Output file - Griggs County Historical Society
Output file - Griggs County Historical Society
TobiaSon.85. Hatton.Dies WarVaerauIXcs lverUfoaaFdDie$ At Sverdnry atLenora Farm Sunday t. - - , Township Farm nrness Dut"JEL ToGas ::"? neai. Attack in FranceIn I 9l B Offensive Well Knotn Citizen Passes FollowingHearrAttack at Home Iver Udgaard, one of Griggs county's ,best knor'"rr citizens, died at his farm home ilr Lenora tou.rxhip oit Sundav. \ovenber 1i. foliou-ile a hear: a.::=-..i ::-.):: -r.i.i.1 he Lad hcer I -{}.1..1: a 1.ear a.'go JI:,. II a s u i - e r e : . i.:s i Udgaard s';ierej a -r:loke a:C r a s b e : : c : , : . : : = r a ' : _ . . . , .i : t ! e i : Ihealb I ed sin:e :!a: ::::?. D:a:: ca:l: S-;- : : , ' a : : : : a . : . -^ - _ - a - . ': : : . : s : . - : = : _ . i I :,: ig'-: c': 3-i ,:r-.-e:_€s::::::. Firnerai :ei\-t3es n-ere he1,:1o: T.;:s- : at the lfasonic conducted G. B. E<lmondson by elery. Came llilirr ,i f rl:rtr*4 i f rD . | .-.i r r f i , f : P [ 7 Ht t t t t . d ; - )lr. Udgaard Iferre In 1888 r,vrs bcrn in Lcsjo, on Octo'cer 10. 1S63. a::i ';'as 1 2 1 ' ' s r ' - .I : . . : . : : - : . , .: ..1 Nor*'ay -(; . Tempte I as :llaster, rvith T. G. Thompson reading an eulogl' of the departed. Burial was made in the Cooperstown cem- t t.titi : da]- afternoon : i - r t , , , . ^ :. I tr\' 1.. ..,, \ i-, ! e r c n I r':: Ci-rl f : , . and'oecame associat:f r.i::: ii:-1.:i Thompso:t in the :: . . ::.:.: : ....::_. :.. .... salesman an.t i.:,,;.:ee:=r. Ix. i!.; he lr-as enpi:,1'e-: by Odegaard & Thonpson ir ii:e banking business and held this position until 1690. In 1 9 0 4 h e r r , . a se l e c t e d t r e a s . ; r e r o f t h e county and held this position two the close of his 1,-eers. Fcllorving term he left for Centralia. Wash.. intending to locate there, bnt returnecl wilhin a year anri becan:e intereste.l in farmiag. He eontinued on th€ farm until 19C0 $-hen l:e took the position of cashier in the Firs,t Na.tional bank, serving in th3L crlracity fol ten years, leaving to a.gain take up farrning. It 1918 Lhe family moved , to Coopersto\4'n, returning to the I farre in 1924. i On June 11, 19C2,he ir-as united in na::ia5e to Lliss Gera I{elii]]g. Two :::ilire:. I'IilC:'ei. a: ;,t..seli lii'ing at .--::li. :.: ; Iu-,'.-:, :al::::g a -.hOft l:-r'-=:= ::'O::: ::e tOrrre piaCe, sUr',':'.-=. :-.s:iler' n:*"h the scrl'oi1'ed , lii iii:ijiit tel Once Key To ( Kindred Tamed For CuisineIn'80s, It WilI Be RuzedIru Spring gpecielTo T-le Fe-rgol-orum_. .- ,to Valley City as a young woman Valiey City, N. D.-When thellroPennsvivania sbme-time beKindred hotel is razed next spring llore 189?. She was married to a to make room for a modern store, lpsn bv the name of Field from a landmark of glittering sociallwhom ihe was afterwards divorcfunctions ancl sumptuous cuisineled, and then she married Glynn. will disappear. lAf ter being'divorced from Glynn Although the glory of the Kin- lshe bv ihe l.he was mirried to a man by dred has been fading for years, I name of Hervey, and aftei her a handful of "oldtimers" remem- ldivorce from liih she married ber the days when the hotel was llane. This maruiage also resulted the key to successful b_alls andlin divorce. parties, But, condemned i9t..ql However, Mrs. Kern-FieldIbng time as unsale, the hotel willlGlynn-Hervey-1sn. dicl not lct hcr disappear as did its partner in the I marital advehtures interfere with heyday of the 1880s and 90s, the I her ambition of setting the best Opera House . ltable in North Dakota. I\{rs. The hotel, once so famous thatlGlynn, as she usually was known, men arranged tnetr'lowned a farm on the east edge of traveling rcheclulJs to spend a luxuriouslVallev Citv where she maintlined weekend in Valley City, will be I her own herds of livestock and torn down by the Straus ClothinBlpoultry to supply the hotel. Garcompany, present owners, anct re-ldens on the farm furnished fruits ptaci:a*ith a building to housethe l3n6 vegelables. firm and another busincss. I M.s. Glynn was described as a By HoterFinancerl lF'Hf,h'"5?J1;13*1i?,utJ?ill"iuJ# C!;;t"tc"ry.ryra"g"1t9 -".frlf"TIX?"#3","?J? J#;, t-i*"A::f . ._ . liff'-:i:;i,:iili::*'iuiii''"eriiii.l i&1",r;:"i'1%#i oldtimeisareleft inihadnoneof [er-ow1t. I ijiffir"ilorltiJ ti"":?ir;:"ti"';L?"'