Forord Foreword • Vorwort • Préface • Prefazione Forord Som Svalbardveteran har jeg sett mange billedbøker fra øygruppen og alltid vært spent på om de har klart å formidle en ekte kjennskap til naturen og livet her oppe i det fjerne Arktis. Bill Bruces billedpresentasjon i Svalbard Impressions bærer preg av både innsikt og erfaring. Boken er oppsiktsvekkende ærlig og detaljrik. Foreword As a Svalbard veteran I have seen many photographic books about Svalbard and always wondered if they would convey a sense of experience and knowledge of nature and life in this remote part of the high Arctic. Bill Bruce’s pictorial presentation in Svalbard Impressions bears evidence of both knowledge and experience. Svalbard Impressions is remarkably honest and detailed. Bill har klart å fange øyeblikkene og den spesielle magiske stemningen polarlyset ofte kan hensette oss i. Han viser oss et spennende pulserende liv så fortellende, detaljrikt og vakkert at billedtekst blir helt overflødig. Bill has succeeded in capturing the special moments and the magical atmosphere created by the polar light that often enchants us. He shows us an exciting, pulsating life where beautiful, detailed pictures tell the whole story, making text completely superfluous. Hvalrossene stirrer imot oss, undrende i blikket med vannperler i barten. Oppe i steinrøysa suger den vesle bjørnungen kraften fra sin avmagrede mors kropp. Ungbjørnen klamrer seg til den siste isklump. Alt dette er så levende presentert at det får oss til å undres over hvilken skade den globale oppvarmingen kan gjøre på vår klode. For meg blir dette en ny reise inn i den arktiske virkeligheten, slik jeg selv har opplevd den gjennom mine år på Svalbard. Jeg gratulerer Bill Bruce og forlaget med denne praktfulle billedboken om Svalbard. Walruses stare at us with a wondering gaze, the water drops hanging in their moustaches. Amongst the barren rocky scree, the little polar bear cub sucks the strength from its emaciated mother’s body. The young polar bear clings to the last piece of ice in the open sea. All this is so vividly presented that it makes us wonder what damage global warming may do to our planet. For me this book turned out to be a new journey into the Arctic reality as I myself experienced it during the many years I spent there. I congratulate Bill Bruce and the publisher on producing such a magnificent picture book on Svalbard. Kjell-Reidar Hovelsrud Kjell-Reidar Hovelsrud Vorwort Als Svalbardveteran habe ich viele Bildbände über die Inselgruppe gesehen und war jedes Mal gespannt, ob sie echte Kenntnis der Natur und des Lebens hier heroben in der fernen Arktis zu vermitteln in der Lage waren. Die Bildpräsentation von Bill Bruce in Svalbard Impressions ist sowohl von Einsicht als auch Erfahrung geprägt. Das Buch ist aufsichtsweckend ehrlich und reich an Details. Bill ist es gelungen, die Augenblicke und die spezielle magische Stimmung einzufangen, in die uns das Polarlicht oft versetzen kann. Er zeigt uns ein spannendes pulsierendes Leben so erzählend und herrlich, dass ein Bildtext völlig überflüssig wird. Walrosse starren uns an, verwundert blickend und mit Wasserperlen im Bart. Oben zwischen den Steinen saugt das kleine Bärenjunge Kraft von dem abgemagerten Körper seiner Mutter. Ein junger Bär klammert sich an den letzten Eisklumpen. All das ist so lebendig präsentiert, dass es uns dazu bringt, uns zu fragen, welchen Schaden die globale Erwärmung auf unserer Erde anrichten kann. Für mich wird das zu einer neuen Reise in die arktische Wirklichkeit, so, wie ich sie selbst in meinen Jahren auf Svalbard erlebt habe Ich gratuliere Bill Bruce und dem Verlag zu diesem prachtvollen Bildband über Svalbard. Préface En tant que vétéran du Svalbard, j’ai déjà feuilleté de nombreux ouvrages de photographies à ce sujet. Je me demande toujours s’ils arrivent réellement à transmettre une forme de connaissance sur la vie et les sensations de la nature de cette partie reculée de l’Arctique. Il est évident que la présentation photographique que nous en fait Bill Bruce porte la marque de sa connaissance des lieux. Impressions du Svalbard est un ouvrage détaillé et remarquable de vérité. Bill a réussi à capturer dans son objectif ces