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View now - Jewish Home and Care Center
A newsletter from the Jewish
Home and Care Center, Chai Point
Senior Living, the Sarah Chudnow
Community and the Jewish Home
and Care Center Foundation.
Winter 2014
Tell Us What You Really Think!
President/CEO.................. Michael I. Sattell
Mktng/Comm Director........ Marlene Heller
Jewish Home and Care Center
Chairman of the Board......Joshua L. Gimbel
Administrator........................... Elaine Dyer
Hand in Hand
Chairman of the Board......Mary Anne Selby
Volunteer Coordinator............. Beth Draper
Jewish Home and Care Center
Chairman of the Board............... Arleen Peltz
Development Director..... Elizabeth Behrendt
Chai Point Senior Living
Chairman of the Board........... Howard Loeb
Director.............. Deborah Rosenthal Zemel
s a customer of the Jewish
Home, Chai Point, Sarah
Chudnow Community or Adult
Day Center, how do you feel about the
services we provide? By customer, we
mean anyone who receives
service from any of our
facilities or programs,
whether you are a
resident or a family
According to
Randy Crosby, Chief
Operating Officer, “We’re
getting much more into
management analytics where
we are gathering quality information
from a number of sources to help us
improve our services.” He stresses
that, along with gathering information,
the organization has a “continuous
quality improvement philosophy” that
is a part of all of the operations. “We
deeply value feedback from customers,
employees, referral sources, volunteers
and others who are involved in some
way either receiving or providing
In order to implement
the program in a fair
and unbiased way, the
services of National
Research Corporation
have been secured to
conduct surveys using
the My InnerView service
on a rotating basis throughout
the year. The information is
collected in a consistent manner from
period to period, “so that we can
benchmark against our own data as
well as against that of our peers in the
industry,” stated Crosby.
Cont. on Page 2
Sarah Chudnow Community
Chairman of the Board.......... Lynne Bomzer
Administrator.......................Paul J. Schultz
Highlights In this Issue:
My InnerView........................................... 1
Profile....................................................... 1
ReCharge!................................................. 2
Adult Day Programs................................. 3
JHCC Activities........................................ 4
Chai Point Happenings............................. 5
Sarah Chudnow Community.................... 6
Shlock Rock............................................. 7
Brain Health............................................. 8
Volunteers................................................ 9
Sculptures by Richard Edelman.............. 10
JHCC Foundation................................... 12
Thank You to Donors.............................. 13
Profile: Sanford J. Ettinger
Family Library Fund
or over 20 years Suzy Ettinger
has been a friend and supporter
of the Jewish Home and
Care Center, Chai Point, and Sarah
Chudnow Community. Like many
of our volunteers and supporters,
Suzy first became involved with our
organizations after receiving a call from
Nita Corré asking if she would like to
sit on the Jewish Home and Care Center
board of directors. She recalls, “it was a
wonderful learning experience for me.
I knew I did
not want to
work handson with the
residents but
that I could
be of help on
with projects,
Suzy Ettinger
and lend my
knowledge to the board of directors.”
Cont. on Page 11
Cont. from Page 1
Anonymity is the key to the results. Knowing that the
information is confidential allows responders to speak their
minds, whether they are giving praise or criticism. Already
results have been received, and administrators have developed
action plans to address the concerns of our customers.
response may be made either online or by paper using the
postage-paid envelope that comes with the questionnaire.
If you have already returned your survey, thank you! We
appreciate your input! Without you and your observations
and opinions, this process wouldn’t be
The surveys will continue on an
ongoing basis, and the information
will be used to continue to improve
and enhance our services.
In future editions of Homespun, as well
on our Facebook pages, we will talk
about enhancements and ways our
residents and clients are benefiting
as a result of the survey process. Stay
tuned as we continue this journey
with you in our continuous pursuit of
the highest quality standards.
If you have received a survey from
My InnerView, or receive one in the
future, we sincerely hope you will take
the time to fill it out and give us your
honest opinions. Your confidential
ReCharge! Regain and Retain the
Health of Your Body and Brain
eCharge! is having a great
first year! Two classes of 14
participants each currently meet
weekly in Milwaukee. Dawn Adler,
Director of Adult Day Programs and
Recharge!, recently also led the team
that created the Campaign for the Brain
programs (see page 7) that were based
on the ReCharge! philosophy.
Current topics being studied in the
ReCharge! classes include:
• How men’s and women’s
brains are different
• How color affects
• Attention: the core of
memory and the number
one area where people
have difficulty.
As one family member
said about the ReCharge!
class: “The relationships
with others and the
mental stimulation have really
made a difference in [the
participant’s] disposition and
abilities. Other people have
noticed it as well.”
To exercise visual/spatial
abilities, draw this figure
with your right hand.
Then draw it with your
left hand. Next draw it
from memory.
To learn more about the
ReCharge! program, contact
Dawn Adler by email at
org. Get brain healthy tips
by following ReCharge on
Twitter @JSLiving_Twitter.
A Heartfelt Thank You
After four years as chair of the Jewish Home and Care Center, it gives me great pleasure
to acknowledge and thank the many staff members who have made it possible for me to
be an effective leader during that time. At every level, you stood by my side, gave me your
assistance, and worked with me to insure that the care and comfort of our residents were
always the first priority. Thank you for being my advisors and my friends.
Arleen Peltz
Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation Board Chairman
ReCharge/Day Center
Adult Day Programs
Day Center Participants Define
Their Own Program and Space
s a philosophy for the Adult
Day Center (ADC), the
staff focuses on offering
choices, decision making, nurturing
relationships, and supporting
independence. Program Director
Dawn Adler says, “We believe
commonalities lead to relationships;
relationships lead to a sense of
To that end, participants were asked
to help define their “space”; what
did they want it to look like? What
should be in it? As a result, the ADC
now sports a library space, Coffee
Café, and a yoga room. There is
room set aside for exercise, and
some family members have given
donations to help make these
particular requests possible. “We
continue to transform the ADC
according to their interests,” says
Adler. “We like the Day Center to
represent the people there.” For
instance, she says, if someone is
interested in photography, they make
sure there are photography books in
the library. “We now have a couple
of guitars for people who like to play
Enrollment in the ADC has jumped
in the past year, and the staff has
grown with it. “We take pride in
the professionalism of our staff,”
Adler says, “from a yoga instructor,
a certified occupational therapist
assistant, to a licensed health care
administrator; we have added
more quality people to our already
excellent staff.”
Liza Holle gave out hand-dipped strawberries
with each purchase.
An ongoing program at the ADC has
been the For The Cause campaign.
Participants choose the cause that
they are working towards, which is a
reflection of the varied communities
that make up the Adult Day Center.
It was the brain child of staff member
Liza Holle, who says, “We each come
from a different community, and we
have a sense of community here. All
of our participants gave us ideas for
causes. We do a different one every
other month.”
The program was kicked off with a
boutique sale with all proceeds going
to the SE Wisconsin Alzheimer’s
Association. About $400 was raised
from the sale of handmade goods
including knitted and crocheted
items, baked goods, and other crafts.
Wonderful baked goods were for sale.
The second “cause” was the Jewish
Community Pantry, with a collection
of non-perishable food items. And
the most recent “cause” has been
a collection of dental and first aid
items. The recipient of these is still
under discussion, with a number of
agencies being considered.