=#;d&";?r""d: __o-.nlvir]Ieiv * Vallei City 1o recall that the hoteli .- I bJildin'#e9begunin1880'byan|^.*.j}:"Y*o'y'"*"x:*t*l}ll | company. Gurn Adams'was attracted by storieslthe property' {h-"-.9ate19$ tol in eastern newspapers desqtibingltralielins mcn and ValleV CitV so-l l.#i,39{f .#,l1qi"flffi l-i:+lt''**ffi frftrft|6:lf l anduuuutirdlSil3rrt'i';ut" or1 a srandmother i,llifrtrBt"isacious ?i"t6l",il1trii *:i5? I *:.1,**.**Bx,,fi:i:: Isli;L:: ";:n, o*n"a t[" ta"a- .",i Ino information as to the time his I Mi;;.;-*h; considerableother proper'ti"in lni Istu"oTolh5l. m-a-r-ras9d - the Kin- | .:::::ii , t i:ll 1,.:*tt,f,,li:*','r**t*ilnlx"""'F*'tl+la:i::.'eil *lar#*, lti:ffn"sTlfi ;,'iil"":,:T'.: FtHrI ffi ,";I -'ffitr;6$',ffi1ffi.;g$ffi,lffi .:ti.; :::::tt. j::r::: Adams I -puicirase "Apparentiy tfre..prope.iVlthe, danccrs. To make. hotel andl tr"ci"to ii"tr Xi"ai"a *tren he beein buitO"-| ballroom,more accessiblea runway I t|3'dl.:T| iig- th" ho6rsincetr."-a."0i'lY?:-.b.:l1l_"T3?idil-[", lntervenrng dated two '""years after building be"-I ;;;:; '';";"; l;;;i**'i3in'l',1*11#S?'#il:l According to files of the Times-lroom without descending and as-l Record, daily newspapu"'1,"*,'ir,"lcendinc stairways. I A IIOTEL'REGULAR', is Lars Eidsvig,92, rvho homesteaded. ;?s.?.t";;il;1,'"1"* ;iq;a-bdirs' so-clar.Everts I 3'ruffll'*,t. il;t?;'itl*?fi"#fffi,1t"1"P:t';! |t1l r|'t#i1; ly"ryv cial event with a ball in ;muitd-rv ttuge rlmmg t6oom the last few winters. His wife died in 1939. (Photos by Button's - -l iil;p;;r':lln -"-- i;;; il;l orchestra." I The huge dining room, tong agol Studio' Vallcv City) yii:5h:" '*t' #{::f"8"!iruu"ff t'.l"#i.t:? l*:ff' ,"Pt'" "t's'l' ) l,* o.,",events never \ as 33:tii HiT;*.$"d,, i _+ltTl:{E-+-*on a mortgage "l,jl foreclosure the I v iaoain- Iw [3lud .*:":::r:,::'Tfi-;1]': 0s'602$ fl#{il{Hru#8li1'+fls UrJ uuueu fss,h1tfr--Et€ii'""i'rfil9 I LrL/'r''lrru frayed and worn, with onlv a remaining of its former l"ut" V'[OS-p 'fi'ST}:'i'::i:i: 'xcvs xc,sc c*v ili!;ffif5i unworl I orn,..xu-up-uo-i{sou-oNruds'-'g$y:3'*" tqYq.-EPI3l-lr31l.:i,':F'"i"i',?i,1:" lququo I| .{li}.-n'rh'neulu r atrunor.{Jtr,rrv""B"; lro.Toi- ;:r-v. l#t"h}il"tit?rr5: into makeshift apartments A elegar see is ffiffi li$ffi ffiffi 1 IInTIJJICI rql Jo lurq 'rt"ro18.raur.roJs}.r Jo saaerl {luo srroqs dqqol aq1 ,ff&vuogvTff oNv HCITI ffCNO '6867 u! paqsqqelsa se^\ qclq.& arols i o8.reg aql roJ osIB 1I Eulsn Pue arueu arols 3u1q1o13 snPrlS ai{} Suiur€laJ'I16I aauls uol1e.rod.roa s€q urals l,tpueg aq+ papeoq 'sral I I sne4s 'srtr I pue urals l-srs a.ra.r,t j's.r141';a8eu€tu se 'uollasseC 1e I eadoiduraue'urals uerural{ palls}s l -u1 pue 806I ul arols lt1l3 ^aIIeA iaql pas€qcrnd sne.r15'uo,liasse3 '8raq le oiols 5urq1o1c B Palerado -urals 'srtr{ Jo acalu € se^\ aJI^\ asoql^ 'sne4s 't 'W 31€I aIf,L ^ 'Ialoq aql Jo JauJoa roolJ punorE e uo doqs 3u1q1o1co^.Isnlcxa'5.raq .lsJIJ s.,{tiJ ,{5IIeA Pauado oqan -u.ra1g qdlopy ^q U88I ur Paqsllqel -sa sB^/raJols Sulqlolc aqJ 'pa{ull flasolc oJe ULrIJ 3utq1o1c aql Jo lBql pue Ialoq aql Jo drolslq aq:LrC daIIeA Jo ^ueduoa SulqtolC snerls oql. aql o1 'gt6l 'gz 'loas uo Ialoq 'sl^14-I plos sl^ra.I 'srtr J puE 'rtr^l 'JIN B 01 paIJJ€tu se^r Jal€I oq.ry\ "911e3 'o8a16 ues Jq rg>It€l!ilS ualaH ol pass?d tt1.radordeql 986I uI qleap sruuflc' 'srw uodfl .tuedurog sn€J+SoI 9?6I uI plog f1.rado.r4 'larlr€tu s.dPPIIoH fq Dardncao Sulaq lrou dlIC /tal -pzt ul lods s1r ipa.re_addeslp aculs -eradg aq1 'f-to13 auol seq 'asno!1 utr uo.Iu€duoa s.Parpuly -aI{J i '{rBp p-ue ^qq9qs' aJB sII€^r aql pu€'{€anDs puB nBs s.roolj aq.1, 'sral.renb Suldaals pue, sluaurl.rede lJlqsa{etu olut poppp' a.rarn oEe 5uo1 s.rooP olqnop dq P"-"'""'#;ff3#9l#l#l;i"^olwl DII uro^run are ladrBa aI{+ Jo d€u puell(ilir sroloc qclr aq1 's{e,*.r1e}s rapun A 1UIT! t ::il:il"liJ'J'*f$H""*:T6*'i"o' B {Iuo q11an 'uloal PUB PafeJJ sI rnou 8u11ad,recqcu atuo aqJ 'u_rEBe 'ure8e 1 '8ur1ad:ec rlroar uI u8-rsap oleroq€Ia sI oas 'uo11e1nda-rapJd\ B parpulx eq1 -arre8 qcgiarraql e-cue8ala a I11I I sa^rd trvia.IavH uooad-(INocf;s v PRI paur€l}e s€,ryl'Ja^au slua^a leJcos ---* dep ^Ireo Jo arlsnl