8 Till Late Ltd 57 Kingsley Road
8 Till Late Ltd 57 Kingsley Road
LH#ffiN,"sIF'IG 3 1 l.r;;.,}i |ijiE ltceuJnt i Applicationfor a premiseslicenceto be granted underthe LicensingAct 2003 THE FOLLOWINGINSTRUCTIONS FIRST pleasereadtheguidance notesat theendof theform. lf you are completingthis form by hand pleasewritelegiblyin blockcapitals.In all cases ensurethat youranswersare insidethe boxesand writtenin blackink. Use additionalsheetsif necessary" You may wish to keep a copy of the completedform for your records. lM|e 8 Till Late Ltd (lnsertname(s)of applicant) applyfor a premiseslicenceundersection17of the LicensingAct 2003for the premises describedin Part1 below(thepremises)and l/weare makingthis applicationto you as the relevantlicensingauthorityin accordancewith section12ofthe LicensingAct 2003 Part'l - PremisesDetails Postaladdressof premisesor, if none,ordnancesurveymap referenceor description 57 Kingsley Road Post town Hounslow Post code TW31QB (if any) Telephone numberat premises Non-domestic rateablevalueof oremises f15,750BandB Part2 - ApplicantDetails Pleasestatewhetheryouareapplyingfor a premiseslicenceas Pleasetickves a) * an individual or individuals b) * a personotherthanan individual n pleasecomplete section(A) i. as a limitedcompany X pleasecomplete section(B) ii. as a partnership ! pleasecomplete section(B) ! pleasecomplete section(B) iv. other(forexamplea statutorycorporation) n iii. as an unincorporated association or c) a recognised club n section(B) . pleasecomplete pleasecomplete section(B) d) a charity ! pleasecomplete section(B) e) f) S) the proprietor of an educational establishment L_l a healthservicebody n pleasecompletesection(B) a personwho is registered underPart2 ofthe CareStandards Act 2000(c14)in respectof an independent hospital in Wales ! pleasecompletesection(B) U pleasecomplete section(B) n pleasecompletesection(B) underChapter2 of Sa) a personwho is registered Part1 of the HealthandSocialCareAct 2008 (withinthemeaning of thatPart)in an independent hospital in England the chiefofficerof policeof a policeforcein England andWales h) * lf you areapplyingas a persondescribedin (a) pleasecomplete section(B) or (b) pleaseconfirm: Pleasetick yes I am carrying on or proposing to carryon a business whichinvolves theuseof Lr the premises for licensable activities; or o I am makingtheapplication pursuant to a o statutoryfunctionor n o a functiondischarged by virtueof HerMajesty'sprerogative n . (A) INDIVIDUAL (fillin as appticabte) APPLICANTS Mrn MrsI Missn Surname Ms! OtherTitle(for example, Rev) First names I am 18 yearsold or over n Please tickyes Currentpostal addressif different from premises address Post Town Postcode Daytimecontacttelephonenumber E-mailaddress (optional) SECONDINDIVIDUAL (if applicable) APPLICANT Mrn Mrsn Missn Msn OthbrTitle(for example, Rev) I am 18yearsold or over n Pleasetickyes Currentpostal addressif different from premises address Post Town Postcode Daytimecontacttelephonenumber E-mailaddress (optional) (B)OTHERAPPLTCANTS Pleaseprovidenameand registeredaddressof applicantin full. Whereappropriate pleasegiveany registerednumber.ln the caseof a partnershipor otherjoint venture (otherthan a body corporate),pleasegive the nameand addressof eachparty concerned. Name 8 Till Late Ltd Address 3d Floor VymanHouse 104CollegeRoad Harrow HA.l1BQ Registered number(whereapplicable) 04759388 (forexample, Description partnership, of applicant company, unincorporated association etc.) PrivateLimitedCompany Telephone number(ifany) E-mailaddress(optional) Part3 OperatingSchedule Whendo youwantthe premiseslicenceto start? lf youwishthelicenceto bevalidonlyfor a limitedperiod,whendo youwantit to end? Pleasegivea generaldescription of the premises(pleasereadguidancenotel) A smallretailconvenience storeset in a busymixedresidential andcommercial areacloseby to HounslowEastStation.Theofferwill bethatof a triedandtestedformatofferinggroceries goodsandalcoholtogetherwithNationalLotteryandOystercard household lf 5,000or morepeopleareexpectedto attendthe premisesat any onetime,pleasestatethe numberexpectedto attend. Whatlicensable activitiesdo you intendto carryon fromthe premises? (Pleaseseesections 1 and14ofthe Licensing Act2003andSchedules 