Output file - Griggs County Historical Society
Output file - Griggs County Historical Society
Rites At FinleY For 6*d t1..r"6,',r,Ufrgfd* Mrs. Clara Windness Illrs. C. L. S Ylie RiteP.o CitY ValleY Ileld At bo'5\t'r't'n'" f5ta f"i"'{ii"+Hii,"arii ,,i#5:i, Il IIyi:*:"* xni dt:,**:fli%A: I TWET,VE 'l Finley, N. D. :- $ergge5 w-er9 itt ttt" Finiev Lu' it"i.i'w""h""iA"v lirr.i"" ittufcti for Mrs. -Clara| ' "9,t, ilfrs.W-vlie,97r, Lorg In N. D., I Dies In Fargo L. (E1iza Jane) -,_M5. y_Chester 7, w w y l e , 97, Wylie, who h o ccame a m e tio o Nortn N o r t h n"Da_ Kota K o t a trn n tterritorial e r r i t o r i a l days, d a v s . died d i e d Mon_ Monqay y arrernoon atternoon in a Fargo Fareo hospital. hosnifql Mrs. Wylie had spent spent most mo.st of her life in Barnes cou"tv nuf ira,i atso resided _in Fargo -aUout--iZ yeqrp. For the last two years _ she ffiwlrff+* Wffi IVIrs. Wrluam ,uil"utH"'fii.?\l ix,;.li#fi rvwrrvr' Of ]lloorhehd'Dies Dil_ Mrs. Harry Walsh, 67, of 304 Elm st N, Moorhead, and formerly of Ulen, Minn., died SundaY.,i,n a local hospital after a iong illness. t Born at Cooperstown, then Dakota Territory, May 1, 1882, she moved to Ulen at the age of 14. to HenrY e She rvas married Tinjum at Ulen in 1902. Mr' :- Tinjum. died in 1918. In 1929 Mrs. Tinjum moved to Moorhead and was married to Harry Walsh in 1940. She was a ( h member of UIen Lutheran church l d and active in the Bethesda Ladies c l Aid.and Home Mission societY. Surviving, besides Mr. Walsh, ( l are seven sons, Odin, Ernest and at home, Oscar, I I Archie Tinjum, 207 Ninth st N, Moorhead, HelI mer of Grand Forks, Palmer and t Earl of Billings, Mont.; a daughter. Mrs, Ernest Rutledge, Seattle; two brothers, Oscar $j5rie.n, Ulen, and Albert Skrien, Morris, Enoch iVlinn.: rwdti3t€?3:-frm. Kiemetson, Uten, and Mrs. Peter Reinsmoen, Joyce, Iowa, and 10 grandchildren. The body is at Grina funeral home, Moorhead. . Serviceswill be at 2 p, m. today turicrar home", il",T."Jteff :il:B:" -_.ifhe former^ Eliza Jane Smith "'.ff''Jfi"i 5I;;JilI t:' ifr? *-l:st gI _Ly,on^ WII g t nrkaniawl ';'.ff.rofi, " g i"uli., f,fi"a,y,: fr rlTm gl,a eight.miJesnorth oT In 1881,they moved J"",,,"yft,r. -Valtcv as chief -r8dj of $r. {V]r-e._served nolr,le^of Citv-iroand, andoperal_ed opiral ed' a ti.,iesrrin'g tili"rrlin'i 3^ *" lf1_887 Pj^ i1 machine rn .a businessloi ..fS_Sf.f39-hrfe in himself until 18g3, t ifrun -o"ua ro^-h'argo,the familv" residing ii t-]!..f!gte-enth. s.LS. r,ater Trrey Mi.-wqlie.aied oed. zd,$zs. Arthur and Lewis,-;il;'r;il;il; vr rffi-6.HarryqW'a.lsh {::id.+,,,,yith.p. er""ahiuirri""l O'Leary,- yirl'am .rlr.r.f;, worth, Minn. Leaclr Mii. Karl Kolman of i.T.b..'ild SitJ utsoleavestwo sisters,1'Ir;' 1p s'lt J. M. Jenson,1450 Tenth st of iju"go,-tna-iltrs. A. r. Monson lt her in death. Besides Mrs. O'Leary she leaves three other grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. I"k.H,l4*:::--i'L,,5,trT.lff I oqlrysor{cou rutsluol[I Iooc oql uI fln 1ee59669 Wimbledan CouPIe 4q Wendell lilichmann, Fargo Bernice Wichnun \ r'r"".lK furvt,re-r- -;, ..uu9"dqgght-".ttl 1qq'lnt:).,ij 1tt" rI ;ii "iii-,t"/' ;T;i,iledo;' i irft ii Mrs. Leslie tGIadYs)Dorolhy.orl: Viilwooa. Wash.,Mrs. EarI (Sus-iq) l) ifI'?T'l;.i;";l'"ili-|. $:Hlu",3ff lines. Mont., Mrs. George (Dora) li A;e;;;;';f m' n''vt1q.ll Criaierev, lfl*:'J'?l "fil'J:"'i' f,:l'",:: rT;"$ Il Paulson of Long Be-ach,Calif ; also Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wichman. ?14 Ninth av N; announce the .engagement of their daughter, Marcella Marjorie, to Mr. Julian Brua, son of Mrs. Emma Brua, 1519 First av i S. The wedding will bi: in August. I l' six sons. James and Davey ot r:1r-I Hamilton, lines. Mont., Robert of I Moit., ftoyd of Wimbledon' 9g--l lJ.',.anol don of Cooperstowl N' ' llfarvin bF Minneapolis; a Drotner' i D.i Robert Walks of CourtelaY' I\. I a sister. Mrs. Frances Lemley or i , grandchilVuttuv bitv, N. D., 54l' -l?lj'J*: o'Bt.?i$,' fr u-|i x: #,f in St. John's Methoalist nesdav l. church at Wimbledon' }Iub Pe-ter- i Hev'l' son funeral home in charge. '.,9i'{ li:""#t:I ;i"i"11"f f,i'.l"f tenay, N. D., cemetery ll ' Morning,October3, 1 Wectnesclay Ifilled On Ir! r 'frrgnwavs \J ./ Two more persons have died in accrclents on North Dakota highways, The victims were: __lfanley Rusten, d6, of page, N. D. , Mrs. Simon Hornberger of Glolden Valley, N. D. Rusten, employed by ihe North Dakola highway depaitment onlv three- days, was fatally-asinjureil Monday about 4:30 p, m. nti was cutting weeds three miles west of Hope. - The accident occur4ed near the intersection of N. D. 82 and N. D. North Dakota Vehicle Deaths Jan, 1 to Date "" 106 | 64 1e5o She was married to Mr. Wencl- four sons, firiiev. Rev. P. J. Vammen willlr officiite. Interment will be ini the church cemetery. uodn DqaqsqlDS 'Ii;_slool Six srandsons will be -oll-i P l ^ oC of home funeral Boe bearers.ley is in charge. 38, about 70 miles northwest of tr'argo. It appeared that the sickle bar of Rusten's mower slruck a bridge abutment, throwing him frorn tfre tractor to the creek bottom 1b fee_t below. The tractor apparenfly rolled over the man. , Passersby summoned a doctor but Rusten died before he arrived. _Rusten was mowing in the ditch along the highu'ay and it was believed he did not notice the bridge abutment because of the hi;h weeds. _ A lifelong resident of North Dakota, Rusten was a mechanic bv !{ade. He was born March 2d, 1895, at Aneta, N. D., and marrieci J_uliaCaroline Vig at Cooperstown, N. .D.,- June 25, 1921. tney nad resided in Page about 10 years. Survivors are Mrs. Rusten; two l\{aniey, Jr., of Vallejo, Catif., son-s, and John of Glendale. Calif., anci a_daughter, Mrs. Donald (Caro.l) Thompson of Portland, Ore., and three brothers, A.lfred, Peter and Henry of Aneta. . The body is at Lindsey funeral nome, lage. $uwMAl uBs||s H$ frofiorg ' i * * 111 Hannaford Airman., i0ucu"'slruull I I IO ISTdINIIONU "H,id*m:\ rlltietitt}}. suolltsarosotl ro,{ z8€9-z IBIC lo* "rgr-,"*at \+.q,\ Aa}.Q. ,8 ol 'u'€ 0T ''l?s-'ut'd 9 o1 I laloHreupr?o-s1e>Iclfi $n0H01il1cu0il r! pu?08:1sto{su $Hr , 'lc0'ilns ReceivesCertifieat/ ;; ot''i,{,X?1";l*nl""o;;"oii;.t;n:: "iTS .iit"]fi,31,##a been rX::h:ljil ,b^eenB-raduatedfrom ilfi ioi: ,-;E:, r: ,e"99. o! Aeronautrcal Aeronautical Technology Technot.o_ or st.l-ouis gniversity located ii E19! st. r-ouli,-r-ll^"' attend.inga 1E.,.^wunderlich.was w_eeK c;ql.rrse..in aircraft mii"te-i_ lr,,_.r; -e wtil. now be sent to an ..pcia lst schoot roi lurflT_!.9T" tl."i$'*. llgl - H;'h;'previouslv p:e^l__s_!qtio{red at Lac}il"na-#6 jSh_eppard Air Texai. F;;; bases in Morning,October3, 1951 Weclnesclay 2 From r\--. 'br Wil,l,isWy\ierFo Fargo Ifilled On Residerub-Dryt r AniI V al'{eyCitv iu rr. r|t0nrtrflvs -l,tr,:nV[1y,,"",ii'#^f+fi i:ryi$i;"5"I#'?x*:'"#3T'f'lf"i':lI ^if, att l;:il' y_ls *;'t"iigLff ?l ;:i;vrtu,wi*: r,"*** ":*ff1e u#ltil"ri"#:*gl"-q"rp-lll-;*if iiffi'"."'liiqk?:iill %J'l?'i;!ff3'u:'f,';,"Tii"'r:?";l'?:'*'*il xig"i?:t'rtr"',1i,J.",'lf xis,i*t,q#$i1tfi5i+?]l;1#3',i'rim.,i##;l'?:.''lso'lli .,,n u,""-,!I .1.J.*J,,,"u rsrs, i"ll&#igJ'T&fi,1'.'iH"tli??:l :,:i'h::lsy"L".T1i :'kl.tJ*"",ngn'TJ:elff'U"Tff{ili;?'3s*,H"qnrf, policein vallevlfi'g;;'il^V;i"y Citv to hetnwithlv iilIiiri'"iri"f-of aO. \ rL^ City, , ^*^^d ^f 'rhp i I *-:t!'*vY*rJl Two more persons have diecl in accidents on North Dakota hiehways. The victims Were: Manley Rusten, 56, of Page, N, D. Mrs. Simon Hornberger of Goltlen Valley, N. D. Rusten, ernployed by the North Dakoia highway department only three days, was fatally injured Monday about 4:30 p. m, as he was cutting weeds three miles west of Hope. The accident occur4ed near the intersection of lll. D. 32 and N. D. Dutl ^-^^^-+^dlthe harvest and stayed there, *:-i$1ffi "li"n'H'Jl;ii;u'T;;"li tly*'T*lxld$:,1ft whereI prqlliffir'''lil'.;1.-qi -qttl.{:ni- YlXi l"',c,;essthat shows "W" _caught with Ifis last visit here *T_t"_i3'lua,';l"".iid. = luire nanasin thosedays. Guess.t il/r TVf ^-^ ll: ^lna ll-,,"r hevedonea satisfactoryJoo. North Dakota Vehicle Deaths Jan, 1 to Date Mr s. Wendlick, 7B,IIf *:,',*t";,131'fr"nift'ii Hfi"-f'l: Filrgy. pi_::...,li*tsld: o_r "* 106 | *il.fii.%.,,.Tri;"l'li out ano fires ur rr'Finley.N. D.I-M"$,Johnwend-llltlifins^-1g ilrovein manva grounders ri.'r,]"i'sfi'-i.la"t* *1,";"' "i"*i"i'i:i"-llnelcl q,ii- ll tey ror over 65 v.u.r,'a'i'oh ].t^:t*"t:,niL"""tl" rnt" 38. about 70 miies liiriil*is.*-':',:yI:*fi'iG-li""H"ii, j,:'"f8lts.B'f ii:.ilffi nt1ii,J"1%Y#"*." -i+. *g*i-^qltry: io-stii,r" liveduntil herdeath. - I lietl.. one.-of^.11^" ^?"li{*Pl"'"i lf Passersby summoned. a doctor I but Rusten died before he arrived. I Rusten was mowing in the dilchl along the highuray and it was beIieved he did not notice the bridge abutment because of the hieh weeds. A lifelong resident of North Dakota, Rusten was a mechanic by trade. He was born March 20, 1895, at Aneta, N. D., and married Julia Caroline Vig at Cooperstown, N. D., J.une 25, 1921, They had resided in Page about 10 years. Sulvivors are Mrs. Rusten; two sons, Manley, Jr., of Vallejo, Calif., and John of Glendale, Calif., and a daughter, Mrs. Donald (Carol) Thompson of Portland, Ore,, and three brothers, Alfred, Peter and Henry of Aneta. The body is at Lindsey funeral home, Page. iffix;?$';t'#r#:f,ttil g"l6'n"ou r:"-T;i.If,rt r"tl"rx,:' i l3rlly--rrlsn _ffi uLrrsr Y-"" ll] ;.";G \ny'ere anctI lfit'?iri'"i"i; --91* I daughters- andlrand three daughters ihree Wnnrllick. wetiatict, wnomj t -dyingrrer in death,l,countv-riren^with or against two sons preceded plaved-' in 1942. i,lrl w""ori"t I he had ll * * * I northwest of Llrrlc a.time a Erizabeth||ror 3r1?"u ulora urzaDeLrr llror former [iii' t"' &i.rgo in ttt. I i. - t-Minnesota -iiti. ^ved fesIi ;"q^ i'Tf; Kl?'iftii *i'T .Iir f"**,lliu'"*ti"" ir: I -A"derson, trrere. it q g vears, "vi,"r"y ii''J't'-'to l:ll3*d'-#!:Ti I ii l^?iu' *!_o_ ,io"ioII i,,x "lil""' Rl"Tt':fn""'ililiii'i"tJl^ assocra-I| *itntv, rq' D',-wtteitshelplaved in fhe American lthe \ I 64 1e50 .B."Ji l! Hiehr 3?it'ui?1: at-*1'Tnli"H"flT'$::"t"'lll"T:f f; ;1"'-#1'"''5;lf Tff ",:.H:'ii:i''il'lY"X"'ql"Hl. ':#q:r-^'::nl? *S,?11,'1"f; i'f,:-i?iffiiillikl;'^:f"l,e"J*':s'If, ^'"r;tir*int' 3,"fi:fi'H.tr#:i1'u3lii'*1i?fr tle^j3l *1* I , i" l:E:1x,"?'h{1"-"11$}"la}i*fufi]l; * '': re wiii ;iiil:"-i". lrt-yirrii"nionship,anq t9."* rlqTl g the church c-emeterv.... .:li;"s";;;i"';;;6d countv to plav them' .well Six grandsons Yf' te -gqtl-l E?-rnei 'ut *11- I i teiiers." Boe funeral home of i'in- I'itua jutt-tt-uAa tournament captaineQ .ff#";i#i,' had r ana I!" ro., ic in .harse. I r 6oiri 99-lcrraree. in ts tey fi; I t Il ll$:li "i"hLi1$ Ithe championshiP' -'^-- ^ l1 -"x"ut"{rtt i:;_ri.'tl,t":l'ii* I,I xTi''"1iti llT#'H: rsti.:""!l I * ' * * the Getchell 1, team. 'r'om ancl LvarcL!.! ffiffiilett Ellis^rFomli ind {1v-lt{oa9fSan-W;^iieT" b-ffi;"il1's it-vitt"Y citY the| . ;#'1 eameand-9lqY: lJiiil";;r;-trre t' Hannaford Airman,, Receives Certificat/ cut;l.l's"til;'l.di,,tpA.. I{g1rn".tof4,_ ;;1d""" N. D.-pfc. James wunqertlch, son of Mrs. Arvie I, wunoerilch of Hannaford, }lannaford has A. wunoerllch, "tHdlj"JHtr"; _*___i lo* so.{a*4at $-o-r Ar.ll ;;l son of Mrs- *if##T.'i?:!! ""xT I,i lrels*t.fi", ior ourears'-Y-"-h.g.9l 6i'iT^"i"unr I b:.1'#t:ffitur",ftt" i.tJiiff;**Jfl ilil':i"did'.'iTii" "tr.t"if :?:it^",!! toIi ""e"tences i "l'"1;. to.1he lu',,+'n"nffi3Su'i;",,' -came Ii il;i,1""+,r'& :l#;""*'dr!q' iii! I: i*rl,lii t ilnl' Ii r;';l'"'."* {l"'#}::iT-""*^r!: "$*"1^ ll:_+H: Ii "*"o# it was a different storv' - I il.itua "':';1[[1i-pitcher was a risht.hand-l^ .lid'ini flrst -seven,m"t, T,9y^tll "" liiE."'"r.tti't'iheatatters' l1 iilffi" (I wi't"fi t itePPeato the P-late *1? l' ?ifl,;,: . :ilift?;:i'$'f" utf il "".i#;:'i'i-litfii I iltli.'"*if" Arvie has been g-raduated from--Farfri Cof: lggl lege . of_ of Aeronautical Aeronautical fechnolos-v Technoloow of St. university located tocitea-?lal "Louis Wunderlich.was attending a 15_ ,weeK c_o_urse in aircraft mainten_ ancea_He wiil now be sent to an Alr .t orce .specialist school for fur_ Tner training. He has previouslv oeen stationed at Laclitancl anit -ln Sheppard .A'ii force' Uases 'Iexas. i "t**S+;$t", t\ - - " " ' \ - ,=" (W,^fu! lo{ so,{.*{atr \t.o,rd.rJl Keene. Filix Lucian, my brother Sccr++qnd mllvilf ft'om the Getclell team, Tom and Evarett Ellis,fibm Cuba and Ing and.!.aVMoe of Sanborn. We met at ValleY CitY the evenins before the qame and drove to Towlr City in buggies next day. "We had dinner at'the Chiison hotel and the Cass team was there, all dressedup and kidding a lot, al] of it meant for our ears. We had a Drettv eood talker, too, but we neia nirir back until later, although we didn't like their references to us as 'hayseeds'. "The Cass team came to the olavins field resPlendent in linen 'plug'hats. TheY took ioals 6nd these off and laid them aside carefutly and went through a snaPPY oractice. We looked rather Poor in nractice but when the game staited it was a different storY' "Their pitcher was a right hander and the first seven men in our t lineup were Iefthanded batters. I When I steppecl to the Plate (I was the Pitcher almost battins fifth) exploded. 'Do You fellows all bat Jl lefihanded?' he asked me but I C said, no, that onlY the first seven 1 ( did. "WelI, we scoretl six runs in that f about c first innins ancl that just'kidder' settlecl th; game. Our went to work on them and they i didn't have anYthing -triPle to saY. IMe cven pulled a PlaY when 1 with men on first and second' Ev t Ellis. second baseman, caught a c hot liner neat second, stePPed on the'brse and threw to flrst base- l man Felix Lucian. t "Lttcian. bv the waY, was a real first baseman and could reach a lone distance for a ball. Even the L .-ofessionals weren't much better. d Our pitcher, RaY Moe, also hacl I He was aided bY the I eood ituff. iact that the Pitching distance I then was 50 feet. But f can ccrtifY J thai he had lots on the ball for I caueht the game. Our other in- c fieldlers were Mort White and Ing 't Moe. and we had Scott Wylie, Tom Ellis and Gene Keene in the outfield. 8 "We won the game, 16 to 4' and sptit the prize equally, our other v e-xpensesirom ValleY CitY being naid bv the fair management. I ivent hbme with $2.45 as mY share, since I had Paitl for a ticket from Sanborn to VaIleY CitY"' I * * { . Wvlie continuecl to resicle in Vallev Citv until about 1942, when his wife died. He hacl since resided at Anacortes with his sons and daushters. He was born in 1855 in Weslport. N, Y., a village on Lake Chaniplaih. The familY moved to Wisconsin when he was six and three vears later went to Plainview, M-inn. He remaino4 at PJainview'until coming to Dakota Terri'i tory with Scott. - Hannaford Airr I Receives c"*ririHr? b/ l /H-$:'.ffiHf l*:T*l*{;1s*xh#*r* cia]jst -schooi 1;; ;;.j fi: " " _o-*:,:ry Lratnlnpr _-i^iil_bj, ..y lfa l, ^^ las previouslv r r I rcr ;h_- ""ir""" h'"#-1il9, lii"oo*; "H ----::- Sutnmer ^ Mrs. Martin Daniel Westley of Cooperstown, N, D., announces the engagement of h'er dtutit-terr Ruth Ann, to m,l,r,,"o,,".- Donald Alfretl Buck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfrecl C h r i stopher Buck of Rhbdes. Iowa. Ttre bride is the daushter of the late Dr. Westley. Miss Westlev ii attended Po--rij mona college in California d n tl Mlm Wertley I graduated from Iowa State College at Ames, fowa, I in June 1950. Following graduat- I, ing she spent the summef traveling in Europe. She teacher atl' Bird fsland, Minn, I Mr. Buck attendetl fowa Statelt college before serving in the airl corpsfrom 1943to fg4f. ffe erad-l uated from Iowa State colleEeinl 1949 and is associated with- hisl. father in stock farming at Rhodes.lr A summer wedding is planned. lf Railt.w eitfAy;/ i;l Donald,Buck,Wed Rdth Ann Westley, daughter of Mrs. Martin Daniel Westley of Cooperstown, N. D,, and the late Dr. Westiey, became the bricle of 'Donald Alfrecl Buck, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alfrecl Christopher Buck of State Center, Iowa. The wedding took place in the family home in Cooperstown on July 7. Rev. Corliss R. Rasmussen of Cooperstown officiated. The bride was given in marriage bv her brother. Dr. Kent F. Westldv of New York. She wore a boufarit gown of embroidered organdy with a shoulderJength veil. She carried pale yellow roses and stephanotis. Miss Her attendants were Jeanne D: Robbins of Woodward, Iowa, and Mrs. Richarcl O. Westley of Elmhurst, Ill. They wore white dotted swiss over aqua taffeta. A niece of the bridegroom, Linda Wolf of Pomeroy, Wash., was the She wore white orflower girl. gandy over aqua. Robert Martin Westley, nephew of the bride, was the ring bearer. The bridegroom was attencletl bY Robert Buck of his brother, Rhodes, Iowa. The bride's brother, Richard, was usher. Arthur Lydell of ValleY CitY olaved the nuptial music and actompanied the-soloist, Mrs. Lytleil. A- reception followed the ceremony, Tde bride attendecl Pomona college at Claremont, Caiif., and graduated from Iowa State college' Mr. Buck is also a graduate of Iowa State college. They will make their home at State Center where Mr. Buck is associated.with his father in'stock farming. Wuflestnd, Wathne Vows t t C l | Are JnoK,en T Misr Do,rcas, E. Wufietad, claughter of !lr. ancl Mrs. Conratl Wuflestad of Dale, triinn., anrl Maurlce J. lVathne of Cooporr. town, N. D., were married Saturilay in the bricle's home. Thc briile has been employecl ln Fargo. Lilacs anal spring flowert worc in decorating the roomc. Rev. K. P. Wbflesta<l of Cooperstown, uncle of the bride, officiatecl at the ceremony. 1[ I I s Florence Nelson of Detroit I:akes, Minn., playecl the nuptlal muslc and accompaniecl Mrg. E. LEngager of Dale who sang "O Forfect Love" and 'Ttre Tfeilding Pf,ayer." The bqddewa$ given [l narriegc by her father. She wore a llght grey ruit with navy bluc aoccsgories. lfer corsage wac of rod roges and her pearlr wore a glf,t of the bridegroorn, Miss Florence Wathne of Coo. perstown, sister o! the brirlegroom" was maitl of honor. She worr an aqua blue suit with b'rowrr accessories,ltrer oorrage wac of yel. low roses and ghe wore a rhinestone necklace,a gift of the bride. Mrs. Wuflestail, the bride's mothen wore a lavender dress black accessories.The bride. groom's mother, Mrs. Wathne, wore a powder blue dresc wlth black accessories"Their oorraget --*{ AnnounceEnffiement i Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Wuflestad of Dale, Minn., announce the engagement of daughter, their Dorcas, to Maurice Wathne of Cooperstown, N. D. The wed- ii ding is planned for June 2. Miss Wuflestacl is employed by Reinhard Brothers, fnc., in FarMr. Wathne farms near Cooperstown. Miss Wuflestail ,/'Y, I'3wsS"t por'iJpt. J0 _ _ - . - r ti. . & ot"'ri"nt llgOAnI n fro{i;,1:,9^*:f' tr^tr:,, I"nrv / o" announcethel. l-, approaching "r"r"ll'1'-"; mar_it "r"?."^.i,llll.ano ilt:;';fiff.dJ',#rf 3""i,:i,:l .t?}"$;t'ttff /: ",* n,{"s",*'i,%ti11,""**:o.gtyrys/ j ,,1."fii-rrrt1i,l,{"_*#: *f iilF "?1^T'':h g"":i: qand ffi;,*,v: f; : il :* scnool cbr"6;i;Ui_/" iii.l""" /i of Talisman roses. . l- Irwin phgrpe_ .o_f Bisrnarlol4 of the brldegtom, wal jJlbest man. E. Langager of Dalc was usher, ,s I A reception was held following fithe eeremony.Table appointmentl .-lwere in blue and yellow. ;-l Mrs. George Magney of Moun4 l"lMinn., aunt of the bricle,cut the lflcake;'Mrs. K. P. Wuflestatl of lCooperstown,N. D., also an aunt lylof the.bride,-lad charge pf thg ii.lguest book; Miss Annie Austad Moorhead,Miss Moorhead, Miss Lois Teigland Lois Teigland .1lof "1lof Fargo, Misses Hulda and Fbeida "ljof 4lMagney of Detroit Lakes, Minn., assisted. After a wecldingtrip to Duluth and d the the N,irrth Nbrth Shore, the couple ,"lwill be at home near Cooperstown r,lwhere the. bridegroom farms. r:l Prenuptial parties honoring the Vlb+d9. includecl a-shower give4 by i- lre.lqtiv_qgald friends of Dale, Vl$tl IIrs. John Nord and Mrs. in charge. ilPqul SqpdryaSs;l_ I4rs. Paul Lindem and Mrr. Fil ;l lSeaberg of Minneapolis, cousins hostesses at a 5lof the bride, were hostesses orver given in the Lintlem home. e € .d miscellaneous shower. wqs by friends of the Bethel ls ohprqh _in-{'qryo., those in f includedl Miss LoiC Teigs. IWrs, Clarence Haalandl anct ts Mrs. E. T. Thompson. Maj. Wendell W. Wichmann, n oi F. A. Wichmann,389 Eighth ' S, and Capt. Howard B. Hun!ley. Jr.. husbandl of Mrs. Marie' Huntley, 11L9 Eighth av N, graduated recently from the associate advanced officers course at the Infantry sehool at Fort Benning, Ga. The i5-week course is designed to training for selected oficers as part of a combined arms leam. T9 DlarryilIarci ST .vows-will be spoken #tr*T:#i#}"i;dj""5il i:rJ:,',f; $S-&""""'"t$"".:"f ; ::SoTS Ivlirs B e TT Elire Wata: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wait of Hannaford. and Pfc. Jacli L. Anderron, ron of Mr. and Mrs. K. V. -A,nderson of McVillq W. O. Both Miss Wait and Pfc. And_erson are MissWaIt ---State graduates oJ the Mayviite Teachers Colleee. Teachers College. t\,fiss Wait teaches at page] N. l D., and Mr. Anderson i_s slaiioned at Lowry Air Force Base at Denver, CoIo.' TuesdayMorning,April24, 1g51 known Moorhead "'"i:ojiilffi Sunday in his home a enth st S. A *,#*r*:il,1T#;,h".*;;i;te1llff'i',aff1 fnnmon]\tra^r}.^^i ,"f J;;Ti",ruT#:*;'H*$:t""";l L.+iLi';f'. iii"ciiv ;;;ii ii.i"iii"Jl,li,Til"M;:l ;i'j:ii.:, 1,viti,.io*"'ii;dil;;i;;"d*"ta*"il | ffi.f,ji.fl,,ii.;i.': M;;h;;a '' .i|.;" i898."' ffi#iiiiitt';'' r.,i',,r;,:'.'.+ 'i:: iri"ii: A prolific letter writer. he hartlffi:if.ii!i!iii+il',,'i:i::::r:: Erise waitr"."-"1111 rhebride, by $'gllh",n *r"J"tl-,marriage eJide_of Pfc. rack L. Anderson.lherT;tfi;;;wfiretuirr"iinijfineti The.Rev. W' RavRadliffofficiated -rietl lg6w;;i'il'p"rt&'cnantlrv--iEce at the doublering service. llna nyion ilhe fitted bodice Thc bride is the daughter of lof lace featured a Peter Pan col- }j;aTf.^iil' trum,-ena;";;il ,".'fiffi"T n*i{*:*i::i;1il".1$",";;"1"".?; iffi4#jiriif"iiiii,"fffi W.,M! 11ffi1#t*"**ri::1"# "oi ;a_r\4r;:!rd V. rjii,La'iii.r.,",iii."" -dfg,J""ix1lffiu+i+ii#l'{'ffi I -M*.-K. lr'ri- sxi"i-#i, nyronnet over: ' *ftd;"3;;ili services wiii ue at in St. John the Divit "#j."'l}#; ?o.,"ou,i,, orthelti&-#}",iffii :ii,:',il'ff,:lffin:'g'# ilYil* Jff""tff''i:?' it Jl; Hi.1"urg"#;,$?r "Y.*"dl?"'5f semane""'uy"l?lxT*"J%r"*,TlWitiitlfW cathedr.al, Fargo, officiat-lW14j;iiiii;iiii_--ffi+ accompanieal bylrllu.s.ron-was held in place by a RinE" and was "11; insBuria'I wil*'l1:ywffiet]ffi#ffr1Ti'lt Riverside cemeterv v 'funeral home in char5 l]i1j''"f*1",]:i$_11 '.JamesMcSparr'on*'l*I3xo,*3?jffi'...