Annual Report 2001 - Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie
Annual Report 2001 - Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie
Achievements and Results Annual Report 2001 The double-axis articulated scanner is capable of directing light reflected from a laser beam along variable paths an its x- and y- axis. If hundreds and thousands of such micro-mechanical elements are combined in optical cross-connects, they can be used to switch data in a fiber-optic network. Achievements and Results Annual Report 2001 4 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Achievements and Results Annual Report 2001 Preface............................................. 6 Representative Results of Work Important Names, Data, Events Lecturing Assignments at Universities.................................. 58 Profile of the Institute Brief Portrait.................................... 11 IC-Technology Application Specific Trench IGBTs..... 32 Memberships in Coordinationboards and Committees............................... 58 Main Fields of Activity...................... 13 Array of Microguns for Parallel E-Beam Nanolithography...... 34 Cooperation with Institutes and Universities.......................................58 Microsystems Technology Optical MEMS for Telecommunication Networks...........36 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions............... 59 Offers for Research and Service Service Offers...................................21 Customers....................................... 22 Innovation Catalogue.......................24 MP-CC: A Competence Cluster for Silicon and Polymer Micro System Technology in Schleswig-Holstein / Germany....... 37 Miscellaneous Events........................59 Scientific Publications Journal Papers and Contributions to Conferences.......... 60 Variable RF-MEMS Capacitors...........39 Representative Figures Budget.............................................26 Talks and Poster Presentations.......... 60 Digital Micromirror Arrays for Optical Switching............................. 40 Diploma Theses................................62 Staff Development........................... 27 Resist Development Tool for Graytone Lithography................. 42 General View on Projects..............63 The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft at a Glance The Research Organization...............28 IC-Design Finite Element Simulation of a RF-Switch..................................44 Location of the Research Establishments...................29 Development of Designkits for Technology Dependent Accelerated Chipfinishing....................................45 Patents........................................... 64 Biotechnical Microsystems Bio-MST Study “Detection of Biological Weapons”... 46 Module Integration A New Pilot Line for Wafer-Level-Packaging..................... 48 Contact and Further Information....................................65 Imprint........................................... 65 Manufacturing of an Optical Module for UV-Laser Ablation and Polishing the Cornea Surfaces of Human Eyes..................................... 50 Rework of Electronic Assemblies...... 52 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 5 Preface 2001 was marked by the sudden onset of one of the deepest recessions in the history of the microelectronics industry. Its effects spread through the whole market at an unprecedented speed. As the year began, the industry battled to cope with a peak in demand that effectively absorbed any free capacity in semiconductor production. Over a matter of weeks the market suddenly changed, and by the end of the first quarter the downturn was so dramatic that many semiconductor manufacturers found themselves in an extremely precarious situation. Amazingly, the ISIT was hit only indirectly by the collapse of the market. The institute’s R&D projects were not in the least affected by the economic crisis; not one project has had to be canceled so far. On the contrary, the ISIT continued to acquire major contracts from industry even as the recession hit its lowest point. As a result, the ISIT was able to report 2001 as its most profitable year since the institute was founded, as illustrated by the operational business results in the graph below. What’s more, the institute’s workload for 2002 is already well assured, and there are promising signs that the economic health of the semiconductor industry is likely to recover in the course of the year. Why the ISIT was not itself severely affected by the general malaise can presumably be explained by the fact that companies in the industry are increasingly tending to cut back on in-house research in favor of outsourcing such activities, calling on the expertise of outside specialists like the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Nevertheless, the economic downturn has had an unwelcome indirect negative impact on the ISIT’s activities: The construction of the new semiconductor production line planned by SMI GmbH, Itzehoe, had to be halted in May 2001, partly in response to the recession but mainly as a result of financial problems encountered by the project’s main industrial sponsor, Standard MEMS, Inc. It is now planned to find a replacement for Standard MEMS as a partner in the joint venture, and to continue with the construction of the new semiconductor fabrication facilities once the market situation has stabilized. According to present planning estimates, the project is expected to be re-launched in the last quarter of 2002 or the first quarter of 2003. Delays have also affected the institute’s second major project, involving the construction of buildings to house a pilot production line for storage cells for the company Solid Energy GmbH and a production unit for the manufacturer of diamond films Condias, plus facilities for various other spin-offs of the ISIT. However, it was not the economic situation that was responsible for the delays, but in this case the administrative problems related to planning permission and the transfer of ownership of the real estate to the investor. These problems have meanwhile been solved, and construction work was able to go ahead in late December 2001. The production hall of Condias and Solid Energy to be completed in summer 2002. 6 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 A satisfactory solution has ultimately also been found for the ISIT, whereby the investor has agreed to integrate workspace for spin-offs from the ISIT successively on a modular basis. The two companies involved are now waiting impatiently for the building work to be completed in the spring of 2002. They were both able to secure the necessary funds for the first stage of construction in 2001, and as a result the first production plant is also ready for installation in the building, as soon as it is finished. Solid Energy intends to install a pilot production line for lithium storage cells for the telecommunications industry, with an output of around 5 million devices per year. Condias GmbH will be setting up a production unit for the manufacture of conductive diamond films (diamond-like carbon film), which have potential uses in a large number of applications. One of the more interesting possible uses of these diamond films is in waste treatment systems for effluents that are difficult to dispose of or break down. The company’s electrolytic process based on conductive diamond layers is capable of breaking down even the most stable compounds. On the customer side, a consortium composed of almost all of Germany’s dockyards is intending to build sewage plants for marine vessels where bilge water (the mixedcomposition polluted waste water that collects in the hull of ships) can be processed in an environmentally sound manner, rather than being discharged into the ocean, as at present. Condias GmbH is a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (IST) in Braunschweig, set up jointly by the IST and the ISIT in Itzehoe. In this connection, I would like to express my deepest thanks to the staff of the IST, and especially to Professor Bräuer, for their cooperation. Another company, eBiochip GmbH, which works in the field of electrical biochips, has also started to establish a presence in the market in terms of turnover. Its success, and the results of many projects in this field being worked on at the ISIT, are an indication that the time has now come for electrical biochips to begin to find their first practical applications in the detection of DNA/RNA, proteins and haptenes. eBiochip’s business is based on the further development and production of detection systems based on biochips developed at the ISIT. I am convinced that the research market currently being served by eBiochip will soon turn into an end-user market. There is good news to report in the field of interconnection and packaging techniques. A separate department for interconnection and packaging techniques, AVT, has been set up at the ISIT through the integration of the former Centrum für Mikroverbindungstechnik, CEM gGmbH in Wirtschaftsdaten Budget zum Betriebshaushalt 2001 Industrie 77,6 % Ertragsgruppe Betrag in kEuro Industrie EU Land Schleswig-Holstein Bund/Projektträger Sonstige Summe Erträge BHH Grundfinanzierung BHH Aufwand BHH 13.779 1.714 718 1.097 439 17.747 -448 17.299 EU 9,7 % Land Schleswig-Holstein 4 % Bund/Projektträger 6,2 % Sonstige 2,5 % Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 7 Preface Neumünster. The merger was completed in 2001 and CEM gGmbH was officially wound up in the autumn of 2001. The company’s former owners, the “Deutsche Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren”, DVS, and the “Fachverband für Sensorik”, AMA, have transferred their original investment to the ISIT as a donation, for which I would like to thank them most sincerely. The new department for interconnection and packaging techniques at the ISIT has greatly expanded with respect to the number of staff employed by CEM gGmbH in Neumünster, and is now operating on the lines of the Fraunhofer funding model, predominantly through industrial sources of revenue. Special emphasis has been placed on expanding the services provided to small and medium-sized firms in the electronicsprocessing industry in Schleswig-Holstein. The AVT department at present generates an annual turnover of 1 million Euro from minor service contracts, mainly related to the solving of ISIT Organigram MANAGEMENT TASKS Managing Director Prof. Dr. Heuberger Member of Institute Management Dr. Windbracke Secretary Perna, Greiff, Rosemann Administration Finder 1 2 3 4 5 IC-Technology Microsystem Technology Biotechnical Systems Packaging, Module Integration Integrated Power Systems Friedrich Dr. Zwicker Dr. Wagner Dr. Reimer Dr. Hintsche Pape Dr. Gulde Design / Simulation Eichholz 8 Planning of new R&D areas in cooperation with Universities: Dr. Bernt Marketing: Dr. Dudde Public Relations: Wacker Building and Installation: Dr. Krullmann Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 soldering problems in the manufacture of electronic modules or circuit assemblies. The problem of recruiting qualified staff has become much less acute in 2001 as a result of the recession, but it is still almost impossible to find suitable candidates in certain specialist fields, for instance circuit designers. Here, the German government’s “green card” initiative, which relaxes the conditions for the acquisition of work and residence permits for certain categories of non-EU citizens, is beginning to have a positive effect – there are now 5 members of staff at the ISIT who have benefited from this arrangement. Nevertheless, we have to expect further full-scale confrontations with this problem, for instance when the second semiconductor manufacturing facility is expanded. It remains an urgent request that political decision-makers work towards creating more flexible conditions in the labor market, rather than acerbating the situation by bowing to short-sighted trade-union pressure or imposing excessive bureaucratic restrictions. Meanwhile, the ISIT continues to persevere in its efforts to give young people a taste for the fields of microelectronics, microsystems engineering and microengineering at an early stage in their education. Noteworthy activities include a joint lobbying initiative with the comprehensive vocational training center in Itzehoe, in an effort to establish “microtechnologist” as an official category in the German registry of recognized training professions. This initiative is complemented by the institute’s practice of offering sponsored, paid placements to students at participating schools/colleges, allowing them to gain work experience at the ISIT during academic vacations. Both schemes are in such great demand that the ISIT is rapidly reaching the limits of its capacity. Overall, despite the recession in the semiconductor industry, 2001 was a highly satisfactory year for the ISIT. Once again, it was demonstrated that the ISIT’s new operating philosophy responds to the needs of industry, and is much appreciated by its customers. The key feature of this concept is that the ISIT, in collaboration with its partners in industry, is capable of offering a complete range of services, from the development of new systems and the construction of demonstration Dr. Jochim Scholz, AMA (l.) and Prof. Detlef von Hofe, DVS (r.) present Prof. Anton Heuberger the CEM common capital stock. and test models through to series production. Now that the ISIT no longer employs inefficiently utilized laboratory technology for its specialized services, but instead makes use of cost-optimized, qualified and certified industrial manufacturing processes from the outset, the institute is also in a position to compete on costs. Thanks to the commitment and outstanding efforts of the highly qualified experts working for the ISIT and its partners, it has been possible to successfully translate this theory into practice, and for this I would like to express my most heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in these projects. Anton Heuberger Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 9 Angular rate sensor for automotive and virtual reality applications. Main fields of Activity Micro channel array for fluidic applications. 