Hart Beat - Hartley Nature Center
Hart Beat - Hartley Nature Center
Hart Beat Quarterly Newsletter for members and friends of Hartley Nature center, inc. V O L U M E POINTS OF INTEREST: Learn how we are continuing our ongoing mission to expand our teaching on page 3 Winter is boring?? Ha!! Check out the plethora of fun programs on pages 4 and 5. Our special insert is a first-ever printed thank you to all who support us. If you’re not in there, maybe it’s time to join (or rejoin) the Hartley team. Our Winter Hours Are: Mon-Fri 9 - 5 Saturday 10 - 5 Sunday 12 - 5 1 3 N U M B E R 2 W I N T E R Goodbye To A Very Good Friend After almost five years of exceptional service, we are sad to report that Mike Olson will be retiring from his assorted duties at Hartley this month. Mike came to us via the Duluth Workforce Senior Aides program shortly after the new facility was opened. He assumed the custodial responsibilities for the center immediately, and took on the role as Saturday Host shortly thereafter. With limited background in facilities management, Mike was a quick study in that area and soon demonstrated that he also had a tremendous ability to connect with nature center visitors and volunteers of all ages. Once established as our Saturday Host, Mike’s versatility, engaging demeanor, and sense of humor all shone through as we steadily built a pool of volunteers that loved working alongside 2 0 1 0 Pete Gravett Mike on special projects as well as in catering to nature center visitors. Whether accommodating a group at Hartley for a weekend program, sizing a pair of skis or snowshoes for an equipment rental or feeding Snappy the turtle for some walk-in onlookers, Mike always made it fun. As coworkers we really appreciated these same attributes in Mike as well as his tremendous attitude, work ethic and flexibility. What won’t show up on his resume though was our appreciation of Mike’s uncanny knowledge of U.S. history (including baseball, politics, music and movies) as well as his truly unbelievable stories. So Mike, tell us that one about the frozen turkey dinner one more time before you go. Sincerely, your friends and co-workers at Hartley Nature Center. PAGE 2 Director’s Corner Celebrate Earth Day With Hartley Our annual auction provides about 10% of our total yearly operating budget I Would Like To Attend Wine In The Woods Subtotal Qty. Name X $35 Wine In The Woods Tickets Varies Hartley Membership Would You Like To Donate Anything To The Auction? Address E-mail Phone Method of Payment Credit Card # Signature HART BEAT Check Exp. date Visa MasterCard American Express Total: VOLUME 13 NUMBER PAGE 2 Better Teacher Tools From Hartley There’s no argument that Hartley Nature Center fills a need within the Duluth community to offer non-formal outdoor education opportunities to area youth; last year Hartley taught 14,000 school children through field trips alone! Perhaps you have wondered exactly how Hartley accomplishes learning goals in the programs we offer. A large amount of my AmeriCorps service is focused on aligning Hartley programming with the K-12 Minnesota Academic Standards from the MN Department of Education, as well as the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance’s Environmental Literacy Scope and Sequence. These standards offer measurable learning outcomes within subject areas for each grade level. These learning goals serve as guidelines to ensure that our programs support the learning needs of students, the educational planning of teachers, and the goals of environmental education. By cross-checking standards and benchmarks with Hartley programs, we hold ourselves accountable for supporting standards that classroom teachers are building The Kids In The Hall Lacey Humphrey 3 Erin Zoellick on and working toward. In order to further develop and improve our programs, a one-page synopsis for each program is being written, and will eventually appear on a “Teacher Resources” section of our website. This will offer a summary of each program, noting standards, learning goals and objectives, and main activities