aq1 q8noqlP aql dq sarl, uawsales pua suoJlua^uoc Jo a.ret{s aql s€.u 'az oEe SuoI 't! s,uo*ns,{q.soror{d).6e6T ur palpaJrr s*{ .t!:tr3^ftlgft."dT:iit uro s auoq siq uaoq seq lr pue laloq paJpulx aql ur plaq s€^r ,(UBd Sulp -paar srq '988I 'e 'cac uo parrrelt .gggl uI '(I .N ,ufrqlEx rBau papealsauoq oLIr '26 'SI Splg sruT sI .UVTO9gU, Tff1,OH V -s€ puE 8ul rllsq roolJ-l -urp xoolJ-p sJacu€p os aql Jo sdol ,{E.rruru B al pue laloq i .ro3 s.raddns parpury aq urooJIIPq r( llDUBJJo sll IO SJaluot 3ur.roqq81e -ce uu1(lC ' 'f1a-raos leat aql J9 }u uosn;n -ul>I aril I slq alup aI{ seq a{rn8 JaE€ueuI 'oj Io Jaqlour -lac 'srw alnos dlllx taloq aql p -os d1t2 t{al ol paralec pas€al aqs I r{}€ap raq i -un rlgeuosi aqs 'u€Iuor{ 'Jrege uapoot\ aleJoqela rar,ulo; aq1 sacelde.r ddouec uJapout B lBltl ldaaxa 'readralsa,c ul se depol arlres aql qcnur {ool lq8lr aq} uo xauuB s}I pue Tff,trOH OffUONIX UH; 'Jlege uapooa aleroqela rauJoJ aq1 sacelda.r ddouec uJapou € leql ldaaxa 'JBa^ralsa/c u! sB dBpol arlles aql qcnu qt11CNIx qool 1q31,r oql uo xauuB slr puB'au;,OH flHfi -r-Fr I rl {Eq.uEFl -rrJp rooEltlr s.rapusp os atl} Io sdc4 l|E,sr[u P a! pue ftlql r .ro; sraddns parpu-fll dI tllooqleq .E fauel Jo sl! lo sJaluix, EwroqqS$ad -ae uwfig r 'ltlapos te l -uD{ aq} | nl s-rq aq sBq elrng .ra8euet[ bl Jo raqloq -rac'sgt l alnog &tDll Ialoq ato p -os &-rJ ltal ol paralsl paseal aqs r ql€ap raq I -un ltfisuG 'uBruo aqs q8noql -Bcnpa aql oqla uBtuol E SB pAqrJil sllnJJ paqs! -r€c'Ialoq puE {ao}sar paulBlur€ur o8pa lsBi Jo 'ultrou{ se,r 'srl/[ 'elol lsaq aql 3l qlrd\ a.IaJJa raq lal lou 'plalg-urax pallnsar osl poIJJeIu arl raq ralJe 'aql fq uBurI uudlo tuoq 'uul(lo paF -cro^Ip sprl uro4 plau B o1 parul! -aq alull oll ueutom 8tm e fi ,S( ) ,teIIBAdug oI zfex acug [e] 'ffmffi I i- ilxercises On fune I For 60 At Oak Groae tsV t ffiffii.li.:..F:i.{i:ii'iiir,i:i::ilr*ffi44edssnnssr*ffi*r).rr:;::!:i::rr,.,.:,,r1iri Clrades lTlld Anderson Rlcc, N,D, Irllainc lldlnburg, Axvlg N.D. John Baker lloorhead Rob€rt Blshop l(aren Bllxt luepleton, N.D. Arsusville, ll.D. Iloser Bosmoo Piermont, S.D, lietth Cmton AD[eale Boutlette l]l&no Childs Naoml Chrtstensetr lloorheed Abercrcnrble, li.D.lt'slcott, !{,D. MtnneAmlts wa@g@::'::].:|':'],.:i w*q Illary Charlos Gunderson lltoorhesd Kenneth cust lladse Gnstefson Dtrrbln, N. tr). Lldsehvood, N.D. Shlrley iJacobcon Eebeks, lllnn, Beyerty tttayrltte, tinldor N.D. I'hullp u{tlorson Itfitorhcrd f,reetto Honson Pergo l'orkcl I tsosn& lr{Dneth tiJesbo (oorrcrs(orvn ,/ Iitrrso dhlrley H€nnlncE Durhtn, Corrol N,D. Kls}en tlunter, N, D. N.D. V Elalne luo]faltl NorthrYooil, N.D. Barbam Mapleton, lliller N.D. Ronalal SonJe tllchum ProsDer, N.I). Ilotrert flo|mer D$nroll.h, Robert l)trrrgt lahmarr Arguevtlle' N.D. N.D, J. huck$ Jr. ty€lyn Jtrcobron Dlckloson, N.D. l{trry Lu(hvall Argnfvllle, N.D. Gunnest Abercmmble, Krthhm Jecobson Sehek&, IUlntr. Joonu Lutdo Ersktne, ltltnn. N. D. Xtrren t sntnl, Lyrmetr .N. D. trtrgo Shlrley Dinlord, lulren F&rgo IfAm Nelsol FarSo lil6 Nol$n tr'argo lvendell Relnertson phfltp Rtnsatahl .rofrtd Rodvlk Joanno Rust Moorheed Mcville, N.D. Mclntosh, Mlnn. llaNood, N,It. iai'ii:r:l::it:Wilf Carohm Saudnesa Danlel Iallloure, N.D. Simundson Plurnmer, llinn. Darid Sorsen lloorhead ltlary Stsngeland Arsusvllle,N,D. Ralph Ahossrnrd Northsooal, N,D. llarso osnnbmck, N.Ir. Arralrey Tumbl8alh Ssteks' ltllnn. Marcus l\redt McHenrT, N.D. GretcheD Utko Ort6ka, N.D. Diplomas will be alvarded by thel Musical numbers will be pre- Lavonne Gravgaard, Joanne Rust Rev. E. A. Evenson of Wallace,lsentedby the Choral CIub. direct_ and Glenda Geiszler will sing. The S. D., presidentof the Board ofled by Kathrl'n Tweeten.'andbv processional will be played byi 1 in the High School Auditorium. Trustees. Oak Grove Choir, directed bvl lthe " Janet Johnson, pianist, and Rob-l - The all-student program will The Rer'. Sanford Sorgen of1C.A. Illness. I feature taiks by four students,in- Moorheadwill ask the invocationl A trio of Dianc Childs. Beverlvlert Dryden, organist, both juniors.l ciuding Naomi Christenson,Rob- and Dr. Anton Nelson of FargolTollefson and Shirley Jacobsonl 4 t & J. Loucks Jr., Ralph give Thorswill lert the benediction, lwiil sing. Dar.id Sorsen wiil sinsl Baccalaureate services will be lgaard and AnnetieBoutierte. The Rev. C. A. Larson. Oakla baritone solo and Shirlev JacobllSunday, May 27, at 8 at PontopA. L. Hermunslie, Oak GroveGrove president, rvill deliver ajson will play an organ soio. I Ipidan Lutheran Church with tle principal, will present the class. greeting. quartet A of Shirley I Myren,lRev. Donald Running as speaker, *lVangen,At tsinford lflSincelBB4,Dead'*{ ifl - .