For The Cause will continue
throughout the year. As new
participants join the group, new
causes will be considered.
Many unique items were available.
For information about the Adult Day
Center, call Dana Rubin-Winkelman,
MSW, CAPSW, 414-289-9600,
x 249.
JHCC Activities
Marvelous Month of Mitzvahs
o celebrate the season of
thanksgiving, the Jewish Home
and Care Center acknowledged
November as the “Marvelous Month
of Mitzvahs” and engaged in mitzvahs
(good deeds or commandments) within
the greater Milwaukee community and
The “Marvelous Month of Mitzvahs”
kicked off with the Become a
“Blanketeer!” campaign to benefit
Project Linus, an organization that gives
blankets to children experiencing illness
or a traumatic event. Those participating
knitted or crocheted five-inch squares
in any color, pattern or stitch; finished
squares were then used to create a
blanket. All in all, 60 squares were
created for the Project Linus blanket.
Crocheted squares weren’t the only
items collected. JHCC held a food
drive to benefit the Jewish Community
Pantry. During the two-week drive,
81 pounds of non-perishable food
items were collected! In addition to
food collection, residents and staff
participated in Penny Wars. The
concept is simple. Pennies count as one
cent each but silver coins and paper
money subtract from the team’s (floor’s)
total. Teams placed silver coins and
paper money into their competitors’
jars to give themselves an advantage.
This friendly competition raised
$210.77 for the Jewish Community
Pantry. Congratulations to the first floor
for collecting the most pennies in the
Penny Wars!
Keeping with the hunger awareness
theme, Jewish Home and Care Center
hosted an “Empty Bowls” Luncheon
and Pottery sale on November
17 in Peck Hall. According to the
Empty Bowls website, the Empty
Bowls concept is an international
program whereby “potters and other
craftspeople, educators and others
work with the community to create
handcrafted bowls. Guests are invited
to a simple meal of soup and bread. In
exchange for a cash donation, guests
are asked to keep a bowl as a reminder
of all the empty bowls in the world.
The money raised is donated to an
organization working to end hunger
and food insecurity.” JHCC residents
and students from Torah Academy of
Milwaukee (TAM) painted ceramic
bowls that were available for purchase.
At the luncheon, attendees purchased
the bowl of their choice and enjoyed
soup and the breaking of bread with
staff and the community. The proceeds
of $348 were donated to the Jewish
Community Pantry.
Thanksgiving Day was marked by
“Braids of Blessings,” an opportunity
for all to learn about the history and
tradition behind the mitzvah of
challah. Names were submitted in
the “Blessings Box” in the JHCC
lobby. While making the challah,
50 special blessings were offered for
those in need. Some tasty braids of
challah were eaten too!
Additionally, Mitzvah Maple Trees
were “planted” in various locations
in the building throughout the
month of November. Residents,
families and staff could write
mitzvah messages, or “leaves,” for
people thanking them for all the work
they do. Almost 100 mitzvah leaves
were shared showing kind, encouraging
remarks about each other!
Thanks to all the residents, families,
friends and staff who participated
and made November a month full of
blessings. It truly was a Marvelous
Month of Mitzvahs!
Marlene Heller, Director of Marketing/
Communications and Beth Draper, Volunteer
Coordinator participate in Penny Wars.
A bowl is painted by a TAM student at the
Empty Bowls Luncheon.
Chai Point Happenings
Chai Point Activities “Visit” Places Near and Far
esidents and staff
celebrated the
history and
excitement of nearby Brady
Street during the second
week in October. Among
the activities were a Fire
Safety presentation from
Firefighter Michael Ball
and an outing to Glorioso’s
Italian Market, a Brady
Street fixture since 1946.
However, the two
highlights of the week
were a presentation from
Battalion Chief Frank D.
Alioto and lunch with the
Milwaukee Firefighters.
Residents enjoyed lunch with local Brady Street firefighters.
The third week of
November brought
residents “Around the
World” for International
Week. Through the magic
of movies, residents first
were transported to Israel
during the documentary
Next Year Jerusalem and
then went cross-continent
from London to Rome
viewing the classic movie
If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be
Belgium. Bruce Gendelman
took residents to Germany
with his presentation of
“Photos from Berlin.”
And what would
Battalion Chief Frank D.
International Week be
Alioto, noted historian
without food? Benny the
and author of Milwaukee’s
Chef treated residents to
Brady Street Neighborhood,
an authentic Italian dinner
shared stories and photos
– complete with Italian
about the history of,
Wedding Soup, Moscato
and growing up in, the
wine and chocolate cannoli
neighborhood. Alioto
– which was met with rave
told of the great diversity
reviews. Chef Alamelu, host
of Brady Street, from its
of the MPTV show “Indian
Trish Cohn demonstrated baking Mexican Wedding Cakes to residents.
immigrant roots to mills,
Food and Culture,” shared
tanneries and breweries
a taste of Asia with her
lining the Milwaukee River. The walk down memory lane
“Flavors of India” cooking demonstration and food samplings.
continued with the history of buildings, the history of ethnic
Finally, Activities Director Trish Cohn’s alter-ego Trish the Dish
groups, and the history of different eras on the street: Polish,
baked up some delicious Mexican Wedding Cakes.
Italian, hippie, the blighted years and today’s renaissance years.
The New Year promises more themed activities including
Forensic Science week as well as a journalist series of speakers to
Earlier in the week, firefighters from Milwaukee Fire
include Damien Jacque and WTMJ4 sportscaster Jessie Garcia.
Department Engine No. 6 (Brady Street) visited and lunched
Additionally, Rabbi Adams will present a series entitled “Jews
with residents. While dining, residents asked numerous
of Other Countries.” For program information, you can request
questions about life in the firehouse and of course, posed
an email copy of the Chai Point activity schedule by calling Liz
for some pictures. A great, memorable time was had by all
Brach at 414-289-9600 or “like” Chai Point Senior Living on
Facebook. You can also get updates on Twitter @JSLiving.
Sarah chudnow Community
SCC Interfaith Choral Concert Tops the Charts!
very year in November, the Sarah Chudnow
Community plays host to the faith community as the
Interfaith Choral Concert brings everyone together
in song. Each year, the popularity of the event grows, as was
evidenced by the standing-room-only crowd that gathered
for the event in Posner Town Square and stretched out to the
This year’s performers included the Sarah Chudnow Glee
Club, directed by Larry Ladin, with accompanist Carla
Coonan; Good Shepherd Catholic Church directed by Sister
Joann Julka; Congregation Beth Israel Ner Tamid directed by
Enid Bootzin Berkovits and Hazzan Jeremy Stein; Crossroads
Presbyterian Church, directed by Todd O’Conner; Lumen
Christi, directed by Margaret Caldwell and Peggy Hughes;
Milwaukee Jewish Community Chorale, conducted by Enid
Bootzin Berkovits; and Grace Lutheran Church, directed by
Brian Dearing.
The evening began with the Sarah Chudnow Glee Club singing
“On a Wonderful Day Like Today” from the musical
The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd.