12 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 IC-Technology The IC-Technology department is focused on the development and fabrication of active and passive silicon based devices. In the field of active devices IGBTs, PowerMOS and diodes are of special importance. Here, ISIT can rely on a qualified core technology for power devices provided by our industrial partner. Customer specific development of power devices is supported by simulation, design and electrical characterisation. Further, ISIT has many years of experience in developing advanced CMOS processes with appropriate simulation and circuit design capability. Passive components like chip-capacitors, -resistors and -coils are another field of ISIT activities. Evaluation of new materials and its integration in complete processes is one important topic for passive IC development. In addition ISIT offers customer specific wafer processing in small and medium quantities based on standard IC and MST technology. This includes the development of new single processes and process modules for all relevant fields of semiconductor technology. Detlef Friedrich +49(0)4821 / 17-4301 email: [email protected] Top and right: various concentric channel structures made by high rate etching. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 13 Main fields of Activity Chemical-Mechanical Polishing IC-Design Planarisation by means of chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) is a key process for the fabrication of advanced ICs. The institute’s CMP application lab is equipped with CMP cluster tools, single- and double-sided polishers and post-CMP cleaners for substrate diameters of up to 300 mm and offers services on all aspects of CMP development like Besides the main tasks of designing and testing mixed-signal ASICs, mainly in co-operation with in-house departments for microsystem development, the IC-Design department offers the design of micromechanical and microoptical elements using analogue HDL for modelling and IC-layout and IC-verification tools. • Testing of CMP equipment • Development of CMP processes for - dielectrics (oxide, low-k materials, ...) - metals (tungsten, copper, ...) - silicon • Testing of polishing slurries and pads • Post-CMP cleaning • CMP-related measurement • Custom-specific CMP services for device manufacturing State of the art IC-Design, FEM, and mathematics software is used. For test purposes laboratories equipped with hardware for electrical measurements in time and frequency domain and for mechanical and optical standard tests are available. Jörg Eichholz +49 (0) 4821 / 17 - 4537 email: [email protected] In the field of CMP ISIT co-operates closely with equipment and pad/slurry manufacturers, production CMP users and the wafer industry. Dr. Gerfried Zwicker +49(0)4821 / 17-4309 email: [email protected] 16 bit Sigma-Delta-A/D-converter. 14 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 ICs for MEMS applications: prototype- and volume production. Bildunterschriften? Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 15 Main fields of Activity Microsystems – MEMS Biotechnical Microsystems The MEMS department focuses on the application specific development of optical, mechanical, fluidic, and RF-MEMS components and the integration to microsystems. We have access to the 6-inch silicon frontend technology of the in-house industrial semiconductor production. Specific MEMS processes, such as wet etching and deep RIE of Si, deposition of non-IC-compatible materials, thick resist lithography, grey-scale lithography, electroplating, replication technologies, wafer bonding and chemical-mechanical polishing are available in a separate cleanroom. The department Biotechnical Microsystems of is focusing its activities in the field of electrical biosensor technologies. Our activities aim at the design and construction of novel sensing arrays in miniaturized formats. The development of so called ultramicroelectrodes enable novel sensor constructions and the evaluation of highly sensitive and new approaches of selective detecting principles, e.g. the redox recycling. The optical MEMS activities are driven by applications for optical communication and measuring systems. Examples are fiber-optic switching systems, laser scanners, digital micromirror arrays, spectrometers, and also passive optical components , e.g. refractive and diffravtive microlenses. RF-MEMS components, such as RF-switches, tunable capacitors and micro-relays are developed for wireless communication applications. Examples of fluidic microsystems are pneumatic microvalves, sensor-controlled micro-pipettes and micropumps. The physical sensor group focuses on mechanical sensors, especially angular rate, acceleration and pressure, and on thermal sensors. In the EUROPRACTICE frame we offer design-house service also for external MEMS foundry processes. The MEMS department works in close collaboration with the ASIC-Design and the packaging departments in order to offer integrated microsystem solutions. Dr. Bernd Wagner +49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 23 email: [email protected] Dr. Klaus Reimer +49 (0) 48 21 / 17 45 06 email: [email protected] 16 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 The integration of transducers made in silicon technology and microfluidic systems with active manipulation of biomolecules opens new applications in biochemical assays, medical diagnostics and environmental analytics. Sub-µm-electrode arrays have been developed as a widely applicable technology platform for analytic approaches. In combination with microfluidic components on chip and miniaturized or integrated electronics these components form the basis of smart portable analytical systems. The department Biotechnical Microsystems offers R&D and services in the multi-channel sensor array technology as an attractive feature for fully electrical DNA and protein chips. Also a novel micromachined glucose sensor enables long term online monitoring of human body fluids. Such biochips may be used as parts of ”lab-on-chips” and micro-total analysis systems. For market activities a spin off company (www. have been positioned to improve the way of biochemical and molecular biological analysis. Dr. Rainer Hintsche + 49 (0) 48 21/ 17-42 21 email: [email protected] Foundry Service The technological services of ISIT extend from the development of single proccess steps and single devices to the set-up of complete microsystems. In close co-operation with the industrial partner Vishay ISIT is also offering serial production of microsystem devices with advanced silicon production technologies. For this foundry services ISIT assures its customers strict confidentiality concerning production processes and products. The same methods of quality control and qualification are applied that were introduced into the ISIT for the qualified and certified running Vishay production. IC for the control of pipetting systems in sub-µl-range. For microsystem foundry production all technologies are available on 6‘‘ wafers that were developed and introduced by ISIT. These are especially: • • • • • Bulk Micromachining, Surface Micromachining, Metal Surface Micromachining, High Aspect Ratio Microforming, CMOS and DMOS Technologies. Different microstructures: hologram (1), graytone sample (2), clamping structure (3), retroreflector (4) 1 2 3 4 Dr. Ralf Dudde +49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 12 email: [email protected] Wolfgang Pilz +49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 22 email: [email protected] Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 17 Main fields of Activity Assembly and Packaging Technology for Microsystems, Sensors and Multichip Modules Quality and Reliability of Microelectronic Assemblies In advanced packaging technology ISIT focuses on wafer level packaging (WLP) and direct chip attach techniques for multichip modules (MCMs) and for MEMS components. For WLP a 150 mm wafer pilot line for small to medium volume runs has been established with following features: under bump metallization, BCB passivation, bumping, grinding, backsite metallization, parameter test and dicing. The bonding of bare dice and microsensors is realised by applying chip-on-board (COB) and especially flip-chip tech-nology, where bare ICs are mounted and simultaneously interconnected face down onto the substrate. The processes available at ISIT include wafer preparation with chemical deposition of NiAu, different bumping techniques (printed solder bumps, Au stud bumps), flip-chip placement and inter-connection by adhesive joining or soldering. Furthermore, ISIT deals with mounting and packaging technology of power electronic components and modules. The main competence is attributed to the evaluation of the manufacturing quality and the reliability of microelectronic assemblies and modules including the as-delivered quality of components and circuit boards. Methods are destructive metallographic as well as non destructive (e.g. x-ray) principles. The evaluation of the long-time behaviour of the assemblies is based on the matrix of requirements using model calculations, environmental and load tests up to failure analyses. For optimisation of manufacturing processes the institute applies process models and fabricates samples on in-line equipment including mass production as well as rework systems. Furthermore, in the field of thermal management and reliability ISIT works on customer specific power modules. Standard processes for hermetic package sealing are available, e.g. metallic packages are sealed by laser welding in inert gas atmosphere. Furthermore, ISIT works on wafer level encapsulation of MEMS devices using glass frit and metallic seal bonding. Automatic equipment facilitates to enable the production of demonstration series under industrial conditions. Karin Pape +49(0)48 21 / 17-42 29 email: [email protected] Thomas Harder +49(0)48 21 / 17-46 20 email: [email protected] 18 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Karin Pape +49(0)48 21 / 17-42 29 email: [email protected] Dr. Thomas Ahrens +49(0)48 21 / 17-46 05 email: [email protected] Integrated Power Systems The increasing demand for portable systems calls for new types of rechargeable batteries. Besides high energy density and long service life, safety and environmental compatibility also play an important role. For these requirements ISIT offers a new concept of battery based on lithium ions, which has been developed by ISIT in co-operation with the Faculty of Technology at the University of Kiel. Instead of conventional liquid electrolytes, the new batteries contain a solid-state electrolyte. The high energy density typical for lithium systems is in no way compromised. As the materials used are sufficiently inert, there is no need for the usual elaborate leakproof metal casing. The raw materials are available in paste form, and the batteries are produced using inexpensive thick-film technologies. They can be laid down on rigid or flexible substrates, but it is also possible to extrude the pastes as films which can be laminated to form flexible foil batteries requiring no substrate. A large number of shapes can be created by cutting and rolling; the battery is then sealed and encapsulated in metallized plastic. Dr. Peter Gulde +49(0)4821 / 17-4606 email: [email protected] Flip-chip solder bumps on wafer. Angular rate sensor system: ASIC (l.), micro-mechanical sensor (r.). Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 19 Main fields of Activity Equipment For the ISIT activities at Itzehoe, a complete 150/200 mm silicon technology line in a clean room area of 2000 m2 (Class 1) including a combined mini-environment- and SMIF-concept for 0.5 µm CMOS technology and microsystems technology is used. The equipment was chosen in accordance to the latest state-of-the-art in semiconductor industry. For specific processes of microsystems and multichip module technology an additional clean room area of 450 m2 (class 100) with appropriate equipment is used. A seperate 200 m2 clean room laboratory was set up for chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) and post CMP cleaning processes. Additionally, a laboratory area of 1500 m2 is utilised for the development of chemical, biological and thermal processes, for electrical, mechanical and thermomechanical characterisation of components and systems, for assembly and packaging and for multichip module technology. For the production of lithium solid polymer cells in the capacity range of 600 – 1000 mAh a pilot line has been established. Both for the simulation and the design of components and systems different commercial software tools are installed on our in-house computer network. System IC for angular rate sensors. 