- -) -** lc. ven Huizeh,,6!, t," tn* "*ur^r-s"x!fiorning,lvrarcn lorrrrrrnafordDb.]iI e, I Binford, N. D.-John P. Vangen, | 91, resident here since tSg+, dieA a;lFriday in his home. Born in Olrn lsaker, Norway, April 19, 1858, he n-lcame to the U. S. with his parwlents in 1871. In 1881 he mariied of lBertha Hanson at Faribault, a, lMinn., and in 1884 he homesteaded here, then Dakota Territory. --lnear (-+i 30lMrs. Vansen died in 1929. :hl - Surviving are two daughters and f - | four sons, Mrs. Marl in r Bcrtha ) :l:,:iii telNelson, Mrs. John (Mary) Overby and Anton, all Binfordl John of Northfield, Minn., Christ of Miil.,1t?f.i:i,i;1ffiu:':;1'" llaca Minn., and Hans of Oakland.' l r l - r::j':: y lCalif. ii:iri;{;:irr::r:ir:::ir'i;iii:ii:':i:i:r: t, l . su*i"-". witl be at-2 Tuesda;vr"lF. ' B i n f o r d h a l l , E r l i n e O m a d a h l l l .lthe ueland. N. D. ., lof Bordulac,.N.p., officiating anclll Cooperitown, .,,.".,.,', in the Binford eemeterv. a lburial ll llThe Quam funeral home of Cooij-ll ' dlerstown, N. D., is in ch_ar8e. Dr. Kent F. Westley. 1941,is ll 7-rr r ll Tvr.rr. TE.rr on a residency in radiolrrgy at New York hosPital, New York I SCnO{ \./ogtRites f"a"" lx#"E*tlni^fl'.*i"f, home here Saturday. He had been a resident of North Dakota 33 Mr. Ven Huizen was born in Holland Nov. 17. 1888. and married Stella Rose at Courtenay, N. D., Dec. 24, l-918. For the last 18 years he had been elder of the Dover Reformed church, which he helped build. He leaves Mrs. Ven Huizen; three sons, Herman and Eugene of Hannaford and Raiph of Wimbledon, N. D.; a daughter, Mrs. Kaslper (Minnie) Severson, Wimble,ldon; five brothers and sisters, Arthur of Wimbledon, Isaac, Mrs. Claus Huizenga, Mrs. Aleck Huiilzenga and Mrs. Martha Bielma, 'lall Fulton, Ill., and a grandson, Howard Severson. Services will be at 2 Thursday in St. John's Methodist church of Wimbledon, Rev. Gideon Walbrink of Litchville, N. D., officiating. Pallbearers will be Herman, CIarence, John and Peter Rose, Norman Johnson and Wilbur Kamphuis. W. D. Sinclair funeral home an;:- ,{1 Coop ersto{,ni'{/ ir i" .hTg9:__ ;t:q{ii"f,tjiii{g",:'[{H[# 'iiili *"L,F"I**|ffi ;i'* Hanna. ililfi [f i" yi* gf f,i.{-". ""\il:l,,.eemetery. ";f -_,€..b 1n\9!.i 11 r ate m tiscal ve ml,l"*-*::; *#,ng*;-g;F;ru* I ;iilhi ff##:#*i*il*-H,r*fi*i-ff+,i t'Jtr{i l,trl?:iix"?'Hss,x",1*l $H:..#1F.*,Hh*: i?Id jM"r.Vd H"rr"" nri-, Todayb-d ls:_lAl 2:80 N. D._services r Y.3l3m for l,.Wimbledon R. Ven Huizen. 27. of lrv,rrs..James vrrnioledon u ill be at 2:30 p. m.'to_ tI iir f,rur-toi.O fu-.., rffiry,fd,',@ fffiflffi ' Iertr?Fit,tr'tf.u ^ffiY:!yl #-**:" :l =: r :-Es ry':*rcliciatino ii;iixr/ .3Filitr$!1'rqilill":: ,1,"i*I{i;a,T;?, :"0'"'- G$\iStd w. D. onrt Sinclair ffi---"'rffiiilffll"qffi ii paubear- ffiffi;;;;;. ers ivill Ue jofrn ffi n' ^__ lhompson, :r{F I_eslie] i,ii:&,J$iff$,' ::r:.:i:ij::$i,,:r:t',:ffi:.'.: t''etef ffir/***'a *uflff N:,::::,:tr:;.i::iw$i+. U | '-- S*{ rcland^lwgbr.others. ti"-rr""Ar:'ir'iill: H"f,:i; i3igi"?i.t'frii"'iii'..iir."i;;, iRites In iWichigan 1 --;r*xs nieGnn Crash Victim | -: i, lFor COOPERSTOWN, l. N. D.-Thel Dales. vic-l Foarot Airman.r.c. lServices Monday '^"1'^ J"-esr'I. vrem Hf"f;"'1li'riT:|,*'*H1,tTilil e Finley, N. D., Air Base. willl lr.ur --lF"*.tq[ruD rI ave.today witha militarv..'.*il: r.hishome atEscanaba, Mich. I ThesonoJMr. andMrs.Arthurl lunl:lile'lb# "3r,;"*1111,t*ruJ,"#:l lHi;j"id&"".ra;i""i""'""'li.virl". I lili.o.. ii".riii"r.