Two standouts from the performance included Lumen Christi
Church joining the performance for the first time this year,
singing Hashivenu completely in Hebrew (arranged by Doreen
Rao), and the finale, Down by the Riverside, which was sung
by all the participants
together. The evening
was organized by Sarah
Chudnow’s Larry Ladin,
who said “Having everyone
sing the finale together was
SCC is already at work
planning the spring senior
center concert, another
annual concert that is very
well attended. Dates for
that as well as next year’s
interfaith event will be
announced on Facebook
as well as in upcoming
editions of the eNewsletter
and Homespun.
Sister Joann Julka on guitar with the Good Shepherd Catholic Church.
Larry Ladin organizes the annual
event and directs the Sarah
Chudnow Glee Club.
Enid Bootzin Berkovits leads the Milwaukee Jewish Community
Chorale in singing a medley of songs from Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Shlock Rock Visits Milwaukee
enny Solomon’s father thought he
should go to Julliard and study
music. So of course, Lenny
decided to become an accountant. Nu?
The rebellious teenager didn’t do so
well with numbers and eventually
listened to his father and now tours
and teaches the heart and soul of
Judaism through Shlock Rock, the
Jewish rock & roll band. In January,
Lenny and fellow band member Etan
G, aka Etan Goldman from Baltimore,
came to Milwaukee and entertained
in the Rubenstein Pavilion. Residents
of the Jewish Home and Care Center,
Chai Point, and the Sarah Chudnow
Community, as well as members of
the general community enjoyed what
sounded like rock and roll, Broadway,
The program was made possible by a
grant through the Jewish Home and
Care Center Foundation.
Harry Makowski and Lisa Gorelick
Photos by Rebecca Loss
Etan G plays the tambourine, Lenny Solomon sings while playing piano.
and traditional Jewish tunes. In reality,
however, the songs were rewritten with
Jewish themes and were thoroughly
entertaining. (If you loved Master of the
House from Les Miserables, you really
should hear Gabbai of the Shul!)
Jim Heisler, assistant activities coordinator
at Chai Point, dances with Jean Saltzman.
Renee Peterson, dementia specialist supervisor
at the JHCC, dances with a resident.
Lev Yundov and Georgeta Kelner dance
the last dance together.
Brain Health is Big Issue on Our Campuses
hile others were
campaigning for office,
the Jewish Home,
Chai Point and Sarah Chudnow
Community were all holding
a Campaign for the Brain in
November. In conjunction with
National Memory Screening Day
and National Alzheimer’s Disease
Awareness Month, our campuses
planned two days to educate the
community about brain health and
to screen for various health issues
that affect the brain, including
memory screening, blood pressure,
fall risk, depression and more.
healthy brain habits. At one table,
guests were invited to sit down and
attempt some puzzles that were
good for boosting brain health. At
another, volunteers talked about
the benefits of social interactions in
later years.
Rosalie Gellman creates connections between neurons
like the ones we create in our brains every time we do
something new!
Therapy dogs were present to
be petted and admired as their
handlers discussed the benefits
of visiting with them. A massage
therapist was busy all day long at
the Milwaukee event as guests lined
up for her services.
During the
event, memory
from various
were being
and companies
whose primary
discreetly by
business related
nurses and
in some way
social workers
to brain health
for those
were invited
to set up
who requested
booths. Each
one offered
Dawn Adler,
Invite your friends, eat some nuts and
on how their
director of
enjoy “resveratrol,” the powerful,
services or
brain health
natural antioxidant in red wine.
products were
programs and
the Adult Day
oriented. In
Center at the
addition, there were tasting areas
Jewish Home and Care Center and Chai
for foods that promoted brain
Point, considered the program a great
health, such as dark chocolate, nuts
success. “Between the two locations,
and dried fruits in one area, and
downtown and Mequon, we served over
food demonstrations in another.
150 people,” she said. “Many inquired
At Chai Point, Chef Benny and his
about our ReCharge! brain health
“assistant,” Trish, showed how to
classes, others learned new things about
make baba ghanoush, hummus and
the brain, and still others just collected
smoked salmon appetizers.
information on resources they hadn’t
known existed.”
A slide show, prepared by Liza
Holle at the Adult Day Center,
Campaign for the Brain 2014 is already
NIA instructor Kate Mann led a
entertained and educated guests with
in the planning stages. Watch for
class at the end of the day at
information about the brain, and
Sarah Chudnow Community.
information on next year’s programs!
“Happy Hour” is good for you.
Our Talented Volunteers
In 2013, two young ladies did b’nai
mitzvah service with Jewish Home and
Care Center and Chai Point residents.
Ellie Dallet spent many Monday
afternoons coming to the Jewish Home
and Care Center to help with ceramics.
She wanted to do something special to
commemorate the time she spent in the
activity room. Ellie chose to donate a
portion of her bat mitzvah gift money
to purchase a potter’s wheel for
Daniella Marcus is currently
doing her b’nai mitzvah service
with the residents at Chai Point.
She chose to do her service there
after having spent Mitzvah Day
with the Milwaukee Jewish Day
School at Chai Point. She enjoyed
the time spent with the seniors
so much that she decided to do
her b’nai mitzvah service helping
out with bingo and bringing
her dog Ti to visit the residents.
Inside of the invitations to her
bat mitzvah, Dani asked her guests to
make donations in honor of her bat
mitzvah to the Jewish Home and Care
Center Foundation. The funds that were
donated will go to purchase a new bingo
set and a series of PBS documentaries
to benefit the life-long learning and
pleasurable viewing of the residents.
Over the past year we have tapped into
the amazing talents and skills of our
Volunteer Amy Poniewaz of Allure Salon
and Spa in Grafton works on Thelma’s hair
for Spa Day at Chai Point.
volunteers. Brian Kemp, a Marquette
student, performs in an acoustic café
at the Adult Day Center. He is helping
people to reconnect with former
passions such as playing the guitar.
Mike Cipolla, another Marquette
student, comes weekly to play chess
with a Chai Point resident. Kat Grinker,
Evan Emmons, Sue Rattner, Florie
Enders, and Kathy Wolkenstein bring
their dogs to brighten the faces of the
residents at Chai Point, Sarah Chudnow
Community and participants in the
Adult Day Center.
Many other volunteers have offered to
share their unique skills and talents.
Amy Poniewaz offers her talents as a
professional beautician when Chai Point
holds periodic spa events for residents.
Four UWM students, Samantha
Goodrich, Kaitlyn Montour, Jenna
Muhammad, and Eric Penn, present
a special program called TimeSlips, a
group story telling experience, with
Adult Day Center participants once
a week. Elizabeth Werren, a UWM
student, visits weekly with a resident
who knows sign language. Elizabeth is
taking signing courses at UWM
and they spend an hour every
week practicing together.
Photos by Liz Brach
he people who volunteer at the
Jewish Home and Care Center,
Chai Point and the Sarah
Chudnow Community have always
made a huge contribution toward
enriching the lives of residents and
helping to ease the workload of our staff.
Volunteers help with bingo and
ceramics, work in the gift shop and café,
accompany residents on outings and
spend quality time visiting, sharing, and
learning from the people who live here.
In the past six months we have
welcomed more than 100 new
volunteers. Some of these volunteers
come with skills and talents, personal
goals, and the desire to make a lasting
impact on the people they touch.
We are fortunate to have so many
talented volunteers who are
willing to share their hobbies,
special skills, and passions with
the residents. Do you have any
special skills or talents that
you would be willing to share?
