december is here and we are pumped for a great
december is here and we are pumped for a great
WORDS FROM THE WIZARD DECEMBER IS HERE AND WE ARE PUMPED FOR A GREAT MONTH OF SHOWS, GAMES, PEROGIES AND XMAS FUN!! Things have been busy at the ol’ House of TARG, our wizards are working overtime to prepare for your visit – thank you for a great year of action – we are grateful to everyone in our community for the support over the last year!! Operating a small business is a challenging and very rewarding experience - we couldn’t do it without you. We’ve got so much happening in the coming months and are excited to serve our community by bringing in the best shows we can secure, the coolest games we can find and a perogi menu that keeps growing – never give up!! - YOGI an important year for music, as in that same year FEED US A FETUS by the DAYGLO ABORTIONS was released. Well folks, lemme tell ya something. Sure, MASTER OF PUPPETS was a massive success for METALLICA, but it’s seriously overrated, with many a mediocre track on it. Yes, REIGN IN BLOOD melts faces, but not every track on it is all that memorable, and suffers on the whole because of that. And yes, PEACE SELLS (But who’s buying?) is solid, but once again, definitely not the strongest effort by Megadeth. Until I find something that proves me wrong, I’m going to say that FEED US A FETUS, the quintessential album by the DAYGLO ABORTIONS was the best thrash album of 1986. FEED US A FETUS is not only one of the best examples of how much metal and punk combined can kick ass, but also one of the best Canadian punk/metal albums of all time. From the SNOTTY vocals of singer/ guitarist (and also the sole original member in their current lineup) THE CRETIN to their weird, thin guitar tone, their absurd lyrics, and even their album cover, the entire album should annoy you. But for some reason, you can’t help but immediately love it. The album kicks off with the aptly named STUPID SONGS, and you know you are in for DAYGLO ABORTIONS quite the ride. With trashy riffage and Feed Us A Fetus “whoa-ohs” a plenty, STUPID SONGS Label: Fringe Product absolutely destroys.You listen to it, 8,9,26 times in a row, and then proceed HOO BOY FOLKS, WE GOT to the rest of the album. Every single A REAL CLASSIC ON OUR HANDS HERE. 1986, as you should song on this album is memorable (and all know, brought us some of the best with over 20 tracks, that’s quite the and most iconic thrash metal albums feat), and after only a few listens you will be singing along to every chorus of all time (Peace Sells, Reign in here and banging yer head. While few Blood, Master of Puppets, you get of the songs here expand beyond the the idea). However, all these albums are of iconic American bands, so it is crossover thrash formula, they are all distinct, and don’t blend together clear the music historians were not thinking about what the hosers were CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 up to when deciding why this was SKA JEFF’S HI-FIVES: YOU KNOW WHAT SUCKS ABOUT THE HOLIDAYS? ANNOYING CHRISTMAS CAROLS. FORTUNATELY (OR FOR SOME UNFORTUNATELY), THERE ARE A FEW X-MAS JAMS WRITTEN SPECIFICALLY TO KEEP YOU HEADBANGIN’ THE ENTIRE YULETIDE SEASON. HELP ME SLO’ TOM: My girlfriend dumped me, plus I lost my job at The Source by Circuit City (formerly Radio Shack, a division of Tandy Leather Goods). It’s a drag, but I can deal with it. The problem is, over the years I’ve exaggerated my lifestyle a teensyweensy bit… I’ve told my parents that I’m the CEO of a high tech company and that my fiancé is a big wig in the Foreign Service. Now the holidays are almost here. I don’t want to ruin Christmas but I’ve got to tell them… right? – Signed: Desper8 #5. SPINAL TAP: CHRISTMAS WITH THE DEVIL (1984): This was released on 7” and includes the “Scratch Mix”. #3. WE WISH YOU A METAL XMAS AND A HEADBANGING NEW YEAR (2008): Let’s just say Lemmy does a version of Run Rudolph Run. What more could you ask for? #4. TWISTED SISTER: A TWISTED CHRISTMAS (2006): Twisted Sister released an x-mas album? Yep! & it’s better than what Grandma planned on throwing on. #2. CRISTOPHER LEE: A HEAVY METAL CHRISTMAS (2012): Christopher Lee playing metal versions of x-mas songs? Amazing! Rest in peace, my good sir. Hey Desper8: No offense, but unless your parents are as stupid as you, there’s no way they believe the lies