Output file - Griggs County Historical Society
Output file - Griggs County Historical Society
Thoreson, 42', t-I OnceOf Farflo.* b( Ifilled l"trWtrEti ostadsObserue Golden W -*--7._i 6 Harolcl P. (Buck) Thoreson, 42, of Los Angeles, a former Fargoan, was electrocuted Sunday when he accidentally. . touched a bare ii::r , wire on a Malibu lake boat dock. ' f o rTmh eo rr e s o n , a Fargo high school, Concordia and NDU player, ii;ri football returnedi had with his family a flshing frpm when the trip mishap occurred. Thoreson The dock ha6 been wired by an amusement company for night boat racing. ir S d r S t, I I l * * { Thoreson was born in Hannaforcl, N. D., June 30, 1907, and as a boy moved to Fargo with his parents, R'ev,and Mrs. P. A. Thore60n. He was graduated from the University of North Dakota and in 1929 moved to California where he served as state relief administrator for San Bernardino county. He spent several years in Washlngton as a congressional secretary and later became postmaster in San Bernardino, Calif. He served in the army air corps in England in Worlil war II, reaching the rank of major. At the time ol his death Thoregon was an o{icial in a firm of commercial builders in Los Angeles. * a { i Surviving are Mrs. Thoreson; three children, David, Eric and Barbara; three sisters, Mrs. J. K. Harwood, N. D., and jMr..Eioffif,*'; Anetar-Dies'& I 19,{,, Mr. and Mrs. Gunder Trostacl of rural Aneta will be honored Sunday at an oPen house in the West Prairie church in celebration of their golcien rvedding anniversary. Attentling will be the couPle's seven children, 16 grandchildren The ancl one great-grandchild' children are RalPh !f CooPerstown: Olger of Anetal Mrs. Howarcl (Ida) Seeburger of PhiliPs' Wis.; Mrs. Oscar (Thelma) Olson, Kloten; Mrs' Nels (E11a) .E-illes.iiana'. nneta; Mrs. Earnie (Clara) iKnudT t h o m p s P f o 7 6i,' i lG"iggsFarrnern'Dead5l' i - Services I Cooperstown. N. D' I lfor Kirudt M. Thompson, 76, whol township I died Mondav in his Dover I lfarm home, are tentatively set forl Lutheranl lsaturdav in Eids.iorcl lchurch *est of Wal-um, N. D. Rev'l lRov W. Gilbertson will officiatel lwith S. J. Quam funeral home inl lcharse. I I Boin in Norwav June 13, 1873'1' andl; in 1892 lhe came to the U. S. rI to Grises countv in 1906. He mar- | lried fiiartha iacobson Nov. 17,1. lt'K*rurn* are Mrs. tto*pro.,;l Itwo dauehters, Mrs. RaYmondi 'iWattrs of-Courtenay, N. D., andll iMrs. Gordon Mickelson of Wimble-l: ldon, N. D.; five sons, Morris ofl: .lRevere, N. D., Casper and Johnl' lat home, Albert of CooPerstownl land Oscar,with the army in Louis-l' liana: three sisters. Mrs. Abelonel' lMyshaug of Hannaford, *.O.,1, lMrs. Cornelius Englestad of Town- j lsend, Mont., and Mrs. Margaretl. lWiiliamson of Newfield, N. Y., andll 114erandchildren. A son, Clarence,l. lwas kltiea in France in !944, I l l i19";11_c9X, P]:f Raffertv of XIi: chi lCir-"ii.J tctudys) "J9r."ild^, lcago,Iil. Mr. and Mrs. Trostacl were married in 1900, in CooPerstown and have been lesidents of Griggs county since that time. AnerapaFN, []r.l,t^- rv/^r rFSUo Golden Weddln! _- rrr. and Mrs. *::1";..1. _D. .t#,#l-.; f,rl,:. l,:^"-.^r"0' "r "ii^"'ir j:, ;i T;[.ft,i:; "1,'i"i"'u t; "n":.:l:gL;a;;. #,","["jl 'f#,,;.t:^,:1: nli,j:jg::i"n e,q.i"il;T'1,'Jlg ir *,x_bli ;j:,,;;l;l:t ..*n r*,j":gllg cn Cnlldren. l6 or.q-r^r:r. j "iii&"i,"'ro'"eif,io..rliy5lE ; -h;i;fr,f{i,t'l{l :;$..:t ";; g*1,,,1I F]: fr.;f;f, _F: ;.l.ll towrr:O Mrs. ThaialGonOf Aneta Die! ,t, rvlr be s^;il?,*i.:, * "D;!g*,Ies ru_ ly*"y".ll_p l tlc'oiia*a .j:,1,:lg""l^;; -,+a, "or"alnut, ll -n;; obert A. who ;11i."'.,1*,, dicd -rnuisaa"vil n a l]i;fl:r, illness. -.31t rorrorl,ing J i,e-monri,., c..W. Holm rvill officia ;qfii q:#:,"ff.in the Otta' L !"iFjil3!$iii-,:,i.* ;Idr*,:",s Gladys TrostadSStr :iij$$b*;r'n#ruffili I I son,zO'rouriir"it -"**ij N;'' :;.^ "'t'" i.'duu : *'qffill ffi,i'ui;i, *. ' ffili "il"13 'l1ft '{'?ff t;.??',.ff I; dent of Nelsonft,,*-, Fft\.**.,,:ml; county, she had. r-esidedin Aneta t : :,,'l T li ilii.,i.tL i::fii1::, ::' .l; 'niiii,,io"Ii5#: xm tll tit Hed e m a_rk e n. IIrs, Thtngstad I Norvral, .Fe-b.22, 18;5, str6 wis lI married in Norway in 1g?5.Sevenlj years. later they Came to Dakoii Ierltory and after two years in Hillsboro they homesteided i; Rafferty Ved v Mr. and Mrs. Gunder Trostad of Aneta, N. D., announce the mar;i"e.-;f iheir daughter, GladYs' of i:-rti"^eo. to Charles Edward Raffertv"of Ponliac, Ill. TheY were in St. John's Lutheran -"r.iua i l-f-tui"ft-l.t Phillips, Wis'-The blide is -.- a graduate of Concororg.college' I Mi.- and Mrs. EarnY Ronnigen of Binfortl, N. D., brother-in-law ina iister'of' the bride, were the A reception followed "lt""aanis. h tfto ftnme of another sister, Mrs. ttr'' it'i"istaiils ,lll:'.'?? nsSiJY;". j,''3"'"'1.1','. 5:if""ff,l"J, iL":?1;:: It rlgot, Carl'of Aneta, ..l ; Jamesrown; -22 & grandchildren E , r d r r u"lii-ii"r",jrll srlltur.en a and n o II I:---,""y,..^, , | +r great-grandchildren. II died at Hiltsborolr .l*,A s9n,-1.{.artin, .lNov. S, 1949. Another son, John. I lg:td lwq daughters, Karen anci {Jutia) Rugstad, also , crDU j lIp5ls_.-+lg{ew receded ter i" a""iir.-s6erqu' Fule.ral arrangements are l_ in_ l l --l\ illrs. P. R. Trubsha\Trd Of ValleY CitY Dies' Vallev CitY, N' D'-XIrs' P' R' urrli.t wido*'-of.-a r d o * ' , o l a lformer 80, 0, w T r ,it[itti*, ubshaw, 8 sYgr'st""::' uond$Y; died \i:';J""."'? tiff"i-n".ota. l,!!o grandchildren ail;;t* survive' and two Tufi-eland, Once 5r Of Griggs, f)ead Services rvill be helcl' todaY at Odell, Ore., for Gustave AdolPh Tufteland,61, former Griggs county resident tvho died APril 24' Mr. Tufteland was born April 14. 1889. at Binford, N. D., and m6ved to the west coast about five vears ago. He was a carpenter c Lnd a veleran o[ World u ar f . t, He is survived bY tw-o daughters, one son, one brother and four sis- o ters including Mrs. Bertha Feiring V of Cooperstown, N' D.' and Mrs. L J ', -g:';' )rb - - Home ll lTh",yp.so'?s i.tfllt""t,;tl[ ;iiffi'llTiffi "i]tf,."itlii',1"r:':ffi l:[:"rtr!r::#:"ao !] gffisdii,{lit,.5":"''o -:-::i:|;|.;|;|::4'l::::::iL:|i;|iliri:lli:l:}'i,yjlii.l@|,I'hn*lnaAboIrn*n|l v ed,s tDmrt#.:3i*"i[;#r'.i'taffi#iriffifl I vr,*:s,=;:q," lDronnn lF#s?Hitt$diii;.'#i1ffitr.f'lx';trffififf#{* llr'*i-iooodnl$lq:iry:i+,tT.*r*qlr;l*"#;*it*l?ts* n*ii".*Htl;i#""i","jl iMrs. Chris Dronen of Fi lwere married Sundav . lF:t1tii*liB:lul,':: r.;'rii;i;i;;,.;,rr,*,*",ix,ttrtlil*i"*=",:t",Ury-*l*$xiilru lHolm of Aneta. ffiMl lffi -s-ervices t'""Ilffiffi+:JH*tf.tl;i; or,.wore ra'end.er . ,'i 1.,.i!? ?f,,1";:ir,?::j::ll,J P 'WJ'-s *" o,i:ii_f_.11q,",., maids, Mrs.woodro*rtfJo*illti ;,:;'fi',:3l,ffiii:,:,::, o,,"";l l:a-*:;.r.'1';;;rH'l ::"^vw ffi'.::i T:li::l= f ^ri: r'.*r lfui*h ;ar:;, r::xH'# :s-q:,T rip*.:9{l,p^",rgl,:-rg-:r"x:,rirtsl-lchurch. 1fr"-*T .u[,"1H"Ji"f#"..X1/ffi |.I.d,r*-*lTlilTff'.:1.::". rvi,h Ra,O. ,-.,^ , y rvith Rer'. andyeIlow,respectivelv..f'l.'f'?.:nr;-..il;;.rrrLIldI'ge.Wi$ff{'*",1.'*r'fiIi$Hf', ried in-law of the bride, wore *'J.enrr wptow rpsnnnrirrarrr"'Ii; Y'jI Jamestown is in charge. u'hite carnations tJ:Ifi daisies in.bouquers stlrearireiii;i X:,. n'",.di."1!tl],t"#"'" il",,ili;,*;,?;l@,Wffiiil,i"il'*ll,tll:lil;.*t1"";;J'?%it",lX?,"T" :i'ii,Till",:::quetsstlredlikethat_"".1r:i"r1:,'ifi Janet rande and1\Iarv ]:?,[.TJffil*,,T,:'*!:". *:g: yeii;.T"ff11l,3':? f.1i1!l#"*"Jl';:lri,J,fr. nieces of the br "T;'i?t,.3t":"!3%'J:tix Engeness haug, instructor or Finlev, inlla i:S;:$i.ot rini.v,'w. N. ii., girrsand D., flovicrgirrs rower andwore,lli,?.,",o,13;?:5$:i"T-:'"*t1l"il,.1::t,-;;!lildt?:g,.iiq""^\ptQ'il;I;;1;-';;1,* woie *y:1"^:;*s;;i,fi!i"'"ii;l'.a'Xi"",i,,r133"arrn'jllr!*jj3$,,1'."1""S3# x'#i"J'ffiffs'il?'';,,{;*I.k:"":**iffl,"i3',-''?:{'.*-".$iY3|."Ib""J]%lift'3'i'ifiif,i-,,,"u--er,J --:l-tf-o0perstown, of l\Iinnesota. nirr slStei wolre Jrx't ;ln"x;i *t"'*!#"'.!1r.::,"'lliiir-;,','#flil$i#"{:,fii:nry,miilflii a.rvhite iinen su"it.-"-'"^'arLdl':rlJ-nlv.ersrty th-f.iarr *^;;l;:= _attendeO ffi ff*;*:t*H utln$#tt;;fiffi r$fffi /$:*$Tffi,ffi s h e i s a m e m b e r o f A l p h a G a m m i w o m e n o f B i l l i n g s ,M o n t . "'"''"1:' shehas tausht nea She reaves l;1,&::'".',r. : [:;,*:,"^lrx:l I] 5':J'ifl;f,aR,:#r:'"'it Mr.Dronen is deputv ;ln:'H:1,,, 'eountv "' f,i::r3:1"""#l:ry. ditoror Sreere i,"":l.y# county' Bradroia,-ei#"ii"'ri,/! eraaroa-Bi'::-t/i "*i:: 1yii:i, #f*.tohn #f*'*trn returnrroma weaarneufroig,,ff ilifil;ih;-:ttut'#l"[i ,.--4r, and Mrs. Thompion are at igIirTi",t:_y#rFr#t "+llt rheUnivers.y or i i,^ltiilh."-tend.s r,lsraduate .r.'"l??To::f;"Ji ", "? :iH B etrothal AnnounTed,SJ'' Mr. antl Mrs. EclwarclTrost ofll nqroo-lI frop-e, l P e , N . D.,.announce thp p &gige: \. D . . a n n o u n e e liie $en! of their daughter,f,oriiinelj Marie, to Donald L. Sussex. son of Mr. ancl Mrs. Georqe Sussex of Hope. Miss Trost and Mr. Sussex ii.ii graduates ;:i_, are of Hope hieh ,ii;! echool. She at- i+.J tendecV l allev City StatL Teachers c o lIege and for the Miss Tro6t Past two years lgugtrt school near Cooperstown. *\, .lr. _Aq present she is teachind In the Buffalo special aistrict.-l,irl sussex .attended NDAC ancl is now In the navy. Roberta Thorson rirco ffi 1a4 -\ . /.y "t laotpt f,rtt"lroA '5ztfi of P;kinDdd AmericanlJ McVille, N. D.-The Legion will be in charge of mili- I' tary rites for Adolph Kristian I Tufteland at tlie Sheyenne church I near Pekin Tuesday at 2:30. Rev. l, T, K Spande will conduct the I services. I Mr. Tufteland tliecl Tuesday in a I He was a I Grand Forks hospital. veteran of World war f. I in Nelson county I He was born May 4, 1891, and spent his life as a l farmer in Bergan township, NeisonI. county. He married Ju)ia Falomon-l' son at Finley March 26, 1930. I Other survivors are a son. Ken- l: Clara. both daughter, neth and a I at home; a brother, Hogan, Pekin, la Mrs. John Ricksisters, and thrce |: McCullock. lford. Pekin. Mrs. Mrs. Mary Marv McCullock, ford, Pekin, I, Burbank, Calif., and Mrs. Serina lJ Falomonson,Janrestown. I Thc body is at the Wonder fu- | t. neral home, no"rJ#t[$r ffi r:::.:i:;lii::: :l;.,:r:::::., I. 't ONCE TROSETH ' ?ITCHHR $TAR By a Special CorresPondent Cooperstown, N, D.-When OIe A.'Troseth of Cooperstown bowled his 300 at the 16th annual at Jamestown last tournament Sunday, it wasn't the first time fans and friends have stood on the sidelines cheering hirn. Troseth, a few years back, was known to sport fans of this area v Tweed QoorEBtown OLE TAOSDTII . Ariiouncement is made of thcl ensagemento{ Miss Roberta Thor-' $bn and William G. Gellner, son of Mr. Phil Gellner',Langdon, N.D. Miss Thorson is the daughter of Mrs. Cynthia Thorson, 1437 12th St. S., Fargo, and Leonard V. Thorson, 1117llth Ave. N., Fargo. She is a graduate of Central Hig! School, Fargo and NDAC and is a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. She teaches home economics at Langdon. Mr. Gellner operates the Gellner Jewelry at Langdon. He is ai graduate of St. Alphonsus Highl Schoolat Lanry_ ffii'iirti:+.*', Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Trost ;of Hope, N. D., announcethe aplproachingmarriage of their daughIter, Darlene Carol, to Robert A. lsctrmi0t. Trostis a graduate of Hope I tr,tlss | l.-- l:Hanson-Trostad ';Vows Spoken{t I t . ,i Phyllis llanson and Richald C. :lTrostad were married at a cere:rrnonf in the lionre of the bride. lgroom's btother-in-Iarvand stster, . l M r ' .a n d M r s . B r u c e H r r e lo l C o o p - , e l s t o w uN . . D . T h e R e r ' .l ' i d e r n a n u I olliciated The blide is the daughter of e, iiX,h'. 1'. R. llanson of Aneta anti -1il\Ir. T|ostad lhe son ol Mr.. Ralph I ' T r o s t a do f C o o p c r . s t o n . r r . I V,r. anO ]lr.s. Hoel rver.eilre at-; ten{lar)ts. I I l ; A l e c e' lp' rt'iuusntl iar dl l o v e d . t t ' . . g l a c l L readf I r . u r n l: 'i'r.os_ I \lcVillc High Schooland Mr.. lad Jrom Coop€f*o*rr. J iHigh School and attended Interqtate BusinessCollege.She is employed by the Clay County Agricultural Service Conservationoffice in Moorhead. i Mr. Schmidt graduated from lHope }Iigh School and attended INDAC. He has been employed emploved in i{arg-o by Northwestern Telilphone Co. for tbe past two years. Oct. 4 has been chbsen as the date. for the weddiqg. It will be in Trinity Lutheran 0h. I ^ft'-T".1 ffi?. texoeul, SPEAKER the Rev.AlbertTaxdahlwill the speakerand also will sing at a meetingof the BethelMissionary Society of the Evangelical Free C h u r c h T h u r s d a ya t 8 i n t l e l ' church.Miss Oline Egge and Sdrna Teigland will be the chiefly as a baseball pitcher. In 1930 and 1931 he was a SL Olaf coilege ace. A few years a^fter he giaduated, his arm went bad. has a remarkeblet Troseth Iro loowg retentivo memory. pla.yers and thelr records ln any sport you want .to name. IIe is the watrking fund of sport know;ledge in this communlff. * As a bowler, he ls among: the in the Cooperstown league. fllt winter his average ts 180, *lg Jtrt friends say he has been a below form. [ttle Ife has an intense love of IIe has been bowling, too. known to roll 24 lines without lnterruption. I{e sa,ys the 300 score in the Jamestolvn tournament is "ilust ono of those things." He is serving his third term as register of deeds of Griggs county. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. PauI Troseth of Hanna"ford. In his work as registrar, his retentive memory is helpful also" phen he has looked up a record oce he rarelv has to use the inlBx a second time. ffsnorts runs in the Troseth fOmity. His brother, Lloyd, is an athlete and plays basketball with NDAC in Fargo. Another brother, Eugene, at home, was also a ,rbaseball nitcher. He has one sis'lter, vioL, a supervisor at St. Luke's hospital in Fargo. -7n f-/ l.buis Trostad2 Earlv G-rllrdrs I -DD" t/ esident.,Deaid . l J , Cooperstown, N. D.-Louis Tro_ stad, 7_7,^r.esident of Griggs county 'home since 1884, died in his herl Born Feb.-8;-ib?t,"i; lhgpdav. Gudbrandsdalen, Norway, he cime to ,Dakota Territory wiili his;;;: in Firot i,it3;01?i,,*omesteaded 't:l?i3"', :i5:':tr'ti jl* f"*:l *auf,,Xi:'#lJs"',"j""*'iill f,"j*?f, steaded north of Jessie. The counie I Mr. Trostad moved here after from_farming.ti" t,iA neln lretiring arorrector of the JessieFarmeri company,and a memOer ryevator, or the schoolboard. W. G. TryeednOnce GriggsSheriff,.PJ". WiIIiam_G. T\r-ced, eZ, 0Foftrs-onetown, N. D., contrabtor and time sheriff of Griggs county, died late_ Wednesday in-a farg-o' trospital. Born in Norway April 30, 1881. Mr. Tweed came to North Dakotd as a boy, living at Binford until 7922. He married Anna Sorvik of Cooperstown in 1908. Elected sheriff in 1922, he had livecl in Cooperstorvn since. He leaves his wife: four sons and daughters, Donald of Bismarck, John of Vancouver, Wash.. Mrs. Don Clark of Wimbledon. N. D,, and Bernette of Seatilei seven brothers, Joseph of pekin. N.^D., Lewis 8., of tolna, N. D.j 4lfred of Cooperstown, 'ofCarl of Corinth, N. D., Oscar Jessie. N._Q., Toralph of Fjnley, N. D., and Maynard of Minneapolis, anci two sisters,-{ts. R' W. Frizier, B,-inford, ?ncl Mrs. Dina Johnsonj Miami. Fla. Services will be at 1 p. m. todav in Bethany Free churih of Bin!ord, _Rey,_G. Mellby officiating. Burial will be at Binford with S. i. Quam_ funeral home of Cooperstown in charge. ilNamofufte fo-Boh;;I- .lPoet.A,tCoopersrown Surviving are Mrs. Trostad; two sons,,Oscar-of Coopersto*rr' unO rr_neoooreoI_Aneta, N. D.; two daughters, Mrs. Manlev Torsen_ son of Anet-a and Mrs. ir,f"iii"'N. Johnson of Cooperstown; two brothers,. Gundar- and GuV oi three_sis_ters, lvtrJ.-hnria $,19!1! Simenson of Binford,'iVr"r.ltiii"! g-qgcaard-of Aneta aird rUrs.Craii s.o-lberg of. Carnation,Wash.,-ind srx grandchildren. ._^Services will be Tuesday, at 12 rn tne home herc and at 2l; Wesi 3;iiS;,i;8ifl1n'Ii#' q Noitrr ne-ls- Sentinel-Courlerpubli-sfil 3y!q eqn€rc. Mound tbwnshin-. j,".0",;,nii l$__6,*i"-fi!t?l{"-"?R" l9rm_e_r.Maria Lunditen came ro the United States in 1901: Si; fit i6ff:t"u to Mr' rrostadJan. j^^S_urviving .arc Mr. Trostad; five tsons, Oswald, Leonard and Allen. at home, Gerhard of Carnation. wash., anal Roy of Binford. N. D.: ronr daughters, trtlrs. Melvjn Olsori ot no^o4ead, Mrs. Walter paul_ -C""a^u, Bert :qr-r.or Ktoten, N. D., Mrs. gr Minneaporis' a"a IPjbly_ home, and fiv'e g""na.i,triiJi]l jat f . Se-rviceswill be Saturday. at 1l l.Ln 1qe home and at 2.in Westl church, Rev. Marcus l. l{ralrre lTufteland officiating. S. J. bu;mlf lruneral home of Cooperstown isll Jrn charge. It ' Knute Thuneo6I, /, Binford Native, Dead w. Thune, ,rtllj;r,T* -D.-_Knute fli'**it*.L?tl:5$#*i;*t tj:t.lj[i ,X""?'.t"t, lf3"!i."?h.t Thune; IJT-Xllt "*^1\rlrs. 2824 Ere;il;ri l"'two ii il1T,^wgl"g9, il*q:,:lg-Fbh-;ffi !"iHffi:?ui"Jh -D;-r\i^. dtu"#;tis""';? I llj:: :.,*:".,,yili Lewis H*:*r:ry, :N. o'*l1^p:F1Eg, "j nil"i""a,N.D. free cfrurcir=frJ# Fifi:ffilx;#,}li:;?s.l"*s:r -,1;; *::;"",:,5^._Vquu'Jr'i'.'iHtiiie"!l? "iT&i*: f ;1;' RfI N."X;-q town, o., in <irr'uiLu. Mrs. Fannyffhompson, GriggsoDead AtBS'{g Cooperstown, N. D.-Mrs. Fannv Thompson, 83, residcnt of Broailvie* township 47 Years, died Saturday night in a CooPerstown hospital. She had been ill since March. 1948. Born May 13, 1865, in Quarn, England, she was married to Wiiliam Thompson March 31, 1891, in England. They came to America in May, 1901, settiing on a homestead in Griggs county south of her.e. Her husband died Oct. 2, 1942. Surviving are two chilclren, WilIie of rural Cooperstown, anp Mrs. Connie Harris of Biuffton, Ind.: four grandchiidren and six greatgrandchildren. Services will be Wednesday at 1 p. m. in Tlinity Lutheran church here, Rev. Corliss R. Rasmussen officiating. Burial will be in the Cooperstown cemetery. S. J. Quam funeral home is in charge. 17-,-r7,--- js": l*?"1.,1,xu"""Id;"xtuTi; 1tjgtery -degree_fromttre uniierl l:itJ -oi[iia. a n€we .editor eoltor of of the the Gri-ss-i :vr-rn:r newe Griggs lrormer t"3f,T.l"?,'{1f"fl'*";*,.:;*l home in pilot ?,?',i;*?X: fifrif,'T,lt,X?,1,'n,$ii' h;;;;i A::t:-rlt"_r_p*"r.lit.til';"urfilll 'l;u"g,ge1*;*g',tqE lldfjfriTYtn"^l;*P;d""X,i,ll N. D;;-fidfr --:lg:"^lg _y_Sr!g,,, tlschoolprtncioal-' has-bein_ sciencetnstrucI, l._TSIS hi;h I :^oI:Td,99"9_at Coopercto$m ilIrs. Guy Trostad Of Griggs County Dead'4f , tr -a "f 1: r":a+H,jr ---_;i:-= '-_-.,--*i i oopersto*firtDead Sgt. C. A. Thompson Rites At Hannaford," tr I *#ffin'+;"";;:ii;r*Till . The former Aadot Johnson was b_ornDec. 72, 1877, at Stavanger., Norway. She came to Minnesotdl in 1882 and to the Cooperstownr area in 1883. She was mlrried- tol -l Ml. Taxdahl Dec. 12, 1900. burvlvrng are Mr. Taxdahl: I .thre.e_ sons, Ernest of Revere, N, D., I of Hannaford, w. O., and i 9rville_Rev. Albert of Grafton, -N. n.: ifriee -iiov I dauHhters, daughters.Neva Neva l"d' :nd Mns' fvrrs. p^.'l dt} i ;o;r,..ylt,te- TIIT rARGO FORUM l' u?fl,,;il $'t'i"l": rn Dover townlltip, Fqu._Ralph u ll.rlstopherson orrrcratrng. Mili_ _tary rit€s will be !V tne American Leglon. W. D- ]T , wathe of Revere and Mrs, A. M, of^Rugby,N. D.; 15 grand_ !,eln9ss cnllctre!; Ibur sisters,MrS. Serina - Finclair funerai n.ome is in cnarge. Anderson l{rr:D.,Ing."i-il&;;; and i3lr*f,1,lirr^1d l.n with 1944, while setvrng servl IIoIIand of Binford, N. D:, Mi;.|: Dorothea Larson ot ginhatord, I P {.j:_ ,TlioTe-sqt. rhornpson Mrs. Chris Seld;l of l. Uooperstown, and a brother,.HanS Froiland, of Cooperstown. liiTl^Y-i"',t Frqn..rvo".i, the fielci iil'ffi5:tio*3i-lt:: l:::.tplit 1,944. .itlasmusThu, S,rttot .7 iCafe Operator, D"^h", f Iarents he leaves n.,1,-i.-.^._i^ -{l1s casper, John ;;:^:.r"ln9{s, or "nd M.jiir-"I f:T:r^ ry.annarora,- N. D.-RasmusB. Thu, ]"'sll*^o*I,. ;i* ;"'g;* I;::$::,"U!1"," 1,.:1,: c ;:TF xo?"iili /$,F:,{3n t?:, "i l"',.Iilll5,.^p:,andoicar witrrtrre :#:""j'u.igljcr in Kansas,ano two F:1,1?-^J'"i; F"Ymond'waitsl urs. Corj i# ui*rilh;;, #,jl{:,l_ ?:r..at{ aon \itiffii"d',iil *Y"J t tr.ili?iT|l*.