Annual Report - Center for Family Services


Annual Report - Center for Family Services
Annual Report
Center For Family Services
Vision, Hope and Strength for a Better Life
Center For Family Services
Vision, Hope and Strength for a Better Life
Dear Friends,
Vision Statement
The Vision of Center For Family
Services is for all people to lead
capable, responsible, fulf lled
lives in strong families and
healthy communities.
Mission Statement
The Mission of Center For
Family Services is to support and
empower individuals, families
and communities to achieve a
better life through vision, hope
and strength.
With s o ma ny o f t he fa milies w e s erve str uggling,
it is mo re important t han e ver to p ersevere in o ur
mission “ to su pport a nd em power indi viduals,
families a nd co mmunities t o ac hieve a b etter lif e
through vision, hope and strength.” It is incumbent
upon as an organization to help our clients hope for
and believe in a b etter tomorrow – a nd to provide
them with the tools to achieve it.
We under stand t hat hope can b e t enuous at times
for t hose in difficult cir cumstances. M any ha ve
faced severe adversity – do mestic violence, trauma,
homelessness, a buse, neg lect, p overty, subst ance
abuse and mental health problems. It is our goal to
help t hose w ho s eek o ur hel p, t o hel p t hemselves,
and foster hope for their futures.
Over t he past y ear, w e ha ve faced c hallenges a nd
made difficult decisions, but we have also launched
new ventures, received recognition for our programs,
and hel ped ma ny c hildren a nd fa milies t urn t heir
hopes in to r ealities. Our co ntinuation o f s ervices
to over 75,000 c hildren and families represents this
important accomplishment.
The C enter’s im pact is t he r esult o f t he co llective
effort of hundreds of people on the front lines a nd
behind the scenes. We would like to thank our staff
for bringing unwavering passion to our mission and
compassion to our services. Because of their effort,
there are thousands of people in South Jersey whose
lives have been made better by our work.
We must believe, and we must help the children and
families we serve to believe in a better tomorrow. We
are committed to focusing on the future. O ver the
past year, with th e participation of m ore th an two
hundred fifty staff, b oard mem bers, co mmunity
partners a nd su pporters, w e en gaged in a p rocess
to develop a Strategic Plan to guide and support our
work for the coming years.
The w ork o f CFS is lif e enr iching, lif e sust aining,
and life saving. A s we look at our future, we do s o
with great hope. It is a hope that is shared by all of
the CFS fa mily w ho b elieve t hat he althy fa milies
strengthen our communities. Our co mmitment to
serving people in need has never been stronger.
We are grateful for the support we receive from you,
our su pporters, v olunteers, pa rtners a nd do nors.
We will continue to tackle the tough problems that
vulnerable children and families in our community
face every day. We will continue to search for the
best p ractices t hat p rovide effective r esults a nd
outcomes for those who seek our help. With your
help, we will continue to serve those most in need
in our community.
Yours Truly,
Richard Stagliano
John Evans
hat a difference a y ear ca n mak e!
With a str uggling eco nomy, r ising
unemployment, and increased stress on
families, it has been a difficult time for many people.
Uncertainty, anxiety and stress have touched all o f
us as o ur financial world has b een shaken. Despite
these c hallenges, t his past y ear has b een o ne o f
successes and positive results for the work of Center
For Family Services (CFS).
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle…
— Reverend James Kelly
What We Do
Children and Family Services
We recognize that the families who come to us are faced with unique challenges.
We hel p t o str engthen t he ca pacity o f c hildren a nd t heir fa milies t o na vigate
difficult times and make positive choices. Our programs teach critical parenting
skills, increase problem solving abilities, decrease high-risk behaviors, and offer
counseling and support services. Through these programs, we served over 3600
individuals and their families.
Executive Leadership
Richard Stagliano
Vice President, Administration
Sue Bergmann
Victims Services
Vice President, Counseling and Community Services
We p rovide p revention a nd he aling s ervices f or vic tims o f all ag es a nd t heir
families and touched over 3400 people through counseling, advocacy and victim
accompaniments, a nd r esponded t o 7613 ho tline calls in t he last y ear. F rom
trauma intervention to a domestic violence shelter for women and their children,
we work to turn vic tims into sur vivors. Our p rograms offer 24 ho ur response
and support to victims of sexual or domestic violence, community outreach and
education, and intensive individual, group and creative arts therapy for victims
and their families.
Tony Comito
Substance Abuse Services
Andrew Swenson
Substance abuse is a p ervasive problem in our society, and it affects people of all
ages – f rom adolescents to the elderly. Clien ts received nearly 61,000 ho urs of
service t hrough ass essment, treatment, education, a nd support f or ado lescents,
adults, families and groups, including a specialized program for mothers working
to overcome their addic tions and maintain or regain c ustody of their children.
CFS is t he o nly p rogram in t he st ate t hat dir ectly p rovides addic tion r ecovery
service by the deaf to the deaf. Over 3100 individuals received treatment for their
addictions with the help of Center For Family Services.
Board Of Trustees
Safe and Supportive Housing
Many children are homeless, runaways, neglected or abused. Others are struggling
with fa mily p roblems a nd need a p lace t o g o. W e p rovide s ecurity, su pport
and shelter for youth to succe ed. We are committed to g iving youth the stable
foundation they need to become self-sufficient adults through temporary shelters,
residential tr eatment facili ties, tra nsitional li ving p rograms, a nd p ermanent
affordable housing. Over 700 individuals found a safe place to stay last year at CFS.
Counseling, Community and School Based Services
We r ealize t hat p eople need t o b e co nnected t o t he r ight r esources in t he
community to be successful. By offering individual, group and family counseling,
case management, school based programs to prevent assault and bullying, 24 hour
hotlines, and senior services, we are able to assist people to gain the necessary tools
to b e s elf sufficient. Through a va riety of sp ecialized programs, we responded
to more than 60,300 p eople, p roviding education, one-on-one support, mental
health counseling or connections to other resources in the community.
Vice President, Child and Family Services
Eileen Henderson
Vice President, Development and Public Relations
Merilee Rutolo
Chief Financial Off cer
Gordon Shopp
Associate Vice President of Operations
John Evans
Vice Chairperson
Denise Keyser, Esq.
Vice Chairperson
Ken Shuttleworth
Peter Guzzetti
Eileen Byrne Borland
Richard Stagliano
George Beppel, CPA
LaTonya Bland, Esq.
Bonnie Bornstein
Mark Frisby
Joseph Georgiana, Esq.
Evelyn Ginter
John A. Jones, Esq.
Deborah Kroop
Michelle Meloy, Ph.D.
Peter Musumeci, Jr.
Derrick Phillips
Peter Slack
Mentoring Makes A Difference
n any given day, over 1.5 million children in this country have an incarcerated
parent. The average age of children with a parent in a state or federal prison is
only 8 years old, with 22 percent of the children under the age of 5. There are over
28,000 children at risk in Camden County alone, and many of these children may have at
least one parent incarcerated.
These children and the people who care for them
face addi tional c hallenges t hat o ften r esult in
financial ha rdships, a lac k o f st ability in fa mily
relationships a nd ho using, a nd p roblems in
school. When a c hild faces suc h turmoil, having
a tr usting, end uring men toring r elationship ca n
be a crucial protective and positive factor in their
lives, providing both stability and support.
The C amden C ounty F reeholders b uilt a
partnership wi th co mmunity o rganizations a nd
launched a n effort t o r ecruit o ver 100 men tors
to ma tch wi th t hese a t r isk c hildren. This
collaborative includes a M entoring Institute t hat
will f urther t hese efforts b y p roviding tra ining
and match services for the mentors. As one of the
partners in this county collaboration, the Center’s
Project C OPE (Childr en Ob taining a P ositive
Environment) p rogram f ocuses o n ma tching
the men tors wi th t hose y outh w ho ha ve a n
incarcerated parent.
Children ar e li kely to liv e up to
what you believe of them.
— Lady Bird Johnson
COPE mentors have successfully helped more than 200 at-risk youth live
happier a nd mo re f ulfilled li ves o ver t he last 5 y ears. Maurice i s ju st one
example o f C OPE’s pos itive i nfluence o n c hildren. A t 6 ye ars o ld, M aurice
was h aving difficulty in s chool an d w as n ot g etting al ong w ith hi s sibling s.
After being matched with a mentor, both Maurice’s mother and teachers have
noticed a sig nificant i mprovement i n h is be havior a nd h is a bility t o s hare
with his peers and siblings. His grades have gotten better, and his mother now
describes Maurice as a much “happier” child.
COPE mentors serve as role models to these children, and play an essential
role in providing the tools that youth need to break negative cycles and build
a he althy f uture. Our men tors enco urage, guide a nd su pport y outh w ho
desperately need a ca ring p erson w ho b elieves in t hem…and s ometimes
that is the spark that makes the difference.
Helping Victims Become Survivors
The Sanctuary will be a place for families like mine
to come and be sa fe and heal and learn that there is a nother
way and that they deserve to be happy and safe.
xposure t o vio lence, cr isis si tuations,
and traumatic e vents is a s alient issue in
our co mmunity. E very da y, C enter F or
Family Services’ programs respond to the needs of
children and adults who have experienced trauma
in t heir li ves. F rom o ur D omestic Violence s afe
house and ra pe cr isis ho tlines to shel ters and
residential facili ties f or t eens t o o ur subst ance
abuse p rograms, t he p eople w ho t urn t o us f or
help have often been victims of trauma.