20 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Retroreflector. Offers for Research and Service Service Offers Service Offers of ISIT in Detail Microelectronic components and microsystems are used in a multitude of products. Studies for development of application-specific sensors, actuators, optical and mechanical components, microsystems, MCMs as well as for the basics of future integration technologies. Mounting and packaging technologies for microsystems, sensors and MCMs. Contract research for the development of demonstrators to verify the feasibility of components and systems. Failure and process analysis in soldering technology. The institute offers its service to different branches of industry and cooperates with small and medium sized firms as well as with big companies. From single components to complete systems ISIT offers design, simulation and manufacturing to their customers. The customers specifies the field of application of the desired products and the profile of requirements. The execution of the tasks is accomplished in close cooperation with the client. After the realisation of demonstration models and prototypes, the technology developed within the project will be transferred to the customer. Confidentiality of results and exchanged intellectual property is ensured. The services of ISIT are very profitable for small- and medium-sized enterprises which cannot afford the big capital investments of a technological infrastructure. They can utilise the competence of the institute for development, testing and introduction of necessary technological innovations. The auditorium and lecture rooms of ISIT cover an area of circa 1000 m2 and are available for conferences, workshops and other events for up to 400 participants. Evaluation of quality and reliability of microelectronic assemblies and power modules. Production of prototypes of integrated subsystems for the development of systems and products. Design and manufacturing of components and assemblies in pilot- and customer specific series by ISIT. Consulting and support for setting up technological production facilities. Technology-oriented seminars with practical training sessions and customer specific in-house courses. Design of components and systems utilising industrial foundries (analogue/ mixed-signal ASICs and microsystems). Transfer of the developed technologies, components and subsystems to industrial technology suppliers for the production phase or the manufacturing in ISIT following industrial quality standards, respectively. Development of production tools and process technologies for the fabrication of semiconductors and microsystems in co-operation with equipment manufacturers. Development of individual processes for the production of integrated circuits and microsystems. Integration of semiconductor components with biological materials. Module integration of microelectronic systems and preparation of sample series for MCM and Chip-Size packages (CSP). Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 21 Offers for Research and Service Customers ISIT cooperates with companies of different sectors and sizes. In the following some companies are presented as a reference: ABB, Heidelberg Bullith Batteries AG, München Degussa AG, Hanau Advanced Technology Line LTO., Anyang City, Korea Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin Detectomat Brandmeldesysteme GmbH, Timmendorfer Strand Braun AG, Kronberg Disetronic Medical Systems AG, Burgdorf, Switzerland HL Planartechnik GmbH, Dortmund IBM- Speichersysteme GmbH, Mainz Alcatel Kirk, Ballerup, DK Alcatel, Stuttgart CamLine, Petershausen APPLIED MATERIALS, Santa Clara, USA C – MAC Electromag n.v. Ronse, Belgium Astrium, München IC-Haus GmbH, Bodenheim ICT, München Dräger Pro Tech GmbH, Lübeck Implex GmbH, Ismaning/München D-Tech GmbH, Bielefeld Conti Temic, Ottobrunn Atmel GmbH, Heilbronn EADS, Ottobrunn Infineon Technologies AG, München EADS, Ulm ISiltec GmbH, Erlangen Easylab, Itzehoe ITT Automotive Europe GmbH, Eberhahn Continental AG, Hannover Atotech Deutschland GmbH, Berlin Basler Vision Technologies, Ahrensburg Contrade GmbH, Wiernsheim Corning Frequency Control GmbH & Co. KG, Neckarbischofsheim Bayer AG, Leverkusen eBiochip Systems GmbH, Itzehoe Judex Datasystems A/S, Aalborg, Denmark Creavis GmbH, Marl Eppendorf-Netheler-Hinz GmbH, Hamburg Daimler Benz Aerospace, Bremen ESW-EXTEL Systems GmbH, Wedel BERU, Ludwigsburg Danfoss Lighting Controls, Nordborg, Denmark Evotec Biosystems GmbH, Hamburg BioGaia Fermentation AB (BioGaia), Lund, Sweden Danfoss Drives, Graasten, Denmark Fibronix, Kiel Kendrion Binder Magnete GmbH, VS-Villingen Biotronik GmbH, Berlin Danfoss Silicon Power, Nortorf Flextronics International, Althofen, Austria Kolbenschmidt Pierburg AG, Neuss Bodenseewerk Gerätetechnik, Überlingen Danfoss Silicon Power GmbH, Schleswig Force Computers GmbH, Neubiberg Kugler GmbH, Salem Borg Instruments, Remchingen Datacon, Radfeld/Tirol Fresnel Optics, Apolda Bosch Telecom GmbH, Backnang Decker Anlagenbau GmbH, Berg Fuba GmbH, Gittfelde Becker Automotive Systems, Karlsbad Kapsch, Wien, Austria Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg Kember Associates, Bristol, UK Kuhnke GmbH, Malente LEICA, Jena Bosch, Reutlingen 22 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Litef, Freiburg Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, Kiel Mannesmann VDO AG, Babenhausen Mannesmann VDO AG, Karben OK Media Disc Service GmbH & Co.KG, Nortorf Scana Holography Company GmbH, Schenefeld Mair Elektronik GmbH, Neufahrn Orbis Technologies Ltd., Branbury, UK SEF GmbH, Scharnebek Tesa AG, Hamburg Thomson, Paris, France Max Stegmann GmbH, Donaueschingen Orga Kartensysteme GmbH, Flintbeck microParts GmbH, Dortmund Oticon, A/S, Hellerup, Denmark Miele & Cie., Gütersloh PAV Card GmbH, Lütjensee Minimax GmbH, Bad Oldesloe PAS GmbH, Itzehoe Montronic-Schackmann GmbH, Rheinstetten Pohlmann & Partner GmbH, Quickborn Motorola GmbH, Flensburg Perkin Elmer Optoelectronics, Wiesbaden mrt – Micro-Resist-Technology, Berlin MST Systemtechnik GmbH, Doanuworth Neutronics Althofen Electronics GmbH, Althofen, Austria Nokia Research Center, Nokia Group, Helsinki, Finland Pharmacia & Upjoh AB (Pharmacia), Strängnäs, Sweden Philips Semiconductors, Gratkorn NU-Tech GmbH, Neumünster SensoNor, Horten, Norway Tricumed GmbH, Kiel Sentech Instruments GmbH, Berlin Trioptics GmbH, Wedel Tronics, Grenoble, France Sextant, Avionique, Valence, France Siemens AG, Bocholt Siemens AG, Zentrale Technik, Erlangen VDMA Fachgemeinschaft Fluidtechnik, Frankfurt Vega, Schiltach Vishay, Holon, Israel Siemens VDO Automotive AG, Karben Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, Itzehoe Mannesmann-VDO, Karben SMA Regelsysteme GmbH, Niestetal Wabco Fahrzeugbremsen, Hannover Philips Semiconductors, Hamburg Smith Meter GmbH, Ellerbeck P. M. C. GmbH, Usingen Solid Energy GmbH, Itzehoe Peter Wolters CMP Systeme GmbH, Rendsburg PräTEC GmbH, Rohr Sparkolor, Inc., Santa Clara, USA Woowon Technology, Korea ST Microelectronics, Mailand, Italy W. S. I. Wafer Service International, Evry Cedex, Paris, France Quintenz Hybridtechnik, Neuried bei München November AG, Erlangen Novo ZYMES A/S (NOVO), Bagsvaerd, Denmark Trelleborg GmbH, Werk 2, Neumünster Siemens AG, München m-u-t GmbH, Wedel Nanophotonics AG, Mainz SensLab GmbH, Leipzig Raytheon Anschütz GmbH, Kiel Technolas, München Robert Bosch GmbH, Salzgitter TELE QUARZ GmbH, Neckar-Bischofsheim YAGEO EUROPE GmbH, Pinneberg Temic microelectronic GmbH, Ottobrunn Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 23 Offers for Research and Service Innovation Catalogue ISIT offers its customers various products and services already developed for market introduction. The following table presents a summary of the essential products and services. Beyond that the utilisation of patents and licences is included in the service. Product / Service Market Contact Person Testing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment Semiconductor equipment manufacturers Dr. Gerfried Zwicker + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-43 09, [email protected] Chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP), planarization Semiconductor device manufacturers Dr. Gerfried Zwicker + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-43 09, [email protected] Wafer polishing, single and double side Si substrates for device manufacturers Dr. Gerfried Zwicker + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-43 09, [email protected] IC processes CMOS, PowerMOS, IGBTs Semiconductor industry IC-users Detlef Friedrich + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-43 01, [email protected] Single processes and process module development Semiconductor industry semiconductor equipment manufacturers Detlef Friedrich + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-43 01, [email protected] Customer specific processing Semiconductor industry semiconductor equipment manufacturers Detlef Friedrich + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-43 01, [email protected] PowerMOS devices Electronic industry Dr. Ralf Dudde + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 12, [email protected] Plasma source development Semiconductor equipment manufacturers Christoph Huth +49 (0) 48 21 / 17-46 28, [email protected] Plasma diagnostics Semiconductor equipment manufacturers Joachim Janes + 49 (0) 48 21/ 17-46 04, [email protected] Etching and deposition process control Semiconductor industry Joachim Janes + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-4 60 4l, [email protected] Ion projection,lithography open stencil mask technology and resist processes Semiconductor industry Dr. Wilhelm Brünger + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 28, [email protected] E-beam circuit testing and e-beam induced circuit modification Semiconductor industry Dr. Wilhelm Brünger + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 28, [email protected] Inertial sensors Motorvehicle technology, navigation systems, measurements Dr. Bernd Wagner + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 23, [email protected] Design for commercial MST processes Micro sensors and actuators Dr. Bernd Wagner + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 23, [email protected] Microvalves for gases and liquids Analytic, medical technology measurement Hans Joachim Quenzer + 49 (0 ) 48 21 / 17-45 24, [email protected] Microoptical scanner Biomedical technology, optical measurement industry, telecommunication Dr. Bernd Wagner + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 23, [email protected] Microoptical components Optical measurement Dr. Klaus Reimer + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-4 50, [email protected] Design and test of analogue and mixed-signal ASICs Measurement, automaticcontrol industry Jörg Eichholz + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-45 37, [email protected] 24 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Product / Service Market Contact Person Design Kits MST foundries Jörg Eichholz + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-45 37, [email protected] RF-MEMS Telecommunication Dr. Bernd Wagner + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 23, [email protected] MST Design and behavioural modelling Measurement, automatic control industry Jörg Eichholz + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-45 37, [email protected] Electrodeposition of microstructures Surface micromachining Dr. Bernd Wagner + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 23, [email protected] Digital micromirror devices Communication technology Dr. Klaus Reimer + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-45 06, [email protected] Ultra micro electrode arrays Biotechnology, medical diagnostics, environmental analysis, process control Dr. Rainer Hintsche + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 21, [email protected] Electrical protein DNA chips Biotechnology, medical diagnostics, environmental analysis Dr. Rainer Hintsche + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 21, [email protected] Electrochemical sensors Home care service Dr. Rainer Hintsche +49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 21, [email protected] Electrical sensor chips Biotechnology, related electronics medical diagnostics, environmental analysis Dr. Rainer Hintsche + 49 (0) 48 21/ 17-42 21, [email protected] Analytical microfluidic systems Biotechnology ,medical diagnostics, environmental analysis Dr. Rainer Hintsche + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 21, [email protected] Systemintegration Smart card industry Wolfgang Pilz +49 (0) 48 21 / 7-42 22, [email protected] Microelectrode development Smart card industry, sensor industry, home care industry Wolfgang Pilz +49 (0) 48 21 /1 7-42 22, [email protected] Secondary lithium batteries based on solid state ion conductors Mobile electronic equipment, medical applications, automotive, smart cards, labels, tags Dr. Peter Gulde +49 (0) 48 21 / 17-46 06, [email protected] Quality and reliability of electronic assemblies ( Microelectronic and power electronic industry Karin Pape + 49 (0) 4821/17-4229, [email protected] Material and damage analysis Microelectronic and power electronic industry Dr. Thomas Ahrens + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-46 05, [email protected] Thermal measurement and simulation Microelectronic and power electronic industry Dr. M. H. Poech + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-46 07, [email protected] Packaging for microsystems, sensors, multichip modules ( Microelectronic, sensoric and medical industry Karin Pape + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 29, [email protected] Wafer level and ultra thin Si packaging Microelectronic, sensoric and medical industry Wolfgang Reinert + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-46 17, [email protected] Direct chip attach using flip chip techniques Microelectronic, sensoric and medical industry Thomas Harder + 49 (0) 48 21 / 17-4620, [email protected] Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 25 Representative Figures Expenditure In 2001 the operating expenditure of Fraunhofer ISIT amounted to kEuro 17.276,8. Salaries and wages were kEuro 5.633,3, consumables and other costs were kEuro 11.643,5. FhG-Allocations 4 % Maintenance 2 % Other positions 9 % Salaries & wages 33 % Consumables 16 % Subcontracting 10 % External R&D and license-fee 6 % Rent, leasing costs 20 % Income The budget was financed by proceeds of projects of industry/industrial federations/small and medium sized companies amounting to kEuro 13.779,2, of government/project sponsors/federal states amounting to kEuro 1.815 and of European Union/others amounting to kEuro 2.153. Industry/Economy 77,6 % European Union 9,7 % Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein 4 % Government/project sponsor 6,2 % Others 2,5 % 26 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Capital Investment In 2001 the institutional budget of capital investment was kEuro 3.942,8. The amount of operating investment was kEuro 408,6, project related investments were amounted to kEuro 2.934,2 and strategic investments to kEuro 600. Strategic Investments Operative Investments Project related Investments 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Staff Developement In 2001, on anual average the staff constisted of 95 employees. 