*'o', 't cii.o'. _^ Surviving are Mrs. t I MRS. DOROTIIEA TOBIASON Mrs. Dorothea Arneson Tobiason passed away at Hatton, N. D., Tuesday after a long illness, She was the sister of Mrs, Anne McDermott, 406 tr'ourteenth st S, and Mrs. W. D. Ilartman, 63072 First av N, both of tr'argo, Borr Feb. 5, 1866, near Deborah, fowa, she went with her parents, John and Kristi Arneson. to Granite In 1881 the family tr'alls, Minn. moved to Steele county She was married Oct. 28, 1896, to Tollef Tobiason and the couple settled in Beaver Creek townshtp in 1897. In 1907 they moved to their home near Hatton, Of the seven children born to them, three died in infancy and a son, John Richard, passed away in 1936. The huaband, three daughters, Emma and Marie of Hatton and Alice of Arnegard, survive, as do a brother, Nels Arneson of CooPerstown and four sisters, Mrs, Ella Bergstrom of CooPerstown, Mrs. McDermott and Mrs, Hartman a^nd Mrs. B. W. Hazard of Valley CitY. Services will be Saturday at 1:30 in the home and 2 in St. John's Rev. Luth€ran church at Hatton. Mrs. O. L. Jensen will officiate. Tobiason rMas a member of the St. John's church, lPfle t rlTZ )4, ilv nn. in lva m,*iii,tll"*il;rilsr $s..T6'*,*ir"*:#;,#lry; milii'lg*T'+ffi11illlf I n-Riste lThorron-Ri YgY'r,"1 Are TakenI n l d a h o : Miss Mildred Thorson of Riqb" land, Wash., daughter of G.'f Thorson of Mclntosh, Minn,, a Milo Riste, son of Mr. and IVE Julius Riste of Cooperstown, w, married at Coeur d' Alene, ldar on July 14, according to inforl tion received by friends an'd rl tives in the cunmunity. t Miss Thorson has made t Es home with Mr. and Mrs. Olson of Cooperstov0n.The cot iare at prcsent making tl in Richland' Wash. f,E lhome ^.,alaP. ,nnoo-J- he nd t ces ffi{lii,lqy /i$t:,ll# Uin*"i*'.:.tt ii$i?i -*#,"?'ifi,T, t 5 {e :d ns le o iliiYai,ru*:'iliii"liil'4::i gorng overseas in JuIy, t tn he fix j I Journal. He worked at several North Da\ota points, including Sheldon, before enlisting with Co. B in the national guard for service on the Mexican border. Later he. served overseas in World war f with B company. He was discharged as a second lieutenant in 1919 ancl returned to Cooperstown. In 1921 and,I922 he was in nartnership with R. M. Still, operiting a print shop in Fargo. He returned to Cooperstown and was with the Sentinef Courier save. for the Idaho break until his death. I * * * Thompson was married Aug. 16, 1929- in St. Paul, to Gene-vievd PaFtrSff Enderlin. In addition to lgr he is survived by a daughter, Miriam; one broiher. Smitli Thompson, Etbow Lake:'and four sisters, Mrs. Carl J. Peterson. 606 Third st N, Fargo; Mrs. Tina Bloomquist, Velva; Mrs. Peter Gunderson, Valley City, and Mrs. John Rugrusden, Elbow Lake. Masonic services will be helrt in the Masonic temple here at 2 p.m. Friday. .The S.-J. Quam fuieral nome ls rn cnarge. ilfrs. Taxdafuf ,, 71, Cooperstow:rlr'Dead _ Mrs. Jesper Taxdahl, 7!, of cooperstown, N. D., died Monday -in a Fargo hospital.' Services wiil be at 2 Thursday in Saron church F'a&Ult=-Iuedrsc.r".lz-trrap;nc n 1-,:,--rrF, SSlhIgP-,I$Egq l-l kn*,n,n ,1.,f, t r t . l f t . r L - The former Aadot Johnson was born Dec. 72,].877, at Stavanser., Norway, She camb to Minnesiotd I in 1882 and to the Cooperstownl area in 1883, She was mbrried tol Mr. Taxdahl Dec.12. 1900. I - Surviving are Mr. Taxclahl: I three sons, Ernest of Revere. N. D.. I 9rville_.of .Hannaford, N. D., andj Rev. Albert of Grafton, -Mdl N. D.: ttrree "it;;l I iHarry L. ThompsonDies; ill\. f). l{ewsmanSincef9I0 ol Cooperstown. N. D.-Harrv L.rbeen editor-manaser and later Ie Thomison, one of North Dak-ota'slpublisher of the paper since L925 blbest known weekly newspaperlwhenhe succeededGeraldE Nvq ! puUtistrers,died at his home h'erelupon Nye's appointment as United Pl early Tuesday. lStates senator. For a few months I1.The54-year--|jn1938heoperatedamercantiIe p^,,1 daughters, daushters. NevF end l\/Irc Neva-ln<i Wathe of Revere and Mrs. A. M. I Spln_ess of-Rugby,N. D.; 15 grand-i cnlrqren;rour sisters,Mrs. Serinal Holland of Binford, N. D., Mrs.l" cto1clpub]isr'drotffi|establishmenfinIdahobutreturn- .H::l"'';:g:t,{ i}" i*: n!rm'm# iq ffilffiW iXml iii?I"fJi"?iff ... l19?:'T'1,:H'#Ti'if;"'XH:" ""Te;tfu:;' mi"la;+;ni: ,"i;'$: Dorothea Larson of Hannaforcl. Mrs Inge, Anderson of Langdon, N. D., and Mrs. Chris Seld;l of qooperstown, and a brother, Hans Froiland, of Cooperstown. iile' ;t; .jl(asmusThu, SuttoJ/ jCafe Operaror, Deah, f ?TI o."f;ffiiiil i f,83"'"T Wffi fiv from which ne lt?ru?l oneterm as l;;ffi;;; "f,"-y":Jlfr#?t li$Jseived ?ilff,?,T d:ffi.iS.::f; II:3"T, Re A member.try{ u'*^.^*-^^_ lrastings, N.p.,{"r..3, |-^Fp.l at";;;"d-;ith'i,i'j -suffered ffi-l ffiii, All failecl to ral)y. ffi[',,iuffii arr the North Dako- /*,*".:St !H,!,?-iiIo'i.i;iii I:jl' /xim1,"H:,"tffi"':Hjs?l -^ll1ry_iying al^e Mrs. Thu; ftve ilTiiH"1,1"Slf,T' * V:;-*; t I MRs: DoNOTHfrA TOBIASON Mrs. Dorothea Arneson Tobiason passed away at Hatton, N. D., Tuesday after a long illness, She was the sister of Mrs' Ann& McDermott, 406 Fourteenth st S' and Mrs. W. D. Ifartman, 6307r Firs! av N, both of I'argo, Born F'eb. 5, 1866, ne&f Deborah, fowa, she went with her Parents' John and Kri5ti Arneson, to Granite ylt::+'#*$ll#idrlTf; will be in Mabel Lu,,1_"3i"S. clrl1.crr^or-Sulton ar 2 wed::::i1 c.. -i.'' ru.-iiasmussen -r-uneiar of_ lt::9iv-,_R.I. S a;?".li'""r",i,ilfj; ili:l'1""^ J. Quam ,'urrrcut uooperstown " S t o w n iis s in i - charga, ^L ^--^ I Vows. I Thorson-Riste a r t . r r r l r l Are TakenIn ldahd : rAliss Mildred Thorson of Riglr" land, Wash., daughter of G, t Thorson of Mclntosh, Minn., a Milo Riste. son of Mr. and IVE Julius Riste of CooPerstown' w them, three diecl in infancY and a son, John Richard, Passed a.way fu:r 1936. The huaband, three daughters, Emma and Marie of Hatton and Alice of Arnegard, survive, as do a brother, NeIs Arneson of CooPerstown and four sisters, Mrs. Ella Bergstrom of CooPerstown, Mrs. McDermott and Mrs. Hartman a^nd Mrs. B. W, Hazard of ValIeY CitY' Services will be SaturdaY at 1:30 in the home and 2 in St. John's Rev. Lutheran church at Hatton. Mrs. O. L. Jensen will officiate. Tobiason was a member of the St. John's church. nc-aP. ,lnpo-t- triliiift:?HH.fli,,?''i;iXil tion received by friends and r[ tives in the cornmunitY. t Miss Thorson has made i home with Mr. and Mrs' Es Olso.n of CooPerstovfn.The cot iare at Pr€sent making tl in Richland; Wash. f,E lhome * * * tu*ilv trdy4, ne off"T u''r''atoErbow Lake' Minri' 3:l:?"rtf;:'i'" ' 1*fttlt"ttrl;"1T He returned to North Dakota in rtnr *-^aiAanr nr +hor gr6up._ o,l,t. Tlo trf'l if*tt",tru3:,t.r"".",1:fr,}tl a,iri ortnat f reii-tidnt?,t" -anied Ether-rl;;iii XFutr;.,.^flu f ili?i'iill8.N' D'' at ca'son' ldistrict in the 1945 session. I,nfl"lt,T'i*,1?"T"#B3*"rl3,i: He worked at several North Dakota points, including Sheldon, before enlisting with Co. B in the national guard for service on the Mexican border. Later he. served rseas in Woild war I with B . He was discharged as a nt in 1919 and returned to Cooperstown. In 1921 and.7922 he was in partnership with R. M. Still, operating a print shop in Fargo. He returned to Cooperstown and was with the Sentinel Courier save for the fdaho break until his cleath. * * * Thompson was married Aug. 16, l9?9, h St. Paul. to Genevieve PaE#ff Enderlin. In addition to her he is survived by a daughter, Miriam; one brother, Smith Thompson, Elbow Lake; and four sisters, Mrs. Carl J. Peterson, 606 Thircl st N, Fargo; Mrs. Tina Bioomquist, Velva; Mrs. Peter Gunderson, Valley City, and Mrs. John Rugrusden, Elbow Lake, Masonic services will be heltl in the Masonic temple here at 2 p. m. Friday. The S. J. Quam funeral home is in charge. lla;rrrwiw*aiTtta"na '1v ows spd:;: Ilffi lHiij**tffi?.'; r|ffil lw_ White glaclioii and r t r+T*3Ft:!^r$$p.'ffrHtl I ll]f.{hftT'#:ii 'i'''o:*"',,]"oFP:'+J+:l il"H;"*s' il;"3i.31?"iiL"? ,lli:'*fu',"1[,[lfi 1""+fl#ffii$;.1"",,"",..,,;;;l sown oI wnrle salln wrln a rnar'-I I:*YP""-t. Iffi".;r''+url l-,lffiffi$#i ia r-ee,.: Jfli"llffi"#'o., $:f:,'J""r'iI"",?15."*.u*illl ; I a"a-,io"ii"uetUio the hem of a, rl. Tle ceremony .i*t-ii"i": I the.Norway 1 l, reaa-trimmla-iapi -lin 'at Aneta' liretd in piace her fingertip. -veil.| LShe carried a lavender orchid on | !a white Bib]e. I '- Tf,rf 1 - | | T"5"{f,:i l;ig'T,fifl,ei?"n:?'i": V\ames I Ift1ffiT;1'*'g:l:*:T+1,:';"f{i{ i Iattendtl lOuanbeck of Aneta ar lNelson of Hannaford. taf-1, lgowned alike in organdy over tafl, orcnld' Iltr wore orchid, f'eta, Miss Vangsnessw-ore Ilfeta, I Miss Mildredl lnamed Miss Arll otn| ilsi'.".1'f.1: #si?i.,1'.1.1''l li^:H'"a;fr'T":'T"fi,:u 1.'"t"-*aia IS:x' l' I|ITr". "a;fi:"'ff"fi,:' Dunqay, All Mandanl- lolng D l- Meredith Bjornson of Mandanl I' She worel lbecomes the bri{ lwas the flower girl. lbecome otl re of Fargo. I carried a basket ofl loale llue loite blue and cariied ll,ee ll.ee a Bridesmaids wi li'ose i'ose petals. Her bracelet was al I Bridt Norvall, Lee, l tlQ-g"nf: Norvall gift sift lQuanbeck of Ar eift fiom the bride. Norvall-Lee, teall :lMiss Ruth Nelso of teall suit of wore a a suit ringbearer, wore The fhe ringbearer, btue. I i;lS:B.t lN.D. andl 'lil - Miss Mips Tufteland bride andl the bride motfrers of the lhe mothers Ctre wore brue and hadl bridegroom tl+fltgji: "oi'nT"t"iou'sbrother,Kennethl$ltlt;:;: fuliefa"A-ot Aneta,was best man' | $lLee'15 CioomsmenvgereGerald and El-l' illand w jf-s ;'"t*":jj:Ti?i,l""""lfi?# l':Itt ix? R:if: :"j',:',T"' ; iti|*fl'ili "Titfft Brfiii,Sh :I#fl':i SFI"F"#J. *l"f I | 3t",ll}:"it.,1'3li""i' --Uoo" "iff".:l'";i il;l"mj their return from a wed-l 'll4glat dind trip, the couple will makelt l9To9gr iireir iroiie in Fargb. Mr' Lee isl[rl*tngoet st"t.rifilrllqgi by theNorthern emptoyed %ilxiffi.r -- ]. ll,K"rl-ir f're"f*'l Efi o;t C"on]Sbtaff I' [o'Kathryn Tweeten of Comstock, Ii l :"?'jl":f ||ur a*"'::ff'l# I | |"r'u*iil"1"ifil;"g",au"t", Ii 'llshe has taught in high schoolsatl; ll Moorhead, Pelican RaPids and lJ llBarnesville, Minn., and Cooners-lf the nast fewll lltown, N. O. Fc in the;l has residetl sle livears, llSouthwest. I -, lr tf 0t u?i Tuftetrand"Lee Yyn:spqky -l lffi rose.s, whitesracriori-ancr _com-llt"-ftrJ+x'iXlt Mrs. Susie'Talle ,,,{ l"J*H:s4*i,l** l*l}itlhii'yd-}il,Til"dii."i{:id ,lF**'' i$s,"fu':h,{i#x"."rri:nxT#l l'v**#trlt*'=qr.{$# i'i# "#'Bi"'1&d' N' lRn"tu, N, D., SundaY,for the mar-l lriaee of Miidred Tufteland, daugh-, ; Itei ot Rev. and Mrs. Marcus I -o', berorelt ;l--= [ir*##l$g{i'-$3i*| .;1$i*'ffif:il;u,ie lrufterandd ALgh:jld^kyt\:l X.l : vr F.:r i;L l l I allvr iri::l'itT i -lAneta, Arthur vultr n , " u . i u i t " i i " d - r e a d t h e c e r e - l , | i t . : . . . ' l , i ' i i . " f f i , t 4 ' | i . t T iffii'l:;ll{4 i ' f f . i t I . . .lttalf i ' ' s ' L esto nN, a r -ld - o f nd Rev. Lee preached the i i Miss Dorothy Larson of Hanna-l | ,lii"lr:,,1;i,j;,,'lrtiW*W. ',irtritilil:i;u;ii -lveCbiri 'lil'Jtiti'Jr l-+';!91 o"l.uns-. New Or of ti.# oscar Gunderson; toiO piaveA the wedding music and i { lnio'ir16r,--lvtrs. onegreat-g1"*, accoripaniment for Miss Thelma | ' io Lii,'ia.-tila"en-, I slsI eakke ot McVilIe, who sang I ;lchift and several brothers ancl -",1 the Years" and "Thel riii"i,gri-tr'e_-veii3''and.,Th6||,-.l.u:"ul1.j}'';",".fil"ij"";h";l"Through il"trui.., win be nt MabelL'.Lord'sprayer." .llgd^-{-*:;l*:};,*;"1*"lil:: :1119.:P3y"tih'1f,#i'"6?T;'".""i; tl*t!"i"'iiro"ii atz rhurFd:v'_lgY'll th; b"id;worea princess-styledl gownof white satin-with..amar-l l$?,Yfl::""#,']'#"'-=;";'RH: yoke with lace" :lc-"-"tiriM_.R".smussenPf $o?R::* ;F*"f;L#11 E'9'Lee' l5r|renrn sr r\ i1liil;"i^o';'3t-cooperstown Iigvl-","**:'% in '"ia"""'iti"'Jd lwr* " i?"i' ;1,-tl"^"S11T,:1t'Y,+i"li'"Jnt"joenarse. i"--Ir";-t'i"ii l3lS't.?i'.iiiii"h|1"iili"iii'=#o"'""il.|i"it,-",NorwayLutheranchurchcnarge. 'at Aneta' edgecl ;uisette the skirt iti"l trimnied iiii, Panels of- lace t"ifrtiea Fli!r!""ot"ri'.-. I fruiO in piace her flngertip. -veil.| lMisses Quanbeck ""u#SiX".t,_l3lil' lT*ro_, blue. -ihe mothers of the bride andl ;l - MiFs wore blue antt hatll uriaeeroom il+i,t;f:i1 tofrf.g"t;"i4.'s b'other,Kennethliltn;-t-"J mlillana of Aneta,was best ma{t'| $lLee'15 u'ere Gerald antl El-l' ;tlland-wi a;;;;tt." #*n nlln *g*t** :::|Ji","|ifi |, i | ii^?;""i:ffition ;l#r.t! in the"n"*nll -fikii6", ;:t"51;^u',ft?tl'd"3tiT'""* :ffi ll 'llttVt :Iii"d-'i" 'il aunts of the bride'll ;i orll ::i":'*nson ;l::lid: ilg* Xl':,n? gl* ltf"il'"""'.gi'"#"di{i h,Iet*iH st"t.rll;ln1ffi3b Northern .-pr"v.aby the %iln:"ar j;:ilii @rt*\'n T\e.e3;l I,o" o;t G"o"l$btaff i *r"TI*,Til" IIx*" I "g"E':tdr -x':";*u'll'Tffl;" II g,"au"t", Ii ,llsire has taught in high' schoolsatl; llMoorhead, Peliean RaPids andll llearnesville, Minn., and Cooners-if rewlf lltor", N. D.- Forre$oeq !ir-e -nast rn rnell lly€ars, she haa lisouthwest. at-' I di tL4 | ,Twftel,and"Lee 'VowsSpoken.i I iI Mrs. Susie,Talle Of Suttof Dead - White gladioli anal roses, com-l I bined with greenery and whiteJ ;l in candelabra decorated thel -l Itapers 'N6rway church atl .l Lutheran lAneta, N. D., Sunday, for the mar- i . I lriage of Mildrecl Tufteland, daugh-i ;l Itei of Rev. and Mrs. Marcus | | lTufteland of Aneta, andl Luther M. | :l Lee, son of Rev. and Mrs. E. O. l ll Lee. 1537 Tenth st N, I I Rev. Tufteland read the cere-l rl thei Lee mony and Rev, Preachecl ;] sermon. rwedding -oo"othy of HannaLarson Mii. i ford played the wedding music and 1 r Thelmal Miss for : ,accompaniment I Bakke of McViIle, who sang I I 'nev. anA Mrs' Marcus Tufte' I Years" and the "Thel i"Through Aneta, N. D., announce of lland. llord's Praver." I 'l marriageof their ih"-"pp"ou"hinl : princess-styled wore a I fire brid6 | Orinne, to Mitareal laaugirfer, marwith a I eown of white satin | yoke with lace.l edged 1duisette lFaneis of lace trimmed the skirt ,l The ceremony will be AqC' 2t iand continuet to the hem of a' I.lin-iiu NorwaY Lutheran church cap lcourt train. A bead-trimmed I lat..{neta. piace veil.l fingertip her Itretd in _, ,. lshe carried a lavender orchicl onl ra white Bible. I i Miss Arlene Vangsness of Fargo I j the ancl iwas the maid of honor, I bridesmaids were Miss Betty I lQuanbeck of Aneta and Miss Ruth I lNelson of Hannaford. TheY werel' Tuftelancl ftar l{ I gowned alike in organdy over taf- l, I Uiss Mildred lfeta. Miss Vangsnesswor€ orchrol li lnamed Miss Arlene Vangsness of jl pale lMisses Quanbeck and Nelson. I' lFargo maid.of honor for her wed- ll I green and yellow, respectrvety'I l- Meredith Bjornson of Mandan l- lding S,unday, Aug. 21, when sheli' lwas the flower girl. She wore 1 Ibecomes the bride of Luther M. l€ I I pate blue and carried a basket of I ll.ee of Fargo. lrose petals. Her bracelet was a I I Bridesmaids will be Miss Bettyls Lee, gift fiom the bride. Norvall^ I lQuanbeck of Aneta, N. D., andli the ringbearer, wore a sult or rear I ;lMiss Ruth Nelson of Hannaford, ll ilN. D. lc blh"t u *ottrurs of the trioe ana | ;ll Miss Tuftelantl of Fargo is thelv hadl of and and Rev. Mrs. Marcus l__ bridegroom wore blue If ldaughter $lTufteland of Aneta. Mr. Lee isl.u j of son Rev. and Mrs. E. O. lg' "oitf"*utn"ia"'s b'other, xen"eilrl $lthe bestlngT'I g $ll.ee, 1537 Tenth st N. Rev. Tufte-lr of Aneta,-was Tuftelancl ' lrlwill officiate the ..lland at ceremonyl-, Groomsmen u'ere Gerald and l' ilin the Norway Lutheran churchl.tvr vin Lee of Fargo, brothers of the I rL la* an-o bridesroom. Arthur Johnson ll ,'llof Aneta. Kenneth T\:fteland of Aneta, llt( Royce Nelson,-both of Hannatorcl' l. "I N. D.. ushered. l l - lthe bride's brother, will be best l!,-: At a recePtion in the churchllr :lman. Groomsmen will be Geraldltt parlors, Mrs. Leander Quanb-eckll '.land Elvin Lee, both of Fargo, ler lbrothers of the bridegroom. Ar-18 6f Aneta, and Mrs. 9erald-{'litll .'lthur 'lS of Inkster, aunts ot the Drroe'll 'lbottr Johnson and Rovce Nelson.lo; ot Hannaford, wiil usher. noured' Mrs. Christ Bjornson otll ' rl ) Little Meredith Bjornson of I Mandan cut the cake. I Upon their return from a wed- l, -,lMandan, N. D., cousin of thelse girl. will flower be the l! cline triP. the couPle will make1l lbridegroom, their hoine in Fargo. Mr. Lee isllt lRingbearer will be Norval Lee of lI the bridegroom's brother. lt employed bY the Northern Statesll: lFargo, I t I Misses Nelson and Vanssnesslh Power compqny. lwere recent hostesses at a trria*lR lshower for Miss Tufteland. Theln: levent was held in the Vanssnessl lhome, 450 Elmwood av. lB rr: | _- _- - -::-::--:----:- Sutton, N. D'-Mrs' SusieTallel i l-w 6o:;;iAb;i' ot Nortt,P159-8.:3i' Burlington'1 i"""s.-li"a sunclayin It W;;h., Jvhile visitin-g a-dagehter' Peterson.She lived.for alr ni"J. -;i iou -Bili&d; iIilff+ ilft#ti""." 1.5f"rb'* li .lHatf st N, l - | Aneta, Arthur .lton. ancl Mrs. 't"".dtrri-Jr lAttendunts liKathrYn Tweeten I l:Olr Oak G"otl$btaff ; li Kathryn Tweeten of comstock,l llUltrn., has joined the facultv of l' ll Oat Crove seminarY as Englishi Il teacherancllibrarian. l, ll A Concordia eollege graduate,ll ,llshe has taught in high schoolsatl; | | Moorhead, Pelican RaPids and lJ llBarnesville, Minn., and Coopers-ll lltown, N, O. For the Past fewlJ livears, she has resideil in tneil llSouthwest. rt- i li Willram uasler- Niw orteans,l-+'; !91 Guntlerson;l liiJ'ituir,'-tvtis. oscar great glano-l. 110 erandchildren, one brot[ers and sis;;A;averai ;lgr'tit'o I $"*i'l;"i'l Im:gu:#3;'&i,' W"rrnsT6eA 'l'q N. D, beforelr i'1"'.; lmovingto Sutton. ,l( I Surviving are f-o-ur senl anol,ltrti* daug:hters,ryrs. telersghl] ,fr trl E Key StriPs for € s€ilt to Servi OR REG. tcE TUICE I $tr:+ Potpourri _Batting for Lloyd Sveen, who is on vacation, Ray C, Dobson, business manager of the Minot Daily News and one of Nortl Dakota's most widely knowh newspapermen, doei lome reminiscing for Fargo .rorum feaders. By BAy;oBsoN Of course Lloyd Sveen wasn't aware of the fact, antl very likely no one much cares, but I'm accepting this occ a s i o no f p i n c h hitting for him in filling the Potpourri column to make note of the fact that it was 30 years ago that I began pewspaper work in North Dakota. It was three decades ago - in qq-wqantomhar 1QlQ Dobson i""ili.ji:".d-jti,"t I was hired by the late Perby R. Trubshaw to be a combination bookkeeper and stenographer on the Valley City Times Record. I stiil have the letter he wrote me at Finley, where I was pitching bundles on a threshing machine, sayinq the job was rpine-for $18 a weeK. fnasmuch as I was getting $5 a day using a pitchfork, this was a considerable come down so far as my personal economy was concerned, but Percy was a good ietand furthermore I ter writer, diCn't enjoy getting up at 4 a. m. to be a valet to a team of horses. A3\ tribute to the effectiveness of Faigo Forum advertising, it should be recorded that Mr, Trubshaw and I got acquaintecl through the want ad columns of the Forum, where I had inserted an ad saying that I wantecl an office iob. I told him about my business background in Minnesota, selling lightning rods and pianos, and keeping books in a city auditor's office, without mentioning that this experience was limited to a few months. There was one other rePIY to the ad-froin a harness store in Fargo. In view nf the way olcl tlobbin has been replaced by the tractor, I have often wondered what I might bc doing now, if I had joined uP in the harness business instead of a newspaper. * { . * Some memories crowding along when you look back over Your shouider for 30 years in North Dakota, because except for a few months when I worked on newspapers at Red Wing, Minn., and Chippewa Fails, Wis., all of that time has been spent in this state; since October, 7921, with the Minot Daily News. * * * Maybe one of the reasons I liked North Dakota is the fact it was and is a young state, No one ever folds his hands and figures the job is done. There was ancl is plenty of elbow room for everyone. Having mat passing from Scene of the rEE FARE{' FORT'M anniversary mental mome handkerchief i eye as I t-hinl pearance oI tll and grain sePa smells around t that you never' A station agent with 50 years of ma And bless the r er's hired girl Northern Pacific railroad service t o . up with lunch has arrived in Moorhead to replace runner to tod a station agent with 49 years servoffices emptY t for their favo ice. Davis E. T. Thompson, from Valley I never realizl asonrc be a separatot of choice, run a vacated by R. Dkis, M. has and ways envied t ired beCquseo\ill T Ith. from a merc< art€ cause I knew 2a\,23,\gan\ more money as\ cashi \iN..a was more tha rnt\n Fhreo iXJur in plugging tI a belt\to jun able to enjoy -fi-fmbihe-ad;Thomps6r work, as well icent- \ I rator man ea Worker With I\P 50 Years f{ew Agent In Moorhead cm and his wife resideat 607Ntnth st N. The | re- couple has foursryn3;-4l Seems to m, - *they threw me bodilY out of a hall at Kenmare in 7924, where I went as a reporter to cover their national convention.The seat of my . trousers sliding in the gravel was somewhat damagetl, but mY feelings were what suffered the most. It-was at HoPe, N. D', one fall while sitting on a sidewalk curb waiting to be hired bY some farmer, that I first heard a "wobbly" make the crack that was characteristic of his clan, when he toltl a farmer to bring the iob into town and let him look it over. (The term "wobbly" refers to members of the once potent militant organization known as the fndustrial Workers of the World). r t r t * Farming in North Dakota and farming in Europe where I recently spent three weeks as a guest of Unitecl States airforce afford contrasts f never shall forget. We oftentimes use more good earth in North Dakota on which to turn around with farm machinery than many European farmers till for their livelihooil. Centuries of use of their soil has depletecl its fertility to rnake fertilization a must. Contrasted with our ranges in North Dakota where thousands of head of livestock graze, a farmer in Germany, if he has a cow, carefully guards her to prevent theft, and she sleeps in a part of the building that also is the farmer's home. t * * Burning strawpiles in North Dakota always prwitled a spectacular night scene in the days gone by. Just to keep the reeord straight, I Uke tt better now in North Datoto .wlters .the . night sky in so, Actually, I don't feel bacllY about the passing of the horse, the steam engine, grain separator and the wobbly. I do, in all sincerity, feel sorrY for those former North Dakotans who were such poor mathematicians that when adding two and two, about the state and its future,, they came up with the wrong an- | I swer of zero. ,lI-"..ThoTnpson/Rites At Binford,fl yq:i;{g: .f."; "t d;;i"flm: t"rft;si1"iril;i"ir "i^t .