addressed. Additionally, a pre lesson and post lesson will be written for all Hartley programs, so that teachers may use lessons written by Hartley in order to prepare for and follow up with their Hartley visits within their own classrooms. As Hartley continues to provide opportunities for understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of the natural world, we believe in building the integrity and efficiency of our already highly-valued and utilized educational programming. A big step toward achieving this is aligning our excellent programming with Minnesota Academic Standards and the Environmental Literacy Scope and Sequence. C an an owl turn its head around 360 degrees? Why do owls have feathers on their feet? If you have been in HNC lately you could probably answer these questions from checking out our interactive owl exhibit. Come and discover how owls are adapted to surviving night life! However, you only have until February 15th because another exhibit is in the works. Hartley volunteers Dr. Tom Burns and Courtney Carlson have been working hard on a new exhibit tentatively titled “Children at Hartley: 1850-1925”. The exhibit will feature children’s toys and apparel from the time period when Hartley Park was mostly farmland. Collaborating with Milissa Brooks-Ojibway from the St. Louis County Historical Society and Mags David from the Northeast Minnesota History Center, Courtney and Tom have been selecting historical pieces and photos that represent periods of Hartley history and activities that were popular of the era (ice-skating, curling, animals, and other play). Courtney and Tom will coordinate the interpretation of these pieces to deliver a sense of what it was like in the late 1800s and the early 1900s. The design for this exhibit is still in development, so you will have to wait and see what new and exciting things Courtney and Tom have come up with. But for now, the curiosity of owls awaits in the exhibit hall at Hartley. Dr. Burns is a professor of History Emeritus/Archaeologist from Emory University in Georgia. Courtney is a graduate of the University of Minnesota in Studio Fine Arts. She and her husband have two wonderful girls who love Hartley. Courtney is currently striving to attain her master’s degree at the University of Colorado in the Museum and Field Studies program. With her degree she can fulfill her career goals of becoming a museum educator and combining the arts with science education through creative, experiential public programs and exhibit development. VOLUME 13 NUMBER 2 PAGE So Much To Do... More Camps Winter Break Camp February 15-19, 2010 Our five-day camps include a bit of everything for a great wintertime sampler. You may register for AM or PM sessions or both. Winter Survival is a must around here, and this camp will teach you how to stay warm, work as a team and have a lot of fun outside as you learn new outdoor skills, like snowshoeing, skiing, ice fishing, more. Lunch Bunch provides supervision during a structured lunch hour including quiet games, crafts and/or movies. Bring your own sack lunch. Adventure Academy Each day brings a new experience as you begin the session with “clues” that will lead you on a giant scavenger hunt through Hartley Park. Clues and adventures are age appropriate and customized to match the interests of the group. Title Start End Grade Cost Winter Survival Lunch Bunch 8:30 a.m. Noon K-2 3-5 $100/90 members Noon 1:00 p.m. K-2 3-5 $10 Adventure Academy 1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. K-2 3-5 $100/90 members The Great Hartley Warm-Up School is out and so are the critters, big and small! The Great Hartley Warm-Up is a camp for 9 to 12 year olds who are off school April 5 – 9. Join us from 9 a.m. ‘til 4 p.m. each day and explore the near and far reaches of Hartley Park. We will discover amazing animals and plants in water and on land. They are all becoming active again as winter turns to spring. This is your chance to use a bunch of cool science gadgets like microscopes and underwater cameras, to get outside and explore the park, and