Contact Volunteer Coordinator
Beth Draper at 414-277-8848 or
[email protected].
Marquette service learning student Mike Cipolla
playing chess with resident Lev.
For information on becoming a volunteer, or other related questions, contact
Beth Draper, Volunteer Coordinator: 414-277-8848 or [email protected].
Sculptures by Richard Edelman
Enhance Chai Point Senior Living
hen visiting Chai Point, you
are sure to notice a number
of beautiful sculptures
in and around the building. These
sculptures include “To Life,” which is
in front of Chai Point and dedicated in
memory of Max Gendelman, as well
as additional sculptures in the lobby
area. The creative artist behind these
sculptures is Milwaukee-area sculptor
Richard Edelman.
Generation to Generation Award
Photos by Ryan Hainey
Edelman has been around metal all of his
life. He worked in several different scrap
businesses when he was younger and
eventually settled into the metal trading
business where he worked for over 20
years. Now retired, he has been keeping
busy with creative projects of his own.
Chai Point is honored to be hosting an
ongoing exhibit of Richard Edelman’s
work in its lobby, as well as being the
permanent home of “To Life!” Featured
here are photos of Richard Edelman’s
sculptures currently on display at Chai
Point, as well as a new item, which was
created for the Jewish Home and Care
Center Foundation.
“To Life” sculpture.
The bronze Generation to Generation
Award was presented to the Gene and
Ruth Posner Foundation at the 2013
Generation to Generation Luncheon.
On his website, Richard Edelman says,
“Bronze is a timeless alloy of copper,
tin, lead, zinc and silicon. How did the
ancients know? Bronze is silent, no need
to shout. Its words will outlast us by
Welcoming guests and residents to Chai Point, the beautiful
sculpture “To Life” in memory of Max Gendelman is featured on
the front and back cover of the Jewish Home and Care Center
Foundation’s 2012-2013 Annual Report.
thousands of years while articulating the finest of details modeled
in clay and plaster.”
Edelman explained, “My stainless steel sculpture in front of
the Chai Point building is entitled TO LIFE. While standing
approximately fifteen feet tall, it weighs only five hundred
pounds including the base. The relatively low weight is due to its
construction based on the very durable and flexible double helix
DNA molecule of life. I chose this structure to express the theme
of life for the eighteenth year celebration of Chai Point, which
is also why the word chai (life) was chosen for the individual
elements. TO LIFE flexes but does not break in the high winds
off Lake Michigan. Stainless steel is a contemporary metal which
expresses newness and the future, though the manner in which
I worked it…hand blacksmithing red hot with hammers and
tongs…is as old as the words beat your swords into plowshares.
TO LIFE thus unites themes of the new and the old.
Akedah Isaac
“But Where Is The Lamb?” 2012, Bronze
“There are currently three of my bronze sculptures in the Chai
Point lobby common areas. Bronze sculptures are created by
modeling figures in clay and plaster, then molding them, and
finally casting in metal using the disappearing wax method. This
ancient process I believe best tells the story of the binding of
Isaac. In the face of ABRAHAM I attempt to capture the fear and
focus of a father at the moment he is asked to sacrifice his son.
In ISAAC AT THE BINDING is the son, kindling on his back,
at the moment he asks with concern Father, where is the ram for
the sacrifice? Meanwhile, THE RAM looks on blankly but not
meekly, about to take Isaac’s place.”
The bronze sculptures of Abraham, Isaac and the Ram are all on
display in the Chai Point lobby. Visitors are invited to visit Chai
Point to view them.
To learn more about Richard Edelman, please visit his website If you would like to receive a copy
of the Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation’s 2012-2013 annual
report, please contact Liz Brach at [email protected]
or 414-277-8865.
Photographer Ryan Hainey is a Milwaukee-based creative
consultant. He specializes in helping businesses tell their stories
through the visual media. After receiving a BFA in photography
from Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design in 2008, he continued
to expand his skill set into cinematography, graphic and web
design in order to tell a more complete story. To see more of his
work, visit
Akedah Abraham
“Take Now Thine Son” 2012, Bronze
Akedah Ram “Behold Behind Him A Ram
Caught In The Thicket” 2011, Bronze
Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation
Cont. from Page 1
Suzy credits her parents, Nena and James
and reading or working on the computers
Buchbinder, with instilling in her and her
located in the library. With over 3,000
twin sister, Sally Waters, the importance
books, the library is a great source of
of tzedakah. At a young age, Suzy and
stimulation and conversation for the
Sally started volunteering at what was
then Mt. Sinai hospital as candy stripers.
Suzy went on to become a co-president
After 20 years, Suzy has sat on the
of the women’s auxiliary of the hospital,
board of the Jewish Home and Care
spending her time planning fundraising
Center, the Jewish Home and Care
balls as well as working on a project
Center Foundation, and continues on
Danny enjoys a quiet moment in the library.
for testing children’s sight. Ettinger also
the boards of Chai Point and Sarah
remembers her times as a councilette for the National Council
Chudnow Community. “I have enjoyed my time on the boards
of Jewish Women in which Suzy’s mom was involved.
of the organizations. My mother, who passed away in 1999 at
the Jewish Home and Care Center, and my sister, who lived
Suzy met her husband Alan in April of 1966 and married him
for a short time at Sarah Chudnow Community, received
a year later. After being married for only nine years, Suzy lost
wonderful care. These organizations are very important to our
her husband suddenly, leaving her to raise their eight-year-old
community,” said Suzy.
son, Sandy. After college and armed with a law degree, Sandy
followed in his mother’s footsteps and started volunteering
Suzy has made an impact on many Jewish and non-Jewish
with Nita Corré in the business office of the Jewish Home.
organizations all over Milwaukee. We are grateful to have her
“Nita would talk with him and they would have wonderful
as a friend, volunteer, supporter and community member. Suzy
conversations about his future and going back to school for a
gave advice in a 2003 article in the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle
masters in business. He would come home and tell me stories
where she said, “Give a little of your time to the community
about his days and his enjoyment of education and books,” said
– not only to help the organization in need, but for your own
Suzy. Unfortunately, Sandy passed away at the age of 29.
well-being. Giving money is important, but giving your time is
even more rewarding.”
After Sandy’s passing in 1998, Suzy decided to dedicate the
library of Chai Point in his memory. Now called the Sanford
To find out more about the Sanford J. Ettinger Family Library Fund
J. Ettinger Family Library, residents of Chai Point as well as
or about our organization, visit, e-mail
members of the Adult Day Center enjoy spending hours sitting
[email protected] or call 414-276-2627.
Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation Announces Grant
uring the Generation to
Generation award luncheon in
November, the Jewish Home
and Care Center Foundation honored
the Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation.
The Posner Foundation has been
involved with this organization for over
thirty years, supporting resident care
and services, the renovation of the
Jewish Home and Care Center, helping
to build the Sarah Chudnow
Community, as well as donating in
support of programs through the Martin
F. Stein Fund for Intergenerational
In continuation of their generosity, the
Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation
announced a five-year grant to fund
the Posner Chair for Intergenerational
Programming. This new position will
work to increase programming across
our three communities and continue
uniting the wisdom and experience
of older adults with the energy and
enthusiasm of our children.