instants si particuliers créés par l’atmosphère polaire qui bien souvent nous transportent. Il a su nous montrer les pulsations de la vie à travers des photographies authentiques rendant tout texte superflu. Les morses, des gouttes d’eaux accrochées à leurs moustaches, nous observent avec des regards interrogateurs. Parmi les éboulis de roches, le petit ourson polaire tire sa puissance du corps famélique de sa mère. Le jeune ours polaire grimpe sur le dernier morceau de glace dérivant sur la mer. Tout est montré de façon à ce que chacun soit interpellé sur les dommages causés par le réchauffement climatique. Ce livre représente pour moi un nouveau voyage dans la réalité de l’Arctique à l’image de ce que j’ai pu y vivre durant les nombreuses années que j’y ai passées. Je tiens à féliciter Bill Bruce et l’éditeur d’avoir produit un livre aussi magnifique sur le Svalbard. Kjell-Reidar Hovelsrud Kjell-Reidar Hovelsrud Prefazione Come veterano di Svalbard ho visto tanti libri illustrati del arcipelago e sono sempre stato ansioso di se sono riusciti a trasmettere una vera conoscenza della natura e la vita qua su nel remoto Arctis. La presentazione fotografica di Bill Bruce in Svalbard Impressions mostra sia intendimento che sperienza. Il libro è sensazionalmente onesto è dettagliato. Bill è riuscito catturare il momento e l`atmosfera particolare magica in cui la luce polare spesso ci mette. Ci mostra una vita emozionante e attiva si narrativa che dicitura diventa superfluo. I tricheci ci guardano fisso, con sguardi domandanti e perle d`acqua ai baffi. Più in alto, nel ammasso di pietre, l`orsetto succhia la forza del corpo smagrito di sua madre. L`orsetto s`arrampica al ultimo cubo di ghiaccio. Tuttu questo viene presentato cosi vivo che ci fa domandare che danno il riscaldamento globale può fare al nostro globo. Questo per me diventa un viaggio nuovo nella realtà artica parecchio a come l`ho visuto nei miei anni a Svalbard. I miei gratulazioni a Bill Bruce e la casa editrice con questo bellissimo libro su Svalbard. Kjell-Reidar Hovelsrud Isbjørn Polar Bears • Eisbären • Ours Polaires • Orsi bianchi 12 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS 81˚N (2005) ISBJØRN • Polar BearS • EisbärEN • OUrs POLAIRES • OrsI BiancHI 13 14 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Hornsund • Nordaustlandet • 80˚N (2005) ISBJØRN • Polar BearS • EisbärEN • OUrs POLAIRES • OrsI BiancHI 15 80˚N (2005) 26 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS HVALROSS Walruses • Bellsund Walrosse • Morses • Tricheci 32 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Phippsøya, Sjuøyane HVaLROSS • WALRUSES • WALROSSE • MORSES • TRICHECI 33 42 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS FUGLER Birds • Kvitøya Vögel • Oiseaux • Uccelli 44 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Havhest • Fulmar • FUGLER • BIRDS • Vögel • Oiseaux • Uccelli Eissturmvogel • Petrel fulmar • Fulmaro 45 58 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Rødnebbterne • Arctic tern • FUGLER • BIRDS • Vögel • Oiseaux • Uccelli Küstenseeschwalbe • Sterne arctique • Sterna arctica Tyvjo • Arctic skua • Schmarotzerraubmöwe • Labbe parasite • Labbo 59 60 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Ice • Gjess (80˚N) • Geese • Gänse • Oies • Oche IS Eis • Glace • Ghiaccio 62 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Bråsvellbreen, Nordaustlandet IS • ICE • EIS • GLACE • GHIACCIO 63 80 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Kvitøya IS • ICE • EIS • GLACE • GHIACCIO 81 84 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS HIMMEL OG HAV Sky and sea • Kvitøya Himmel und Meer • Le ciel et la mer • Cielo e mare 86 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Adventfjorden, Longyearbyen himmel og hav • sky and sea • himmel und meer • Le ciel et la mer • Cielo e mare 87 Adventdalen 92 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Liefdefjorden himmel og hav • sky and sea • himmel und meer • Le ciel et la mer • Cielo e mare 93 112 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS HISTORIE History • Isfjorden s113 Edgeøya • Fangst • Trapping • Fangst • Chasse • Caccia Geschichte • Histoire • Storia 114 