{1i'."T*f lt","t"tt xiliii:B:;:' 1.,!l:, jl: r.. fleuc,nd will officiate. LJlrDerfsonand Henry anO fmer rva sm,bornNov, ,,.Nriinr]h,?rn3son 1900,.in Bi;iord.- Th';'i;;;""; *il"J3;il:J --zz, i1;i-gi*";]":f,:' j..Thpmnson .rurv ISooroll 1922. at Binford. ^^!1""j: survived_byMr. Thomp_ :9li rguT sons, Jerinings,a stu_ Jl tf 'BHfl #'sfi;?,yi3: iF-: i 3l_Iorgeljta.tioned in Texas, Noi_ taaiigit"rs, II., and' John Tui,gl Kankakee, of i*" Mrs. ^_Bjnlord; trlqngl Strommeof tiampton. Ill^. pjlnqt_! t&'ii J n?"ff iiii,'i?;".*iii, l\trs,_Irene g,{rd g,1dMrp,. r.ene Higre-;i Haste ot ciiiti; Cfift"" and -tour and tour grandchildren. grandchildren. urlr- _ ^.y.."R town, luneral. home of Coopers_ N. D., is in ctririe. Potpourri Batting for Lloyd Sveen, who is on vacation, Ray C. Dobson, business manager of the Minot Daily News and one of North Dakota's most witlely knowh newspapermen, does some reminiscing for Fargo Forum readers. By RAY DOBSON Of course Lloyd Sveen wasn't aware of the fact, and very likely no one much cares, but I'm acthis C€Pting t:::::lt:i oc- oj n.i.nc.h iiiiri;S+::9" hitting for him in ',,',,,, filling .,,,,i..,, ..,,i'l,i'.,, the Pot- ",i"Y"*"l [,;',wi1@N11 ?SHiiol ti#;.ii! FtrffiMsff$w was 30 years ago that I began newspaDer work in Ntirth Dakota. It was three decades ago - in September. 1919. Dobsorr to be exaci-thaf I was hired by the late Perby R. Trubshaw to be a combination bookkeeper and stenographer on the Vailey City Times Record. I still have the letter he wrote me at Finley, where I was pitching bundles on a threshing machine, saying the job was rpine-for $18 a week. Inasmuch as I was getting $5 a day using a pitchfork, this was a considerable come down so far as my personal economy was concerned, but Percy was a good letand furthermore I ter writer, didn't enjoy getting up at 4 a. m. to be a valet to a team of horses. A3'E tribute to the effectiveness of Faigo Forum advertising, it should be recorded that Mr. Trub' shaw and I got acquainted through the want ad columns of the Forum, where I had inserted an ad saYing that I wantecl an office iob. I told him about my business background in Minnesota, selling lightning rods and pianos, and keePing books in a ciiy auditor's office, without mentioning that this exPerience was ]imitetl to a few months. There was one other rePlY to the ad-from a harness store in Fargo. In view of the waY old dobbin has been replar:ecl bv the tractor, I have often wondereclwhat I might be doing now, if I had joinecl uP in the harness business instead of a newspaper. * * * Some memories crowding along when you look back over Your shouider for 30 Years in North Dakota, because excePt for a few months when I worked on newspapers at Recl Wing, Minn., and Chippewa Falls, Wis., all of that time has been spent in this state; since October, !92]., with the Minot Daiiy News. * * * Maybe one of the teasons I liked North Dakota is the fact it was and is a young state. No one ever folds his hands and figures the job is done, There was ancl is plenty of elbow room for everyone. Having made mention of the oassins from the North Dakota icene of the horse, on this 30th anniversary Pardon me a sentimental mbment while I dab a handkerchief in the corner of mY €ye as I think about the disaPengine o-earanceof the otd steam 'Ihere hnd erain separator.. There were and grain machine a thresnlng threshing macnrne smell-saround around arc smells Emells that you never find anywhere- else. Ancl 6less the memorY of the farmer's hired girl who used to show up with lunch and coffee-a forerinner to today's custom where offices empty as the fo-Iks take off for their lavorite coffee counter' I never realized one ambition-to be a separator man, or second run a steam engine. I alchoice.'envied those fellowsl Pa{tly ways froin a mercenary viewPoint, because I knew theY were getting more money than I was. There was more than a little satisfaction in plugging the sep-arator,causing a belt- to .jump off, and thus be able to enjoY a brief resPite from work. as well as to make the separator man earn hls money. * * ,GOrCIRtru lEdwin Lee, 50, . lllitterdal, Dies Hitterdal, Minn.-Edwin Lee. l I .- | lifelong resident of this area, di, his farm honie here Frida il-lat was due to a heart ailmer iif'lDeath 'o.r Services will be at 2 Wednesdt I Hitterdal Lutheran church, Re 6lin ffi r*lu'';*iT;:lfr*:ii"if;*3"" ffilneral home of Lake Park is ffilcharge. ffii -Born at Gary, Minn., June 1 ffii1900, Mr. Lee liad farmed at At ?""#l? ryffi;lg:.?IiT6J31'J"1 ',f,l.tui"t"T"J Wltii"^i.l"J:f Jerome, at home, and pv ffilqnd ffi|h","":Vg:, Tu'"",?ii3","ir* I home; his f ather, Tollof Lee of Adr ln6f three brothbrs, Carl of 671/zBroat lway, Fargo, Theodore of Ada ar 6slMelvin of Richmond, Va., and J t I Seems to me, too, that there was I :leicfcr nfnq a lot of concern in those daYs of years about the "wobblies"€ other -to goine take over. I can testifyi'manv farm-coumunities -reflects wired farms' "wobblies" were toughlthe glow from.REA [t it-tftor" * * :ftrev itriew me bodily out of al hall it Kenmare in 7924,where Il Delhprf Rant"Ia, Actually, f -don't-feelbacllyabout went as a reporter to cover theirlthe passing of the horse, the stearn nationaf convention.Theseatofmy lengine, grain separator and the . trousers slidine in the gravel was lwobbly. somewhat darn'aged, bui my feel- | I do, in all sincerity, f9el- sorrl ings were wfiat suffereit the most- lfor those former N9"t! _D.3\9131' rrop", N. D., one faillwho were such poor mathematil['*ur-it while sitting on a sidewalk-curblcians that when adding..twi.anal wuiiins ttr b.-ehired by some farm-ltwo, about the state andits future,. er, that I first heard a "wobblv" lthey came up with the wrong an- l I make the crack that was char- lswer of zero. acteristic of his clan, when he tolclla farmer to bring the iob into town and let him look it over. (The term "wobb]y" refers to ls. Thornpson,, T members of the once potent l' militant organization known as I the fndustrial Workers of the | worrd). * . . I lnii".;ffi#;d; ;Kitpe A+ uullu.f-(l'3l fpl /rl l^ltrvD D._services for ""3inl!19,_.W. lf".,i.j'E:'Tng'1p_._91,rg,";Tiaiiii Jo.q here, i,t,,,tll1 feiersin"iome Frank.oien. q"-t{.*i Farming.in North, Dakota an<ll z Saiuraav'ii"iiro"L'u"j )'Jll b" at where-r r]"",_qt*i,{" oi' njiri"t. farmingii Europe 199_qn1;l l*:"1" ngy v e. H"riuli;'*iii #illllS. iy spenithreeweeks eu"ii otl " Pallbea.rers will Le l-Pallbearers i_ airforce"rafford affoid con-l| conUnifed States Unifed States airforce CLo'.e; ,"O _wi'll br. A;.;;.-" trasts r never shall forgej. w-ul oftentimesuse more go-odearthl in North Dakota on whJch to lurn 1 around with farm machinery_th-anl many European f_armers till forl their livelihood. Centuries gf qsel ui"alft'o1"o" $il?:lt.on ina ri"iiv'iio'"ii#Ei Mtlt-err u.as born Nov. ",Il,r;rJh.ompson in Binford. The former f1--te$1,. rnga^Peterson,she was married 'r'iri'^'z 133{"}i #;ffi1-p'o'" '3lii?j;f,""'T ,:"'L"?T ii",lilti" | is. survived-bv Mr. Thompmust. Contrasted with our ranges -u".tuI -oliNorth Dakota where thousaiclsl in t ri"Litocte"d'i,'i-ii'ii- I "ho-of it n-eh;l;-;;;,1 ;"in-eerrnany, i;- p;"il;i I "i""i-unv-?uiids--rrei aira-srrJiieeps in-a pait-oil itieii thebuuding thatarsois thefarm| er'shome' , * . I "^:l"r fguT sons, Jerinfti, :9li i; fii;: 9:l! qt {ussprid;;jl;;%"' rf. neriara ot't'u u. s. 1.."-"891':r in 1;;;;, No"3il-f"Ice,-sla.tioned :]ui,gf Kankakee, I11.,ana' iorrn biqfdi:3i$#S ,1"ff#?l?,*ril: g,fl'tl.,"f*ne Hagre. of crirton, ,-p-*+*re'o*r;,t^.,, l'=ll?",11,p,l; I ib**1'Wn:ilf'lti'"sili:" to#n,,,. u., rs rn charse. kota alwaysprovideda.^p11?:"I1Il gone by. the days scene in the days gone by. I night scene night Just to keep the record straight, I Uke lt better now in North ba}oto ,qzhere "the - night sky in so Hurutingf'urtles .NetuI amestown lndwstry f f i f f i . , 4 % t o n s I M r . a n djamei; ( * * . I i 9 " ' " " r a u g e c t 1 P o uPipestem n c l , K e eriver n e r s a y s . H e h a s b e e nmany i n years but llhs turtle business orTi,.IT,,-*ui".rtipp"a r.6i" ltire'lamcstownand to North Datrip gl.-J_1T.:jgylj"""^l|,:ltr,ir his first ir town, N. D., to a "*.th wergneoweek.-Shownlturtles' the largestsnaplers 11 l3 Itota. "North Dakota snapping Hcniv, Otrio, last """"i'v"ii"si.l;;"$ garnlKeenersays Ko.n". of Unionlngunds. iid"d'i.-ir"e"t 6ne-lturtles are larger than South DaCity, Ohio,.hotding1wo ef-p,jii"aliUout a pouni'a-ft.a" it3dq'eat or wisconsin's"' he savs' evervlkota fith orintif#ui;[t -^ r;;;"o""itllltri"a snapperswrrn a rrucK ,"'"i"'or"';h. 1l" ground holding .""-i-ld;t-,* i.te market price ls 18 cents6ltown.) shipment. lB Consresations June 13, 1951 Ii .inij,s iirilliiillir*i".- TI{E FARGC Mrs. W. J. Thompson?Cass Resident70 YenrsrDies At 87 A resident of Cass County years, Mrs. W. J. Thompson died Monday morning in a Fargo hospital where she had been a patient several weeks. Mrs. Thompson, -Sevwho was 8?, resided at ?19 enth 51. S. Services will bc at 4 Wednesday in Ivers Chapel, the Rev. W. W, Strahl, pastor of First Presby- l:ili terian Church, officiating. Mrs. l:::;:i L. C. Soriien wiil sing with Miss Ciara Pollock organist, Burial will be at Pagc in the spring. Mrs. Thompson (Isabel Beattie) cante directiy to Ayr in Cass €ounty where the father homesteaded. Her marriage to Mr. Thompson took place at Tower City July 3, PaulTrosethDies TuesdayMorning :, MR,S. THOMPSON Paul Troseth, well known pio-' neer of Griggs county, passed away a,t his home in Hannaford Tuesday morning of this week. He had been in ill he,alth for several years. have Funeral arrangements been made for Friday afternoon at the Lutheran church in Hannaford. Mr. Troseth, fat,her of County Judge Ole A. Troseth, was a pioneer hardware dealer and own,er of a stote in Hannaford for many years. ,Complete obituary details are not available a't this writing, bu-t will appear in next week's issue of this paper. LylaTollefson / lsfune 1Bride 1.927 through 1930. She was a member of the Association of Miss Lyia Tollefson, daughter of Lars Tollefson, formerly of this community, was united in marriage to R. G. Wayne Seibold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Seibold of New Rockford a't a candlelight service in the First Lutheralr church in New Rockford Su4day, [une 1. Attending the bride was her sister, LeIa, of Minneapolis, as maid of honor. Miss Delores Sei'bold and M'iss Janet Tollefson were bridesmaids. The groorir was attended by a brother, Reuben Seibold. Following the ceremony a reception for 150 suests was held ^r T 1 Eneyal Tuntland ,r' v Bernt H.Tande Dies Here At78 Died LastSaturday Eneval Tuntland, ?8, former Steele county farmer who had resided in this city for the past three years, died here Tuesday night. Ill for some time, Tuntland came to Cooperstown in 1944 and made his home with a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson. Funeral services have been scheduled in the Cooperstown Lutheran church at 2:30 Fridav allernoon with Rev. H. J. Hansen officiating. Burial will be made in the cernetery at Hope. He was born in Stavanger, Norway, Aprii 14, 1869, and in 1892 he was married to Belle Erickson of Bergan, Norway in Bernt H. Tande, life-long resident of Willow township, dierl last Saturday, May 10, at his home following a long illness. Funeral services were held on Tttesday frorn West Prairie Lutheran church with Rev. ,Marcus Tuftel,and officiating and burial was made in the adjoining cemetery. Born in Willow township October 14, 1886, he was 60 years, six months and, 26 days old at the time of his death. On June 14, 1911, he was married to Josephine Larson in the West Prairie church and four children were born to the couple, a daug'hter p,assing away February 23,,7940. Itllinois. Mrs. Cunftand passed Mrs. Tande died June 5, 1949 He away at Finley in 7942. is survived by three sons, Joel, A Steele county farmer for Conrad and 'Bernard, all of this many years, he retired from act_ county, and one sister living in ive operations in 1934. Los Angeles, Calif. Ten children were born to the Pallbearers at the fu.neral were coupJe, eight of whom survive: Oscar Rorvig, Arthur Smogard, I\{arshall, Emil, Benney, Monroe Arthur Mye4, Henry Knutson, Ar,thur Knapp and Anton Vangen. and Mls. Clarence Anderson of Cood6iET6wi, friilTGds fun,I oFl F-Tnfey-,-MiS-tillianBrunn of Losi Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Chester Paulson of Walum. There are 19 grandchildren and 9 great grandehildren. $.ar;r Thingstad , '52'' )n^ g.i,,", lii:t:i '#i'nt*-ri"*H$fifi !i:;l; tt6t*" il"Fat"g will take Placeat tn;*, near f(indred "iftl:' t*"*" *riLi" iituv will maketlgi-hgry Mrs. W. J. Thompson,Cass Resident70 YenrsrDies At 87 A resident of Cass County years, Mrs. W. J. Thompson died Monday morning in a Fargo hospital where she had been a patient several weeks. Mrs. Thompson, who was 87, residecl at 719 Seventh St. S, Services will be at 4 Wednesday in Ivers Chapel, the Rev. W. W. Strahl, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, officiating. officiating. Mrs, Mrs. L. C. Sorlien willtl sing with wittr Miss orqanist, Burial Clara Pollock organ will be at Page in the spring. r::iri:i:iiiilrl: Mrs. Thompson (Isabel Beat*ie) rlr::l:;ii;:,1:i: was born in Scotland May 6, 1,864, ,iiii;rl and came to the United States '+rith her parents in 1881. They canre directiy to Ayr in Cass €ounty where the father homesteaded. Her mariage to Mr. Thompson MR,S. TIIOMPSON took place at Tower City July 3, 1382, and the couple_ settle{.onland a fo.mer merhber of the New their own homcstead i- j:::: +^r,,h-hi6 lEra Club. She held membership township,Th^., They ri..^i lived for "::' manvlil'LX'wbrii'-;;';#Hffi;'# years on tife years farm near near Page the tefry Page .qd and l^i 1ii; ;i;:fi;;;" committee. l;f ;: in Page, In 1918they moved tol-.qu^j-.,I^.t^,-r* She leaves eight Dv,D sons c'u and qou6trdaughFargo, Mr. Thompson d i e dl-.:'J"'il::,ur5^r! rrrcy are Thomas A., and IrcrD. March l, 1949, lMrs. R. C. Lindsey of Page; WilNlrs. Mrs. Thompson's lnompson's rnteresls interesls werelliam Jr., at Edmore. ltdmoie. N. D.: D-.:'Mrs. Mrs. ccntered in church work. She waslMae Haskins of Rock Island, Ill,; a member of the First Presby-lUrs. p. L. Foss of Valley'City, tc_rian Church of Fargo and serv- jN. D.; Mqs. Hammer of ed on the board of deacons from 192? through 1930. She was a "b. -fi;;;p.;;,*';;';; member oF the PaulTrosethDies TuesdayMorning P,auI Troseth, well known Pioneer of Griggs county, Passed away a,t his home in Hannaford Tuesday morning of this week. He had been in ill health for several years. have arrangements Funeral been made for Friday afternoon at the Lutheran church in Hannaford. Mr. Troseth, father of County Judge Oie A. Troseth, was a pioneer hardware dealer and ow,ner of a store in Hannaford for mrany years. Complete obituary details are not available at this writing, bu-t will appear ,in next week's issue o,f this paper. Association otltratirai Presbyterian rresDyrertan Womcn, womcn, a charter cnartel'lciate lciate professor of mathematics at member of Fargo^chaplgr gf Pio-INDAC. There are 14 grandchilneer Daughters of North Dakotaldren and l-2 great-granil"children. Lyla Tollefson ,/ lsfune 1Bride Miss Lyla Tollefson, daughter of Lars Tollefson, formerly oI this community, was united in marriage to R. G. Wayne Seibold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Seibold of New Rockford a't a candlelight service in the First Lutherail church in New Rockford Su4day, iJune 1. Attending the bride was her sister, LeIa, of Minneapolis, as rnaid of honor. Miss Delores Seibold and Miss Janet Tollefson were bridesmaids. The groorir was attended by a brother, Reuben Seibold, Following the ceremony a re- | ception for 150 guests was heldr in the ,church parlors. Afterwards the young couple left for a week's wedding ,trip to the Minnesota lakes after which they will be at home in New Rockford. ,r' Eneval Tuntland v Bernt H.Tande Dies Here At 78 Died LastSaturday Eneval Tuntland, 78, former Steele county farmer who had resided in this city for the past three years, died here Tuesday Ill for some time, Tuntnight. land ca'me to Cooperstown in 7944 and rnade his home with a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson. Funeral services have been scheduled in the Cooperstown Lutheran church at 2:30 Fridav afternoon wilh Rev. H. J. Hansen officiating. Burial will be made in the cemetery at Hope. He was born in Stavanger, Norway, Aprii 14, 1869, and in 1892 he was married to Belle Erickson of Bergan, Norway in Illinois. Mrs. Tuntland passed away at Finley in 7942. A Steele county farmer f or many years, he retired from active operations in 1934. Ten chil'dren were born to the couple, eight of whom survive: arshall, EmiI, Benney, Monroe Bernt H. Tande, life-long resident of Willow townshiP, died last Saturday, May 10, at his home following a long illness. Funeral services were held on Tuesday from West Prairie Lutheran church with Rev. Marcus Tuftel,and officiating and burial was made in the adjoining cemetery. Born in Willow township Octo- ber 14, 1886,he w'as 60 Years, six months and 26 days o1d at the time of his death. On June 14, 1911, he was married to Josephine Larson in the West Prairie church and four children were ] born to the couple, a daughter away FebruarY 23,,7940. lpassing 'Mrs. Tande died June 5, 194S He I is survived by three sons, Jo'el, Conrad and 'Bernard, all of this county, and one sister living in Los Angeles, Calif. Pallbearers at the funeral were Oscar Rorvig, Arthur Smogard, Arthur Mye4, HenrY Knutson, Ar' thur Knapp and Anton Vangen. oLL,,W uo!ry o rBrunn of Los Finlen-ilfifriilian Angeles,Calif., and Mrs. Chester Paulson of Walum. There are 19 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Sixth ''i"ril st S. i'].fr'di"g will take place at I Aneta, Feb. 14. -- rz:-r-^r 3I"l *l'ff"'T'f, max{lgir ii';;*ilt *i;;[i; *:::t'sff }9rn9, .il.,1ii1;,fi11i #*"*rll :::r:,i litil Sjerslee, Hazelton, Hungary; in U. S. court also in- Frigyes Sjerslee, who attended this group. Left to right with his mother; Olav G. Garde' row): Dr. Paul E. Cukurs, bring, Fargo, Sweden;John O. Latviat Mrs. Vilma Anderson,Buxton,Norway; Olgi AMERICANS naturalized + * + * * + * + * ake Oath As Citizens Running,Forman, Norrvay.Second row, Mrs. Ellen H. Keifert, Valley City, Lithuania; Mrs. Victoria Arcimovics Zusmanis, 'Wm". Iatvia; Mrs. Euc I'he Sil|lts'l"mestorvn. under Tros Gummer,]\4ayville,Poland. row, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lelland, Fargo, Canada; Cohrs, Jamestown, Mrs. Roswitha Cohrs, town, Germany; Mrs. Fargo, K. Claussen,Farg:o, neral Tu the First MethodistChurch Thirty-fournew citizenstook Photos) rath of allegianceto the Unitedthe addressof welcomein of Dr. George W. Starcher, McVILLE, D.