=ffii|H!!:.:ofanoichidi"o-ciin born in Tnndonderry, parents of Scotch descent. 'U"l%#"'tiriffi*| .r. ir. w. lv. wrrHEBow lvrrHERow i:ameto to Dakota nat-otJr"riito".v--it feriii""v""t fri"l .came iiEl I rarms rarms p" atr10 ati10 years and*was.distri^crt was district court vearsand courtl F{_-gf-|5,.*j,i-{lie, 3!?"3!l{;.1T5:Xfi,",1 utQth""ltommissioner*more 33 rn 1886,he went ,3 *than vears.l "countv, Minn. m"""i"J ,un" v . 2 6 . r t h e r e _ _ h e _ a t t",'-a'-at{9f::"'#1?1 e n dceadr l e t o n " s o l : l -rre o t H u " i i , i N . p . , i n F a r s o N oso"ul "lo.,l" | .The b-ridewas attendedby her lsisier,vonna"il;w;ii;;J"*iii *tti1ly#": l3L-1"",:"ft",11%,f# il6irr;;;;;*'#l':"";."tt";,i5T;t ,las-bridesmaicls. They wore identibiue. ,l_and lirey_w_gr:e-tastiid"lci ??l 1.,-:#u.-ii:T##:1'fiJ"*'f,?;i?50T""'fLil;3d*'ftr,-,?sst ilrh*1ir:#i,lmtnJi"u 'l*iir.-"'i'"1.ol"iil'liu"+ yearhe."*" ,.lf??I"3"?"-'o*,*T?#""jI'^P;*;i :"--fr rorbwing andset-in ,qli'sXlt"f,"'l&1ffi,i"{,-#'"iff; j :l#,rii-'i.'"!i#;":iid$";lJ ;nli"'Jj[X'l*"ilf#"rn"",."*." 'li[ff"uf,i$.,1i*u:*'i#;1 r,roi-,r-icho;i,;;;'r*s#3:?f"^il;i6r'm*',T.""{P1t?:"s ts*lg:;l which he was graduate0 in rasi. ,llarge picture h_ats6t tac"" o"ei and five srandchil-l lnii"nir"p.jri., s"j,i#eyh"*kf;'f,,r11il Fijti{triil,",'"i,""#"a"iffl*tlg N, D., retu_rnlng th'ento nnoori,e"O, ---'l_-il1r.'witnu.ow l;""il. where he had iesidecl.tlSSr, was a memberof I un nrs return Mr. wi tr..r erowirrroorir"', a'ni'ir.opul eptcopai cfiurad'ni;";:l church; Moor_ ,9-n,, Ii:, ^.:*:L ^yTt WitherowlMoorhead *.;"rj"l"de.;-S."iiilf'R;;"1 li*,,Y:^rl: -.*:*^:r,.r.1y e_barrune.gj'd,yjf grnlll :dJ9^tl 21,1ssaIlii"er ii"ai",' iii r,iie,i,"?iia"n"Ii"j pasr :|ffiil',sTf 'lbouquets i? of matching ;1"ff'tt':1";t', carnations. 'tii"li'rrrru The mother of the bride wore .1" q"".*;f crepe with lmatching-navy--and whit'e accei- l."ri"i. fr,"--riiiali a u I I l l L L e 0 I o T n e b a r J u n e . 2 1 ' - 1 8 9 8 . j b o d i e s i n F a r g o , i n d b a r u r v o r e l i g h t b l u e c } e p e w i t h p i n k a comqF Fr rrr:rr: F"u"^nut:t:::..Pj.:li.^-e9-.il..Yq:i-lit^"1.."_gq^*u. head. ..i'ia-;L.rry_e11i1"{r#,nffi veo rruur"trrgru! F;?;fry 1!-cr]v-ettei'tr:rtne "" [l. Williams Wlllfams fF.. U. lJlfl Girl To O Nebfaska Nebraska i I rD is madegt-j}",, Announcement r 6"'uu'Lc'I's"L of 'Cpl. I-estt; ;. ;;;i;; II lrnarriage "Mr. isonof u.'i Mt=.Haty zentzI J.{orrta_Jean | of Aneta, to rNliss^ Butler, daughter of Mr' and Mrs' James rButler of Hastings, Nebr. The weddihg occurred at Formoso, Kansas on July 4. The couple visited briefly at the groom's parental home on their return from a wedding trip to Minneap.olis. They will :nake s. D., ii'"i. r'o-'.,in Deadwood, cpl. Tentz,being stationed with his air corps unlt at Rapid city, S. D. ies. They both [ff."T:#t;,Xi:gn::*il',ii:l: InMontana '' ffit*.,ffi:t?# lnigr l,'X".:XffTTl":Ti'"#'1ffi:1Hili"t"?i"x rongti'me resident, noleii-ide,ll lrhe death of Fred D. Willi4ms,llhe--ringbeare-r.yas 's"t- l i,"#r,'iil.,,"i|:1; .911ee. ffi#'r#l, o" ::ffi: ililf,iit#5Jo3#;u.u ll ilM;"t1.r,"1.oit^i'tliir"r"i".'.';;;iFl"Ii;ii'ano-Ivili'iin'A;;;",;fi;n,j*l;rtlf";:"i"y,"'_?r,r'fr." of the bridegroom,ushered. | ittnes!. Funeral servi|es were fnates the following held I llir"^ly^lld | . A reception foliowed. in the I buriat was at Highland cemeterylcrril"cir'!"u"rors. Mrs. Homer Benlin_ttrat__city. lson qnd Mrs. Clinton Brown -;k;:' I tu'r.Williams was born Oc,toberloou"ea.tvfiis-:nl"rv"iii"."fiii'tr laf, fA0f, at Jackson, Mich., and lFargo cut the wedaine ;by Miss Louise-Larsoh of lcame to this country to home-l:,Jtgq N. D. Miss Esther Johnlstead in 1882. Aftei his retire- lvrrchigan, gift of the I ment from farming ire iiveO in l:11Y*.^j"-charge table le;,;i,e'sil;;';"fip.;l :iJi.f lt*1Tli:.*T#?fT#l#tr"n1'",; land went to make his trome i"l;l+v.-i;;r.-*ri'*"""'Ii't#;;h Montana. about seven years_ago. Dona Lu Knauss and I l![Gl_lt*r I Survlving are six sons, Eddie luiss Dorothy Heyerdahl served. I in this county, Manley in Ore- I .F'ortheir wedding trip the bride I eon. Fred in Townsend. Mont.. I.s-wearlng a suit of rose_colored lEol[ana and Kenneth in Cascade. llabardine, w.ith an orchid corsage, t..; ; d i'; Cl",* r"'. i l, n!,fit'1?l,in"iilf; IM #J\*3fi""* I " " ";* flve dau€hters, Mrs. ",y ;ib"se #hiil-i. rvii: | .o!,t9 H.oa. l;;ii, a"i"i:ri,t; man of Augusta, Mont., Mrs. Roylvill reportbl"t ifi;'Ail-F;;" lBarr of Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. lraseiri Denver.Colo. ,Robert'Cronichof Homer.Alaska.ltT.. lMr'$. Bufard Yost of Los Angeles"p"--^^.'+i.tpo Mrs. Robert Scott of Plains;l land 'Mont. The,re are also 25 grand I children and six great-grand- | children. I TuesdayMorning,April 24,1g5t J. M. IVitheroweLong Time MoorheadAttorn*y, DiesAt Bl Vuit, ItrunnaforQt ck,L. Anderson{€y , James_M. Witherow, 81, widely known Moorhead attorney, dieh Sunday in his home at 6i9 Seventh st S. A former Moorhead city attorney^and a long time commissioner jo-l-.9laycounty district court, Mr. Witberow had practiced law in Moorhead since L898. ' { nroliflc letter writer, he hacl exchanged lltters with mdny-Georse notables, including the lale Shaw, famed Irish wit.* ' Bernard S-ervices wiil be at 3:30 today in St. John the Divine Episcopai church of Moorhead, Very R'ev. Arthur C. Barnhart, dean oi Geth_ " semane cathedral, Fargo, officiatire. Burial will be in Moorheacl , Riverside cemetery with Wright funeral home in charge. 'me the I The bride. siven in marriaee bvi g9,TP_1lher father, rfuore a ballerina ldngth -i;a; nciated igown'oi i-portuo bha;tlut land nylon net. The fitted bodice rter oflof lace featured a Peter Pan colfanna-llar, Mary Stuart sleeves and tiny he sonlbuttons down the back. The very clersonlfull skirt was of nylon net overr satin with a lace tunic overskirt of the which was short in front and t. She r This ecl by James McSparron Witherow was rn in Londonderry, Ireland, of born parents of . Scotch descent. 'He I'. W. IryITHDROW .'came ^to_DakotaTerritory at the age of 15, working on farms at 10 years and was district court Grandin and Binford two years. "Norman commissioner more than 38 years. In 1886 he went * .* to {. , 'county, Minn., and after a vear -col- He married Emma Jane Bond there he attended Carleton of ^Hunter, N. D., in Fargo Nov. 26, .Iege, Northfield, Minn., the winter 1904. Besides Mrs, Witherow he of 1887-88. leaves a son, James M., Jr.. Den- i l'--Thg following year he came to ver, Colo., former manager of the I tvtoornead ancl entered Moorhead Moorhead Red Owl storeJ a dauehI N.olry"l school, now MSTC, from ter, Mrs. Karl (Grace) Schulze.I whrch he was graduated in 1992. Minneapolis, and flve erandchil- I He taught school a year each at dren. A daughter, Margaret. Margaret, andl Vincent, Minn., and Caledonia,ldren. Fj. a son. s g n , F r a n k , p r e c e d e Frank. nrecededd h him i m iinl 'N, D., retqrning nl ? ihen to.Moorheadj oeath. I where he had resided srnce. Mr. Witherow was a member of I On his return Mr. Witherow Moorhead Episcopalchurch: Moor-I took up the study of law and was head Masonic lodee: Scottiifr Ritel agmitted to the bar June 21, 1g9g. bodies in Fargo, and bar associaHe had since practiced in Moor- tions. He was a past commander| I head. He served g-s_crtyattorney gt1[e Knishts of Pvthia l l .l The mother of the bride wore q"gr.. of navy blue crepe with 1 matching navy and, whit'e accessories. The brideeroom's idegroom's motherlr mother wore light blue Crepe with oinkll and navy accessories. accessoriei. They Thev bothlt wore rose and carnation corsages. The flower girl, Debera Dun- v lLesterTentz ls '\(ed Girl To Nebraska Announcement is rnade of tht' lmarriage of ,Cpl. Lester R' Zentz, son of Mr. and Mrs. HarrY Zentz lof Aneta, to Miss Norma Jean Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Butler, of Hastings, Nebr. The wedding occurred at Formoso, Kansas on JulY 4. The couple visited brietlY at the groom's Parental ho.me on their return from a wedding triP TheY wiil rnake to Minneapolis, their home in Deadwood, S. D.' Cpl. Zentz ,bein,g stationed with his air corps unit at RaPid CitY, s. D. re> -i r * * ::j;nf".il1T"i'"""1 .,(pn #lfii$-Jf ..".*:rni lon and Mrs. Clinton Brown ":l: ur{of aq} }€ PU Irallrn^,,.o,1 nri-rtr^--. irm-u"*s kkk::;tnH*'F+f{*J'rfl rrom rarmin* uosu€H N. D. Miss Esther John_ I stead in 1gg2. Aftei his retire- lvrrchigan, |+"* coo'erstowl. I and Tft:J:;li"fr"st-'jri,flt'J -i,iil.;. .lt il""'1* I,it l*i: yg'.'_! au.ri;-H;i*;*-;d l;;: "."*l9l9i make his home in l;!a4ys friction-wer;;;# ;il; went to I | .Monrana aDout seven years ago. l-able. Miss Dona Lu Knauss Ind I Surviving are six sons, Eddie lvliss Dorothy Heyerdahl served. I in this county, Manley in Ore- I -b'or their wedding trip the bride I eon, Fred in Townsend. Mont.. I.s,wearlng a suit of rose_colored an orchid corcage. lForrano and Kenneth in Cascade, llaPrardtnslw.ith and Ba,rry i n c;ea; ;i;il s' l, n!,1,,,tn""T*i,t"1l IMonr., r$t i*if,"rt daughters, Mrs. .ot_t_oHgff.l,.iir'ii'eas" "f |five i;i,ii; Ivi;: ddil;; l1n,anof-{ususta, Mont., Mrs.-E"v l"itt "uiio"ilucf.-io ;fi'Ail-#;; Barr of Vancouver, W,ash., Mrs. lrasein Denver,Colo. ' Robert Cronich of Hom'er.Alaska. l- ,'-^ ^.' +i.reo tT.. l Mtt,.'Buford. Y€st of ,LoE'An€eles,1r and Mrs. Robert Scott of Plains, I I'Mont. The,re are also 25 grand I children an.d six great-grand-- | children. I i I r p ___=+ S. ^*TyWAutrl*14 - = 1 * - % | I n t h e e a r ' I 1 , c i g l t t i e r i T . Jrn' " trre o n .ea.y . j . Y '.isr,:ti"r > g q W u a L W t . [ l t " z ' 'Y' |C L c.,-'..l , ;:: 1- \il, 5lllr yl,{k1; , \! l r,lot -# Obituary I int1.?i*:*i*i;L:;ri,,r,xl jU-:t west Of C,':,jD,.1.:.tolvrIr lr,-yns1-,;n, i :+r.li. j ia t r i p t o L.alilt-, u.as r:edr rvllh I I'ltrt l r . ' t t y o f o i h e r ; r ' . ] c l i a ; g . cr f l l r . e e a r . . . i l ; oI mulcs, sixty in ,ru-Ue*. l.toads I I ff a rived at Sanborn on Apri1 1, lrnuy l Millard J'. Washbirryl, *.1osc.t,a,t, ,_ur" 41h was cfiriIirt,.ri i,,,ir,o*" "t1 colufnns lo,ritweek, was bor.r,n ir*,i D a v L a k e , C o u n t y ,I l l i u c i s , i ";-;;,.;', 2 5 t h , 1 8 4 8 ,b c i n g ? 3 y , .rme or his dearh -",-::'.:1 :*:' 1.'i | ';;;t. Day ror certain,,, ror as rar as, li:#""""#-;,':1T",fl'#;:,;l;;,1;;jl l;fl":[?:"",1";.:";["':;"":;]u'"',:;l itr ffitiri#:"r.;::j:i::Itii Iili*lJ;:ii:;*,':ii:llr;rI i['ffi=il 1" R t " 1 l - i :, . , .f t i r n . ' , . , , , * r j l , , ' , " - ' , ' , 1 ] , I n ' r s e a r J yc l a yD a k o i , ab i i z z f f i u J . w r f . rLlI X i u i i ; p ' Lt rr vvdab slr rr lai l d v !o lru * tLh ' se u rm u u lp J a 4 Lt T r uoww c re r C o ee o L : ri ttyy rf oor r lr*wlo ! I i : : : i : i i i i : : i i : o ln l tt hhCc o o nnl yl y rr ar iilfr .on a du. a . l| r :_" i " d -l ;...jfi i":;t of chicago.o sot"ltu, o1vs. The open cars rr'hich j contain-I li l ir,r;;;.;I rl noint the jourley t od lhg mules became a terrlble pface i) lboalcl the steamhortT"::l'j:^t'.::,:" s c ] , noise anar orhers who ir:ade thisl - fJ o"" t-uL little im,aginethe exrerienI cel ot l-, thosetwo days. I 'r'wo ' L ' w o yeals yeal's C iI::ill\1,:JJ;iffTi,";,t,i**j lffj; / Il:;Tff;,Xi,;'ffffJJ:#:ff I lt,ir of his flr'st t-n."**t"n*-,,no,l ;l arrivins :1:t9t I )f at Reclr,vr"*, ;;;;; :""# I ' ll 1;)'i o:ijc ,I llt d:a.r )ls,t'h:a l,i , :. .r v:l r-i r .o *1o:r o,\r ^\" . Ii l t| g : ' n n , ' " 'arter' u u ,l r.i s, ;ar'r'ivat | . . : ,t'r ":r .ie:l ".i l 1 ':r /:L:l , .( r:1 \' : :W-' A' L:K'Ei R, ,; ] .ro"*""1f .^.'..,,trut a f t i ' l ' rris f ormerlj a l l i v a l n"'" ' [tl-_::39{ _W-otKt-R, a n a c a r r i e rm v j l edrvin;anir.,en"-,",''i'il na r rdnct ior o n phri os vf ae rr n n or ar tnosdn a f l e r l i ; l : ! : " * B a l e s m a n ',ll"Loiunrreeoaf ttR n e s c a r e J n e s u r i : " e r t a - s a rjc - ll -f -. .s, chLat,ltelm hislSlill T1.IuY1,,T-1**:.,"uI1"d_9,t19 Route Buildereditor sult or trrelnaians,';;"'r.;;:"ii'ill-l whilelr l.as marriedf6 fT;ccl'."''"1" l;'ltne l-lhomeon lea't'e'Ire explained l#":.'he thatl. ticular n.i'sr"r"i.o';'rT::::",,T;l rrttsel of st. clair, ,:,lictrl '-,1.::-1"?.t*1 l,',, It earrv.experie""" *inir'" ,"," Buch"rookerl tsucrr" 2, 2' 1888. 1383' t",**r",]iill, i'oi-ethe:,_1i lookedar-,rin. lllTi;:l* .-T:, at- hi'r throush ;; i :;i.,:t"'" ril.'t"", a big help ";lln"fl ; Fl; bedroomwindow,in wrrich;;on, ;; I ",rr"u i i"iT;,*l':l.T;: :,i:":T.,:tl:.t",'u liljot,,uatr,J,,"uy. Manyyounsrer_tc rvasplaving. Mr. \v;1shbu1'tr.uu, iotaI horvhe hid under'.,irebc,l au(l finnlly felr asieep,sta,yirlsin 'ir,. star,r tro,; I I all the upi; aII .L;r,'rs.t"t. I,":^l"tt"* il!1il*" *i.o-r,u.,runever workeu,r"ult the bitter with the s'"',-c':t. irrll'er-jijit arri"ult to adjust 1r"**"r""rlij I ]11 c1:'ougtrt, trtf,t; who know how to *;;i;ll I ::t^1.:":..11t11:.ui,^ lne l.rirhose freeze-outs and iow grain prico'i job lcng he does not knolv but at leust | long enough to give his orrrlnt: o I g e n u i n c s c a r e ,t h e y f , " f t " " i " * ,r,lr,*. ] up f:ola assigned to them iru"" | 1' t') i903, whcn 'r'.hefamt wls l'('nted. ". Lt+ I I ltrouble. H e met and talked with th"lt t,1 1907 lre crrtre 10 Conn r'.,rnunlvf | r;are been iaken by;,;;;;;;;.:";;; | )l::"-1,"..1;l :ljl;!l;liii+#tlli""'l'"-ffi3",:Tfie#:;il pdr"l{r-:c'. rre rLit4e:ll::,.1'..:r::l ol anctlrer ;T;i"u?*tfT; -l: parentshappincss ."t o"'*rr.tr,'o'", trlon discovering their tnv ari,ok,,rr- ed rlom Iris sreep .,.r*i,,,*"rr, ""u rronrunaertre rea. Mr'. Washburn | 1lr.n f "e'ltr l:ltlii-eii"*:;f FropertY n-r'tb of Crronrll'stou'nldlyoung men. \M*hhrtntlritsl,r,ra-r rrir'11r f .^-lt. f :l:r;f,3%"jr$i "f,tlru"#3;|""r3fiuln Lhisconrnruir,i'l3ji5"_ii,o"-iJtogdr,,.he said. .rrr"$lr*. ^;'ii. l::'1",:l:d,citizen,irr er'.l has b.':n of tt:r flr rr, rl 'rr ,r.e from. to years I lwere Za- receivctl .is c.ucl,1,7 l_| prrhrit po':iii'r[r.],r,.r rionin rhe.,ritfle "1..u":;;;; i,i L . rffifft#"" $-']&::""1';*i:,'l "t l, | ]l:1 #;i;1"' "tu [Ini.rerriity, electerl c'Iecteo a nlemDer a memberor of tlc tlo city house"and house" .t,"|ili.&-"*i.|r* and at at llamlin lramtin fight u"A Lrniver,-:ity,l\'\'tis and w"-tiu"ult9 *" *"":lli lf iw€s a terrible*fight trrl'as rj'^.r:?1r:i:iflt:""f,i.:l{."-y."t];.#xfH_I"i#i r.,.rrere hewasa stirdeot t,, ii,u [:"_11:u"-1ii.y? ^'i"-,y1".1 r rnetheinsrirutio, *;: "B il;,,' 1; --.tal_s_1i;"" ncar the Twn'Cities. e.t*",." r,:. I *::':,1:.:'::'i1,.::.:::l*..ll,l.l:: was eleclc'tlo iill an uncxpiri-dtelnr ijill,E:i'f;::r'?j:iT;lltl,:Lgrlfil h;;i i;;'H"ff;rf'ji"ri;""liF, ltf f scrroor *"1";;",;_i*,iil$; termsi nerar_ored i" :r,--*r,in_ l:: :t"i:::l:l ^.tl::l:^,i. :i-^._i-_"j,l_ltt hospitalizid, o s p i t a l i z i da n d - a t - " i " i ; i t n u sh e d P r e s i d r ' not f t h e s t e e l er - , r / r r i o a - l - l w a_T"*:";lE?" g t e m i [ s r o s u r , i r , . rrr; ; . , , i i , ; , : ; , ; ; sisrer. his his fe.lLr,,,r rrr1,..- having rro'in- rlird .ri.j inl ,.-, a sister, f l(-'ounty ltlount:' c,l,t Seitlcrs ol;i seiile|s Ar.'ciitiilnf;l;fifrr.-, , where somi .i"t"t"idlYr1 &t, ",'.:.u"ri,?,J-J3l9Lth"re-n*"-r.t*u '::".;,,1;'J ':,\P bu Jesslor,)\ ,li,ii,:',1;;"1:: ,l:.,XT i'"1i,:Til:"J\i,:'#i,l:il, iii:ii ir,tc the lumirer br,lsin:.,. a* a .rl,s- i , Iihe . Gri'gs Count5' tr'armers Mulual i hy experienc"* i" ..fr' sru; ;;.;rr;.r;. j e f c-rrtirru',rl i,r'the dutie: of tlrlt office I utuu.r, members of I)EO Sister. at' to the time cil his c':eiL ctr .)rrly irrilling busincs,; anc a. perlir,,l,rr l,-r,.I .l"p lhood. chapters in Fargs rvill ccm'any. "l'11 '1,?l,ll"-"'grm plc3mentrrit1rthe:rn.:,:cann,1,.i.:,.Jn[41921.l:.,"f".'\i":|,lnoilWl \Hi,*:l{ \8'ffit.'"H: It%',.*Xi.: *#'i':;"1 ffi$trilr$' ---u1 ---_.-. In the early cigltie,r 1'. J. Co'n"r i', f t I i n r l u c e t tM r . \ - i a . ; i r i r u - n t o S , , r . , I on 11tarm srtttlt,d J'Ie Dakota. Sorttr I I I in u'hat is notr' kncw:r as Wa:;trlrurn"' tr,ivnship, just west of C,roll,lt'i'towtt' I 'fhe .lr,hoso trio to Lttlrt'tr uras l"ade rvllh c, i Millard f'. Washbug, | tleailr on July 4th was chro[irl,:ri in tll(.j{c l CrrtV of otherq r'il cli?rlge r f tlre car'i colufnns last week, was born in llalf l'loads of mules, sixtY ln number. Antil 1. j Day La.ke County, Illinois, crn Aplrl I rhey atrivcd at Sanborn on 2 5 t h , 1 8 4 8 , b o i n g T 3 y e a r , so f a € i ea t I t sSf . l\Ir'. IlTashburn ca'llerl if a i ''FoolsDay fol celtain," fol as far n'' time of his death. I{c ',v:t,srhe foiilth | I son of Seth and Orra Wa.shbur.nanrl I ttre eye coulcl reach one could see I l i v e d i n I l l i n o i s u n t i t 1 g b 5 r v h c r L , I raothing but snow. He and his nar- | o with 'his pal'ents, he came rn,est ttr I ty trad come through one of tho f'am- | s. triizzEit;'wr-lc! n'rs Dakol,a early day Iicil Wi;rg:, -Vlinn. .fhc t,il; l.r this ! | , s Touer City for two tied at thenr up I I point rvas m,ad,eon the orily railroad c I cars which contain- I .'l:cstof Chicago to Salelra, fr,:m rvhch ] I a o y " . T h e o p e n | p l a e e c d t e r r i b l o a j m u l e s b e c a m e i h c r , point the journey iv-ai continued on I { boalcl the steamboat Ladl- Ilranklin. I I for noise antl others who inatle this | ) ) l\[r. Washburn has.often told tris ] I trip with Mr. Washburi declare that | c I one can tittle im,agine the expelien- l-fricnds of his fir'st imprc5.iions upon ] I ccs of those two days. ) arriving at Recl Wing. l)J t Theie rvere I DLDON WALKER, former ' r * o y e a r ' : .a f t c r ' } i s a r t i v a l t r . r ' e r':oie Indans than rvhites at that I | l s ?street Falesman. anrd carrier boy l, t h i s f a r n r a u d a n d s c l t l e m o n t o n a t l c r time at Red Wins and he has totd of i I l t e for The F algo T'orum, called on o n h i s n o i t i r p t ' o v c l r l e r ] 1 s ] r a t l r r r a d e I l 5 r,otueof the scareshe suirrlcri zrsa r.c_i t.lre Route Builder editor while sult of the Indians, _onescare in pa1- | I n l a e c , h e r v a s m a r r i e d i o I f i s s I ' l r r r y l ' ' home on lea.i'e, Ife explained that t M . I f u s e t o t S t . C l a i r , i l i c l r i f r r L u .t l i i . , ticular being relatcd as ho\r a ,:Big I l r e his early experience with the For] r:1rJu]1 2, -1383. ro!.etl-ior.lti; o"i um has been a big help since he r Buclc" looked.at' him ilrrough the i l; ir'r's. \Yashburn operatcd thc fartn, joined t}te navy. Many young felbed room wind.ow, iir lvhich rcom hd enduling all the upt; atr tlttv',n;, laklows who have never worked find rvas playing. Mr.. Washbur.n jras told i r g t h e b i t t e r w i t h t h e s ' u r o ' : t ,s u f f e r it difficult to adjust themselves. Irow he hid under iiie bc,,larrtl linally Those who know how to complete ing thg blizzards, the el:'c,ughi, ht*l; fei] asleep,sta.yirlg in iliri statr: hory a job assigned to them have no h'eeze-outs and low gt'ain liri,:t" up It'ng he does not knor.v bul at lea,st l trouble. t,r I903, whr;tt i'.he faritl wits r:tnted. long enough to give his O?trgnts a He met and talked with the t be carrle 1.r) Cooprrtr:torvn, L r r I 9 0 7 genuine scare, they helieving hirir to crew of the ill-fated German de* r r b e l e } e h " . q " i n c r ' l i o " ' t l r : t l . S i t r c e - stroyer, tht Graf Spee, and relates + r liave been taken by the Intlians. The ^hfl,srp that they were a fine group of of ariother lhen he r.rit.le prtl parents happiness can be .guess+td c at young'men. ,'r ' rir propertv n't'l ll of C()op(1]'stown. d rtl:on discovering their boy awakeu"T'hey were gentlemanly and p I'lr. Washhttr:t b.as b,;rlit a ltii;itly easily c e spoke English so it could .They ed from his sleep antl crawlin.g 'rut t( r e s p e c t e d c i t i z c n l r r L h i s c o m . l l u n i r . y e be understood," he said. fronr under the bed. 'tt ,t,e were from years L7 to 23 old. r l o f t c r r f a l ' t r , ar,d has b.ron 'Washburn Speaking of the sea fight in which s€ Mr. received his educar v a y o f p u b l i c p o s i i i , r r t s . l n . I ! l I l r e , I the Spee engaged, one told me ,it AI tion in the "little olcl red iicli(rol 'n,as electecl a member of the citY' was a terrible fight and we were to house" and at }lamlin Llnivelsity, pretty .welt terrified. We c o u n c i l a n d w a s r e - e l e c t e d i t t 1 9 1 3 . : all weren't there to fieht aU the Ene-llr vbere he was a stitaleni up to tho Again bJ'special election in 1918 lie I tJrne the inst,itutlon was :.noyrr! lc . Walker inet the Geiman sailors ll3: rvas elected to fill .an urrcxpif i)d te1'm near the Twn'Cities. Betwe.:n t,ls at Montevideo, where a eroupllTl h e r v a s e l e c t 1 9 1 5 I n a l d e i : , ' n a n . a s -l was hospitalirdO, atra at e*uenoirlllj school terms he '-aboredilr n-h: shlneal President of the Steele and Griggs Aires. where some were interned. Aires, interned- l$j lY.' gle mills to suliIi:J'!. nis rcr,ther attd A;';"ci:itirrn' Walker returned to service inlPL' O1i'l Seitlers Oounty r s i s t e r . h i s 1 . r 1 1 : . ,lrr a v i n g r J i e . di n I lvhich p;siLion he has sitrc;: held. Irt o l Fargo Fomm paper carrier a^ndljl -'i64 during the Civil trVri". After I set)l()al'y of May, 1ir t i he became Western tjnion messenger.' he en-if" lcaving school Mr'. \A'asLbrrln rvcnt j Iisted here in May, 1e391 the Gri;Es County X'armel's \{u1-ual llli ir'tc the Iumjr-r brrrin:". as a sai s- : | L n s u r a t r c e C ' o . a n d L j g l L L n i ' , i : ; t " r : : a r ; L d or1I i!11110,[d sort3r. 'Ihis lvas 1o11"1' e by experiences iir ihe grain btrsintss, Obituary f rt'l;-,Y]-L":l il'99 -g-:!k'tt".gi|li ill _l N:::'JL9Iv -+t1t19.-9r- I IH Il inilling busine.,; anC a llelirrrl uf €lrrplr"rment witlt ihe Amt::'ican IllI't'uslr Ccmpany. n LE ,,U0, ALI]t[lTI BHI/IT?T SPECIAL MEDICAL CENTER NEWSIN THISISSUE RoadToll In N.D.IJP GRAND FORKS, NORTH DAKOTA-DECEMBER, 1954 Six More NUMBER 5 4imlcs tfrl;'i\l|ut Reportson Camelback Reunion By DICK WESTLEY Clasi of 1934, Elmhurst, Ill. To anyone iiving near the Great Likes and iccustomed to changes in the weather every houi on the hour, the most immediately striking t h i n g about Arizona is t[at everpresent sunshine. Cool in the evening, sunny and warm durpush button ing the day weather if we ever saw it. And for those of us lucky enough to attend the North Dakota reunion November 1820 at Camelback Inn, the next most striking thing about AriZpna is Camelback itself and the genuine hospitality of Jack ahd Louise Stewart. North Dakotans began arrlving as early as Monday and by Thursday evening quite a delegation was on hand to welcome three students and Dr. Dorothy"Univ-ersity, Lipp, Dean of Women at the when they arrived from Grand Forks. Classes Continue It seems that the Dean didn't buy the idea that this was jusi a lark for the three delegates from the campus (Dot.", Paulson of Bismarck, Marilyn Simonson of Medina and Tom Sullivan of Lisbon) and conducted classes in the history, geography and geology of whatever part of the country they were traversing at any given moment. They also stopped to visit on the campuses of the Universities of Nebraska, Colorado and Utah and planned a similar visit to the University of Nerv Mexico on their way back. IVIore than 100 aiumni had,: arrived by Friday, the evdairq$ of Jack and Louise Ste'"vnr{t's 'briver Of Cari i"fu*alCraghi,.