1 and2 to the Licensing Act2003) Provisionof requlatedentertainment Pleasetick yes a) plays(iftickingyes,fillin boxA) b) films(iftickingyes,fill in boxB) n n c) indoorsporting events(iftickingyes,fillin boxC) D d) (iftickingyes,fillin boxD) boxingor wrestling entertainment e) livemusic(iftickingy.es,fillin boxE) f) recordedmusic(if tickingyes,fill in boxF) S) performances of dance(iftickingyes,fillin boxG) h\ anything of a similardescription to thatfallingwithin(e),(fl or (g) (iftickingyes,fillin boxH) n n n n n Provisionof entertainment facilities: i) makingmusic(iftickingyes,fillin boxl) n j) dancing(iftickingyes,fill in boxJ) ! r.\ ''' entertainment of a similardescription to thatfallingwithin(i)or o (iftickingyes,fillin boxK) Provisionof lateniqhtrefreshment (iftickingyes,fillin boxL) n n Supolvof alcohol(iftickingyes,fillin boxM) X M Supply of alcohol Standarddaysand timings(pleaseread guidancenote6) Day Start Mon 08.00 Finish 23.00 Tue Will the supplvof alcoholbe for consumption(Pleasetick box) (pleaseread guidance note7) 08.00 On the premises n Off the premrses X Both ! State anv seasonalvariationsfor the supplv of alcohol (please readguidancenote4) ChristmasEve 08.00- 00.00 New Year'sEve 08.00- 00.00 23.00 Wed 08.00 23.00 Thur Nonstandardtiminqs. Wherevou intendto usethe premises for the supplvof alcoholat differel!timesto thoselistedin the 08.00 23.00 column on the left. please list (pleasereadguidancenote5) Fri 08.00 23.00 Sat 08.00 23.00 Sun 08.00 23.00 Statethe nameand detailsof the individualwhom you wish to specifyon the licenceas premisessupervisor Name Babu Karavadra Address 2 Bullstrode Gardens Hounslow Teleohone:02085775239 Postcode I TW33AJ PersonalLicencenumber (if known) H00258 lssuing licensing authority (if known) L B Hounslow 18 N Pleasehighlight any adult entertainmentor services,activities,other entertainmentor matters ancillary to the use of the premisesthat may give rise to concern in respect of children (pleasereadguidancenote8) None o Hourspremisesare opento the public daysand Standard timings(pleaseread guidance note6) Day Start Mon 08.00 Stateanv seasonalvariations(pleasereadguidance note4) Christmas Eve08.00- 00.00 NewYear'sEve08.00- 00.00 Finish 23.00 Tue 08.00 23.00 Wed 08.00 23.00 Non standard timings. Where you intend the premisesto be Thur open to the public at differenttimes from those listed in the 08.00 columnon the left.pleaselist (pleasereadguidance note5) 23.00 Fri 08.00 23.00 5aI 08.00 23.00 Sun 08.00 23.00 19 P Describethe stepsyou intendto taketo promotethe fourlicensingobjectives: a) General- all four licensingobjectives(b,c,d,e)(pleasereadguidance noteg) See below b) Thepreventionof crimeand disorder 1 . Thepremises shallinstallandmaintain a comprehensive CCTVsystemas perthe minimum requirements of theHouslow PoliceandCouncilLicensing Team.Allentryand exit pointswill be coveredenablingfrontalidentification of everypersonenteringIn any lightcondition. TheCCTVsystemshallcontinually recordwhilstthepremises is openfor licensable activities andduringalltimeswhencustomers remainonthepremises. All pe od of 31 dayswithdateandtimestamping. recordings shallbe storedfor a minimum Viewingof recordings shallbe madeavailable immediately upontherequestof Policeor authorisedofficerthroughout the preceding31 dayperiod. Allsalesof alcoholfor consumption offthe premises shallbe in sealedcontainers only, andshallnotbeconsumed on thepremises. No cansof super-strength beer,lagers,cidersor spiritmixturesof 6.0%ABV (alcoholby volume)or aboveshallbesoldat the oremises 4. A Challenge 25 proofof ageschemeshallbeoperated at the premises wheretheonly photographic acceptable formsof identification are recognised identification cards,such passport as a drivinglicence, or proofof agecardwiththe PASSHologram. A recordshallbekeptdetailing all refusedsalesof alcohol. Therecordshouldinclude the dateandtimeof the refusedsaleandthe nameof the memberof staffwhorefused thesale.Therecordshallbe available for inspection at the premises bythe policeor an authorised officerof theCouncilat alltimeswhilstthe premises areopen. All cashierswill receiverefreshertrainingon the relevantalcohollawsandthe licence policyon Challenging holder's for suchlD. Suchtraining willtakeplaceat