you’ve told them. So stick with the charade – trust me, they’re already playing along! Happy Holidays! #1. WE WISH YOU A HAIRY CHRISTMAS: (2003) Warrant, Danger Danger, L.A. Guns and others doing x-mas tunes like Jingle Bell Rock. The stench of cheese is strong on this album, but it still rules. DEAR MR. SLO’: Every year my brother invites me to spend Christmas with his family and I hate it! It’s total chaos: they start drinking at noon, somebody always burns the turkey, and last year one of the nephews puked in my stocking! How do I politely decline this yearly nightmare without offending him? – Signed: Not-So-Merry-Christmas Dear Not-So-Merry-Christmas: No offense, but you sound like a real dick. Christmas is a time to count your blessings. I receive hundreds of letters from readers who are dreading truly horrendous festive family gatherings… In comparison, what you describe sounds positively heartwarming! You’re practically living in a goddam Norman Rockwell painting, for christ sakes. Stop your belly aching. Maybe if you join them and start drinking at noon you might not be such a wet blanket this year, you jerk. HEY THERE TOM: WHAT’S THE PERFECT GIFT CAN I GET FOR THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE WHO HAS EVERYTHING? – Signed: PerfectPresent Dear PerfectPresent: That “special someone who has everything” really just wants more time with YOU!!! Show your love by taking them out for some fine, high class culture. I know what you’re thinking: the NAC Orchestra or maybe the ballet! Yeah, right! That stuff is expensive… & boring! I’m talking the 15th Annual SEASON’S BEATINGS Holiday Spectacular live at TARG December 18 & 19! See ya there, perfectpresent GAME OF THRONES PINBALL LAUNCH PARTY Presented by: Ottawa Punk Pinball & Cover: FREE Doors: 5pm Tournament Qualifying Hours: Wed Dec 16 5pm-10pm TRON LEGACY SKILL SHOT All Ages/All Skill Levels Welcome! TOURNAMENT FORMAT Best Game Qualifying (Unlimited Entries). Qualifying entries may be purchased and played between 5pm-10pm with Tournament Finals thereafter. Drop in anytime to try and throw down a high score! Top 4 Scores/Players of the night make Finals (4 player head-to-head single elimination game). COSTS - NO COVER - PAY TO PLAY Single Game Entries - $TBD (game will be on FREEPLAY - no coin drop - just buy your entry/ entries and play!) Unlimited Entries/No Cap PRIZES -100% of Entry $$$ will be given back to players in the prize pool (less nominal $10 deduction for event expenses) Get the ball into FLYNN’S ARCADE (where the cool little TRON arcade machine is). If you plunge softly, the ball rolls through the one-way gate at the end of the shooter lane on the right, & can bounce off the Flynn’s divider to fall into the scoop (A) for 500K points. DRACULA SKILL SHOT This one is purely a matter of timing. The display will show a three-faced gargoyle (A), with each face flashing in turn. When the ball hits the Drop Target after being launched, the Skill Shot award depends on the face which is lit. The left face awards 100K, and the right face awards 500K. The center face awards 1M the first time, increasing by 1M each subsequent time to a maximum of 5M. WICKED ALBUMS REVIEWED BY A MILLENNIAL CONTINUED distinct, and don’t blend together while maintaining a distinct sound throughout. While much of the lyrical content on F.U.A.F. is absolutely ridiculous and contains a healthy dose of offensive material, it’s nothing that you should be shocked at (unless you happen to be the grand duke of PCVille). While I’m sure even the Dayglos themselves would admit a few songs here are completely nonsensical (read the lyrics to dog farts if you haven’t), there are multiple tracks where they show their political side. Many of their more political songs are at least slightly jokey still, and very clever (ex. Ronald McRaygun). There is one track (by the name of BEDTIME STORY), where all humour is forgotten, and they have lyrics that are reminiscent of Discharge in that they deal with the horrors of war, and the day the bombs drop on us. Combining hardcore punk and thrash riffs with snotty punk vocals, the Dayglos set the standard for the legions of joke punk and party thrash bands (Such as Municipal Waste) that have formed since. Even in Ottawa, there are bands that were inspired by the ridiculous metal/punk of the Dayglos ( such as local hoser