Crisis situations and traumatic events can disrupt
the li ves o f c hildren, ado lescents a nd ad ults,
even f or t he most r esilient indi vidual. I t ca n b e
an acciden tal de ath, t erminal illness, na tural
disaster, or a suicide or sudden death of a student.
The r eactions f ollowing a cr isis o r tra uma ca n
impact le arning, b ehavior, s ocial, emo tional
and psy chological f unctioning. I ndividuals w ho
experience such an e vent demonstrate a need t o
have str ucture, t he o pportunity t o under stand
their reactions, and safe place to tell their story.
Diane f ound a wa y t o hel p her self a nd her
daughters cope with their victimization through a
program at Center For Family Services.
Diane’s adult life has been dictated by the abusive
relationships t hat s he h as en dured. M arrying
a p hysically a busive m an a t a yo ung a ge, a nd
surviving two o ther v iolent r elationships p rior t o
her m arriage, Dia ne be lieved wh at h er a busers
were saying. She felt that she didn’t deserve a better
life than the horror she had experienced.
Diane knew it had to stop when she began worrying
about t he sa fety o f h er two yo ung da ughters. S he
found the courage to get out, but knew that what
her children had witnessed would have an impact.
She r ealized h er c hildren n eeded t herapy t o h elp
recover and heal from the trauma.
Diane was c onnected w ith t he P eace: A Le arned
Solution (P ALS) p rogram a t Cen ter f or F amily
Services. Through this program, she and her family
went t o t herapy. H er g irls wer e a ble t o exp ress
their fe elings by u sing mu sic, ar t an d in dividual
counseling. Diane said the PALS program has given
her the tools to be the best mom she can be, and her
kids are doing well at home and at school.
Whether a victim or witness of violence, a student
struggling wi th t he loss o f c lassmate, o r a fa mily
struggling with a sudden death, children and adults
alike require a safe and caring environment in which
to heal. For several years, CFS provided initial crisis
response on site and crisis and trauma counseling
at va rious o ffice lo cations in t he co mmunity.
However, w e r ecognized t he need t o ha ve a s afe
place available for people to come in times of crisis,
for fa milies t o b ring c hildren str uggling wi th a
traumatic event, and for our clients to have a warm,
comfortable environment to heal.
In o rder t o improve o ur s ervices, a nd expa nd o ur
continuum of care, CFS set a goal to create a unique,
homelike environment open t o a nyone in need in
the co mmunity. B ecause o f t he g enerous su pport
of caring people in the community, area businesses,
foundations, a nd v olunteer gr oups, CFS was a ble
to open The Peter M. M usumeci Jr. and L inda M.
Musumeci Family Sanctuary on October 17, 2008.
The Peter M. Musumeci Jr. and Linda M. Musumeci
Family Sa nctuary a t C enter F or F amily S ervices
is a s afe ha ven, a r espite, de voted t o he aling t he
lives o f vic tims, a nd t heir fa milies a nd f riends.
The Sanctuary serves as a s afe place of healing and
support where victims become survivors.
Evidence Based Success
It’s amazing to see families become empowered,
to see moms being able to say positive things about their
child and ultimately to get a family to where they can
function on their own. Because of MST, we will be able to
help more families get to that place.
— Richard Stagliano, President/CEO
enter For Family S ervices (CFS) str ives to
stay on the cutting edge of the best practices
to s erve o ur c lients. W e a re in vesting in
evidenced based programs and working to establish
comprehensive ways to track and measure outcomes.
We wa nt t o kno w ho w t he mo ms a nd dads t hat
come to us a re becoming better parents, what tools
are effective in k eeping fa milies t ogether, a nd ho w
young people are learning to be independent adults.
• reduced long-term rates of criminal offending in
serious juvenile offenders,
• reduced rates of out-of-home placements,
• extensive improvements in family functioning,
• decreased behavior and mental health problems, and
• substantial cost savings compared to usual
mental health and juvenile justice services.
We want to know what is working – and what is not,
so that we are able to continually refine and improve
our p rograms t o o ffer t he b est p ossible s ervices t o
our c lients. Ou tcomes a nd e vidence bas ed mo dels
give u s th e n ecessary f eedback t o h elp u s t o bo th
clarify a nd f ulfill o ur mission a nd g oals, as w ell as
ensure that those who are most in need a re served
effectively and funds are used responsibly.
CFS is t aking t he le ad in S outh J ersey in a n
outcomes bas ed mo del p rogram f or s eriously
at-risk y outh. The N ew J ersey Di vision o f Child
Behavioral H ealth S ervices a warded CFS wi th
a hig hly co mpetitive gra nt t o expa nd o ur M ulti
Systemic Therapy (MST) program.
The g oal o f MS T is t o r educe r isk fac tors f or kids
by b uilding y outh a nd fa mily str engths o n a v ery
individualized and comprehensive basis. As a service
that is delivered in the home, we are able to overcome
many o f t he ba rriers t o successf ul tr eatment t hat
many families often face.
Through MS T in terventions, o ur t herapists t each
parents ho w t o dis cipline t heir kids a ppropriately,
improve fa mily r elationships, st eer kids in a
positive dir ection, im prove s chool o r v ocational
performance, en gage y outh in he althy r ecreational
activities, a nd de velop a p ositive su pport netw ork
of ext ended fa mily, neig hbors, a nd f riends t o hel p
caregivers ac hieve a nd ma intain p ositive c hanges.
The outcomes that are tied with this program include:
As the only agency in S outhern New Jersey with a
licensed MST program, we are implementing t his
national o utcomes bas ed p rogram f or C amden
County. The MST program works with kids in crisis
across ma ny s ettings, inc luding fa milies, s chool,
peers, and in neighborhoods.
Like ma ny o f o ur p rograms, w e do n’t w ork wi th
just one aspect of a child or family. Our therapists
also w ork t o em power t he gua rdians o f t hese
youth s o t hat t hey can manage f uture difficulties
on their own.
Financial Report 2007-2008
Federal Grants
State of NJ Grants
County and City Grants
Fees and Insurance Reimbursements
Other Grants and Donations
United Way
Investment Income
Total 100%
1% 2%
Federal Grants
Fees & Insurance Reimbursements
State of NJ Grants
Other Grants & Donations
County & City Grants
United Way
Personnel 55%
Consultants and Professional Fees
Materials and Supplies
Facility Costs
Assistance to Clients
Sub-grantees 23%
Other Expenses
Equipment and Capital Expenses
Total 100%
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Restricted Cash -NJAI Account
Accounts Receivable
Available for Sale Securities - Fair Value
Prepaid Expenses/Deposits
Cash Value of Life Insurance Policy
Total Current Assets
Buildings, Improvements, and Equipment
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Net Property and Equipment
otal Assets
Assistance to Clients
Consultants & Professional Fees
Materials & Supplies
Other Expenses
Facility Costs
Equipment & Capital Expenses
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Current Portion of Notes Payable
Accrued Payroll, Payroll Taxes, and Benef ts
Accrued Vacation
Contract Reimbursements Payable
Other Current Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Long-term Portion of Notes Payable
Deferred Grant Support
Total Long-Term Liabilities
Unrestricted 6,574,114
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Center For Family Services
US Department of Health and
Human Services
US Department of Agriculture
US Department of Housing &
Urban Development
Sheldon Brown Birthday Club
Slack, Inc.
Slack Children’s Support Fund
South Jersey Industries
The Promenade at Sagemore
The Standard
New Jersey State
Our Generous Donors
Department of Children and
Department of Community Affairs
Department of Corrections
Department of Education
Department of Health and Senior
Department of Human Services
Department of Law and Public
Camden County
Board of Chosen Freeholders
Youth Services Commission
Gloucester County
Board of Chosen Freeholders
Youth Services Commission
United Ways
United Way of Camden County
United Way of Gloucester County
Bunbury Foundation
Camden Home for Children
Cornelia S. Haines Charitable Trust
Danellie Foundation
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Leo Buscaglia Foundation
Lincoln Financial Group Foundation
South Jersey Charitable Foundation
Susquehanna Bank
Target Foundation
TD Charitable Foundation
William G. Rohrer Charitable
2008 Payless Gives Shoes 4 Kids
Benefit Concepts Enrichment
Bernie Robbins Fine Jewelers
Boscov’s Department Stores
Camden City Board of Education
Camden Empowerment Zone
Campbell Soup Foundation
City of Camden
Contracts and Program Fees
David Akers, Kicks For Kids
Delaware River Bay Authority
Delaware River Port Authority
Educational Information and
Resource Center
Elmer’s Auto Body
Haddonfield Junior Women’s Club
Jaws Youth Fund
Johnson and Johnson Corporate
Giving Program
Men of Moorestown Golf Outing
New Jersey Judiciary
Outback Steakhouse
Pajama Program
Payless Gives Shoes For Kids
Perkins Art Center
Planned Parenthood of Southern
New Jersey
Pitman Theater
2008 Annual Appeal Donors
Slack Children’s Support Fund
Men of Moorestown
Mr. George Beppel &
Lorraine McGlynn
Mr. & Mrs. Arnie Bornstein
Mr. Bill Chambers, Chambers
Sheet Metal
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keyser
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Kroop
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stagliano
Mr. & Mrs. John Evans
Ms. Susan A. Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Musumeci Jr.