-Gunder O. Statesat ceremoniesin U. S. Dis- dent of the University of Presi stad, 80, areaN.resident more than rict Court here TuesdaYbeforeDakota, who was unable to qo y.ears, died in a local hospital ludse RonaldN. Davies. of the death in an rursday following a long illness. The Rev. C. Maxwell accident of Miss Eleanora 'oxdahl-Fr VowsAre Spo Funeral service witt be at 2 Tuesassistant business manager day in the West Prairie Lutheran university. Church in Pilot Mound Township,, wedding of Joann Ella TaxRev. Mr. Brown pointedout GriggsCounty,of which he was a The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dahl, the culture of the United member. The Rev. Marcus Tufte- M. Taxdahl of CooPerstown,N. S. is made up of the cultures land will officiate with T. A. Won- , and Alfred John Frappier, many countries, among them dcf Funeral Home of McVille in n of Mr. and Mrs, Paul FraPrepresentedby the new citi- charge. Sr., of McHenrY, N. D., took r recently in the Sainis Peter Mr. Trostad was born Feb. 21, in we have "Whatever Physieal Paul Catholic Church at Mc' rll being beinp this.countrv." he said, said. 1874,in Lom, Gulbransdalen, Northis. 1 in this.country," v. way. He came the to United States just Freedom is ours use. to "is in 1884with his parents, who set- Given in marriage bY her fa" as abundant as the measure tled in rural Cooperstown,Dakota er, the bride was attended bY Lutheran Church north of hergq #flr self control and as li erritory. He married Bertha Ode- Miss Regina Hughes of Omaha, The Rev. Marcus Tuftelantl fl'{ll lack of seH control." gard at Cooperstown Dec.29,1900.Neb.. maid of honor, and Mrs. officiate. They moved to a farm in Pilot John Taxdahl, CooPerstown,a sisMr. Trostad dietl Friday il ter - in - law, bridesmaid. Linda Mound Township in 1901, UIcViIle. N. D.. hospital. The il they lived until retiring to McVille Frapnier. niece of the bridegroom, Quam Funerai rrome of Coofl wai flower girl. Bernard Feland, town is in charge. in 1951. .46; JosePh and JosePh D.. and N. D., Born in Nonray on Oct. l$ Westhone. N. Bride Ol Samuelson.' He leaveshis wife; two sons, Westhope, nePhews 18?7. Mr. Trostad came to flflF McHenrY, Westerhausen, is made of tt Announcement Olger of Aneta, N. D., and Ralph were ring' ,U. S. when ? years of age, alrdi of Cooperstown; four daugh'ters, of the bridegroom, marriage of Berniece hacl livetl in North Dakota since.l (Thelma) Mrs. Olg< daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson and .He married Marie Lunsten onl Paul Frappier Jr., McHenry' Trostad of Aneta, N. D., a Mrs. Nels (Ella) Hillesland Jan. 21, 1904. His wife tlied inl of the bridegroom, (Clara) Sam E. Samuelsonof rural Aneta, Mrs" Earny N. D. The Rev. Marcus Tufte] hingen of Binford, N. D,, Mrs. best man. Milo Taxdahl, Bar ville, Okla., brother of the b officiated at the ceremony in t Charles (Gladys) Rafferty of of Oregon, Roy of Bin-l ffrard and Floyd Westerhausen, Mcparsonage of the Norway Luther cago;threesisters,Mrs. N. D., Leonard of Tolna,l ffi, Henrv. brbther-inlaw of the bridq Church of Aneta. lffi P., and Oswald ancl Allen atj of Binford, Mrs. sroom. and John Taxdahl, Coqd of McVille. and Mrs. The couple was attended the bride's brother, Miss Arlene Drake of McVil , in the state of attendants. lMrs. Walter Paulson of ,Kloten,l N. D. and Marvin Anderson ndchildren end D., Mrs. Bert Dibley of.,Siou*l Hamar. ;N. ,r a short weddingtriP 'Falls, n. Twobrothers,a sis S. D., antl Gerda at&lilgrdt Mrs. Frappier will be and two dauShters followed The ceremony was t3 sisters, Mrs. Sever Odeeffi.,qfl south of ttl6lrenry where he m in death. a luncheon in the home of lAneta, Mrs. Louis Simoniffsfd with his father. parents. bride's lBinford and DIrs. Carl Sol-'i*fl qto* ir^t"d'ffi Blerniece rive.o,'.,1 ffi,:fi#;*" l,?3f,;u" *ff"-SiTi: ffi .t"#i",l"t:i"1":i I lCarnation, Wash., antl a' tiE 'm lCunAer,ot.mcvittir. The couplewill make their * tear Hamar wherethe brideg{H iPrms. N lEsz In f '-" !'u nrrru";=f'r I itii*i:i: I Brieflllness - Atter *t:n'*.i*:J;":l':##l dlreetofy qf' years ;;;;;-i couocil and Hts blooil Tbe nevs ot stetee Attortrev Tutto's al€ath ln a Sargo bospltal, Mon' patient day, rberg he had been a lamous lawyers' For ue served on the citv gchool board' relatloDs who surYive Mrs' Britba dnoe tne prevlous Wednesday'c&me, &re biE gon &nd a slEter' other r€' Itris utd community Blntoril. of ee a shock to thts i n".."y u live ln Norway' ths county. Couse ot death was I l"$"". -;;. at ailan cavity, cbest the A. O. Jocobson of,ciatod tn tumor I EeBt $blcb Promlnent bsd lt bothereil bim tot Cooperstown clvlc I , *'rtii li """tl"et. ouarersw€ro N' M' Lunde' I fl"t. Berg Boe, Sven Olgaard' John l ;';' and seval Bolkan'-Il-":lf",n"tl life auil a Grisss countv oflctal "'i ;;;wlu E' Nelson' Jolrr ,u v"u'", | ;""1J;;;t"-i"i"t rnr6rvel0 ror lroro ,*" tI. Haneon,-Wtll -carleton' Mr. Tutts was burleal Weduesday I forlof,,-;eigara trrisvol'l' rfter sorvicegin ths rt"" ^to"t"" *ilTJi;"ff[:"fi''::':.TT: I Miu.Twrttquist AuauEt 23, 1E61' es r boy he | "T" try rort"aonbrrratner's"to'm,.*":jl;l Digd v pre4laratory erl tho elementary and 1 anowas| ot hr8'tommunitv oduaatron Luther- At HOme ${erg I confirmed in tbe Norwostan | the ta cburcb' Later he etteBded I Ilnlveretty of Cbrietlanta'workins I F'n"rul - cn stlnday SerViCes for CooperS- htr ovu f&v rhrousb:""T" Lady Lsvr Held at LutherLL'vYrr :t""^;t"TI ;;" ,". n: ,." batlecided .11",'"tt:i,13"t"i: \'rrur alr ti;;;.h &t I houeland before his cout'se bt i,f,1- univereitv vl4o completed' I I *"'' chas'rurnquist' 73' passed r;tt"u "iiu,'--tuoo'l ":";;'fi;iit o:" n:i"^ ls tbe ststo of New York he camei 'ottv "t i:Y-:T:,;t; io '0" tooo-i ;'-*v' March22' *arn a cerebra'r ;Jiffi;r;;;;";;'of r't*orrr''aSe *,i"n Minnesota and vr'is- | ber campo TangRitesAre [n Church Ffleld 0n Tuesday Fflere Man FamiliarLocalBusiness Away Suddenly Passes In FargoHospital Peter J. Tar:rg, CooPerstown business man and one of Griggs countY's most vuidely known characters, was canied to his last rest Tuesday aftemoon f,ollowing f,uneral services in Ithe Cooperstowa Luthera.n church. incv. l. ,O. Jacobson of this citY i nreached the funeral $ermon. j ror the past several years, Mr. Itnrrg, always genial and unc'ornptaining, had been suffering from a heart ailment and songht medical assist- i day evenirrg he was tahen to a Fargo hospital when hjs condition see,mo more ed to find a sudden climax than usual distress. Ile died as da""'n morning. Salurd,ay $'as breaking Peter John TaJrS' was the son of n had ;}: she oo"tnorooal l*.r. or rrfl.,u"u. rwibhwhich ;;r;;;;" ffi#ffi ull; *T^?^*:-:t: gpare tlme ill for more lor tbree yearo, Itr bls | "u"o from the -l oia l""t services wer€ held -".n"oi., bc studied "t"n- | was llc€nsed ;lower and €Ye[tually i coop""stown tr'rltheran church ol] ' t:t":u of Mlriuesoe *t--;;;ye<r *" ": "1- | w"J*us'ral * statevr rar' $-rq ttInt tue lii:#T. onty ,rooo, wlti Rev. r. o. Jacobson ofI ID tbis work, ] l[neer. the in nracle rvas Brtrial Eecur€dl o"t"ttn" & ghort time aud in 1&92 he ce'mp'Lery' of John office Cooperstorvn &l'w the ln porftion o I J'acobson-*"t-:"T":" tawver'l t rranna W. A$ta,nder, Minueapotn 1"i" She 'toav faw Sweden' on Jun-e 12'.1E63' IIe began lmmedlately to | 1land, ttre United- States in to &t th€ UnlvcrBlty of Mhnesota' "'- I li"t*i*t"t"a th€Disbt";;;; teudrns veare. tbree ol iod "ilaJ.'ffi?l; n*-l |fgiti#tr'3""f""S I I ltlinr ahd r/4g graduated wlthr In lEfE be was schoot hoaors b'y the Mlnnosote l&v ill"Hl ;"*;;;;"ctice in Retl e to co'p"ilto"'iol::{ wirr, csm th€-turE DcLot&. Two tesrs a.ftsr Ji*. I ';;;;.--on l{arcn 23, 1-8e0,she was """iiJ - marriage to Charles Turn' q"i=i' r" which union "tt"';nfi;l passinganvavin in' *""'' to'o' one t;" t#rhi iil tt*11""",il: "-; ever sirce._ l;;"-ild m; s:".'":, l*s;#t"c -.";:i'AJ oatnry hewrr.6locte'l l":tuou' 11"o"orhtf "-1"-1-il:lflXi ;;,",, La,st F ri- ance on several occasions. j:tt::T- iMr. and Mrs. John Tang, b,o'rn OctoI ber f, 1.875 at Sogen, NorwaY. He lcan,e to America with his parents at the age of eleveu ycars, the fa"rnily I farm near , making their home on a I I lCormorant. Minn. Ten years later he ca.me to Nortiil Dakota to tromeslead on a farm near for severaJ McHenry and worked farmers through the Oooperstown Binford temitory. In 1902 he went inLo business in Cooperstow:r where he ha.s since resided. FIe was united in marriage to Elizabeth Loge in 1904 and totttis union seven children were b'orn. Surviving him are his wife; two ciaughters, JosePhine and Selma; four sons, Arthur, Ernest, Oscar arro P'almer, all of CooPerstown; andtwo 1 sisters, Elmma Tang and Mrs. Jose- 1 irrhine Stark of Oregon; three bro- ( ' thers. f,ewis of O'regon, John of ParA sitli, Sask., and Martin of lowa' claurghler, Jeanette, died 12 Years / ago. yY: "u'rffoll1 T;il"i| ;' ;;;; eonttnuousrv I I# ." bero be roiruoo II iftru:*1r"ff":ji#ll::,^Ti::. l:";?u;quist al1d Mar' l.Sonty y€&fs. -:{Jo'tro"ary __". on Jauuary ot Cldcago, 4'-hgl""; wse mar-l he aE was ItvruS' Iivinq 1, l, 190g 4tvP I llfi'and l+iwilliairfr,. 31d wiltia;m, -:t ,l.ied to Mtssclorr Fetrlngand tol lii*l?i"ti" g'*" oswald tlle unlon wEe bonr ono 8or1' I lil;;' erarrry;or^F"H*f: rer{9r-{'.-or, cooPew' 't"u"n"s .'o, oi Decemberl staoe' rfrl'"}ff:: rrrrwrrepereod l111";"T*"yX*f*H i:e Hebron' this l*iro grand' ' fourteen 1e33. child'ren 1, IIry.?'.u"",1,"^^"i:*:*t""Tii'#'"'rr;; ixi"ia"t iu" Alt of the It'ita"L l;iid; aro survive' t'ere present for the funeral' G l o SENTINEL_VOL. 4O_NO' 1? ! LessThan Two WeeksAgo- ['il:: ,f#r,/,#'":#?101,:"*':.l1u"yf:il,X,',li,.'lli,,'r',,;';.'$i,l?l"ffi Tollef Tweed on the occasron or tne I taken foi the Sentinel-Courier for , commemoration of 60 years of wed- lpublication in this issue; IvIr. TVeed ded 1ife, an honor tendered them I died suddenly Tuesday morning' TollefTweedIs -Ivrr. born-In NoiwaY TweefwaF March 25, 1859. On August 15' 1880, he was married to Dortha Lardater at Walstrand, Norway' Eidsvoog and four Years later the couple eame to America. After three months in Wisconsin, they moved to Belgrade, Minn'' where theY resided for three Years before coming to Griggs county to settle on a farm near Binford' In recent years theY have made their home in Binford. Survivors include eight sons and two daughters, William of CooPers' town, Louis of Pekin, Alfred of Glenheld, Carl of Corinth, JosePh of Pekin, Oscar of Jessie, MaYnaloof Mitttt""polis, Thoralph of Thiel Mrs' R' W' Minn., Fais, River Frazier of CooPerstown and Dina Tweed Johnson of Miami, Florida' 43 grandchildren and *"t" ih"." four great grandchildren. ByDe,1$,v Taken Tuesdaf. l,'f.0 Succumbs 'To MorningIn Binfordi Hold RitesFridaY Tollef Tweed, 81, Pioneer Griggs farmer who homesteaded here in territorial days, died at his home in Binford Tuesday morning following a stroke. Funeral services are scheduled to in the Lutheran Free be held church of Binford at 2 P. m' FridaY' services in the Tweed following home at 1 o'clock. Officiating pastors will be Rev. J' Loland, Rev' L' M. Halling and Rev. Ingvald Norum. Buriai will be made in the Binford cemeterY. , Less than two weeks ago, on Sun' day, JulY ?, Mr. and Mrs. Tweed we-re ho.to.ed by friends and rela' of 60 tives in- a commemoration years of wedded life. (A Pieture of ,ihe couple, taken on that occasion, above)- The event ib uendued the church from took- plabe in which he will be buried FridaY' FuneralServices ForMrs.Truscott Heldin St.P*ll EdwardThorssard ProminentBinf"rd W;i#" Minn., Diedat Rochester, onAugu1 s t7 . I l^ JohnE.Trovatten 91 Fu'er.rr*o,.*-,,,. DiesS.ptu*ber Pioneer,Residentof BinfordI For 20 Years,Deadat Age of 86 John E. Trovatten, a North DaDokta pioneer who emigrated to this state in a covered wagon in 7882, died at the Old People's [fome at Northwood, where he had been for the past flve months after living for 20 years in Binford, on WednesdaY, Sept. 9. Mr. Trovatten was born in TeIemarken, Norway, April 5, 1850 and was DiesAfterlfiness' o,''*.,. *. i iBT." In Norway'Earlvsettler in Mabel *i,oailil]t;".il:i i FiledHomesiead Binror.d. rruscorr, 1?, werel ester,Minn., on Ausust i c o n d u c t e t lf r o m t h e h c r n e " o f h e r s i s - | ter, !Irs. T. Rudbelg in St' Patll on i in Oatanrf N'Ionday. Tnterrnenl was "--:.-i I "' '^ 1 I i Township - - - : t in lBB4 '":' Sentinel-Cburier -.Un""]1,to rhorgsard, pioneer rarmer l -qg":'lutownship' died at his home il?,llll;, ltl';:il:il" ''. Mrs. Tfirscott has l.recrta iesidetrtI ttontl 'L of Binfortl since cotni,r.:'til"t'u .--_,,^ i,.,.,.1 I:: Y*ott of last week e'fter an l:l"y"d"esd'ay | iuness of several weeks. truneral he. ho'rein sr. I'aur"':. ,l': ll:l,:i iil;i;*;;;n"o,i"llTi=;il;;; Truscott in 1901' :i6 vea's of Dr.. ago. i r"ro"y wi,th Rev. V. E., Boe. Lulher_ an paslor of Finley, officiating. I , ,, - -,. I ,. Taken sick witir iaundic: \i-iT J:- I siting at Moosovin,a'.I:.-"',1"1{^11'l Mr.s. Tr,scott rn'astn\:". t: *on:- | 'at,Roch- i oi.. Th,orsg.ardwas born on Janu. I ".;-1, 18bT,at !.aaberg,Norway. rris | parents were Ma.tha and Andreas l-ffto."gu.O t" the Nlayo hosnital i ""i" ester, whele she died last Fl'iday ar- I of tioll lltrrtlrr inf lLt:utt' ternooll flortr I who both died about 30 , years ago. If" received his education in the livei'. . . - __._-\. r districl schools and was conflrmed iD fi'j]Territory Pione,ey l theMr.s. jifr'tl"uo""g boln rvas boln Truscolt rvas church. Mr.s. Truscolt _^1$tq1 l1 $!q1 | tfre faasferg: church. In Califorfria 9""tlDies I J tt ttnnee 1 00'' 1 887777 lal n do I| I| f f .. o t t t t Y o o t t k k , , N N e w w threrl I jl:i ra'riry he,ra'rirv ,"",,".-*itr, tr:t:"Tff"l,'.l"? Dakil Mrs. Julia Thoreson, 78, pioneer I ,"",,".-*itr' fi?:l\i H*' l: il:i .:llii: ,:l{jl I IIlM;;r m,rrietr.to.ni;.lilll; ri.,rsnu.rrietl.to_!l;.'_f)l_ Sireri'as vrarer t"*"-t,p i" townsiip 1886. Sire in Griggs XJorqlDakotaterritory resident and one-l is.so. cj!!.'i'our,,y county and u'o |I -*,at -*,at 1902 in, 1e02 thele in ru"o a homestead. cott cott thele homestead. ,q.t I! nled place place ,q.t n".IEilio he he ^aftet-.):tj"'1. ll:i "f1".'.)'|'j"'1..1'']:i J3,'*"3lio.l'-'1"".::::::*:: I n ri o uv e" Jd-d- i.l ei rc. t*e" tl y. r v1t oo B i nnffoolldd \r\v' hn li c nhii li i .vre"da 's"iinoc. "e.. ' surviving brothers and has since bee. their' honre' sis,tersare: -^-- I ]Irs. Tina Lund,g.aard and Hans Sur.vivins hel be-sidesIr.. t:u:::ll *qli'i'}!-.'TijJ l ori-i..lo *on*, Robe't ".lll_o:"*tI s. rrother', .]1IS. gl***ffi1 itr'o..g.ra.; ;iTiinie,*No*ay; Truscott, her' :: l ot*T^l iorl".ton, St. Paul, and.three 'Iltev ale er.s a'al two sistels. .1ttr: I i"rrti.t"", Levi Johnston' artd -H3:tv I St. of all Johnston, l..I: ll1..^tli'I '-"' t t l Jlts T r t t r l .\rr s rpwal " t a , tT ilne i . ,51 A. S i . P r r t l . soof "*olT1:oreson in L888. l\Irs. I'horeson I lThey movcd to Dazey, Dakota ter-l ritorv, where Rev. Mr, Thoreson i J-l ' Mrs. I I had accepteda call as pastor. -husbancl in I I Thoreson assisted her organizing ne\y congregations in' I communities. lnearb)' I They came to Farso 1920, ln I I Mrs. Thoreson-was active lwhere I in all church activities of First I I Lutheran church. Her husband I I I died in 1926. A son and.a daush- i ter precedecl also her in death,I | I She leaves four sons, Dr. J. O, I lTtroreson, Bismarck, Mark ,A..,I lBeverly HiUs, Catif., Haroltl p., I lSan Bernardino, Calif., and WalIter J., Ogden, Utah: three daughIters, Mrs. J, K. Mickelson. Har-i .lwood, N, D., IIrs. Sverre Oftedal,i lGlendale. and ltrs. R. C. Henka, I I Kent. Wash.: t'.r'o brothers, Rev. I O. H. Sletten Sletten and Gilbert Gilbert Sletten. Sletten.I both of llinneapolis; a sister, Mrs. Il ;both C. M. Roan, Ilinneapolis; 16 grand-l children and three great [ranO- | children. I Funeral services rrere Tuesdav in I Glenclate.The bodv will be lrouehtl to Hannaford, N: D., where sir-l vices will be next Monday after-l noon in Hamaford Lutheran I church. Brrrial rrill be in Walum. I , N. D., cemetery. I 'I Rudhplc' _ -, :-, iOtto Thorsga,ardof Moorhead, Minn.; lrnorvar Thorsgaard of Courtenay, I N. D., and Syver Thor.sgaard of Haveitoct<, N. n. I The deceased was buried in the |Lr , 1M144{J+m++er<tr4u.Slgal U iatf-- nUmbefs illS.... SophiaTrosr D. t-,(,Pfrt | ;i',services l_j-. 'r"i:J"l", ,Serl-iees Todav T - - - J t_)j *lllou""""' Resident, Resident, r l-#;"fr Sophia Former lFor*"t ii;iJ"^::rttr,"; '' ii rrost, 6e, llo l::"Y::::^i?1Mrs.. ln--------- D^oilo-* i^; n - f ^^-$ liotj DiesOn Coagt1r i $i:i'tilL."X #r:ip;iqfisi'!"'* ';i;itf,J r,c*!4uqg"-I l;.t;ii:v;:ifrY"iiil;i:.", ;l wordwasrecq{v-e{ oi M'3.f rulruvlo'', :: ichu|ch,-p,"t. TJi'r;',!.TL9lui r'e\" A, p.iiir*.un Corr> uor''iss _li. P'a-;musser -'iI' resiaent, aittetl "'li;i,]."i:iXl "r'i;;d';;th - l;i#T'" cggp:':l:YX*?lo"g'i-u:nu' cooperstown qi'*f former former t. J i iln"r"i runera. Qua-'n I :*,:1,r'g,"na o of the deatn or -wlrs. J. rvr' r@rrvr', c"riil sli,t. homein pasadena, i l;#'Jlll-"r'X?d.S rl|s' Tlg:t Mrs. Taylor came to this county I l^ Y"t^bc:n-inontario, .- yo.,,ieyomal,1'''d l?.lgliI l;X1?,[? #1li'1,' ];tfl.t;,' 1.,*, :?:'; ", ."r,ooi. inlnd aroundcooperstorvnljo;;b;;. rnsr"'iiii ilili iiiro,. ror a numberor vell;'"."3?,"1i1i t!fl"i;J,T,',i* She leates six sc:.. ..... Frederick Frederick l;;J J. Gilmett at Bowan' i tgT ttitr. ] anri ]lerna-rt at llit'1-ti,9-t'[t1ooo hnrp \{'iriam \\'illiam of ,flnd-B"rna:d.ef hon:e' liirru, O"t., on Aug. 13,1856' \' D" Edrvardor Hope' io, resl, she was married ic-raiton' 1';;;;;; ;},,ii .1')rfi'f,:H:*t,"t#ilt * i'i".T.ooi4tl;i.F?,'[11{'.,:35 ii;;fi;'d';;aeierrrome in thewest', J u'". sl,;ilfrl ly4'.n'--a daughter, t, ?a.-[;i] li T:llqf I flTi'?i3i-il I il#ii I,nis"Jililu',""i'io.{l Hannaford' and Ern-estll smitrr-t' l#i:ll"tts' ':re&'J::$it' lGrand Forks,Mrs' 'fi'""-il;;li Lo't lf'Jl't'"tl?. "ii""t i,itT':"il"^ii."ffi;.:\:ii*'*oiIfi.q"uver,-B. iii,T,:"il'^ii,,.%$".,""?_:j#,"jilH;ii^i[i""'f c., andurs.--sr."r,1. calif. ,Two sisters,1lt1ri'i I;i;;i"r, M^ri'1 wash.;I. 'ff,iltii ur this-na' or rGrace !'Cri'."-i"rt 9itv, 1nd "'i . ;;i"J;;n, lGeorge.N-ewberry so survtve. Ii 1{i-granrichrtail;9TuTa. al-l i*"q|":l:r,--B,ql!lg ;;a-l;o , grandchi)dren ; *teatli i FuneralServices ForMrs.Truscott Heldin St.Paul tl z i EdwardThorssard Prominent Binford Woman JohnE. Trovatten Diedat Rochester.Minn.. DiesAfter lilness onAugust17. DiesSeptember 9 B?.1Il.Uorway,EarlySettler 1 t -"- . j PAGE SIX Pioneer,Residentof Binford For 20 Years,Deadat Age of 86 John E. Trovatten, a North DaDokta pioneer who emigrated to this state in a cover€d wagon in t&g2, died at the Old People's [fome at Northwood, where he had been for the past flve months after liv.ing for 20 years in Binford, on Wednesday, Sept. 9. Mr. Trovatten was born in Telemarken, Norway, April b, 1850 and was united in marriage to Ragnild Trovatten in 1.877.They emigrated to the United States in 18?g and came flrst to Osian, fa., and lived there for three years before going to North Dakota, s€ttling in the vicinity of Northwood where they farmed until he retired in 1910. He lived in p.al- I mero ior a time before moving to I Binford. Burial was made at the I l,ogan cemetery 11 miles northeast I of Aneta. I{e leaves a daughter, Mrs. O. A. Trovatten of Binford; a son, E. J. Trovatten of, Peryallup, Wash., three grandchildren, Misses ElIa and Ber_ Cha Trovatten and Mrs. G. A. Tufteland, all o.f tsinford, and three greatgrand child.ren. His wife passed away in 1921. Funelal services f ot' I,Irs. J. R. Tluscott. Binfold. 'lr'ho died at Rochester, Minn., on August 17, were conducted fronr the home"of her sister, Mrs. T. Rutlberg in St. PatLI on Nlonday. Tnterrnenl FrledHomestead in Mabel Township in lBB4 specialrolJl'ul-coor"" was in Oakand c e u r c r e l y .S r . t ' r r t ' 1 . .{ ''MrS. Trgreott 1-t2slyelll a lesideut I of Binford since coming thele from l he1 holre in St. I'aul ls the britle l lrur -"{9ry"ld.Thorgsard, pioneerfarmer rlaoel township, died at his home vYeuneso'ay or last week after an l::' l lllness of several weeks. tr'uneral i TIYi"* were held from his bome on with, Rev. v. E. Bbe, LurherIian :.ltouv. pastor of !'inley' officiating' ,tvII.Thorsg:ard r'vrD6d{iu was b.orn oorn on Janu' Janu. |i --:.