= North Dakota's road accident toll wi. increased bY six deaths over l:r reception in their beautiful home just beyond the Inn. The three students had taken time out from swimming that after_ noon to rehearse with Mrs. Lloyd Stone and furnished the highlighls of the open house performing-Marilyn and !v Tom with vocal solos and Dolores on the violin. Tell of U Activities The reunion banquet was next on the agenda that same evening and was ably handled by Dewey Balch, 1931, acting as M.C.; Lloyd Stone, 1930, brought us up to date on activities at the University, sqho: lastic as well as extra-curricui lar; Henry Lykken, 1905, dGscribed some of the tunciiciiis of the Alumni Association and President-Emeritus J o h n" C. West again proved, if it were still necessary, that he has a good story and a worthwhile werekillerl in auto accidenis SundaY'-two men SaturdaY' gnd a ii.A in t.t"sh ln a man died of injurie-q suttereq yrrishapa week earller' The latest victims were: JosePh -nitt. Foley, l?, son of Mr' John' FoleY of , g?1g I t ., ""U Forks. Kenneth Wright, 21, son of Mr' arihur w' wright' "ri--il* Cooperstown. Arnolil W. Retzlaff, 23' CooP' son of Mr-s' Wlltam .t;il;;; Anseles' calif' 6i';;;'-i"s nonert M. Gooden,?9' Grand of iniuries suf' friit,-*ri"-aied i"t"u in a JulY 1? accident' ff Folev died SundaYas trvo cars -ffiiles in the Larimore ru-lrrda iigettrer G'Eq west ;;;li .of fr""tit.-i"rr.v-wasthe dtiutt 'f u North Dakota Vehlclc Death' Jan. 1 to Datl rI 67 ,,,,166 ,e5, ;ffid;ftnided witttonedriven - schultz, !113'Ii; ii'rvi"oiia ord tti--Year-irsJiiirti, F;i;;;;' T; i13i"i,iffi;#""T::",?"":: and John Edie' br{liiJi,-'crtutles, "a;;td -li;rks, escapedserious fi, injuries, ffi7. r -,rr.,,i|*1"*il"h.;"?IlJ#;iffi,". * * * losr .6r-IW,.wtghtS" il;_-fi; 1ffi"_x3iti{i#^;6#:} cJIv'.N^?;"T:#11,1[Dies VALLEY Lt94 d il:*?;,T""il:l',f.L?I;Tri:l men The two CooPerstown trteir- rivei Sunhavtlt:t,t19,^l1l i James.af D.-rur!: "j N. ?9",.,otTh.it;t "'#H"#r,iJiiiffi1ro*oN, ;fffi'ilr;lthi;;i. ;r Sh;;;, w;H;d;;-il templating.hisl'-,_l* own ::,1,:"i; height or diedr :::l?:I,-':X onlv five fe-et six)'Cooat a hospital Grid Movie Shown P. iL.rt.*","N. ' Tom Sullivan, president of 2 Satat be will service Funeral urOuu'*1tr" Presbyterian Church, the student council, brought ;h; Ii.u. JamesHendersonofjiciat- greetings from the student ing. Quam Funeralllome ot uoo-l body and later in.the-evening in iilt. ^ llperstownis in charge. I narrated the movie of the rec e n t N.D.-N.D.A.C. football H"ewill be .q*-it::{^|] tit^,Y"i::ll- urr. Wrisht was_born^lVlay,,17'] Ireland.Shecameisame. We did our best on some County_jail.*in.*_-li^.llu.:""JJi"'Jdllra6or1"_p.1t"st, rn which-the ?._.]9:i: i^. rousl Tal-luniversity songs,with an inr^nolpo rne u. J rn 1886and_was does not have faetlttteslor assistfrom the three liiea to Mr, wright in-November'lvaluable Yvrlgn! Mr. ,,-.lergraduates and direction term.prisonerll -^^,,..1 *o"ol ltBsz,_at Cooperstown. accidext the memb^el,:: in a w.as Kined ;;' Bob Ryan, 1934, but the ^Jr"#lloj.o;" r.sr.lr;ltre ll.tll.J,'jrt#i*Ji'I"r* |( larr '"'tiigh*"y PatrolmanIvan Erick' said the pi1; C,iop..stown s*-'o'i oflin il;;*;i;".e4 ryih'.west *rti"tris in Sjeelec.:l[lD iiTil.v, '+i'*irLt'no.ttt and 3? miles westlm ot"l%lo"no*tson, t:!1l{ltu' steele 'lhe told rvrona"v s {etq9l m.rg1 "#inJi,he will holdan inQuest o Forum w$[i ug ;h;;;;iil of thetwoArgn' AttY'.?. arwl States. conferwith states *',*lUfil-0 ! c, #*1,*":'i""r""i#ti ffi;dfi'I m hospitaLl mJ"' "r!n":* $i"lTJwere.sffi"*'t.&ll&.l|t4.n.'nvt.'ianChurchandIadlesliJ.::::li:Ey.:i:{f*.r"'1: "t?:1!: i,rri"ii'ay"-*iles nanorcap when wnenrtr it corr comes to west of Finlev[lo'X,,-,,,,,,.oaro three Arthurla handicap rhreesons' sons.Arthurla^ Su'tt*|'tt-"-berine the words' i|'l;'l"fli: ;i'f:.ffitr"1""t'.""tll."illy:""':"*:: rn thecar'llgiP^tp:t:lJ{:tft*i"ll passensers Two rwo orherpass€nsers'HT;?idll;.;iilc-;rif., of ArKenneth ind .',k'i'19:'t:XJli#:llijLg,g]i?l;:Fga[11':'3i#"li: $ilL"o'Xft il?ff".*hr''v#*,*'i:-'.laf f*ft';iy{ili1i,;s#[ :uiill$fr :;;li"'tiiat rreirinewas helclt"il$?I^Xltf' rvul'l'' 4'u G t ,-) A t-"a t*"20,^andl".. :l' kg -tffi'ffi',',T"' 1ill "i?"-"c"iv it.v -o1qon, i,iiiionbr.on,zi, bottrfrom.cooP-ls Ver-l' erstown-nutnot related,and p, q9H!91"Y.An-lt non Anderson,. hosPitalized' .li ;;il;-;;. --Air--"dt phvsician- saidll attending Gary Olson sustained.f"c," l?991-ti .ttest and back abrai' id.i. c; is in good condition' ;i"il: "ia iliiliit otton was-released from iii. rti,.pit"t Mondaymorning-after i'JlJiii'ig"i't.ii*;;1 ror a bruised l' tn3ilt"uuf;u,., or wrjghtand laff are at the Quam Home in CooPerstown" * : * * r-ourse srelr-afl,. North Dakotans besan arrlving as early as Monday and by Thursday evening quite a delegation was on hand to welcome three students and Dr. |lFu 'f,r"iver Of Car In Fatal Craqh 'f GetsYear Y':?i fif, ",lX?#&X,# ;iTi:TlH;olu"H;""';T1'n?,'.kF Mexico on"their way back. of the Alumni Association IVIore rhan 100 aiumni heiL arrived by Friday, the evdqi.@' of Jack and Louise Sternarft's and President-Emeritus i o Lrr1'rC. 'West again proved, if it were sti1l necessary, that he has a good story and a worthwhile thought for any occasion. Dean Lipp introduced her three eharges and gave a very en_ tertaining account of their 67 ,-,166 1e6' car which c.nided with onedriven tt u.oiia - Schultz,37' Larimore' J'8--"rohn -"na vear-old i"s.'itiittr, Folev's' -diino i'ii#]"tr'i'i.ii noi'' serious Forks,escaped ii, injuries. * * * wr!ght$: i'&s. [*"J{:rri{H iT#:""l1 d 't )ies At94 men ros[l The two CooPerstown their lives SundaYwh€n the carl i if,:*ilil",il$,111*;hi:; J:tT.#'$'f .tl;iii*.'#;ffi |( .sHARoN, James.A,f:]|19:1, j:"X, drif ts,ana.9on; N. D.-n4r^s.' tfr#li#rtgrti,6i, if Stt"t"n,died' templating-hisown height of WuarurO".v"in a hospital at Coo- only five- feet six)' Gricl Movie Shown N. D. Tom Sullivan, president of Funeral service will be at 2 Saturluy ln the Presbyterian Chlrch' the student council, brought tt. fi.v. James HendersonofJiciat- greetings from the studEnt Judge John Sat{ to serve a Year ing. Quam Funeral Home ot uoo-i bod.v and later in the evening charge. in cnarH,e' perstown ls is ln in rel lll narrated the movie of the re_ "'ff'"jail. *itt be committed to the Cass was born May 17'l cent N.D.-N.D.A.C. football Wright Mrs. CountY,.. Steele since Countv :uit 1860,in Belfast, Ireland. She camel game. We did our best on some in'iiiictr-the aeeidentoccurred to the U. S. in 1886Itql_i:_flllUniversity 1886and was ryar-lUniversifv sonos en insongs, *zifh with an inlong for facilities Joe* not have ried to Mr. Wright in November'l,'"r,,"r.r^ ".".;, from the three l'lt.'riiiehil::t"^11:^l::rst Cooperstown. at 18e2, shewas *.*n.t"oi flo:'^ei"*il:t diedin 1e11. ,"li lll"."tlgl 1e34' but the " Pv^r"t,-1u-1"' fti:b'i'u#iliiii;d1ffi#;tiioi.i, Ye.arsc.?nbe quite aid. lTt:l::lle it comesto arethreesons,Arthurla^l::ul::l-yhen Surviving the words' ciiiJiii"*n, charlesoi sacra-l'remembering "r mento, Calif., and Kenneth ot--Ar-l Mrs'l iineto;.Va.: two daughters, William (Ethel) Grieve. Sqqlo4'I and Mrs. RoY(MervYn)Lundbr'd'll iiir'tri-'inb-two sr*#; ': 1:., Ft' 4 the two actions" talDbYAf Ja,!. 1to Ddb '-fiign*"y lev. PatrolmanIYq F{*' ron^'o'fdoplistown said the mis'lct hap occurred 6/a rytles.w:st glll]t Flituv, which is in Steele.CountvlD 47 miles north and 37 mrleswestlm cluntvlM Steele "t"1%ltouourtson, rrlonOai [old The Fqrgol , "o-r*ui,ite will h;ld an inoueltintol f, n"r"m L w v ' : '49n' : . " ' ' : Hi w*l ";-l l r r s two oft the u death eaul Ithe ne u rI confer with States Atty. 'rj' --r''l tl "rr"i:Ji"t-'l J*'fJfi #,*l,J,:f |i !t*ll* hosnitaLlm rXl"l* wer" anaanbterlgl &.d' ;;'A;d.;';"* :;; the^^crash.'H hurt-in 'olron' ;iisiili 20, and- it u i?"-"crii botttfrom c-oon-il" oi-.on,-zi, rviirti,n erstown but not related' and ver-l' non Anderson, 23, Courtenay. An'', derson was not hospitalized. .li An atiending PhYsician said:.r ofin suitalired face lacer',1 c;; ations and chest and back abru'1' sions. He is in good condltron'l' Milton Olson was released fromlthe hospital Monday mornrng allerl receiving treatment for a brulseol' I shoulder. "'ih"'froOi.t of l\'right and Retz-l Funerall laff are at the Quam Home in CooPerstown. I Funeral service for l!fr. Retzlaffl will be held at I P.m. Wednesdayl in the TrinitY Lutheran Chu-r-cnl Cooperstowir,with the Rev. Mr'l "i officiatinC' .- | A. P.-Tidemann'1932, '-'Born Arnold Wil'l Jan. 26, liam Retziaff served in the armeol forces two Years. from -1952 tol 1954, and had been worl(lng onl the farm of a cousin, Heynolol Retzlaff. near CooPerstown. I He is'survived bY his m-other'l ChaPman Mrs. William 9t losl .0.rqeles, a sister, Mrs. stanleYI oneI and Calif.' J'a':'son, Rodeo, Li,;t:qer,,Donald, CooPerstown' I St' ,ce for Robert KennethI inl V riii,r. will be at 4 WednesdaY -Presbvterian Church in Coo'l rr -with Mr. Russell.Ras-i r'r:rstown, .russen.studentpasior. officiating'l I Burial - f G s ; ; owill f be at Sharon,N. D' Mr. and Mrs' A' W'l Wrieht. he was born APril 8' 1934'l and-was graduated from .CooPers-1 town High Schoolin 1952.A studentl at the Universityof North Dakota'l he was a member of Sigma Nul fraternity, the Market u]u0 anol Dalrota PlaYmakers. I Besides his Parents he leaves al Forks,l James of Grand --a 'eiunamother. brother. Mrs' Maudl ino I Flack of Milton, N. D' AC Little Internationwl Sh,owOpensToduy Saddle and Sirloin club will oresent its 25th annual Little Iniernational' Livestock show today at the feld house. John Mvrdal of Edinburg, N, D., is general manager. Preliminary judging will begin at 1:30 today. Other events sch_eduled during the afternoon are a larm equipment demonstration at 1:30 at the Maintenance building and the school of economics style revue at 2:30 in the Little Cou_ntrytheater, Clothing will be modeled by the girls who made the apparel in clothing classes at the AC. Also featured wiil be clothes from some downtown stores. The public is invited. The big sholv will begin at ?:30 m. in the field house where Queen r:ii:lit,:,i,i:l :::t:: ::l:i::ii:i No16 Westmal Anet& N. D, I r, awa will and Another attraction will be Chin Morris and his famous cow pony "Bl_ack,Fox." The Gold Star banci, Male chorus and Future Farmers of America quartet will add musical highlights. .J.utlging of fitting and showing yiil- be in hog, dairy, sheep and Deer ctasses and awards will be made in agronomy, horticulture. poultry and machinery divisions. Ptan')n"ro W"d;V;n Miss Nola Westman, ilaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Odin W. Westman f Aneta, N. D., ancl Oscar Huso, r.. son of Mr. wiil $*e-G.[a.b *nLu'" l1 f;:i":gj,{;, be mamiedic , t O c t . 6 . T h e s e r - l )tsl,t,{A/O [.. ' ui"'u *ifi"U""'inl Sundahl Luther-l an church atl rifi";;._-""-"1 ir l\{iss Westman QUEEN NOLA WESTMAN of Aneta, N. D., wiil be mistress of awards at NDAC's Littie fnterna_tionallivcr$ock on the iampus '_- -_:today. ER'_:: To Marry On lin. 24otl I were feted on their y. annivelsaly. anlrvel'sal trr {" . ERSTOWN * Mr. afd ohan.Watne rvere honored on wedding anniversary. COOPERSTOI4I|I - Bruce West-;lt ley of the Universit.y of Wisconsin.ll tj,.,,iiii. li a native of Cooper,stown,is author'l li a journalism book. "News Edit-it iij*r{*,,i:il :l$ilfirltr?r*"Ttf I I, flt,#:t ";I'-,D;;in';d,ii""if, o"ct'er' son'olli ;l-, f;"'if"J' !ii:' R. p. Arche" or,'lii:.:,+i Finley_,N. D., on l '"fo:"3n*.;;;; ii"16'"T,ii" "j r;rl,?*;ftil silon Omicrdn andJ{appa Delta -t r. -t(or the past year she has 6een employed as ur rau t(apDa K"pp-+ rpiii.'i, :l]*y and Sisma-ki. i, ffiii *- Dr'. W COOPERSTO1VN Peterson, MinneapoJis daity s tist, will speak al-the Shelenne ley Breeders Assn. meeting 1; ;is a 1951 NDAC naduate and member of Kappa Delta. MlssWestman l\tlr. Huso at. attends NDAC and is a member of Alpha Gamma Rho. and Alpha Zete.,.,honorary argicultural iralertlrL. -V7'tg1;," -,1 I . f\$&*is the best?" f-l${C."lilink ^J.v The above is all taken from this old $affir. t'hich is now a little over 50 years ol{. rWt'. are wondering if any of you membersdivp near Cooperstown,N. Dak. could tq!'us , who Ftr.!1i. rnight be and if he is still t*iif/ wish to have more of thes{ If-yijGffiFrs printed in our newsletter' let u{ -grtihes hnow, as there are a number of fnlereltinS| shCrt articles in this old paPer.rrti , I { t , { lrq, Richard O. Westley, Ft. Wayne, Ind., is vice president of grain merchandising for the Central Soya Co. sieiiiaCau ut s*"g tn woncerr UerT tffiiiffi"g;i-[i T lpff-:tfii:i$1'#*'u /m{iiiU,ullb;,,i:,:._:J;I:y i il #kr-r/ i@ !V ";;p; l,T"F."r.**:*,:, lx""f."3ilfr IM.F.WASHBURN % - , - |r.yv y PASS'DI suna+ x"*rti:"s##mr'*l |SUDDINLY tr Js"*i""s "..". uvarhfu:i is lij,.?,oiou ar o il- 'IA}YAY JUIY4THj:1".,;rmi-r"y-il#jt$*{:3il iil l*"""[.r..',"*..YX' rifrwfrr i | - JULI - 1 t t I l i . 1 l " L n o " , , . r h e r e r n a r n s * " i . . ; , # H lIic; o o p e . s t o * ' n , i v . o . - s e r v i c e s i lIthat 1,"t t o Red R e d Wing, wint, lN s a m e ,afternoon same a t t e r n o o n to st e s i d e tttrose hose beburiedbbeside ." lrtq'1""'."t'f,to nof t I IIn torro.. [$oi'frl* ll*# be shedrv t1e| | rhat tearssh-outcr '. I Distantreadersor these ,,o.u,i L r, enrire people of the communitv in I tt who were once cooperstown lreaours ll vlr be ';-;";;"J;;;;;J:;It thecasei1tu.tn1lu111llu-ll"j-ll:II , Iresidents, TlMirro.ofr M. F.. !'. \fashburn vYas'r'urnrs iis wltu with lis us fo he hrlried people should crown his gravelp lwill bc at 2 Sundayin the Belhle- li:Tr#;.:\1"#:-"":^"':l lfor JohannesN. Wathne,66, ::I: who 1ff3$. ?"t$:""&u?""ii,1i :ii,o.il*: l*itii s. .l-'O,1"*"Tr.u."i ii-. tn |:l::q:..f1L1,'*li'-tJ^i"'s""o" lcemetery south of here. in this word than *"*'f,i.".{"*., ,#;""'T;::I lsame rrrends andneighbors in , lr.li.-*3: l;*1ti;ir?J";i#",1 ;ffi; il;";='"X;ft:'"i'""', l:l,l r:l^::.:r*: *,:::1"::r"":.".".*::i'l #:: l !:y""i::_*.1r1::,"l?i" li;"01*?;d"'f,H""o'"""',iJi;rea t':" "J-T^,*"^'; ;"-f.:il I I: liX%tr"':.13-'{:"lt""t . Il insorthewordorhisdeath ;:Si:["i,l.#-ii onMon-| 11andi"*", ,"i *nr such c '"""'l a lovin8 wrLrr De,athsreet s r e c L with day' July 4th. | | ltoTh' ::'j' t '"'ouu. I; *-t Mr. and Mrs' washburn h.act had left rurt I| 1lI .and Mrs. washburn old friend washburn i= gorr".| . - lIi n. tn:lr t h e i r car c a r M o n d a y mornlng m o r n l n g to t o lIt 1 l | anott ^ ^ + L ^ ^ m n is i c stricken i " , i . i ; ;tne ;1. I e | 1n. erh-name "-Monday " + " i . r . o i trom r ldrive into the"Mose communitywhereJ , I l_li"_"i'^"-'^^'.i:::-:,:;;;;^;,;';;;rr.^"" Ir eltrrr' eI Mr. washburn rv4Duuurr wished' wrsueu to ro rooK".arterl rookarter| |land "*'::tj::? :t1'1"::i:::.'.*j:fT a solif,ary wom&n in the sunsetlI Ii t-T:Il"t." matters' Mr. wash'I r are left I nome, lonely ttr", and a :s | ::i-" l I burn aBpearedas well ay-uslll l | "'i ;; attest how sadlyhe *tri O";J*J"a,l , "r s I thetrip. rhreemiles_south--or vrose, t . Io I ii *"r, beso; theset"ri". u"i"i""- i , "Ii;J'l'i:: ry1*1u91" ::^:-T%**lsh11:,Y1: I was taken ill.. He was hurried-i: li.i'i;,u"'";;il;i,i;;;'". | r' a tfeath t6ere is I :ec I uearesL lh.l_l ;;?;.""y;-i"-*u.r, n e a r e s t r&rm f & r m nome, h o m e , tnat qripr t h a t of o f .ElaI E d Solee, S o l e e , II :Y || ,ot ::. .the L ^ great d ' ^ n + cause . o , , c o for r n r grief. r r i s I tr His II I Bhvsicians_we-r:sum.m:ne$, I | il;" work was done and verv weu I r |t | llu .tut I Mr. w rvrr'. a s h b u r n nad wasnDurn h . a d bDreathed. reathed I before help could amive, was given as the cause hls.tast h is last | | ;:-^ hnnn a'*h rrac rr,ilps--afirt t r I I Oorr". Done with lifes duties-and I 1 ApoBlexy I | ;;;, never relinquished, | . t *rri.t death, g o e s t o "t h a t e v e r l a s t i n s r e s t l . .of | .li"'i", ', ' *T:T.":::::',.::,i' HilJ;"'.:""*' J"";"ilo?;? 11'.::{ 1,$: is no This hasty This hasty "call "calt away', away" +.f".i5ure of one of one of or"I com-ll our comlansuageat our no language | +.r-"[u." "t suchgreptacquaintance:_1.:_ *T 1,1r *;;;; *r,i.r'*J."" o1,1"qir residentof this community since "-q,lrj Mr. washburn's of sincerity i."v trr. ;;;H"il;';;: II j ffl-:,il,i1ff;;"J,; I very peri"nce of his life the writer .1. 1881, being one orthe;;;..;il: I neers to these parts, wrung thc | heart of the community ?nd baused I a pause in activities such as one who | !r'as so big a part of the everyday n'as evervdav |I llfe of the communlty as was Mr. I ?. II g. satefv say that he never met one who -'seemed ip _tomore nearly walk hantl [* ^ hand r."-,r with rrrirh his God. riod. Consdience Consdienceg-utdsuld: [^ o [o l' ed his every act. II€ was a morlel I o lfLTo" lirb?. Jan. 1, rSta, *iio-Oi:a ] are.two chirdrcn,Fror- I l--!"*iri1q n d Maurice. M a u r i c e at ; ; i -home, i ; ; ; ; . ' ;and ;; aj lli[:: e n c ca ""q Irvin Sharpe,of Bismarck, Jslcpson' ,"""l*,P;;9:-iniJ'i'z'isiisi'ri! lried.Maryarei-p.-iriil"'*r.,i lsurvrves. ll,gygf 'rhere "rro are six sisters in and rwo t.-oil.,eiJ,baaot ;"4 i:;;i;g'oi nuyllll,-"*lot'; N'J'_- lonne' ;'1"#,r finrshed:T:tr a fellowship #;ij'!l, t" Jj.-i: "j,91;r*.- 11'fdJ'n,^j;H"":;-^lJ:11:15i" 'jitil?1J"il:''.,ifil [:.$,?i,'T Sir-rai Hospital, Minneapolis. He is married and the father of two boys. Waslluln could cause. He rtual,l'ii m"ntat industry and a modelinli been,for a man of his age,in splen-I tu.hi" successfuleff.ortpto be a good| clitl health, and was daily as active I Acc neisl,Lor, a good frtenrl and a--Sood| , as the rest in the community in the Strietly honest ln everyl,t lChc"i,tr"tr. fulflllingofhisduties.Mr.Was1.-|-serviceherencleret[,healwayssou-|--j::_--_ burnwas73vears na qhl.to. "tT:^inilt_,?u; iry: ry:ii::.1"-:::,"^t:'"111lll{."t'*' T.g_Tl"T:p,11::."*:" li 1921, but his years were not marketl I L Crt"i"tittt, an honorabfe gentleman I cerased. Realizfng toalaf what ditrr upon him, he carrying himself tlblly ln every sense of the word was Mr. I lA;ashburn meant te u.s ?:rrd tf-the as a man in his late flfties or earlyl we gre g-wgfteto the redWashburn. Manyaclayspathwayhaslctrmmunity sixtes. atil he macle happier ahd brighter bv his I alization that a good and rightoous Obituray of the long and useful I ke I greetings. He commandect the re- i hi*+. h,as treen taken from our midst. , , To Mrs, Washburi tbe Seutinel- | t life of Mr. Washburn will be publish- I to I spect of all sects and classes of peo- | ed in these eolumns next week, the I gr I ple, as the attendanee at his funeral I Courier extends its sympathles, in I r veriffeil. I which we know overy man, woman I t delay being caused by a desire tq ob- | te I yesterday ,afternoon fully tain a complete account of his !ife, I or I lt was so natuial, it seems, for Mr. I and child in the comm+nity will wtsh I such as was not- immediatly avail- | w I Washburn to clo light and to cheer I to jotn' hnowlng, as we all do, iust I i^ l his friends along. We fear we dTd l hovt' g1s61 must be the grelf of one Sble. I not appreclate the full worth-bf Mr. I who has enjoyed the cohstant com'Washburn until after the thread of I panlonship for so many years of so life wag severed antl tboBe almost I gootl a soul es M. F. Washburn, Martirr tr{fltF* Martin Ole Wallum was born in Ringsaker, Norway, - May Zgth, 1861; emigrated to Ameriia with his par€nts in the year 1g6g, and settled in -Holmen, LaCrosse Coun_ ty, Wis. l}"re he was also confirmed. Itr 1sEO-hc came to North Dakota, where r,^.vre was w@D E be ss employetl urlrtuyeu as a 5 l_*--*"*r farm hand. With the erception of la ;one winter he worked for three years receiving a quarter section o.f I land as payment. In the year 188? he was married to Clara Christianson Narume from Tot,en, Norway. To thts union ten children were born, They are Mrs. Mabel Anson of New England, N. Dak., Mrs. Olga Evenson of lfannafoid, N. Dak., Chester and Justin WinterFuneral At Suuon Friday Wanner, Early Dr. Kingsley Resident l^aid To D.yFhysicianDies Restin MabelCemeterv AfterLastlVeek,: ,, --+ ) c,o'iL,;\+ Louis Winfer, son of Coniad and Barbara Winter was bonr at Sha,pville, Illinois, on March 8, 18?b. fi" was confirmed fur the German Lulb.. eran religion and attended the public schools at Slrapville, On January 3, 1900, he was rurited in marriage to Lillie Kaul of Elizaheilr, Illinois, To ttris union nra.s born one daughter, Mrs. Mona Root, of $utton. Mr. Winter rasided on his father's bomeslead at Shapville, fUinois, for three lWattum, of Watum, N. Dak., Mrs. years. He then moved to ElDabeth I Theressa Trangsrud of Wimbledon, and entered the miiling business , N. Dak., Mrs. Dena 'Williams of witlr hirs brother-in-law. Ill 1920 he rnoved, to his present Madison, Wis., Maryen Wallum of home in Kiagsley townstrip, wLrere [fanuaford, Johnnie Wallum o! he held the ofice of townshlp treaWalum, and Edna aud Beruice surer for the past eight years. Wallum of Walum, N. D. . He is sunvived by his widow, daughter, Mrs. Itlona Root, and four grand. The decea'sed.had been sick for children. some time. Not kno,wing Just what The fuaeral wa.s held at 2 o'clock it could be he went to crand Forks at the Methodist ohurch in Sutton. I I lto seek help Tho doctors dircover*1,conducted by Rev. Jones of Wimbledon. Bur{al was made iu the Milj ed it to be cancer of the liver so dred Hartrnaa Memoria.l cemetery nothing could be done.. He was east of Sutton.l The pallbearers confined to his bed at home and were ft!. Nisstad, peter Westerhou_ passed away at 11:18 last Monday, sen, George Knapp, Claronce Linse. J u n e 6 t h , a t t h e a g e , o f 6 6 y e a r s John Urban arrd Bert Ltmmesand. and ? days. I He leaves to mourn his demise I' his wife and ten children and three I brothers at Holmen, Wis. F.uneral services were held from the St. Olaf r I Ruth_Wufleltqd, Daughrer of, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad i WuflestadPasses^ r':. - k; Griggs coun,ty frienc.ls df ilre I'Xt_ ilylftt }erarn wittr regre,t the p,assing. of Miss Ruttr Wuflest,ad, da.ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oonrad Wuflcsi-aC. nc.v residents of Winnipeg Junction, Mi.n_ n'esota. The Wuflestads are olcl re_ g,id,entq 9f th.is county v,here they farmed in Sverdrup township. ieav_ ing'for Minnesota a few years ago. Inflamatorytrr.r-Lir,.i"*'r.il3ii"o I by blood poisoniag tvas the cauce of I her death, which occurred in IIin- i neapolis on X'riday, March j3. Shc i had been employed for somc ti:rc iu Mimeapolis and had been a patient -rveeirs_ iin a hospital there for sevelel | She wars 18 years of age. l Funeral serwices were held yest.er.day at Winnipeg Juncticnr, an uncr.e.i Rev. I(. P. Wuflestad, of Seat,tie.i lVictor Walen. is shown above, He I Wash., being irr charge of the ser_ | lrvas the son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor' vices. Rev. Wuflestad had been in' lWalen, sr., of Sutton, N. D. The Minn€apolis attending a churoh con- i I body has been taken from A. J. fere.nce. I lWrlght and Sons funeral home, lMoorhead, to S. J, Quam funeral lhome, Cooperstown, N. D. FunerI al services probabiy will be at lGlenfield, N. D., former home of the family, at a time to be set. lffi PracticedMedicineHere in 1895-96With Dr. Bergstrom Citr-tz,'3L Dr. W. B. ffanner, 68, who for the last 40 yeard has practiced med[ciae in Wimbledon, died last SaturdaY, with funeral services being conducted in that village on l\[onday of this week. Dr. Wanner began the Practic,e of rnedicine in Coopers'torwn with Dr. Bergstrom, following his gradus,tion from Rush Medical col'lege, and v/as located here during 1895 and 1896. Leaving here he estalblished his practice in Wimhledon, lvhere he has, lived ever since. Dr. Wanner was iborn near Madison. Wis.. and carne to a farm near Buchanan in 1888. He later graduated from Jamestown colleg'e and the Rush medical school. He is survived hy his wife and two d'aughters. Mrs' Phillip Pietz of Hankinson and Mrs' A brothtr,ia,wrencePiper of Minot. er, E. G. Wanner, of Bismarck also survives. Death was due to heart failure. Former Cooperstown Girl Is TakenBy DeathIn Minot Hospital ,. . - r,trL/:. .. __tr'uneralserviceirror'fireimd wota fgrmer Cooperstown gi;i lforsgn, were held- in the Lutheran churcfi of this city yesterday a,fternoon at two o'clock, Rev. f. O. Jacobson offieiat_ ing. Short servlces were also held at the Ottowa cemetery. - Mrs, Thorson was taken ill at ber home ia Minot and forced rto seek medioal care in a hospi.tal in that city. She pa.ssed away Saturday mor_ nlng'. Thelma Wold was born in Coopers_ town, Au.gust 18, 1906. She was con_ firmed by Rev, G. R. Bstrem with the lJutherau confirmation class of 1922 and grad,uated ttlree years later from Cooperstowa high jchool. In years following she was a student at the Valley City T€acher6' college where she obtained a teac,her's certificate. L,ater she taught in the public schools at Binford and at Rugby. ,She was married to William Thorson of RugW on December 2f., LgXi For tfie past five years the couple bad made their home in Minot. ,Surviving her besides her husband an{ children, Sheldon, 6 years, ,and lwo Elaine, B years; her mother. lVfrs. Sarah Wold of Cooperstownj aud two uncles, Mr. J. F, trrosholdt of this city and Mr. O. T. F.osholdt of Courtenay. MartiaO.'lVil[u- tYinterFuneral At Sutton Friday lVanner, EarlY Dr. -{;;;"; ";;,";;";;:{. KingsleyResidentLaid To DtyFhysician ;", *.. Dies firmed. rn 1sgo-hecameto Northl' Rest in Mabel Martln Ole Wallum was born in Ringsaker, Norway, - May Z9th, 1861; emigrated to Ameriba with his per€nts in the yoar 1g6g, and settled in -Holmen, LaCrosse Coun-l I rr. Qemetery After Last Week I o1xota,.*n..r" emptoyed asI r _l: -was rarnr hand. With l| a ;one winter the erceptionof li | worked for three I he -t l: _// l(!\);'/ ;\L* PracticedMedicineHere in l895-96With Dr. " f,orri. Winter, son of Conrad ar n nou"i""i ,*t"""'"rl, WitT; #* nffHlrH: l'earsreceivtnu as payment. "#lL viUe, Ittinois, on March 8, 1g?b. I{e lland lj In the year 188? he was married | ; wa,fl confirmed fur the Gerrna^n Luflb. eran religiou and attended the pubto Clara Chri'tian,son Narume fro* -', | schools at Shapville, On January rF^r6n Norway. r\y^r,,,^,, ^^ ..;--_:,^ '. I llic Toten, To thls union ten I li; ir'o, he was uniteC ia #;;; They are mrs. i I to Li,[ie Kaul of Erizabet]r, lrinois. children were born. Mabel Dak., ford, I rnrd Anson of Mrs, Olga N r\orr N. Dak., | To tbis urdon was born one daughter, | Mrs. Mona Root, of $utton. Mr. I Winter resided on hls father,s bome- New England, N. | Evenson of Hanna- [ nl^-l^Cheste{_and Justin | * shapviue, Illinois, for three I lJ#i lwattum, of Walum, N. Dak., *.r.| l;'.;. He then moved to EtDabeth i rheressa Trangsrud of wimbledon, I and entered the miiling business N. Dak., Mrs. Dena lililliams I Madison, Wis., Marven Wallum lF{annaforrt rn}rnnia .rr-rr.,* o1 | lwith ;hnqbrother-in-law. ot I l- h 1920 he rnoved' to his present l.jhome in lfingsley towastrip, trvhero rohnnie iHannatord, #mkro**g: {a,rr1m ", l,lil1ilrf"-#f: and Edna and Bernicelti".r."" for the p*"t uignl -a*1"1"*. \Yallum of \\'alum, N. D. t"."". I i He ls survived by bis widow,daugh_ l l The deceased. had been sick for I ti ter, lfrs. Mona Root, and four g:rend: .some time. Not knowing just whatl "Tfl:u?,.ardl rioo irrarzra+ o ^,^i^^r: Bergstrom C .s;=-23,'3L for the Dr. W. B' fanner, 68, who IasL 40 yeardl ha,s practiced medlicine in Wimbled'on, d'iecl last Saturd'ay' with funeral services being conducted in tbat village on Monday of tltis week. Dr. Wanner began the Practice of rnedicine in Cooperstown with Dr. Bergstrom, following his graduq,tion frcm Rush Meclical college, and 1895 and "i/as located here during 1896. Leaving here he esta'blished his practice in Wimhledton, where he has, lived ever since. Dr. Wanner was iborn near Madison. Wis., and came to a farm near Buchanan in 1888. IIe later g'raduated from Jamestown col eg:e and the Rush medical school. He is survived hy his wife and two daughters. Mrs' einittip Fietz of Hankinson and Mrs' A brlothLtawrence PiPer of Minot. er, E. G. Wanner, of Bismarck also survives. Death was due to heart failure. cour.r behewent ;'"'"J#'":ilJl "rT?tffitffit fi%Y3r',t"'J;?f.t rit Ito seek help Tho doctors dircover-|. conducted by Rev, Jones of Wimblelpd f ed irit fn to ha be aonnocancer ^r of +h^ the rr..^liver -^ .o || ' lnothine contd hc nothing could be Burtai was was made made in ilr the the MttMil9oo' Bur{all dred H,artman Memorial cemetery don, rtnno rro was woc I do,'e.. He il; of Sutton.l The *fiffi::l{ confinedto his bed at home aud | were ftr. Nisstadi peter freshrhouI passed away at 11:15 last Monday,l June 6th, at the a.ge , ot 66 years I and 7 days. I He leaves to mourn his sen, George Knapp, Clarence Linse, Jott" Urban alrd Bert Llmmesand. Former Cooperstown Girl Is TakenBy DeathIn Minot tlop.pital,-,l_ _#tr'i" :, Funeral service* tor ftreimd wota Thorsgn, former Coope"rstown girl, _ were held in the f,utheran etrurcf of services were held from the St. olaf rl' this ye-sterday aftemoon at t\,tro city Yvulrcsta(I pU#_ W"n*t"J | o'clock, Rev. f, O. Jacobson officiat_ church at walum on wearfesaay ,. _'uut"tn | u ing. Short seryices wer€ also held afternoon, Juno 8th, Rev. John ffar- ! r Gniggs fotur,fu # tlrJ fHat t&e Ottowa cemetery. "o,rrty land preaching the sermon, and I i,lyurill learn mritLrreg'ret the p,assing Mrs. Thorson was taken ill at her burial was made at St, Olaf ."*u- | *, 9l Mi." Ruth Wuflestad,daughter o,f home in Minot and forced to seek Mrs' r s . oonrad Oonrad W wuffesiad, u f l e s t a d , ncrr nc."v :^ _ ^_^!__. 1.., twr. and M medisal care in a hospital iri that terv. Peace be with Lhis remains! lu' *l;"?"0 --_-*ents of Wrnnipeg Junc,lion, Mi.n| city. She pa.ssed away Saturday mor_ I nes,ota. Th,e Wuflestads are olcl re_ i nmg" Thelma WoId was born in Coopers_ town, Au.gust 18, 1906. She was con_ ing for Minnreso,ta a few years ago. I firmed by Rev. G. R. Estrem wittr Inflamatory rheumatism followeO I t}re Lutheran comfirmation clirss of Lrrr Lrlmd h^i^^-:-- i 1922 end grad,uated three years l,ater from Cooperstowa hi,gh ichool. In years following she was a student at nad been ornpl'oyed for somc ti:ne il i the Valley City Teachers' college Minneapolis and had bersn a patient i where she obtained a teac,trer's cerd,n a hospital there for sevelel rveeli-o. I tificate. Irater she taught in the She was 18 years of age. public schools at Binford and at Rug.tr"uneral serwices were held yest.el, by. day at Win_nipeg Jurrction, an uncte. i .She was married to William ThorRev. I(. P. Wuflestad, of Seat,tte.I VICTIM of the Moorheact crash, I son of Rugby on December 26, LgZg. Victor Walen, is shown above, He I Wash., being in chargc of Lhe ser_ r For the pa,st five years the couple had rvas the son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor i vices. Rev. Wuflestad had been in i made their home in Minot. iWalen, sr., of Sutton, N. D, The Minneapolis attending a church con- i Surviving her besides her husiband I body has been taken from A. J. ference. I and two children, Sheld.on, 6 years, and Sons funeral home, lWright 'and Elaine, 3 years; i Moorhead, to S. J. Quam funerai hef mother. lVlrs. Sarah Wold of Cooperstown; lhome, Cooperstown, N. D. FunerI aI services probabiy witl be at and two uncles, Mr. J. tr'. F.osholdt lGlenfield, N. D., former home of of this city and Mr. O. T. FoshoM,t the family, at a time to be set. of Cou,rtonay. rhis demise l. ,_, wife and ten childrenand threel Kuth_Wuflestad, Daughter of jbrothersat Hormen,wis. Funerarl. Mr. and Mrs. Coirad I g$*.',-$v$gli:', :#r$9i.""l*#fi M*#ffijfg;.stilfi*fri 1*ffi j lVilcoxFunrr-ra-lBroadviewFarrne} Buried0n Mondayi "".;'q.ru;u*"''u"" "'l;,.iiilfiiha ?d#' :I i/'ffi,yil:",i#",tiiF:f i '2\';,",--=-#-"":-.;-r A n d r e w W i n d i [ l u n d V i c; ir"i "m. . ^ r r r , , ^ - - ] l l n . , ' l , sundayAfternoon 'l'akgs Sutton ll[ani u*",,,."",ni"" il conducted l_-trunerar /li i?"it=;*d.,r/lf lffiTir":t'ffhlll,""fffi*#: w;u;u*^rfii";;Ji", -[, F.id,yf rmerorBroadvier'v'*l'.lil;# ililt*Xl''!H Jlil; ;:if,*i:"f:T"""""'.,1'i.#'s:;m*::l;l M.v,il"i#u,"r, I died l,as,t T r hear'ttroub]e",.n""fli,of,'J,';u',,n"i;:i.l..:ilF:;$:',"'-in"*ilr"T:ru|liFun dinglana ttFt:!'l"?;" ii"I1lf""'^?:g ,:!rfg near Casselton in 189.5- alf""}J"n. rthere h p r o for r n - several a ^ r , ^ r 6 ! years - . . ^ ^ . . - -he i'-:-:: "Y",'ts there for several years he moved to moved ti his farm in Griggs corrnty and maie that his home since that time. ReturningtoNorwayin i907he, brought back with him his familv. | His wire died in 1e13 and in 1e15 i" i m'arred Misrs Thea Johnson of Devirs Lake S ha onrl h ia c^A ^r-^ Lake. she n" and ."liT"ilri:J;: ---- vivehim. others ".-'i,ir"s i""i;;; sister' Mrrs' oreHerrand previousrv- Sneciol tn :Hl-:,T::k | i lnecior ^^..-:- jl, Tne stroke iffected to rlra tlre san+:-6r Sentinel-Courier ;;;'ei.'."""Y"1v'I flffiT.::*;: o-ttt-1 rtghtll I lorao p,,-.--r -^*-.:^^- -i o,]^*'^- ^. Another services services of Sutton's were were held pioneer beld from r"?o, I':.rde'_Fuleral I.:jde._Funeral aiti'yl the Retztaff I ,Ii home in Jessie warson, ;; w;: | I :un": Yi$* ;; ;;.;; I i }elday afternoon at z o'ctoct<,ni". J i 8.o'clock{rictay u.- t "ttu.o*"-Jiilu -lleRovC'Cooley,D.D.,pastor;f;;l e f t e r " ; l ; l i . ; ; . 1 l V i l t e r r o s p t t a l )rllocal Presbyterian churc-honiciaiing. *"s caused by ptom,ainepoi| s*ervicesvrere nera a"o rT- l i3^:t3: Is l:11"TT] l, iroS-ne3."o complicafloos. I made ul in tne trre coofersttwn cooperstowncemeceme- ll |rial erv i "ih Ii t;:;."-"e ; I Mr' watson hed suffered rrgm a wilcoxwasbornonMarcht, j i ;::i'::"1[j"rTrST" lgr l - -Pay" ';l"sjilttl*"s::1r,,",n:l;;-ili i ":*:,1:::., ;:i ljf i fiLt*1f. ::i i t'eI son of. Enos and sa"ar.'wilcoi. ' Rev. si'gurd Rev. Si,erurd Svylnpss svdness officiatect ;; I I T*i ti* kept in * "t tJre ---services. Burial' was -'---r"o""",-,.I'j'::_":t::i time of his death ne w'4Dru4ue rnade u in the r L'e u ,I the hr w_&s alurninum aluminum *]s 6q 68 ""u' ket'tle, ket'ue, H" soon ""#:X He r- | veers sevenmonthsandfive.day".;i1., became became i I Lund cpmefprrr Fol'*^^-^-.--^-^ I sarran m^n+h^--: i I cernetery' Pal]bearers *.rul"''lvears' ll'und 'r ege. iu and it is "oon helievedthet l91ti"Jiy hig neighbors, He ole sanden, I came to the untt_ed si"t"" carl Knut_ | I ui" .r,in"d the ptomaire poisoni.ng. Ii I I I::.'lq{ ll;;"il;*;il;i#yn"T c. w. uiiru".;;, I i: I rorty-nine yu""r I son,R;asRasrnussen, e i e " vry^;:_ffi i A l e x P a r k a n d P e t e r l Y a m b e'r s ' l s' l c o r 4 m u n i t y f o r t y - s"s:o, :1::icg,i" i 1992, r wben be toot r j-r j-, --.--.--....--'.-r-r1914 "ttipioy*ent il l ;1, taken to Mcvjue F,ridey jIi l n l:. u t t i v e ao n r y a s h o r t t i m e a f t e r his on | 1r arrival there. behade be made his us home aome.i_i1""--i. r- Ire14 on a.farm t.r 28, 18?0. He was 62 veais J::i""ir", i "#i,;,""r;:"1trx,*JJ?#.;T"$; - InGriggs Gri{gs fllTfiltT#.Hijt"riq.:"q:#l irglry.q irglry.q H",HH,:r, H",HH,:r,, is,Lil*f i$:l};.:ililr i |jft.*T#.Hijt"{ilq.:"q:#I $:k;.;ililr ll d;;;";;""'#l*'oi # !#"#'"'#l',''', lla llalf lf century centuryDiesl I Dies i iqlr*# lll-x".[::ilTr#r"i:#f*+:]ii. ll;xx,",::ilTr#r"iig#f;F.+:]i i - l'-.- iflniece_'Iu,rs.ottoRetzraff,;;-r*;":l::r":-t::"lservices wereberd rr.om riving inc'""a. il j rEricklatson Watne lJ-#iJ,,,riff Resident "ii i i iTd'!'"'i.#*?H"#T* T: I I li ' Uf orw'-ri"a."-lntil j Binford for Last ---- i ''"lC ii lL::._"'ythorne i years l0 I i H1 rarmer -I I^**r****: nlHlT"Ini-#j:r' li Ift";'**f::ilr'uv'T; D-,,""iJ."*-fj ffilli.;":i"iJ;,T:.f ,-;l*J*l1ure{*.\ lffitrJ?r.Y i 1",*:H:::T"-H,*,1Hf:i'* 10vears "ie-i;;;';:I '*/H*ii",{'.T.,'lq"_i11"."?16;::*:i1 I l*:m*:",***",rr,iii;:j: :emel,ast I I He has been a resideni r,,s"#;ti,,iii"i" **rrn#l il*.q.'li$;H.f4tfifft1tilrfli x*H;#:: li+ie,el=:rytix" l and Mrs errce rarn<ei' ai 'rrs.,.*rrli I{is farming operati,or viciniLv **I .r-;;r;*....,1llllgj I llffi;{,.*ll'1";""*t"ii,t*ili Hm*l"'il'"#'..'-ffili'*H'li# i f /;"y'-.*;:r*#J"r.t ;; i;i' Hargq,, ff-""t ;, ";r,b":t",I I Enna. Pg I #"Jffi"3'll,T*1f:L"irr,,1's:,* ::=_.I li;AT:"ii,$fs"i":{".-*1{l,nlj' chudren,vere bo'n,t*" oi tr,**-olJ.I f lfi?:1.1":,.llf:1T."#T?,w".ti"vll. | _ rhosesurviving in additi,on to [i" j"it!",t,ei, l,Dorothy m"""ir;;,;;d"ilrl"$?::i] wtidoware: Mrs. L. c. Mills, carring- i I jvic tnen rerurned to this | | rl-_--'1 ""1',,Irll,-11 Wurst rt s'c' 's Wed Is rr:' 3,1;*-xi""Ji"H?fHti'il:, ilnBinrordrhursdov - fi'[rf;i;#;ft;'"1"1":*#:l{i" nes and Ernest, athome tT,l I 'it&,$i,i;hil"#iil."TX#$li *ilffi;t, ff',*T'-"tr-Tr ri:'1.",f I |ItrB iUi*f.tt"ru,,i"*,ffif#T,# eranFreechu'chat Binrord. nev.I I rhe S,.J. euamrunerar nl?""i:Ji ':]jTdt""- o];/ il"1??""tr"T[: J/ i'E?'ir*.$l"ji1;ili"":i*:ftr'g# John Pederso,:r,,_1"11, Far|oearers were ole Haarsop { forvig, strum, Gilbert Gilhertson alx\6-f ?' Vnnrcn i' , i' - JrartEclrrenls. + l*yitht T,:'U"T5;:?. ffi:,,il",1,,ff read.ing reading rhcvows. the vows. l_,att".ra.rrts of the couple were llagcfa flagaberg, a sister of the ftronm a nd ]\fr T^'rrr^-+r*^^groom, and Mr. John Martinson. The couple will make their hon a .farm north of Binford. Wife ofChrist Wuflestad Died lVuflestad Rites Artert''+:::Jil-Heart .. iH.ii-dili;r l - i t HereOnly FUIIERAL rlEtD S[JND,{Y I Resided Time; CameFrom lShort I Services Were Vgy Largely Iilashington I Seattle, Attended-Resident Here | ". "., t-tklj I FormerSverdrup Away ManPasses I I Rites Todav for Rev. Sven i Wuflestad.Retired I ,':^"tr*#ffi,ffl;;, *."T#.,:il:i since rBiti;': '^,' . .:::- . .: . . llo*t FargoPastorf 43 7 oe seatrble,wa.sh., we,reheld ini Rev. Sven Wuflestad, a former resident of SverdruP townshiP and who has a numher of relatives in this Thulsday nrorning at 2 o'clock. offici:atinrg. Rev. ,Roy New- | corunty. d'ied at his home in Fargo on I f-.0* be Death foltowed a suriden relapse i' lir:r nC ,ttre Beittrllerhemclhu,rctr in thiis l flVlonday. .Funeral services will a,nd Rev. E. Walter Lindrgrenr ;treld at the Bethel church in Farg"o dy fl.om her condition of- Werlnestli,u. '- -: ' I "-' -. I'od Oevit's I'ialke assisbed in the ri'tes' I with his brother, Rev. K. P. W'ufleswnen sne was leporLed t'o be slrgh:tyll aniu* wuflaetad had been a resi-l tad, Seattle, officiating, 2 P. m. toimproved. She hacl been ili severat ftis oiily for a marlter orf onfly] day. ll e"rt at the rne I weeks with heart disease a.ud alf rwee.lrs "n&nd passed away he,rb on Wedwaa 67 67 at who wa,s W'urfl,estad who Rev. W'urfl,estad Rev. fl I time orf his death had been in rctire- | hope for her recovely li:rd bten f lnixdtay, Jmme26. I L932 i abandoted sevelal days bc.fore her I lSh€ was horrnrin Stavanger, Nor- | ment because of ill health since pastorate of the a r.esirgned when he irnlmi'8rart1rE82. She 26, deftth. lm/ey' april | :Bethel Evangelical !'ree ctrurch. tr{e 'l'lie passirrg uf llt;:. \1-trflt.sturl is led to tlhts counly' lived in CleSs I had served the congreS'ation since its *1y"1 go'ing seatLle to before gleatly ol one loved by all rutrr ld9@tY found;ing in 1909. Buew hcr. Irr li,,r. lrurrrc. irr 1r,,,' lSe ldved unjtil ,two yearrs argo. Herl Burial will be made in trliverside cllluch arrti irt h('r' lreigllbullrourt slit, ld'u"lftt wras atitribttrtedto eancen I cemetery, Iiargo. I rt as ii litdy Iriglrly estecr:red arrrl a ! SurV,ivi,nrgare ttrree brotherts ald I Wuflestad was krorn in S'taIl,ev. Mttu'I .ulothcr alr(l wife of the lirrcst cirrrl- ltlWo siste$s' fr'ridl Wuflesttu'd' vang'er, Norway, Ma,rch 6, 1870. He l ities' Ilet death .leaves t gl'er't voitl I n' s' r'unae a'tld NcxrrawunestJa'd' of i his Parents to Arnerica arld Rev. K' P' Wufle- l came with in the lives of ,scoles of peopis t,,r., I Odogreordfo"il'n, TheY settled' in years later. particulally of thc irlrlediatc rrLeur- |FtEd od Ddhdit' Midh., and Ootnmad1six coumty. Griggs be|s of tire laDrily, rvho liavr-, ..ir" I Wufledttad, of, Ddtloit l-akes, Mianr'. I Itre entered the Chicago Theologisias mhde in ffie Sercn, .. 'epest sytupatiry of tlle elrtir(, .u,,,- | eria[ cal seminarY in 1901 and was gtad;ui{runity. l€m,dorY. i ated in 1go5. His first charge was l U a r t h a S I a ty \ V t ' s t l ( . yu u s ; r , r ;l , i i l the Evanrgelicatl tr'ree churctr at lWil'1'axdahl, Thime, Norway, l'cbIll!ll.)' waukee. i, I881, and in illat stnlc yeiu.wa:, I{e left to conducl tent mission e|, btoughL by hel paler vangelistic work trb,rougho;u,t No'rth Dakota. Mirulesota and Wisconsin. In t F l e s i ( l e r r c ei r r G l i g g s c o u u r y , l u i ; r r i t : : . . n. f 1908 he wenl to Fargo and org^r-ized a ch,urch groruP which made hirn its penrnanent Pastor in 1909. lived, went to school and sDent hi,r prominent Ircuis far,rner Winter, of childhood. In 1g9g s1e was 'rar.r.i.rl ' TAFITRoCl irr Sverdrup township io ChIisL the Sutton cornrnunity, died at his Wgllestad and to this unio' was bur.rr home there on Tuesday afLernoon, Novernber 1.3, t}le victim of diabetes, four chiidr.e', all but one of wt,otn from which he had been a sufferer survive lheil. ruoiliel., One daush.er. for Lhe past four years. He had tr'lol.ence,diecl i' i'farrcy. never been confiled to his bed, how}l.une|al ser.vices were held at the ,AnnoruncemenLis made of the mar'and dealh came aS a surpriSe to Sar.ou Fr.ee chr_rr.chand bur.ial vr,as eVer, riage of Miss frene Wagle, daughlhe community. On Saturday of last made in lhe Sar.o' ce.retel.y S'.dat. ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Watgle, week took to his bed, but apparentirfternoon. The chur.ch was tar tot now residing near Aldenwood Manorr, wtr ill. not so seriously On Monday sl[all to accommodate the hundreds Wash., to Einar Rekland of Minneaphe arose to eat all three meals. He of people who went there to altend olis. The ceretnaony took place on la.psedinto a coma on TuesCay, howthe se.vices. Rev. Lu'cle, Rev. Ii. f. Nov. 10. passed ever, a^nd away. prrcressur. Wuflesiad, Rev. vikan ano The bride is well known in this Mr. Winter and family have been Beuge all took part in the set.vice, comrmunity, having altended Coopersresidents of this county since 1920, each speaking trrietty of the beautttown high school. During the past ful life which n1.s. \\/uflestatl hucl when Lhey moved here from Elizafour years she has been employed in betl, fll, tive'. Minneap'61fu. The couple will make !'uneral servdces are to be held The husband and children. philio. their home in thal city. tomorrow (Friday) at 1 o'clock in Oswald and Vietor, two sisters, --Ntl;;'-';;';;; iflr.^s. the,afternoon from the home and at Ashlarrrl or Fr'grr 2. o'clock from the Sutton M' E' ";r; Westley, and flve rrothers, nr'. nr. D. church' lvestley, o. B. \r'esrley, ii;; it;;wiII be pubonrund westrey ura o. c iv..i Ley, ,,_3-""1T_4ul_:^obituary 'iey a r e s u l ' v i v i h g t r r e n l b e r so f l h . . ', falrily of the deparled. ,"":. =:J;::"Y:1":::,1 [1;i T1Htrt m"fwf"x*t;li J ,,'r,e ,an'y",..,,"",;;ll'' 4ll';;ll;Louis Wintgr '";:::1"';."ix, :il,;'tTI;J;i; il:- l-rles r uesqay Irene Wagle Becomes Btide Nottember 10.', -::=-::=---*,-:-i '^^-:^'--'-;'-'-^^ Jr.-J-J-rJrr; -.'^,^^-"'^^-t-'^-"- I Cause 0f Mrs.CoraWatne I rcancer redWilkelfeath Death DiedonThur*d"" Died I Ii fFred Thunsdav Fgilo'rylqg St*L-ji In Mill*apolis *.:'#,,_,,.^l Coogersrow;1 b,ri.k.n ii \dr, B";il Pievious M""J'i; On Sunday un Sundav iI iI iI S"il:L^t]i." lBB2Diesat Homeof Niece()n l\Icce on vcr()l'er OctoberLo 28 Ferdinand lVerth Passes Awaytrn ValleyHospital 1.,"T tr," first setMrs. Cora Watne, who has been in | | . Fr"d- witt ". 'tlealth fnr sorrornl *^-;*. j passeo away passed tlers tlers Lnls this oI of communlty, community, f,ailing: iling'health I for. several months. I i passed away at her home in coopers- | t i ar tne home of his niece' l\{rs' Eiizab.!h Boehle of Minneapolis, Minne' town last Thursd,ay evening at l{ i "'Uo"t 7:45 o'clock ,after several d.-a,ys iltness l1 | sota, October 28. The cause of his rlr'.rth was cancer of the slomach. following a str.oke w rich she" I eI yeal's old at the ""au"uO on the previous Monday. peatn was I I I .. M.. Wilke was ?8 not unexpected. Mrs. datne rr"a b.u" I t I time of his death and had been in a sufferer for som,e time from h;;i - I t , pr;or hea.lth for several years. up to jl tr Ii iASt l1ved on llls he nad had iived his fal'm last June ne farm trouble. tnCuble. .Ferdinand W,erlh passed away at of cooperstown in Ball Funeral service,s were held i" | - I:_o.