47 were employed as scientific personnel, 36 as graduated / technical personnel and 12 worked within organisation and administration. 3 scientists, 25 scientific assistents and 5 apprentice supported the staff as external assistance. Scientists Graduated/ technical staff Administration staff External scientists Scientific assistance Apprentice 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 27 The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft at a Glance The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organization for institutes of applied research in Europe, undertaking contract research on behalf of industry, the service sector and the government. Commissioned by customers in industry, it provides rapid, economical and immediately applicable solutions to technical and organizational problems. Within the framework of the European Union’s technology programs, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is actively involved in industrial consortiums which seek technical solutions to improve the competitiveness of European industry. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft also assumes a major role in strategic research: Commissioned and funded by Federal and Länder ministries and governments, the organization undertakes future-oriented research projects which contribute to the development of innovations in spheres of major public concern and in key technologies. Typical research fields include communications, energy, microelectronics, manufacturing, transport and the environment. The global alignment of industry and research has made international collaboration imperative. Furthermore, affiliate Fraunhofer institutes in Europe, in the USA and in Asia ensure contact to the most important current and future economic markets. At present, the organization maintains 56 research establishments at locations throughout Germany. A staff of some 11,000 – the majority of whom are qualified scientists and engineers – generate the annual research volume of more than 900 million. Of this amount, over 800 million is derived from contract research. Research contracts on behalf of industry and publicly financed research projects generate approximately two thirds of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s contract revenue. One third is contributed by the Federal and Länder governments, as a means of enabling the institutes to work on solutions to problems that are expected to attain economic and social relevance in the next five to ten years. Fraunhofer scientists specialize in complex research tasks involving a broad spectrum of research fields. When required, several institutes pool their interdisciplinary expertise to develop system solutions. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft was founded in 1949 and is a recognized non-profit organization. Its members include well-known companies and private patrons who contribute to the promotion of its application-oriented policy. The organization takes its name from Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787-1826), the successful Munich researcher, inventor and entrepreneur. 28 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Locations of the Research Establishments Itzehoe Rostock Hamburg Bremen Berlin Hannover Golm Teltow Braunschweig Magdeburg Paderborn Cottbus Oberhausen Dortmund Halle Duisburg Schmallenberg Dresden Sankt Augustin Aachen Ilmenau Euskirchen Jena Chemnitz Frankfurt Würzburg Darmstadt Kaiserslautern Erlangen Wertheim St. Ingbert Nürnberg Saarbrücken Karlsruhe Pfinztal Stuttgart Freisingen Freiburg Efringen–Kirchen München Holzkirchen Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 29 Representative Results of Work Representative Results of Work: IC Technology Application Specific Trench IGBTs Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) are currently the most important power switching devices for medium power levels in the voltage range of 600 V - 1700 V. The device principle of an IGBT is based on a MOS transistor which is controlling the switching current of a Bipolar transistor. For state of the art IGBTs a so called trench architecture is favoured with the MOS gate electrode embedded inside vertical trenches. The main advantage of trench IGBTs is the reduction of the on-state losses compared to planar IGBTs. VCEsat (V) An application specific development of IGBTs means the definition of the best trade-off between the key features as there are the on-state and switching losses as well as the short circuit stability. In terms of device parameters these features are correlated with the on-state voltage drop VCEsat, the rise- and fall- time of the forward current and the self limiting on-current in a short circuit state. Unfortunately, these parameters partly exclude each other for device physics reasons. Within an optimisation strategy, a compromise has to be found for the best trade-off. 5,5 Cell Design 5 4,5 4 3,5 2,5 2 PTs 1 0,5 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 Figure 1: Characteristic of on-state voltage drop VCEsat for PT- and NPT- trench IGBTs in dependence of the trench depth. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 IC 3 Figure 2: Time characteristic of a NPT trench IGBT under short circuit conditions. The collector-emitter voltage ( VCE, 100 V / DIV, green ), the collector current ( I C, 2 A / DIV, red ), and the gate voltage ( VG, 10 V / DIV, blue ) are representing the turn-on and -off behaviour of the IGBT at T j =25 °C. The time scale is 1 µs per division. With regard to Punch-Through IGBTs (PT-IGBT) the trade-off adjustment between on-state and switching losses was maintained by proton irradiation from the back side of the wafer. The physical effect of proton irradiation is the localised generation of recombination centers within the drift zone of the IGBT in order to speed up the carrier recombination during the switch off phase. 4 Trench Depth (µm) 32 VCE Depending on the choice of the proton dose and the energy a good compromise between the on-state voltage drop of VCEsat =2,2 V and the fall time tfall =300 ns for a 600 V IGBT was achieved. It has to be mentioned that the initial values before irradiation amount to VCEsat =1,2 V and tfall = 8 µs. NPTs 3 1,5 B VG The optimisation of the Non-Punch-Through IGBTs (NPT-IGBT) was carried out by the adjustment of the emitter efficiency of the wafer back side p-n junction and the choice of the trench and p-body depths. The emitter efficiency was optimised by adaptation of the wafer grinding process (IGBT wafers are thinned by grinding) and the choice of the boron implantation parameters for the back side emitter. Furthermore, the trench and p-body configuration of the front side IGBT-cells have significant impact on the on-state losses. As depicted in figure 1 the on-state voltage drop VCEsat strongly depends on the trench depths for the NPT-IGBTs. In case of PT-IGBTs the VCEsat reduction by trench deepening is less pronounced, but after all in the 10 % range. Deeper trenches are increasing the MOS-controlled electron injection into the drift region leading to a smaller voltage drop and hence reduced on-state losses. Typical saturation voltages of VCEsat = 2,5 V with a corresponding fall time of tfall = 80 ns were achieved for 1200 V NPT trench IGBTs. The short circuit stability was adjusted by blanking the source area inside the IGBT cells which is decreasing the percentage of electron injecting MOS cells. The current characteristic of a nominal 4A NPT-IGBT under short circuit conditions is shown in figure 2. The self stabilising current saturation occurs at a peak value of about 6A. As an alternative to this approach trench IGBTs were designed with an integrated current sense for a current limitation which is controlled electronically. The technological process of trench IGBTs suitable for 600 V and 1200 V is illustrated by the SEM cross section shown in figure 3. The picture shows the cell arrangement of a fully processed IGBT with a cell pitch of 5 µm. The trench depth amounts to 3,6 µm with a width of 1 µm. Within the trenches the gate oxide along the edge and the poly-Si gate electrode is clearly seen. The top aluminum metallisation is covering the entire active area of the IGBT with a dielectric isolation of the trench regions in between. The IGBT process is based on a qualified production technology of our industrial partner VISHAY. Figure 3: SEM cross section of a fully processed trench IGBT. The trench depth is 3,6 µm. The gate oxide appears as small double line between silicon substrate and the poly-Si gate electrode material. The metalization is interconnecting the source areas of the IGBT. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 33 Representative Results of Work: IC Technology Array of Microguns for Parallel E-Beam Nanolithography Parallel e-beam lithography based on an electronically driven array of electron microguns has the potential for future use in high throughput mask fabrication. In cooperation with Thales/ Thomson-CSF, the University of Cambridge and the University of Lyon, ISIT is developing a demonstrator suitable for sub 100 nm parallel e-beam lithography. This research activity is carried out within the frame of the European project NANOLITH. resist with sub 100 nm e-beam size HV-CMOS circuit (microgun control units) post accelaration system (PAS) Extraction and focusing electrodes Carbon nanotubes (CNT) The goal of the project is the fabrication of a first demonstrator with parallel driven microguns for resist exposure experiments at ISIT site. The demonstrator is consisting out of a microgun chip and a special ASIC for current and dose control assembled by hybrid integration, as shown in figure 1. The working principle of the microgun is based on the electron field emission properties of single carbon nanotubes (CNT) with low electron affinity. Each microgun is composed of a single nanotube, an extracting lens and a focusing lens. Figure 2: SEM picture of cathodes with single carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as emission sources (University of Cambridge). Patterned CNT Catalyst 53 nm CNT body 10 µm 34 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Figure 1: Schematic cross section of an array of electron microguns. The CNTs are fabricated at the University of Cambridge by CVD based solid phase epitaxy on Ni catalysts, as illustrated in figure 2. An average field emission current in the nA-range was achieved for single carbon nanotubes. With regard to the overall system specifications of CNT currents in the 1-10 nA range within exposure intervals up to 10 µs a special electronic circuit was designed, fabricated and analysed by ISIT. Since the extracting voltage for the microgun amounts to 50 V a high voltage CMOS process was required. The purpose of the microgun electronics depicted in figure 3 is to select a CNT-pixel and control a CNT emission current flow within a fixed time interval by switching a high voltage transistor. It is the goal to ensure a constant current-timeproduct, which is equivalent to a specific dose value for resist exposure. That means, a fixed time interval per pixel corresponds to a minimum current value in order to reach a required exposure dose for the resist. If the emission current is e.g. 1 nA the exposure time needed for a resist sensitivity of 20 µC/cm2 amounts to 2 µs for a pixel size of 100 nm x 100 nm. In case the current value is higher the exposure time has to be reduced by the dose control circuit. In conclusion, the dose control unit ensures the required dose also in case of varying current values of the CNT emitters. Next to the dose control circuit also the pixel current is controlled in order to avoid an under exposure if the current is below a certain limit. The microscopic picture of figure 3 illustrates the analog part of the ASIC for the pixel electronic of one microgun. As predicted by circuit simulation the general function of the charge and current control could be verified by first measurements with current values below 10 nA within exposure time intervals in the µs-range. The functioning of the dose control was verified by the course of the start and stop signal illustrated in figure 4. Both signals representing the status of the driver transistor for the CNT emitter. In order to demonstrate the ability of the dose control unit the electronic circuit was externally adjusted for two different dose values by corresponding input data. The time interval between the start signal (green) and the response of the stop signal (red, blue) gives the measure for the dose calculation under the assumption of a constant emission current. In this example the adjusted dose values were reached within an exposure interval of approx. 3 µs (red) and 5 µs (blue) for an emission current below 10 nA. It has to be mentioned that beside to lithographic applications the CNT microgun approach seems to be feasible for flat panel display techniques, also. stop start 0 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 time [µs] Figure 4: Dose control measurement results. The interval between the start and stop signal indicates the required exposure time. Figure 3: Microscopic picture of the analog part of the microgun circuit. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 35 Representative Results of Work: Microsystems Technology Optical MEMS Switches for Telecommunication Networks In order to increase the bit-rate and capacity modern telecommunication continuously moves towards optical fiber networks. Especially the development of dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) that enables parallel transmission of large numbers of individual data channels through a single optical fiber has increased the demand for optical components. Presently, the delay and effort caused by the conversion of optical into electrical signals (OEO conversion) at the network nodes slow down the data transmission and limit the network expansion. A smart solution for alloptical switching is based on MEMS technology. Tiny movable micromirrors can be fabricated to redirect the beam from the input fiber onto a certain output fiber. Such an Optical CrossConnect (OXC) will eliminate the need of OEO conversion and thus enables much higher data rates. In the United States MEMS technology is dominantly based on polysilicon surface micromachining. However, thin polysilicon micromirrors have an unsufficient mirror flatness and surface roughness. This leads to a high power transmission loss in an optical switch. Based on several years of experience in fabrication of electrostatically driven miniature laser scanners for advanced imaging applications ISIT has developed an array of optical MEMS-switches (figure 1). Each of these silicon micromirrors can be deflected two-axial by electrostatic forces in order to provide an optical connection of N input fibers to N output fibers. This concept allows to build optical cross-connects scalable to large port counts. Each MEMS scanner consists of a bulk Silicon mirror plate suspended by nickel torsional hinges. The combination of bulk silicon technology with metal surface micromachining seems to be ideal for dense arrangements of large movable mirrors. While suspensions made of silicon would either be to fragile or to stiff, electroplated nickel suspensions however can combine robustness and reliability with sufficient flexibility to enable the required mirror deflections. Since the thickness of the single-crystalline mirror plate largely influences the flatness the thickness can be adapted to the required optical specifications without changing the mechanical behaviour. Figure 1: Micromirror array for 16 x 16 optical cross-connects. 36 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 MP-CC: A Competence Cluster for Silicon and Polymer Micro System Technology in Schleswig-Holstein/Germany The “Micro Plastics – Competence Cluster” (MP-CC) integrates in unique way the knowledge and technological skills of fine mechanics, plastics engineering and silicon technology in Schleswig-Holstein. On the one hand, the project partners act as a technology and service provider for customer specific products. On the other hand, the joint network develops and prototypes high tech products for MST applications like micro lenses, diffractive optical elements (DOEs) or fluidic channel structures. High precision surface topography is generated by advanced lithography process technology. Digital or arbitrary shaped surface reliefs from nanometer to micrometer scale can be formed. Furthermore diffractive gratings and dot matrix holograms for decoration or security application can be created. The resist structures are then copied to metal shims by a special electroplating process. These Nickel shims are available for various polymer replication processes like hot embossing, roll embossing or injection molding. The combination of silicon and plastic technology leads to innovative fields of application. By integrating silicon micro system devices into the injection molding process the plastic encapsulation of these silicon chips can have additional functional structures. MP-CC thus represents the complete technology chain and offers global services (figure 1). Up to date three different mastering technologies are used for the generation of functional surface structures for optical, mechanical and fluidic micro devices. In addition to digital lithography with thin and thick resist layers the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT has profound knowledge in grey scale lithography. It enables the production of arbitrary formed 3D surface topographies, including the production of refractive micro lens arrays with various lens diameter and lens height up to 25 µm. Other applications are diffractive optical elements (DOEs), e.g. echelette gratings, Fresnel lenses, wave corrector plates or corner cubes (figure 2). Figure 2: Grey scale micro lenses and corner cubes. Scana Holographic Company GmbH has set up a nickel electroplating process with high grade planarization characteristics to manufacture nikkel shim copies of the original resist surface. Scana also uses dot matrix resist exposure for mastering holographic elements. In visible spectra these holograms are utilized for security labels, product identification or visual design. Moreover, holograms which are invisible for human eyes are used to carry hidden information for increased security needs. Replication of the nickel master into thermoplastic polymers is carried out on the in-house developed ScanaFigure 1: MP-CC technology chain. press 2001 roll embossing machine (figure 3). resist mastering advanced lithographic 3D structuring replication injection molding galvano mastering nickel galvano forming roll embossing silicon-in plastic integration Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 37 Representative Results of Work: Microsystems Technology Figure 3: Silicon master, nickel shim and roll embossing replication in polyacetate foil. For higher aspect ratios, replication by hot injection molding process is preferred. The core competence of Kuhnke GmbH is injection molding for various applications like electrical relays or pneumatic valves. The high volume manufacturing of plastic precision components is based on fine mechanics for molding tool construction and excellent micro injection process control. Besides the replication of 3D surfaces a key technology will be the integration of Silicon MEMS devices in polymer encapsulation within the injection molding process. In addition the molded plastic housing can contain functional geometrical elements. Examples are micro channels or armature shafts. As a potential application partner Basler Vision Technologies takes over the role of prototyping optical elements and systems. The costs of automated optical quality control like compact disc inspection or web inspection (paper, textile or rolled steel production) can be lowered substantially through the use of high quality polymer optics. 38 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 The IZET Innovationszentrum Itzehoe completes the scope of the competence cluster by providing marketing and market analysis skills and knowledge. The website integrates the marketing efforts of MP-CC products and services and acts as a common data base. The interaction between the particular technology processes is ensured by internal standard interface geometries. Fast prototyping of new geometry designs is offered. MP-CC services are open to any potential customer and reaches from advisory consultation up to full customer adapted production. Variable RF-MEMS Capacitors Future micromechanically variable RF-capacitors represent a challenging alternative to existing semiconductor devices. The major advantages of RF-MEMS capacicators / switches are low insertion loss, high isolation and high Q-values. Figure 1 shows a scematic view of a RF-MEMS switch. The upper electrode of a MEMS capacitor is formed as a suspended microbeam. Using electrostatic forces the air gap and thus the capacitance can be changed in a digital or analog operation mode. Typical on-capacitance values are in the order of 1 pF, the off-capacitance about a factor of 50 lower. The RF-MEMS switches are realized in a metal surface micromachining process using nickel electroplating. Compared to polysilicon the metal process achieves lower resistive losses and better RF-performance. In oder to reduce substrate losses high resistance silicon substrates are used. To obtain a high on/off capacitance ratio the dielectrics suspended bridge CPW lines capacicator Figure 1: Scematic view of an RF-MEMS variable capacitor. Figure 2: Top view of an electroplated nickel suspended capacitor plate. lower electrode and the sacrificial layer have to be smooth. For the sacrificial layer electroplated copper has been chosen which can be etched selective to the nickel beam. The developement concentrates on the reduction of driving voltage, switching time and temperature sensitivity. Figure 2 shows a micrograph of the nickel bridge suspended over the lower electrode. RF-MEMS switches can be implemented in several important applications. At first, in mobile communication RF-switches are needed in future multistandard-multiband mobile phones, wireless LAN and in the base stations. A second application are phased-array antennas, which can be electronically steered and reconfigured. Here, RF-MEMS devices switch phase shifters of the individual antenna elements. Further applications can be found in automotive anti-collision radar systems, RFIDs and in test equipment. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 39 Representative Results of Work: Microsystems Technology Figure 1: Digital Micromirror array (DMA) with 65536 mirror elements (The array is trapezohedral distorted for application reasons). Figure 2: Corner of the DMA. 40 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Figure 3: Shaped driving electrodes. Figure 4: Tilted mirror. Digital Micromirror Arrays for Optical Switching Fraunhofer ISIT is active in the field of digital micromirror arrays (DMA) for more than seven years. Optimizing our metal surface micromachining technology we are able to fabricate DMAs with 420 mm2 array area and 65536 elements with optical surface quality (figure 1+2). DMAs are becoming a key component for a new class of digital devices, such as projection displays, imaging systems and printing systems. Especially in telecommunication optical switching is an important feature. Selection free connection of optical fiber bundles e.g. in telephone central offices is one of the main application. The actual process flow allows a wide range of parameter variation. A single mirror line with a few tenth of elements is just possible as an array of 256 x 256 elements. The mirrorplate size could vary from 50 µm x 50 µm to 150 µm x 150 µm (more details see table 1). Our 3D electroplating enables us to integrate wedge shaped electrodes (figure 3) to reduce the address voltage for the electrostatic mirror actuation. Chip size: Mirror edgelength: Mirror array size: Tilting angle: Resonant frequency: Switching speed Mirrorplate flatness: Driving voltage: Up to 30 mm x 30 mm 50 µm to 150 µm Up to 256 x 256 elem. Up to ± 15° (mech.) Up to 25 kHz About 50 µs < 120 nm 160 V (typical value) 60 V (biassing mode) Monolithical integration on address circuit: Feasible Table 1: Typical parameters for DMAs at Fraunhofer ISIT. A good CD control reduces the mirror spacing to less than 2 µm (figure 4). The stress optimized electroplating process for the mirrorplate results in flatness values smaller than 120 nm (figure 5). Because of the low process temperatures during the metal surface micro-machining process monolithical integration of the mirrorarray on a preprocessed wafer with the mirror address circuits fabricated in BCD technology is feasible. Figure 5: White light interferometer plot of 100 µm mirror plate flatness. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 41 Representative Results of Work: Microsystems Technology Resist Development Tool for Graytone Lithography Graytone Lithography is a promising technique for real 3D structuring of resist surfaces (figure 1 + 2), which can be used in a wide field of application, like micro electronics, micro fluidics and micro optics. Beside sophisticated mask design the resist development has to be well controlled. In the case of digital lithography inhomogeneities across the wafer during the resist development process can be compensated by over development. This degree of freedom is not applicable for developing graytone exposed resist. Figure 1: Retroreflector structures (corner cubes) Therefore the Fraunhofer ISIT desined and constructed a specific graytone development tool. Main goal was to ensure the constant supply with the same concentration of developer over the whole wafer independent of the local coverage and the local developmant rate. In addition the tool should work automatically and should process in minimum four wafers at a time. Figure 3 shows the concept of the graytone resist development tool. There are three parameters to adjust separately: the vertical developer flow, the wafer rotation and the wafer tilting relative to the vertical flow. A set of values for each parameter has been evaluated. Figure 4 shows the graytone development tool integrated in the wet bench equipment in the lithography cleanroom area. With graytone lithography fabricated micro lens arrays (figure 5) replicated in Polycarbonate show a variation of the effective focal length of less than 1% (1 σ) over the whole wafer area. Up to now the Fraunhofer ISIT has three resist thicknesses (9 µm, 17 µm and 25 µm) with two different resist contrast values available. Combined with five shape-tables (0,80 µm – 0,96 µm pitch) for the graytone design a wide range of different topographies could be realized to cover the fabrication capabilities for a lot of devices. Figure 2: Central part of a fresnellens. 