^;' 1857, at_Faaberg, Norway. His I p-11"-1T^ 1|y 1l ' l Y \ r v 'Marth-a r@rL{4 u and u Andreas ,I i r . ^ " . ' " Yere. of Dr. Truscott in 1902, 26 yeal.sI aB.o. I Taken sick with jauntlice while vi-l ing at rt Moosovin, Moosovin. Sask., Sask.. on July Julv 25, 25. II siting Mr.s. T..scott .r.r,astake' to uoo*i I at R hospital o s p i t a l ',at Rocho c h - r| t h e xN{ayo layo h ovin o v i n to t o the :"o"e?: I who both died about 301 ;""".T1?T ;:i;:"ll:i:llJJlfili,::nxr"*;l in the , , n,."Ti",'1'.?::i schools l:.and :-g:rcatiol was co"nt*eo-lol I the liver'. Mls. Truscort wrLs born at'Afiofilf New Yotk, ott Jttne r0' rszz and | r r o v e d r v i t h h e r ' l r r r r r i l yl o S t . P a' fur I" ui ns -l lo l ) r ' . -,''"t | 1 8 8 6 . g | 1 e s r ' r r r : r r r i e (t'" li"r";oJ'i""'?n;;';;;;; riii' moved directely to Binfo.d *hich has since been their' home. ii*t?"t u n e , - t ' a a s b e rcgh u r c h ' , emigrated to Baldwin, Mich', in I f lr*f;"" , i i i , ' ^ , townstrip 3yo .V.tul"Iated he came to I in crisis ;untv and I i Y*"1 iii,-"[irllf,"ttt"o' I At that pla.cehe brothers and sisters are: -il.r"ia, I .r:.u""*i"g SuIvir.iDg hel. besides Dr. Tluscott Tina -'-* lLundgaard uuq'Baaro and € rmd H Hans a.ns o t\\,^ {nnq Rohclt ,,,,1 :1".. D o n a l d i . 1 , 1 R o b e l t s o n s , t \ \ ' o al'e i i +;;"", Truscott, rrer rnotnei', otto ihorsgaard M;;;i;;, _itll: Minn.; bloth- | Ii Tnorva.I three *^#.1 Johnsto[, St. Paul, and "] 'f rr''y a,r''' Th."ugr"ii--J*6J,r"r"o"y, ers arrd two sistc.s. _Mito I .l N. D., and syver Thonsgaardof Have_ J o h n s t o n . L e v i J o h r t s t o t t ,i t t t t l H a l ' t ' yl ' l l o c k , N . D . Johtrston.all of St. Paul. utttl llts. I I .i^ buried in- the .t" r^ r . Rurlbels, rlur.rLrb, - r r t . _ . T. r r r r { ]Ils. A _ L e w a r L .anti A.. !stervalt | l-"tnl! 1":":if3--*Tcemetery. lMabet Musical JT::n"il";Yff; f:*:*i i'"'rn,''"ti'*; ;l:; j;",*,I i;ffJ"ii3$"#l lf I I rr so of St. Partl. +r^ .funeral r,-^_^r nnrmbens rites included a duet il: 'L.t rlrrsses Mildred and Gladys Kirkeroy : ll people. in attendance from ouBide -*"#FrH"#f C;;il;;' b#-o" ftt# I I-Tr": Resident, Former s""li:i,li;*'':i"itv*"'u,-r'r.,."nu" a.nd}-tr: and }trs. Thorval rhorsI wora was recqlve{ ng}b,t4iq \ {eek i gaard :?o I and farnily of oourtena_r'. M.' M. Tbflor, Thflor' f. J. I of death death Mr*. Mr$' iof the l for-er Cooperstown Cooperstowhresident, at her ti lformer lho-e in Pasadena,Calif., SePt.6. I ---.___ I IUrs. Taylor came to this countY I ttwu'I I *""/yl las a young woman and taught I Cooperstown around and in lschools | - *"J ,n., I for a number of years. She r'r'as1, lborn Thirza J. Gilmett at Bowan'l i i iville, Ont., on Aug. 13, 1856. 'acIJJouolsuarxa I Ott J.ttt" 30, 1895,she was married : Jecor years tl *""v vu.ti For many It. Rev-.I. l,r. M. t;;i;. Tavlor. i;t i t"i"".1. i roaful FwoT "*ff l ;-:: 5u"iT,j3",f,.".H,.,'""' l shehad madeherh";; i ;;"" i "qr i.itr$,] 'H;";Jt"',C''i:*B., "ti ano1 rayror ;;. |"'^il;;i;;;"; loar,i, "ifitu*:i of i t h r e e c h i l d r e n ,M r s . H . A . R u d d I l P " i 9 t l . u . ! . H e r m a n a n o F i f i l : lcrand Forks, Mrs. Oliver Smith oIl li";l:i:9ll!'Hannaford, and Ernestl! ir*:E:"ii'i"u".I-TiL:T*Tilg#"**;;ft":#tu.. lc'.".uHalror ,hi. gly,^^li.t-Mji l *;*:T,-,-"..qiti"'ci:J,iliri''ri#,,3.il' ";."#ilf I AIIE,EIeD' vor*. lCrace Hall r YYv rrsL!:v' vancouver, ll, .c.. and Mrs. Susa"n/r of this city, and Mrs' I S^tephens,Batlte'CrJrnJ"'#,." ., orJamestown, il;-il:o "t-; l?"f,ilil$:|i,,1'"; Il g":1,*,y"":berrv l t 2.f t Binford Doetor' Reaognition ; ilfi:t't*mi{T}:.fririh,l,iiTl*l,;.,},lR?J"s gixi,,il i rlSaipan won,t be i*{lt"* 1;;Uid w;l ""::i,,ffi,: ;i};ffi DuySetAug.3 I Binford, N. D.-If ^ fr'ornter 5f, Lwkersftrrrrse'Hus ,If-eeh StayOn Sairtan Island" i h$t{I" i_"i, 311 "t}"3i : Ih"l.l'ip over.bvboat- q::r"1";"*'"'fi i lp.,ru:=t*;"j:*ul':g,lk i present ptans I materialize; this community (1g40I pop. 311) will be host Aue. B tol ;liH'i'.Tt#i ;Iffi+ffi I[ila"i+T*Jtmh?:r 31,",ef";|sJ3[f;:6ry; erings in its his- tory. ''Th e occasion will be a day of appreciation f o r Dr. J. R. Truscott, who will be honored bv Binford towns-people and for--" ' who as babies were aetivere-j Dr. Truscott by Dr._ Truscott during his 45 years of practice here. Invitations have been sent out to a majority of the living 9g? "babies," delivered by Dr. Truscott, to attend the celebration, says Fred G. Lewis, program cbm_ mittee chairman. ;-#;;,;'o*";T;ffi*ffitu r * * The program wiII begin at 1 p. m. with a lunch at the Binford fh-all. A talk will be given bv lvai I lfnap_p, 1he first baby detiveied byl, lr-lr. I ruscott. in Binford. Knaoo l lnow is Wishek school superintend_l-talk. lent. Following Knapp's Dr-l: 'with wili pi6sented be _ ITruscott 'lgifts I donated by flinford citizensll 1""1 l:'"^;:?:':'^':^ ...,,- _, .li l. A.base-ballgame will be played jl a locall, clln tne afternoon between,,babies" and one made ;' r Ihteam l, e h a s d e l i v e r e d . up of li 11 ,Fesides Leu'is, program com- I r lmlrree membersinclude Mrs. Os_1, Alm, Mrs. R. W. Frazier. Lel' "-lRov l c a r Alfson,- $t"rg Rorig, Ar.ihur i il3il:H:"' i lulson. Neisrhunet"a rmilli | ,Truscott ,' lIY oDr. r k S e p t . 9 , was born in New ld 1 8 ? 0 ,t h e s o n o f M r . l ! 'land Mrs. James Truscott. He re-ll ceived his education in New york j and St. Paul and rvas graduated lflom the University of Minnesota lin 1901, -. Aftsr coming to Binford in 1902, r-tr.. truscott set up his practice that has continued fbr 45 ionsecutive years. After residing here for four months, Dr. Truscoit married N*ie Johnston of St. paul, Minn. Tu'o sons r+'ele born to Dr. and ) llrs. Truscott-Rober.t in 1g05 and tt -: l, l1 1909.il{rs.Truscottdied e ii""i3t!.t. ._During- Dr. Truscott's practice s . rb sets of twins were delivered by (. him, The greatest number of chil"n oren_in one family delivered by l- r-l_r.J.ruscott was nine to Mr. and Mrs. Thor Nelson. His busiest year s rl yqs. in 1915 when he deliverei b2 ( I babies. C r il$$ri''-""#ffi ffi /#:i,.:"**t'*{lif mother, Mrs.paul . she'rtheabI lroi t19 1apiii""t"*f,1:" r,. iffi rT:" i*:1","ir.".1{r+"#""i}j14#nTx"t*f b"Tter_i', i-:_;. ^ru;:fj[{ li{{ $:llt.,t*1tit"T-i" H"rtr i#,i,ff":,-":1" :";,;"; _*__j:_:*,.r__ . l..l!..r;d:.1rSyur,l.ei!:1ir."Jpii"#f Mrs. lVIfS. 'I'fOSeth, Troseth, wa.l' b'1, 67, Hannaford, Dies ' Paul O. Hannaford, N.!.-Mrs. (Anna Louiie) Troseth, 6?, pioneer Griggs county resident, died here Wednesday. Born in Sweden Dec. 14, 1879, she came to Dakota territory with hcr parents in 1882 and had lived in this area since. She was a member of Hannaford Lutheran church and of the ladies aid. She leaves Mr. Troseth: three sons, Ole O. of Cooperstown, Griggs county register bf deeds, \\'aiiant Officer PauI "";?il,"fi. Eugene, in slle sajd, ,,with the sun glint_ | husesilverbocriei huge'lu"'-uiiiiu!'iii a'cr, r1 imS,,the liffiSl,,the r,".,. u*""r_l l"gi":ffi1,:-"**S9,"*" Iottt t'acitities, ;;;;;;iG"t"'Lt. Tt'-seth,anrl Quotrsetfrui!la"" [-' l lplacgcl the earlier tents. Thev ar.el lconstructed to allou' freer cirtulalrron of nluch neecleclair in thejr ltropical humidity. The screenwallsl. l|-eep,out.the_mosquitoesand othcr,l rnsect.sthough much has been donel' ro ^etu)rjnate thent. lr soil, in contrast to somel ^-)3tp3l,'" lne other islands, seems rich ancl ior u'ork is underf ]l9lttlt and.already ratsrn3'.vegetables.Jap5 6n6l }iy^t-" i q"!..to s-ork. Plans^arel ::T,"^"1! ma(to for..cartic raising. roo,r coo,i lX#"", _iiri.fi; ;;;." I.s.rr.,rilahle,however, through air land Llovd F.. gannafo-rd: a, of the armed' daughtcr, Viola-of Carmel, Cinf., I il]!P]"9^tt"ilities forrierly' a supervisor ^t. qt'l rorces' There is fresh meat ai I tiil;i'"j"1n.-{reshesss. i Luf";i-h*pitai, r'argo,'"nE"r"i""l with the army' nurs'e corps: twor -,,,: -'.-'' ntilk'. still an -lmpossi-; rg**+ffiifialriffi Funeral arrangements are pend-1,:'0-GIRLS O\-- BO.4,RD ing the arrival bf Paul on emer-ll r't' Trcseth's trip to Saipan u'as gency leave from Korea. W. n. l qu-ltean event. Tt'enty nurses rvere Sinclair funeral home - -is ----"-':::'1 in charge.llllpn,9Y.er or1 a navJ' ship, first ?^i time ttrat a nar']' ship ha-d been and the feninine pa^ssengersl ,iused, q-e|e aecorciecl et.erv far.or. even tol private deck as $,ell as the free_1 ia ' dont of the ship. 'en I slUeg As islarcis rcute were aD-l -oil f proacneO a r:dio r.nessagewoula gol iout that there s.ere girls on boaid,, and soon the harbor's rvould bc j il ll filled u.ith small ships. ',be :::r:: A r r__"calliug Lheir g1€'s1tn*.i *,i+i+,iu+*n #,* r*r frl;$J tr;:p: :.-#'$J io:ii,*Ji*SlTffi jt jt,[::?:ffi It-.:"r"ff ii;t'Jx;'$j".H &'sf -Ci"_+""i"fi? \:ioia-of u a u E r r t E _ r ' l .rrl s t e q r n l J e c e r n b e r , 1 9 4 i , a n d w a s l tUfr'ru'":';al';$'Sl;':ai1,l'4*ry;#"* tffiJ"jly" corps,and tw-ogrand- *r..""i-orricer, i"-tr," Frrlipiir*= li jffifi'it*ii*#-lirtl--Ti f!ri"#,:i:,ltrhi""rirr#ll Rev. E. O. Lee of Far i 1ec.t'' rorrner Hannaro.rd pastor, ltl s'r., t" Grigss countv, o. sln-ciarr',.fi;;"i;;;;""i "r.Yl;rjlliirllif:I:fl"lltf - -ill, --ll u ;:ffffi'f,l_1:i1,: uw rtr !rL: charge. Biniord Doctor' IRecognition DuySetAug.3 I erings in its his- tgrv. "Th e occasion will be a day of appreciation f o r Dr. J. R. Truscott, who will be honored bv Binford towns-people and form e r r e s i d e n t s ---*' who as babies _ eo,r e o d ,].tll--J w e l i v e r e d I)r. Truscott by Dr,_ Truscott during his 45 years of practice here. Invitations have been sent out to a majority of the living 9g? "babies," delivered by Dr. Truscott, to attend the celebration, says Fred G. Lewis, program cbm_ mittee chairman. * * * team and one made up of ,,babies" he has delivered. Bcsides I,ewis, program commrttee membe|s include Mrs. Os_ e l car Alm, Mrs. R. W. Frazier. l,e Eoy Alfson, Steve Rorig, Ar.ihul Smogard, Nels Thune and Emil Olson. Dr. Truscott was born in New York Sept. 9, 1870, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Truscott. He received his education in New york Iand St. Paul and rvas sraduated from the University of Minnesota in 1901. eoming to Binford in 1902, ^ After r-tr..'1ruscolt set up his practice Ithat has continued for 45 consecu_ tive years. After residing here for four months, or. rruscoit ;;;.i;e l. Nellie Johnston of St. paul. Minn. li sons wele born to Dr. andli I-_Tu'o l.Irs. Truscott-Robe::t in 1905 and ll t, Donald in 1909.Mrs. Truscott died r. ; l in 1928. ; l - _During- Dr. Truscott,s practice ]? ru$- of twins were delivired by him. The greatest number of chill dren_in one famiiy delivered by t' - l| IJ_r. r ruscott was nine to Mr. and Mrs. Thor Nelson. His busiest year ! was in 1915 when he delivereil 52 ( trl l babies. I -l Woyrnenst.L,wker" /["r* i{{U,I Y,:n!.f|*y OruSaipanIsland" j When Lt. Viola Ti.oseth of_.the,coulal-not be located throueh -iit-%thei nt.r-cG;. jrlSaipan uiiiJ ,tTi:i'!l'" Iiip:iil!%,':""i'J".*#:'""f#,$* I won,t be jrffi I[{rJ:F;Tii:iliF:i:,}'tiill giT ?iei? ?T ;i:ffi'':+ *;**;i ilt'[i,;I-p;j /$i,"-+:';#ti;::: "Bf{j"}[r* +r+i $U."*r ffi=ffi Ii{t;d"#l:*i::'.'":tuI r ry..; 1'"l,ffF_""#il!#:' *;"J i:i.:.:;:, lr,it"if,"tf#:l i:"{ j[fiii",:*": was O. Trosetlr of Hannafc to haven -",".,,j:^*r.3, ;;ii."."';,i;'Ji'?!.'3#1'"",},i:"dj;: II *j;#f l{frf""ti"}ff;."oi,,i?r""-1.^lp"::-t-lg-L :r*: .'- ffi ,Tt-- - - - -r nir,- Mrs. Troseth, 1 /4 67, Hannaford, Dies 5:["11i3j]li'r jH? ^ji",i'11:-':w1!l.the. su.n-gtint-l hrige'sii;;;;:ri"::;i;r iiffi."J,,ttre ' I j h"_,. .*.ur_ lt?l#;flf,:*""o9"1f." rlent iacilitiel; ;;;;;;i,?,;'ti,' r,t.l PauI O. Hannaford, (Anna Louiie)N.!.-M".. Troseth, 67, pio- T.tcseth.anrl Quonsetrrut!frave rcneer Griggs county resident, died / pfacgd the ea.rlier tents. Thev ar.er here Wednesday. lconstructe(l to allori-freer cirtulaBorn in Sweden Dec. 14. 1879, lrron of nruch tieecleclair in thejr she came to Dakota territory with ltropical humiditl'. The screenwalls I hcr parents in 1882 and had lived lfe€p,out the-mosqrlitoesancl other'll in this area since. She was a ll'"|J. Jhough much has bcen donel! m e m b e r o f H a n n a f o r d L u l h e r a n r o ^ e t l r ) i r n a t tch c u r . ll church and of the ladies aid, -sarpan's soil, in contrast to somel the other islands, seems rich ancl She leaves Mr. Troseth: thr€e lof s o n s , O l e O . o f C o o p e r s t o w n ,i l 9 l u t . " a n d . a l r e a d ] ' u ' o r k i s u n d e r 1 tatslu3.vegetables. Japs andI Griggs county register of deeds, $:Y^t^" \\.aiiant Officer paul Eusene. in rtoreans put to $.ork. plans are I ma(lc for catllc raising. foort Goorl T(orea with the armv o.*sir.e-ers- i ;; ll :l I i I I I :l ;l ,:l ( l ;tl.r;1"* *'[",i;",i3,"' il'jilii; ;""ilff e6.&r: r a,'Tl:,il i i enginee{s, o-1;-;.iri.i,ii";.ift";'there ro,, three years.j Stl.^*_"^_lllf or uooperstown,. N. D.' li' at' trr" iitir" she enlistedshe was at I county register of deedsand-Grigg! Lloyaf u-hoiur.ij-butif., hospital. She en_l -icar. ui',r*nsIi viora i'l"tT'Xt 1l**j:,:rlI iiiii",iil tl:d^ii'b-^".i'iu.., or.I:*.ttta,,l, ca-imel-,-"iar*iri,!;.;i'".rt :;"?:',?r".',,',"1?.il'.!Y,H ld:EJdi:""Xh'*,+":;''.Fiili,i-'*"T;i"'.^"S,"" ;;' ui. i,iuipii,"i ##j"i]:,:#"Si,iltiarl where servicesrvitr be at 2,tod;t; "if;#n"r,li:"?"i.i!ti.fl:lll.lf prominenrin basket_, lXitD;;'H; corps, andtw-ogrand_ AffiJ.;11.'" Ii,""*;;';;i;;;. Rev. E. o. Lee of Fargo, to""lif . ll i"U^dr"]."1.. Tech. 4th sr., former Hannaford pastor, officiatingin criggs county, l4."giltiitio."a. D. Sinclair funeral home ls W. in1,""""*-ir-dr.,onu. charge, t l t:i::i::,ii: :i::::::::: i:!:lri:it:i :i:::ir::::il OFfICEBS ni';ffi;r," and members of a lstructors and students, for which [k::,41"a. Th ii,u'ffi IRites HeldSaturdav -4;d:'f.=J b ".-*ttdHlJ';:'.";:"" |_ lmade to the North Dakota grand "rfr A'F'ancl A'M''areslown tffi'ffif$frl:f$f tri:rl.#:1:l?""j:"iiiil:-a"#xl lFor lver Th(dffifrSbh ll"rl+"; rry:*tservic€s r* *"i fl"tfl,1l,"tJf;lJ""1l'"ri,ji*I lI son, w, proneer or Enger Township, "**n* 1."1,"11 lG. Biggs, correspondence'depart_ I who died at his home there last I Tuesday, were treJd July 7ih at 1:30 lp' *. in the Thompson residence *'y:-$q+.tfu$*t lhl "uz p-m..iniriehi!;dil e:oh, ku. {. c. crunLlu_blera:. -sff[ciating, and warden; Howard lment, junior agriculture student, lSpaulding, A' l1eni95 lvarden, gntl Mewin lilt?jlt?ji,,i3i'?$T$l?o::1,f5-"f; l;;i"'ej;iti,-ricieiior"gv-ltirai'r, burirl vas dea'con; Rev. S]-S. Studer, f*f ' ljunior I rnade in ttre Lutheran churc5 t-e61. ldirector of religious education, . I etery. lchaplain; T. M. Christison, profesI rtu* Thompson was,born in Hedltg",gt chemistry, senior d-eacon; #ht*'*':g;ffiilt :vo::wai;s.pt I arcn, ? is# ";d lBlSft",t,"H"l,::lu:?t,"ii**#; ca,rne to the United States in 1866, I lie""i6i ite*ara. tril.tH"#*trhl***,#lh i'' *r'nt I settling in BLue Earth, Minn., and I later moving to fowa. fn June, l88l, I he caane in a covered wqgon to Da- B. H. Tandeo Griggs Farmero Dies At Od *i H. _ Cooperstown, N. D.-Bernt Tande, 60, lifelong resident of Wil{9w_ township (Griggs county), dild at his faim iromE Satuiaav.' SurvivinB- are three sons, Jo'el, ^ L'onrod, and Bernard, all at home. rrrs _wife died June 5, 1946. Fu_ neral services wiil be at 2 p. m. Tuesday in the West prairie cnurch njrqr 9f J,essie,N, D., Rev. Tuftetind off-i"i;iid.'b'J: 4T",1t, rigl will be in the church cemeterv IllI j*aryam, -in 6;J, II Xill^*. -funeral Cooperstown, charge. r tr Dr tinlz --|[:ll:?*trdffi:I,; "-*'^^P. | I A mernber of th.e Coneordia colI lege board for several years, he was I also a director of th€ narmers I Ottrer officers, not pictured, are lAffred Nelson, architecture stujuniorsteward; Richard^Post, ldent, '"5#:i.i#:"?,9ifiibiH liJ:','ff lvision, secretary, and F'. F. Skinlner, college secretary-treasurer, lwho is treasur€r. l. Tt" new or-ganization, Sunrise f,f, i :lT.y.,:l"tp,Tgil' $;'-i; llfliflil,"Tjff":,,i#.3ff:",t flarr'on and or rne l{atLon Farmer's I lnorth Faigo, will meet at the collBlevator Co. Surviving are hi.s wife, i llege yMCl,' on alternate ThursItllo sons, Carl Thompson of ceur I ldays. Membership is to be @ j d'alene, rdaho, anc T'heodol'e I' lnrised of college personnel aid +-,^ i*,-i_ lmembers of the masonie order not I nno*nson of Hattbn; vrrs.{relvin*"o"Tirli,1il* I ters, Mmn., and amella at lrome, l#."#i",ffi9.,|!|!i with present four I' I Encouragement has been seI I gnandchilfuen, and a brobher, Chrrist lcured from-the two active masonic I Thompson of this vicinify. llodges here and. from college de- I .te the i""?*"liiil'F""!s"tl'; organization from the l*iltli llege are Alfred H. Parrott, Dr.. Harlow L. Walster, Alfreil G. Arvold, Dr. J. A. Munro and Dr. P. J. Iverson. Ralph Miller of the Grancl Lodge is also advising. : States rvrrs, Tuf{e" 11".1*., trstIil#ffili, Buried ;r i SundayNight c.,""rrsEnded , S+# t.""'41,"1il1 lffi j':fif,ff:,'J,?*"dl'"li,l*'""il i Oc*;&","."," l l_ :::::l . t t b?_-ron,'*,, i jServedOttiii Zl /*,.-1,( ,.**, :. ^r.;;i'b#;:;" lffi ffffry'xr{:t-:;li;i;fit II lffi -'75.Y*'ord. m:r##i.i{iiir$HT$l ;,; *';:.:-;". l*',", lffi F' R"'#n'[ illness. Rev. f. O. Jaco;l:sonofficiated at i the services. Musical r"l";l;;;;;";; I given by the *i"- iI the churah churah choir and au mixs.ivenby "rroi"-""4 .'a q*aitet composed of Mrs. r. o. 1 - | Jacobsoa,Miss Kathryn Tweeten,otto Jotrnson arral A. ru,. n"i.r*.". I pall bearers *e"e N"rc r-,*ae, rotrn Fredrickson, Robert Thorn. n. ;. II I -^ Tuf,te, 75, who had servI ^^"yi"*h GriCCs -"oED county lvusLJ as sLales 4s states altolTrey attomey Il:9 ;; i 1-,-{:it: i01 TiNorth Yht- held a place proDakota law circles, lT11""t sunday night at a ,Farrgohospil9l:d ailment' that sudd'enlygriw ^senous' l:31,:lJ" i Firn'eral services were held wedHowden, Axel simons;;; E;*i; i lat the Lr€ t;oopersrown Cooperstowa Luttreran ":,.y Luttrreran Bolkan. made in thel ther Burial was I 1*du-y @L Cooperstown cooperstowncemelery. cemetery. I l:"5? Y1-""",-1""* Punxberyassem- EENJAMIN b-puv_ry.T\rfte a finat tJ_ TUFTE ur€cEdE-Igop Borrr Borninwiscorsin in wisconsin ] lPl.l1 Rev. I. o. I * 'I'rdte paurinu " c,ara Clara Pauline Feiring rei.i,ie*Lrt"-:,,T wasIi lrut". le,r,.i"r *il ,,,-- *.^-^ *"f; *ToJa#i""?'* r i3:'":" r-'ryvv"'riri;iitl:ui$H"*r'"x"dt ';,i|lT; lcemerery. herd JHe h?iltffi'" *J'.-r-l"J $;lll i tDakorawhile she was still a young *:_gg*; ?r ;#, ,=JL"ro *! if:il*:l "ft1li:f i'ffi # i'?i"'i#'l:."1,i.0"i'..'lil-.i I i,"yl;,:':?-{"-":-,:-:.*xrtyi '"-"ru"tionat :chooleducation :choor education at valev,.ilLl"i:i at vaueycity. r-u-i ill,:'H "^t$:."::ll,:.d!:t h.-]"-a lfr-"3T*1"-ro"-"e-etecuJi, ;; trhe *" irt,il1i;;J;r?X;y#K#"#fl lil;ffi:"''o" ler, she attend€d scho( ":ti'? I i *- -,,**Tl:11^Y:i:" 1*,#,-t"our"-l"r"i-##:"** ;xl;rulxxtir{:i,q"*1{:'"fl j"HHif #L:i'l'"#ffi "ieTl';x,x*: ii;Ji#ft'ffi"$ffi*" Purinton, Baptist min rhat time. i !:i:1"". Mrs. ruftebesan hcr,.hf,l::"** Beginning early a full l-^T:tt prominent wag the case of se en'tered ff"f:'11."H#ITTl"?*1 ouor. ttre uni- i3l3*olttestatl-"iip"ffiil;*" ,,arionat the vauey""lri'iiirli"l,i i ;ili:l l;,:[1;xT:'"[lTi:1"-y*Fxi:"; *T" is kno,wnr.".trr*-p"i"jprJrt of cxxristiania, working r* ll-ll*. changerlto the univer"r-d"r'li;;;l l:_"i:.v established. his owll support. DakoLa at crand ro"i."" ;';;; I i a ve€'rleft, howwer, he went i-" 3L'9 *ill: ty contendins -::::'?;"H "T". "^YtY t;il-,;.- ;"n"*,.'.,"*.ol T,i,*" li,f{';|:f.t:#"H3#",ru*lg ",,;:.: pleredher v;ork rherer"'ii,.1ri.r"i'"r i At the age of 22 she wes elected i io the olrice or county;p;;t.t;;;;;i ' f schools of Criggs county, which i cffice she held for six lears. As su- i she uttur'5li';;";*;attended two mect- i| l.erintendent, .n" 1:erintendent, irgs of National Fdlucation or the Nationar Ed;;";;';;;;-l asso- j ciation, one at Louisvitle. Kentucky, I and the other at Portland, Ore. i L'.:ensod Engirneer _ rn |finnsgefa he tri-ed his hand " , a lumber carnp, then studied ensinjbecame a Iicensed I eering-. end *-;.. ""si"In ttrat that ca,paciby ca,pacity n" he *" wss ffii#i eer. ":" a Minneapoilis rvrimeafotis"tr"t;;v'u\"vr' factory. lea-in led_in I! was then his interests turned I. I to law. He studied in the office of adopts the intenpretaI ;;",.::.-1-'"o ili,l^Ti:lgrven !1" courts or A;;';;;" it' i "ave r'nfluentiel Figure | I r:r Loop€rstown, Mr. ?ili* Tufte -;;;;'" *r" was an 1 ,-*^3:f".t"*";M;. Hre served as "o He a i:"3:?1tjt^^o"^'re.I;;:i'j*^^"+re._ .the boanl of education l;;:":*":,ot ur ure crf,y council. i*I on January1, 1e0?,.shewas mer-| IJohnw. Arotaader,prominent Twin lr$lnxriig:T:"i_"{ r"ied to Benjamin Tufte, at thal time I lcity attornrey at tjhat time. :::"ii]-t" .Ijar* rsLcresf,s' the Farmers& and in addilion, al etaies a*oriiex c"ie,g:i"""iv' Ii,".1?::i,:,"",1"***::r":l-qri* ilT"jffi:' naoconsidera'rl;.6i#G Lived "r Ifere Slnce i I the Utniversity of Minnesota, Ife was rheremainder ofheru': =,l"-:p:l:ljffixl?t**t:"*"T:"]3i *:lT::: j:iring *Ti#'*niil.il,* Fris wide ,!g-"o.died in rs63.'