the talk of torrance
the talk of torrance
THE TALK OF TORRANCE The Official Bulletin for the Kiwanis Club of Torrance President: Jennifer Frew September 24, 2013 Editors/Publishers: Dr. Laurie Love & Tony Molino, Esq. Photography: Curtis Jones, Jr. DIVISION 19 INSTALLATION DINNER Laurie Love was installed last Friday as our Division 19 Queen AKA LT. Governor. It was a great turn out with 100 people in attendance and all clubs from our division. Choung Vo place the Division 19 rob as Tony Molino induct Laurie Love as our Division 19 Lt. Governor for 2013-14 Laurie Love by LTG Banner Division 19 Lt. Governor Dr. Laurie Love Laurie Love, Gayle CdeBaca and Jennifer Frew Laurie Love showing the back of the rob with Torrance Kiwanians Chung Vo and Christine Elia Talk of Torrance September 24, 2013 Page 2 Steve and Laurie Love Ryoko Mand, Carina and Robert Sokolich Curtis Jones Jr. dancing with one of the Brazilian dancers Dave Holper and Gayle CdeBaca Chong Vo with his wife Traci Photo on left Christine & Sam Elia Photo on left Bob & Rosalie Abelson Peter & Roula Issa Photo on left Phil Cook, Laurie Love and Francine Cook Photo on left: Tony & Vicki Goorchenko Talk of Torrance September 24, 2013 Page 3 President Jennifer Frew presided over her last general meeting as our club president today TODAY’S MEETING: Jennifer Frew opened her last meeting as our President. Congratulations Jennifer. She mentioned that there is no “I” in “Team” and that she was proud to serve as our leader. Eric Harris led the Pledge of Allegiance, John Hernandez had words of inspiration and our President chose “You Are My Sunshine” as today’s song. Today’s guests were Jackson and Sanda Lau who learned about us at the Salvation Army Health Fair from Ryoko Mand; and Immediate Past LTG Tim McDannold. Christine Elia was our only late member. Carina Sokolich won the card raffle and found the Joker. An additional raffle item was donated by Bob Abelson and won by Steve Makshanoff. Chuong Vo won the 50/50. Chef Shafer and PTN’s Halloween Ball is fast approaching. The date is October 13th and volunteers are needed. Please contact Laurie Love if you are available. The Torrance Police Officers Association (TPOA) is looking to raise money to support their Santa Float. This loved tradition of Santa visiting every neighborhood in Torrance is something we all look forward to. Chuong Vo, President of the TPOA will have more information for us at a later date. Tony Goorchenko was pleased with the outcome of the Salvation Army Health Fair and he commended the great volunteers and the amazing kids. The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo is October 23rd and Carina Sokolich is coordinating our booth. Please contact her with the time you can attend. Please read our Newsletter for other important announcements HAPPY & SAD DOLLARS: Bob Abelson –. LTG Laurie, it is an honor to have one of our members as LTG Tony G. being a clutz. Phil Cook – Dave Holper dancing with the Samba girls John and his story of the family in the dark, obviously that is where Jennifer took English lessons. Christine Elia– Guests, wonderful installation, had a great time, hopeful $ for a great year sorry Jenn, we will miss you at the podium Jennifer Frew – Had a sore neck on Friday so after the installation she put heat on it, unfortunately on Saturday could hardly move, but at the Salvation Army health Fair there was a Dr. doing screening and told her back is screwed up amazing installation Laurie, Tony G. getting the golden rocking chair, Salvation Army, 2 guests, enjoyed her term, everything John does for NCM, looking forward to Christine’s installation. Michael Friedman – Welcome Jackson and Sanda, hope you come back, Tim visiting, grandson’s surgery was successful. Tony Goorchenko – Installation and the golden chair, weird $ for his trip to the gas station where the person before him did not unlock the nozzle and when he took it out gas went everywhere. Kay Griffith – Jennifer