42 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Figure 3: Concept of the graytone resist development tool. Figure 4 Installed graytone resist development tool. Figure 5 Part of micro lens array replicated in polycarbonate. (lens pitch = 150 µm, 10000 lenses) Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 43 Representative Results of Work: IC Design Finite Element Simulation of a RF-Switch capacitance [pF] The finite element (FEM) tool ANSYS was used to simulate the behavior of a capacitive bridge switch. This device consists of a Nickel membrane with an air gap underneath. By applying a DCvoltage to an underlying signal line the membrane is pulled down and stops finally at the passivation layer, which protects the metallic signal line. no roughness +/- 150 nm roughness 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 The bridge switches between a low OFF capacity and a high ON capacity, which can be viewed as a short circuit for RF frequencies. The development and optimization of such devices is part of European MELODICT project. Finite element Figure 1: View of the bridge switch with a DC-voltage applied. The dark blue region of the 500 µm long bridge has collapsed to the broad signal line 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 voltage[V] Figure 3: C-V curve of a bridge switch. The blue curve was simulated neglecting roughness of the membrane, the red curve includes roughness by assuming in the ON state a remaining 150 nm air gap, which leads to the reduced ON capacity of 0.8 pF. modeling of this kind of electrostastic actuators includes electro-mechanical coupling. This is done in an iterative scheme, i.e. switching between mechanical simulations to obtain the deformed membrane, and electrostatic simulations to obtain the electric field in the deformed geometry. The electric field then yields the force for the next mechanical simulation. This has to be repeated until field and deformation do not change anymore. The mechanical part of the FEM simulation has to be handled carefully to avoid numerical divergence. This is due to the highly nonlinear character of the contact problem and stress stiffening. It turned out that the critical parameter in ANSYS for controlling convergence is the so called contact stiffness, that must be tuned adequately. Having successfully overcome the divergence problems, the modeling of the bridge switch was extended to include the influence of external temperature, prestress and stress gradient. Figure 2: Side view of the bridge switch with 20 V applied. The undeformed and deformed membrane can be seen. The electrostatic force is shown by arrows pointing down. 44 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 The most important data, which the simulation has to compute, is the C-V curve, i.e. capacity as a function of applied DC voltage. This curve shows a typical hysteresis and has two discontinuities, which define the collapse voltage and the release voltage. Development of Designkits for Technology Dependent Accelerated Chipfinishing With the ability to process an increasing amount of designs in an increasing number of different technologies the need for accelerated chipfinishing procedures has arised to speed up the time from the finished product design to final mask design. The aim is it to take the single product design, made by ISIT or the customer himself, and to generate a cost and place optimised final mask design. To reduce errors the procedure is fully automised and integrated in the design environment of CADENCE, the IC-design-software that is used. FhG-ISIT Final Mask Placement Based on the optimisation results the final step in mask preparation is the placement of the product design as an array into the reticle design including process specific lithography and test structures. The entire tool, programmed in the CADENCE specific command language SKILL, is the ideal tool for design engineers which are intesively involved in process development and mask generation. Customers Designs Technology A Technology B Designkit • Litho Mark Generator • Reticle Array Optimizer • Final Mask Placement Technology C Figure 2: Cross-Section window. Submission to Mask-Shop Figure 1: Design flow. Generator for Lithography and Monitoring Structures To introduce new technologies an important task is the generation of a set of process dependend structures for alignment and monitoring. This set can be generated automatically and the result can be checked by the integrated cross-section viewer. It is actually planned to integrate an additional direct interface to fab control systems to control the direct effect of process modifications on the given structures. Figure 3: Stepping array optimisation based on generic algorithms. Figure 4: Top GUI (graphical user interface) of the new tool. Reticle Array Optimizer Stepping time as well as the ideal amount of exploitation of the given wafer area is of interest for an economical production. Therefore a tool has been implemented which calculates the optimal reticle size configuration based on generic algorithms. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 45 Figure 1: Portable detection system with electrical biochips. fluidic control waste data transmission environmental sample sample preparation electrical biochip 46 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 evaluation electronics Representative Results of Work: Biotechnical Microsystems Bio-MST Study “Detection of biological weapons” “The threat potentials posed by biological weapons are largely underestimated by the German politics as well as by the German public.” This is the first sentence of a study published in July 2001 bearing the subtitle “defence strategies from the viewpoint of new microsystem and biochip technologies.” The approximately 90-pages study reviewing the detection of biological weapons was compiled by Anton Heuberger and Rainer Hintsche on behalf of the federal ministry of defence and published by the Fraunhofer Institute of scientific-technical trend analysis (INT), more than 3 month before the tragic attacks have happened in the USA. Due to the anthrax attacks in the USA the statements in the study proved to be very close to reality and gained great interest in the public. The study shows the immense threat potential posed by the use of different biological weapons. It brings to attention the often much higher toxicity of such substances compared to chemicals and the relatively easy availability. In the closing words it warns explicitly of the danger of attacks by terrorist organisations. “Due to the fact that we are living in a time of great politic stability the need for action results primarily due to the threat posed by terrorism including state terrorism by rouges countries. It would be fatal to wait with preventive measures until the first worst case has happened.“ Figure 2: Scheme of a bioweapons detector. The analysis of existing and utilised systems for the defence of biological weapons reveals a limitation towards classical decentralised lab systems, except a few very conventional and insufficient systems in the USA. The immediate set-up of a rapid to be activated and possible area-wide detection system for the protection of the civil population is strongly recommended. Here the application of electrical biochip technology, developed at ISIT in the department “biotechnical microsystems” in combination with a microfluidic module is an option. The application of an autonomous detection system automatically taking environmental samples (water, air) and testing them for several biological hazardous substances was evaluated. The results of the tests are transmitted to a central control station. The core of the detection system consists of electrical biochips and antibody-coated particles. In initial feasibility studies such a system proved the suitability for a highly sensitive and specific detection of environmental toxins. Even the detection of picomolar concentrations of proteins like toxins was proven. This very low detection limit is suitable for the detection of the most toxic biological weapon known to mankind, the botulinus toxin (0.1 µg are lethal for an average human). With a total of 5 death victims the USA had to learn how insufficient they are prepared for such attacks and as a result remarkably increased the financial support for the development of protective systems. It is to be hoped that there has not to be a first tragic case in Germany before it will act in a similar way. Source: Anton Heuberger und Rainer Hintsche, “Detektion biologischer Kampfstoffe – Abwehrstrategien unter dem Gesichtspunkt neuer Mikrosystem- und Biochiptechnologien”, Erstellt im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums der Verteidigung, Herausgegeben vom Fraunhofer Institut für Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Trendanalysen (INT), Juli 2001. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 47 Representative Results of Work: Module Integration A New Pilot Line for Wafer-Level-Packaging In september 2001 a new pilot line for wafer level packaging was put into operation at Fraunhofer ISIT in cooperation with a customer. Wafer-level-packaging (WLP) is a new packaging concept for electronic devices. All devices on a wafer are concurrently supplied with a miniaturized chip-size package (WL-CSP) as additional process step of the front end process. The minimized assembly area of electronic devices in wafer-level-packaging (WLP) is of major importance for mobile electronic devices. To improve their mobility, consumers demand a very compact geometry of devices like cellular phones, GPS-receivers and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA). Figure 1: Crustomer specific chip-size packages with solder balls and BCB passivation before wafer dicing. 48 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 The advantage of the new packaging concept is the distribution of the electrical contacts over the full area of the component. Even with a contact pitch of 0,8 mm, 25 contacts can be placed on a device with an area of 4,5 mm x 4,5 mm. This package contains all major functional elements of a standard leadframe package in a very restricted geometry. The package provides electrical contacts and a passivation layer for each device. The electrical contacts of each device can be replaced from the periphery to the area of the devices. This redistribution is achieved by a sputter deposited under bump metalization layer (UBM). The UBM is composed of an adhesion promoting layer, a diffusion barrier and a solderable surface. The UBM can be directly applied on the primary wafer passivation layer. Before UBM depositon, sputter back etching is performed to achieve a low contact resistance to the device bond pads. The UBM layer has a total thickness of less than 2 µm. During the wet chemical etching of the UBM, solder pads and lateral redistribution tracks can be formed at the same time. Subsequently, the UBM is covered with a solder resist mask. The basic steps of the wafer level package process are: • UBM (under bumb metallization) • BCB (benzocyclobutene) • wafer grinding • ball attachment • backside marking • wafer testing • wafer dicing Although a wafer leaves the front end with a final wafer passivation layer, e.g. silicon nitride, Benzocyclobutene (BCB) as an organic secondary passivation layer is applied on the wafer additionally to the front end process. This passivation layer is only applied on the active side of the wafer improving the protection against environmental influences like e.g. moisture. The edges and the backside of the device are left without any further protection. Additionally, the organic BCB passivation layer of about 5 µm thickness serves as a solder resist layer for soft solder contact balls. Preformed solder balls of a diameter between 300 µm and 500 µm are attached and soldered to the solder pads on wafer level. The balls are automatically centered on the solder pads. For devices with 0,8 mm pitch, about 25000 balls can be placed on each 6" wafer. Being in wafer state, the components are marked by laser on the backside of the wafer. After wafer testing and dicing, a taping machine checks the presence of the solder balls and laser markings of each component and tapes the component with the bumps upside down. This is the usual way of supply to the SMT assembly operation. The SMT pick&place machine will check for the pin-1 mark of the device and will place the device corresponding to the outline. Figure 2: Cross section of a solder ball, part of a CSP with interconnection and BCB passivation. Depending on the application, a large contact pitch of the WL-CSP of 0,8 mm can be chosen. This pitch corresponds with the standard-JEDEC definition of a CSP mounting surface and allows the use of clean- and non-clean flux processes during the substrate assembly. No additional underfill process is required to achieve industrial reliability levels during thermal cycling. The wafer level packaging is beneficial for silicon devices with small to medium contact numbers and for integrated passive high-frequency devices. The processes for tacky flux print, solder ball application, and reflow are compatible with wafers up to 300 mm diameter. The Fraunhofer ISIT pilot line is not only available for devices manufactured in Itzehoe but the service is offered to other companies as well. Different companies developing new products on wafer level, stated their interest for co-operation and service offers. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 49 Representative Results of Work: Module Integration Manufacturing of an Optical Module for UV-Laser Ablation and Polishing the Cornea Surfaces of Human Eyes Manufacturing Using UV-Lasers the dream to live without glasses or contact lenses is becoming real. Today wavefront aberrations caused by astigmatism or higher order aberrations can be compensated by a thickness modelling of the outer cornea. Laser Treatment Techniques Laser ablation techniques of the human cornea have been continuously improved. Older techniques directly ablated the outer cornea (PRK-treatment) by laser radiation. The actual Lasik-technique cuts first a 160 µm thin circular flap of the epithel that is bend to one side and then thins down the cornea by local laser ablation to achieve the desired wavefront correction. The flap is then bent back and pressed. By capillary forces, the flap sucks down to the cornea by itself serving as a natural plaster. The treatment of the inner cornea is less painful and improves and fasten the heal up process. Today, the healing process is performed according to scientific directions of the commission for refractive surgery on an area around 6 mm diameter to avoid so called ghost pictures in the dark. This effect is caused when the pupil widens beyond the laser treated zone. The patient senses a second view area. According to the directions, a minimum cornea thickness above 250 µm is retained. The Zyoptix-technique developed by the german company Technolas Ophthalmologische Systeme GmbH, a subsidiary of Bausch & Lomb is the furthest developed laser treatment technique today, offering a fast individually designed treatment. It is based on the above mentioned Lasik-method with further improvements in the measurement of physiological eye anomalies, improved laser scan control by fast eye tracking and truncated gaussian laser beam profile with two spot sizes to ablate and polish the cornea surface. With this technique, the surgeon is able to provide an individual treatment to correct the specific wavefront aberrations of each eye of a patient. 