leasttwicea year. Records willbe maintained at thepremises containing information aboutthe trainingof anypersonwhomaymakea saleof alcoholincluding thedateof theirtraining andthenatureof thetrainingundertaken. Therelevant documentation shallbe producedon requestto a policeofficeror relevantofficerof a responsible authority. * Till LateToONLYpurchasestockfroman authorized wholesaler and producereceipts (Anauthorized uponrequest for inspection. wholesaler meansan established warehouse or outletwitha fixedaddressand notfroma vanor streettraderevenif they claimthattheyare partof or actingon behalfof an authorized wholesaler). To NOTtake partin ANYstockswapsor lendor borrowanygoodsfromanyother sourceunlessthesourceis anothervenueownedandoperated bythesamecompany whoareALSOsubjectto buyingtheirstockfroman authorized wholesaler. 20 c) Public safety Allfiresafetyequipment willbe installed andmaintained as according to manufacturers guidlines e) Theprotectionof childrenfrom harm See abovere stafftrainingand challenge25 policy Pleasetick yes . . . . ' . payment I havemadeor enclosed of thefee I haveenclosedthe b'lanof the oremises I havesentcopiesof thisapplication andthe planto responsible authorities and otherswhereapplicable I haveenclosed theconsent formcompleted bythe individual I wishto be premises supervisor, if applicable I understand thatI mustnowadvertise myapplication I understand thatif I do notcomplywiththeaboverequirements my application will be rejected IT IS AN OFFENCE, LIABLEON CONVICTION TO A FINEUPTO LEVEL5 ONTHE STANDARD SCALE,UNDERSECTION 158OFTHELICENSING ACT2OO3 TO MAKEA FALSESTATEMENT IN OR IN CONNECTION WITHTHISAPPLICATION Part4 - Signatures (pleasereadguidance note10) Signatureof applicantor applicant'ssolicitoror otherduly authorisedagent(See guidance note11). lf signingon behalfoftheapplicantpleasestatein whatcapacity. n n n n n n Signature 4esE* Date Capacity ?'--..-]:-..--. e+ lrwry?-ctD-ryt+ Owner For joint applicationssignature of 2ndapplicantor 2ndapplicant'ssolicitor or other authorisedagent. (pleasereadguidancenote 12). lf signing on behalfofthe applicant please state in what capacity. Signature Date Capacity Contactname(wherenot previouslygiven)and postaladdressfor correspondence associatedwith this application(pleasereadguidance note13) Post town Postcode Telephonenumber (if any) lf you wouldpreferus to correspondwith you by e-mailyour e-mailaddress(optional) Notesfor Guidance 1. Describe thepremises. Forexample thetypeof premises, itsgeneralsituation and layoutandanyotherinformation whichcouldbe relevant to thelicensing objectives. Whereyourapplication includes off-supplies of alcoholandyouintendto providea place for consumption of theseoff-supplies youmustincludea description of wheretheplace willbeanditsproximity to thepremises. 2. Wheretakingplacein a building pleasetickas appropriate. or otherstructure Indoors mayincludea tent. 3. Forexample thetypeof activity to be authorised, if notalreadystated,andgiverelevant furtherdetails, (butnotexclusively) for example whetheror notmusicwillbe amplified or unamolified. (butnotexclusively), 4. Forexample wheretheactivity willoccuron additional daysdurrng thesummermonths. (butnotexclusively), 5. Forexample whereyouwishtheactivity to go on longeron a particular daye.g.Christmas Eve. 6. Pleasegivetimingsin 24 hourclock(e.9.16:00)andonlygivedetailsfor thedaysof the weekwhenyouintendthe premises to be usedfortheactivity. 7. lf youwishpeopleto beableto consume pleasetickon,if you alcoholon thepremises wishpeopleto beableto purchase please alcoholto consume awayfromthepremises tickoff.lf youwishpeopleto beableto do bothpleasetickboth. Shelvingprofiles !@ P' "tb !@ CONTRAST SHOPFITTERS LTD Conrrasr ShoDtiters Lld. Unlt3 TrumpersWay IndlsrrialEstale,Hanwett,w7 2QA Iel- (020)84531331 Far - (020)396546S2 fffi Ll I ll!liI ,- ll il g} TII@ Ra,s.di.d @) l:n#1 Hil-"-ffi fl h<.' s -,""^.G llt\ ---_l T-- I-" LJET Counter Endpanels rt: t== :--1 f:. l- r: I F-----1 l-l- l- E l-t t#tl-. I l_l l-------.ll ---l Lt- I t--------------l--- tt-----------t -Lt- L",,t L*'J L-,,"'-J L500r
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Will th€ supplv of alcohol be for coasumption plselglqg! (pleaseread sridarce note 7)