missed the inappropriate dancing. Eric Harris – Congratulations and condolences to Jennifer and Christine. John Hernandez – Grateful of Jennifer and Christine, thanks to Tony G. for the help with the Division 19 newsletter, Laurie’s year. Dave Holper – DA BEARS, Jenn’s term, great job and for Christine’s coming year, Laurie’s wonderful installation. Peter Issa – Laurie, echo what Bob said. David Kuroda– In the movie Bambi, Thumper’s mother said “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all, Jennifer and your year, the amazing story of Victoria, she must have learned some of her caring from her advisors John and Ryoko. Laurie Love – For all the support and attendance at the installation and the inappropriate dancing. Steve Makshanoff – Real estate agent took them to lunch so he missed a meeting, Salvation Army Health Fair, Laurie’s installation, learned about his golf injury and bursitis there, Tuna sticking around to speak at the fair. Ryoko Mand – Laurie, Salvation Army Health Fair, guests, Victoria and her work, Jennifer. Carina Sokolich – Congratulations Laurie, job well done, congratulations Jennifer, guests and Tim Mom had to go to ER at Little Company of Mary. Choung Vo – Laurie, congratulations inappropriate dancing. Guests: Tim McDannold – NHS Victoria touched my heart, the lady she helped reminded me of my mother. Sanda Lau - Thank you for the welcome. Jackson Lau - Leaning about all of us. Michael Friedman, Kay Griffith, Peter Issa, David Kuroda, Steve Makshanoff, Carina Sokolich Glayds & Steve Makshanoff at the Div. Installation Talk of Torrance September 24, 2013 Page 4 MARK YOUR CALENDAR September 28th – Torrance KIWIN’S Car Wash, Call Charlotte Melsh for info. October 1st – NO LUNCH MEETING AT SIZZLER October 4th - Our Club Installation Party. More Information on page 5. October 13th– PTN Halloween Ball, Volunteers needed Contact Laurie Love. October 13th – Green Hills Memorial Park Halloween Harvest. 5K run/walk October 23rd - Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce, Business Expo, 4:30 PM, Toyota Auto Museum, 19600 Van Ness Ave., Torrance SALVATION ARMY HEALTH FAIR by Tony Goorchenko The Torrance Salvation Army Health and Resource Fair on Saturday September 20th was a true success. We had a great group of sponsored youth from South High (KIWINs), Torrance High (KIWINs) and Key Club members from Bishop Montgomery, West, and North High Schools, in addition to Torrance (South Bay Community) and Lawndale High Schools. We are especially grateful for the support of El Camino College Circle K who volunteered to work off-site with directional signs to the Health Fair on the corners of Hawthorne and Emerald and Torrance and Earl. Many visitors said they would have not found us if it were not for North High Key Clubber Victoria Nguyen assisting one of the seniors at the event their persistence in attracting passing drivers. As a rule, all the student are well behaved and energetic, with club presidents and SLP LtGs taking the lead (and extra effort) in making sure all the assignments are being covered. There are a few others that stand out, but this year we were gratified to have one Shining Star, who went way above and beyond what was asked and made Kiwanis and our Sponsored Youth Program a proud addition to the image of the Health Fair. Victoria Nguyen, of North High School Key Club, does not hold an officer, committee or board position and is "only a member". She was asked to help guide an elderly woman around the complex for a while, who was frail, weak and stopped over. Victoria took it upon herself and stayed at Ruth's side for over two and a half hours, got her lunch and sat with her in the shade. And then took her hand and went from health station to health station to be sure that she had access to all the health screening that were offered. She consistently declined to be relieved or take a break, but stayed until the very last second, walking Ruth to the car and helping her into the front seat. Victoria is an asset to North High School, her Key Club, her sponsoring Torrance Kiwanis Club and a glowing tribute to the Kiwanis Service Leadership Program. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize this outstanding young lady and commend her abundant generosity and compassion toward others. No doubt we will see her in a leadership program in District Key Club, a future Circle K President and ultimately an incoming member of the Torrance Kiwanis Club. She is an example of the outstanding guidance and dedication of her North High Key Club Advisor Mr. Stan Masaoka and the Torrance Kiwanis Club co-advisors Pastor John Hernandez and Ryoko Mand. We are truly grateful to have her as a member of our Kiwanis Family. Kiwanis Members are Ordinary people performing EXTRAORDINARY WORK Talk of Torrance September 24, 2013 Page 5 Please Join Us Kiwanis Club of Torrance Annual Installation & Awards Celebration Friday, October 4, 2013 6:30 PM Social – 7:30 PM Dinner Welcome Torrance Kiwanians THE DEPOT RESTAURANT 1250 Cabrillo Avenue, Torrance, California Event will be in the famous Kimono Room Chef Michael Schaffer Great Food Fun and Drink Awards Presentation Business Causal Attire RSVP to Tony Molino: 323-692-4010 or [email protected] $40 per person No Host Bar PLEASE RSVP NOW Talk of Torrance September 24, 2013 Page 6 2013 GREEN HILLS TRICK OR TROT HARVEST EVENT SPONSORSHIP AVAILABLE Platinum Sponsor $750 (24” x 36” Sign at Finish Line)* Gold Sponsor $600 (18” x 24” Sign at Start Line)* Silver Sponsor $500 (Logo on event t-shirt and one 12” x 18” Sign on Race Path)* Bronze Sponsor $250 (Logo on Event T-shirt limited space available)* For more info about this event and sponsorship contact Jennifer Frew 310-521-4418 / [email protected] ____________________________________________ KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION 27501 S. Western Avenue Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Event Line (310) 521-4460 The ELIMINATE Project Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. This deadly disease steals the lives of 60,000 innocent babies and 30,000 mothers each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. To eliminate MNT from the Earth by 2015, 129 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. Eliminating MNT from the face of the Earth will reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with additional lifesaving health care. The end of this one disease means the beginning of better health for so many families. For more info go to ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CAL-NEV-HA DISTRICT KIWANIS FOUNDATION The “Kiwanis Doctor” Program: With the backing of an $186,000 grant from the Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation trains doctors in the field of Pediatric Emergency Medicine. The doctors that have gone through this program then collaborated with Kiwanis Clubs to provide training in the field of pediatric trauma to paramedics, nurses and physicians in rural areas of our District. The goal of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship is simple: Save the lives of children by training doctors about the latest in pediatric treatment. For more info go to KIWANIS IS A GLOBAL ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTEERS DEDICATED TO CHANGING THE WORLD ONE CHILD AND ONE COMMUNITY AT A TIME Talk of Torrance September 24, 2013 Page 7 KIWANIANS AROUND TOWN COME SEE KIWANIAN KEVIN PAUL IN THE PRODUCERS By Tony Molino My family went to the Sunday Matinees at the Norris Theater in Rolling Hills Estates last week to see Kevin Paul in The Producers. It was a wonderful play. We laughed so much we missed some of the lines. Kevin Paul plays several parts in the play including a drunk, a mean boss, a police officer, one of the flamboyant assistants to the director and little old lady with a walker who danced and sang. I highly recommend that you go see this play. Remaining