*i in Cooperstorvn. After a long il- jlin rsss. rtre practised a few monthu ncss which Catedback some 20 years, i I at !.e0 Wing, Minn., before h^r'ihd *"{r** *:r"";"it'f**i tocoorerstown' ii l l years ard six months of age, I She leaves to mourn her loss her I luidower, Benjamin Tufle; one son, j ffifft;#ffi-ffi {. I-tT' t-'sw&ld, rv'' r.emains, as wett as a e ttve iix Norway, -----------..,T- l- F4 ot. Almklov was-s-umTonEd-Irrf find no injury about Mrs. .Biieffuneral services weJe heilt at the home Monday at 1:00 o'clock, and at 2:30 impressive services were held in the W'est prairie church. which was filled to overflowing with friends of the departed. t'he many floral offerings ,that c)vered the 1 casket also attes,t.edthe esteen and C love for her who had been called to her res,t. Rev. Tuftetand and Rev. Halling spoke in the i{orwegian language, and Rev. Tollefson in the r English, all three pastors speaking eloquently of the vtrtueE of the dece'ased and of her fine C,hristian character. The Binford uale quar- I tette and. the West Pr.iirie choir furnished speci'al musie at the fu- ( heral ln the chureh. Those who officiated as pall-bearers ivere O. El. Thorn, Tollef Tweed., Al+x Osmundson, Mabhias Rorvig, Pecler Rorvig, and K. H. Olson. fnf.erment was made in the cemetery adjoining the church. 'lYIRs. 0.E.TH0RNI#li*rf-lpi*:*-*3*# lcould :,*'*i DD[NtYIp*",*"*:lJw*'*'i ,0IESSU day to Amherst, Wisconsln, the for- I AF'TERACCIDENII*r?:t*;x;#";"g}ii"',"":li: Auto.spiu sunduy cause *i,' ""lHkiilf# "rl:ry'"gi: tleaft I fOUble and Death. I trme she had come to be verv well ln her ' I known antt highly respected I community near Jessie and her I death is counted a personal loss to I many. The sympathY of the whole I community goes to Mr. Thorn whose sorrow a[ this hour is most deeP. I REMAINSTO WISCONSIN Accident Itself Brought No CARD OFI THANIi^C We wish to tender our ireartfel{t thanks to all who so kindly assisted us during the illness of our beloved PIONEER, I/ADY PASS/IS AWAY wife and mother, and fcr sympathy The people of Binford iind vicinity expressed in word and deed at the were again saddened bY ihe death pl funeral. Espec'ially do we thank beloved t t L. P, Larson and Mrs. O. E. Peterson of one of our oldest an,l 'fhingelst'ad' members, Mrs. J. C. for the srongrendered at the house who passed awaY Sunday aiter an ll and the Binford male quartette and illness of a week with Pneumonia the West Prairie choir for the Eongs Lena Krogfoss was horn in Ulsakat the West Prairie chtrrch. We also er, Norway, on August 26, 1857. thank those who brought ihe lovelY When four Years of age' she came To Rev, Tuftcland, Rev. flowers. wiLth her parents to Amerlca, makHailing and Rev. Tollefson our sinine their home in Filhnnre County' tl cere thanks comforting for the M i n n e s o t a . O n M a r c h 1 , 1 8 8 1 , s h e c words spoken at the fu.neral. C. to Jens marriage in united was J. C. Thingelstad and Ohilalren. Thingelstad, and with iritn rnoved to I filed had he where Grisis county, .Pilot Mound on a homestead in township, in 1885. In 189? theY moved in 'to Cooperstown where they lived for five Years, going from there to Jessie where theY made coming to their home for six Years,'firree girls c Binford from Jessie. lvere born to this union, two of ( whom survive, Mrs. Aibei:rt Alfson and Mrs. Arne Granheirn, both of One girl pa$se.l aw,ay in Binford. Pilot Mound when 8 years old. Mrs. Thingelstad was tahcn ill bn Tmjuries suffered ryhen his horses July 4th, with Sunday morning, r&n away last Wednesday proved fapneum,onia. AII that human skil! tal to F rank Trask who d:ied the folcould do was done for I'cr. but her advanced years and wetli.eled conlowiag day at a Valley City Lrospitan. dition were such that she was beSeveral ,bones had been ibroken yond medical aid, and she passed whe':r the wag'on to which the horses out peacefully on Sunday, July 11, w€re hitch€d rolled over the lower at 1.0:50 o'clock. Thr.rrughout her part of Mr. Trask's back. suffering she d{splayetl a spirit of Bora iar Vernd,ale, Minn., July 30, 'fontirtude with a mind and soul 1869, Mr. Trask spent his early years . ier'tly clear and respoDnive to both God and man. She had been brot in th'at vicinity. up religiously in the Lutheran faith ' IIe was rnarried to Mary Fra;:me and teachings, and in the early days November 26. 1893. Two children was one of the orgaulzers of the I were born. firev are William HenWest Pra;irie church, rvhele she has ry, now residingj inr Spoka,ne, and ever since been an active and interJames Wiilard of Hathorne, N. Y, ested member in the dilfereort aetivMr. Trask carrle to Cooperstcrwn 3O i,ties. She w,as also an active mem- I ber of the Binford ladies aid soci- j Vears ago and resided.here until his ety, where her absence will also be t death. keenly -felt. F uneral services were held Monday at the Lutrherao church wittr Rev. I. ,O. Jacobson officiating. Burial was made in tJre Cooperstown cernetery. i Io addition to his two sons. there i remeins q, bpther, W-al,ter Trask, I and a sister, Mrs. f,ydia Ludrick, j JunctioD Oity, Ore. I VOLUMEXXIV Mrs. o.* ,",,, ^(i'A#n7,il denly Sunday noon, the y'Cuseof her death being heart trouble which was aggrav0led by an automobile accident that morning in which she, Mr. Thorn and l\{iss Olga Koloen ffgured. The death wag so sudden and under such ,unusual circumstances as to be most shocking to the whole communitv. Mr. and lVlrs. Thorn and Miss Koloen, who was w,orking: ,at the Thorn home, had set out in the Ford coupe Sunday morning for the home of I\fiss Koloen's parents, Syver Koloen, in Willow township. Within a mile of the Koloen placb and just beyond the Hogan Smogaard farm the autoists encountered very rough loads antl Mr. Thorn was driving: very slowly, not over flve or ten miles an hour, according to Mr. Thorn and Miss Koloen, when they struck a slight bump in ,the ro,ad which forced the car to the side of the road and onto a slight bank, from which .the car turned onto its side. The fall was not enough to injure anyone within i,t and the only break to the car was that of one of its &'indows. No one seemed to be injured. and Mr.s, Thorn, when asked if she was hurt, laughing replied that she rilas not. Mr. Thorn got out of the ca,r, assisted. Miss Koloen and ,then Mrs. Thorn out. UBon getting out Mrs. Thorn complained that it was h,ard for her to breathe and that she felt strange. She appeared very weak and had to be assisted. Mr. Smogaard happen_ed along immediately following the accident-and with Mr. Thorn assisterl Mrs. Thorn into the car and to the Smogaerd home. She died as they were laying her upon a bed at that Blace. I Trask,InjuredIn Run-away, IsDaed Several Bones Are Broken WhenWagonRolls Over ,^\ l- Lower Back Qe4 /r+b TUFsrjJAy, June 30, t959 l\dOnNINo , '....'-^-::-: lo.w.\,il;"'d" I f)r. J.R"Truscott DiesAt g8;l Binford,il;/ t^"_lgA BinfordPhysicianI ylii!i"?;,,T,,i;,1';.iTiiilp,fi1r,q,11 *',,'ililX1?,.*, ul *n--,*.:;l ffg;l i' ','';:;i:iillJ$'.':iJ'l!'1ii'i[s""xllilf;li, 'n'l'.'Ji"il;J ,l$:""fr?:,'$:f'rq*ryl'"1i-:?"jj |/|"3.t'rt,ir._.*iii.-,i.tii"ai""."il%mJll;'r:"l;lix.}''$'..'1t#,J::::T -.'iii\*. j:ffi:,ffi:l,i;tl b:," t"t"$:lr,g ffir;;l },: ffiffi f."Io.'.iu,,.0, ruft "'if..?' yl;'1,#.+"x#um nT'rff ,/;:y""rhefarm i:l:TlI ffii#ffi ,:,T'"., :""r'l'Il;, r lear sinfora ;111?9, "," h - fr--'t;i/ lffi f$srju;*$ ffi h[ $f!]tritgai-il i ' tft nrff *#:: l;',t*ffi*:#.il' I ffiffi ;ltl;"$f,t:$ | i,'t?!#"5,'*tfJi.: i ,i:'ififll 1i*".,"i*!.liTlillo'ff .;:tilHiltli*:h#r_ti}".i:::.ii '1oa"riiiil,;' f/;t#!xTjh,i);#;',i'J,".I'lt ** ,x#l;:i /j il,l','?; i,l'*3"fl,,rT1 Ii:JL'ftnn'j,'*:*iftliffili{'.3",Iiiilf crass' son,but retu:rned andLewisll 4,.f"tf",lll"ffil.o.to.oon lecentivlolYe;y l' to benear" n"lprilfil,fitnl'3in,1,i""'fii"r",11' -lersrr.ri'r, carloit''j;:*.,"tJ;:, Jl lIlXl,."akota -iThoralph Theycamehere "r Lai" prrr.. n,1i#..J[ He was honored Aug.B, lnnt.lPaul'. andtreUe-1, i/,11i..J/,,iil1;;g"'.in"ril,'ilil president orI 11.f,,.T,'"#llli: #'r,ff.,1ff'rXtllsoit,lffl;'";,. Binford school Board 'ffi":#:/l['.!n int"..ri.a_ iii .*ri'" r;'toillthe "no"5.1 'ii1#i.l,X1.;'td;';;iJy;'",;,'*!i'di.ff,*'i#if:' "il illl'" /'?Tnu"'"*n-*iu'r'i* rr i-ri1?fri1'kfiXf[jiffi;fli.';i l^^gy1fi,nii'ii.ill r H'me ;,i___l_-"',_ lri:i[_ 1r " I{eIsJ. l\els Tilurr*,Binfordn J. ffiune, tjirrford,Dies Dies ln lnt' lil"l':*',*:"':,li',s:ii:?,1;:' li*ttf;l*:,,#,s#j::tfij *Nersrmission"" tor'rt-ri" ttre unexpi*u ;;;;,.,-ll ,."-ll ir.?,g::ryro^y*,S._p "&"lfTf"#T,*. D.*Nerslmissioner lq i.';::X1,t:1:T1t"'i*r. o..l fll:ltffl l'ln$ i':;::X1,1:1:T10"";"..p..1 ?;H,",':'i:::;::rl.:'";;lxll s,:Htfif?fuTiriri];i li?"fri',r:r-,ff lilT'ilhH::n'i1"tril';"T ";lii-r.";s,;t'*il;ki;fi i:?r li ;;, '1:1tu:#:l,-:+in"*' ; *+n:'_"::: l :: iFi ll -::. i: il^i c.ooperstown r'to.pii"i.- lls_ '1""9. _ fle nad.-been hospitalized withlWar co_mmissioner. During wortdll II, he r.r and-Robert.gf Bis-l; t llPetersburg.- lll'*:j:,-,*L#,:3t"T13d;.;13*t;lil#l*1,111*li;ailL: il N*k Torgersor ar [l ]fiill'ii":',"1f't,fr1#TrlfF l:':-"Tj"i'1"'"i?nli{.$;.iio.::[:i1y,:,J;, ri.i"-"iJp[.ii"T#yl 3"i*:1i^"foiili.rc{-T","iP",1'li3i"',iid pieso l; tr ;Ot BinfoFd iflyf:,.'h3H-^3;",1."",*',,fffi l-"'*io"''"x"#U#i-"1[rli i'#,'id:xv,x'lthulti: Tqlllik;lFv',:l i"i';Iil""i. icoo"erstown U'V:{'fl, : :"::ii 't'"lTsiJli 'fi'"l ;F6il's''{*i":i T;-g;d;'il s$-*$hi*fl:.*'.:i!"",fi*g.p #, unuo* lAnnounco ll[ri).q:^,--'r -1'{i -,'3 li Tl-T]',:t 16;,"*u.,w.-*-tii"i 'li"##f:*'k'#--*flPi5*11 i ii:"$"##"i'11"qb"",3,S""' "*r$ml***t [il;-'aiffi :,ti:r*\l i |$Mj;:,iolir I \ mfin*ii rWi lffi4ffffll the high schooll ttlirr Lnra I lat Cooperstown, Mr. Tweed farmsf lndar Binford. i I ; i I ) l T e l t f 2, e D t1 d e s F s G F i f b F r i s i c c I I I C 8l cl Sh wo ye c/, e] A c * :-* rn^ lDeqnlfh"*ii"iili lDeqnlfh"*r,r"iiT, l-r r ' \ t' 1 ,*- I Here lB lw"am\fin"I," llleet Here To Meet tegion To DistrictLegion District fi I ,w'"am' hi^r---!^r r ^:a^-- illT^^+ If^o^ lD Fargo'sGilbert c. crafton post;S. D.; Floyd E. Henderson,fvortfrl f, | Vo*t were $oken t...IUy lnl No. 2 wilt be hosts to the falllDakota commiisioii""-"1-v'etut"ttslA lthe Ottowalputheran Ctlirctr,l meeting of the American Legionlaffairs,Fargo; Carl P. ReimrinBer,l- . lAnela,N. D., Uy MissJanieeSol-l, ilillpti'll1'l'ffi trls:.-1"11"&{:ii::i1lvllJiiTiit"$#'nilgn" llqr".".+"f lr;*':ir;.#;';"'ii; l*,$fi,,1t,li'1";?'.,1"#1$l^:'jl# ftT{"ili..,il'".? [+ Af; ' ;i-8p:;:*- i*riffi+l*Ht"i?iIi,#3i'l',nf$,ft,811,.!X;lser;lHJJJl;'ifi"'i*-;il;"" ll s:ffflti{{,ij ffiffit+ll;*:"ffi;;;ilh;H;iihf'l;:l*';;lryTl,"#?it',}"::.**i*:'i American Legionlme ;sisterof the brideg.oori.el"j,li;-;l :,:;..-ii:;;j: l'^'ilSlnty-eight stau' -r\ u { ! Ir' *q toiFir jmaids.*u." U-r* i?O-lliuge,nin_l lpostsrviit send reoresentatives wo o d ; . Vicelihe meeting:Arthrjr,Binford,Buf-lthe g:ffij'{,1;,*lT,f.f"'.'*,*ll*:;"i,ril**:ilx?lr"+l*-fiT,1;i;1fl; iili'iilll "ili,l,,ll,l'"tlJjfff w. hut91,_f"_lg,9lil;"e;i;J;fts; officer G'eoree_ c;l,hni1p,'rig_''iii-l"6,'llltu.flowergirl was Stephaniel - |*ll'li*:i;l #*;t.ffi nffii:L.T.;. ffi I-H#I1'*::|T:::* iI are_the state Legion officials wirolijf|. ftiitonl' Hillsboro, Uope,lvo" lHildre, McVille. I willappearontheqrogram._ luunier, xinai'ea, Leonard,May:1,nt-l Best man was Marvin Hildre.l other speakersinctude*Giiitlviue, ry9me,rag_!,-portlgnd,sair-l-- lan{ rroomrye;-*;;Sid-H;;Ei lr. Morsan,national fleld^r.epresen_s4ir.in,' Ahilev citv ""u I i Sliqa. frrt"rt itoriuii, b-roiherof theI tative of the Legion,Sioux Falls,lpoiti lWim'nteao"- # i IIi#i'ri.',fi f ;l'li.o$fi .':T;I S;""*;i?":i |""#$"$"fmHLT I or i: "il,?:;t"iil,."}Tl*p,on r' charse *lrII Il5,i",lg_r"n:,?l: l, l' --. %i^ lM"r. Thorry{s.rr.F'o il l:i**u therriromeirr }IcVriie. l[ ,. - n r' ll "- ro_ved, apritzs iffi ,i ,I:ni"" l9j,fift%rf;:..i T,";rgl lffi.!i#'l'*;-';'I,iii;ui*i i-# ,"jl,nliffi#r'*ll3:i'tH:.1" l,Il',::i.T'"lt'Jtxm ;ililir"Lq}*iil\fi ,dT3j"';*xll1*ff,4'.il1rf; .*1""il",:1i," ffi*tffiff$tfWr ffiffi 'lStates"to-Dat ot" f..rito"y ui'tr,l high schoolat C,j"p"i.t"*".lj ,the Tll,."',f Tnt$l,i1l ft:$'J: ifi,H'ffii;i; /*n"?;; il'f"3?*"'"r.are ir!],ii.l,l;,i*:, .r,'dren. _seven lrttrt$*:filJliflffl,jf3;]i' jtli:":*Jil;.I'T;,-,,i.i1,??,ifi ;l#i'J,ii;J:"ffi1,"1.f,'..#.il:l ll; 'r bothGlenfield;l il#:g T-d-lt$fa-rd, lureamery. :,"U""n*:l l:tiiiil *tt"!"1;.ff:;HHl$:i $ll,+",*ttt,Trlf; unn ,Hfr:'.,ff ff"""tfff:l ":**,*i* Itrffi iffHrT# ;$|IHtttr^+i+t l, #,1_,.':l-'I mar!. ---__ -------- ^ '' -lf =---.-.-.--.--I I (MarileeJoan Mrs. Arnold Fedje of Milnor,l( nell Fedje (Mar aell W. Fedie l]Mrs. D. cou' of the couParents Parents Thgmpsdn). Thompsdn). l]N. _ ll l]N.-P. -. . Post-R,T rangNew q o!*3; $',f"*li"ll';,iill,rlKi At Coopelstown, N. D. ll l*l'Bl-l'4ffi'"#-r?,,T:'#tiii lli.to"i-'in rrrgo-and att."oEaj. Mr. and Mrs. ArnoldFedje, - oscar I N. D. D.-Oscarl COOPEFSTOWN, cooPEFsrowN, in Minneapolis.l v;r.^, I'Augsburg.Collese N T) s6nior atconcbraialr aremak' Ferrje T,T";.S $:3ffi"31fX"3,:"*.tffiJ:l lrlli,":ltl'a l"*;,;iltrs. lins theirhomeat 4307thSt' lGct-a'"i""-Sti,ne-wil.ry*llet,.i:l alsoa graduat. orli S., ll"iiff?.6:", Moorhead. Itemporary appointment since thel lln.i. h-^ilir,lil".i5-li;*i.r^"jl I s';I{oorhexl' c19;9-4ir'l.r,.ii, orr. A. rvr""d,ili[t.-"1 lretirement =---,*"' , ;194 I i lllutheran 1""-' I lrennrAcn LIq'ENSES (ctoY APP{ic4rlions) | and Ruth I t"r'" B'"-ibotPtdoi bolh Minol lsomiivnte, $v -tt/nDisc I "tt,Jiae,il' Bible Institute in Minn-lS l^--^--- and MoorheadStateCol-la e. This fall he is enrolled as pre-seminarystudent at Con- ,rdia College. The wedding will take 18 in Trinitv Church.Moorhead. pl Lutheran _- rtrFF--. l:::l:l::ti:: :::::::l:irl :::,:l,i:::: :;:i:::::::: i:P.+illl::.i::1 liiti:::i:: l-+.rii :i.:ii...:li:i:t::lti tihi::::,r : :i:::;:lN ::::::::il: **:ii t!'::: f1 :iri:i:tr:r:i:t:l ::l;il:::I i o1 THE 50th ANNIVERSARY of and Ole E. Johnson, Bismarck,l I |llGoncordia | o o n " " . a i " cCollcgc's " r r . e . , ' " class 1 " u , o of r 1 91g05lPark 0 5 l P a r k Region. Region.vvl!!avvrr, g'ra-du-at9_di llbrought a gloup of Jz to attend thel Around ,100 Acaclemy graduatedl land former studentsattended.J. H.! IifgSS sraduatron e:iercises. of Moorhead.-Concordial ' row. lett- to -ll 1n lhe fr.t,nt '" riaht.,fjelinstad '.Academygraduate and forrner col-i [ ale nlrs. (. .- ^ ^ .'.'i rAlnta,lese n. LJuarve ! insiruitor. rvasmasterofcere_l !lThonrpson\, Fesscnden, N. D.; rrionies at the alumni progr.atn.l The weddtng of Miss Bebe A., Koloen,Carrington, *u, .ing b.ar-l I Trostad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.l er. Ralph Trostad, Cooperstown,N.D.. Roger McCardle attended hisl brother. and Curtis R. McCardle. son of The bride wore a gown of whitelI Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCardle slipper satin with cathedral lengthl of Aneta, N. D., iook place at a train and veil of imported silk il-i l E . N . H e d a h l t C l a r a B e r s e ) .B i s - i - - - :: ceremony Saturday in the Trinity iusion held by a pearl and sequinl Lutheran Church of Cooperstown.half hat. She carried red roses.l The Rev. A. Palmer Tidemann The attendants wore waltz lengthl il Secondrow. le{t to rirht. arell1 rtr\ r --, officiated. Mrs. Carl Johnsonwas dresses, the maid of honor lilac,l the .organist and Myron Nevland the others in purple, forest green .li thilde Mortenson),Conrad Mnnt sol0lst. and olive green. Their flowersl Mrs.L. F. Rice(certr;de";;;.lll-cooeunsTgyN' ,N:D:, 11111: Mrs. D. Bruce .Hall of Fargo, were tinted carnations. I was her sister's matron of honor" A recepticn followed the cere-l Other atlendants were Mrs. 0s- mony.Assistingwere Mmes. W. E.l borne Brekken, McVille, and Miss Hoffmeyer, Ciarence Larson andl Jesslyn Tweed and l\{rs. Herman Ludvig Gronass of McVille andl FlaugenJr., both of Cooperstown,Pekin, N. D" i with Kathy Hoffmeyer, also of The couplewill rrake their home Cooperstown,flower girl. Rodney on a farm near Aneta. r .'fioT,"'il:iI$*,#'","" #ltf;*| ?'8il:5;,.f Iiry#-H"rJf ul*n",l,,li ffi'""d*;;IIm"r.-f"*ruil t' -:"#'rx, t *ffl l,?",11I; f:' iFruteral Today "'&.iJfi'',,ftill li::i,:,xL*:rii*u"ilr,,Tlt;.lri::llnln:",r'"n11'3 ert.u deoien,shery, *,1"" "r;;'.H'l llG (:J:;i;::,; :_:fi,111. 1##:l iil,.'ffi ;il;;;;il or"oor.,li"o*,i'a;;; fiff5ff",o,"ar' ti75, llMiilttl""t',3' j ff.?i,inii9i.,Ti,'*'*' I Iil|f'?,lif,:,fl If "fi!i#:1!ll?fq,*.ur'e$"l^ auarere'sgraduates'"i-."",1 .?H:1 wna:rsuuil'* Of Hannaford Dies Mr, and Mrs. Norman Thu will make their home at Huli, N. D.. where he will teach. Their marriage took place Sept. 1 in Trinity Lutheran Church at Sutton,N. D. Mrs. Thu is the former Marion Rhodes,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rhodes, and Mr. Thu is the. son of Mrs. Ethel Thu, all of Sutton. ffi:1?i",:*:r:li l:",3.A1 is'b,:ill:*;'nii,'X"?,';:ir,,:#ii$*t.3 lff iiPark Region Academ5 llFats' Minn.,which unitedwithl l;f,:;?;;;1"j'untl-iuti.ineto_coop.l in 19u. ljConcordia Mr' l'rostaddiedMarch] th.erso.s ctass who*.r-i lil:tt#l' il others-of arumniev_ents but notl . Survivingare two sons,Oscarofl lrpresent,.Ior :Cooi,"rrt"rinanOfneoOoreof An-j llnic.tured l-e.rgMI_s.OIga..Peters.nn, 'jlp,'N""-D.; 1*; diughters,Mrs.l l[l0lga N3-twjckt.Harrisville on1.1r..t I |{Agb:[ x_!:g!", l..Ig9.*Cobbers, ti,i i i". v''r;osephinelrorgerson, I " :li!i1 -i,"::-f ,:"t';:l'T,*"3"ii31,,i.,1fln'i3,,::"gry roi,t,,,u,tu,. i[tr,; ,,*' iiiX:ll;l*:t #i,;#1il.,Iilifl N:'b:?;d":l# "f;lf:l ildft:l 3:'".i'fr"#3.D.Eri;k-'cnlloren. l'$ii'fJ; lRismarck, lson. Leon a_nd Myron Saygr Eribkson. 'Sf TWELVE Announce12* SchoolHead Appointments i . BISMARCK, N. D. LB_WithI less than two weeks of school left; for most North Dakota communities, 12 new superintendent appointments have been announced for the 1953-54 term. Communities announcing t h appointments include: Hastings-Ernest Janisch, mer principal; Oberon-R Beaver, former New coach; Stirum-James L. Thompron, former Pomona, Calif., prinCipal; Hazelton-f. L. Oamek, forper Max superintendent; -A. Lacs-Clifford Nelson, Souris superintendent; Sou A, O. Lee, former Norma tendent; Dazey-Wayne former principal. fn aclditlon, five North Dakota luperintendents have said they are taking posts at schools in Minnesota or South Dakota. They are: Edwin KvaI, Wildrose, to Fisher, Minn.; Oswald. _T!-lfte "i,tin"'.].ffi to--n,'to-bii^-i-;ii^ nard James, Napoleon, 1o Erskine, Minn.; B. J. McGuire, Manvel, td Odessa, l\{inn., Odessa, Minn.. and W. D. Mar- rhall, Bucyrus, to Harrold, S. * * * L' r (lun$ hcnnclh 'l'hor're.i0, lx.aln. - f l H(lrO.n t t , , u n p r u t aott a h r - ilets Bilte: ;i;ff"]'ili:#i:l,]l-i' iireal Northern train fronr ir possib.leserious *,reck. hcnneth also got a $'l.00savings h<xrdand - t 1 ' T lrs. Inq fhorberg 'i lurt In Aceident '.r Mrs. Ina Tlhorherg of CooP..ito*.t, executive secretarY oI welfare county Cilggs the board, was seriouslY injured in a-traffic accident in the Miami' -Mrs. vi\initY FebruarY 24' -Florida, Thoiberg is ho:ipitaiized with fractures of bottt legs, a and severe srcalp laceration bruises to face and hands' 'She had just recentlY gone to Florida for a vaca'ti'on' She was in a car driven bY l.-pl.*u*e". ,tr"i tran"t'ittg cornpanion, Mrs' J. B. MeYer of Bis'marck' I{rs' was unhurt but Mrs' M"y"t lrroruerg was thrown lrom the vehicle. touch Friends may get in care oI with iher by writing srto.b HosPital, Miarnj iloitit Florida. AII superintendent vacancies will be filled by May 28, accordIng to A, W Larson, teachcr piacement specialist with the North Dakota State Employrnent Service. Thus far about- 10 ner cent of the state's high schobls have announced full ltaffs for next term. High schools generally are more complete than grade schools, Larson said. .Eleven schools have saicl they will need more teachers becausL of increased enrollment, Most schools in the state close the.Memorial Day A _few will close a wiek earlief, a lefberof commendationfrotn the railroad's president" Presentingthe bike to the youngsterare. Ii. $r. f)owning (lefi), superintendentof the GN's i4inot division, and C. O. Hooker,generaimanager of GN Lines Eas[. (AP \{it'ephoto direct to The Irargo Forumt T and some a week later. Rev. Thompson"r- , Rites At Rinford fa*aaltl5Tl lJesper iRitesTl''ednesdav'I -I,lcscrvice for thc Rev. John Thomp- jRayrnond s o n , 6 e .w i l l L r ca t 2 F l i d a f i n j ] l - i j C a i t t t eo t n n e t a , fotd Lutheran Church. the _Rcv.ll,v. O. Boilr are .2;iu lYtI N. D. *:Fu-l I coopunsrowN, t, 'Jii'Tli'#'al:l; iJ;: ryli,:* W liioul illilSilo l'utrcral Horne oI Cooperstown. Cooperstoivn 1of N. D., is in chargc. Sch.ol 'flre flev. Mr. 