*h*".t ever-since ie setued a Valley City hospital last WednesCoope'rsto,wn on S,undray afternoon I ( | Hill toqTlp day mo,rning, tSeptember 18. He had from the Bethlehem cfruriir, ;ith R; I t 1trere in 1882. Last June his condition been ailing for g":y worse and he went to Minneaabout three weeks Ludvig Lund'e offieiating. Burial was I o i made in the Westley cdmeterv south i -9I polis to make his home with his wifh an infection in his rnouth. The end came to him pe,acefully, falling Mrs. Erizabetl, to.n]u; of cooperstorvn. pau beareis *u"" .ire.tiv.1d li | 11.T",. D. D. Stoebe, Matt Standal. J. e- | r i wittt her up to the time of his death. asleep, he passed quietly away. Mr. Werth was Griggs county's Ost, pete Johnson, Christ Haala^n6.ls I Burial was made in Minneapolis. and T1hosBoe. l( i }fr.. Wilke never married. His olderst citizen. He lacked jus.t eleven tll: coult-r1 t1a.s days od being 95 years at the time of olrituary | i::tlo"t-:elative .t". jhis dea,th. I was trorn at I Mrs. Jonas Skanse, was born in os- | : I L: ;l I Fer'dfinand Werth East Prussia, Germany, on I verhoj'dar, r{arjedaren, **,: Miss M'crredBoeh- lSaatfield, t*:q,. lSeptember 29, t840. The fi,rst fifty I ember 29, 1877, a',d, at the time of, ll l]';"JiJi}loiu.", Minneapolis, was rre'e ,ris I i i i",'"r ot his li,fe he spent in his naher death was 58 years 2 rnonths t" looh after her g.rancl rrncle,s lyears cornrrnunity. Much of that tirne | 1n.dI : I *.J ltive 23 days of ,age. Emigrating to this I I I o-o".r' he worked as a coachman for a weal- I country with her p'arents, while still i "-"' thy landowner. I On May 2:7, ]..E65,Mr. Werth was uniled in marriage to Louise Hoage l at t}le Lutheran church in Saalfield. I as a young lady, and on November I I Seventy years later, in May, fg,Sf, I 23, 190'1, 23, 1901, was was united united tl in mnrrinqp to I I tfuudu ---L. ]Vnsie Was Born in lEgz neig'hbors gathered aL the Wcrth ] T:1t"r*U. Gerhard Wiatne. The young home near Walum to honor them on I coupb I|,l I In Grtggs County; Dietl At moved to the old skarise fr?t".*Gl,J I j tlleir TOth wedding aniversary. and lived there u,ntil Mr. Watne's ll i Grafton Nov. I !Ir. a:rd Mrs. Wertlr have had death o,n March L4, 7926, when she I i seven children. Five of them died in | 21 ^ moved' to cooperstown, wtrrere sire inf'a,ncy. A married daughter, Augusservices *Jy ri"ri ro, | 1 I Funeral rnade her horne since. ta, died' in 1919 al her home in CanI I rvru.ra-"Witrsie,at the M. ,. "ir",il"n'li Six children survive he,r: William. I Sutton, Wednesday afternoon, son, A.ugust Nov- j ada. The surviving: emrber g at 2 o'clock, wi:th Rev. tiit:- i Werlh, writh whom they have made Mrs. Constance Vigesaa, Myrtle, more of Oooperstown preaching the I their home, resides near Walum. Gerald, Milo e.nd Oorrine; besides funeral sermon. A vocal solJ ,"vas] thre'e b,rothers: Pel-e.rSkanse of San emiIn 1890, iFerdinand Werth j sung sun,g by Sidney Sidney Christopherson Christopherson anci end Diego, Calif., Olaf Skanse of Mingrated his America, w"ith family to i fLwo rrt^ drr^f^ hr, ntr-^ dL^^ rr-4--j due,ts by Mrs. Chas. Hofner and neap,olis and Jonas Skanse of Milaco, t Alice Gorthy. Intermeht was .K/ocK,Wisconwrsco{rand seE[re{l at ,i/lanoen Maiden Rock, settled aL made i laJr{l l\[inn. A sister, Mrs. Golis Ringwall in_the'Cooperstown cemetery. w,lrere their daughter, who had lsin, of ,Ferintosh, Alher.La, Canada, also Maude L. wilsie t;s b;;;i; crig3,s I lpreceded them io America, resided survives. county, February 13, 1892, and dieci ! at tihat time. fn 1905 they came to at Grafton, Novenaber 6. 1982. at thc the Wa,Itlm com,munity to make their a.ge of 40 years, 8 months and 2ll , home with their son. days. She lived in Sutton all her ] X'uneral services were held at the life with the exception of the last I year which was spent .at Grafton at i Lutheran ohur"ch in Walum on I'rithe home for the crippled. Her mo- I day a.fternoon witJl an unusually ther preceded her in death sixteen I large attend:ance. Rev. E. Or. [,ee, years ago. Left to mourn her death I pastor of the ohurch, conducted the is her father, John W. Wilsie of Sut- i eerrricss, Duets were sung by Mr. ton; three aunts, Mrs. Frank San- I A. F. Nelson, Mrs. A. F. ford, Auburndale, fi.lorida Mrs. John I and Mrs,. Surtton Sutton, and Mrs. W. D. S:nith. I Nelson and Mrs. E. O. Lee, and bY CaJifornia, and one uncle, Mr. tr.rank i Rev. and Mrs. Lee. Kingsley Sutton. The pall bearers were W. W. BothI well, Cary Ir. Heye,rdahl, Carl Nelson, Eugene Markwo,od, Walter R,iInterment chardson andr OIe Kalvik. was in the Walum cemetery. Aged Citizen Nearly 95 Is Takenby Death; Burial WasAt Walum skanse, daughter.o-f MI:1'dll l#li;",i.""Tt:,' __coo? ,',l"oTJl",1r,3$l1ii,i :.:l'#,"iff,",f;T;*"'?;il'"r"lli,"J I IFormer SuttonlVoman j laid To RestNov.g :ffiiiln',"iffi'?T,jro;d.l:ffi1 t ' Dr. Tflestlev, ' 'T- - ::-- WestlevOf ;1M".. Of , i . ilMrs. Westley ; -lnannafordDies'lhii7",::'j:lft:-:AitacE, r Pushing Car : pt! i* , N. D.-Mrs.*"r"""1 lDies I tl Hannarord, Hannarord,l:j_cooperstown, N. D.-Harry i il{g"Su."westlev,78,of r1 " U)OpefSf,OWKll T"'Tl i Ill"{t":*il"nt*ltry:hs"",:H"rd[|1-1,*r,l*'qi DiesAt 72 Westley May 18, fS86. Mr. l:lWcdnesday from a heart attack llO.M. He i I l:3"'l%"tlP'"r13ft,'j5, .*q::: Ll.flt'l*i:,'#*"f,mcar' "3";"X?;ii: "f"::i"#::Ft,*ii Born J^une12, 1892,in-r^owa,-he -+i pttiii"i"" i"""7' .anc' fo;'mc-:l llt"v' Grand Forks, oscar of I county coronera.o ct-ii""tti' o]-l llgt!ig[, uq""y ot -bo*rn"n,*N. D, li ii' a'1\'1Iinne'! fll *:l,JfsJ,Xl"iaiv ll#r"tr#!.{ffiil's:'J_t"**11ilififi:,:i%'.,n1jT5il""#'f!f;: *il;h""id..3iu1"ngu", Nol.,a; . I ltrrr-ee_daughte$, l{ls. B.M. Lund6I i1915'€t Wadena,Minn. Besidei ibZS, hu das'graduatedl I la-ndM^rs._p.H. _Flesher,_bothof lllv.Ijs. Zentz, he leaves-four-sons; -i;tr";-d" lfo:";--Z-2, rlf,Tifflfs#i"ii$. Lii;; ryFdi."i"o"".'1f,?i M:ii#; f;"fi'?ll:ll8ll;;zu f;",?? 1904' lPhitadelptria,in army air force at Rapicl Mont.,- andl lyt. the_"iH"n*t{l#"il there the sameyear. uurin: \'.'o.lCl ltlans Jensen,Cirq.l_e_, twollcity, s. D. lJulius,Anacortes,.wq.h.,_ancl Ashland'Hanna-ll^ Serviceswiil be at 2 Mondayin l:I-tf":,-M"..Ax-v llgld+111dMrs.-Carl Johnson,eow-llottawa iutiteian church n;;ti ;T ler*I-_ake'N. D. -llcooperstown.--il;. Wiltiam-i{ad- it mo:rirrs.;n-l l;;"- i';;-;;dJ l"riiirig"i -o"ir',. evsls3r^..;r::'J cil .4liliJ',iir.r,u"i"a *itrt the lr;rli as-l war rI he it l;#t"fi'^'il'World 't4 ,,,1 tveiviisi dix;rill":#t'it*"t * lr'tii{1'-jillffiF llt"l*":"***"i'""x::' Rev' L' }+'B:'iei:illl"': Lunde an0l --: I He was a memDerof the statel lchurch bere, Radcliff-R' officiating'i ctrargel- fr -Y"' be in the church ceme-i lco--iitu" on maternai ana-cnita[ l*."-Y:-'will lwelfare and was coroner oi-Crtggs | | llil"I | e o t t n t v s e v e r a I t e r m s . - . - ' : - 9 9 _ | | t g1u'' r v . . T h e b o d y i s a t W . o . S''lServices in.yl Hutch'l lcrarrr'n""Ltrel1-ljlihl;;ii*;1t[G"m:*H*ql Mo', Jan. -1' ;"'"'" ,"*i ifi"T""toY"1i,*"ffi:* i"son-i"--iackson,* "e"*id;r- Aneta/ At Aneta./ HeldAt HeId illS""vices hel oi'"qi!l-ti9l Wostlef,-h€ *"u. westley Mrs' Mrs. i'gz."r Besides 7925. 7s25.Besides Worker Lenlz^ Kl-A WorkeJ :-1F."" ,-l!'or Zenrz,REA 'havc Chtie"arips three sons, sons. Rlchard-of Rlchard of Cht-l Gaves three Aneta, 'rJh ,.1 '-1n"" DevenF'l Dgvens'1 Fort of --Fort Bruce of cieo. Bruce cago, H,s*;,ru,"fixl,ff"t:'frffT"il1 ffffiil{ft"l::fl"tl:'1"i1*t}i:l D.-services li;ll"l ffi;;.,, 6:"6:'iv:"Ji,i;'Filig!e""'-a"t'1,'l i"a1 -- N. (Ruster) (buster) r.l"o io"ff""old i."rfrr.lrr f-rEOne"e 3l#ii,ffi:...*l:?g;:13* "-,*pll";.;*:"x,f Ww"" "ln.* ii.L"]"h"n{-Mi"neapols I be at 2l W}'r., 'Funeiat services wiII in the Presbyteli.t MondaY i:: u polcon t . n rre was orking broke nd fell. Rev. C. Givai#n *iiirffiffi '"*'itr1*snrdWestley ji;ffi3ffi;flpr*:"fr Ad!1es1^ }iir"6ison;., Valedictorv 11 tr He earers. Ieaves Mrs, ntz; two sons, I [lay29 if';ffilruil$* Mrs Margare, * *:#"f' 0nlhursday' Visits PEO Gr f,T'f tr3"Kil*nTu,%-*t]!''nqa""g.p1?,*}ffi"S:ili* of. Chapter.Y.."t re a iuncheon in rhe ffi lGraver hotel lr""t':lli;ll Iffi-H tr.or - -- Thiril _!: El.+e! t;ffi RoBEBt AveXA,gO sAluro*v c'asffins-T:**o'r '""i1*"'iii"*""tno"'"t'* fr:tF{"-:ii{:tr ffi.ffi s"oio* L?iit#t:",;"$iTffiffi r f t e r n o o n s h eW f f i lli;i* Qllltgi P ffiiry Eij,HiSE and Monday eve- nilr_q..Chapter V. Wiriie Jrre- *"r Wi,it"--Jri"-*;; ba'sbeenseY:' westrev Richard -ediclorian tbe pres- of Mrs. WesUey ed as the val nDi .- q class Cooperstom cooperstown of ii-"rr"ro il^?---Mi --. ggaduatin'1 --^niiorin,e class -nooert westley was a houseq,r*1s1" i'*l *t Lee hes been Leon Metzinser. 1342 slirtttlli'i'1"*""1.i""t -r-u+ c) comRoad.Sheleft Wednesd"., Jut€.toriq,trtn tbe warrpeton-1oi"rp.;;1;1,'tT;"oiicnosen as se the s't there. rn wahpeton she will b meneement exerclses May 29 and Mrs' w' Memonal gymnaslum' ftrf*"ftl$i.t'dge "B.rg Average 95 has mabtained a'tr aver' Ricbard of bts years four age of 95 druring He tras talrerr school career' pafi in extra curriculat ac- sludelrt t'7ii tT-- " -- :.---==: att*t, Dr. \ffestley, ll fllfihTffi63:'+bl?"^,2,^suf{ers Pushingcar 't-i rt r :-^ LOOpefSf,$WXE, DieJ At 72 N._p.-Jvr.,. rui"r",ul lDies ofHlil'ubltl i I l-;;;.9, *. D.-Frarry l,c"_"n.^'::a ':"ill"": -1"'Tl I llimt""X",til"a"za, t Ilql'i :dt',"*rtgS";#"::Xqr;l,i;#"ffi:'8ffi Mr'l.lwednesdav rrom a heart attaek N. D.-Dr. lrartinl ll$"#i.f;r"'i"5#%lfU-1186' cooperstown, Daniet wesfley, ?2, cooperstorvn; physician 42 years anC foimc:l county_corongr an_dcitv healtlr ol-l while.pushinghis car' He She ]eaves five sons,.r. e. west-[l:gttu ll rn a nelghbor's home. Grand Forks, Oicar of Sij-l,lu1o llley, ll:lg.tgL, Harry of Bowman, N. O., ll Bom J_une12, 1892, in fowa, he Philattelphia, in 1904, and , cameI lAlbuqusrque,N. -M,; two brothers,I lHarold of Coopersiownand Lestei in',.*'"'" ffiil,'ii3.friYlsdav fl: ] |1ilr"tr'f!,ii"?ll'gx'#_t"**?til]ffil;':s%'ril?T}fr:{ t:"y,:i",%#":'i..,?T# -if-niiiti |,R:?,;t,i'fit"i"Tl"-il30|,?e l Il$!:"#*:fFl"fi: tfi;&;5"?"gil lili:' from Jefferson Medical college,l I lHannaford, and Mrs. C. B. Read,I lp_live1 and Maynard at Rapicr *Tfr?:"s?.I""u""iiH:1i,'11';;11 #ile,,i:t.$fv airrorce lf;ftLi,,tH'"?",3::"#;#:t1;'. Fr,$,llsF"rtr_y:x&."T*,i,# $H:1hJ##j$*ilili*itll:rr#*,ry"$Hnlsb,f i; h'El ;H"l:i."'i#g;h""il1l;;lyffil":{*;FL,B:,,al:ll;"?"$:ffy#-tru*XXlrr"r funeral nb-d'ls"li He was a memberof the statel l"r'iiiJi,Ie"e, Rev.L. R. Lunderill l;"{;Su":?t$?;: $"JiiT*'iiu"*,#::?:1?'. #:#l!ly"'6ryJ$e r,3 I I[U:lfunerar home' countv several terms. ills*"ti"". HelelAt Aneia,il ,,"siiffi?t#&i5"ffi.i#Hl'i;llclair ,-iF9" REAworkeJj V.n!?, ).1, AneTa'. .1\. l-l.-Servrces llavc I lil'ft, f^:::'::#Hi"nY"Tt?'"'lfl I caeo. Bruce of Fort DeVens,| :i il'r;sunl**frl##$l ,l lfii lliiirql*ii+l**rt--*tii:r'l ffiffifr,'.i'*F*'*l l*'**9,""$*rF ,,: ilffi i.f"fifft"i;:l lwill lie in S. J. Quam funerall.t lState Organizer l* i lr;*;r*pn'oGroups I rHat'rv Z:t19Ig_1*ljanuarv. ili"?l::i,#J rci :l'.:.^,::::.:: Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Westley was here to make her bienniel inspection of the local chan!ers. Monda-v rfternoon shl visited Chapter E and Monday evening, .Chapier V. Mrs. Wesfley ._.wnrre she was in Fargo Mrs. "ICSON, Busin, , Subscriptlon - LD, Faculty .li rNp Hn.ln wr i u_byoverby, Ifl ther Niaa -----?OPer$!uws yHiil! ;is*a,r-s":lj, m:: 'no rr,arronl 5ss been 'lol Spirit. t n a lligh Devd. the comot the w!, "itY 29 at the Leon_Metzinger, 1342"South River *9ad. She left Wednesday night for Wahpeton t9_ inspect tiie clipiei there. fn Wahpeton she wilf be 9- C.ugqt of Judge and Mrs. W. H rlutcntnson. r .. rouatlon --u1- hismother, l#l;f;it*""*"f:il{tr1"i*''}. l^ Mrs. Margaret H. Westley otr lCooperstown,state organizei forl ItheTEO Sisterhood,w1s a guestl - f:::l-*{vi - um' sver- an Richard i?g maintained of bts age of 95 dJur'rDA four Years talen school career' He has bigh ac' curricular active Part in extra stud€,nt tivities and is the Present sclool maDager of tbe bigh SENTINEI/_VOL. 3O_NO. 21 Westteyls ;Hans Mrs.lYestley,92, TakenByDeath - 3iedFromStroke Mrs. TuesdayMorning EricklVatne DiesAt Binford 4 A. M. Yesterday S<,k*-g- . --l /Vrq il in Mrs. Ol$e Westldy, a pioneer ]| Griggs county since 1882, suddenlf || psased away yesterday morning as | | Fu-I| of apoplexy. a result of a stroke neral rites will be conducted over tJreI I remains from the Zion Lutheran i I church, south of Cooperstown, tomor- l row afternoon. iI She had appeared to be in rrer us- | | ual good health until Tuesday afternoon when she suffered the stroke. On the Saturday previous she had attended the funeral of her daughter' Mrs. Ashland, but the journey shorved no iII effects. Camo Here in 1882 I Mrs. Wesuey came to Griggs coun- I I ty in 1882 and settled on a. homestead south of Cooperstown with her fam- I ily. Ilere she remained until her I husband, O. H., passed away in 1918. I From that time she made her home i wlth her son, I{ans WestleY, on his I farm near the flrst homestead. She I was here at the time of her death. I Born near Stavanger, NorwaY, Jan- ] uary 1, 1837, Mrs. WestIeY was 92 I years old at the time of her death. I In 1862 she lv&s married the first 1 'Io this union time, to Martin Njaa. one son, O. M. WestleY, now residing at Hannaford was born' Martin Njaa died but a few Years after the ma.rriage and in 1866, she was unitecl to O. FI. Westley. In Minnesota a Year The family left NorwaY and came to America in 1881. TheY settled in Minnesota but a year later again moved. this time to their homestead in Griggs county. As a mother and a friend, Mrs. Ol- j ,-ru -u rra^ ^| ine Westley lived an unselfish life, enlife make times to all deavoring at more pleasant for her family and her friends. She took an active Part in the Zion Lutheran church, of which she was a member. Five Sons, One Daughter She is survived bY flve sons, Hans, M. D,, O. 8., O. C., and one daughter, Anna. T,hree of her daughters have died, one at the age of eleven, the year following their arrival to I tu@, Mrs. Marie Ashland, recentAmerica; A trrt ly at Fargo; and Mrs. MarilgtrWufle- r stad, who died a few Years ago. i Funeral services over the bodY of i Mrs. Westley wiII be held from the Zion Lutheran church, six miles south i and two miles east of Cooperstown' I Friday afternoon at two o'clock. , Rev. Gilbert Stenoiert, pastor of the I churc,h, will officiate, being assisted j by Prof. Sletta of Grand Forks' i Burial will be made at the Zion Lu- I theran church cemetery. I CameTo GriggsCountywith hath l, S".ona ;n Familyin Familyin lBB2;Was Three Week Period;65 YearsOld H,ans W-estley, well-known pi'oneer resident of Sverdrup township, passed away quiietly eho,r:lly arfter sunrise Tuesdray morning of this week. Dbaitih caure upon him at his home six mdles south and tvro rniles e'ast of Cooperstown, f,orllowing a severail rnonths illnggsi, F'uneral services twill be condlucted, from the Westley church in Sverdmp towns,hrip |!h'is afternoom aft" 2 o'c'lock Rev. A. M. Broen of Grand Forks, officiating. His father, O. H. W'esrtley, ca.'rneto Griggs county in 1881 to settle, in Sverdirup, a,n:d in 1882 he broug'ht his wite and family to their new pioneer home. Since tha,t day Hans Westley had trived on his faLher's hornestead. Thror.rghout tris days he had always taken an active interest in the work of the ohuroh and the a.ffairs of state end nafion. A few months ago his health deolined and he submitted to an operatrion for lhe nemoval of a kidney. !'or a tirne he seerned to lrave recovered from the ordeal, but recently suffered several strokes of apoptlexy. He diied F ebrruary 12th, beinrg at tha't, tirne 65 yearrs, 10 months and 8 d.ays of ag'e. As mernbers of tris itrnmediate family he leaves his wife, two 6ons, Osgood, Chicago; and AU, at the pr,esent tirne attendi:rg Mayville Teachers' colleg'e; two daughters, Mrs. Gladlr Brrid,ston of Pasaden:a, Caliif., and Mrs. Frida Siigdestad of Soutih Dakota. Brotihels' &nd sisiers surving him are O. M. West ey, HarrnLa,ford; O. C. Westley, Jarnestown; Anna Wer.stley, Minneapolis, and Dr, M. D. Westley orf this city. Pallhearers a;t the funeral this afteraoon will ibe O. M. Weslley, O. C. Westley, Dr. M. D. West.ley, Ifans tr'roilarrd. Arne Liima a;nd Martin Lunde, Sr, RitesSaturday _ ,. ,lL* J6 s'econd The tirne in ilhree rweeks. deattr visited t}le Brirck L. Watne home at Einford when Mrs. Watne, Who had been iil wiith a bronchial ai,lment for sorme trime, died on frhursday of last week. Mr. Watne died November 23 after a two-day illness of pneurmonia. l',uneral services were held Ss.turday at the Lulheran F rse ch;urclh at ,Binford rwiitih Rev. I. Norum offic ating. ' Hanoa Hystad was iborn in Stordoen, Sond,horland; Norway, July 22, 1863. She oame to Armerica in 1891 and tlwo years later was unlted in marri'srge to Erick [,. Watne. Mr. Watne, a f,armer, spent half a cenLury in Griggs county. The farnily ,moved to Binford a,bout 10 yeers e81ofrom their farm near Jessie, Sevenr chl,Idren w€re born. I1wo are dread. T,hoge surviving' are Mrs. Ger,da, M,iUs, Carnington; [VIrs. f,trilda BHffifldoupl"lti TV/ I F^ IZ IE. Wed 50 Years lfi sI tr AI c ffi.ffifii61i ffi'ffiffiw Mr. and Mrs. Watne I Dazey N. D.-Mr. and IIrs. Ja- | cob Watne were honored at an rr open house ceremony when theyl' celebrated their golden wedding I anniversary in this Barnes county'l community. The couple was mar,ried in Cooperstown Nov, 12, 1897.1r I Of five children three are living. lr iThey are Mrs. Hans Kalland ot'l' Dazey, Ingvald mond, Calif., J. Watne of Rich- , and. Clarence E. l1 Watne of Lansdon. Mr. lVatne was born in Stavan- | tger, Norway, and came to the j' lUnited Stales in 1887. I I Mrs. Watne u'as born in Bergen,lt and came Hannafordl to lNorlvay, lin 1893. I A community dinner in the Un- | ion Lutheran ehurch here is scheduled today. Textbook ;*'\ " Westrn.nn l Written l)_ bY ',;i ToccsTaid \I'ritten ,Euensoru-Westman U Graduate i::f*i*o1i?i?ii^il'iii"o:l,"SiIfi,llgi[J.,.',",y*",iuf"J'fl',1,., jar Edgerey,N.D.. sh-aron aoelelJifren;h -.urti.t il1"ri;;'*;:r,"it"ii,j.triiif GeorgeN*$-alker Funeral Sdturday The funeral of GeorgeN. Walker 62, of 4222nd Ave. N., Fargo, wil be at 11 Saturday in Hanson Runsvold Chapel, iirii::r:,iiiiiiit:lriit Rev. Dr. W. W Strahl officiat- ind Robert Monson will sing with Mrs. Stanley E. Cowan o r g a n i s t .P a l l bearers will be Chris Hagen, Arthur Arneson, Otto Thole, WiIG. N. Walker liam Berg, Fred Maxson and Frank Meath. Honorary pallbearers will Harry Silk, Donald Healey, WtS liam Anderson. Oscar Dahler. !! iEvenson'daushterof {r.. anolstrJ a corsageot white A textbookwritten by Bruce " gf. wesuey, a native of cooperslY-ttr lo$theEvensonFqg.t.Al.;;n"d;il;n a whiteBibie. lbecame brideof Nickolas-E. sisterof the .town and a 1936graduateof 1. tttlssAniturvenson, lwestman'son of Mr' ano mrs.lbrioe,ri'ismainorh;ffi;d*;;i inu unirrursity,has beenpubiodin westman of Aneta,.w.o. rteli-iini'"i"ai*r -.. oi ulu.i-.riilir'r."ttiiirr,uaby the HoughtonMiffrin lflev.RalphE. Roeotticiateo. l;.";T;ii.i". uu" i,.rjoarl,".r'*"-Ji,b"., which has officesin Bos_ ot iii. ana,tire^.uinitio"ir ) *'"Thebridewore-an ankre-Iengthliiuiu ' -7--1lana Dar: . [{ohn Burial will be in RiversideCemetery, Fargo. Mr. Walker died Tdbsday. ;"li;:; professor wesiley,assistant artended n*l Even-j I-)iesrl3ji'i:,'! H;l;"",Tffi.Gene :i"i";i\1li:n"tl":n;,y,:'',", lcoopersrown? at the.rece-ption Johnll""Ass_tsttng werel textbook entitled,..News EditcooruRsTowN, N. D. ,l tlndward Wells,-?9, of Cooperstow",llitlTi-lttav-Berglin, Jake Otter-l ing," designed to provide stu^"^''llstetterand Martin Nessand Shir-l ients .ii resictent_rlf witfr comprehensiveun.ihis'conin'*;r" JoanFe*sonffii;hl herstandings ornewspaper :1frj,."-,1:,."1i;1.::l:j::*:i'..","-ll*nnt;ig' production. rhe uridewill continue her stud_i ii,,",,,,1:,:,ll:.it,,TJ:'"?: "1."r,,::,y'itll. \rrrr r'LlrlrLr Byers, Everett Dariey, Josephll tl}:" Bakewell,Frank Servis, Richardll Sehmitz,ClarenceHord, Haroldl Sandvik, Earl Brace and Willi Holman. sr,e caiiiet'Iaffii,,;Jiliiiliii -*.o*"" lll,"lno"X"X.ii;,,illi,igo, - Tvells, 79:klf at NDAC, graduating in June.l At the present time, Westleg :ll:':;'i,";i:,lle_s Ofliciat'jlMi. w{ffi;;, n Pal'rcr Tidctnatrtt a 1954graduate,isl is on a leave of absence frdfn ,l*ii..rv.u* ',1,t;""*l],1fr,i,L:'tr::rft,1 wq1.bor1, ...-.'" I":l""",:lf ,,l"o,]lil,Jr",Ilio, ilii XTf""HiiJ Artdr :l*i?,.lii; ;l?ll*_e in-niinnedpoii;: Ti b.,i,,"rsityor Michigan. rrru v Elt o r j llnur#,.,ntirolitl; 'lhe aleall Cooperstownareal' lre carre came lo the Cooperstowtl .land nrarried onlnl. lVlabcS Steinborn l t c i n b o r no l r n r l r n a r r i c d Mabel rlDec. i n t955.1 1955.1. F. l i srrvife v i f ed died i c d in a,, 1904. 1 9 0 4His l D e c .6 Surtitine arc scfen daughtcrs,[: ' il n t r s . lI ., d. d( G e l t l u d e )P f c i f e ro f F i n - l -* l[1rs. iley. I\. D., Mrs. Aft (1\4argaretl -lAdamson Minn.,l. lAdamson of Montevideo, Minn.,l :lili:i,l:;::'ii}::'iJ,''1"^i&ill;1" his undergraduate work at UND, Westley received his master of science master science degree degree at Columbia University. ${o'ning,$nmrv,september17,1e5 sl ,l$*l$ihjqffij*iffijf#fjiii\.D. Girl of tt Suffocates ll,l". Ari (Rartrinr,) ArrrrrirJcnrr nf I 'lRav tLrrcile)^Nelson of.Yattnafoi'd'l,l coornRstowN, N.D. (Special)lJanet was born Sept. 10, 1946 tJunerJen-l l1\. u.: Itt.s. bnerw_ooo l-Janet, ll-year-old daughter -Willi oflin Jamestown.She had movedto ,lscn arid Mrs. Waiter with her parents a 'lJohnof.Tahnouth,*Muss., ..ld Yir I lmr, {Lorraine) Navin of Seattle;llWeispfenning, tT,il' bv F9s,"n wastnstituted few years ago. suffocated 'l Binford.l, in a fire in her home he sons, Waiclo Waldo of Binford,l, here. I Trvo sons. I They had moved into the houso 'lN. n., and Edward of Cooperstown'l The child had returned fromlwhere the fire occurred only a few I'' Its erandchildren and J ercat-l SundaySchool,and was jn a room days ago. hj:^3gult-'j yl:'l.ji.""ll'1.-o-ul lc,randcrrldren. T^t!..1:|y.ry1,..1^'*,L?T-^togllj:^ brothers, Fredie George and w F u n e' r,l Fll T h e b o d yi s a t Q u a m_ L ion.-, tot of Ole. The Plaintiffs i.rlhi t. have set-asidea deed to io sien it and t'lrat he ;,.