performances are September 27th, 28th , 29th, October 4th, 5th, and 6th. For more information or to buy tickets on line go to: THE RICHARD SHERMAN TRIO Rolling Hills Estate Kiwanian Richard Sherman and his Trio will be at the Holiday Inn – Ginger Café, every Thursday from 6 pm to 9 pm. They are also at Terranea Resort in Palos Verdes every Saturday night from 7 pm to 11 pm. If you have not seen Richard and his Jazz trio you are missing some of the best live jazz you will ever hear. For more info contact Richard Sherman 310378-5813 – [email protected] Talk of Torrance September 24, 2013 Page 8 FUNNY PAGE TOP 10 VIDEO GAMES FOR AGING BABY BOOMER 10. Ultimate Life Alert 9. Wii Hip-Break Dancing 8. Pharmacyville 7. Pac-Rat 6. Pokieman: Proctology & Prostate Exam 5. Spongebob's Spongebath 4. Tomb Waiter 3. Fannie Pac Man 2. PruneScape 1. OBAMA CARE DEATH SQUAD Talk of Torrance September 24, 2013 Page 9 THE OBJECTS OF KIWANIS TO GIVE primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than material values of life TO ENCOURAGE the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships TO PROMOTE the adoption and the application of social, business and professional standards TO DEVELOP by precept and example a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship TO PROVIDE, through KIWANIS Clubs a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and to build better communities TO COOPERATE in creating and maintaining sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase in righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will. Torrance Kiwanis Charities Since 1988 several local charities and service programs have benefited from the Torrance Kiwanis Fund raising efforts. These charities are as follows: Aging In Place Seniors Program Angels for Sight American Cancer Society American Heart Association - Heart Walk LA Children’s Miracle Network Counseling 4 Kids Disaster Relief (Tsunami & Hurricane Katrina) Harbor UCLA Medical Center Santa’s Visit Key Leader Kiwanis/Benjamin Aranda III Scholarship Fund Kiwanis CAL-NEV-HA Foundation Kiwanis International Foundation L.A. Dept. of Child Services, Christmas Party Leukemia & Lymphoma Society New Challenge Ministry – Food Bank Pediatric Therapy Network Red Ribbon Week Salvation Army Christmas Bell Ringing/Health Faire Special Olympics South Bay Children’s Choir St Patrick’s Day Charity 10 K Run Switzer Education Center Torrance Coordinating Council Scholarships Torrance Education Foundation Torrance Memorial Hospital Pediatric Unit Torrance Police Officers Association Torrance YMCA Young Children Immunization Program KIWANIS CLUB INFORMATION DIVISION 19 WEEKLY MEETINGS TUESDAY El Segundo- Hacienda Hotel, 525 Sepulveda Blvd. …….…. Lomita/ Harbor City- 24822 Narbonne Ave. Lomita ……..… Manhattan Beach- Tin Roof Bistro, Manhattan Village Mall……... Torrance, Sizzler Restaurant 2880 Sepulveda Blvd. ….…... 12:10 PM 6:30 PM 12:10 PM 12: 10 PM WEDNESDAY Carson- Double Tree Hotel-. (1st & 3rd Wed. Only) ………….….... 12:10 PM Hermosa Beach- 2515 Valley Drive Hermosa Bch. ............. 12:10 PM Lawndale-Community Center, Brown Bag Lunch.(1st & 3rd Wed.) ....... 12:10 PM San Pedro, The Whale & Ale Restaurant……...……….…...……. 12:10 PM THURSDAY Eastview- Sheraton Hotel, Palos Verdes Street, San Pedro…..... 8:00 AM Gardena Valley-Elks Lodge, 1735 W. 162 Street. Gardena ....... 12:10 PM LAX- Renaissance Hotel, 9620 Airport Blvd., at LAX …........ 12:30 PM Rolling Hills/PV- Red Onion Restaurant Rolling Hills Estates…..... 12:10 PM FRIDAY Hawthorne- Western Credit Union, 14500 Aviation Blvd. ... 12:10 PM INTERNATIONAL & DISTRICT OFFICERS 2012-2013 International President …………..………..…......... Tom DeJulio CAL-NEV-HA District Governor ….…..……........... Gary Jander CAL-NEV-HA- District Governor Elect .... Rae Whitby-Brummer Division 19 Lt. Governor ..…………………..