'fhrrrnpsondicd,i , H i s h ]fne. weddirrewiii Srrudayat I'leruing, .iViinn.He rlas ]take place-J3p. ,,, Jrnln irr lrorq,ay irr 1890.I-le hacl122in the Trinitv i relir"ed irorrr. the. rlinistry-Irc.?:::f Cburct & l^L"utflun of ill health" He rnarried JnSajof . .Cooperstoln.Miss Trostad ijl;l-.lt-t"ndanrs rvhoriieclirr 19rr Peter-s.n wilr tu"rur,r"oiiuro XiL ,lebzhe marrierlElizabetli t<eltoltll&uce H;;1; ;#bi"ri"ii,; "ot'lf,il 'l$1p" at.llenling. Qsbgrjnerreri*en of McOlhcr survivorsare forrr.sorrs,-lVille,_N D., Mi;;;;;;i],,,"fril; .lcnrringsarrd Johrr .lr. of M..r. HermanH;G;; j;.';; ur ' wr . ,,-ltitr.']al9Hr-'reb, \Vis., Bernard.. of jl n. ,11/aco,-]Cooqurrtof ---_-1* Texas, ancl Norman of Kankakee,1l-------_' Ill., .an<l [wo .rJaughters, r_rr ' " rnnriiu u:rsdr.. .Eleanor,ll ]Z " ; ; ; ; ' * * ' . i i n l l l i n o i s .a n d I r e n e o f A l b u q u e r - l l L, que, N,.i\Ica., ani ll cc^ra. u'. F^srcr.A,hc,,<. Earbara I. Power, 18415th St. N. (( ltry Appllcatlons) Oscar W. tr{ccann, South Milwaukee.i Wis., and Eihel E. Thu, Sutton, I\-. D, I _ t lneral service for Jesper Taxdahl,l j83. of rural Cooperstown,will bel at 2 Wednesdav-inClrristianFel-i i lowship Churc6. the Rev. Arvid I Nyquist officiating.Quam Funerall Home is in charge. i Mr. Taxdahl died Saturdayin ai ilocal hospital. He was born MaYl i10, 7872,in Norway. He came tol lSouth Dakota jn 1892and movedl Ito Griggs County, N. D., in 1E9B.l lHe married Aagot Johnson Dec.l l12,1900and they farmed in Helenal ] Township, Griggs, County" S h el lprecededhim in death. I I Surviving are six sons a n d i Neva, atj Ernest and ldaughlers, lhome, Mrs. A. M. (llildat Selness,l lTopeka. Kan., Albert of Wilson,l lwis., l,lrs. Roy (Judithl watneI land Orville, Hannaford, N. D.; ai fsister and a brother in Norwayli 118grandchildrenand two g r e a t-l igrandchildren. I lo*;n'nr;;'Wt-To w"'rt-Ap;{;; i M*s.T;;.o.r Rr*, s"*-d';tKl The approachingmarriage of i The ucdciitrgwill bc Aplil li in I COOPERSTOWN, N. D.-Funer- for Mrs. Louis'rJerrnre)Trostad,i al service I'ill be will be;i't's"ild;riii,"i'i..o1rrr";'a;;;;;;;;;il at 2 Saturdalr25,oI Cooperstown. .ianice Solyig Trostad irjtu.'-oit.*J'"r."ij',i*^'"tr'r'.i', l\Iiss r'|i."-5ffi*"'r;;;;; nr"' 'tnjtle, Oltowa Lulhelan' Church.II al euam Funeral ln- .ssrviee west PrairieLutheran bv her parents, Mr. and l\[rs. ctt"*ihlH"-- ;, il;;;. I ;u unifil"ua]en"u. Dca*M. Thompson *-*s:i:i:;.:],:!:":+r,n::,:i:::,:,:,:,*ri!:*r:r:::!:#:f:if'"*,***r***,oo*r*** rheorlore'Trosiad. Anera. N. D. mfi'.Hiifj...i..:::1i..i:ii.ii.i.iliiriiiiiiiliiiiXrjlii'l$iil,. f,if, i $ffI J\r rhompson '.1n" ."",;igi and loIrs. A. J. Thompsr ffi-.ll...ll :, N.D. re1'. i,l'i,.i.it.t.'l'il | | i i, Mrs. Trostad died Wetlnesday inl' l"'i""rr-'r,"'iiii"l.-tn- was holn l l#"ir'.'\'tg:'#ilTX?',X?1i? : *"il=n*'i.1;;*'8x"fr-* 1ifi$$,ffi ,,,: ffi.l],,;:;,,, rlrssrrostarr '.$+1,..,, is a q'edualr"ll the high school at, Coopr ,,' ,,,., jsl9,*1?Tr^lT9"l:..Y'.lJ:,: .lll4north t,.,ili+,ll "ltad wherel of Cooperstown lsil! :;:*il:;[.r*t+:'liir''l,l;o"r.o.oi; .lohrisonStore in McVille, r':,.r' ffi:i':+,i lllt,T,,^rJ..{j'il{llt': r. .nnr,,rcd h:, rrroii tlij:l W+i,.ffi ;7.. Mr:s*r*mo/ffi,,.l. W DiesAtE0ffi.,'.ffi.i'r,:.1ff"ln;'"',",':#f.* *r ffig{ffiff m ':'Tffi: ,r , "$-, ,, ffi ir;ld .,o*il.*..iiffi "r;ffi Wo,.ffi;ff Julia Bo.vor. "i,'.'";.t-i"I llo.",N. P.,-?n(Mrs. gi;rj ,# i lil-i,.irrr.r..'il .,t' Mr:s"Thiml F)iesAt S0 (00PUnS'I.0\\'N.\'1)';'ilI|lffiffi1nt-::;t'l.':iT:"j":ft.}'i:i cooPltRsl'o\vN. N. 1l ALrL'airarn A | l t . a(Fllizabetht i t a t t tTh t F , l i z a b c l l r t . | ' l t . n t ; c , - . l 0 ' i } " ? ' l } i I ; i ^ i ' i l , . ; ' L " t i . i i i n c t ' u ' . l ' $ti,y:\.#'s"1tl';lif # ' q ' ' f r \ - T ' s ":"t'lw " ' . - J ' ; l i { ' " ' i i , . : . . : " . . 1 + i n o u*r S aii,'1.$'L:iJ'$;:'#:f?:#lff v i or ' s Lut h er anU nur c ,rl,H,ll;;li,;l ni;ff"oilJll';i Heart,: eart,: oun,gt rn H g ln iii"if """ ,l,,illg. ,i,,iiif.,,li"t, "l'S,"no,r.lx ll,'.:","'v3",'i1l-^il1{,.:1""-iffl :1,'*"1t"*:U:V.:1"";nl ;., operated ;.:;.:";a F:#lld.#j:h;" li.#ttl*jlt':';:" lfrn.ii roo--ln Sutton f-or several, .uq.I:l lyears and Mr. M_cCarn-it s1us,t"#3"i::l the or . :)3,1y,,'n ll"dl',liiii r-*va,,sc #'.Ttr;'.},'i?,li'u*',1'li,xi,,T;.3;' #;*Til;T"#i;'*,ffi,#il1'f ";iil;ilq, iintendent l;i't';#1:.l[d$-,*.,.";,qli,xitffi]"i,],T;,''i?;.,,',i'1.*::,.*i.f{'}r 'l'weeten ,'nr,l,,y in.l'o" Luiholarr r-hurch1p6Gay," to be presenledby the seniorclass of Oak Grovc Lutlr' rrt'rrrhctt'. lirc llev. Suniold Sonra,ran High School at B pm. Thursday and Friday in the school r' rvithKttrlrfil :ii,i,il";i'i'""ili:'ti,'i:ii'' 1il"titT.i'"t3.;"f'"tiT' photo) (Farso Forum llnJytj,,f*Tr#tlr"t#nTl".*l Torfin-ftrofue Vuws,$Pofien' o*SETIilED E y ::'';. A Ifti,*qrr*",:','E:,{il,o N $D r r b : o t h c t ' i r i N o tt l i 1 . Several I'argoans tnclutltng representatives of the newspa_per ancl printing: trades and long tim6 personal friends, $'iU 8:o to Vauey City 1!roWean O"t"b"r,$\ ll Mr. and Mrs. JosephTweedoY llPekin, N.D., announcethe ap- | marriageof their daugh- | llproachine 'lter,MurielEvan...-.. I . Vallcy City, N. D., Aug. 8.- | (Ae;-ahg Va)ley City l'tmes- i Recortl witl suspencl V/ednesclay'c j issue of tho paper in honor of lts pubiisher, the late percy R, Trubshaw, for whom funeral services will be helct -Wednestlay I I afternoon. '9 Wednesalay to attentt funera.l servlces for Percy R. Trubshaw, publisher of the Valley City T.imes-Recorcl. Among' Ir'argoans n-ho ha.ve tnjllcated they expect to attend ar6 Norma,n D. Black, publisher of Th6 Fargo Forum; James }faresh, repre-Western Mlss Tweed sentativo led by Fairmont of Newspaper lFoods Co. in Moorhead and Ml. Union; A. J. Mclnnes of Northwestfarms near Cooperstown. ern Bell lVigesaa Telephono company and probably A. L. Nelson, manager of [] The wedding will be Oct. t3 in 'W-estern Gethsemane Lutheran Clurch" lthc Nelvspa,per If nion. inear Tolna, N.D. I The funerai is to be at ?:S0 D. m. \'['ednestlay in ths Congreg:ational church. ffiffiffi DELAY HEE?ING MtVillt'' 'rilts hts l n t . l r r .l:l a l l e l r { - i t " t l r i c ' l , u t . l t t - ' ul 'rou)' ' l ' K l ' r l l i c , Gt'ottttrsmelt nt;rn' best' bi'oi.lreL's i"ltaxinc x D Ki;Lr" , Ct.urrcii''of '"ui"u ;tn1 trriltei'swel'e DtrarteGt'otl'eand l{rlllenoro"['oi.firra'r] I\4urviiil"'Oc" Jloge' AneLa:Patrich Tor" Sarrfor:cl 'Ltirt, i;il:;' K;.k;';pntc' it,ai':irsc li]olen and li:l'attk Flanklin Sritut'rJ;r1:. 'lhe p1 tt4r'l t(al'het'lneflelgelancltvas flower bririe is lhe di:rrghtr:l. i'ot:Li,i oi hloterrgir'l 'attd Rt'uceLarstrtr'l{loten' lvas "rra'.rvio-'-p'te,l arrd Mr:. Iiroke is thc sorl oi l''Ir lringbearer' ;r:ndN'lrs. Oberl lirokc ot [4cVillt:.] I lUotl:rersoi thc britle ancl-brtdel'1, D, blue dresses gl'9,9t11 Mrs, .Joe iioltrerli" ;1rtel'a,l'J fi ' tvith ,]l.tlt'e. '.nav)" .rclessorlcs' ' 41'1i1ri' i'rir' *oit' otginiii- ari,:l''1\4ar ""'-u'liltc "' ' A rcccption fol]oli'edthe ct'le'I.ekiu, N. D," so6is1 ,;iu",t rnlnai'tiagc fr-rI!':r f;rllrer ,|t.'1.1L ..-.....,-- be at honte in ,:\lll_"T'iLl the br.ictewore a gorur'of"*hir.i.ll:: ulrorc he is employed' Aneta taifeta and chairhllSrlu.J'"nii''" i,',e"ri,r, "i'rttictCby u"ito-*,to' B"t OthOlT"Id, ^"[rluntuot]h, 5q The engagem*t-or uit* Anoa" , gpirtc. lrrr:fot't;r.. .rr'1155 Tro;tad and Donald Bruce fUu" i". rnatron of itortor. bv her parents' ",,r.'i ':-i"t3]:tecl omlicl. ur!r!!u" Klcten" ivas u':u[1t',it,iti "'' i-'i.lii.il lt"".:l Mrs' and Mr. r. and tlre hride's sl,sle -..i n, qro. I'lli: I if, *r"81'"r#Ji.i.hX1 Loiiau;ro,:ii Strs" Galde and Miss Tor;tn wore rri n i,t* rrnc], prnk chiffon and l{iss Omlirl, blue iiii,irrii'?i*t I chi{fon_ the-son iriii-ii of Mr' and Mrs, N 0 rman of A. Hoel CooPerstown. Mi.ss Trostacl ls a student in a business col' lege at Minne'nli< lrliss Trostatl apolis. is stationed in Eng' ii.,r.l'rr*r 'anO will resume his studies tanA in the school of PhalTnacy--at his discharge in No' irtbac vember."ttu" 8:3 907 24 2.6% '';3 I '" I [^rn-"'n ,r?3 .,1 ru "t4%l_1?AI | 490 29.2% t794 43 2.4% Io o l I u 3 " z 8 84 24 4.8 r" L '[3"2; . s %,l_ 3ii"_ I t7 ;2 t596 lEEffi-i I !li It04 93 4.4 -"'556 dE"-, 899 7?% to59 I ' i+z r 5 t.t% o.9% il69 a7 7.4% 487 62 70% 37 6.7% . 4 --t-_ t 4 l' . 7 i t9.4% t r o 26 296 2a.a% t39l a9 6.4% ?€.!r* ;::/1i |2 5 9 261 24.7% % N O R T H D A K O T AT O T A L : 87 | t4l 16.2% lf,,.\ 29 462 200 353 ?4.4"1 4 t . o % 6t2 7A 358 7 2.O% o.29 20a4 | 59 7.6% r269 a2 I'ut'".q {': I l5r9 t20 79% 2042 288 t 4.t 7" 427 67 a.t% 982 22 2.2 % I 1798 L 52r I 29O% | 247 ta.t% ltTl t97 . t 6 . a% r3 2 6 669 5 0 . 5% t 2323 i165 58 8% i lt40 393 34.5% ,;;\ il68 295 25.3 % 6I,939 FARIVlS I I , I 7 8 F A R M ST V I B . O% T V F A R M S '#'i'Ttfl::"il: :'iv"r::i"'::;!f ,{#ft ELv,"u:t,t'i;#rrr,-1;t7;$:!,:,fr 'p:,v. y#fl;"i""1olrr7,"B'ff.!;nr"i:i"";,3?,;',1|:o -o,-Broadcastins-retecastins peration, a-n(I Jigures :* 1i}*:itir*i \i:?'; :,;E{ ""i,1,',,;tilt;iiii""i;{; . ' *-- ;:-.; Rlies At Pekin For*{f-'' KennethTufteland 5-rxIN, N. D.-Kenneth B' A' 'r-rt.iitia. zs, of Pekin, died sat.Au"-iii'a-Ctand Forks hospital' t-"1"J-1."n ill for a long time' t4, t$2, at born APrit -surviving i; ;; is htq ,r-.viit". N. D.'aaotPtr Tufteland' i*rrs. ffih;;.' j"tin fu*tat service will be at -W.OnutAuv Luther' in SheYenne : .rn Church of which he wa-s q' ffii-q*t#"*,l'lr'ryi On Jan. 6; Iffi, he marrieclIda Anderson,IIe leaves three sons' T. O. Ttrompson,Hillsboro,N. D.' $ophusof Dallas, Texas, and Er' nestof Hatton,N. D., and a daughter, Mrs, Orville (Mildred) Rud, Portland. His wife and a daughter precededhim in death. Funeralservicetentativelyis set for 2 Saturdayin the Bang Lu' theran Church,11 miles northY4st of Portland. Skarperud Funeial Home of Mayville, N. D., is il charge. ix'#i#'ii,r.. VALLEY CITY, N. D.-Andrew hompson,?6, of ValleY CitY, re' Hannaford,N. D., farmer, died in a hospitalhere Thursday. Born in Norw-ayUec. 30, 1879'he was the son of Mr. and Mrs' Ole S. Thompson. He had farmed at rtannafoid many Years and had married. Nearestsu are cousins.The -tanep--e puti "a'1i1'uo1Pg;oPau -rg pu€ 'ssxal,'sBIleC Jo snqqo$ ..['i,,1'o.loqqgw'uosduoq^L'o,':! -ee.rq1'su-os serreoloH 'uosJgp.uv '9'uef uo BpI poFrEuraq '006I 'aau.Isauloq slq'AuuoC olaals u dlqsumoloISuS_olPa^oul JEau ,(aqf gSef uI 'uaolsrodooC sreer(.rno;SuIAq'.Arol!fioJ€lo:lB0 '898I 01 orugc dgwe; aq1 ABSIuI ''$lrl 'oFeso ol 'eno1'a8eso pus "sg. ol-uaql uoql Pus ur 'errrot I ui l',ilttg {celg o} luaa\.{I!ure}oq;. ]-rrn, rnur"*ill$ nu,d'1aq1rn"* e'pue sralsls pue sJaqloJqeAtJ 'slua.red siH 'PIo Jeall B selr\ aq uaq.lr seleig palluo aql ol lqtnorq 'JI[ sea\ u o s duroqf '998I 'zU dlnf "{€auoN 'uoFpoH urog uI ''uuIIN 'BPVuE u.rdep '1e1rdsoq '06 -sanl'pirp ':q 'p 'Pue1P9dIo 'uosduioqg, (lslrqC) Jaqdols.uttrC s?to puEFrodIo ,-Q u'o-sdruoql NITIIf, 3unfinctuev ' S I 3 S Jo snsNlc s t96r noN-190 NO|StA3t3l HJ- aunquofiufufiw 5llodpa urywiiiffi:g;t"*,t,j#",#iirHidi,o:;.'"JJ; -gs, the Flirgb forum and MoorheadDaily News l'.fi: m ,rtr , #ILSS.I l,l)Qew - t Ii I 5T*,1 ilsBride I {qF Yigesaa Ut ;# I a t 7 a t*ffi Miss Muriel Evangeline of Mr. andMrs. JosePhl daughter 4?thclassto graduate.picturedwith MissTweed 7,000thNurse: *"H1$*Lj."f'A[: are Miss Mary Hauck, director ot Urilcfroii'tf graduateof St. Luke,s nursing,and JohnL. GuirkeJrnerl, dsfoto*n, N. D., the 1,000th pr.esiclent ,ofilrc ffit'tal Schoolof Nursing,was presentedat the board of trustees. (Forum ffiatil.l,gtercises }londayevening.Thiswasthe fweid or rural Pekin, N' D., isj the bride of George Vigesaa, sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vige-l saa of Cooperstown,N. D. Th'el wedding was SaturdaY evening inl the Gethsemane Lutheran Churchl near Tolna, N. D. The Rev. M. E. I Ilelland of Binford, N. D., officiat-l ed at the doublering service. Mrs. I Melvin Hasen played the nuPtialj music. David Vigesaa sang "Thef Lord's Prayer" and "I Love Thee"l and Monroe Tweed and Geno Wuf'l lestad "O Perfect Love." Thel church was decorated with whitel pompons. I Given in marriage by her father, I the bride wore a gown of whitel nylon tulle and Venetian lace cutf en train. A lace crown held berl full length veil and she wore pealtl earrings, gift of the bridegrol$f She carried a white testament{iilj. ped with deep pink roses. j i. I ) Matron of honor, lVlrs. Al Steffil bf Bismarck, sister of the bride,' and Mrs. Arvid Hedstrom of Tolna, i her cousin, wore wineberry-colored net over taffeta gowns and velvet jackets. Their pearl and rhinestone earrings were gifts of the bride. They carried white carnations. /UttrrrggSUiesbi;b'"iiE;;;thSpen&rLogeof rorriso";b, ornwarwick /Mrs' Deade#nrtiq**;BF;*tttlli:niii;;il{,11} /,T:i;!;1'F,''t'1'T*ij.'#"tr6tlirs'#"'",,1*in'"'a;: f,#;"rr' in-ahmhhilcrren. Eiklil1#nfgq*:r-rffil;ft?#*"r.' ";"il;##:dav wereor pink carrhe runeralw'l be !'"r'j:i l?ill#:*t*ts ln*t*, ", "1 1..;:"".'X1;J:'.,il11 ,_".,,1".:l*i+ iki-1,""-',,*'lt*L^tt',"td*ffi*il:h til; run"'l-xiu'#,ili poured Ii iinu.,. A"th.r" Tlt"ilp."" Mrs. /$,f#,y,\,1",,1'"r',"i,fX';;i#f il'ff'.'fl1t",1"1"'r'iE' I WARWICK, N. D_r ltnrs vicinitV, died Sa /8;:?Jit,ff1r JHff:"I ";; .j/D**:33.t$;; #;tr$.':Jy#l5 ;'S,: fyl.ilifll,nk* #[!ttt,x "?,'J, Hfir'*rffiffifi;iffilffifif ffiffiffi''m'*ffilffigh- 'fi.'d'llddl$ff''fiflry"lHtr'# $ili?:l b'gn lro;u*','.xs,.T li.,Hx'Hf?H.'" itdfr*T;"1 d:I:li:A,i'friij r*.r .;:{,T"H?fixiffii'ill;6;iilftri flF;|ilV l#fl"il{i:ir,sia1ff;ji'$ilmffiffi: i,l1fff,,l* f&"q3fi:'g"l"i?l{'}.tj",T;ffi hiirAt*t,*f-ru;',;tj$'gf;lJ'S"K:f#': ffifi, e;lti::'i,rfr*ffippls presentlyworking iniire jHanna,Elkadena. calif.: a br.dfi lildffiin 'fr, and a sisterin Norwaya ri{ tr grandchi,dren. rsaven i*;*t: ffi*u;."''#"fu..f #f*f.'T1'"Hi*Jl'* A fall wedding is planhed. Tlre FhrE! Fonim and MoorheadDaity Nen's il*fissTrDeed-t I 5'f" I trsBride '0i ' l 7,000th Nurse: *"H1i[1j'.f'4il: .&fstown, graduate N. D., the 1,000th of St. Luke,s "St$U1italSchool of Nursing, was presented at the e;rercisesMonday evening. This was the ffi-Ation nursl board of "\)- Trostad Mrs. - io F r 7 a Vigesaa # Miss Muriel Evangeline f*tffi daushter of Mr. and Mrs. JosePhl tweid or rural Pekin, N. D.' isl the bride of George Vigesaa, sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Viee-| saa of Cooperstown,N. D. Thel wedding was SaturdaY evenrng lnl the GethsemaneLutheran ChurchI near Tolna. N. D. The Rev. M' E. I Helland of Binford, N. D., officiat-l ed at the doublering service' Mrs. I Melvin Hasen Played the nuPtiall ''Thel music. David Vigesaa sang Thee"l "I Love and Lord's Praver" and Monroe Tweed and Gene Wuf'I lestad "O Perfect Love'" Thel church was decorated with whitel: Pompons. I Given in marriage bY her father' I gown white] of the bride wore a nylon tulle and Venetian lace -cutl en train. A lace crown held herj full length veil and she v'ore Peatfi earrings, gift of the bridegrooqg'{ She carried a white testamentfiU' led with deep pink roses. . ^ ,; j Matron of honor, Mrs. Al Stcffi bf Bismarck. sister of the bride, and Mrs. Arvid Hedstrom of Tolna,l her cousin, wore wineberrY'colored net over taffeta gowns and velvet jackets. Their pearl and rhinestoie earrings weie gifts of carwhite rhevc-arried i lXi,lJlde' Ted Vigesaa of Fargo attended Of GriggsDiesi*il.l".',fr":lf.'J,f,:i CAor,w i,]1, ^*.I:rrisoni "ffi Mrs. Ralph (Ethel) Trostad, 45,1Ushers -were Monroe Tweed of of Cooperstbwn,N.D., lifelong resi-l Pekin' -brother of the bride, and dent oi that aiea, died Saturdayl David Lunde of Cooperstown. after having been ill for some time. I The mothers of the bride and She was the mother of Mrs. Brucel bridegroom both wore blue and (Rhoda) Hoel, A-16 North Court.l their corsages were of pink carThe funeral will be at 2 to-l nations. ;#"::*'1.;'i -affi{*::T' f;t'w'i##:if r'*t i', i'i;##T:',11 ;n frraracruuren. I "ffi lne funeral wil be in Geth-l I Churchsouthwest or1ffi f:eTane-Free f a lueu tl grvq, {uy in West Prairie ,,Lut!..tull The church parlors was the miles lorthqlst Church,--4Yz_ ^.ofls..nu of tn"- ,e..ption. Uis. L. Jes5i9,$. -P., !.h" Eev. Marcu{ b.-i;ft o}-rom"andMrs.Karl Funer-l Tufteland.officiating. Quam f***"i oi nunuu. pouieA-Urs. is in charge. i$il"-y,\,.i0.,,X'"0',"tlllTi,. I Arthur T hompson al Homejrostad, .-,, ,l tea Vigesaa and Mis, Lawrence u;;;[!g the,former^Eth-e{truuA-1-,it-thecake. The guest .,if l^ry$. pasadena Dies Ar iOvidiaKoloen,was born in.Gr.ieg$footwai in;h*g;;i l3i:i.ll'",",Y1T.XHff::' lrrs. david Gunderson was born _ inl I COOPERSTOWN, N. D. Ar ieouly,{99.. ;d- th; ?irt tuure,ru.s. ^ej:'_.i:|i;;;" jwomanhood w3slrrtonioe-ffie;d of in1,...1911"j^l_9 the county3nd pekin, N. 1., '.il,_."xr"rl ';;;*t"*;t*.,x jltiil,lnf uec. zr,lAnd lros[ao to Mr. .marrled Miss DonnaKraal of Fargo. /i#iy"$,ilslj,'_,':fl j^o_Mt.Iorrison nearwarwictl S;;;q ai'^Fasacena, 11.d. Catif.,whcre -"fhey I^,_o.-1.b"r-u, TheyhomesteuO.al]l.-luei:. years. twcenlMarwick and McH-enry t._1l;;'h;l i.rir.a in recent and/ 1931. | -,_ _ ,_..,. rownrqrureq *' in wiuow ruEr rarmed -1.1'^d:'^:,l?uihas "--:1,,--:j;'^lOak|^l|! Grove Seminary, been em.1 "{:$}3j'^jr shiP, moving to CooPerst'*'n nrnPl r5.-tr".rri will be at 2 Mon. untilMr. roriison'i/cui"i-r c",nii,i"i,,gL',:1yil,r,i"#$iil.:TiliT1??j. ljii'fuureranchurch south i'.1*ie,,ft ifllil.$",!;l;. Besides her husband 5[rc teeves, Rev. sanrord rhe threesons,o.orr"/ g:f;;fi#*n. ^-Shereaves Funeral and,sermer,-3i"i,ii".,"d"a is ,n .l'Lt..Quum Tq$is+iHome and"Mrs.l!lr!1ptsC.,t.v Mrs.lThursday, l4a.rch 12 19159. N.D., and Mccardle,Aneta, N.D., McCardle. i?.'fi4$'s&i!i3,:''il:" ff',"'l$'#;1ff mh-1*5-11'3f l{arch IZ, LgSg -Aneta, j'lr'*.ru},? jf ft:l*n: Hoel; two brothers,-.Albert of Bin-l r$"{:"q,*"*#l:iil,!i',us$"$l,,ilil rrelttn,- N. D., Mrs. Berl "' ford, N.D., and Reynold of Car-l- ' *.'fr.,ii*:i lii"",:,"ju,:^i.i'*i'llh"1. g]: rinsion, NJ.; .. .-,^,^_^,llngogemen+ f?l.,grI.q Rockford, . @ I (Nora)| t Sevensisters,Mrs. Arthur ,' ***,t: H#{''diffifkdi-W :'iFjlq'** '}.+ ffibtd,-N.'d;;;;'nill:'ffi Knapp and Mrs. oscar tl,ittianllMr. and l.trs.tflow/'a "Iopp oI Rorvig, both Binford, Mrs. Markl"12nita.N. Dalt.. /nnounce-the i^survivingare a son,rrygve ofl; (Aulga)_King,Harvey,N.Pr Ml!.hgagement ot itfeir daughter, ,Cooperstown; three daughters,l W. E. ICora)_Hoffmeyer,_9,r:p,.f-l;*f rMarie to irlr. Cavion"Crit. tMrs. Edwin (Esther) Unruh and town, Mrs. Clarence(Hazel)Lar-l::-: ---.----l-l ji."^-r nr,^ h^..r |t{ts. Gerald {Gladys) Sjule. ffi 'lPasadena. and ilIrs. Joe tArlei$ 'iHanna, Elkadena, Calif.; a bfft {*, and a sister in Norway a nf grandchildren. h#',f,yt,$Jilf,:i',"{"ffi;iJ"S"K:i.H,f t"Xffi t'ilffl$:illii; ffi1,*i*"i,'li;"*imFJ& fbsil - , ffiri,ffey A fall is fanming near Sinford. wedding is planhed. ^ 'u.44i t:3il:{i ",,^orrou,o,. .rnqrrv ,,,* Strnu'rirurirr.iircl,rt g:lilt'ijr{ siirtjiirjl r)::riirprrl,J poruerrcsj' ]ru*,].,rrdrp 'lllJ i <leq.r;trorul.r*a"p po1ro,"-r, 'op'e,) ,u5nr)frri't .., ,rrt^o..a** 'aqg ^1,pj,'111..-"!jllllt)['{ Lrrtol ;!1.*,,;:'':l|:ill.i';,,Tl;i't'J# ,''(ils r rJ"'{)r'{i'ffilucururaro' -:;!. jrencul pnuo,r$,'ltiu, 'g ?",'n,;tlm .1J.unop}# I -l:99.J le lEJdsoH dlunoc sSEuc laql le Pofotdua ulJro; ssrtrt j-s t puE looqcg *,,i,,ii,1,,,i,,,,,,*,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3lH uatolt orll Jo a?EnperFe iir;ll T"lt"" uo'nq l-l ]HT S,jt;t::"il^'.::fct..ytq trqqri, U1r qloq a:eq,n''uirri4i"q1 iJ llo tenUi ur"lttnl frloII Jlaqle4eur111.,nijanoi'eq1'j.s.rry irue .rI I ' plieser.rossa'"'?f;tt?,,1#t*"Y: psB sapossaccer(aeu q1r,ussa.rf ll,t" #:.'ltj?iT op Ju "ro g ["ri;ri IJ,'l^T.F,j:pf-9-qe sUtia^.\-;i l-^"tnrof i.r o 'pr;q iqi""; t-,ql*ijt".1t 'sJoIJBd l l-,Y"#"1"g:.",iit; qcJnqt Jlaqi rqr q pr^onor 'sosor ,iroiitllr;'V' par to t-?-tl -roart,BYr" j?if;ttt",?."^,:tll|-:Il1l1 anlq e-ro^ liwin]";.rl## "nro rIJSlr_ l'JalqFngp lr" iT:'# a;!39 xii 'uatotx l::"..3:1-t"YnoouY^j-g -'N 'rII urr4w& utro.r,Pdrd p"li-'tt6 s'tr4i put pue ln lr" oJxn *m,'l;# , ri.#,ii*,,1i";n [ :::.?ry 'i*p-"'lb^irJut"#'.51?fr"',ii* --_. .s'rrro A,'^ff'!