to learn how to “read” nature’s story during this exciting time of year. Dates: April 5 – April 9 Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost: $210 for Hartley members, $235 for non-members Summer Camp Registration Begins April 14 For Mail And Walk-ins, May 17 For Phone Registrations. More Reasons To Visit The Web Always on the prowl for easier, more efficient ways of doing things are we… Now you can renew or begin your membership with Hartley from home. Just log into the website (www.hartleynature.org) and click the Membership link under the Support Us button on the left. Choose the type of member you want to be and the rest is easy-peasy. And be sure to let us know if we can send your newsletter electronically rather than by mail: it’s already saving us much needed postage money and probably a few trees too! More Saturday Shenanigans With The Sprites What: Saturday Sprites - a monthly program where both kids and adults come for an active morning of indoor and outdoor activities, to learn something new and to spend time together. Who: 2-5 year olds plus parents or grandparents When: Saturday mornings 10 am-12 pm February 13: 10 am-12 pm - Ski and Snowshoe Sampler March 13: 10 am-12 pm - That’s Tweet! Bird Banding April 10: 10 am-12 pm - Spring Sing Jam-boree Cost: $4 Members, $7 Non-members *please pre-register* 4 PAGE 5 ...So Little Reason Not To More Beauty Through Art As promised, Rachel MaKarrall will be back in the Hartley classroom with her teacher’s hat on, taking you to places you may have never been before. Rachel is not only a gifted artist, but also a biologist with a fascination with and intimate knowledge of insects. How could we ignore her passion and depth of knowledge? We won’t, and she will offer her first non-art class in March. See the schedule and descriptions below and then get on the phone and sign up soon. All materials are included for each class. One thing we know about Rachel: her popularity is growing and her classes fill up! Intro To Nature Sketching - This is the one that started our relationship with Rachel and that her students rave about. Learn all the basics about drawing the things you see in nature, without any expectation that you will become a professional artist. This class is about giving you a new way to appreciate the outdoors and find that new creative outlet. New Day and Time: Fridays from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. February 12 through March 19. Cost: $175 for Hartley members, $225 for non-members. Sketching Nature In Color - The next step for those who have taken the intro course is adding color. Many of Rachel’s students have requested this class, so here it is. This one is only four weeks, but you will find that with the basics under your belt you will really make progress here. Day and Time: Saturdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. April 17 through May 8. Cost: $140 for Hartley members, $175 for non-members. Intro To Insects - Another request from students and the topic that makes Rachel’s heart skip. She will take you fully into the world of bugs, exploring taxonomy, structure, life cycles, and more. These classes will take place mostly indoors, and you will be using scientific equipment. This would be the perfect course for the eternally curious or someone trying to get past their fear of bugs. Day and Time: Tuesdays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. March 9 through March 30. Cost: $65 for Hartley members, $85 for non-members. More Whole Family Fun The first Saturday in March has become a date to remember for many in this area, as we celebrate the end of winter with a party to say good bye to snow and hello to spring. Our annual Candlelight Ski, Skate and Snowshoe features the whole Hartley staff in full fun mode. You have the option of joining us on one of our naturalist-led snowshoe hikes, exploring the luminary-lit ski trails, snacking by the campfire, skating the ice of Hartley pond, sipping hot drinks, and relaxing and rubbing elbows with folks who love what you love. You are welcome to bring