Targ Zine - Mustaches for Kids
Targ Zine - Mustaches for Kids
WORDS FROM THE WIZARD Welcome to issue #8 of TARG zine – our monthly publication which exists to entertain our friends/patrons with humour and fun while informing you of our plans and dreams, future shows, exciting games and the killer artistic scene which grows within our community. Each month the amazing staff at House of TARG and our friends/collegues contribute their creative ideas/input (often over late night pinball sessions) to the zine and every month we enjoy a great feeling of accomplishment and pride when reading the final edit. We thank you all for your interest and dedication to our unfolding story – this adventure is like no other, full of growth, adaptation, imagination and of course tons of hard work. We would also like to thank our friends and sponsors who make this publication possible logistically and financially – your help is well appreciated. We’ve got a lot of work to do and a ton of wicked fun to get to – dig in and enjoy!! – Yogi THE SHOUT OUT LIST: Melanie at Beau’s All Natural, Shane at PBR/Sleeman, Curtis Delaney, Ska Jeff, Josh Grace, Geoff Parr, Felix, Jennilee°Murray, Jennie°Lynn°MacDonald & all the TARG Wizards. THE TARG RUSTIC BRUNCH SATURDAY & SUNDAY 11 AM - 3PM ALL THE GAMES ARE ON FOR THESE EXTENDED FAMILY FRIENDLY BRUNCHTASTIC HOURS ALL AGES WELCOME! FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF NOVEMBER ALL QUARTERS PUMPED INTO WRESTLEFEST WILL BE DONATED TO A COOL CHARITY CALLED MUSTACHES FOR KIDS (M4K). They grow lip hair to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Since 8 of the 10 selectable characters in WrestleFest are afflicted with facial hair, we thought we would lend some of our arcade moustache power to this great cause. The Ottawa chapter of M4K has been growing since 2005 and has raised over $150,000. Amazing. JAKE “THE SNAKE” ROBERTS Trademark Move : DDT EARTHQUAKE Trademark Move : Earthquake Vertical Splash SGT. SLAUGHTER Trademark Move : The Cobra Clutch HULK HOGAN Trademark Move : Leg Drop THE BIG BOSS MAN Trademark Move : The Boss Man Slam THE M4K DUDES Trademark Move : Helping Kids It’s hard to believe something as cool as pinball was banned. Thankfully some determined amusements operators fought the power until pinball machines were officially legal in Ottawa around mid 1976. Movember is that magical time of year in which folks let their beards grow much longer than they really should. As it so happens men (and a few women) in Northern Europe have a tendency to grow amazing beards. And as we all know, black metal has a cult following (pun intended) in Northern Europe being very popular among its beardos. To tie this all together, as it so happens this album coined the term black metal, and many claim that Venom was a leader in the first wave of black metal. Now, what I must address is that this album is far from the sound of any black metal I’ve ever heard, in fact it sounds more like a speed metal album to me. However, even to it. Raise the Dead is really just the faster third of this song, and while simple is still memorable. Teacher’s Pet, while honestly not one of my preferred tracks on this record, it is worth listening to for the It kicks off with the title track… sheer hilarity (it’s basically about some kid having weird a great song but makes as detention sex with his teachmuch sense as a sack full of er). Considering though that drunk badgers. One moment the rest of the album is about Cronos is shouting about nuSatan’s socks and how cool clear warfare, the next about a colour black is, it makes me cranking up his amps, & then wonder if the band wrote this about “black leather hounds, song as a bet to someone. faster than sound”… what “Hey man, bet you 5 quid I can in holy hell is a black leather hound? Even if the lyrics make put a song about having sex with my teacher in an album little sense, it is hard not to that has nothing to do with bang your head & scream that, and no-one will notice”. “lay down your souls to the gods rock and roll!” during the Considering Venom may have been the first band to write chorus. “To Hell and Back” a song about this with most is a relatively good track, of the metaphor gone, they though once again, the lyrics may have unwittingly inspired sound like something a drunk Satanist would