Thank you to the Gene and Ruth
Posner Foundation for its support and
for helping us to position ourselves at
the forefront of the intergenerational
To learn more about our intergenerational
programs, see our video on YouTube under
Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation/
intergenerational programs.
We Thank Our Friends and Supporters
We are pleased to recognize our donors whose gifts help sustain our mission.
Donors are listed for contributions received between July 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013.
We strive to be accurate and complete. Please inform us of any errors and accept our apologies for any oversight.
Adult Day Center Fund
Mr. John Moulder & Mrs. Joan
In Honor of Joe Dimow
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Scheferman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schreiber
Beatrice Miller Beauty Shop Fund
Ms. Gerrie Boym
In Memory of Natalie Nye
Dr. and Mrs. Ervin Colton
In Memory of Jordan Weigler and
Seymour Pikofsky
Mrs. Audrey Laufman
In Memory of Q. Gary Knopow
Mrs. Audrey Laufman
In Memory of Ross Kodner
Mrs. Audrey Laufman
In Honor of Sheldon Saltzberg’s
Mrs. Audrey Laufman
In Memory of Pat House
Mrs. Audrey Laufman
In Memory of Andrea Stein
Mrs. Audrey Laufman
In Memory of Sylvia Luber and
Beverly Schuminsky
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lewensohn
In Honor of Julia Rabinovitz’s
100th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lewensohn
Mrs. Ann Lieberman*
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller
In Honor of the birth of
Cecily Lyman Miller, the great
granddaughter of Bea Miller
Chai Point Fund
Mr. Marshall Berkoff & Mrs. Bebe
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Borsuk
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Breslau
In Memory of Charlotte and
Burton Zucker
*Deceased Ms. Betty Chrustowski
In Honor of Arleen Peltz,
Debbie Zemel and Michael Sattell
Ms. Tricia Cohn
In Honor of the birth of Marlene
Heller’s granddaughter
Ms. Tricia Cohn
In Honor of Jodi Lurie’s birthday
Ms. Tricia Cohn
Thank you for Lore Lewin’s
knitted sash and In Honor of
the birth of Gail and Martin
Komisar’s grandson, Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Eigen
Herbert H. and Fern Elliott
Family Foundation
Mr. Andrew Feiring & Ms. Florence
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Friedman
Mrs. Lisa Irvings
In Memory of Leo Irvings
Ms. Ruth J. Irvings
In Memory of Irene and
Leo Irvings
Edith Kohlenberg
Ms. Judy Krelitz
In Honor of and In Memory of
my mother Rosalin Krelitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Liberman
In Memory of Bertha Hartsman
Rosalie G. Lubotsky
In Memory of Lorraine Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller
In Honor of Ruth Traxler’s
90th birthday
Mr. Leonard Riskin
In Honor of Lillie Riskin
Mrs. Lucille Shovers
In Memory of Mavis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sobel
Ms. Virginia Stanislawski
In Memory of Louis Geller
Ms. Virginia Stanislawski
In Memory of Dorothy Bern
Ms. Virginia Stanislawski
Ms. Virginia Stanislawski
In Memory of Shirley Rinder and
Victor Burstein
Mr. Arthur* and Mrs. Shirley Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tolkan
In Memory of Seymour Pikofsky
Mr. and Mrs. William Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Wynn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zarne
In Honor of Ruth Traxler’s
Big Birthday
Chai Point Fund
Made In Memory of
Raphael Kianovsky
Ms. Sonia Draper
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Effron
Dr. Robert Goisman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grande
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kailas
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Lauwasser
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Mannis
Mr. Thomas Marton & Mrs. Danit
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pinsker
Mr. Joel Sklar & Mrs. Adrienne
Ms. Virginia Stanislawski
Chai Point Fund
Made In Honor of Dani Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Attanasio
Mrs. Susan Glazer Belgrad &
Mr. Marc Belgrad
Mr. and Mrs. P. Randy Blankstein
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Blutstein
Ms. Andrea Carey
Mr. and Mrs. David Draper
Ms. Neena B. Florsheim, Ph.D.
Ms. Frances Franklin
Hal Gershowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Glazer
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kerns
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lasser
Numbers in parenthesis indicate multiple gifts during this time period.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Margolis
Mr. Chris Markgraf
Mr. and Mrs. Skip McGregor
Mr. and Mrs. James Metz
Mrs. Fran and Dr. Ronald Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Needle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Polacheck
Mr. Andrew Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sadoff
Ms. Diana Thompson
Mrs. Eva Zaret
Dor L’Dor Corridor Fund
Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD
In Memory of Shirley Katz
Education Fund
Wipfli LLP
Frances and Ezra Berman
Activity Fund
Mr. Joseph Berman
In Memory of Fred Berman
Friends of the Jewish Home and
Care Center
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Donald S. Arenson
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Askotzky
In Memory of Sally Askotzky
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bacher
For the Helen Bader Center
Dr. Alfred Bader
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Baruch
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bern
Ms. Nancee B. Bernstein
Mr. Bernard Berson
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Berson
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bilsky
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bloch
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Blum
For the Sarah Chudnow
Community In Memory of
Anita Chudnow
Ms. Tessa Blumberg
Mrs. Anne Borkowf
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Borsuk
Dr. and Mrs. P. Burstein
For Chai Point
*Deceased Dr. and Mrs. Marc Caine
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cherniack
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Chortek
Ms. Sharon Cofar
In Memory of Charlotte Schur
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cohen
For the Sarah Chudnow
Dr. and Mrs. Irving Cohn (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Cohn
Mrs. Fay Colberg
Ms. Renee Swerin Coppel
In Memory of Miriam Swerin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeSmet
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dorf
Mrs. Elaine Durchslag
Ms. Mara Dykas
Mr. Kenneth Eichenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ellis
In Memory of Celia and
Harry Ellis and Joseph and
Masha Raskin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Esser
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fabric
Mrs. Phyllis Galst
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Giller
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glaser
Ms. Helene Glash
Mrs. Reeva Glinternick
In Memory of IA Mackoff
Mr. Jeffrey Goldberg
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Golding
Mrs. Evelyn Goldstein
For the Sarah Chudnow
Community Fund
Ms. Amy Goldwater
For Chai Point
Mr. Bret Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gottschalk
For Chai Point
Mrs. Rachel Heimovics
For the Chai Point nurses
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herman
Ms. Adrienne Hirsch
For the Sarah Chudnow
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Howards
Dr. and Mrs. Eliot Huxley
Mr. Manny Katz
In Memory of Shirley Katz
Mr. Morris Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keyes
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kleiner
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Kleinman
Mr. Steven Koppel
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Koren
Dr. Jay Larkey & Ms. Lois Malawsky
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lauwasser
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leon
Ms. Rita Lewenauer
In Memory of Fay Schuminsky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lisberg
Dr. and Mrs. Richard London
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luber
Ms. Toby Lukoff
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Mallin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Marcuvitz
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Margolis
Mrs. Lillian Mazur
Mr. Fred Meyer
For the Sarah Chudnow
Sally and David Moskol
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Parker
Mr. Morris Parzen
In Memory of Elvira Rosenblatt
Mr. Morris Parzen
Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Pelc
Ms. Gail Pittelman
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Resnick
Mrs. Beverly Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Rosen
Mr. Norman Rosenfeld
For the Sarah Chudnow
Community In Memory of
Ruth Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudman
For Chai Point
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Sable
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Safer
Dr. Robert Saichek
Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Sand
Dr. and Mrs. David Sandock
Mrs. Mildred E. Schapiro
For the Sarah Chudnow
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schumacher
In Memory of Andrea Jennifer
Mrs. Marcia Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. James Schwid
Numbers in parenthesis indicate multiple gifts during this time period.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Selby
Bonnie J. Shafrin
Mrs. Helen Sher
Mr. Herschel Shlensky
In Memory of Selma Shlensky
Mr. Donald Siegel
Dr. Farrol and Mrs. Lilian Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Solochek
In Memory of Becky Solochek
Sandra Soref
Annalee Sosman
For the Jewish Home and Care
Center and Chai Point
Jason and Dori Steigman
In Honor of Judy Goldwater
Dr. and Mrs. Dirk Steinert
For the Sarah Chudnow
Mr. James A. Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Swerdlow
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Taxman
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Teplin
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Tomasello
Mrs. Dorothy Weingrod
John and Mildred Zussman
Philanthropic Fund
Golden Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Boerema
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bomzer
For the Sarah Chudnow
Mrs. Dori Chortek
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chudnow
For the Sarah Chudnow
Drs. David and Judy Coran
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Corré
Mrs. Suzy Ettinger
Mrs. Linda C. Freeman
In Memory of Richard L. Freeman
for the Helen Bader Center and
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Gimbel
Ms. Gail Hora
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Irwin
Claire and Morton Komisar
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Komisar
For Chai Point
Dr. and Mrs. Bud Margolis
*Deceased Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD
Mr. James Plous
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Polsky
In Honor of Michael Sattell
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Relles
For the Sarah Chudnow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sattell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strait
Mr. and Mrs. David Stroik
Mr. and Mrs. David Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Wein
For the Sarah Chudnow
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weinshel
In Honor of Ken Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Zemel
CT Charitable Fund
Stier Construction, Inc.