-" ;liv;, I "* when-i .ai r,"'rii, TiH{t rht. i i,,:"*'*i*$iti8lffi"ii:: g3g[loosedirt on_N. *:$:;i:rr#l D. z eastoTj oificiatt. r sFfre l;;;;&: R;;. ilklffi:HrI ^funeral ffiill*';s'furT l:t",t&H; btorson, he was killed KEI?nd turnedend over enaiii-i Ssl umes. I ' EonaldBenedix,22, driver of thel ptr'w.ho also is'fro'm tne fUievl Egp' is reportedin "good'; c;;-1 ffion_ rn a^hospitalhere. He re-l ;ceiveda fractirred left lee-andl lotherinjuries. He is from b"saiiii,l 'i _] jMinn. s. J. Quam,Griggscountycoro.i jner, said Victorson apparendvl pas J<iled- instanrly. Daafh $r*i f.Ue !o- a I'racturedneck and ia"l {herewere 'qq H:f;l.3f"dt1u; I Victorson would have beer# &9"v. He wasbornin Miehiq ra, rsse. fv t home li.'J^.f: ri. Wo"a"r lof"McVille is in charge. I Born in Bergen t^oivng!!q'I-vgllson county, June.24, 1881,-Mr' lVrenr had ipent his entire life on lthe home farm. I He leru"s a brother' Alvin- of lpet in, and a sister, Mrs. Alma Minn. A Cambridg-e,_ lpahtberg, iiJili--tita",preceled him in death, SOn, MilfOfd I wil-| ffiilf :::i;q** ff;r,*i q :Sr.r1::..::i:rr:. T-B#.$Tgnt-"nurg, DUf l( a m p h i S. I lrornrn eit and i Drrg.Ven Huiz.enlar!ffiT-w C;;;;. i A tormer teacher here, Mrs. Ven I Huizen died Wednesdiy. I BEBNH"6,RDVOOEN PASSEI) AWAY I.A,STTRIDAY.MORMNG Vogen, for trventy years -..'., l"Ilhutd a Gllggs county resident, passed away a,t his home in Rosendal townshlp last Friday morning: at four o'clock, following two year#nf illness. The late weeks of his life, found him very low and death was momentarily expected. Death, flnally, was of merciful giving, ending . intense suftering. Brights dlsease was the cause of his illuess and his doath. Those lvho knew Mr. Vogen, and they were many, had great respect for the man. He was a splenditl husband, father and neighbor and his death leaves a great void in tho neighborhood of his home. His vridow and three daughters survive hinl. The daughters are Olga, Bertha and Florence. They all have the deep sympathy of all acquaintances. Ii'uneral services were held at the Yogen home Sunday afternoon, Rev. Halling of Binford officiating. F.rom mlles ,ebout came friends to pey lest tribute to one held high in the estim&tion of a,tl. On Monday the remalns were taken to Rushford, Minnesota, for burial beside his parents. The pallrbearers were: Benjamin C,tm'ant, J. D. Barclay, OIe L&rson, Henry Asmus, Joe Storkson and .A,rthur Anson. Bernhard Vogen was born September 8, 1868" in the town of Preble, X'illmore county, Minnesota. November 6, 1899, he was united in marriage to Miss Hulda Svenson, ths ' wedding taking Blace at Clarksfleld, Minn. In 1,904 he brought his family to GriCCs coun,ty, where he and they have since resided. 0f TortrrelVigesaa IsDead Broadview to be Held FuneralS.ril PeterVigesaa'Dies 2 p.^. Fridayat Zion Church Lutheran AtSverdrup Home Torkel Vigesaa, long-tirne Broadview farrner. dier at his horne Wednesday at 12 noon from coronarY occlusion. ,services will be' conducted at bhe Zion Luthera.n, church aL 2 P. m. on I'riday' Reverends Oscar Monson, Ll.rdvig [.unde, and Silas Bergstad of Mayville will conduct the last rites. Torkel Vigesaa, son of Tbrkel and Bertha Vigesaa was born June 18, 1868 at Vi'gesaa in Bjerkriam, Norway. He came to America in 1888 a,nd two years later settled in Broadview township, where he has made his home since. He was m,arried to Louisa Osland 43 years ag:o. She lives yet to mourn his passing. Ch'Idren of his that are living in Griggs county are Mrs. Albert Berge, Mrs. Oarl Hetland, Mrs. Lars Nevland, Mrs. ,Oswald Wuflestad, Hurluf, Trygve and [,awrence. Another daughter, Mrs. ,Lester Erickson, i,s in the mission fields of Africa. A brother, Martin V gesaa, of Broadview and a sister in Norway, Anna Vigesaa, are still living. TWo ibrothers and Lhree sisLers preceded him in death. Quam's funeral hortle is in charg€ of ttre &rrangements. *Ir Mrs. R. B. Vogan Is Dead at Regina Home Mrs. R. B. Vogan, former Binford resident and an aunt of Mrs. O. H. Marquardt of ttris city, died at her ho,me in ,R,egina, Sask., on Wednesday, August 28. Mr. and Mrs. Vog:an were residents of Einford years ,ago where Mr. Vog'an wa"s manager of:n elevator at that point. Ttre family rnoved to Saskachewan in L909 taking up a homestead in the tSpringwater district, west of Saskatoon. They farmed there until 1921 when they moved to Saskatoon, and a year later Mr. Vogan joined the staff of the dairy branch of the Sas,kachewan department