thrashers World War 4). Catch the DAYGLO ABORTIONS at TARG TUES DEC 29 with local drunk punx SHOOTIN’ BLANX, intergenerational metal/punk METAL PATROL & local punx FUCKMOUTH. Odds are they’ll play some stuff off F.U.A.F. so everyone should come on down and see this legendary band. A GUIDE TO ALL THE CONCERTS TAKING PLACE AT HOUSE OF TARG THIS DECEMBER PARTY/TOURNAMENT We are very proud to have one of the newest STERN machines on location and are throwing a party to celebrate – tournament starts at 5pm, all skill levels welcome, no cover, pay to play – give r a rip!! *prizes* THURS DEC 17 – House of TARG, THURS DEC 3 – House of TARG and PBR present: 80’s DANCE PARTY with REMI ROYALE A dance party featuring an eclectic selection of songs and videos from the 80’s, Price Is Right style games for the audience to participate in and win prizes. Videogames. Pinball. Pop-up sing-a-longs with host MC and DJ,Remi Royale!!! The most authentic 80’s experience!! *hot dogs* FRI DEC 4 – House of TARG, Beau’s All Natural and Valhalla holdings present: WARSENAL + DEALER + ACID CROSS This amazing line-up of wicked metal talent is 100% GuaranteedHeavy! Thrash/Speed Metal, Crossover/Thrash, Blackened Metal Punk/Thrash - this is also the tape release show for ACID CROSS’ Black Moon Rites! *Stoked* SAT DEC 5 – House of TARG, Spectrasonic and Ashton Brewing present: THE ELWINS + HEYROCCO + MOSELY A sweet night of indie/pop, grunge/pop and Ottawa rock!! Big thanks as to our pals at Spectrasonic for their hard work consistently booking killer touring talent – awesome!! *Ottawa* TUES DEC 8 – House of TARG and Spectrasonic present: RITUAL + ‘68 + HERE COMES BIGFOOT + HALFSLEEPER. Pounding, unforgiving metalcore, dissonant angular guitar riffs... harsh barks creating an impermeably claustrophobic sonic environment – sold!! *School night – early doors, 8pm* WED DEC 9 – House of TARG presents: COOL KIDS CRAFT SHOW No Cover, doors at 5pm – huge list of vendors to check out, get all your xmas shopping done and support local artists while you’re doin’ it!! Pottery, t-shirts, zines, silk screened patches, embroidery, knitted accessories, original artwork, prints metal work, guitar pedals, used and vintage clothing, tarot card readings, hand painted shirts and christmas cards, lingerie, wood work, jewelry – nuff said? *1$ off perogies* THURS DEC 10 – House of TARG and PBR present: 80’s DANCE PARTY with REMI ROYALE A dance party featuring an eclectic selection of songs and videos from the 80’s, Price Is Right style games for the audience to participate in and win prizes. Videogames. Pinball. Pop-up singa-longs with host MC and DJ,Remi Royale!!! The most authentic 80’s experience!! *hot dogs* FRI DEC 11 – House of TARG and Beau’s All Natural present: BCASA + BOIDS + CRITICULL The selfproclaimed greatest band in the universe, has proclaimed that THIS will be the last banger in Ottawa! The walls of HOUSE OF TARG will barely be able to contain the flood of sweaty hugs and kisses! *do not miss* SAT DEC 12 – House of TARG, Ashton Brewing & Shade Nyx’s Theatre Macabre present – NAUGHTY, NOT NICE: A KINKY KRISTMAS SHOW!. – always a pleasure to host an evening of burlesque featuring some of Ottawa’s best routines and talent benefits to the Cornerstone Women’s Shelter *adult content* WED DEC 16 – House of TARG, Ottawa Pinball and Ottawa Punk Pinball League present: GAME OF THRONES PINBALL LAUNCH PBR and Spectrasonic present: A WILHELM SCREAM + PEARS + BRUTAL YOUTH + PISTOLS AT DAWN Join us for a killer night of melodic-hardcore/punk/rock – this bill is stacked!! *guitar wizards* FRI DEC 18/SAT DEC 19 – House of TARG, Beau’s All Natural, Ashton Brewing and Necro Amusements present: SEASONS BEATINGS!! Two nights of Xmas fun featuring weirdo movies, projections, prizes and a lineup of bands/talent that’ll have you crying in your beer in no time NITE ONE: REMI ROYALE + SLO’ TOM + SUPER AWESOME CLUB NITE TWO: FLYING FORTRESS + WORLD WAR 4 + BLACKBREAD *kookoobananas* TUES DEC 29 – House of TARG and Chord Productions present: DAYGLO ABORTIONS + SHOOTIN’ BLANX + METAL PATROL + FUCK MOUTH The Dayglo’s are quite possibly the definition of “Canuck Punk”. Formed during the heyday of Punk back in 1979. Look forward to seeing founding member Murray “The Cretin” perform some of the most storied tunes from their amazing metal infused punk catalogue. What a