Hand in Hand Fund of the Jewish
Home and Care Center
Mr. Daniel Carmody
In Memory of Bertha Hartsman
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Cohn
Mrs. Carol Dubin
Mr. and Mrs. William Komisar
In Honor of Phil Himmelfarb
Mr. Robert Kroll & Mrs. Elizabeth
In Honor of Bertha Hartsman
Ms. Jane Lippow
In Memory of Bertha Hartsman
Hand in Hand
In Memory of Elizabeth Wenzel
Helen Bader Center Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Follick
In Memory of Cinda Follick
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leib
Mr. Steven Leifer
In Memory of Jennie Gillman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pump
Herschel Gellerman
Memorial Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Avi Pandey
In Memory of Herschel and
Charlotte Gellerman and In
Honor of the Chai Point staff
Hyman Kastrul Synagogue Fund
Mr. David Bader
In Memory of Helen Bader
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beiler
In Memory of Leon Beiler
Mr. David Bordow
In Memory of Milton Bordow
Mr. David Bordow
In Memory of Milton R. Bordow
Mrs. Anita M. Chudnow* (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Ervin Colton
In Memory of Ida Zilberbrand
Congregation Shalom
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeSmet
In Memory of Andrea Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeSmet
In Memory of Dorothy Bubrick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeSmet
In Memory of Bertha Hartsman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeSmet
In Memory of Sheldon Goldman
Mr. Kenneth Eichenbaum
In Memory of Sam Eichenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ellis
In Memory of George Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glaser
In Memory of Bessie Glaser
Mrs. Reeva Glinternick
In Memory of Sewall L.
Mrs. Esther Green
In Memory of Richard Green
Ms. Kat Grinker
In Honor of Rachel Stern’s
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Grossman
In Memory of Yetta R. Turick
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Herszenson
In Memory of Ellen Herszenson
Ms. Charlotte Hirschfeld
In Memory of Burton Montag
Mr. Ramie Hochman*
Ms. Jane Kane
In Honor of Rabbi Levi Emmer
Edith Kohlenberg
Mr. Allen Kwass
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lever
In Memory of Carl Lever
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Levy
In Memory of Frieda Levy
Numbers in parenthesis indicate multiple gifts during this time period.
Mr. Howard Loeb
In Memory of Larry Orenstein
Mr. and Mrs. David Magar
In Memory of Alex Magar
Ms. Dana Mueller
In Memory of Richard Resnick
Ms. Dana Mueller
In Memory of Clarice Resnick
Ms. Dana Mueller
In Memory of Morris Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Pump
In Memory of Ellen Herszenson
Dr. Herbert Rabin
In Memory of Rose Holland
Ms. Shirley Raffe
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rapkin
In Memory of Dorothy Lerner
Mrs. Ida Ricco
In Memory of Lena Heller
Mrs. Ida Ricco
In Memory of her sister
Sara Heller
Mrs. Beverly Rice
In Memory of Ida Rosengarten
Dr. Roger and Adrienne (Turick)
In Memory of Yetta R. Turick
Dr. Roger and Adrienne (Turick)
In Memory of William Turick
Dr. Roger and Adrienne (Turick)
In Memory of Ben Turick
Mrs. Merilyn R. Ross
In Memory of Alvin A. Lapidus
Mrs. Merilyn R. Ross
In Memory of Philip Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schumacher
In Memory of Sheldon Goldman
Mrs. Rita Seitner
In Memory of Robert Seitner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sereni
In Memory of Ben Turick
Mrs. Barbara Shafton
In Memory of Dorothy Lubotsky
Mrs. Barbara Shafton
In Memory of Elliot Shafton
Mrs. Laurel Sherman
In Memory of Henry Temkin
Mr. Michael Sklyar
In Memory of Sara Sklyar
*Deceased Mr. Alfred Slater
In Memory of Katie Elkind
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Stein
In Memory of Bernhard
Mr. James A. Sweet
In Memory of Abraham Bodner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vayner
In Memory of Millya
Mr. Norman Wasserman
In Memory of Jean Poll
Mr. Norman Wasserman
In Memory of Jean Poll
Mr. and Ms. Donald Wiesner
In Memory of Alex Magar
Jewish Home and Care
Center Fund
In Memory of Natalie Nye
In Memory of Sara Sklyar
Rabbi and Mrs. Steven Adams
Mr. and Mrs. William Appel
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Backer
In Memory of Elizabeth Wenzel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Becker
Dr. Irvin* and Mrs. Margery Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beder
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Behrendt
In Memory of Elizabeth Wenzel
and In Honor of Marlene Heller’s
new granddaughter Emma
Mrs. Sharie Berliant
In Memory of Raphael Kianovsky
Mrs. Ruth Berman
Mr. Elliot Berman & Cantor Karen
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Blacker
In Memory of Clarence Blend
Mr. and Mrs. Armin Blischke
In Honor of Arleen Peltz, Nita
Corré and Mr. and Mrs. Backer
Mr. Edward Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bodner
Wishing Jaye Joseph
a speedy Recovery
Mr. Andrew Bokor & Mrs. Lisa Moss
In Memory of Shirley Rinder
Ms. Nancy Bokor
In Memory of Shirley Rinder
Ms. Andrea Bootzin
In Memory of Andrea Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Borkin
In Memory of Lawrence Orenstein
Samuel and Sara Bornstein
Alzheimer’s Education
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Borsuk
In Memory of Larry Orenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Borsuk
In Memory of Marilyn Holman
Max Branovan Charitable Trust
Mrs. M. Robert Breslauer
In Honor of Michael Sattell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brickman
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Butlein
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caraway
In Memory of Mavis Zimmerman
Mr. Jack Chernin
In Honor of Ethan Chernin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chudnow
In Memory of Mr. Silver, Sheldon
Fishman, and Joe Aaron
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chudnow
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chudnow
Ms. Carol Cline
In Memory of Leona Krzeminski
Dr. Norman E. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cummins
Ms. Rita Domnitz
In Memory of Bertha Hartsman
Mr. and Mrs. David Draper
In Memory of Andrea Stein
Mr. Michael Durham
In Memory of Clarence Blend
Dr. Alan E. Feen and Barabra and
Larry Newman
In Memory of Sara Feen
Mrs. Barbara Fisher
Ms. Carol Fishman
In Memory of Eliot Bernstein and
Andrea Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Flintrop
Mr. Irving D. Gaines
Mrs. Rosalie Gellman
In Honor of Betty Gellman’s
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Gendelman