Mr. Robert Picone
Astro Outdoor Advertising
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cottrell
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Guzzetti
Mr. & Mrs. William Hammill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henderson
McKernan Architects
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Paparone
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Shuttleworth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stagliano
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Alberto
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Bergmann
Mr. & Mrs. John Borland
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cottrell
Grace Episcopal Church
Ms. Cynthia DeRenzo
Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Girardo
Ms. Ruth E. Keser
Mr. & Mrs. James Meadows
Dr. Michelle L. Meloy
Ms. Sarah Musumeci
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Novakovic
Mr. Thomas Praiss
Mr. William Rogers
Mr. Jordan Schlump
Mr. David Stagliano and
Madeleine Schachter
Action Plumbing One
Ms. Eileen Aitken
B.K. Lafferty and Associates
Ms. Eleanor Brockington
Cherry Hill Imports Corp
Ms. Evelyn Ginter
Mr. Lawrence J. Hatton
Ms. Gretchen Jenofsky
BK Lafferty & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. James Meadows
Messick Fuel Supply
Ms. Rose Musumeci
Mr. Fred Novak
Mr. Robert A. Sori
L.M. Landau
Connie Matthews, Esther Chapter
No. 25
Johnson Electric Services
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Scott
Mr. Timothy and Denise Winner
Ms. Julie Zimmerman
2007 Annual Appeal Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Selfridge
Slack Children’s Support Fund
Mr. George Beppel and
Lorraine McGlynn
Bill Chambers Sheet Metal
Ms. Bonnie Bornstein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keyser
Camden City Firefighters Union
Mr. & Mrs. John Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Musumeci, Jr.
Mr. Robert Piccone
Action Plumbing
Mr. Randolph Angermann
Ms. Eileen Bryne Borland
Dr. Joel Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Guzzetti
Mr. & Mrs. William Hammill
Hammill Remodeling
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henderson
Ms. Regina Hill
Nora Taylor Council 11
Ms. Lisa Rupp
Mr. David Sori
Mr. David Stagliano and
Madeleine Schachter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stagliano
Mr. & Mrs. John Tarditi
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bark
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Bergmann
Mr. & Mrs. Alden Blyth
Mr. Dennis Cottrell
Mr. Richard Dantonio
Mr. John Fletcher
Grace Episcopal Church
Johnson Electronic Services
Ms. Ruth Keser
Ms. Dorothy Slack
Mr. Stanely Stephens
Mr. Robert Suessmuth
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vizzachero
Ms. Linda Burkett
Mr. Blaine Capehart
Ms. Alice Cessna
Mr. Michael Davis
Ms. Evelyn Ginter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cacchione
Mr. & Mrs. James Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. James Meadows
Mr. Walter Pierson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Winner
The Peter M. Musumeci Jr.
& Linda M. Musumeci Family
Sanctuary at Center For
Family Services
Peter M. Musumeci Jr. and
Linda M. Musumeci
George Beppel
Sue Bergmann
LaTonya Bland
Eileen Borland
Cornelia S. Haines Charitable Trust
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Regina Hill
Bonnie Bornstein
Tony Comito
John Evans
Evelyn Ginter
Peter Guzzetti
Eileen Henderson
John Jones
Deborah Kroop
Ken & Beverly Manny
Michelle Meloy
Arthur and Georgia Mae Scott
Rick Phillips
Lisa Rupp
Merilee Rutolo
Steve & Michelle Selfridge
South Jersey Industries
Susquehanna Bank
Gordon Shopp
Peter Slack
Paul Staglilano
Richard Stagliano
Dancing With The
Gloucester County Stars
- Vote For Jami Goodrich
- Benefitting The Peter M.
Musumeci Jr & Linda M.
Musumeci Family Sanctuary
at Center For Family Services
A.T. Chadwick Company
Doug and Eileen Aitken
Joe Alacqua
Mr. RJ Ambacher
Margaret Anton
Steve Anuszewski
Art Duffield Realty
Peter Atsaves
John Ayres
B. Pietrini & Sons
Richard Bellamente
Therese Benyola
Seth Bergmann
Chris Bevelheimer
Blue Tulip
Gerard Campbell
Karen Carlucci
William Clarke & Millie Cirrone
John Collins
Jean Crabtree
Nancy Crese
Dale Construction
Frank Daley
Patrick Daley
John and Val Darms
Craig & Julie Dear
Anthony Degerolamo
Christina Denney
Lewis J. DePietro
Mariah & Scott Devenish
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony DiMarino
Jane Dorey
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dorey
Byron Driscoll
Driscoll/McKissack II
Mark Fanelli
Don & Maia Farish
Gail Fiske
Michael Galioto
Gail Gallo
Jill Gilfillan
William Joseph Givens
William and Jami Goodrich
Paul Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Govett
Hammill Remodeling
Hon. Richard Hickey
Stan Horowitz
Jerry Hunt
Ralph Ipri
Mike Izzo
Kathy Jaskowak
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Jones
JPC Group
Wm Kneller
Stephen Kocinski
Deborah Kroop
Ray Lauff
Michael Laun
Lex’s Express Bistro
Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Llyod
Mr. & Mrs. George Long
Bev Manny
Sophia Marandino
Carley Markel
Mr. & Mrs. William McAuliffe
Mayor Leo McCabe
McGee Company
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mendolia
Nancy Micale
Stephen Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O’Connor
Oliver Sprinkler Company
P & C Properties
Elizabeth Parker
Bette Peters
Pro Maintenance Supply
Joseph Russo
Francis Santo
Margaret Schankin
Peggy Schankin
John & Eileen Schillig
Jack Scott
Renee Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. David Shields
Gordon Shopp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Simonson
SM Electric
Richard Stagliano
Stemphoski, Frankowski,
Tumminia, Farish
Barbara Stevenson
Loretta Stubits
Heather Tierney
William Tucker
George & Connie Wagoner
James Watson
Michael Whittingham
Widener Construction
Steve Wojtko
Dr. Benjamin Wolfston
Art Duffield Realty
Capital Project
Camden County Board of Chosen
Cooper University Hospital
Corporation for Supportive
Housing City of Camden
Federal Home Loan Bank of
New York
Monarch Housing Associates
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment
Development Agency
New Jersey Department of
Children and Families
New Jersey Department of
Community Affairs
New Jersey Governors Trust Fund
New Jersey Housing and Mortgage
Finance Agency
Redevelopment Authority City of
The City of Camden
United States Department
of Housing and Urban
United Way Donors
Paula Amendt
Sharon Angelus
Yvonne Bey
Palma Brennan
Michael Brewer
Kandi Butler
Jessica Calandrella
Jennifer Callaghan
Barbara Cavallaro
Lois Chapman
Danae Ciociola
Nicole Contini
Jessica Fisher
Theresa Fisher
John Fisher
Frank Fragale
Marilyn Gonzalez
Robin Grossmick
Maria Hapgood
Hannah Heritage
Harold Johnson
Francina Jones
Howard Kroop
Peter Mahal
Mary Ann Missimer
Sandra O’Neal
Donna Pinto
Debra Sellitto
Steve Swetsky
Carmen Trifiletti
Agency United Way Donors
Seerojini Adams
Erin Alden
Sabrina Alexander
Latasha Allen
Lisa Allen
Joan Alpert
Elixandra Alvarez
Arlene Anderson
Chukwuma Anusiem (magnus)
Jenitza Aponte
Jennifer Appiah
Victor Arlington
Terry Austin
Kevin Badie
Sharita Barber-Jerkins
Jacqueline Bayard
Marilyn Bell
Yvette Benjamin-Ansah
Therese Benyola
Sue Bergmann
Sonya Bey
Daniel Bickerstaff
Laurie Biddle
Kathryn Bird
Keisha Bishop
Anthony Boger
Genaro Borrero
Lois Christine Botti
Megan Boyd
Marcus Boyd
James Bradford
Phoebe Brady
Mary Jane Branda
