Iron Construction One-thL d Less Fuel Consumption Practical - Durable Economical Heats 3 to 5 Rooms r * - •••• Sate Price $69.95 TERMS I940 Cash Grocery-Market 'S. J^CTRIC APPLIANCES January Clearance Sale MRS. HOUSEWIFE: If yon arc planning o * soma nmw Inventories are over. Time to clear stock andget ready for snrii^g merchandise. The same as in the past year every day low prices are placed on standard brands of Quality Staple sssd Fancy Grpcarics, Meats, Fruits -and Vegetables, so that Mr* and Mrs* Consumer have the privilege of buying their food supplies just as economical as they do in the City Supers* appliaacot for jrow Khcfc** tl^a SprtBf, u k e a d v w t e g * • ! tk« S«le Pric« BOW. *f- yo« COBM i a t*k* WIMB your tiaa* i s l o o k u p arovnd. We • * » « BO S A I M B M * to ««11 on y o * . Wfctt y o » lire rof>4y t o b o y wo wiH be ptaueo 1 t o torvo y o o . *x^ Make Venice Center Your Shopping Center There WiD Always Be Parking Space RENOWN <U*ed^ » Wood and Coal Phone Lennon 2&F42 *»..«' and Station STOVE IN PERFECT CONDITION Center* Mkhigan Winter Months wiH be from 8 a. m* to 10 p. in. t V>^J#H »:.. 3 •* NEW'GIBSON < • > * . . ^ '•' W e • - • Tlie only tbat kas a • g^il^i. - v •- J • -.;•«•* V : * j j ? .XF LS* * ;4»Ji,' !*#rr\ '* "if GOOD CONDITION :i ;£>->'-* L*Ai?^ •4 *.?* ^ ':S'.-Zi. , , . > .; ..-. ft TUBE CABINET MODEL $8.00 . . • • ' * USED LAFAYETTE Soz. jar . Preserves, 2 lb* jar« • %.. -• Apple Butter, 26 oz. jar bottle . Shedd's Salad . . Mustard, qt. jar UK? 14c 25c 42c SUNSHINE KRISFY CRACKERS 1 "'-T -~ J,_/' > Eveiybudy *"?ff nse SSSJW Super F&Speed Gas •or ^ntcsnsf ^tarong fc- - 2 far MAJTW th*v »tey«^ Vt* f u i y mmi havo t* You, too, wiU like it Try it today AT WARD'S * YOU MAY BUY 6 GALLONS OF REGULAR FOR ^F • » w^nWW v*S * •,?• CWNTROlXED'Ate^CliK^aATJOW ' f *:. Willard and Hi-Speed Batteries for every make of car. * The Farmer, the Factory Worker, all working people, have to u v e their money by gettint their daily need* where they caa got the most for their When they do their baying where they pay Cash they **** from In addi- tion to this saving wo gire you an* oor cottpon books. When yon pwrchase m, Coupon Book yon got $5.00 worth . o f Coupons for w!tich yoo pay $4.75. Many families buy a month's sup* ply of books in advance, there fors they s^ve from one to twa dollar}' ovary month. • .•• '-, ' ' • • • v j ; •• .• , . : , . ? > • Oil THE - {i:•;.-'"• ?r.t;,t\ . . - . • " ' . . • • . " ' 1NNI THE AVEHACE FAMILY r* * • • * 2 m. . 31c 19b. . l 7 c Oriental Bean Sprouts, No. 2 can 10c Kidney Beans, Wo» 2 can, 3 TOT Chili Powder, oahrphane pkg. K*MSyrup,Bh»eLabe^5ll>. Corn Flakes, ICsllogg's, or 10c 15c Grapennts, pkg. • * -v 10c Popped Wheat, pkg. Powdered Sugar, 3- Mb. pkg. 49c Ward's Winner Coffee, 3 lb, lb. • . 19c Otoo Margarine, lb. ^'^sm^s^^pas^n^B' ^ F S ^ n w y ose nnsr# e s e s THE NEW GIBSON Scott Ussne, 4 rolls Waldorf Tissue, € rofls . Scott Towels, 3 rolls . v . . 25c Crystal White Soap Chips, 511». Dreft, large pkg. . '. 17c Red Saner Suds, large pkg* Se • » * 17c PahuoKi. Samp, 3 hats . P. A G. or O. K. Laundry Soap, 3 1 0 c Matches, Carton .. 19c box 4c Europsaa Cookery tke AsBerican Way FIVE S P E W HEAT MOK-WA«PlMC CHSOMALOX . - * • COOXHIG UNITS TW<tpVSJf ElOSMEHTS GIVES QU|CCER HEAT1MG listed below are addition to our every day low prices* Be sure to take advantage of them, they will save you money. Sale Price $109.50 FRUITS VEGETABLES Celery, Mammoth, 2 bunches . 15c Apples, Northern Spies, 10 lb. . 25c Head Lettuce, No. 5, lge. hd, 2 for 15c Grapefruit, 7 for . . . . . 25c Cooking Onions, 10 lb. bag . . 17c Oranges, No. 176, doae. V . • 25c PRUNE BUTTER, 3 lbs. for . . . . '. . . . . 25c 10c Dates, Pitted, lb. . . . . . 10c Figs, pkg. . . . . 25c MIXED CANDY OR MIXED NUTS,2lb. . . . - . - . . Flint and Detroit Daily Newspapers Flint Journal, Detroit Nsw*, Times and Free Press Sunday Papers *»XI A"trkeffy new approach to Some Extra Special Bargains MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, Reg. or Drip, lb. . . . 27c Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. . . 49c Hai-dwater Coco Toilet 10c 100 lb. . . • . $4.85 plus tax Soap, 3 bars . • . Bread, Dutch Oven Loaf like Peanut Butter, 2 lb. jar 23c Mother baked, 3 loaves . . 25c Soda Crackers, 2 lb. box 15c Rice, 3 lb. . . . . . . . lie DOG FOOD, Vitamin A. B. C , 6 cans . ... . . . . 25c BACON SQUARES, ib. 9c AI . r . ROOMY STORAGE SPACE FOR other 5 per cent saving i f yoc use »;*--.r Sale Pnce $159.50 f PLUS RENTAL CHARGE 5 per cent to 10 per cent. AT NO EXTRA COST / , Battery Charging 50c money. MORE AND BETTER HON IN THE SAME SPACE ^n»^»> ^^SPOn^nnnvnn^n* %WrC * WIDE, FLAI F?tEEZliiaS^5lFACE % 244-2lb.; v Rose Bread Floor . 79c KStry Flour, 24 l ^ f t ^ . Gold Medal, 5 lb, . . . . Corn Meal, 5 lb. . . . -. . Famo, 51b. . . „ . . . tlw Flotnvpkg. . vpn> r America's No. 1 Cracker no »*n»nWP^P^» ow^n^nno *••? ' /'' COOKING UTENSIL" NOT INSTALLED *\ Meadows Washer Agitator Type Round Beaded Tub Porcelain Enamel Inside and but Impeller Wringer (Wash Master) Cushion Rolls $59.95 Less Trade-fin Easy Payment Plan can be arranged for any Appliances, Radios or Oil Burners. \. • • .'. •, v[. Is^Mi.