….... Mark Waronek Division 19 Lt. Gov. Elect…………………………..... Laurie Love Region 8 Trustee…………………………………… Richard Huhn TORRANCE KIWANIS SERVICE LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS North High Key Club……………. Weekly Meeting - Fridays at Noon South High KIWIN’S ………...…….Weekly Meeting -Friday at Noon Torrance High KIWIN’S…………Weekly Meeting -Friday at Noon West High Key Club………......... Weekly Meeting – Friday at Noon Bishop Montgomery High Key Club Weekly meeting .. Richardson Middle School Builders Club. …… Talk of Torrance September 24, 2013 Page 10 CLUB INFORMATION CLUB OFFICER 2012 - 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTOR President …..……………… Jennifer Frew First V.P. …….…….................Christine Elia Second V.P. …….………… Carina Sokolich Treasurer……............................. Peter Issa Secretary…………………….… Ryoko Mand Foundation Treasurer…..........…. Phil Cook Immediate Past-Pres. ….... Charlotte Melsh COMMITTEE CHAIR Newsletter ……… Laurie Love/Tony Molino Santa’s Visit .…………... Tony Goorchenko Community Service........... Gayle CdeBaca Inter-Club……………….……. Kelly Moore Membership…………………………… Open Toys for the Troops Kids….. Stephanie Yee Club Promotion……………….. Dave Holper 2011-2013 TERM Michael Friedman Laurie Love 2012-2014 TERM Kay Griffith Curtis Jones, Jr. Eric Harris _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEMBER’S NAME PROFESSION Abelson, Robert (Rosalie) *Applegate-McGinty, Lisa (Pat) Aranda, Laura (Ben) (H) Callen, Bobbie CdeBaca, Gayle (Craig) Cook, Phillip (Francine) Elia, Christine (Sam) Friedman, Michael (Ronnie) Frew, Jennifer * Goorchenko, Tony (Vicki) Griffith, Kay * Grundhaus, Kay (Les) Harris, Eric Hernandez, John (Laura) * Holper, Dave (Lela) Horwich, Harvey (June) Issa, Peter (Roula) * Jones, Jr. Curtis (Elaine) Koerner, Nadine Kuroda, David (Alice) * Love, Dr. Laurie (Steve) Lyttle, Dolores Makshanoff, Gladys Makshanoff, Steve Mand, Ryoko * Melsh, Charlotte Mintz, Nathan (Judy) + Molino, Tony (Bambi) Moore, Kelly Norris, Michael (Kathy) Okoniewski, Sharon (Kenneth) Paschner, Cecilia * Paul, Kevin (Rosanne) Sokolich, Carina (Robert) * Sousa, Manuel (Christine) (H) Thompson, Kathleen Vo, Chuong (Traci) Yee, Stephanie CPA Insurance State Farm Insurance Retired Bank Facilities Mgr. CFP Bank Manager Retired Attorney Community Events Kiwanis Expert Teacher (retired) Realtor Attorney Minister AFLAC Sales Mgr. Retired Bank Manager Global Marketing Retired Teacher LCSW, Mediation College Professor Executive Director Naval Nurse (retired) Educator/Volunteer Teacher (retired) Bowling Alley Mgr. Satellite Engineer Attorney Financial Planner Attorney Legal Shield Senior In Home Care Services Business Banking CR Director Court Reporter Controller (Retired) Torrance Police Association Catering Mgr. TELEPHONE 310-320-2020 310-374-1503 310-374-1200 310-534-4236 310-375-9000 310-545-6700 310-530-5800 310-378-0666 310-521-4418 310-534-4524 520-906-8684 310-890-6407 310-540-6877 310-490-9439 310-977-8922 310-316-0882 310-793-0087 310-541-1577 310-376-2672 310-540-9128 310-729-3676 310-328-0780 310-329-2990 310-415-1394 310-787-8185 310-326-5120 310-363-2570 323 692-4010 310-378-2463 310-376-0922 424-206-9042 310-486-9782 323-855-3930 310-328-0812 310-372-1111 310-755-4266 310-765-4424 E-MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] None [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] NONE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Past Lt. Governor/Past Club President, *Past President, + Life Member, H Honorary, ( ) Member’s Spouse Torrance Kiwanis meet every Tuesday for Lunch at the Sizzler Restaurant, 2880 Sepulveda Blvd. Torrance California, 90505. For more information about our club and membership please call: Tony Molino 323-692-4010 • Laurie Love 310-729-3676 • Tony Goorchenko 310-534-4524
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the talk of torrance
(H) Callen, Bobbie
CdeBaca, Gayle (Craig)
Cook, Phillip (Francine)
Elia, Christine (Sam)
Friedman, Michael (Ronnie)
* Frew, Jennifer
* Goorchenko, Tony (Vicki)
Griffith, Kay
* Grundhaus, Kay (Les)