*;J;;; was-influenccdbY Yictor' Teisen had hcld for Victor' and nv ,'i-z rlecisionla.st March-thg SiroremeCourt sustrincd the Dis trict Court action. The case was .u-uisu.O, with the same result: iuae6s Nels G. Johnson,Thonras ;. f;tk" and Ja.mes-Morrisvoted rto affirm, while Judge P. -9t isrtfti" and Chiel Justice G' Grirlltri lJon'olstentco' r::fr' 'rn!r*'Ei .lilorne.', and Mrs. Johan Watne of Cooperstown, residents of this community since 1887, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary here recent]y. d Eieht of their nine children were present: Walter, Valley City; Ernest and Mrs. Hans (Alice) Hansen, Fairdale, N. D.; Erma June ancl Otto, Cooperstown; Roy and Mrs. Orville (Esther) Taxdal, Hannaford, N. D., and John of Binford, N. D. Maynard of La Grande, Ot*,, was unable to attend. I yer vr.!e t rtatr.c"orge-weisp'fennint-or , ,"!:ia]""' wRITESrEry1 A new textilok _-. rrr .-.GriEBs County Coroner S. J.lFredonia, N.D., and grandparents Quam said death was causcd by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jums of "; " in th'e]JamestlYl,-^Y :*:b^1^^i'1":"i9:,^pl'::llg" bedroom. . funeralP..i,, rvill L^ be rr,^,-^-i-.. Wednesday in journal's""-",1ltl?rt:t-:{,t1?^Cirl's. "1 .Tl" ism,emphasizing_.the ln"T".'"?;* 3h3rifuii.'rt""ff'l:rtt'n*inJi:J tfl:rtft:nfl.f'"ryfftil of edltlng principals .wnrcn,the wiring had causedthe fire. ]Harvey Senecalofficiating.Burial apply to both large and smarr i. The victim's father, who is alwill be in Highland Home CemeiManufactur-ltery h6r'cn,narq ,-r-.*.oape., was recently pub- lbookkeeperat Reiten Manufactur-ltery in Jamestown girl's bodyl_J!,.,9"91is at the QuamFu. fggnd,tlr.e ii;h".i iy Bruce We1qev, " i:c.S^0.1.-t9, Home' -She.had apparentlvlneral Univerthe of ilil;r;;"rle i1l,ft,t-.:Ioi3.t' - tJ"'$".Li"r1l"r'lf' r r u w attheunive' I s ;;* n e; l; ;siti'. l t y . ;i fl "*"1'.i":1". 9'T1ffi oi" ,_".?::--M;.;";'i,r;.-iv;i;ph;;fi;a;;il;l sity o{ rvr_i_clisan,., from the Universtty ot wrs- rt churchwhenthe-alarm-wasll l'uesday Evenin9's Iliflnef S* ,'ff51ry: F\t'mt"\ ffiffitFffs*wgff consin facultY. CooperstownCoupIiS' Notes 50th Anniversary rrvr l 9 - 1 - 1 bFvhr g . " p p a r e n t l y ** suffocat-]Walte_r William Jr.:- a grandmothI trappedin the room and "*'*'"|;tl ;ounded. Hffif u,, llle"'h:\ itt,l*Y,tY'kl"; $o*r' *,\*$fi:4#,:r;:fi,t#',,:,'! H*,il*t,#f *'.prl#*ilF;ffi ttffiu'n+t* _+=_____----_=A 'Il unnatord "Qqgn,Stundout\ lln No tionu!\DeatTowrnel*in "-.,, "o*T lo' ** l"\*:-r^Hr,;i"fi'?11fi,"\.*ff.l' Mrs.WamS""oi"* iFr iigl*"*#ffi;u'i"?i'""f'1'"""11 ffnlliiiffi SetAt 2Friday l.1i ll"y,*ffiilLf;#,r*l$1ffi Service for Mrs. John (Ellen) | r ,. lwam, rlnz rteve4itr S[. N.. res-l F *|iq"* gl,.lllcg- 35 years,will bels.': li#-t1ru.uuron. The team went onl:::::i:::::::i: j ,,:,; ltg ryi".ul9Tq'.oni1,loll""E"-rt T:1 ,,..,,: Gix' tlll;,,r''l'r in trreliirirr F1"3, Ti*f,Hfi 85'52, wM* mn1;;; #iJ l*i*l"Fn.**"ttl3,, li"iii'i-Ai'ri-i' lI uo! ^'lChurch of wbich L lball t"am which had a 21-1 recordl,';:1;,;',:::.::::,''' -nnl*:.** amem- ,"lBerge and thc I f " R n r ' E schr I llnar. "^;i ht;; licote" in the tbuinament and was lpicked on the all-star team' At the national tournament for lii*gr''r""d'*lii i;i;i1:;i;:'"8',i'i;iffi":1i;ffiluce *li",''f;ll'"i'l',jfi: ffi|;il ;;i "M;ffi;il ,ffi| r .r,, .,''. | ::.': lureaeatat Houston, Jeq,,wgit's I#;#ii;'-ii':-"^t".t;;'-*e.,!*-Q-* liina, cunr" 56-42' .rn^its'9e9ond ffi:T*1ffi }.i"ht5$rilil*+i$i' #"i i*' ;t:'l Wffi I l[::t::t | I H *'*11".1T".#f dereating '":1fi"S'xlllilt"bn"*li l""rflFi::3'*::"i:"i::i6l"l*i l$i"-.3ffitm:ful MARK WAIT - iitv,-eo-oi. itl,rrr - Mrs. Wam diecl Tuesday.Bornlial 1, 1867, 1, 1867' shel she March l' March Wis.,March Wis., Nelson,wis., at Nelson, afNeison, lat ry6i1-s_l9l l;;;a""t"d trom GaltauditCollese,l ' -r13?Jt:f,":i"T" * -io" l.*:il til'"'j"#:1" i?'iYi#itH"it'ii'iii'ni,l";a -w mar-l there and was mareducated there iwas was educated ;'ht"c-| '" *"'n"''' t*nnl,Jnffiff,Hff isa;;ffi ."; ;;;;; I. ii;"'dil;uiutbi ;$itf di:""1i ;ff ;;-i6R.".cr'"iit-r'Jffii'nlre |l*:'jl"i;#; l?"|':S:'d ,"ffi1gnf,of, -:^l +^ +L^ D^t' nhsia+ F^r+hrth Wait eraduated from the North la school for the deaf in 1"951'lya^' rvaledictorian of t'tlt S{?au ih 1892.They resided successively atltlt S'D.,lgt Brookings,S'D.,lgr Minn.. Brookings, Wing, Minn., Red Wind, Pnrt Townsend. Tnwnsend Wash.. Wash. Ellsworth.lM Port Pllsworth,lM r\.lsr Kyoer, r\.ln wrs., ano anti nvuer, ir","aitti*"0, ra-, Asnlano, wis., l = ludilor a1 Minot. ----4* J €yo , Wetrre Farrri;i' HolJs vistedNoi.rvar, rheyarso "..ia-iB I l, _ I ilt. rv_--: Wright Weils *nllGlori'u 1fs*i!!,$,^3:'^T*. "?yI:::!!:" "fuii"*?fus:""ii'nl*'tu:rlll '*?3?;"3il,i#ii.lXilf#;";x'ihryd. Groriirw^Iding,zof9Pli*".$ux1Quanot !trd^,19111 rel.ativep I';iteid:ll movedto ii*niioial-ll.l"' F#,i"#,j3#li'il; Forthun Y-11$.f1{t,';l II 'ne Thq weddiny'or ly. pionbersin Griggs cortnty,.heldl lrud, daughterqf Mr. and Mrs. osshe was *u""iu'.i-iJ'li".lw D. There wamin1912'Heaieoin'isi?airdlataleunionatRedwillowLakehere'llcar'ouanrudofGrandForks'and s h e h a t I r e s i d e d i n F a r g o s i n c e . l ^ . , t r e w a t ' ' u N. japit1-s'e"{}ed'lf::|lLt..ii-":D;ffi Gffierstown, D., in 1E85.--Johanl lwrisbt, son of R;l c;;b";t"*", StTd,gilig,?T:"#;Sa o9;l lyi,,fl",Y#; "l1l - -D:, iliiril;;;"ri J^.,,y. - (99fu)^ "J-ri6.ry19.trom rilitiuoro anal l;r mir"t, t ooh lN. "iti'i'*?il'l*tl1HoliT'#Fllii ""Y.1t-";-.:irt*l'i",it"+ -;iJ-:l$:ii:l^, t.oii,"ivriJtt., frtit"*hr.*lected antt Mrs.lin Forthun,#lg,yj5.liil home. JuriaForthun herhome.'Julia her Calif.; a son, Arthur Forthun, ?20lst 3filliil,'J*1"*t'-ffi tlv.in,Mrs.-Anna La|son. Moncl0vi.ldt Hannaford, N. D. hi., &ih,J_iff"!1r1"Ig-.fi''rs&llte'ti,: l9.l::* ^+t\T *my"*,.1.",;*l*l#*If; nrolur yle-lw una o uq a . 'i"Ji"il*ii'.-lt'. rwu brothers urulrlErs rwo tud"d ht"jnjttll'-._ wu.l_ Mrs, li,l*t:'AlTr"3 sec-lE lof C corresponolngsec-l* h"a Mersenthal corresponding c e al I enn t r a lardMergenthal '1 retary iWt e t tr o d i s t -_- and publicity chairman. u;i-.. mo mii.-t-. i. Larson.Itin-l$ 'J tin r Atl"oi l'% llnnurrv iliii;;:'w;\iRit"r' li l':l*''' \\ it&'r' 6;i, and.rerelives y*"*?ll. Ot Binford l)ies l-l",t*u' wi1lilt:1*1*1,:,iiTt)3?"itin, Ereventnlr BrNr,'oRD, N D. -- Frer'1' ' ; ffi iTt i'r'ii' t'qfr *:", \il-t#j'e#'r+;+n [ 1il$1, ""xt_I:, "t""fi"Xlioi; i:'. illi;il; lr"'Jl,H, h n T:,;", I ""*lj,i# Flra3s,. o-tt"-Rfgl l; ifti"T"l 'huil'.-lii"i."' ^A:'ol eoi inug olriciatiuc. R;;. lqyerQue, N. B. Scrimshire l|Irc. Wrisht iofficiated and l +ihe t^ ^^"-1o rr;rc attardod hv T Maj. bY was attended couple land Irtrs. WiIIiam X. Zeidler. I The bride wore a two-Piece rose organzine shantung dress with blue accessories and an naw orchid corsage. Mrs. Zeidler wore lblue with black accessories and a lyellow rose corsage. I l-t.'Wrieht was graduated from Ithe University of North Dakota iand is 4 member of Sigma Nu. He lis stationecl at Kirkland Air Force Mrst Albuquerque. A tuuqusrquE. llgdr near llBase DdSg lWrigtrt, a graduate of Cenlral I lHish School in Grand Forks, wasl lembloyed by the R. B. Griffithl i ICompany of Grand Forks. I The couple are at home at, l2378Yz East Garfieid Ave., Albu- | lquerque, *tt*i"r* Ti-l l$i+-'i#l-tf$alT"ffi[ il"ili;il'i';ir.*i.xi::rjs#,inuu,,:l$fpi$["'tu*xff]"rl"f 'l""thl:Hi --titotptott, calif''Max of sanDiego, ftis. Ptmer?trogrlson,l: lHarolcl 'lt"i"' F!sh-er'l; lofEllensburs ff"U u',nil|.'?,lotffiii: -.cu.r '..i i" iiit.. \W.ti*.*r, {iflrtf-*'i, lE'",L1",";;u "Fffill 3$'15',jr#r Ii 11;,L"' I l'u"*o ?'di:H't #LlTi It,f*:"W*tu#:' ;; r'i l';.;';;"1;;'l;r ft:ii'"1'ail"'li il""i;.\'ilT"""1$:. onn lf,7is.. and Mrs' rYrewln wuot-l b""C, Mt"t1.tt:_-__ k: M. lrhe Rev.Joseph w ' .JgJlsrSaJ sr pItB SCTIuOUOCO pue ocuaros.leorlrlod u.tolsaruef e uriffi lE ruoorsselr 391-g:j4l"a8a11o3 ErBIIIllt rossrJorddq pepunodxo sI IUOfiHI TVCIIITOaI s,ra,ritg^14' aql a^Eq Pit 1edeq3 'uarpFl{tpuErdl pr' -1earB61 pue uarplryrpuer8ualil -^as :'JrtEJ 'oljrraz aauarelclJ. Ig Jo P::^" Ii*3"JYgyY:iT, i:, li:fil I(' 'N'u^\olsJodooCl suos o.rq aJB ''G '/,88I'AI 'AoN palrrElr oq 1€ 'apitr slt{ saplsaq Eurlnrn5 ',(tn iblel o1 Pa^our Pl elo{l r ur parrloJall 'd.ro1t.ue;, ueql',{azu6leeu Surtiles'/88I1'd q soFls polFn aql ol aurEa. '^(u,nro11 uI 'r98I 'tI 'qod urog '0 'N 'proJ?uu€H FBald, Jo qcrnqC uslaqlnrl uolun uI ABPIU {rnqJ| a lB oq lll.{\_lBrouryaqJ ll gleydsoq 1eao1 e utl;, .{epuol4ipa1p\NN 'dezeq 3o d1l" -raurroJ'11t3.(d1ge1 '16 'oulu1,tlI Io - g j,r 'NIc ,\trI'lv qocBf I I 'parJrBrullroquaql flal o] I eror\ pue ralBl lalu eldnoc eqllJo spaauoql laotu 'sI .pa>1se €C,pres 6q-llouorlrunJoql sr loN,, 'leql,,'peq 'aloA Jraql J a{[ nod op mog,, ,,euqof 'Suppoin sear sraeqn.rrqr,r *opui6lnue ufiedurecaijl I aql.lB aLll a.rnlcrd eq1_paddo.rpl009 eql 1e alnprd lseol lB dllsuos 'aq1 {o[o] l:!I?l .{u?q "Adnn11 dapsall 'uopeclldde Jo ralpl e qlrm amll-,fto^a Jo-ol_qtunlt saIO 6r(1f\t{antll' tI6 ""olelhXqoaefr. blrt^\ A^Trn l l{ -ciq rall pa^raaarpeq aH 'uraF,(sluro4 FedB buHla -efu looqcs blur draeq':r*^'tunjeopieq1 1q8nolr .aup aqll ::rrg aql parrqfallsall sirnoilu 1e u,no1aq1d ry,{rlrcclt ur qr51c'i1ireq e sem.'eloqeqqFoN .rriu.raaoalf-.riag .rog,,.r6de Ib r\ou 'sr^BO 'fi uqof pres oH lue Burpale puru8t r .6lsq1le1doad'aurbs a.ru a.r pj91t__J:T9r. j r" SurpesneSl.oJrr sq Joaprscr Eurpnfcur A'p',Qsn13a1q dlqeidae ^1._9-ll IsuorlSeai' gol-ryqloq slaBoq sl :_?]!!l**o? Iero^osur slooqcs sBPoArosseqaH | ;scqgod rl4rolua s0a6r orel Ju".,"t"' *, *,.ffgill.l5i,f fl*r_qyg -u.{roJsr€ctooc nel peaqce.rljlse .rossa;oiile Eulr T erjj pun|1mr1t-rqi-uo-urur rq, 9ll_ _93-eclqCp^,qrueaiuli ^lrsro^run uo$ut{sell .le , a8roo5 ,r 1el pue ,.'Burp Tjti.,.^t-tlL:f !p **julosauq4l rrrsr-f Ir,^.f5:r5"q_-_.!l_lpuernecnariiJ* s.ralsel{J B sertaH .toolcs areiliq rrnii, illJhr"iau eqilprie'.sa1qno.r1 -o1e1$ YloleC {l.to11yo dlrs.raarul ie'uo jieor a,rei1' eldbattas "reg -li.rauruldriroj !.lpu:IeJaquoru _|ut^Er{,.ussv aql s sr .{a11sa6 Jo cruorq rrsor 1." pB o1alnmiirHg l'* t::1"#:*;"; ^*.1u 3{l o1 SqoB sl s :1:11_tI Wpa s'auoqdoi n ;lI so.{oldrui df o .,,*.qi a.roai 3I.^1."3J -L_'plu1 -,tgnsen I s't__orls puc qceodC j e-eiieru I oagyosq,i;idira '..{11j luasnodoU q- I sni'lo erig u l35l!:,-.ll"ot11a .s{[ adderl oof 1,usg daJ1satr1 lirifoUun"4adie.q )( u 'o8e1o3turaolsorref F{ | g1"l 'oq de1potrtr'suollel .pe88 .pa88el Jo,slrr8l.pres 'reqleJJraql -npcr.darB -npeJd aJe 'reqle; JraqloqU orlyJ,s1.rr8l.pres aq eq ._.ool ,,,o01 ral{looqJ 'apu;Bq19fui'ir erislsibursnd',{r,r'ub ,"a uorretr4i pue pau.reiulpeq Eur lue laiurq ^..To:1.-1:_.tl .s.ra1lip-a,rraadi aJe AqloJoo pue pue auuoulE.l'.srarle auuoqleJ niir..ii .o.'",, pir ^,, peq'oq lj3__lqloroq -qnnep adrql e,reqs.(a11se11 eql, I .iaqt aqi ne,rp 1 oclpord oIaI salioaq,Lslnd acw@ras, pclur | ... una I I ' ! yufluo,{ o9uv.{ .[.YqNitssH,t c.10 THE STJNDAYFARGO I.OR] He Is Mayor Of Ja*estown t v 1 .r I Teacher Of Political ScieneePuts TheoriesInt By JERRY RUFF wherewould I draw the line?" I The Westleyshave three daush. Westleysaid he had receiverlalters. Catherineand Dorothy ire Staff Writer for parkinghimselfandhadlmarriedand Marion is at home. ticket JAMESTOWN,N. D. Going paid it. "I was o4 crty businesslShe grad The is in 10th grade. from the political sciencetheory whenI was tagged,too," he said.lgirls,like their father, are of the classroomto the practice -Jamesof JamestownCollege. of politics as mayor of Public relations, Tfestley be. town wasn't too difficult for Wil- lieves, is extremely important I lllrs. Westleyisn't too happv liam Westley. in running a city. One of his I in the political climate. .,l{hGn she is "I'm usedto sitting in brickbat first orders when taking office,l I make a speechanil ,,I 6eats," he said, aq he sat in his was that all city employeswere I there," Westleysaid, feel she to answer telephoneswith tq mv sleeve office in City Hall. llth a I is going to tug at my pleasant"good morning." I any minute to- get m6 to sit Westley,a bristling-sharpman ln his fifties, teachespolitical sci- Westleyhas a theoryaboutpeo-l dovrn"' ple who are chroniccomplainers,lWestley is a member of the ence and economicsand is "Many of thesepeople_have trar at JamestownCollege.He reallStateBar Assn.,having attended been mayor of Jamestownsi troubles,personaltroubles, andlthe University of Nor.t_1l Dakota must bellaw School.He has a Master's April, 1958, when he defeatedlthey defea they (the complainers)mu W. F. Sharp by 19 votes. from the University ldealt with sympathetically innesotaand did graduate If you were to describeWesfleylwithunderstanding"' t& * {* say h"el _ln oire word, you would sav t tE Itt -Ggotgglvaslingtgn-Ilniversity the Universifyof Chicago.He How doesthe man-on-the-streetland is "resilient." A bouncv tw6. trel "roli' has the ability to wittrjfeet about having a professoraslP_racticecl _laul in Cooperstown, punches.He giv-esfriend and foela mayor? Is the college back-lN.D., in the late 1920sand early ilit<e the kid-glove treatment. lSround an .advantageor.disad'11930s. in downtownpolitics? j servedas superintendent But he brooks no nonsense.l"Tj.q: . "tte,tras and you get the irnpressionthai l, ,w-fltlel ..iry" ry sets botn ta-lol scnoorsm severalcommunltles the kid gloves coutrl turn into lvoraoreanguryavgliblP,Igrfli.*lilgludin-g.McCluslry,N. D.-He reactrng as a sort of cupid side of his ltfe.. foiing g]ou"r-ii a p"iiiicat oi lto_ttt. ac-ademic lcells civic slu?ging match were ca[. I lle said there are some..peopleluere' -anl .i - He said John E. Davis, ed for. lwho talked against electiig ="^rleducator as mayor "for fear Ilgovernorof North Dakota,was . ., ev. ,"ollwould close ;:il"#. at lllyoune bank clerk in McCluskvat up the town town at .9::k?*^":":1'--,Yu:*t,^.h*lffi"rA'h$ Delore wumrng me,loo Known olip.m." litre tiime.Westlevhired the rires- POTITICSIN ACTION is exhibitedby Mayo ll"' bi"i'-'i"G-in''iJri"'li tl'e"iaual'nihasrought the JamestownCity Council. Sfi#i'HT'?t'.JJtfi"T'-.":'$T'"lii"'*,'lu.y anr* tronl;Wte*:,.Ht\4.receivedler pi'eNorthDakotatowns,atOJill;fiiiltrt he is somettrin-g wjth a letter of application' .Jamestown from 19b4u"iii-igilrilttt. loysh and tumEle'ofevery'lture ute' and registrarat Jamestofiboilaav , . - l"-Y|t$q,^th:, .1-tn-f,,,Yglt1uv iI the pr:tur.e at the tetlei lese since 1948. He #"6!;i i;;;hid; calledpersonallyat least 50Oidrop1e6 where Davisya1w_or.kins.t anaiwindow tn-.-ii,l.i. riil ie,r].ltr*iti.ra;rilg ttrecimpaign x x i laskedthem for tlieir vote. | "Howdo you like that, John?" bad,"ttia o*it. one of the westleypori.iusl-t u;ii;;;;ir--iLu ru*ti"n oflhe;sked.-"i'{ot oflThe couplemet later and were to meetthe neecls whichhascaused considerj6l" ln.lgovernmenf is strict enforcement tagonism oflthepeopleand to tell-themhowlmarneo' palking laws. lissuesare going to affect them."l Wegtley.saidhe is- a_"Republi [. has rlrunk*or.l.un by inheritance.',He said No one is excusedfrom pavinsl navinsl W' Wesgev,Aa -lcoffee parking tickets. sihcebecomingmayor thanllas, not given much.t}ought political, ambitions. And while metersaie nrohibitedlhedirl in all the reit of his life.lfu$,he,r id he will wrx uraKe make up up rus his s inind a goodway to talk in-l:f.i:-."i by state law on city streets,l "It's for' re-election hasmetered with o.ooii unaiitil t"il*ryl-rugning' a parkins'formallv Jamestown wheno,the time comes' lot which it leasesfr"'*^il..Iffi'd;'iil";^ihfii":il.fii-ri.'aoi;1*tvtr NorthernPacificRailroad... jwt.' , .1in1ne I The tvesfleysrive in a small gyi'lh;; Westleyhad a letter on his deskl The lYestJeyadministration whictriyas -rift.li .onu..ta ]ro* hasbeendoingplenty.-T!.i"--1"*Jiia.t.A lrom an-areafarmer.In it wasldently parklng tlcket lor a_ some accompusn-lwestleyobtained at Pingree, N. D. a parking ticket andlmayor and]mayor lrsted listed 60me check for a check a sheaf of sales slips from locallments: lne airi the work himsdif of mak- POLIICAL THEORYis expounded bv Pn at Jameitown.colleg6 Ig*lg*i" a classroom pdlrticalscienceand economics aud is registra 'JSJlsrSaJsr pgE saluouoca puB ecuoras lEoq.llgd ryL1131949'aSfroC' u't\olsaluef1n*oottttlt " ot-iffi q IUOflHI TVJLLIIOd u-eJfirtTd$Sfp.rii{q papunodxe 'aaIAros o^Bq 11rlrrPdeu3 L1.o^519 pl- l'l-rr.ra pue uarplqcpue# ualdl' .rear3 aI zI prre -olfita7 lg ]o acuar€lJ -ias :'rrle3 i'gP3'o1t lli: l-,ras ..i11e3'plo*!_rg_.lo^"Slflll pue l.SuoS O.nl aJE "([ lru 'l,osr'uI t' 'N 'u/r\olsrauuuJln 'AoNpalrreru 0quoq^\l- s I l i oe&nt.{[ s ftlq, l s aappI lSsAaqq ; u IdAu tl ^, rl ^Jrnl tS " felle1 9l Pa^ouPu? "ittf 'f.rogr'ra1e1o1 gq61ur pairla-reg '1331 l.6nudtri'.['eze6.reau3u111as ur*saleig palun aql ol auec aq 'de,*.rogu.I 'r98I 'tI 'qag urog '( 'N 'proJBuuPH Io FBalf' iur.rnul ueraqlnT uolun ut AlPlu {I;*t' * rutil.llflTtiyrli :; li..,5 *Ii:',1""u ffi ,ili;o"ii-ilI 'NI]r\fl'IIv^ $lroaer- o J,I lr 6a1rry,ra[BAl' llt"tC 'aulenFqo""f i' ii'ro {l ..'lI dmlcoJ uo Euq.roal rrrrl, 'pres aq 'zs6rul 00 IIe ul S6t'894't 'zl,t'9l6'a$F10 ,,'uercqrlod e roJ alqrfiol { SFIJ,, sr-qJ 'seureu oq 'lle Jo Fro11l sF{l panssl s}Iulri s1e3.ro3 'popurur '896I luasqeleqr{ouos sr u! s" tl '.readsl lsrossa;o.rd e8elloco1 polnqlrl lnoqe s.lBtII Ile.rauet SwpeJ eq1 ol spur a.re,nr.ra11n8Pue q '6q pB oH 'paqsaulou aABq,{a1pe60q lnoqB osIV Jo sarq?u pcrylod prre crruapece o1u1 1nd aralrr $lc aql orqqa eorB ouo q aroqJ 'poppB uaoq sEq 'ouroq E olu! 'gt6l ocws aury ls Iooqcsaql 8ul -{Eru Jo llasuryl ryo^r aql prp oH 'q'g'ae$ur4 lB pawelqofo1pa4 -usrlduoacealuos Sqppq looqcs palepllosuoc€ aqj''.(1ua1d Suropui IrIorJ poFo^uoasB^r qcrq.[ osnoq-pa uolle4slwlupB, eq;, Ilerus B u.I oql s,ta11se11 f f t pFoqs.{T 'souot aturl eq1uaqn .rofeurouop aq pue oldoa lno purJ sB uorlcala-a.r;o; Sqnruru lnoqe -ul puntr sJq dn erleur il \ aq ples 'alll:llBl o1 i(en pt su Jo lsor oql aH 'suoqrque pcpqod raqpn; o1 lq8noql qcnur uear8 lou seq uer{lJodetuSuturo oq pres aH ..'oaueryrar{w {q uec 0J0ru{urup SBIIaq I -11qndeg,, € q aq prcs da1pa11 ,.'tuaq1Page o1 8u 'porJrB ^\oq tuoql [al ol p orar\ pue rol€l lau eldnoc eqg Jo spaauoql loolu ( 'sns( pres 'pa{su Io uolpunJ oql q I loN,, '0104 Jlaql JC 'leql..'pBq a{I nof op ino11,, ,,euqof '3w4.roarseirrsrae6 a.roqu pue u8redurecoq13 00qNBaIlB AIIBuo aq11e a.rnprdaq1 It 'IaunoJ fp3 unolseursf oql (sopqd r[ruod) tro Eunaau e 1e seprsardeq se fe1pa11usIIF.l{ .roi(e1idq palrqn$a sI NOIICV M SJIIITO; '{u€q eq1 3ur1sr1 -.ftarre ;o olqunl p 'uonec{ddB Jo Jollol 8 qllln aJ uo,r1 pede Surqla Joq pa^raDdJpBq aH 'srtr4l BaH orlt lq8noy s Iooqcs aql olw sr^Bc 'erur .sa.rdeq1 pe.rq fa11sei11 ur {rolc {uuq 1e dr1sn13c11 lB rllrol aql dn s ser\ 'elo{Bq qFoN Io .rou.raaoSrea; .r01,,.ror(e arou 'sra?c '[ uqof prBs aII 3ur.1ca1a 1surc i atuos arB aJ 'ofi slt{ prdnc 1o 1.rosu se 3q1ce Jo opls cn 'rftsn13c111 -ar aH 'O '1,,1 alq€ro^eJ Eurpnlcutlsuonaear sorlunuuoc lBro^asu EooqcsJol-BJqloq slab oq sl sB pa^ros sEq aH I luopuolu-tJadns isarllod u^{oluA\ 'sgg61l-pesrp .ro a8elue,r 'N|-{ceq atelloa eq1 ''q 'Nl-rtceq {1.ruapue s0Z6IalBI oql q "q 'wrrols.radoo3q ll\BI pacqce,rdlse 3 ;ull\ rossaJoJd 'o8ecrq3lo,(lrs.ra,riu[ aq pue erji |1ae.qs-oql-uo'uuu reatuq aruo uol.drn{sBll uo13urqse11 a8roe5 lB odrooc {r te trel elenpu.r8p1ppue elosawntr{I 'solqnorl Eo:leo qFoN Io dlrsra^un oql IEuo ''ussy papuollBEur^eq turreq ''ussv es olels raeqoldood .reg olelsllBor r^eg o^eq eldoedos oql Jo Jaqtllau s sI i{a1pa6 l's.reurelduroc cruorq -oed lnoqe &oaq1 e rr' ol eo, pa ol .,'Smulour Po o,raals {ru 1u En1 "1n*iirtl[ o1 Eulo8 sr B WI,lr sauoqdala aqsIootf,,'ples,(e11sotr1 .,,e.req1e.real so,foldure r(1J s! oqs puB qaeodsu o{€ur I ocglo Eupptr ueqal u?qll,, 'aleu4p 1uag11od aq1q sJq go eug '.dgc t .s.r111 ,(ddeqoo11,uq ,{a11satr1 luupodu4 ,(1aura.r 'suo1 'eq de11se11 'a8a11o3 rr \olsoru?f go r.1"1 'pe33 -nper8a.re'roqleJrraql a4t 'qrr8l'preseq ,,'oo1 rcqlo aqJ 'ape$ qqgl ur sr eq5lssaursnq .{1rcuo^se 'atuor{ sr uorr?trIpue parueurlpeqpue lE JlasmqEur al_edqloroq pue ourror.lleC's.railepaaraaarpeq aq p -q;nBpodrql aaeqs,,{a11sa11 aqJ I .,aau.{aq} aBrp I n ;il sq )c ?d H acucord olul salroaqL slnd acuaras!IDclIll ITI,,I t . I, i:, I\InUod ocuYd JtYqNossH,I \{ and MoorheadN ffomeeoming Events [Jnder fvr a, nTT\TT w av At 1\Lru u ;',.., GRANDFORKS,N. D:.1AP)_ Alumni were gathering Friday on the campusof the Universitl' of North Dakota for the 1959 Homecoming celebration. Friday eventsfeaturedan alumni banquethonoringthe classes of 1934and 1954,a water show, pep rally and kick-off dance. Main speaker at the banquet wgs^&_O. Wcstley,a nativc of and a 1934 Coo'pef3ffSn;fi?h graduateof NDU. He is vice president of CentralSoyaCo. at Fort Walme,Ind. Today'sprogramwili includea parade,ihe l{omecoming football the NDUSiouxand samebetween SouthDakotaStateCollegeJackrabbitsat 1:30p.m.,openhouses, a lettermen's banquet and a dance. N. D. will be COOPEITSTOWN, home {or Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Wuflestad who were . married at a recent ceremoily in Bethlehen-r !)vangelical Free Church there; The bride is the {ormer Vivian Kopperud, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Oscar KoPperLrdand thc bridegroom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Wuflestad, ali of Cooperstown. Matron of honor was Mrs. Donald Ostenson,Cooperstown.Bridesmaids were Mrs. Paul Sorvik.Jr., Frances Nelsou, fX{rs. llr5and d llu dIH,u, l fFargo, i C o o p c l s t o w nS. u s a n W u f l o s t a d . lNet Foider, r4inn., and Kristi rtct'c Jlcwcr lJohnson,CoopersLown. Blair Ostcnsonrirs ringlgirls. and IDearer. I Attending the bridegroorn \'vere lGenelVuflestad,Ner'v!-o1den,Spenlcer Lage and Mark Johnson,both lof Coonerstowttt ' ,7 f Luv e Dies LUVERNE.N. D.-Funeral ice for Mrs. Peter (Andrea Kri{) Wamberg, 74, of Luv ill be at 2 Saturday in Luverne n Church. the Rev, KerrPeterson'officiating. Quam Home of Luverne is in Mrs. Wamberg died Wednesday her home. She was born Sept. , 1880,in Astrup, Denmark, and wasmarriedto Mr. WambergDec. 20, 1902, in Cooperstown. farmed in Broadview Township, Griggs County. SurvivingbesidesMr. Wamberg a son,Carl of Luverne;three ters, Mrs. Oscar (Frida) . Chicago, Mrs. Jack Vera) Sherman, in Alaska, and rs. John (Alba) Tvedt, Taco'ma, Wash.,and a sister, Mrs. Wed or Wuflestad 1 COOPERSTOWN. N. D.-Christibn Wuflestad. ?9,'Iong time resident of this area, died unexpectedly Saturday. Mr. Wuflestad, who resided in town, had been downtown in the forenoon and had returned home. He was stricken by a heart ailment in the afternoon. The funeral will be at 2 Wednesday in Bethlehem Lutheran Church, the Rev. Arvid NVist and the Rev. Edward Kimoffieiating. Quam Funeral Home is in charge. Born in Sandnes,Norway, April 1874, Mr. Wuflestad came to area and marrie.l Inga Herig-l in Moorhead June 18, 1927. h He also leaves three sons by revious marriage, Phili amestown. N. D., Oswald of C stown, and Victor of Los An-li les; two brothers, the Rev. Kragll uflestad. Cooperstown, and Con-l d of Dale, Minn.; seven grand-l 'ra PeterA.IVamberg Of Luvefne Di"lOct. LWERNE. N. D. - Peter A' Born in Odense,Denmark' Wamberg. 