Nicole Breece
Alicia Brown
Chesirae Brown
Georgetta Brown
Mary Brown
Vince Brown
Mary Brown
Georgetta Brown
Karen Bullock
Jeana Bunting
Keshet Burt-Hedrick
Lamont Caldwell
Cicely Camara
Brian Camper
Theresa Carlin
Kelly Carlucci
Elizabeth Carr
Lisa Carter
Rebecca Castillo
William Chapman
Carolanne Ciocca
Frederick Clement
Kaali Cohen
Marlene Colbert
Anthony Comito
Valerie Connelly
Anita Corriveau
Aneesah Covington
Sharon Cox
Onya Croxton
Blanca Cruz
Nicole Cupit
Ambrish Dalal
Dawn M. Davis
Stephanie Davis
Karen Deacon
Jose DeJesus
Virginia DeLong
Julie Doerrmann
Raymond Domenech
Edward Dubrey
Tamika Espino
Doris Falciani
Danielle Fallon
Laura Fanfarillo
Alexis Faulkner
Linda Fauntleroy
Ibis Feliciano
Yodanna Fernandez
Madelyn Ferringo
Cornelia Fisher
Laura Fitzgerald
Barbara Fleagle
Hannah Foreman
Laura Foster
Angelica Freeling
Laurie Friedman
Kathy Friess
Joan Geraci
Helen Gerle
Donna Gillane
Judyann Gillespie
Gayle Githens
Reese Glass
Daniel Golenda
Yahaira Gomez
Diomedes Gonzalez
Carlton Gregg
Carolyn Gribbin
Ryan Hall
Jennifer Hammill
Alice Hanna
Sally Hanna-Schaefer
Darlene Harley
Yvonne Harris
Cierra Hart
Ellen Heine
Eileen Henderson
Faunne Henderson
Theresa Herbert
Ana Hernandez
Tori Hilton
Elizabeth Hinger
Joseph Hinger
Aisha Holloway
Theresa Humphrey
Allen Hundley
Jerry Hunt
Daphne Jackson
Fatima Jackson
Kelly Jackson
Ann Jacobs
Kelly Jernegan
Heather Johnson
JoAnn Johnson
Porsche Johnson
Tina Johnson
Heather Johnson
DeAnna Jones
Tiffany Jubb
Kathleen Jurman
James Kearney
Augustine Kebbie
Gwendolynn Kent
Danielle Kissel
Robert Laczynski
Richard Lange
India Lark
Mary Law
Lourdes Lebron
Linda Lehman
Susanne Long
Mary Love
Stacy Love
Nancy Lubars
Darryl Macklin
Victoria Mahand
Carol Mahon-Craig
Monica Mallon
Sophia Marandino
Barbara Maronski
Thelma Martin
Rosalie Mayls
Irene McClure
Elizabeth McCool
Donald McGill
Genie McGovern
Paul McNeill
Daniel McVay
Margie Mercado
Noemi Mercado
Sandra Miller
Dwight Minus
Debbie Mizrahi
Cathy Mund
Linda Mur
Carol Neff
Theresa Negro
Deirdre Nelson
Janet Nixon
Jamesina O’Brien
Yesenia Oquendo
Sonetta Orr
Amber Patterson
Charles Peoples
Karen Petsch
Laurie Phillips
Doralisa Placencia
Ena Prewitt
Kristin Prinn
Dominique Radcliffe
Rosa Ramos
Marci Raymond-DeCosmo
Terri Reed
Denise Richardson
Regina Ridge
Jacqueline Roletter
Junior Rosbia
Lillian Rupert
Lisa Rupp
Merilee Rutolo
Lisa Saggese
Cherie Scheurich
Beth Schultz
Cedric Scott
Janice Seeler
Tara Segrest
Syreeta Shepherd
Nicole Sheppard
Gordon Shopp
June Siegel
Deborah Simmons
Renee Smallwood-Thigpen
Stacy Smiriglio
Allison Smith
Cideia Smith
Janet Smith
Terri Smith
Richard Stagliano
Calvin Steigerwalt
Robin Stockton
Brea Stover
Lee Straub
Andrew Swenson
Tanya Terry
Juanita Thomas
Ashley Thompson
Tiffany Timberman
Teryl Torres
Kelly Tull
Doris Vidal de Jackson
Cindy Volkert
Margaret Wachowski
Barbara Waldon
Suzanne White
Kerry Will
Angela Williams
Qawana Williams
Simone Williams
Margaret Wilson
Slack Children’s Support
Fund Donors
Ms. Sharon Albany
Ms. Katrina Altersitz
Ms. Faith Bantivoglio
Mr. Darrell Blood
Mr. John Bond
Mr. John Carter
Ms. Faith Connor
Ms. Sheryl Croce
Ms. Robin Dellolio
Ms. Suzanne S. Demarest
Mr. Rob Esgro
Mr. George Gallen
Ms. Robin Geller-Caristo
Ms. Marguerite Gray
Ms. Michelle Hack
Ms. Nancy Hemphill
Ms. Sarah Horner
Ms. Kathleen Huntley
Ms. Karen E. Johnson
Ms. Elisabeth Kelton
Ms. Jen Kilpatrick
Ms. Leah Lawrence
Ms. Kristin Lind
Ms. Anna Malandra
Ms. Christine Martynick
Mr. Wayne McCourt
Ms. Monique V. McLaughlin
Ms. Katherine Miranda
Ms. Polly (Mattie) Neely
Ms. Valerie Nielsen
Ms. Jessica Nowak
Ms. Susan Rapp
Ms. Kimberly Shigo
Mr. Peter Slack
Ms. Shirley Strunk
Ms. Janet Truxton
Ms. Katrina Wells
Ms. Lauren E. Wolkoff
Bluegrass at the Broadway
August 28, 2007
Holman Enterprises
Rastelli Global
Slack, Inc
Dave Armor
Sue Bergmann
Eileen Borland
Bonnie Bornstein
Anthony Brasberger
Tony Comito
Karissa Emerle
Eileen Henderson
Elina Lerro
RT Rentals
Richard Stagliano
Doris Vidal de Jackson
The Center Event
Saturday, October 20,
Committee Chair
Ms. Linda M. Musumeci
Ms. Laura Balga
Ms. Bonnie Bornstein
Mr. John Evans
Ms. Tamika Love
Ms. Maribel Patruno
Ms. Sophia Marandino
Mr. Richard Stagliano
Commerce Bank
South Jersey Industries
Holman Automotive
Cornelia Haines Charitable Trust
The Promenade at Sagemore
Ragone Lacetena Fairchild & Beppel
Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll
Cover Advertisers
Philadelphia Media Holdings
Nunzio Ristorante Rustico
Vine Street Imports
Caphhard & Scatchard
The Promenade at Sagemore
Abby Carpet of Woodbury
Action Plumbing
Amano Galleries
Astro Signs
Benefit Concepts
Bernie Robbins
Blue Tulip
Celebrity Kids
CH Robinson
Diener Brick Company
Family Service
Frank Kielb Entertainment
Garden State Grounds
Joe Georgiana
Peter Guzzetti
John Jones
Kramer Inc.
Bryant Lafferty
Mayfair Motel
McKernan Architects
Mister Softee
Raymour & Flanigan
MaryAnn Ryan
Stringari & Cimer
Toyota-Turnersville Automotive
Unique Image Photography
Woodside Associates
Ms. Patty Alberto
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Altamuro
Ms. Laura Balga
BDP International
Mr. Gary Beard
Mr. George Beppel
Benefit Concepts
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Bergmann
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bleyer
Ms. Bonnie Bornstein
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Boychuck
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Camerieri
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Cohen
Mr. Tony Comito
Mr. Dave Coskey
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Davis
Dr. & Mrs. William DeLong
Ms. Gina DiMattia
Ms. Lyn Dunohugh
Ms. Cheryl Elias
Mr. & Mrs. John Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Faller
Mr. Donald Farish
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fennell
Ms. Peg Ford
Ms. Laurie Freidman
Mr. Peter Guzzetti
Mr. & Mrs. William Hammill
Mr. & Mrs. Eileen Henderson
Ms. Mindy Holman
Integrity Title Agency
Mr. Dennis Jedda
Mr. & Mrs. Hosea Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kaye
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keyser
Ms. Amelia Kressler
Ms. Janice Kovach
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kroop
Mr. Stu Levy
Mr. & Mrs. John Lindeman
Ms. Tamika Love
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Manny
Ms. Sophia Marandino
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Marquart
McKernan Architects
Ms. Michelle Meloy
Ms. Nancy Micale
Ms. Alexis Micale
Mr. Dennis Millar
Mr. Gary Mruz
N.B. Cooney & Sons
NJM Insurance Group
Ms. Phoebe Novakovic
Mr. & Mrs. Gary O’Keefe
Mr. Sid Ortiz
Mr. Ruth Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Paolini
Ms. Lisa Paparone Shallow
Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Patruno
Ms. Georganna Pease
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Praiss
Quality Asset Recovery
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rielly
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Rutolo
Mr. Robert Ruscansky
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Selfridge
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Shuttleworth
Ms. Jane Siegel
Mr. Charles Soloman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stagliano
Mr. & Mrs. John Taima
Mr. & Mrs. John Tarditi
Ms. Carol Trakimas
Dr. Fred Van Istendel
Ms. Doris Vidal de Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wasserman
Mr. Drew Whipple
Mr. Charles Wilhelm
Ms. Elizabeth Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Young