of agriculture, since when the family has lived at rRegina. She is survived ;by her husband, one son, George, of Moose Jaw, nnd one d.aug'hter, Bernice, at home. A sister Mrs. Bernard Vogan, is also / a suryivor' ri FuneralServices Are Held NearLuvernefor Ased I F . r r I unggs rarmer I Peter Vigesa", *h. haA been faii- | ing in health fior some time, Oue I mostly to otd age, passed away at I his home in Sverdrup township, Sun| day evening, Ja"nuary bth. F'uneral I services vvere ileld, at the Lund I church near Izuverrre at 2:80 o,clock i Thurs<lay, Jamuary 9lh, following i services held at the home at 12:80. I ,was made in the Lund i iBurial church cemetery. I i *". Vigesaa was born uear Eger- | I sund, Norway, in 1859. In 1g?Z he I was married to ElizabeLh Vindine- I land of Lhe same pla,ce in Birkuri, i Non67sy. To this union ni,ne child- | ,ren were born, thrce of whom died I 'in infancy, one daughter, Bertha, I p?*tud &w-ay in 1911, at the age of i 24' r . [{e came to the United States in I June, 19O7 w'ith his wife and familv. I 'fhey stayed witJ: their old.es,t sJrr i whc had emigrated to this countuy I six yearw previous. Here they macle I their home for two years until ilrey I purchased the farm in Sverdrup l township in this co'nty wUere Mi. i Vige.saa resided until his deatJ:. I He leaves to morn him ,tr,vo broth- I ers, Torkel and Martin; five children. I Thomas of MoHenry; Aadne a^ndSig- ] vart, of Eope; &nd Thorval and peter I at home. One sister also survives t and makes her home in Norwav. His I -deathl wife having preceded him in abourt a year ag.o. OneTimeRomness Woman Is Dead 'Livedin Griggs !..i BeloreTurn of Century; rCame FromNorway Information re,ceived here during the week indicated that Mrs. ,Randini Mathea UJrberg, g6, well knorwo in Ro.rr.l'tesstovrnship before the turn of lhe cemtury, died at her horne i:r Olinda, Wash., March 23. tShe came to the United States from Norway about 60 years ago. Since re_avrngthis area, she had been a res_ ident of Wisco.rusin for a few years before goinl8. to Washington. - Sunviving are Lwo sons, Georg.e IrI_ berg of Seatile and C. n. A. rJme:rg of Ollnda; 4r.re daug.hter, Mrs. J. F". Warn of Olinda, and 15 grandchild3'uneral services were held in An_ derson, Wash., Tuesday, March 26. - iMrs. Yigetaa Of lI iCooperstou-n Diesl, '] s[K olx)s 'y coornnsrowN,N. D._ Thel\ lfuneralof Mrs. Torkel (Lovisa)l lvlgesaa,88, long time Coopers_lf ^2:3011 Itowuresident,will be at lbundayin Zion LutheranChurchlJ The altar of Bethel Evangelical sister of the bridelsouthof here. The Rev. LeRovi] ,/N;aawill officiate. " lt Free Church was decoratecl with was bridesmaid. 'l".Born..July gratriori, 18,1821, snapdragons, in Norwav l1 ,]rvirs.vrgesaa -r"teveningljil"*"h1"igih"o, :{ Io*t3?f.3"rytr#3",,1,:"tt*ro1",Hl cameto the Unitedlr candelabra Wednesday_ -;;J brother of the when Miss Agnes Teiglana anallrid;, groomsman. Ushers lheodore Vigesaa spoke theirly_er-q Gle_nHetland and Monroe cousins of the bridemarriage vows itr a ioubte "i"gl$Xltj.tad, A.r'ih e^-i*^-_ ceremony.The lsrrurvuJ.. rrre rtev. Rev. (-arl Carl .r. J. Ios_l Fos-I"#i'"i' sandness, aunt of , Mrs, Alvin hurch 't#33; ilfill'.ulm liJ:in iti,-i,1 #?;:'EIii sIvi{*t{5r,'&'lT: Il) hil11.$;tl.T,,'11 $luooperstown, |ffii"8;#ii /i\\ and Mrs. Lesterll(/ mark conductecl the service.- __ ltt:" piiae,ind ttti..-xi"ixii,"i-ii -;iliThebrideis the daushter.ot Denvbr,-cotd; o;",iir; Mf.lCr, q4q Mrs. Arthur W. W. _Teig-Iand, teielatid. lliiaee"ob;l poured.Misses ooured. Misses T)nrie ?49-+urs. Arthur -diia'Hazei'eldm Doris lbridegroom, 1414.TenthAve. s. anclMr."Vigej luT tiie lrereiina saa is the s_onof Mr, and ryrls.lwealaing ci*e. wtiss-avil $i";; Lawrence_Vigesaa of CoopeiJtd;";ft;i.,';;d lnaet'iiiree oi.r'o;oro-A r Frontier, Sask.; threei[\\\ , l.Einct(son, "lsons,Trygve,Laurenceaid H;:l/, Ba Srand_i[((( Il,Yql,.tt uooperstown, ;i;i:f.'* and30 sreat-srandchil-1fl preceded f,u"inll\( ll, H:r husband town, rclwn, N. r\. u. D. lMi..o" ilnio Teigland and anrr Annie A--i^ Lois lMisses __Mrs. Howard SorUand of Mora, lAusitd wJre af the eift tabte. Mir-rn., played. the nupriar muiidlofiie"J aisiiiini-w";; fitil. 