yell at a church all those weird pornogrind bands and f*cked up Cannibal with no one in it. Corpse songs most people try to forget exist. God damn The next track is buried alive it Venom, metal was weird (although I would lump in the enough already… track after it as it leads into it) which while very slow, it Moving on…essentially are has a very nice atmosphere though this is by no means real black metal (It wasn’t even really a genre when this album was made in ‘82) it is very heavy and aggressive for its time. of the songs on the second side are straight up thrashers. Sacrifice, Heaven’s on fire and Leave me in Hell are catchy as… well, hell. Countess Bathory and Don’t Burn the Witch are two of my favorite tracks on this album. Both of which have neck-snapping riffs and great “scream along” choruses. Overall, this album kicks some serious demonic ass, and while the songs are generally not very complex, this album finds its strength in its simplicity. I don’t really see this albums influence on black metal outside of the name, however its influence on thrash is obvious, from the harsh vocals to riffs that break the headbangability scale. And considering that it was released a year before Metallica’s debut (which is largely regarded as the beginning of thrash), this is the go to album for you Europeans who want to prove that you invented thrash, and I would probably have to agree with them. WIZARD OF THE MONTH CHEF JAY HE HAS THE HAIR OF PREDATOR, THE LEXICON OF BOB MCKENZIE, THE HANDS OF JULIA CHILD (SHE WAS A BIG LADY) & MOST OF THE HIGH SCORES AT TARG. CHEF JAY IS A TRUE PEROGI WIZARD, PINBALL FANATIC, SWELL GUY & PLAYS A HUGE PART IN THE TARG ADVENTURE. CURRENT BANDS YER IN Regret, with other projects in the works. FAVE BANDS CURTIS D. IS THE MASTERMIND BEHIND THESE HILARIOUS “ADVENTURES OF TARG” COMIX. HEY IT’S TRONY-O IS HE THE TRON CHAMP? We think he might be. Challenge him any Sun FreePlay Nite at TARG! Faith No More, Rush, State of Fear, The Police, Disrupt, Politikill Incorrect. Conflict, Death Ottawa Punk Pinball League (OPPL) and the House of TARG present ‘FLIP OFF HUNGER’ - an IFPA Competitive Pinball Tournament in support of the Ottawa Food Bank. Head-to-Head Brackelope Tournament. Win Prizes! Earn WPPR Points!. This is the real deal ballers! Registration $5 from 11am-12. Tournament starts at 12:30 sharp. CURRENT HIGH SCORES Spiderman, Iron Man, Star Wars ep. 1, Dr. Who, Dracula, Teriminator 2 (grand champion) FAVE OTTAWA RESTAURANTS Zen Kitchen, Horn of Africa, Ahoras, DRINK OF CHOICE Ashton Brewing Company’s brown. OPPL is a Social pinball league in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada with meets/ tournaments held at House of TARG Facebook: Ottawa Punk Pinball League Instagram: @ottawapunkpinball Twitter: @punkpinball SO YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT GROWING A MOUSTACHE, EH? Growing a moustache is not a decision to take lightly – you’ve gotta think this thing through before you sit down and start churning one out! ARE YOU SURE THIS IS THE RIGHT LOOK FOR YOU? Believe it or not, there’s significant downsides to having facial hair. A ‘stache will definitely make you look older. Now of course, if you’re 15 and trying to score a case of beer, sporting a “dirt squirrel” will really do the trick! But if you’re like me, you don’t need anything to make you look any older! And what if it turns out you don’t have that manly, thick, luscious facial hair like Stalin or that guy in Husker Du? What if it’s thin, patchy and vaguely pervy like Prince or Johnny Depp? You’d better make sure you can ‘pull it off’… or you’ll be shaving it off! YOU’RE DETERMINED TO GIVE IT A SHOT – HOW TO START? Well, you’ve only got two choices, kid. When I decide to get funky and grow a “snot-mop”, I hide out in my parents’ basement for a month and then trim whatever I’ve got into something I can bear to be seen with. The other option is to stop shaving the part you think you want to keep and hope your friends and co-workers won’t start asking questions. It’s a gamble. But hey, that brings us to #3… YOU’VE GROWN A PRETTY COOL “COOKIE-DUSTER” You’re a moustache kind of guy. You’ve proven yourself a gambler. You’re the kind of guy who says: “To hell with the squares! I’ve got a moustache and I don’t give a hoot what The Man thinks!” Congratulations! Now get out there, stand tall and show the world your “womb-broom”! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Slo’ Tom is a heavily active musician and is always committed to entertaining his audience… just look at that MOUTH MIRKEN he grew for one of the last Furnaceface tours… now that’s selflessness! He has probably fixed your Peavy Bandit & is one of the head honchos over at Spaceman Music. You can see him perform with his bands “Slo’ Tom & The Handsome Devils, ManPower & Hey Buster. SAT NOV 1st – House of TARG and Ottawa Explosion present TV FREAKS (Hamilton) and BRAT KINGS (Montreal) – are you friggin kidding me? I hope not, I can’t wait for this show. Killer high energy punk rock attitude and riffage. Super recommended. Earplugs required. THURS NOV 6th – Steam Whistle and The Carleton Metal Ravens present – HEAVY METAL KARAOKE NITE – members of this Carleton University based club love metal. Alot. Get up on the TARG stage and show us what u got or watch others while laughing your ass off. No divas, air guitaring encouraged. FRI NOV 7th – 10th Annual Canadian Legion Benefit Punk Rock Show – come check out some great local punk bands (SLUMLORD and FOUR STROKE) and finish your evening off with a 22 piece pipe and drum band!! (SONS OF SCOTLAND) all proceeds to veterans, their wives, families or widows in need. Good cause, great show. Catch part two of this great initiative the next night at the best tavern in Ottawa (the DOM). SAT NOV 8th – House of TARG and CKCUfm present - EVIL FARM CHILDREN with special guests TONGUE FOO – Whaaaat? One time reunion show here for EVIL FARM CHILDREN – this is your last chance to see and hear this legendary Ottawa based band and the openers ain’t no slouches either - featuring members of TEENAGE HEAD and THE KILLJOYS. SUN NOV 9th – TOUGHEN UP and House of TARG present – THE ABOVE (NY) Dj KJMAXX of MOTHERS CHILDREN and SUN freeplay fame brings his pals all the way from Brooklyn New York for a special midnight performance. Stoked!! THURS NOV 13th – House of Targ/Steam Whistle present – THE NON PROFIT BAND, PHANTOM HOG and TBA – ZEPPELIN influenced rock band fronted by an internationally acclaimed violin virtuoso? Yup, sounds about right, true story. Intrigued and excited. FRI NOV 14th/SAT NOV 15th – SURF N TURF and House of TARG present – SURF N TURF 2014 – year two of Ottawa’s only surf, instro and garage rock festival!! Killer bands galore featuring THE REVERB SYNDICATE (Ott) The EVIL STREAKS (Boston) THE HUARACHES (Kingston) MUCK AND THE MIRES (Boston) POW WOWS (To) and THE SIR JOHN A McDONALDS. Transmission received!! WED NOV 19th – Bleak Life and House of TARG present – WARCRY, ASILE, SILENT ORDER, MASSACRE DIVINE. Heavy, fast, pounding, loud, amazing hardcore punk. You know and if you don’t then you will. THURS NOV 20th – Megaphono and House of TARG present – QUINTRON with MISS PUSSYCAT and UNCLE PHIL AND FRIENDS. Spellcaster 2 (Death in space) album tour – puppet show/party style shout jams/organ/vibraphone/breaking glass/and some sort of new instrument/ invention called the Weather Warlock. Let the adventure begin. FRI NOV 21st – Steam Whistle/Buzz Unsigned and House of TARG present – HSY with THE YIPS, THE BEVERLEYS and BONNIE DOON. A charitable music event with the spotlight on killer Canadian talent/bands including some real treats from Ottawa!! Everybody wins. SAT NOV 22nd – ABC Brewery and House of TARG present – FLIGHT DISTANCE with BUCKn’NICE, TUKAN and PREHISTORIC. Dual album release night featuring some amazing local and out of town live rap. That’s right!! WED NOV 26 – Honest Heart Collective and House of Targ present – RM and THE HONEST HEART COLLECTIVE with CAST IN CADENCE and US WITH WOLVES. Good times, good tunes, good fun!! THURS NOV 27 – Arboretum Festival present – HOODED FANG + ORGAN EYES + BLONDE ELVIS. We are excited to have Toronto’s artpunk party band, HOODED FANG for the first time at TARG. The line-up is killer! FRI NOV 28th – Beau’s All Natural and House of TARG present – YUMA COUNTY with CHRIS PAGE (our Nov pin-up Boy) and CHOPS AND THE HOLICS. A special night of performances from local friends and icons featuring our second performance from YUMA COUNTY, a welcome first by CHRIS PAGE and a highly anticipated set from Chops with his new backing band the DEAD BEES. Killer!! He loves