Ms. Marilyn Zenzola
A New Beginning
Fashion Show
Collingswood Grand
Friday, April 11, 2008
Event Committee
Deborah Kroop, Chair
Beverly Ross Manny, Chair
Eric Becker
Therese Benyola
Bonnie Bornstein
Judy Brahin
Anthony Comito
Cindy Cipraini
Carol DaSilva
Sharon Feery
Patti Frost
Jennifer Hammill
Susan Katz
Beth Kreps
Laura Kulcyk
Kelli McGee
Paula Meltzer
Nancy Micale
Dawn Paparone
Roland Traynor
Julie Rienzi
Karen Ruccolo
Mo Ruland
Merilee Rutolo
Donna Sandoz
Richard Stagliano
Bella Spa
Bertolino Arts
Cipraini Builders
Commerce Bank
Digital Color Image
Howard Deborah Kroop
Susan Katz
Beth Kreps
Lexus of Cherry Hill
National Senior Solutions
Dawn & Don Paparone
Ross Inventories - Beverly Manny
Jared Soble
South Jersey Healthcare
South Jersey Industries
The Bank
Anderson Jackson Metts
Rich Bellamente
George Beppel
Blue Tulip
BRE Presents
Burns-Kull Manaement Group
Camden Co Freeholders
Carnegie Mortgage
Celebrity Kids
Cherry Hill Imports
Rosemarie Danver
DeMor Chocolate
Dietz and Watson
Digital Color Image ad
Fairmount Ventures
Gotleib & Associates
Hampton Behavioral Health
JLD Creative
Joey’s Boutique
Let’s Dish
Mt. Ephraim Dodge
Paramito Jewelers II Inc
Pasquarello Interiors
Paramito Jewelers
Philly Daily News
Prosthodontics at Marlton Crossing
Providence Pediatric
Anne Rosenberg
Karen Ruccolo
The Promenade
Unique Images
Donors & Attendees
Jane Abo
Ruth & Jeff Abrams
Active Rehabilitation
Patty Alberto
Chet Atkins
Jessica Bacon
Jacqueline Barone
Margaret Barry & Jeff Abrams
Beau Institute
RoseMarie Beauchemin
George Beppel
Sue Bergmann
Gloria Bonilla-Santiago
Eileen Borland
Judy Brahin
Eleanor Brockingham
Wendy Brooks
Anita Brown
Alli Burkett & Kevin Cook
Joseph Camerieri
Kelly Campbell
Capehart & Scatchard
Pat Capoli
Eileen Carberry
Kelly Carlucci
Cindy Cipraini
Ronnie Coben
Tony Comito
Lisa Conn
Barbara Cortese
Dennis & Patricia Cottrell
Paula Wilson Crichton
Thomas & Sharlene Cullen
Deborah Dahms
Doris Damm
Mary Dantonio
Carol DaSilva
Gerald & Nancy Davis
Deborah’s Draperies
Nicole Deusinger
Jill Dezenhal
Anthony DiMarino
ML Dombrowski
Bridget Feery
Sharon Feery
Kathy Fennel
Valerie Ferguson
Joseph Finer
Nancy Fish
Pat Flynn
Four Winds Fuel
Patti Frost
Bonnie Gasperini
Bob Gibson
Bud Gilfillin
Marge Girardo
Catherine Goehringer
Eileen Hammes
Elizabeth Hammill
Jen Hammill
Mary Hansell
Eileen Henderson
Debbie Hessert
Dave & Bridget Johnson
John Jones
David Kade
Richard Karlton
Lisa Katz
Michael Khan
Amelila Kressler
Laura Kulcyk
Jay Lappin
Michael Laun
Ruth London
Main Line Clothing
Sophia Marandino
Joseph & Joan Marandino
Tracy Martin
Brian Martone
Denise Mealy
Michelle Meloy
Paula Meltzer
Nancy Micale
Yasmeen Miller
Andrew Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
John Nigrelli
Phoebe Novakovic
B Orth
Linda Pack
Ernest Paolini
Cheryl and Bruce Paparone
Kitti Paparone
Lisa Paparone Shallow
Providence Pediatric
Phillip & Mary Quinlan
Diana Rhodes
Julie Rienzi
Bill & Gina Rogers
Lauren Rosenfeld
Maria Rutolo
Merilee Rutolo
Elaine Samson
Madeleine Schachter
Ken & Loretta Schatz
Lynda Scher & Martin Isenberg
Kathleen Schroeder
Walter Schwenk
Antoinette Scola
Claire Scott
Steve Selfridge
Beth & Christopher Sheehan
William Sheehan
Dean Simpkins
Richard Stagliano
Jack Tarditi
Carol Trakimas
Roland Traynor
Mary Turner
Doris Vidal de Jackson
Lynn Vogel
Suzann Vogel
Kate Wallace
James Weiss
Delilah Winder
Yahne Young
Event In-Kind Donors
800 West
Andreas Boutique
Arnie’s Butcher & Gourmet Shop
B Yourself
Barry Catering
BC Collectibles
Beau Institute of Permanent and
Instant Cosmetics
Bella Spa
Benjamin Lovell
Bernard’s Salon & Day Spa
Bertolino Arts
Best Foot Forward
Blue Mercury
Blue Suede
Blue Tulip
Bonnie Bornstein
Judy Brahin
BRE Presents
Celebrity Kids
Cerillo’s Italian Market
Chez Dance
Chop House
Chrysi’s Bra Boutique
Cipriani Builders
Cobra Electronics
Dance Xperience
Carol DaSilva
DeMor Chocolate
Designs by Jill
Deva Salon
Digital Color Image
Donna’s Bag
Enchanted Dreams
Fashions by Penina
Sharon Feery
George Beppel
Georgie Girl
Great Frame Up of Mount Laurel
Her Sport
Hugo Boss
Jay Roberts Jeweler
JLD Creative
Joan Shepp
Joey’s Boutique
Just Hair
Kitchen 233
Beth Kreps
Kronenberger’s Jewelry
Deborah Kroop
Kroungold’s Furniture
Laura Kulcyk
Lauren Michelle
Lee Newman Shops…Tehen, Lee
Newman, Tommy Bahama
Let’s Dish
Little Mill Country Club
Louis Christian
Beverly Ross Manny
Kelli McGee
Paula Meltzer
Nancy Micale
Mulberry Tea House
Nadine Janet
National Amusements
Nola Blue
Prime Cuts
Proof Productions
Richard Bennett Clothing For Men
Julie Rienzi
Ron Jaworski
Rozann Michael Aesthetics
Karen Ruccolo
Mo Ruland
Saks Fifth Avenue Philadelphia
Salon Rouge
Sam Yampel Jewelers
Sarcone’s Deli
Scruples by Donna Rose
Simple Pleasures - Haddonfield
Six Clothing
Smart Bodies
Smith and Hawken
Smith Brothers
Stephen J. Wiseley Jewellers &
The Great Frame Up of Mount
The Inn at Penn
The Promenade at Sagemore
Three Beans Coffee Shop
Thurber Dental Spa
Tranquility Spa
Roland Traynor
Unique Image Photography
Urban Outfitters
V Lillian
Victory Sports Bar & Grill
Wanamaker Tickets
Weinsteins Bath & Kitchen Showroom
Whole Foods
Yoga Center of Medford
13th Annual Golf Tournament
Little Mill Country Club
June 3, 2008
Leadership Sponsor
The Musumeci Family Foundation
Gold Sponsor
Commerce Bank & Insurance
Banquet Sponsor
Citi Smith Barney
Towel Sponsor
Evesham Capital Management
Bronze Sponsor
Holman Enterprises
Cart Sponsor
Brown and Brown
Lunch Sponsor
John and Del Evans
Bronze Sponsor
Patron Sponsor
Ballard, Spahr, Andrews, Ingersoll
South Jersey Gas
McKernan Architects
Driving Range Sponsor
Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild, Beppel
Putting Green Sponsor
Right Dress
Friend Sponsor
Office Products
Mayfair Motel
Hole Sponsors
Lexus of Cherry Hill
Holman Enterprises
Acorn Dental
Action Plumbing
Eileen Borland & Carol Trakimas
Capehart & Scatchard
GLK Services
Hammill Remodeling
Eileen & Robert Henderson
In Honor of Frank McCourt
Deborah Kroop
Peter & Linda Musumeci
Michael & Karen Ruccolo
Richard & Gerrie Stagliano
Steininger Behavioral Health Center
The Standard
ABS Electric
Astro Signs
Camden County Board of
Camden Eye Center
Cipriani Builders
Cooper Lawson
Fellowship Golf Association Ramblewood
Garden State Grounds Control
GLK Services
Johnson Electronic Services
William Kelly
Lawrence Marandino Produce
Mental Health Association in SWNJ
Mesick Fuel Supply Inc.
Mister Softee
Natural Pest Control Company
Phoenix Heating & Air
Safegaurd Business Systems
Golfers & Donors
Scott Bannett
Fred Barilotti
Chuck Barley
Frank Beideman
George Beppel
Dave Bird
Jim Bollinger
Bonnie Bornstein
Mike Brady
Jim Branda
Joanne Brigandi
Chris Brown
Cliff Brown
Michael Burns
Steve Carr
Dava Cava
Tom Cavallaro
Bill Chambers
Greg Cieslik
Steve Clark
Tony Comito
John Conway
Harry Costello
Rob Curley
David Deal
Tony DeSandro
Steve DiCarlo
Lisa Didio
Cathy Duncan
Eric Ehresman
John Ehresman
Rob Esgro
John Evans
Del Evans
Rob Evans
Chip Faller
Anthony Fedeli
John Forsyth
Rich Freedman
Mike Frost
Patti Frost
Dan Furfari
Frank Furfari
Dan Golenda
Mike Golenda
Jamie Goodrich
Bill Goodrich
Jim Harris
Chris Jaussi
Jack Jayne
Greg Kaupp
Colleen Kelly
Gary Koopman
Doreen Lacatena
Michael Lacatena
Sam Lee
Ben Levin
Jim Lex
Kirk Lind
Roy Lindstrom
Joe Linker
Tim Lynch
Mike Mango
Barb Maronski
Rich Mason
Stan Mazer
Andy McCabe
Dan McVay
Al Meihoser
Fred Melon
Joe Mendolia
Sam Miner
Barry Morrison
John Murr
Linda Musumeci
Peter M. Musumeci, Jr.