your own gear if you have it, or feel free to use ours for free. The first two hours are all about the family, with all the fun things mentioned above. The second two hours are tailored for the adults, as we add to the fun by popping the tops of a few fine adult beverages. The Fifth Annual Hartley Nature Center Candlelight Ski, Skate and Snowshoe takes place from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Saturday, March 6th. It is as always free for Hartley members for the first two hours, there will be a $5 fee to offset the cost of the beverages if you wish to stay for the second half. Hartley members are welcome to bring one non-member guest along for free. Other non-members may attend for a fee of $10 per person. You must register for this event by stopping in or calling 724-6735. Please be ready to tell us how many will be in your party and whether you will be staying for the adult portion. We are looking forward to seeing you in March! HART BEAT VOLUME 13 NUMBER PAGE 2 The Hartley Refridgerminder Pull this section out and stick it to the ‘fridge for an easy reminder of when your favorite Hartley program takes place. The most up-to-date schedules can Nature Nook Every Monday or Tuesday morning meet with us for a story, a hike in the park, and a craft. It’s a great opportunity for positive, fun interaction for you and your pre-schooler! The Nook starts at 10 a.m. and lasts about ninety minutes. Dress for the weather! Cost is $3 per child for members; $6 for nonmembers. January 25-26: Sled Dogs Run! always be February 1-2: Bear Snores On found at February 15-16: Beaver Pond www.hartley March 1-2: Owl Moon nature.org March 15-16 Summer Coat, Winter Coat February 8-9 What Do You Do With A Tail Like This? :February 22-23: Ben’s Snow Song March 8-9: Antler, Bear, Canoe (A to Z) Adult’s Night Out Programs many Wednesday evenings geared for adults, but the whole family is welcome. January 27th - Introduction To Landscaping With Native Plants - Wild Ones president Carol Andrews takes you through the first steps of establishing a spectacular native plant garden. February 3rd - Climate Change Impacts On The Upper Midwest - UMD biologist John Pastor will look at how a warming planet is affecting us right now, and what may be in our future. February 10th - Gypsy Moths: Slow The Spread February 24th - Landscape Design For Maximum Winter Beauty - Have you ever counted the number of months that deciduous trees in the Northland go naked? We know we have natural beauty throughout the year - how does Mother Nature do it? Join us for a fun discussion as we discern Her tricks that you can use at home. March 3rd - The Future Of Wildlife In A Warming World - Rich Staffon, local DNR wildlife manager, will present information on the impacts of climate change on local fish and wildlife populations. March 10th - Caroll Henderson from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will present. March 24th - The Wild Ones will present a program. All programs begin at 7:00 pm and are free for members; $4 from non-members is suggested. See our website at www.hartleynature.org for all the most up to date schedules. HART BEAT 6 VOLUME 13 NUMBER 2 PAGE Dates To Remember The Wish List February 12 - March 19 Intro to Nature Sketch February 15 - 19 Winter Break Camps March 6 Candlelight Ski, Skate, Snowshoe March 9 - 30 Intro To Insects April 5 - 9 Great Hartley Warmup School Break Camp April 17 - May 8 Sketching Nature In Color April 22 Wine In The Woods Benefit Auction 7 We are still in the hunt for warm kid-sized clothes. Can you help us find any of these? Winter socks for kids of all sizes Winter weight gloves for kids Fleece fabric Blender 1/2 gallon paper milk cartons (rinsed) Gatorade or other sports drink caps (kind of like a bigger pop top) Plastic baby food containers with lids Tuna or cat food cans Vinyl table cloths Shoebox sized Tupperware Electric pencil sharpeners Please call ahead if you plan to bring something in. Thank You! Welcome To Another New Board Member John Paulson brings a wealth of expertise to the Hartley board thanks