Numbers in parenthesis indicate multiple gifts during this time period.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathieu Gerbush
Mr. Franklyn M. Gimbel
Mr. Sam Gingold
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldberg
In Honor of Arleen Peltz
Mrs. Carol Goldstein
Mr. John Goltz
In Memory of Raphael Kianovsky
Dr. Jay and Mrs. Terry Goodman
In Honor of Daniella Marcus for
her Bat Mitzvah
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grande
In Memory of Larry Orenstein
Ms. Kat Grinker
In Honor of Marlene Heller and
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Grinker
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Grinker
Mr. and Mrs. David Gruber
Beatrice and David Harkavy
Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Sandra Hersh
In Memory of Betty Arnovitz from
Sandra Hersh, Leonard Hersh,
Laura and Morris Weisman, and
Susan and Andrew Appel
Mrs. Annette Hirsh
Mr. Ramie Hochman*
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Hoffman
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Hoffman
Ms. Lorraine Hoffmann
In Memory of Siegfried Frank
Ms. Gail Hora
In Memory of Dan Margolis
Pat Hosking
In Memory of Evelyn Jackson
Ms. Maureen Jackson-Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Joseph
In Honor of Jaye and Mike Joseph
Mrs. Mary Kahn
In Memory of Lawrence Orenstein
Mrs. Mary Kahn
Dr. and Mrs. Rich Kalish
In Memory of Raphael Kianovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kimmel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kofsky
In Memory of Andrea Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Koltin
In Honor of Irving’s 90th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Koltin
In Memory of Andrea Stein
Komisar Brady & CO., LLP
In Memory of Lawrence Orenstein
*Deceased Bernard and Judy Kristal
Ms. Joan Krzeminski
In Memory of Leona Krzeminski
Mrs. Arlene Kurzer
Mr. Harold A. Laufer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lee
Ms. Fanchon Lessing
In memory my father,
Max M. Meisel
Mr. Robert A. Levine
Mr. Ely Levinsky
In Memory of Sally Askotsky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Likterev
In Memory of Roman Likhterev
Mrs. Betty Rae Litow
In Honor of Dee and Ken Stein’s
50th wedding anniversary, In
Memory of Herschel Gellerman,
and In Memory of Bernice Steiner
Mr. David Magidson
In Memory of Arthur and
Lottie Magidson
Ms. Marissa Manos
In Memory of Shirley Rinder
from Carmen Gallucci and
Marissa Manos
Mrs. Miriam Mayer
In Memory of Larry Orenstein
Mr. and Mrs. William Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McQuide
In Honor of Mr. Bert Bilsky for
his outstanding service to the
Milwaukee Jewish community
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Melton
Michael Menn Ltd.
In Memory of Lawrence Orenstein
Mr. Gary Meyer
Ms. Nell Minow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moss
In Honor of Daniella Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Moss
In Memory of Shirley Rinder
Ms. Deborah Neuroth
In Memory of Shirley Rinder
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Packman
Mrs. Mindy Palay
In Honor of Dani Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paler
In Memory of Lawrence Orenstein
Mrs. Tania Parzen
In Memory of Maria Carini
Mr. Morris Parzen
In Memory of Elvira Rosenblatt
Mrs. Arleen Peltz
In Honor of Debbie Zemel’s
Mrs. Arleen Peltz
In Memory of Larry Orenstein
Mrs. Arleen Peltz
In Memory of Elizabeth Wenzel
Mrs. Arleen Peltz
In Memory of Maria Carini
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Penn
In Memory of Raphael Kianovsky
Mr. Jo Perlson
In Memory of Lorraine Cohen
Blema Pollack and Children
In Memory of David Levine
Mrs. Lillian Rakita
In Memory of Larry Orenstein
from Lillian Rakita and
Rosalie Gellman
Mrs. Rosalie Rellin
In Memory of Ethel Rochwerger
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richlen
Mr. Milton Rosenberg
Rottman Charitable Trust (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rudack
In Memory of Chaya Sarah
Garfinkel and Assraf Esmail-Shirivi
Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Sand
In Memory of Andrea Stein
Dr. Marvin Schefrin & Mrs. Estelle
Mr. Cyril Schulman
In Memory of Hannah Joseph and
Margery Schulman
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shafer
In Memory of Elizabeth Wenzel
Mrs. Barbara Shafton
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Sheyer
In Honor of Joshua Gimbel
Mrs. Sydelle Shulkin
Saint Louis “Star of David”
paperweight by Bergstrom-Mahler
Mrs. Marcia Shumow
In Memory of Lawrence Orenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Siegel
Mrs. Sylvia Siegman
In Honor of Theresa Hirschbein’s
103rd birthday
Mrs. Evelyn Simenowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Al Simon
Numbers in parenthesis indicate multiple gifts during this time period.
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sorge
In Honor of Daniella Marcus
Ms. Virginia Stanislawski
In Memory of Larry Orenstein
Ms. Virginia Stanislawski
In Memory of Raphael Kianovsky
Ms. Virginia Stanislawski
Mrs. Barbara A. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stern
Ms. Sybil Suvalsky
Mrs. Shirley Sweet
In Memory of Shirley Rinder
Mr. Arthur* and Mrs. Shirley Sweet
In Memory of Marilyn Holman,
and In Honor of Rabbi Levi Emmer
Mr. Arthur* and Mrs. Shirley Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tarkow
In Memory of Gerald Silverman
for Hospice and In Memory of
Mavis Zimmerman
Mr. John Tarney & Mr. Tom Engel
In Memory of Ira Bordow
Ms. Phyllis Toburen
In Memory of Mavis
Mr. William Toburen
In Memory of Shirley Rinder
Dr. Michael Tolwin
In Memory of Yale Tolwin
Tonkens Memorial Endowment Fund
VA Transportation, LLC
Russian TV for the 3rd Floor
Sophie Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. James Walters
In Memory of Steve Solochek
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wasser
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
William H. Wasweyler Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weinshel
In Honor of Ken Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weinshel
In Memory of Larry Orenstein
Ms. Bluma Weinstock
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Yaillen
In Memory of Raphael Kianovsky
Mr. Marshall Zarem
In Memory of Ardis Zarem
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Zemel
In Memory of Elizabeth Wenzel
Marvin A. and Marilyn S. Zetley
*Deceased Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Helen and Morris Zolin Fund
Mrs. Clarice Zucker
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Zupnik
John and Mildred Zussman Donor
Advised Fund
Home Instead Inc.