Ron Muzzolo
Don Myers
Joe Palermo
Gary Peters
Rick Phillips
Brendan Renouf
Bob Revelli
Rich Risse
Ed Russeck
Greg Rutolo
Brad Saler
Joe Scocca
Mark Shapiro
Woody Sheats
Steve Shellem
Gordon Shopp
Peter Slack
Joe Spanfelnar
Richard Stagliano
Brian Stringari
Andy Swenson
Doug Swenson
Drew Townsend
Lisa Vallaster
Walt Ward
Dan Weidner
Drew Whipple
Steve Williams
Mike Wolfe
Bob Wurster
Oz Zagars
Jack Zielinski
Tournament In-Kind Donors
Arden Theatre
Bahama Breeze
BC Collectibles
Sue Bergmann
Best Buy
Mike Brady
Camden Riversharks
Capehart & Scatchard
Cheesecake Factory
Commerce Insurance Services
Dorney Park
Foot Locker
Home Depot
Kimmel Center
Gary Koopman
Lenape Regional Performing Arts
Little Mill Country Club
McCormick & Schmicks
Lee Polisano
Philadelphia KIXX
Philadelphia Zoo
Rick Phillips
Please Touch Musuem
Salad Works
Scotland Run
Square One
Susquehanna Bank
Jack Tarditi
The Promenade at Sagemore
Drew Townsend
William Douglas Steakhouse
Holiday Gift Project 2008
Holiday Gift Project Sponsors
Courier Post
Old Navy
Philadelphia Media Holdings
The Promenade at Sagemore
Holiday Gift Project Donors
Louis Alberta
Sheri Ambrose
American Postal Workers Union
American Red Cross
Mr. Ron Andrews
Au Pair Care
Rev. Brett Ballenger
Ms. Marianna Baker
Ms. Linda Baker
Ms. Pauleen Barbush
Ms. Linda Barringer
Ms. Karen Bates
Ms. Tiffany Battle
Bauhaus Hair Design
Ms. Bee Beauchemin
Mr. Gary Beaufait
Barry and Kim Beck
Bellia Copy Center
Sandra Bellino
Ms. Muriel Benoit
Mr. George Beppel
Mrs. Beveryly Berkowitz
Ms. Virginia Betteritge
J. Bigley
Mr. Nick Bitbilis
Robert Blass
Ms. Kelly Bloomer
Mr. John Bonanni
Ms. Bonnie J. Bornstein
Ms. Bunni Bouchard
Ms. Ann Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Brady
Mike Brady
Cazuk Brangan
Ms. Roblyn Breece
Daniele Brida
Ms. Janice Brook
Ms. Robin Brown
Ms. Vanessa Brown
Ms. Holly Caccia
Ms. Jennifer Callaghan
Camden County Board of
Camden County Tough Love
Ms. Michelle Camill
Ruthann Camire
Campbell Soup Company
Campbell Soup Foundation
Campus Apartments, Inc
Ms. Lisa Capasso
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carlucci
Mr. & Mrs. John Carlucci
Sarah and Jenna Casella
Ms. Debra Cavalieri
Brent Celek
Cherry Hill Mall
Ms. Amy Childs
Chili’s Tri State Area
Ruth Cicotaso
Ms. Rita Clark
Clayton High School
Ms. Terry Cleaver
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Cohen
Lisa Collins
Compassionate Care
David & Christine Connelly
Lisa Collins
Cooper Lawson & Co
Carol Costello
Courier Post
Jennifer Craig
Ms. Tracy Craig
Ms. Susan Croll
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cross
The Cuneo
CVS Regional Business Office
Ms. Rebecca Cygan
D.R.D. Medical Solutions
Ms. Michele Dando
Ms. Tina Dare
Ms. Carol DaSilva
Ms. Latonya Davis-Hargrove
Mr. Matt DeChristopher
Mr. Richard Decker
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Delaney
Deptford Mall
Ms. Lynn Delsing
Mr. Vince DeLuca
Jennifer DeMedio
Deptford HS National Honors
Ms. Sharon DiBello
Mr. Peter Domanski
Mr. Pete Domasta
Ms. Denise D’Onofrio
Jon Dorenboss
Ms. Wendy D’Ortona
Ms. Carol Dubreuil
Dr. John Duda
Ms. Martha Duffield
Erica Dunbar
Erica and Angelo Dush
Ms. Elvera Duvall
Dynamic Flooring
Ms. Carol Erlam
Ms. Dawn Eslambolchi
Ms. Demetra Evans
Evesham Capital Management
Alexa Fair
Ms. Holly Faris
Kim Fawcett
Kerri Fay
Ms. Theresa Fazzio
Ms. Sharon Feery
Mr. Chad Fennimore
Ms. Kara Ferguson
Ms. Suzanne Ficara
First Presbyterian Church of
Ms. Virginia Foley
Ms. Lois Forman
Ms. Diana Formissano
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fortino
Four Seasons @ Weatherby
Frank McGough
Mr. Jason Friedberg
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Fuller
Dr. Robert & Mrs. Gaisen
Ms. Holly Gallo
Ms Kim Gamelli
Ms. Connie Gartiser
Sharon Gatta
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Genay
Girl Scout Troop 66764
Girl Scouts of America Troop 4030
Girl Scouts of Camden County 30226
GLK Services
Gloucester Co Special Services
School D
Gloucester County Animal Shelter
Stephanie Girgenti
Joseph Grasso
Ms. Lois Griffin
Grillo Family
Carol Hagan
Ms. Carney Haley
Mr. Mark Halford
Alison Hardiman
Harris School of Business
Mr. Ronald Harvey
Ms. Dorothy Haskins
Ms. Helen Heisler
Ms. Gloria Henderson
Mrs. Regina G. Hill
Ms. Debra Hillman
Ms. Carole Hlavka
Ms. Karen Hoerst
Mr. William Hoese
Rich Hogrogian
Mr. Richard Holmes
Ms. Susan Holmes-Garrity
Ms. Jean Horn
Ms. Angie Horner
Ms. Marilyn Houston
IME Advantage
Renee Iannace
Mr. Jason Imes
Impact Dimensions
Independence Rehab
Denise Jacobs
JLD Creative
Mr. Guy Johnson
Barbara Lily Johnson
Nadine Johnson
Ralph and Patricia Johnson
Johnson Electronic Services
Sandra Jones, Sociology Club
Ms. Christine Karol
Ms. Barb Karp
Ms. Angela Kehoe
Ms. Cynthia Kelly
Ms. Lorraine Kennedy
Sheri Kichin
Ms. Karen Klinghoffer
Peggy Koen
Ms. Melissa Koessler
Brigetta Kohler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kolakowski
Mr. James M. Kooker
Mr. Gary Koopman
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kraus
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Kroop
Ms. Laura Kulcyk
Mary Lamey
Mr. Rich Lane
Doris and Ed LaRue
Janice LaRue
Ms. Christina LaRussa
Laurel Tree Academy
Matthew Lawrence
Mr. William Lawson
Ms. Vicki Leach
Lee Family
Ms. Lisa Leone
Ms. Elaine Levins
Lion’s Gate
Lockheed Martin Government
Thomas Lombardo
Ms. Lydia Lopez
Ms. April Lorenzo
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lutner
Ms. Dreana Lydic
Camille Maglio
Shareefah Majeed
Malaga Assembly of God
Mr. James M. Mallon
Mrs. Carole Mallough
Ms. Nancy Marino
Ms. Carley Markel
Ms. Mary Marsh
John Martinez
Ms. Louise Marzin
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mascio
Ms. Maria Mason
Pastor Jeff May
Ms. Marianne McCafferty
James McClaine
Ms. Kelsey McDermott
Linda McGuigan
Ms. Jen McMeekin
Ms. Diane Mead
Dr. Michelle Meloy
Ms. Paula Meltzer
Lisa Melvin
Men of Moorestown
Ms. Kiyomi Miller
Judith & Frank Minniti
Ms. Paula Moen
Denise Molloy
Mr. Paul Monasevitch
Ms. Joyce Morrison
Mount Ephraim Fire Department
Mullen & Bracken
Linda Mur
Ms. Melissa Murnane
Ms. Karen Murphy
Charles Myers
Gina Naeglely-Shinn
Ms. Donna Nawrocki
Ms. Marie Negro
Ms. Cynthia Nelson Marr
Ms. Nicole Nolte
Mr. Fred Novak
Old Navy Store
Ms. Michael O’Meora
Brian Opfer
Pajama Program
Ms. Kathy Palmerchuck
Ms. Crystal Pasquarella
Ms. Denise Passarella
Rosary Patene
Paychex Inc.
Ms. Christina Peck
Philadelphia Eagles
Mr. Derrick B. Phillips
Dr. Jerome Pietras
Mr. & Mrs. A. Pietrinferno
Felicia Pollaro
Ms. Gloria Potts
Pastor Dan Pure
Ms. Desiree Purveas
Quality Asset Recovery
Ms. Denise Quinn
Quixote Quest
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rabena
Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild &
Beppel PC
Ms. Renee Ramick
Ms. Maureen Ramsey
Ms. Rosanne Rebecca
Red Hatter Chapter AKA S.J. Gals
Mr. Craig Remington
Remington & Vernick
Ms. Charlotte Rever
Mr. Edwin Robles
Anita Romero
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rondeau
Ms. Nancy Rondeau
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rose
Ms. Julianne Roseman
Rossetti and Devoto PC
Ms. Kim Rudolph
The Ruscansky
Ms. Betsy Rusnak
Bruce, Burr, & Sandra Russell
Russell’s Pic II
Rutgers University
Ms Patricia Rutter
Sergeant Sabel
Mr. & Mrs. David Schaming
Ms. Lynne Schenck
Ms. Jennifer Schillig
Ms. Jenny Schmincke
Ms. Betty Schuelig
Ms. Dorothy Schuze
Ms. Antoinette Scola
Amy and Brian Searles
Ms. Debra Sellitto
Gwen Senick
Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Shapo
Karen Sharp
Gail Shast
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard
Ms. Jennifer Shook
Ms. Regina Sillitti
Mr. Peter Slack
Slack, Inc Employees
Ms. Rita Slatney
Ms. Terra Slawinski
Sandy & Payne Slimn
Mr. Jordyn Smith
Ms. BettyLou Sobelman
South Jersey Federal Credit Union
South Jersey Links In
Ms. Lisa Spencer
Spirit of Giving
St. Charles’ Borromeo Church
St. Gabriel Church
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
St. Peter & Paul Church
St. Thomas Greek Orthodox
St. Vincent de Paul
Ms. Joan Stafford
Daryl & Jill Stetser
Alice Stockton
Robin Stockton
Barbara Stonehouse
Ms. Lynne Straker
Kim Stokes
Mr. Dave Studley
Mr. Conner Style
Sue Singer
David Sussman, D.O.