to his work with Minnesota Power in public recreation development and management as well as his experience serving on the boards of other area non-profit organizations. Many of those organizations such as Boulder Lake Environmental Learning Center, Sugarloaf Cove and UMD’s Center for Environmental Education collaborate with Hartley regularly in a number of different capacities making John a great conduit for new joint ventures in the future. John is a Hartley neighbor and therefore knows the park well making him a natural to serve on the Park Stewardship and Fundraising Events Committees. Welcome aboard John! Who We Are: Board of Directors Bruce Munson, Chair; Amy Brooks, Vice Chair; Curt Albertson, Treasurer; Dehlia Seim, Secretary; Tim Howard, City Liaison; Becky Meyer; Kurt Lange; Aziz Faisal Al-Arfaj; Kristina Arch; Rob Marohn; John Schmidt; Dawn Bloom; Catherine Long; Tim Buck; John Paulson Staff: Peter Gravett, Executive Director; Mark Horlocker, Public Program Coordinator; Joy Dunham, E.C./School Program Coordinator; Gail Watczak, Office Manager; Shari Bradt, Bookkeeper; Erin Zoellick, Americorps School Program Educator/Mentor; Lacey Humphrey, Americorps Afterschool Program Coordinator Hart Beat is created by Mark Horlocker and produced quarterly for members and friends of Hartley Nature Center, Inc. 3001 Woodland Avenue, Duluth, MN 55803 Phone: 218-724-6735 Fax: 218-724-4891 On the web at www.hartleynature.org HART BEAT Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 701 Duluth, MN Hart Beat Hartley Nature Center 3001 Woodland Avenue Duluth MN 55803 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Thank You! To everyone who still writes a check to support us, even in uncertain times. Hartley is no more than a good idea with a name without you. The following people or foundations gave to support our general operations. Tom Jordan - $15,000 Bernie Boecker - $10,500 The Athwin Foundation - $10,000 The Wildey Mitchell Foundation - $6,000 Tom Betts - $3,000 Dean and Kathy Anderson - $3,000 Thanks also to: The Northland Foundation - $5,000 to help pay our Americorps members and interns. Bob and Barbara Ballou - $2,000 for coastal programming as a match for busing funds John Pastor and Mary Dragich - $500 to help upgrade our video computer Resolve to make a difference Rather than promising yourself you will learn the Mamba, fill out this form and send it in with a check. It is the kind of resolution that makes an immediate and lasting impact on our town. Members are admitted to Hartley programs and events free or at a reduced price, get a discount in our store, the HART-BEAT newsletter and invitations to special events. Name_______________________________________ Address______________________________________ City___________________State_______Zip________ Phone(___)___________________________________ E-Mail (For program updates)______________________ MC/VISA #________________________________Exp ___/___ HNC is a private, nonprofit 501©3 environmental education center. $500 Blue Heron - standing tall $250 Eagle - long range vision $100 White Pine - solid support $50 Beaver - family membership $35 Dragonfly - individuals $15 Seedling - full-time students Please send your check payable to: Hartley Nature Center 3001 Woodland Avenue, Duluth, MN 55803 Mastercard or VISA accepted A Big And Genuine Thanks To All Of You! Our Members Make Hartley What It Is Today...And Tomorrow Kathleen Abel * Bunter Knowles & Terri Ach * Alice Adams * Karen Adams * Curt Albertson * Annette Alderson * Mary Amerman * Tim Larson & Traci Amundson * Bob & Sue Anderson * Harvey & Susan Anderson * Heather Anderson * John & Erma Anderson * Keith & Anita Anderson * Nancy Peterson Anderson * Paul & Carol Anderson * Peter Harris & Carolyn Anderson * Lori Andresen * Rob & Kristina Arch * Jason Aronson * Susan Ash * Mary Asmus * Jonathan Asp Pravin & Sara Aturaliya * Art & Mary Aufderheide * Judith Babst * Greg & Sandy Bacon * Leonore Baeumler * Pat & Lynne Bailey * Ben & Lisa Ball * Jane Ballou * Robert & Barbara Ballou * Joan Barrett * Betty Bastien * Michael