Trempealeau County Health Care Center


Trempealeau County Health Care Center
October 2016
TCHCC Employee Newsletter
A Moment With Mary
Inside this issue:
Open House, etc.
Staff Meeting
Benefits Dates
November “Hotline”
articles due by
October 20th!
Special Points
Of Interest…
 Gearing up to Move
 Mark your calendar
for benefits!
 Departments
 GO GREEN with
 A salute to TCHCC
Mary Gullicksrud, TCHCC Executive Director
The change of season is refreshing and rejuvenating. As the calendar turns to
October, it brings many things to the organization. Tours and trainings have started
in the new building and planning for the celebrations and move continue. This will
bring reality to the hopes, dreams, ideas and hours of planning from many people
inside and outside the organization. Please save the date for Tuesday, November 8th
as the Open House planned from 3:00—6:oo PM will be the opportunity for family,
friends and community to see the facility before move in on Thursday, November
10th. Invite others and plan to celebrate!
October brings the fourth quarter of the year and planning for 2017. Our budget has
been approved by the Board of Trustees and has been submitted to the County Board
of Supervisors for approval. 2017 health insurance rates have been released and
within the guidelines of Wisconsin’s Act 10 and the federal Affordable Care Act,
contributions number have been recognized by TCHCC. Because of the new building
and all that brings to the 2017 budget, everyone within the organization will need to
use dollars efficiently to support the budget.
Although celebration occurs as we move and a sigh of relief happens, the journey
continues as the mission of Trempealeau County Health Care Center is recognized.
Thank you to all the staff we work beside day in and day out! Celebrate you!
We at TCHCC have so many resources at our fingertips! Don’t forget about
REALiving, our Employee Achievement Program! They have a TON of information
about making your BEST life possible. Use your resources! Go to…
username: TCHCC
password: TCHCCemployee
You can also access past newsletters & Friday Facts that are really insightful. This is
a free resource for you!
Page 2
Staff Meeting Summary
Thursday, September 15, 2016
The purpose of the staff meeting was to begin looking at work spaces in the new facility related to households and
departments. Staff in attendance broke into groups by households or departments and took the opportunity to
look at the plans, identifying areas important to providing services and care to the clients. Areas such as common
space, storage areas, offices, etc. were pointed out as well as the service areas of Nutrition Services, Laundry,
Maintenance, etc.
The Towne Centre will be a congregate area that promotes a sense of belonging
and community. Entrances, as well as security and safety system, were subjects of
great discussion. Future training will emphasize the specifics of these areas
further, so stay tuned for additional information.
The employee parking lot is accessed by the current main driveway and will be the
route staff will arrive to work. The secured staff entrance will be access from this
parking lot and entered by swiping an access card. All exits are secured exits
except the front lobby, which is open during business hours. Cameras are at the
staff entrance and lobby entrance. Training will take place on these systems in the
near future.
Teams are meeting with all staff to look at the plans and familiarize them somewhat with the new building before
entering the door. Tours will also be set up to give all staff the opportunity to see their work space and the new
building before moving in.
Ribbon Cutting & Open House: THURSDAY
TUESDAY NOV. 8TH (Back up date: Nov. 11th)
Next Staff Meeting
Benefit Enrollment
It’s Your Choice
Health Insurance sign up is coming
Thursday October 20, 2016
Four Season Room @
Main Center
TOPIC: Get Ready for the
Move In!
October 17—November 11
All Other Benefits
The Insurance Center will be here for
benefit-eligible employees to sign up for
all other insurance benefits:
November 29, 30 & December 1
Watch for more information to come,
including your insurance folders!
Page 3
TCHCC Nursing Home
Certified Nursing Assistants
The Housekeeping Department has chosen the TCHCC Nursing Home Certified Nursing Assistants to
Following are some of the beautiful statements the Housekeeping Department said about our
Nursing Home CNA Staff:
“The CNAs are always busy and do an excellent
job taking care of our elderly. They are very kind
and consistently go above and beyond the call of
“Everyone is always so helpful!”
“They are a wonderful
group and I believe they
are the backbone of this
great facility. Our CNAs
are very hard working
and very caring.”
“You all do a GREAT job!!”
“They’re always very pleasant and make
sure their jobs are done with a smile.”
“Our Nursing Home CNAs are
always very good-natured and
helpful when those busy times
arise. They are so very kind to
our residents.”
Take a moment to say “Thank You” to our Nursing Home CNAs at the Main Center! Stay tuned for the next
edition of Departments Honoring Departments and see which department the Nursing Home CNAs have chosen to
Page 4
Employee Anniversaries
Debra Johnson, Vocational Assist.—28 years
Janet Christianson, Cert. Social Worker-23 yrs
David Narva, CNA—21 years
Bonnie Lyga, Cook—18 years
Rhonda Obieglo, CNA—16 years
Eileen Fremstad, CNA—16 years
Laura Englesby, Lead Community CSW—13 yrs
Lindsey Brandenburg, RN—13 years
Annette Sorenson, Food Service Director—11 yrs
Doria Bonnier, Food Service Worker—11 years
Kim Clatt, Human Resource Director—11 years
Kevin Peterson, CNA—9 years
Alicia Goetting, Food Service Worker—9 years
Stacy Wittkowske, Activity Assist.—8 years
Kari Olstad, Lead Housekeeper—8 years
Erin Goerg, RN—8 years
Katrina Beesecker-Pierce, PCW—8 years
Cody Rudy, Recycling Worker—7 years
Nathan Chamberlin, Resident Care
Technician—3 years
Tara Anderson, CNA—3 years
Cindy Haines, CNA—2 years
Jean Spencer, Adult Day Program
Coordinator—1 year
Mark Pientok, Cook/FSW—1 year
Miranda Johnson, PCW—1 year
Jay Miller, CNA—1 year
Amber Genrich, Relief CNA—1 year
October 2—8, 2016
 60 million Americans are diagnosed with a mental illness in a given year; one in five are adults.
 Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for people ages 10 to 24 years old; 2nd leading cause of
death on college campuses.
 Mental illness costs the United States 193.2 billion dollars in lost earnings every year.
 Treatment works for those who can get it, but unfortunately in America the stigma associated with
mental illness prevents many people from seeking and receiving services.
Stigmafree Company is a new initiative to help organizations promote and cultivate a culture
of caring and enhanced engagement around mental health and stigma.
TCHCC is excited to announce the declaration of
Friday, October 7, 2016
We hope to see EVERYBODY decked out in all of their green gear.
There may even be a prize for the most creativity!
Trempealeau County

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