50 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Laser Beam Modification A special UV-radiation intensity profile was developed by Fraunhofer ISIT and Technolas to achieve smooth transitions between overlapping ablation spots on the cornea. In a joint research effort, the feasibility for a intensity profiling, radiation hard UV-mask with very low back reflection and indication of use could be demonstrated. The glass chips are manufactured on double side polished 150 mm quartz wafer. The demanded truncated gaussian intensity profile could be realised by a special computer based mask structuring algorithm. Experimental devices used chips precision bonded in cavities of chip card-like carriers to ease handling and shipping. During the development phase, different departments became involved ranging from mask design, microsystems technology including wafer dicing and inspection operations up to module integration. Maturing of a Process Flow To provide a sufficient number of experimental chips, Fraunhofer ISIT established a customer specific production flow with all the required quality assessment steps and work organisation. Embedded in a logistics schedule provided by Technolas, ISIT became one link of a supplychain. The internal process flow was re-organised at ISIT to avoid extra work and improve efficiency. A further optimisation was gained from harmonising the ISIT process flow with the processes of the other suppliers and the customer itself. The single work-steps became distributed to the site which is best experienced. In this way, a cost efficient, well balanced and supervised process flow could be realised for this precision experimental device. Each work step is defined in a work description to provide the base for a later quality audit through Technolas. The operators are trained frequently to secure a high state of knowledge. Each single treatment opening in the chips is inspected before and after dicing to screen out patterning defects, resident particles or scratches in the substrate. For this purpose, a semi-automatic wafer defect finder was constructed at ISIT. The machine is fitted with a high resolution CCD-camera and different lighting to visualise defects. Pictures are automatically evaluated in respect to given failure criteria and devices become inked in case of a failure. A UV-dicing tape is used to lower the necessary forces for chip pick-up. The chip is then assembled at ISIT into the cavity of a flat carrier. A precision flip chip placing machine from ESEC Micron 2 is available for this purpose. A UV-curing adhesive is used to attach the diaphragms into position. Each placement position is automatically inspected and recorded together with the barcode identification of each carrier. The database is later on used for process control and yield statistics. Fracture tests are statistically performed on the final product to control the stability of the adhesive bond. The finalised carriers are supplied to Technolas for final quality control, software activation and distribution. • The scientific experience and technical infrastructure of different departments within ISIT were successfully integrated to achieve an efficient internal process flow and work organisation homogeneously interfaced with the additional companies in the supply- chain. • A medium size volume production was started at ISIT according to the quality specifications of Technolas. • Beside the pure technical issues, a mutual confidence could be developed between the different suppliers in the supply-chain which eased the further harmonisation of the processes and quality assessment procedures at different companies. Figure 1: Zyoptix-card with three apertures for UV-laser ablation of the cornea after assembly at ISIT. Conclusions • ISIT has developed a chip for the modification of the intensity profile of a UV-laser according to a customer specification. The chip integrates the truncated gaussian intensity profile characteristics together with very low back reflectivity, radiation tolerance and treatment indication. • A versatile carrier concept, the so called Zyoptix-card was developed. The chip is implanted into the treatment card which provides mechanical protection as well as counterfeit and misuse protection as an integral part of a risk management system. Figure 2: The Zyoptix-card provides an individual treatment to correct the specific defective vision of each eye. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 51 Representative Results of Work: Module Integration Rework of Electronic Assemblies Due to its long-period experience in the field of qualification of electronic assemblies the working group “Quality and Reliability of Electronic Assemblies” as part of the department Module Integration has developed to a center of competence. A new crucial field of work is the rework of complex electronic assemblies. Failure analysis, development of rework strategies as well as customized optimization of rework process technologies are the goals of these activities. The increasing rate of automation and systems intelligence in the manufacture of printed board assemblies has not diminished the importance of rework and repair. A zero-defect manufacturing is not attainable. At present, the acceptable limit of defects in a large-scale production Figure 1: Layout ISIT rework-testboard layer 4. 52 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 lies at about 100 dpm (defects per million), however, often this quality is not reached. From the fluctuation of defect rates it can be demonstrated that a reliable process control by optimization and by the definition of the production steps is essential for success. Therefore, all relevant parameters have to be defined. Investigations show that in most cases this is not realized. Additionally, inspections, notations, analyses and deducting arrangements as well as an integration into the continuous improvement process are of importance. For preserving value-added quota, repairing processes have to be qualified and integrated into the manufacturing process of devices. The increasing application of BGAs and CSPs leads to advancements in the repair process. Figure 2: ISIT rework-testboard, components placed. Representative Results of Work: Module Integration Hidden soldered connections require machine supported repairing, because manual soldering is not applicable. Based on our ongoing investigations, a rework testboard has been developed which features the following: • typical complex SMDs requiring the use of system assisted rework, • rigid multi-layer board containing two inner layers with variations in Cu density to simulate different thermal demands in the soldering process, • different Pb-free soldering surfaces (e.g. chem. Sn, chem. NiAu). The central point of repairing complex components is heating without damaging. On the one hand, there is the soldering heat requirement which is necessary e.g. for the activating the flux, heating the assembly up to soldering temperature (distinctly higher then the liquidus of the used solder) as well as achieving the soldering temperature after maximally 3-5 min. On the other hand, there is the soldering heat resistance of both the component and the circuit board. The heating rate should not exceed 1-2 K/s, the temperature should be above 100°C for maximally 5 min and maximally 60 s above liquidus. Theoretical observations from simulations and temperature measurements using the practice-oriented ISIT rework testboard yield the fundamental principles for a successful soldering with Rework and series process. Training at either the customer's site or the ISIT complements the comprehensive services offered. Based on a detailed analysis, a custom reworkstrategy is developed with the electronic assembly manufacturer. Concrete proposals are presented for integrating a rework system into the existing production concept, accompanied by development of customer-specific solutions. Rework stations, also appropriate for the selective mounting e.g. for the prototyping, enable a reliable process control and offer possibilities for a process-related documentation. The systematics of profiling for the rework process is demonstrated using the ISIT rework testboard and by the customized electronic assemblies. A temperature profile within the defined process section will be worked out. Hereby, rework offers directly controlled processing. Manufacturing sequence (process optimization) as well as influencing factors 300 temperature [°C] temperature [°C] Figure 3: Measured solder profiles, comparison between Pb-free and SnPb. temperature profile of BGA soldering with Sn 62 Pb 36 Ag 2 solder paste 250 219°C) 205°C) 200 300 temperature profile of BGA soldering with Sn 95.5 Ag 3.8 Cu 0.7 solder paste 257°C) 250 236°C) 200 150 150 100 100 upper side of BGA (max. 257°C) upper side of BGA (max. 219°C) 50 50 lower side of PCB (max. 202°C) lower side of PCB (max. 239°C) solder joint (max. 236°C) solder joint (max. 205°C) 0 0 0 60 120 180 240 time [sec] 54 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 0 60 120 180 240 time [sec] Figure 4: BGA-solder joints, side view and cross sectional view. (design) can be varied and the result can be observed immediately. This knowledge contributes to understand the series process. The participants of this workshop are encouraged to conduct practical training with various hot-gas and infra-red rework systems, respectively. In the course of this training they are introduced and supported to the following items: • temperature profiling during rework, • application of different selectiv soldering systems, • preparation of the soldering surfaces including reballing • set-up of soldering programs, • soldering out and in of complex ICs (BGA and CSP), • treatment of special assembly arrangements, • the subject of multiple soldering. The output in the field of rework is qualified by a quality assessment of the electronic assembly. Possible process defects are presented and analysed. Hereby, the evaluation takes place on the basis of technical state-of-the-art standards (e.g. ICP-A-610). Besides the general quality requirements these standards describe more detailed demands for soldered connections. It has to be emphasised that there is no guarantee for reliability by only visual quality control of soldered connections but the complete soldering procedure as well as the environmental factors are of importance. Methods are destructive metallographic as well as non destructive (e.g. x-ray) principles. The evaluation of the long-time behaviour of the assemblies is based on the matrix of requirements using model calculations, environmental and load tests up to failure analyses. Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 55 Important Names, Data, Events Annual Report 2001 Important Names, Data, Events Lecturing Assignments at Universities Memberships in Coordination Boards and Committees H. Bernt: Halbleitertechnologie I und II, Technische Fakultät der ChristianAlbrechts-Universität, Kiel T. Ahrens: Coordinator of AOI-Anwenderkreis (Automated Optical Inspection) A. Heuberger: Lehrstuhl für Halbleitertechnologie, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel P. Lange: Lehrbeauftragter Elektrotechnik, Fachhochschule Westküste, Heide T. Ahrens: Member of DVS Fachausschuß Löten R. Hintsche: National Delegate of COST Nanoscience & Technology Advisory Group (NanoSTAG) K. Pape: Member of VDI Fachausschuß Assembly Test, VDI, Frankfurt T. Ahrens: Member of DVS Fachausschuß Mikroverbindungstechnik K. Pape: Member of BVS, Bonn T. Ahrens: Member of Hamburger Lötzirkel K. Pape: Member of FED W. H. Brünger: Member of Steering Committee: Electron, Ion and Photon Beams and Nanofabrication, EIPBN, USA H. C. Petzold: Member of NEXUS Executive Board W. H. Brünger: Member of VDI Fachausschuß: Maskentechnik, VDI, Düsseldorf H. C. Petzold: Co-editor of mst news M. Reiter: Member of “Arbeitskreis Lotpasten” T. Harder: Member of European Network ˝Adhesives in Electronics˝ M. Reiter: Member of “Arbeitskreis Bleifreie Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik” A. Heuberger: Advisory Editor of International Journal of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology; Microelectronic Engineering A. Heuberger: Member of NEXUS Board A. Heuberger: Member of NEXUS Excecutive Board A. Heuberger: Member of NEXUS Academic Working Group A. Heuberger: 2. Chairman of an International Conference on Micro Electro, Opto, Mechanic Systems and Components Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 Institut für fluidtechnische Antriebe und Steuerungen, RWTH, Aachen Institut für Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik, RWTH, Aachen Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin Technische Universität Berlin TU Braunschweig, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, Institut für Elektrophysik Technical University of Budapest, Department of Electronic Technology, Budapest, Ungarn Cambridge University, UK M. Reiter: Member of Gf Korr “Arbeitskreis Korrosionsschutz in der Elektronik” W. H. Brünger: Section Head: Micro and Nano Engineering, MNE 01, Grenoble T. Harder: Member of European Network ˝COMPETE˝ 58 Cooperation with Institutes and Universities Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, Didicot, UK TU Dresden, Institut für Halbleiterund Mikrosystemtechnik Karl-Franzens University, Graz, Austria Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität (EMAU), Greifswald CEA Leti, Grenoble, France M. Reiter: Member of “Industrie-Arbeitskreis Know-How-Transfer mikrotechnischer Produktion” G. Zwicker: Head of Fachgruppe Planarisierung / Fachausschuss Verfahren / Fachbereich Halbleitertechnologie und –fertigung der GMM des VDE/VDI Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle Universitätskrankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg Universität Hamburg, Abteilung für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie Fachhochschule Westküste, Heide University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung (IFW), Jena Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Technische Fakultät und Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel FH Kiel IEMN-ISEN, Lille, France City University, London, UK University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Fachhochschule Lübeck CNRS-Université Claude Benard, Lyon, France TU München Universität der Bundeswehr, München SINTEF, Oslo, Norway Universität Oulu, Finland Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Oxford, UK University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden VDI/VDE-Technologenzentrum Informationstechnik, Teltow Fachhochschule Wedel Technische Universität Wien, Austria Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Miscellaneous Events Flip Chip & Chip Scale Europe 2001. International Convention & Exhibition on Innovative Electronic Packaging and Assembly Technologies, March 21 – March 22, 2001, Böblingen “Aspekte moderner Siliziumtechnologie” Public lectures. Monthly presentations, ISIT Itzehoe Hannover Messe 2001, AMA Sensorik Centrum. April 23 – April 28, 2001, Hannover Hannover Messe 2001, Innovation Market for Research and Development. April 23 – April 28, 2001, Hannover SMT/ES&S/Hybrid 2001. System Integration in Micro Electronics, Exhibition and Conference, April 24 – April 26, 2001, Nürnberg Sensor 2001. 