Steve & Donna Swetsky
Carol Taggart
Ms. Dana Talarico
TD Bank
Ms. Andrea Tetkoski
Carla and Richard Thomas
The Mall at Voorhees Town Center
The Promenade at Sagemore
Ms. Monica Todd
Susan Townsend
Rev Msgr James R. Tracy
Ray Tresch
Susan Troche
Ms. Stacy Van Oyen
Vassallo Law Firm
Mr. & Mrs. Dan and Donna Vitullo
Ms. Erin Vogelsong
CJ Walker
Ms. Marie Wallen
Susan Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walters
Mark And Marybeth Weber
Harold and Pat Wharton-Hege
Washington Township High School
Waste Management of Camden
Ms. Terriann Weisenberg
Beverly Wellons
Ms. Joan West
White Oak Baptist Church
Ms. Kathy Williams
Rick & Maureen Wilson
Ms. Agnes Wilsons
Ms. Beverly Windhurst
Ms. Frances Witz
Ms. Marci Wolfe
Ms. Elaine Wurtenberg
Ms. Wendy Young
Silverman Family
Operation Backpack 2008
Courier Post
Philadelphia Media Holdings
Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream &
The Promenade at Sagemore
Operation Backpack 2008
Ms. Elizabeth Antosy
Ms. Kiersten Arthur
Ms. Sandra Barletta
Barron International
Ms. Hannah Baruch
Ms. Mollie Baruch
Carolyn Beatty
Ms. Donna Bender
Ms. Mary Benstead
Maurita Bivans
Tina Blake
Marian Bland
Robert Blass
Ms. Kate Bluhm
Ms. Bonnie J. Bornstein
Ms. Isabella Bowne
Ms. Judy Brahin
Ms. Janet Briggs
Ms. Colleen Buorigiovanni
Ms. Paula Burns
C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.
Maryann Camardo
Robin Campbell
Mr. & Mrs.Frank Caporusso
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carlucci
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Catalano
Ms. EmilyCatanzaro
Ms. Amy Childs
Rev Fran Clark
Ms. Rita Clark
Mr. Michael Comman
Congregation Beth Tikvah
Sue Copeland
Courier Post
Ms. SusanCroll
Ms. Kathy Cullen
Dominic Curry-Beckett
Ms. Rebecca Cygan
Susan Dalzell
DeCrosta/Jones Family
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & June
Ms. Ferne DeSimone
Ms. Sharon DiBello
Carol DiFedele
Ethan Druce
Ms. Carol Dubreuil
Ms. Cathryn Edge-Smith
Ms. Jean Edwards
Ms. Michelle Epifani
Ms. Suzanne Ficara
Ms. Charlene Finley
Sandy Ford
Dr. Leo Forsberg
Mr. Mark Frisby
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Frost
Gannett Fleming, Ind
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Susey Garvin
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Genay
Ms. Carol Gershon
Diane Girolami
Ms.Lisa Goode
Ms. Eileen Gorsen
Ms. Sandra Greenwald
Christine Gurkin
Ms. Terry Haber
Haddonfield Junior Women’s Club
Louis Haenel
Ms. Deborah Haggett
Mr. James Halajko
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Harding
Karen Harris
Chris Hartzag
Elinor Hecht
Mary Lou Hehl
Ms. Lisa Higgins
Ms. Virginia Higgins
Jenny Hilkert
Elaine Holtzman
Ms. Carol Ann Houck
Ms. Zita Hudnut
Warren and Lorraine Hudson
Ann Jacobs
Johnson & Johnson
Thomas & Kay Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kamuca
Jane Kandell
Ms. Lorraine Kennedy
Chris Kerr
Kisha Kersey
Ms. Joanne Kipnis
Kiwanis of the Haddons
Ms. Elaine Kleinman
Ms. Karen Klinghoffer
Jan Kochel
Ms. Sandy Kocn
Ms. Donna Koenig
Mr. Gary Koopman
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kraus
Marlyn Kress
M Kupferschmid
Amanda, Gordon & Kyle Lapinski
Ms. Carol Leach
Ms. Melissa Leebowitz
Ms. Claire Lindgren
Ms. Lydia Lopez
Mr. Steven Lustman
Ms. Danielle Lutz
Ms. Carole Mallough
Ms. Beverly Manny
Ms. Karen Marinoff
Ms. Carley Markel
Ms. Mary Marsh
Ms. Maria Mason
Ms. Geraldine McAnulty
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McFadden
Robin McFetridge
Ms. Jeannine McMenamin
Ms. Mary Jane McQuaid
Mr. Andy Mendelson
Ms.Nancy Micale
Mr. Robert Mochel
Ms. Kathy Morton
Ms.Beth Murphy
Ms. Tricia Murray
Don Myers
Ms.Elaine Neukirk
New Jersey Air National Guard
Ms. Julia Newhall
Ms. Virginia Norman
Nustar Energy
Ms. Kathy Nuzzie
D. Olsen
Janet Overstreet
Mr. Stevevn Pasolore
Ms. Carol Pearsall
Ms. Christina Peck
Mr. & Mrs. James Penney
Ms. Maureen Petragnani
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Sara Phillips
Mary Pippitt
Ericka Poletti
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Polonsky
Ms. Debbie Rapkin
Ms. Robin Reisman
Terry Richter
Ms. MaryAnne Rienzi
Pat Roberts
A Romero
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rondeau
Ms. Nancy Rooney
Tracy Rooney
Roselli Food Specialties
Rosen Family
Ms.Kim Rudolph
Ms. Susan Rueblinger
Ms. Theresa Rutkowski
Ms Patricia Rutter
Ms. Linda Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs.David Schaming
Ms. Bridget Schrier
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Schultz
Ms. Gerri Sell
Ms. Felicia Sellars
Lori Seminara
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Shapiro
Jennifer Shook
Ms. Lori Sky
Mr. Peter Slack
Ms. Terra Slawinski
Slim & Tone
Ms. Peter Sorge
South Jersey Gas
South Jersey Links In
Terry Spanier
Ms. Ellise Spaulding
Ms. Ella Staff
Ms. Joan Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. William Stiles
Ms. Lauren Strohl
Ms. Jean Subber
Ms. Tara Talbot
The Promenade at Sagemore
Mr. Joseph Timuscuk
Mr. & Mrs. Jake Treiber
Lois Urkiwitz
Ms. Olga V. Del Sol
Ms. Catherine Valentino
Ms. Marla Vecchio
Mr. Jason Verdone
Ms. Carol Villa
Villanova University Bookstore
Volunteer Center of Gloucester
Ms. Carolyn Walsh
Susan Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weber
Mike Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Don Wilson
Windsor Financial Mortgage
Judeth Yeany
Patricia Youhas
Ms. WendyYoung
Ms. Linda Zardus
Ms. Paula Zippel
Ms. Elaine D’Arienzo
Joan Alpert
Mr. Wil Reynolds
Program Donors
2008 Payless Gives Shoes 4 Kids
Ms. Jose Abruzzese
Ms. Lisa Abrams
Sara Abrams
Adventure Aquaraium
Ms. Nancy Addezio
Ms. Betty Agee
Rose Agostini
Elise Albert
Louisa Alberta
Joe Alemi
Bernice Alibrando
Carmen Alicia
Ms. Sherry Ambrose
American Legion Post 372
American Museum of Natural
American Red Cross
American Water Company
Karen Anconetani
Cindy Anderso
Sarah Anderson
Anonymous Donor
Bill Antinore
Jennfier Neglia
Ron Andrews
Susan Angelucci
Mary Antoik
Elizabeth Antosy
George Applebee
Arden Theatre
Ms. Jan Arnold
AMC Deptford 8 Theatre
American Assoc of University
Ms. Rosemarie Antonelli
Kiersten Arthur
Association Cardiovascular
Atco Multiplex
Atwater Kent Museum
Audubon High School
Roberta Aungst
Jenny Baker
Marianne Baker
Linda Baker Hochgertel
Ballard, Spahr, Andrews, Ingersoll
Kim Ballay
Tim Balom
Mary Barbato
Pauleen Barbush
Dan Bark
Sandra Barletta
Linda Barringer
Barry Bookman
Frank Barsamella
Brenda Bartokovsky
Hannah Baruch
Millie Baruch
Tracye Bastista
Karen Bates
Tiffany Battle
Bauhaus Gallery
BC Collectibles
Beato Salon
Carolyn Beatty
Bee Beauchemin
Bellia Copy Center
Sandra Bellina
Bellmawr Park School
Stephen Bello
Donna Bender
Fritzi Bennett
Muriel Benoit
Mary Benstead
Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild, Beppel
Bernie Robbins Fine Jewelers
Best Buy
Bethel Ame Church
Virginia Betteritge
BF Moltz
Nick Bitbilis
Ms. Lisa Bernard
Bethany Baptist Church
Junious Blackwell
Tina Blake
Mirian Bland
Blasius Chocolate Factory
Ms. Ellen Blaney
Robert Blass
Kelly Bloomer
Blue Tulip
Kate Bluhm
Ilana Blumenthal
Body Shop
Bonefish Grill
Lourdes Bonilla
Will Bonner
Mr. & Mrs. John Borland
Wendy Botterbrodt
Phyllis Bottley
Traccy Botwinick
Bunni Bouchard
Danny Bourdua
Isabella Bowne
Annemarie Boyan
Ms. Ann Boyd
Jackie Bradley
Larry Brady
Michael Brady
Judy Brahin
Barbara Branco
Cazule Brangan
Roblyn Breece
Janice Brook
Robin Brown
Charles Bruccoliere
Colleen Buorigiovanni
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bunker
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bunting
Paula Burns