Bastin * John & Kathy Baumgarten * Kirstin Baumgarten * Bruce & Mary Bean * Diane Bean * Mike & Nancy Beery * Julie & John Bellehumeur * Ray Gamache & Jane Benesch * Doug and Bev Bennett * Tim & Laura Berdahl * Susan Berg * Dan & Marj Bergeland * Karen Bergerson * Ben & Jen Bertsch * Elisa Beyer * Jonathan & Laurie Beyer * Michael & Wendy Birkeland * Bjork-Nyman Family * Doug & Michelle Blackmore * Pat Kearns & Judy Blanck * Dawn Bloom * Bernhard Boecker * Kathy Bogen * John & Jocelyn Bollins * Carol Bonde * Karen Bonin * Jeff & Amanda Borling * Mark & Sherry Boyce * Patrick & Jennifer Boyle * Aziz Al-Arfaj & Kathy Brandli * John & Kathy Bray * John & Beryl Bredeson * Judd & Judy Brink * Richard Tosseland & Dawna Brissette * Andrew & Amy Broadmoore * Dale Hedtke & Amy Brooks * Lester Brooks * Craig & Julie Brown * Ellen Brown * Bruce Buchanan * Tim & Sally Buck * James & Heather Burbul * Peter Burger * Stanley & Janice Burns * Tom & Carol Burns * Deb Moore & Todd Burnside * Dan & Carol Burrows * William Pearson & Brenda Butterfield * Christopher & Sheryl Camper * Dorothy Camper * Allegra Cangelosi * Amy Carlson * David & Stephanie Carlson * Scott & Lynette * Carney David & Wendy Carter * Dean Casperson * Sally Cavallan * Dan & Susie Cervin * Jarod & Alison Champeaux * Seymour Chez * James & Phyllis Childs * Marlene Cieluch * Gregg & Julie Ciurleo * Terrence & Kathleen Clark * Alison Clarke * Shana Clauson * Frank & Jane Cleave * Eva Cleet * Margaret Cleveland * Michael & Jessica Cole * Carlyle & Tom Conrad * Kara Conry * Ethan Perry & Meredith Cornett * Gayle Coyer * Bill & Kathy Croke * Gary Black & Celeste Curley-Black * Nicole Dastoor * Sara Davidson * Brad and Alane Davis * Rob & Shelly Davis * Tim & Katie Dawson * Rebekah Dedricks * Guy & Janet Degerstedt * Carmel DeMaioribus * Gary Hopp & Michele DeNoble * Bruce & Judith Derauf * Jean & Monica DeSalme * Patrick & Lynn Devlin * Drew Digby * Brian & Lita Doesken * Bob Doucette * John Pastor & Mary Dragich * Janet Draper * Lester & Rose Drewes * Tom & Mary Duff * Matt & Mary Duffy * Lorie Durfee * Troy & Kim Eaton * Mark & Mary Eckman * Chris & Cindy Edwardson * Tom & Barb Elliott * Tiffanie Ellis * Bill Helferich & Nicki Engeseth * David Flannigan & Jane Erickson * Robert & Gwen Erickson * Troy & Ronda Erie * Julie Etterson * Joe Everett * Matthew Evingson * Steve & Katie Eyer * Cory & Michelle Fairchild * Eric & Rebecca Fallstrom * Jon & Carol Farchmin * Robert & Kim Farden * Margaret Fawcett * Melissa Feierabend * Andy & Libby Fena * Shawn Feralin * Bob & Maria Fierek * Cindy Finch Mitchell & Amy Fink * Richard & Barbara Fischer * Charles Orsak & Marian Flammang * Shaun & Sara Floerke * Leah Foster * Daniel & Angie Frank * Maureen Franz * Harold & Ruth Frederick * Elizabeth Fredrick * Brian & Beth Fredrickson * Dennis & Ann Frett * Louise Friday * Dick & Ann Fryberger * Kurt Galchus * Sivertson Gallery * Deborah Plechner & Justin Galt * Andy & Becky Gamache * David & Nancy Gangeness * Chris & Christy Gardner * Brian & Joan GardnerGoodno * Mary Geidner * Steve & Nancy Gibson * Allison Giffey * Greg & Cary Gilbert * Jane Gilley * Judy Gitar * Barbara Glick * Jon & Beverly Godfrey * Mark & Anita Goellner * Jeff & Kelly Goetzman * Paul & Joan Goosens * Justin Gould * Mary Jo Gould * Anne Sullivan & Michael Grassi * Craig & Diane Grau * Joan Gravett * Jan & John Green * Gina Grensing * Ken and Nan Greshowak * Mark & Brenda Grim * Jason & Jodi Grochowski * Delores Grunwald * Lisa Gudowski * Mark Harvey & Ann Gumpper * Keith & Angela Gustafson * Ann Haburt * Rachael Hagen * Rich Axler & Cindy Hagley * Pat & Becky Hall * Betty Halverson * Gloria Hamman * Carolyn Haney * Kathleen Haney * Jayson Bixler & Sarah Hannigan * David & Raquel Hanson * Gary & Karen Hanson * Jennifer Watters & Ernie Hanson * Laura & Rick Hanson * George & Dorcelia Harrison * Beverly Hart * Alan Hartley * Kate Hartley * Keegan Hartley * Daniel & Elizabeth Hartman * Erick Thomas & Sarah Harwood * Judy Haugen * Steve & Dee Hedman * Pat & Carrie Heffernan * Jocelyn Heid * Henry Helgen * Bob & Lois Heller * Jon & Sara Hendrickson * Bruce & Sue Henke * Bruce & Maiya Henson * Lucinda Johnson & Randall Hicks * Susie Darley-Hill & Brian Hill * Michael & Nanette Hillmeyer * Peter Passi & Jill Hinners * Debbie Hitchcock * Conrad & Susan Hjort * Anne Hoeksema * Kim Hoffmockel * Rob & Kathleen Hofmann * Colleen Holliday * Scott Nelson & Jillian Holmen * Eric & Rebecca Holmstrom * Phil & Jill Holsinger * Tim & Beth Holst * Jackie Holstrom * Peter Scal & Ruth Hornstein * Tim Howard * Janet Karon & Warren Howe * Alison Hoxie * Andy & Cameron Hubley * Meranda Hughes * Lisa Hutchinson * John & Cheryl Hynes * Allan Apter & Brenda Ion * Kris Wegerson & John Ipsen * Scott & Lori Jackson * Sylvia Jamar * Jake Janski * James Jarosz * Douglas & Kathleen Jensen * Kitty Jensen * Mark Hummel & Gail Johnejack * Steve & Rita Johnsen * Bob Nesheim & Marlyn Johnson * Jennifer Johnson * Keir & Barbara Johnson * Keven & Stephanie Johnson * Lance & Karen Johnson * Paul & Nicole Johnson * Ronald Johnson * Trish Johnson * Weston Wehr & Kelly Johnson * Johnson Insurance Consultants * Stacy Johnston * Jovita Jondahl * Donna Jones * Tom Jordan * Erik & Jennifer Julsrud * Roger & Angela Kachelmyer * Mary Beth Kalkbrenner * Sheila Kamal * Susan Kamper * Jennifer Kampf * Mike & Gretchen Karstens * Michael & Theresa Kautz * Faris & Bonnie Keeling * Heather Keenan * Carol & Bob Kelley * Kristen Kesty * Anne Whitworth & David Kirby * Sue Kirchhoff * Jeffrey & Heidi Klassen * John & Lauralyn Kliewer * Cynthia Klinksiek * Ray Klosowski * Robert & Priscilla Knighton * Emily Kniskern * John & Marcia Kohlhaas * John & BJ Kohlstedt * Leon & Rosemary Kohn * Jonathan & Gail Koop * Paul & Kim Kosmatka * Paul Kovach * Joyce Kramer * Liz Kratz * Dennis & Cheryl Krenner * Peggy Kristensen * Shawn & Erin Krizaj * Kimberly Krohn * Linda Krug * David & Liz Kuebelbeck * Olaf and Kari Kuhlke * Don & Mary Kunz * Carl & Nicole Kurtz * Gary Kuyava * Stephanie LaFleur * David & Pamela Lake * Karen Laliberte * Debbie Landon * Brian & Tam Landrigan * Kurt & Dawn Lange * Pete Langr * Jim & Sally Larson * Kris & Christine Larson * Eric Lauer * Todd & Jennifer Lauer * Jeanette Laundergan * Laura Lawless * Ruth Leathers * Taylor and Ronnie Leege * Aaron LeMire * Terry & Jodi Leonidas * Leslie Leraan * Jeff & Annie Leusman * Steven Goldfine & Ilene Levin * Morris & Louise Levy * Doug Lewis * Gordon & Joan Likely * Frank Liljeblad * Thomas & Lynn Lilyerd * Kurt & Adrienne Linberg * Matt & Ann Lind * Joe & Lori Lindgren * John & Ellen Lindgren * Robert & Rebecca Lindquist * Beth Lisak * Martha Livingston * Shannon Long * Steve & Catherine Long * Scott & Sara Lounsbury * Michael & Jill Lucca * James & Barbara Lund * Denise Lundstrom * Patrick Lynch * Jeffrey & Ruth Lyon * Dawn Lyons * Mark & Julie Lysher * Jeff & Fay Maas * Paul & Errin MacMillan * Mike & Marta Maddy * Elizabeth Maeshima * Bill & Gin Maier * Elizabeth Maki * Robert Myers & Susan Maki * Michael, Joelyn & Todd Malone * Susan Maras * Printha Markert * Mathew & Sarah Marks * Rob & Jodi Marohn * Bob & Ann Mars * Bruce & Katie Mars * Doug & Jeana Marshak * Gail Marsman * James & Corinne Martin * Joseph & Lisa Martin * John & Anne Marxhausen * Elisabeth Mason * Greg & Rachel Mason * Myrna Matheson * Charlie Matsch * Toni Mattson * Bonnie Matuseski * Keith & Darcy McAuliffe * Jason & Diane McCaffrey * Jodie McCubbin * Robert & Lindsey McDivitt * Jeanette McDonald * Robert McFarland * Rob McCleary & Teresa McNelly * Roger Congdon & Barbara Meehan * Trisha Meints * Doug & Ann Melander * Lisa Messerer * Nate & Becky Meyer * Carol Michealson * Heather Michelizzi * Dave & Anne Miller * Dennis & Michele Miller * Erica Miller * Jerry & Ann Miller * John & Patty Miller * Jay Austin & Elizabeth Minor * Noah & Rhonda Mittlefehldt * Michael & Diane Mlinar * Steve & Patricia Moe * John & Kathryn Moir * Daryn & Roxanne Moline * Don & Nancy Moline * Katie Mollen * Kathryn & Helen Mongan Rallis * Audrey Monicken * Howard Mooers * Anne Moore * Charles & Diana Moore * Robert Morgan * Dan & Cathy Mundt * Bruce & Bridget Munson * Kevin & Camille Murphy * Sharon