{""#_i#d_# :'li^r'i'rffi pup r;ih:ii:',rr*ti:Tlttt.'rfr***flin+*ltit"ru&ffi; bB,{1_ pol)rlJ-O"r l{B.r<)}ot,ro "xp.aJBisar[] ilo ur.ral.n? n,,,,*n"'iffi i;jrtJffi ::rrrfllii,ljTu'3 :^;,,"1"..:1,.""1:y,,jn,, l,t#ai ;';t,****1;*,xfffi;1rf :ji:ii"i:::*,t;;rin'i,,J"ffi fl,*j*iri*ij * .{^tutu_os,'aniq tli.lijq; iqeq"e",o,np"t-;;t 't:,*-ruli$il"" ,s8u5uu ty^t 'epr"rqeq1 ro ursh,il- "/'lgTflllil;"h i_?^9jl f iiffli:j,"f:q",'diftfu*# :i::,1.?:q. iii,,fllil,,,'1'l-,liii,l i,1::.1.jyr,11:.^:i,:igil;Jfl puB ' 'uno1s;adoox yo aalo$ ri"reqr'eq-- f;lT,.i;,i:iil"1*rl-iruir,r# ilr",rru-T{l;l *tn,;*$iri:#'i"*'til',t?ii1'a #1**$:'.'ru,:;*f*; /f.rnog' : ffiitrffi*'l'ilffi i*ww**ffi t*'g$:#- 'rrp.'crru'u: ari '! p"so<kr'iqgt;;af-"1'.p:"U163'"J5kp ii1fi't3$";'5""*?Jti::#'$# *,#";1ry]$nl LT1:lll:,..,i,r. ru,il;*xT','..1iiilil;,ffi=#.:i,',*$*|t"lJjil',-df**gl*trt*5{t} ;1;''$Fi4q1[ilt*,$qftT '',ufu i/ili'if-,'i,g*ffiit?t"iiWr ',.rosr.raqrrr, 'un''uJuol ,,r,uJ:'"4,ty:'lPl-'t,*u,,.,o,, -IEE ::'ru,?sl:i:,."tt,:+'.;;rili,*:;,*,':"',xt'luv:.ffi r,u*.tl* ffi;'j:ri}tf 1**$"H"ir*,**$i' q",li H::I'trj.'*"-""iJq ;l-;#"x :i:,l::i ,ffi;s;'1,'Uru'-:,,#;'ii[i! :iltj$j i':ii:iti::i,:{"""it1;t;ly"j,i:+i; ili'i:,i,ffi'fi1t'1hr,ffi:arr,#gs$jr :l;**ffilt i/#;#:T',":""qri:qii" HI'J:tl'';fufij:'.hil ;ili;;",p'n., ilr"i;;*i:Tili u,sraF,rr H;l!{i;ilili$ijtr_,#,iH#_d{fi#fi ',rpaq3nnil .'l ,loltr?/V 1-re4 /f.';Hl;"il,.fi;lffi#ttr* jil,,1,,,,i,,,1':{ ,,"",,,,ii,Tri il";ilil;.i,:iil:Iffiffi i:",,, ;":::Y::-i_il""-::"', rri-.is,":,...,p'aund :'rru'rr ru;rrl*'+|,ffi .''' ;}tr5g#trf,1gqg14 ft$#f;;fltr ll ol,.T"?.il,iii,,;''" 'lJt.roLulrroJaJa0llrI'rIur0r aJr ;I$i$;:fi^f""'T,'# n,* iqlpu" lS ff:t'Jl hyt:l^"r;" ',uorro,,oq on1#l['r*l;,.::..ffi,,...:.,..i "d'nuT|ffTl'"iy ,pliJ]':ffipffifig$*H;il"4ii"."^1""# 'l'to ;lt;ij{;';i",*{.9'11'[iftiil' out pr'oqe'nauJs'feri pr8oqe !B aqr p"nrs'peqjff""1 jf*" pillruJuoqua^uol s."readI 't]i,n'ioii'1f rq uooruff -c141 ro tpa,nr,'rriux [ri;"Jqi"li,]^"'i;;t id:;iJJ']uJ"j,,,,'ii;rilf iii.,i,it,i: t'"\**^",Wil"i^';ff"f1","#,:',,gt|-,it*#f rsr'rraqr oqlorurs rui* .,:Hlli":311"i ilgg:*.r:.^?:er? il"-;iiHll,^ilji';:3;'{;ll"',,Til;nt-[ilTlYf*{;,i',",F; r**"+r:lg+g$*lf:;g'5d i[F]i"t"{,{3'd"-;*fl[1' uowrffI&#Vag aJ.r^J:;u:;;:"*ib d;idtillHffi:: urb;I;f"#H .L uouuaiu, -":I.,,wauooJ ;;H;t 0s6t sry J ryour,&so'ua"fn.rrJ uu!,r.rJ 5^--- ; u 111 fl$'AYN 6uosduro WaAvrrxno,,tr #lpg 6Hn r.saN pBaqroor,nr-Juilii^ wEDi\ESDAy, June 24, rsss [tnn.ffNC 'stownh{an Ek THE !'ARG0 8'ORUM and Moorhead filt"*pson, 5r Former r\-.D.ru Teacher,DieH BUFFALO, N. D.-Mirl Thor son, 54, former North Dakr teacher, died Thursday at Bre erton, _Washington.,whcre he l resided since the blose of Wo War fI. He hacl served aboard the a gjiaft -carrier Lexington in Wo ,lWar II, with the rinii ot tieuir llant commander, jl The body will be brousht to Cr rlrington, N. D,, where the iune: Federa ;lw.ill be in the 'lChurcrh at 2 Wednesday.The R, Connerly wilt officia fBurton__D. slwith Knott Funeral Home ,flcharge. '-f Born March 15,1899,at GlenJie _ 'iN. 'lN. 'Ihompson rr. ]Vlr. D. MrThomnsnn wqs snq,l M". Thompson was grad P, ilate.dI from tle the University University of Nor Dakota and began hfi teachil !lDakott;nA career in 1924. He taught succe s,lsivelv a year at Hope,-five yea r-lat Grace City, thiee years vears Frantford and-irineyeari at Bu r,lfalo, being superinieirdentnere-. ll {9a2 he entered navy servir 'lald{n after his retirerlent -iesided fiom ser &4 in 1945, he had Ihbmerton, wtrere frJ was- wiAe. Known as as a "ham" "ham" radio radio operato onerato llfown trIe had been in the hospital hospital sinr sini Iast July. He. marriecl Helen Carlson r Camin C.amin-gtonin June, 1920. Besidr nN wre he leaves two daughter Mrs. .Ma_lqgtm (Dorothy) ,In!ry. irf;-D;i McDor .Malcolm (Dorothyj -Mrs. -Mrs. ald, in in Missouri; Missouri, and and Jea Jea l4td-,- Cullen, Alamecla,-Caflf.;--tirie :l brothers, Thorval'of t of McHenry. -N.' l D., Reynard of Glenfield, Glenfietd, N:'DD and and Norman, in Hawaii; fou l{sters, Mrs. L. (Clara) Henningl 'lGlenfield, (Elizabet E.'(Elizabefh 9lenfield, Mrs. E. JJanlels. And Mrs (l-rroh' A (Evelyn A. l1!l.r ".nd.4.q. Andelson, both Sutton,-N:-ij., ;;1 I:nga rrngi Hoffman, rtorman, Stanton, N SLntori, {lrs. l{rs. u., D., ano four and tour grandchildren, - Mr. lhgmpson had been $qtt _ol the-North baliota ine Torfinr# atTo Marry Mr. and Mrs. Fred Torfin o Kloten. N. D., announcethe en gagemento their daughter M a x i n eE l l e n ore, to May nard Gordol Kiefat, son o Mr. and Mrs William Kiefat o Aneta, N. D. Miss Torfin ir Preaented Possihle Train Wre&', Courier-Vol. 75-No. 51 Februarv 19. lf& ' 1 P:rz1' Dear Fellow ameb*qntt: On June 12, 1951, I'became a naturalized American citizen. Before receiving this honor, I took a fairiy stiff course in American form of Government, the Constitution, and the responsibilities o f American citizenship, I was proud of the straight A average which my teacher considered I earned, but proudest of all when I was admitted to full United Ctate Citizenship. On February 16, 1959, I attended a meeting on School District Reorganization. It lasted, a very long tirne, and I can only say, that there was nothing like it in my citizenslrip course. Neighbor hurled'verbal insult at neighbor, private grudges were publicly aired, and sneering, anrgry comments filled the Hall. The valid arguments, both supporting and opposing, were lost in a sea of angry accusation. 'I left the meeting with a sense of pity. Pity for those who had abused one of the Four great freedoms, Freedom of Speech, and pity for those who listened, and would rernember the harsh words long after time l#ffiresolved the problem qf School Reorganization. Yer; " the meeting was for me an education, but I sincerely hope I never witness a repeat perforrnance. GITRailwavPlaysSanta lLegronnarres . r l-0 To AlertR[.f].Boy, Endorse{r n,{"mi i #itit'"if p'iitie "u-*o'G, n ,[orgerso sutton. loutt'"iil-oi li;;t;i"" il.'idff:.;iil';;h;;lii"'*G lt i!"'i.'gn in a n.D. fFI-r Santarotletducthroughdsutton iirrto.ihissmailpr'airidc0mntorritVniiitutcsl lbv rail 'rith a shinv new bikel Lordemann telephonedthe'1 laira a sroo savinss bbnd for a l0-]Northern dispatcher at Mi& lvpar-nlri hnv rvhoie rvhrisealertness nlertnpss pre-lstop nre-lstoo the Fast Mail at Hanni year-old boy lwreck, I But the fast train had iustl: I The chain of events that led to,cleared Hannaford when operatorll ISanta's earlv stop for KenncthlDean Jensen got the message'i lThorne runs like a movie thriller.lQuickly, Jensen turned to his two-l Mrs,lwav andhis mother,. l_Ke.nnqtJr 1?d19.,-"19-il 1f:3-:"1^531 Thorne, were seatetl'in the]coritactwith engineerHarry Jones, Erwin living room of their small homelBreck-enridge, at the Fast Mall's Railwaylthrottle. near near-the the Great Northern Hallwaylulrotue. Suirey dutoff that passes throughl Jones brought his speeding train Sutto;. (Suttonis in GriggsCoun-ltoa safe stop. by G, J. Frigocrd v tsr!,, letrt - Thompson, !'fi F["r. . *r Vows Suid F;-, t -, Quanbeclt-Twedt rr'^---.^-- F'itooperstownrPi"T' l+ f ^-a'-Aha. lnE^l/:ll^ntlt ln,r*^ At Ceremow In McVille\f(p,. [M"..Torgers i l;;."r5;liiJ,;;,.:-n**' "il{ MissArdis y ztu \)u..t tDtta,ltto I Ift_|L,7 IrJ, ola/w ')v,,,;,. rt,rS|gI.Drult6 I I uuur$Krruyvr\, r\.rJ.-ruu€rar l;-to. andGor-,McHenry, andLee,KentandM*tt t4, Binfo;d, euanbeck Dies i i?t:.1-"'i$fi;'l[]ifl*"S !f: ',llt donrwedtspoke weddine vowslvin ouanbeckall of Mcville."r,"I Mrs.rhomas (Anna Marie-Irr.,-t ?il:"'fl11*,!.ll,i li4dl lw:l1".tL"l;l evening in Nlw:,u'l Iride's mother the *or. ?4,.Binford. flatur-d-ay- 'N.'bD., oreornr -rrru Henderson '':"':":'l I*..ron, rchurch,the Rev.James " r'i. 'l' r'.#rtli H;#;; 'iilTi'iet j Quamlunera't',P "l $'ii.,"^?l'sl "' '!iii:hj[f;: arf:a*:itow"-, lly: i::n":* l"'-:i::"'j::t I e1tTi{{:^;':,i;:h"ffffi"i yJ'hTll.#.ffl.,j.lljl,."dalgl:1ft-i The ;iieqld:r:;_irffi]i* mother worc I bridegroom's lThursday' li,i'Til?,i!5: lia;ili"*" The rne runt funeral grav laco dustvrose rose"taffetJwith taffeta with gravlace. beck,McVille,andthe6rY15.3Yi.1-loustv II will bein Higl:::i l^..u...'rt.*nson became-iltat 'liT*;:i ;,:;; lffi m'+rlattu l,yjit-*flf*rtil--tt ".n?r"i:rh".*llTtt,.-.Jd; ,sermonetie. "",i"lliltrp*::fi *?"*,1,1i.i"$1.3*f,nTfrf urs. 'eivif;+i.rli$|":11'|":i1,il3fiff':'..al,.xY$ riii'"ii?rrqi*y"r - - - Iffi,:,,'.-iffii 'lffi.. ;yii'I?'fr."rlTffi'h *mmerwa-s_bor urenuptrar'""to,1lo#trF*-anoicniacoii"eu. rplaved istheson orMr.""a*'ii*?llllil};l,t*i;":i,.*f,lgT.t"iil?:h ll ciated at the double double rine rins rc Iciated mL^ D^.. D^..r D^--:---r9llT0P:lctrurch Rorvig Mr' and Inis "":,lillslronurvr me I The bride, given in lher father. wore a flo .o Ir4r.vv i:1'-:"*Y'"*t tooay. Ine Kev. vrw t l(Marv Helen) Seekins, and died lc^+,,-isr. She had planned to go lancl lii"iit.r.nu, Mont., tovisita son, $r,E'.flgl willofficiate. l#:;:^i*';*"'' parlors. For hei wedding jplayed the nuptiat musir jcompanied the soloists, l tf,Lil'jl";.1,1 iiifi YjlilYl-il^"^!";o |y*i:":iil',ff:jl-"F".H::d#;* lvisiting a' daushter,Mrs.- Earl l*ntsl:,,,,,r,r'"r:i#r:ilh?E!. Itrlii'??,"ir'riitfr,:irJ:iri{#Hhl r,,l,,.l,,,ffi *,fuf+.ttrJif lfitr"iffi,Hl#:Eli###T ::::.'i:i::',::: :ii::::ds':i+Fr:l:t to rylr'l in LaMourei l. i:i::: lwas marrled ln June' lgttt' 'ilJ'll; ouer siiti,;.;-'qiil'#iri'l!;"nO. It-uire Thompsonl ,#;''#'fitlliiXy;iil;;a'1i'i'ff;:l--*,liil ,*i Itip veil was of silk illr J. l w a s h e l d i n p l a c e w i t h a l a e e ^b -6m. |- l- l S h e l e a v e s t h r e e d a u g h t e r s , M r s . r ldaughterinMontanaarethreesislgown of Alenconlace and nVIOn*l^ 'r'oday she ^tff;.1"f*s,,'"*'t."t"?I;f carried awhite Inet' ts::"trl.'?'3lil,nt',H;,il'T?;,i! lped with an orchid and H:lfi.tffiservice I lffi:;, (Pearl) a-ndMrs. Monroe Ill andMrs_._M.T._tig-ugn'l Gilbertlcarnations. coopERSTOwN, N. o,-lSu.-l Bitl.tat . ti,,.t, l\{tt. -;iikr..in-Lw honorwas Mrs. --"i --it.lfrcii"sci'Kentlfivice-for-G;i.'rir"'rnfr"r,"0?,1 'attornejl Garlield l- M"tron of 1o1,".nop (Mabel) Anderson,Lac-oir-ntvstates lquanlect, N. D.; -nJn"i *.* Url.ill*di-v.""r,-*i1re z p. rn. to"-lMoure, -frniibnicl,lSeve1 lUriae.trri OiiOii-atas brothe-rs, Peter and Emil "t lDonMiller, nri.r euanbeck,lildayin the Cooberstoi"n lMinngtnolis, tta. tta thteet 'ttt,.ttr-n-t!..t, lbrothers,W' P.. and lt.S.-tt"rr^t-l lmer of Cooperstown_ lnd. S. +'l fiIammerof-Cando., N'D, A 9"qgtt-l ndea her h' pas'preced lft*,t**ffiilLfilixilfil ffi,#;l[ffi{ffi l*s'*,xffi'?tufftl;:{e,xi&illT"r*ri*'-* l$f.Hu:rkiT,'*:*'"i*Wl**"ffi$U* W r ffilonNearBi mfiH"H1; p"u"rhompsodffi here St -ilded :ll,'in:tffi:H r"r#iili l**ti$'tj*\F .j'::::#1, *t?*#rg" W;:,{!i,ffi;M ift$',:::ifri |#**,"*w Malonic Thompson i lSOOpefStOWn, I-tlgg il' sirt"iroatt"fiff, S;-i,jlll"i lll*"""". I 1$}"ffi"""d;x,.i"-:fijl i*':t$h$;t5;#'r#ia ,ljoq" N. D., will be her sister's maid of llqq.d.of,Binford, -N;D:-Jt The Covenant Chur.chin N1inne- Yia"ll#'i U*"*x#'s,l l#iii',1fli"'ii#ilfi' i:lh*-tt-^'ll'p;,".4:i*i ln":a"-#xxt Pa'; Mr' and Mrs' H;;;-itl Frt;"1 fi;,f,.t":$,'if lPhila{elnhia' 4;;-HenryHowardJr., sonof Mr. and ilTil,:'a,fnj*il;' DavidDahlberg. The bridegroomi lii""i'rtttc. Irarold and Mrs' rweed' Mr' I lcarl Mrs. chartesHoward#"L;i;; ;;';#;":r;or or the church rorr lil;tra"ce' , -i I Born April 29.1886,Mr. Thomp-l lYoltqg!.c:9-9P; *^P;i,MI;${ 'n;,Lu" n"frt"a* riifi.'ll ,$l!:}::l esn.,] {Eif'o,,i,u,!.rethein,.i ,t'gifih#jilfi',fifft1f;fii,. l,"ftl",^tliJ*i}l'ir#" sF;i-;-g;fi.'d;A th;l lulilii;iio"iilJ;i,i, ltttrs-.annierweedand Mrs' N. p., D., iiJ'f;iil3 and Miss s;iiou;'""bo##!' Bnookdale Covenant ct,liJii*"iii of Rugby, Rugby, N. rweetor Church in crvsrat.Minn..saturdav. I rheDasrvear. lTweet 4r'!gr' Minneapolis,officiatedat the cereCarol Howard of Lake Crystal, li;r,"-H;cf tii" Scrrool. Later lNpU he wasl in law rrom.theuniver'l mony. ffi;:"'dff'b;i:f rhe lridei!"in? is the ffifii; daughter |tfryg4*^14^t:y-tl"#,*:.Yti:*l lsiaauatea ur rrrLr Eidoen of or McHenry, McHenry,lof Shirley Eidoen or Jvrr. Mr. and and Mfs. shirley c. C. o. O. rhompson Thompson Urc. fl*l^:l^Yq:j.1'*jt U':::"1*,#11 srerof or the thebridegroom. bridegroom. sisrer lAdelineClark' Carringion' N' D'; Bis'1: s.t:f\?*"#" and Mrs. Al steinke' lMr. lY:'.^gnd^,"ff:# l*"1t5;"I' ?;'.,YI;."* {*'}1l cousinoftlrebride,*irrit.ii,'#ii:l-ffiiHfi::*.ularveightvearsinMon-i'If,;.'1lT"''fti:*3'fi,,To';j.T another !uu.'r' cousin, suu'urr'DL and c'vlrrsr ecoriddiSt:*FiTh--Northern bridesmaid, urru'D'r4ru' arru *'1" State Barbara Solee, of Cooperstown,j Power Co. in nol]-l'.'"Xlii" Minneapolis."|il: The flowergirl. D.,will wiube be flower N. D., N. sirr, bridegroom is is the rheson so' of of Mr. Mr. and and II bridegroom 'uvrts' rrcw London, Mrs. warren Etcheltsand Missr Mrs. s. J. Dahlberg, New LU'qu'' ar a miscel- Min'. Tweetwere hosresses I He marriecl Florence Topping atl tvc'dvdtr' YYrD'iuurr 'r1!rl .lWimbledon. 'l^,#i"iiyT:l.J{J,,F-Jtlg ll^*:t'y^':tr^j:1I..T,,]t1l;rtgll lcame to cooperstownin 1921. Hel lglly in the futurewlththefoll rlgq'l-t-tl.q9gu{'--Y*-'-$oqt9 Irt*-Pl19ti"fgilY.l"I9 twol .lCooperstown,president; leaves -...^l Besides his wife he iil::'- lF.Tli'ftYrffi*T'thny:ftl}: i#,"-r'N ls*.t{*ii'T4'fi'1,iilBt;;l tril$*;;iu1-rhff "x11')B"."mxi;f Howard and Mrs. stanley unllos shower in it the the at a a shower were hostesses were hostessesat Charles Howard Charles Howard home in Lake n---^l^l Crystal. A community shower was held in the GethsemaneLutheran Church near Tolna, N. D., with, sgveral hostesses. | - i(jhrcagq ancl rj-ols-Mackay,Mlr,ne-l apolis. Laurie oatrtleie Dahlberg #ds lvas floteri flower Lapolisltauiie girl. lgirl. I ri I nl'he bridegrooln was attended by Wellington Nelson, Ner,v London; tlie Rev. David Sandquist, ('hicago and the Rev. Jeriome ,lot'rnso'r. New London. lRat (carolyn) pfeifer, Buffalo, T. e.-irtompson, A. Thompson, lii:b.i.i.'5##Lr. lnt. p.;'a br6ther, r. lpomona. Calif .;- a sister, Mrs. lGraee Seekins, Los Ange]es, and lseven grandchildren. I I A past masterof the Coopers-lI Lodge, ltosn Masonic !tf.- Tttp-ql I mem!9;_-9f._4igl'lt,9f I I lsorr. .was q ; Laurence -T-w. e _ed, li , leereta"yl-a"a-rristorrani, Ii and Mrs. R. W Fraaier, o''ii 'i'i,Jo';;r1:',ir".;?l; ,oln-,,:J'lll: ffiT,l'1tYnl"1'r1""ll;'Tr."'u" --.=.---._.--rt r: ancl rvill attencl a Cove'nani.\loung Feoples' Conventionin Speculator', N. \'., before returning !o Llinneapoiis to make their t{tqn BENJAMIN TUF]IE I |-rl I HE loss to Cooperstown and Griggs county of Benjamin Tufte, a resident and leader here, during the greater part of its recorded history, I is great. Mr. Tufte typifled all those rugged vir- j tues which made his race dominent in the up- | building of this section. He was a distinct credit I to the times, the community and to the profes- I sion which he graced. i His name and his reputation is one familiar to I everyone in this county, and to many outside. j He came to this country with the fundamentals I of a splendid education, received in Norway, and I a(fter being here for a time entered the University i of Minnesota to take up the study of law. Two I years after his graduation he came to Coopers- | town to establish his practice, a year later being I elected states atorney for the first time. He has I held that office for ieveral periods. I qc T Tiq n anrrfqfinn o lawyer lorrrtrav avnaazlc f.^ f"^'r-A His reputation as a exceeds +the bound- I aries of the county. He was a deep student, and his opinions on legal, political and sociological questions were well founded and commanded respect wherever and whenever propounded. trIe was honest and sincere and a warm friend to many.^ His reputation within the legal profes,sion was high. Mr. Tufte made for himself an honored piace in the county's history and all of its residents sincerely mourn his passing. f lLuro-Trouil Vo*r S["t.?*t"" T"ogt lLuro-Trouiyo*r 1 "og, B0 i., '1 Age At 'e 'P Dies Exehans,ed l'Are I i'4'reExchanseil -Fu.ne -Funer{ D' N' D' weaaing lro*, lro*, *uX *uX spoken spoken in .cooPERslrol'llN, l- weaaing .cooPERslrol'llN,N' (Eliz Peter (Tltza-l ror I\'I-rs' ror I\'Irs'Peter lotto*J-'l3utr';;;'H;;""lEl,itrligt.service lotto*J-'l3utr';;;'A;;""lEl,itrligt.service 80, lo.ngtime loistime resiqi Tang, 80, rang, by MG;-r;ift; by Mia.-Lo-ui;; -Yll;":'Uu'fi;;;lbeth) il;":'i;u'fiii;lbeth) 1e;i{entl -rrifi"l?lqf lly lol Ifr". ,* 2^f.?g will be at Cooperstown, ]rlr. .ana ana ltri.ruri.-_r'rrili E'rtil; Tr;$'"i?lof cooperstown,yill,!9 * 2-Satut'l cooperstown, ll.' p..-'if,a-6"iiu"6ldav in Trinitv LutheranChurch'l of-l rl*.i.a, sb"6t M".-"iiaf,ii..-tiJitlltn6nuv.A. Palmerridemann isj ,Tweed of Binford. N. o..--fft"lticiating. Quam Funeral Home Mr* *ix,_$. il: $t?iltffi:,?l.Xii:?: |lence Iid'xigiro,l.,tTi.nu"-ents' | Loge w_asorganist and Georgel Elizabeth Loge was born Feb.i r"noo", jI"."ft',i:t,ffl':' orrargo, or ra"go, lvuz ano was :';-ltl3 t0 the rf;l$lK";" U. s, ln Tf,illk'ili .i*,"-. lu6srrc,Durruuer Ilcame arrended_her sister as matron of Cooperstown lemployed in the .fift -ii;rfiiliili;ij'i""fii.. qil"',i!."rii ri,i. ii,rso+, ihu *a, Il^olol._,y^l'r 4jnold !or-1, thebridegroom, ,itrt. ai.,a M;.ir,""*"J I 'i,utheran olgaard.sisterof the bride, weiell;;il;; bridesmaids. Ftower girls y_*.lld;il;;. of irinitv tile iaOiesaid and a life .IBru Wanoa * llovll---_---u^^4 rL^ rrr^*^6,^ nr:--i^h Missioniliilr"$,."b#ih f;,'ltjs?l I*f$:l.ll,,,l,i"woman's I, bearer. Nancy Lalson and ,qin-oiaSola atten6eclthe bride-lI iter. husband and. a daughterl groom. Ushers were Paul Tweedllpreceoeoner -ln qeatn' fo U sons,Arthur of"l iira iameJiuiu.'niripri ffi"#"ff;l l-stre leav^cs Ore., Ernest of JamesRobert Lura *"""-sio|il;;;-*'lEugene, Upon their returi from s trle ltown.N. D., Oscarof Cooperstown to the Black Hills and Yellowl landPalmerof Minneapolis, Minn.; lstone National Park, tire UriAaf ltwo daughters, Mrs. Josephfure lcouple _wil] be at home on the lRothert and Selma of Cooperg loscar Tweed farm" J ltown: one sister in Norway; tl grandchildren and two Cfeat{ andchildren. Thorson Maiit Of Flonoq lPioUnrra Joann Grimes become Lt. Irgi,rl has namedlwill the bride of limiss 'Miss RobertaThorsonof FargoaslA. Meyers,son of Mrs. DougllJ her.maid of honorfor her weddinglMartinof Rugby. N. D., in.a cere FRANK TR,ASK W"t* word of his passing was known, children cried. It is difficult to write a better eulogy than is contained in those words. They sum up the kind of man who was Frank Trask. Frank had a great deal more time to visit and make friends than he had to accumulate this world's_goods, but his legacy to society today is larger because he chose the- former wiy. He was a man of eccentricities, but in his bosom beat a heart c)f purest go-ld. He was generous to a fault to those more fortunate and-more unfortunate than he, and would graciously shqpe his last frme with those in need.- ortheFirst - . l#gH-^i,T-'l:,,:lfn" Church. s*froi{' 410 4th Ave. N., Pastor To Be Installed At Hannaford i/ I showers have been held the bride-elect.Employes Electric Co: in ]eneral Electric oftr'the General Sdh$nectady,N. Y., where Miss entertained GnLrieswas employed, emploved.entertained dinner and presented a group Mrs. Cynthia Thorson, 143712th St. S., and her daughter, Roberta, were hostessesat a miscellaneous shower in their home for membefs of a high schoolpot luck grotP;.';1 S. N. Gordon, 1006l2tth5l, ?irli4p6.. S., entertained a group of friepd* l[ {rer home. A group gift'wgli ' r:;i'' t$idrt*ed to the blide. i , i8 l{J.. - iirisfl nit*rT"iaty?f Z W'illiamJ. Trosty' 'Koaql-Tu""aYo*Jft' iSpokenIn Rothsay V I I Mr. and.Mrs.GilaineTweedwerel lmarrled]n a recentceremonyrnl lOur Savior'sLutheranChurchinl Minn. Mrs. Tweedis thel lRothsay, ]formerDonnaKvaal, daughterofl lMr. and Mrs. Pete Kvaal. andl lMr. Tweedis the son of Mr. andl lMrs.JosephTweedof Tolna,N. D. I I F o l l o w i nagn . e x t e n d e d t r i p l Ithroughthe East and South,the[ will be at homein the springf lcouple [on- the bridegroom's farm ner[ lTe". ,-*l COOPERSTOWN,N. D. - FU-i neral service for William J o h nl Trost, 59, lifelong resident of thisi alea, will be at 2 Friday in Trinityi Lutheran Church, the Rev. A. P.l Tideman officiating. Quam Fu-l neral Home is in charge. I Mr. Trost died Sunday. He had been ill most of his life. Born at Jessie, N" D., July 10, 1896, he was the son of Mr" and Mrs. William Trost. He leaves five brothers and ai sister, Frederick and Bernard ofl Jessie, Edward of Hope, N. D.,l Mrs. Thomas (Sophia) Dahl, Han-l naford, N. D., Albert of Wilcox, I Neb., and Herman of Seattle.