his Nana, Nono, Nina, Nino… Nano Nano Nina Nono! He CAN divide by zero... its a fact! Thumbs up for this chic wrestler. A gambler & a warrior from a gassy planet. I’m on a boat, you Stubing idiot! P.A.C.K. your bags if can’t identify this villain. SAT NOV 29th – House of TARG present BILL COSBY ANARCHIST SOCIETY OF AMERICA + DIRTY CHURCH. BCASOA are punk as f@ck and have songs about the TMNT’s, Mortal Kombat & Street Fighter. Sounds like a perfect fit for TARG. 1. Cheech Marin 2. Chuck Norris 3. The Iron Sheik - WWF Thumb Wrestlers 4. Lando Calrissian & Bespin Guard - The Empire Strikes Back 5. Isaac - bartender from Love Boat 6. Zorak from Big Jim ANSWERS SUN NOV 30th - Ottawa Punk Pinball League (OPPL) and the House of TARG present ‘Flip Off Hunger’ - an IFPA Competitive Pinball Tournament in support of the Ottawa Food Bank. Head-to-Head Brackelope Tournament. Win Prizes! Earn WPPR Points!. This is the real deal ballers! Registration from 11am-12. Tournament starts at 12:30 sharp. 10 years ago this month, Ottawa’s own Odessa Filmworks satisfied fans with a 2nd Harry Knuckles adventure. Harry Knuckles and the Pearl Necklace is a punch-drunk dream come true: bigger, longer, and hairier than ever before. SEE IT AGAIN SAT NOV 22 At The Mayfair Theatre #5 DEREK SMALLS - SPINAL TAP He wears a mega thick crumb catcher. Having access to remnants of past sandwiches is ideal if you often get trapped in a stage prop. #4 MERLE ALLIN When your brother is GG Allin you have no choice but to go full tilt with your mouser. Merle’s take on the “forbidden” moustache is a bold statement but I’ll bet the poor bastard hasn’t enjoyed the delights of soup in years #3 BA JOHNSTON This guys is constantly on lonely Canadian highways, playing one town to the next. His Celibacy stache keeps him on the straight and narrow so he can focus on his craft… performing music & and shopping for sweaters. #2 GIORGIO MORODER This influential italian musician/producer harnessed the cheesiness of his nose bug to power analogue synthesizers and pioneer dance music. #1 GREG NORTON - HUSKER DU Arguable the most perfect moustache in Rock. It was also functional though. What else can you do when your band mates are constantly fighting but twirl you tea strainer. YEAH, I SNUCK INTO TARG ON A RAINY SATURDAY MORNING TO DO SOME SERIOUS UNDERCOVER RECON WORK – I’VE BEEN CURIOUS ABOUT HOW THIS RUSTIC BRUNCH IDEA WOULD UNFOLD AND WANTED TO HAVE SOME FUN… When I woke up I unbolted the bottom half of my legs (at the knee) and after reattaching my feet I had shrunk by a good 2 feet. After swapping out my standard voice box for a more high pitched model I set to aging myself by a good 20 years, this took around 20 minutes of intense concentration but the end result was worth it. I knew that wizards are notoriously difficult to fool so the next step was to mask my natural scent with something that they would never suspect, I settled on a knapsack full of smoked herring and topped it off with 5 cloves of raw garlic mixed into a small pot of warm roofing tar. After attaching a pair of high powered binoculars to my forehead (using a mixed array of Meccano toys) I realized that I needed a really sweet hat Jennie°Lynn°MacDonald’s illustrated of – luckily I had just received such a hat two Undercover Yogi. Wizards cannot be photographed while in shape shifted states. weeks prior from a close friend who’s head no longer required coverage (due to the fact that he had decided to become a duck) this hat would be perfect, it was actually more like 4 hats in one, built on a rotating platform and guided by a compass. I finally settled on a beige safari suit that I had been itching to wear ever since my unfortunate business with the Grabo Grabo tribe. I slipped on my octopus shoes and climbed out on the roof of my house – the roller coaster would be by at any minute and I didn’t want to be late - it only comes by twice a day. Grabbing the captain’s arm as he comes flying by is always a challenge but today was perfect, I even pulled the rope at just the right time and only had to walk backwards 3 blocks to get to the front door of House Of TARG. No one recognized me. Brunch was great. - Wizard Yogi TARG BRUNCH SAT & SUN 11AM-3PM NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS
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