6ff: Miss Emily Olsonlencertaiiana;Itftis;e; Lilld; d;;;_ qrd_ggco.mnqnied. pe_1-lvold, oI luoornead.who sang ..O_ -Lord;slc"d",-6i"ol Doris Fosmark, Anetta '- and .,TEe Jean -lti!.-Aider;;;inA-,il IS.t Love,"- lqealn. lilll 'i.. Qqu* Funeral Homewill tru.l(( 'll\\ *- Itne funeral. Prayer." E. Miss .Doris Johnson_qf Fergo,ltvra"cinJ-*a"gur.nici,ara CroJi lfnornpionanA"fvfrs. was maid of honor, ancl Miss Caioj , *, , l4r 49IIqrc \Asn"t Teigland iiiiiiii iitia!ltil :ii;!!iittl Zo*-" f l* ,::"" llis.R"srnussen q n lSpokenAt Anet;a- li l! Vangsness'Anderson - ,li jld,s#ffi'f'Hir :/*l*,tr;iiffi$t'$#liff h l/:'f ,ili$"ll*#::a"il"s'?t*t'"+"il;B; j E;1ru*"*"u*:*#r*,i:h"fl ,,i ,i:t t1 ' .l.- Arrendantswere yi.j {rv"r.lirri_lctrurchoct. 26. II and GavlordS""tlJ in marriage.!vtrertattrer,li 6l/irl,l1il. :/t1:ir*"',1*t gownl bride wore white a satin :l ^ --_-'. .. lw lthe ",.uu.n I t rn.ll'?::lH.r:ii":','Brl.ttiff "/n.fi"Tf'*on'J?,H.q!,X?tj,,T ffiT:"tf**:l i *l:luni'*il,,;;;t'*f*:i ":#[ 1*.*'*:[:::::ffi i were.brides-lI tejlMis.sMyrle Vangsness lmajdq. Their gownsrvereln aCuali iMartin Vises,da ffil"g.iHfil".H#'"f"'lili:I'"nrll Miss Aqnes -bride Teigland will beof CPl. Theodore come the MaY ? at the Bethcl l Vlii.ui ev-aneeticat Free Church. She is 8 a a"u?t te. of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 1 S' Ave. Tenth 1414 w.--r:Eista"o, Cpr. ViE.ttu'is tlc son of Mr' and l Mrs. L-awrence Vigesaa of CooPN. D. erstown, -oak Sinaa' graduating flom Crove Seriina.Y, Miss Teigland the Ameri-comPanY -ComPanY f'tir tu"" emPloYed ^siuppivbY ^siuPPiv of tina" ;;; iin." .Ji" lFarso. Hcr fiance is a graduate or iCooEerstown High School and Just lrecehtly returned from servtce rn lu ini",ih t AM 97 slft"f'sx?l:"**f"Jll 8:;liii"!iiJ I Itin ldent of North Dakota,died Fri. ldav in a Northwoodrest home. lsoloisf I lAneta,the organist. I ll werel Assisting the reception at \L I il |. ;T1i1g"S##jil*.Xit#fi#f lI i\4*;;; eev;&l-'-l D.-Mar li:l^til3.K',i"tX'I?T,iu, otr""go*".j -Jact< | .cooennstowN,oN. t "' Vigesaa,97, long time resi inO frlrs. Sevlin,l been residing sev il,litl;**:' [:lifri\"":T"fidxris'::"":q*-' I rhe. runerar wlr.be atz^,Mo1. in. Zion Llthef.anChurch ;;'jl:;li'I-ht"v;d 'lday, qn.t southof ot here, nere. the tne Revs. ftevs, K.1ag_ lsoutn Arag lviq Rarranlw snaaladan lffo;";'il.i,"rrv-sil-iir"a"i-.wufflestad ands. H. Njaaoffci;1 T'-r - ating. I Born in NorwayDec. 16, 1801, Mr. Vigesaacame to the United States in about 1900. He had bem making his home with a nephew,Trivge Vigesaa,until entering the rest home. Mrs. Vigirsaa died about 10 years ago, Durvrvmgare a son and daughter,Mrs. Albert (Jennie) Schmitz,Hope,N. D., and Vigesaa,Spokane, Wash. Quam Funeral Home will have the funeral. I . F.or*cc ltandc Bcgara, l-osl employed lrur : - :rr.d 9 * Lompany. b y t h e ' C a l i _ (- ) a subsidarv or standard Oil of California, as title clelk. She is now at_ tending a 45_60 auv t""l"iig course rn titie work in Ne# Orleans. glatlioli, snapclragons, ferns anclforiffiffi ;'.rf"E*- nlilff.t**H --ti; candelabra Weclnesday eveningljlffi-Cer,-dihnO, br;thd--;f when Miss Agnes Teigland and lbride, was gioomsman. Ushers Glen Hetland and Monroe Theodore Vigesaa spoke theirlggrg 'cousins of the bridemnnirqo vows vowq in in a a double ,'nrrhla ringljif,'srau, _i--lwuflestad, marriage ceremony. The Rev. Carl J. f*-l'-ii"i'. Alvin San6ness. aunt of mark conducted the service. lthe brtde, and Mrs. KariKrummel fhg _brideis the daughterof Mr. lof Denver, Colo., aunt of the q4q. l4rs. Arthur W. Teiglarid,lbridegroom, poured. Misses Doris 1414Tenth Ave. S. ancl Mr.Yige-lteigland aritl-Hazel Bloom cut the saa is the son of Mr. ancl Mrs. Jwedaing cake. Miss Avis Setness Lawrelce_Vigesaa town, N. D. of Coopers-lhad charge of the guest book and lMisses Lois Teigla;d and Annie Mrs. Howard Sortland of Mora. lAustact were ai the eift tabie. Minn., played the nuptial musiilothers assistingwere ilIrs. Claragd_gccompqnied a!d_?ccompqnied MissEmily Miss Emily Olson Olsonlence Haaland, Misses Lillian OverMissesLillian OverlenceHaaland, of Moorhead, who sang "O Per-lvold, Doris Fosmark, Anetta fect Love," and "The Lord'slGrosz, Carol Jean Anderson and Prayer." lMarcene Karges. Mrs. E. T, Miss Doris