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Longyearbyen • Kullgruver • HISTORIE • HISTORY • GESCHICHTE • HISTOIRE • STORIA Coal mining • Kohlenbergwerk • Region de mines de charbon • Miniere di carbone 115 120 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Ny London, Blomstrandhalvøya • Marmorutvinning • Miniere di gesso HISTORIE • HISTORY • GESCHICHTE • HISTOIRE • STORIA Marble quarries • Marmorbruch • Carrières de marbre Krossøya, Russøyane • Ryke Yseøyane • Fangst • Trapping • Fangst • Chasse • Caccia 121 126 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS NATURENS KUNST Nature’s art • Hopen • Fangst • Trapping • Fangst • Chasse • Caccia Kunst der Natur • L’Art de la nature • L’arte della natura 136 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS NATURENS KUNST • NATURE’S ART • KUNST DER NATUR • L’ART DE LA NATURE • L’ARTE DELLA NATURA 137 140 SVALBARD IMPRESSIONS Climate change in the Arctic By Grete K. Hovelsrud CICERO Senter for klimaforskning Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo The earth’s climate is changing. The increasing global temperature is happening even more rapidly than previously expected. The climate is now changing beyond the natural variability in climate experienced on earth for the past thousands of years, and there is general agreement among scientists that these new changes are caused by human activity through the burning of fossil fuels. There is also general agreement that such changes will continue into the future even if fossil fuel emissions are cut to zero, and that urgent action is needed to cut CO2 emissions to avoid even more severe changes in climate. While the climatic changes are occurring globally they are felt even more strongly in the Arctic. The temperature increase in the Arctic is twice the global average but the people living in the north do not contribute significantly to climate change. In addition the warming of the Arctic will have implications for the rest of the world, in particular through increased global warming and rising sea levels. Why is the Arctic warming more rapidly than other regions? The Arctic is to a great extent covered by ice and snow. When the sun shines on the snow and ice-covered surface 85-90% of the solar energy is reflected back into space, keeping the Arctic cold. In comparison the ocean reflects just 10%, and absorbs the rest causing a warming of the ocean temperature. The greenhouse gas concentrations rise and warm the lower atmosphere, causing the snow and ice to form later in the autumn and melt earlier in spring. When more ice and snow melts earlier, revealing more dark surfaces such as water and land, more solar energy is absorbed, more snow and ice melts and the temperature rises. This in turn warms the atmosphere, melting more ice and snow in a continuing spiral of warming. Other processes that amplify the heating of the Arctic are ocean circulations and emissions of methane and carbon dioxide trapped in the permafrost. Arctic annual average temperature has risen at twice the rate of the rest of the world. With a global increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases the Arctic will likely experience an additional warming of up to 7 degrees Celsius over the next 100 years. It is expected that the observed increased precipitation, shorter and warmer summers, and a reduction in snow and ice will continue for centuries. Ongoing observations indicate that glaciers, sea ice and permafrost are melting. Other observed trends that are related to a changing Arctic climate include rising river flows, reduction in ice on rivers and on lakes, changes in the salinity and density in the ocean. The Greenland ice sheet has also melted significantly during the last decade, and the summer sea ice cover is shrinking. What is the impact of climate change in the Arctic? The impact of climate change in the Arctic is observable in the environment and in human society. The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (2005) identified a number of areas of change in both the natural and social environment that would pose significant challenges but also opportunities for the people living in the Arctic. The summer sea ice cover will be reduced,