Murphy * Katie Musselman * Ben & Rachel Nelson * Jeff & Deanna Nelson * Joe Ehlers & Sarah Nelson * Ben Nicklay * Frank & Kate Nicoletti * Gerald & Bonnie Niemi * Jennifer Niemi * Daniel & Kelly Nikcevich * Bob and Stacey Nipp * David Moeller & Bryce Nixon * Janet Kortuem & Peter Nord * Elizabeth Nordell * Mike & Sue Nordin * Ken & Marilynn Norenberg * Carol Northcott * Peter Good & Deanna Notaro * Theresa O'Gara * Frank Whiteman & Julie O'Leary * Stephen & Mary Olmsted * Beth Olson * Clyde & Jean Olson * Karen Olson * Ron Decker & Anna O'Neil * Michael & Julie Opack * Deb Ortman Family * Clayton Oslund * Suzanne Palm * Cora Ann Paulson * John Paulson * Mark & Andrea Pavola * Donald Pearce * D Hoffman & J Pearson * Mickey & Keely Pearson * Shonda Peller * Roger & Lydia Pellett * Bret Pence & Laura Pence * Duane Perry * Sarah & Megan Perry-Spears * Jerry & Carol Peterson * Rob & Vicky Petrovich * Elizabeth Pfuhl * Curt, Beth & Samuel Phillips * David Hutchinson & Gloria Piche * John & Genea Pichotta * Tina Hietala & Ellen Pillsbury * Sunny Pitt * Cathy Podeszwa * Jon & Jan Polecheck * Dave Poulin * MN Power * John Powers * Powless Family * Howard & Dorothy Pramann * James & Kathy Proctor * Joe & Carol Prohaska * Stephanie Puffer * Mary Pulford * Kelly Quade * John Jereczek & Diana Quinn * Rainer & Tarja Raaska * Florence Rawn * Angela Reasor * Julie Reichhoff * Martin & Susan Rhoads * James Rhude * Sandra Rich * Candice Richards * Doug Ricketts * Erik & Kristin Riker-Coleman * Marianne Ritari * Henry & Terry Roberts * Jim & Mary Robinson * Ted Anderson & Anne Roeser * Dave Geary & Deanne Roquet * Rob Milburn & Sue Rose * Howard & Dorothy Rosenwinkel * Wendy Rouse * Douglas Rowlett * Beth Ruark * Gregg & Dianne Ruhl * Greg & Louise Russell * Bruce & Leane Rutherford * Matt & Carrie Ryan * Michael & Marjory Ryan * Eleanor Rynda * Rob & Mary Sailstad * Cory & Kara Salmela * Stephen & Karen Sanger * Vicki & Bill Sanville * Thomas & Janet Sass * Bernadette Savage * Carol Andrews & Tom Schaub * Mark & Dina Scheib * Jason & Anne Schlukebier * Elaine Schmid * John Schmidt * Bill & Lynn Schmitt * Ken & Connie Schoen * David & Mary Schoettle * Diane Schubert * Rick Edwards & Cathy Schuyler * Matthew Schiller & Betsy Schwartz * John Schwetman * Alisha Blazevic & Nicole Seibert * Dehlia Seim * Jim Seitz * Marree & Bob Seitz * Michael & Heather Seyfer * James & Kathleen Sharrow * David & Barbara Sheedy * Charlene Shimmin * Tom & Janice Shuey * Linda Deneen & Gary Shute * Richard & Lou Anne Siefert * Glenn & Bonnie Simmonds * Todd & Melissa Simmons * SJA Architects * Tom & Amy Skar * Charles & Audrey Skinner * Mark Danielson & Theresa Smith * Terrence Smith * Wade Smith * William & Suzanne Smith * Katie Solem * Jim and Tracy Sonneson * Larry & Joanne Spears * David & Melissa Spoelhof * Bill Spohn * David & Brenda Sproat * Cory & Kirsten Stafne * Joseph & Elizabeth Starcevic * Linda Starr Michael & Jennifer Stattelman * Mike & Lindi Steffes * Bruce & Kaye Stender * Doug Stevens * Adam & Dawn Stevenson * Don & Mary Streufert * Karolynne Striemer * Jana Studelska * Stacy Sudoh * Tim & Carolyn Sundquist * Mihailo Lalich & Jodi Supanich * Steven & Margaret Sutherland * Sara Swanson * Richard & Cecile Swenson * Sarah Lerohl & Steve Switzer * Rosalie Tarnowski * Jim & Liz Taylor * Karen Stiles & Ted Patton * Chris & Jayme Thorson * Amanda Thralow * Shelley Thygeson * Alden Kendall & Eveyln Timm * Robert & Gail Toftey * Bryan & Rosie Toney * Scott Laderman & Jill Torres * Gay Trachsel * Helena Trent * Josh Richard & Ramona Treuer * Paul & Mary Treuer * Marcia & Rick Troy * Carol & Hudson Turner * Pat & Kari Twomey * Tiss Underdahl * Joan Ursa-Borchert * Anthony & Sharrell Valentine * Sara Vallie * Erik Torch & Sandra van den Bosse * Mary Van Evera * Mike & Jeri Vandenberg * Tim Velner * Bonnie Verdugo * Phillip & Linda Wagner * Jarrow & Elizabeth Wahman * Thomas & Kristy Walden * Nancy Walker * Sarah Walker * Dan & Michele Wallerstein * Dorothy Walton * Tim Stratton & Suzanne Wasilczuk * Nigel & 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