Johnson -qf Fergo, lThompson anct Mrs. Richard Grosz was maid of honor, ancl Miss Caio- lwere irostesses. t--\Agn"t Teigland iliirii:ij r t Vo*, x ly. lEig-RasmusEen U l;; , lSpokenAt Aneta n fi$ ,l*1;:ta:#ii';:,qHff qlt/*i -;i/[;i ",ft.. #,i]' :tTli.::.t" #ii,. ij" I '"+T?."'lir*;f*::ls-* " fi 5/r*11#f E ifx"'f#:'l'"u tii""o sanda orjti.ran n.ll'?:; rxl.'s"#' l/r"i.Tf11'i"il",H"3i j*tl;*:ttt:H#*[g -ilirs .o*" Agttes -CPI, will be-t"ide fcig!nd of - Th:o^q?:g c irlo Vi*L'tui'- u"v ? at thc Bcthcl Bu"uni"li.ui i-rcc Church' She is l t l j f,,i"t: *'Ti"ltil' Y,! a'f+g[li;a: # b"u1 ;"".?."' #*"litlLf;'\,", erstown, N' D. "ro'. Jl"t'"i*P,lh "*ll*iil' '.i*,f'il* ",:"*". "comPanY t'or e,l#f,' 1i;;"-"'!;i;1v [ii'[:it iU; ";* t &sJ'^ iffiT":t IE*gi*"*'?i';l' tn lieccntly returned from servrce l+ Martin Yigeyla Died').t A{e 97 N, D._MAr COOPERSTOWN, tin Vigesaa,97, long time resi dent of North Dakota, died Fri' in a Northwoodrest home, whbre he had been residing several months. The funeral will be at 2 Monday in Zion Lutheran Church south of here, the Revs. Krag Wufflestadand S. H. Njaa offci, atins. Bom in NorwayDec. 16, 1861, Mr. Visesaa --in cameto the United about 1900.IIe had States been making his home with a nephew,Trivge Vigesaa,until enteringthe rest home. Mri. Vigbsaa died about 10 years ago. Survrvlngare a son an<ldaughter,Mrs. Albert (Jennie) Schmitz,Hope,N. D., and Wash. Tron Vigesaa,Spokane, Quam Funeral Home will have the funeral. E' r,'a;dg Bcgart, 1g5l . Flo;:cncc ls now empJoyed by the Cali_ r9r1.a !omnany. a subsidary or standard Oil of California, as title cierk. She is now at_ t.-nding. a 45-60 day training course iit tiile work in New Orleans. 1953 Minn., will be in RIDING poNIDS will be a feature of the 50th Anniversary f provided-bV Sig Vigesaa, right, of Twin Valley, yMgt-Camp program wfrich s"ir u"der wav Monday. The ponies, I charee of Y corrnselors. **.H:iil, r'..; ;'..,:'l1n{t0 ..,ryj:,, : ,.,i, Albert Vogt, 76r\b,l Wimbledon, Dies WIMBLEDON. N. D' - A]bert Voet. ?6, who farmedhereformany yeiri. aieo TuesclaY in a ValleY Citv hospital. Born Aug. 20, 18?6 in-9ermanY' t5 tho'United States with rt" parents as a small boY... his "iilu Survivors are two sons, Earl or lCio".tt"-n. N. D', and RaYm,g1P loi Foiirana.'ore.; a brother.-WiI- DALE VICTORSON, 2J., airman first class from the Finley, N. D., radar base, was killed Friday night when his car left N. D. 7..41/zniles east of Cooperstown,N. D., and rolled over. tGri$$f {jir, s Gptrnly Sentinel-Courier Photo) $, Mrs.Vig, gSrDiesAt An"# ANETA, N, D.-Mrs. James J. Three daughters, Mrs. Regina (Annie) Vig, 93, resident of Aneta Field, Aneta, Mrs. Ralph Seger' since territorial days, died in her Sherwood,and Mrs. JosePhKnud-i farm home Sunday. grandchil'l The funeral will be at 2 Friday son, Tolley, N. D.; 32 great-grandchildren andi 48 in Sundahl Lutheran Church in dren; Aneta, of which she waS a mem- six great-great-grandchildren.Heri ber, the Rev. Ralph Johnshoy of- husband, a daughter and twol ficiating. Ringstad-Wonder Fugrandchildren preceded her inl nerai Home is in charge. I Born at Skudesness, Norway. death. Sept. 8, 1862,Mrs. Vig was married to Mr. Vig in Norway Aug. 22, 1881. They came to Dakota Territory in 1885,and after a year at Portland they moved to Aneta, her home since. She leaves seven sons, Peder and Edwin of Aneta, Hjalmer of Grand Forks, Oscar of Sherwood, N. D., Elmer of Eau Claire, Wis., Arthur of Poulsbo, Wash., and Edgar of Seattle; iiim-;a ori:gon;'seven gra.ndchil' dren and one great grandchild' Service will be at 2 Saturday at' St. Paul's Lutheran Church herei ;ith th;- Rev. Fred Ridel offi'l lciatins. 4 I t t MissNadinePaintner,. I ,YiIleIIaEngaged ,tf I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Paintnerl Palntnerl of Cooperstown, N. D., announcel Fo '=lt":i"ff}*#il Rose, to Josephl J. Villella, sonl of Mr. and Mrs. I Ralph Villella, presently of Clifton, N. J. Miss Paintner is a graduate of the Cooperstown High School and is MissPaintner teaChing in a rural school near Cooperstown, Mr. Villella is a graduate of Berlin Iligh School at Kensington, Conn., and is now employed by the Hagen Rad,io anil Television Store of Cooperstown.