Wind Down Wednesday 226 W. Clark St., PO Box 313 Albert Lea
Wind Down Wednesday 226 W. Clark St., PO Box 313 Albert Lea
226 W. Clark St., PO Box 313 Albert Lea, MN 56007 Ph: 507-373-5665 2015 ALAC Events Scheduled: Through Sept 5 “These are a Few of my Favorite Things” Art center members sharing the stories of their favorite art objects. Cancelled Aug 16 Watch for 2016 dates Festival of Sports & Arts Sept 20 – Oct 17 Gallery exhibit to be announced Sept 25 6th annual Celebrating the Arts & Artists: “Art & Dixieland” Oct 24 “Tribute to Coco Chanel” August, September, October, 2015 Vol. 1 Issue 3 Wind Down Wednesday I want to thank everyone; volunteers, artists, set up & take down help, Glenville children's art, ARC artwork, Face Painters and everyone involved or participated in the 3 Wind Down Wednesdays this summer. It was truly enjoyable, fun and a successful event. Join us Aug. 19th at our booth for Wind Down Wednesday! Sue Rechtzigel Albert Lea Art Center 2015 Dorothy Godtland Lecture Series: 3rd Thursday of each month 7-8 p.m. at the Albert Lea Art Center Aug 20, Gary Schindler, "“King of Swing", music from 1935-1945. Nov 8– Dec 31 “Cultural Art for the Holidays” Sept 17, Joe & Katherine Pacovsky, "“Story of the Czech Inn B & B", Oct 15, Erin Gustafson, “Living & Teaching in Nome, AK” Nov 28– Dec 31 Festival of Trees: Winter Wonderland Opening Nov 28- “Evening of Dazzle” Albert Lea Art Center/ Art On Broadway Art Shop & Gallery Hours: 10 a.m.—2 p.m. Tue—Sat. Closed all holidays Ph: 507-373-565 [email protected] August 20 “King Of Swing” music from 1935-1945 Gary Schindler is the Dean of Student Affairs at Riverland Community College. He and his wife Jeanne have lived in Albert Lea since 1989. Gary holds a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences-Emphasis History and a Master's in Counseling from the University of North Dakota. He is pursuing a graduate certificate in US History from American Public University. Gary has been building a library of classic jazz recordings that past fifteen years and will focus his lecture on the Swing Era's big band artists. The Swing Era/Big Band Era spanned the time of 1938 to 1945. The focus of this lecture will be on the signature songs from this era. Schindler will also make reference to the area bands that performed in southern Minnesota. Like us on Facebook Made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts & cultural heritage fund Festival of Trees 2015 It is that time of the year again! The Albert Lea Art Center is gearing up for the 2015 Festival of Trees. Our theme this year is “Winter Wonderland” and once again will be held at the NorthBridge Mall. New this year, we are kicking off the event on Saturday, November 28th @ 5:30 pm with an EVENING OF DAZZLE. Tickets are $20 and limited. The evening will consist of the lighting of all the trees, holiday music, hors d’oeuvres, wine tasting and door prizes. After November 28th, the trees will be open to the public to view at no cost. Trees can be decorated November 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 & 24 by appointment. Trees need to be undecorated December 28, 29 and 30. We are hoping that you or your organization will take part in decorating a tree again or for the first time. Please tell us if you know of others who would like to participate in this popular event. Please let us know if you need a tree, if you don’t have your own to bring. We suggest you bring your own lights, although we do have some if you want to check them out to make sure they work. We also have some gently used decorations if you don’t have your own to bring. We need to know by November 1st if you are decorating a tree and the date and time you can decorate. We would also like you to choose a time that you can volunteer to help during the month at the Festival of Trees, so please bring your calendars along when you come to decorate your tree. Please call Julie Drommerhausen @ 377-0357 or email her @ [email protected] to book your appointment for decorating your tree. Thank you, Lu Callstrom & Darlyne Paulson, Co-Chairs Festival of Trees Committee A very special THANK YOU to all of the donors, the set up crew, and the volunteers who worked at the Unique Junque Sale, the annual ALAC fund raiser held during Eddie Cochran Weekend in Albert Lea. Once again, we had a lot of fun, made a little money for the Art Center, and sent our customers away happy with the truly unique items they purchased. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this annual event successful. Bev Jackson Cotter, chair Albert Lea Art Center Unique Junque Sale The Albert Lea Art Center is proud to announce Cali Carol Cantu is the recipient of this year’s scholarship award. She is a 2015 graduate of Albert Lea High School and will be attending Mankato State University majoring in Graphic Art/Design and minoring in Dance. Cali is wearing a shirt that she created blending the Kiss and Def Leppard British flag logo with the American flag design. She is shown with Bev Jackson Cotter, ALAC scholarship committee chair. They are holding Calis drawing titled “Youth Gone Wild.” 6th Annual Celebration of the Arts and Artists, “ Art & Dixieland” Wedgewood Cove, September 25, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Be prepared to swing your beads with the Art Center’s version of Dixieland up north with Roger Truax as MC. Well known artist, James Wegner from Austin will be honored as the featured artist. Food, door prizes, wine tasting, a silent and live auction will make a fun-packed evening. Tickets are only $20 and will be on sale soon at various locations about town. Watch for more details. The Albert Lea Art Center’s “Tribute to Coco Chanel” Saturday, Oct. 24th 2015 (At the Marion Ross Performing Arts Theatre) 12:00-1:30 Lite lunch in the Green Room +Display of little Black Dresses 1:30-2:00 Marlys Coady, personal shopper and design specialist for Nordstroms, speaking on current trends influenced by Chanel, Oscar de la Renta and others 2:30 Style Show Tickets $20 Many giveaways Special entertainment Fundraiser for the ALAC Call the Art Center for reservations 507-373-5665 2015 Art and Garden Tour The best ever! Garden lovers had so many words of appreciation for the artistry displayed in the gardens on tour for the 2015 Art & Garden Tour held on July 10 & 11. Approximately 200 visitors had a great day wandering through six wonderful, but different gardens displaying nature’s glory. Gardeners illustrated artistry in so many ways through their use of design, color, and textures. Hard work was evident and appreciated, too. Gardens on tour were: Marilyn and David Stadheim, Sandra and Jim Finseth, Roxanne and Dennis Brue, Colleen and Mel Prinzing, Diane and Douglas Hill, and Linda and Greg Larson. Art appears in many forms. One of the goals of the tour is to illustrate this. In this tour the garden provide the venue, but no less important are the artists at each garden illustrating their particular art forms. Those featured were: Diane Hill, Carole Eggum, Erin Murtaugh, Tom Mullen, Ann Oliphant, and Marty Shepard. The Art Center is most grateful to the Albert Lea Seed House and Thrivent Financial Services for the supplemental funds which extend program opportunities, and to Jens Sales who printed the tickets at no cost to the Art Center .No event such as this could take place without dedicated volunteers who plan, organize, take tickets, and assist with publicity. Our thanks to them and to the many visitors who expressed their thanks through smiles and kind words. Donna Widenhoefer, Chair Memorials Memorials have been made to the Albert Lea Art Center in honor of: Neal Ward Marie Ylvisaker Dr. Carl Rouse Esther Kanzenbach Linnea Menefee Paul Sparks Claire Vermeadahl Thank you! Presidents Letter There have been works of art since the time of the cave man. Those works were not viewed by many people in the beginning; however, those drawings remain as a history of the time. As time has passed, art works have changed and certainly the way that they are viewed has changed. Over the years art galleries and museums have been started in small and large communities. They have been supported by visitors and volunteers. And there is more on the horizon – art works will continue to change and the way that they are viewed will continue to change. We are so fortunate that we have the Albert Lea Art Center as a place where the works of local artists can be viewed and appreciated! We are so fortunate that we have so MANY talented artists in our community. We are so fortunate that we have the many visitors and volunteers that make the Albert Lea Art Center a reality! REMEMBER: Make someone else’s day! Tom Ferleman ALAC President Albert Lea Art Center Membership New________________Renewal___________ (Make check payable to Albert Lea Art Center) Name__________________________________________________ Phone________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________________State_____________________ZIP______ Email Address____________________________________________________________________________ ______________Patron $1000 ____________Friend $50 ______________Gold $500 ____________Household $40 ______________Silver$250 ____________ Individual $30 ______________Bronze$100 ____________ Student/Senior $25 Volunteer Opportunities Gallery Art on Broadway Art & Garden Tour Refreshments Event Host Committees Artist/Medium Pumpkin Painting Festival of Trees Teacher/Class Description Albert Lea Art Center 226 W. Clark St., PO Box 313, Albert Lea, MN 56007 Email: [email protected] Albert Lea Art Center 226 W. Clark St. PO Box 313 Albert Lea, MN 56007 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #471 Albert Lea, MN 200 Main Street Manchester, MN 56007 507-826-3666 Stevens Window & Hardware 1109 South Broadway Albert Lea MN 56007 Tom & Mary Ferleman, Owners B: 507-373-1696 R: 507-373-8702 Fax: 507-373-1696 Email:[email protected] (507) 373-6485 Office & Digital Presses Full Mailing Services Envelopes and Letterhead Complete Bindery & Finishing 1 to 6 color printing capabilities
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