10th International Trade Fair and International Congress: "Sensoren, Messaufnehmer und Systeme”. May 8 – May 10, 2001, Nürnberg Laser 2001. 15th International Trade Fair and International Congress, June 18 – June 22, 2001, München Productronica 2001. 14th International Trade Fair for Electronic Production, November 6 – November 9, 2001, München “Inspektion in der Baugruppenfertigung” Seminar. February 7 – February 8, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe “Mikrotechnologie: Arbeitsplätze der Zukunft”. Information event and press conference. Speakers: Michael Rocca, Staatssekretär im Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Verkehr des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Prof. Anton Heuberger, ISIT, HansJoachim Ramlow, ÜAZ, February 14, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe “Manuelles Löten von SMTBauelementen” Seminar. February 21 – February 23, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe “Der Lötprozess in der Elektronikfertigung” Seminar. October 15 – October 17, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe “Manuelles Löten von SMT-Bauelementen” Seminar. November 14 – November 16, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe “SMT-Rework-Praktikum” Seminar. November 14 – November 16, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe “Erfolgreiche Integration des CEM in das Fraunhofer ISIT” Press conference. Speakers: Prof. Detlef von Hofe, Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren, Dr. Joachim Scholz, Fachverband für Sensorik e.V., Karin Pape, ISIT, Prof. Anton Heuberger, ISIT, December 20, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe “Der Lötprozess in der Elektronikfertigung” Seminar. March 5 – March 7, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe “SMT-Rework-Praktikum” Seminar. April 4 – April 5, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe “Direktmontage ungehäuster Bauelemente” Seminar. May 16 – May 17, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe ISIT-, Vishay-Presentation at “Tag der beruflichen Bildung” organized by Berufliche Schule des Kreises Steinburg. July 17, 2001, Itzehoe “Mobiles SMT-Rework-Praktikum” Seminar. September 5 – September 6, 2001, DVS, Düsseldorf ISIT, Vishay-Presentation at “Tag der Ausbildung” organized by ÜAZ Itzehoe. September 15, 2001, Itzehoe “Direktmontage ungehäuster Bauelemente” Seminar. September 19 – September 20, 2001, ISIT Itzehoe Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 59 Scientific Publications Journal Papers and Contributions to Conference T. Ahrens: Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung in der Qualitätsbewertung elektronischer Baugruppen. VTE – Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik 4, p.194-203, August, 2001 T. Ahrens: Elektronische Baugruppen zerstörungsfrei prüfen. VTE – Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik 6, p.305-313, December, 2001 Talks and Poster Presentations V. Sukhorukov, M. Kürschner, S. Dilky, T. Lisec, B. Wagner, W. A. Schenk, R. Benz, U. Zimmermannn: Phloretic-Induced Changes of Lipophilic Ion Transport across the Plasma Membrane of Mammalian Cells. Biophysical Journal, Vol. 81, p. 1006-1013, 2001 M. Christophersen, P. Merz, J. Quenzer, J. Carstensen, H. Föll: Deep Electrochemical Trench Etching with Organic Hydrofluoric Electrolytes. Sensors and Actuators A, 88 (3) , p. 241-246, 2001 T. Harder, W. Reinert: Low-Profile Flip Chip Assembly using Ultra-Thin ICs. Proceedings of 13th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conf. (IMAPS), p.310, Strasbourg May, June, 2001 W.I. Milne, K. B. K. Teo, M. Chhowalla, G. A. Amaratunga, J. Yuan, J. Robertson, P. Legagneux, G. Pirio, D. Pribat, K. Bouzehouane, W. H. Brünger C. Trautmann: Carbon Films for Use as the Electron Source in a Parallel e-Beam Lithography System. New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology Vol 11, No.4, p. 235, 2001 H. Pristauz, W. Reinert: Handling Concepts for Ultra-Thin Wafers. Proceedings of 13th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conf. (IMAPS), Strasbourg p. 336, May, June, 2001 O. Schwarzelbach, G. Fakas, W. Nienkirchen: New Approach for Frequency Matching of Tuning Fork Gyrocopes by Using a Nonlinear Driving Concept. Proceedings of Transducers 01 11 th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, p. 464-467, June 10 – June 14, 2001 60 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 T. Ahrens: Rework komplexer SMT-Baugruppen. Seminar: Manuelles Löten von SMT- Bauelementen, ISIT, Itzehoe, February 21, 2001 T. Ahrens: Lötqualität. Seminar: Der Lötprozess in der Fertigung elektronischer Baugruppen, ISIT, Itzehoe, March 5, 2001 T. Ahrens: Rework-Strategien. Seminar: Der Lötprozess in der Fertigung elektronischer Baugruppen, ISIT, Itzehoe, March 6, 2001 T. Ahrens: Einbau der Zuverlässigkeit. Seminar: Der Lötprozess in der Fertigung elektronischer Baugruppen, ISIT, Itzehoe, March 7, 2001 T. Ahrens: Rework and Repair von elektronischen Baugruppen. 4. Europäische ElektroniktechnologieKolleg, Colonia St. Jordi, Mallorca, Spanien, March 16, 2001 T. Ahrens: Rework-Strategien. Der Lötprozess in der Fertigung elektronischer Baugruppen, ISIT, Itzehoe, October 15, 2001 T. Ahrens: Baugruppen- und Fehlerbewertung. Seminar: Der Lötprozess in der Fertigung elektronischer Baugruppen, ISIT, Itzehoe, October 16, 2001 T. Ahrens: Lötqualität. Seminar: Der Lötprozess in der Fertigung elektronischer Baugruppen, ISIT, Itzehoe, October 16, 2001 Scientific Publications Diploma Theses L. Blohm: Realisierung der drahtlosen Anbindung eines µC-gesteuerten Messgerätes an eine PC-Plattform in Verbindung mit der Optimierung der Datenerfassungs- und Steuersoftware. Fachhochschule Westküste, Heide, 2001 U. Bott: Untersuchung und Weiterentwicklung eines Herstellungsprozesses von Mikrolinsen auf Glassubstraten. Fachhochschule Lübeck, 2001 C. Werlich: Entwicklung eines autarken Gatetreiberbausteins für Zuverlässigkeitsuntersuchungen. Fachhochschule Westküste, Heide, 2001 62 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 General View on Projects Overview of Projects • Hochtemperatur-ElektronikStudie • Entwicklung von Super-JunctionStrukturen für HochvoltPowerMOS-Anwendungen • • • • Halbleiterbauelemente hoher Leistung Entwicklung einer Fertigungstechnologie für NPT-Trench-IGBTs im Spannungsbereich bis 1.2 KV Entwicklung eines Prozessmoduls zur Herstellung lokaler Wärmesenken auf vollständig prozessierten BCDMOS Wafern Prozessierung von Wafern mittels Silizium-Trockenätzen zur Erzeugung spezieller Si-Strukturen • Fabrication of Capacitor Structures • Development of a Metal Resistor Process Module and its Integration into an Existing ID-Process • Evaluierung eines IR-Ofens zur thermischen Behandlung dicker Lacke, IR BAKER • • • • • • Micromachined Electromechanical Devices for Integrated Wireless Communication Transceivers, MELODICT • Entwicklung eins modularen Mikroanalysesystems, EASY-LAB • Micro-Scanning Endoscope with Diagnostic and Anhanced Resolution Attributes • Entwicklung eines Spektrometers mit Stufenplatten • Herstellung von Nanolichtquellen zur hochauflösenden Inspektion von biologischen Proben • Kostengünstige Herstellung von Mikrosystemen: Verbundtechnik von Kunststoff und Silizium (MP-CC) • Entwicklung eines hochdruckfesten Drucksensors • Entwurf einer 1/0- Schaltung für Handy-Anwendungen Herstellung mikrooptischer Linsenarrays aus Glas • Untersuchung an mikromechanischen Drehraten-Sensoren Electric DNA Chips for Bioprocess Control • Integriertes mikrobiologisches Sensorsystem zur Abwasseranalyse Aufstellung und Erprobung einer Waferreinigungsanlage auf der Basis von Ozon mit kryomagnetischer Siliziumscheibenlagerung Evaluierung von Slurries zum chemisch-mechanischen Polieren von SiO2 Planarisierung von Glaswafern Prozessentwicklung für die Herstellung von terrasierten Silizium-Strukturen Maskenentwurf für “Integrated Discretes” • Developement of an Micro Gyroscope (Mechanics and Electronics), STARS • Entwicklung eines ASICs für Automotive-Anwendungen (LIBRA) • • • Entwicklung eines mikromechanischen Luftmassensensors • Entwicklung eines in Siliziumtechnologie hergestellten pneumatischen 3/2-WegeMikroventils • • Fabrication of Inductor Structures • Herstellung von SiGe BraggGittern • Optische Reflexionsgitter auf Tantalpentoxid • Einsatz der Ionen-ProjektionsLithographie im Fertigungsprozess für die kontaktlose Strukturierung planarer, magnetischer Speichermedien • Herstellung und Replikation von großflächigen 3D-Nano- und Mikrostrukturen, NanoFab • Entwicklung von kapazitiven HF-Schaltern • Kalte Ionenquelle für die Ionen-Projektions-Lithographie • • Ausgasverhalten von e-beam-Lacken Herstellung eines statischen Spiegel-Arrays mit GrautonLithographie • Entwicklung und Herstellung von Flowsensoren • Musterfertigung von Blendenkarten mit Soft-Blenden • Fertigung eines Spiegelarrays mit elektrischem Anschluß und Beurteilung der Mikrospiegeltechnologie • Micro Well Plates with Transparent Stimulation Electrodes • Entwicklung eines 4x4 Arrays von Zweiachsen-Mikrospiegeln • Fabrication, Assembly and Testing of a Miniature Two-Axis Laser Scanner and a High Voltage Amplifier • Prozessentwicklung zur Herstellung von Nonostrukturen in Siliziumnitrid Arrays of Microguns for Parallel e-Beam Nanolithography, NANOLITH • Entwicklung von Post-CMPReinigungsprozessen für die Fertigung von zukünftigen integrierten Schaltkreisen in der Si-Technologie • Erprobung eines Post-CMPReinigungssystems auf der Basis des Jet-Steam-Cleaning für 300mm Wafer • European Access to Manufacturing Service for MEMS on SOI Micromachining Technologies • Silizium-Chipsystem für die biochemische Analysentechnik: Technologische Plattform und Systemintegration Teilvorhaben: Messverfahren und biochemische Assays • Silizium-Chipsystem für die biochemische Analysentechnik: Technologische Plattform und Systemintegration, Teilvorhaben: Testchips und Testverfahren • Entwicklung von Ultramikroelektrodenarrays und Integration in ein automatisiertes fluidisches Analysesystem • Advanced Insulin Infusion Using a Control Loop • • Festkörper-Lithiumakkumulatoren • Network of Excellence in Multifunctional Microsystems, NEXUS 2000 • Customer Support and Design Centre for Physical Measurement Systems, EUROPRACTICE III CCMeSys • Microactuator Competence Centre, EUROPRACTICE III CCMicro • Alternatives Löten von Mikrobausteinen • Laserlöten von Silizium-Pyrex mittels Glaslot zur Kapselung von Mikrosensoren • Mikrosystemtechnik 2000+, µ-Encoder mit zentrischer optischer Abtastung • Bonden mit Cu-Draht in der Leistungselektronik • Flip-Chip-Technologie mit gedünnten Siliziumchips für intelligente Etiketten (Smart-Label) • Chipkartenbestückung mit Grautonblenden • Ultra-Thin Packaging Solutions using Thin Silicon • Thematic Network “Adhesives in Electronics” • Flip Chip Die Bonder for UltraThin Silicon • Herstellung porenarmer Weichlötverbindungen • Reflow und Wellenlöten mit bleifreien Loten • Zuverlässigkeit mikrotechnischer Lötverbindungen • Die elektronische Baugruppe der Zukunft • Modulintegration und Gehäusetechnik für großflächige Mikrosysteme • Stressoptimierte Montage und Gehäusetechnik für mikromechanisch hergestellte SiliziumDrehratensensoren Manufacturing Cluster, EUROPRACTICE III MC 1 Fraunhofer ISIT Achievements and Results – Annual Report 2001 63 Contact Please contact us for further information. We would be glad to answer your questions. Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie Itzehoe Fraunhoferstraße 1 25524 Itzehoe Telephone +49(0) 4821 / 17-4211 (Secretary) Fax +49(o) 4821 / 17-4251 e-mail [email protected] Press and Public Relations Claus Wacker Telephone +49 (0) 48 21 / 17-42 14 email [email protected] Imprint Editor Claus Wacker Layout / Setting Anne Brodmeier, Hamburg Lithography TypoDesign GmbH, Hamburg Printing Beisner Druck GmbH, Hamburg Photographs: Title, pp. 10, 14, 15, 17 top, 19, 20 bottom, 36, 40 top, 46, 53 photo company Itzehoe p. 51 Technolas other pictures ISIT
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