Annie Butler
Brendan Butler
Ms. Jessica Cage
Holly Caccia
Jennifer Callaghan
Maryann Camardo
Calvary Hill Church
Camden Aquarium
Camden Children’s Garden
Camden Riversharks
Camden County Family Support
Camden County Improvement
Camden Home For Children
Ms. Paula Campano
Campbell Soup Company
Care N Share Thrift Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carlucci
Mr. & Mrs. John Carlucci
Ms. Elaine Carpenter
Lisa Caselton
Calvin & Carol Cashman
Center For Independent Living
Champagne Salon
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ciambrano
Mr. Tony Cioffi
Citizens Bank
Clementon Amusement Park
Cold Spring Presbyterian Church
Colonial Park Social Club
Coniglio Chiropractic Center
Mr. & Mrs. Nate Cooper
Ms. Joanne Coseman
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Rev. Eloise Cowherd
Ms. Carol Craig
Rose Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dariano
Carol DaSilva
Ms. Karen Ann Delabar
Delaney Family Christmas Project
Shana Denenberg
Josie DiBartolo
Diocese of Camden
Department of Community
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Dodimead
Donia Family
Dr. & Mrs. F. Dorey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dougherty
Mr. Marc Drutz
Einstein Brothers Bagels
Tracye Elliot
Ms. Michelle Epifani
Mr. t Etgen
Ms. Felicia Esposito
Feed the Children
Lisa Fellman
Ms. Barbara Ferris
Four Seasons at Weatherby
Ms. Barbara Francks
First Presbyterian Church of
First Presbyterian Church of
Woodbury Hgts
Mr. Fred Fitch
Diana Formisano
Ms. Carol Franklin
Ms. Mildred Frick
Randi Gaiser
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gilbert
Monica Giletto
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Giordano
Girl Scouts of Camden County 30226
Girl Scouts Troop 62114
Girl Scouts of the SJ Pines
Glassboro Arts Alliance
Glassboro Boys & Girls Club
Glassboro First United Methodist
Glassboro Lions Club
Gloucester Co Special Services School
Gloucester County Institute of Tech
Gloucester County Library System
Frances Grant
Ms. Arlene Griggel
Lauren Grunwell
Scott Gustin
Mr. & Mrs. R. Harding
Cora Harrison
Harrison Township Police
Harrison, Mauro, Morgan
Lawrence Hatton
Helen Heisler
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Henderson
Ms. Kathleen Henkel
Heritage’s Dairy Stores, Inc.
Heritage’s Wholesale
Laura Hernandez
Ms. Angela Hickman
Ms. Mary Holodnak
Ms. Julie Howery
I Am Kenny J Productions
Ms. Vita Iannacone
Interfaith Helpers
Sara Iovino
Joanna Jackson
Kenny Johnson
Toni Johnson
Ms. Susan K. Jones
K Honovan Homes
Frank Kammerer
Ms. Bernadine Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kelly
Kicks for Kids
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Kraemer
Lois Kroeck
Laura Kulcyk
Stephanie Laganella
Ms. Rose Lam
Ms. Maria Lerro
Debbie Libersowski
Mr. & Mrs. John Lindeman
Logan Memorial Presbyterian
Esther Luppino
Ms. Ruth M. Lunsford
Joan Macauly
Mama Bear’s Children’s Boutique
Ms. Joanne Mammarelli
Rev. Msgr. Michael T. Mannion
Beverly & Kenny Manny
Mantua Township Police
Marrow Family
Ms. Patricia Mather
Carla Mattioli
Ms. Camille Maylio
Ms. Kimberly McDonald
Jo McCullough
Ms. Christine McDade
Mr. Jack McGee
Ms. Betty McNamee
Ms. Christine Meade
Paula Meltzer
Ms. Marilyn Mickles
Ms. Abiola Miles
Ms. Susan Miller
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
Ms. Audie Murphy
Ms. Roseann Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Musumeci, Jr.
My Fathers Hands
Richard Nardella
Nehaunsey Middle School SADD
New Life in Christ Ministries, Inc
NJ State Police
NCO Association Foundation
Jessica Nordquist
Mr. Fred Novak
Mr. Timothy O’Brien
Order of the MALTA
Orleans Homebuilders
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oriti
Our Lady of Lourdes Carnival
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Ms. Renee Owens
Pajama Program
Carol Paprocki
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Pennock
Sheila Peopples
Philadelphia Zoo
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pierson
Pitman High School
Karen Pittman
Tamia Pollock
Bob Polniak
Prudential Foundation
Quixote Quest
Mr. Anthony Ravoni, Jr &
Ms. Catherine K ain
Ms. Robin Reisman
Residents of 4 Seasons at Weatherby
David Rodia
Mr. Chritopher Rowan
Rowands Farm Market
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruccolo
Ms. Betsy Rusnak
Sgt. Sable
Ms. Patricia Saltman
Dr. Edward Samulewicz
Laura Sanchez
Sheila Savage
Mr. Joe Sawhart
Ms. Letty Scanton
Mr. Matthew Schaefer
Ms. Rebecca Setzkorn
Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Shapo
Beverly Shapiro
Sheldon Brown Birthday Club
Beth Siefert
Karen Skelding
Karen Speight
South Jersey Aftercare
South Jersey Gas
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Stamm
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Steves
Ms. Kimberley Stokes
Ms. Cheryl Stollsteinmer
Mrs. Diane R. Strada
Sturbridge Woods Swim Club
Subaru of America Foundation
Suede Salon
Heidi Suydam
Dayle Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. David Tanzola
Target #1132
Linda Taylor
Ms. Debbie Teti
Thomas E. Bowe School
Monica Todd
The Presbyterian Church at
Trident Mortgage Company
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Trinity United Methodist Church
Jennifer Troncone
Tuesday Mission Association
Ms. Diane Umphrus
Urban Outfitters
Ms. Jane Valente
Nancy Verruto
Sandra Vigilante
John Volpe
Volunteers of America Delaware
Gail Waiters
Washington Township Women’s
Washington Township Senior Center
Ms. Kathryn Wasserman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Watson
Franne Weaver
Mr. William Weaver
West Deptford High School
Ms. Jennifer White
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Wilden
Ms. Kay Webb
Michaela White
Winslow Township School #2
Women’s Club of Mullica Hill
Women’s Club of Pitman
Ms. Linda Worman
Donna Zamost
Center For Family Services
Vision, Hope and Strength for a Better Life
584 Benson Street
Camden, NJ 08103
856.964.1990 • FAX: 856.964.0242
601 South Black Horse Pike
Williamstown, NJ 08094
856.728.0404 • FAX: 856.728.1407
250 S. Delsea Drive
Glassboro, NJ 08028
856.881.7045 • FAX: 856.863.1110
Camden Group Home
Camden, NJ
560/584 Benson Street
Camden, NJ
Camden, NJ
108 Somerdale Road
Voorhees, NJ
Laurel Springs, NJ
601 South Black Horse Pike
Williamstown, NJ
GS Supported Apartments
Camden, NJ
594 Benson Street
Camden, NJ
Mother Child Residential
Woodbury, NJ
Addictions Hotline of NJ
Woman’s Referral Central
Family Health Line
Gloucester County Domestic
Violence Safe House
Gloucester County, NJ
250 S. Delsea Drive
Glassboro, NJ
180 White Horse Pike
Clementon, NJ
Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline:
Therapeutic Live-In Care (TLC) Shelter
Camden, NJ
Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline:
Together Youth Shelter
Glassboro, NJ
Family Support Center
YES Shelter & Residential Facility
Blackwood, NJ
The Sanctuary
Glassboro, NJ
The Alliance For Children and Families
New Jersey Alliance for Children and Families
Family Service Association of NJ
NJ Coalition Against Sexual Assault
United Way of Camden County
National Network for Youth
United Way of Gloucester County
Association For Children of NJ
NJ Association of Mental Health Agencies
Family Resource Coalition
NJ Battered Women’s Coalition
NJ Alliance of Information and Referral
Associated Treatment Advocates of NJ
Southern NJ Addictions Providers Coalition
Center For Family Services is accredited by the Council on Accreditation for Children and Family Services.
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