84. resident here 12 20. L872,Mr. Wamberg came to years, i' retire.d Griggs-CountyGiises Countv in the 189osand Iarm6r, died Friday in a hosPitalmair*ied Andieas Christensenin His wife Dec.20,1902. Cooperstown N. D. in Cooperstown, The funeral will be at g:30 Mon- died Feb. 9, 1955. son, Charles of dav in Luverne (UE) Lutheran He leavei a daughters,, three - Mrs. Church the Rev. KenrqethPeter' Luverne; Arthur (Freda)Anderson,Chicago, se-"--oittiiti"g.' Quam (Vera) Sherman, SPenHomeof Cooperstownis in charge. Mrs. Jack and -ta."*i, l4rs..John (Alba) aiO,'atista iv*lai, wasll; twobrot'h- airOa sist6r in Denmark;.13 nnoincd rdIFdIEal Eleanor Helgerud of N. D.. announces esgagement of her daughter, Jeanette Watne, to James Devlin of Finley, N. D. A graduate of Cooperstown High School, the bride-elect is attending the Uni versity of North Dakota. Mr. Devlin is graduate . of Miss lVatne High School and is in Grand Forks, _ ,WalkersLookFo '.l'b I o ,r..,. {hingr'like a spool otl ffi l"\'hite thlead has taken on newlm limoortance to Mrs, Eldon M.lffi lwitt e. who is about to embarklffi iuoon housekeepins in the Unitedl ffi lstates afler two- years of resi-l ffi ldence on the Island of Guaml ffi*' lwhile her husband, Naval Chief I rffi been'n'u'n#9.#lffiiiilir=il has rwaixer Ithe South Pacific. He " * t Dieset Si lHope, HOfE, N. D. - AlexanderOliver Windloss.57, of HoPe,a native of North Dakota, died WednesdaYin a hospital at Rochesier, Minn.' after a short illness. Funeral service will be at 2 Mondayin thc Beaver Creck Lulheran ihurch nine miles wesl oI Hatton, the Rev. A' G' Sherve of -.'ffi. "+,"'f',* !"r",,3;: ii." ""u"'IW,#1ffi iI*:.'+:l '.iiiuiii Laura Lee, was Their daughtcr. and lhas sPent rrrF . lA.O.Windlors,s anges t*rnnYMtIiT#,. t l*#*''k*:**i*I u(qrrvr'. Virginia iborn born in Virginia jall there and in short life the all of her short Guam. lGuam. necessary but I Many things, necesl taken for granted, taken heretofore lheretofore :llike threacl, became u'hite cotton cotton threat like u'hite 'obiects ofr !shoPPing u rrvPP'tF, UU.lsUtD LIIE lhe Ithe n shops e s n of o Guam p s o as I Lu ' u a m a s t I l e w U . r I r E I , | u | ; l ] ^ . ] ] ] j ' - . ] , . . . " ^ . . i . . . t " justed themselves to adjusted d iferent l f f e life. : - e n t l i f e . ' i l f f i . ; . i . | ' } u I r t 1 ' : n g 3 t e , ' t t . . - l , , ' . r u 5 5 , a For Chief Walker life in ports has become an ;^*-4| i i-ii'*;1lltil,i,11 o'[Guam eshops "'""*::::l ' i i:*"t*,.;1*'y*'j*,ti t l*:irffHil-ij ITH,S. .i It l t"' walker Forchier llut:il?ll inspiteofhjs-vouth.When.May|ffiffi#ilrs:||fir'esijters,Mrs..}J:ri'crTriehus' rorria'oundheu'r'H?"':,"$il I l$i#ffi Hiil5'"3xu'i":'*"?rqlil$l ed off 14 Years of sea t rating now- is .that of Cl been in salvage and re has been in the Westet PhilaPPines, area-tlte Tokyo-anrl Guam.- _- '\rr',,a't*i son of Heisrrre Jackso G. N. Waiker, ments. I IH.Irffi'#.l 'Ihe Walkers were marriecl in c. F. Wait ./ lln*+*H$#trs| |r#rroI' -:'Ou" ,""JJiiil"HJT;r:,*r#L: iil-ffi;lrr '"n rayonrots in thelgetout in it.but stregre;tly re.[ Iawn.lic ltro no.niiring io;io;; iirst-home there waslty[eisive moisture. Moisture islsents luch things as snow suitsl tilne. savs. base quonset lrutlin-ever-oi"i"nt m"na"e,-not onlyland wool and all the clothes__her[ I,'urroral scr.vicewill he ai 2 Frii""-'" N"uV 't'emplc .in ,*iri"r, *ui tui.ty ioomy, etec-lfJ ;i"thirg but to much equip-lparents know she must wearf thv iir ilie ilasonic -R;;*..]i'b: here. modern equipped.-and cobpcr:'row; 'Later ;i,h .inlment. - lwhile Rr;: Itricatty I a ' ' we moved-in-l T" be sure, there are difficul-l aii-relp"cri. tninister of the t a permamenrhome at'ripalao.lties in housekeeping -and meall, The Walkers left Guam lrre $avl ijl,:lT:Ji",.:jioent Ito .,rt,s Cirurchol uoopers-i brt"ii-t u. u"d r,aura l,eil l^i'::u{lll'3t -trt"vlirilr;il'i"i:;"i;1il' but Mrs. walker "lilr",i"r.a--lr'af-S""t" a constant battle betweenlplanning, | Mernhersor tlr.i "ays;ueioie ct"u. . or,"*r'""na iants and cockroaches-. 'll:"1,^?lli:i''irtg' Amcrican Lcgion willl "*1tl Ithrive on the tropical climate andlthe wrrore#E'f"# titoil i".iai.ilto"na rittr. girls.. on srlpooarq.l ^:::':;-""' arsrrt' iuou'n"uu" saw such large ones,l;nGuam is madepleasant.TherelThere waE a fine Christmasl at..gono}ur.ul ""dloui!{-" *r,indo:ked r"t","#u'"o,n"ll'.'u 1t11il:.""t:H ,illJ,i'r$l"il -nrrlait.l I3:u"H:ll3lT"* li:::Slll,uL:l""Xl,t'*$"?t" New Year Day antl..the kind-l Township Chulch nJi ?r" t'J outaoo" type,"lon lirr"il.,"-ir""!r.ped a lifring for ny-1"';;o"i". 1i."" *hi.tr lnrohlem.', lnakes a wardrobelltri. wait er says, "and you golly captain, know.ing that therell lMinn., with burial ar Erhard. i forlwere many shopplng neeos f,o Derl -9;;u9"-l'tii"aea .. lequipperl for rain at any time was born ,ran. Z0.l to' r'et'att'"-. suchasureaarruit,lb'ii'#';;;;;i""*.*q l"'i.i"nv'r"u'_ts _t}l^*o"""llI'ui'il**.ij4i.^1,-{-'n ;;';"-;it '"rXl,-:f-']"1'"*ll,e,1i['" ql*,".rUru"in"";i"::"X;llr"illi ui'.I"3i11i';o'*"'i:gi ":nf:"i' ;i #ii,.:i.,:i;-Tu u,,ll ]iiJg. l#l3i?-ir.ere"-ii a chineselalways tl;;i;i;;;. to lrlinn" w-eiaindoatlttre-sttopping -{o'll --.June.28, .1e17'During] taki"a-ii6""iiir1" lJeeded '|il;ffi; gto*ii- ti,ur.* *rri.it lrli"i:-J,ir*ii"*rittiirJ- walker savs'-"weli worldwar I he hadservedove-r-l on tercrr"slirowever,-Mr:s. oour heatl.lspent a busy time in San Fran-l seas with the 88th Division. Hel tarrirp ooortiwittr no t"ken iti th"i" bas-lcisco. It's am_azinghow .manvl h.ad operated a bulk service sta-] ll"itif il1il is either a convertecllgrlius-a"J-"oof--J".-r and garage here for manyl llrr""-""-?ibzen concentrate whichl5lnlts and plaeed on the bencheslthingsone needs in^returning tol ]tion ryears. )lir!'i to be cooked. The problemlwith the rest of the.family." lthe United States after resrqencel I tlir-io'xu"p good schooli andlin the tropics." the milk stirrad as itl ther" Hc leaves his wife: three daueh-l I """ 'i\i';:"w;'i;;"irliji'' ld:, bi"ii',1 *l ul*u_n*o.. tf'nl-chier w"--"r'; :1ii:'"r1fti*'{ltll"ru;U*."1*:if"'fi#t1,1-"""'"J:fi 'u*n,* )'lco*es ffi}il#:'4{-tfl ]$*'i;'*:l#iy{:;:fl$':Hil her,**|ff:l[h"{t: ishaving ** l'niT,fr"tT; ""rJ vonnaLouwart'nlveroare' r\' rr';l *iilr wint6r tempera-linhis many vearsof serviceinl J*p"r,riu" D' c'l fl Tomatoes yainer andl'a son,Markof washington' "nal"*ii"i"i.i siioiiii;',h;*rio15- otli'rlu'""N'di,v.".1tr..l.lmostortenveryw_rte'ri."L-ett,i.flltui.r.una hereuntill. Three brothers,Lawrenceofl remain will ie" years.li-aura three than r-ati;more s.ltoo,is not very ou*iilt"i""*"_'119r itnei riit"."niii"-una-*attts tolne Tinashousingthere' fl llu.qtv,.-5' D' Max of Granitel mea'J'1'Jr,."rnua,liii," "I As far :rs t l r u f ; ] i f i i r t f of f . l i . " i i i s a v a i l a b l e ' | | . F a I l s , M i n n ' , a n d R a l p h o f F e r g u s 'llrt's a matter,of course, usir-rgl1Mrs. Ronald Westergrenanol ffiit:'ry,ffirJ-& it*ffd #iill thelt from has arrived ,l[llltflt" son Joirn arryive.dfr"om, Reo, and Mrs. Ray Rogersof wahpe-l ;.lDtaLEn' . * . lr I The arrival of shipments ofl r p,ql{1,j11 , lautv^t"e" goods.from ,'slthe Orient provides I shopplngl rylspree. ,^ ll I Cotton clothes are most oe- l. Wood, Califory[ia, on 4S0fsday' to spenel a few mond:siwithi her mother, NIrs. Fred Paintner., .Ier husband wiII follow in i -uilc uporl finishing college. I .. i ton, N. D.. and six grandchiMren.l I *-----'"'r1 I RavWilliin DiesIn West Raymond N. (Ray) Wilkinson, 64, of Blaine, Wash., formerly of Fargo and Cooperstown, N. D., died Sunday in Blaine. I Mr. Wilkinson had resided here lfrom i923 to 1936and had been a imotorman for the street railways He had worked at times on all routes. His last addresshere was 717 gth St. N. When the street raiiways were discontinuedIor buses,he went to Seattle and was employed t w o years by Boeing Aircraft. A{terwards he moved to Blaine and operated a service station there. The luneral will be at Blaine today. Moyr, reo4 'Tryf\f D. Men On Pta,iA1 The followinp; short articles ar ,1LandSafelyIn Fog+ i ::m#lyu"t#:1"tr'Hi I aq.- on fifty )cars ns,). SrsMaRCK, N. o. ,"rIO Bis-ltertlay in Wright's c.ri-" 1?0 witrri { marck-bound private plane withla 372-hour supply of fuel. I $ two Williston men ahoard, whichl The Civil Aeronautics Adminis-l .f Bt-1""1e$. *til-"dvised atBism-arc.k.atl -Bis-lqation radiocenter marck, lan*:d9o11"^-.lo{l}-ot safeiy W-e-dnesdaylfljlilr't'9.+f'". "'Gas ll'agons' and Highzoag ttt"' cars we haye rr rne more motor rf the more ""'o.:_"^_.':"'^"_ Wright, " demandthere will be for horses,an ; f,, at Dunn_cenier. I toqe.ngg4 l!, D.. - lth* tidtin L.l-'oi- eismarcLl td -{ better our country roadsare the mor _ Civil Air Patrol authorities,hadlheadfor Dickinsonbecausefog had 'carswe*re goingto ha,'e,:'j"LT_ .$ then,w:li 3ff1"n":*"i"i3 ii rcrtorr*ree,rrrh, horscs the fzLrrrrersi;e expectect .t".tllllt their taxes thenrselves antl increase t.i'i.il,ilrt'#*.':Jh*'::*::-"tT::: ,l.ry,ii-Jr" iri,f"* ff,l ?,lf;.,ifl; d;ffi';::,n,_i,,.j ,. ,,',fii,i;1,1'1,,t1l'1',1;;i11":,',;,1;i1;iffi, 1 T:l ll d v r L ll vl Dr!- l:-ll-h^:f as Il-marck soon liiunn tenter,-auout ii miles north- !:l ii east of Dickinson, and landed safe- we arehai**$ of theroacls? bouler.ards ry. fiir,fnn"3l{"i35 ii '.1,,i;#l * * t"hc'gas wasuns'in thc c,rurt{ry n' tt't?,4i,,:r#.r,.tit .Cirii."f N;"tti ""..*, bc we it if yP highwavpahnw will .f we canstarrd, ['"tiit"rttti,O.-- 'r't;;1fi,;iiil'l,1':;1ffi#,1--Iglt-:g-glli"ill. wergalertedto searchfor ltrolmen Irincl.f roudsrhc rvagonpeople gUi, l"l "'."ffi:,i'l,,l!,rffi1*i $ ";g *?f}"i?,1""'3J$: ' wisconsin' F*r';ner cadv' -bx^,J^::"{:ilj-:$ lhtTJHTL!'ffi$ffi ,,szoacrish peytpe*tttt. W.ii:iiirt#fiilriiii l ^ .- ,--,^.,.--, ',. F 3 cups syrup, 2 cups sug;ar,I lu'f :':,: :,;--i""'r. r , g;f ;1is-Fi-q1Lj( 2 tbsp. orange pcel, I cup sour crearh, I:#'"'BJ;TT6 m.' wh m" w h en en la. ld' Bismarc-liti'iil-;Pffi *ji;F'and ":7- Btst). rs1r. B 3 ts;p. tnp. ci,rna',un. cinnarrron,3 "i..;-,"rliffii"T*; "tuJl*,.r-.'l'_f.C%i;;;;J. r ts'. whitepcpl)er,I nutrn.g,,3-ts UVrlshf W{qltt ffi,ertiilirton , &;::; - "t ltrg !u4 lpotlud t a. ra*yes-lf,]1"t._t;lrX""',lg and was going ;lil'-Y.-Y3^YYl1ts ranodown ror for a land..Jlqown ;; r .ilLl'"-,;;il; " " Hannaford f"Ti?Tfill nxl-:"11 annaford ;.J$ l'*:,:l'utif,!3l,ii; iffi:yirff,ll 1.,,:::i::,:'il.T::l:,:lli:"i::.li:"".',:i'TAt :T'lAt H -,Y;T;,:T:"l1i |t maining there six years and then i;iT,-il:'"fiI" r.wffit J:-:: lilJ"; ;'J:;H11 "-l',*,,1':"..,.}}"";" ! in point of servI Besides his wife. Mr. Wilhitrsoni hzrve1-ettried to make Swerlishpeppernut- HANNAFOR-D,N'.D. - ntunhafl'l ",fr|,TfililT;,lT,TTf; 1,,,,.""" service lleaves a son, Richard of Seattle; ror Mrs. eueu.t Ithree daughters,Mrs. Frank (Inez) l.will l ) L ' r s o l e l r r s k n u w w h ; r t t h c r e s u l t s a r c l r""wrlt b be e Tuesday T u e s d a y at lMeyer, 1004r4th St. N.; Mrs. J. A: at 1 r lin n - WW. . - i l .D.llmcrc.ial lmorciet pilot. Dilot! i : . : r:::::::::,,: [:::;::::: i.r Blaine, Miller, and Mrs, l(Carolyn) ,.orsani:a Etoaarorsrtarnter Arcatl; 3ifftti,,nt1"?l-t.f,lLn"t,r*'l,"ij:l,r"i;'J":$i[ft*; A. tFlorence) Jeffries, [ii,i.,,,,,,,,"", lJ. N. D., writes: N. D. :.ll H. W., Cooper.stou'n, I A nr r ida pe- [i.;r;:;::.; .:::::::,.!:l lCalif.: Wilkins$ Furn,"r, in this part of the state or" o _1\1Irs._Werth died Wednesdayatlrt r'5 I" e.um Cor. |li:iiii.ir;:;:::i];ffi iI a brother, M. E. Wilkinsqlfril | Ir a'vorvo*tnetnbers glul l':::"l[:.::',1iil:il;: dJ',"itli;"i.*,,1itr'",i.Xill;['u?,'"11'"0# siste.s,yi.".l. ,.ud,oolic1111t*"I;o-".*: P""^qI yill.,Prg:..,t"1:: ]B-taine;-..two rarrnerevatorr, i, 1,.,;r,r fl*1rn"**** "-i:.j'|;-_"';":"" that firm about today froft thel'th{eeyears,-left (rct:r)Wickham,14zs1sr Ave. P:I s.,ll II *j";,;r;,g l:lji:]:,:,' :;";-: .""-be accompanied or kinds o:t"{.utl": Hr*.-iilvri3iqcri;'{.gltJiigna.t"e"sr andMrs.Henryr{arrmf"'M;;:ll lc"nt'.''o'"'" l:-1.::y:.:t'":oi'g" .-irr".iqi d L on(Dickinson, uu\uluKlllson' [ u L at r r not r u L u r u if future r r r the Lrrc ccooperativelv, o o p e r f l l \ / e l . v ' in and 12 grandChildt'en.ll I organiziitions provide that n Sorne of the organiz.itions Two' brothers and three sistersil TWO sistersll I Sor,," katO, Minn., wiUr artey Bjella, Williston lN. \' U D., . ' to [ O }ltannaford.--l lannatOfd. l:{lut Anna Varnes Ann€ Varnes was born ln in Nor-l ney. 't"''llt.l'4 ;l'dffi:i'tlhrffll $;'h',,1*,*ll ;l'i:& Iiil,ifn1;'"'*,x'iiils:"1"',:f1ff'Hll:."$'$.i*:lr,fli:l x#"*n';tjil |1[$"]*]ili't:i,J\.jd::h:Hffip**r*+j*$,*l*,'.m r 'ornpur'at Siou Ihe < cornpa{t--lit-*-, patronize n t r o n i z e the who lto p those w arnong a i n o n g those or roth,.exrenr accor,ring ancr ;,*jjM'" ln:: T,,ffn:.dT;:"jt,;Tdrr* a!fui.ffi6 stock, trre'Farm, age.whichprcntr,,r's ,4,// 7//q 1 /.. ) e /:a-n4 .f (/ me-Dealin'5{ . ,{ .r w.i";i.l-;'6;il'.;"i{l andlIVOOaS Afe SpOknn I ' - t.t#:"d%11f,'l;ldren r'lot--tvirsl--ii.r""o.' 1l-*ieq .r-"";i.-*",i., daughte Helserud or 'igo.operstown,-r'Il-b., r,eiu-e*," ';bride t/ A:' /ftalt4fr -y -lf: ' -_------'/ CjtV,. Iowa, going t*.:s *-----*rlt _of James Devlin, son of ' ll{rs. ElizabethDevlin of Finley, "b.:'F#]'i. "d#'naouu. _;r,*-_:-1 |U', 'ir iirl*"-'-"*:::4,,q"1"i"l r",*n-witnn]J9 'iffit**i1;]i:e Your THI'?4'i#^';l'i::::ii::[ Gan TUsettl[TGH rr'. ! v'r r lrrr. - L Weddingvowswere sqgkenEas-'lgown | rhe tlrioJwore-i"i,!iir-i.ng6 in th.eM-e].hodrs-t church Iter sunda-vof importediaria.iipi,.d ,ore. wAHL, r{AN- lflt"*:g:\'^D;:.ll-Y-ii;_M^1.y"*f_u'lioint MR. RUSsELTJ ru."';"d-;ti;;'-t'rii"- ouu, daught6r orMr. and-Mr',ltria"l 'liiin."'riur"tn'i,i!,ll"irr,i"ll lPeterson, il'Ai6hil"r.il"ol';wi.# ^ " ' *" q'q rrqrq 'rr6rch L:31 " ^ need e e d ttn. ocated, w we e n h ^ l"ii'" l$,tf*j"^9ttEfj are a r e lrocated, ijlusion w was as h held eld b *n Y,?Ld ln.Jn"itilusion bv y a a riara. tiara";ili.i puuingpower_.that r,"u-r'ii:Sft pink -i;ide-;6re 'fti.s lwn"J 4:1",fi f#it\#li,lf3'"ituT,l;n"t1,#R.J"tc-E rv eives.rhe *o"rg white carnations.Her ih; /4a :,"',i:: .lI?:::-:"{Duane,gave . 100 ["hti;ili;; was carried on a channel the bricle in t$;ffi;'si.'n.iini"'i6"btii""b". miles from here. and with our lu"".-b"n'1,"";i peterson v;iil; lmarriage. ",idlbrother, DeForest i;;;;;;-';f of Vallev lmarrrage. new set,it camein very 9lea1|v.l|iiv i"o Miss J-aniceEcker of Jamestown, rnd li.r.-Do;;i;'if"i;il;';i Mrs. Donald Feie".o"-oil we also are pleasedwith the lkil, triaesmaids.Muiiel-ih;mi-l{maid of honor, and Miss Rosenew slim chassisand electronic lson6f Hannaford,N.D., was flo*6rflpary Devlin, Finley, sistei of the 'as tuning. we recommendt-he19y lgf|_-*-]];*-:-.-' u. rqcSr uurll, as bridesmaid, rrrtoesmalo. worq wore flbridegroom, j Li-.!r.tv anyone . . . esP-:9,la.lespecialG-E TV to anvone.:.. Wayne wqyneWilLinsattendedhisbroth-flwaltz Wilkins attenclecl waltz length his lengthformals formalsof blue tuild of blu; tuil{ I rrr:' ier. lv in a distant area." " DeForest Petersonanq-_9ryfl9vertaffeta. firey carried-whitd ---:alcl yeterson ard Peterson were groomsFtr[r.frcarnations_ weie groomsq;en.,flcarnations ."' Ushers were Melford*rtaugen"6'ffl.tr,r-i.'-a"aU.s. Devlin ,.i.,rC -b;dffi #F$#gand Darrer olson oru"-ll$Hp.at ar6--iith-5r.-3., oh* Moyr, reo4 The following short articies D. Men On plaiii] ffil are taken I lll pd safely In Fog.'",'i il:;":'.:1i."-',':Tlxl,-ilT";,,1"-* members m e m b e r s m t might g n l D e l l lbe L e r interestetl r 5 L c u r r r L r r c in E i \ ,the r l r F Jgoings- ACI on filty voars nsL,. ,,,Gas lTragons' onil Eighutags. .. the more motor cars we have the less If t t € m a n d t h e r e w i l l b e f o r h o r s e s , a n dt hi fe i rice station operareoa The fun will be a today. gus Fails. Born at he son of Nov. 1, t8 ffilkinson, Mrs. Willi ; boyhoode kinsonspe ily then r Fa]ls, the Sutton, N. He mar Agnes Hol il. b.. in 19i2. 'fheyl; lCooperstown. lhomesteadcdal. Havt'e, Mont.. re-ll l m a i n i n g l " h e r es i x y e a r s a n d t h e n l l lreturning to Cooperstown,wherell Ithey resided until coming here. ll ,er,t'T.lr. I better our country roads are the more niotor I .cars we are going to have, to scare the few I horses teft off ttre earth, then why shoulcl | ,tlr6rities.tra0|fru f; Dl;ffi ;ori bea.a;;; lG htd "'[ in the Bismarck airport. shut I I A a | :iil:H::J'#J:i:T##'ff i ) ;:T::*: 'gas nut.tlt"t I I wlis.trt %k,r: '''" | to t.,.'i,t" u''"" | i;e e*pectecl the farnrers waEons' in tire country (,PF-A Bis-ltetggy i" Wright's Cessna fZO witfrl plane withla 372-hoursupply of fuel. I yligll T'ne Civ_il Aeronautics. Adminis_oll!d, orth of Bis-ltrition radio r,enter at Bismarck at W-e_dnesdaylabout " l t f * " , i d9:45 " i i , #a. i , r 'm. t " o advised [ * S i j * a iWright, "k;tj started Tgt fickin191, ,,, ',ffi1##ltt"3r*:5*trtlf*i::r3Jtir: ' landed safe wr'1.,'i'a:t't, 1;-?'"f-ililk#;;ffi li':;::'JH:T,J"*iii",,"iT'li'*i"J","iil | 1 I ffi,r,,;i,,ffi ,1-x*x;.:T:{',#-}J trolmeri were alerted tu i6ii"it ?o"l tle plane after it was last heard thc w4'(' w.grfrr people the wagon roacrs rnc hintl lirn(r 01 of roads l,r,,l,(c want?- wisconsin'" cird1" F:r'';rer ,,Bwetlishpeppernuts. | \ ]| -J uvuugrr I | I | ii,i-"iJi"il',',lll ,I il:i;,;:;ill,.; ix;I::| t " p . w h i t cP ( p t ) o rI, n r r l m t ' g , 3t s p .s u d u 'I I t r p . c i t t r t a r r r u n .3 t s 1 t .c l o v e s , 3 t s p . g i r t g t ' r . | 2 tbsp. orange pcel' I cup sour crearn' a qts' I orsrttu B,"u',l: ffiffiffi ffiffiffilflit" ''.'ffilson abou.t 10 _ffir'.,',:;,;:r: o.h., when r i *i'iT:il"*ulr"''f,:i | n a t 8 r . t - . t r - 1 1 ! , o l ! - i l:x1"",:$ J -try^l:q lf and - lhe harl | e$q,; Yvgrg plane after the plane was last last heard heard after it was lthe "!t:l:j:..::1:llr.ffi|f5.L | spotted m a t 8 r ' S*F8-l;;J;;;-hil; ..:ildown :lldownfor a land- liii'i:":$:'"nit"s.ll,:qi;r,.;; il'J;j;,:: il;Ti.,l:-:: "".; 'il I r l%"tt' We are wondering what the above recipe ^--f^--I "ff I[ ---nnsf "J:,.,-l*'il"...i1"i;" ord,1{ -.I; T":,:Tf ltl!" 9ld9lt- 1I-t3: *r'vi'lr'T':lrrT'";ettrcdr"'rn"eswe Besdes hswife' sh""?:;n' jTTi;J'i':::' :H: ti:uiff"'"'d Iffi:?t1"it*'*h | | ;iJ:J'""" "l;i:l' I ffiujt#***l,$fiff ffi lleaves a son, Richard o ltcarotvM n l i l l e r , B l a i n b , : T r j f i i $ , * l , , o r y y a n i zror a r m eEr r a r : a t o r s - i;;*lilffi$Hffi ,rffi l,rrf:-*,+r*f**, Iffi.:;ilfr.*#1g (Ida) Wickham, ^fi 14251st ii'li'*iif tiii;';?,;'"i"'*i;:ll | "" :'1:ini"fthc ,".'1" : fl"fif -:,1:i'L:"j:" "'"'"11" future cooperativelv, #;,;;a'hilii.ii.ll k;;",'xii;.;;d -three Funeral Home of -- Lye,arago to fgttl a lgy-pg D.;' i; Hil;];;d. l.iv'itir A*rley,Bjella, Williston I ::t :, i'"""; nct I S,rn" 'f t1e orga.izati.ns provide th't was born in Nor-l neY" ;:HJ'i,J::":;::11:';;"{J"TifrJl{:1;: :trfi,J ro1,.[r'L:l; -til il | I ffii'$ri{J#$'{':l6fil*"'*e"'3i: ":':f "il'od{1; BGmirckorticesat i-r.i'.'o''lii' rg1+.llti#niiti-;iliir Baptisf cr'u'.r'rl ofrhe#l[jr'"J'rnll a member Two' brothers and siitu.ill While here, Mr. Wilkinson tal<ing shares _y?:ll I giving all rhe privilege of m"fl{'i[,]l".lfjf: ,H$ff*r'liil-"T"-:f,fil"J:,if'& :"Fnn,:r'Y: l$;:i'fr""";',,,;,:.J':;';i;;,'"'*"1,,";;;;;; ll**";lil.ili'rji"iil;::;rillr |I ffi:tfdi#,ii,'jH#*+'g;"-r '//4 L /-'r-*t (/ ffi*;1,,ffi /.r4tr:tgfrfffi' r *.r- -_-----<trr -lflr"r*n-Wffil{ .;p1ioe3r James D6vrin. son. or . ll4tt, Elizabeth Devlin of Finley, , iiil"b:'F#1"i.'rnu q*r' i,,ui TlllS?sl7ffi;'::!iiii:t! Your TUsetIIATGH Gan """'l4rr,ttffi.T* rrn r vrr r rrr!'r -" yoysygig s{g\elras- The bride wore aGibi;ntth l,-WS.q_9pC | Church.igownof imported handclippedrose. Iter sunday ln the lvl_e_lnodis_t q1-"Y"19_"'liol"r race'ano-nirui-'i',iL'r"ii".''tj.r"fji,ilf,li"ir.ii"Ii r{AN- l3l}:9ll {.P.::,lL WAHL, rta'!'p:![. RUSSELTT ou", rvrn'^urDg!! MR. 1!$, daught6r of Mr. and-_Mrr, lf,.ia'"f NAFoRD,N. D.: "whu-*jii lleterson, peterson'Ji Le"l^;;"w;;,i lHaffy li.'.j#"ifillli^*:"?t:,:hll.:: --.lcl illusion was held by a tiara=^"^- lWilkins_ need th. =;# are located, we 'i;# son nf Mr :nrt Mrs. wnt_ t; ":;'iif Ti"i; H:, ii,itul!"'il;L' lfl,l\iili;,i3"^."tT,T;-,"?g,yi$'Jut'lr#*il#fil:'!ff -il;it"-';6r" '"i,ri.. c-E rv gives.The world^series[:hti;;|il; ?; . H9r Duane,gavethe bride was carried on a channelt0o fuffi'r.'ni'r?"it,-#"'it="t il;il", H; ll::::^_**..ylte-_1g1gt]o1s, in lb-r-other, *lll o]rJ rromhere, here,anct andwllh mles miles from g,y:lMrs. DeForest peterson of V'alley %rii,} lmarrlage. l{i;:'b;F;;;;;'i;;;;;;;';ir peierson lry;|t newset,itcameinvervglealfv. - * 41 -ry5@tui We also are pleased with the new slim chassisand electronic tuning. We recommend the new ' :+r: ly in a distant area." --- ,. oid {t"ssJ-aniceEckerofJamestown, lCityana Mrs. Donald ll*il. bridesmaids. Muriel ftromn-l{maid of honor, and Miss Rosemary Devlin, Devlin, Finley, Finley, sister sister of the lsq4otHannaford, N.D,, was flowerflpary bridegroom, as bridesmaid. wors lgft1;**--*-"--jer. DeForest Petersop ancl Don fover taffeta. They carried white 9]d Peterson weie groomsuru.ilcarnations. Ushers ushers were Jvlellord Melford Haugen'd-rfi Haugen Mr. and Mrs. Dev]jn arg+iit* -biiffi fi;:frI::':;';'.ffii-,*'{il-u*rto*.**ea r,i,rrotn-fiilfifi8lfii H-t""11"" ff.'#i:':fi"hffil3 ffiryFl{and Darrel olson or ar 816llrh st. s., ""'liF#i."r. hirley'WutrlumoKoiauhqffi $,ffi$lu"n Mornins Aprit2?,1904 ',:*^,#r"f ::"?#H"9::?;T:?ffi At a oandlelightceremonySatur'l Mrs. OlaytonJensen,nee'w{ffls ry eveningin the EvangelicalLu-lPah, of Fargo, r'natronof honor, 8l'3!"d'$;lJe:l:::,*i:'"-'J"#1"*iT::*TT &:f.i,$:in'*,ff.f iltiilTll"t- Lake-andMarionHedberg #Hi."fr;l"t'i;;";i" ffi"iii; oi bot<ito. tl:t:tltl:ll :lr:l::rl: w la1ti1,,Minn., .bridesm.aids, length gownsol :ii::l:l,l: :llitliltl 6f,.'6ri i" ir- it Jdaughterof Mrs.Iidenti6alballdrina organdyem' Swissorgar importedswlss andlwbiteimported ,rJ-r-n--w"ttnm of Fargo Fareo andiwbite lvia B. lVallum of q q1n9ll flglaf S' ftalumlbroidered-in on6"poiit atia marvin *Ii!u. tarfeta.rheir hats #"ffi"liii";lNfiil.' Mi..xolvuralover. andt!gy--tlltleg.gowns A. ohlgrenlmalc.\ed n. o?'Ivris. iJ tri"-ron andlemouleaves' ;r,i""t#'i;tranr'ofn T;;.,i;' iibivriif,-oilriqqblue.daisiei I The bride's mother wore rose followed l!ln the reception followed diven in marriageby her futher,l A reception th; b;ia; ftia erilbroideredwhitelchurchpailors.lVlrs.Siere Wqllgln '#1il*.$$nT fiiil.lur.ti.ll'lqt+liillr*, i.,',,.:. 1f,"S}":,$,'llEll h3,;a il'#ij$*#l*ilil,#a'ffi BL*UE.|i:EYmembersheadingrdroduction reception. of ' lvvulq! e crownv ! .seedlat_th'e lglluurv rr"-rme. LIUl,Eq ii^rriip"i , ., , - rt.' h-td her fingertipugil .oll,-r19,_.iut]9,yitl.113k..