In Honor of Phil Himmelfarb
Salute to Senior Service Award
Hand in Hand
In Honor of Rabbi Emmer’s
daughter’s birthday
Milwaukee Funeral Services, LLC
In Memory of Shirley Rinder
Goodman Bensman
In Memory of Shirley Rinder and
Siegfried Frank from the Staff of
CT Charitable Fund
For the employee Holiday Fund
Jewish Home and Care
Center Fund
In Memory of Phyllis Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Ancel
Mr. and Mrs. David Arnstein
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Behrendt
Mrs. Sharie Berliant
Mr. Arthur Brazy
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. John Butenhoff
Mrs. Patricia Cadorin
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickman
Mrs. Janet Eisendrath
Mrs. Suzy Ettinger
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Patti Gorsky
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hodan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hurley
Mrs. Janice Ithier
Ms. Sharon Karmazin
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Koltin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Levin
Ms. Sharon Lichter
Mr. Alan Love
Mrs. Linda Maurer
Mr. Robert Meldman
Riki Nedbeck
Mrs. Arleen Peltz
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Schuele
Mr. and Mrs. Al Simon
Mrs. Barbara A. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Young
Komisar Brady & CO., LLP
Jewish Home and Care Center
Remodeling Fund
Helen and Bernard Soref Memorial
Endowment Fund
Fannie and William Kesselman
Memorial Foundation
Kruglak National Nursing Home
Week Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Levine
In appreciation for the care that
was given to David, in recognition
of the 4th floor staff
Martin F. Stein
Intergenerational Fund
Mr. Arthur Arnstein (2)
Ms. Julie Bandalin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Behrendt
Ms. Kathie Bernstein
Mr. Paul Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. Armin Blischke
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Boerema
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bomzer (2)
Mrs. Enid Bootzin Berkovits
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Borsuk
Mr. Joel Brennan
Mrs. M. Robert Breslauer
Rabbi Mendy Bronstein
Ms. Chris Busalacchi
Kathy Butt
Mrs. Dori Chortek
Ms. Betty Chrustowski
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chudnow
Mr. Michael Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Cohen
Dr. Perry Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Crosby
Mr. Ron Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeSmet
Ms. Elaine Dyer
Mrs. Suzy Ettinger
Ms. Jeannie Fenceroy
Numbers in parenthesis indicate multiple gifts during this time period.
Mr. Richard Frohling
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gendlin
Mrs. Sara Gimbel
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Golding
Ms. Sally Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grande (2)
(2)Mr. Charles Graupner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hart
Mrs. and Mr. Kathy Heilbronner
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Heller
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Himmelfarb
Ms. Gail Hora
Mr. William Jennaro
Dr. Richard S. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Katz
Mr. and Mrs. William Komisar
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Margolies
Dr. and Mrs. Bud Margolis
Dr. and Mrs. Raul Mateo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Michels
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Milam
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Miller
Mr. Thomas Nolte
Mr. John Novotny (2)
Mr. Jasin Pasho
Mrs. Jodi Peck and Mr. Les Weil
Mrs. Arleen Peltz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Polsky
Mr. Peter Ramirez
Ms. Jody Reckard
Ms. Angela Reilly
Mrs. Sherri Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Richman
Mr. Josh Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Rotter
Ms. Susan Sager
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sattell
Mr. Howard Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schill
Mr. Paul Schultz
Mary Anne Selby
Ms. Donna Selig (2)
Mrs. Lucille Shovers
Mrs. Sydelle Shulkin
Mr. and Mrs. David Smulyan
Mrs. Bernice Spivek
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stein
Mr. Michael Tarnoff
*Deceased Robert and Marilyn Teper
Mr. and Mrs. David Tepper
Mr. Mark Van Den Broeke
Mr. and Mrs. David Weber
Ms. Sandra Weinstein
Dr. and Mrs. Moises Yoselevitz
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Zemel
Mr. Kevin Zlevor
Mobilex USA
Bell Ambulance
Pittleman Financial Group
Medline Industries, Inc.
San-A-Care, Inc.
Paragon Numismatics, Inc.
Herb Fitzgerald Co., Inc.
Salamone Supplies
Goodman Bensman
Jewish Family Services
SPL Beverly LLC
Northern Trust Bank, FSB
Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation,
Presidents Development Company
Minnie K. Friedman
Rehabilitation Center Fund
Ms. Lynn Buckley
In Memory of Minnie Friedman
Nita Corré Educational Fund
Mr. Isaac Hallegua
In Honor of Nita and Alan Corré
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Laskin
In Honor of Nita Corré
Posner Chair for
Intergenerational Programming
Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation,
Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation,
Richard J. Rakita Fund
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Gayle
Weber Rakita
In Memory of Phyllis Greenberg
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Gayle
Weber Rakita
RUACH, Inc. Fund for the
Rubin Sharpe Tribute Series
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Richman
Sarah Chudnow Community
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Benn
In Honor of Lynne and Charles
Bomzer from Evan and Teri
Mr. Todd Brachman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Chudnow
In Memory of Anita Chudnow
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chudnow
In Memory of Harold Rozansky,
Edwin Sanchick, Elliot Bernstein,
Robert Friebert and In Honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein for their
daughter’s Bat Mitzvah
Mrs. Anita M. Chudnow*
In Honor of Cantor Jeffrey Conn
Mr. and Mrs. David Dahl
In Memory of Bud Kaiser
Mr. Albert Deshur*
Mrs. Roberta Dinkin
Candy Eidler
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Joseph
Ms. Annabelle Petranovich
In Memory of Francis Kaiser
Ms. Maureen Schmit
In Memory of Francis Kaiser
Estelle B. Siegman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wasserman
In Honor of Cantor Jeffrey Conn
William L. Komisar Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Komisar
Mr. and Mrs. William Komisar
Komisar Brady & CO., LLP
Yaker and Sarah Rakita Fund
Mrs. Rosalie Gellman
In Memory of Nate Rakita and a
thank you for taking me hither
and yon
Mrs. Rosalie Gellman
In Honor of Lil Rakita’s birthday
Mrs. Rosalie Gellman
Wishing Lillian Rakita a speedy
Numbers in parenthesis indicate multiple gifts during this time period.
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Milwaukee, WI
Permit No. 3120
1414 North Prospect Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-3089
Jewish Home and Care Center
Chai Point
Sarah Chudnow Community
Our mission is to provide our Jewish
Community with those services that
enable our seniors or infirm to be part of a
quality Jewish environment with comfort,
meaning, independence, and dignity.
John Gurda at Chai Point
Reflections on Milwaukee’s Jewish History
Sunday, March 9, 2 pm • Rubenstein Pavilion
John Gurda is the author of One People, Many Paths: A History of Jewish Milwaukee, as well as
The Making of Milwaukee, which was turned into an Emmy Award-winning documentary series.
He is an eight-time winner of the Wisconsin Historical Society’s Award of Merit.
For information, call 414-289-9600.
Free parking is available under the Jewish Home and Care Center at 1414 N. Prospect Ave.
1410 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee • 414-289-9600 •