treat! *legends* WED DEC 30 – House of TARG presents: THE FUSE + REMEMBER THE ARCADIANS + THE ICE COLD BEERS + STREET HILLS + CAVES + SAM BARKWELL All ages show!! Come check out some great bands, games and perogies – have fun and respect the rules/guidelines of an all ages event so we can keep em’ comin!! *nevergiveup* THURS DEC 31 – House of TARG and PBR present – NEW YEARS EVE 2015 QUARANTINE – hooo boy, this one is gonna be a doozy. Tickets on sale at the bar for a night you won’t ever forget - TARG has become well known for our HALLOWEEN and NEW YEARS shows – every year we take it up a notch and push ourselves to bring you an insane night of entertainment, prizes, games and weirdo fun PLUS there will be plenty of dancing courtesy of DJ KJMaxx & DJ REMI ROYALE – join us - we have the *virus* vaccine!!! EVERY SUNDAY – FREEPLAY AFTER 9PM House of TARG and Steam Whistle Brewing present: TOUGHEN UP! w/ DJ KJMaxx + guests - spinning your favourite WAX arcade jams from 9pm till 2am – All the Pinball & Classic Arcade Game Action You Can Handle For Just 5 Measly Canadian Dollars. ABSOLUTELY NASTY, HORRIBLE & PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE GIFT IDEAS FOR THE MILITANT VEGAN When they open up this gross box of nonbiodegradable meat & cheese & exclaim “consumption of animal products is unethical”, you can tell them “don’t sweat it, the rest of us don’t eat this crap either!” FOR YOUR ANNOYING COUSIN Nothing says “I’m just phoneing it in” like a lottery ticket. Go with a long shot sequence of losing numbers & make sure they know you hand picked the digits just for them. How sweet of you! FOR YOUR CRAPPY BOSS Yer boss knows they’re incompetent right? Test your hypothesis with a personalized cup. If she asks for an unnecessary TPS report while hovering over your desk with the new mug, you will know the message was delivered “successfully”. FOR YOUR EX BOYFRIEND He dumped you for a younger woman even though he is on the verge of losing all of his hair. It’s Just a matter of time before he gets crushed & spends a life alone. Spray on hair doesn’t work & is a gentle reminder that he will never get you or his awesome Johnny-Depp-Do back. In your face jerk! FOR YOUR BIGSHOT TORONTO FRIEND There are advantages to living in a world class city: opportunity, nice shoes, seeing the Melvins & your Tdot pal constantly lets you know it. This irresistible gift will have them questioning why they can’t play pinball & eat perogies in their precious city. HA! Toque touché! Pre-order one at bar before they all end up in Toronto. FOR YOUR EX GIRLFRIEND She dumped you for a guy who actually has an income & a drivers license but you are sick of seeing her lame Jamaican wedding pics on Facebook. Totally mean but imagine the fury you could cause with this gift. Unleash the xmas fury! ARMATRON a joystick controlled robotic arm. Once you got bored moving around the objects of the fake radiation set, you moved on to dipping your fries into ketchup which took +3hrs and made the last ones cold and inedible. PXL2000 (PIXELVISION) used audio cassettes to record video/ PLAY WITH SOME OF audio & was so THESE TOYS AT THE NEXT cheap compared to vid cams in the 80’s, instead of having 10 cassettes of me & my friends farts, I have 10 cassettes of audio AND video of our farts. 80’S DANCE PARTY WITH REMI ROYALE T H U R S DAY DECEMBER 10 CAPTAIN POWER COUCH POTATO TEDDY RUXPIN was an animatronic talking bear who’s mouth and eyes moved while “reading” stories that were played on a cassette deck built into it. Even cooler when it lip syncs Maiden tapes. The term “Couch Potato” was first used in 1976, but with the advent of VHS, gaming consoles & maybe the best decade for junk food, Couch Potato, came out at the peak of being Le King Of Le Divan (see Plastic Bertrand), in the 80’s. a TV show with A/V segments that interacted with toys. The post-apocalyptic storyline, violence, shooting guns at the screen & reports of seizures from the flickering lights activating the toys sank the toy line. BACK IN STOCK IRON MAIDEN, TROOPER ALE Sovereign Beverage Company Ltd Alcohol/Vol - 4.7% Made in: England, United Kingdom Style: Medium & Malty Trooper is a premium British beer created by Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson & hand crafted by Robinson’s brewery in Stockport.
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