*:it upontheirIitHIl lvlinneapolis ilJ rh" cirrlegi caseadelin ll l.i;li'i,il oi the 195a ^#j;;;;';;;, p"rf"r, "lgirtl'i""iO pqrsur' Sarem, N. s"\llcK rr. rj.b; weslman, .6.neta, N. fi }j:li:_dji,r,Jew Wesley wesley Rae, Rae, Minnewaukat Minnewaukan. N. n}?rrrG#H,".r-t-. Bjson Brer.itiesat NDAC are ttflt'to !-w-,j:ls the ry'Ff rrp to gt of a wedding wEuurtrts trip een-lfrom.r *ttite srepna[orrB stephanotiseerr-tu'urr Ji wnlte wih t t or awhitc w h i torchid. e o r b t r i d ' | e lern r n MMinnesota i n n e s o t lake a l a kreglon. eregion}.-:.'# lryi"ffiH#l:ii |*sTl11"sili"\P.g.'Hfu:*l*''j*{j$d:fi#;.;;6at|g11ffl"13L,iliu'";!'s.'i,|,ii, home.,:.cen'y. attheir or,'tl ivers.arv l$ii\*r,y'l-lii $;!*..],il:ilWt::: ,^rt l*fr.'r,f',ffi'q::r$::Tl*-;"-Sl TdMed'l 3"iiffii"i""u"irriil;:i;xfff;'fiiiXS',ffi:"r,X.;ll'*ll 1i;-iiiie ille l,"f#fu#Xl,id,x'"tg,{fi; ?' wn-l Edward t#E;:::{dil ni;"':l'tffl l4ya"::on' | .Mr.and-.]Vlrs. lobserved their 60th wr l.UtltY'f,}"1"',,"""fi3 lir;e-'qt".nel-qted t*o[ii,iili:'A*r;i;,:'M';;.. -ii. ruuu", Jan. 25,-1895, and is a charAnundson ;;i1'-1i'i;'l llodge l--l^t*t?tto' rlin"itri"'ul of-10201 rter member and past master of lsons,.o.1.'wono^Jrri-.t eil,i'n.'olmai,l lrri""ir,irrrr'i;iNavin, rv..'",iir which w'r cere. l!1{."Ave, lwimbredonlodge, ltiams ot wimbledon'N' D" an'l b;ij't s;;i-l lnou"ce the engagementof theirl ln$il;i tr{fffiilfr'.+;:ri:h : 1 l;-ffi;h-*i;*ffi ffiA**tt$i*t\ -"il;*il;';:l:t hl""i"w'ri' l r I lffi-#:":*"*yi:'lr"'*, T#ffi"iJ; 1nr:t'*^.' ffi ffi f lryH:e1ftf$,*"*r"'.t"''ril#qxuii:i'ri3ii"f "rffiE-{ffiTffi";t"i4jjliffi}i. tfi:ruffililN: moni"grp-wi-!.r.:1i'"1i,, B'lltlrgifllti,,"J,."""'i?ffi Ineiore -9:;i.x:'yd iil^.!.r{"hrl nXli,ii"i,"'il,1ll;*,it1{.T.1 tn" A .ausir!3rli land livecl in Arthur l-ii,:i-::"" llitat-irinoit'irdren. . l""tlf:il.Fili.i' ,o,.a member' anda sonwerr | I rto daughters - lli"T:sJ3",;:18'?*T.nhf;B"affi: Itersare Mrs. W. J. Bashaw,L@ Robertr,f lf.tfr1$',X1,,Hi?;.vern ii','."o:t *nnirJwiui"** | ""-c9ofE*sT9yN'tI.D'-Mr.ano-lil1""TJn"s#;.'il orl isa graduate ltr'idl,fi;!ii'i:'k:i.",!.'$1,$i 1",ftf'H[J;,on andemployedl HishSchool 'ffiS,:t?Lt;#:lln:r:li:gJ'1"1.1'JnJiinmanuiacturing i.i.i.i.i,jtil*T,Hn-.according-$l,lsharon co.l &W;'"q*i*s**ffi hl['ffi'ry]#*tt'' fiITY (N: D ,:rr, ' f{l[E',f qrEoNEsn AY,'JANUAfiS'?1.,', 195'3 timei 6 F tertainment was some old g square dancing and lutrch. Milton BulLema, rvho lefc EuroPe $ by ship on J'rnuary 8 h-rs a rived $ itr Nerv York alrc{ cxlled his:Iolks. f Hellry B.r..ltcmas Satlttday eveninS Li to tell thcm he r,vas okaY 'and ex- ll sooll. Emil I i pected to rbe home Lfrhlke Jr. rnisscl l"he boaL. On S:tltlrc'llY morning we uoticed on the soubhern and western I h6rizons tlhe ,rnosb wonderful magic pi:lures. Nol'ih D3kot-i pictutes, oI towns, trees anC f arnls miies and miles away. The elevatol of Fried showed up and a rowl) west and south of CollrtenlY. tho Johnsott 6pur elevator could be secIr. Thc BIG PIP[ rtrl-_ gl\l I ltgEtl t-vvrLrr vvtv SPAhIS CONTIf'tENT-Wirh a)rAllat Ii:l i:l::iIi:ii:iiffiII**'*fffI Ii:i:ii:iIli:ll of a 625-nrile gap betn'een Superior, Wis., the rrrc bridging vrru€lrr5 fad]t] u r r \ . ! r graCurlly "*-' minutes they brss$rrir LDEvcrrr 1l lseveral anclSer'nia,ollt.,Canadar.',ill1;trti.rtoopera1ioI-tt}iervor.ld'sfit.sttr'anscclntinenta]oilpipeline.-By|edar-rc(liSappe.|ed elrd o{ 1956 oil i"vill f}or.v uninterrLrfrled t o0 ]1)),ooottl""t tltlalaannndr r,i ]i, .,i \u i1 \e1e.e.' I'.f' ',hfl h eL e i' n l indndudusuststr lt. .ryy.nynon oww onw nl ltnt| l|StS|t tS ccltteceplpe cLn p-cninoocor irIoC lU rrrleC - aertaeI t-aat lIr-easl 1r e' asn1}' <a enr}.<s e, wr .hsi ,cwh h i c h a t . e i c e - ] o c k e d ] * ; : ' : ' ' i ( i lrtrss. r- -' t' )t )r n r norl cl r . ichi uhnl t nl 1 c lr u r n r noon nt ht }sr seea ac h c hyyeeaar r. . i r' 'I.' 'h, cr ,, h , Iar l-lr-if.i ,ni isshheedd,,? 1? 1 .1l -rrrliill t ' ]l i n kk I r .f ri 'ror rl lrrr.oF,i.d, r- r, -or,o' tn-t'o. tl oro . V v ua inl -1 , . T j ,lit1l r c - r u r r r r v , gu ' "Y 1r .':. o a "n"c. l ' N { r s o t t o G l " a l h n a n d o n'^ '-+^i-^ r-.' h..1.+r',.rr o^^"^ ^t^."".'*ll|| M couvcr rs expected to begin p l1u : ur rnnppi ni ngg o i l o v e r t h e R o c h y M o t t n t a i n s b y n c ' x t l a l l . A p o v e N e r v s m e p Duene' Mr' Sor€n' Mr' I ' !' . r(r r1vvss t i t. e u fi l oi uOO, 6, O i 6i b i e r o u t c t a k e n b y t i ) c 3 b 0 0 - lrlrriittee a |l t e l y , r . r , l r i c h w , i l l b c r a b l e t o r r , o v e o . i l a t t h e Ir i,t,et o o ]B Y - l Yal n * ;dd, Y i E llllecnn n "onnUbii"e--aanndO P Y " t T : , M r s . B o : ) S oOrtecm m La : rrr| .el l.se l sa d i y. v b I and M . r s . $ .i rtrrT{ ^'-i ir'",?:;1,f"11; il*"l*: j;i"J1,."Ti:"1;: *111i: . l",H':ifr,,.i:;" wirnbledonNews,n. Rose last u'eei<.Basic training lasts ttuee Pete IiI. ,Mo rison, ton anC Iiose ri ltrermanIiose Bv By Mrs. Mrs. ltrerman gave i .."noi;r.; at the train. theil BuriemameL'r-nsni"r I .,ioe weelis.Ernie walter^t: o:,T MfS. I th€ linc quite a w'lys lrom nlm' Itri!' WUflegttid - -**-;. jrd' r+ ;# Of - ? "'';[il^ll;re sho3kecl "''li"'",11^ll;re herr"'i tohexr. Die# Dief shockecl gl*--*..{jl I ::ij,::it".:1,$:: :l'-,:,:;i::.,$:{:l:i{-*..{:" ]Cooperstown lCooperstown Dxy "'l s:rys oll"unrlslmas Ile ",i;i,iT """;i,lT i a\\'hile' "I;;'"ili-:i;"'''*"1"",0'J"'ii ,p,assing s s i n l\'icla1' a n r 1ttrertnselvesi anrl t t r "I;;'"ili-:i;"'''*"l"u,o'l"uii e l t r r s eat ] v H0mp e s j a t HT,ocal 0 m p L o c the g a w a y morning I \ . i c l a 1I , m o r n i n g | 1 r v t r . l t e I ] e s . l y S o I 1 " C h r i S t m ' a s D a y ] | .on a l o n t h e l n . aaway N' D' -- 14rs. Mrs' c:.u.l"ill rrom CoultenaV boy.from and arrd aa boy. P;erce Home.make|s i/r en[el'!a]n- lot D:-rne peterson i, u,or.''"rir".'iut;-'l:'i'J,],lii' l..COO-|ERSTOWN' evenlns.l,ol Jamesto*i ]ernle i' Jamesls,,i]etni" Salurday evenlng. saturday l*-":_o,",,:.;t:l9lT;,I_,P wuflestad, 63, rvife of.- a re""r.rron an openrtion were in to. see-hlm' Also that trre lfrag pastor .ment the gr.ou,penjoye.r some olrt ]Irosrpii.,a1,folto,wing gets here, died Friday in tnl Fingal from boy .ti,me squar.e diuces w1il) imusic by for a rnnsclar ail,meni ^s,newes io.rr,penter llire{ lrome hele' the record ,pl!ryc1a1d this was fof- u11..1"a--with. The little girr. q,1sJTimes-Recordand they like bo read ther bov whose I The funeral tg1] anofhel bov rvill be at 2 Monday that a.nolhe]'And that .whist and it. And tunch. and lunch. chil- it' by .whl,st lowed lowed by crtprpled chilthe crlprpled a srldelt at the II ;^^;;;,d"rr; . .wlt-ose !"Xl ! Sol4"l tn Belhlehem rn Belhlehem Free Church' church' MIs l,-T["^,iY::11 the the malried to Mr' and Mls .;;;;t"";;.";r;";;,;hn in Ja,mestown since i sister is malried wele ;r#:"'*:'n":i clren,s sclrool ti.'*t^i'"ii";;;*.isister Mr. and ,Mrs. F'itZ Gr:lhn we.'e t,i ri3hb snn.is ri3hb snn. ,re"urroiitt'lunt's Kay ,re"urroiitt'lunt's Dlane Kay 1e52.Dlane tho ctiffo:d ctiffo:d scpt. scpt. 1e52. visiLorsar tho eveninsvisiLors evenins *:1^Y: }IIS nr'nle barraol"s' i]:-1'^YT tl-ttr. 'r1-., i *ol Herman,anci Peie ttosc ,fiere 5ur1- lnt. Jarvis hornc sr;nclay. --'-^ h,r-''onLc uu.D JLJy 9, 1946 alld 1"av6s :t1"". Bobbie Pfie'fer' pa ents and blotlrer'tltobelt IS jiire 'ta*lv ]f;fi,Y;"rTlii"f,"TJHilr"Slhl"tirFr; ]f;fi,Y;"rTlii"f,"TJHiLr"3lh1"'i,Ft Quam ]$'ith flcharge' Funer.al Home iir or"ri,l -""ii"^ -;-; r'.:1"11y1-T:::t"-: ctr5'6n'ruesi, vrjrev irl Vuirey ness ness carrers ca'ers ,tl ..I1. T?.,YIi;^jt'i*-::3' ^l,i',ijic',i.iJil"f;f"?+",'l^H", Allau vr""aav, ;;;; ;";:"#";;'r'."";;;";' "t',]i,.'Ti.!:l'g*" day. ,T"ril:"{i. -Ore.'Sh;;;;";;"i ",ltf ,!jf a imeeting ,f ilin?fi; if* is extended:atlencling sympathy Cur Falgo. luilblo Sai""i, Fr.iends here rvcre thrilled fues- | drry to hear the broadcast of Mr. ] to them. Bremer's remer's with ith i Methodist Methodist vvisii isii w Mls. 1s. H Henry enry B and 1nd M Tom,my Barilett I Ladies L adies Aid A id held h eld tilreir heir Mr. and ,NIrs. Cllfiord Jarvis and lried to the Rev, Mr. Wuflestacl in u\\'v 'L' L''rr' r'business ouslness u rrrcJ u al}: dlrre callers ailerbi:--:"' here wele JJarvls arvls i;tlfll:^*l:.,,'lll93-9^*Tf.1 lFred -red on rhe welcormei r-eg,ularrneetin3- at rhe churclr on i in Valley city ro coope|sto\vnthe same year" Her wedn^'^o. Lunch wasservedto aid.; nnr.-ana *;1 1"1-t"!-".* *.1j1h"flh'Th#i?"i#3rt.l"r:tt$tj:; T\'avelersshow.\,rr. Ercmer.save Thursday. Va'Iley city Mond:ry and visi'bed'aq-o' lriends alLrr to a very inlerestin3 t::rtk of the fa- members ancl severll ,and1 She also leave.s firmily, Mr. 'andl-She^"als-o claughcerand fitmily. leaves two brothers, the:r claughcer the:r hilrr t\Jnrr,hD,akota rl,akntc from;the meptin, brothetrs. irorn the meetin3. comi.ug fn to North mily annillo, Eif*.,9i Lowell wright -two ur theiri !.c* I ,Lauret rvzt ancl 1924 4'u then lrrcrr of ruw4 eibout aruuL{L gerrlng along rowa wuu *;;.;;;-.--alninri-u"tino alo'E rveltlMrs. 'L'aurel Kou l(oll is .s getting ..'ili;"rl"t#:1"."1p"#^fl11 was helcl-BuFe' ltfottl^; d. brot]rer gna Farmers Union me buying ,a home anC seltliDg here, I 4n4 is reading ,a li;.tle now and sters in I'{olway----'*-;.1l! miles east of Pierce s3hoot rn and lik^es to receive mail. eul ]at Hernp Lo:al "" dJl"?.;;t -iv.rs the eariy paft of the 1940's.T.n" lil"ir""l."" able to go home tring. A good sizcd crowd attended LUv w r b Inot' r u L too weather e a l l r e r Wls the ne w gifts i . l t s llq"t e v e n lifI L m,any a n y llovely ovely g .even Bremet.s B f e m e S received received m week. Ia\1, U ,eek. Ii for rhoir' lrorne and also hact a sight jar.k Rose and his f iends got :avorable. -=.:: seeing trip of Chicago. They are back to canip in Las Crusces, Xew i Afler the 'meeting en- on their lt'a;r trorne ft'om several M;.;, O. k. fn"y hacl pe'fecb j 'i,r'eeksvisit to varicus o]_1,:,:r $,,eather on their irin I ,rcaas ano -:i^tt fclaco.,st. \'ith and on fhe cait ^^ .,,^il ^- ^- h h ii .s. lrt,l,rFl or ^u,g, oh. h hh c/ ,rmm^o . ,as rvell as on ttfit'. I II The cil'3le heicl a Fany ab tir urro Mr,s. Leo steckler and *t: v'\' suucav home rru'rs on u'uulr''@, Ames 4rrrcb Ronald tlt'o'' Mr..and andM.s. Mrs. Ll a.clMt'. of Dazey Dazey ancl family familyof i|. lllng. Do'is ol ot lfirnWirn- iI uurts Herr'an Ro";e and Dolis Herrlan 1l ll had an Little Elizabeth Mrhlke ,btedon were di.ne. g.e1ts at the I a^:pendi:itis.on sat- I ior a'r'irurrurJr!^r o,perarion 1ur operaLlui^r Spil ithome rlesr lpi.ii_ werss home Werss Fr.ank Flank I "do*:r : urda-u*aiter ceiug_ tat<91 l.it "..i wood Sunday ir-, l,o,-,o."'of .' | ,!"ty:: the to I'ushed -we ,: .ii g n t u i 9ut molnltrg a;rc weclding annrvel'stlr'.r. hope Jamestown' hospltaI cerry weiss laxea ano i;il;;;; ..in little sirl !.o c9t -aion-sl:'3all ,s, ro'ely annrversary 1";k l;"; l:i-th. _ cake iol thcln. I aih^ LusE' Wold,84, resident gt #"?.%ft#:taq"t of dfrf ffi Sun{ay Fl Hotel, Oled died Sunqay f l!'*rgD House $Otel, lff,rgo Hanson-Rir4fr l$ti,&rgo hospital, Hanson-Rir4frl is in chat'd'ef '" l *t" lr{-*:xi*{t'me i.::'j*:-^r'J"'" ::. i [$- arrgneements' l"Ufttin $m :urinnefs a't tboth r&t Oqurterlrw ;,€&dr- here on trti-lay rveoi4g.' g.lrls :team lost,*4{tr :.*SS66. ,11fi!s,_Fritz r,and Atu lrls *Mw. l s l . , s u r v Ofro . . H r f f i r' "@*s6[ r*.brd mllers with 8[i's.'rffimr{it,{hd4; rl!figci Iraetor Victirurs I MNE Funeral 'I,odt ; N.D.j rn. ,,c'oopERSTowN. l;i:'Inlu.J;i ;i,#1* r',ffi idiacriCerrr t:.?cioi; Sut,i,.t'fr,..-'*ifr 1^ ,l,z todayin GraccLuthei. :: fiey. Verr:on *L,^!lu.g.i. Anrghtwill Lne officiate. grandsonof l,argo^.-lur.y, th.e._ kiltcd Saturdiy afrer_ lll:. I?r noon when a tractor overttrrrrcd H.,,ru,l ;ilJ.,i3,T' rll'in,fu',"". .Iicsirles .pret-inusi., Iislerl ' 'sut.. _ -"' v i l o r s hc vilors h c iiear.os e a r . c s 'ttLi.^.-'.:.-.,."_._ ,h. i:..^: ^' ,"r' )r ,' ,l 1 ltrtjr:il. ^,1ic rtr.. I; ,; "iiri'i,, j'.,ltll.larrrll\ir.s. nrr,,,i,i 'n:' l'11 -'iv.iri,,.,' .{r',,.l{3., I pt,ripoaklarra ",nuuu,'''i#];.r,l,:lf N.D. Jiockfor.d | ,;7 Warbefg iThomas lRitesIn Maddoclc .l'honias I Warberg, l_ The luner.alof 190,ol Maddock.N. D., {aflrer of a Rllgoul.,, was *sundayafrernoonin I*\il,,ililiiic,ia"?'"lfrif ;'ii ;,*mt1i,';,'*i*ln*A|Ii*r*mt5ytB'i,?:il#Esl$ 'd:]:"'31 l;::lto#:'ffi1'fl*'$lii]i."i;"*rfi il#;;,-i.-,;i.v.'uqr., il]?'b,.H'tt ""l"lli jM"u.wi'*"*,*-'Sl[j|,*'"t"-eo^ 'e silnce except for severa ;::'#:tr#'ffi"f I I |f.'tuI'l*r,t't:liltil| X"l#$ilr#yrfk{iq:ilryo"""r,rg'13v,;tt+riri$l1y:llFh\::^-rfrsin'*,1'i{i}!1 l'? rrn'firofi'*:l ;,;.1 lll 1u,,1 ltl ln{L:q.r"d?ii'tJ,il;,1 dcd *lfuxil,:lr"a*it,;a!i:li[;,y"]lrXFt,i;it",''#.1'& intheM ad dock g1li;?li'il#ffi rrea-i ill"lil-',i'ea l :,1*lf'_"f1Aln,"*11'#:t ll $t;L:t llte daughtert,ere-hel rlv. porgand, ore., Mrs, Mar-1.[ Pa]lbearersyiil r"- Jo]rn"andil,^Itt'n9l sons' Lrdu'in "' %il;l ""' tr,#::i?,i$v".noseve*",l1ffgutl:i:igi'{TB?:'"J."Ti.S3J;l ii,:,',i" Funeral Sattrl'dar F or Mal'l irr -\\ alt'tt owrv.f-/ - rr, u,,, c00Pt.;RS't Walerr. 31. of Coopcrstou'tt,tlicd Tuesday irt :r local hospital aftct' a long illness The luneral wili be al. 10 Satrtt'day in St. GeorgeCatholic Churclt. lhe Rosary will be reciteclat 8:30 p.m. Friday. QuarnFunet'alflomc is in charge. Mr. Walon rvas bortt APril t7. l9?6, in Griggs County, and ntttt]r'ied Catherine Detwiller June 3 r194b.at Cooperstown. He is survived by his tvikr: ltvo sons and a daugltter^Jerry. Dalr: and Sanclra,ali at homc; hts pat'cnts, Mt'. and Mls. ['et.et'\\/a]ett, Cotrpelstown; Two sisters, fr{rs" Malvin t L,ij lian) Ouren,f.lannal'ord, N. D.. anrl Mrs. Alfred (Carolitre)Fiever. Jla, c o r n a .W a s h . . a n d t r v o b r o t h e r s . lWilliarn in Wisconsiuand lrl-fffiB '.,,'!lh* iof San Diego.Calif. - llffi.:i+4ffiffi;ilm;l[[^t;t1{l jcoo*'ia * w"gt", 60ryrTiffi F,il:iil,n"ff*fr1j*l Cooperstown, tr1l;ffi,ftlit';ifl """"'lI Dies ii';Tri*,*.-w, a nativ-e_or EnsJlc;ir.; N.o.-con-;1na*ina coopERsrowN, i]'!il' ,,$il,"lTl*",1;l:'i::l'i "tIil:';:'h'-',111,,Jfntili,:li"ffl"fdi L":.#""1*.:,!"y"*bst{l** ''urygq resident #;;;Li"i'"i',$"u ract wagre,60, of his life, died Wednesday in hisfi "' home in Coooerstown, The funeral will be at 2 Satur- h iineral Today'g5 tr.u"#iltor J. O. Wallum chapel, il E.v.euam Arvid Nvquist officiatins' B"ll,'*1llwer,ul,r, \ ' , uo.-n'unerar '-r u ' s r a r rservicg srv*t r Y f l f . " r , rtt. l lr w i l l b e l n S a r o n C e m e t e" "r y s" "o-u" "t 1 n r here. ]rara Justin O. Wallum, 59, of Wal- igreat-grandchildreIl A. Waler-.)62/9'' Glenfield Dies GLENFIELD, N. D. - Chris2?,rssr,|;;"lX"s*lii";.':it1'*#" BornDUrl in r\u[wdv 1l Norway April ^P'r'-1.1]^jolollounty, in St. will be at 2 today :il%tf tian Adolph Walen, 62, died at his home here Saturday after an illness of two years. He had been a was emproyed u .u"p.niJ"ltu:"9:,1d,?:-H3"',t"^tjl{l{'^I; resident of the Glenfield c o md' wudlu Funeral r uuErdr officiating. S. J. "* encl painter. l.- Yt"-ti"it_"-E_-'-D' Quam cooperstown' N' D'' is in munity 43 years, He ]eaves his mother, wrrr.l^ofj^of i Service will be at 2 Thursday the Glenfield Lutheran Church, hospital'Hewasborn the Rev. A. O. Borlaug officiating. ina atubrt oT cdop"rstt'*ti,'cii"iFqpt::town Funeral Home of Carring18e_?, at,Walum anj n?for San.rose, Catif.,^and niiii:tin-oil1ec.3I: rvereit, witir" ,tia tri"ouliiiers,lle{.sie1eHauklandNov' 3, 1914, ton, N. D., is in charge. Minn. . .Surviving.are Mrs. Walen; four Mrs. biirar (Irene) Rekland,Phoe,ilt,Moorhead' his wife, three sons and daughters, Milton of aiii., Mrs. Anskar (Semg] Su.rvivors.include and Mrs. Kenneth (Rubjil..hothers,Chesterof Dazey, John Gienfield, Mrs. Don (Nelda) Posey son, both Cooperstown., '{-Bilt:131"!,.)[, D,, ?lq !19.t]l of West Kelso, Wash., and Leof Red Wing, Minn., and six sisters, ander and Margrethe, at home; Mrs. Oscar (Mabel) Anson of Cali- four sisters, Mrs. Louis Anderson fornia, Mrs. Clarence (Olga) Even- of Cooperstown,,N. D., Mrs. Lesson of Walum, Mrs. Gilbert (Thre- ter Luttschwager of Big Timber, sa) Trangsrud of Wimbledon, Mont,, Mrs, John Larson of PullN. D.; Mrs. Max (Edna) Becken man, Wash., and Mrs. Wilmet Merand Mrs. Bernice Voght of WiL rick of Tower City, N. D.; seven mont, Minn., 6nd Mrs. Georgc brothers, Henry and Elmer of (Dina) Espeseth of Madison, Wis: Glenfield, Victor of Revere, N. D,, Mandel of Ponsford, Minn., Oscar of Jamestown. N. D.. Alfred of 818 Ave. S., Fargo, and Fred N. D., and t h rGE i,',Tlilr.'^i:t*:l-$"g.lIi::,.qi; #J;,Y,i:""""1il?H:"Y,ff saturd avata 8l#f,3*:H3gli;':%ff'f':"xiifi1 |t'-i -T:.1u r gisd r4$, lvtlnoL Second vlce presrclenttgo .riQrum .Hnoto, nnounced The ,:.fl:::l.i:;rii Weddins of .To Anno A rhnnnn rrr^F^ Nr.ir^ d$^^h p-::^., I ffi ffi or'rc'Rs.u."ur"ct.d ;;;il il;ilil w.Bo,'[,m ff#-#*iil,*#ffiH *.* of th6[ b,*::1i".\"fl"i*"i"J$i. rOJ \Vimbledon Di ilffiff :. ; yri mers'Lisbon'-"'"'""!,3'1!!idiKffi*fTritd;]il" "'q".,i"."" "r"n"ll#ilFy glp^DS\,I: ii"'#$'"$#fr, ieT%ffi:'srli"3"9"Ia3If s l d G e o r g e P h e l p s J r ' , Gi*ls:'.i.t1H3ffi+i]& r a n d F o r k s , d i r e c t o r s . € f f i " H + Wl'fln:*r$i[:]gffi*l*.ilr!"'g . M a t h e w ( E | i z a - ,,l l } ' s t t f f i . ) ^ ' ( ! a d a u g h t e r , M r s i.il#ggifrg AssociationconventionSundayin ttfu ciione; FI;t;i. xrin"tii-ii"1:i president; Craig Vanaa Fargo, treasurer, and W Ieft to right, seated, Hr #'i"s".ieild"i'";d+T i"o"'""'-#^':& iililfb. David Walks, Wimhl"aoi?6i*, ilVr.a50years p;"**#:,*. g:iT?l .T3ru? S {,t tiTJEssrE, N,D.- Mr.andMrs. t "'l1i&fr:t'iia,, w"sborn atBar r'';"ijL:x'*"';3 L"'ii.'l'*"ii iffJilli:j$,-',"llilg.'**Ti"rt il;affil;,*:{t-l,iri"; :l;r,'$"""-f11ili,. 'lfi:r#k'""yl,ili":i l'-w "",*s r.ivc'iiins.-r'ftj;,ir-or wimbredon, {'lre.{3v,i,1r;;'#f,*ii{-J"A"LiilF""3H.'H,fiiH the Methodist ctrurcir. oiwrric["'r,.lni"ri"? iiiirii'!iftJit.]'fitl",.?"1] t,-ff;"Xij:,?t#fi1"U;6j'r;i,+x1 "".n:d;iti"";X'H*i;1g i i]ii'4rii{ffiffi *.ner' a nhvsician inH,#ffi|: wimbredo j?:i"T1t3r,h{{,r lit?-#"ie.iu;;-"''t" Fq.;,;1.9,,Fil^i,,1i.'i;:ilt3li;:T;,i"f,,ilh'H'if'il,,1i.Ti1,",t;,T if'il,;i.Yiti,';,'l 9.i+F*r,Ii.'fr:#ru3liB:'T;,i'f,,ilh,f in in died died 1e36 tsso anc, ind-lt; she *H" lt'*'."ju;l -rs nbi,r'w,,fi.r l3'*'"x-:: suriawlr-b6-;;"c;;;i;,i,y, gi*,X,giei ru.b.j.iii.,.'mii'riattie weatherspoop, here unt'go' ,*;"H,Lrli;"u.tii'-*#ffii.r'",Xii "o?d;;; f die.4u,Fridav' il ;l* fi" * i"ilt T"t'Sreside .#ii;.H$lfi o.",r,:"0#*ili.nffiff% was a member. S. J. Ouar dose Emma ,,,*-i,o .rherormer Tili,;,ifs i,iflhii!*I'li,q:','il to Mr. Walksin Valley city, N. D;, h'crren : ,l#l+il=:-1"t"."tryj''#r,'ffi Sl'"T*#1t'lB,3jf; fgg::"1'"ius'd:""Js### ,l -t t. cov. c. p. Dahl was master. S yrs. Wanngl.wg: a charter mem- -. *-----.:----:*_ liii*rruir,f",r*,*1,,0,,r,, _ ffitry; '!,{rs,W'ahlDiesV ' $#".[lrltrffilq{ iLgii:J;l $* :fi:',,li1*AgXh,""n lfiy5f;.f ^p:,I',t:: l"li,s [ff"r. 3"*"h Wold,a At Coopenstowrrt'\ |ffil1l,31''i1"[?],'."0,";iL;','l'J:: lCoon""r^t_o_*rrrJ#_ Mont., Mrs. Robert (Ani Fh.WhhIRiter., ll p! ;Ii;";*lT,H, ff - Httr*ii" #ji:;.il l*$g?"*,:l;"Y,Th:U,:itri i t i, i;',,9; ir;;'"i;;d"ir?:$r; Fu.,;i /4:,$ff#"i..:B fuq:*;n:T:l;-ylltffi::*:i:*n::l rsi[:rr*r+f$11.i*'':;;l ir r,i.ri' ]il.H#H ft,.f"l."lm:t.*;i I I w'*: / triljrj h GJuam 't'uneralHomeIn rto ltre U. S. and was marriedtot I Thefuneralwilt hp or o tr,^r-^- lc Nov' 1887 ar'ldavjn rrinit"iutnerii lftiii,*i,.#"1nr l^qqig'at-Hadal,e,l..N"1'*l,"1.,l :b{iil:il: i' ,n., riverr ona rarin l:il;?E"i"" QuamFuneraljc lfiH'"':"?t:i:;r1 Vmt, l, N. D., untilig+s*rr.n ls". ltj:ft" ir;;iif;". il;; lHl"n" "Yg,tg,,r'11"rig,f: to dakotaTerri- l/essiq lyearand coming tnoved irttoCooperstown. Ilel hus-| Bornat Giorvi"k, uorway, Mr.ll sis---'--''1, I she ,"""jl#'il;;i;';1";#1i#l';,!x3.il'11".':,TX,liree 1fl,?li"f'ff,i'"#'il:'.',',:yr: Sheleavcsa son.Johnwahl of lstgdll Nov.30,-1BBZ. i;;;6"av, ll. ol;d-n*;1. +drji .ffi:s.n:ld;:,*"h-.i"ugi,t""-ffr.iffill,l,},,,ti,f;i t,.l.li:n,;l,g;. l7*?ii'n;.rTi*y"l?,nio'.1 ' IHH"T]*X?--Slei;d-r;;ae4l1gn i,ii'Kl..sq?0""T%.i;J"-.?:i^i;,Y'xtllii,ii tT,lf:i;li :srandchildrcn and one sreat-iprrs.Otcotertn,".li,n.tr, "ESr:,rTli f*?lf3iioX'vicewitl.be at2,ru€jidewn.l{ in the Trinity Lutheran Chuqcti" lday herg.lthe Rev. Palmer Tideni*rd S. J. Quam Funeral. -offhiating. is in charge. .. r ffi I^rifilanteOf fiinisrd Bride Ol Dr. W-ukefieldfffiil :fiiffilr"ftil,'I,#oiiul"'$ff qiiiti"try-r,i,T.'rfl ,'m Church of _Moorhead,officiatedllength, gown of blush pinli"ro,iei. 9ulq"V. at the -marriage of Loislpoint lace over net and satin with [4fUn!e, daughter oI M1. andla bouffant lkirt accentedby a fffir. Bruce LaPlante, Binford,ldeep flounce. An open-crowned f,f,D., and Dr. -q. M. Wakefieldlhalfhat heldher fingeriip veil. She N. D.,.sonof Mr.lcarriedblushpink iosds-. f,$Cooperstown, A. Wakefleld,Winni-|, A._Wakeileld, The bride Winni-l The bride was wis attended attendedby Mrs. by Mrs. # rvr-rs...J. WF $1...J, peg, peg, Manitoba, lvranrroDa, uanada, Canada. and Mrs. Mrs. Noble Noble liolling. Bolling. llverson llverson and spokenin the gardenlbergof Fessenden,with Laurle _Vows,were of the home of the bride's sister,flyersonas flower girl.' Mrs. nrrmer Elmer rverson Iverson ot of l5mtord.l Binford.l James James M. M. eussons CussonsJr. Jr. and lrvrls. and WilWil- lElton,Oppegard was the organistlliam P. Hammer Jr., .,,5s16 of and Mrs. Julian M r'o z I a of|Cooperstown, were besf man and leroomsman. {"Pg:IM: t9::1'1- -*l. Out of towp guestswere Mr. and Mrs. Bollingberg of Fessenden,Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wake. field of Winnipeg and Mr. andt Mrs. W. J. McGregor of Glad-l stone, Man., and Mr. and Mrs., Afneson and daughter, Hartney,] Man. .After a short wedding trip they wrll make lake their their home in Cooners-l Coopers-l [i"* 1"-"1"" M WitherbwDiesAf JamesM. witherow, ?5, oflweeks.She was.Fry O.gt'-Q"M9' husbanctdied April 22, 795L' s^.-'lto6"r,ead.'wiriowlrrer Moorhead, St. S., 619 ?thit?Mrs. Witherow was the former of a long time Moorhead Jane Bond of llunter, N. D. anil Clai District Court commis4:1o a, a' m. rL Wednes*ionerhusband had resitletl in Griggs died at 4:10 sioner. died rtv. D.. and at Grandin, N. D., 'fi;b"f;"e dav in a local hospital' day - Nbefore studYing law. TheY She hacl been married in Fargo -had -Nov.. -26.t Mrs. Witherow Witherow had resided Mrs. Moorheatl since. leaves a son, James Jr., Glendale, Calif.; a Mrs. Karl (Grace) i apolis, and five grandchilA son, Frank, and-a -daugh' ila dorrc r^s"vv_, Margaiet, precedetl her in She was a mernberof the Church.ot St. John the Moorhead. Wright is in <*usge d